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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1906. ONLY NINE DAYS MORE TTCN lu TTT El fill! Sill IISC Id V AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Quick Wit of Switchman Dumps. Banawaj Trtin in the Ditch. SEE OTHER AD ON OUTSIDE PAGE Friday Bargain-Giving n Silks, DRESS GOODS, WASH GOODS and DOMESTICS DRESS GOODS. We place on sale several thousand dollar's worth of dress goods (remnants) skirts, suits or waist patterns; these goods were all marked cheap in the first place to sell quickly. Friday, your choice of any length at exactly HALF OFF MARKED PRICES. SILKS. Several thousand yds. fancy silks, Taffetas and Louis ienes, beautiful figures, dainty stripes, etc., all col ors, great sale price, yard 39c and 28 23-in. Black Peau de Soie Just the right weight and correct width for mufflers, very rich and beautiful; Friday, yard ,89( EXTRA SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY. Hundreds of remnants of fine Wash Goods new goods; all of these lengths are the remnants of our own goods that were sold during the past 7 weeks, consisting of flannelettes, plaids, ging hams, linings, etc.. at EXACTLY HALF OFF. IMPORTANT SALE OF DOMESTICS. Thousands of Remnants of Domestics Outing Flannels, prints, percales, ticking, ginghams, sheetings, muslins, etc., on sale in Harney Street Aisle, at exactly HALF OFF MARKED PRICES. For Instance: 10c Outing flannel for 5 10c percale for .-5 ."io prints for , 2Va 10c silkoline for... . ...5 8c apron for 4 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Friday and Saturday Specials. Order Fri day if possible and avoid late deliveries Bennett' Breakfast Coffes, 2-lb. can...' 48o And Kitty Green Trading Stamps. Granulated Sugar Double Green Trading Stamps. Dennett m lixcclslor Flour, sack 91.40 Ami Seventy-five Green Trading Stamps. Teas, your choice, pound 680 And Forty lireen Trading Stamps. Bennett' Capitol Making I'owder, B-lb. can $1.00 And line Hundred tlrwn Trading Stamp". BTJTT'ER. BUTTE&. BTJTTXB. Country Roll Butter, fresh from the dairy, lb .Sao iV 11 C CuiHiip. pmi uoitle 83o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. BTX.X PICKLES Sour Fickles, quart lOo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Chow Chow Pickles, quart I50 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Small Sweet 1'lckles, quart BOo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Pirrtento Staffed Olives, pint 35o , And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Boiled Cider, pint bottle 80c Ana ten Green Trading Stamps. vmves, Dome soc 26c, 16c and lOo Pickles, assorted, bottle Bo Celery Salt, bottle lOo Cajrers, bottle 16o Curry Powder, bottle 16o Asparagus, can C frtVTl l.l ma HeanK, can iKV''il I'lu'n Pudding, can I'needa Biscuit, 4 packages And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Lemon Snaps, 4 packages And Ten Green Trading Stamps. LMuuiond 8 Preserves, large lar And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Mince Meat, pound 100 Currants, cleaned, pound llo Seeded Kulslns, package lOo California Seeded Haislns, pound... loo Cullfornla Prunes, new, pound 5o Evapomted Apricots, pound 84o BEST WE HAVE BRAND. Corn, two cans SBo Tomatoes, two cans 85o Petit Pols Peas, two cans 86o Sweet Potatoes, two cans 860 Sugar Beets, two cans a So Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, three packages S5o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Pears for the table, large can lBo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Maine Corn. can.lOo; dozen can tl 00 New York full cream Cheese, pound 30o And Ten Green Trading Stamp. Virginia Swiss Cheese, pound 8B0 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Itoyal Luncheon Cheese, Jar B4o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Neufchatel Cheese, each, 40 Hand Cheese, each, IHo t 111 fJ 80O 18H0 , lOo ..... .160 lio ....i.38o Fruits and tables lettuce, Rad 1 8 h e s, Onions, Celery, Parsley Fresh Daily. Bellvlew Celery, crlsjj 10 Mixed Nuta pound 18 Pineapples, each, 25 Florida Oranges, dozen 15 Ben Davis Ap ples peck 20 Bennett's Candles Candy Chain yard 2M Candy Pebbles, In bon bon box 10 and 54. Package Candles, assorted, each, 5 Mixed Candy, lb., 10 Chocolate Chips, pound 20 Fancy Bon Bons, hi box 25 j Friday in Hardware Nice Steel Mail Box with lock and key, each, at 1.25 nicely 50c Box, Japanned 74c Copper Nickel Plated Coffee Pot 54 See Our Table of Carvers, French Stag Handles, at 3.75 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Skates Harney & llerry's, best made, up from 48 And Fifty Green Trading stamps. SPOKTINU GOODS. Alll RIFLES, best, at $1.25, $1 and . .7.V Vnd thirty green trad ing stumps. HOOD HAMILTON' K1FLK, regular $2.00 at 1.2.1 HOLLER SKATKS, all prices, from $7.50 down to 43c Book Cases Desks Mfcke Pretty, Uefu! and Letting Gifts Combination Book Case, like cut, quar tered oak, rich golden polish finish, pretty carving, has shaped drawer, bent glass door, bevel mirror, convenient desk; an excellent piece of furniture, r . -tl well made and beau- 8 1 ;.il&BB tifully finished ;J kw!sW'rVii I specially priced at Bargain Friday Shoes .1 n 11J- SANTA CLAUS STOREHOUSE FOR CHRISTMAS FOOTWEAR Sizes 3'2 to 42, worth up to $10, one to a customerat UK.HC &r.Lj yw. -"g;mgf FREIGH1 CARS PILED UP AND SOME BURN Carpet Slippers for men and women, warn and comfortable, regular 50c values. 33 Men's Itlark and Tan Leather and Velvet Vamp Slippers, rejular 75c value.. 59 Soft und Comfortable Vlcl Kid Slipper for Men, in black and tan, pair 08 Women's Velvet Kid 1'atent Tin Lared Shoes, soft and comfortable, special, l)alr 352.C9 Rock Island FreUht Train Collide and When Knsrlnrer Jnmps One of tho Tralna Take the Back Track. Quick work on the part of a tnon Stork yards switchman probably saved one of the most disastrous wrecks In the his tory of the Rock Island road. Rock Island freight No. 9T, which Is made up by the havy engines from Council Bluffs, was pulling westbound to the Albright sta tion at about S a. m. yesterday morning. As the train nwared the station the crew saw the headlight of the eastbound freight No. M appearing at full speed. To save a collision Weaver, the engineer, reversed his engine and when the two engines ap peared about to strike, both he and his fireman Jumped oft. The two engines came together, but the westbound train was already moving fast on the reverse and tha Impact wa slight. After that the train ran wild back through the South Omaha yards. The ITnlon Stock yards switchman saw the train approaching and with great forethought threw the switch and turned the train, then moving at the rate of about thirty mile per hour, upon a line of dead refrigerator cars. The collision with these cars occurred under the X street viaduct. About six of the cars were wrecked and the contents scattered over tho siding. The stove in the way car of the train Ignited the woodwoik of the cars and the South Omaha fire department was called out and had some difficulty In extinguishing the blaze. If the puzzle had not been turned the wild train would have ran Into the Union depot In Omaha at a terrific rate, provided it had not wrecked the early passenger train on the way. As It was, the loss was about $10,000 from the wrecked cars. Myaterloas Accident at Parkin I'laut. A mysterious accident occurred at an early hour Tuesday morning at the Omaha Packing plant. Michael Mitchell, a man employed as an ash trucker, was found by his companions lying unconscious at the ash dump, having sustained a fracture of the skull and injuries to his right arm. The man was discovered at about 3:30, He was unconscious and when he partially re covered could tell nothing of the cause of his condition. The workmen surmise that his ash truck upset and struck him, knocking him down. Otherwise they are at loss to account for his serious Injury. Pos sibly he might have been attacked by some unidentified parties, but there is nothing to indicate such an attack. He was re moved to the South Omaha hospital where his skull was operated on to lift up the splintered bone and relieve the pressure on the brain. It Is thought he will recover provided no unlocked for complications set In. The man live at Twenty-first and 8 streets. South Omaha. 'He Is one of the night gang at the Omaha company's boiler house. Discussion of Annexation. The Highland Park Improvement club will meet at the Lincoln school tonight to discuss many Important public questions. Of late a strong sentiment has been dis covered In favor of annexation and the club members will be given a chance to present their opinions. The president of the club bas secured the services of several men who favor the move and there will be some probably who will take the opposite side of the question. Aside from this the clnb is much interested in the project of a via duct on west F street. This street I now being graded from Twenty-sixth to Twenty ninth, or to the east approach of the via duct as it Is now planned. The question of an additional bond Issue for the sewers and the manner of Its presentation to the legis lature will be topics of discussion. Prog-res on Malt Plant. The Bryson-Peterson malt plant at Twenty-ninth and B streets is taking on extensive proportions and the new eleva tor has the frame raised. It has been found that the cost of the plant will be much greater than at first contemplated. It Is now believed that fully $160,000 will be ex pended before it Is oomplete. The small plant belonging to the company, has sold about 600,000 bushels of malted grains dur ing the past year. While It is not hoped that this plant will be able to supply all of the local demand, yet It will take a large share of it. Appraising; Damaajrca In Alley. The board of appraisers for the paved alley In block eighty-one. South Omaha, met with the citizens and attempted to come to an understanding as to the dam ages arising from the change of grade of the alley. Its finding will be reported to the city council next Monday night. There ..BARGAIN FRIDAY.. Suits for Young Men and Men Strength Comes Not From What You Eat. But From What You Digest. Most people eat most foods without discrimination It matter little what. Pew atop to think what that food doe for them. This Is the first turn on the road to dyspepsia. Reckless disregard of the proper choice of foods, rapid eating and Improper mastication, are the un questioned causes of all stomach disor ders from the slight ache to the malig nant cancer. There la nothing more revolting than a dyspeptic stomach a very vat for putrefaction, sending forth Its poison throughout the entire system, depressing the brain, befouling the breath, souring the taste, deadening the musclas. Incapac itating the liver and kidney for their work, debilitating the heart, choking the lung and clogging the bowel. All of these disagreeable and dangerous conditions are due to the Improper diges tion of food and the consequent assimila tion of poison. What els can be ex pected? If the food lies In the stomach, If the system Is constipated, fermentation Is the natural outcome. It shows Itself In sour watery rising, belchings, heart burn and painful breathing. There is only one way to relieve this condition. If the stomach refuse to di gest your food put something Into It that will. Stuart' Dyspeptic Tablets are noth ing but digestives. They are not a medi cine. They work when the stomach will not. Each tablet contains trough pepsin, diastase, golden seal and other digestive elements to reduce 1,000 grains of ordi nary food to the proper consistency for assimilation Into the blood. Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets are abso lutely pure. There Is nothing harmful In them a shown In their endorse muni by 40,000 physician In tha I'ntted States und Canada. Ask your family physician his opinion of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and if he Is honest toward you lie will state posi tively that they will cure your stomach trouble whatever it may be. unlets you have waited too lung and have allowed your disorder to develop Into cancer. ' Act today and begin to etui your suffer ing. A free, trial package wiil be sent to your addres upon requect. The 0 cent sise package are for sale at your drug gist'. F. A. Stuart C. (I tit unit Build ing. Marshall, MRU. Is considerable trouble over the matter and no less than three lawyers, engaged by protesting parties, were on the ground. Ma;le City nasal p. City Clerk J. J. Olllln Is confined to his bed by a severe bronchial affection. Jetter' OnM Top Heer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone No. t. Miss Rosle and Elton Hart are the gnesta of Balthas Jetter and family this week. Mrs. George lawless snd daughter are the guests of her sister, Mrs. John Culkln. James Cunningham has returned from Blnux City, where he has been for some time. Money, weeklr or monthly payments. Get our terms. Btajidard Loan Co., Ma N. The advent of s daughter Is announced I In the home of Mr. and Mr. A. Kvans, n K street. ! Floyd McKay left last night for his old I home in Indiana, called by the recent death j of his father. j W. C. Simmons and wife were agreeably i surprised by a company of their frienils Monday night. Jack Rums, a well known employe of the Hurllngton, has resigned and moved to Mount Hope, Ark. The Kraternsl Order of Ragles of the South Omaha aerie are to Install the new officers January 1. The South Omaha Yoemen are to hold their election of officers at Eagle hall Fri day, December 14. A GOOD OFFER. Buy your liquors of J. Klein and get a forty-two-piece dinner let free. Tho Ideal club will give one of Its pleas snt dances Friday evening at the Ancient Order ot 1" nllcd Workmen temple. The following births were reported yes terday: Q. P. Gage, 3115 N street, a boy; John Tobler, Seventeenth and Monroe, a boy. Mrs. Thomas Kelly, Twentieth and Mis souri avenue, gave a plessant card tarty Tuesday evening to a score or inure of her friends. Miss Maud Honey of Oandy, Neb., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 13. E. Wilcox. She will be in South Omaha through the holidays, W. 8. 8mlth, Robert McDonald and George Harkins Joined the ranks of the rock breakers vesterdav at the reouest of Judge King. Many of the South Omaha merchants and dealers attribute a brisk Increase In trade to the fact that the Omaha & Southern lnterurban line terminates at O street. Mrs. Chnrles L. Mullen, mother of Mrs. H. C. Richmond, has returned to Inde pendence, Mo. She has been attending her daughter during her Illness In the Presby terian hospital. Three canes of diphtheria have been quar antined during the last two days. They are Nettie Vredberg, Forty-second and V streets; Joe Wepner, 1113 North Twenty third, and William Hetrlck, 604 North Forty-second street. James Agnew was married to Miss Irna Mix at the Presbyterian church last even ing at 7 p. m. Dr. R. D. Wheeler per formed the ceremony. The church was dec orated for the occasion and there were numerous presents. The Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian chuch held an election of of ficers Tuesday evening. Perry Wheeler was made president; John Roberts, vice president; Harry McCandless, treasurer; Katie Roberts, secretary. STERLING SILVER Frenser, 16 & Dodg CROWDED STREET CAR VICTIM John Burns Knocked front Rear Platform and Has Sknll Fractured. John Bursa, 1125 North Twenty-ninth street, South Omaha, aged 17 years, lies In a critical condition at the Omaha General hospital with a fractured akul' and internal injuries, a victim of the ex cessive overcrowding of the South Omaha street cars. How Buras was injured has not been definitely learned, but a woman and a man who said they saw Mm tall assert he was knocked from the rear plat form of a southbound car to which he was hanging by a northbound car on the viaduct at Sixteenth and Mason streets. The accident occurred early In the even ing, during the rush hours, when the South Omaha cars are taxed to a greater ex tent than any other line in the city. Every inch' of space Is occupied by a passenger, and particularly on the rear platform do men and women hang on, no matter with what discomfort. Among the latter was Buras, but he must have leaned over too far, so that he was caught by a car bound in the opposite direction and swept off. He was at first taken to Beranek's drug store. Sixteenth and William streets, where he was attended by Dr. Bwoboda, and the police were notified. When the pa trol wagon arrived with Surgeon Pugs ley, Dr. Bwoboda ordered the man taken to the hospital Immediately, where he later performed an operation. Burns wss said late in the evening to have a fair chance to recover, although the fracture was severe and he had In tednal hemorrhages. The man is a laborer and ha a wife and child. The patient had not recovered conscious ness Thursday afternoon and his recovery is still doubtful. Dr. Swoboda said it would be a most remarkable case if Buras recovers, ss the back of the skull is com pletely crushed in, the brain being plainly exposed to view. HOLDUP SUSPECT IS CAUGHT Thomas galllvan Thongrht to Bo (he Pal of Morrison, Already la Jail. In the opinion of Detective Mitchell, the way to handle holdup men Is to catch them In the act and take them to Jail. A remark on the subject to this effect was dropped by the officer apropos of the arrest of Thomas Sullivan, 2515 M street, South Omaha, by the police of that city Wednes day night, whom Mitchell later brouaht to the Jail here. According to the belief ot Detectives Mitchell and Sullivan, the man Is the one who escaped of the two whom they say they caught In the act of holding up Lester McCormlck at Twelfth and Dour las streets Monday night. As tha two offi cers were approaching the corner and were about bait a block away, they were at tracted by th actions of three men, ana bellevtng a holdup to be In progress, they ran ahead and, revolver In hand, pursued the two, who started to run as they came up. Mitchell captured James Morrison, but the other got away. McCormlck was very much Intoxicated and his statement that he was robbed could not be given much weight at first, while Morrison asserted McCormlck had started a fight with them. They were both held, however, and a search begun for the miss ing man. Meanwhile, i when McCorm'ck sobered, he discovered he was short 118. Th result of the search was the arrest of Thomas Bulllvan. When brought here he held his mouth shut tight and refused to say anything. The South Omaha police gave Morrison and Sullivan a most unsav ory reputation. BOY KILLED BY REVOLVER Ho and Older Brother Were Eitif'v lnr Weapoa W hen It Waa j1 Accidentally Discharged,' Floyd Ingalls, sged 14 years, living with his parents at 2417 North Twenty-second street, was accidentally killed rv (he dis charge of a .'-callbre revolver the hands of his brother, Galen, sged Ti, about 7 o'liuck Wednesday evening!. He died be. f"re medirul attention iaiuM be secured. The bullet look envoy directly over the boy's heart, and dit,K resulted within a few minutes. Wheiv he as toll hU brother was dead, Ulrn frantic, and running back u the hout.e from the doctor's (iffii ? l.e aearci.ed for the weapon that hud done the deed with the avowed Intention f.f his own life. Ills grief was terrible and it was necessary to watch film carefully t prevent him from doing hlms-ir liiury. t j The small calibre ritulvsi bod just been Christmas Gifts , But nine more days of our Removal Sale of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains and Draperies. All 7nust be closed out. We arc making big sacrifices to accomplish this aim. Discounts rang ing from 12 1-2 per cent to 50 per cent. Don't delay if you wish to secure these bargains Miller, Stewart & Beaton 1315-17-19 Farnam Street. 111 SPECIAL NOTICE! To All The Good Children of Omaha I will be on my throne in Brandeis Toyland every day from 8:30 till 11:00 in the morning and from 1:30 till 3:30 in the after noon. From 3:30 till 5:30 p. m. I will be in my airship at 17th and Douglas Sta. (except Saturday when I will be in my airship nearly all day.) Remember that I am the only real live Santa Claus in Omaha. I am always full of fun and always doing something new and original to please the children. New stunts all the time and presents for everybody. My galloping reindeer and sleigh are in the new store and you can see them run every day. My letter box is at the foot of my throne. Send me your name and I will mail you a pretty postal. , QANTA CLAUS at BRANDEIS BOSTON STORE ' If taken home earlier in the evening from the gunsmith's, where It had been oiled and repaired. After supper the two broth ers sat in the kitchen of their home, hand ling the firearm. They loaded the gun, and Galen had It In his hand when it suddenly went off, and the boy fell over. Wild with alarm, but not stopping to determine the extent of the Injury, Ualen picked his younger brother up In his arms and as fast as he could run started for the office of Dr. W. L. Ross, 2121 Lake street. When he arrived the doctor was out, snd he laid the boy on the couch. When Dr. Ross entered five minutes later life was ex tinct. The dead youth was the son of Harry Ingalls, a printer at the World Herald. Cononer Bralley took charge of the body. In L4ne -with the Pore Food Vtt The National Food and drug act which takes effect January 1, 1907. does not affect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In any man ner. No special labels are required on this remedy under that Act, as It Is free from opiates and narcotics of every character, making It a safe remedy for mothers to use with their children. This remedy has been In use for so many years, and lt good qualities are ao well known, that no one need hesitate to use It when troubled with a rough or cold. Sonrenlr Plnytnsr Card. The Great Northern railway and ?reat Northern Bteamship companies hare Is sued a new edition of playing cards. They ere printed on exceptionally fine itock and are better cards for the price ssVe.l than can be had elsewhere. The adver tising, consisting of the trade murk, P worked Into an oriental design snd Is cn fined entirely to the hack of the cur.l The steamship card Is the more eluhorat, of th two and Is finished with gill edirr. Great Northern railway cards, 15 cents per iaek; steamship cards, 3 cents per pack Mailed to any address on receipt of 'price. A. I.. CRATO, Passenger Traffic Manager, St. Paul, Minn. TontH Presents Bad Check. 1,eoriBrd' HutcMnirs. a young man wh' resMes ct the Midland hotel, was nrrested Wednr'dny nisl.t for ntteiiipttns; to pns n fm- it check on the store of Myers-Plllon iig company. The youth Is et.iploved bv Wntt-r Jaritlne and siened the nan'e of Mr. S(errlcWr to Ihe chec1". A rornnl-iint rh:ir:.'lnr Hutclilucs with forgery will he T ed I'rklay morning by a deputy county itturney. "It Talks!"- A Great Phyhlclun ,: "Your Perfect Oianseius Furn ula f7 to everyone with soy medical bkill or medical ito.t.' Orangeine r.nnul tlsit 1IH2 4 aiaml.d i 4Gr .. Si . .1 1 .f.n.t " HimtKll.., Tlt'f' lion ,.f Mftu4rk, Shi F'M- Vdlll.O 1 ' T' t 1 i (I,. acts promptly and thoroughly for Cold. Grip, Hiiicb, Nea rli, Indiavttisa, Brsia Fas, Orhwki CkUl as ss AT ATT TA n - a V " j HAVANA, CUBA, ADD RETURN VIA- ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD THROUGH NEW ORLEANS. Tickets on sale December 18th, 19th, and 20th. Good to return leaving Havana Jan. 9th, 1907. Steamship re servations should be made now. RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS AT pitv TiPPfET nmpi: Ul I I 1 1UIIU.I Ul IU 1402 Farnam Street. Omaha. RATES CUT IN TWO SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS ROUND TRIP RATES r SJOUTC Mlndan Harlan . Manning Carroll . Tort Dodg . $ .99 . 1.36 2.23 . 2.77 4.23 Eafla Grove) -Clarion Hampton Belmont -Mason City - .540 3.1 O - 3.90 5.43 . t.4Q i Ce4 returning following Monday. SAME RATES TO OMAHA FROM ABOVE STATIONS for full Information ooolj W. G. DaoUiom, Cltj tasttngtr A$M, it it farnam Strott. i t ; r r S-