Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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rut we shall be rewarded according to our
.rkii. Km'! people think they can llv?
u worldly life, be avil at tlie last mim'nt
HiiU enjoy the same measure of reward In
limvin as those who have given a Ilia of
service. What nonsense! Every day uf
service, every dollar given to Ood work
Is Ju.t that much treasure laid up In
heaven, to be enjoyed through all eter
nity. The sooner a person crept Christ,
the iurer He will be to accept him. No
jveraon In th. building Is punitive that he
will ever have (mother opportunity. Who
knowa anything about the length of his
own life? The time of me men's op
portunity tomes at a certain moment and
It thi-y do not take It then their destiny
la ak-aled forever, Just Its surely as If they
Mere dexd."
Tha response to the Invitation was qokk
ftnj traitorous. Men arose In every part
of the house and mnny rows of chulrs had
to bo vacated In front of the platform to
uccommodate those seeking the way. Tho
wudlencet too, lingered longer than usual.
The mission ha Wn In progress four
wuuks and between S.ftJO and J.OUO con
versions have resulted. A meeting of those
ho have been converted will be hold next
Tuesday evening at o'clock, at the Young
Men: Christian association, for the purpose
of organizing for Bible study.
The choir will meet Monday evening at
T M o'clock with Mr. Butler and Mr. Boehm
for a final farewell.
Dr. Torrry left Sunday night, after tho
nwnng. ror Chicago, where he will remain
a few days and then go to Philadelphia
to spend the holidays, Rev. Mr. Jacoby
will go today to his home In Guthrie Cen
ter. Ia., where he will remain during tho
holidays with Ms family. He will meet
Ir. Torrey In Chicago the first of January
retraining there three days during the con
ference. Then he will go to Cleveland, O.,
o do the preliminary work for Dr. Torrey'a
mlsalon. which opens there January 13
Mr Dutkr and Mr. Boehm will leave
Monday night for the eaat, the former go ng
to Boston and the latter to Philadelphia.
Demonstration In Constantinople
Greatly Alarms the
Polish People Peel tbe Iron Hand of
Ionian Vilittry Bale,
Spirit of the People- Snrrlvea, How
ever, anal Plana Are Doing Form
lated for Electoral laaaaalgra
for Their Rlahta.
Some Needs of Nebraska Towns
CONSTANTINOPLE. Dec. 14.-A serious
disturbance Indicative of Increasing dis
content occurred here on Sunday. Several
hundred time-expired marines from the
naval arsenal made a mutinous demonstra
tion In an old abandoned cemetery behind
We American embassy, demanding their
arrears In pay and their discharge from
the colors. A number of naval officers
unsuccessfully endeavored to appea-e the
inun, but were stoned and otherwise mis
treated. A number of personal encounters
rou!ted. and one officer, drawing his sword
founded three mutineers, while Vice Ad
miral Ahmed Pasha and his aide-de-camp
from the naval ministry, were badly In
jured. After the demonstration had lasted
three hours, an officer from the Vlldli
Kiosk arrived on the scene with the prom
le that the men s demands would be
ranted, whereupon the gathering quickly
dispersed and returned to quarters.
During the demonstration the public held
aloof and neither the police nor the mili
ary lnt-rfercd. During the Interval there
was much agitation at the Yildix Kiosk.
."UJ!an Wh" w" greatly disturbed,
repeatedly is.ued fresh Instructions to his
n.lnlrters. Such occurrences have been fre
quent In the provinces, but disorders hith
erto have seldom been aeen In the capital.
K.pect. to Cnu.cte Standard Pro,.
W , Mlnm i the
Onster Salt.
er!.Au nKNaTX- ""-Attorney Gen
eral Herbert S. Hadley of Missouri, his
assistant. Rush C. Lake, and John Robert
A. Anthony of Frederlckstown. Mo., spe
cial commissioner appointed by the Mis
souri supreme court to take teatlmony In
that state's suit against the Standard Oil
company, based on the anti-trust laws of
the state, arrived In Wa.hlngton tonight
and tomorrow will go to New York where,
beginning Tuesday, further testimony Is to
bs taken in the suit before Commissioner
When asked If Missouri will attempt to
the Standard. Assistant Attorney General
Lake, replied: "Why not? We claim th,t,
nf !s"e f ,h" penaltlp tor the violation
or toe anti-trust law."
WARSAW, Dec. 19. Heports received
from points throughout Russian Poland
show that the government's policy of
firmness has been successful In reducing
the last of the smouldering sparks of the
revolution. This result was accomplished
at a terrible cost to the Polish people, the
number of victims being estimated at thou
sands. Business has become stagnant, the
trades and Industries are bankrupt and the
masses are dispirited and ln a state of
poverty. Reports today from Cexstochowa,
which la a typical Polish town with a popu
lation of about 0.000, Including many jews,
show that seven so-called terrorists have
been tried by drumhead court martial and
executed In the last two days.
In the early part of last week five ter-
l rorlsts were tried, convicted and shot here.
as also were three at Slerada, near Kallsx,
two at Tomgsxnw and one at Loroxa.
These executions have been going on so
conatantly throughout Poland generally,
that It has become almost superfluous to
repeat the dally chronicle of military exe
cutions. Despite the depressing effect of this mar
tial rule the Poles are busily engaged ln
organizing their forces for the next par
liamentary elcftions. For the time being
party differences have been forgotten and
the national spirit has brought about a
merger of' the three great Polish parties
conservative, progressive and democratic
These are selecting fusion candidate rep
resenting Polish national Ideals. The new
Polish school system Is bringing out -evidence
of national energy, as the permission
to establish prlvnte schools with Polish 1 division superintendent for the eastern
tencners has nlready resulted In the forma
tion of 800 schools, with an attendance of
7S.O00 Polish children.
Altogether, despite the darkness of the
present martial conditions, the situation
has been somewhat relieved by new evi
dences of the Indomitable spirit of the
Polish people asserting Itself.
Norfolk. will bring In machinery and. In good faith.
Gateway to the new northwest the fer- go to work. The buildings will be loaned
tile fields of north Nebraska and southern for an Indefinite period always If the con
South Dakota. . aa well as the mines ot tract la carried out, and will coat
Wyoming and the Black Hills; headquar- manufacturer nothing. All that Norfolk
ters for the Chicago A Northwestern rail- wants Is that the goods be delivered. It
road west of the Missouri river, a hub is a most extraordinary opportunity. It
around which radiate ateel ribbons In five requires a big man to take hold of the
different directions; the logical and actual situation, but there la a big chance for
geographical center of the northern half of doing things. Norfolk farmers last year,
the mate, located In the center of the most unsolicited, raised more beets and shipped
fertile valley on earth and with retail, them to Ames, than they had ralaed the
wholesale and manufacturing Industries last year the factory was here for the home
already established which Would do credit Institution. This shows that, treated to
to a city twice tha size, Norfolk. Neb., their satisfaction, thev will suddIv a fac.
built ln the fork of the FJkhom river and tory. It can be done. A faciory here
the North Fork river, bids fair to one day would pay. All that Is needed Is a man,
hocome a distributing poTnt second to none and Norfolk Is In crying need of that
In Nebraska, and a manufacturing point n'n right now.
of the first rank.. . , Then there's water power In Norfolk. The
Look at the map. : Locate Norfolk there city la situated on two rivers. A large
among the nctworf of ateel rails that mill, making a cereal product and running
branch out from. tills hub for mote than electric lights, la utilizing , some of the
1W miles to the northwest Into the Rose- power. But lots of It goes to waste,
bud reservation; seventy-five miles to the A wholesale grocery house would pay
northeast, to the Mipsyurl river and Sioux ,n Norfolk. With an exclusive territory, to
City; uo mllea to the southeast, reaching reached a day ahead of Omaha, Sioux
Omaha; fifty mllea to the southwest, touch- Clty or Lincoln; a wholesale groctry house
Ing Columbus; 600 miles to Deadwood. ln her would hav n easy field to build In,
the gold fields, and equally dlstsnt Into tha ther wholesale house's are running and
Shoshone mining region of Wyoming, with ther a neIJ ,or tia mora,
prospects for immediate extension of this Ir'o"t' territory, is almost unlimited,
line to the Paclilc coast. ln the neart of a rich agricultural field
What more admirable location was ever ' 0Wn and qu" ot a "at bl new
riven to any city for wholesaling and dls- norlnw,,,t' " defined, once developed, to
trlbutlng! Where did man ever find a more hfcome clty of A' before so
advantaceoua twlnt. for mn,.f....r..' 'V.' C'B ,mve rmtea around.
The constant whistling of locomotives,
approaching from and departing Into all
directions, tells to the silent sir n.i th.
There are unlimited opportunities here
A look at the map by Investment seekers
oirdshTVeai'lgincance Trf "k and ''
the neld it nils. The territory f a second d c "l" ? n"'
Here In Norfolk the Chicago A North
western is now building an extenalon of
thlrty-nve miles to Gregory. This will
(Continued from First Page.)
that the legislature of New York, or in
deed of any other state of this great and
free republic, should enact any such laws
of virtual spoltutlon. Yet that Is pre
cisely what the French government has
In s word, the new law requires of the
church the alienation of all Its property to
boards of luynien, In the selection of which
It has virtually no voice; this board tt
have full and perfect control not only of
the funds, but even over the religious edi
"d rv"r ,h exercise of divine wor
ship Itself. Independent of pope, blshocs
and canon law.
vVl? t'r,,rrrty t etake consists of about
r.W0 churches (of which less than 300 have
been built with the aid of state or mu
nicipality), and the property accumulated
by means of endowments and legacies dur
ing the Inst luo years, since the last con
fiscation of church property at the time
I!L ?Jf gr rpvo!llt'"n md amounting to
considerably over lluu.ojO.uOO.
Clergy Only Trustees.
Onlv a portion of this vast property Is
destined for purely ecclesiastical purposes,
the great majority tit th rnnvi. j.
.signed and used for yurjses of oharlty
and philanthropy.. Of. lhisP pVerty. . j,e
.'-t-.j ac mr; u UHiCttH fjy VirtUr nf Ihn
conditions 6mler which It was donated and
bequeathed. Their acceptance of the new
?W.,a,"U.hU,?.lr tr"r" 'his property
trust to the "associations rultuellen" would
ahemite forever the estate of the church
ln deierence to an iniquitous law which
nmy to ripea'rt by another parliament
Arlstlde Brland. the minister of educa.
Hon . in f runee and the author and executor
of this Iniquitous law. has solemnly de
tiared lhat without the written consent of
the clergy to the establishment of these
boards or "associations cultue les " and
without the transier by the cloriy of thi
fcTrtjr Pi "' ct,urcn the" bodle.
there cou d not only be no publfc exe?!
clsca of divine worship, but there wouM
"na f"ow ,he "nnsoSuon of the sacred
ed flees, the rectories and tho other esl
umichI property by the state ul'""ecue!"
rheie Is no question of the differences
h t1"V..,he V!r'ou religious"nt!
Hons. The none and the ..Jn?
" iiiuii V (1 1 Hill IP
tender. tnr .n . -uperin- Broaden the field. Out from Shoahonl the
Iduh rivlr' ,k f lhe M"- N"-thwe!""-n bout to extend to the
'nUl ' "l h" "'t.nt -Pln- coast. It Is said, arfd this will help. The
, lerruory, ana me union Facinc haa announced that It will
aivision superintendent for the eastern dl- build a line
Victor. . . ... vny.
. , ....., us. mammotn cunneciing witn the Columbus-Norfolk line,
yards, roundhouse, repair shops, etc. What This will help. And the Tankton ft South
Noifolk Is to the Northwestern railroad western road, from Yankton to Galveston.
It can be to other Induatrles. with Senator Gamble of South Dakota be
First of all, Norfolk needs somebody to hln will soon, It is announced, build
accept the now vacant sugar factory build- through here.
lugs and Idle boilers s a gift. Anybody Norfolk Is a city of opportunities today
who Is willing to bring the machinery and 11 18 worth a glance.
start the wheels to grinding sugar can get Tne United States government has shown
this Christmas present. Secretary Wilson il rultn Norfolk by establishing United
of tbe Department of Agriculture says s,ate court here-there are only four fed
there is an opportunity ln Norfolk. And eral court town the state-Hastings,
there Is. The American Beet Sugar com- maha- Lincoln and Norfolk,
pany built a sugar factory here. For thlr- We hve federal court house and post
teen years the farmers raised beets and .mc cosUna- IHO.OOO-sald to be the
the plant made sugar. The farmers know ln Amerca for a city of J.000.
how to raise that crop. But they lost Als" th fed8ral rovernment ahowa faith
faith ln the factory's management and re- , e8t"8nlnK two fnlted States deposl
fused to supply the Institution. The factory n',e distinction known to no other
people, realizing that the time would not NDra8k cy outside of Omaha and Un-
return when the farmers would V0"0' nas daily paper with
. . .... -r r j inro niiiiinna jt . .
mem. picked up their machinery, excentln . uay. na nve weeklies to
, uimar,
f A thoroughly
j jr f ana color win w
jr Frederic Remington' i
y" Head," "The Parley,
X the Buffalo Trail."
f S E
The Remington
Calendar for 1907
American Calendar an American Artist, American Pub-
merican subjects. Every American lover of breadth, life, action,
int this, calendar. rive three-color reproductions from some ol
best paintings of the fjeat West, including the famous Indian
" "The Pioneers," "The Stampede," and "Pony Tracks in '
icture is tipped on handsome brown mount all held toirether by a
' beautiful silk cord. . Calendar size, 11 x 18 Inches. Packed flat in boxes, $2.0 each.
The original paintings of these subjects have lately been exhibited in the principal art galleries
of New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Washington, Cleveland, and Grand Rapids.
Four Superb Color Pictures in the
Maxfield Parrish Calendar for 1907
This is unquestionably one of the most beautiful calendars ever produced. The subjects are
three-color reproductions and include "Spring," "Summer," and "Harvest" the best of Mr.
Parrish's recent paintings now being exhibited in the principal American art galleries.
Printed and mounted on fine art paper and bound with heavy tasselated silk cord. Calendar
size, 15x21 inches. Flat in boxes, $1.50 list.
Go to the best art, picture, stationery, book, or department
store in your town and ask for these calendars. Insist
upon seeing them. They have them or can get them.
If tey will not get copies for you send money-order direct to us snd we
will ship calendars boxed, and packed flat, express charges prepaid. J"
un .v.. 1 t. ... 1 .. .... , x
framed making handsome pictures for the den, library, or parlor.
J? .e'
v V" v
40- West Thirteenth St., New York
Nine holier. y..,- . . ' w ui aewer ayatem In courae of,.n.
sood condition, .till are here all read, n """"" n,d" b' ullt next
b. flred. The mammoth butdlnT. 'a . fw '"oAooTr"!1' fhT ehUrchM'
ready to be turned over to .nil 8' Btate ln"u" Capital and one
crowds. Several of the demonstrators were
Injured. Bishop De Brly, while receivlnn
the official notice to leave the bishopric
ot Meaux this morning;, suffered a violent
nervous shock and fell unconscious. Later,
however, he recovered.
(Continued from First Page.)
shoes for U and gave a 110 bill, securlng
tti In change. The bill was found to be
bogus and he took It back, giving another
bill. At Verbra's store he presented a
$ifl bill. The clerk did not notice but
what It was all right until the man had
gone. The bills were of the old wild-cat
currency variety and were Issued before
the war by a bank at Atlanta. Go. He has
not been Been since leaving Verbra's stora.
Nebraska Kerns Motes.
YORK Arrangements have been made to
hold the next York county Institute at
York on June S.
BWE HILJj The farmers' Institute for
this vicinity will be held ln Blue Hill cn
January 9 and 10.
CHAD RON Jay Bunten was married to
Movement, of Or, . ,
New Yo.k P Ar,"'VHl: Sl- 'uu1' fro"
Atfc Movlile-Sulled: Columbia, for New
It Glasgow galled: Sicilian, for Halifax.
York. 1 ,uw--"': LUun,a. for Nw
TAtkeen;..ow,-fiUiied: fmbrla. for New
Ynrfc ?o!r!t ,r-Arr,v'' : Cretlo. from New
M.k.8l,fVon,a- fr'"n N,,w York.
toVl)W"rS"lM: ' Britain.
I 1 IIUIL' 1 in I' r.'lllA ..!. a.
far better ju.tlflc.i o. Tand miich Jrea
I moderation the verv 1Lrat,r
and the other founder, of VhV "'Tf-r.8 !
i 1 . 1 . . . 1 r. ... . " .ion n 1 1 k t
.v.. u sixtv years i, t I-""!n xtivers, ui ine reamence or the bride's
-the crown right, of Christ." ThS'clersJ i llr- Alice K. Hlvfra.
battii'of Chr'Lt'', Word-J "re flhting the BLt'E HILI-T. T. Haggard of Helvev
syi. withv of iVlt ?mrn? ho,ll, nv th K'b, held a Shorthorn cattle sale here F1-
matter Vt I ft Christian church, no day and Saturday, and the cuttle sold well
pr?.perty and endowmen,0'' hkh own YORK Mr. Rlddell Is holding a seric
divine woral:lp and for Uf. rt,. "" ,or o( ''" under the auspices of the Young
charitv iJ ... .L 1,16 1l."Pnatlon of Mens Christian association at the Yora
Denials from the Yatlva
open house.
YORK A. there was verv little evidence-
sgalnat Oall Malmqulst, charged with play
s case, tried yea-
Ject of the search of
nunciature at
Few Ptfiile Know How l"wfu It la io '
ittaitu and lk-autv.
Costs Notliiug To Try.
Nearly everybody kiuiw. .
U - inarcoai
the safest and most efficient d.sinfeot
ant and purlHer In nature, but lew realise
lis value when taken Into the human ays
tem for the same cleansing purpose
Charcoal is a remedy uu, ln8 niol
. take ot It the better: It 1. ..... .. .
. - - - ..v. a urug at 1
all, but simply absorbs the gases and lm- !
purities always present Jn the .tum. K ..... i
lut.stlnos and carries them out of ih
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onlona or
other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effeotuaily clears and Improves
the complexion. It whliena the teeth and
further acta as a natural and eminently
sate cathartic.
II abaorDs the Injurious gases which col
lect In the stomach and bowels; it disin
fects the mouth and throat from the poi
son of catarrh.
All drugtfUts sell charcoal In one form
or another, but probab.y th. best char
coal and the nwat for the money is In
Stuart s Charcoal Loxengs. they ,re com
posed of the finest powaered Willow char-i-oal.
and other harmless antiseptics In tab
let form or rather In the form of large.
Ititasant listing loxengea, the charcoal
l. -ti.g mixed with honey.
lhe dally use of the., loxeng.. will soon
tea In a much Improved condition of the
general heulih. better complexion, sweeter
orvath and purer blood, and the beauty of
It U. that no possible harm can reault froae
their conilnued u.c, but. on the contrary
great benefit. '
A Bufla:a physician, in apaking of the
Ixncnts of char.xai, says: "i adl
-li .aita Charcosl Iaengas to all patients
sillering from eaa in stomach and bow.i.
una t- clear up the complexion and purify
ii breath, mouili and throat; I alo b
l:,e the liver Is greatly b.neUted with
I. dally use of them; they . ut but ta.nty
.v:.:s a bi-x at drug stores, and at
,u . . J'l In som. me a palent preparation.
.- . l'in . ul more and better cnur
.., 1 in :.-i t a Charcoal Losergea than la
v 1 1 ihc jrlivjiy eh. renal tablets."
o-.,! j 1 '. nam 1 anl aauross today for
a . u 1'. ...'tiie an. I ,r- for youre!f.
y .A . jrt Co, se slluart slarshsll
i'Ji u.. uec. 10. A Mmmn.1,,.,1
celved at the -communlcatIon re- tng base ball on Sunday, hi
T.., I Xatlc"n '"day reiterates the terday. was dismissed.
l,lnlluB MlieniCIlt irlven mi. . .i i.nn...' gi f I. 1 r-
arcn or the archives in years, ar.-a wnne nere visiting ner aaugn-
ParlH .n ,fc , . ter. Mrs. B. A. Olliett. The body was
Mgr. Montmm , rt'uuion or taken to her home at Beaver City, Neb., for
. " u uniuse raise news interment.
in order to make the public believe that CHADRON At the residence "of the
In the papers taken were "low tn.i,...,i bride's patents, Superintendent and Mrs.
of a money bargain for th. L 1 . U N- Costley, lander U. Chiaek was mar-
...... ' ror the "-PPolntment of rled to Maud Ccstley by the Rv. K. ".
.... . ..... on lne B(ock exchan4e
The communication repeats the Vatlcana
original denunc.utlon of the tactic.
,..ul " " ,Hrms efforts
" " jr us a
Kberly of the First Baptist church
NEBRASKA CITY-Mrs. Dora J. Rowr.
who sued the Missouri Pacific for J5.'JO
damages for the death of hor son. has
been awarded a verdict for H.OOo In the
district court. Her son was killed ln a
wreck near Avoca about a year ago.
UO tO th. r,o...... . . . I ..Jl
nf tha l'o.i -.uu.iwni 1 jeasen 01 ine uiairiei court seiuenena
in atlcan Or Of Mirr U..n. ,. H..,.ru Klrl gml Ar.hl. Hr.,nn th. ....n
... .1 ifi fc 1 1 HI . -' - ' ' . 1 ,
; lounu guiuy ui .uueuer nrof.
warehouse, eteele was sentenced to serve
two years ln the penitentiary and Brown
to serve ninety days in the county Jail.
NEBRASKA CITY Oi lander Pierce haa
filed a suit In the district court wherein
he asks the Morton-Urt gson company to
pay him X15,0uu damages for Injuries he
received while ln their employ. Pierce,
claims to have been permanently diHabka
by a piece of Iron crushing bis shoulder.
CHADKON Antoine Webber ot the iirm
of Webber Bros., who have been in busi
ness Chudron was slurtsd, is dead
Deceased had suilered for years from can
cer, and had been to many specialists, bui
to no avail. He leaves a wife, one son,
mother, sister and brother here. The father
died litre of lhe same dread disease some
tm years ago.
CHADRON The Woodmen lodge elected
the following officers for 11(07 : Venerable
consul, 1- W. Gorton; worthy advisor,
Ueoige V. bciaw; clerk, W. 8. Gillam;
banker, T. S. Bnilih; escort, Charles
Brooks; watchman, timer Phillips, seniry,
Nels Bliould; physician, Dr. George Deemer;
manager. U. V . Marriott, W. I). Combs,
Charles GilUm.
CHADRON Miss Roberts and William
TJunlap were arrested at Crawford by a
d'puty L'uiKil Utales marshal and brought
before United fiiales Commissioner truest
Blattery of this place, charged with pur
chasing L'ncle Earn a goods of tne soldiers.
They were bound over in the sum of teOO
each to appear again on January 2, for a
pielunlnary hearing.
BEA THICK The seventh annual exhlhl
tlon of the Southeastern
association will be h
ceiuber iit to 29.
BEATRICE Young Whitcomb and Ham-nif-tl
two boys arrested for stealing chick
ens from Swift and Company's Isnt here,
were released In police court by paying
the costs of the suit and promising to
UK.ATH ICE The drill team and officers
of Washington camp No. I, Woodmen of
the Wor.d. have accepted an Invil.tloa
to attend a meeting of tne order al Te
cum. -ell next Friday night.
UKA TRICE The funeral services for the
late Mr. Charles Herkathorne. who was
burceo to death here Friday evening, were
ht id Sunday afternoon at t o'clock from th-fimil-
home. interment Wat in Ever
green Hon, a cemetery
some of fh. . ..
- ...Cl, .K.n it say. rea y
havs been received and kept as document
but which no hone., man could take .
".a for that ld
tetter.. It declared, may ev. hav. W
-nt on purpose ,0 Mgr. Montagnlnl In
order to h.v. a dossier ready when lh.
search waa made.
With regard to tha alleged .
the Bp.nlrt ambador
he car, of the archive, of the nunciature,
the communication say. that .either the
.tU-. nor the Bpaai.b amb.ador ,0
ating wuh ,rrH,hUrW of '".
cating with the Spanish amba.sador at
Puri. without r entering ,t0
lnU;',h I? to lh statement publi.h.J
In the National Zeltung of Berlin a wh
uting to hitherto unpubliahed portlonoi
the memoir. , ,,lntt Hohelohe ,he
declaration that Pop. XIII a.
Emperor William for a gift of liwaJT!
communication declare, it to h . 1 !
an- to be co,.a wttn 't'bLrmaeTc
loralcamign and ,h. anti-Vatican cL,l
Some Dl.torbanoe. . Pro,nM.
PARI8. ,ec. ,lThe .eriou. dVaturhae.
" ,W" U" u.d n.u. o th."
the flra, Sunday under th. law aeparatlng
church and .t,. wer not realised. The
7 ,'n ,h'" C',y leu!ar phased
off nul.t ly. There ... . noUblo
hem w ,0t th "tlo. and "
Ihem were large bodies of men who were
determined forcibly to prf.v.nt ,h.0,
ruptlon of ma.e, bv rowd.e. Ther. wer.
only f.w fa,e, wh,
churche. wearing their hat. and they were
promptly ejected and arrested
Tteport. from the province, .how that
there wa. great excitement at-manv places
Large procrasion. chanting Psalm, accom
panied tha clergy to and from th. church...
Cour.t.r demonatratlon. took place In ey
eml cltlea. notably Porplgnan and Amlen..
where the Csthollr. ami fr.. tl Inker, came
into collision. iieces.-.tatlig Interfere-ice hy
the police. Uu . it-kl .aiprsed ti e
exceed that of 1S08. The report is that the
i J. ch to bul,o: a magnificent dennt
" ntif" "m 0t1:. a'"ry "mprov..
BEATRICE The Dempster factory re
mimed work Monday iner being closed
TheVhinr11', ,oiVhe "nnul'i'lnvorca
tlie hEir, y hss. bften overhauled and
dm1ngl,tllenr.l!uta8ja,'l,;,,,rtmenU repalreJ
BEATRICE Farmer report that chicken
!nV:e.V.a,or isp'n Nelson of York
and suit waa brought by the Nebraska-low
untln company ot Omaha against Nelsorl
i& N?' 1n ",8, tne frm5ra' comrn
In which they allege that they sold the'
e.evator to the farmers' company on lh!
offered the elevator building at Lushton
heS?irmr- Were l buy " b"ck and whe?
hf omer8. c?mJ'any made the sale, as
they allege, to Nefson ft Nelson thev c alm
damages, and In the district court this
week the case waa i.tll k.i... 1
Pennsylvania Flyer Strike, m Freight
Train at a Cross.
PITT8BURO, Dec. 1.-The train dis
patcher at the headquarters of the Penn
sylvania line. In this city Informed the
Associated Press tonight that train No. 28,
known as the Pennsylvania Flyer, east
bound, struck a freight train on the Wheel
ing & Ike Erie railroad crowing a few
mile, west of Canton. O.. derailing both
trains and allghtly Injuring the engineer
and fireman on the flyer. No passenger,
were Injured, according to the report, re
ceived here.
Fair anal Maeh Colder Monday, Tata,
day Fair and Warmer, I.
the Prospect.
WASHINGTON. Dec. K-Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday:
For Nebra.ka and Kunsns-Fai,. and much
colder Monday; Tuesday fair and warmer.
For Iowa Fair Monday and Tuesday
cold wave Monday.
For South Dakota-Fulr and colder Mon
day, with temperature below sero In east
portion; Tuesday fair and not so cold
For Wyom:ng-Fair and oolder Monday
Tuesday fair and warmer.
For Colorado-Fair Monday and Tuesday
odder Monday n east portion, warmer
For Illinois-Fair and colder Monday,
.old wave In north and central portions;
Tuesday fair and coider, fresh to brisk
northwest winds.
Loral Reeord.
?"L-S: I -Official record of temteVl
Three Men Go Tlirouah Season With
out an Error.
CHICAGO. Dec 16. -Three players In the
Ame,i'iouii league showed perlect fielding
ourli.jj uie issi season. 1 ney were Pucnera
Gnnitn and keroy of New x'ora and Ihuu
J3ke.nan o linen of Bt. Louis. Griiiui
played in seventeen games, Deroy in elevei.
and uliiUn In twenty, without nutKin.
an error and all these are credited with
a neldmg average of l.uoo. 'the higties.
averaged were us follows: First Baseman
Crawtord, Detroit, twa; Hecoud Bust man
Bheehtoii, Philadelphia, 9o; l inrd Baseman
O Brien, St. Douis, l.uuO; Short Stop 1'urnei
Cleveland, u; outlieldeis Jones, Cnicago
and frf-eman, Bobton, i8 eacu; Catchers
OConnor, St. Louis, and Botli. Chicago,
S( each; Pitchers Grirtttli and Ueroy. bol.i
of New York, l.ouo each.
The greatest number of errors In tho
league wa. made by Parent, short stop
for Boston, who p. .yed In 143 games and
matte fifty-six eiiois. His averuge was
however, tiM, and he ranked sixth out of a
toiHl of thirteen -short .tops.
Cleveland carried off tlie honors' "Off -the
fielding as well as the batting and ranke.;
tne highest as a team. Its averages belli
"y : Cinciigo was second with an average
; 7o J,1.08'0" w"" last Wth an average
or Ms. lhe averages are as follows;
. Games. P.O. A E. Av
Crawford. Detroit a ai7 17 2 89:i
Donahue, Chicago JtJi7 118 22
Gr.mshaw, Boston lio 1166 64 lii
Stovad, Cleveland 6o 717 40 lo lb.
J.nes, St. l.ouis Hi 1476 lid 25 .V
Rosaman, Cleveland h 1146 46 1 9 i
i . cT-iii.ii, uosioll 4J MS
Stahl, Washington 136 Uii
Chase, New York lot. 1607
Lindsay. Detroit Ml
Hickman. Washington.. 1 h
Davis, p..lladelpniu 145
Klttredge, Washington.. 27 130 18 7 .06
Wakerteid, Washington. 60 237 6 17 .W
Buelow, Cleveland 34 122 89 10 .4
Thomas, New York 42 146 58 12 .93
Hayden, Washington 49 2oD 68 18- ..),
.Spencer. St. Louis 64 226 80 20 .93i
Hart, Cnicago 16 36 7 S .93.
1'tteison, Bostoh 30 117 43 18 . 890
Griffith, New Yum 17 1 23
La Roy, New York 11 2 17
Silver, Detroit a 7 69
Owen, Cnicago M 22 110
Clarkson, New York 32 1 89
no,g, New loik iSt 6 36
uim-rl, i'h.ladelphia.... Jo S 68
Winter, Boston 2 13 69
tieinnaid, Cleveland 31 19 83
iwjlls, Cleveland 14 8 26
Ailiock, Chicago 38 26 102
Plank. Philadelphia 26 16 46
v ooinbs, Philed Iphla... L3 16 44
nH, Clevelnnd 34 26 W
i'alterson, Chicago 22 9 46
oiialiuo, Detroit 28 10 73
Hho.ides, Cleveland 38 17 88
Patten, Washington 38 18 80
Smith, Chicago ku 6 42
Walsh. Chicago 41 80 It
Aluliln, Detroit.... 40 21 113
Kit sun, Washington 32
Ulase, Boston .- 19
Lhcsbro, New York 48
.. 1.000
.. l.W'j
1 .9iw
3 .9.0
1 .9..
1 .976
2 .ii.,
I .9,
S .9:1
1 .971
'O the breaking of a water main, by which
team, gas and water pipe, were under
mined. . .
Some alarm waa felt lest tall buildings
nearby might have been affected, but so
far as the contractors were able to learn
this was not Lhe case. Many of the great
buildings In Wall street will suffer to
morrow, when gas, electricity and water
will be shut off.
35 7 .kW
78 24 ,9.i
89 ii .9s0
66 J .9,7
9 4 .9;.
91 17 .975
. .120
.. 18
.. 17
onean. Philadelphia ti 41
iijoio, Cleveland 130
bciatly, Wtsiiiiigion...l23
rems. wuahingiuii.,
Vtli.iains, New ior
Loue, i.etrolt 17
HockenfeUl, St. Louis,.. 26
Aiuiony, Phiiadeipiua...ll9
Sluvall, Cleveland 19
Ibbell. Chicago rxi
imii, washing-ton..
Schaefer, Detioit...
O Brien, St. Louis.
Dunoon, Chicago...
Lindsay, Detroit...,
O'Brien, St. Lou.s Jo
Bradley, Cleveland 82
Cross, Waaningion LsO
'iailne.illl, Ch.cago 9i
Cougnlln, Dvtioil 147
Rohe, Chicago 67
Lajole, Cleveland 16
Knigiit. Phllaueluhia 67
Biovan, Cleveland
Morlanty, New York..
Nil a, al. 1.0U.S
Collins, Boston
Godwin, Boston
La Porte, New York...
Brouthrs, Philadelphia 34
Oldring, Philadelphia.... 49
Hartxcll, St. Louia 103
Morgan, Buaton 88
Nlll, Washington 16
Barbeau, Cleveland 32
Turner, Cleveland 147
Wallace, St. Louis 148
Davis, Chicago 129
Conroy, New Y'ork 49
Tanneulll, Chicago 20
Parent, Boston Ii3
Altlxer, Washington 113
Club. Phllauelpma 1:14
O'Leary, Detroit 127
EUberfeld, New York... 98
Lowe. Detroit 19
Y eager. New York 22
Nlll, Washington 31
58 2 . 980
364 415 21 ,9i
241 5o8 28 . 961
.126 316 3.5 29
.1J9 3- 412 32 .951
66 60 6 . 9-jj
67 63 6 ,tov
139 26 .Soo
3o 62 4 .kvs.
i9- 366 36 .9
37 74 6 .9
348 328 37 .W
264 2.4 38 . 9...
63 62 9 .92.
40 38 8 .9u.
28 35 .. 1.0U,
17 177 10 .9
167 242 20 .9o.
120 k64 .0 .iwj
188 265 29 .94vi
66 122 16 .9.-1
20 40 6 .923
71 1JO 17 .9-
19 61 7
47 77 12 .9li
44 49 9 . 912
43 70 11 .911
37 61 10 .9u7
118 210 36 .9"!
42 67 11 'i
63 87 16 . 8117
119 iu9 41 .88J
1.6 li;9 41 .8-J
6 M 6 jl
29 49 16 . 830
Powell. St. Lculs 29
Klliliin. Detroit 20
Jrtcnbson, St. Louts...... io
iiS,.-Clevjland....,',. 42
l onovan, D-tioit.. ....... 25
Tannehill, Boston..'. 26
Kubanks. Detroit.'... 23
Young, Boston....;,. 39
Ortll. New York 45 13 lol
Howell, St. Louis 36 31 111 10
Smith, Washington S3 6 62 6
Coakley, Philadelphia... 22 8 32 3
Waddell. Phlladelpiila.. . 41 16 64 6
' Made, St. Louis 36 6 73
Falkenberg, Wash 40 1 2 92 t
lurrls, Boston 30 11 103 9 .927
.S hite. Chicago 28 17 77. 8
ownsend, Cleveland 16 2 31 3 .91.
Smith. St. Louis 19 7 64 t .9H
Mender, Philidelphla.... 37 26 64 .90
Pelty. St. Louis 35 21 107 13 . 90
Dim en. Boston 28 10 68 7 . 90;
Hughes. Washington.... 30 6 43 6 . 90
Newton, New York 21 2 60 .897
Games. P.O. Assists. E. Ave
Expresses Belief Not Over Fifteen
Votes Will bo Cast
' Against Him.
GAINESVILLE, Tex., Po. l.-8enator
BaUey today Issued tha following; state
ment: Answering numerous Inquiries from my
friends I state that from letters and tele-
9b0 grams, and from signed statement, in th.
,9oS newspap- rs by men hers of the senate and
.967 house, since my answer to Attorney Oen-
t .967 I eral David-ion's statement. I count posl-
2 .Ho. : tlvely twenty-three member, of the senate
6 .9iVi j and ilghtythree member, of the hnu.e who
3 .9u3 ere pledged to vote for me. Besides these
2 .902 voluntary pledges, . I hear from reliable
3 .95V- friends that -twelve other members .have
--94i, declared that they win voter for oi- Jn-
4 ,91.1 .tructed by primaries. This makes -a -toial
4 .948 I i f 116 on Joint ballot. I am perfectly satla
I .94-i fled, as I declared sevfral day. ago, that
fifteen vote, will be cat against me.
The house numbers 133 and the aenats
thirty-one; total, 163; necessary to elect,
287 670 36 . 960
3u9 461 41 .949
2ii6 475 42 .9i6
96 142 14 .941
5 61 7 ,9J
313 472 66 .93-J
257 223 43 .931
i6 311 47 .9J1I
326 318 68 .9.6
"iuO 317 42 .9J
43 76 11 .91..
31 46 8
67 lu6 23
Jones, Chicago 144
Freeman, Boston 65
Keeler. New York 162
Dougherty, Chuugo ti
Crawtord, Deiroil 116
Jackson, Cleveland 164
Mclntyre, Detroit 133
Flick, Cleveland 150
Junes, Detroit 83
Bay, Cleveland 68
Payne, Detroit 17
Hayden, Boston 85
Armbruster, Phils 74
Hansel. Philadelphia. ...144
Stone, St. l,ouls 154
I Niles, St. Louis...
tire and precloltai..-. n,Jr-.'L'l?I:
corresponding day of the last three" ears
Maximum temperature... I V
Minimum temperature.... 21 6 rl is
Mean temperature w .i Ji
Precipitation ui ou si it, ' Conroy, New York 97
Normal temperature 3 1 1 ongalton. Cleveland. . ..114
Kxcea for the day "J . Koenler. St. 1-ouls 52
otal excess since March 1. 1906 M Mil. Washington 16
Normal precipitation ( Inch Hickman. Washington.. !C
Deficiency fur mm day 03 inch I Delehanty. New York.. 86
V. . 1 - , ..1- juaren i .1) nohei ' Anotrun, aaningiuu. . mi
ti Nebraska Poultry j lllclehcy since March 1 194.... 4.W Inch" I Hahn. Chicago 137
Id ln eBatrlce De- nt; '" tor. period ll6.... 2 7 inches I O'Neill. Chicago 93
-..v...,., cur. period iKoi S.7 inche. , Hon man, New Yurk....l6
Iteiiorts fn,n .. lord. Pliiladelphla 116
Sha.1 n a. 8" at T P. M. Stinley, W ashington.... 63
8ti',v?n.d.F.,a, T?'"P Max. Rain- Cobb. 6et roll ... 96
"""nr. tt I D. m. f.ll I 1, i..,M th 1 1 n ,iu nln. ill
Bismarck, ckar .
Cheyenne. . cloudy....
Chicago, cloudy
Davenport, pt. cloudy "
I'enver, cloudy
Havre, cloudy
Helena, snowing
Huron, ch udy
Kansas City, cloudy
North Plane, cloudy
Omslia. clear ..'
lCaild City, snowing..','.'
St. Iouis. snowing
St. Paul, clear
YORK More rr d.ter.res and ruW-r I f.'1',' City cloudy..,
blocks a ere built during the year 191 than
durtntf many pievinus ynrs. Kach ve-. r
tor the li six yeaia from tl 'iOJ tu JVi'.'-i
I lid ups irda In t til, llntg I i pnivemeii's
hvs ba nm.c Next year promises to
Vol. litlne. cloudv
WilllMo-nv cloudy
,. 8
. 22
.. ti
.. 82
.. in
. St
.. t2
. M
,. 10
. 12
. 12
. t-J
. 14
"T" Indicate, trace of precipitation.
Indicate, beiow Sum
U A. Wt-LtoU LOBal Forecaster. J Jtickey, bt. Louis.
.j ! Moriarity, New York 15
.01 1 H'ey, Bonton 94
.(0 Caffyn, Cleveland 29
O'Connor. St. Louis 64
J ' Riith. Chicago 16
' I Clarke, Cleveland 64
I dnlllvan ( -I.I....U., 11H
Warner. Washington.... 81
Powers. Philadelphia. ... 67
Klelnow, New Imk..
S-hreck. Philadelphia
I I'.e-i Is. Clevl md
, Graham. Bostun
ia I MeOuIre, New York..
.10 i I -a rrlSM n HiihIom
tVhmldt. I'etrolt
Armbruster, Boston.
1 .97.,
4 .9.-3
4 .971
8 .9-
10 10 .963
12 7
24 16
17 13
20 12
6 8
8 4
19 16
21 10
12 7
13 14
7 (
14 9
10 13
2 I
7 16
I 4
... 95
... fc'J
... 81
... 411
... 35
, 64
64 t .
19 1 .trJO
58 6 .In:
34 i .971
348 136 13 K74
29 79 10 .971
3M lir2 14 .972
632 110 19 .9 1
177 49 8 .9.16
3H 73 16
130 64 7
218 3s 10
l'tt 148 1
2.-.7 1H It
JH2 9st 17
it .9v4
Cleveland ...
New York....
St. Louis
4,238 2.163 224 1
4.122 2.256 243 . 9-.
4.006 2,035 ' Wl .95
4.0S9 1.9,'J .! .9.
3.963 1.844 365 . 956
3.944 1.891 272 . 96
4.068 1.967 290 .951
4,149 2.098 140 .94
Sunday afternoon, on the Metropolitan
basement, alleys, Beselln's M xers end
Black Matt's rolled another matched gime
of tenpins. Matt's men took the rlr t g nid
with much ease, but fell shy on the s c
ond. and Besi-lln's men had a walkaway In
the third. Score:
M. 3d. Totnl.
W. F. Schneider ...... 145 143 178 461
R. Beselin lol 164 170 436
H. Cole 136 123 1 0 8911
K. A. Schneider 143 189 216 648
H. Beselin 190 163 65
Totals 716 781 . M 2.40J
1st. 2d. II. Total.
Patterson 154 179 177 510
Matt lies 1.3 1 24 1 36 413
Griltith I06 lie 171 496
Doyle , 130 136 126 39
Reynolds 155 .129 lt& 469
Totals "48 737 796 1,280
Control of Western Athletics.
COLUMBIA, Mo.. Dec. W.-Prof. C. W.
HetlicrlnKton. director of athletics of Mis
souri university, has -taken the Initiative
in a movement to form an association of
western universities for tbe purpose of
governing athletics. He haa issued a call
for a meeting between representative, of
Kansas Nebraska, Washington of St.
!.ouiH, St. Louis, Oklahoma, Arkansas an 1
Texas, with possibly others, to discuss
the matter. No date lias been fixed, but
It Is proposed to hold the meeting in Kan
sas City soon after the holidays.
DarstlaaT of Water Main Canae. Alarm
to Owners of Big
Tonight, Tue. Special Tues. Mat.
Llehlei- & Co.'.
with Henry Jewett.
100 .eats on lower floor at 11.04.
Thur... Frl.. Sat. Bat. Matinee
Henry W. Savage'. Production
By George Ade. Huperb Cast, includ
ing Theodore Babcock. .
800 .eat, on lower floor at $1.00. ,
UURWOOD I 17tbB! Wiak
Tonight, All Week Prof. Mat. Tues-
aay Nouvenlr Mat. Thursday.
In Dumas' Masterpiece. OAJCIXI.S.
I Prices, Evenings and Sun. Mat.lO-26c.
Tues.. Thur., Sat. Mat -.lO-IOc.
Christ mns Week Mme. San. Gene.
I with Constance Adams.
TrTione Xengla. 404.
Every Night, Matinee. Thur. day, 8fctU
day and Sunday.
rap tat a. Bard Bros., Tlol.t SaleJajnea
CtUlen, mmet Dsvoy k Co., rred Wataoa
and atonissy Slaters, XmUla Bess aad ta
VBioxa 100, aso, soo.
W 15s-tte.60o.7Ss
TONK5HT 8:15
Tue.., Hap Ward, ln Hot Tat hat SJooa
NEW YORK, Dec. 16 A atrip of pave
ment twenty feet In width and extending
seventy-rive feet In Wall street caved In
tonight. .Inking from three to eleven feet
below the surface. The depression waa due
f 13 cent, each: two for 25 cents ll
III CLirTT. PEiBODT a ro. lit
MJvvayj i.svau.-. .uiv Cut FUU Mams)
t native Iirono Ooia
Curas aCol4 iaOns)Dyt CtfpXa 2 Xey$
Boll.r akatlna; Brery Afteraooa avai
By.alng; All This Week tat
axdaj, Deosntbex 82.
Thursday will be Ladle.' Day. AU ladles
admitted free on Thursday afternoon.
BOYDWed., December 19 1
io 'koquotiob:
1 l$s im-jfx JiIaAj
John M.Fixa's
and Restaurant
1516 Dodge St.
Everythtnai New
Beat of rerrtuln
Vkortmgtus i)p-4l)t
Plrsi CLaaa U.