Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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, v .tlephooe Douglas 618.
Bee. Dec'. 13. 190.
Christmas Corsets
Don't overlook this department "when selecting a gift. -
The most beautiful creations in corsets for gift giving arc
.here.- The idea of giving a pretty corset for a Xmas remembrance
is a new idea, and they should prove quite popular as gifts, for
what woman is there who doesn't delight in owning a pretty
: corset. ...
. For the present the high bust and long skirts reign supreme,
and whispers are heard of their continued popularity for Spring.
So the corset you buy now will be just the proper style for spring.
"We fit our corsets and alter them when necessary.
Pries from $3.50 to $20.00 each.
Model fitting rooms with expert fitters always in attendance.
COMING! .Another great special shirt sale Saturday.
Read Friday evenings paper for particulars.
Open Saturday Evenings. "
Howard, Corner Sixteenth Street
to prove up on the land. I knew I could
not -prove up unless 1 did so. I Intended
to take along with me enough property to
make a home there, though I did not Intend
to break up my home In Plattsmouth
Deal frith Trlplett.
Robert W. Reed of Denver, but formerly
of Alliance testified to an understanding
he had with Trlplett, In which he. said:
"Trlplett told me I could get J5C0 for the
land when I proved up and I entered the
land, with my expense all paid with that
In, his ctiss-examlnatlon, he admitted to
having .been .called upon by Socret Service
Officer Hobha and that he made a state
ment to Hobbs, which Ilobba, took down
and which the witness signed. He had seen
the statement since In Opiaha.' ' .'
To Build Six Claim Honaea.
The first witness of the afternoon waa
A. M. Hoaler, a carpenter of Alliance, who
testified to having entered Into a contract
with Bartlett Richards for building six
claim houses, Ave of them northeast of
Ellsworth and one nrwthwest of Ellsworth.
The contract price waa 110 for each house.
Richards; to furnish the lumber, arid they
to bo erected at points wherever he found
the piles of lumber. The claim houses were
to be 12x14 feet In sice, with shingle roofs.
II pnld for the work by C. C. Jamison
after he had rendered the bills to Bartlett
Richards. He did some other work for
Richards aside from building the claim
Robert Witer testified that Trlplett had
told him at Alliance If he wanted to file
on land that he would take It off the
witness' handa at from $1.25 to $1.60 per
mediately taken. It was said he only had
a slight chance for recovery.
Duvall Is said to be the son of a Baltl
more merchant. , He recently played In
the "Darling of the Gods," In the last act
of which he nightly enacted committal of
suicide In Japanese fashion. At the hoipl
tal he said he lately has been playing In
"Madame Butterfly."
(Confirmed from First rage.)
Cardinal Merry del Val, Mgr. Montagnlnl
went to the pope, who asked for minute
dotalls of the secretary's expulsion and of
the document seined. Mgr. Montngntnl ex
pressed the distress which he felt as a re'
suit of his expulsion and presented to the
pontiff a rather dark picture of the situ
tlon, saying he believed the present French
government will not be Induced to change
Its a'.tltude which It had assumed toward
the Vatican.
The Vatican, In addition to a semi-official
statement made last evening la the Osserv'
a to re Romano, say: 1
To make the applications as Intended by
the French minister of worship, M. Brland,
would mean submitting to a moral an
material situation which Is unbearable to
the clergy of France, especially as th
churches! places consecrated to God.- would
he regulated In A worse minner than the
dance halls, and the officiating priests
would ne reduced w me humiliating con
dition of being simply tolerated. These un
In Ft and dishonorable regulations are ag
arnvared by those regarding the episcopal
residences and seminaries, and therefore
accenting the terms of M. Briand's clr-
cular would have meant betraying the vital
acre and wnuM r,,,t l,t lnmmi..mi. , "l "" r
, - - - i neren the clergy to refuse to make toe ap-
were neccaaary on the land without cost I plication prescribed by the law of mi
I not on account of the application Itsnl
but because of the other regulations in M
to tljo witness so he could prove jjp.
Map of Spade Ranch.
W. W. Alt, a government surveyor, testi
fied to having made a map of the Spade
. ranch. He was examined a greater part of
Thursday afternoon regarding the map,
which the defense objected to being ad
mitted 1n evidence. Alt waa subjected to
rigid cross-examination regarding his
memory of the Spade pasture enclosure
without reference to the map, hut waa ttrt
shaken In his evidence. He said:
"Many of the government corners In that
country aro missing, but sufficient were
found upon which" to baaa correct surveys
t by measurement, range and township lines.
The map (a a correct one. While we werp--.
survoylng the land and locating the Spade
pasture fence, two .men In the employ of
the 8pade ranch were taking down some
sections of the fence."
The articles of Incorporation of the Ne
' braska Land and Feeding company were
Introduced In evidence. .The company Is a
Wyoming corporation, with a capital of
. $l.C00,uju, with 10,000 shares at 1100 each.
' The life of the corporation Is forty-nine
' jears from May IB, The Incorporators
are Bartlett Richards, DeForrest Rlchnrde,
Will O. Comstock and one or two others.
.The purpose of the corporation Is to pur
chase, feed and raise cattle, acquire land
and ranch properties by purchase or other
wise In NeJraaka and In Converse county,
Wyoming, f
C. yC. Swtfgart, merchant of Gordon,
quadtled aa an expert upon the handwriting
of Fred Hoyt. Thomaa Huntington and
others and Identified the signature of Hunt
ington to the letter heretofore quoted.
0ommitt AcUooatu National Law aa
aokrroad for Etate Leriilatian.
lel States Said to Be Behind
Ertrr Nation la Korope Kmeept
Russia In Protecting
' -Children.
CINCINNATI, Deer I3.-Before the first ,i
session .of. the. child latxr convention ncrn r-
tonight Dr. Felix Adler, chairman of tne
national child labor committee ana pro
fessor of political and social ethics In
Columbia university; spoke on "The At
titude of 8oclty Toward the Child as an
Index of Clvlllxatlon." Prof. Adler spoke
of the Inadeuuac yand Ineffclency of state
laws and urged the enecesslty for a na
tional law to furnish a- background ior
effective state and local activity and make
the enthusiasm of the people contagious
In Its effect on local bodies, thus inducing
greater efforts for the child and a more
glorious future for the republic.
Addresses by Miss Jane Addams of Hull
house, Chicago, and t nlted State Senator
A. J. Beverldge followed.
A resolution was adopted emphasizing the
belief that It Is the duty of the several
states to correct the evils of child labor
In local manifestations, but endorsing
'cordially the principle of the Beyertdge-
Parsons bill for a national child labor law."
Vnlted States Behind Biironr.
Mlas Addams urged . the desirability of
uniform legislation against the evils of child
labor and declared that the census reports
show America behind every European coun
try except Russia insofar as child labor
and Its effects are concerned.
A similar view was taken by Senator
Beverldge,' whov said: ' ' '
When an evtl Is national In Its effect a
national remedy should cure It. It Is a
subject for the Intelligence and consclonce
of the whole American people. Even If
child labor were confined to one state it
would still be a matter for nutlonai con
cern; If W he said that In time the states
shall come to have uniform and excellent
laws, executed everywhere with equal
vigor, the answer Is that If that Impossible
day should ever come It will not dawn for
a generation at least. Meanwhile nun
rirerta of thousands of children will con
tlnne to be murdered and ruined and other
hundreds of thousands will continue to be
spoiled for cltlxenshlp.
We must get down to earnest business
In this sacred cause. We must concentrate
on one plan which will be as effective.-In
Maine aa In South Carolina. We must
rorpe and marshal public opinion and ap
peal to the Intelligence of the American
people. When the moral sentiment of the
nation Is aroused congress will act.
(Continued from First Page.)
Omaha was sent to the senate today by f
the president. Mr Barrows' term does not
expire until March next, but Senator
Millard probably wanted to have the tnati
ter of Barrows' Successor off his hands
before leaving for-trnisha next week and
he accordingly asked the president to send
the .nomination In, which was done.
Increasing; Mlnlmnm Pension.
Representative Lacey of Iowa Introduced
a bill today making 111 the minimum pen
sion to be paid veterans of the civil war.
Miner Matters at Capital.
The First National bank of Bertrand,
Neb., has been authorized to begin business
with $21,000 capital. John A. Slater Is presi
dent; Charles Sw.inson. vice president;
Roscrte'J. Slater, cashier.
The following post offices will' become
presidential offices January 1, with salaries
of postmasters as Indicated: Nebraska
Benkelrmln, Ogallala, Spalding, Stuart,
$1,100 each; Benson. Dewltt, $l,0CO each:
Bertrand. Curtis, $1,200 ench. Iowa Center
Point, Danbury, Kellogg, (Jsstan,, Victor,
$1,100 each. South Dakota-Artesian, 11,000;
Lennox, Melette, Selby, ll.ino each.
Secretary Shaw will address the. house
committee on banking and currency to
morrow on the credit currency bill advo
cated by the American Bankers' associa
i 1 i- ,... I r"T" " 1 L-t TTrSrn I mii orders
1 want. Perfect fOtll ,
1 Delivery Service.
If si
ire glf the J
right of tv a T ?
Kvery order fill- J
rd m aoon m received,
ur Great Daylight Store
with the most
modern equips
ment and exceptional service is being taxed to the utmost and
wc uig: every money saving person in Omaha not io wait
anotl e day Come at Once for Mutual Satisfaction, ir
Urlind'a circular.
A dispatch waa received from Cardinal
Richard thanking the pope for placing the
palace of the nunciature at his, disposal and
assuring the pontiff of his unabated cour
age. '. . , ' ..
PIAMONDS Frenxer, Jfcth and Dodge.
t t .n
W. P. Lynch.
W. P. Lynch died at his home, 2306 South
Twelfth street, at 2:30 p. m. Thursday of
Internal hemorrhage after aa Illness of
some two months, He was 67 years of age
and had lfv'ed in Omaha since 1868. He
leaves, a 'ldo;w and four children.'. three
sons and a daughter. He was storekeeper
at Willow Springs distillery. No plans are
yet made for the funeral.
Maltlaad Booth.
WATERTOWN. N. Y., Dec. 12,-Maltlnnd
Booth, prominent retired business man of
Watertown. dlad last night, aged 71 years.
He was at one tlms mayor of Qulncy, 111.,
and was a personal friend of Abraham
Lincoln. During the civil war he was en
gaged. In the leather business In Qulncy
and furnished supplies to the government
claims for which are still pending.
Her. O. A, Anderson.
YANKTON. S. p., Deo. 18. (Special. )
Rer. O. . A. Anderson, the new pastor of
the Trinity Lutheran church of this city
and an exceptionally brilliant -man tn the
pulpit, la dead at Dell Rapids from ap
pendicitis. A wife and little girl survive
him. Rev. Mr. Anderson's death was most
unexpected.v lalerment will -take place at
Red Wing, Minn.
tadly Stabs Himself with Knife
CM area la New York
NEW YORK. Dec. 1S.-A man who de
scribed himself as Rankin Duvall, an
actor, years old, entered a Sixth avenue
saloon today, walked to the l'onch counter,
picked up s Wwig cheese knife and, turning
to the bartender, asked: "May I use thlst '
"Certainly," replied the bartender, think
ing he was about to carve some cheese.
Instead, ho unbutton'd his coat and vest',
and pressing the point of the knife to his
abdomen, threw himself heavily to the
floor, so lhat the big blade ripped his
body. Then ho thrust the weapon twice
more Into ths frightful woun
At ' the hospital to which he waa Im-
t J, Jias?Darp. ,
Ernest H. James of the advertising de
partment of the Dally News and Miss Rose
A. Durr were quietly married Wednesday
night by Father Smith. Mr. and Mrs.
Jamea left Immediately after the ceremony
for a short wedding tr!p and on their re
turn will reside In the beautiful new home
which Mr. James has erected near the en
trance to the Omaha Field club grounds,
Miss Edith M. Magee, daughter of Frank
Magce of Irvington, Neb., and Lester 1'
Jacobs, were married Wednesday afternoon
nt tho residence of the officiating minister,
Rev. Charloa W. Bajldge.
nt. Pa'at Brokers Sasnend.
ST. PACL, Dec. 11 The Cumrnlnga Com
mission company, one of the lurgest brok
erage houses In St. Paul and Minneapolis.
suspended business today. Falling off In
Duainess is given as tne cause.
Christmas Sweaters, Furs, House Gowns
Coys Christmas
Yours will be a happy boy
if he is remembered with a
good sweater.
We are showing a special
value iu all sizes from 3
years to 14 years; small
sizes button on shoulder,
large sizes athletic neck
at l.OO
Jacket Sweaters that button
- down front, 3 to 6 years
at .-.$1.25
College Sweaters. In navy blue or
white, for big boys and young
Girls' Furs and House
Make the girl happy with a
pretty set of furs or a house gown.
Nothing better.
Pretty ati of white Angora fur
for the little tots $1.75.
Small seta of Beaver, Chinchilla or
Ermine at $3.85
Girls' and Misses sets of Brook
Mink, Ermine, Chinchilla or
Squirrel. 3.0, $3.00, $4.50
'Iris' House Gowns, In pretty
Japanese patterns of German
flannel in sizes, 2, 3 and 4 years;
Mid $1.50
Sizes 6 to 14 rears
2.30 and . $2.25
House Gowns or ripple eiderdown.
In all colors. Sixes 2. 3 an" 4
years $1.75
SUes 6 to 14 years
men. V"8 00 and $2.50
Mall Orders for Christmas Goods Receive Quick Attention.
' sar tnsr
as to your Judgment aa to what I should
undertake to do for the south port of the
Sixth dlxtrlot. It would be Impossible to
tell In advance how many divisions the
judiciary committee of the house will be
willing to recommend for the western pnrt
of the Mate. We ought to have at the
very least two divisions for the Sixth, else
there would be no object In having any,
while four or five would be better, so that,
should you Judges and the membership
of the bar of your districts sanction It,
should be nl eased to urge the creation
of two divisions In the south part of the
Sixth district.
latereata of Peblle Paramonnr.
Accordingly. I should be nlensed to have
you recommend me, conditioned on what
may succeed in eecuring, two separate
divisions for the south part of the dis
trict, naming the places for. holding of
court In each; also name the boundary
llnea of but one division for the south
part, naming the town aa the phire for
holding of court to be accented if two
places cannot be secured. Possibly you
may feel prompted to recommend three di
visions for the south part of the district,
arftl If so. that shall receive mv favorable
consideration. Of course. It. will not be
requisite that Judicial divisions be mule to
conform to the boundary linfs of congres
sional districts; whatever may best subserve
the convenience of the public should prevail.
The bill would be taken un and nressed
for passage Immediately, except for my
own request, whlrh has been granted, that
the matter shall be deferred until after
the expiration of the holiday recess, so
that I am drslrious of becoming Informed
as to the sentiment of the district as to the
divisions and pIjcps for holding court by
not later than January 1.
Palmer Ready to Come Home.
Postmaster Palmer,, who haa been In
Washington for several days attending the
annual meeting of the board of managers
of the National Volunteers Soldiers'
homes, expects to leave Washington tomor
row for New York, stopping a few days In
Gotham prior to returning to Omaha.
Today Postmaster Palmer called at the
Pdstoflice department and secured there
Instatcment of Morris Cultra, a substi
tute clerk In the Omaha postofflce. Cultra
had resigned, but sought reinstatement,
which Mr. Palmer, brought about.
Marc Postal Service for Omaha.
Senator Millard haa had up with the
Poatofflce department the matter of in
stalling railway postofflce ervlce on Rock
Island train 4:, leaving Omaha at 3:30 a
m., with the result that he Is advised of
the decision of the department to place an
apartment ear with clerks on the new train
which on the ltith will leave Chicago at
8:10 p. m. and arrive at Omaha" at 7:30
a. m., and on train 42 as requested.
Senator Millard expects to leave for home
next Monday.
Bis Doont for PenxloD.
Representative Pollard today Introduced
a bill amending the pension act of June
27, 1S90, which. If passed, will give all men
who served the United States honorably
for ninety days during the civil war, who
ura now or may hereafter become physic
ally Incapable of earning a living, not less
than $3 per month.
Increase la School Appropriations,
Had Hot Expected to Itecelve the
The announcement of the appointment
of O. K. Paddock as the South Omaha
postmaster waa the topic of general com
ment In South Omaha last night. The
ntws was noised about In the afternoon and
soon received confirmation. Moat people
appeared greatly surprised and were In
clined to think the appointment unusual
to say the least. Abotit the postofflce the
appointment of El L. Howe had been con
sidered settled after he received the tele
gram from Kennedy stating that he waa
to be recommended.
Mr. Howe himself expressed much sur
prise, and the news came to him entirely
without warning.' He expressed regret that
he had allowed himself to count on hla
appointment as certain' but ilirlit ihnt '
such sui prises often are to be .expected.
"Of course-, I would have been pleased to
receive appointment, but have no further
comment to offer on the appointment of
Mr. Puddock at present." '
Marry of the business men of he city
did not know that Mr. Paddock desired
the position, nor that he had been at any
time-a candidate. While the appointment
of Mr. Howe appeared certain, .many took
occasion to expres much satisfaction.
Mr. Paddock Is a veteran of the civil
war and la a well-known commission man
at-the South Omaha Live Stock exchange.
He is the senior partner In the firm. of
Paddock, Cbtner & lattm. 'He is a man
of good appearance, and i ix'rsonally much
respected. He haa, however, kept aloof
from public affairs and has had little to
do with South Omaha pontics. His ex
pression was simply 6ne or satisfaction
as to tie h6hor- conferred, on him. with
possibly quite ns much surprise as that'
expressed by the others. He did not dis
cuss the influences which won' him the
appointment. ' '
He has resided In South Omaha: fef twenty
years and to one of -the veteran, coniniis
slon men. He Is 68 years of age, 'has a
wife and five children and is in moderate
circumstances. When Informed over the
telephone by The Bee that her husband had'
been appointed postmaster, Mrs. Paddock
said: ' '
"Well, that nearly takes my breath away.
It waa the least of our' expectations. Of
course, Mr.' Paddock was a candidate fo,r
the t fflce, - but was very' quiet about U.
This la the first news of the appointment
1 have received, an.tllf he has recelved-any
I 'do not know it. Of course he will be
fcra tilled,
as I am.''
Remnants of Colored
Dress Goods
Too many Hemnants In stotk.
Must bo sold at once. A good
chance to secure a Hkii-t, Jacket
.or Waist Pattern at a fraction of
tmuiufuclurcrs' prices.
LOT 1.
Sklrth and Jacket lengths of
broadcloths, meltons, tailor suit
ings, fancy cheviots, Panamas,
fancy mnhalrs, . Scotch mixtures
and nerges, blacks and colors,
worth from $1.00 to $2.50 yard,
Friday only, yard 48?
LOT 2.
Skirt and waist lengths of Chiffon
Taffetas, batistes, nun's veiling,
surah and imperial Herges, Hen
riettas, Venetian cloths, mixed
Baitings and mohairs, worth 75c,
85c and $1.00 yard, Friday only,
yard 25
Sensational Skirt
Sale at $2.95
Black and blue Panama Skirts,
cluster pleats around entire
skirt, stitched down, over hips,
pleats coming out, making very
pretty skirt All wool material,
sponged and shrunk, seams all
bound inside. These , skirts are
really worth $5.00. Friday spe
cial, all sizes 52.05
. No alterations.
Cloak Room Specials
for Bargain Friday
Special display of ladles' long
kimonos, in silk crepes, fancy
Imported garment's and double
fleeced German flannels, special
for Friday, we will sell long
kimonos, satin-faced, yoke ef-.
feet, very full, all toldrB, In Per
sian patterns,. regular $1.50 qual-
u. 81.10
Ladles' fleeced h a c q u e s and
kimonos, fitted and bot back,
some faced' with plain material,
others trimmed in wash em-
' broiderley, floral and figured de
signs, sold up to 75c, Friday
ttt 300
Children's School Tains, In red,
navy blue, white and brown, reg
,ular price G9c, special Friday
at ;.-35
Infants' and Children's Astiathaa
Coats, In Buster Brown style,
high storm collar, patent leather
belts, extra full and long, all
sizes, regular $5.50 value, Fri
day at $3.05
Linen Department
Main Floor
A mixed lot of towels, some 12V4c
and 15c values, including hucks
and crepes, hemstitched, hemmed
and fringed, all In one lot for
bargain Friday, at, each. . . .80
An all-linen brown craBh toweling,
. good width, heavy and absorb
ent, worth fully one-third more,
at, yard, Friday 70
A large size fringed table cloth,
made of Union linen, pretty red
borders, at less than cost of pro
duction, at, each 850
A mummy cloth hemstitched
dresser Bcarf, strictly pure linen
of German manufacture, worth
at least 50c, each 200
Our jtreat money saving IIs
nicnt, with Its scores and scores of
magnificent Bargains, resembles a
huRe Christmas tree loaded down
with values that are almost a gift.
Snaps for Friday
Silk ltomnants 200 pes. short
length fancy silks, M and V4
yard each, and worth from 50c
to 75c a yard, Friday only, each,
5c and -30
A grand chance to choose some
piece ior fancy or needlework at a
great saving.
Ladies' and children's fancy col
ored and plain white hemstitched
handkerchiefs, 5c and 10c val
ues, on sale, choice, each. . . .20
500 pieces of plain tolored silk tat
feta ribbons, 1 to 4 inches wide,
woith to 15c yard, on sale,
yard 50
200 pieces of face veilings that are
positively worth 25c and 35c
yard, tancy and plain nets, all
colors, on sale, yard 00
Bast quality Calicos, in good long
lengths. Friday, yard. 2H0
Heavy bleached twilled muslin,
very- fine, 10c and 15o grade,
yard -50
Good Pcrcaline Dress Linings, 10c
giade, yard 2H 0
A Hosiery Special
that Mothers Should
Surely Take Ad
vantage of
A splendid tln I? Ibbfd Stock
ing for misses; good weight;
high spliced heel and toe, and
worth up to 15c 'pair; oh Falej
Friday in our money saving. base-,
ment at, pair 7
Friday Bargains ,iri
Wire coat and cloak hangers,
. each 30
Mrs. Van Deueen's cake pans, all
styles (only correct pans to
bake cake In), 25c vaue, at,-.
each 150
Nickel-plated cuspidors, each 250.
Grey enameled tea, kettles, regular
family size, fit No. 8 stover worth
75c, each . -400,,
Carving sets, three pieces knife,'
fork and sharpening steel In a
satin-lined box, per set. .$2.75'
In China Department
Austrian China Dinner Sets 100-f
piece Austrian china dinner sets,,
with neat pink or blue decora-M
tlon, nice thin china, per i.
set -..-'. .$14.05
100-piece sets of Hamer laugh
lln's best dinner ware, decorated
in gold, per set . $0.05 -Oas mantles, with !
cap and double wire support,
good heavy weave, worth '20c,
- each 100
Toy Department
....... ..ill. ..r.r.t.,0
A mecnanicui iimu, ii.u i-usmio, ,
...... .,,! i un i-naclli'S. alX '
pieces of track, regular $1.25' .
plete " 050 ,
Toy Trunks Wooden, nice V'Kht
colors, 8 inches long, :
Magic Lanterns $4.95 down -
to 650
Extra slides for lanterns, all sUets.
Red toy tables, 10 Inches lot. ;
each . 2t0 -
Passepartout pictures, Mze 6x.,
large variety of pictures and
mottoes, at. each ......... 100
Grosvenor Amendments. Malta Party
Cancns a Hrceaaltr. :
WASHINGTON. Deo. 13.-The house com
mittee on merchant marine failed today to
reach an agreement on a ship subsidy bill.
Four of the republican members of the
committee expressed , themselves ' aa op
posed to reporting; any' measure and a cau
cus of the republican members of the com
mittee will be held tomorrow to consider
the question.
Chairman Grosvnnor : presented the
Clallinger blU to the committee with amend
ments confining- government aid to oriental
and South American ahlpping, and opposi
tion In the republican ranks developed "a,t
once. '
Four of the republican members, ,,Ford
ncy (Mich.), Wilaon (111.), Ulrdsall (la.)
and lllnshaw (Neb.), annouiud that they
would not be bound by the action of the
caucus to be held tomorrow.
Mr. Wilson Btatcd he had no thought,
of accepting the caucua action as blndln.
Mr. Urofcvenor replied:
"Wei!, it doesn't make any 'difference I
whether. you attend or riot," I
But I'm going to at(eid. That's what j
my constituents Bend me here for," Mr.
Wilson replied. . "I am opposed to ship
subsidy and my constituents are opposed
to it.
At present nine members of the commit
tee nre said to be for oriental and South
American ship subsidy, while nine arc opposed.
I Why Not Perfumes for Xmas?
Oar display Is ths most oomplst in th west with Haw Tork Ideas
and prices. ,.
You can always be sure, of pleasing a lady In making her a present of
some choice perfume. We are exhibiting the finest line of exquislto odors, in
beautiful holiday paukaKea, ever shown in Omaha. These Roods are from tho
laboratories of the world's most famous perfumers, such well known namej as:
President Kntrrtalna Member of Hli
Official Kantll)- a( tllnner.
"WASHINGTON. Vc. lS.-The annual
cabinet dinner, the first social function
of the season 'at the White House, waa
given by President and Mrs. Roosevelt to
night. Vice President and Mrs. Fairbanks
Joined Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt In re
ceiving the guests In the blue room. Mra.
Roosevelt wore yellow aatin brocada
The house committee on 'Indian affairs i trimmed with point lace.
today concluded consideration of the In- The guests were the vice president and
dlan appropriation bill. In the ninln the i Mrs. Falrbanks. the secretary of state and
committee has followed the estimates sub- ! Mrs. Root, the secretary of the treasury
mitted to them by the Indian bureau, mak- j and Sirs. Ehaw, the secretary of war and
lag soma increases for several Indian
schools In South Dakota.
At Chamberla,n t.0i) la added to the
estimates for the construction of an office
budding and boys' dormitory. At the
Pierre Indian school 12,ao ! added to be
expended for an office building, warehouse,
enlarging the . workshop and completing
tho ii ligation plant. There la also a new
item .nsenea in me tun carrying aa ap-
Mrs. Taft, the attorney general and Miss
Moody, the secretary of the navy and Mis.
Donaparte, the secretary of the Interior
and Mra. Hitchcock, the secrttary of agrt-
! culture, ' the secretary of commerce and
; ltibor and Mrs. Metcalf, Secretary and Mrs.
! Loeb, Colonel and Mrs. Charles at. Brom
' well, the surgeon general of the navy and
; Mrs. lUxey. tieaatar Proctor, Senator Foe
i ter. Mrs. P. C. Knot Hepreaentatl ve and
Houblrant's Essence Ideal, 24-s.
original bottles , , 93.50
Houbig-ant's .Ideal' Sachet powder,
at '. Si. 00
Konbif ant's Idsal ' Toilet Water,
at . .- . . w r .93-60
onblgaat's Idsal Toilet Soap, per
cake , S3 -85
Coir's Jacqueminot Extract, 2-oz.
King ltwinTa favorite odor in
fancy slk boK 94-50
Ooty's Jacqueminot Toilet .Water at
at 4.50
Coty's Jacqueminot Powder. :.. .94.00
Finaad's All odor, from $1 to. 913.00
Roger k GaUst's All colors, such as
peaudespague. Vera Violets, Indian
' Hay and Kplehdor, In extracts, pow
ders, soaps, toilet waters ami ancy
seta rangi-ng In price from $1.00
to ,i 938.00
XirkolTs Dyer Kiss, per oz. j . . .ft BO
The Iatest French Creation.
Fivers' Axurea, Oraada, Trefela
and Floramya, in extract, powder,
roup and toilet water, plain and
fancy packages, ranging from $1.00
to 831.00
Violets Kssence Fanese powder,
toilet water and toilet soap, $1.60
to 98.50
daei-lnln's Jlcky, In fancy packages,
76o to 96-50
Our line includes also the principal
orders manufactured by Palmer, Al
fred Wright, Colgates, Dabrooks,
Allani-HudButa, 4711, German, -par.
ring' Sng-llak Violets, Z.grands and
ZiOox tjs ovxa BEroitE Btrrnro.
.In our stock you'll find Just what the men want most.
propiiatlon of $3,000 for an offloe Building I lialaell. Repreaentatlva Payne, Rep-
at the Rapid City Indian school.
Cnane for Indian landa.
Th senate committee on Indian affairs
today authorised Stinator Gamble to nuke
a favorable report on the bill Introduced
by himself to authorise the secretary of
the Interior to sell and dispose of the un
allotted lands In that prt of the Rosebud
Indian reservation within tha limits of
Tripp coupty, South Dakota. Should It be
enacted inta law It will throw opvn to
hom&stead entry cluse upon I,0u0,0u0 acies
of the best agricultural land la Tripp
Mar IJberty fr Indiana.
Th committee oa Indiana affairs today
ordered a favorable report on a house bill
resentatlve and '.'Mra. Sherman.. Repre
sentative William M. Howard. Ambassador
Henry White, Governor and Mra. Wln
throp of Porto Rleo, Commander Robert
K. Peary, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morton, Miss
Shonta and Captain Harding.
over present standards anfi the totul weight
of the hull and armor wtH exceed By over
$.000 tons any other slmllnr vessel. 'The
ship is to be 510 feet long, 85 feet 2"t Incbes
beam, 27 ffcet draft, .W0 tons displacement,
2,3u0 tons coat capacity and "1'knot speed.
Offensive armor will consist of ten twelve
Inch girns, fourteen live-Inch rapid tire
guns and some machine euns to repel tor
pedo boat attacks. The cost Is limited to
Pavlna" Repairs EiN -rlila Week.
' City Engineer Rosewater expects to close
up the city pavtrtg plant repair work this
we"k aa the funds provided by Individual
parties have beii exhausted. The mailer
ot Kitting some money from the general
fund to eurry on the paving repair work
fell through on the advice of City Attorney
Hurnum. who held that the money cuuld
not legally je taken from the general fund
for paving' repairs.
Rooming? House lusprclloa.
H L. Wooldrldge and E. M. limine of
the Yliy health department have completed
the work of Inspecting the rooming and
IoIkIiic hounea of -the city. In the work
tney hd occasion to deatroy 5-41 comforters,
4 'nwttmara, X pillows, K carpet, eight
window shades and I mattings. They are
now Inspecting all bakertas.
Secretary of Navy Proposes FIcMlnir
Marhln af Coat of Mix Millions.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1J. -Congress today
received from the secretary of th navy I
th plans which the department has hud '
drawn up for the big battleship provided
for last session. Four plans were submitted
by the bureau of construction and 'six by '
a first class bushebnan. To a really
frat class man wtll pay the best wages
lit Omaha. Steady work.
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
art-Sui South li'.th Street.
private firms and Indivldurs. The plan
providing- that any Indiana found capable J recommended provides for a (ship in many
of managing their affairs may have appor
tioned to them any tribal or trust funds
In the treasury f th t'nited States to tha
credit of l tie tribes to which they are mem
bers. Barrows Saceeods Hlaaaelf.
Ths nomination of B. II. barrows to sue-
respects superior to any, other built or
building. It was prepared iy ths construc
tion bureau.
According to th specifications, the broad
ride fir will be greater than that of ai.y
other battlmhln, the elevutlon of th gun
will be greater, with consequent Increase
Vanilla, Lemon, etc.. arc mad from
th iruit. .
ll.QVIOvllI Im . fcv
Bit Ubt44tKf )H
fitMRTfi. ft
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Night
Special Tuesday Matlii.-e
H00 Seats on Lower Flow 1.99.'
Seats on Bale.
Coming "THE
URWOOD 16th Big Week
Price, Nights, Sunday Mats....l0-e
Tuea., Thurs.. Sat. Mats 10-20C.
Next week: CAMILLE.
v.' o"""or
Xhnrts TVillaf- 1fU
Tonight and' Saturday MV ttnd fc a.
The Vangar 'Girls. ZaienV&A''prnoiJ do.,
Klein & Clifton, Raffayette'a I.KS, WHIy
Kcksteln. Swor Bros., Klack A Jonea and
the Kinodrom. ' ' ' '
v Prices loo, 25c, f '
Tonight 8 :1S. Matins gatarday
Oso. r Clark's Orsat Play,
fiunday-e. BUasy In Baa-' Issy'a;
Vacation. i
- v '
ci himself a surveyor tit customs at J c' range; th defenalv (uallUas liunrevtd
active Jjrcrno Qmntaa
DmtCoUUOMDy,CiVsi2 ty
Adding Machine
I the latest, most modera,'
np-to-dat Adding a d
Listing Macliin on the .
market. It must be seen
to be appreciated.
Correspondence Solicited.
Trial Examination I re.
A. L. McCreary
Nebraska Agent.
P. O. IIO-X 391. 14ML.
BOYD Wed., December 19
' BSNSTIT .. ,:
..Roller Skating:.. ;-
SATURDAY, DEC 15 Mornlnt.
Afternoon and evening- ;
John M. Fixa's
and Restaurant
1516 Dodge St.
fer)tl New '
Beat of Ktetrllilnv
Xkoroagbljr t'p-tO-Dal
FUst Claa U. U t,nl'