Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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J and EOok
. Friday .
YyE closed out an Importer's Stock of
' ' Fine Real Kid Gloves in black and
colors 8-button length for Demi sleeves
especially good for winter and early
spring. Bought in the regular way, we
would have to. sell at $2.75 per pair.
Because of special purchase we will offer
them while they last at $1.98 per pair.
A very decided bargain at an oppor
tune time. You will note other excellent
values when you visit this busy glove
section windows too crowded to display
these items.
At Book section as a special attraction
We offer about 600 volumes of copyright
books worth $1.00 to $1.50 some few
very slightly soiled at 39c per volume.
Sales Start at OA. M.
Thomas Kilpatriclt & Co.
Matthews Piano Co.
1513-1515 Harney Street
Our Store
Open Until
9:30 P.M.
Don't Let Another
Christmas Day Pass
Without a P IANO
Our Prices Are Unusually Attractive
$10.00 or such a matter will send one
home.- You may have as much time
as required to pay the balance
In our store are WEBER, MEHLIN, SCHILLER,
The largest assortment of high grade pianos to select
from in Omaha. 1 '' 1 . ,
A Eplendid opportunity just now to buy used pianos
and organs. "We have many to close out before inventory,
January 1st, 1906.
To holiday shoppers
If you will buy your presents early In the day and early
this month you will avoid the rush, which is trying to the
buyer and doubly trying to the workers behind the coun
ters and on the delivery wagons.
Withdraw! from Actirs Servic Becne of
Eii railing Health.
llrromri General Mnnaser of Norh
Wfitrrn Lines Went of Missouri
River, Mr. Ittilrrrll flemnlnlna;
In Advisory Capacity.
Mr. Frank Walters I appoint'"'! general
manager of this company a lines west or
the Miwiotirl river; ofMre, Omaha. Neb,
Vice Air. U. F. Hldwell, who, after many
years of creditable service In various posi
tions of responsibility is obliged, by III
health, to retire from active duty; ami
will hereafter perform mrli special service
as may be awslgncd. Kffectlve Iii cember 17.
W. A." UAKUNKK, Vice-President.
Approved :
This In the official statement which marks
the retirement from actKe service of Mr.
indwell after a remarkably successful rail
road career and the promotion of n young
man, Mr. Walters, as the most recent of
a long succession of rises.
Mr. Hldwell has been anxious for some
time to be relieved of the onerous and ex
acting duties of his position because of his
steadily- fulling health, wlilcU he believes
can be Improved when divested of heavy
responsibilities. He will not saver his Con
nection with the Northwestern, deferring
to the company's wish to remain In an
advisory capacity.
Record of, Two Men.
Mr. Bidwell was born In Panville, N. T.,
June 27, 1847 and started In the railroad
business as a day laborer. From '69 to '78
he was promoted as clerk, paymaster and
engineer. In 1879 he entered the employ
of the Northwestern as clerk in the super
lntendants office on the Winona ft St.
Peters division. He was with the North
western until 18S9, when he went with the
Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western road as
general superintendent. In 1MI3 he returned
to the Northwestern as . superintendent
of the Ashland division and In ISM
was made general manager ' of the
Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road,
and also of the Sioux City & Pacific road.
"Mr. Walters Is 4 newcomer to Omaha.
He . haa In twenty-four years risen from
the position of telegraph operator In thn
Illinois Central road. He has been In
Omaha since the last of July, when he was
promoted from the position of assistant
general superintendent of the Nebraska
and Wyoming; division of the North
western to assistant general manager.
This promotion came "aa a reward of
real merit and Mr. Walters has per
formed the service required so well
that he haa now been made general
manager of all the Northwestern lines west
of the Missouri river.
Mr. Walters Is one of the most popular
men In the railway world and has won
himself a warm place In tha hearts of all
with Whom he Is associated. V
Sketch of Ilia rarer.
Here Is an outline of Mr. Waters' ca
reer: Born at Cedar Falls, la. EducateJ
In tho public schools. Entered railway
service In 18S2, since which time ho hns
been consecutively to August. 6, 1SS3, car
checker, Minneapolis & St. Louis railway;
August 5, 1K83, to May 24, 18W, ' operator.
agent and train dispatcher, Illinois Cen
tral railway; May 24 to August 24. 1S'.
operator, Burlington, Cedar Rapids &
Northern railway; August 24 to Nnvembir
1. 1886, clerk, Minneapolis & St. Louis rail
road; November 1, 1886, to June. 1, 1803,
train dispatcher, Burlington, Cedar Rapids
& Northern; June 1, 1893,, to "August 10,
1888, train dispatcher same road; August
10, 18P8, to March 3. 1902, chief clerk to
vice president; March 3 to June 20, 1H0',
superintendent same road; June 30 to De
cember 3, 1902, division superintendent, Rock
Island; December 3, 1902, to' July 1, l!n3.
assistant division superintendent. North
western; JUly 1, 1B, to October' 13, W
superintendent Sioux City division North
western at Sioux City; October lu. 1906, to
July 25, assistant general superintendent
Northwestern railway, Nebraska and Wyo
ming division, office at Norfolk, Neb; July
25 to December 17, assistant general- man
ager; December 17, appointed general man
ager, office at Omaha,
In that Long? Residence In Omaha
i ' Paddy Welsh Sees Jail
but Once. ,
Po.'dy Welri. an Irish !alorer at Kllpat
I rick a grading camp, who was arrested
j Wednesday night when nearly paralysed
i from the effects of liquor, put forth a novel
! plea for clemency In police court Thursday
! morning. When asked If he was guilty
Paddy replied:
"Shure, an' I was good an' drunk, but,
your honor, I take me oath, so help me,
that I nlver won arristed befoor In Omaha."
"How long have you been In Omaha?"
asked Judge Crawford.
"Two days," your honor."
The court was convulsed with merriment
and Welsh was discharged, but It was a
serious affair to him, who evidently con
sidered it a miracle that he hadn't been
arrested the day he arrived.
Cheap Rates
for tho
December 0. 11, 11, 13, 14. 15, 10 ul 11, 1101, U4
January 1, 1907.
Ticket gold on thee data between alt stations on Rock
Island Line at special rate of
Fare and one-third
for the round trip .
Minimum rate 25 eenta. Ticket good to and Inclndtn
January 7, 1907.
Talk with the Rock Island man about your trip.
1323 Farnam Street,
Omaha, Neb.
Mr. Mnnafleld in "Ileao Hmmmel" at
the lloyd.
Mr. Richiti'd MansftVld and company In
"Mean Krummel," a comedy In f ur acts.
The cant:
Tim Prince of Wales. ...Mr. Fnnk Klngdon
Iird M.inlev Mr. Cecil Magnus
Richard Urinsley Sheridan
Mr. J .-intra 1,. C irlnrt
Mr. Krummel Mr. Richard Mansfield
RcKimild Courtney, bis nephew
Mr. Kdward C. Warde
Mortimer, hi valet Mr. Wnltr Howe
Mr. Aluaham Mr. Mure Mad'ermott
First Bailiff Mr. Damon l.yon
Second UalMI Mr. MarlJcrmott
Simpson Mr. ('lenient Toole
Ki-ndnn Mr. luis Thomas
Mr. Oliver Vincent, a city merchant
Mr. Henry Wenman
Mariana Vincent, his daughter
Miss, Irene lrahar
Kathleen, her maid Mist Emma Dunn
The Duchess of Leamington
Miss (iertrude tJheen
Ixuly Farthingale.. Miss Adelaide Alexander
A French IOitging House Keeper
Miss Vivian Bernard
Mrs. St. Aubyn Miss Eleanor Uarry
No doubt It haa occurred to many of
Mr. Mansfield's admirers that If he delights
in one thing more than another It is to
take a hateful or depressing character and'
exploit it until, before he has finished, one
finds hate turned to pity If not affecthn,
and fatigue of nervous syniathy to willing
hope. That Is ' the power of the man as
master of his art.
What more garrulous character could
there be than the Beau Urummel of the
first two acts of Mr. Mansfield's playT
What more pitiful wretch or more depress
ing portrayal than him of the final act?
And yet who is there who, even mindful
of the self-complacent, arrogant profligate
of the first two acts, that dues not find
himself an involuntary friend of the In
sane pauper whose life goes out In the last
act, the expiation of his own dissipation?
By many Beau Krummel Is pronounced
the best vehicle of Mr. Mansfield's great
talents. At any rate. It enables him to
show what sheer art may do with elements
of the human character which, when en
acted on the stage of every-day life, are
repulsive If not Intolerable. Dong ago the
great actor made this play popular on the
American stage and It is evident with each
recurring presentation that Its popularity
docs not wane, but rather Increases. It
was perfectly manifest last night at the
Boyd that Omaha theatergoers, a magnifi
cent audience of whom filled the play
house, still eagerly long for "Mansfield as
Beau Brummel." If any surer evidence of
this fact was necessary than that afforded
In the- attendance,- then It was supplied
with the repeated ovations showered upon
the star and the members of his excellent
company. At the conclusion of the third
act Mr. Mansfield whs obliged to respond
three times In quick succession to the rest
less applause 'Of his friends. But he did
not speak.. This is the act, it will be re
called, where Beau Brummel, pelted and
pursued by. the bailiffs for his numerous
creditors, hurls back at the taunting slight
of His Majesty in the Mall that tr.te and
now famous retort, "Who Is your fat
friend?"' '
Perhaps after all the chief reason for
Mansfield's exceptional triumph In Beau
Brummel Is the fact that the play affords
him the opportunity of displaying his prow
ess as a comedian as well as a tragedian.
And here again the man demonstrates his
prodigious art. For one of his serious bent
to champion the comedian's sphere has
struck some people as the most remarkable
element of this remarkable man.
Mr. Mansfield seemed to reach his climax
last night so far as that audience was
concerned, In his grim refusal of his faith
ful' valet's suggestion that as a means of
warding off starvation he divulge to his
toroientlng creditors t some of 'the letters
of his former friends and associates who
numbered the aristocracy an officialdom
of London. In this act lie gives out one
of the great lessons which his plays In
evitably teach when he displays a real
nobility of character In electing penury
rather than perfidy. Dwell for a moment
on this profoundly grave situation, then
hark back to that scene of the fitful fop
bidding his anxi ms valet who reminds him
of an accumulation of pressing bills to
"Hide them away somewhere and I shall
feel ns If they are paid," and you will
get somo conception of the versatility of
While, the piece keeps the star almost
constantly In the front ground, It Is grati
fying to note the excellent supporting com
pany which Mr. Mansfield has. As In "Peer
Gynt," the previous night, the other mem
bers of the company appeared to great
advantage. Miss Emma Dunn, remembered
In Omaha as a member of the old Wood
ward Stock company at the Crelghton,
merits her meed of praise as Kathleen.
Mr. Walter Howe gives a most faithful
portrayal of his part as Beau Brummel's
valet, and Mr. Frank Klngdon as the
prince of Wales and later his majesty;
Mr. Ernest C. Warde as Reginald Court
ney, and Mr. Henry Wenman as the
merchant prince, "Mr. Oliver Vincent," are
among the foremost men characters. Miss
Irene Prahar presents her part as Marl
ana Vincent, one of the most Important,
with much more than the ordinary skill.
The entire cast. Indeed, Is a strong one.
A Veteran of the Civil War Praises the
World's Great Medicine
Mr. Henry A. Rawson, Mill-
NOVELTIE8 Fremer. loth and Dodge.
t2-k Wedding Rings, F.dholm. Jeweler.
Boston Mall Wrecked
NEW YORK, Dec. 13.-The Poston mall,
train No. 25, on the New York. New Haven
& Hartford rallrond was wrecked near
Melrose In the outskirts of the city early
today, several trainmen and mall clerks
are reported Inlured. It Is laid that n.i
passenger Is hurt.
Again Shakes Hands
bury, Mass., a veteran of tho
Civil War and one of the old
comrades, is loud in his praise
of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
Mr. Rawson claims that "when
run down" Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey is his only medicine.
He says that the old comrades
not only use Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey, but speak well of it.
"I will say that Duffy's Tuna
Malt Whiskey is the best thing1 1
have ever ustxl when run down.
1 gave a good deal of money to
the doctors, who did not help me.
I was all through tho Civil War
and a prisoner during tho last
part of it. My regiment was the
34th Massachusetts Vol., Co. A.
I am one of the old comrades
who are using your Malt Whis
key and speaking well of it."
bury, Mass, August 3, 1906.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
Is an absolutely pure, gentle and Invigorating stimulant and tonic, bulWs up
the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power to the brain, strength, and
elasticity to the muscles and richness to the blood. It brings Into action all the
vital forces, it makes digestion perfect and enables you to get from the food you
eat the nourishment It contains. It is invaluable for overworked men, delicate
vonen and sickly children, as It is a food already digested. It strengthens the
aystem, Is a promoter of good health and longevity, makes the old young and
keeps the young strong. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey contains no fusel oil and li
the only whiskey that Is recognized as a medicine. This Is a guarantee.
Sold by all druggist and grocers, or direct. In sealed bottles only; never lu
bulk. Price $1. Insist on the genuine and see that the "Old Chemist" trade
mark is on the Inbol. Beware of refilled bottles and spurious malt whiskey
substitutes offered for sale by unreliable dealers. They are positively harmful
and will not cure. Medical booklet and doctor's advice free. Duffy Malt Whis
key Co., Rochester, Pf. Y.
"election of Christmas Booki Made at
Library for Children.
Volumes Are Available at Rooms In
Public Library, Where Dla-
creet Jndares Are In '
Charge te Direct.
80 many books, good and bad, are
written and published for the children of
today, that the task of selecting- a (food one
for a Christmas present Is difficult, A selec
tion of -the best books has been made by
Miss Tobltt,- city librarian, and her assist
ants and these books are on exhibition In the
children's room in the library, where any
one may look them over any day between
now and Chrlstmus. Most of the volume
exhibited are .on sale at the local stores.
Many books are under the ban of careful
and discreet librarians. Miss Tobltt has
taken particular care In mnrklriK a selec
tion and those volumes which have passed
the examination and found a place on the
approved list are of an admirable type.
Nothing of a vicious nature will find its
way Into the brains of Omaha's Juvenile
readers taken from this list.
Kven In the matter of pictures we are
careful," says MIhs Tobltt. "1 believe that
picture has Just as much effect upon
the mlnd,of a child as a story. If there h
any difference, the influence of the plctme
greater. If 'the characters of a book
are our companions,' the pictures or. a
book are, even more, our companions."
riot ores by Artists.
The pictures found in these books are
all by unlets of ability and many of them
are by men of national fame in drawing
Five or Mx-Story Building; Contem
plated to Join Present
The Woodmen of the World now contem
plates the erection of a live or six-story
annex to its headquarters at Fifteenth and
Howard street, covering a vpuce 60x132. A
year auo tho order bouKht the west half
of the lot adjoining Its building on the east
and facing on Howard street, and now
Panlel F. Corte has bought the east half
of the same lot from John C. Cowln for
,W, the deal being consummated Wednes
day. It is generally understood the entire
lut finally will pass into thn hands of the
Woodmen and enable them to erect a larger
annex than llit contemplated.
with Covert Top Coats. Covert
Coals the handy men of tha
Overcoat family good for wear
tlx months of the year are too
good to be "shook.'V
We have shaken loose the im
porter's fluent qualities of Covert
Top Coatings, which are ready to
make to jour measure If you can
shake yourself loose from from
$;50.00 to 943.UO.
Phone Poug. lbos. 3nt-M Bo. lfith Bt.
Next dour to lh Wabash Ticket ottior.
Judge Day has returned from Papllllon,
where he lias been enxaged in hearing the
trial of one of the Clements boys, cha-ged
with BhcKHins l.ew tJoldie near South.
Omulia lunt aumnier. He will remain in
Omaha until Monday, when he will return
to Sarpy county t finish up his docket.
John C. Harris, colored, was fctven a rre
ll'i'inary examination in police rourt Thurs
day morning on tlie charge of criminally
assaulting Eva Bailey, a colored girl 14
years of age, and was bound over for trial
in the district court under bond of i75t.
The assault Is aliened to have been com
mitted on May 1,
Charles Denovo has been sentenced by
Juries Button to sixty days in the county
Jail on a plea of guilty to receiving stolrn
nrunvit y. He is charged with acting as a
ffriie for the disposition of a qunntlty of
loliaco stolen front a I.'iiion J'aiillc car.
K1 Kelly pleided guilty to petty larceny
and was sentenced to a term in the county
The funeral of Robert W. Baldwin, who
dltd Tuesday night Hfter a lung sickneKS
from anaemia, was held at lt 3i Thursday
morning from the family re.-hU-nre, l.'ilO
couth Twenty-eighth btiet. lie Is sur
vived by a wife and two children. For over
flftcn year Mr.. Kaluwln was janitor at
the Train -school I nd had a host of friends.
The interment toe k place at Forest Lawn
Aftr receiving' lengthy lecture from
JudKe Crawford I", txillcu court Thursday
nu rning Kdwnrd J,un, colored, was dls
rhaiged. Jackson was arrsted Saturday
for leaving ills horse standing in an si Ivy
Friday night for several hours without be
ing aumVieiitly vruleettd from tha weather.
The urreet was made oa the complaint of
Humane j(liier Kllison. who is endeavoring
to chetk the practice of owners laavliig
thvlr Lorscs without being L.aitkcted.
for children. Naturalness, simplicity and '
the absence of all vicious or frightening
features are, noticeable. If a dragon Is
represented, it is a goodnatured dragon,
which spends its life in going about the
world doing kind deeds. It a lion is hown,
it is a Jolly beast, which has followed in
the paths of virtue all its life and Is
particularly fond of good children who
obey their parents. When children are
represented they are always of the good,
healthy type, who go to school and engage
In proper pastimes, but never do the deeds
attributed to that adventuresome youth,
Buster Brown.
The stories contained in the books com
bine, admirably, a style which Interests
the child, with hlstorlo facts which will
be useful in the future. As an example
of this, there is a book containing thirty
famous stories', among which are "Colum
bus and the-Egg," "King Richard and
BJondcl," "James Watt and the Teakettle,"
"How Rome Was Founded," and "Hanni
bal, the Hero of Carthage." A similar
series of historic stories In separate
volumes is very popular, telling in simple
way the life stories of great personages of
history. Fairy tales by the old German
nnd Swedish authors, Greek and Roman
legends, the Arthurian legends and anl
mal stories are popular. There are several
publications of Bible stories, some of them
very elaborately illustrated with handsome
reproductions of pictures by the great
The Uncle Remus tales, boarding school
stories and others of the purely flctltlour
type are In the minority among the book
Hagh Gray, Charged with Killing;
Harvey Williams, Will Face
Jary First.
Hugh Gray, a South Omaha negro, who
is charged with shooting and killing Har
vey Williams in a quarrel over a woman
November 19, will be placed on trial before
Judge Sutton Friday morning.
Monday County Attorney Slabaugh ex.
pects to begin the trial of Barney Carahar
before Judge Troup. He Is charged with
robbing Fred Lunrman, a farmer, of $300
in a South Omaha saloon October 12.
William Murphy, who was charged with
robbing Nels Peterson of $16 In the saloon
of Peter Nelson at Eleventh and Farnam
streets, was allowed to enter a plea of
guilty to petty larceny and was sentenced
to thirty days In the county jail by Judge
Sutton Thursday afternoon. Both men
were drunk when the robbery took place
and the money was found on Murphy.
Missouri Train Robber Sentenced.
MARSHALL, Mo.. Dec. 13 Jesse Clydt
Riynsey, the-Chicago boy who robbed tht
Alfon-Hurlington train on November ib and
the Rock Island Limited on November b
both near Glasgow, Mo., pleaded guilty here
today to two charges filed against him. He
was given the minimum sentence, ten years'
Imprisonment, on each charge, and was
immediately sentenced to twenty years. He
will be taken to the penitentiary lata today
Bants Clans Letters Privilege Abased
nd Will Be Stopped by
The Postofflce department has decided
that the "Santa Claus" letter business has
been to much overdone, and hrnce Issues
an order declaring such letter addressed to
"Santa Claus" and deposited for transmis
sion In the malls are fraudulent and must
30 to the dead letter office.
About twelve or fifteen of these letters
already have been deposited in the Omaha
postofflce and have been bundled up to be
sent to the Washington dead letter office.
It has been the practice of the postmaster
to turn these letters over to the stores or
to benevolently Inclined people to do at)
they wished with complying with the re
quests contained therein.
TTTOULD you like a copy of the new catalogue of the Collier
W artist proofs, containing 160 reproductions, in half-tone and
line engraving, of the works of Charles Dana Gibson, Frederic
Remington, A. B. Frost, Maxfield Parrish, Jessie Willcox Smith,
Edward Penfield, and many other leading American artists?
The engravings in this catalogue are made from the "originals,
which were drawn exclusively for Collier's. They are exact repro
ductions in black and white, and show the entire collection of proofs,
with sizes, prices, and descriptions.
You can get an idea of the beauty and value of this catalogue
when you realize that it contains 57 Gibson Reproductions, 29
Remingtons, and 74 others 160 in all. In addition it contains a
half-tone illustration of each artist, and a short sketch of his life.
We can not afford to send it free, but if you will send us five
two-cent stamps to cover charges we will mail you a copy postpaid.
Write your name and address plainly on the order form, and send
it with the five stamps to
Proof Dept, P. F. Collier & Son, 414 West Thirteenth Street, New York
New York City
Dear Sirt: Enclosed find five two-cent stamps to pay chargei on one copy of your
new catalogue of artist proofs.
O. B.
I !
; 1