TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: PECEMoEIl K, 1006. ( FOR SALE REAL ESTATE W. H. GATES 617 N. Y. Llfa Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1294. $3,900 8-room modern house on 31st St., Just oortti of Hanecom I'ark, shade trees, small barn, lot 60x148, on paved street, nice location, owner anxious to cell. $3,800 6 -room modern, new house, bard wood finish and bard wood floors, on 1st floor, man tel and fireplace, cellar under whole bouse, all bricked up; If you want something like this, better go see It; the price Is right; located on 42d and Douglas. $2,760 8-room modern bouse , at 1621 Pinkney; must see In side to appreciate this house; up-to-date plumbing and heating; good cellar; a very cheap place; lot 60x124. $2,000 6-room cottage at 2060 No. 18th; sewer and water; lot 84x140. $2,000 7-room, 2-story house on 25th Ave., near Sprague; good well and cistern; nice barn; lot 60x100; fruit trees; a nice home. $1,860 7-room house; water and sewer; 2247 No. 19th (boule vard) ; lot 80x180. $1,160 6-room house; dette. 2414 Bur- $1,300 4-room house; 8. E. cor. 18th and Grace; lot 88x140. SOME CHEAP LOTS 66x112, 29th and Meredith, S. cor., only $850. E. 50x120, 81st and Ohio, N. B. cor., sewer, water and gas, on the street, $300. 60x120, 25th and Ereklne, seVer, water and gas, on street, brick walk, $400. 50x122, on Maple St, east of 24th St., now being paved; want offer. 60x130, on Davenport St., between 27th and 28th; a snap; only $575. 37xl30, east front on 37th, Just north of Farnam, at $40 per front foot, for a few days only. RE A Few Special Bargains in Vacant Lots ..We offer lot in Halcyon Heights (Ben eon), from on to one and one-half blocks from the car line, ranging In price from 1100 to 1200. Improved property all around them. One south front lot in Auburn Hill addl tlon near the Country club. Price, 1200. Another lot, east front, near 48th and lOrsklne, legs than one-half block from car line. Price, $260. A beautiful south front lot facing; Wool worth At, near Field club, cheap. Full information on request. J. H. Dumont & Son 05-4 N. T. Life Bide REV $1800 7-Room Dwelling. $1800 8 iieak aulck If you want a 7-room dwell ing, city water and gun, cement walks, trees and shrubbery, on 60-foot lot, and only block from car, going to be sold for price of 6-room house. $1,800. Need not be all cash. Want it? SUIMER & CIIASE CO., ltW9 Farnam. Ground Floor. Douglas 8887. RE um It IN KOUNTZE PLACE Nine large rooms, well built, has gas, electric lights, fur nace, eitc, In fact everything up to date. Property must be seen to be appreciated, owner anxious to sell; terms can b arranged. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1781. RB BARGAINS. 8 brick stores, 11.618 rental, $12,600. 6 brick flats. $1,440 rental, $12,000. Near high school, $Mu rental, $7,000. 5 stores and flats, $J0 rental, $fi,6uo. Near P. O.. 7-room house. $4,600. 114 South 2bth Ave.. 8-room modern housa, east front, close in, $3. 60. S. W. corner 9th and Caatellar. 132x160 feet, 6-room house, $3,3A. !781 lavenport 7 rooms, $2,200. liiih, near Cast pilar, wxlH $1,600. Chicago, near 8oth St, 60x130, $1,100. 6oxl4. near 33d and Webster, J0. 6 sightly acres, very choice, $1.6u0. 10 acres fast of Benson, $2,600. J acres 11 miles out, M.8UO. U0 acres 12 miles N. V ., $:VQJ0. JOHN P. FRENZER, OFP. OLD P. O. RE-607 U XOBT1I OF CUMING ON . TWENTY.SIXTII ST. C4 xl feet, a splendid lot. Owner is anxious to sell. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1781. REV- MONEY NEEDED Prominent doctor, leaving town, wishes to ell his home, at once; beautiful 8-room house, all on one floor; latest modern con veniences; a sightly location In Bmis Park. Price only $2,600; $760 cash, bal ance 1U per month. BEMIS, 'Phone Douglas-teft. Paxton Flock. RE TEXAS PANHA NPI.K YOUR OPPOR TUNITY. lnds from $12 50 to $20 per acre; wheat, corn and alfalla; more productive, luys belter, soli rich as Iowa or Illinois; easy leruis; descriptive matter sent you free. Loan 6lar Land Co., 14 pearl Pi ?j flour. Council Blurls, la. hK-MU WE SELL, land Id Nuckolls county, Nett . the great corn, small gtain. altulf and lame grass country In southeastern Ne braska. Write us tor land list. 1 Fuilmer & Bon. Nelson. Neb. RE M ML'bT BE sold In So days, a 6-room mod ern outiagn, good neighborhood, close In. See owner, (17 8. 28th St. RE 4-U Ux 100 FRET on new Win St. pavement and car line, N. E. corner ?4th and Pppleton; niiC place to erect collages, $2,100. tlBKLNGTON. M LV I'ldg. KE-614 U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WHAT YOU WANT 9.0(O Beautiful largs home, close In. 6,000 Fine residence, near new cathedral, 40th and Hurt Btg. 6,000 Almost ne, fine home, ner Dr. Mercer's residence. I.Sno rooms, all modem, on N. ?4th PL $ 2,60-8 rooms, all modrrn, near 27th and Pratt Bts.; will trade. INVESTMENTS lit 000 2-story brlok. full lot. across from Northwestern depot. I 7,000 Large rooming house, nearly new, rood location. I 4,200 10-room house, near 20th and Cali fornia. $ 1.2&0 Two good houses on one lot, near 20th and Bancroft. LOTS I 8,Ono-For 78x160, close in, room for 1 flats. I 1,600 For full lot, east front, paved street. near 28th and Poppleton; cheap. 700 For 78x120. east front, near 24th and Blondo Bts. 400 For full lot, on car line, 27th and Fort; 128 down and HO per month. MS For full lot, near Fort Omaha; IS down and $5 per month. BEMIS, 'Phone Douglas-685. Paxton Block. RE A Beautiful West Farnam Home We now offer the fine house at 604 So. 88th 8t., one-half block south of Dewey Ave. It la modern in every respect, In cluding servants' bath and closet, finished In quarter-sawed oak, with oak floors In the first story; polished floors throughout; 4 bedrooms and bath in second story, 2 bed rooms and storeroom In attic; lot 46x140; permanent walks and private driveway. Possession May 1, 1907. This la a very desirable home, almost nw. In one of the choicest residence districts of Omaha. Do not disturb the tenant. If you want to see the inside or this house you must apply to us. J. H. Dumont & Son 806-45 N. Y. Life Bid. ORE- 6 MORTGAGES Have several small, gilt-edge, 6 per cent mortgages for anyone having a little money to Invest; one of 1200, one of $326, One of $400 and one of $300. BEMIS, Phone Douglas-GS& Paxton Block. RE DUNDEE 60 ft. frontage. Z0 ft. from the car line; $tiO0, easy terms. PAYME INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. I Bldg. Phone loug. 1731, REJ FOR BALE A model 7-room house, one acre ground, all In fruit all In bearing; one block from Florence car line. M. A. Stephens, 30U9 Curtis Ave., Omaha. REJ 438 16x NONRESIDENT will sell at a bargain 180 acre farm near Winston, northwest Mis souri. George E. Burr, 29 East 18th Ave.. Denver, Colo. RE 468 16x KERR-6HALLCROS8 CO.'S ABSTRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are pro tected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6487. RE 2W9 DOUGLAS Bt , modern 8-room house, In good condition, corner lot. permanent walks. E. K. Muffltt, 1408 Farnam at. RE MB44 I8x FOR SALE FARMS 64 ACRES NEAR CITY $164 per acre for 64 acre about 4V4 miles S. W. of postofflce, on Center St macadam road, 6-room house, barn, several good buildings for stock feeding purposes, scales, 600 bbl. res ervoir and water system, land all seeded, about 16 acres In alfalfa, all cross-fenced with wsjwen wire, good young orchard and Very desirable for took feeding purposes, gardening or country bom. ' 20 ACRES IN CALHOUN $4,800 for property known as Craig homestead, 4 blocks from railway station, highly improved, all In bear ing fruit of all kinds 10-room house, well, fine spring of water, artificial lakes, small barn, chicken house and very desirable, for country home. Possession March 1, 1907. GEORGE 4 CO., 1J01 Farnam St, Omaha, Exclusive Agents. H- COLORADO LAND 11,00) acres 16 miles from the II. & M., atniut 11 miles from V. P., moeiiy ail good, smooth land, good soil; ai present is uxtl for a ranch; outside kind could be reiuiieu to good ad vantage. Pine $6 per acre. A chance to make money. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, First Floor N. Y. U Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 17SL H LAND O acres all In tame grasses, 5 miles from Gretna, Neb.; good house; bain for 100 horses; loft room loo ton hay. Price 1.6 per . ... . acre, one-nan cusn, or win sen an caaii ir . barllBi Conal and all necessary outbuild the paper la secured. I lugs. Dipping vat machinery, etc. Thiec 400 acres six miles from Ashland. Neb., in ! ait. sian wells and several ordinary webs ne tulle of station; 60 acras cul.lvaied, balance hay and pasture; fine buildings; good place for a dairy farm. Price $Uz per acre. RANCH X.21 acre in Howard and Hall oounties. Neb., 7-room houe. cow barn with stanch t na for 60 cews, horse barn; plenty si ing; some alfalfa. u ucics tine p. alrie hay, bal ance fenced into four pastures. For further particulars call on or addrers L. L. JOHNSON CO., , 1 Room, i ltarker Blk. 'Phone Red 1144. 11 ill it Cheap "Western Lands eminent homemeaus located. Printed lUts giving l g il description aud prices, also inatx, plctuivi,, etc, free. , Ulli 1 hhl.lMI INVESTMENT CO.. Sul trout St, ttlarlijug. Ciu. FOR SALE FARMS "We have 50 highly improved county, the great gain, alfalfa, southeastern Nebraska, all of March 1st, 1907. The folowing NO. 27 S S-160 A., $3,000. Thla Is a highly improved farm; 160 a. under cultivation, 40 a. alfalfa; all fenced and In good shape; fine Btory and half house, seven rooms; large barn, 40xS0, room for 20 head of horses; line feed yards, living water on same. There Is altjo a Scully lease of 160 acres, 80 a. under cultivation and 80 a. grass, all fenced and rents for 100 a year that goes with this deal. NO. G8 S S-1C0 A., $11,500. Improved 160 a. tract of land, 3, 4 nd 5 miles from four good markets; a nice smooth laying quarter, but well drained: 140 a. under cultivation, 20 a. In pasture; fine orchard; good 6- rootn house; double granary and corn crib for 4.000 bushels of grain; ordi nary stable, windmill, tank and otheY small outbuildings; 20 a. fenced hof?- tlght; 0 a. now sown In winter wheat and looking fine. We will rent 80 a. of land that Joins this to the one that buys this tract on a five-year lease for one-third delivered In town and renter pay the taxes. This land Is equally as good as a quarter. This Is one of tfie best quarters we have for sale. Good level roads to all of the towns. NO. 63 S S-160 A., $9,200. This Is a highly improved tract of land, four miles from one town and four and one-half from another; 120 a. under cultivation; 20 a. In alfalfa; 40 a. native prairie grass house has eight rooms, one and one-half story; barn 32x36; 30-ton haymow; double corncrlb, chicken house and numerous other Improvements; all fenced and cross-fenced; good young orchard. This farm Is undoubtedly a bargain. There Is also 20 acres In winter wheat which goes with sale. NO. 23 S S-95 A., $4,200. This Is an Improved tract pf land five and seven miles from three good towns; 83 a. under cultivation; 12 a. native grass, 12 a. alfalfa; small house, four rooms; stable, windmill and other outbuildings. This farm Is certainly a bargain at the price asked and we consider from a prospective standpoint there Is from $400 to $500 before March 1, 1907. NO. 26 S S-80 A., $4,000. This Is an Improved 80-acre tract ot land three miles from good town; 70 a. under cultivation; 10 a. pasture, all fenced; good house, good barn and other Improvements. NO. 8 S-360 A., $60 PER A. Here is an opportunity to buy a farm with 200 a. under cultivation and 160 a. of grass land, most of which can be farmed. The grass land la fenced into two separate fields and the entire place is fenced and cross-fenced; 10 a. fenced hog-tight. There is good shade in both pastures and part of grass land is used for meadow; good story and a half house with seven rooms, good cement basement; good barn, double corncrlb and granary, holds 5,000 bushels of grain; hen house, cattle sheds, windmill and tank, one in each pasture; four and five and a half miles to two towns on R. F. D. and independent telephone. This Is, without a doubt, a good proposition and from $7,000 to $10,000 can be left In the place it bo desired. There are 30 a. of blue grass and alfalfa. NO. 61 S S-400 A., $55 PER A. This Is an exceptionally good piece of land; 320 a. under cultivation and 80 a. In pasture, timber and living water. There are three sets of im provements on this tract of land, all of which are in A-l shape. The en tire tract is all fenced and cross-fenced with barb wire and oak and cedar posts. There are two sets of improve ments in one yard. Fine new barn 32x40, with 16-ft. posts. Good hog house, good hen house, good granary. Windmill, tanks and numerous other good Improvements. All bog and cat tle yards are fenced with woven wire and new posts. This tract of land la only two and one-half miles from good town, close to school, R. F. D. and In dependent telephone. The other set TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, HOMESEEKERS' RATES ON ALL ROADS. G. D. FOLLMER & SON, NELSON, NUCKOLLS CO., NEBRASKA. Land at Your Own Price and Terms Eighty acres or more of nice, smooth, productive soil, no Irrigation, In good cli mate, within ten miles of railroad, on pay ment down, balance time t per cent. Land produces: Wheat, 20 to 35 bushels; corn, 30 to 46 bushels; rye, barley, oats, all grains and vegetables do well. Ia going up rapidly In price and will soon double In value. A few crops will pay for the land. It makes a good, safe Investment. Why rent when the same money will pay for a farm? Own land and be Independent. Buy now. Excursions every Tuesday. Writ or see me. Henry H. Genau $04 Neville Block. Omaha, Neb. H-620 lb "We Have the Best Ranch Proposition in the State l.uOO acres deed valley land in choicest part of Cherry county, Nebraska, wltn i uitrniy oi rajiue. iiuoioveu nun nuuse, with windmills, all piped and vupp.led wliU U.nks. Plaue will cut nearly i,kv tous o. I.uv We are ofleniig it at i,.ao per acru for deeued laud. Owner has over w head of stuck which he will seil at a Uug-i.i. with piace. Call or write lor pariicuiais Stewart-Leavenworth Co., Bole AgenU. 119 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. li 413 16 640 ACRES IN KIMBALL COUNTY Elx m!b-a from the main line of the l'. P. Ry., aoo acres smooth land, good block soil, underlaid with clay aubll, balance of the section rolling and suitable for pasture, price IJ.ao per acre, which is very cheao. PAY Ah INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phone. Doug. l.U II FOR SALE FARMS farms for sale in Xuokolls dairy and tame grass county of which we can give possession of are a few of the list: of Improvements Is a good 5-room house with practically a new barn and there are good orchards on both places. Also 20 a. alfalfa. There is now 80 a. seeded in wheat and goes with sale. NO. 17 S S-120 A., $6,000. Improved 120 a. tract of land four miles from good town; 100 a. under cultivation, 2 0 a. in pasture; all fenced and cross fenced. Story and half farm house; four good rooms. Stable room for 10 head of horses; granary room for 800 bushels of grain; 10 a. fenced hog tight. Hog sheds; 10 a. alfalfa; windmills and tanks. One of the finest places to ralBe hogs for a small tract or lana we nave on our nst. There has been a farm loan of $2,500 recently placed on this farm which buyer can assume. This will leave a balance of $3,500. This is a bargain taking Into consideration the price and terms on which It can be pur chased. NO. 9 S-480 A., $60 PER A. A highly improved farm six miles from a town of 1,500 people, and two ! and one-halt miles from a small town and good grain market. This Is a fine tract ot land, all of which lays on the second bottom of the Little Blue river valley. The soil is a rich, black loam and very productive. This land does not overflow and cannot be beat for a corn, small grain and alfalfa farm. There Is 820 a. under cultivation and 160 a. in pasture and timber. The pasture is principally blue grass, 80 acres of which cannot be excelled in Iowa or Illinois. The improvements are beyond the ordinary. The house being a very large structure and re cently erected at a cost ot $3,000 Barn No. 1, being nearly new, Is 40x60 with 18-ft. posts, used for stock and hay, having a capacity of 120 tons of hay. Barn No. 2, horse and grain barn, is 32x64, also two small grana rles, each of which is 10x16. Good orchard; yard around house is fenced in good shape and adorned with beau tlful shrubbery and evergreens; 15 acres ot fine hay land which yields as high as 4 tons per acre and 40 a. ot alfalfa. Has II. F. D. and Independ ent telephone. The improvements on this farm cannot be built for less than $7,000. It you are looking for an ex cellent grain and stock farm, don't fall to inspect this proposition, which is A No. 1. NO. 42 S S-1G0 A., $8,500. This is a highly improved tract of land, three miles from good town; 110 a. under cultivation and 50 a. pasture; living water and fine oak and walnut timber; all fenced and cross-fenced; house story and half, with eight com modious rooms; barn 32x40, conveni ently arranged for horses and milch cows. Hay capacity 80 tons; good double granary, corncrlb, windmill, tanks and other improvements. This farm is certainly listed at the rlg&t price. NO. 3 S-1G0 A., $80 PER A. This is one of the best improved farms we have on our list. Three miles from Davenport, Neb., which is located on the C. & N. W. and St. J. & O. I. railroads, making It one of the best stock and grain markets In south eastern Nebraska. Davenport has a find high school and a population ot about 800 Industrious citizens. Tho improvements on this place are: House, full two stories, with eight commodious rooms; barn 60x60, with 18-ft. posts; double corncrlb 2 8x4 0, wash house 16x28, fine cement cellar same dimensions, hen house 12x28; hog house, new windmill, milk house and numerous other small outbuild ings, all of which could not be built for less than $4,500. Good bearing orchard, 10 a. in alfalfa, 4 a. In brome grass, 10 a. in timothy, 100 a. under cultivation and about 40 a. In .pasture. There is considerable of woven wire on this place, and being fenced into four ' separate lots makes it an ideal farm in every respect. Close to school, R. F. D. and Independent telephone. If you are looking for a home that has taken 20 years to Improve and beau tify, you can't afford to miss this op portunity. II M4D8 17 LAND INVESTORS In 1S00 I told you to buy South Dakota land, prophesy ing that big prollts w ould be made. As a result I have some rich irienas. In li)u3 I told you millions of dollars would be made in western Kansas land. It ia now from 300 to 7uo per cunt higher. In l0o I advised buying In southwestern Texas. You know the result. I have recently bought So.ooo acres in South Texas, In a locality that has not yet been advertised, but which will be thoroughly advertised by three large railway lines, beginning January 1, 17. I know of a few snaps near my land that I cannot buy for lack of funds. That Is the reason for this ad. THIS 13 THK BKtST FARMING LAND I EViiK OFFERED. AND IN MY Jl'DO ML.NT, WILL PAY LARGER PROFITS TO TUB Pl'KCUASER THAN ANY OF THE OTHER LAND HAS. I want my c.lenls to buy as much of this land as possible BEFORE THE PRICE GOES L'P. Come and see it ut once if you can. If you cannot come let me se- fel&A&YoN.1 WlbL UL'A,UST1;B I have been selling land for seventeen years and will donate $l,on0 to charity for the name of a dlfaatiwleci customer Beat of references, price now $7 to $12 per acre. 8end for purtlculars. a T PRICKS ' DELAY MEANS HIGHER HILANI) P. LOCKWOOD, 426 San Antonio, Tex. li DON'T HOARD YOUR MONEY Make It work for you. Cheap lands are counted me sat eat of paviua Invent- merits. Buy at once as the opportunity Mill soon be gone. The Union Pacific R. R. 1 fast closing out Its lands in Western Nebraska, Colo rado and W yoming at $3 to $ pe r acre Easy Terms The land consists of fine farm and ranch lands. For description of lands and full iniormaliou iegaiding special excursion, apply to LAND AGENCY U. P. R. R Dept. R. 318 So. lSst OMAHA. NEB. H- A WELL Improved farm of 143 acres for sale at $ per acre, situated t miles northwest of Benson. Write or call on SuiiuU it LcacL, iituson. Neb. U-i79 It MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 500 TO 15,000 to loan at lowest rates on Omaha im proved real estate, with privilege of paying part or all of principal before maturity and stopping Interest. Money on hand. GAKVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM w OARV1N BROS.. 1804 Farnam, i and 6 per cent loans on real estate; no delay. MONEY TO lJAN Payne Investment Co. w , WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Fat nam bmitn At Co., Li-V amain si. I W-4ir7 1 . 1 LOW EST RATES Bemls, Paxton block, j W- FRIVATE MONEY F. U. Wead, 1520 Doug. vv $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence properly in oiiikhii, iu mi mica, I, j uuluy. Tliomas lireiinan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W 4fc0 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Ox V Ml City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N. Y. L v LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, two lrst national nana rjiog. W J LOW rates. Private money. JO0 and up. CHAS. E WILLIAMSON CO. W tl.000 private money. Bel by, 440 Board of lruue mag. FOR RENT HOUSES 140.001117 8. aotli Ave., 4 rooms, reception hall, pantry and China closet on Urst floor, four bedrooms and bath, second lloor, riuor in attic, bus, furnace, meter, storm windows, screens, cement basement, hot and cold water. one-half bioca to car, one block to Hanscom Park. $40.00 1113 Park Ave., S rooms, modern. 1J6.VO 3167 Davenport St., 8 rooms modern. $JiU aj:3 Pacino St., 6 rooms, modern. $-7.60 L'7J3' Jacason St., 8 rooms, modern. J6.oo 3)119 N. Juth, 8 rooms, modern. $zu.oo H-room luiusa, entirely modern, new furnace, new paper, good for roomers, one-half block from car. $26.00 8-room modern house, except fur nace, near the 10th street depot, good for railroad man, water paid. Patrick Ave., S rooms ana re ception hall on tlrst floor, 3 rooms nn,i hfth wAfnnri floor, hot and cold water, gas, cement basement, good repair. , . $18.0O-3iu3 Marcy St., T rooms and bath, gas, hot and cold water, porcclian fixtures, corner lot, one block to car. $16.004646 Seward St., new 6-room cottage, porcelain bath. gas and electric lights, city water, shade, south front, large yard, two and one-half blocks to car. $11.00411 N. 28th Ave., 6 rooms, city water, porcelain fixtures, large yard, two blocks to car. FLATS $17.006 rooms, second lloor flat, facing Hanscom Park, gas, city water, bath will be put in for f2D, good repair. $35.00 1S79 Harney St., 6 rooms, second floor, modern flat, furnace, gas, range, gas Ughta, window shades, meter, est of repair 137.50 22a North 4th St., rooms, second floor, new modern nat. r rom room, dining and reception hall finished In light mahogany, three bedrooms, bath and kitchen finished In natural hard pine, gas and electric light, furnace, hot and cold water ta.nk hung from celling and heated by furnace or gas heater, walking distance, owner pays water. $40.00 224 North 241 h St., same as above, except first floor. Office open until p. m. Monday evenings. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. D 135.00 3006 Mason, 8 rooms, modern, choice;: $.a.;iO 2o62 Jones, 8 rooms, modern. $30.00 Uo Seward, 8 rooms, modern. X30.UO 2042 Dodge, 8 rooms, modern, ik, hrj R :i:ih a riuinn. modern. tJ6oo 3217 Pacific, 7 rooms, modern but furnace; excellent repair, r.woo l.iiifi S. 2fith. 6 rooms, modern. $16.00 3322- Boyd, 5-room cottage, brand new. Uo.OO-ittX Cliarlea, 6 rooms, excellent re pair. $12.602323 S. 16th, 5-room flat. $12.00 26cB Lake, 5-room flat, porcelain bath OAIiVIN BKOS. D N 17TH ST.. 1 block from P. O.. dou ble bouse, one 5 rooms $12.50 One 2 rooms lO.oQ Mason St.. 6 rooms 17.50 Sonthworth Ave., near Leavenworth, 4-room flat, modern ?O00 tu, acres In bottoms near Sherman Ave, and Fort St.; flowing artesl 1 water, fine pasture and good fruit trees; will put on s-ture and good fruit trees; wm put on small house and rent for $a per month. CHAS. E. W I L LI A M pON CO.. Ground Floor, V. 8. Nat I Bank lildg. Uol Faruum Bt. D- A SNAP FOR YOVNQ COUPLE. Reception hall, pat lor, dining room, kitchen on first Moor and one bed room and bath on second floor. $2o; or two bed rooms for $.i. Heat, light and water furniehed. This house Is new and entirely modern, one block to car line. Best of references required. HASTINGS & HETYDEN, 1704 FrnamBt. Hastlnga & Heyden will get you a tenant , D Miii S116 WOOLWORTH Are., $32.60. Selby. Ph. Doug. 1J10. D M405 18 EEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west; we can save you money. LA.PRESii.UEN 8 DELIVERY CO., 214 N. lulh St. Tel. Doug. U. Dvui COLNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO., storage and transfer. Best siorage house in the city; immediate attention given. laS-ai-33 N. loth SL Tel. Douglas 4olK. D x9 Hastings & Heyden will get you a tenant D Ml6 FOR RENT 8-rnom house, all modern ex cept turnace $2u. (-room Wise, all modern, new furnace $23. C. M. BACH MANN. 43g Paxton Block. D 492 GOING TO MOVE' Costs less, breakage considered, to have an expert pack your china and glass; 20 yeais' experience; charges reasonable. Jos. Burns. TeL Harney 1128. D-311 D21X WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 12u. Schmoller 4s Mueller Piano Co., 1311-11113 Farnam. D-662 HOUSES In all parts ot the city. The O. F. Davis Co., Bee Bldg. D uu Hastings A Heyden will get you a tenant D Mi6 1 1 MITti'iyCi 'n " parts of the city. R. C- reler, & Co., Bee Bldg. HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D we OMAHA Van & Storage Co.. pack, move store, H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. lutn. Office, l&U Farnam. Tel. Doug. loci. D tiott CENTRAL, steam, modern 7-room house. Tlzard. i N. 21. D-Mol -ItOoM fiat, modern, good repair, opposite Hanscom Park-til. 'Phone Douglas 623. D i7o ' CTVYT? n? Household goods. mer- Jiviuiuu rlianrilne. etc. Frerl Ti,,.h c. r Tiansfer Line, luo3-i Farnam St. D 4S5 J10 FOR RENT Modern, 9-room, brick house, 112 S. 81st St.; $40 per month. Thomas Brennan. room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. D-671 Hastings & Heyden will get you a tenant D Ml6Q FOR RENT 8-room brick house, basement finished, all modern, new furnace, only half block from car, good neighborhood; rent $i per month (worth &u). C. M. liachmunn, IX Paxton Block. D So t-KOoM all modern house, except furnsre; rent $18 par month; keys next door. 2uo7 pierce St. D-616 lx 7-R'iOM cottage, modern except furnace, 4.U 2018 Elm 6L UX lbuney-1510. D-MiX 18 FOR RENT HOUSES SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS WILL, BE MADE ON ANY I'K THKSR HulSM IN OK11EH TO CLA?K THEM Ol T AT ON UK. H10 N. lTlh til, S-rootn city water, 17 aVi J Kunlctte, t-nnn, iMUh, gn, clowt, $11 1410 N. 3lth St., i-ioom. city water. 8 13th, 6-room, modem plumdtng, new, 4,1 K Undgp, 5-room. strict ly modern ex cept furnace, biand new, pvliKhed IIjois and everything In time shape, tsi 60. ' 8. ih. 6-room. modern except heat, i 126. 4J'3 IVdire. t-roorn. tirand new, modern plumbing, polished Hoots, rents for -i, or Will InstHll futt.ace at t:.M. M1 H IMh Bt., tt-room, all modern, close In. lU H J6th Are., 6-room, all modern; fine; $s 15ltf 8. 27th. 7-room. nil modern, best bar- gum In Park district ; I. 613 N. 41st Ave., i-rooin, city water, bain, gaji, etc., 117. 4m7 Uunl t . K-roiim. Btrlctlv modern. si g. J5th Ave., s-ioom, strictly modern. 127 ') 21-4 B. Si'th St., 8-room, modern except furnace, $-0. PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO., 601-3 N. Y. Lafe Hldg. D Z3n9 CAL11XHUA St., 8-room modern house, all In good repair, will be vacant De cember J.', please arrange with us to see house. UEOKGE & CO., loul Fat mini St. D 619 16 CLOSE JN 106 8. 2Sth St., 6 rooms. J10; 2410 Farnam St., 12 rooms, modern, $76; I'll N. 'Mil St., o rooms, modern, l!o. with barn, S17.6U. Ring wait Bros., 8. Uth St. D MjSl 16 Hastings & Heyden will get you a tenant. D MUG FOR RENT 6-room cottage, cheap; close In; modern if patty will buy furniture (new). Address C-63. Uee. D 645 15 FOUR-ROOM house. 6S3 So. 7th St.. $9. D 402 17x VERY nice house, 7 rooms, strictly mod ern, practically new, $.. . 3'il4 Leaven worth. D 401 Jlix AOENTS Something extraordinary'; self generating gas burners, fitting kerosene lamps; ornilant wnite gasi;gni; noerai inducements; exclusive territory; positive monopoly; description free; established, reliable. Eastern Uasllght Co., 280 Itro.id way, New York. D ItTJ lx FOR RENT 210 S. 80th St., 1 rooms, mod ern, with furnace. Inquire next door. D-512 16 FOR RENT Brick, 8 rooms and basement, absolutely modern, within two blocks of court house. Apply Elmer J. Nevlllo, 801-a Neville block. D M513 FOR RENT Apartment, 6 rooms, 649 8. i.tn t-t-, January 1. Apply to t . Bimon, 'Phone Red 4736. D M417 18x $.(08 ROOMS, ail modern, 1317 So. S2d 8t. $36 8 rooms, all modem, 31G7 Davenport. N. P. DODOE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. D WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1196. Office, 1713 Web ster St. I 7 FOR RENT. A six-room, steam-heated apartment In the Sherman; good references must be fur nished. 71i No lrtth St. suite of S steam-heated rooms. $20 In winter. $15 in summer. 2S15 Dewey Ave., 8-room brick flat, modern except furnace, $22.60. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Telephone Doug. 1781. D A STRICTLY modern 8-room flat, nearly new, only 8 blocks from P. O. ; look it up. Payne Investment Company, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 178L D FOR RENT A very desirable house, six rooms and bath room, porcelain bath, storm windows and doors, rent $20 month. 47ofi North 24th St. D 006 lx COTTAGE, 4 rooms, bath; fine yard $15. j. jr . uavia v:o. i M409 17 P.OOMY, modern cottage, builder's resi dence; stable and carriage house; rcspon Bible party only $35. O. F. Davis Co. D M410 17 )17 WEBSTER 8T.-C rooms, bath, water, sower; walking dlstance-20. gas STRINGER, PAXTON BLOCK. D-624 16x SMALL house for rent, 311S Burt St. D M518 18 FOR RENT 5-room new. modern house. 8328 S. 19th; nicely located, convenient to car. iei. jHarney 27u!. D jMa2S 1.x FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS BACHELOR APARTMENTS A cordial Invitation 1m f-vr pndfl tn man desiring tirst-clasa accommodations to Visit tho new 1)arnelor apa.tmem at 405 8. 24ln Xve. (.,4lU Ave und Uurn,.y). Nw DU.idlll(li stlrctly up to date, steam hea.t, poice.aln baain witii hot and cold water In each ro.m furniture all new, rtadlng room on second noor. prices right. E 418 16 HAVING more room than wa dmiI. will take two gentlemen In lurge south front room with alcove; nicely furnlahed; mod ern conveniences; excellent board. Call oo Mrs. A. H. Henniugs, 8Ju4 Davenport Bt. neierenccs. B M4tis lbx FURNSHED, with or without board, for man and wife or iwo young women or gentlemen. 8. 2SIIU Ave. E M396 16x DEWEY jEJuropean Hotel, 13th and Farnam, Jhl eoi Doug. 61L O.M.E. Hauls Trunka CAPITOL HOTEL, lath and Capitol Avt.J mucrican or Jt-uropeau; steam neat. I-HM FRONT room, well heated; nicely fur nished; strictly modern. ZitiS llainey. E Mlbl FURNISHED Dodge St rooms ,all modern. 1718 E-&3 ltx EXCELLENT large modern furnished room with alcove for light housekeeping or sleeping. i'lioue and parlor In house. 2674 Harney St. E U73 SUITE or single. 623 South 29th St. B-M381 17x 2Co8 DAVENPORT Two rooms, furnished or unfurmsiied, light housekeeping, all modern. E 42J lOx WARM front parlor and alcove, modern, well furnished. 220 N. laih. E M4oi lux FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD NEWLY-FURNISHED suite of rooms and board; hot and cold water. 2411 Capitol Ave. F- M-4 Ji, VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe F-o0 MODERN rooms, home cooking, reasonable prices; 2li Howard; 'Phone Dougia-.'-.m. F-861 NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences; excellent table; pri vate family. 24;9 Harney. F-M182 8TEAM heated, east rooms, with board, at 212 S. Hth St. F M27 ROOMS, breakfast, privileges, telephone. 114 N. 26th. F M:c0 J5 ROOM Modern, new house, close In. best location, board if desired, private family, 'jne or two gentlemen. 12U8 8. loth. F M412 18x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE desirable, finely papered rooms, wltn good heat; modern. Adults pre ferred; references. 14J6 N. 17ih. G M408 lTg THREE unfurnished rooms, with bath, for light housekeeping. T. W. SMIili.gton, 2ua Seward. O M41 18x DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms: modern 622 N. 2Sd St. O M27 DETECTIVE SERVICE WET MORE Detective Service, 'phone Red 334, rooms 11 and 12. Union Blk., 16th and Farnam. M876 Dl( AMERICAN DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, County Superlnteudaiut JP. O. Lock Box FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES two orriCK suites AVAII.AULK JANUARY 1 A veiv handsome suite of three rooms particularly drsuable for a doctor. They are located on the northwest rornar of tie third floor a waiting room and two private otllcts. THE BEE BUILl'INO. Tills suite Is well arranged (or a phystclaa or socialist, having been occupied by an eye, ear, tmse and throat specialist. There In a Nolendld north lluht: outside windows in encli room, a large vault, hard wood floors and finish. The rent Includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. Kent, pur month, Sto.ua Another suite, on the fourth floor, In front of the elevator reception room nnd private office occupied at present ty dentist; va ' cant Januury L i Small oitlce on, fifth floor room 520 at $14. I Apply Superintendent Ilea lildg.. Room 411 I 643x BEGIN THE NEW YEAR In a new oflW. lxw rates, modern con veniences. Act now, as offices are already re i vied In advance for the new year. We have some good offices on the second floor for hi low as $7.i0 and $s.;5. Heat and Janitor service free. Your bus.nesa da serves a good office. Why not have it? CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON CO., Ground Floor. V. 8. Nat 1 Bank Bldg. 13)1 Farnam SL STORE FOR RENT AND FIXTURES FOR SALE A fine store room, 60x160, In a fine location on the main business street In the city of Sioux Falls, S. !.; the city hag ln.000 population, is a railroad center. growing fast; draws trade irom a large section of country; one of the best cities of Its size in the country. This Is a tine chance for a dry goods store, department store, clothing store or furniture store to get a good location and a long lease. The fixtures are nil first-class. Address Georgo V. McClelland, Sioux Falls, S. D. X-M506 17 HAKKRY Large store room, large bake room, with cemented floor;-furnnce heated hake oven all feteam heated; 1718 Nicholas St.; just the place and location for a live man to supply the trade and at same time retail. BEMIS, Paxton Block. 1611 U FOR RENT The 1-story and basement building 1022 Douglas St. Apply on in premises or to David Cole. 1 M 111 FOR RENT Desk room In Be office, city hall building. 411 N. a.th St. south Omaha. Apply to manager. 1 184 FOR RET i -Large corner store room, 16th and Virion sis., u. i. s. joaenmann, 498 Pax Block. 1 M21 FINE of'l ) space 20x100 feet In new build Ing react lor occupancy January l, one half block from court house. Heat and Janitor service, partitions, etc., to suit tenant. G 40, care Bee. 1381 2Jx Ul B. UTH ST. J. N. Frenxer. FOR RENT Large storeroom, with two living rooms in rear, oniy r4.ou per month. 110 Lake Bt. Apply to Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge St Telephone Doug las loiO. I M314 STRICTLY modern hotel for rent, steam heat city water, bath, all new ana oomg fine business; only $2. house. In growing town of Sou population. If you cannot handle a strictly first-class house and trade don't answer. Possession given at once. Address Y 113, Care Bee. 1 A1413 tt $100 PER MONTH for gecond and third floors, 1511 Douglas St., neat on second floor. $25 per month for store room, 21264 Farnam GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. 1-MOuO 16 $?5 2702 CUMING St., corner store. $202)02 Farnam, new storeroom. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. 1- EXTRA strong three-story building tn wholesale district; electric elevator and concrete basement. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas Bt. 1-647 16 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., 1. V... rV,.K Clmiir 'Kt I Y-132 it FOR SALE A stock of general merchan dise In a good town of 6,ou0, doing a good business, aoout $3o.0v0 year!), stock clean and nice. This U a good oppor tunity for any one to step Into a good buelnesa. AiiHwer quick, no trade. Ad dress C. O. Olson, Holdrege, Neb. Y 434 16x TOWNSEND REALTY; CO., Fremont, Neb., has imp. farms, wild lands, stock mase. for sale. Can use other property as partial payment. V-ML Dl7x 70 ACRES, $'J5 acre. Take small houxa and lot exchange; a1, acres, $2,360; 24 acres, t in fruit, $a,2ii; 12 acres, 8 in fruit, io.OOO. Close C. B. Alva Smith Co., Council Bluffs Y -2.il W Drug stores for sale. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. Lit Y-MS1 FOR SALE Blacksmith and wagon shop; well located, with extra good business. Townsend Really Co., Fremont, Neb. Y M2sS DGx 1 BEND for "Successful Method" of trading in grain with small capital; booklet and market letter sent free; references. Coui stock Sl Co., Commerce Bldg., Ch.cugn. Y 444, 16x GOOD restaurant for sale In good location and doing a first class buslne Inquire bam Sing, lMtt Wabsier St. Y-M4W lix A- ONE Investment, 'Phone Red 6372. U. B. H.'tlcombe. Y 786 J 2x YOUNG married couple wants to rent fur nl. tied house or apartments from parties who are going away for the winter. Ad dress D 64. car Bee. K-M549 ltix $2,500 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 80 cents on the dollar, in J ret tin, Men.; can rent brick building with counters and shclv Ing; no oihr fixtures; few days only, C. II. Kckcry, 2220 Locust St Y M34 HAIR DREfcfUNO business for sale; finest In city. iuqm;e J14 s. lmn. r m7 17x THKRB Is a way to make money tn Ne vada mining stocks; we win tell you how tn our market letter, sent free for asking. Patrick Elliott Ac Camp, "Conservative Prokers and Mine Makers," Gnldm-ld. Nevada. T-383 l&x WRITE for market letter; sent free upon request; complete resume Nevada min ing operations. Patrick Elliott & Camp, Conservative Brokers and Mine Makers, Ooldrield. Nev. Y 431 Mx TOCK In our Electric Air IJne railroad from Chicago to ivew xorK nas advanced 20 trr cent in DO days; all stork of the liar value of $100 per share and all re deemable at par by the road; $30 per month for 10 months buys 10 shares of the par value of $1,000; don't miss this chance; all our stork wilt be at par within one year. Address W. F. Porter. 80 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 16. . T 12 18 PATENT SBCURED OR FEJI9 RE TURNED Illustrated guide book and llt of Inventions wanted, fres to any ad dress. Patents secured by us advertised free In World's Progress. Sample copy free. Evans, Wllkens A Co, 183 F St. Washington, D. C. T FOR SALE A stock of general merchan dise in a splendid town of 6o0, the third store In town, having been in bunlness three years, new stock, will do business over $.', oou this year, having other In terests, if Interested answer quick, no trade. Address C O. Olson, Holdrege, Nub. T 436 Ux IS-" YOUR NAME WRITTEN THERE-f W. F. Bond Co , Brokers, Goidtleld, Nev., have a mailing list to whom they send every week the news of tha mines and stocks of Nevada, with advice to tha buyer and holder. Send UUem your nam and addrass- 14-3 l&x BOND'S MARKET LETTER Mailed free each week on request; gives reliable news and sound advice on the mines and stocks of svery Nevada camp. W. F. Bond s Co., Bog F, Guldneld, Nev, T 41 Is AN excellent opportunity for party with $1,600; little competition and sure wtnoerl office w-urk. Address U 67. cars Bee. 467, CuaUa. M1 Dtt X-svi lag