unday Bee The Omaha A Paper for th Horn THE OMAHA DEE Best S. West HEWS SECTIOI Pj;cs 1 to 12. VOL. XXXVI-NO. 26. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER lf, 1906-RIX SECTIONS-FIFTY-SIX PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ( r A. 2 V ) V i v. TV W .,. a-wa m ex. . - PLUMtl 1 IDEA LAME Irish Take Exceptions to ttu Industrial Flai af tie Omaha Landlord. BRITISH VETO ALLEGED TO BE SHOWN Inland it Kot Permitted to Compete with Factories in Sootlacd. OPERATION OF SOCIETY CRITICIZED Agricultural Organisation. Said to Ooapota with rirma in Trad. MATTER MAY BE HEARD IN COURT assBsasBBBBBMn School Question la Involved . la the General Proposition to Determine Scope of Work ol tbt Society. DUBLIN, Dec. 15. 8peelal.-Slr Horace Plunkett ha given the key to hla self satisfaction over the results of hla labor a a departmental chief In hla explanation . of the collapse of the Sllgo furniture fac tory, for which capital aubBcrtptlona were Invited In the prospectus on the plea that It "waa beln run under the auspices of the department." The department had nothing to do with tt, he haa explained to the de partmental commission. True, he and sev eral of the d tartmental offlclala were In tereated In It and their expenses In con nection with It were paid oat of the de partmental funda. But their Interest waa not aolely concerned with the question of Ita euccess. "There muat necessarily be," he Bays, "during the experimental period a large number of fallurea. but the difficulty waa to get men of auch public spirit aa Mr. Itourke Cockrah who would come forward and take the rlak of recognizing the value of a negative result." Negative result do not. however, appear to satisfy the dealrea of the Iriah people. Sir Horace Plunkett haa explained to Mr. Micks that the department should not take up any Industrial effort that would com pete with an existing Industry. He arguea that the department la at full liberty to contribute lta funda to the Irish Agrlcul ' tural Organisation, society, which la devot ing ttaelf to the organisation of InduBtrlea In competition with exlatlng lnduatriea, but these latter Industrlea are flourishing Iriah lnduatriea. What Blr Horace meana. It la believed, la that the department must not take up any Induatrlal effort that would compete with an exlatlng British industry. Brltlsk Veto Evident. Ita experiments are apparently to be sub ject to a British veto and that la not liked here. Aa Mr. Bonar Law put down the Drogheda Jam factory at the beheat of the Dundee Jam makers, ao the endeavore after Industrial regeneration of Ireland muat s-fT under thla popularly contronea aepnmmn be. It la alleged, "always conducted wnn an tye to superior British Interests." Though the East Indian may make hla own cotton the Irishman, It la claimed, may not ue assisted In making his own Jam. . The Question of whether the funda of tha department ahall continue to be .apent throuah the Irish Agricultural Organiia- tlon aoclety la being considered at a meet big of the council of agriculture, to which the board haa referred the matter. Mr. Oerald Balfour haa repudiated the pledge Waiuh be gave when the bill waa passing f&Iwucto the House of Commona that the funds would not be ao applied. The law officers have yet to determine whether the amendment Introduced by Mr. Gerald Bal four himself under pressur from Mr. Dil lon la consistent with auch aubventlona. It preveuta aubventlona to aocletlea engaged in trade and the Iriah Agricultural Organ lxatlon aoclety. which haa met the deficit of the Irish Wholesale aoclety and pub lishes a newspaper partly out of th funda auppllcd by the Boar of Agriculture, haa to prove that It la not a trading aoclety. The law officer may be aaved oonaldarable trouble by the final decision of th Coun cil of Agriculture , taettoa at Bdacatloa. -Mora serious than any of th problem raised by the departmental Inquiry la the Jt Quoatlon raiaed by th blehop of Limerick. is whether under th gula of preparing th way for technical educa tion th department 1 to Invade th field of geneial education and establish ther secular Institution for ordinary primary education, from which religion will b either excluded or In which It will be tolerated by allowing external preacher. Th preparatory trade achool 1 the name under wnicn ineaa iu.u.w. .r. bain- Introduced. It la claimed that ther la nothing of trad about them; that they are primary school doing th work of ordinary general duoatlou, and that at auch they will b teadily fought by the rutholle Interest of Ireland. Th report of th oommlaaloner of tha on and Inland ftaherlea of Ireland la re garded aa an encouraging document by tit expert upon Ihla particular ubjct. Tha denartmanl haa continued lta policy of assisting la th artificial propagation of salmon and trout. During th season l-4 th output from th different hatcherle wa 7.790.7M. again a,67b,60 In th pre vious season. Meanwhile It 1 regarded a a little disappointing to find that In Ire land, unllk America, thes hatohery opera tione have heretofore resulted In no marked Improvement In th salmon or trout flah erlea Tha year 19oS waa a very good on from th fisherman's point of view, accord ing to the report, The amount of sea fish landed ahowa above th average. Omitting shell fish, nearly 1.000.000 hundred- weight were taken and If ahell fish la In- eluded the total money received by Baher- Men amounted to more than 12,0iX).0mx Th 'ssel employed In the naharlea abow a tendency to di-creaae In numbers, but to Increase In sue. The change ha not, trll tha number of person employed during th year. rr Dahlia Beautiful. A vary Interesting discussion Is now going on in th dally papers as to bow beet to make Dublin more beautiful. On suggestion Is to remove Nelson's Pillar to I j th park or elsewhere. Two propoaala have yy-' aim) been made with regard to O'Connell Bridge one to erect a fountain th other to have electric light put Into the old lamps. Tha former seem acarcely feas ible, but th tatter might be carried out at little coat, and would. It la believed. Im mensely Improve tha appearence of that pxrt of the city at night All of th Irish member of th Hou of Commons, trresi-eottve of party, bave i-nd the following petition to tha prime minister: minister: "We, the nnderalgi S K nut k Irehtnd, are I iimval of th prohibit Igned member, repre. 111 laioi Ul in re hlbitlon on tobaoro-grow- lr.g in Ireland and trust thai Ifc bill be f -re tVrlUmvtit may be given facilities b the government st an early day." At the Plonncr Total Abstinence league iCvniluued on Fourth Page.) TAPESTRY THIEVES BOLD With Forged Ordera Parts' Soeeeene la Getting; Many Valuable Gobella Designs. PARI 8, Deo. IB (Special. ) According to all accounts the theft of Gobelin tapestries from the chateau of Comte Derthler de vVagram, near Thlonvllle, waa more daring than the theft recenUy committed at the Rothschild chateau and the trick played by the thlevea savors greatly of the meth ods of the now far-famed German Kopenlo captain who made the so'.dlers of the Ger man army aid him in hobblng the mayor. The story Is that two men whom nobody had een there before arrived at Thlon vllle and hired three of the best cabinet maker In the town, saying that they had been commissioned to take away aome valuable tapestries from the chateau, for which they needed the moat expert hands, and showed letters purporting to be from Comte de Wagram. They proceeded, ac companied by these skilled workmen, to the Chateau c la Grange, owned by the comte, and which contained some valuable collections of furniture and tapestries. They ahowed their lettera to the servitors, the chief caretakers being absent, and were allowed to proceed. Tney ordered the work men to take from the walla several Una panels of Gobelin tapestry worth $23,000. It waa done with great precaution and after the tapestries were carefully packed they had them taken to the station. "When the chief caretaker returnej from a shooting excursion In the evening he waa surprised at what had happened and immediately telegraphed to Comte de Wagram In Parla. The latter anawered that he had given no auch order. Meanwhile the thieves had found a suitable train and had left with their valuable acqulaltlon. The railway employes say that they took the train for Oatend and It Is believed that they are now en route to America. SMIT WANTS NEW TRIAL Rrsndna of Late "Oom Paul" Kreger Would Raeape Sentence for Mnrder. PRETORIA, Dec. 15. (Special.) Efforts are being made to aecure a new trial for 6tephanus Paul Kruger Smlt, grandson of the lnte President Kruger, who haa been found guilty of murdering Hermann Davis. The claim la that he la Insane and la t be Imprisoned during the governor's pleas ure, but Smlt haa succeeded In Impressing some of his friends that he Is sane but Innocent of any real Intent to be drawn Into any murder. Smlt had been In negotia tions with Davis, who claimed to know of burled treasure worth HG0.000, and together they drove off together from Pretoria to Deaport to take possession of the gold. It Is now claimed that the murder was committed by strangers, but Smlt, know Ing how deeply he waa Involved In the frauds, bocama afraid to tell, fearing punishment by reason of the frauds alone, Ther were many mysterious thing con nected with the case and many Incidents which have not been cleared up. The fact la not denied that the cart used by Smlt on the night of the travel In search of the gold waa found spattered with blood stains. The veldt waa acoured when Davie failed to show up, and his body wss discovered In a lonely spot elx miles from Pretoria with four bullet wounds In the head and tha neck, and yet In spite of all of these damaging facts there are many circum stances which tend to make It appear aa though Bmit could not poaelbly have com mltted the murder. LIFE IN THE FAR NORTH Captain Amundsen Telia of Plana Adopted to Keep Hla Party Cheerful. CHRISTIAN! A, Dec. 15. (Speclal.)-Cap- taln Amundsen, In an account of his nota ble achievements In making th Northwest passage says few of the Esquimaux whom the expedition met had ever en whit people and that they naturally regarded them as superior beings. The monotony of the voyage waa auch that even th singing cook who was taken on board at Nome became a bora after the first forty-eight hours. Still all festi vals, such as birthdays, Christmas, Baster and Whltsun were kept, cakes being baked and served up. Cigars ran short during the expedition and members of th party were obliged to fall back upon the tobacoo purchased at Nome. Nearly all had taken with them Christ mas parcels marked with the respective years, given by members of family and friends before departure. These were opened upon th proper holiday and dls cussed with aa much interest as though they were prise hampers Just received from home. In this way and In many other Tit tle way did the captain try to alleviate th monotony of th voyage. BOURBONS IN A LAWSUIT King of Spala Iutereated In Case t Settlo Eatat f Qnoea. PARIS, Deo. IB. (Special.) -A Bourbon lawsuit In which tha namea of aome of th most dlettng-ulBhed members of that family. Including King Alfonso XIII of Spain, appear, la now being ventilated before the First Chamber of the Civil Tribunal of tbo Seine. Th suit date bauk to 1S7S and refer to th estates of Queen Christine of i gpujn, prlnctaa de Bourbon, daughter of jraneol i, king of the Two Hiclllea, born in 1808. She died at Havre on August 22. i i(r;g Kt)(j waa the grandmother of the king I Bpaln. She left considerable estates In I Franc which are claimed on the one hand Dy Prino Don Flllppe del Drago, Fer- dlnand del Drago, prince Francesco prlncesa of Atunl; del Drago, count of T L '"l?' "1 Giovanni del Drago, and on the other hand by King Alfoneo XIII of Spiin. Prl hand by mng Aiionso .viu oi np-un, mn- -i r.nn. a nmirhon Princa and Prin clpe Carina de Bouroon, pnnc ana prln- T .m 1 1 VtA ' ni rA if TtAVAiHa Cnm. c-ss Louis Ferdinand of Bavaria. Com teas da Parla Due de Galllera and a doaei. ; man. bars beside th Bourbon family. PEASANTS ARE EXCITED Religious Fanaticism Follows a Peeullar Form of Fangne Growth Near Antwerp. ANTWERP. Dee. 16 (Special.)-Rellglou fanaticism and superstition ars running riot at Borgerhout, a suburb of Antwerp, hera a curloua fungus groat h on rotten J planks has taken the form of tha familiar I .t.tuettes of the Virgin Mary and Child. Th. Ul,orant Douuluce. nf course H,im - .. h lt.il wrn.i.ht Th local priests i:ave denounced the auperstltion, rlilml g that tho Incidents are du en I llrcly to natural caimes, hut th Incident ! still clings In the minds of th peasant In spl' of all that ha been don In et- tempt to erudlcat tt. superstition. TROUBLE FOR Cl'"!! Stormy Timet faid V fiaad for Vatiean in ' ? .trie. SOCIALISTS ELA GREATER PART . Germany ia Expecteu to Be Scene of the Greatest Contest. FREE MASONS COME IN FOR THEIR SHARE Distinction Between Masons of Eonth and Thote of America. LINE DRAWN BETWEEN RICH AND POOR Impending; Contest, Which May Include All En rope, Socialists Coant on Drawing; from Poor Catholics. ROME, Dec. 15 (Special.) It begins to appear aa though stormy times are await- ng the Vatican. Theological experts to coin an expressive phrase are saying that the whole organization and aystem of the Roman Catholic church are likely to be subjected to a strain more severe than they have experienced since the great trials and tempests of the reformation. This, It should be explained, la not the fault of the church; It la not the fault of the adminis tration of affalra as now carried on. If It must be charged up against anything it la to be charged up against the general feel ing of unrest which prevails in so many of the countries of the world, and for the prevalence of this feeling of unrest, almost world lde as It appears to be. It would be manifestly unfair to hold the pope or his cardinals responsible. Some of the theological experts profess to find the greatest menace to the authority of the church in the growing tide of social ism. Heretofore, no matter what the periods of storm and stress, even during the darkest hours of the reformation period, the pope could always rely upon a large percentage of th working-men, If the lnbor era of that period may be so styled, for the purpose of making the parallel plain. The Catholic church has always been strongest among the poor ia strongest among the poor even to the present day. But the socialistic propaganda which has awept over so many of the European countries appears to take Into Its ranks all of the poor almost without exception. Indeed, It is the boast of the international socialists that the great middle class la rapidly being wiped out of existence and that soon there will be only the very poor and the very rich, and It Is argued that the socialists will get 99 per cent of the very poor and thut they will outnumber the so-called ex ploiting classes ten to one. These argu ments are used merely for th purpose of making plain the situation aa It appears today from the point of view of .many persona who have given their entire Uvea to the study of toplca akin to these. Soelallata Are Blamed. A great many loyal Catholics are dis posed to charge the troubles through which the church is passing in the republic of Franco and In countries possessing a more autocratic ' form' of government Spain, Austria, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Servla, and. In fact, all of the Balkan stales up to the ancient and the old-tim enemy cf th Church of Rome th Free Masons. And when tha word "rrea Ma ro., "" - aona" la used In thla connection It should'.". - . -. ...-u. - be understood that It haa a meaning en tirely foreign to th meaning used by lodges of that order In England and America. The rude organlxatlons which have for centuries existed In the south of Europe have little In common with th order, of which th king of England 1 the head. But no matter whether some of these offshoot from Freemasonry are re sponsible for aom of the agitations which have been carried on against the prlesta and the bishops or not, the fact remalna that th agitation do exist. And the Vatican ha at times been extremely troubled at th way thing have been going In aome of the greater cltle of Franc and th Latin union countries. Th situation has perhaps reached a more critical stag In Germany than in any other European country, for the reason that the growth of socialism haa been more pronounced there than elsewhere. To those who remember the daya of the elder Bismarck It aeema almost Impossible that even a friendly undertaking could exist between tha German emperor and the Vati can, tmiy a tew years cmpwu since the priests were being driven out or the country with th authority of a German kaiser in far worse fashion than they are ! being treated today In France. But those who got a glimpse of things behind th scene In th chancellories of Europe do not hesitate to say that there Is a work ing agreement between the Vatican and the kaiser for the suppression of social ism. The kaiser Is being forced to rely more and more, year by year, upon the clerlcala to aecur th enormous approp.la - tlona for nia pel projects oi a iarg army and navy things which are being fought In all legitimate waya possible by 'h worklngmen and the Bociallata of hla realm. Just what tha effect will be upon th mind of th worklngme of ocr.t::ur.til Europe, If It should become apparent that the pop 1 working with the crowned bead of Europe In this way. It Is difficult to say, for the reason that never before has the church ranged Iteelf squarely oh the side of th rulers and against the poorer clasaea. Indeed, the Catholic church has been bitterly accused of caring Insanely for the poor by Ita arch enemlea. Conteata May Bo Bitter. In the event of a aquar conflict between the 4.000 OuO aoclallaU of Germany and the Vatican and the kaiser It is difficult to de ! termin. Ju.t what ,h. na. u. .might " , be, even If there should oe no resort to the a.lthorKlee will give him any more In-n- t ,..(., i ik. Hkufttinn il .1 nA, m . ... i . vrf uinlv the situation could not lt i Certainly me snuauon couiu not rau . . many ores perhaps a condition : ..... of affair akin to that caused by th fact that Father McOlynn adhered to the cause of Henry George end th single tax move ment In New Tork City In opposition to churchly authority. It wa year and yeara before th friction caused by thla event healed over, even In Rom Itself. Next to France, where the contest be tween the local authorttlea and the church authorities la going on all tha time the crnin4- th mental condition of the Servian atorm center today would appear to b crown prince. His lateat escaped 1 oom Bpaln. For. whll th groundwork haa per- j mon property here at tha capital. hup been lata tor a tar greater atruggie In Germany laUl on. It I In Spain where th lateet trouble hav broken out. The liberal statesmen In Bpaln ars constantly seeking to impress upon tne mind of the young king that thers Is sn alliance theru between the church authorities and the Carllsts and ths reactionaries. Vndoubt edly thers la a tendency to exaggerate these things not one-half th reports re- celved here In regard to the aituatlon In , ICoulinued on rouiiu fagtj CREDITORS AFTER MME. GOULD French Money Leaders Assert She Waa a Extravagant a Her Husband. PARIS, Dec. 15 (8pnlal.)-CreditorS of Count Bont de CaMellane, reallxlng that the divorce haa left him practically pen niless, are making a tremendoua onslaught upon the late countess and are dlnoaed to hold her responsible for th debts. They are bothering her In all of the little ways which the law permits under those circum stances. In one of the recent suits brought by the creditors Maltre Millerand noln,1 out that the counteaa benefited aa well as her husband by the lavish magnificence of the Castellans household, of which he drew up an amusing rlcture. All Parts knew the powdered lackeys who used to line the great staircase on daya of receptions and the gold laced portere who stood aa sen tinels before their mansion In the Avenue Malakoff. The gilt coach In which the couple In th days of their splendor drove from the railway station to their chateau Is still the talk of peasants In the sur rounding country. The celling of th bed room In which the countess still sleeps, h pointed out, cost 1"1n0, and It furnishing W00.ono. Hence. Maitre Millerand con cluded, she was Just as extravagant as her husband and ought to be held Jointly responsible with him In the eyes of the la a. Maltre Jaoobson. pleading for the Zelgler creditors, declared thnt when the count was driven to despair by his creditors, It was M. Zelgler who came to the rescue again and again and paid the debts of th couple and the countess could not now be absolved from all responsibility. KNIFE FOR BRITISH OFFICER Indian Dossil Over to Keep Peace Make Asaanlt Vpon Depnty Commissioner. ALLAHABAD, Dec. 15. (Speclal.)-A desperate attempt to murder Mr. Napier, the deputy commissioner of Kalpur, Central province, has Just been repotted here. Ac cording to the general report received, the attempt was made by a native. The commissioner waa playing bridge at the Chattlsgarh club, when the native stepped Into the room and aimed a violent blow with a knife at Mr. Kapler's neck (mm behind. Luckily the frill of the punkah struck the man's head and changed the direction of the blow so that Mr. Napier received only a serious cut beneath the ear. Two other men and a woman were play ing bridge with Mr. Napier and another man was looking on. and there were other people in the room at the time, but so sudden was the attack that the native got away before the players could even realise Just what had happened. Later, however, the man was captured, and turned out to be a notorious criminal who had the day before been bound over to keep the peace and who bad been released on ball. He had threatened murder If the case went against him. His sureties have now been withdrawn and he ha been sent enced to three year' rigorous Imprison ment. SACRED CARAVAN STARTS Few Year Moslem Travel . to . Hecot by Rail. Will CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 10. (Special.) The sacred caravan which left by special steamer for Beirut enroute for the Holy , r'l.l.. 1.1..,, K, - Tl ni iu ma oueivei ui jnecc ana omer notables glfta cf especial value thla year as the sultan wished In thla manner to tes tify hla gratitude for his recovery from hla alckness In the summer. The monetary consideration to the Bedouin sheiks all along the line of the route have been Increased and In some In stances doubled for thla very cause. The annual cost of the sacred caravan as en tered on the budget of the empire la $0,000. All the Bedouin chlefa do not receive preaents In cash. Some of the moat lin portant aro presented with aworda or man' tiea of honor, while the petty chlefa are gratified with ordinary artlclea of Arab dress. Ane sheik was contented with the gift of one boot one year and with the promise of its fellow the succeeding year. What he cared for most of all was the fact that It waa a preaent from hla sultan Thla year the pilgrimage will be able to cover one-third of ita Journey to Mecca by rail, and the Hodjax line hai) been com pleted aa far as Tobuk. At the rate of advance which haa been maintained for the last five year the rail- f should resch Medina by 1910, and Met.ca lnree yfars later, ENGLISHMEN JOIN ISLAM Three Resident of India, Embrace Faith of Mohammed aad Are Received. CALCUTTA, Dec. 15. Special) Charles Norms n ji iallahnian. with hla two ; John ,nd Henrr wbo hav. embraced the Lslam faith, have been formally ad- nil'Cjd Into hat creed at th Mahometan J-iuaqu at Dbra Dun. A large crowd of native accompanied th oonvkrta, who wer renamed Abdulla Jan, Jan Mahomed and Almad Jan, - re spectively. They wore Mahometan garb on leaving the mosque and were followed by a procession with muslo and torches through the native portion of the town. Mr. Norman came out to India with tha Suffolk regiment In 18S7. and after serving hla time with the colore Julned the rail way service. He waa carriage examiner in tha government stit railway at Delhi and la now receiving a pension of about 13 per month, it ia aald here that Nor man will have aome difficulty In drawing hla next month'a pension under the name but U , , , . , oonvrmence than is absolutely necessary i CRAZY PRINCE OF SERVIA Crew a Prince Abuses Will Not Bite i Mease. Soldier Who . Live BELGRADE. Dec. 15.-(SpecaI.) All sorts of stories continue to be circulated con x mouse was recently caught at the ' paiaoe wher the prince rualdrs. Thl h carried allv outside and ordered a en ' tlnel to bite off It head, holding It to hi mouth ami crying "Urlsi:" (bit It). A the soldier refused ths prince beat him and threatened him st the point of a revolver for disobeying his military superior. The scene attracted a crowd of curious spec tatora and their loud denunciations brought out tha officer on duty. Through th rf- torlm and th ntreatie of this officer the Jpriuc aa finally Induced to retlr. BOMBS AND BULLETS Terroriiti Ifate Desperate Attempt! to Aitaiiinate Admiral PoubaisofT. TEN SHOTS ARE FIRED AT HIM All of Them Vies, but Ee it Bliehtly Hprt by Bomb. SECOND BOMB FAILS TO EXPLODE Beth the Terrorists Are Arres'ei by the Admiral and Folios. REVENGE SUPPOStO TO BE MOTIVE Foarth of a Less Series of Con spiracies Against Uovernor Gen eral of Moscow for Suppress ing Revolution. ST. PETERSBURG, Doc. IS.-Admlral Doubasoft, formerly governor of Moscow, was the object of a desperate attempt at assassination today, In which he received severe Inlurlea. Three men. hellevel to be terrorists, participated In the attack, which took place while the admiral was walking along a secluded path of the Taurlde gardens. A young man. dressed as a work man, approached and flr?d seven shots from a revolver, but missed. The terrorist turned j and ran, with the admiral In pursuit. See ing thnt his capture was Imminent, Doubas- soff'a assailant turned, drew a bomb from hla pocket, and hurled It at his pursuer.. Donhassoff waa thrown to the ground by the explosion. A watchman ran up and seized the terrorist. As the admiral was rising a second terrorist appeared and threw a bomb at htm. which passed over hla head and did not explode. The second terrorist then fired three shots from a revolver at the admiral and missed him. Doubasaoff threw himself upon the terrorist, disarmed and held him until he waa aeixd by the police. The two terrorlsta were taken to the nearest police station. A third succeeded In escaping. Revenge la the Motive. The attempt on Doubaasoff'B life la con nected with the trials of revolutionists In progress at Moscow. Ills assailants are supposed to be workmen from that city, who were seeking to avenge their comrades, aome of whom have already been con demned to death. The attempt was one of a long aeries of plots against Doubasaoff due to the part which he played In sup pressing the revolution in Moscow a year ago. Three of these conspiracies. In which young men and a woman of .highly con nected family were concerned were frus trated by tho Moscow police, but another plot In May resulted In the admiral's right leg being injured by a bomb, from which Injury he had only recently recovered. The same leg was hurt again today. Owing to tho receipt of letters warning him that an attempt would be made on his life, Doubasaoff permitted the police of St. Petersburg to take extraordinary pre caution during tha marriage of his daughter a week ago, when all th atreeta between the : admiral's residence to the church were closed during the pavaage of the bridal party. The admiral, however, persisted In going out for walks without escorts. BAILEY TALKS ABOUT LOANS Fifteen Hundred Dollar Borrowed from H. C. Fierce Was Card to Bay a Horae. BAN ANTONIO, Tex., Dec. 15.-Senator Joseph W. Bailey aald relative to the state ment that he had borrowed money from H. Clay Pierce, preaident of tho Watera Plerce Oil company, that In ao Boing he had never considered that It waa anything that people could object to. "Why, I have borrowed hundreda of thousands of dollars from Mr. Pierce," he said, "and I told th people time and again that I had many auch transactions with Mr. Pierce. "I one went to him to borrow JIM, 000. I knew of some securities I jcould buy by which I could make a few thousand dollars. Mr. Pierce told me then that he did not have that amount of money at hand, but went out to a bank and went my security. 'I paid th money back to Mr. Pierce and I made several thousand dollars on the deal. The attorney general's office did not need to go to the records of Mr. Tierce's office to know that I had borrowed monev from him. I could have told them that. The voucher printed by the attorney gen. eral showing that I received 11.600 from H. C. Pierce waa a record of a loan when I wlahed to buy a horae." REFUGEES LIVE RENT FREE Relief Board May Net Legally Collect Meaey for Heasee la Farka, SAN FRANCISCO. Deo 16.-Pursuant to an ordinance passed yesterday by th board of supervisor making It unlawful for the relief corporation to collect rentals from refugee owning cottage In publio parka, tha chief of police haa detailed two officera to each of the relief camp to see that the ordinance la not violated. The officera are lnatructed not to take any ordera from oamp commander or special police. Th relief corporation haa been collecting from M to 16 a month from the refugeea occupying th cottages built from the relief fund. Aa the policing and aanttatlon campa haa been In charge of th relief corporation the enforcement of the ordinance will prac tically amount to taking the management of tha camp out of th hands of the re lief corporation. The cottage number 1741. WRECK ON TEXAS PACIFIC Csssss Ball Express Collides with Freight la Louisiana, aad Kllla Fear Men. DONALDSONVIIJ-E. La.. Dec. 16-Four persona were killed and two seriously in jured today In a head-on collision between the Cannon Ball express and a freight train at a long curve here on ths Texas at Pacific railroad. Th dead: B. 1. ALI.KN. wall lierk. Wool'WOhTH. Marshall, Tex., ex press nieusenger. NEGRO MAIL MEr'SENOKR. NT.ORO TRAMP. The engineer and firemen of both trains suw the approaching collision in time to escape by Jumping. The boiler of the freight blew up, scattering boiling water and bits of Iron and adding to the terror Of th passengers. Many of th peaengera wr painfully bruised. THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Flr and Warmer Sunday. SEW SFCT10 Twelve Pnaea. I Irish nisllke the rinnkett Plan. Trnnhle In Store for the Vtl'. Ilomh and Hnllets Fell to Kill. Hone Sere to Get the Pnstomee. 9 Railroad Reply on Car Shorlnae. .1 w from All Parts of hrnska. 4 Mexico Hne Ip Central Railroad. II Troops Heine Sent to tlarrntl. r.lnanoiv Shlphnlldera Alnrmed. A Taft Hepnrta on Philippines. T Bin- Croivd at Torrey Mission. Reanlts of Torrey Mission Good. Affalra at Sonlh Omaha. 8 Modlaelt Brothers Tried Sext. Klllott Refuses to Knter Plea. Sportlnar Kventa the Day. Root and Kolger Win Bicycle Rare American I. en ane Rattlnw Averasrcs Trade with Sonth American l.nnda. 10 Council Blnffa and Iowa News. EDITORIAL SUCTION Twelve rears 3 Last Week In Omaha Society. 3 Woman In Us and Charity. 4 V. W. C. A. National Convention. A New York's Great Improvement. Five-Mile Ride with Death. Kdltorlal and Comment. 8 How Railroad Men Climb. 9 Sports nt the Ilia Schools. Fatal Blundrra Made by Hunters. lO In the Field of Klectrlclty. 11 Suburb Richest Town In World. WAVT AD SKCTIO Twelve rages 2 Gossip of Playa and Players. Mualc and Musical Mattera. 3 Memorial to Robert Fulton. 4 n Jnpnneee Exclusion Likely. Water Ready for the Arid Land. 5 Preserving- Bohemian Language. 6 Timely Renl Kstate Toplca. Live Stock Men Appeal for Hatea. Kerns Exposes Slnaaer Young. Omaha Second aa Oata Market. T Want Ada. 8 Want Ada. Want Ada. 10 Condition of Omaha's Trade. Happening; In Omaha Suburbs. Oinnha Hlh School Notes. 11 Commercial and Flnanclul Kewa. CHRISTMAS SUCTION Eight Pages, 1 The Nativity of Jesus. a Christmas In History and Tradition What m Man May Give a Woman. 8 Christmas on Board Ship. Some Historic Christmas Dny, The First Christmas Tree. 4 Story of the Bishop' Ring. 5 A Small Boy' Calendar. Mrs. I.eater'a Christmas Eve. O Christmas In Other Lands. T Len;ends of the True Santa Claus. Christmas a Children's Feaat. Glfta that Men Appreciate. 8 The Mr Tree. HALF-TO IK SECTION Eight Pages. 1 Life Work of Eleasar Wnkeley. Trip Through Sweden and Norway, a Little Storlea for Little People. 3 Woniuai Her Waya aad Her World 4 Where Christmas Never Comes. 5 Story of the Homestake Mine. Fairbanks on the Country. Toy Makers of the World. 7 Weekly Grist of Sporting; Gossip. 8 Short Storlea of Several Sorts. Queer Capers Cut by Cnpld. 'Temperature at Omaha Veaterdnyi Hour. Desr. Hour. Oea. 5 1 11 IS 14 14 IK IT ao i p. a p. 8 p. 4 p. a p. r p. T p. S3 S3 ItH 88 28 t 88 a. m . m. T a. m . 8 a. m. a. m, 10 a. m . 11 a. as, 13 iu. . . , FIGHT IN CONVICT CAMP Two Mississippi Officials Seriously Injured by Negroes Who At tempt to Escape. JACKSON, Miss., Dec. 15. As a result of a free-for-all fight, covering a desperate attempt on the part of the negro convicts to escape from the Oakley convict farm. I about twenty miles southwest of thla city. today. Captain J. N. Buckley. In charge of the camp, austalned a seven-Inch gash across the chest and Sergeant John Dodd's left arm was broken. The fight commenced In the hospital. Ben Cooper, a long-term negro convict, at tacked another negro, Charles Prlnoe, with a razor. The attack on Prince was the signal fur a general fight, and when Ser geant Dood entered the room he was beaten with clubs, Iron bars and other weapons. Captain Buckley attempted to quell the disturbance and was attacked by- Cooper, who attempted to cut his throat and was only prevented by liertkiah Pluney, an other convict, knocking the w ;xin down. Pluney then grappled with Cooper and dis armed him. When the other negroes saw Pluney take the raxor from Cooper they quieted down. Governor Vardaman hastened to Oakley on a special train, accompanied by the members of the Board of .Control. When they reached Oakley, quiet had been re stored. Governor Vardaman brought Pluney back to Jacksod and will pardon htm for disarming Cooper. OCCUPATION JAX IS INVALID Georgia Supreme Court Set Aside Law Taxing Receipts of Common Carrlere. ATLANTA, Go,., Dec. 15. The occupation tax act was declared unconstitutional by the Mate supreme court today. The deci sion was rendered In the case against the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company. The decision, It la estimated, will cause a loss of IIMUO annually to the atate. The law required all express, rail road, telephone or telegraph companies doing buslnexs In the state to pay Into the iiiio ii 7 a nuiu cacu year, vi nicn, t added to It. regular property and franchise taxea, should make tho entire equal to 2 per cent of its gross Income. BRYAN OFFERS SOME ADVICE Kebraskaa Wrltea Letter to Oklahoma Convention Telling Vlewa on Stole Coaatllatloa. GUTHRIE. Okl.. Dec. 1S.-A communica tion from W. J. Bryan, In which he made a number of recommends tions,' waa read to day befor tha constitutional convention. One suggestion was ths creation of a board of corporations, lie also urged the con vention to adopt the Initiative and re ferendum and the nomination of all officers by tha primary system. The committee on fed'ral relat-onn re'- i ported favorably on the proposal of two amendment to the United States consti tution, one for the election of United State senators by direct vote of Ahe ueople snd one for an Incom tax, " HOWE GETS OFFICE Firit Assistant Postmaiter Geieral fays Same Gees to Seaate KoDcUy. SOUTH OMAHA MATTER SETTLED Coaareunian Kennedy Gets Definite Assur anoe from 1 erartmeat PADDOCK'S NOMINA I ION IS WITHDRAWN New Papers Are Prepared and Are Eicned by the r'reiident IMMEDIATE CONFIRMATION POSSIBLE Senator Millard Will Supplement Kennedy's Activity hy Request for Prompt Action Lee Filer for Assistant. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Dec. IS. (Special Tele Kram.) Representative Kennedy does not Intend to let any grass grow under his feet until the Souih Omaha poslofflce succession Is s tiled. He was nt the Postoffire depart ment bright and early this morning to see the first assistant postmaster gener.il, whu has not been accessible for several days, and who has charge of the division of ap pointments. Mr. Hitchcock assured Mr. Kennedy that the matter is now dellnltely settled and th withdrawal of O. K. Paddock's nomination und that the nomination of E. L. How, which Is already prepared and signed, will go to the senute Monday. Senator Millard Is expected to request Im mediate confirmation, as tlie attention of tho committee has already been attracted to the controversy. In fact. It has been discussed., nt both ends of tho capltol. It Is now aald that Mr. Paddock filed a peti tion with the department. Mr. Howe's con firmation will mean the appointment eg Lew Etter as assistant. Pensions for Nebrnsknns. This being pension day In the houso, mem bers who hud pension bills on the calendar were In evidence, watching for their bill to come out of the hopper. ; Three of Mr. Ilinshaw's bills were passed, namely: Increasing the pension of James C. Daly, Waco, York countj to $40; H. P. Mtinns, David City, J0; George II. Wash, burn. Oiltner, $24. A bill of Judge Norrls' was passed for Levi Eddy, reading at Hastings, $30. Congressman Smith of Council Bluffs se cured the passage of three pension bills: Isauc 8. Doan S'Jt. Charles W. Foster $3t and John T. Harvey $30. Representative Kennedy passed through the bouse Senator Millard's bill to increase the pension of John Ard Gordon of Omaha to $30 per month. Congressman Kennedy was notified by th Bureau of Pensions today that the claim of August Buva of Fontanelle, Neb., for a '. penalon has been allowed at $12 per month ' from November 12. Judje Kinkald was advised that Increase in pensions had been allowed to John N. Schneider, Broken Bow, and Charles D. Wnalley, Callaway, each Increased to $12 per month. Vncle Sam' Aid for Farmer. The success attendant upon the prac tical lessuns clven farmers In the First district In Nebraska In spraying apple trees for scab fungus and other diseases haa prompted the Detriment of Agricultur to plan for a tnrger demonstration next year. Congressman Pollard, who wu In strumental In getting the department to make thexe practical demonstrations for the benefit of fruit growers In Nebraska, as well bb several of the southwestern states, was Informed today by Secretary Wilson that the results had been far b yond their expectations and thut th Agricultural department had been shown unother way In which to make Its work known amongst farmers and fruit grow ers. Mr, Pollard also miido srrangements with Mr. Galloway, chief of the bureau of plant Industry, to send Into the First district varieties of both winter and spring wheat that will be rust proof. The Agricultural department has been propagating these varieties of wheat and has been signally successful, with the result thut requests are being received from all wheat growing sections of the union for sampler of these grains that will realst the presence of rust. It Is expected also that some work will he done on Improving the quality of corn In the First district. It la Mr. Pollard's expectation to try to locate experts on two or three farms In his district wher the farmers show an Inclination to take up the work In conjunction with tho Agricul tural department, bo that the farm In terests of Nebraska, primarily of the First district, may have the benefit of th dem onstration. Twelve Cents a Mile for Carriers. Congressman Hlnshaw Introduced a bill today granting 12 cents per mile per day to ' rural free delivery carriers. He re gards this as th best bill that has beea Intoduced to Increase the pay of rural car rier a Man Without a Party. A very peculiar contention has srlseii over th request of Congressman-i lect PMer A. Portir of the Thirty-fourth New York district to have his name recorded In the list of members-elect aa a repub lican. Mr. Porter's request appears to be without precedent and will be denied. Ther hav been Instances In the past when mem bers of the houne, and even senators, have been elected hy one party who have sub sequently repudiated the platforms upon -hich they wre elected and the party which elected them. But these cases were baaed upon the fact that the senators and repre ntatlves found the policies of their (arty Intompatibl with their conscien tious beliefs. Mr. Klbley of Pennsylvania, elected as a ! d,.mocrat di(i not agree with hla party on I - j foreswore further allegiance to that party and upon the floor of the house announced his Intention to thereafter affiliate with the irpublicane. Senators Dubois of Idaho and Peitigrew of South Dakota acre elected to the striate aa republtcane. They dis- j agreed with their party' declarations on I the silver question aa enurclated In th 'platform of l&ti and thereafter affiliated ; with the democrats. Senator Dubois was subseqneutly elected to tha senate as a democrat and is still serving ss such. But th case of Mr. Porter Is dlff'rent. A copy of the official ballot, upon which tie was elected, shows that he was c nd'date of the regular Uem x-r-its and Independent Vague and that while ha a I ho appears on the ballot us an "Independent," he did n it claim, ofllc lnlly. ai, where thnt he was an "indeperdent republican." So far as the memory of the oldest cftVlal of tlie bouse extends back ther Ims never ben a t tu Jmhen a niomber eWuted ou ou Uokat