Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Pure, Healthful, Refreshing
" The Queen of Table Waters"
Iferybodj on TrolUj Weeps and Hons
Can Tell Why.
Mast Hesir Platform Han I m-
eorked Bottle ml Korraaldrhy do.
Which ( All the
A health department attache, bottle of
formaldehyde, four houwwlvfn, a hospital
nurse and a conductor got out of the rut
Thursday morning ItA a Bherman avenue
atreet car and sustulned the action of an
amusing little comedy. '
E. C. Damon of the city health depart
ment wit returning on the car with hi
fumigating tools and. Inadvertently, loos
ened the stopper of a bottle of formalde
hyde, which he placed inside the car while
he enjoyed the scenery from the rear plat
form. Four women Inside the car Boon heft in
to think there waa something wrong wICi
their lachrymal glands, aa the escaping
formaldehyde, addressed both their olfac
tcry and optical nerves. Four women were
drying their eyes with their handkerchiefs
and the conductor win In such a state of
mind and Vision he could nut direct his
punch to any Intelligible place on the trans
fers requested.
Outside. Damon was smoking his pipe
and enjoying the acenery. The bottle of
formaldehydes was In a straw hamper and
me oaor escaped mrougn mat receptacle.
When the car reached the Wise Memnrlul
hoxpltMl on Sherman avenue a nurse from
that Institution boarded the car. 6he
quickly detected the nature of the odor and
was amused at the effects It had caused on
her fellow passengers. Her first Impulse
was to think that the conductor was fumi
gating pome tallied money he had received,
o for the minute dismissed the matter
from her mind.
Stent Womna Enters Cmr.
At Seventeenth and Clark streets a stout
woman got on the car and with some effort
made her way to a seat. She looked around
the car with amusement and presently her
rspectlve was blurred. Buildings familiar
to her since childhood no longer presented
their former aspect. She thought she was
becoming faint. She asked that the car
be stopped as she wanted to walk anyway.
The conductor tried to reach for the bell
cord, but he grabbed the cash fare register
and registered up sixteen fares before the
fat jvoman left the car.
n a few minutes the nurs began to
think tho- conductor was either fumigating
a national bank or that some of the passen
gers had broken a bottle of formaldehyde
In a pocket. She looked around for some
clew to the mystery. On the rear platform
he recognized Damon as a man she had
Keen at a he use that was fumigated. She
ay the straw hamper In the car and looked
up her book cf rules. The answer was
quickly forthcoming.
Damon was profuse In his apologies and
promised never, never again to allow such
a thing to happen.
"It is enough to make a lady cry." re
marked cine of the four aforementioned, as
he left the car at Cuming street.
piled on the track. The fireman
on the had and feet and the
was scalded.
was cut
Tot, er Kalis and C'rtiahea Man's Skntl.
KEARNEY. Neh., Dec. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) News has been received here that
William Oehlerlch. formerly of this city,
but now residing on a farm near Rogers
has met with a serious accident. He was
engaged In repairing the windmill when
th steel stub tower he was putting up
fell down, striking him m the head and
cri'Fhlng a large part of his skull. An
ounce of his brains was removed In taking
out the splintered bones, but it Is thought
he still has a chance for recovery. Mrs.
P.. C. Rogers of this city has gone to Rog
ers to asFlft the family.
Hntea for Holding; Court.
TKCI'MSKH, Neb.. Deo. 13.-SpecUI.)
Tl:e follower dates have been set for the
holding of court In the counties Included
in the First district by Judge J. B. Raper
and W. H. Kelliger for 1907: Johnson
county. February 4, May 6 and October 7;
Pawnee county. February 11. May and
October 7; Ri hard son county, February
IS. May V) and November 11; Nemaha
oiinty. March 11. June 3 and December 2;
Jefferson county, March IS, June 3 and
November 11; Gage county. April 15, Junn
10 and December 2. A panel of twenty-four
petit Jurors Is ordered drawn for each term
in each county.
Open evenings. Freniet ewejei.
t-arge- Mall for Kit rope.
NEW YORK, Dec. 13.-The cleamer Cel
tic, which soiled from this port yesterday
for Liverpool carried 4.0.T3 sacks of mall.
Hie largest mall ever taken from a I'nltel
States port.
now aad folder In Nebraska anil
South Dakota Today Fair and
Warmer Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska. South Dakota and Kansas
Snow aiid colder Friday; Saturday fair
nnd warmer.
For Iowa Snow and much colder Friday;
Saturday fair nnd colder.
Fit Missouri Rain nnd much colder Fri
day; Saturday fair.
For Wyoming and Colorado Fair and
colder Friday; Saturday fair.
For Montana Fair Friday, exrept snow
In northwestern portion; Saturday fair and
L. .ml Record.
OMAHA, Dec. 13 -Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last thrcs
years: won. jns. is4.
Maximum temperature .. S9 34 24 H
Minimum temperature ... SI 20 4 --7 i
Mean temperature :io 'J7 14
Precipitation (0 .00 .()" .00
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal at Omuha since March 1,
and comparisons with the last two years:
Normal temperature 30
Excess for the day 6
Total excess since March 1 76
Normal precipitation (K, Inch
Petichncv for the dnv os inch
Total rainfall since March 1 26.20 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 ..a... 4. Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, lfxio. . 2.2S Inches
Deficiency for cor. erlod. lis.'!.. 5. 48 inches I tlon day
Feple Down that Way Are Curious ai to
Eii ActiTi'.r.
Political Gossips at Capital Are Raaj
Picking- Oat a Private eere
tary for tiaveraar-Klect
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. U-tSpeclni. Repre
sentative Mike Lee of Douglas waa In Lin
coln today. His frequent trips over ths
state has given rise to the report that he
is a candidate for speaker, but when ques
tioned he said thai he Is merely going
about working up Interest In Greater
Omaha, a bill whlchj he Intends to Intro
duce for tho consolidation of Omaha and
South Omaha, and a bill for the terminal
taxation of railroad terminals. When ques
tioned, Mr. Lee said: "Certainly, Mr.
iKxlue of Douglas ought to and will re
ceive the support of Douglas county. It
would be dishonest and traitorous for a
Douglas member to work against him."
Among the members of the legislature
who came to town today were Si-nator
J. C. F. McKesson of Lancaster; W. E.
Thome, senator from Nuckolls, and D W.
linker, representative from York.
Rob Clancy of the Union Pacific waa at
the Llndell and will be here during the
session of the legislature.
Cavalry Troop l.lrctlon.
General Culver has ordered the troop of
cavalry at Miiford to hold an election Sat
urday. The troop ha been In bud condi
tion, but It is hoped by a reorganisation
to place it in good condition.
It is rumored that William H. Wheeler
of Clay county, stcretury 1 the last sen
ate, is an applicant for secretary to Gov
ernor Sheldon.
Miss Cora Garber of the state land com
missioners office Is reported to be a can
didate for the position of private stcretary
to Governor-elect Sheldon. It waa asserted
at one of the oftices In the capltol this
morning that she is conducting an active
campaign to that end and has written to
several men in Webster county asking for
their Indorsements.
Asked by a reporter whether or not sha
is seeking to obtain the appointment aa
private secretary to the new governor,
Miss Garber said:
"I am not a candidate for anything."
No governor of Nebraska 'within present
remembrance has given tho private secre
taryship post to a woman. It Is thought
that Governor-elect Sheldon will foll,w
precedent In this regard. He has been In
the south for three weeks, and no an
nouncement of whom he has In view for
the place Is forthcoming as yet.
Thomas Hepllea to Charges.
Fu'.I and unqualified contradiction Is fur
nished by President A. O. Thomas of the
Slat! Normal school at Kearney to the
"charges In writing" against him. Mr.
Thomas, who Is In Lincoln, attending the
state corn contest, said this morning that
he had every reason to suppose the
charges" cam! from C. A. Robinson of
Kearney, a personal enem.
' I wish It understood that I have never It a policy to take an active part In
politic.!, except mciely as a clllsen. ' Mr.
Tnumiij stated to reporters. "In al. my
lit.' 1 haD never attended a county con
vention. I liavi been at several stati con
ventions, but never as a delegate. The only
time I eve.- did serve as a delegate In a
political gathering was at the North Platte
congrtsslonal convention some years ago
which nominated A. E. Cady. This, I
think. Is a somewhat peculiar1 record for
any mar. to have who wants to be the
boss of a county. I claim the right to at
tend caucuses and cast my vote on elee-
but I have no desire to become
this rapltit, the soil, people are discovering
new, unused capital all the time. The Im
mense fortunes now owned In thin coun
try wera derived from sources which 100
years sgo werw unknown.
Tha session this evening wss In the
chapel of Memorial hall it the (Ttate uni
Tomorrow morning at o'clock the girls'
section will meet at Library hall, where
there will be an address and demonstration
by Miss Rosa Routon. The boys will visit
the museum, engineering shops and labora
tories. At 10:30 o'clock the general session
will be held at Memorial hall and will be
addressed by Chancellor Andrews, D. J.
Crosby of the United Statea Department of
Agriculture and Alfred Montgomery.
In the afternoon the general session at
the auditorium will be addressed by State
Superintendent McRrlen, Governor Mickey,
William J. Bryan, George L. Sheldon and
others. At 4:30 o'clock the names of the
winners In the contest will be announced.
The Judging of the hundreds of entries
a begun yesterday evening and com
pleted this morning, but no announce
ments as to results can be made until the
hour designated tomorrow afternoon. Corn
and other agricultural entries were Judged
by Prof. E. O. Montgomery and his as
sistants, rooking and domestic science en
tries by Miss Rosa Routon and her as
sistants, and manual training products
by Miss Perley.
All the exhibits were Installed at the
auditorium this morning and the scene
waa certainly a most Inspiring one. There I
Is corn of every description and color, i
and the variety would have been almost
as great a revelation to a farmer of twenty-five
years ago aa would the quality
of the product. In addition to the corn.
there are potatoes, sugar beets and wheat
In profusion and all kinds of good things
to eat, including canned fruits and Jellies
In needlework and manual training prod- j
uets there are also many specimens, while j
Mr. Montgomery's pictures comprise an ex-
hlbltlon which everyone should see. The
exhibit was visited by hundreds of people
during the day.
Railroad Tools Stolen
BEATRICE, Nebf. Dec. U.-(Speclal Tel
egramsThieves entered the Burlington
tool house at Wymore last night and hauled
away a wagon load of tools. There Is no
clue to the guilty parties.
Wreck Xear Alnsnrnrth.
AINR WORTH. Neb.. Dec. 13. (Special
Telegram.) Fireman Hufforan and En-
ainee- Rankin were Injured In a wreck
oae mil; west of Alnsworth this morning.
Trains met head-on and three engines are
Reports front Mntlnus at 7 I. M.
Etatlon and State Temp. Max. Rain-
of Weather. at 7 p. m. Temp. fall.
KIHinairK. snowing ...
Cheyenne, clear ,
Chlc:io. raining
Davenport, cloudy ..,
Denver, eleir
Havre, snowing
Helena, cloudy
Huron, snowing
Kan-ma Oily, part cloudy ..
North Platte, cloudy
Omaha, cloudy
Rapid City, clear
St. Louis, cloudy
St. Paul, raining
Salt Lake City, clear
Valentine, clear
WllllMon. snowing ...
T indicate tr-ice of r
cates below lero.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
.2 K .30
.26 3S .on
. 44 4-S .08
. 4K 4 .07
. 3S 48 .00
, 2 M
.4 fi !02
. 11 22 .04
.. 61 M .00
. . 24 ! T
.31 39 .01
.4 IS .01
. 6"S K2 .00
,. 34 3H T
. 32 38 .00
.. 12 20 T
.-2 2 1
ipltatlon; Indi-
An Ideal Xmas Present
Just the thing for father, mother, brother, sister, relative
: or friend something that fits any library or any purse.
The Crobe-Wernicke "Elastic" Bookcase encourages
., good reading and the collecting of good books. It's the
corner stone of a good library and a higher education.
'The original and only perfect sectional bookcase made
tnd sold at the lowest price. Call and examine our stock
now while the assortment is complete.
For SaU Eicluslvalv by Ue
Orchard & IV ilhelm Carpel Co.
414.16-18 South 16th Street
Bryan to Deliver Addrees at Corner
atone lijlaa.
KEARNEY, Neb., Dec. 13.-(SpeclaI Tele
gram.) Kxtenslve preparations are being
made to accommodate the large crowd of
Masons and other visitors who will be
here December 18 to take part In and wit
ness the laying of the cbrneratone at the
Kearney Military academy. All the places
of business will be closed and a pro
cession of over 309 uniformed men, con
sisting of the National Guard, Industrial
school pupils and Masons will be formed
and marched to the campus and school.
Tho platforms and aeats are now being
erected to accommodate the large crowd.
W. J. Rryaii has sent his acceptance to
make the speech on that day.
'PfianwQ Sale EaflFSUDglBMSiFy
Only 9 Days Left to Do Your Christmas Shopping
Th?re is no gift more approprate than one of our fine Steinway
& Sons, Steger, Emerson, Hardman, A. B. Chase, McPhail, Kurtzman
or hand made Schmoller & Mueller pianos. Last wok we sold n
goodly numher of pianos for Xmas delivery. This week we will cell
twice as many if the quality, prices and terms are any inducement.
No Money Down and $3 to $6 Monthly
will bring one of our handsome new upright pianos
Former price $400, $450 and $500
Special Xmas price $235, $250, $265 and $2S5
to your home. We are also closing out a number of sample pianos the regular $325 value, at $H.
$HiH and $185. Term: Xo money down nnd payments to beRln next year,
we offer the following oargains in visea pianos
.' "V "
In our Kxihange Department
1240 J. P. Hale, medium size upright 9 90
$275 AV. W. Kimball, ebony case upright $115
$300 Ivers &. Pond, mahogany cuse, upright. Sj$125
$325 KraUaucr, ebony case upright .150
$3 50 Lester, good as new 200
$37S Emerson, cabinet grand upright $250
$400 Ste;.;er. golden oak case upright 8275
$500 Steinway. fine condition, upright $Ii5()
United Make rs, round corners, square S28
L'nioi,, squnre, rosewood case
Emerton, square, good tone $45
Steinway, Chickering, Knabe and Kranlch &
Bach Bquares $50- $60. $75 $85
Kimball, Mason & Hamlin, Uurdette, Farand & Votey organs $H, (18, $'.1, $;t.1 and tip
Every Instrument fully guaranteed as represented or money refunded.
Write today for catalogues, special Xmas prices and bargain list. We ship pianos everywhere. The
music loving public is invited to attend our next free recital, given by the Onialia Juvenile Orchestra (Louise
Sltaddutk, Director), next Saturday evening, December Ifith, at 8 p. in.
1311-13 Famam St. The leading Piano Bonst In the West. Jcl. DOUfllaS 1625.
Fair 'ot a Financial ffnrress.
TECLM8ETI. Neb., Dec. 13. (Special.)
Tho annual meeting of the Johnson County
Agricultural , and Mechanical association
was h?U at the court house yesterday
afternoon. The following officers were
elected for the coming; year: President,
P. JI. Hopkins; vice president, Theodore
Smith; treasurer, T. J. Plerson; secretary,
C. M. Wilson; members boaM of manager,
Bdwiird Howorth, H. U. Miner, Al Rus
sell and L. M. Davis.
8cretary C. M. tVllson submitted his an
nunl report, which was accepted. It
showed the receipts of the annual fair to
be ll.9J9.40, and the expenses to be $2,100.92.
showing a deficit in current expenses for
the your of 1177.52. A committee from the
TeruniHfh Chautauqua association was
present nt the meeting with the request
that they be allowed the privilege cf hold
ing the Chautauqua next summer from
July '6 to 14, inclusive, on the fair grounds.
A motion donating tho association the free
use of the grounds on the days specified
was carried.
a political dictator, nor have I ever said
that I would control Buffalo county."
"Did you exert yourself or use your In
fluence In any way to Influence votes In
the recent campaign?"
"I did not. I neither sought votes for
anyone by word of mouth or wrote any
political letters."
"How about state money bring paid out
of the dorml'ory fund to help you control
your ward at the primaries?"
"1: ts absolutely untrue. I have a re
ceipt for every penny scent out of all
fuads, showing what waa received In re
turn. '
Here President Thomas produced bis
biennial report of expenditures at thi In
stitution. He went over It in company with
two newspaper men and explained a num
ber of luim which might have beeu In
terpreted as payment to employes for
campaign purposes. He asked the re
porters to notice that about halt of these
payments were made to women.
"Of course the women wer all out to
the primaries," Mr. Thomas sarcastically
remarked. "They all vote out In Buffalo
county. Here are the names of some
students, too, who were j.aU small amounts.
Several of them are old enough to vote,
and others don't live In my ward, but 1
see I am accused of having them on the
payroll to help me politically."
Relative to the crowding of the State
Normal with students residing al Kearney
who should be attending high school In- ,
strad, Mr. Thomas said there are only j
121 Kearney residents attending and that 1
forty-nine of that number are high school I
graduates. The number Includes many
grown teachers, some of them married,
who hava removed to Kearney for the pur
pose of getting the advantage of normal
training. On account of tbeir age, these
could not go to high school. The normal
management. Mr. Thomas says, wants a
high standard and Is not anxious to admit
students who have failed to complete the
tenth grade In the course of study. On the
contiary, they are encouraged to remain
at home until they have got as far as
that. The Kearney High school takes them
through the twelfth grade.
President Thomas asserts that there will
not be a deficit In a single fund at the
Kearney Normal, although the school has
been patronised by three as many
students aa the legislature counted upon
when the appropriation was made. The
teachers have generously agreed to accept
hulf salary fcr one month, so that it will
not be necessary to present a deficiency
Cora Caatest.
Agricultural hall at the state farm was
crowded with boys and girls, c. lite a num
ber of men and women also belu.e present,
when the exercises In connection -1th the
corn contest opened there at 10 o'clocn "bis
morning. Alfred Montgomery, the farmei
painter, who was to have given a chalk
talk, waa being entertained at the home
of William J. Bryan, so his contribution
to the program waa deferred until the
Rev. C. B. Harrtsop'a address en "Un
used Capital" waa hlfhly enjoyed by bis
hearers. He told how the first settler In
Nebraska found the country In possession
of the Indians, who failed to use the capi
tal at their command. It required a vast
tract of land upoo which to raise a deer
and then a great deal of running lo get
the animal. The white men. on ths other
hand, used their capital. They mud the
' soli produce the necessities of life aiid
I they harnessed the lightning, which had
; been another aperies or capital unappre-
I elated by the aborigines, and made It work
for hm. The great cities and the towns
and vliUS" of the state had groaa from
HtuonK the horses and cuttle of that n-e-tlon
of the state.
I ! 1 A T K 1 C K Mrs. Amelia A. Owborn was
adjudged insane by t lie insanity board ycx.
tenlay. She was placid in the care of hr
YORK Mr. Eugene Haws and Miss Edna
Van Klcet were united in marriage by
Judge A. B. Taylor. They will make their
home at I.UKhton.
BEATRICE Two boys, named Whltromb
and Hannett, were arrested today for steal
ing poultry from crates at Swift and Com
pany's plant. Their hearing is set for to
morrow. ARBORVIIXE The Bradshaw Telephone
company n el nnd decided to move Its Ar
vorvllle central office to Polk, Neb. Polk
is one of the new towns on the rallroai
from Bradxhaw to Central City.
r.KATRICK Last evening at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Smethers, was solemnized the marriage of
Mr. Civile Adeltart Scot', and Miss Ulllan
Eunice' Smethers, Rev. J. K. Davis officiating-
BEATRICE O. 8. Meeker was called to
Leavenworth. Kan., by a lelepiain announc
ing the death of his brother, Lyman
Meeker, a civil war veteran, which oc
curred nt the soldiers' hospital from a
paralytic stroke.
BEATRICE David MoCarty, who at
tempted su.iide yesterday at his home In
the old Nebraska National tank hulltltru
by taking three ounces, of chloroform, is
recovering and tht attendinK physicians
say he is out of danger.
BEATRICE- Th " Hebekah decree. Inde
pendent tinier of Odd Fellows, held u d:h
n let meeting at Blue Springs yesterday.
The order m Beatrice was represented by
MeFdames Bates, Uanlner. Young. Ijiymoh,
l.e:her anJ Misses Heailley and Camp.
McCOOL JCNCTiON ,vii. Hay, a Lin
coln electrician, is Installing a new elec
tric light plant al McCool and the nie is
nearly computed. The electric c. .t la
taken over wires trom the Stoi. .mils,
where the motor Is run by water power.
TECrMSEH W. H. Rook, agent for the
Burlington at this point for several years,
will lie transferred to South Auburn on
January 1. so the report In local rall
rcail circles. G. W. Thomas has resigned
nt South Auburn to go Into the printing
BEATRICE Mrs. Rose WIlBon, who was
lodged in jail this morning in company
wlln Clarence Cain, a local tough, set fire
to the bed and clothing in her c-ll ami
barely escaped being burned to death. The
couple will be given a hearing tomorrow
oil tho charge of resisting an om-r.
NEBRASKA CITY The 'embezzlement
rase of C. 1'. Logan, who as police Judge of
th:s city Is sain to have taxen $1.A be
longing lo the city, was settled today by
the American Bonding company, Loan'
surety, paving the city t0 Logan dkM a
short time alter the defalcation was dis
covered. NEH A WK A Cyrus K. White died this
morning from a complication of heart d.s
eatje and dropsy. He was an old resiileni
i.i the community, coming here soon after
the war from Ohio. He was a veteran of
the civil war, serving in an Ohio regiment.
He was "i years old and leaves no family,
his having died a year ago.
Y'ORK The Y'oung Mens Christian as
sociation are contemplating many Improve-
Bnrna Aeqaltted of Mnrder
ALBION. Neb.. Dec. II (Speclal.)-In
the case of the 8tate against Mike Burns,
charged with the killing of James Grlmison
on July 5 last the Jury returned a verdict
of not guilty after being out about six
hours. The evidence In the case showed
that shortly after nrldnight of the 4th these
parties met near the corner of Fifth and
Main t'treets. where a discussion arose con
cerning money that one claimed the other
owed. Both parties were considerably
under the Influence of liquor, and during
the discussion Burns struck Grlmison, who
fell, striking his head' upon the cement
sidewalk, causing a severe Injury to the
skull from which he died about o'clock
the next morning. The defendant took the
stand and testified that the blow was given ,A ",-I,aHl T""?! ,0J '
; men win m auuru ... "ic ........... w w.
In the basement and a gas range na
In self -defense and that he had no intention
of Injuring Grlmison at the time he struck
Xawa of ebra.ka.
BEATRICE No less than fifty case of
mumps exist In Beatrice at present.
TECl'MBEH Rev. H. M. Hall of Lincoln
hns been called to the pastorate of the
Christian church at Vesta, this county.
BEATRICE Farmers In Gage count
have practically finished gatherli.g their
corn crop and most of the grain is in the
BRADSHAW C. Sandall and J. Morgan
of tins county, who own a ranch near
Dunning, called Dr. J. C. MulrheaH ih
veterinary, who bus gone to tnelr ranch
I to check an epidemic thtt la prevailing
Mar Be Arlstaeratie, Bat It's Liable
Ta Cans Cold Hands aad Feet.
Wherever the Idea that blue-blooded an
cestry in the beat may have originated, the
fact Is, physlologlc-aliy speaking, blue b.Ovd
U bad blood.
That Is to say, the blood in the veins have been left large sums ot money by In
which la dark and appears blus through
iieen iiurrhased. to be used in connection
with the banquets held In the Young Man .
Christian association building.
BEATRICE J. R. McCann arrived honi
yesterday from Thayer county, where hi
old a quarter section of land near Hebro.
to Lindsay Little of Johnson county for $.j
p.r acre. Mr. MiCunn says that f wa.-
offered for another quarter, and was re
fused. He is of the opinion that farm land
In Nebraska Is gulng lo bring a premium.
OSCEOLA Dr. and Mrs. K. D. Buckner
celebratid their twenty-Iifth wedding anni
versaiy ut the auditorium on Tuesday even
ing About l.ooO Invltutlons were sent out
and a large and happy crowd was present.
Dr buckner and lfe have been residents
of Osceola for twenty-five years and nave
a large circle of friends throughout the
HERMAN Today has been foggy and
damp at this place, raining part of the time,
but the weather does not seem to stop
tiie farmers from hauling In trraln. Al.
three elevators have been going full blast
all day and it keeps them very busy to
keep the grain dumped as fast as It comes
In. More grain is coming to Herman this
year th has ever been known before.
TECl'AiSEH It Is authentically reported
thut Ed Waters, a former arug clem, and
his sister, Mrs. N. E. Phlillpa, who has
Just moved from Tecumseh to Cody, yo.,
the light skin, is Uuu portion of the blood
atreuu laden with the waste of refuse ma
terial of the system, after the red b.ood
(arterial) has carried real food to the tis
sues. "Ked Blood" la today the murk ot
Nature's aristocrat.
When, from Imperfect nutrition, the blood
loses Its rich red color and becomes
dark or "blue" the result is cold bandd
and feet, and more or less palpitation ot'
the heart, as well aa geijeial weakness.
Coffee drinking, in many persona, causes
blu blood and does not Insure any coat-of-axma
or ancient pedigree except the un
dent habit of coffee drinking Itself. A
"blue-blooded w email writes:
"1 drank coffee for ten years, my head
waa dizzy, I had constant heartburn, cou.d
not sleep nights, my hands and leet wcrt
cold summer and winter, my bloud waa
poor and thin (Blue Blood!)
"Seeing so much said In praise of Poa
ti i in the papers, my husband and I de
cided to try It. That was mere than a year
ago and we have used It over since.
"Now my head is not dizzy, my hand and
feat are always warm, my nerve are
steady and I can sleep all night. A few
weeks ago, calling at a friend's bouse, they
aid. 'What In the world have you been
doing? You look ten years younger. 1
never saw you look so well.'
"When I told them It was on account
of Postum. that I had quit drinking cof
fee, they could hardly believe It. But
some time after that they told me they
had been using Putum. too, had quit
coffee and were so much better every
way." Name given by Postum Co, Bat
tle Creek. Mich. Don't fall to read book
let. 'The Rod to NVellvllU," 1, pt,,
-There1 a a reason."
Dec. 20 to 25 and 29 to 31 Inc.,
and Jan. 1.
Good Returning till January 7 to All Stations
on the North-western System and
Many Points Beyond
Dec. 20 to 22, Inclusive, Good 30 Days
to Far Eastern Points, including Buffalo,
Toronto, Pittsburg and Wheeling.
The Only Double Track Line to Chicago
Ticket Offices, 1401-1403 Farnam Street
Union Station and Webster Street Depot.
heritance. A rich uncle has died in Illi
nois, leaving u very valualile estate which
lie acquired in coal mining, and Mr. Waters
a. id Mrs. Phillips, brother and sister, share
In the same.
VuKK-"Are leading wholesale groci rs It
a trust Is what Joe Itacketlial, a leauii.
grocery dealer of York, thinks. For c.
eral montns Mr. Hackethal has been doin
a large grocery business and his trade w U.
H. P. Uu Company of Lincoln has bee.
over fl.tMi ir month. Mr. Hackethal i.u
discounted all ot his bills, lie says tha,
owing to 1.1s cutting prices his competitoit
at York have brougnt pressure to bear on
the Wholesale Joblnng houses of Lincoln
and they now refuse to sell him gooils.
Mr. Hackethal will now trad- at Omaha,
where he is assured that lie can buy a.,
the groceries that he wants.
BEATRICE At a meeting of the Beatrice
Are department Chief White reported that
funds were coming in for the firemen a
monument. He staled that subscriptions lo
tha fund would not be asked of cit:sena
until after the holidays. He reported that
some one had be.n soliciting funds wlthou
authority and if cauttht would be severelv
punished. O. H. Tracy, formerly of Urund
Island, but no' a res, dent of Omaha, was
present and addrisstii the meeting, Inviting
the department t) send delegates ly the
convent on to be held at (iraud Island the
riddle of next month. lie was elecieu
president of the association In this city
thirteen years ugo.
ADMON Judge Paul has Just rendered
an Important decision in the Nils Nllson
will case, which was submitted to htm at
the February term of the district court.
The leslutor was a native of Nora ay, bjt
had accumulated considerable property 111
thU country and elsewhere, and a short
time b' tore his death made a wili be
queathing the majority of his t.roirty to
certain churches of Norway, to be used for
charitable purposes. The contestants claim
that the beneficial lea are nut sufficient y
described and Ju.ige Paul held that the
description whs too Indefinite, and there
fore that part of the will attempting to
bet tow tnis bounty upon the charitable
sat'jevts ot Norway was void.
All goods sold at liubermann's Jewelry
6 tors. Guaranteed aa to Price and CJuaJltr. I
Excursion Rates
'JpO accommodate holiday travelers a
rate of a fare and one-third for the
round trip to many points on the Union
Pacific and its connecting lines, has
kbeen placed in effect. Tickets on sale
December 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30,
31, 1906, and January 1, 1907.
Union Pacific
Inquire at
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam t.
Pba Douglas 1J4