EDITORIAL SECTIQn Pagss 1 to 12 he Omaha Sunday Bee Gov Into th Nomtt THE OMAHA DEC Best t':. West VOL. XXXVI-NO. 2G. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING DECEMBER 16, 1906. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. UlUiAlliililiJL JUST mm m IT 0R1LY SEVER! mm MUJTllWi MYS TILL UUUSiltfiAS!! As we lightly canter into the home stretch last week of Christmas shopping we feel more than 1 1 M. i1. f k. r x 1 Ti. L i- K . . , pieaseu wiin tne perieci conuuion 01 our siocks, auer uie bcvuicbi uuym ':&(ii bombardment ever experienced in our historv. :;feJ EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY'S CHRISTMAS, AND EVERYTHING A BARGAIN :. SHOP EARLY! p 30 'PHONES ;nrl ml DOUG. 137 Special Holiday Prices (M ALL COATS $35.00 Fine Kersey T7S Coats" for $25.00 Fine Ker- 75 sey Coats for 0 - $19.50 Fine Ker- 175 ' sey Coats for.; 15 Fancy Mixture and Plaid Coats. 9L5 mmiMmmmm .v.j' i ; " t-:7r. v.--:Xiv.-.- .v-'i On Sulc Monday And All Week. CHRISTMAS W VIST SALE Fancy Plaid SuXony Flannel Vists tucked fronts, fancy stocks and cuftaj piped With taffeta; Christmas sale price $4.U5 Six Now Models of Taf feta Waists for Christ mas. All new 1907 models and made ' of chiffon taffsta; Christmas sale prlco only $4.95 Lace. and Net Waist, several new models for Christmas week, every ome worth $6.60 and 7.60. sal price 54.95 Gloves and Glove Certificates, Women's Neckwear, Christmas Handkerchiefs, Etc. Christmas Handkerchiefs . Gloves and Glove Certificates Every line of gloves we handle is yet complete New shipments by express are being received. On Monday we offer Double Green Trading Stamps on nil purchases in Glove Department. Bennett's 2-clasp Glace Gloves, pair, $2, $1.60, $1.25 and $1.00 Bennett's Suede and Mocho Gloves at, per pair, $1.00 and t $1.25 Bennett's Mannish Gloves at $1.50 and....$1.00 Bennett's 8-button Glace Glovee at $2.50 Bennett's 12-button Glace Gloves at $3.00 Bennett's 16-button Glace Gloves at. . . . . .$3.50 Prnnett'8 16-button Mannish at $4.50 and. .$4.00 Bennett's Kid Gloves for children at $1.00 Dny a Clnve Certificate; it saves the donor worry regarding "fit." The recipient calls at Glove Counter any time before or after Chritttmus (we prefer before Christmas), and has the gloves fitted to her hand. Glove Certificate is accepted as cash. Certificates on sale at Glove pounter. Lace Section 1,000 yards fancy cotton Tigured Dress Nets, 45-in. wide, worth 75o yd.at.39 18-inch Corset Cover Embroidery, worth 35c yard, at . ... . . . . . .; .19 Fancy Lisle and Silk Hose- k Mmday UrnUia Special Balance from sale of lat week (the sensa tional hose sale of -last Monday). Goods with slight imperfections, but worth up to $1.50 pair. Positively no excliange. To close out, Monday morning, 8 o'clock, per iq pair ZVC Women's .Neckwear Ral Laors, real Princess, Duchess, Duch fnn Point, Applique, Lace Berthas, up from Kl.oO Hundreds of beautiful holldny VelU In (.'hiffon. , Tuxedo and Lace, colors plain and dainty figured effects,, each f ram. $3.50 down . to v.... Wo Ladies' Silk Stocks and Jabots of silk nnd lace, beautiful designs In all colors, pretty lace-trimmed and, beaded effects, each presented In hellday box, at H., $1.50, $1.26, SHc, 7Tc fiOo. 2io and 15o Cren de Chine and Liberty Silk Scarfs, In dainty Tigured designs or plain colors, tip from 9o Collar and Cuff Sets of' very fine Point Qaxe Lace, up from fc 60i) dezen fciwtwa embroidered Collar and Cuff Seta, wortn 26c each, at lc ' All manner of Handkerchiefs on sale. lrolutts of the looms of Germany, Scotland and Ireland; prettily embroidered Handkerchiefs, artistically . initialed Handkerchiefs, dainty color designed Handkerchiefs. Ladies' Fine Cambric Handkerchiefs, Be values. .3 Ladies' fine cambric drawn work, satin stripe and pure linen, At. .' . IjC Ladles' fine cambric, lace trimmed, hemstitched, em broidered, all linen Initial with embroidered wreath, at . -10 Ladies' plain all linen and crossbar and Swiss em- ' broldered, at 12 Ladies' all linen and fine Swiss embroidered, ahso Ini tial and crossbar with embroidered dots, at...25 Better qualities at $1.50, $1. 76c, 00c and 35 Real Duchess and Princess Lace. Handkerchiefs, $10 down to $1.50 Children's Handkerchiefs, three In fancy box, 25a and .-. . ..ti --lSiJ Holiday Linens 72-Inth Bleached Tabic Damatk, heavy quality and pretty designs, worth $1, at 70 72-inch Bleached Table Damask, extra heavy, worth $1.25, Monday, a yard $1.00 20-inch Bleached Damask Napkins, regular $2.75 qual ity, Monday, a dozen $2.25 22-inch Bleached Damask Napkins, worth $3.50 per dozen, Monday $2.75 Hemmed or Fringed, Plain or Cut .Corners B-1 Spreads, full size, Monday, each $1.50 Silk Dress Goods Shrunk and Sponged by a new and perfect process. Very best work guaranteed. Be a yard for the service. Holiday Ribbons RIBBONS FROM EXTREME TO EX THKMK FROM TUB NARROWEST FOR PARCEL TYING TO THE VERY WIDE RIBBON FOR FANCY WORK AND TA BLE DECORATIONS. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY: 5 Inches wide, white grounds pompadour effects, Willi roses, chrysanthemums and kindred cleslnns. In delicate colors, 1Q worth .t5o yard, at, yard FOR FANCY WORK Plain taffeta ribbon, 5 Inches wide. In white, pink, light blue and green, worth 25c yard, at Ibo 8H-lvich fancy flowered warp print ribbon, worth 2ic yard, at 16o EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF HOLLY RIBBONS, In widths from Inch to 4 Inches, prices ranging from 25c a yard down to 3o Stationery Large line and very appropriate Christmas gifts in Fancy Box Stationery, Ink Stands .and Paper Weights, Calendars and Christmas Cards, Diaries, Etc., Etc See great display in Stationery department main floor. $29.50 SUITS FOR $15.00 Women's Fine Tailored Suits Made of broadcloth, jackets . are . cut . in ..this. season's most ap- a1 n proved. style; skirts all new pleatea effects; largs It Ssflk range colors, Including black, $29.60 Women's Suits T jf juonaay -at PETTICOATS Wtmen'i rVttlooats, made f heavy t&ffeta silk, extra wide body, full . tucked floonca, silk anderlay, black . and all colara regular $7.6 value Christmas A 5 ale prlc . " J KIMONAS X.arg- Assortment XrtBf and Short Llmtiu, In plain and fancy designs, each 11160, 10. $7.60, $.! and 3.95 FUR SALE-MONDAY $5,000 Worth of Fur, Coats, Scarfs and ' Muffs- Bought at Fifty Cents on the Dol ar.' Jaat la time for Chrtst tuaa saojiping- wtu be placed ca aula Mondar j,.- - oonvinoe ilia moat akentloal. x'- " Fur Coats from $187.50 down to. .. Fur Scarfs from $G9.50 down to Fur Muffs from $59.50 down to , 8KB WINDOW DISPLAY JEWELRY J CmaJl Size Diamond Rings, 1-16 to 3-8 K. .size, mounted in ring a little brown in 'color, worth $80 per carat. Special, per caret, $55.00. Making the ring cost from $20.00 down to Largo stock of Diamond! and Diamond Set Gold Jewelry Diamond Hlntca, from 26 down to.. $5.00 Diamond llroocltea, from $150 down to 81W.OO Diamond htick -Pins, from $25 down to $10.00 Diamond ?uff Links, from $25 down to 82.50 Our holiday line of high grade Jewelry and leather goods U very ml complete ami oar prices are rigut. Pleased to bhow our goods, whether 1 Tb mn Km I .-w .... A v -- t - :-.... 1 f 175 "rf 1 49c S5 r 1 ta Great Silk Offerings for W thrislmas Gifts VERY FINEST QUALITY OF MLKS EJtTKA SPKC1AL I Black Taffeta Bilk Waists Alotida 92.48 This, rare opportualty to ecure one of tbeee beautiful Black Taf feta Waist Patterns Is for Monday only. Extremely lustrous and aretty we guarantee erery yard m g to wear each pat- Xvtrm Special ZZ--BUok Bilk Skirt rattens Menday at $S.t. 'ih- eleKanl skirt patterns are 6 yard of irt-ln. Slack Taffeta, skirt lengths -would sell regularly for $8; xery beautiful, heavy and rich, A lf 6O0 China Silks, shade, yard . . . In nearly all 29? Crepe de Ohiaee in eyery Imaginable shade tfr scarfs or drefwea, yard. 11. to and. .69o rtiwed Onp li Chine in BeantirtU rieral Zstiru of Volka Dots, especially deeir atole fur aoarfs, elo., yard 43o A Great Stle of Dress Goods Teu Oaioioe ef 7,000.0 Worta ef Klfk Olasa rorelfo Breaa Moods at or -halt orr. KamdAf Koralnf, t o'clock, we place On sale this great orlleotin fine new dreaa (eods, conalHtlng of the v-iv neweal and flnent styles onlv. Swell rialds. Ombre Effeets, IHTlsible Plaid Boittan, raacy ran a ma , Broadcloths and all ataanlah Scuds every weate that'a dpslrahle Included. $300 broadcloths, newest styles, for 1.50 $2.00 Ombre suitings for H 00 $1.60 suitlnes. latest coloring's, for 7So $1.25 novelties for bandrme Hreot dresses, 63 'io f 1 plaids and aultings at Bew. 60c m w wool stuffs at He fl Ml II A B C FUN BOOK . Prettily colored pictures of all manner of toy-fun, a handsome lit . tie book given free to every child visitor in Toy Dept. Monday. DOLLS DOLLS jrt Just Received Another Large Shipment Dolls. Note Prices: 14-in. Kid Body Doll, sewed wig, eye lashes, shoos tQ and stockings, jointed, at ....jJC 18-in. Kid Body Doll, sawed wig, eye lashes, jointed, 7 C n shoes and 6tockings, regular $1.00 doll Monday. . . DC Our $1.50, 24-in. Kid Body doll, Monday .$1.10 $L25 Magic Lanterns, Mon day 98 Tey Tea Sst, 6 oups and sau cers, 6 plates, tea pot, sugar , and creamer, $1.25 set Monday for 98 Toy Guns at 10 Toy Swords at ..... . .10 Foldinff Go-Oarts, steel wheels, at 9St Monday 25t Iron Wheel Barrows, at 9Sc, I All our $1.25 75c and ., 50 I dressed dolls See our immense Uae of I I on pale Mon Christmas Tree Trimmings. ! day at ..98 3 Dressed Dolls Small dolls for little tots, celluleid face, nicely dress ed, 35c value TveiwV HARDWARE: - Monday aserial Hiss t ea to BeaUng Sieves Uses ay EVERT BOT AND GIRL. WANTS A PAIR OP BARSKT & BKKRY'S KKATt-fJ-all pric, Ajit, ua frcHO TuU Aud fifty Grseai Trading 8tampa. fEB fKJR SPnClAL. TAHTB OF CARVkKS for H.T5 BIO ASSORTMENT Oli" CH V FINO D1SHFJ1. HAK'NU DISHES, t CCClOCK TEAS. AND EVOKING 8ETi an. tique brans and nickel fln'-h G1L.LKTT 3 8AF1CTT RAZOH needs no ti-oppina;, alwuys leudv. at (SCO POCKET KN1VE8 for bova at &v: and 2o And Twenty Clrcea Tradina; Stamps. Savorting Cols ROLLER SKATES all prices, from $i.M down to... o Regular ?bo AIR RIFLE, spe cial Mo Rtiular tl AIR RIFLE, spe cial ;so . "They." ling by CUT CLASSThrLi5Stvu,v Tour choice of handled Boa lions, S-lnch Bize 8ioon Traya, Vasea, Footed Jelllo8, Trays, about 20 styles, worth up to $3.00, Monday, each. 1.49 A Morning Special, 10 to 12 M. Fancy China Cream Juk. Avvy? tinted In blue andk''vV, pink, 10c and 15c value, for 2 hours, If supply Vasts (two to a customer) at. each 5 Placet Theo. Xaeilaad 100-pisee Dinner Hew l'rt-i ly atiaue und decoration. Mon day, a set S33.00 Edwin M. Knowles best senii-percelam Dinner Bets, .pretty pinK spray a-..ra tlon. Monday, a set 9.00 Greatest Dinii"rwarp showinK over b.xiy rntterns. High Grade aWyal Doultoa, Ccalport, Poayat, AarenXeldt, Xavilaod Chlaas largeat asaortueat at leveat mires. tttc Japanese Egr Bbell Cnlna Caps and fcaucers Monday, all day, eacb ....Soe ILLUSTRATED GIFT BOOKS IllusuaUons and marginal deyigaa by the most famous artists of today, haadsotnely boxed. A few titles: "While the Heart Beats Young." James Whit comb Riley $2.-5 "The Legend of Sleepy Hol low, ' illustrated by Ar thur Keller $1.78 "Snowbound." new Illus trated edition 91.05 "Hiawatha," Illustrated by Harrison Fisher ... 2.45 " Evaagellne," illustrated by Howard Chandler Christy a.43 "Sweethearts Always," by Janet Maalaon. .. .91.73 "An Old Sweetheart at Mine," by Riley. . .f 1.43 "Out to Old Annt Mary's," by Riley 1.45 "Her Letter," by Bret Uarte 91.73 Rudyard Klp- 91.50 lb And manv nthpr new nnea. p PICTURE SUGGESTIONS p Cat Oat This List sad Bring to 2d Floor PICTTTKES PO 10c Colonial Babua In Paase-Partout, and Mottoes. , comic and otherwise. FX0TUBX8 PO 17c, Bunbonnet Pictures, Weekday series. Five tenses, Months, Hajita CTauu, etc. PICTURES rOB 860. Various pictures framed, also handsomely made In IMs.ie-ParUMit. PICTUH.ES PO 390 , . , Japanese Pictures, Dutch Pictures, Illuminated Mottoes, etc. PICTURES POB 480. Balfour Ker's popular plctureo 'The Tale," "Hurry Cull, " "For He's a Jplly Good Fellow," etc, black oak frames, white mats. Aurora and Muhus In rich sold frames. PICTUBES POB 890. llandsonie Landscape In pold frames, gold mats, Water color beads In oval sold frames, etc. PICTURES POB 69c Novelty framed Pictures "Nobody Loves Mo,' "Wedding Ring," "Time You Were Uome, Pa, eta., etc. PICTURES POB 75c. Venetian Scenes, imported phptogTaphs In weathered oak frames. PICTURES POB 89c, Colonial Pictures in gold frames, pretty fig ure studies. . PICTURES POB 8c "tlresldu Fancies,' a b'-autiful caxboa plo turo In specially designed frame. PICTURES POB S1.3S. platinum Pictures In neat brown frames, name ilaie, popular subjects "Things We Ought Not to Uo," "If I lm't Hurry I'U Hiss That Bale," etc. PICTURES POB tl.48. ' Hear My Lollie's Prayer," the most popular I inure of the year. In brown oaa moulding, size linn. PICTURES POB 91.69. Photographs fit MaHterpleceo "Christ fct Twelve," "Angelus," "yodenhauseo Madonna," etc., etc. PICTURES rOB 91.98. Original pusiel Landscapes In gold frames. PICTURES 94,350.00 Down to Above Ust. PICTURE TR AMINO W can take earo of all ftam. lng for taa coming Cbrlatmas week. Magazine Subscriptions At Cut Prices Ore at Barrains In Yearly Subscriptions to the different magazines at one-half nnd oae-talrd oft regular prioe. TKREB BIO BARGAINS! Broadway MaKaxlne, one y.ar .... 11.56 Jteview of hi'iliwn, -no year IS.00 AV'oiuan's Hume Companion, year, 11.00 16.60 Oar prtoo Outing, one year $3 00 World Today, one year , $1.60 Ainsloe's fine year .....$1 60 liroadway Magaxlne, one year .....$1 00 $7.60 93-3S Oar Price. , . .94 50 C MrOure's, one year $1.00 'Hn-ulor, one year $1.00 Worli! s Wprk, one year -...$3 U0 Uroadway Mugaaine, one year $1.60 $660 Oar Price 94.00 Thousands of club combinations to select from end for magazine catalogue you buy or not. I ' luu 4 1 '