A T1IE OMAHA SUNDAY FEE: PECEMMER lfi. 100T. .First Presbyterian church.. There will also be a meeting for bos at the First I'ree- bytcrlun church tomorrow afternoon at . AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Eigblat-d Park Imnroremegt Club Ii cntnen Anntxatioi. FAMOUS DOVES OF ST. MARK'S Mr thnt Have Heen the of u m H OB'S Kl K3 E NEGLECT OF CHRIST FATAL Carele(Bcsa Fends Thousands ti Eternal Punishment, Pays Pr. Torre;. PUTTING OFF OPPORTUNITY IS FOLLY Largest Crowd of the Mlseloa Attends the FrMir Night Meeting and Rcanlt la a l.araje Jiaktr Of Conversions. ' The lamentable nroneness of th mmu of unsaved persons In carplpwiljr neglecting opportunities fr salvation through the ac ceptance of Jesus Christ wa the subject of the discourse of Dr. Torrey at the Audi torium Friday, the theme being taken from Hebrew 11:3. "How shall we escape when we Deflect so great salvation?" After an address whlrh win distinguished by flights of oratory and subtle appeal to tha reason, as well as to the plon of the (treat audience, an even fifty persona rose and acknowledged Christ, while other con versions Were obtained at the close of the meeting through the Instrumentality of the personal workers.' committee. Probably the largest audience that has heen In attendance at any one meeting during the progress of the mission was present last night, many being brought by the fact that It was tlia last meeting for men and women. There will be no meeting Saturday night, while the men and women will be addressed at separate meetings next Sunday, the last day of the mission. About 1800 persona were present last night not Including the choir, which waa so large that a number were seated In the balconies. Mo Plea far Money Goes. After the Invocation by Rev. Mr. Jacoby an appeal for large contributions was mad a, 'as a deficit of $1,150 still exlsta In the treasury. The expenses of tha mission will be about $7,000. Isaao W. Carpenter, who was soliciting the subscriptions, made an appeal for $5 donations, and requested all those so disposed would please arise. This action 'was taken without the sanction of Dr. Torre y and was distinctly without his approval, as the plan waa quickly brought to a close when Dr. Torrey Interrupted the speaker and said: "I must object to this proceeding, as It has always been stipulated by me In pre vious cases that nothing of the sort should be done. I wouldn't hold a meeting where It was done." k The objection was taken In good part and after the collection of the contribution and prayer Dr. Torrey said: Venice for A boat Seven llaa. dred Years. Ever woman that evex went to Venice haa fed the pigeons in the square In fmnt ef the cathedral. Half the men have done the same thing. Put very few of the" tourists know that the doves of St. Mark's ran boost of ancestry reaching In an un broken line ti the f.imoua rarrler rinvoa if the thirteenth century, which Henry Pandola sent back to Venice with news of his victories. The old chronicles tell how at this crisis the government declared the birds from that time forth, throughout all the ages, blessed, and as such to be forever after held In reverence and maintained at public expense. When Dnndoln himself came back he set apart Palm Sunday .following his return as the day of appropriate blessing nnd ovation to the carrier doves. Where today the four massive bronie horses paw the air above the went entrance to St. Mark's the principal ceremony of the day took place; the liberation of large num. bera of pigeons. A little roll of paper tied to one foot of each bird caused it to make uncertain flight, nnd In the majority of cases to fall to the ground. These pigeons, thua readily caught by onlookers, were kept by them for Enster Sunday, when, by ordr of the government, the owners made them Into pies for dinner on that date. For thoee that escaped a historic future waa assured. Whirling aloft, to finally settle thickly upon upper portions of the royal palace and the Byaantlne domes and spires of St. Mark, waa to the ever ready superstition of the Venetian Indisputable Indication that the protection of the long dead saint from which the church takes Its name having been thus directly sought by the birds, they were from that moment to be dedicated to St. Mark. The pigeons of St. Mark having, with all due ceremony, been pronounced sacred nnd under direct protection of tho tutelary saint of Venice, the government thereupon placed them under the more practical earthly care of the superintendent of corn stores, who was solemnly Instructed to feed the birds at the city's expense every morn ing in the great Plnxsa. This practice was kept up until the troub lous times of 1797, when the poor birds had a sorry time of It, feeding where and when they might and suffering sad depredations upon their numbers at the hands of the BOTH SIDES OF QJESTI0N SUPPORTED Barglara Wake John II. Hansen's Hatcher Mien the Place for Their Heaalar Monthly tell. "There are some things which no man ' Irreligious hungry ones. Immediately, however, upon restoration of law and order tha municipality, among Ita first official acts, decreed the regular deny feeding of the pigeons be at once resumed. The only change made was that Instead rf receiving their quota of the city's ctn at 9 o'clock In the morning it waa scattered broadcast to them at 2 In the afternoon. At the present time the feeding of the pigeons of St. Mark Is .wholly dependent upon the bounty of strangers, which, hap pily. Is moat generous. The Rosary Maga. sine. RINGS Frenxer, 16th and Podge. or woman can afford to neglect. Salva tion through Jesus Christ Is one of them. Better can a man on the deck of a sink ing veasel neglect the use of tht last life boat than any man or woman neglect the salvation God offers us through Jesus Christ. Any man can be saved by Christ. No man can be saved without Christ. Responsibility and Gnllt. "Responsibility and guilt are measured by opportunity. - How great Is guilt when we turn a deaf ear to salvation sent by God by Hie. only Son, Jesus Christ. How then hall we escape If we neglect tha ajve? tlon given by the Son of God, who was sent to proclaim It throughout the earth? If you turn a deaf ear to that there ia no hope. ' Tou have reached the limit of possible defiance of the eternal God. Every man and woman that passes out Of this building tonight turning a deaf ear to the entreaties of God pours scorn and con tempt on the blood that was spent on the cross of Calvary to serve you. "Everyone Is dying an eternal death who alns, and God offers you the remedy If you put out your hand and take It ties back In the calm attitude of interested Jesus Christ. You're dying now unless you spectators, actuated only by Us sympathies take the remedy, and you will be dead for for one side or the other, according to the eternity. Tour neglect of the remedy Is I merits of the controversy. Probably It killing you. The great majority who. die has never , occurred to the public that it la without Christ come to that state simply I In any way responsible for the situation through sheer neglect and there are thous- I or that It might have averted the calamity ends of people In Omaha perishing tonight 1 by a clearer conception of Its own obliga- through simple neglect and nothing more." tions. This view of the case has been On the last day of the Torrey mission, presented by the striking cnaurreurs in New York City,, who admit that the strike TIPS MAY PREVENT STRIKES fc'ew York Chauffeurs Walk Out Iterance Wnnlna- Tips Short ened Income. 'When any union or body of working men goes on strike for Its rights, or what It conceive to he Us. rights, the public set Sunday, services for women only will be held at 3 p. m. and for men only at 7:30 p. m. While the women's service Is In progress at the Auditorium, Rev. Mr. Jacoby will address the men at the Lyric theater, and In the evening the women will be addressed by Miss Parker at the 1 Why Take Business Home? Are Your Nerve Constantly Strained With Groundless Worries? The cause of this tense condition Is In your stomach. Your food does not digest properly. Nine-tenths of all dyspepsia and Indigestion Is of the nervous type and the only certain cure to to right the cause. Tonics, brain foods, bitters, etc., are mer Uinporary stimulants. Your stomach and never would have been ordered If the pub lic "had been a little more generous with Its tips." Here Is a phase of the strike problem that must be tak: Into account. For If the public can prevent aftrike of chauf feurs by agreeing to take upon Itself the payment of handsome wages, the same ef fective measures can be employed when ever cab drivers, waiters, hotel employes, railway servants and others associated with public service are dissatisfied with the scale of remuneration. And If all strikes can be avoided by a willingness on the part of the public to make up In tips and fees what Is lacking In the pay en velope at the end of the week or month, what more philanthropic means could be adopted for the preservation of peace and ' contentment? As the officers of the New York Trans portation company have hot voiced an opin ion In the matter. It Is Impossible to say Just how far they think the public uhould contribute to Just wages and harmony. Some corporations are philanthropic and The Hlihlnnd Park Improvement club held a well attended and Interesting meet ing Thursday evening at tho Lincoln school, and the various departments of the city government received considerable atten tion. Mayor Hoctor suggested that some of the department allowance should be by mills Instead of the present budget system of Just so many dollars, so that the funds would receive the benefit of Increased val uation, especially so with the street rep.lr department. The sewer question waa considered; also the building of the F street vlnduct, and an effort will again be made to Induce the city council to create the office of city electrician and meter-Inspector. The main feature of the evening was the discussion of the question of annexa tion. William J. Brennan stated he wanted the question submitted to a vote of the people of South Omaha and would abide by the results, although he thought South Omaha was doing well as It was. A. M. Gallagher said. If he could be assured that the commercial property and Industrial Interests demanded grenter Omaha, he would not object: but he thought that If the Injunction procurors could be silenced nnd the city enrry out tue Im provements as voted by the people that agitation for annexation might stop and the twin sisters would grow Just the same. He was doubtfuf of this being accom plished. W. W. Fisher spoke from a merchants' standpoint and Bald In substance, that con sol'dntlon of the two cities mould give a great Impetus to all great Industries to locate here, as this Is the natural manu facturing center; Improvement would be much grenter as all would work together. Now. miny are constantly opposing and the strife has kept some concerns In doubt as to the proflt of locating here. Mer chants would prosper because of the In crease of Industries. This would mean an Increase In homes, which would constantly keep up the Influence for better Improve ments. Al Powell was for Greater Omaha aa soon as possible. He stated the live stock business haa suffered for many years and lost valuable territory because of the lack of unity In getting better rates. It the In terests of Omaha were Joined with ours, we would soon have as favored rates as any live stock market on the Ml"ourl river. As It Is, we are discriminated agalnstby the railroads, nnd other points are getting the live stock that by rights belong here, but if the Grain exchange, the Jobbers, or the Commercial club of Omaha were all assisting, the railroads would soon give the rightful concessions, which would mean many more manufacturing Industries established along the lines, from the grain elevators north, below Swift's on the south, where there Is ample room for trackage facilities. J. 8am Gosney stated he would picture the same results from annexation for this rlty as appeared In the Town of Lake, now In Chicago, where the stock yards are located, and which la really the booming center of the great city. Mayor Hoctor said, 'he would content himself that he always has been and would be apposed to annexation; but holding the office of mayor, his vlewa mlght-be mis construed. Tv J. O'Nell was entirely opposed, as he thought the real estate values might aufTer and taxes would not be decreased, which really means the welfare of any city. He said taxes are less and the bonded indebted' pess slight compared with Omaha. A. H. Murdock. from a professional stand point waa opposed, as it would practically annihilate the legal fraternity In South Omaha and work many discomforts, he believed, to citizens not now anticipated. The club will take up this discussion again at the next meeting. Batcher Shop Robbed. Another case of burglary, which appears 3 Glhostarias Special Offer We will make a handsome Christmas gift to all purchasers of a new piano this week. This will bo in tho form of a merchandise certificate which w ill be accepted in full payment for any holiday goods or other articles, selected from any department in our store to the value of ten dollars, or the amount of first payment on your piano. Ask about this. This means you get $10 credit as a first payment on your piano, and $10 (in the form of a purchase certificate) ' with which to buy $10 worth of Christmas presents. GREAT HOLIDAY DISPLAY OF THE WORLD'S BEST PIANOS Never before in the history of our piano business have we been able to show such magnificent pianos. For months the world's best factories have been busy with our Christinas orders planning special wise designs, employing tho best of highly skilled labor, and selecting for us the best and most perfect wise veneers of the world's markets elab orately figured, rare old San Domingo mahogany and the most beautiful French Burl and Circassian walnut ever built into pianos. Nothing equal to these rare instruments can be found in other stores nothing like them have ever before been shipped to Omaha. It's worth your time to come and see them, even if not now needing one for yourself. But their beauty is not all in their pleasing appearance a glance at the following names will convince you that better instru ments do not exist: Chickeritig & Sons, Ivers & Pond, Kohler & Campbell, Everett, Starr, Vose, Packard. Sterling, Harvard, Bach, Richmond, Huntington, Mendelsohn and many others. These are the pianos sought by those who know. You'll find them in the homes of those able to select and buy the , and in the studios of the world's best musicians. THEY ARE THE WORLD'S BEST. A FEW LEADERS FROM OUR SELECTION OF SPECIAL GIFT PIANOS IVERS & POND Special design, rich and elegant figured mahogany, with all of Ivers & Pond's patented CO HA improvements, special $0UU STARR Special design, Mission model, richly figured, quarter-sawed oak, brass trimmings, the very latest, at $JlD QUARTER GRAND TERMS Cash or easy terms of $4, $5, $6, $7, $8 . or $10 monthly. Organs or square pianos or other upright pianos taken in exchange. SQUARE PIANOS Fine Chickering square, best of condition, fine Chickering tone, $50- Other square pianos-$40, S30, $25, $22, $17, $15 and $11. V Fine holiday selection violins, guitars, mandolins and banjos, up from $3.00. Music Rolls, from $5 down to 39t. best CHICKERING & SONS (Boston), specially designed case, exceedingly rich in its simple elegance; rare Cfaftft San Domingo mahogany with massive $50 bench v3"U EVERETT Special designs, finest selection of beautiful French Burl Walnut, skillfully matched, $400 THE CHICKERING The only perfect small grand piano made; only five feet in length less floor space than some of the larger up rights. In design, simple, elegant and refreshing. In tone deep, rich and full, all that may be expected, even from a Chickering. Ideal for gift piano. Special Bargains in slightly used, shop worn and second hand pianos. In order to clean out all pianos not strictly new before inventory time Jan. 1st we have placed ridiculously low prices on some very valuable in struments. You cannot afford to buy elsewhere without seeing them. Two Maxurkas Op. 7, No. 5, B Flat Mnjor Op. 17. No. t. A Minor Polonaise Op. 40. No. 1, A Major F. Chopin II. (a) Fantaslestuecke Op. 12, Pes Ahrends Narum Orlllen, R. Schumann (b) Impromptu Op. 142, No. 2 Minuet Op. 15 Impromptu Op. f No. 4 Schubert Llehiistramn A Flat Major Polonaise E. Major F. IJsrt Tho house was beautifully decorated with holly nnd Christmas roses. The hostesses were assisted' by Mesdames Harry and F. H. Guthrie and the Misses Ilowland and. Miss Bessie Sage. Sandfly Services. For the last time the pastors of the South Omaha churches suspend the Sunday even Ins; services that their congregations may attend the Torrey meetings In Omaha. Many of the South Omaha people have been In regular attendance at the evangelistic services. Dr. Wheeler will preach at the First Presbyterian church In the morning. to be of almost nightly occurrence of late, Miss Anns K. Fowler will sing at the lFFECT of torrey mission J. F. WilMmy and Dr. N, H. Eurdiok Epeak Fcr Few nd Pulpit. BOTH SAY GOOD RESULTS ARE LASTING Torrey and Bofhm Go from Here to Philadelphia, and Butler to Boston to Spend tho Holidays. small tntemlnes have become deranged by Improper selection of foods. Imperfect mas. some are not; some departments of the tiPti., nnd Irregularity both as to time ; public service pay good wages and some and amount of eating. V '3 cheerfully depend on the public to make up ai'nnrnnpi prr, ana. mere., n is generally known that waiters and driver expect something more from their patrons than a cordlsl "good night" or an apprecatlve "ttiank you," but perhaps It Is not widely recognised thnt thew necessary adjuncts to an enjoyable life are disposed to hold the puhlln responsible for the condition's of affairs that precipitates a strike. This gives the public something to think nhout. The tipping system has not been popular In America for reasons whlrh have heen exhsostlvely dlscuSAd. Rut If It can be shown that a mistaken public view ts fatally contributing to the discontent of the laboring classes, and that public niggardliness In the matter of tipping Is Sunday at 4 o'clock O. A. Young will con was discovered yesterday morning. When John A. Russell went to his place of' busi ness, which la a meat market on Twenty- fourth and 1j streets, he discovered that his cash drawer had been rifled during the night. About $4 In pennies were taken and as much as $10 In silver. The Intruders entered by the transom over the door. After the robbery they made their escape In exactly the same manner. Nothing but the cash drawer appeared to be disturbed. Tho police have been baffled by the clever work of the gang which la working the city. No clue has been obtainable In sev eral of the late cases, which have covered a period of two weeks or more. Y. M. C. A. Motes. Evening classes have closed till after the holidays. The change In tuition la ex pected to Increase the enrollment for the next tens. Physical Director Paxton and a bunch of his men gave an athletic exhibition at Benson last Thursday. They were well patronized. Next Sunday the boys' club, known as the Lolnsds, will hold Its regular meeting In the rooms at 2 o'clock. Attorney Ringer will address them. There will be acme special music and a song service. Last Sunday Prof. Graham gave an ex cellent addresa to the men. So good was the talk and so well appreciated by those present that he has been asked to repeat the same addresa In the near future. Next morning services. The subject of the ser mon at the First Baptist church will be "The Signs of the Lord's Coming." The Sunday school convenes at 9:45 a. m. The regular morning services will be conducted In the other churches. The Christmas ex ercises of the children will be held Friday evening at the Presbyterian church. MKle City Gossip. Jetter'e Gold Top Beer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone No. 8. James Fokowlc Is reported 111. being af fected with an acute disease of the lunijs. Those who have kept In closest touch with the work of the Torrey mission be lieve vast good haa been accomplished In the city hy the meetings and that the re sults will be lasting. "I am silt Is (led with the good work of the mission." said J. F. Wllhelmy of the Wright & Wllhelmy company, who Is chair man of the mission finance committee "There have been many conversions, direct and Indirect, and there has been much good work also which Is not publicly known. Several persons have been rescued from the depths of sin and these cases, for obvious reasons, are not made public, "One thing which I regret Is that the business men have not been reached more generally. Of course, this Is a busy busi ness month and that fact haa worked against us. "The good accomplished haa been by no means confined to those who were entirely vr .n Hf rm Ran Tnw11 nf Rial -'.ira the guests of Mrs. W. F. Burdlck early In ! outside of the church. Many of those who the week A certificate of Incorporation waa re ceived yesterday from Lincoln by the Trt Clty Toultry association. Dr. William Davis drove his horse Into a hole In the street at Twenty-third and F streets Thursday night, considerably dam aging his buggy and ahaklnc the doctor up. WATCHES Frenxer. 15th and Dodge. CAN'T THROW OFF HIS CARES. The mucous coating of the stomach and InlfSllnrs haa lost Its power of svc.ctlng the gastric juice an Important factor in igestlon) the muscles of the middle coat ing aro correspondingly lifeless In grinding Up the food, aud aa a result, tha food lies In your stomach fermenting, poisoning tho blood. Irritating the nervea and breaking down the system. Something must be dons to arouse the digestive organs to action. Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets alone have been found capa ble of dlgeattng the food for tha unheatlthy stumach. They contain diastase, pepaif and other digestive agenta which the atom auli Itself Douses when In health. Then- agenta digest the food for the stomich and give the stomach a chance to rest and regain. Its normal powers. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not a patent medicine, the formula for their preparation having been made public and known to 40, fu) physicians in the United States and great Britain. By government testa. Stuart 'a Dyrpepata Tableta have been shown not only to aoataln no harmful Ingredients, but to poawe digestives ol higher purity tfcaa found In any other pre paration. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are recom mended by physlelana everywhere and can be bought of any druggist or direct from the manufacturer at W cent per box. If preferred, a free trial package will be lent you Immediately upon receipt of name tnd addresa F. A. Stuart Co, 7J Stuart hldg., Marshall, Mich. breeding strikes and riots, the objections to the system hitherto entertained may be dissipated. It Is a new and astonishing argument, and It must be gravely consid ered. Who. reflecting that In withholding a dollar tip he Is encouraging a conflict Of employer and employe, will steel his heart and shut his nurse? The public must awake to a realisation of Its new responsi bilities. Chicago Tribune. In Line with e Pare Food Lew. The National Food and drug act which takes effect January 1. li7. does not affect Chamberlain's Cousrh Remedy In nny man ner. No special labels are required on this remedy under that Act. as It l free from opiates and narcotics of every character, making It a safe remedy for mothers to use with their children. This remedy hq,s been In use for so many year, and Its good qualities are so well known, that no one need hesitate to use It when troubled with a rough or cold. Mr. E. A. Benson will bold a discourse before the Omaha Philosophical sccietv en Sunday. December M. on the subject of "Valuea." As the subject Is one on which many erroneous views are prevalent and concerns all public and private business, no one can fall to profit by attendance. F pe dal attention Is railed to the fact that the elect Urn of officers for the ensuing; term will be held and Important matter miy come up for consideration. The meeting will open at I X p. m. In Room 1 third floor Patterson block. Seventeenth and Faraanv If you hs-re anrtnlne to trade advertise K la the For Exchange ooluraa of The Boo Want Ad page. duct a Bible reading. All men are In vited to attend. Be sure to bring your Bibles. There will also be a scripture quit, prayer meeting and a song service. About a year ago the association moved Into Its present quarters and now It finds them too small. The educational classes have been cramped for room for the last two months and one class was abandoned altogether for the same reason; the bath plant la entirely too email and the equip ment for Bible study Is Inadequate in every way. The problem of new quarter and better equipment Is one that must be solved In the near future. The "Oct Four Club." composed of rival teams of ministers and laymen, la working like busy bees. The laymen are now In the lead. Blhle classes organised hy Brass and Walker lart week are doing good work and showing Interest. The second number In the Star course la the Impersonator. Gilbert A. Eldredge. He will appear In the Auditorium Monday evening, December 17. Lasson oa Receptions. One of the most enjoyable events of the South Omaha social season was the re ception given Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sage and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Durke at the Bage home. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Max Landow. About seventy of the music-loving society people bad the rare pleamre of meeting the great musi cian and his charming wife and listening to Mr. Landow's wonderful music. Mr. Landow played the following program: t Nocturne Op. , No. t. E Flat Major.... Six Preludea-Op. 28. Noe. L 4, a, 7, 30 and, 11 THE WEIGHT OF A CROWD Necessity of Providing for the Danger of Overcrowding; a Building. In designing structures of all kinds to be used as audience rooms or points of van tage for sightseers, the engineer Is con fronted by the necessity of providing for the danger of overcrowding, since, as haa often been demonstrated, and not without serious disaster, human beings show no more discretion In this mutter than do sheep or cattle. The custom usually fol lowed by the construction engineers 1 to provide for a weight of eighty pounds to the square foot, and to allow twenty pounds addltionul for the always possible emergency of crowding. Experiments have recently been made In the Interest of public safety whleh show that the latter provision Is not sufficient to Insure against disaster from overcrowd ing. In one of these fifty-eight laborers of an average weight of 146 pounds were p.-vjked together within a space of fifty seven square feet. And this figure I by no means the limit. I-wls Johnson, pro feasor of engineering at Harvard, has shown this aa the result of exhaustive ex periments with men selected from among hla engineering pupils at the university. It 1 held that there are many occasions when conditions anulagoua to those under which these tests were made prevail, such as crushes at tha entrance of theaters, massed sightseers viewing a spectacular procession and on platforms of railway stations, especially In the early morning or evening. It I evident, therefore, from Prof. Johnson Investigation, that a weight of say ltd pounds a square foot I quit feasible and not unusual where there are throngs of people, while a load of eighty pounds a square foot Is quite com mon In buildings and private houses where social gathering are frequent. Portland Oregonlan. them devoted practically all their time to It. One physician, the leading specialist In Ms line In all the south, attended thres meetings every day while we were there and went about getting hi professional brethren out to the meetings. It cost him hundreds upon hundred of dollar In the business which he- lost through his faithful attention to God's work, but he got a wonderful blessing from what he did. "One thing that ha impressed me here 1 the number of young mei between the sees of 20 and 36 years who have come forward. That proven the point that It Is those who are Intereated who get the blessing. The young men have been In terested here and they have been doing the work. "In many of the cttlea In which I have held meetings there haa been a greater awakening and a greater blessing after the close than during tha progress of the mission. I hope and believe that It will be the same here." A particularly sensational and wholly fictitious article appearing In an evening paper regarding the Torrey meeting last night occasioned considerable amusement at the luncheon which was served before Dr. Torrey spoke. were nominal church member and church goers have had their Interest aroused and in the future they will be better church members. I was told of one case In which a minister of this city told a friend that he had never really boen a Christian until them meetings showed him what a real Christian I." View of Minister, Rev. Newman H. Burdlck, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, declared that the mission had been productive of good results for the churches of the city. 'The meetings have revealed a condition which I did not know existed In the minds of church people In regard to their attitude toward such movements as this." said Dr. Burdlck. "This condition of mind Is shown In the fact that many of them have given their time during the progress of the mis sion to card parties, baxar and other forms of amusement. "The mission has had a cleansing effect on the churches of the city, and It has added to the strength of the churches Nearly 2.000 cards have been signed by those who will now affiliate with some church. The churches must keep up the work, however, by visiting and working with those who enter the several congre gations as a result of the meetings. I think that nine-tenths of the Christian peo ple have been converted In revivals. It la safe to say that TS per cent of those who are converted remain Christiana." Dr. Torrey will go from Omaha to Phila delphia at the close of the misalon Sunday night. There he will spend the holidays. after which he will conduct a mission In Cleveland, going from there to Buffalo, to Montreal and then to Houston, Tex. Mr. Butler will spend the holidays In Boston, where he will devote his time to voice culture. Mr. Boehm will go to Pblla delphla. room without proper ventilation. It ha been definitely proven beyond the slightest doubt that no single cause Is so conducive to the spread of tuberculosis aa overheated office and overheated and Ill-ventilated living and sleeping rooms. A "baked" at mosphere cause loss of vitality, weaken the resisting power to disease and brings all the physical forces to a condition where ' the slightest exposure to the chill outside air invites an attack of disease upon throat and lungs. Philadelphia Press. CUT OLASS Frenxer, ISih and Dodge. If you have anytning to trade advertla It In the For Exchange column of The Bee Want Ad page. fangtua wo, USTTUR BFttCIAUtT TOO FEW BISISES MUX REACHED Dr. Torrey Ascribes This aa Weakness of Hla Mission. "I feel the weak point In our work In Omaha ha been that ws have tailed to reach the business men as we should,' aid Dr. R. A. Torrey, speaking to the business men at the Commercial club Sat urday noon. "We did not wake up early enough In the mission to the needs of the business men. In Nashville I had a com mittee of thirty of the leading cltlxena, who made It their business to work among the bualuea and professional wen. Some of SUNK IN THE GREAT LAKES Trnair tn Vast Qualities Curried to tho Bottom by Wrecked Ships. Those who live along their shores, but voyage on their water only In the wy of summer holiday excursions, aro wont to regard the American lake aa rather com monplace affairs, with little of the romance or mystery of the salt seas about them. We aeldm think of "vanished" ajlps, lost with none to ten tne tale o tneir rate, in connection with the lakes, or ot treasure ships whose wrecks are sought for years and are well worth the search. . Huron la sometimes called "Tti Lake oi I Sunken Treasure," as there are believed to ! be more wrecks with valuable cargoes If the neighborhood of Saginaw bay than anywhere elae. In the day when the Huron ahore waa filled with lumber camps large sums of money were often shipped In email vessels, and many of these were lost. And In these watera lie the great prixe of tho lake treasure seeker. In lSi6 the steamer Pewablc, with nearly 1600,000 In copper from the Lake Superior mines, simply vanished In Lake Huron. For over thirty years expedition after ex pedition aought the wretjc In vain. Finally, In lKfT, a party from Milwaukee succeeded In locating the hulk of the Pewablc about six mile southeast of Thunder bay. Owing to the depth of water only 27,000 worth of copper haa aa yet bn recovered. Nor is lake treasure seeking without Its perils. In raising, In lfcl. the steamer William Home, sunk In 1M with IJU.UOO worth of steel billets off Swtahwah point. Lake Michigan, one diver waa killed and another paralysed. And many men have b-en overtaken by sudden storm and drowned while treasure hunting In the lakes. In the (wenty years between U7g and 1!M there were i.MA wrecks on the lakes, of which 1.088 wre total losses. The total cargo loss on the lakes 1 estimated at no less than tl2.0no.000, much of It In Inde tructlb'e form of property. These tales of sunken treasure go clear back to loW, when the Griffon, La Salle's ship, disap peared In Lake Huron with 12,000 In gold coin. Altogether there Is In the history of the American lakes no more lack of the ma terials of romance than there 1 lack of human daring and suffering In the dally live of those who contend with their stormy waters Chicago Inter Ocean. Read About Indiana and Oatdoor Life In a little book that costs nothing. The book describes the northwest, the land of the future. It is printed on the best of paper, ts Intel eating, profusely Illustrated and full of Information. It Is suitable for your own home, for schools, or libraries. It describe the wonderful Yellowstone park, the wild Bltterroot mountains In Montana, the Quenlut Indians almost un knownon the north Pacific coast, tho grand Columbia river scenery, the mar velous Puget sound region, and Alaska. It costs but the postage required to mall It. It will be sent to sny address for cents. The book Is "Wonderland 19u," pub lished by the Northern Pacific railway, and l for general distribution. Bend t cents to A. M. Cleland, general passenger agent, St. Paul, Minn., or as many times S cent as you wish copies, with proper addressee, and the little volume will be promptly forwarded by that gentleman. Don't wait: The book has an object to educate and In form the publlj about the northwest, the region that Lewi and Clark, the Astortano, Fremont and others explored and mtd'i known to us. Help It perform It mission. Danger la Overheated Hoeans The see son of the year Is at hand when tuberculosis get In It work with moat deadly effect. The cold, raw day of win ter are particularly conducive to the spread Parsing Bothers &n3 Over-hardened TTomcn In til stations of lifo. wuoxo vigor and vitality may have boon undermined and broken-down by over-work, txactlrg social duties, tho too froqucnt bearing of children, or other causot), will And In Dr. I PlercVi Favorite Inscription the most potent, Invigorating restorative strength giver ever devised for their special bene fit. NumlngrfQothers wlUflnd It especial- ly valuable iK sustaining lv'lr strength and promotlngxn a Windint Nourishment (or the child. tX.cUnt saotVert too will find It a prlcti(-ssH(cWiiTlKe the system (or baby's coming and rtht4tlng the ordeal comparatively palnle? "M1?!)" "i"-"l 'n r"y tU. or condition IV-llcute. TieT. oust, ' toeak women, who sudor from frequent honduehrg, back ache, dragglng-Uown distress low down in the aUiomeu, or from painful or Irreg ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis tressed setiHution In sUimuch, dlzy or faint spells, se Imaginary six-cks or spots Coating before eye, have disagreeable, M;lv!c catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ante- 1 Version or retro-version or other displace ments of womanly organs from weakness of parts will, whether they experience many or only a few of the above symp toms, find relief and a permanent euro by using faithfully and fairly persistently r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This world-famed fr'cllic for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ailments is a pur glyceric extract of the choicest na tive, medicinal root without a drop of alcohol In Its mnkn-tip. All IU WiRredl enU printed In plain Lngllsh on Its bottle-wrapix-r and attested under oath. Dr. Pierce thus invites the futlekt Investlirit tion of his formula knowing that it will be fourvd to contain only the bwt agents known to the uioxt advanced irv.il leal science of all the different schools of prao tlce for the cure of woman's peculiar rcaknesaes and ailments. If you want to know more about the composition and professional riuloriM. sent of the " r'avorf U Prescription," send portal card request to lr. K. V. IMerro, Buffalo, N. Y., for bis ree booklet treat ing of same. tod can't afford to accept as a sutu- of this dUeese. not, because they are cold Uite for this remedy of knvu:HCuiniiUwi and raw, but becaua peopl Insist upon a secret nostrum uf utAnvwrt ivmHMnV shutting- themaolva u I superheated j lu' do IU