Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1906, Page 12, Image 12
FRIDAY, TCTEMnrB I, 1900. a K-.H 1 titt: oaita tiatlt be filled Wild 61,:. n n ! I IJF W I I LI M 2 Sfortil r'::r n rxnr-nnr 1 I Omaha's J ' I- I Ereitest V i WW .A iPtii Holiday Display M Si 2 You Can Praciice Economy Every Day by Trading at Brandcit 5 Not a day in the year that Brandois fit ore is not fUled $ with htrndrdda of special bargains. At Christmas time es- pecially with cur enormous stocks priced lower than any h other store in the west can offer them, you can save money n on everything you buy. To make Friday an extra special bargain day. We make these exceptional offers! 5 Omaha's Pilre Food Center 3 S Handkerchief Sale i 5 Ladies' and men's plain handkerchiefs neatly hemstitched J m many initialed some pillow top styles ff m extra special in new store, at, each. 2"U2V pi n M n n M H H M H n m H H Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Smoking Sets 5 Ilundreds of these pretty And desirable sets for presents finishd in ebony, rosewood, etc Friday's 1 iQ n special bargain !. Sftudded Elastic! Mounted Combs- Belts in the I (large variety, in new store JC special bargain Comb and Brush Seta on bargain square Jln new store at the new store Z 15c s Friday Afternoon at 4 O'CIock SANTA GLAUS WILL GIVE CANDY AWAY FROM HIS AIR SHIP-17th and DOUGLAS STS. 100 pounds of PIT PAT CANDY de licious to eat and every piece wrapped in paper so in won't get dirty. Santa Claus will treat the school chil dren from his air ship. Come and See the Fun! 1? BUY A GLOVE BOND "When you make a present of a pair of gloves to a lady. She can make her own selection and be properly fitted Ladies 75c Black Sateen and Mercerized Petticoats Odds and ends of our lots, with accordeon pleated and ruffled bottoms useful and welcome gifts, at 39c I A. breakfast of real Country Sau sage la a feast for an epicure, and will be a feaat for you. Wa have the tfnry of the Meaahan Fruit Farm, home of the celebrated Little Pig Sausage. These come to us fresh dally. Try a package at 25 cents. We also receive dally shipments of Oermaa Praakfartars, BXettwnrsV Paprika, XfOcnsham, Mortatalla, Oooaa Llvsra, Brannscnweigsr, as well as dally shipments of Kosher Sausage from Mandelbaum's of Kan sas City. PBXDATS SPBOXAi. German Frankfurters at, lb., Kosher Bologna at. lb rjtiDATS gprciAXi xw nil bpt. 1.000 pounds Baby Halibut, at, per pound Crowded every day Is our 5o Lunch Counter, where Ankola Java and Mo cha l. "ved. This delicious coffee ea be had at 860 or three pound, for a dollar. . The best bargain" In coffee In Omaha. One trial means to always use Ankola Java and Mocha. TEAS. Our new Japan Teas ara In. SOo, 76c. 0c grades. Also a good drink at, per lb. a lbs. for a dollar. tic; TELEPHONE DOUGLAS tit. Three Separata Entrances, Douglas Street, Seventeenth Street, West Arcade to Boston Store. MOT n M n THE LAST ONE BEFORE XNAS "We must clear away all these remnants Friday. "VVe need 5 the room and we offer them for less than such high class goods ever sold before. ' j Dress Goods Remnants at 25c Yard Thousands of Waist, Skirt and Dress lengths, black and any color most stylish weaves, Jf including panamas and serges, yard $1.50 Dress Goods at 49c Yd. All up-to-date styles black and all colors, every length that sold up to. $1.50 yard, at, yard k 50c and 75c Challies, Wool Waistings, Plaids, stripes, etc., at, yard 49c 1 25c I VAL LACES,"' r's nample strips, 2 to 5 yds. long, many to match, worth up to 15c yd., at yd ' m 2m RIBBON REMNANTS Satin ribbons, in narrow widths whit and colors, Friday special, yard , fl L BBBBSSlbBM Odd Lots Remnants SILKS I H 5 a M Every 6hort end of silk must go. Silks for waists, scarfs, mufflers, fancy work, linings, etc, . ri p tfk trs " worth up to $1.25, on special bar- MfP gain squares, at, yard u Kj JyJ 5 36-inch and 27-inch at a little over half price. The taffeta is mellow finish deep black, specially adapted for dresses, skirts and waists, regular $1 and $1.35 value, at yd...., About 12,000 sample pieces of silks (traveler's samples) in every style imaginable, plaids, checks, taffetas, satins, oriental silks suitable for doll dresses, t n 1 Op 1 Tr Christmas fancy work, etc, go accord- fj - III - I 5 ing to size, at, each ' ' Catting fjFIArjPEfoVl-l EP Cards 89c LliJI "irifS&lB New Arcade omama Store !9c-69c I OVER ALL A useful Gift The ONIMOD Shoe will pleane any man who enjoya comfort; who appreciates quality and who likea to make a good appearance, ' Give him a pair Otiistmaa and he will pralae gift and giver. Hanfl-bullt Onlmods were built for men who want the fullest measure of elegance and style, $6 and )6. , Bench-made Onlmods are made for the man who likes good value and good appearance, 4. Other Onlmods are designed for men who want rood shoes that look well. 12.60 and $3.50. NEWEST. AND BEST STYLES Tou will find the prettiest line of house sllppey ever exhibited, such as the Cavalier In red. brown, tan ami the Faust Romeo and Opura Sllvpors from $1.60 to (2.60. ST. J a , ., a -t i- - in i i - i i - i ii i A GOLD FOB tor a treetleman would maVe an acceptable '09 Christmas rift. We have aome handsome 14k heavy weight for , 10, $15 and $18. We have them In gold aa low aa $5.00. Our stock of gold Hied Is very complete some beautiee among them. Spend a few minutes In our store. LOOK FOR THE NAME. () S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas Street no r.!Anm ' ViUAT YCU WATiT It Will Bavo you tlmonnd znonoy if yon Will USO see. TDE DEE W ANT ADS Poll Slices Free Friday and Saturday With Every Pair o! Misses' and Children's Shoes, Which Make Useful Gifts (or Christmas. V ar "i-rang th beat line of Ladi' an Gents' Slippers in the city. T. B. NORMS 1517 Doufllas St. OMAHA WKATnER X)RECA8T Friday, Fair and Cilder. ONLY NINE DAYS MORE I ssjasBsaas aBssBBBBHatl www 1 l I We Sell' Ladies Home Journal Patterns v. Women's Holiday Neckwear A Glove Certificate What it Means Tnn Wish tn make a nrrmt Women's Christ- ftf a of Kd oiorrs to your mas iseCKwear. frlmd? Bay a Glore Certificate l.uuo iancy laco t oloTe Coonter Main Floor. you don't know the six you can't "safely bny the Gloree but yon can safely boy the Cer tificate. She has the Gloree fitted to her hand any time before or after Clirlstnias. Urge her to trimmed Stocks one in a Christ mas box, worth t5c, at 15 J00 fancy Ma line Puffs, with ribbon ends, worth SI. at 6 assorted pat terns collar lengths Ruchings, put up In fancy holly box, at 19 Fancy Needlework Fancy lace trimmed, satin covered Pin Cushions for Christmas p r e s -ents, each from $5 down to . . . .50 Jap Novelty Pin Cushions, each 60c, 25c, 15c and 10 1,000 fancy covered Pin Cushions, worth 15c each, at ...5 600 dozen fancy lace Doylies, worth up to 26c each, at 5 have It done before Christmas. Ladles' I-clasp Glace Gloves, $2 down to $1.00 Ladles' 8. 12 and 16-button Bsautlful RBSOrt uioves, it.ou aown 10 ment Sofa Pillows Children's Kid Gloves, pair $1.00 Double Green Trading Stamps in Gloves Friday. for Christmas Gifts, each from $12 down to $3.50 Linens for Bargain Friday "White Waist Patterns in mercerized figures, stripes and dots, worth np to 50c a yard (Bargain square, main aisle) HALF PRICE. 60-in. bleached and cream table damask, worth 35c, at. 25 Bed Spreads, full size, hemmed, worth 85c, at 58 S. E. Corner Main Floor. Handkerchiefs 1,600 dozen Women's White Hemstitched Cot ton Handkerchiefs, each 3 900 dozen Women's Hemstitched Embroidered and lace trimmed, each 8H 750 dozen Women's All-Linen Embroidered Lace Edge and Insertion, about 160 different pat terns, each 25 Our Une of 60c, 76c, $1 and $1.50 Handker chiefs la the largest. Best assortment showntln the city. . We call apeclal attention to our line of Real Duchess and Princess Lace Handkerchiefs at $1.60, $2, $2.60, $3, $4. $5. $6, $7, $8 and $10. Fancy Box with purchase of $1 or over. 20 Discount Sale on Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books, Hymnals, , Etc. -. Friday Only. Book Section. ' ' Main Floor. Dolls! Ia the Toy Section Dolls! $1.25 Kid Body Dolls at -08 This includes all the different styles of Kestner; also cheaper grades. 22-inch Kid Body; sleeping; shoes and stockings; nice full wig; Friday... 03 24-lnch Kid Body Doll; jointed; sleeping; shoes and stockings; Friday. .. .$1.25 Full line of unbreakable Dolls, such as celluloid, rag dolls, kid body with cellu loid head, kid boay with metal head. 10 DISCOUNT ON ALL DRESSED DOLLSFRIDAY. t5c sToak's Arks 86c Trumpets at.. 60c Toy Tsa Ssts. Elephants Toy Telescopes . . 6c Drum at..... at. SSe .3 SO aso 150 ... . ISo afro OAKS. Fish Pond lOo India 6c and lOo Lotto Bo Ti 1 w ajianrtrtiAnt A&mtia t 10O and So1 0 Picture BtvT$aii FRIDAY ' Our $2 sale price Christy, Fisher, Remington, Under wood, etc., Pictures, frame 16x20, black oval I PA bargain Friday IU Our $2 sale price Oval Cupid Awake Pictures, In 4-lnch width quartered oak frames, handsome brown reproduction. Bargain Friday ,..$1.50 Our $2 sale price hand colored Modern Madonna, In oval gold frame. Bargain Friday . .$1.50 Our $2 sale price silk lined Glove and 'Kerchief Boxes, selling at $1 each, ready for quick burn ing, Friday, two for.... $1,50 Our famous Burnt Wood Nut Sets, six small bowls and one large bowl, squirrel and nut designs, regular sale price $2, Bargain Friday $1.50 Picture Framing We do it money savingly. A DInnenvare Sensation Haviland's Satsuma White and Gold A beautiful shape, new, to introduce 100-piece set, at ....$35 Discount ol 20 on Open Slock) English Porcelain Set Blue Lugano, finest made, Fri day, a $16 set for $12 1,000 Bread and Butter Plates German china, pretty, neat decorations from 10 a. m. to 12 m. Fri day 6 to customer, ea.5 One large table handsome Plates at 4, $3, f2, 9l.HO, $ 1 and 75c, Friday one-fifth off every Plate on UUs table Pouyat, Doultou, Uavlland China, etc. Ik Friday Suit Bargains $25 Fine Tailored Suits for f 12.05 67 Women's Fine Tailored Suits, made of broadcloth and fancy cheviot, Eton, blouse and 23-inch tlght flttlng styles, every 8ult a ready seller at $25, only one of a kind, all sizes and colors. Including black Friday, Second Floor, $25 Suits for $12.05 fio ami aiiu.ou women's (joats lor $u.75 175 women's Fancy Mixture and Plaid Coats, 50 inches long, full box back or bias . circular back Ilargain Friday, Second Floor, $10.50 and $15 Coat for... SO 75 $6 and $5 Taffeta 8Uk WaiaU for $3.48 126 Women's WaUU, made of fine chiffon, plain, fancy and plaid tarreta, some are plain tailored, others lace and fancy trim rxied. black and al colors. rriaay on' bargain square, Main Floor, each.. R3.48 $5 and $6.50 Silk Pet ticoats for $2.05 Friday Bargain Hale 100 Silk Petticoats made of heavy taffe ta, wide body, extra full flounce, all col ors and two-tone ef First Floor. .$2.05 a 7 ) ..Toyland Is Now Open.. Gifts for All the Childnn In Our Toy Dept. THE RCLUBLK STARE V 1 Santa Cfaus Is Here; See Hfl friiajr....-. Visit Our Holiday Bazar On Main Floor No Stairs to Climb Xtnas Slippers ) See our great display of Slippers and fancy lepglnRs, from smalleet chltd's ta largest man's, In Xmas Bazar. Prices $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, f 69c, 39c and $20 LadleB' warm lined Shoes. $1.C0 and $2.00 values SltoO Men's all felt and foxed warm lined shoes, $2.50, $2.00 and f Slipper Soles High Grade Linen Dept. ' Here Is a chance to get Linens for Christmas at a trifle of their value, nants of the very best selling patterns, worth up to $2.50 yard at, yard, 69c, 59c and msmaants of Tabls llnsn All odd lengths, from our regular stork. In lengths from 1 yards td SVi yards, Including all our Best Mnens, that Sold up to $1.74 yard. In bleached, unbleached ana sliver Moarhed. we will nlnr In patterns to rim- in. Rem- M9c lots, only tomer, at, yard. 9c, B9c and. KlU IsnUis In Mercerised Table Linen, in 2 iy, and S-yard lengths, all new pat terns and goods that sell regular at 0c yard, only 2 cloths to customer. 0 at, yard ,'. HHC Odd lot of Kapklns In blrnrhed and tin bleachod, ISxlS In. to 12x22 In., all linen and mercerlr.od, sold ri gular up to 12 St doien, tn 3 lots, at, doxen Tit 11.49 98o nd ; . .1 1C Odd lot of lireener Scarfs. Stand Tops and Dollies, In nil slsos. hemstitched ami plKln, worth up to 9Sc, to ")K clone, at, earn ,C Odd lot of Towals, In huok. and Turkish, bleached and unbleached, extra lurgs slses, sold up to 15c, 7 f - at, etirh I I tC Odd lot of Bed Spreads, full size, In Mnr. sellles and honeycomb patterns, OA sold up to $2.00 each, at ."'0C Remnants of Wool Dress Good's sm.wj sroaaeiotns, at, yard, Bo Fine French Broadcloths. In M-in. wide, all colors that sold up to $3.00 yard, in lengths from 1 yard to S yards, CO on sale Friday at, yard .JsC Bemnants of $3.00 Broadoloths, 4o Fine French Broadcloths, In all colors, worth up to $2.00 per yard, on sale at, 60o, Henriettas, In remnants ttas, In jC. $1.00 and 91.60 Broadoloths. at, yard, 9u'o . Kfranantu of fine Hrosdcloths, in lengths from H yard to S yards, 64 Inches wlile. strictly all wool and sold. up to ' TQ- $1 50 yard, will go at, yard 10.000 yards of Mohairs, that sold nj,' to $1.60 yard, In good long remnants, will go on this sale at, 25C 10.000 yards of panlih" Cloth,' Velis "at J5t yard. In cream and all colors, O 1 at, yard ...P C A regular $Sg.OO special this week J-Hole Laundry Stove 11-Inch Air-Tight Oak : Special Sale Stoves 33S0 - fl 4 2.95 4.25 l-lnoh regular $12.60 o aq ngnt uak ...... .T Air A regular $36.00 Double Burner, we. sparkling, for. , Heating Base .28.95 BPXOIAX.SJ rsr unviui Barner ft Barry's Skates, all u ana suss, up from. . oys' ana Otels' Slsds and -Coasters up from FZOIAX OB OAXiTABIKZD WABSX 46c Galvaaized Tub i..7Ti SU 660 Oalvanlzed Tub !. 3ii, 6c Galvanized Tub 149 10-quart Water Tails .13 12-quart Water Palls la J 1 quart Water Palls ilitfl-- Furnishing Goods Specials ires, for t uA f m mn ma .t.iuu. 1 . . . . Oolf Gloves, for ladtes, men and children. in an colors, J9c quality, in 1 C - Friday's Bala a ..........5C Bilk Shawls," Jn black or white, with silk lace edge, exceptional -n, bargains at OjC XHtdisa aney Aprons, dainty most appropriate for Xmas Gifts, price up froni., ........ creations, 25c .1.S0 ;..9Bc Ladles Union Suits, all wooL special at Ladles' Vests and Pants, In silk and wool, a garment. Ladles' Wool Vests and Pants. rlhbaA flat wool. SDecial Frldav t - at, garment Ladles' Fleece Lined Vests and ' Pants at 6O0, 3o and B8,. . or Holiday Silk Bargains 91.00 Silks Triday at 8o Phenomenal bargains In Color Taffetas, Novelties, Louis 39c . 811k Remnants, suitable for Doll Dresses, 1 Beautiful Plaid Silks, all the newest eolor,": Fancy w ors, eta, to er combination, in main 811k De- CO--- yard lengths, each ..... I partment, Friday, at, yard JjC ' lennes, Messallnes, Peau de Chines, etc, etc., worth si.uu yara, on our great-Bargain square at. January Prices on Women's Garments Prices that will be quoted elsewhere $0 days from now prevail in our great Decern1 ber Sale of Ladles' Suits, Coats, Waists. Skirts etc Women's $12.00 Coats C f)fl $25 00 Tailor Suits, In f ft an at J.WW Friday's Sale at JU.Utf Black Broadcloth Coats, regular $20.00 ; values, satin lined through- OQ. $16.00 Double Sable Fox, 75 '7 Crt out, at, choice ; .C Inches long, Friday acAjrurAcrrrBBBS' stock or sxxbts ob saxb satvbdat. $1.50 Copyright Books, 39c About 6,000 Copyrighted Books, including all the best titles, will be closed out by December 26. Among the titles, "Tha Man from Glsngary," "Sea Wolf," "The Pet," "Leopard Spots," "Eben Holden," "The Abandoned Farm." "Call of tha Wild." "Brewster's Millions," "Man on the Box," "Virginian," Trt. "The Crisis," eta. Bale price. ...... Holiday Stationery The greatest line of . Box Stationery shown in Omaha, you'll find here. With each box of Stationery Friday at 60a or over we will glv. Trse a Pearl-Bandied 4old Pen. Regular 25a Value Holiday Boa Sta tionary, at, each, $1.76 down to.................... 5c r Dinner Sets at About Half f 4 Decorated Havlland Dinner Sets, 100-plece, $$0.00 and $35.00 values elsewnere, Friday at Decorated Bavarian and Austrian China Dinner Sets, 100-plare, $20.00 and $26.00 values, at $12.60 and Decorated 100-Piece English Porcelain Dinner Seta, $10.00 to $15.00 values, at $9.00, $7.60 and. Fine Decorated China Sugar and JC. Creams, special at, pair Hand-Painted Vases, 15 inches high, 8 Inches In diameter, $8.00 and JC $4.00 values elsewhere, special Imported Metal Covered 95f blstns, up from ' ,19.95 10.00 shape, $1.7 and Cut Star Tumblers, bell $2.26 values elsewhere. Sale Price, set of 6, at. Genuine Havlland 12-Inch Wall hand decorated, $3.00 to $5.00 vrIiihs elsewhere, at White Oval Tea Cups and Saucers, J1 00 value elsewhere. ,' tO Special Friday, for T . .itf9c. PlacVfjes. 1.35 GroceriesI Groceriesl IS Buy Your Xmas Groceries at Hayden's-The Greatest Pure Food ! Providers in the West. r? ss - - 21 Pounds pura Cane Granulated Suiiar 8 pounds best hand picked Navy Beans 280 8 pounds best Rolled BreaJtfast Oat- meal ' 880 10 pounds best Oraunlated Cornmeal . . 13o 10 bars best brands Laundry Soup. ..860 Quart Jars pure Ohio Maple Syrup 36o 10-pound cask pure Buckwheat Flour.. 35o 2-pound package Belf-Rlslng Pancake Flour 8 -pound can Breakfast Cocoa TWO Uromangelon. Jellyoon or Jtll-O. per package To ,'he best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound Drlsd Traits and Candied Peels tor Tour Xmas Puddings, Piss aad Oakea. Fancy Cleaned Currants, per pcund...lOo Fancy S-Crown Muscatel RaUlns, lb .lOe Fancy 4-Crown Muscatel Raisins; lb. 18V.0 Fancv Seeded Raisin, per packtig. . . 10o fancy California Dr'ed Grapes, lb, Fancy California Cooking FU". lb....7iiO r'ancy New York Evaporate.! Appls, per pound ; Kancy California Seedless RiiiHlns. lb.. 10c . p.n,.hi. ner round Hits -aiicy I-n.on, Orang or Citron Peel per pouna ..pound package Condensed Mince nt ' .-pound packages best Pure Ground W r.1 1 'H. rr. ....... -..ii.,!. Vnint-s. ter iound....So . .96c Fancy Italian Black Prunes, poundf?, " Fancy $-Crown London Layer Ralsiits. per pound i., ,y85a Fancy 4-('rown London Layar RaljInS', per pound ,.....3M I Fancy (t-Crown London Layer Ralaln, per pound , ....uOo Fancy 7 -Crown Ix)ndon Layer RAlslnX ft ." per pound ...,.J;0. Prssb Prolts, Bute and Yf staMM Xo Fancy Mixed Nuts, nothing finer, p V pound , 3"Ss. Fancy Italian Chestnuts, per pound. JjS0 fancy Caie Cod Cranberries, per qt.,".Vi ' Fum y lilghl'ind Navel Oranges, p(r - dozen ,asj Fancy Imported Figs, per pound lo Fancy Hallowe'en Dates per pound. ,tHe! Fancy Fard Dates, per pound t. 10s j Kluck Walnuts, per peck , , .',(.iOai Cooking Apples, per peck JSq- 2 Heads Fresl, Iettuca .80! S Hunches Fresh ltaJUhes 8-a' Ueets. Parsnips. Carrots, Turnip, Kuta- baKas, per pound' 2 Bunches Fresh Parsley to1 Hhallot Onions, per bunch ..6! 2 Ktalks Fresh l el. ry .............. Bo ; Large Headi Fancy Colorado New Honey, esu v fiery. , , i' s Cabbage.i ...JL..te ado Onions, per pound .. J, . la j ! nf. rii'iic. , ' r I a., n ....a a . 1 Freh Hoasted IVunuts, per quart. . ,. s I Holly for Xmas decoration, per lb.,.lyvio SO I A Vnr.M Iilnff Holly and Evergreen Wreaths, each. ,ia ,l, ' r 1 . 4 1 fil l&u5lLI)ii ; SEE SILKS, ETC. AD ON PAGE FOUR. J