Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 15

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    B TILE
r T rT A
( Will Please a Lady Half As Much As a Set of V
. . 11 i: a f rnn will Via anmrisfHi to find hoW
If in examining tue iouowiug uti ut puo , . . .
I ch
i 1 1
list, of nrices vou will be surprised
early you can buy reliable furs. We make every garment in our own buup, uSmS
ly the best Unings and bindings and superior workmanship, yet saving our cus-
Beautiful Brook Mink 60.00
Regular retail merchants ask $7 5.00 for
these coats.
Siberian and Sable Squirrel $75.00
Near Seal, up from $35.00
tomers a wholesaler 's prom.
Russian Marten S3.00 to $10.00
Brook Mink $3.50 to $12.00
Siberian Squirrel $4.00 to $25.00
Black Marten $8.00 to $22.50
Japanese Mink $7.50 to $35.00
American Mink $15.00 to $00.00
Lynx (all colors) $25.01) to 4,.UU
Ermine (genuine) $12.00 to $75.00
Muffa to match ranging in price
from $6.00 to $50.00
Astrakhan, up from $35.00
Otters, Seals, Persians and an endless va
riety of fur coats at prices below competition
quality considered.
All of these, from the cheapest to the best,
are reliable and up-to-date garment the
work of skilled furriers.
Call and be convinced that it pays to buy of 'a manufacturer.
1508 Douglas! Street
Entrance Through Kern's Millinery
The efforts of tbs General Federation of ;
Womm'i clubs to secure regulation of 1
child labor hare uratn received recognition
In the Invitation from the National Clvio
Federation that it appoint a committee to
meet with the representatives of the federa
tion for conference on means for further
fighting the child labor eviL The Ooneral
Fedoratiett was among the very first or
ganizations to agitate against this evil and
has been tnstrunyntul In securing the
en&i tmmt of child at or 'awsj or ccmpulory
education laws ,ln a number of states. Its
work has aim stimulated other organlza
tions to act until within the year the great
I majority of conventions where social or
Irduftrlal conditions have received con
sideration have pissed resolutions con
lemnlng the employment of children of
ender years.
Not alone the value, but the absolute
necessity of a legislative committee In the
State Federation of Women's clubs Is
brought out by a recent article In "Chari
ties," concerning the working hours of
women In factories and stores. This un
questionably rellablo authority reports the
n ost flagrant violation of labor laws in
i many stales where the best laws stand on
the statutes, the offenders Justifying them
selves on the ground that the laws are un
constltntlonal, and they expect to have
them repealed. "What the offenders in
these cases mean is exactly this," sys
the Bulletin, "that the law was secured
after a long and bitter struggle on behalf
of the oppressed; but the law once on the
statute books, the community will go to
sleep, believing the battle is now over
and the victory won, whereas the cunning
violator of law has long ago discovered he
can quietly secure a repeal when no one
Is watching the avalanche of bills which
annually ground through one of our
! state legislatures. That he Is right In this
cannot be denied. It Is exactly at this
point that the real value of our Plate Fed
eration legislative committee may be seen.
In some states the legislative committee,
with the asslftince of the council, watche
every bill which Is presented before the
legislature for the express purpose of as
certaining how many of them contain con
cealed purposes of this kind. The bill Is
olfered In .such cases with full dependence
upon the Ignorance and carelessness of the
community. As a rule this Is a perfectly
safe reliance, and scoundrels of every kind
know It full well. But recently a change
has come over the spirit of the official and
the unofficial lobbyist. Many a candidate
was defeated in the election Just passed
for this very offense without knowing ex
actly what It was that threw him down.
In mont states vigorous organizations aro
now looking for offenders of this kind and
with no better success than the State Fed
eration's legislative committee. The states
already engaged In this work know full
well the value of such activity, but those
that have not yet undertaken this kind of
supervision should do so at once. It Is
the proper work of such a committee to
co-operate with every other organization
engaged in such efforts. No power Is too
great to compete with this kind of in
famy, and the greatef the number of or
ganizations engaged the better the chances
of success. Widespread public opinion Is
the weapon upon which we must depend,
and the clubs can do more to further this
because of their very numbers than can
some of the other organizations which un
dertake this work, but And very little as
sistance from the average citizen. Where
some of the best organized committees are
at work it Is frequently- almost impossible
to awaken publlo opinion unless some po
litical Interest is involved. So pronounced
has become this tendency that the attitude
of many men has becdme that of utter
It wm Mi
1 1ST
r v. -
GUIs and Charge Accounts
Are becoming a more jiopoular combination with euch pass
ing Holiday Season, because Our Confidential Crwlit Syslen
solves the most troublesome of Christmas present problem
that of Heady Cash. We will tag your purchases now, rosorv
uiem until the day you say, and thon we will deliver them with you
tard attached, wherever Instructed.
Any artk'hin this advertisement will be delivered by us on the rn'
ment of $1.00 cah und the balance in weekly or monthly payments afte
January 1, 1907, as suits your convenience. All prices marked in plait
figures one price to all, and that the lowest. We suggest, early buying,
before the assortments are broken.
We Sell
(Exactly like cut.)
Made of solid oak and in the pop
ular wiatlured oak finish; has a
spacious drawer and two upper
cabinet compartments for papers
and stationery. Would make a
very beautiful and useful Christ
mas gift, fi Qft
Our special price Jt V
Terms $1.00 Cash, $2.00 Monthly
(Exactly like cut.)
Made of solid golden oak highly
lishe1, lias 2 largo glass
door compartments on which
is ornamented woodwork, has
8 drawirs, 2 for linens and
the other Is plush lined frir
silverware; Is a very showy
article and would mnkn a
most acceptable 4 f P f
Christmas gift. I 2111
Our special price. " ,lr v
Terms: (1 Cash 2 Monthlv.
Special $1.39
We Trust tlie I'eople.
Your Credit Is ;mI.
It May Interest You.
Parlor Tubles,
Library Tables,
Parlor Suits,
Reception Chairs,
China Closets,
Combination Bookcases,
Music Cabinets,
Odd Dressers,
Iron Beds,
Brussels Rugs,
Lace Curtains,
Steel Ranges,
Hall Trees,
Hall Seats,
Shiivlng Stands,
Parlor Cabinets,
Leather Couches,
Ladles' Desks, etc.
for the
Monday we will place on sale
rirty Clocks, (exactly HKo cut
at Uie above low figure. These
Clocks make a very handsome
showing. Tlu?y are gold plated
and warranted positively not
to tarnish. Will gn 24 hours
with one winding und will keep
perfect time. Stands 11 Inches
nign ana 8 inches wide, an easy value. Would make a
very acceptable Christ ma
present. On Bale Mon- .4 QA
day, as long as they I j
last, for.
The frame 1s of solid oak and highly ,
polished, has heavy carved heads on
arms and massive hand carved claw
feet. Is covered with guaranteed
velours over soft and comfortable
springs In the seat and hack, the up
holstering Is of the highest order.
This handsome chair would f
make an Ideal Christmas
g-lft. Our special price
Terms: ii.uu casii, iz.ud nvmwuy.
Tapestry Portieres, in beautiful
mercerized effects, choice of bor
dered fringe or with cord, regular
$15.00 values, on sale, per pair,
$10.50. Others at $8.50 and $4.00.
We have a lart ; assortment, In
many varied rich designs.
27x54 inches, regular $5.00 val
ues, divided in two lots $2.98
and $2.25
36-inch AxmlnBter Rugs, in neat
and refined designs, at $5.50
and $4.25
26-inch Royal Wilton Rugs, in this
season's latest patterns, regular
$8.50 values, on sale for $5.98
First-class quality new lot of
Rugs, just received in time for
Christmas selling. Many light
floral designs, also Oriental pat
terns. We guarantee to save
you money on every one, up
from ; $22.50
Terms $1.00 Cash, $2.00 Monthly
One Hundred und Slsty-Seven Mem
ber! for Smaller C'ttr Than
Captain Mowtyn of the police force, who
returned, Friday night from Delhi, N. Y.,
In company with Vagas Stanbeck, who
wa arrested for embezzling $luO fronfclthe
Millard hotel when cashier, was greatly
enthused over the fine police force at Al
bany ,and offered some interesting com
parisons with that of Omaha. In this con
nection the captain said:
"While Albany only has a population of
bout 100.0UO and covers an area of only
fourteen square miles, the police force
numbers 1B7. as against the meager force
of Omaha with ninety officers, who have
to patrol twenty-four square miles and
preserve peace In a community of nearly
1&0.000 persons. The Albany force Is a
model of efficiency and has an admirable
system of pensions. There are three grades
of officer, not counting the captains and
superintendent. The serguanU and de
tectives receive fluO a month and the pa
trolmen 175, with the exception of what
is termed the 'veteran force,' which Is com
posed of men that have served for twenty
five or thirty years.
"These veterans are required to do active
duty as patrolmen until their advanced
age precludes it and they are then given
what might be termed sinecure positions
on half pay. But they are always required
to do police duty as long as they care to
stay in the service. There Is no such thing
as a pension without- some small return in
the way of service.
"When you compare the number of offi
cer on duty at Albany and Omaha and
aso the difference in population and area
to cover I guess the police force of Omaha
isn't bo worse after all."
A New Delivery Auto.
One of the handsomest delivery auto
seen on the streets of Omaha Is the new
one received Thursday by Thompson, Bel-
den & Co. It U a Pope Waverly electric.
One of the large women's conventions of
the year, and one of interest to hundreds
of women in all parts of the country as
well as the women of the south, was the
thirteenth annual convention of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy, held re
cently at Qulfport, Miss. The credentials
committee reported representatives from
chapters in twenty-six states, the conven
tion having & voting strength of 1,3m.
Texas headed the list with 148 votes and
Virginia came next with 145. An Interest
ing and impressive incident at the opening
with all thA lA.t ah 1 ImnrrH'ftmpntfl and In A
credit a well as a good advertisement of the convention was the presentation to I
100-lMoce Austrian
China Dinner Set,
your choice of
three beautiful
patterns, regular
$17.50 value, spe
cial at
Terms $1.00 Cash,
$2.00 Monthly.
The Peoples Furniture & Carpet Co. Established 1887.
100 - Tlece Dinner
Set, choice of three
fancy scroll pat
terns, a bargain
at $12.50, our
speclal price,
Terms $1.00 Cash,
$2.00 Monthly.
for Thompson, Belden & Co. It is finished
in black, the firm's name in gold letters
on each side. It is the first light delivery
auto to bo put In service by any of the
Omaha stores, and if It proves successful
Thompson, Belden & Co, will add mora
to take care of their fast growing bus!
lien, This handsome machine was pur
chased through the Dertght Automobile
Co. of this city.
the society of a silk confederate battle i and may get the inspiration and help to
flag to be kept with iu collection as a I spread It. Club women are agitating civil
memorial to Mrs. Jefferson Davis. In re- service reform in the various state Inetltu
celvlng the flag the convention asked Judye I tlons and the conference this week affords
one of the best opportunities of the year
for learning something of these institutions.
Kew Furniture House of Miller,
Stewart tc Beatoa KmjI? for
Monday is the day set for the opening o
the new and complete furniture house on
Fam ily Will
and Take Motfce
If Santa Claus loaves a pair of our "Toriscus", Lenses when making
his Christmas visit. They are an ideal present for any one.
"Toriscus" Lenses are for many reasons superior to any other lens made
for the eyes. Owing to their deep curve they can be set closer to the eye than
the old form without touching the lashes, thus giving an enlarged field of vis
ion and doing away with "seeing the edges," which is so annoying to many
persons. The lens is equally distant frow the eye in looking at any angle, and
vision is just as good when looking through the edges as the center. "We are
sole makers of these lenses.
Columbian Optical Co.
211 South 16th Street. Omaha.
Hardy to hold It while the confederate vet
erans from Beauvolr Confederate homo,
who were In the hall, passed before it and
saluted It,
The convention pledged the support of
chapters to the work of erecting suitable
monuments and markers In the four great
battlefield parks, Gettysburg, Chlckamauga,
Vicksburg and Bhllob. The confederate
monument at Arlington was named as an
Imperative work for the Daughters. The
need of a monument to the 266 confederate South Sixteenth street of Miller, Stewart
dead in Arlington was presented by Colonel & Beaton. The doors of the new establlah-
Herbert, and during one of the KSHlons $0uO meiit will be thrown open to the public, al
was subscribed to this fund by Individuals though the building will not be in complete
and chapters, and later the convention , readiness for thirty days. When completed
pledged $MW0 from Its general treasury to the firm will have the most modern and
the fund. A memorial to Mrs. Jefferson I up-to-date store In the est for showing
Davis was decided upon in the shape of a furniture, with five floors for the display
memorial window In the Church of the Re- of furniture and the top floor as a store
deemer at Blloxl and a duplicate of the two I room.
windows Mrs. Davis had placed there as I So much of the new furniture of the firm
memorials to Mr. Davis and Miss Winnie has arrived that It was thought advisable
Davis. Resolutions were passed pledging i to throw open the new store for the sale
all chapters to celebrate January 19, 1W7, ! of new furniture. None of the goods at the
the 100th anniversary of the birth of Gen- old store on Farnam street will be moved
eral Robert E. Lee. The climax of the to the n w store, but theae will be sold at
meeting was the pilgrimage of the con- greatly reduced prices between now aiui
ventlon to Beauvolr, the former home of the first of the year, as the old store will
President and Mrs. Davis and now a home j
for indigent confederate veterans.
fuglt," the clerk looking on the while with
kindly Interest. "If you should buy one
and it doesn't suit, you, Mr. Fugit," said
he, "you can bring It back and take an
Jury Trials I'sLnows
Mast Prove HU
id Prisoner
Another strong program will be presented
at Monday afternoon's meeting of Vie social
science department of the Woman's club.
The business meeting will be called at
J;30 o'clock and the program will open at
S o'clock. Mrs. George Tilden, chairman
ef the women's properly rights committee,
will be In cliarge and a presentation and
discussion of the proposed equal inheri
tance bill to come before the next legis
lature will constitute the program. Attor
ney D. I Johnson, who Is drafting the
bill, will be the speaker and will discuss
the proponed chaises. All the representa
tives of Douglas county have been invited
to be present.
Mrs. W. P. Harford and Mrs. Emma F.
Byers returned Saturday from Nrw York,
where they attended the convention for the
organization of the new Toung Woman's
Christian association of the United States
of America.
The Board of Directors of the Woman's
club will meet Monday morning with the
special committee to confer regarding the
Wfws and means of raising the 111.000
pledged by the club last Monday for the
erection of a bronze statue of Abraham
Lincoln In the high school grounds.
Club women have been reminded that
their presence at the conference of chari
ties and corrections, to be held at Crelghton
Institute, Eighteenth and Farnam streets,
Thursday and Friday of this week, will be
of great assistance to the work In Ne
braska. Scores ef women will have time
to attend the vary Interesting assslona
have to be vacated by January 1. No cap
pets nor draperies will he sold at the new
store during the holidays as these may be
had at the old store. ,
At the new store are dressing tables, !
shaving stands leaither couches, writing
desks and all sorts of the latest novelties
In the way of furniture. Buyers in the
east have been active for months In secur
ing the latest and most luxurious furniture
with which to stock the latest addition to
Omaha's new retail establlshnents. The
firm takes Just pride In its new home and
no stone has been left unturned to make it
a palace of beauty.
The nrw building Is 1S2 feet square and
each floor Is of that size without partitions
to shut off the light which streams In
from numerous windows, making a verita
ble daylight store of the entire structure.
An entire floor will be gl v n to the display
of carpets after the holidays, but for the
present these will be shown only at the old
A novel feature of the new store Is the
bajconles, which are on several of the floors
and on which will be shown small articles.
One of the largest passenger elevators In
the city will take customers from floor to
floor and many other new and novel fea
tures help to make this the magnificent
stone it is.
Law in Mexico Is to be obeyed, not Inter
preted. The Mexican has definite idoaa of
what be can aud cannot do and is certain
that if be breaks the law be will have a
heap of trouble. The wheels of the I' gal
machinery grind with fearful slow net
there, but the guilty rarely escape and the
Innocent who suffer are few and far be
tween The general attltute of the government
toward one who has committed an offense
Is diametrically opposite to that of the
United Stutes, where a man is presumed
innocent until proved guilty. In many ro
specls the Mexican procedure is that the
man is guilty until proven innocent.
Aa an example, upon the commission of a
crime the suspected criminal is placed in
a cell, whure for three days he is not
allowed to communicate with anyone. In
those three days the prosecution is supposed
to have hud sufficient lime to sift the evl
deace against the "susjtect" thoroughly,
and not to be balked In this by the sua
peel's communicating with friends, who
could hide evidence and generally aid in
thwarting the prosecution. While this
works hardship on an innocent person It
unquestionably prevents many criminals
from establishing an alibi.
On the other hand, the prosecuting attor
ney Is bound to warn the suspect against
doing anything which will Incriminate him
self and his clearly defined duty is to pro
tect as well as prosecute.
"Trmiiii 1'nnlt."
Prof. Wiley, the chemist of the Depart
ment of Agriculture, recently went to a
Washlntton store for the purpose of pur
chasing a fountain pen. The obliging young
man at the counter furnished the professor
with a sheet of paper, a bottle of Ink and
several fountain pens, so that he might try
each kind. In doing so the professor soon
covered the sheet wita the word "teinpus
The tedious delays Incident to securing a
Jury in the United States are eliminated
in Mexico, where all crimes are tried be
fore a Judge, who decides the case and
whose decision is generally. Irrevocable.
While many of the laws of Mexico may
appear to a citizen of the United States aa
peculiar or absurd, still some of them are
worthy of consideration.
The law demands that persons advertis
ing a show or anything must be able to
fulfill the promises of the advertisement la
detail or alse suffer Imprisonment. Thla
bars circuses and many other flamboyant
advertisers from Mexico. Several year
ago a theatrical company crossed the Una
Into Mexico from the United States and
posted bills whereon were displayed aa
aggregation of beautiful women doing
wonderful acrobatic teats. A large audi
ence attended, and while the aciobatlo
turns were as advertised the women per
formers were far from handsome. Tha
show was stopped at once, nil the money
refunded to the audience and the manage
ment escaped with a heavy fine.
President Dlas ha authority by which
a corner In any of the foodstuff markets)
can be checked at once. If, for example,
there should be a great scarcity of wheat
and the price rose either through the ma
nipulation of speculators or by means of a
crop failure to the point where the poor
could not buy It he can at once remove all
duty upon wheat shipped Into Mexico and
as a result the American producer sends)
hundreds of car loads Into the country,
obtaining good prices for It and effectually
stopping what might huvo been a successful
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our heartfelt thanks
fey the loving kindness and sympathy
slfown us during the sickness and death
of our darling baby, and for the beautiful
floral tributes.
Xmas Suggestions
Ladles' X.lna X&ltlal 85c. 11 41, and
11.87, box of one-half dozen.
Men's Liasa Initial 85.; and 11.46
psr box of one-half dozen.
Children's Xdaea Initial lia par bos
of three.
A varied line of choice dainty em
broidered and lace handkerchiefs,
SUc, 60c, 76c and up.
Something new In fancy and white
S rons. Designs made especially for
our trads, at all prices.
Cluny, Irlh Point and French hand emhbroldered Center Pieces and Doll
ies Handkerchiefs and Dust Bags Hand painted Glove Cases t'lu Cushions
Needle Books and useful presents for all members of the family.
Fans selected from our rich Una
will make a very acceptable present.
Our line of gloves Is very large and
Includes the latest novelties la colors
and are up-to-date in length.
A selection from our line of neck
wear, which is stylish and comrlete
In assortment, wlU always complete
the dress.
A very large stock of well made,
good, nervlcutile umbrellas, the kind
that last. Prices from (1.(0 lo ts.OO.