Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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EwseryfiMiii h Italy fiw He (Krei
Six Hundred Boys' Suits Reduced,
Suits that sold uo to S4.00. now . - . - .
This great clothes store is continually breaking away from precedent and doing the unusual. No occasion this
year for waiting till Christmas is over for Boys' Suit prices to drop. They have dropped already. "We've se
lected exactly six hundred boys' fine suits that sold all season to $4 and placed them on
separate tables for easy selection. Extra salespeople will be here to give you immediate
attention. These suits comprise everything that is new and nobby this season cheviots,
cassimeres, tweeds, in the styles that are most popular with boys. They are from broken
lots that have been our best sellers. You will find all sizes, 6 to 16. These suits will and
must be closed out before our inventory - C
starts in the first of January. "We have Worth Up
named a price that won't let them linger q 5)4.00 Jit
long y '
Standi Otod Chance for Union Transfer
and Sterling Companies.
Local Capitalist Offer to Erect
Building- la Omaha and It !
Belaa t'oasldered la
Council Blnffa.
Onialia stands a good chanca of securing
two additions to Its list or Implement Job
bers, the I'nion Transfer company and the
BterUng Manufacturing company, both of
which were rendered homeless by the nre
on the Council liluffs Implement row Tues
day evening. The Commercial club of the
city across the river Is endeavoring to find
room for the two concerns, but seemingly
without success, while the Jobbers on the
Omaha side say It will be possible to pro
vide temporary quarters here. A local capi
talist hus offered to erect a building In
Omaha for the I'nion Transfer company,
and Manager Southard la said to be con
sidering the proposition.
Whether or not the Union Transfer com
pany comes across the river, the Sterling
Manufacturing company probably will
come. It Is unable to find warehouse room
In Council liluffs and haa been, offered
quarters In Omaha. A decision will be made
In a few duys.
If. W. Loin-, Exposed la The Bre, Is
Arrested at ShreTeport,
II. W. Lalng. the enterprising man from
Missouri who tried to work tha Paxton
hotel for 176 and Browning. King Co.
for IW by meons of a bogus check
several weiks a , hus come to grief at
Bnrevetort, la., where he tried In vain to
work the same game.
The article l-i The Bee detailing Icing's
operations in Umaha put the hotels
throughout the country on their guard and
Mr. Lalng was looked for. He did succeed,
however, in working off a number of bad
checks lit Kt. Louis and then struck out for
pastures new, landing nnal'.y at Shreveport,
where he came to B' lef. Mr. Lalng now re
poses In the Bhreveport Jail awaiting trans,
for to St. lxniis.
Lalng failed to realize on the checks he
Issued In Omaha, except Insofar that the
Paxton Milt holds his check for T5 In ad
dition to a boa.'d bill for which the check
was offered, but which was not casaed by
the treasury department of the Paxton.
In the Browning, King tt Co. matter
that Ann hesitated to accept the check and
thus lost the sale of a valuable suit case,
while telephoning over to the Paxton to
Inquire about Mr. Icings goodness. The
reply was such that tv- sale waa called off
A Mild
your nslnf Ayer'a PtlU for constipation. Just one
v s piU ' bedtime, few times, that's all.
ff 1 III II It We krre me mratal We rmn.a JO.ImiC.
VS4. Vi I'ff v W tli. furU ol .;t .or pr.rilins. Low.iI.Mm.
1 1 1111 1 nil sss i
An Xmas Special Suits
and O'Coats for Mciv at
A most impressive offering in Mens
r high grade clothes.
origianal styling integrity of wool ma
terials and faultless modes. Styles
and patterns in Men's highest type
Suits and Overcoats that leave noth"
ing to be desired. Supremely $18
and $20 values are here tomorrow
at the very special price
Indisputable Headquarters (or Appareling Boys
Boys' Suits and Overcoats Worth to $7.50 at $3.69
The Above Price Bears Strong Testimony.
The magnificence of the gjand assortment of Suits and Overcoats
for the little chaps and their older brothers cannot be adequately de
scribed in words therefore, we are extremely solicitous of your early
inspection. These Suits and Overcoats are a special lot closed out by
us from several manufacturers of great note, and we positively claim
that they are the best values that ever appeared over our signature.
make are and waists
sensible much are very
Christmas appreciated desirable
presents. for Xmas for Xmas
and Mr. Lalng took his check and the next
that was heard from him was in the
Shreveport Jail.
Lyons Proprietor Charurd with Aid
log Delinquency of Boys
and Girls.
On a charge of permitting the Lyons
hotel to be used by young boys and girls
for Immoral purposes a warrant has been
issued from Juvenile court for John Weber
slck, the proprietor. The technical of
fense charged Is in the delinquency of
Juveniles. Probation Officer Mogy Bern
stein and Assistant Probation Officer
Carver have been doing considerable de
tective work on the case and as a result
they declare they have unearthed enough
evidence to warrant the arrest.
They say they have found several In
stances where girls under 16 years of ave
accompanied boys to the hotel, the couple
registering as man and wife. One of the
girls Is now In the custody of the Juvenile
court and sho Is expected to furnish the
bulk of the evidence when the case is
heard. The offense charged In the com
plaint Is said to have happened Novem
ber 17.
lly Malaal Agreement Assessment In
Snath Omaha Will lie
By agreement of City Attorney Fleharty
of South Omaha, and attorneys for the
Omaha Water company, the personal as
sessment of the latter for city taxes has
been reversed and remanded to the tax
commissioner and Board of F.quallzation
for a new assessment. The order was
signed Thursday by Judge Troup at the re
quest of attorneys for both sides. The
water company asserting Its personal aj
sessment In Bouth Omaha was too high,
appealed to the district court. The city
authorities now concede there was error
In the proceedings and that the beard
acted without proper evidence and Infor
mation and are willing the matter should
go back again to th board.
Funeral Services Mill Be Held at St.
Patrick's Church Early
la Day.
Patrick W". Lynch, who died Thursday
afternoon at his home, 23ni South Twelfth,
will be burled Saturday morning at Holy
Sepulchre cemetery. Services will be held
at St. Patrick's church at S:3ft a. m.
Mr. Lynch was born at Ithaca, N. T..
March t. 1IMJ. and moved to Omaha with
his parents In l.f. For twenty years he
was In the Union Pacltic service as freight
check clerk In the local department. For
twelve years before death he was I'nlted
States storekeeper at the Willow Springs
distillery. Mr. Lynch was Identified !n poli
tics as a democrat. In he ran for the
Abl your doctor t nsruo tome of ttie results ui
constipation. Hit long list will begin with sici
beadache, biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bti
kin. Then ask biro if be vould recommend
V 3
office of sheriff of Dnuirlas county and was
defeated by David Miller.
A wife and four children survive. The
children, James, William, Ben and Mrs.
John Mattrim, reside In Omaha. One
brother, James H. Lynch, und three sis
ters, Margaret Clary, Mrs. C. O. Michael
sen and Mrs. K. K. Morearty, alo live here.
Mr. Lynch will be burled beside his
mother and father.
Brncker Asks City Attorney to Define
Rights of Council to Make
Councilman Brucker has taken hold ol
the grade missing matter and for a Btarter
asked Assistant Attorney Rlne to define
In an opinion Just what rights and au
thority the city council has In the way of
compelling railroads to place flagmen or
other forms of protection at grade cross
ings. When that opinion has been received
Mr. Brucker, who Is ehairmn.ii of the coun
cil railways committee, will proceed to see
what protection Is needed at the various
Announcements of the Theaters.
A matinee and evening performance to
day brings the bill on this week at the
Orplieum to a close. Next week's bill Is
declared one of the very best offtred this
season. The headline attraction will be no
less a favorite and celebrity than Papinta,
the most famous of terpslchorean queens.
Another feature lauded much as a head
liner Is the four Bard brothers, the most
original gymnasts on the stage. Violet '
Dale, Impersonator and vocalist; James
Cullen, Emmet Devoy and company, Fred
Watson and the Morrlsey sisters, Kmlla
Hose, known as "the dainty lady athlete,"
and entirely new klnodrome pictures.
"The Squaw Man" is one of those stories
that tell a tale of tense life In a straight
line. It Is made Into a play of virile force
and of deep dramatic Interest. Messrs.
Llebler & Co., who are putting It out, gave
It an adequate production In New York last
season, where It was a tremendous suc
cess. It Is sent cn the rosd wlih the same
care that marks the Uebler production,
only the bert being engaged, it Is a b!g
play, with fifty speaking parts In the cast,
and each Is In the hands of a capable actor.
Henry Jewett, a young English actor, who
has made much success In other strong
roles, plays the leading pert, that of a
young Englishman who comes to America
to find balm for a b'eedtng heart and be
comes a "squaw man." The Incidents flow
naturally and the situations are the logical
outcome of the action. The engagement
begins at the Boyd theater on Sunday even
ing and lr.cljdes Monday and Tuesday
evenings with a special matinee on Tuesday
The cVwIng performances of "Northern
Ltgr.t!" will be p-tven nt the Burwood by
the Woodward S'ock company today. On
Sunday the new hi'l will have Its perform
ance st a inatlree. "C. uiiile" has b.:en
chosen for Miss Elliott's closing week, and
the rehearsals Indicate a fl:e production
It Is atwiyt a comedy event when Jolly
Cecrte Sidney comes this way, as he Is
Rt'Cit to do. starting Sunday at the Krug.
This time l.e comes with ha'f-hundre-1
merry compinln" as guests, that I, he
lias christened his vehicle of fun "Busy
Izzy's Yucailnr." Everything la novel and
up-to-date, plenty of girls to keep the
elegant coslutr.ts to the rhythm of the
bright, catchy music and dtshlng song
"v ff
All the energy of this organ!-,
zation concentrated to please
you. Unparalleled incentive to
buy now.
The store has been changed
into a great glorious holiday
bazar within the past ten days.
Enormous stocks of Christmas
time merchandise have been put
in place many departments
have been doubled in size, beau
tiful yule-tide decorations lend
the first floor a Xmas atmos
phere scores of additional
salespeople have been employed
and the delivery service has
been greatly augmented. Hence
there is not a single reason why
gift buying should be put off
another moment.
$6.00 House
Lo&tS 34.75
combinations, size
$10 00 House
r t .f
Coats ftb.J
black and Oxford gray, all silk trimmed,
sizes 36 to 44, $10.00 values
$12.50 House
Coats $7.90
cuffs, with large
green, navy, brown, black and fancy combinations, reg
ular $12.50 values
eastern importer, tans, red, grays many exclusive
designs, $12.50 values
( url H. llubner Placed In Prison and
I'nder llentrnlnlna- Or.
d", Too.
If Carl H. Hubner violates a restraining
order Issued Thursday by Judge Troup at
the request of his wife. May Hubner, he
will have to break out of county Jail to do
It. Hubner was sent to Jail from police
court a few days ago for thirty days for
beating his wife. Thursday she bgan suit
for divorce charifliig cruel treatment and
nonsupport and in order to be doubly sure
he .would not repeat his essault upon her
secured a restraining order to keep him
from visiting her and In any way annoy
ing her or their four children. She atks
the custody of the children.
Frederick A. Sieveillng has begun suit
for divorce from May Frances Sieverling
charging extreme cruelty. The files were
Alfred F. Borxhelm demands a divorce
from Nellie K. Borshelm. His attorney re
moved the files fur the clerk's office.
Attorney for Sunderland Not to Re
turn and Latter'a Trial
la Deferred.
Instead of J. A. Sunderland either George
P. Cronk or Ed E. Howell rrobahly will be
placed on trial In the alleged Coal trust
case before Judge Sutton Monday morning.
County Attorney Slabaugh had Intended
trying Sunderland next, but H. II. Bal
drlge, his attorney,. Is absent from the city
and may not return until the middle of the
Piano Stock being Sold (o Satisfy
Creditors. Nothing Reserved
Everthing Goes. $20,000
Oar Loss Is Your Gain
The receiver's Invoice on these ISO beauti
ful Pianos Is Just $1J5 less than manufac
turer's cost. We iiie del. rtulned that n
dealers will prollt by this wonderful sivii.g
on these Planus. Thousands of our sstis
tied customers and patrons all speaking of
the high-grade quality of these good:. In
tho past is surely a recommendation
any child could buy a Plur.o .th safe 1 y.
We still hive a luirly good assortment of
tho larger and filler suits yet to he sold,
but tills sale cannot last always, and we
w,uld urge these thinking if buying a
Piano to ha sure and utlciid the especial
features this week, which a ill he the pla
cing of all the rented and secjnd-hand
Pl.inos lu th.o stock at speciil relu'el
pi ices. Piano that formerly told it
t-iC. lo-S. t:b, tvv hi d up to $;r.. are
n..r Umg Mdil at $11. $: $17 $.1.
$j:l, t-. up to l-iv In the slightly used,
many i-f tm-m rucil'-al.y :s gMiU as new.
we rind slamlard nukes In both up
rlnht and giand as Stelnwav, Chlckerlug,
Lii.d.'rnmn und otners tjo. $Jo, )mj and no
In ni. N-w and second-tuna Organs will
I bold at V. $.". $15. 117 and $.$. KcerMhii g
In this sile Is as reprecent.-a, an 1
these Pianos will not remain lor g st the.-?
prices always, no it is up to you to come
itt or.ce.
1611 Farnaiu Street
Buy Men's House Coats
and Bath Robes
Here tomorrow. Show your
thoughtfulness for his comfort
by giving "him" a bathrobe or
house coat. Biggest assort
ment swellest garments and
lowest prices are strong rea
sons why you should buy here.
House Coats,
and Bath Robes
Men's heavy wool plaid faced mel-
fronts and cuffs light and dark
3o to 44, $0.00
Men'B 'lne Quality fancy plaid
fleecea melton cloth and brocaded
Blm matalasa. In blue, brown.
Men's extra fine quality of Imported silk
lasa and brocaded velvet, with heavy satin lin
ings, silk cord trimmings on front, pockets and
silk frogs, cut round or square corners,
$6 50 Bath Men's fine quality double faced brocade cotton
' c . --eiderdown robes, light and dark colors, also
Kobes 34.5Unght striped Terry cloth, pretty pat- M Fft
terns, $6.50 values TiJ"
$12.50 Dressing Men's extra heavy all wool doubled faced
df e'derown dressing gowns, beautiful new and
UOWriS vt.yU Bweu patterns, new and fresh from the largest
week. In order that tho trial may begin
Monday the county attorney has served
notice on Cronk and Howell to be ready
for trial. Ho will take up only one of the
cases, however.
llrnnlna- and Tralnor Ask Commis
sioners Here After They Board
Their Train.
County Commissioners Brur.lng and
Tratnor, who have Just returned from the
meeting of the State Association of County
Commissioners at Kearney, are well
pleased with their success In securing the
r.ext meeting for South Omaha. They did
not decide to ask for the meeting until
they had boarded tho train for Kearney.
Norfolk and BrcUen Bow were both after
the meeting, but the commissioners voted
in favor of South Omaha.
Other honors came to Houglas county.
Mr. Tralnor being re-elected treasurer of
tho associitlon, and Mr. Brunlng a mem
ber of the executive and the legislative
At least, that Is the Impression
Formed by Byron R.
'I think my service on the 'coal trust
Jury was about the hardest work I ever
did." said Byron R- Hastings. "It was
Just like being in Jail, at least I Imagine
being In Jail would be something like that.
We had no place to sleep during the two
nights we were trying to reach a decision.
On the nights while the trial was In
progress we had two rooms, each contain
ing three beds. Six men were In each
"We couldn't read during our leisure
hours, because there was always someone
talking, and somo of them were very vig
orous talkers, too.
"Thank you, I won't make any strenuous
efforts to get on a Jury In the future."
la line with the ore Food '.tt
The National Food and drug act which
takes effect January 1, 1S07, does not atTect
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In any man
ner, No special labels are required on this
remedy under that Act, as It Is free from
opiates and narcotics of every character,
making It a safe remedy for mothers to
use with their children. This remedy hat
been In use for so many years, and Its
good qualities are so well known, that no
one need hesitate to use It when troubled
with a cough or cold.
Farewell Banquet to Mr. Gauater.
A surprise dinner was given Thursday
nieh' In honor of Kugene Canister, who
shortly leaves the house of J L. Brandels
& Sons to take a position as dress goods
buyer for a Los Angeles store. The dinner
was given at 6:30 at the Henshaw and was
attended by fifteen of the department man
agers of the Brandeis firm. Mr. Ganster
was presented with a diamond set signet
ring ty Ms fellow buyers.
All pho'.ud taken bjnday, December 16,
will be finished before Christmas, b'and
bergs Studio, opposite lluyden UrvB.
Montana Kijcnt-tf our Law stands.
IU:I.i:NA. Mont., liw. II The supreme
court has held the right-hour law constitu
tional. The decision says thai w hli the
wording of the law ni Kl.t be clearer, its
purie Is perfectly evident and the law Is
constitutional In every rerpn-t, Its ol.Jeit
bnlng to preserve the lieaith and hppli.ens
of the working men.
Christmas Suggestions in Our
Here's lots of suggestions grouped together that
will help you to a decision what to give father, hus
band, brother, also from nephew to uncle and vice
versa. Our division wherein all the essentials of men's
dress is a safe port in the storm of Christmas buying.
Men's Fine Worsted "Way" Muffler, plain black, white, fsncy
patterns, greatest neck protection 47
Men's New Stylish Scarfs, Oxfords or silk squares all colors,
also plain white and black 50 75
Men's swell styles of Quilted Oxfords hemstitched scarfs and bro
caded silk squares heavy, stylish patterns all colors. $1.00
Men's extra fine Full Dress Shirt Trotectors and Oxfords moet
beautiful qualities plain black, gros grain. Barathea or
satin $2.50 $3.00 $3.50
Men's new fancy colored or plain black Silk Tecks and Four-ln-Hands
hundreds of light, pretty colors, at 25
Men's fine quality extra wide silk lined or French sape Four-lu-Hands
finest Imported silks every desirable color also solid
black or white 45
Men's extra fine rich Imported silks most beautiful holiday
styles light and dark colors 75$1.00
Men's fine quality Imported Golf Gloves, solid and fancy col
ors, at
Men's good quality holiday Kid Gloves
pretty shades of tans and browns silk
lined, fleece lined and unlined . $1.00
Men's fine Cape, Kid and Mocha Dress
or Street Gloves tans, grays and
black lined or unlined a perfect fit
and satisfaction guaranteed. . .$1.50
Men's fancy Suspenders, single boxes
at 250 -500 -750
Men's fine holiday Silk Suspenders beautiful light
and dark colors also plain black or white satin
for embroidering. . .$1 - $1.25 - $1.50 - $2
Boys' fancy web Suspoaders pretty separate
boxes 250
Somebody Takes Inspector Wolf'a
Fat, Juicy Christmas
"Who took Boiler Inspector Wolfe's 'pos
sum?" That was the paramount Usue In the
city hall Friday afternoon. Mr. Wolfe
received a fine young opossum Friday
morning and placed the crate In his office.
In some manner tho animal got away.
There were vurlous suspicious and subdued
conversations on the fourth floor of the
city hall after tho disappearance of the
animal was known to Mr. Wolfe. Tho
boiler inspector took a look around the
office of Inspector of Weights and Meas
ures John Pegg, but without success in
that quarter.
Up to time of going to press the 'possum
had not been found.
Two Men Say They Resisted Abuse,
bat Did ot Rob Their
James Morrison and Thomas Sullivan
were bound over for trial In the dlrtrlc-t
court under bonds of JTOO each In police
court Friday morning after a preliminary
exumlnatlon on the charge of robbing
Lester McCormick of $12 on the night of
December 9. The defendants said they did
not rob McCormick, but were engaged In
iood Clothing
Makes the very best of sensible Christ
mas Gifts You can buy it here for
Men, Women and Chil
dren on credit at cash
store prices.
Overcoats. Boys
Overcoats, Fur
Scarfs Ladles
Coats, Men's Hats
Women's Hats
Say Charja It 64 Sterta
I 1 i it i
:1. .
a fight with him after he had called them
a' vile name, when they were arrested by
Detectives Mitchell and Sulllvun. Tho
complaining witness was held under bond!
of $100 for his appearance at the trial In
the superior court.
Crased with Liquor, Fellow Gives
Police and Others Some
Rcnl Eirltraient.
An Insane man created considerable es
c't"ment early Friday morning In the vi
cinity of Twenty-ninth and Leavenworth
streets and It was with great difficulty that
he was arrested by Officer Van Deusea
with the assistance of a half dozen cltlxena.
The n.iin van crazed from drink and re
sisted the attempts of the officer to arrest
him. Willie he was held by several cltlzene
patrol wagon was summoned, but Offi
cer Van Dcusen thought It best to take
him to the station us quickly as possible
and boarded a sireet car with his prUoner.
The man proceeded to make things lively
tor the officer and the passengers and was
not subdued until nearly a dozen men were
seated on him. The patrol wagon was met
et Sixteenth and Harney streets and, al
though handcuffed, it took the combined
force of several officers to keep him In the
wagon. At the station he gave the name
f tiforge Bogatz and said he lived at 2TU
Walnut street. He will be held for a suffi
cient time to enuble hltn to become sober.
TOILET SETS Frenzer, lfith and Oodge.
Gifts on
C ,' 1 w
M 1
if J o
1508 Dodge St.
ritorf (nu Wednesday Kveulnic".