i l li 12 - THE OMAHA SUNDAY BETTt PTTtTT!! TtTHZ TC. 1MT. J Omaha's Pure Food Center The holiday dinners, no matter how sumptuous the tare, are In complete without some warming wines. We have Buch, fine ol flavor and absolutely pure. Cor dials and liquors, too, for those who fancy that finish to a meal. O. P. Ecarflt, Krusnach. Khlns and Moifll Wine. J, F. Fsmartin, Jmrta, Fin Ola Bntrry. E. F. rtcard k Co Bordeaux, Bautsrass and Claret. Poulst, Per and Flls, Besoms, Bparklinr Borg-undiss. O. V. Xopks It Co., Oporto, Old Porta. l Colonels, per 100 taO.OO H'neraia, per iuv..... r.w Book i'anatellas, per ltO. ..$13 80 Carol"' Trtr'''o-r i . , . $21.90 OX.EAm HiTIHA CIOAJtS. X,a Snlclana Puritano, per 100 S4.60 Club House, per 100 9110. Conchas Espaclales, per 100.. 97 00 Perfectia, per 100 915.00 Ptirltanos Finos, per 100 99.00 A Word About I Christmas l LI n - n I niFOBTZD JJIQAM Borneo T Julista Onnchiis FIna, per 100 911.00 HHhaneroa, fier 100 91SOO Panatellua, per 100 911.00 Perfectoa Selwclon, per ISO., (90.00 Purltano F.noa. per 100 913.50 Tlllar T Vlllar Lieutenant a, 100 913.00 Captalna, per 100 (4.00 Adjutants, per 100 Si 9.50 Majors, per 100 923.00 limiBTMAS CAJTDIES In the Una r.t linn nnn. V.... -. I- U jronn-thliiK quitu new. We have the hUhest class confectionery in exquisite n ' 'rK"w8 reiirty for Instant delivery, or will wrap carefully to ship bv express. U , cf 1 " ' hr"s is nioHt complete, rantflnjr In price from 1 to IS. These Jfe majr he piirrhne1 r nipty or we will nil them to erder with choice Rnn Rons. . , "tTS we have always been leartera. We have FiKs. Pins- 8" Ki2 H ,p,-ar"-J p'tt"she" Cherries and ether varieties, all, per pound. 60c N ?5 . Ia H-pouml, 1 -pound and 2-poutid puckages. y ..uk'",,i,Jp' & Falmer-a English Biscuits a full and complete line f these A B ' SrJebA '"I 'ra7k"r Jr'hnnn' K'lucator Crackers: Peterson's Milk Wafers. (' P . Hie Crucker thnt hRS "Brnwnsvllo" on It. Fresh shipment of Lebkuchen. ki L. , l'"'- 1,ut "ot.,e"V Frlncnss Fruit Cake, which has the reputation of be- f? g In the nnt fruit Cake marts In tho whole world. A trial of this Fruit Cake $ SJ will convince you. . J Christmas Is only a few days pit. yet we know that there are many who hare not completed their holiday shopping. Wa also know that there are some who are at their wits' end to think of some suitable gift to five some dear friend. ' Ws suggest as a suitable present for men a pair of Patent Leather 9hoes or a nice pair of Slippers. The Slippers range in pries from $1.09 tp 93.60. The Pan-, t a'lier 8hoeg range in price from II EO te $7.09. We have the styles. We have the Steele. We have a size and width for every foot. Corns In and see them., L MATCHLESS AS A XMAS GIFT The Adam Schaaf Piano is a harbinger of endless joy. Its su perb musical qualities have en deared it to hundreds of homes and muscians treasure it be yond price. If you pish to make a Christmas offering it will pay you a hundred fold to make one that will endure for alifetime. SAMPLE PIANOS WHICH MUST BE SOLD RLF0RE JANUARY l.t. Come in before they are till gone. Remember we are largely in the wholesale business; retail in Omaha and towns where we are nonrepresented by agents. Do you , know that this means a saving to you' of from $100 to $150 on a piano T No finer line of pianos was ever placed on exhibition in Omaha, and they must all go within the next thirty days. Write, call or 'phone us. J. S. CAMERON Phona Red 2841 10&-108 North 15th Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. V..",-...u- m.J OkUKA wtlTICB rOBBCAST may, rait aad Warmer ONLY SEVEN MORE DAYS BR. DRADDURY, Dentist IMXZ s,m' louw r Art ham, OMAHA Try th new roflMsi plate, made to crack nut with. Cold Filling fla Ctakvm tUOtv 'PMen Oeuflas 17S Teeth extracted wtrh ut pain 6 different waya. We give end oxygen. eJeo Hllxed air. Werk C-anuteea It ytsn. ft Christmas Presents for Men The gift sure to please a box of cigars of a stand ard brand. A fine mer schaum or briar pips of a well known Ynake. A nice humidore or cigar jar or a handsome cigar case in seal or Russia leather. We have all these with a full line of Smokers' Articles and Guaranteed to Please. 1506 Farnam Si. fai Mini i -J mm'm'mmrt0-rmua OVER ALL. Mei Like PraLcticvil JPresentis Cnimod Slices combine all the elements of a prae tloal glf9 Usefulness, Comfort, Qual ity aad Style Tnsy are suitable for Husband, Boa or Brother. Ho gift will fire mors pleasure or (Its plas ure lo&fer. Hand built Onlmods are for smart dressers, $5 and f$. Bench-made Onlmods are for men who wish to dress well, 14. Other Onlmods are for economical dressers, $2.60 and $3.60. aire Blm a Fair Christmas. NEWEST AND BEST STYLES You will And the prettiest line of house slippers ever exhibited, such as the Cavalier In red, brown, tan and the Faust Bomeos and Opera Slippers from tl.60 to $2.(0. Thoe 6 S.ISSST. Bsa. I aW Aerr ' , .,, ,,,;-,; ,7,7 s li U r i PHONZ DOUGLAS 2861 Tnnuciinn nnno Aim nnom Appropriate Xmas Gifts for Ladies anil Gentlemen We are showing the best line of Traveling IUg. Suit Cmmss, eUv, that are made and the finest ever dtKpUyed In Otuaha. Let ; us show you our choice Hue of Fitted Hags and Cast. They are complete with all Toilet Article, gee them before you make your pur. chaae. The Omaha Trunk Factory 1203 F ftrmm Sf I IIUIII w . . 1 COMFORT FOR WOMEN These Gift Slippers we are now selling so briskly mean comfort solid comfort and eaae for the wives and mothers who will receive them Christmas morn. We have a tremendous as sortment of Fur Trimmed Slippers in all colors. PRICES: B$1.00 $1.50 $2.00 FRY SHOE CO. m U M slXUBXBa 161 h and Douglas Streets ritoM ARKANSAS BONINZ l O in;i'M( ii a rnoNu,1:; ISCNARNCYl CENTRAL COAL . AND COKE CO. BAILEY MACH, DENTISTS. Third Floor Paxton Blk. Ilihett Grade Dentistry. Rciisonnblo lrlcos. TrTxlT All T TT5) 1 1 1 i it i A SEE DIG AD OS FIRST PAGE V TABARD INN LIBRARY BUY A LIFE MEMBERSHIP BOOK FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT. SELECT ONE FROM LIST BELOW: NEW FICTION AfJ $1.50 edition.... HV WITH TABARD INN MEMBERSHIP, tl 11 ft for 5 ( Cable ffi , GwigtBarr fit A Few Titles The Boctor" Balph Connor's new book. "JPalX a ogne" Harold McOrath's new book. "Ooniston" Winston Churchill's new book. "Jane Cable" G Barr Mcl'utcheon's new book. 'White ranir" Jack -London's new book. "Step by Step" Mrs. Goo. Shclden's new book. "Tides of ta Barneg-at" F. Hopklnson BmlfU's new book. "Bob Samptoa of naeer" Randall Parrlsh's new book. "The Open Bhatters'' Clara Louise Burnham's new book. "Whisperias; Bmitb" Frank Spearman's new book, and many other new books. Tabard Inn books exchangeable at any time iC for the fee fit I Bennett's Big Grocery THJS BEST IN THE MARKET AT LOWEST I'RICES. Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack. ..$1.20 And Fifty Green 11-tdlngT Stamps. Bennett's Best Coffee, 1 lbs U.0 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Teas, your choice, pound 48o And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Candled Lemon and Orange Penl, lb.25o And Ten Green Tradiug Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, 9 packages fur 25o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Corn, can 5o . Wax Beans, can Sc , Asparagus, can CTc Olives, bottle, 20c, loo and loo 11 1 nee Meat, lb 100 Evaporated apples, lb lJo California Prunes, lb 6c Currants, cleaned, lb Ho Figs, lor cooking, lb 8c California Seedless Raisins, lb..lOC "BEST WE HAVE" brand Corn, !i cans t ..2So , Tomatoes, 2 cans Kidney Beans, i cans 2bo Petit Pols Pens, 2- cans 26o Pumpkin, 2 cans 26o Sweet Potatoes, 2 cans..... SSoo , Sugar Beets, 'i cans, ,2&o Japan Rice, 4 lbs Ac And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Preserves, largo Jar 2bo And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. FRESH COUNTRY ROLL BUT TER, lb 22o Maine Corn, etui 10c, dosen $1.W Shredded Codtlsh, S packAg8 25a And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Tabie Syrup, 8-lb. can 12Ho And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Chill-Sauce, pint bottle.. So And Ten Green Trading Stamps. New York Full Cream Cheese, lb.. 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Virginia Swiss Cheese, lb 2Jc And Tn Green Trading Stamps. Royal Luncheon Cheese, Jar 24o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. FRUITS. VEGETABLES, ETC Mixed Nuts, lb 18c Ben Davis Apples, peck 3x) English Walnuts, lb lo California Naval Oranges, dosen.l&o And Ten Green Trading Stumps. California Figs, package, LiVo, 10c and &o HEVNETT'8 CANDIED Chocolate Chips, lb 200 Mixed Nuts, lb lOo Pkgs. canity, aas't, 10c and.... 6o Candy Chain, yard 20 Candy Pebbles In Bon sVn box i: An immense assortment of fanoy packages at special low prioes. Rugs, Carpet Sweep ers, Hassocks, Etc. Carpet Section. Third Floor Iselal Christmas Presents GENUINE ROTAL WILTON RUGS In artistic designs and beautiful shadings, correct tslzea for Chriaunaa pieaent8: r7x&4 for $3.48 3ixl3 for o.75 COQUETTE RUGS-In new and ele gant designs: lSxaS at 1.10 27x64 at.'.......t2.2 3iix72 at.. i $3.W SPLENDID ASSORTMENT FUR RUGS In all colors and sizes at ex ceedingly low prices, from 111.76 down to : 1.25 IMPERIAL SMYRNA RUGS, noted for Ux Ir wearing qualities, reversi ble, strictly ', ad wool and extra heavy; ' . . 80x80 for $3.48 6x72 for itt.ii ORIENTAL' RUGS In smaJI gises at 40 per cent less than their real value. BISSELL'S CARPET 8WEEPERS-In aJl the leading brands, at $l.uo, ;i.OO, ti.bO and Rope Portieres, Coach Covers and Lace Cumins. I set ul Christmas Gifts JUST RECEIVED-OOO ROPI3 POR TIERES FOR OUR CHRISTMAS TRauE In all styles and colors, ut 11.50, $5, $3.75. $2.50 and $1.25 HEAVY TAPEdTRY COUCH COV ERS In Bagdad and Oriental pat terns, all colors, special at $4.98 and $-.26 REAL HAND MADE ARABIAN CURTAINS Latest designs, in duln ty parlor and library efteots, $10 value for $6.76, $7.60 value for....$4.6S THREE-PAN ELED OAK. SCREEN FRAMES, tilled with.ttgured silkollne in red and green, worth $4 Mon day, each 98c BEST SEWING MACinND ON THE MARKET FOR THE MONEY DROP HEAD; HAS ALL LATEST ATTACHMENTS. Bells regularly for $22, special at Us.OO , ITT I l AltLOH hi 1TKS LAKGli MiW ASSOKTMET. 30.00 li Duke of York Fur-Trimmed Overcoats, at the special price of These Overcoats are fully worth 30 more. We carry in stock Natural Musk rat Coats, fully lined body and sleeves, with blended collar; "Lake George" Kersey, an all-wool fabric, body and sleeves lined with Salt's Seal Plush, beating guarantee label, collar facing down inside edge of blended tnu&krat, giving appearance of a full-lined fur coat. Buffalo Cloth Overcoats Astrakhan Ulster Coals ADJUSTABLE- COLLAR.1 A NICE GIFT. Blended Muskrat, Persian Lamb, Nutria seal dyed and natural; Beaver, Otter South AmericanNorwegian A AA or Hudson Bay $15 to 1U.UU These collars are made so they can read ily be adjusted to ordinary cloth Over coats. Fur Coats and Buffalo Over O rt coats, from $100 down to J.D) lirokaw Bros.' fine Suits and ' )p n a Overcoats, $35, $30 and ZD.UU lllrsh, Wirkwlrw & Co., L. Abt & Sons and Kohn Bros.' fine Full Dress and Tux edo Suits. Koltu Bros. Suits and 1 A II ft Overt oats, $20 to. 1U.UU Perfection Suits, and Overcoats for Young Meu, Boys and Children. Holiday Sate of Men's Clothing AJi Newest Styles and Best Materials. 11 I i 4 3 THX RKLJASLK S)TRK Splendid Bargains In high Crade Garments. High Quality Low Price 1 s. a FURNITURE FOR. GIFTS Library Table (like cut), select oak, rich golden yolish finish; large drawer; round legs, ball feet; convenient undershelf; top 40x26; regular $14.25 value; Special Holiday Price. .$10.25 BraHS Bed (like cut), heavy posts and top. rod and filling; best lacquer; pretty design; specially low priced' at $16.50 Couches We offer the best values in Omaha. All well constructed, of the best materials. Couches up holstered in verona or velour, up from 8 Genuine Leather Couches for. . . .21 Pedestals Square, round and shaped tops, plain and carved, all woods, all finishes Solid polished oak for. .53 Colonial designs in mahogany r. . .84.75 Chair Itorker and Divac Mahogany finish; carved ornamentation; uphol stered ! green figured verena. holiday special and an extraordinary tot $14.75 CLOTHINGS See Dig Ad oh First Page w If) VVB I W 4 MARK V7jf 1RXI5TEd 1 j The two essential features of real bargain aro certainly shown in our Special Holiday, offerings of Men's Clothing. You'll find many garments else where just as low in price, but you won't find theih with tho style and quality of these at tho price. Visit our Clothing De- 1 re partment examine tneso values. You'll admit this statement of facts the truth. "NVe court com parison of values. Sco these of ferings Monday. OVERCOATS-Worth up to $20.00, at SftP - $15 SUITS-Worth at- up to $20,00, $i000 $t5 $1.08 00 J 1. 50 Copyright Fic tion all New Titles $1.08 New $1.50 Fiction at The most complete assortment shown In Omaha. Among them Half a Rogue, Saul of Tarus, Coniston,- Opened Shut ters, PriBcess Maritza, Call of the Blood, The Doctor, "and hundreds of other titles. Gift Books of all descriptions. Special prices on all Leather Bound Books. What is Worth While Series Just the thing for a dainty gift, special Monday, at, each 2o Classic Fiction at 21c Handsomely decorated covers, over 200 titles to select from, 50o value 21 Many other upecials in this department Monday, cm mm Ml mm YfTS for Xmas Everybody wants to look their best when Xmas comes. It won't cost much if you select the right place to have your cleaning and pressing done. INDIES' Z.XST Dry Cleanlag Plata Waists. ... Bilk Waists .... Plain bklrts ... Plaitsd Skirts .. Skirt aad Drop Jackets, Short 3-4 L,nrth . . . , OravaasttM' .... NOTE THESE PRICES llZlf'S LIST, i Dry or Steam ClaMinf CUanlnff h Dy'ln Sulta "i-83 60 colts 75 i.as TtS 6 7S PBta 60 100 1-60 8.80 Ulsters, ksavy S-00 3 00 GIot.s 0 .... ok tits 10 , . .60 , . .VB .. .76 , . 1 00 . .1.35 ,.1-60 , .too .1.6 Syelas; 81.00 Leo 1.50 .00 1.00 a.eo S.60 We 'also clean party dresses, opera robes, ball costumes, etc, without removing the trimming, or injuring the most delicate color or fabric. All work guaranteed. Wagons to all parts of the city. Try us. tmm: pantorium Cleaning nnd Dyeing. Carpet Cleaning. 1513 Jones Street. Telephone Douglas 963 p. S. Out-of-town business receives prompt attention. DUK OF YORK" Buy it At Flodman's Wo are displaying an exceedingly fine line of geods for the Christ mas trade, in. Solid Gold and Gold Filled Wu-lie, Diamonds, Sterling Silverware, Rich Cut Glaas,. staple and fancy articles of various descrip tions. Pianos, Music Boxes, Music Albums and other musical goods. New Domentlc, Standard and other first-class Sewing Mat-nines. Will make prices an object for you to come our way for -jour pur chases. P. E. FL0DMAN CO., 1514 c'pito! A"- PBHLTlfiffllsElEKHfllfll To holiday shoppers If you will buy your pr:sents early in the day and early this mon.h you will avoid the rush, wh eh is trying to the buyer and doubly trying to the workers behind the coun ters and on the deivery wagons. EVERY $PUFP A DELIGHT WIS! ITS ftSITiMMs QUALITY THE BEST ALW A H l.MloiiM R. Rice Mercantile Cigar Co.. Manufacturers, bt. Louis, ll I i 1 ti i f: i Km t S ' i J ! II t i I .J.