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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, .DECEMBER 14, 1906. ri V k MAIN "AM HvODlCE MARKET Ir.ti iu Vibes: lit Gentrglly BjI,w Prtticuj ttj. SOML KLACTIQN AT CLOSE OF .SESSION Itvcrlpta Large, Increase Over Tear Ago Bring Dlililrtl Brlna Sorth weet anil InDllnvrii-WMthtr Lrrects Grading of Corn. OMAHA. Dec U 1804 The whea'. market today was quiet, prices b-lng g nerail below the close ot yester d.iy. !' t-rii r,r opened 4c down oa the local market, but leu.-ted later In th ses sion. rKaiTilun the early decline. Kec.pi.s U'.-ia tniiKwIitt Urger thau a year ago, t.i being divided bftwffn not '.hweyt. .nd southwest. On account rft t. ct wilt her, delivery by (irmti was not . peeled. Although trl wag also light In corn, tho market in '.hat cereal was not no wmk .( in wheat. Early prices were down, but December sold at the close ilmost up to ) cstci day. and May reached a polot above ysteuloy. Receipts ware light, and, on Account of the wet weather, did not grade high. Primary wheat receipts were 887.O00 bushels and shipments 6S5.O00 bushels. agalnM receipts laBt year of 793.0O0 bushels and shipments of 200.000 bushels. Corn re ceipts were 526.000 bushels and shipment lf.l.oo bushels, against receipts lout year of 712.(101) bushels and shipments of fV'7,00" bushels. Clearances were 608.000 bushels wheat, 450.100 buhels corn and flour and wheat euual to 6.3.000 bushels. Liverpool closed 4d lower on wheat and 4'f''d lower on corn. Broonhsil estimates Argentina wheat shipments at 8(0,000 bushels, against 1.1.1ft. 0 tushes last year: he estimates corn shipments at 2000,000 bushels, against 675.00 bushels Inst year. Corn offerlnga ara Increasing dally from nil directions, but very little business Is doing owing to absence of export outlet. Export bids for corn are 4n to He lower than yesterday, when they were workable. Wore Interest Is being shown In oats than In wheat and corn combined. Local traders bme forsaken the latter and are buying oats. The Iowa slate statistician's final report mnkes Iowa corn crop average forty-one bushels to the acre; total. 888,34.1.000 bushels. Local range of options: futures, quiet; January, 4s ld; March, EW YORK GKSKRAL 1H ARKF.T Quotation w Varloas NEW YORKSfOCKS AND BONDS Artlcles.l Open. High. Low. Close.l Yes y. 7B 674B 7ViA 71HB 714B 714B S7HA 374A 874A t84B 8S4H 884B 214B S14A 844B 844A Prices. A asked. B bid. Omaha. I ash WHEAT No. 2 hard, 684'tfWc; No. ! hard, 664i84c; No. 4 hard, tGiMsc; No. S spring, 6frji9o. CORN No. J, Sfic; No. 4, 85r3&4c; No. 1 yellow, 36f(j364c; No. S white, 364c OATS No. 8 mixed, S14c; No. 1 white, 24c; No. 4 white, 32c. K YE No. 2, 63c; No. I, tic. C'arlot Hccelpts. Wheat. Corn. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Duluth ...... 8t. Louis .... 41 88 448 44 188 4a 14 88 84 Oats 89 17 '82 64 of the nay Commodities. vkw Turk, i-cc. is -FLOCR-Receipts. 23.(7 bbls.; exports. IX K'l bbls.; sales, 6?io bbls.; msrket steady hut dull; Minnesota ( stents. t4 lent 4i; Minnesota ankers, t3 40si3K0; winter patents. 83 75iJ-4.(0. winter strslghts, 88 3 .; winter extras. 82U.lV.i; winter low grades. fca-'alOe. Ry flour, dull; fair to good. STft('i3 ; choice to fn.-y. i-IXitm 15. Buckwheat fluur, dull, Z'(i2 i, spot and to srrlve. Bl 'K WliKAT -Sti sdy, 81. pr 100 lbs. t'ORNMKAL Slendy ; fine white and yel low, tl Vul.ia; course, 11. 1(1. 12; kiln dried, 82.0 2.75. II VK Finn; No. 2 western, c. c. 1. f. New Vork; Jersey and stute, (WjiiSc, dell sred New York. HARLET-Steadv; feeding, 46c. c. I. t. BnfTHlo; malting, 4!i59c, c. I. f Buffalo. WH HAT Receipts, 112, 0"n u ; exports, 23o,Ki8 bu.; sales, l.odO.dKi bit. futures and Mil) bu. spot. Boot, steady; No. 2 rod. 7V, elevator, and KlSc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 84V- o I. f., Buf falo; No. 2 hird winter. 79',ie. c. I. f., Buf falo. An early slight advance In wheat was partially lost after nilddav, owing to pros pective larger Arg-ntlne shipments, hut the market rallied again and closed partly e net higher. Trade was unusually slow all day and sentiment not so bullish ns the close of last week, because of increased farm offerings. May, H4 7-16Ti4Sc, closed at t4c; Ju y, nypJV. closed at UHc; Lecember closed at slc. CORN Receipts. 41.60 bu.; exports, 1K7,7V bu.; sales, 10,000 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2. 53Uc, elevator, and Slc, f o. b, afloat. No. 2 yellow, B3c; No. 2 white. 63tc. Tin: option market was quiet, but, with west closing unchsnged at tC net lower. January, 61H4?ulVc. closed at 5liC. May closed at 60c and December at M1.4C. OATB Receipts. 81,0(10 bu. 8pot. steady; mixed oats, !! to 32 lbs.. 8M31)c; natural white, 30 to 33 Ins., 344404o; clipped white, 38 to 40 lbs., ir'Htf-Ur. FKKD Steady, spring bran. 822.85. De cember shipment; middlings, t22.3S, Decem ber shipment. HA V Steady: shipping. 70if75c; good to choice, 81.m.'4il.l6. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 106, lra:3c; IS". S-hllc; lacirlc coast. 18. 14iil7c: 1905, loCjl4c HIDKS-Steadr; Oalveston, 20 to 25 lhs.. 20c; California, 21 to 25 lbs.. 21c; Texas, dry, 24 to 80 lbs., 19c. LEATHER-Vlulet; acid. 27fi'2Rc. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 81J..V) Ti 14.00; mesa, 81. Ooti .00 ; beef hams, 823.5cii 26.(; racket. SlO.&iKd 11.00; city extra India mess, 8).Oi&'22.SO. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. 10.'J(il2.6o: pickled hams. 812.50. Lard, steady; western prime, Wft IS.00; refined, steady; continent, 89.40; South America. 810.25; compound, 8.124'p8.2&. Pork, steady; family, 17.5"U'19.00; short clear. tl7.2MtlH.50: mess, tl7.5Ofi'18.B0. TALLOW Firm : city (82 per pkg), 81-lBc: country (pkgs. free), 6iiV4c. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, SH Q(ic; Japan nominal. BUTTER Firm; street price, extra crenmery, 32HtMc; official prices, creamery, common to extra, 23i&32c; held, common to extra, 221i30Hc; state dairy, common to fancy, 204i3oc; renovated, common to extra. 18fi24c; western factory, common to firsts, lSlr22c; western Imitation creamery, firsts, 2Sfr24c. CHEESE Steady; state full creams, small and larae BeDtember fancv.- 24Wc: October best, 13c: state late made, 12V(gl3c; state, I inferior, 1VS12C. 1 EGOS Weak; Btate, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected white, 40tr42c; state, choice, t7ti3sc.; state, mixed extra, S&C(i37c: I western, average prime, 21c; official price, i firsts, 31c: seconds, 28'a30c. POULTRY Live, steady; western chick- j ens, loc; fowls, 11c: turkeys, 14c. Dressed, Arm; western chickens, 13t14c; turkeys, 14 1 OlSc; fowls, sviiisc. eminfly Similar Iifltsncrt Ht Coe trarj Effect on Difftrint ltsnri. HARP DECLINE IN ALL HILL SHARES t. Paal Rises Baoyaatly latll Near Close, Whea There la Blight Reaetloa Moaey Market Agala gtrlageat. NEW YORK, Dec. 13 The action of the Siock msrket today was the occasion of much peiplcxlty and finally of an anxiety. The contrary effect on different stocks of seemingly like influences waa dlttlcult of Interpretation and emied in a rousing fear that a financial duel of some kind was be ing worked out in the stock market. In tel est centered on the Hill railroad stocks und on St. Paul, the r rnier on account of the severe weaknem which they showed ft n 1 1 h lull nr ,,n - ..... ... ,.t , I ... il sinale rensiance in ill.- wonicnma which ih lo adj. 4s.... lnt Met. pfd 1.300 74 TJH T3i Total sales for the day. 1.358.400 shares. evr York Mower Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 18.-MON .; Y-On call, strong at 4jl1 per cent; ruling rate 1"4 rer cent; closing bid. 4 per rent; offered, per cent. Time loans, strong; BO days. W12 per cent; so dsya, 8 per cent bid; I months. rer cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-(aH per cent. PTERLINO EXCJIANOE Btesdy at de cline, with actual business In bankers' bills at 84 SlJOIi 4 3oS for demand and at 14 "I ( 4.71W) for sixty-day blils; po"t,'l rates, 84 T4 'j4M and 8 4V:4 ho; 84 7K H SILVER-Rar. 8Hc; BONDS Government, heavy. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows commercial bills, Mexican dollars, steady: railroad, the U. 8. r. 2a, reg.,.104H; do coupon 104S V. 8 8s. reg 1?V do coupon 1"! U. 8. o. 4s. reg...K do coupon 101S U. 8. n. 4s. reg..l3"Vi do cojpon !J(S Am. Tobacco 4s.. 77 do s 110 Atchison gen. 4s. lftl S2 7V C. L. 4s Bal. Ohio 4s do 84s B R. T. c. 4s .11 W 'Cen of Ga. 5s. ..110 do 1st Inc.... do 2d Inc do 3d Inc Ches. ft O. 4Hs. C. A A. 3H C. B. tt Q. n. 4s. 90 78 71 105 77 Erie p. I. 4s do gen. 4s K do den B R9i-.iWest Md. 4s . . Hock Val. 4Ua...107UiV I.. K. 4s Japan a rt Iwis. Central 4s Offered. Hill stocks Induced by sympathy In whole market. It has been assumed for some time past that the large bulng of St. Paul was In anticipation ct valuable lights to suiscribe to new stock, already authorised but nut yet issued. In the of Ureal Northern preferred the subscrip tion rights have ulready been conlertfd on stockholders, while in the case of Northern Pacific It was confidently ex pected that piuns for new capital Issue would be announced at any moment dur ing the day. Yet the Hill stocks kept fail ing away to new low levels, while St. Paul rose buoyantly on heavy absorption. The market took on an appearance too much resembling that preceding the Noithern Pacific coiner in May, liwl, to allow the nerves of stock operators to escape alto get htir an unsettlemrnt. It was lnferiod that the new capital Issues of the Hill stocks ' had brought out renewed differ ences between the powerful capitalists which were in conflict In the original strug gle for control of Northern Psclllc. It has been held aa an article of faith in the stock market ever since the Northern Pacific struggle was precipitated, with the ultimate of control of Burlington, that pre cautionary ownership of St. Paul shares had been extended by the two parties to the former struggle. H was feared that the 1 two were combating in this buying today to fortify their respective positions and that the I'nlon Pacific Interests were di vesting themselves of their huldlngs on Ureal Northern preferred and Great North ern in the sams connection. The genet al topic of the huge capital requirements now defining themselves came in for a good deal of discussion In c ,n- "ri mini inr imk9 biuvk 1 u trm wnic.ii j tpppp Marq 53 jiuj5;ibu. 11 is Mincira inai Tnlon Pacific 1x1'. these will be largely added to with the ; ..A A V m turn of the year. The example of the ; Am- pn Px.',hU 11 tlreat Northern stock on the heels of the a'- rIU ,U new stocks rights was the ground for ap- I jT' , m i nralwM.Inn .f Ilk. . - In 1.- I 00 PtQ !) when the expected announcement of stock An,' voolen ui;iT-it-a u iiiu. i lie money maraei n heenme at i-l n r p n t n.nln t,uin v Knt tula ' . Japan U, 2d ser.. 8H do 4s ctfs XV do 4V4S ctfs ! do 2d series 9IS L. A N. unl 4s...l"l' Man. c. g. 4s C Mex. Central 4s.. 4 do 1st inc 27 "M. A St. L. 4s.. 94 M.. K. A T. 4s... 9714 do 2s 8h N. R.R. of M c.4s ' N. Y. C. g 3VkS. .. 9414 N. J. C. g. 6s....12S4 No. Pacific 4s 10:14 do 3s 7.V. N. A W. c. 4s rV, O. 8. L. rfdg. 4s W Penn. conv. JVis. M Reading gen. 4s.. OMAHA USi STOCK MARKET 'tit Cattle Surly tteadr, Others Slow and Way Lower. SLIGHT REACTION IN HOG VALUES Lamas Top In tlood Dfsiaal aa Highest lace Jaly Sheet Very low aa4 Dall at Yes terday's Decllao. SOUTH OMAHA, Receipts were: Cattle, OfflclM Monday 7,7 Official Tuesday 7.741 Official Wednesday b.W2 Official Thursday 1900 Dec. It, 1908. H-s. Sheep. 4,772 10.43 t.134 9.i'49 10.01 13.' 12 8, (too CRT A P 1m Vru gr.h.irit A I. la SI (A ' -i i a. iui utiod to choice cows and heifers.. "(IO COl. OS (2 ,BO. ISCinC 4S t'n J alr .0 nw4 mw. . n.l halfora CCC. A 8.L.K.4S..10O. do 1st 4s ctfs ... 96 , ,?d,.,V hlif'.Va C0.0: Ho4',.:::: i V . W.-ti:1 c;mm nTod,:roc.hteock.V.d teie," Cuba 5. M.rnk.n Pacific 4s..l0H Bus? itags etc D. A R. O. 4s 14 n. 8 S. 2d 6s Vea4 1 caIvS - ss. diraj. utt n ai 1 rr r 11 11 j-si 1 in. i..n. .1 . . . - 1 uv iuijuh 78 87 90 Four days this week. .27,868 11.156 7.tJ Same days last w eek. . . . 18.K4H it.341 81, loo Same days 2 weeks ago..l7.50 17.174 Uj.i"4 Bams dava 8 weeks aa-o. 2K.ll! 15.018 84.011 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 29. 773 1 7,115 51.2..9 Bame days last year 24,974 fci.282 the following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dale, compared with last year; 18. ItOi. inc. Cattle 1.08X.848 99,755 8 09. Hogs 8,2. ra 2,161, ilvi 13..91-' bhuep 2, 1.91, tli 1i3,i9 Cl'H'l CI OlilTirlllNS -r m .o."-' Uood to ent ire lana-e steers .7s.4u I Common to fair range steers 8 SKtt W s.cdsa i.w 26l3 1.5ocl2.8) 4.Z5&4 80 J 4"a4.2-) 2.7q3.0 2.00H( 4.0ota!i' aveiage the iaat VI 0of? 10, as agslnst tS.OOfl OS yesterday. Representative sales: No. At. Ph. Pr. No. Av. Sh Pr 17 S'vS w ltd 5 241 I) 8 rt 5J SV pn 8 97V, S 2" t) 8O.1 ? 40 8 00 48 2.14 .. t'5 58 2 . . 8 0" ja.i tvj ... K 05 M iS 11 8 00 7? 2-0 ll 8 o; 49 373 li 00 59 Jis so 81V, 6 324 ... 8 0" 55 23 40 fi 1 55 3D 11 ton ; 2t 1V i M m M 8 07H M 2.4 4' lt 8 21 60 8 rT 7 2!') t 07H 52. . . 6 (TL, :g n 8 07', 50 2.M M 8 0"! pi :m km -A t"S ti 8 02i, 3S 2:; to 6 in 36 292 ... t 02V, 75 mi ... t 10 3"4 ... t 0:w fis ?o5 ... 8 10 t 281 40 OUsj S 21 ... 8 10 82 2H8 100 8 0VV ft 2!9 ... 11"! 4 J13 IK) 1 St 1J ... 8 12V, 87 2SB ... 8 05 74 1! ... t 15 80 274 80 t 06 of the dny were l.0f hales, of which 1.000 ihIiv i tor si-ri ul,iii"n snd export snd Included .7'i bales American. Receipts, K,. tulles, all An eric. in. a LL. A 1 M ctaXlisH I g0?d thoi.p -orn-fed steer. S I. H K. r 4s H4 7. i..!-, St. L. 8. W. c. 4s 79 Boston Storks anil Road. P.OSTON. Dec. 13. -Call loans. 6ff12 per cent: time loans. 6ft 8 tier cent. Official Quotations on stocks and bonds were: CHICAGO ORAM AND PROVISIONS Features ot the TradlnaT aad rioslagT Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Dec. (13. Unsettled weather In the northwest had a strengthening effect In the wheat market, the May delivery nosing at a net gain of Vc. Corn was up Vylc. Oats were H'&'Ho higher and i.'.ovlsions 7V10c higher. The moderate firmness that developed In the wheat pit late in the day waa due chiefly to winter conditions that prevailed throughout Minnesota and the Dakotas, feur of a decrease In receipts at Minneapo lis and Duluth, due to snow blockades on the railroads, bringing out a fairly good demand by commission houses. Dur ing the first part of the session the market held steady, there being little in the news of the day to Induce either buying or sell ing. Liverpool cables were a trine easier and receipts of wheat In the northwest were sllgfiily In excess of those of tna corresponding day last year. Offertngs be ruihor scarce during the last hour. und this partly accounted for the firmer feeling. The market closed firm. May i pened unchanged to a shade hlg.hi at 7sVtc to ilW4('tHo, sold between 7yti '8H0 nud closed at the highest point. Clear ance of wheat and flour were equal to i,40.0"0 bushels. Primary reoelpts were Ni7,ou0 bushels, compared with 793,000 bush els for the corresponding day a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported lecelpta of 627 carr againtrt &46 cars last week and 656 cars a war ago. Trading in the corn pit wag dull, but the tone of the market wag firm the last hc'.i of the day because of a fair demand by commission houses and pit traders. Small local receipts, unsettled weather and the strength of oats were the principal bullish factors. May opened a shade lower to a shade higher, at 43Sa3ic and gold ud to 4o7c. where it closed. Local receipt were 149 carst with 6 cam of aontiact '"More activity was manifested In the oats pit than In either the whoat or corn mar kets and prices maoe a suueiajiii ad vance. Pit traders were lively bidders for outs all day, while the Klllng waa scat tered, a few We taking profit The con tinued small movement was the chief rea son for the strength. May opened un changed to o lower, at 35.'(Jo, Bold up to and closed at KV&MHc Local receipts were hi curs. Provisions were strong all flay and trad ing was of liberal volume. Small receipts ol live hogs were again the main source of strength. A local packer was one of the principal buyers. The market ao strengthened to some extent by the mRll ness of the Increase In provision stocks for the week. At the cloae January pork was up loc, at UO.Si. 1-rd was 7VUl0o higher, at i87Vu8.70. Ribs were up 10c, Ssstimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 33 cars; corn. 254 curs; oats, 98 cars, hogs, 19,Cju head. , M ,, 1 lie leading futures ranged aa followaj St. Loots General Market. BT. LOUIS, Dec. 13. WHEAT Msrket steady; track, No. 2 red cash, 75Vtf7Mc; No. t hard. 7mt&t76c; May, 77Uc; July. 7&Sc CORN Market steady: track. No. I cash. 41'a-Uc; No. 2 white, 41HUlc; May, 42c; July, 42Mc. OATS Market steady; track. No. 2 cash, 36o; No. 2 white, 36(tfG6Hc; December, 34c; May, 36HP3Mtc FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. 83.55 176; extra fancy and straight, t3.103.45; clear. tZ.6ca2.85. SEED Timothy, steady; J3.25-617S. CORNMEAL Steady; fc.30. RRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 97 99c. HAY Steady; timothy, I14.OOS19.00; prai rie, 810.00018.06. ., IRON COT OTTON TIES 81.02. BAGGING ic HEMP TWINB-tc. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing. 115. Lard, higher: prime at earn, 18.62H. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 89,00: clear rlbe, 89.00; short clears, 89.26, Bacon, steady: boxed extra snorts, xh.7&; clear ribs, 89 76; short clears, 110.00. POULTRY Firm ; chickens, 8c; springs, tc; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 10c; geese, 8Hc BUTTER Market quiet; creamery, 26-9 t2Hc; dairy. 210260. EUOb-Market fteaay at zoc. Receipts. Flour, bbla S.oro Wheat, bu 43.000 Corn, bu 96,000 Oats, bu 64,000 factor has been so often Ignored in the present speculation that It was given credit for much force In the day's weakness. The large caJUnc of loans by an Important private banking house yesterday was the occasion for some mystery and rather I added to the fears that large financial j operations might be in progress of a re- I lauaiory character. The resources made available to the New Y'ork market by the treasury relief plan were handed over to the banks today and there were some addi tions on transfer of the treasury deposits I from interior banks. But the total of these I additions to the banks' cash made up only a small proportion of the week s losses on regular subtroasury operations. Banks continued to readjust thntr loan account therefor to repair the deficit In the legal reserves. Exchange made a further de cline towards the gold Import point, but an outgo of over 84,OoO,ooo gold from London to South America added to the scarcity in that market. At the low prior of the day Great Northern preferred showed a of 14 from last night's rrlces and of llVt from the high price yesterday morning after the details of the stock issue were published. The ore certificates fell "iVt, the subscription rights In the outside market 2V4 and Northern Paclflo UV. St. Paul' extreme rise was 44, but It reacted over a point before the closing. The mar ket closed weak and not far from the low est. Bonds were heavy; Total sales, par value, $2,022,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. The following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. IO w.Cloe. Atrh. adj. 4s 92 Atlantic it do 4s WVRIngham 80 Mex. Central 4s.. 92 Csl. A Hecln 850 Atchison V2iniCentennial 37 do pfd lOmlCopper Range ... 80 Boston A AI....2IO Daly West 19'4 Boston A Me 161 IFranklln 2:'H Boston Ele 150 lOranbv 13 Fitchburg pfd ...13. lisle Rovale 234 Mex. Central .... 26 Mass. Mining .... 7'4 N Y. N. H. A H..19iS Michigan 184 Mohawk 78 Mont. C. A C 1H Old Dominion ... 65it Osceola 137H Parrot 294 Qulney 100 13V8hannon 16V, 334 Tamarack 108 103 Trinity 11 24 United Conner ... 7214 Edison Elec. II. ..225 I' H. Mlnlna- 60V Mhss. Electric ... 19H 1. 8. Oil 914 do pfd 64!Utah 64H Mass. Gas 57 4, J Victoria 6V4 United Fruit 107 Winona 1(V4 United 8. M 6' Wolverine 171 do pfd 27lNorth Butte lltH. V. 8. Steel 474 Butte Coalition .. 354 do pfd 1014 Nevada 18i Adventure 4V Cal. A Allouex 62H Tecamseh 23V, Amalgamated ...llzu Greene Con 29V. IDom. I. A 8.. Ins- table shows the price of hogs at South Omsha (or seversl days, with comparisons: Date. I Hot. 1806.19M. 190t. 11902. 1901.10. Deo. Dee. Dec. Deo. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 1 1 I 4 88!4 40 "lflJ 7....1 8 i.lS 4 Sr: 4 35 1 4 7 I l I I 8 16 I 4 871 1 Ml 4 321 6 08' 4 (t . 10... 11... 12... 13... 4 84 ! 4 8: 1 5 38 4 79! t 02! 4 831 4 431 I 4 88 4 41 6 21S 6 14't 4 341 6 OS! t 101 4 44 4 471 4 49 8 121 6 141 4 86 8 OS! 6 16 4 82 S!Xi IK 4 78 6 t a( SI Sunday. RANGB OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. ...82.36ig6.00 85.9oCu6.15 ... 1.66(i'(.36 5.3o'..6 ... 2.001(6.76 6.7it.3i' ... 2.OK&7.00 6.75'(Mt.2o ... 2.5tV('6.3 6.90416.06 of cars of stock Omaha , Chicago , Kansas City St. Loul Sioux City The official number brousrht in todav hv each road was Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ri r s. Bid. "Asked. I.oaden Closlasr Stocks. LONDON. Dec. 13 Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Shipments. 12,000 114H 44 Artlcles.l Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close.Tes'y. Wheat Dec. May Corn 1 c. M;iy July ( 'Hl IW M ly July r Pork ' Jan. Muy I-ird - Deo. Jan. May HlhK-- Jan. May 74 74'i, 7k4 78Vi''S 47't'i:.42V6,' 43S '. I 3 441U4'I 44 1 , T3 7H T4V,I 744 78 V Kaaaas City Grata aad Pravlaloas KANSAS CITY. Dee. It. WHEAT De cember, erc; May. 72Hc; July. Tlve, Cash: No. 2 hard, 70S3c; No. 8. 67H72Hc; No. 2 red. 79318c; No. 8. 6Mr72c. CORN December. 8tr!4c; May, 89Hc; July, tM4c Cash: No. 2 mixed, 38c; No. 1, I7S4c; No. 2 white, StQ39c OATS No. 2 white, 3408440; No., I mixed, tStftt-IVtc. DOGS Steady; extra. 28c, cases Included; flrst. 27Hc; seconds, 21c. HAY Steady to strong; prairie, 26c higher; choice timothy, tl6.OO19it.tO; choice prairie, tl2.76fin3.26. RYE Steady; 6&3c. BUTTER Creamery. 80c: oacklnr. 19c, Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu 88.000 102,000 Corn, bu Ss.OiO 22,000 Oats, bu U.OOO 1,000 Board of Trade quotations for Kansas City delivery. The range of prices, as re ported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade ouuaing, Amsl. Copper 7t,7O0 Am. C. A F 1,200 Am. c. & F. prd Am. Cotton Oil 300 tl'A Am. Cotton Oil pfd Am. Express Am. H. A L. pfd..... 2-X) Am Ice. securities.'.. X. 100 34OOO Am. Linseed Oil..,'. rVi'otvi ! Am. Linseed Oil pfd. 100 7t!ci00 ' Am. Locomotive .... 300 1 Am. ivocomouvf pia Articles. ! Open.l Hlgh. Low. Hose. Wheat III Dec 6T4 68 I 6T 87 May 72HI 72H TIVffMi 7S4SA Co"n I I I Deo...- T W V 86t4 May 31 I 89VtrG.1 B4B A Asked. B Bid. 33M S3i4 15 f-W 1 06 8 66 8 70 t 474. 1 &-Vi 34 15 85 1U JO 8 7i 8 80 t GO 1 60 41 42HV 417 43',43H'(I4 44 1 44', 44U444 33Twt S4.! 83 334 3i(7:4:3Vw'Yi Phlladelnhla Pmdaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 13.-RTTTER Firm snd In good demand; extra western creamery, official price. 32c; street price, tic; extra nearbv prints, 36c. EGGS Steady hut quiet: nearby fresh and western fresh. 29c at mark. rHBISE-Firm and In fair demand; New York full creams, fancy, 14e; New Yo-k full creams, cho4ee. 14Vic: New York full creams, fslr to good. 13tfl4c 15 T7VJ 15 85 It 75 I 16 06 14 It 1 U0 I t 674 t 60 j t 824 I 70 t 0 t 70 t 80 I 74 ' 8 46 I 50 I 40 i IU I 11 I 46 j Am. 8. A R.... 10,600 Am. 8. A R. pfd 400 Am. Sugar Refining. 4,000 Am. roDacco pra ctr 100 Anaconda Mill. Co... 43 600 Atchison - 84.600 Atchison pfd ......... 100 Atlantic C. L 1.400 Bal. A Ohio t.tut Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn R. T 17,600 Canadian Paclflo .... 1.700 Central of N. J Ches. A Ohio 1,000 Chicago Gt. W 6j0 Chicago A N. W l.tU) C M. A St. P 19,8u0 Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C, C, C. A Bt. L. 8.200 Colorado F. A 1 1,600 Colorado A So 4U0 Colo. A Bo. 1st pfd Colo. A So. 2d pfd... 700 Consolidated Gas .... 6o0 Corn Products 3o0 Corn Products pfd... 8u0 Delaware A Hud 1,000 Del., L. A W Denver A R. G 2,800 D. A R. G. pfd 100 Distillers' Sec 1.400 Erie 1200 Erie 1st pfd Erie 2d pfd 6K) Ueneral Electrlo l.aoO Hock. Val., offered Illinois Central 1,500 Int. Paper 600 Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump 400 Int. Pump pfd 1"0 Iowa Central 200 Iowa Central pfd Kansas Cttv So 200 K. C. 80. pfd 1.700 Louisville A N 8,7'V Mexican Central 12.7uO Minn. A St. L M., St. P A S. 8. M M B P. A 8 D M. pfd 30 884 'si' 74 U3 116 136 99 2904 1044 1124 43 'tis ...A 294 834 '374 714 1M4 lit 133 99 2K4 1024 276 112 434 lOtHi 31 70 245 294 84 "tt 37 73 111 161 115 1334 99 2S44 10s Cons.; money do account , Anaconda .... Atchison do pfd Bal. A Ohio.. Can. Pacific . Ches. A Ohio Chicago Gt. W. 86 6-16 .. 864 .. 15 ..107! ..10 K. A T 42 Y. Central. ...134 Norfolk A W.. do pfd Ontario A W ..122-V Pennsylvania .2024: Rand Mines . . 69 I Rending I8V80. Railway C, M. A St. P. ..1944 do pfd DeBeers 214 80. Pacific 95 .. 93 .. iO .. 714 .. 4 .. 76 .. 85 .. 974 .. 97 ..191 .. 96 .. 60 ..1084 .. 21 .. 44 .. Mi D. A R. G 44 Union Pacific do pfd .'69 do pfd Erie 46 U 8. Steel... do 1st pfd 78 do pfd do 2d pfd 70 Wabash Illinois Central ..181 do pfd Louisville A N,..153 Spanish 4s Ex-dlvldend.' , ' SILVER Bar steady, 31d per ounce. MONEY 4444 per cent The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 64 per cent; for three months bills, 64 per cent. Bostoa Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, Omaha: Adventure Alloues ,. Bingham 8u Black Mountain.. 10 Boston Cons 31 Calumet A Arts.. 167 Cal. A Hecla 856 Centennial .... Copper Range Dally West .., East Butte Franklin 101 101 101 nrn. r'.rr JS7 136 1354'Granby n4 li4 1 4 Helvetia ...... 80 1954 'of 18 206 1924 794 183 664 174 2034 188 as a a- r..l. .-. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 13 -WHEAT-De- ! mIouH. A0 f! V. cember, 77'078c: May. toiic; July. 8143 614c; No. 1 hard. 814c; No. 1 northern, 1804c: No. 2 northern. 77fi784; No. 3 j sp-1nr. 7Mr7c. I FIOUR Market remsineu firm; smp- I menta 43.146 barrels: nrst patents. M second patents. t4.ihM.": nrsi clears, , 13 26S8-36; second dears, t24tvu2.60. No. t. caeh quotstlona were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, tS.SottatO; winter straights. 83 21118 40; spring patents, i.1 Krjjj.iMj, xpring straights, t3.tua3.6o; l..leis. $.4'.i2.0. W 11 WAT Nu. 2 spring;. 7Sic; No. 3, TJ'ijkSc; No. 2 red, 73't.i44c, CORN No. 2. 44H44c; No. 2 yellow, 46 illjio. OArs No. i. 34V: No. t white, tl4t " RYK No. t tfctSc. UAKL1'; V Good feeding. 41"545c; fslr to choice malting. 49i55c. 8EF.DS-N0. 1 flax. 91.14. No. 1 north western, $1 . Clover, contruct grade, 811.7a. V'lti V ISIONS- fboll libs, allies ilo.ii.ej, If. I'.-qS 674. Pork, mess, per bbl.. 114 75. j Lard, per 1 lb.. 6.7u Short clear sides I tbuxed). t'4J'J 124- i 11c receipts utiU slilptiH'iits of flour and u-alii were: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbis 80.7t.i0 17.900 W heat, bu 64.(u 29 Sol Corn, bu 2J6,) Oats, bu l-i 6"0 ill.7 1 I:Ve bu 8"o n.7t 1 barley, bu 8.su0 27,9t I on the iruaact cscuaiigi- majir ins let ter market was steady; creameries 22i31c; dairies. 2ori27c. Lggs. weak; at mark, cases Included, 2.''i-c; firsts. ac; prime firsts, Bo; extras, 3iC. Clieese, firm; 14a 14e. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAT'KFE. Dec 11. WHIT .T Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern. RltT2c; No. I northern. 7R'(?8lc: May. 78Kc. asked. RYF lower: No. 1, 681 S4c H A RLEY Sttady ; No. 2, i54c; sample, 44i'c tX)RN Steady; No. t cash. 41tJ4Sci May. ty-.e, asked. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Dee. 12, CORN Steady; No. yellow and No. I new, 404c; No. 4, 39c; no grnrte. S7c. OATU-Steady: No. 2 white. c: No. I white. 84.ti34Vtc: No. 4 white, $3 3334c. RYE Firm; No. 2. 68(ffc. WHISKY-On the basis of tl . Ualath Grata Market DULUTH. Dec ll-WHEAT-On track. No. 1 northern. 8Vc: No. 2 northern. 7c; December. 764c; May. tic; July, 814c. OATS To arrive. S34c RYE 61c. Toledo Seed Nam, 1 TOLEDO. O.j Iec. 13 t-SEEDS "ash clover, to.174: December, U.40: Frbruary. U 46: Ma alalk. t7.7u. Prime timothy, t.t. , 1374. January, rv h. U iu. Prime Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 18.-COFFFF7 Futur-s oeneil stesdy at an advance of points on higher Eumpean cables than ex pected and bullish reports from Rrasll ss to valorisation operations. There was not much buying, however, and prices sassed off during the middle seaton under scatter ing liquidation. The close was steady, n. t unchanged to t points V'sher. Sales fur the day were reported of 17.7W hags. Including Iieoember at 6 8lc- Junuaey 516 jo v . March. I.SotfA.Kc; Msv. 7ow,176c: Julv. 6.-i5 90c; S-iiteniber, tOOc; November, gl&c. Spot Rio, quiet; No. T Invoice, 7c. M.. K. A T. pfd. National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y . O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W pfd.. No. American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Pecple's Gas P., C., C A St. L.. Pressed Steel Car.. Pressed 8. C. pfd... IMllman Pal. Cur.. Reading Read 1st pfd. offered Reading 2(1 pfd Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd... Rock lslsnd Co Rock Island Co. pfd. St. L. A 8 F. 2d pfd St. L. 8. W St. L. 8. W. pfd So. Pacific So. Pacific pfd.. Ho. Railway So. Railway pfd Tenneesee C. A I... Texas A Pacific T,t. L W T . BL L. A W. pfd. Union Pacific J Union Pacific pfd... 1 . H. r;xires U. 8. Realty U. 8 Rubber ... U. 8 Rubber pfd... V. 8 Steel U. B Steel uf.1 Va. -Carolina Chem . 2O0 I.7O0 9,700 ?0 1.200 700 10 j-rt 2.200 10 4.X) 6f) 41.7(0 1,9') 100 8,700 "'60)) 271,600 92 '67 1384 214 804 2304 "48" 844 69 444 75 64 162 1754 184 '404 4 294 '4 604 148 274 it4 14 944 404 724 75 5x4 13;(4 4V 914 90 90 39 14 944 83 654 1844 144 374 S74 138 i"4 80 2264 84V, t4 44 754 654 1594 in'' 18 '40" fl 294 '4 6 1454 W i4S4 1(4 91 79 744 674 1324 90 294 3M4 137 944 83 64 182" 146 Liverpool Grata aaal froilsloas. I.IVCHKXIL I leu. IS.- WHEAT 8tt. Onn; No. 2 red western winter, sa, futures. 1 Baak Clearlaas. ey; I ,-cein0cr. noinlti., Urcti is 64a; j OMAHA. Dee. IS flank clearings for to Mnv i,s 4J I day were tlUTO.' W and for the COKN ovot, qul.t; Aiuerlcaa uilxsd. is ponding dale ItM ear tl.766,7bO.u, 3,000 4-K) 4t00 8 0 o 4l0 ... 11.300 '.'.'. 'i'ioo 200 100 ... l.U 100 2i0 189.900 7H 2no C8 17 1.700 1"J pfd Va.-Caro. Chem Wabash Wabash pfd Wella-Fargo Ex.. Westing Electric Weatern Union 2(i W. A L. K lou Wis. Central 100 Wis Central pfd Norther.i Pat lflc lot. Central leather "l Central Leathar pfd. Sluss-iihi fhi-ld Blfel.. i I (it. N-rthern fil 27.6 ') Jul. JJi irujullt-u ... 4.UM 9 11 tn4 44 254 604 944 '88 944 167 174 144 64 186 61 1074 4-4 l-4 lu8 18 104 4 474 f 84 to 134 944 1574 86 144 44 181 924 (94 193 2) 664 174 ?2 161 4 9 22 914 M4 87 ?I i74 137 20 so 227 625 424 844 69, 444 754 ti.4 159 1.4 174 16 tt 40 m 4 4 . f4 594 ' 14..4 24, 147 17 4"4 72 744 674 1324 ii m 294 3h 1374 944 U 64 4 183 145 ) 94 88 K 474 to Isle Royal L. 8. A Pittsburg 264 Winona 44 North Butte ....1114 63 Old Dominion ... 664 80 Osceola 137 10 Pneu. Service ... 12 Pneu. Serv., pfd. 30 Qulney 101 Shannon 164 374 Tamarack 108 814Tenn. Copper ... i94 i4 Trinity 114 United Fault 224 U. 8., com.. 29 U. 8., pfd... 134 Utah Cons... 8 Utah Copper Z4 victor! Massachusetts Michigan Mohawk Nsvada Cons.. 74 Wolverine lt4 Mplsslng . 78 Cananea 18 ... 114 ...10" ... H ... 46 ... 65 ... 34 ... 6 ... 104 ...171 ... 134 ... 344 C, M. A St. P 4 Wabush 1 Missouri Pacific 4 U. P. System 67 C. A N. W east 6 C. at N. W., west.... 42 C, St. P., M. A O.... 19 C, B. A Q., east.... 10 C, B. A O... wct....H0 C, R. 1. A P., east... 0 C. R. I. A P., west.. 6 Illinois Central 5 Chicago Ul. Western. 1 3 1 1 3.1 13 32 5 6 M 11 1 1 131 SHEEP Rreetpts of sheep this week. a will be noted from the tahle at held of column, show a decided giln over last week and over the corresponding week nf last year. Fortunately. th re-eipts thl morning were very much lighter thun 0:1 previous days this week, thus giving the market a breathing sped. The trade opened veiy low snd dull and it was apparent that puckers hud ;ilont 11 many sheep on hand as they car.'d for Nevertheless buyers were mit Ink n i around and where they found something that Just happened to suit t'lem the p-lces pnld looked Just about stetnly at yester dav's decline. Strictly gnod lambs seemed to h In de msnd and the market on that kind la ni lower, being fully as high s sny tlm One bunch cf very good nitlve hinihs s !.1 as high as 17 flfi. being the hlglist p-ir paid for a load of lambs, on this nvirkct s.nce July, when 17.7a was paid. Wuotatlons on killers: Gond to cholcj lamlia, 87 (""fl?); fair to good lumhs, t-i 75'i 7.00: good to choice yeainngs. .. ('u fair to good yearlings. 15 5i44s 9t; gool ti choice wethers. l6.tio.75: fair to good w-th ers, 86tuj6.M; good to choice ewes. 86 .lwj o.JO; fair 10 good ewes. 84 w"(.". Wtiotstlons on feeders: Gcod 10 eludes lambs, t4.M4i.4o; medium lambs. 1 ainn; light lsmbs. t4.2.'io. veirllnes. o l.S'.i.V; wethers, t4.7ftij.20; ewes. t3.5c&'l.50; breeding ewes, 14.Eoti6.fl0. Representative sales: No. 61 Wyoming cull ewes 83 Wyoming old ewes i09 western ewes 161 Wyoming wethers 2(0 Wyoming yearlings 63 western cull lambs 213 western cull lambs 4M western lambs .IO western ewes 372 western ewes ICS Idaho range ewes 27f Idaho range feeding ewes.. 449 western wethers 450 western wethers 137 western wethers 241 western wethers lt'7 native ewe S00 native wethers .1M native lnmbs 70 native lambs 13 western lambs 4T, Huho range luinhs ):' '''nho range lambs '1 Idoho lambs 10" nntive lambs 134 western lambs 18 Total receipts 2K4 The disposition of the day's receipts wss Av. Pr 75 2 fl 90 3 90 li7 6 00 , L7 6 50 97 6 75 ;.3 6 Ho 65 6 65 (to 6 75 ,79 6 00 6S 5 00 , ill 4 90 , 106 4 65 92 5 M 9 2 6 50 .1(6 5 50 , 1"9 6 65 , 119 6 10 .126 6 40 .63 6 40 . 04 6 40 , (19 7 10 .72 7 00 .73 7 00 ,88 7 50 . 8(i 7 65 .78 7 36 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Market Slow Hogs IVcnk to Loner Sheep I.oirer CHICAGO, Dec. 13. CATTLE Receipts. U.OOO head; market slow; common to prime steers, 14.0)41.40; cows, fj CV(i4.75: heifer. J2.f(i 3.00; bulls, tt. toil 1.50; calves. $2.7tV(f 8.00; stockers and feeders. $2 4'i4 M) HOGS Receipts. 23.! head; weak to fic lower: shlnnlns jtmiIc-". 86 1("(ii.20: good to as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- 1 rholce mixed. tl.Mi4.1!: he ivy packing ber of head Indicated: Omaha Packing Co, Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Armour A Co., Denver.. Van Sant A Co Carey A Benton McCreary A Curey W. I Stephen Hill A Son F. P. Lewis Hamilton A Rcthschild.. L F. Husz Wolf J. H. Bulla Mike Haggerty T. B. lnghram Sullivan Bros V. A. Urltton Lehmer Bros Other buyers Totals . .' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. I.a2 2,(3 2.0K1 3,238 t5 .1.877 .1,4(11 W7 112 137 118 174 15 14S 78 73 t 131 38 44 1 35 25 14 8t8 ..6,739 9.129 1.2;9 M, Ml 2.tl3 W.oxfiS.OS; medium tmd heavy butchers, 10.10 Si: pigs, tl."(l.l6. SHEEP AND LAMBSRecclpts. 26.00 head: weak to 25c lower; sheep. X.rtft m; yeanlings, 14.60tfio.fiO; lambs, ft 7b$7.76. Kansas City Live Stock Market KANSAS CITY. De. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. 7,700 head. Including NX) heud of southerns; market sternly; cows, heifers, stockers atid feeders, ationg; choice export and dressed beef steers, t3.Sovi6.76: fair to good. 8.i.9u((rft.35: western steers. tJ.4(''(i5.5o; I stockers md feeders, !3.Ce(i4.50; sont iern steers, t2.9ntH.7ii: southern cows, tl.sii2 7t: n-Atlve cows, $2.00ij(-(.25; native helfe-s, 2.4t) 4 90; bulls, t2.1(M.10; calves. 13 Oiffie.SO. HOGS Receipts, lO.tyo head; market strong; top, tfl.274; bulk of sales, tH.i74'ti 6.25; heavy, 8fl.2VV(fl packers, 16.a)'y6 25 pigs and lights, .8Vt).i. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 9.001 head; market 'KtfMie lower; lambs, t7.(X('(i 7.75; ewes and yeurllngs. 85.00fi6 2i; western yearllngw. 8o.75fifl.6ti; western sheep, (4.5 11 6.65; stockers and feeders, 13.505.00. OMAHA HO!.: - . 1.15 MARKRT. Condition of Trade and Oaolatlaaa lnnle anil Ksnc I'rsdsef U("i;rf l er (Iks., 27c. LIVE PoU LT R Y Hens, 74c; roosters. 4c; turKejs i.i ; ducks. Mic; spring chick ins, 'iSc; gci'se, '9c. KUTTER-I'scking slock. 18'c; cnoioe t ftiiK i,iit, .. i..( . creKtiiery, 4iic. HAY Cnolce upland, 19 a); medlunx xs.ig". CO u se. isnojid 60 lte stiw, o..mfli.w URAN-Psr Ion. 115.0U. VKGE'I ABIJ5:. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per MU t?.. TOM A TOES California, per banket of It lbs., t2.6tH2.75. WAX UliANS- Per one-third bu. bog, 1 i ; hampers, .l..o. 11EETS, TURNIPS and CARROT 8 Pet bu.. 7;.c. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per uoa, h. i.. c fe. CELERY Per dcia . toyeOo. CI LUMUEHS Hothouse, per doa., tl M Hi 2 00. ONIONS H.nne grown. 60c per bu ; Bpatv ish, $-'00 irr crate; Colorado, 75c. l!f!RElt AIMSH-Caac of 1 dot., tl 8. RADiSllKS Per. Uos bunches, not) t berk iatK bunches, 75c. NAVY LEANS Ter bu.. 11 75; No. 2, tl.fflk LIMA BEANS Per lh., 54c C It I I N I'EPPERB-Per hamper. H.Oo. rARSLEY Hothouse, per dot. bunches 10c. CA PBA(1 E Holland seed, home gTOWs, per lb., 14'. ' ruj I 1 .A NT Per d,. . ?5. roTA . CiKS-P r bu., 4rW6".c. RUTABAGAP About 150 lbs. to sack, HEAD LEi'TlCE Southern, per do ti nnof SH ALLOTS Southern, per doa. bunches, . (Ul e0. j I'll FLOWER Per crate of about twt dux. held, t4.25ii4.5t r.Hl'ITfc. CRANBERRIES Per bbl . 1 8 00 $ 1 0 Oa, APPLES Ben LaU, choice 12.00, fsncy per bhl., 12 2i; Jonathan. 13 50 New Vork apples. 13 25; Grimes' Golden, ti t. 1 I-..M-IS Winter Nells, per box. 83 00. GRAPES--Malaga, per Ibl., t3.Cu87.Btl New York Catnwbaa. 4 lb. basket, 21c. TROPICAL FRUI'l. ORANGES Florida oranges, 12.90. LEMONS t.lmonlera. extra fsncy, il slxe. $1.50; 800 and 360 size, $i.5t, other briinds, 50c le?s. BANANAS Per medlum-slsed baaetv :.ooi2 2j; Jumbos, f2.5ti3.5" DATES Kaauwoy, 'c; sajrra, Hallowis new stuffed walnut dates, -lr. box. $1.10; California bulk. 64c: 7-crowa Turkish, lie; 4-vrown. 14c; 6-crown, lloi l-crown, 1 2c. Git APE FHUIT-FIxe 54 to 64 sod 1 t "cOCOANL'TS Per sack of 100. t-25. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE-Bwlss, new. 16c; Wlsooawttl brick, l&4c: W isconmn llinbsrger, i:io; twins. 15c; Young Americans, 164. . FISH Trout, 12c; halibut.. 12c; eaUlsk, J5c; bufTalo, 8c; bullheads. 11c; black has, fine stock, 25c; salmon, lie; pike. Ho; red mapper, fresh frosei,. 12c; wlilttflsh, fresa (roxen, 13c; yellow uerch. oresaed and scaled, 8c; pickerel, fresh (rosea, tc; Irog legs, t',c per dox. saddles. HIDES AND TALLOW-Green salted. No. 1, 124c; No. 2, 114": bull hides, 910ot green hides. No. 1. He. No. 2. 10c ; hprssJ, , irffciS.75; shii-p pelts, Wctjll 2s. Tallow, No. 1, 44c: No. 2 4c. v MUT -French, l3V.c; Csllfornla walnuts. No. 2. hard shell, 12 4c; No. 1, soft shell, 14c; B.-axils, llft'Hc; pecans, 14(til7c; llltierts. 12 4 44 14c; peanuts, raw, 6 4c; roasted, 7 4c; California almonds, hard shell, lfic; soft Knell. ISc. jlONEV Per 24 frames. K.60. CIDER New Y( -k. half barrel, 12.78; bar rel $50 COFFEE Toasted. No. If iSC Jee lb. I No. 10. 21c pe: lb.; No. vS. 19c per ID.; N ?. luc per iu. : No. 21. 13c per lb. SYI'.UP- n bins., iTic per jrat.: In cases. -6 iO-'.b cans. 11.70; case. 11 i-lb cans. $Li; tas. U is-iii. cans. 11.8 , BUtlAlt Granulated cane, in sack a 88.21; gianuiuted je t. 'i "scks, $5.11 CUT REEF PRICES. Ribs: No. 1, 14c; No. 2, 94c; No. S, 644. Loin: No. 1. llc; No. 2. 1:4c; No. t, 90. Chuck: No. 1, 04c; No. 2, oc; No. t, 4a, RouikI; No. 1, 8c; No. 2, 7c: No. 3. 640, Plate: No. 1. 44c; No. 2. 4c; No. 1. So. iaNNM JdOliS-oom. stsndurd west, ern. i."fn.U; Maine, 11.16. Tomatoea. l-lh. cans, 91.10: S-lh. ciin?, 974cd1.0u. Plne oppbs, giated. 2-lb., 12.o:.:.30: sliced, 11.94 i;'.io; gallon BPI,,", fancy, $2.65; Cu.lfornla apricots, $i..Kiix.!Bi; pe.trs, i..:(,ij.ou; p' senna. luncy. i 1. i.''ti z.o; m. j- rsai nn, ... St. I.onla Live Stock MnrVet ST. LOUIS, Dec. 13 CATTLE Receipts. 8,000 head. Including l.COt) head of Texn.s; market steady; native shipping and cr.pnrt steers. 15.45&iOO: dressed beef and butcher rteers, t4.5oi0.40; sleets uriicr 1.0 0 pounds i wnv New Tork Mlataar Storks. NEW YORK. Dec. 13. Closing quotations on mining stocks wers Adams Con ..... Alice Breece Brunswick Con Coinstock Tun.. Con. Cal. A Va Horn Silver Iron Silver LeadvlUe Coo .. 20 .. . v . 67 . 25 .ni .ll5 .4J6 . I LI Oi, i.'pnir .. iPotof' Savai.r Sierra Hmall Standai Chief lo . t 4.V) . 10 CATTLE There was another liberal run of cattle this morning, making the receipts for the week decidedly heavier than Ust week or a year ago. In fact the receipts this week have been altogether too large for this season of the year. Shippers have been sending in their half fat or warmed up cattle in such numbers that packers have been filled up with tluvt kind. As a result the market tills morning opened very slow and dull. Some of the very choice cattle that would do for the holiday trade may possibly have sold , an(i heifers. 12.3f '& 3.50. close to steady, but aside from that the HOGS Receipts, H.fJfO hed: mi:ket general market waa at least 10c lower and t-adv; pa n(j lights. t..75ifi 20; puck rs. in many cases half fat or warmed up tn.otiS.25; butchers and best heavy, JtUOtf cattle sold at prices that looked 162o.-if 25 lower. The fact is packers have been tak- SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccc'riis. 2.501 lng so msny of these half fat cattle that h,aj; market stendv; native muttons. $:i 2i they are filled up. t4.00: lsmbs. $35iKU7Ki: .-u'ls und bucks, There were not fa- from fifty or sixty Ku.iM. .tockers, t2.0-'r3.85. a Ul LUwa un mmtv ainu , w 1 . . ! gt. J-i Live !o,.k -I ST. .TCVSDFH. Dec. 13. CATTLE- $2.254.90; stockers and feeders. $2.0OM 50; cows and heifers. !..4cH j.26; canners. $1.7.1 (0-2. 36; bulls, t2.20tfH.iiO; calves. $35i,7.2i; Texas and Indian steers, $2. 6X30. 50; cowjs A l.( Mia saln'on, red, 81.15; fancy Cliinoog, F., $2.10: fancy sockeye, F, Jl.Ho; sardines, .nii.rter oil. s2.7r. thvee-qurrter mustard. 1.1. Oo. Sweet pouaoes, $1 JOrsil.25; sauerkraut, , $1.00; pumpkins, It0c($l.o0: wax oeans. 1-lt t.fii-yc; lii.iu oca tin. 2-lb.. 76ciotl.l5; spinaolt ti.25; clsp peus. 2-ib Hoc: ex'.ras, 96c tj $1.10, IS11CV. l.ooall.7o CURED FISH - Family whltefish. par ausrtee bbl., ln(i lbs.. 14.0o; Norway mack eral. No. 1. l;;5.00; No. 2, $?i.o0; herring la l.b'.s.. 2tM II. en- Norway. 4k. w.oo: jsor , . I., ij.iX: land iieriing. in aaga, the trade on that kind of cattle was also slow and dull. A few of the very best cows that just happened to be wanted to ! fill some special order did not look so much lower, but the genetsl market was at leat . 1! lower than yesterday and very dull ; on Inferior grade. ; Right good feeders were about steady. but the leas, desirable kfr.ds or feeders and stockers were alow and gen erally a little lower. Representative sales: BEEF rtTEERb. Av Pr 4 7 t R- celpts. 2.3m head; steers. 1'c I'.wer; c iws. lis: higher: natives, 1100(175: cows anl heifer. f2.0fi4.M); stcckirs nnd fe d'T, t;,(XV.;4 25. HCXJK receipts, t.iro head: shsde hlTh-r. top, $6 224: bulk. i s I.-,. 1 KI1EFP AND LAMUf-Rece!rta. 1 hi ad. ntsrWpi for lambs, strong; top, 1 shcrf, K'(t7c lower. market. $6.1241' 117 .70; No. A Pr No. 4 KS8 1 78 Is . . 4 9ki 2 71 4 ... 5 1070 1 W . 24 '7 4 :s in Idi7 4 1 17 ll.-n 4 4-1 1U9 4 lullket I. Wc, kcgi.. mixed. 70c. Otis nnd llosln. NEW YORK. Dec. 13.-OM film; prime crude, vellow (-4c. o. o. mills, .tic; prim Putrolettm. xteudy; refined, . $7.f.("': Philadelphia and Balti Philadelphia ar.d Baltimore, la Turpentine, steady; 694fJ70e. I'i.. Dec. 1S.-OIL Credit baU Runs. 137,117 bbl.: average Shipments, 126,138 bbls.; avl 13. OIL Turpentlr New York, more. $7 45; bulk, rirs OIL CITY ances, $1.58. 92.792 bbls. life, 137.r(J bbls. SA VAN-' All. Doc. steadv; 6fc4c. lttiSIN Firm: sales. 9'9 bbls. Q A. B, C. D. K. $1.00; F. fl.j4.u6: G, $3 H. $4 10(fi4.2i: I. J4 40: K, t.ln; M, N, IT. 90; W. G.. C.; W. W., $8 85. Kaak ot Kroner PARIS I M0. It -The of the Bank of If.' ehS"ee- .-,', . 2?.. ! - 21. . .... . r- gut -at . r 'uIU .' iste. gn .0 g-.ll flan.-. tlo4.4-9.772; W00V Mr-h.ri. . Inc. ll v. . Ol Ths featute .(- Boston wra.l market 11 the fT''itn markets and the small ROSTON. donilrr.tlng frnth f supply of w n on sale hi re. The msrket is in a stro". ooltlon The demand f..r clothing ter- . furnihed esneclsl Inter est, fine br .,g1ng ex(T7c. and In several 1 rases lc Some transactions ure reported at fihe. wnii" several lines are said to be worth 70c. Pulled w.kiIs are in steidy tr id". Foreign grades are firm. Leading domestic quotations follow: Ohio snd Pennsvlvanla XX snd above, SIKJiatc: X. Illjflic; No. 1, 4441c: No. 2. SMY.t:v; fln unwuslied. 2tlc; unmerchantal.le, 2Tl3ic: half blood, unwashed, Si'(iW4c; three-eighths blood, unwashed, StSIHc; qtiarter-blool. un washed, $3'SIS4c: relalne. wahed. 36437c; Delaine, unwashed, 2nfi3(r. Michigan, fine unwashed. 24'Jf: half blood, unwished. 82l3c; three-qlghtha unwashed. 8Mr34c: quarter blood, unwashed. StflllHc; Delaine, unwashed, 27fic. Kentucky. Indiana and Missouri, comb ng. three-eighths blood. S3 " " rt r . . tv . .' . .? ' 2 75 2 ... J". (. i 4 1( t VI . 1 V. I 974 IK) . r'"! 2 96 8 1V.? 1 00 . .. r.i 1 7 i.ii 1 40 9 4 1 ( 19 11 4 t 6.1 ,T 1" 1 1 7 1'itl 1 t"i 6 114 3 lv t 106S S 75 II 1ih7 I 10 in .I 3 75 t 10 . 1 15 7 910 4 00 ' 114 1 tt 2 1225 4 00 7 3 4 12117 4 00 ,' 1'nl t 30 6 1170 4 10 4 10J0 I 40 IS I' 4 10 X gfj 1 40 1 12W 4 15 4 low 3 40 7 12- 2 4 IS t 8 t 1 40 10 1187 4 50 HEIFERS. 1120 2 SO t 703 3 30 13 733 3 15 2 870 8 50 22 64V 1 13 5 492 1 80 BULLS. 1 2 1 ItS-O I 30 1 620 1 15 1 170 3 67 2 14i0 1 2.1 1 1740 8 80 1 810 t 25 CALVE3. 2 100 t 00 2 140 t 00 1 16.) 0 60 1 160 t 00 t 164 5 50 2 175 8 "0 1 160 6 75 4 142 t 00 gTOCKEFS AND FEEE18. 6 72 3 50 4 71 8 7S 1 740 I 60 1 910 1 90 l ive Stock Mnrket . Iv flee. 13. (Special Te'i - . K -Receipts. l.i-OO head f !' aer: slock-r Flow: r.eve. t t --n n. s. snd mixed, t;.5ti4 01; kiotkers an-1 f ed.-rs. !3.0O'(i4.O); calves an-I ,'!'. 87.roiiS.85. H;s-fle,elpis. S.fol head. Mnrket steady, selling at $.1.f ;.f5; bulk of sales. fiW" .-. SHEEP AND T AMIIS-ReceiptS, TiOo head Market steady. i-t. In SfTht. Erst'srsteil Andes n-d nrled Kr" NEW YORK. Dec. 13.-EVAPOR APPLES The market continues toy : 4 -in ea.-.'.er tendency owing to fieer ' for future shipments, which seem 10 bo weakening the position of soot holders. Fancv ore -ir.'.ei at 9c; choice, S41l"c; prlrrc, S44'':1bC. westein markets ycsic 'iv: Cit'V. 8ho-- Fouth Omth-i t.v T.T- J1-- Pi mix Citv 1 "V 3 "vi ? Kan-as City 7 7 o 10.6)0 sto St. .Toseph " ?n ' '')0 s-t; f I o ils '0 8 fO. 2 5- Chlcago 11 rtl 23 TOO ;r,.on Totals receipts 32.46) 62,i0 42. V REAL KST.ITK TRANSFERS. 8 26 3 50 3 65 1 f J 75 64 I tiS4c: combing, quarter blood, 81i314c. tl4 1044 474 I04 88 lus 600 424 4! V0 152 14 25 is" 8 1(4 :4 lt4 151 4 U4 25 1'4 7 j 21H4 i 2 1191. 84 914 155 37 34 834 l-4 93 115 84 114 107 474 , 1044 I 17 IN1 1:J t" 14 244 -? 1 75 Texas, scoured basis, fine, twelve month 72fr78c: fine, six to eight months, Sff57c; fine, fall clean. Mamie. California, scoured basts, northern choice, t7'ij4e; northern good, t6r-'4c; middle country, 5'46c; south, ern. 2'niUc: fall free. 544i65c. Oregon. scoured basis eastern. No. 1 staple. 7'9 T?c; No. 1 WESTER VS. WYOMING. 4 steers.. ..1240 4 90 6 bulls T! bulls 1424 2 i-A 30 co-.vs 10"X 29 cows MiO 5 f"i 60 cows 9SS W feeders.. 742 4 00 COLORADO. ! f feeders.. 874 2 5o 52 feeders.. 719 16 steers.... 887 3 10 2 rs. ... 875 HOGS There was enotlic grx-d run of ' hegs this morning, mnkir.g the receipts for ; the week considerably larger tlnn last ' week, and not fsr from the rcnrd nf a year ago. The more liberal receipts have caused prices to take a dowpwsrd ten ' dency. On Monday hogs "ld higher thsn 1 at the close of lhs previous week, but ' the averase of all the sa'e ysierdy wss Metnl Mirket NEW YORK, Dec. 13 M ETA LF -There was a higher market for tin In In'ni, with sHit c'rslng at 19ti 17s d and fu tures st 10; 6s; loi-ally the market wis quiet and a liule higher In synip-ithy with the foreign advance- spot win quo'el at $42 874 b'1 nnd $41" nsked. Copper was lower in London, wlt spot cl'islmr at 1-6 15s and futures nt l'i Ida; hicillv. how ever, the market was higher, owin-j to small offerings, with 'ake oint.d a, 3'0 23 25: electrolytic. $22.r,;u i, j 1.74; r-t'ni(. $-".'.. 174o"2 K24. Lead wc firm and Mr In lie local market with snot nnnte1 at ;$('.(V?i41iV The Ixipdun inntket ws h'tr -e-lalM.i. at 19 7s 61. S:'0'tr was 2s 61 hi. -her. I at 28. in L.nd.-n: 'octillv th-- -na-ke'. n il I unchnriged. I -on was lower ju tlie Eng I llsh market, with .Jt-indud fou;nly qu it" I I at 2s Id snd Cleveland wa'TH'its nt (J ' 14I; locally th- market wns fi-m anl urcl-aneed. wl' Vi. 1 f mtnlrv mrfh-rn quoted at v.'fiW. Nil. 2 f .nndry ro Hi. I e' n i.7f.i2."5; N". ' f-undrc suiihe 11 $i'.r'Oi27.5o; No. 2 foundry soulhe n. S'.'.. 0 1 si'': ". ' ST L')UI. Wc u MKT' -I Hteaily at ti'..'5; spelter, srcmly at M'D. -ad. eastern. No. 1 clothing. JVffT'Je; vallev. ' ciotas x i..wi, .,......, . ""' sWiCc. Territory, stsnle. scnnrd I Buyers fiarien i-ui din innrnim i.inni;.g cut this mornin kal fine Tlrft'T'c: fine mrtlnm -Or, ; nrtces tnsi were grncra.iy sijoui "t'lav, medium. 65irif-. Territoty. ord isry, scoured ' b" m.w,.J !" 'hnt "i",r ,t- basis, fine. rVSe: fine medium. ,lsic; I bsrn decline of the Isst two days a medium. 4MMV:." Colorado and New Mxleo 1 reaction was due snd they were g'rsliv a ab - . - 1 I .L.Inar . B B n It I 1 B n 1 A MA C V f A 1,1 Sl f f snrlng scoureo A. omimc; mo. 1, "'istp. i ' "k , i," i .ii VI.. ' Pulled wools, scoured basis extra ii7ir; i 'e'n much inclined to sllow t.rice. to re- eovrr imi .it .iuc- wmm . . a.-iw in the morning. It was u.iiis evineni nn A. 63s7c; A supers. tvaic; B su-iers, 47"c. BT LOUIS. Dee lt.-WOOI-8teady; medium grades combing and clothing 'iU 27c; light, flue l."lc; heavy, fine, U-ffltc; tub washed, 12r4e. NEW YORK. D-c 11 -SUGAR-Rsw, steadv; fslr refining. 3t-14'it ll-S2c; centrlfu- fl, K test. 1 13-1633 H-Hc; .nol.inues sugir, 1 -1 u 3 l-32c; refined steady; No. t, 4.3ec Nc 7. 4tc: No. 8. 4 toe; No. t. 4 lie; No. lo. 4 06c; No. 11. 4c; No. 12. !?: No. 13, 1.90c; that bin-era resllv wanted the Lc ga snd e!!er nnlv forced .ordinary, 6i.ld; them to raise their runs, si (hit the gen eral market became rlsht s 4c hlsi-er than yesterday's sversue market. In rthr words, the hogs sold anywhere from steady to 5c higher and when thij trade win i.nce under way It wss falrlv sctlve. so thst the hoss were prvtlcallr c'. sild hv mid day. After the more loiportant orders were filled the market eased off a I'tile. sn that the last hrga thll arrived had to sell at prices that were per lisps no better than cmidi u,'ki. NEW YORK. De". 13 COTTOV -St.ot. steady, 15 poln ndvnnre: r.ild'l'ri ui lsn ls. 10. Cc: middling gulf, 10 :oc; sales l.ion bsles. ST LOU1H. Mo.. Dec. 13 -COTTON Quiet; mMdPrg. 1i4c: siles 27 bsle re ceipts. 1 ITS bnl s; shipments, to I bll-'S stock. 18.624 bales NEW ORLEANS, Dec 13. COTTON Sp't rl ee flr-r : siles. Tl'fi bale; ..w ordinary. 44c. nominal: "rdlnirv, 7c nom inal; good orrtlnsrv, g5-1V: low rcld'tin !c: niMdllne. ot c; go-d -iMIllnr. 11 1-V'c mldd'lng fair. USi-, i-.tIpsI- '..'r 121.,' rrir-ts i?'4 bs'ea: stck. at--, vH'ea I.IVERPOOI Oer VI -COTTON-Ppo- - fair rl-rts-id- -l a utc-'-i nif-1 A'vr-. inl.'d'lng fair- 8 7d: gfvid rn'ri-l'lns 5 f ' ml. dlli g. 6 cm: In"- Pild;!"nr. 6"d; g or(linry, 5.4, d. The sal- John R. Rlngwalt nnd wife to The resa Conn iilfi-i, lots 0 and 7, Rem ingten's ftub a Thotuna Couglilnn to John R. Ring wait, sume AMile J. Si.ew to Jacob Kattleman, lots 3 nnd 4. block 12 Omaha 1 . Saiah 17. (iirrow to A'.exinder Gar row, lot 7. block 8. llanscotn Plice.. I John F. Morlurty et al. to Margaret Moiiaitv, "4 lot 3. block 00, ll.:.-il:;' f't, lot 11. Hock 11. E. V. Sn-lll;s. 4 lot 3, block 2, I.akc s Ad John A. Paiton to Tetia Barton, lot yj, All.iigl t Ayleswfirth's Add.. 250 Sinie to saiiie. lot 5. block 1. Burton'a fl.lh illliitil C. K lull 'ill', to Wlleon T. Gra il, 111. lots 4 nnd 5. hloc'-t 10. Royd'a.. 400 c.rn.d L'.ramli-nhiire and w if 0 to same, block 214, Florence 1.260 lie. en H. Clark to Laura E. Merrow, 1' is 2. 3. 4. 6. li, baiuk 3. Hamilton Pn.iare 1 N. Tucks, a and wife to George Now n.-s. lot M. block 1, Ilitnebaugh I'attcrs.n's Ad I 00 Hush 8. Thomas and wife to Wsrren fink Tfotnas, lots 11 and 12, block ti. Bvndicat'i Mill 4vt I'.'.lart (i. Fink to E. R. Hume, lot 3, I'nrrlKin Plate Ch'-s V. iiM iunf utul wife to Gert- ru.l.- liti'l hoi. w4 lot 2. block 10, Imi-k - ei S' l.l. n's 1,804 W.I.Ia-" A Duniiltig et al. Ii Rert- ii.n D. Da'o,. h't 3, block 1. Ike Vlrw I' li.-lc I fv Kitik to Jclius Swohod i, lot block 7, Allirislit's Annex, South (l:.t. i''a .' Fin - to panic !( t 10, block 7, Al- t . r I i 1 1 Anti'-K, South Onuiha .I.'l-ii V. McDonald to Hsrry V. A II- wtie. lot f, b ork !S. KOunln PI ce ",: .'MS F. I.e to Harry W. Allwlne, I . i lea.: I!. N sh et nl. ll I'. ( i'J ft lot lark Frederick block 11, Tola". 2.425 2,423 l.K .$11.11? The Financial World KLWYPHK. CHICAGO ." U llroowa 109 Ilandoipli t Tjo Loaiiig rintuclal Weekly VslusLls te tanker, and riasnclers JUpenssbls tolnljrj and t-peculatara Th. j.-'y financial publi-stlon ef its klad. aes4 for ir.e s.aiile e..i,r. . v-i will be e .aviaoed el Its ul j. aud suad your subaorli-tlua. THE ritACIAL M-OItLD 3 nroadway NawrTawtf. No. 14. t 86c; confectioners' A. 4 60r; mould i yesterday. -.'tlOr; cut lonf. 6 5n-; crushed, lnr- ins- A will b noted from the ssles -snw a' deitd, 4. Isa.', granulaud, 4.W.U; cubes, I Ko. 1 considerable proiiortloa of the hogs acid at l 1' 7 h UUU) IJOM)! with bonus of stock In thr" 1,1 Jl 1 1 ..11 I'l.UII .1 1, -0 7c GIAKAXTKED BTOCK .ai-hsrv .'cni ainlcs. MM vtg CIST FTK ArfXfTJM etJlSlSTHD BT TCVU B19II on stock we are nun' ff. i-'. ' tents a share In a rllrldciid paying pro ject. Write us for full detatln . AMERICAN FINANCE AMD DEVELOPMENT CO,. (Representatives Wanted) LO AROILtl. OAT.