A' THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: DECEMBER 16, IDOfi. i 1 Y Open Evenings All WtJk 3 czi mza era t 13 11 BEROERS i D GREAT $50,000 SAL n 7 r ad 0 $3.98 $9.08 a Li 1 ROUPS nURKY TO HAWAII fli. Cfficr of Transport Thomas GiTe Cut Startling Information at Honolulu. JAPANESE SAID TO EE AMER ISLANDS (ioitrnor nnd Land (nmmlnlnnff Arc Knjolned from Selling lalnnd of Lnnnl to Allesred J n( Syndicate Our entire stock of new and up-to-date ladies' gar- J meats, including everything most stylish in Cloaks, Suits, Furs, Skirts, Waists, Gowns, Opera Wraps, Riding Hab its, Petticoats, Cravenettes, etc., is being sacrificed far below cost in our effort to reduce our stock before Christmas. If you are in need of any article in our store you posi tively cannot afford to miss this great sale. A FEW MONDAY SALE SPECIALS $5 values in Ladies' Fur Scarfs 9S $6.50 values in Ladies' Fur Scarfs $1.98 $30 values in Sable Coney Fur Jackets. $14.98 35 values in Electric Seal Fur Jackets $17.50 $,'? value Silk Waists, dainty new conceits SI. 50 $5 Silk Waists, stylish tailored effects $2.98 $G.50 Silk Plaid Waists, extremely popular $3.98 $8.50 Silk Petticoats, all colors and styles $3.98 $8 Dress Skirts, all materials, styles and colors. .$3.98 200 Coats, worth $12.50 and $15, in long, loose or half fitted novelties $20 Values in ladies' long, loose or half fitted coats, in novelties or handsome plain colors. . . $30 values in ladieB' Long Coats, loose, tight or half fitted effects $17.50 $20 values in Ladies' Suits, colors or novelties $8.98 $25 values in Ladies' Suits, swell tailored effects. $9.98 $.'30 values in Ladies' Suits, all styles $14.98 FUR SCARFS AND MUFFS In mink, ermine, ko linsky, marten, chinchilla, lynx, fox, squirrel, Persian lamb, sable opossum, etc., priced to you at a saving of 25 to 33 per cent. LADIES' RAIN COATS, PARTY GOWNS AND OPERA WRAPS, 50c per cent off. The Greatest December Sale of Ladies' Wearing Apparel in Omaha's History. S. FREDRICK BERGER & GO. . Authorities on Style 1517 FARNAM STREET. ff ' W "'"-j Ilium nni J if tal pec. 15.-The Ex follosvlng dispatch e royal visitor consists or dinner at i new palace nt Potsdam tonight and to morrow a iuncn at me Norwegian legation i and a gnla performance nt the opera af.fr which t lif visitors will leave for Norway. The Imperial anil royal parties will at tend church "Tvlce nt Potsdam tngether Fund:! y morning. r SOLDIERS CALLED BY OFFICERS I'rfnrhmrii Tnklnsr hnrrh Inrra tnrlre Are Held Prlftoners hy People of Parish. n y The New Cloak Shop. HMMMMalal SZZlhmOiS ll 2 HAVE YOU SEEN THE Washable Chamois Gloves WITH OTHER Novelties in Christmas Gifts for Men AGENTS FOR Dr. Jaerjers Bed Socks, Bath Mitts, Rubbing Straps, Knee Mariners and Lounging Robes I CAR RIP All Y SHIRT BUT CAHtfS 3 for S7 Shirts to order during December Albert Cahn 1322 Farnam St. Men's Furnisher tad Shirt Maker SAN FRANCISCO, nmlner publishes the from Honolulu today: The officers of the transport Thnraas have announced that two regiments are to be rushed immediately to the Island In anticipation of trouble with Japanese. They absolutely refuse to give out any of the details bearing- on the call for troops, or the reason why the government feel that the soldiers of the United States arrny are necessary In the Islands, which are at this lime overrun by the little brown men. It Is understood that the mikado was ex tremely anxious to secure possession of the Island of I.anal, which Is private property. This Island IS fifty miles from Honolulu and could be used as an excellent naval base against the United States by any for eign power. It has two splendid harbors, of sufficient depth to accommodate a large fleet of war vessels. Last night Attorney George D. Gear se cured an Injunction against Governor Car ter and Land Commissioner Pratt to pre vent their selling the Island to a syndicate. It Is understood that the syndicate repre sents the Japanese government or people who ultimately expect to dispose of the island to Japan. Interest In Germany. BERLIN, Dec. 15. The relations between the United States and Japan excite ex traordinary Interest both In government and diplomatic circles here. Kmperor Wil liam discussed the question with several persons recently and Is thoroughly in formed regarding President Roosevelt's per sonal views on the subject. It Is believed that Russia's more resolute attack against Japan's requests for trade and colonization rights on the Amur river and In seal and fishery privileges on the adjacent Russian coasts Is partly due to the discussion of the California school question between the United States and Japan. The Russian for eign office has been subjected to steady diplomatic pressure on the part of the Japanese In the effort to obtain these far- reaching rights. The result Is that the Idea has been created at the Russian for eign office that Japan might make its ambitions the occasion for a renewal of the war with Russia. This Idea pervaded the conversations which the Russian Foreign minister, M. Iswolsky, had with the gov ernment officials and others whom he met here on the occasion of his visit to Berlin six weeks ago. M. Iswolsky met many prominent people here and talked with ordinary freedom. War a Possibility. Among German military and naval offi cers the possibility of a conflict between the United States and Japan has been fre quently discussed and the professional views appear to agree that Japan would take the Philippine Islands and place upon the United States the necessity of con aucting across tne Pacific prolonged sea and land campaigns which would call forth Immense expeditions against great natural obstacles. It was known herein June that the British Admiralty had considered theoretically the possibility of war between Japan and the United States as likely to occur within twenty-five years, and some of the British naval men are reported to have expressed the belief that the contest would occur within five years. In any case It is certain that several European' foreign omces are at present making Inquiries re garding the temper of the Japanese people ana tne government of Japan. Simply Routine Matter. WASHINGTON. Dec. 14. It Is stated at the War department that no order has been Issued for the dispatch of additional troops to the Hawaiian Islands nor is any such order contemplated. The permanent garrl son In Hawaii consists of four companies of regular troops. Two of these were last summer ordered to the mainland for target practice, the facilities for which are lacking in tne islands. They have now returned to their posts and no Immediate chanres In the force or additions thereto are contemplated TARASeON. France. Dec. 13. Two squadrons of hussars have been dispatched from here to BarbenUinne. where the In habitants have Imprisoned the officials sent to take over the church property under the church and state separation law. ARRAS. France, Dec. 15. When the bishop of Arras was expelled from his residence under the church and state sep aration law gendarmes were several times compelled to charge manifestants, who bar ricaded the doors of the seminary. Eventu ally the doors were broken open with trees used as battering rams. PARIS, Dec. IS. The cabinet today com pleted the amendments to the church and state separation law, which will probably be Introduced In Parliament this afternoon. In order to avoid the appearance of prose cution it has been definitely decided not to press the question of treating recalcitrant priests as subjects of a foreign power until It Is clearly demonstrated that the church s systematically resisting the law. As Cardinal Richard, archbishop of Paris, claims to be ill, it also has born decided to allow him to depart at his own pleasure. Nevertheless, formal notice was served on the archbishop this afternoon as he was surrounded by his vicars and other clergy men. After reading the summons the arch bishop announced that he would not yield except to force, whereupon the officer who served the summons retired, saying that he would report to his superiors. In the meantime a rumor spread that the archbishop was being expelled from the palace and about SCO Catholics, including many priests, hurried to the court yard of the palace to defend the prelate. When the Intention of making a big demonstration word was dispatched In all directions and by 3 o'clock an Immense crowd had gathered. Among those present were several senators and deputies includ ing M. Denis Cochin and Count Bonl do Castellane, several members of the old French nobility, the majority of the Paris clergy and the entire body of theological students, the "defenders" of the archbishop. who Tor two hours vainly awaited an at tack on the part of the police, when, see ing there was no Intention of expelling the venerable prelate by force,, the gradually dispersed. Cardinal Richard today formally denied that he had authorized parlsonhers to make applications to hold religious meetings under the lawof 1881, and announced such applications are contrary to the orders of the Holy See. Thus far forty-three residences of prelates and seminaries have been evacuated. PHOTOGRAPHS GO BY WIRE German Scientist Perfects Device for Sending; Pictures by fee of Selenium. Buy Your Eiristrfiias Piano AT- C3i Headquarters for Best Pianos in the World Following our custom of offering pianos and orgnns at genuine bargains when tho people most want them now before the holidays we have gone through our great stock nnd made many substantial reduc tions. Those interested In the purchase of an instrument of any kind from the small cottage organ tip to the grand pipe organ or from the square plauo at 120 up to the superb concert grand, will do well to examine our stock before purchasing. Used! yprighft Piano Among the standard makes, many of which are practically as good as new and all in perfect condition, ranging in price as low as $90 and $100. , 400 Mew Upright Piano of various makes fmu eastern factories, in large fancy wood cases, richly carved, 7 1-3 octaves, thru strings, three pedals, such as are sold elsewhere as high as f350 These eastern made pianos were bought especially for our holiday trade at practically bankrupt prices. $125 to $255 We have also made deep and strong cuts in the price of new pianos slightly marred In finish while In transit. NKW KMKHHOX PIANOS dropped from the 1907 catalogue on account of rl anges In design of cases. VSK1 HTKtJKK PIANOS which have been rented for a short time, guaranteed as good as new. NKW IlKKD OHGANH Various makes, which usually sell for $75, may now be bought for $35. Ail on Easy Payments of SB to $10 Cash and $3 to $5 Monthly All used Instruments bought nt this sale are returnable within one year at full purchase price to ward any new STKINWAV, STKOKK, HAKDMAN, A. 11. CHASE, KMKHSON. MrPHAIL or KlltTZ MAN PIANO IN OUR STOCK. Every Instrument marked In plain figures and sold on the one-price plan. Why not have one of our beautiful pianos sent to your home today. We ship pianos everywhere and pay freight charges both ways if the instrument, after careful examination. Is not entirely satisfactory to its owner. Write at once for free illustrated catalogues and our special bargain list. p. 8. Lovers of music are cordially Invited to attend the next muslcale at our recital hall, 1313 Farnam Street, given by the pupils of Mr. Fred O. Ellis and assisted by Mr. Frank Strawn, piano, and Master Charles Havellcek, violin, on Tuesday evening, December 18th, 8 p. m. Admission free. SciimQi M M ye IT "iliil 0 131M313 Farnam Street. Largest Piano House in the West. Telephone Douglas 1625. Open evenings until Christmas : mcz:::;:z?ziz.zir: HAVANA, CUBA, ILLINOIS CENTRAL AND -VIA- RETURN RAILROAD THROUGH NEW ORLEANS. Tickets on sale December 18th, 19th, and 20th. Good to return leaving Havana Jan. 9th, 1907. Steamship re servations should be made now. RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS AT TY TICKET OFFICE 1402 Farnam Street. Omaha. BERLIN, Dec. IS. (Special. ) Prof. Korn of the Munich university has greatly Im proved his apparatus for transmitting- pho tographs over telegraph wires. He has succeeded In sending photographs and sketches six or seven Inches square In this manner from Munich to Nuremberg, a distance of 100 mllog. In from ton to fif teen minutes. The professor says that pre cisely the same results would be obtained If the photographs were transmitted over a telegraph line of any length. The photograph which has to be trans mitted Is placed on a transparent glans cylinder, which revolves slowly and at the sajne time moves from, right to left. A ray of light ts thrown upon the cylinder by meal. a of an electric lamp and lens, and when the ray of light reaches the Interior of the cylinder It Is brighter or darker according to the coloring of that particular part of ths photograph over which It passes. Inside the cylinder la some selenium, which transmits electrical current In pro portion to the Intensity of the light brought to bear on It. The selenium transmits cur rent more rapidly In bright light and less rapidly as the light decreases. The selen ium Is connected with the wire over which the photograph has to be transmitted. The receiving apparatus consists of an electrical Nernst lamp placed lnalde a glass cylinder covered with sensitised paper. The lamp burns brightly, more or lesa, accord ing to the sensitized current transmitted through the selenium at the other end of the wire. It thus reproduces the exact chad of the original photograph, provided that the cylinders at each end of the wire 1 revolve at exactly the same speed. Prof Korn has Invented a means of regulating the revolution of the cylinders so that the speed Is identical at both ends. It is expected that further Improvements to the apparatus will shortly enable a pho tograph to be transmitted within two minutes. VILLAGE MAYOR CAUTIOUS Soldiers Go Hnnsry Because Official Refuses to Follow Example of Kopenlck. GENEVA. Dec. 15. (Special.) Peo ple have not yet done laughing over the queer performances of the hero of Kope nlck and his daring raid, at the head of the regulars, on the treasure chest of the mayor, but a story now being circulated here shows that the moral pointed by It may have rather disagreeable results. At the present time a battalion of Swiss re servists. Is going through a course of train ing in the neighborhood of Bale, and a few days ago It started on a long march, which necessitated It being put up for the night at one or two villages on the way. One morning an officer was sent on by the commander to secure quarters, and on his arrival at the place Indicated that he would be there at 6 o'clock that evening, and the request that he would provide suitable lodgings, as well as sufficient ra tions for the men. The mayor eyed his visitor for awhile and then he exclaimed that he was not such a greenhorn as the officer seemed to Imagine. Much surprised, the latter inquired what the mayor mennt by this extraordinary remark and was told to use his talent for practlcul Joking else where, as It would not go down In that particular village. In vain did the officer try argument, persuasion, and as a last resource threats. "Look here," replied the mayor, "we are not at Kopenlck. I havrt no lncllnai in to be made the laughing stock of the whole of Europe, and If you do not clenr out Immediately I shall have you arrested." That evening, promptly at the hour men tioned, the battalion marched Into the town to find that not the slightest preparations had been made to receive them. The men had to be lodged the best way they could, and many of them went supperless to bed. KING OSCAR IS BETTER Bulletin by Physicians of Swedish Klnar Khona Patient la Ite.tlna- Well. STOCKHOLM, Dec. 15.-Thls morning's bulletin bore out the more favornble un official news from the palace and showed that King Oscar's temperature was near lng normal and that the other unsatisfac tory symptoms were yielding to treatment. The bullcttn read as follows: The king had altogether seven hours' sleep dining the nisht. His temperature tl..i morning is There Is still an ln- signiflVunt secretion of mucus in t lie tlirachae. His heart's action has continued to somewhat Improve, his pulse Is still irregular and his strength Is somewhat Im proved. MOTOR CAR FOR SOUTH POLE Belslan Kxplorrr Thinks He Device to Take Place of Sle'litea. Has jfl fcugul nit llsnih us l iriinssJi tfJE CURE Ell EN FOR $7.50 10 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.50 Ey the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles Established la Omaha for li years. The many thou, ands of ci cured by lis makes us the nui exprl enred Specialists In the West, in ail diseases and dis orders of men. - Wa know Just what will euro you and cure quickly. f?rMa examination and consultation. Write for w Bymptom Blank for home treatment. i 119 S. 14th, Cor. Utft k Ooalis $!$., flail!, Kei ROYAL PARTY AT POTSDAM Kin and Queen of Norway Reach Germany on Way Home from Enitland. BERLIN. Dec. 15. King Haakon. Queen Maud and Crown Prince Olaf of Norway, arrived at Potsdam t.U morning from England and were received at the station by Emperor William, the emprets, the corwn prince ai:d crown princess, the other sons of the emperor, Trlncess Victoria and a large number of military and naval of ficers and courtiers. As the special train drew up at the platform the emperor ad vanced and warmly welcomed King Haekon, kl.-slng him on both cheeks. The emperor then k!sed the hand of Queen Maud and both the emperor and empress kled Prince Olaf. The program for the entertainment for r.RUSSELS, Dec. 15. (Special.) M. Hen ryk Arctowskl, a prominent Belgian polar explorer, who Joined the recent Antarctic expedition of the Btlglco, has Just Invented a type of motor car which he thinks will figure to a largo extent In polar explora tions of tho future. It Is anticipated that It will enable ex plorers to dispense entirely with sledges. Two of M. Arctowskl's cars are now being built In Liege. SCOTS FEAR FOR SHIP YARDS Growth of Business in Other Lands Gives Canse for Harm. GERMANS CUT IN WITH LOWER PRICES Prospect of Bonntlee In United States on Top of Other Mlsfortnnea la Not at All Pleasln to Glasgow. GLASGOW, Dec. 15 (Special.)-The heav ily capitalized Scotch ship building indus try is experiencing the truth of the saying that misfortunes never come singly. Fol lowing the labor troubles on the Clyde and Tees comes the shadow of foreign com petition and the greatest fear Is being ex pressed in the Scotch local newspapers lest the Sulzer ship bounty or subsidy bill pass the American congress In some form thereby raising up another powerful com petitor. This country has made a practice of building ships fdr every maritime nation In the world, the secret of the Scotch suc cess being. It Is said, excellence of work manship and cheapness of production. Time was when every stage of the manu facture, from the raw ore to the finished product, was carried out within the bound aries of England and Scotland. Then the foreigners, Germany more particularly, organized capital and laid down plants for thn maniifnrriirn nt rtln.te nnd ca8tlngS. j which, under the "dumping" principle, were sold at rates cheaper than It was possible for the local manufacturers to produce. As a result of the hold secured by Germany on' the ship plate market many of the local manufacturers have been compelled to close down their works. The advantage which lay in the supply of cheap plates, however, has enabled Scotch builders to keep the lead in the building output. Korelsnrra' Prices Lower. Now has come the inevitable rise In the price of plates and castings, which of neces sity rests upon the quotations for the building of complete vessels. This has been anticipated by continental builders, who during the last few years have been Investing largely In ship building plants of the most modern types. One foreign yard alone at the present time holds con tracts for at least ten large ships, some of which are well advanced toward com pletion. All the orders were secured In competition with local manufacturers, whose tenders were far higher than those of their foreign competitors. The manager of a large Scotch yard whose specialty Is the large cargo steamrr said only the other day that this growth of the foreign ship building is causing the gravest concern among the local builders and everywhere the hope Is being expressed that the Sulzer ship building bill will not be passed by the American congress and a new rlvr.l thus created In a year or two. "Of course, orders for new vessels are being placed right along to a limited de gree," he said during the course of an Interview, "but so far as I can hear these ttnders are limited to local builders, the customers being so well satisfied with the execution of previous orders that they are preps-red to pay a high figure for Scotch built vessols. But It Is needless to add that this Is hardly an economic proposition and that we cannot long exist In competition with others simply on the strength of our reputations. "The foreign builder has simply got to be considered. In contracts open to firms on both sides of the water the foreign tenders have averaged fully 10 per cent below our figures. Advices from the conti nent are to the effect that the yards there are full of work." with all Its millionaires, would 'be hard put to It to find the value" which such as sociations would be, If only It were pos sible to make them organically connected with the life of the people. Toilet Sets. Copley, Jeweler, 215 S. ISth. villages with more wealth than could bs acquired by hard toll In a lifetime In India. In British Columbia they are often mis taken for Japanese, and on this particular account their movements to and fro have seldom been noted. EMIGRATION FROM INDIA East Africa and Canada Are Biddina for Settlers from Aslatle Empire, CALCUTTA, Dec. 15. (Special.) Although Indian colonization In South Africa has given rise to troublesome problems. It is announced here that the government of Eart Africa feels that within their borders there Is room for all Indian settlers, parts of their territory which are not healthy for Europeans being perfectly suitable for Asiatics. The government of East Africa has sent a representative, Mr. Waller, to Simla to discuss matters. The tracts for which emigrants are wanted are those which He between the coast and the table land and the country In the neighborhood of Victoria lake. Here the climatic condi tions are tropical and cultivation on Indian methods should yield excellent results. A nunvber of Gujeratls have already settled on the land and It is believed that addi tional emigrants can easily be obtained. Another colonization scheme of great In terest Is that In which Canada Is the field of Indian venture. Sikhs, as police and as watchmen and In other capacities, are common features of life In Hong Kong and other cities of the far east. Some of these were the pioneers of thVr race, It Is said, in British Columbia. some route or other, at all events, a numb-r seem to have reached Vancouver, seem to have found ready employment inland, and thus to have sent word to their villages In thn Punjab that wages were high, the climate good and that fair treatment was assured. The result has been that parties of true Sikhs, ranging In number as high as fifty, have gone eastward In reply to their kins man's invitations. There has been no sys tematic recruiting and yet some time ago It was reported that upwards of 2,000 Sikhs were at work In Columbia and more than holding their own In competition with the scanty white labor available locally. Parties of these emigrants have been met at Indian railway stations on their way to Calcutta, each man having from 200 to 10 rupees to cover his expenses. They were without women and children, their idea being to engage themselves for a limited period of time and then to return to their native BTERLINQ SILVER Frenzer, 15 ft Dodgi BRITISH CHINESE QUESTION Aliens' Immigration Board Will Learn Effect of Chinese I mm Is ra tion to America. IiONDON, Dec. 15. (Special.) The aliens' Immigration board has under consideration an unusually Important and Interesting caaa and It has been decided that no matter what disposition may be mode of the Chinamen In question that an effort is to be made to find out from the United States authorities Just what the American laws are upon the subject, and what disposition Is usually made of similar cases. The idea is to try to arrive at a definite under standing as to the possibilities of 'danger in connection with Chinese emigration to Great Britain by studying the history of tha subject of the emigration of the Chinese to the Pacific coast ports. The particular case before the aliens' Immigration board related to thirty-two Chinamen who had come from Hong Kong and had been rejected by the Immigration authorities at Gravese.nd on account of a lack of means. The commissioners were so puzzled by the various aspects of the case that thev could not come to a de cision nid they adjourned for lack of Information. These particular Chinamen with twelve others arrived on tho steamer Machaon. Twelve were allowed to land, as they had In their possession $15 or SltO each, but the money was so evenly distributed among the dozen alle-.s that the suspicions of the au thorities were arousid that the steamship authorities might have had a hand In this particular matter. However, they were al lowed to land and It has since been an nounced that four of them went to Brazil, though even this Is not definitely known, while the others remained In London. The remainder of the orlentuls had only about 10 shillings between them, and they stated they wore going to Liverpool some to a grocer's shop and others to Chi nese laundries. Mr. Nattrlck of the Stranger's Rest at Liverpool stated that of the rejected men one was a brother and eighteen were cous ins of Quong Sing Ling, who kept a gro cer's store in Liverpool. NEW RAILROAD IN MOROCCO Hp ilah, Africans nnd Americans Are to Co-operate In l ine Alonsj Coast. VIENNA, Dec. 15. (8pecial.) The Span ish ambassador In Vienna Is authority for the statement that a project Is being con sidered for the construction of a Spanlsh-Afrlcan-American railway from Tangier to Dakar, connecting at the latter point with steamsh.p line to America. shah's Condition I nchanaed. TEREHAN, Dec. 15. :35 p. m. The shah today remained In about the mma condition as yesterday, as when a slight Improve ment In his health was noted. There hai been no further gain In strength, however, or other noticeable advance towards permanent impi oveuienL LACK OF HISTORY REGRETTED American Educator In PJna-land Sas Schools Snffrr from Lack of Association. LONDON. Dee. 15. (Special.) Prof. Barnes, an American educator, is delivering lectures throughout the United Kingdom In connection with the recently aroused public Interest In Parliament upon education-it topics. He recently spoke at the Harrow school. While claiming that the American system had substantial points of advantage, especially in the production of wplerdld mediocrity, he regretted that It had no historic associations. Looking around at the oak paneled walls deeply graven with the names of men who had made their mark in history, he could not help feeling, he said, that his country, ilTAL M POCKET KNIVES Are tho Latest Thing Vest Pocket Patterns the thin ones in plain and with scissors 1 Scroll Saws Carvers Manicure Sets Shaving Sets Tool Cabinets . Manual Training Tools Scissor Sets Library Sets Skates j Scissor Knives offer In order to convluce our many customer that our cutlerv depart ment is the nioHt complete in the weBt, gives better values, we make this We will sell the knife bbown in the cut for 75c, or the name knife with pearl handle for $1.10. Postage and registering, 10c ex tra. This is a Henckel knife, size exactly as cut, three fine blades. staK han dle, nothing like it ever before of fered for the money. James Morton Ik Son Co., 1511 DODGE STREET II W , V y " -JL