HIE OMAHA SUNDAY W:K: DKCKMnER 10. 100(1. n t f PREPARING FOR REVIVALS ft'obtlnued mm Tenth Thro.) he "Is the rrlvorsc. Including; Man, Kvolvcd by Atomic Force?" Bumlay school nt Testimony meeting; Wcbipml lv evening nt 7:45. First Concri'f(Htlnal church. Dr. Otfr Iwln O. Bmlth, pnstor. Mornlnir service nt 10:"n. Vespers nt 6. No evening service. Sunday school nt noon. I'rayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:4ft. Youna people study class followlnR vespers. Free stere optlcon lccfure Monday ev nlnjr on "The Hull.lers of Yesterday," liy K. f T'Hrh. Mornlnir subject, "The Kingdom, Its Center ami Radial." Vesper sublet, "Father." torf to Funn L. Dudley, lot 2, block 3, In Htrwl add. to Council Hlufts. l.i., fj. r. d Peter K. Howell, trust", to Iina K. Itohinson. lot .M and ru, of lot 1, In Iv1 subdivision of lot 2, In n1 nV 10-77-i', d Miry A. Harms ind hurnd to T. W. Otis, lot 1, In Auditor' subdivi sion of I. lock A, In Jrffrl' add. to Council Mulls. Ia., w. d Ten transfeis; total $-VM Plelnrest Pictures! Flrtnresr 1'nfrstned pictures and framed pictures for X'nws. The lowest rrlees on pictures In the city. Council lOufTs Taint. Oil and Class Co., Morrlam bl ek. W. B. Hewetson. denier In pictures and art goods, has J'iFt returned from Chi- 1 cauo. He purchased while there a line of I hand-painted china, selected from the best I artists In the Cnlted States and Europe. Will place on sale Baturdny. Goods de livered In Omaha free. Note the address. Masonic Temple, liroadway and Fourth streets, Council Bluffs. How Do Von Think? .Some people think on their feet. But most people think with their head. Ifbw do you think? I know WHAT ynu think If the shoe hurts. .No matter how you think nor what you 1hir.lt, you'll think bigger, better and pleas anter thoughts If the shoes fel right, v Our shoes feel rlKht because they're built on rlKht lines. -Sl:oc. wenr out readily because they nt poorly, and when the strain falls In mots you soon learn where the sp ts are. ' Our frtore will be open evenlnRS from now This name unequal distribution of strain i'til Christmas. The John Beno Co. fore the shoe out f shne. I'hat's why I employ only competent turn to fit your feet no cheap alioe fltte at 8ARUr;NT'8 FAMILY SHOK STORE.-- We guarantee to fit your feot and will try to i fit fcOTH HEAD AND FEET, hut If we Petersen & 8choenlng; Co. have Just re reived a IarK line of Kingston reading chairs. They come In many different de signs and are most reasonable In price. A more appropriate Christmas rift could not be found, Prices range up from $7. OLD SANTA CI.Al S 13 WISE TAKES IlOTTLE OF BONDED JARVIS WHISKY; can not lit loth, we take the FEET, or let the customer go elsewhere. Remember, 1 guarantee to fit your fret rlyht. SARGENT S FAMILY SHOE STORE. Complete your X'mas dinner with a dish of tnir fee cream, sherbets, punch or Ices, put up In. fancy individual molds. Try our puro honic-mndc candy, it Is di licious, especially our peanut nut. I. Muccl, 21S Wert Broudwny. Tel. 3t4. Msrrlsse I lccn.es. License to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. It. O. Slake, Lincoln, Neb Emma M. Hatch, Lincoln, Neb.,.. John Lnre, Omaha Ida F. Ullletle, Omaha Age. ... lit ... 24 ... 4! ... 42 lrfo't fall to vUit .our Petersen & Bchoenlng. toy department. MANTLES. 10 CENTS. BEST MANTLE IN TOWN FOR THE PRICE. W. A. ifAVRKR. t . : ONLY THE BEST JARVIS', BOTTLED i.V BOND. Here are many articles, any of which Is a fine suggestion for a Christmas present, and all at prices that demand your atten tion If you are Interested, and every artlcl Is a reanon for your visiting our store: Founta'n pens, watches, chains, fobs, charms, brioches, necklaces, rings, cuff links, scarf pins, bracelets, clocks, cut glass, china hand-painted plates, umbrellas, toilet sets. Jewel boxes, silverware. O. MAUTHE, 2J8 West Broadway. OLD CROW, TAYLOR. MELLWOOD. fratwnlty are making preparations to give their annual bail December a. and are proceeding In a way that promises a bril liant affair for the younger set of the city. The dance will be given at the Orand hotel. Invitations are out for about leO couples. The Sweet Sixteen Card club was enter- i tabled Thursday evening by Roy Palmer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Me Cune, -12 Oralis m aenue. The evening was spent at hlch five. A three-course luncheon was served nftir the game. The rooms were decorated with chrysanthemums. Miss Mhel Hoagland will be the next hostess. Mrs. Elizabeth Miller. 119 South First street, was creatly surprised by the arrival cif all her children at the family residence ThursiUy evening In eelebintlon of tor Rib blrthdiy. She was presented with many beautiful presents In honor of the occasion and a big dinner was brought by the merry-makers, which made the featuie a most enjoyable one. The Economical Card club was enter tained Friday afternoon by Mrs. L. Jones, 1.4 Knepper street. The club prizes were awarded to Mrs. Oeorge Wesley, who won the largest number of scores, and Mrs. Spare, who was awarded second trophy. After the game a two-course luncheon was served. The club will be entertained next Saturday afternoon by Mrs. Wesley, 112 Angle avenue. The Oakland Avenue club and the Ideal club were entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Ils Cutler, K'4 Bluff street. The front anil hack parlors were decorated In blue, white and gold, they being the colors of the two clubs. After the meet ing a two-course luncheon was served. The dining room was decorated In red. Mrs. Henry Cutler, Miss Irma and Miss Edna Smith assisted In the dining Toom. The members of the Seven O'clock Bridge club were delightfully entertained at d n ner Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shepard. The after dinner hours were spent at bridge. The prizes were awarded to the parties having the highest score for the last six evenings. They were awarded to Mrs. W. W. Sher man, who won the first ladles' prize, and Mr. Wallace Shepard, who won the first gentleman's prize, the consolation prize belntf awarded to Mrs. H. W. Hazelton. The next hostesa will be Mrs. Hazelton, who will entertain the club after Christmas. Th members of the Congregational church celebrated Forefathers' day Thurs day evening by giving a colonial supper In the church parlors. A regular New Eng land dinrer was served by the young women In colonial costume. Mr. K. P. Ft ch acted as toa.stmaster. "The Home Guard" was responded to by Mr. Victor E. Bender; "The Town Meeting'' by Mr. C. F. Kimball; "The Women of the Mayflower" by Mrs, J. W. Squire, and "The Meeting House'' by Dr. O. O. Smith. The opening number waa the singing of "Plymouth Rock" and the program was ended with the singing of "America." Miss Anna Williams, daughter of Mrs. Minnie Williams, SltS Commercial street, and LouiK iknen were united la marriage 1 uesday noon at the residence of Rev. r uw 7A n The Gift Shop of the West The Largest Stock, the Best Assortment and Lowest Prices Special Monday and Tuesday X ANDERSON. GORDON RYE. GVCKEN- " 7 'Yrnmedoate T reist.ies were pres- HEIMER RYE, AND MANY OTHER ent at the wejdlng. After the ceremony APRICOT BRANDY STORE, 225 MAIN. AT THE JARVIS Renl KstHte Transfers. .These ' transfers were reported to The Beo December 16 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: H. W. Binder, a1mlstratnr, to Agnes Jlutchlns, lot 1H and n'4 of lot 1-', (block li,- In Hyatt h suudlvitlon In "Council Bluffs, la., administrator's deed $3,000 Sunin L. Dudley und husband to John y. Erler, lots 2 and ;1. block 3. In. IStreet's add. to Council Bluffs, la., w. d 1,800 Herman 11. Mueller ami wife to Paul F. Muellrr. one-half Interest in nVi seV4 se nwV,. ,B-77-:W, w. A 1,600 Joseph BVrron und wife to Chris Chrls tensen, part of lot 4, In Auditor's ; subdivision of ewVt nw4, li-7u-4H, w. d 1,300 E. H. Lougee and wife to Christine 'Ijfcrsen. lot 44 and' west ten feet, of 'lot 46, block 8, in Wright add. to I'ouncil Bluffs, la., w. d Benjumin-Fehr Real Estate company to A. C. Keller.' lot 4, block 12, In . -Evans' Second Bridge add, to Coun cil Bluffs, la., w. d County treasurer to J. P. Greenshlelds, lot 4, block 28, In Beers' subdivision, . and lot 6, block 32. In Bayllss A Pal mer's add. to Council Bluffs, la., t. J. Helra of W. F. and Mary W. Sleden- 650 85 46 BOTTLED IN BOND WHISKIES AT THE JARVIS STORE. Our store will be open evenings from now until Christmas. The John Beno Co. Spuds! .ptids! Spndst Choice early Ohio potatoes at E3c de livered In five-bushel lots or more. Both 'phones 182- Brldenstine tt Smith. 1401 8. 6th street. Petersen & Schoening have Just received an elegant line of reed and rush rockers. Just the thing for Christmas. Our store will be open evenings from now until Christmas. The John Beno Co. PAST WEEK I BUFFS SOCIETT the newly wedded couple went to the home of the brides mother, where a wed ding dinner was served. They then went to their home on East Broadway, where they were surprised by about 100 friends, who were gathered at the houae to help make merry the evening. Dancing Droved the feature of the evening, during which refreshments - were served. Mrs. Hansen has been a teacher In the Washington Ave nue school for a number of yeurs. JARVIS DRINK. MAIN ST. STORE GOOD TO Our store will be open evenings from now until Christmas. The John Beno Co. See Stcphan Bros, for the latest and best Inverted burners. 629 West Broadway. N. Y. Plumbing Co. . Tel. 250. Night, 603. Western Mutual Life Insurance Co. Now being organised In Council Bluff a will hv Its permanent home here, Its officers ana principal e,mployr will have their permanent homes here but of stall greater benefit to Coun-11 Bluffs Is the unlimited amount of most desirable advertising given this beautiful and progressive city, simply because It is the Home Office of an Old Line Life Insurance Company. As conclusive proof rf this, did any one aver speak of a company without. In the same breath, calling the name of the city so fortunate as tp be that company's Home Office? The tangible co-operation of all booster la earnestly requested. C. EI. ATEERTON. President KHtRUM BL0CC ttnmber of Social Functions Grace the Time. Mr. Jens Nelson left Wednesday for Denmark, on a visit to the home of his parents. Mrs. Margaret Heaney of Centervtlle, la.. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thorn's 1 nlla hnn, of this cltjr. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Levere! Mrs. 8. W. Besley have g to Houston, Te. Miss Marv Wells of Ottumv.c, guest at tho home of Mr. and Ulin v.. Clifton, 2202 Second avenue. Miss Ethel Stewart of Magnolia, Ja., Is In the cliv visiting with tho family of Mr. A. E. Dempsey of Palmer avenue. Mr. George J. Crane or Park avenue arrived home Friday evening from Denver, where he has been for some time. Mis Anna H. Moore a.nd Mrs. C. B. Moore left Thursday for Los Angeles, whero they will remain Indefinitely. Major G. H. Richmond has gone to Madi son Wis., to attend the annual family reunion In honor of his mother s Both birthday. Mrs. O. P. McKesson ana Miss Maude McKesson of Los Angeles, Cal., are In tho city, their former home, for a visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wollman have gone for a trip through the south. They will spend the remainder of the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Richardson and chil dren left last week for St. Johns, N. B., en route to Liverpool, England. They will be gone about four month Will Cutler entertained the Omega Eta Tau fraternity at a business meeting Wednesday evening. After the meeting light refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs! S. L. Etnyre entertained the "500" club Tuesday evening at their home, 303 North Second utreet. Mrs. Kig don won the first ladles' prize and Frank Houtsland the rlrst gentlemen's prize. The club will be entertained two weeks after Christmas by Clarence Badolett. The young men of the Omega Eta Tau MINOR MICJTIOltV tt The Brownie Spring Ice Skates For Ladies and Gentlemen n $1.75 $2.00 $2.75 This is positively the most up-to-date Skate on the market. The spring sends the skater along fast and easy acts like a spring board to the juniper. No lame ankles no jar makes skating a greater pleasure. Just step in and see them. ! P. C. DeVol Hardware Go. : 504 Broadway and 10 N. Main Street, Council Biuffs. A. A. Clark Co., HATm waiis Our business was established nearly 20 year ago (1888). I loth Phones 217. '; VVlon on hu'raes, cattle, household furniture and other chattels. Our reputation und the business we enjoy Is the result of fair and liberal treatment of our putrons during these 20 years. Our rates are uniformly lower than other officer. Our loans are made in our own name and never old or negotiated. Keuieuber our new offices are opposite tide of the hall from our old office, are conveniently arranged with private consulting room. We wish to warn the public that we have no connection with the firm doing: business under the name of the Clark Mortgage Co., now ciTiip ring our old office. It Is a compliment we appreciate giving our name to their business, but it Is confusing to the public. qoi;. MAIN AXD HROAUWAY. OVEll AMK1UCAN EXPHKSS OFFICE. Davis, drugs. Stotkert sells carpets. Fine engravings at LefTert's, Ed Rogers" Tony Faust beer. See Borwlck for Xmas goods. , Plumbing and heating, Blzby A Bon. Lewls Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. S39. Toys, toys, toys, at Petersen & Schoening. DIAMONDS AS AN IN VK8TMENT. i TALK TO I.EFFERT ABOUT IT. Mrs. 8. A. Crandall has been called to Chicago by the death of a relative. Want a pair of slippers? Oo to S. A. Pierce & Co. 'a, Broadway and Main streets. MANTLES, 10 CENTS. BEST MANTLE! IN TOWN FOR. THE PRICE. A. MAURER, ' All slses of storm doors, storm sash, storm windows and wealner strips at Ueo. Hoagland' s. Wo deliver lumber to your nearest sta tion free of freight charges. C. Hater, Council Blurts. Men's felt lined overshoes, $1.60. Men's Bosion pure gum overshoes, $1.60. Duncan & Dean, 23 S. Main. Shaduklnm temple. Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassun, will meet Tuesday nlgla In f'ythlan hall. ONLY WHOLESALE FAMILY LIQUOR 8TORIC IN COUNCIL BLUFFS NO BAR AT THE JARVIS STORE. County Superintendent O. J. McManus will deliver an address this evening at the Baptist misHiun at s o ciock. A beautiful and ornamental gas burner, the Welsbach chick lamp, complete, ll.S. Stephan Bros., West Broadway. BT'T TUB BEST IS NOT TOO OOOD FOR YOU. TRY JAHVIS FOR WINES, BRANDY AND WHISKY. Oood Missouri lump conl for t5 per ton, Well screened and delivered promptly. The Council Bluffs Coal und Ice Co. Either 'phone 72. HiKh grade granite work, from the best Bane Imported granites, lettering, carving and tracing. Fine monumental work a specialty. Sheeley & Lune, 217 Kust Brmul way. Genuine brass doll beds, including mat tress and pillow, l&c, at Petersen ti Schoen ing. Before buying a suit or overcoat It will pay you to see E. S. Hicks. Good suits troin l-S.OO to JJ6.U0. I 'an is, 6.00 to SlO.uu. Everything lirst-cluss. E. ti. Hicks, Vi Pearl street. D. S. Kerr has merchandise fo- exchanee. farms for sale, all kinds of city property for rale and on monthly payments. Houses for rent. 6W Broadway. 'Phones 417 and j 4U6 Red. I Globe Wernicke elastic bookebse makes i an ideal present; a gift of a few sections; I is inexpensive and la the beginning tor a I library, Whose growth U unlimited. Kel i ler-Farnsworth Fur Co. The case against Joe Scott, charged with , attempting to kill his witu, was ui-sinlH?ed j In police court yesterday morning. Airs. Hcott failed to appear to prosecute until ! alter the police court was closed. ! i am in the market to buy U0 tons of ma. chlnery lion, M tons stove iron, 2u tons of rubber and 20 tons copper and hra. A' rue fur prices befoie you sell. J. Kalel man, boJ S. Main St. Both phones 650. A burglar visited the residence of Wil liam White at 1M2 Second avenue, Friday, i Hecuring entrance through a window. As a result of his visit lie secured ..l in cash : and Mrs. While's gold watch and chain. ! PALL SAID, "A LITTLE OLD WINE FOR TH V tilOMACH a tjAKE," BO SA13 1 JARVIS. Judge Deemer of the Iowa supreme court baa accepted an invitation to aildrets the Men s club of the First Presbyiei i.tu chuicii at a banquet to be given Friday 1 evening, December In the church par- ; lors. Broadway, from Scott to Bryant street, ' was brilliantly illumiuati-d last night by a ' string of Incandescent lights, suuscrioeu tor by the business men on that portion of the street. Tueso lights will remain until after the hulldiys. I You want your munty's worth when you ' buy groceiies and meais; In other words, ou want Just what )ou pay for, good meats and groceries, buy at the Central grocery and meat u.arket and you will get Just what you order. Both phones No. 4. FOR ADVICE AND JUDGMENT ON GOOD CiGARd GO TO MALONEV, 3K PEAUL BT. HIS X.MAS (STOCK OF cigars is Complete, tell him WHAT YOU WANT AND YOU'LL GKT JUST TUB CIGAR TO SUIT THE TA8TE. NO CHARGE WE PACK AND SHIP TO ANY UNITED STATES ADDKEtiS CASE JARVJS LlyL'OKS. Petersen & Schoening have rented a va cant store bullying in which to siore Chris mas presents. Buy early and avoid the rush. W. 8. Hewetson, pictures and framing. Will piace on tale some of the latest and beat pictures earn day frou) now to Xmaa. bee Ida Broadway window for the specials. Nwte the address, Masonic Temple, Broad way, Council Bluffs. Come to us when you want a happy money s worm for X'mas presents. Fine water coloia, hlhest ait pastels. Your friend or relative will appreciate one. We have a stock of very tine nilrrr. Come and See yourself buy one. Borwlck. m houth Main. Rev. Henry I)eIong performed the mar riage ceremony yesterday for R. O. 61 ike and Emma M. Hatch, boih of Llnioin. Neb., and John Lane and Id F. GilUlte. : (: V 1 v v 1 '- "V J" Lamps Lamps Everything In the lamp line, from the finest to the cheapest. Special big globe lamp, each .'. 75 We are also handling a very desira ble line of Gas and Electric Porta bles at prices less than eluewhere. Hand Tainted China at a discount of 25 and all bargains. In Silver and Cut Glass advertised last Thursday continued. Service or Place Plates We have Just opened a new line In odd plates and dozens. Start your set this Christmas nothing handsomer for the table. Sterling Silver txnd Plated Ware The largest stocks and the lowest prices. Do not buy anything in this line until you have examined our lines and prices. Ebonv Sterlinc Silver mounted toilet articles at a discount ot 33. HAVE YOU SEEX OUK LARGE LIXE OF BRASS AX I) COPPER GOODS? Just the thing for a medium priced Christmas gift. Spe cial in this line: Brass candlesticks, 10-ln. high, 3 kinds to select from 31.00 In China and Wares for Table We are showing the largest line and most complete stock in tho west. Special in This Line: , A nicely decorated Dinner Set, In pink flowers, In natural colors and first-class porcelain ware 55.75 Over 50 open stock patterns to select from from which you can buy one piece or a full dinner set. Why not start a set now? Dalls Dolls Every doll at srlctl, wholesale prices. You can buy one doll as cheap as any dealer can buy them by the dozen. A I- - i .... Kodaks Kodaks Nothing in a Christmas gift that will give greater pleasure. SVe carry the full Eastman line. Visitors and Purchasers Equally Welcome. Store Open Every Evening Until Xmas. P. S. Goods selected will be reserved ip to December 24th pi rrr ra ILOun 342-344 BROADWAY, Council Bluffs, la. IIMHjffl. I I fvaSBSfctsSBKa; "SISJ- pened to Becure their licenses at the same time Rev. lJeLong made a double wedding ceremony of It. There Is to be a tryout debate between the Phllomathlans und the Delta Tans, the two literary societies of the high school, the first Friday following the Christmas vacation. The winners from each, and a third to be chosen, will be expected to meet the Kast L'es Moines school repre sentatives In debate February 15. Adolph Oolsteln, formerly aent for the Miller Brewing company of Milwaukee In this city, who left town about a week ago and an indebtedness to tbji brewing company of $l,LM0, bexiiles numerous other liabilities, is reported to be in Mexico. It is stated that after leaving Council Hlurfs he visited relatives in Kansas City for a few days. Nellie Shotwell, the young woman who fume to Council Bluffs a weak ago from Missouri Valley, where she had bei-n work ing for several months, alone and crit ically 111 witli tuberculosis, died venterdiy morning at the General hospital. When the young woman reached here It was ob served that she was In a precarious con- taken to the hospital. Her father, who re sides at Carson, la., was notified and he is expected here today. Harry Hansen, a tinnpr living on Wash ington avenue, was yesterday ordered com mitted to the State Hospital for Dipso maniacs at Knoxville by Judge tlreen for eighteen months. Hansen was liefore the court last June on a dipso charge, but the commitment was suspended pending good behavior. Friday nltfht Hansen ended a spree by Koing to sleep on the pnrklng on Washington avenue and Benton street and was found In time to save him from, being frozen. The police gathered liiin In. Go for you holiday wines, liquors and cordials , to L. Rosenfeldt, 519 8. Main. Phone 323. PHONE LIQCORS. JARVIS, 13G, FOR ALL Boy Saiert Itelensed. PAYTON. O.. Dec. If,. David Curtis, the half-witted boy who was under examination dltion and City Physician Rice ordered her in Justice Sciuire's court us a result of hib own statement that he was the slayer of Dona Oilman, was today released by the Justice on the ground that the prosecution l ad failed to show that he was connected with the crime Want a pair of rubbers? Oo to S. A. Pierce & Co.'s, Broadway and Main streets. a medical examiner begun today. an Investigation was China closets for Christmas presents at Petersen & Schoenlng's. Former rrlse Fighter Dead. GREENWICH. Conn., Dec. 15. An Inves tigation is being made Into the death of Joseph M. Nell, a former prise llvhter, which occurred last night in a local hotel. Nell and a woman known here as hl wife went to the hotel and were assigned a reo n. About ten minutes later the woman nskel the clerk to send for a doctor. salng that Nell was 111. Dr. L. O. Thompson, who was summoned, found Neil dead with a blin k mark under his right eye. Th woman ulso had a black eye. She made n explanation. She said sht wanted to go to New York to see her mother and she was allowed to do eo. On recommendation of Released Convict Killed. MANSFIELD, O., Pec. IB Herbert Hol llngsworth, recently released from the Ohio fiemtentiary, broke Into a hardware store lere last night, Sloln eight revolvers, held up and robbed scvral persons on the streets and was finally shot and killed by Police Captain Marks. When Marks up proached Holllngsw orth, the latter began' tiring, to which the officer responded, Hol lir.gsworth finally receiving a bullet in the heart. Now Is the time to make your wants know n through the Bee Want Ad page. Klcbt In Freight House. COLl'MHl'8, O., Dec. 15. In a desperate flehl wl h an nlleged car burglar at the lilt? Four freight house early today Big Four Hullroad Oftlcer Edward Dorgan was shot In the throat and Is In a serious con dition. The shooting was done by Isaac Buckingham, a Baltimore A Ohio railroad brakeman, who was captured by Doran despite the tact that he had been wounded. ikf 1 : - TyTZHA T would be ?nore pleasing or beneficial to a sick friend or to an old lady or gen tle?mn than a bottle of Hillers Fins Wine or Whiskey as a Christmas present. MILLER'S Fine Wines 33c, 53c, 75c Per Bottle. HILLEITS t Pure Whiskies 8)c,$U$L25p2r Full Quart HILLERl California mi mm fancy Christmas Baxes SKiSM $1.25 and Upwards Leather Covered Traveling Flasks 75c and Upwards Wine Sets $1.00 and Upwards. Side Board Becanters, 75c and Upwards Imported German Steins 75c and Upwards CIGARS, ALL SIZE BOXES, 50c AND UPWARDS OPEN EVENINGS If it Comes From Phone 1241 'UT T T IT Tip W? 1309 Farnam Stroot WE DELIVER PROMPTLY i V (C It Must bo Good. Green Trading Stamps j 001 u ui oinana. as tut lu cuupics bap