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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1906)
! V THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THTTflSTUY. DKCKMBER 13, 1006. If CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Eilli Forced to Yield Orottud to tbt 0ii. DECLINE CAUSED BY CASH PRESSURE ttearttoa Lata la Session Responsible for Partial Recovery, the Close Being Below PtitUh Day Cora Oatlons Weak. OMAHA. Dec, IX 1 The bulla yielded todar under the pressure from cash grain and the early market on wheat was a cent below yester day a ck. A reaction lato In the session was responsible lor regaining half the decline. Foreign newa itemed to have little Influence, for the European marketa were practically unchanged. Receipts Were lighter than last year, the shortage being inn iiurmwMt, duc the Demand at Mln neapolla for cash stuff la not so urgent. Receipts of corn were light, but the country elevators renort hoiw nnrrhB Due to this prospective movement, price. Were lower. Primary wheat receipts were 7,0nr) bu . and ahlpments 613,000 bu.. against receipts last year of MB.Ouo bu., and aNpmsnta of i,000 bu. Corn receipts were 6S3.000 bu. and shipments 257.000 bu.. against receipts last year of l,016.0i bu., and ahlpments of 887,- bu. Clearances were 517,553 bu. wheat, 05.800 bu. corn, 2. 700 bu. cat and flour and wneat equal to 602,200 bu. Uverpool closed 4d lower to 4d higher on wheat and unchanged to 4d higher on corn. The export situation on both com and oats at New York la bearish. The demand for the former. If anything, Is leas. One of the largest exporters says that where he had 4oo loads sold last year for forward shipment he has not sold twenty loads thla year. He adds further that foreigners are pursuing a hand-to-mouth policy on oorn Broomhall cabled that, according to an official Indian reDort for the week ending the 1st day of December, crop prospect a are favorable. Minneapolis wired: "Our receipts will be very ugni again; car elluauon very naa. together with snow and very cold weather inina. our market purchase on tnie break. Local range of options: Article! Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tee y. Wheat i j Pec... 67B ITHB 67B T4R fB May... 71HB 714 T14A 71HB 72B Corn leo.... 7UB 874A 87HA 374A TM,B May... 38 A tSA KM A 884 A 884 B J1HB HHB Max UA HB A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Prices. hard. 684'rWo; mi t uanaua ' k I WHEAT No. 1 hard, araUSc; No. spring, 6tVfn8o. No. hard, 64S664c. No. CORN-No. , 8VcT34c: No. 4, S5!g3F.4e No. 3 yellow. fe3ric: No. s" white. MVo OATS No. 8 mixed, 81c; No. t white, uc; mo. 4 wnite, si4BBi40. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn, Oats Chicago , Kansas City Minneapolis Omtiha Duluth Bt. Louis 45 1X8 111 111 63 298 63 24 84 72 M 81 42 a 44d. Futures, steady: January. 4a ad: March, 4a Id. NEWYURKSrOCKS AND BONDS SEW YORK GE3ERAL MARKET (Isolations of the Day Vnrloa Commodities. NEW YORK. Deo. 1Z rLOCRi-Receipt a, 21,42 bbla.; exports, bbls.; sales, 5.30 packages; market ateady with quiet trane; Minnesota patents, t4103440; Minnesota bakers, 3.4vZil80; winter patents, ttJM.oO; winter atraiahta. l.fio2.fl0: winter extra. la.Ho'ljllO; winter low gradea, $. 80 8 06. Hye nnur, nrm; salea, IMI bins.; lair 10 83 -at W; choice to fancy, 13 804.15. Buck wheat flour, steady, titVatSO, spot and to arrive. Ml CK WHEAT Steady, tl.25 per 100 lbs. CORNMKAL Steadv: fine white and yel low. 11 204il.26; coarse, $1. lOfcl.12; kiln dried. 32.504,2.76. , , RYE Firm; No. 2 western, wc, o. . i. New York; Jersey and aiate, W6c, dellr ared New York. BARLEY Steady : feeding. 45c, e. I. I. Buffalo; malting, 49a69c. c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, UO.OOO bu.; exports, 206,763 bu.; sales, ZtfO.CU) bu. futures; spot imirket eaav: No. 2 red. 79V.C. elevator, and SlVc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Du ll, 844c c. I. t. Buffalo; No, 1 hard winter, 7940, c, I. f. Buffalo. A renewal ' of liquidation sent wheat prices lower to day and they closed 4c under laat nigni. The selling waa based on favorable In dian crop news, larger country offering, increased stocks in the nortnwest ana a poor export trade; May, 84Sq&c, closed at 84 4c; July, 834Ua34c, closed at 8JU-lc; December, 81ijS14e, closed at 81c. CORN Receipts, 54,825 bu.; exports, 25.7S4 bu.; sales, 64,000 bu.; spot market barely steady; No. 2, 634n, elevator, and lV4c, i, o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow and No. i white, 64c. The option market waa without trans actions, closing ftC net lower. January closed at 62o, May closed at 50140, and December cloaed at 5.IV4C. OATS Recelpta, 83,000 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, 28 to 32 lbs., 3&'a3Vic; natural white. 80 to 83 Iba., 39uViu; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., SftViftHtc. h EKD Steady; spring bran. .'3.76; De cember shipment, mlildlings, 3.26. HAY Firm: shipping, 70450; good to choice, HOHfl Quiet ; state, common to choirs, I81, lfr-Sc; 1905, 8811C Paclflo OoUt, 1J. 14i&17c; 1905, 10410. HI DEB Quiet; Galveston, 20 to IS ma.. 20c; California, a to 25 lba., 21c; Texas, dry, 24 to 80 lbs., 18c. LEATH ER Steady ; acid. Z7I&28C PROVI810N8-Beef, firm; family. 813EO H714.00; mens, 88.00,8 00; beef hams, 21.6"j 26.00; packet, 310.5ra 11.00; city extra India meas, 20.OOf22.6O. Cut meats, quiet; pick led bellies. 810.2512.50: pickled hams. 812 60. ljird, easy; Western prime, 8.s.9n 9 00; reflned. ensy; continent, 89 40; South America, 11025; compound, 83.12HfS.25. Pork, steady; family, 817.n""q 1 .00; short clear I17.2W818.B0; mess, $17 .6018.50. TALLOW Steady; city (13 per package), 5c; country (packages free), 6'ft4C. RICH-Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 8H Hci Japan nominal. BUTTER Strong; afreet price, extra creamery, 82HH53c; offlclnl prices, creamery, common to extra, 23&32c: held, common to extra, JM-SOHc; state dairy, common to fancy. 20(Sc; renovated, common to extra, 18T?4c; western factory, common to firsts, 1Vu22c; western Imitation creamery, firsts, 23(S24c. CHEBSB Steady; state full creams, smalt and large September fancy, !4Ho; October best. lJVr state late made, UVtflSci state. Inferior, U&120. EGOS Weak; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected white, 41fr43c; state, choice, SS4j-4()c; state, mixed extra, SijOTc; western, average prime. 32c; official price, flrsta, 82c; seconds, 2S(gi31c. POULTRY Dressed. steady; western chickens, 14c; turkeys, 141 7c; fowls, &d'Uc. Varket Adyanoes, Wartri, Halts Finally Turns Egokwtrd. mi FURTHER RISE IN ' CALL MONEY RATE Liberal Offerings of Fandi as Resalt of Tressnry Action Eagerly Absorbed by Speculators. ' NETY YORK, Tec. 12. The advance In price of stocks wavered, then came to a halt and finally turned backwards agxln today. There was some natural realising on yesterday's considerable rise which served partly to account for the reduc tion. There was, beeidea, a-further ad vance In the ratee for cull money. lee confidence as a result In the adequacy of the assistance offered by the treasury to carry the money market over the converg ing; demands of the January settlements. A Int Met. pfd 1 fi 75 7t's Total sales for the day, f9.(i0 shares. Sew lerk Money Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 13. MONEY On call strong, iWj15 per cent; ruling rate, 10 r cent; closing bid. IS per rent; offered. 15 w mm: time loana dull and strong; sixty days, 8 per cent; nlnrty days. tiijS per cent: six months. 6Vr7 per cent. PRIME Mr.KtAil 1 IIjCj i ai r-n-Tiini PBTERLINri F.XCHANOE Weak, with se tual business In bankers' bills at t M4t 4 R.170 for demand and at $4.7i8Mi4 7Hi5 fur slxty-dav bills; posted rates. S4.SOn4 H and $4.ts'4.S6Vl; .commercial bills, 84.78V'ff 4.7S- SILVER Bar, Hc; Mexican dollars, 52c liONDS Oovernment, firm; railroad. Ir regular. , Quotations on bonds today were as fol- U.8.' r. 2s, reg...lh4HIJap. s. 2d series W do coupon 101 Hi 1o 4s cits V. 8 3s. reg l2i do 44 ctfs 91 do coupon l2l do 2d series 91S 1 V. 8. o. 4s reg...l'"H ,L. A N. unl. 4s..101S do coupon 1"1 'Mn. c. g. 4s W U. S. n. 4s, reg..!!1) Mft. Central 4s.. C " ' do coupon 1." do 1st inc ir Am. Tobacco 4s.. 77 "M. St. L. 4s. do 6a 110 M.. K. & T. 4s... Ath. gen. 4s 10" .. do 2a do adj 4a.. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Geo! Ctt! Ettdj, Othe-ri Elow to Tn CdU Lover. HOGS EXPERIENCE AN01HER BIG DROP Urge Receipts of Sheep 1-ambe nreak (he Market and Values are Anywhere from "leady to Fifteen L4tvrer. SOUTH OMAHA, Dee. 11 Reeeints were: Came. Hog, bhi ep Official Monday 7,7;S 4,i72 Official Tuesday 7.7.11 8.134 Official Wednesday 5.UW .2 10. a 10.011 CHICAGO OKAI1 AND PROVIilOfli Keatares of the Trading; and Closlaa; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dee. 11 Selling Of larg quantities of wheat by one of the leading longs caused weakness today in the local wheat market. At the close wheat for May delivery was off V(&Sc. Corn wss down c, Oats showed a loea of c. Provisions were unchanged to 60 lower. The wheat market was weak all day be cve cf sales of between 1,000,000 bu. and 4M;,ono bu, of May wheat by a prominent operator. These liberal sales induced many of the pit traders to Join In ths selling movement. Most of the offerings were taken by commission housva and a large portion of the purchases were for north western houses. A report of aoceptances of winter wheat from pointa In Illonls on over-night bids waa a bearish factor, but outside of that there was little In the news cf the day to cause any decided weakness. Receipts of wheat at Minneapolis and Du luth were considerably less than for the corresponding day last year, the total prl mury receipts being 20 per cent less than a year ago. The market closed weak wlth prices at the lowest point of the day, Msy opened a shade lower at 79c and sold off to 7Ho, wtxre It closed. Clearances of wheat and flcur were equal to 508.200 bu. Primary receipts were 701i.00 bu. compared with 846, 0(u bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported recelpta of 415 care, against 557 care last wee and 702 cars a year ago. The coin market was weakened by se4Hn by caah houses brought out by reports of an Increased movement from Iowa, Illinola and Nebraska. The Missouri report, which made the. total crop of the state 40.0tio.000 bu. In exoess of the yield estimated by govern ment experts, was also a weakening In fluence. The decline In wheat prices had some effect. The market closed weak. May opened a shade lower to a shade higher at 43Ttf44e. sold off to 43Hc and cloaed at the lowest point, Liooai ret-eiyis n 100 - with 4 of contract grade. J Th. hreak in the Drlce of wheat and com ausi-d proflt-talilng In oata, resulting In nh Aiin There was nothing In the way of news to account for the selling. May neJ unonangea to ta iuutt Id off to 3&u and cloaed at 86c. Local 1 - w.ra 111 cars. v.,,,.- ... -- . .g. van an.i.r ii.i u una i , u v-v f lflo decline In the price of live hogs The I weakness of the grain markets helped to donroaa nrovlslons. At the close January 81 .. nrr an I1K.T5. Lard was un changed at Va SO and ribs were 8c lower at EL ga 40. - H I-tlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. II 42 cars: corn. 12 cars; oats, U csrs; hogs. B - 27,00 head. . . . j ne .eadlng futures ranged as f ollowat Articles. I Open. 1 mgn.i uow. iu. with J Th Ja siigk 1. T 11 p.n T sold J re" heat I I Dec. 74Hfl,7414 I' May Dec. May July 1 Tec. Mat- July 1 I I42SWH! 43441 44WKH1 SS'itl i 1 15 75 IS 96 8 0 8 87V,j I 79 4tW 44 441 34 M sas 1 1 7T4 74V.1 T4H 'rtVsl 7eVii7B'i-s 4Ji 41T42Hn I', 44 J44CB44V.J .44H 83 83) i4 I 8 85 I ( 47H 8 CVal 8 50 15 Vt 15 75 15 80 It 00 a 57 1 to 8 53V 3 40 8 60 8 67H (86 I 40 t 40 I 45 18 80 U 05 8 5 a so 1 trrvk a 42H a w St. Lenta General Market. ST. LOUIS, Dee. 11 WHEAT Lower; track No. 1 red cash, 75376c; No. 8 hard, 72Hfr75Vy3: May, 77VnTrHo ; July- 7V&75c. CORN Ixwer; track No. 1 caah, 4H42io; No. 3 white, 41fca42ttc; May, 417i42cl July. 421ic OATS Lower; track. No. 1 cash. 86c; No. 1 white, 86c; December. 33Tc; May, 35 35 He. FLOUR Steady! red winter patents, tt.65 fi'S.75; ertra fancy and straight, 33. 103. 45; clear, 82.562.86. HrjL',i 1 imomy, steaay; sa.2tK0s.10. CORNMEAL Steady: 32.30. BRAN Steady: saoxed, east track, 97 89c. HAY Steady! timothy. 814.008n.TO: prai rie, IRON COTTON T1HW 4t.oa. BAOOINO-OViC. HEMP TWINEV-C. PROVISIONS Pork. . higher: lobbing, 815.00. Lard, lower; prime steam, 88.46. Dry salt meats, steaay: boxea extra snorts, su.iu; clear riDs, (.uu; snort clears, .. oacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $9.76; clear ribs, 89.75; short clears, 310.00. poultry-Firm: chickens, sc springs. c ; geese. 8c. BUTTKR Firm dairy, tliartc. tXlUB 1- irm, wo. Receipts. Shipments. K.miu io,u 36.000 15.0 0 80,000 11.000 42,000 22,000 creamery, 36832c; Flour, bbls. Corn, bu. ... Oats, bu. .. With the reaction In the market there win some shrinkage In the rate of activity from that of yesterday. There has been no actual employment of the funds Included In the treasury's offers yesterday, ns none of It hns come Into possession of the bnnka, owing to the dc lava In securing and acceptance of born! for security for deposits and the formali ties required to sell United States 4 pir cents under the treasurv plan. The lib eral offerings of funds yesterday were thus to some extent a use of the expected In crease In ressurcea before they were In hand. This disposition on the part of active speculators to lick up fund as fast as available comes In for Its share of criticism. It Is also true, however, that the sentimental effect of the action of the treasury authorities waa to renllie sums which had been held out of the money markrt for higher ratea and which waa thus brought out. It waa new requlrementa that stiffened up the rate again t,day. The practice of holding funds out of the market for higher rates Is one of the counts In the Indictment that the discus, slon amongst stock brokers Is making ngalnst the banks to account for the ex cessive call loan rates recently prevalent. 1 nia discussion continues act ve in the. financial district, with accusations on the one hand of manipulation and usurious merest rnarjes tnci witn explanation ana defense from the brokers. The Inrge loans placed here for account of banks outside the c tv usually Involve a dlsn acement of a loan by a New York bank, as the outside bank draws on Its deposit here or Instructs Its correspondent bank here 10 piace me loan at the higher level, this Is given the blame for pnrt of the dls. turbance In the monev market bv some of the hankers, and there has been an effort to secure concerted action amongst clearing house members to regulate this lending money for account of out of town banks. It Is the assumption that the com. pensatlon to the local banks for placing sucn loans is in the rorm or a commission which would add, however, to the burden of the borrower. Reports were received In Wall street today that some of the In terior banks were disinclined to accept the preferred government deposits. The short time fixed for their being held and the difficulty of securing bonds for col lateral were offered as an explanation of thla attitude, but it aerved to create an Impression that the eagerness for addi tional money resources waa not aa acute away from New York as here. Prepara tion for the 810,000,000 Standard Oil dividend on Saturday and of 8.10.(o,0Of subscriptions to New York Central stock on Mondav were said to be under way today, requir ing some large calling of loans, with re. suiting recovery In the money rate. The long expected announcement of sub. scrlptlon r'ghts to new Great Northern preferred atock and the quotation for the rights In the outside market was followed by a violent decline In that stock, which chilled speculative enthusiasm over other expected developments. The Increase In the Pittsburg, Cleveland. Chicago & St. Iouls dividend Was without Influence on any stock. The money marketa were harder In London, Paris and Rrrltn today, but foreign exchange rates here reacted In response to our own stronger money market. There was considerable Increase of selling pressure on stocks late In the day and the closing tone Was easy at gen eral declines. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, 82,092,000. United States Is advanced Mi Pt cent on call. . The following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. Hlgh.Low. Close. 280 75.900 115V 114 C. L. 4s. B. & O. 4s. do SHs ... B. R. T. e. 4s. Cen. of Qa 6s. ...DO" N do 1st Inc f do 2d Inc 71 do 3d Inc 71 Ches. O. 4'4s..l0S C. A. 3V4...... 77 C, B. A Q n. 4s. loo Three days this week. .20.48 23.1(4 84.475 Paine days last week.... 14.5b 19.43 Same days 2 weeks ago..l7.p 17.174 Hame diiva 3 weeks ago.. 30P17 10.W5 2.-l Kama daya 4 weeks ago..4.97 12.5-'9 --3 Same days last year... .M.iS 24.7i f.2 i.m. the recelDIS of . K N R.R of M c. 4a 84 i cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor .97 N Y C. g 3V4S.. S4H ! the year to date, compared with laat yeai . 1021W N J C. g 5s 12S4 19 Al?i do 3a !" . "" "! J-i'riT tiS fli W e 4s... 99 . oneeu l,'.,'" 94 97 '4 44j O. B. L. r. 4s 94V, Penn. conv. 8Va 99 Reading gen. 4s., 994 Ft L. I. M e 5a...l13'i SUA 8 F. fg.4a. 84Vt St. L. 8. W. c. 4a 79 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Good to choice corn-fed ateera ? . i C. R. I. A P. 4s.. 77V4 Seaboard A. L. 4s 82 do col Ba 924 Bo. Pacific 4a R974 CCC. A S.Ug 4s..l(io do 1st 4a ctfs.... 9H Col. I. fie, s. A... 7S4 Bo Railway 5s...ll'4 Colo. Mid, 4s 754 Texas A P. ls....U4 Colo. A So. 4a.... 92 T., 8. L. A W. 4s 814 Cuba 6s ....103 'Union Pacifier 4s.. D. A R. O. 4s... 994 U. S. S. 2d 6s 97 Dls See. 6s 874 Wabash la 1134 Erie p. I. 4s 99 j do deb. B do gen. 4s K94 Western Md. 4s Hock. Val. 44... 17 W. A L. E. 4s. Japan 6s 74!wis. Central 4a. Bid. Offered. . 79 R.S4 97 904 Fair to good corn-fed steers... Good to choice range ateers Common to fair range atesrs 'Good to choice cows and heifers.... Fair to good cows and heifers Common to fair cows and heifers., Good to choice atockers. feeders... (Fair to good Blockers and feeders. Common to fair atockers Bulls, stags, etc Veal calvea ThA fnllnwlncr tah)a lhnl tllO price of hogs at South Omaha for the last . several daya. with comparisons s.ohwj-jo 4.75V5.44J 8.604) 1.00 l.7V3.5l) 1.60(fl3.76 4.851(4.80 8 4"f(4.25 S.7o'f3 .40 4.008 00 average Date. 11808. 1906.!1804. 11903 1902.101.100. Dec. Ilaatan Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Dec. 12. Call loans. W12 per cent; time loans. Sff8 per cent. Official ouotatlona on atocks and bonds were: Atch. adj. 4a 92 IBlngham 294 do 4a 99 Cal. A Hecla 8-"5 Mex. Central 4s.. R3 Centennial 874 Atchison 1044lCopper Range ... 804 do pfd 1014 Boston A Al 2719 Boston A Me....l614 Boston Ble 151 Fltchburg pfd... 274 N Y. N H. & H..192 Pere Marq. ...... 53 Union Paclflo ,...15 Am. A. C. pfd.. 92 Am. Pne-j. Tube-124 Amor. Sugar 135 do pfd 1.15 Am. T. A T 137 Am. Wroolen 84 do pfd 1024 Dom. I. A 8 24 Edison E. 1 225 Mass. Electric ... 19V do pfd Mass. Gas .., United Fruit United 8. M.. do pfd U. 8. Steel..., do pfd Adventure .... Allouei Amalgamated Atlantic 13 Hid. AW1 .. 69'a .. 584 ..1074 .. 67 .. 24 .. 4S Daly West 19 Franklin 224 Granby 134 Isle Rovale 2.1 4 Mass. Mining .... 74 Michigan Mohawk 78 Mont. C. A C 14 Old Dominion .... 6T4 Oaceola 1364 Parrot 29 Qulncy 1004 1 1 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. ! Dec. Deo. ' 1 ec. Dec. Dec. 12. 808 134 11H! 16 4 871 4 4! 4 32 4 48 4 4i A CI' 4 Ml 4 42 4 831 4 40 6 214: 4 9J 4 S5 4 44 4 331 4 37 6 081 5 951 6 14 6 87 6 22! 91 24 6 06 17 09( 4 98 I S VJ 4 01 4 68 4 4 77 C 15 14 87 4 4 32! 081 4 i 1 A (111 A V)l A Ul S fti1 a 101 6 21 B 38' 4 461 6 1 6 14 4 M a liiTl a roi I 1 JTl Ml 6 lt' 4 82 0241 4 83 4 43 4 49 6 96! 6 18 4 78 Shannon Tamarack Trinity .'. United Conner II. 8. Mining.... 16 .10s . 114 . 73 604 XT. 8. OH 9 Utah. Victoria Winona Wolverine North Butte ... Butte Coalition 105 I Nevada 43 Cal. A Arizona. 634 Tecumaeh .1144 Greene Con. ... 644 . hiZ .171 .110 . 354 . 1S4 .166 . 244 . 2S4 London Cloalner fltocka. LONDON. Dec. 12 Cloalng quotations on tne stock exchange were: Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions KANSAS CITY. Deo. 11 WHEAT De cember. 674c; May, 724c; July. 714c. Cash! No. 3 hard. w-vtj7ac; no. , 6wac: imo. 2 red, 72rtr7Sc; No. 1 67471c. CORN December. 87c; May, S9c; July, 89o. Caah: No. I mixed, SMc; No. 8, Vo; No. I white, 38c. OATS No. a white. 8440; No. I mixed, 8,W33Uo. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $11009 16 50; choice prairie. 812.76I&13.W. RYE Steady; 6S06&C. EOGS Steady; extraa, 28c; firsts, case Included. 274c: seconds, 210. BUTTER Creamery, 0c: packing, 19c. Recelp'.a. Shlpmenta. Wheat, bu 112.000 1K8,0 Corn, bu 63.000 21.000 Oats, bu 6.0UO 7,000 Board of Trade quotations for Kansas City delivery. The range of prices, as re ported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, was: 314 9iW Articles. Open.j Hlgh.j Low. Close. Wheat Deo.. May.... Corn Dec... May.... 68 724 V 8941 ""vri ""724 ""894 ""89" 68 724B. 87 ' Jan. 15 75 18 874 May I 15 96 M m 1 r.l Doe. I 8 60 a 634 Jan. 8 574 ! MV May 8 65 8 70 Rl'm Jan. May No. t rsh quotations wsre as follows: FLOUR Steady ; winter patents. .30i8.o0; wiitter airalghta, $iHili 40; spring patent, ;a MjS v. snrmg atralghta, tl.2iii.W; l.nVers. 8" 4W4.90. . WHEAT No. 8 spring, 7g4c; No. 1 74f aa- v.. S rMi. 71'T4.l'74WO. OOKN No. 1 e; No. t yellow, 46c. OATS No. 1 S3'c; No. 2 white. aoia3tici No. 8 white, 33j3?k. RYE No. X tW4'a5. ..a,m k-y-Fair to "holre malting. 4(Sfr. 8r:EDS-Flax. No, 1. 81.134: No. 1 north-w-stern, 81.314- Cloarer, oootmot gTadea. -v'RIONS 43hort ribs, sides (loose. , IStS.BlS. Pork, meas, per bbl., 816 oa jjurd per 100 lbs., 38.46. Short clear idea, (bced5. 88.874 lft ... , ne rccrii t and shipments of flour and ,n ,re: Receipts. Shlpmenta Flour, bbls . 7"0 What. bu U0u 4 2tO Corn.bU 4.0 1 . fit bu Ry. bl l)00 Barley, bu 1.W0 40.10 On the Producs exchange today the but- a dulrles. fX-- ateady; at mark, cases .... Vw rtrata. xlc: nrlma Arata S4C1 extras. 860. Cheeae, firm, lVA'14e. Adams Express Amal. CouDer .. Am. C. F I,o0 444 434 Am. C. A F. pfd Am. Cotton Oil 900 82 Am. Cotton Oil pfd.. 1U0 914 Am. hJ: press Am. H AL. pfd Am. Ice, securities.. 8u0 874 864 Am. Linseed Oil Am. Linseed Oil pfd Am. Locomotive .... 2J0 75 75 Am. Locomotive tfd Am. S. A R 8,700 153 Am. S. A R. pfd 300 117 Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd cif Anaconda Mln. 00 Atchison Atchison pfd Atlantic C. L. ........ 8a i:j84 1374 137 Hal. A Ohio 91 llg. 1104 1184 Bal. A Ohio pfd 100 924 924 4 Brooklyn R. T 16.800 814 i Canadian Paclflo .... 6.3U0 1974 19o 19&4 Central of N. J 2M Ches. A Ohio 6.700 684 &6 Chicago Gt. W 100 18 18 . 17 C. A N. W., ex-dlv.. 800 208 206 2o6 C, M. A St. P 95,600 194 1874 1H Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C, C, C. A St. L.... 100 93 93 Colorado F. A 1 10,8u0 6S4 664 Colorado A Ho 3u0 874 3,4 Colo. & Ho. lat pra 114 444 1004 ' 90 244 30 864 18 87 74 U04 1524 1524 117 11 4.1U0 1364 135 1344 400 Hl 994 J9 29.900 2924 2.S94 291 44,100 I004 1044 1044 700 IOZ v IVi 101' 1384 1374 11(4 Cone., money .... 864 do am 6611-16 Anaconda 154 Atchison 109 do pfd 106 Bal. A Ohio 123 Can. Pacific 2o4 Ches. A Ohio 604 Reading Chicago Ot. W... 184,So. Railway M., K. A T 43 N. Y. Central 1394 Norfolk A W 9S do pfd 93 Ontario A W 604 Pennsylvania Rand Mines . St. C M. A De Beers .. D. A R. Q do pfd Erie do 1st pfd...., do 2d pfd Illinola Central Louisville A N. P...1954 ,. 314 .. 444 . 89 . 47 ,. 784 ! . 70 ..1S14 .1534 714 774 35T 974" do pfd 80. Pacific 984 Union Paclflo ....1934 do pfd ,. 96 U. S. Steel 514 do pfd li4 Wabash 21 do pfd 44 Spanish 4s 954 SILVER Bar. steady, 814d per ounce. Mu.ti 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 54 per cent; for three months' bills, 64fi64 per cent. - Boston Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar. ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, Oninht: Adventure Alluuex Atlantic Bingham Black Mountain Boston Cons Butte Coalition. Calumet A Aril.. 168 Cal. A Hecla. ...852 Centennial .... Copper Range Dally Wet ... East Butte .... Franklin Greene Copper Granby Helvetia Isle Royal 4Mu..awk 54 Nevada Cons. 13 North Butte 80 Old Dominion 94 Oaceola 31 Pnea. Service 35 Pneu. Serv.. pfd Qulncy Shannon 38 Tamarack 814 Trinity If 4 United Fault ... 114 U. 8., com 234 U. 8.. pfd 28 Utah Cone 14 Utah Copper ... 8 Victoria 234 Winona 22 93 M4 874 68 674 800 674 574 40 13K4 1384 138 600 ' 214 214 214 twi is4 L?0U 2304 ' 228 lower; No. 4, Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, Dec. 11-CORN-Nsw No 8 yellow and No. 1 4040; i 5e; no. R-K-Krm: No. X, 68c whisk r-ai. I Philadelphia ITodoee Market. I tf ''HI LA DELPHI A, Dee. ll-BUTTFR-. Lx K ?rm extra we.t.rn rrtam.ry (official ,,rl ,' u, ; extra nearby prints, 86a. U i.-rLttw.k and 1 cent lower; nearby , 1 . 1 a ,.., rrih. ne at mark. CHFE Firm; Nw Tc-ra. full creams. V0'i44e. tlverpeol Snli nd Provlalens. LIVERPtlOU P. ll-WHF3AT-"pot. nrm; No. red weatern winter 4s J-u-tures. o:t; IvecemUir, nominal; March, isir Mey. s W- CVjf.N 6pU sieaJl American mlxsd. , Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Deo. 11-WHEAT-Mar-ket steady; No. 1 northern. Kl'nMc; Nx a noTtharn. 7Salc; May, 7841(840, bid. RYE Steady; No. 1. 64tc- BARLEY-fileady; No. 2. 6641166c; ajn. pie. 46 65c. CORN Dull; No. a cash, 41jj43o; May, 434o, bid. Ilath Grain Market. DUfSITH, Dec. 11 WHEAT On track: No 1 northern, 7V4c: Ne. a northern, 784c; December, 784c; May, 81c; July, 814o. OATS To arrive, 83c. RYE-610. BAULKY-804349O. Wool Market. BOSTON, Deo. 11 WOOL The features dominating the Boston wool market Is the strength of foreign markets and the small sunuly of wool on sale here. The market Is In a strong position. The demand for clothing territory furnished especial Inter est, fins bringing ea7c, and In several cases 6S0. Skims transactions are reported at 65c while several lines are said to be worth 70c. Pulled wools are In ateady trade. Foreign grades are Arm. Leading domestic OiintallOQS follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. S34?ja4o; X, 8H)82c; No. 1 4ti'41o; No. 1 SMrC;; fine unwashed. 2542 26c; unmerchantable. 2O90c: half blood. unwaanea. sjtiivjc; mririinuii uiuuii, unwashed, S6844c; quarter-blood, un waahed, 834r334c: Delaine, washed. 86407e; Delaine, unwashed, y60c. Michigan, fine unwashed, lKnc: half blood, unwearied. 82tt3c; three-elghtha, unwashed, 874ia4c; quarter blood, unwashed. Ktj&Vjc: Delaine, unwashed. r3o. Kentucky. Indiana and Missouri, combing, three-eighths Mood. 83 ti34c: combing, quarter blood. naai4c. Texas, scoured basis, fine, twelve months, 72iy7ic: fine, six to eight months. f57c; flue, fall clean. 58860o. California, scoured basis, northern choice. 674T6"c: northern good, SMjwVc; middle country, 651166o; south ern. fca?c: fall free, 544J66C. Oregon, scoured basis, eastern, No. 1 staple, 7"o? Ttc; eastern, No. 1 clothing. SUg-TOc; valley. No. 1. 0a2o. Territory, staple, scoured basis, fine. 70tfT?c: fine medium, 6H7tics medium, 4ffTiJ6c. Territory, ordinary, scoured basis, fine, &g)8c; flne medium, eVdWc; medium. 4bW5;. Colorado and New Mexico, spring scoured X. enc; No. 1, 6Jtc. Pulled wools, scoured basil extra, 6ba71o flne A. 8Satc; A, supers, 54ff59c; B supers. ''srLOtHB. Mo., Deo. 11 WOOI--Steady ; medium grades combing and clothing. j.V 87c; light, fine IVinc; heavy, fine, lt-aiic; tub washed, ISO 3740. Saa-ar and Molasses NEW YORK, Dec 11 SUGAR Rw, ateadv: fair r flnlnp. 8 5-19C41 ll-32c: centrifu gal, 96 test. 8 U-l.i3 I7-3U); molasses sugir, 8 1-ltWiV a-;c; renneo. etrnay; o. a, vvr Colo. A So. 2d pfd... Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products Corn Prouucts pfd... Delaware A Hud.... Del. L. A W Denver A R. 0 600 424 424 D. A R. G. pfd 100 84 804 Distillers' Seo 71 tU4 Erie B.tuO 454 444 Erie 1st pfd Erie 2d pfd 6H 67 664 General Klectrlo 3ia) 162 161 n Hock. Val. pfd Illinois Central 7u0 1704 175 Int. Paper TOO I84 Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City So 294 K. C. So. pfd v ei 4 U4 00 Louisville A N 12.9oO 1484 1464 144 Mexican Central .... 15,3)0 274 274 Minn. A Bt. L 2o0 62 62 60 M.. St. P. A 8. 8. M. 700 1614 1494 1494 M.3.P. A SB M. pfd 200 169 I684 it 4 804 229 524 424 bit 094 7S4 66 161 4 Ui 175 18 82 . 7 . 184 .111 . 64 .1374 124 30 100 .. 164 ..107 .. 114 ..108 .. 614 .. 642 .. 354 .. 64 .. 11 ..1674 .. 344 .. 13 Sew York Mlnlnar Stocks. NEW YORK. Dec. 12. Closing quotations on mining stocks were . t .450 .350 . 11 .100 . 68 . 30 .225 L. 8. A Pittsburg 26 Wolverine Massachusetts .. 74Cananea . Michigan 194Nlplsslng . Adams Con 20 Alice 600 Breece 30 Brunswick Con.. 67 Comstock Tun.... 25 Con. Cal. A Va..l06 Horn Sliver 180 Iron Silver 435 Leadvllla Con .... i Little Chief .... Ontario Ophir Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ... Standard Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES Cattle. Omaha 82.6tKir6.R5 Chicago 1.8517.3 Kansas City .0iiH.i5 St. Louis 3.(Mi7.0O The Official" "number of cars of atock brought in today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H r s C, M. A St. P 19 8 Wabash 4 1 Missouri Pacific 10 8 U. P. System 53 a C. A N. W., eaat 7 17 C. & N. W.. west 18 21 C. St. P., M. A O.... 14 8 C, B. A Q.. east 10 8 C, H. A Q , went.,.. 68 27 C, R. I. A P., east... 13 8 C, R. I. A P., west.. .. 8 Illinois Central 8 2 Chicago Great' West. 4 1 Hoes. 13.9tV( 2?4 5 6.606 174 5.7!W.-D 6 9 1 4 23 1 10 10 1 140 63 77 856 i 64 61 108 84 125 20 13 63 100 1407 3.354 1713 8.553 1,006 7S9 Total receipts ....223 The disposition of the dny's receipts wns as roilows, eacn ouyer purcnasing me num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen Omaha Packing Co 827 1.479 1,353 Swift and Company 1.4X5 Cudahy Packing Co 1.713 Armour A Co Armour A Ca., Denver... Vansunt & Co Carey & Benton Iobman A Co McCreary A Carey W. I. Stephen Hill A Son F. P. Lewis Huston & Co Hamilton A Rothschild.. L. F. Hubs Wolf 77 J. H. Bulla 164 Mike Haggerty ,. 42 J. B. Root A Co 87 Z. H. Clark 1 T. B. Inghram 8 Sullivan Bros. 18 V. A. Brltton 19 Sheridan Meat Co. ...1. .. Other buyers 772 Totals , ...7,063 78 1.06S Government Purchases silver. WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 The director of ths mint today purchased 100.000 ounces or sliver for delivery at Denver, snd lOO.OuO ounces for delivery at New Orleans. The ! price paid was 66.kro4 cents per flne ounce. 10,031 7.769 CATTLE There was another liberal run of cattle this morning, not far from 20 cars being reported In. As will be noted from the table at the head of column, re relpts of cattle thla week have been run ning considerably heavier than last week or than a year ago. Yesterday for the first time there were some prime Christmas cattle on sale, but the bulk of the receipts this week has been made up of medium to fair kinds of half-fat stuff. This morning It was evident that packers were still In need of some good cattle and they were free buyers of that kind, for which they seemed willing to pay fully steady prices. In fact, sellers generally re ported their good beef steers as steady with yesterday. On the other hand, the common to medium warmed up kinds were slow and dull from start to finish, with prices anywhere from weak to as much aa 10c lower In extreme cases. Good cows and helfera were alao In quite active demand. They, too, sold freely at steady prices. Sellers, however, who had stock that was not strictly good reported the trade slow with salea weak to lOo lower. The best feeders sold In about the same notches as yesterday and were In fair de mand, as has been the case moat every day of late. Inferior grades were rather slow, owing to there being quite a good many on ale. Representative sales: BEEF STEERb. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. I8.1 1166 4 95 1470 6 95 17 1250 4 90 29 ...1496 B 95 73 13J6 6 30 1 iXU 6 00 60 1326 6 50 19 U03 6 85 COWS. 961 3 00 26.. 1.. 26.. 1.. 5.. I- 7.... 15.... 4.... 18.... 10.... 16.... 7.... . 976 S 00 . 8S6 3 00 . 9-10 3 00 . 918 8 15 .1023 3 20 9f4 3 26 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. It-Today's stat ment of the treaaury balances In the gen- I 4H4 eiai lunu. exuiuajvw 01 inc 91jv.wu.uv goia j,1 I reserve, shows: Available cash balance, mu. ' P34.957.184: gold coin and bullion, $106,614,860; TT.7 ' 'M rerttnuLtea. 170.1U0. ....1011 ....1060 .... 962 ....1310 .... 952 ....1366 ....1176 COWS AM) HEIFERS. . 853 3 45 HEIFERS. 8 60 8 65 a 65 a 70 a 76 4 00 4 35 Missouri Paclflo M., K. A T , M., K. A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd., N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. A W , Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. pfd... No. American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gaa P.. C.. C. A St. L... Pressed Steel Car... Pressed it. C. ptd... Pullma;i Palace Car. 6,S"0 1,200 "'rvio 8.500 96 414 '754 584 6.606 1344 1.700 924 loo 4 700 904 1.1U0 4l4 16.200 139 7.4J0 9u4 1,010 1"0 654 994 94 404 534 1334 '914 904 39 1384 94 844 94 Reading Reading 1st pfd. Reading 2d ptd hepubllo Steel ....... R. S. pfd., exdlv Rock Island Co Rock lbland Co pfd. Bt L. A 8. F. 2d pfd St. L. B. W Bt. L. B W. pfd So. Paoiflc 80. Pacific pfd So. Railway So. Railway pfd Tennessee C. A I Texas A Pacific T., Bt. L. A W T.. Bt. L. A W. pfd.. Union Pacific Union Paclflo pfd.... U. 8. Express U. 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber U. 8. Rubber pfd V. & Bteel U B Bleel pfd Va.Caro. Chemical Va.Caro. C'heui. pfd Wabaah Wabash pfd Welis-Fargo Ex Weeting. Kleclrte .. Western Unloa Wheeling A L. E... Wis. Central Northern Pacific loo 1M4 144 944 404 72 75 564 IIU4 914 o 9u 38 134 944 MV I 99 181 Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Dec. 12. Bank clearings for to day were 82,018.136 M and for the corre sponding date lust year 1, 754.899. 48. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 11 METALS The London tin market was unchanged to a shade lower, with spot quoted al 196 los and futurea at a'19i. Locally the market i was quiet and a shade higher, with apot I quoted at $42.75 bid and $43.00 asked. The 11 993 8 40 11 958 8 80 2. 720 8 60 10 927 4 IS BULLS, 1 1580 2 65 1 1090 a 25 1 14o0 8 00 1 1000 4 00 1 1100 8 00 1 1480 4 10 CALVE8. 8 416 4 00 1 170 6 00 1 190 5 00 1 160 8 00 1 210 B 50 4 167 8 00 2 146 6 50 8 130 6 00 1 130 6 75 1 230 00 i 165 B 75 1 170 6 25 8TOCKE1.B AND FEEDERS. 31 728 8 40 10 761 S 63 81 728 3 40 6 60O 8 75 8 673 8 45 ' 6 740 8 80 110 66 S 46 18 933 4 00 18 6M S 56 2.1 9J0 4 10 4 630 3 61 23 971 4 10 WESTERNS. PfelfTVr A Coffa. Wyoming. 83 feeders.. 1180 7 cows 992 ooppvr market waa higher a?in In the English market, with apot quoted at 104 and futures at 106 15a. Locslly the ad vancing tendency of the market waa again 12 ateera. ...1318 4 In evidence, with lake auoted at IL.lXu1 66 cows 1044 3 65 23.124. electrolytic at 12 5U&22.75 and cast- I McPhee A Mullen, Colorado. lng at 1:2 iii-i 6X Lead waa unchanged at Q bulla 1100 2 2b 19 6s In London and at $5.75ii6.(J6 In New I A. L. Patrick. Wyoming. 1 tors. Bpener was aieaoy in me ioca.J , 1 cows vi" '-- u uuni mm market, w ith snot auoted at 8&.55ti6 60. In 1 4 bulls 1360 2 26 Ixmdon the market was unchanged at 3f W. Warrlner, Wyoming. 4 65 a 75 a ao 1&..4 1404 144 ! 17s 6d. Iron was higher In the LMlUh mar. I 48 feeders. .1046 4 50 400 9u4 9i'4 8.500 8A a. .00 1.600 41 9t4 314 67 394 14 4 13 954 934 h I ket, with standard foundry quoted at 62s 4 and Cleveland warrants at 63s 44d. LvoaJly 1 the market was nrm and unchanged. No-l 8 , foundry, northern. Is quoted at $i.2f26 26; 1 No. 2 foundry, northern. $24 75576; No. 1 4 ; foundry, southern, $25 5ofi 35.76; No. 8 foun t's ur , soumern, ST. LOUIS. Dee. 11-METAIJ4- Lead, firm, B6.874&6.90. Spelter, firm, $0.60. 2s 60 9J4 60O I2v4 1194 1191 I.4O0 JH4 334. &J 300 944 944 4o0 2"0 700 82,4-10 100 1.600 4 65.700 $74 344 544 187 934 874 $44 534 185 934 159 374 ' 34 534 1 Cotton Market. NEW YORK,' Deo. 11-COTTON-Spot cloked quiet; middling uplands, 10.50c; mid dling gulf, 10 75c; no sales. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 12.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet; salea, 1,750 balea; low ordinary, t 7-lec, 'nominal; ordinary, 6 16-16c; . A.,a .,, ,. OI a. I . .... . . I 1 : i w a , . . . ,fr 1 middling. lu3-16c; good middling, 11c; mid- dling fair, 11 9-1 6c. nominal; fair, 13$-16c. ; i Receipts. 24.759 bales; stock, 348.031 bales. ,77 , BT. LOUIS, Mo., Deo. 11 COTTON 107 4 lo74 I074 494 4k4 .153 2) I064 1044 l.ltv 4 P4 SOU 10 100 424 lot4 '424 00 864 84 100 264 -4 , , -1 it f a . a .""'w.. - 7 , . - ... - , 1 - - No. 7. 4 35c: No. 1 4 80r; No. 8, 4 15c; No. 10, I Central Leather 4u6c; No. 11. 4c; no. 11. oc; io. 11. No. 14 $so: eonfwt loners' A. 4 60c; mould A. I loc; cut loaf. I; crushed, 6oc: rw aered, 4-Ikjl;, gr-uul-ied, iM; cubes, i.Obo. Cen. leather pfd... 8o8htn-il Bteel Great Northern pfd. l0'O lut. MeU-ui'OUlvo .... 1. 100 24 5.V 60 4 4 2194 1 "J s4 si4 74 231 I'M 1 l'4 774 44 lOo 34 le 194 29U lo 854 14 tb 614 2194 3o4 lu4 Easy: mid' lng, lo4c; aalea, 16 balea: re celpta, tat tAles; ahlpruents. 623 balea; stock. a - l 1.. ll,iua ayaiicai. 2224 R34 4 34 Oils and Roala. NEW YORK, Dec. 11 OIL-Cottonseed. barely ateady; prime crude, f. o. h. mills. Slo asked: prime yellow, 40c. petroleum, 1 bu'k of ateady: reflnt-d. New lork. $7.50; Phlladel- lala and laUtlnmre, $7.46; Philadelphia and Baltimore. In bulk, $4 35. Turpentine, ateady; tiVMiic. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec. It OIL Turpen tine, firm, 6H4c. ROSIN Firm; quote: A. B, C. D, E. $4 0: F and G. $4 '6: H. $4 16; I. $4 60; K, $515; M. $0.40; N, $i.X, W G, $6 76; W W. Mae. C. N. Walters. Wvomlng. 29 cowa 955 8 00 108 cowa 1028 8 46 8 steers.. ..Uu8 4 40 J. F. Molan-Nsb. 2E feeders.. M 190 Johnson A Anson Wyo. 7 feeders.. 97 4 '6 7 feeders.. 626 8 90 HOGti Receipts of hogs were quite lib eral this morning. 121 fresh cars being re ported In in addition to which there were ten cars carried over from yesterday. The market cloaed up In bad shape yesterday and It openod still worse this morning Buyers started out this morning bidding prices that were 10c. and In many casea 15c, lower than yesterday's average market, that la. they bid right around $6 wki6 06 for right good hogs. 6ome of the heavy pack ers wers holding back and were nut trying to do anything even on thla basis. The raj suit was that very little trading had been done even up to 11 o clock in the morning. Beilera. as a matter of course, made a hard fight to maintain values, but It was impoailble under th conditions prevailing at sll the market pointa Sellers were forctd to give In and when the trade Anally opened It vaa on the baals of prirea that weie a b'g l"c lower than yeaterday'a general market. The big the hoga changed ii.nida in com paratively ahort time af ler tl.ey got started. A little later, however, as some of the hoavlrat buyers filled their orders and dropped out, the market became very dull and alow again, closing I'ijI.m: lower than yratwdav'a market. The r.oga sold larvely at KU"(j4 06, aa agalnat tln).16 yeatar- , tay. Out very prima load of light ha 1 ld up to $4 224. which wa the top price ut IB 4Uy, as agauaal $6274. yesterday r3 nT"T3 J ruth l-M"' 'M' ...'"'"Irili" I""') iff you aro interested in Investments or speculation Stocks In mining, oil or industrial corporations-Railroad or industrial bonds Listed or unlisted securities If you have money deposited In banks or tr jst companies or invested in mort gages or real estate Then write at onca for "King's Finan cial Bulletin," which will bo mailed to you every Saturday Freo of Charge. It is an 0-page newspaper Every line bright, original Prints no advertisements Wears the muzzle of no man, set of men or corporation Covers the entire field of investment and money making Tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about all it v st ments good, bad, Indifferent and the kind to let severely alone Answers all questions about bank 9, mining, oil, railroad and industrial corpor ations without charge In its "Open Court" weekly the entire investment and financial field Points the way to intelligent and profit able investment Boldly warns its readers from the pit falls that beset the investor Calls a spade a spade and fraudulent companies by their proper names in United States English "King's Financial Bulletin" is read every week by mare people than all other financial papers combined because It's different -fearless unafraid Saves millions annually to investors by giving timely warning and advice that Is advice It will be sent free, postpaid, to all who write for it. Address: C. F. KING, Financial Agent Bntlr Fourth Floor, Journal Building, BOSTON, MASS. Wt UKKKK AT rAH KUK A MM I VS. I PKRIOD, 7H GOLD BONDS 0 GUARANTEED STOCK with bonua of tttock In three subsidiary compalnle. TIB FEB CENT 1ER ANNUM GUARANTEED BT rOUB BANK! on stock we are now offering at 30 cents a share in a dividend paying pro Ject Write us for full details. AMERICAN FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CO.. (Repreaentatlves Wsntedl LOB ABOEXaZB, CAW. top. At the time of cloalng this report then were still some hogs unsold. Keprenentauve sales: No. 67.. 42.. 54.. 40.. 81.. 120. 53.. 60.. 78.. 87.. 46.. ttti. Av. ...302 ...279 ...2m ...2s3 ...26 ...3ti2 ...28 ...307 ...2ti5 ...261 ...2S7 .265 8h 180 120 80 80 240 71 255 Pr. I 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 8 00 ... 8 024 ... 8 0J4 200 8 024 ... 8 024 024 No. 240 80 80 80 61... 63... 64... 84... 80... 69... 84... 71... 28... 76... 76... 70... 70 Zli Av. Bh. Pr. .212 80 6 05 160 240 40 100 .2-3 ..2ao ..273 ..2.V) ..i;6 ..241 ..211 ..244 ..215 ..2u ,..'ui ..Wi 40 8 05 6 05 6 06 6 06 6 05 6 10 6 10 6 10 ( 10 6 10 6 124 15 224 SHEKP Receipts of aheep wero quite larg thla morning. In fact, they have been liberal all the week. In spite of the fact that the attention of ahlppers haa been called to the lack of demand for half-fat sheep and lambs every day In these col umns, while circulars sent out by commis sion men have contained cautions along me same line, still shippers have been send ing In far too many that were not suffi ciently finished to meet the requirements of packers at this time of the year. The demand for fair to pretty decent kind? of minions is never very good. Juat previous to the holidays. At this season of the year there Is always a good demand for a fair number of strictly good to choice sheep and Iambi for the Christmas trade. While quite a good many very desirable muttons have been arriving the large sup ply of other grades has more than aatiHtit'd Iackara. Thus with over fifty cara In aight mis morning it was very evident right from th first that there were too manv on sale. The result was tiiat the market opened very slow and weak. Borne little stuff that Juat happened to meet the requirements of some buer sold pretty close to steady, but aside from that the general market was right at log 15c lower than yesterday. The decline seems to . dus entirely to large receipts, especially . f the medium to pretty fair kinds. The only thing for ship pers to do Is to let up a little for a few days, thus glvlngpacker an opportunity to clean up their mirplus. Quotations on killers: Good to cholcn Iambs. 7.00ft7.50; fair to good lambs, ...75i3 T.uo: good to choice yearlings, f0uu.b; fair to good yearlings. 85 5oU6.90; good tJ choice wethers, 6.60(6.76; fair to good wetli ers, 86.21Kb 6.50; good to choice ewea, 36.101 a.SO; fair to good ewea, 34.tMi6.10. Quotations on feedera: Good to chela lambs. 16.0(6.40: medium lambs, 85.60r(i6.uu; light lambs, 84 25t5.'J6; yearlings. b.Wwb 6o; weinera, it itt..v; ewes, 83.6uiu4.tu; breedi: ewes, si ww) ei uu. Representative sale: No. Av. 58 western y'rllngs and wethrs 73 western y'rllngs and wethers 73 W) western ewes Ill 442 native yearlings 91 1(7 Western wethers 93 125 western wethers 94 113 weatern wethers 9ft 115 western wethers 96 501 weatern yearlings 7 ing Pr. 6 00 6 on 6 26 6 5" 6 65 6 6 65 ( ti 15 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Lower Hogs rive to Tea Ceata Lower. CHICAGO. Dec. II. -CATTIaE-Receipts, SOuoo head. Market for choice ateers waa steady, others lo(U15c lower; common to ; prime steers, 34.uuuj7.40; cows, Ix6i4.",6, heifers. t sodrS.OO; bulls, $2 4i'o4 50; calvvs, 13007.50; Blockers and feedera, U ! UOG8 Receipts, head. Market 5rf loo lower; choice to prime heavy, ttUafre' 2u; ; medium to good heavy. H.oi1i6. 10; bu'eher weights, 6.1utji 20; g oil to choke mix d, $H "fcytj.U".4; packing, -i36.GC; pigs, 85.7Ta 6.00. BHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, MOO , head. Market was ateady for b-t. Mhe weak to luc lower; sheep. $.t .'.'.'Hi 00; yuar- llnga, Mf'UW; larnus, j 1. Kanaaa City Lire Slnrk Market KANSAS CITT, Dec. 12. CATTII - Re ceipts, 14.')00 head, Including 3 southerns; market steady to Vtr lower; Cflwa, ateaoy; choice esport and dreeawl br-f aieera. H 4 4iJ 76; fair to good. 84 0tti'5 Jo: wt-etern steers, 83 eij6.40; stockera and ft-edTS, 8J.76 (14 66; wiuthern steer. 82 9r-t 75: a.iothern cowa, t2 ut?j3.76; native cow. 3-'.tw''i4 15; na tive helfera llKllu; bulla. 1: iO'4 uu; calvea. 8'5a5o. litAlA Kecrlpie. -15.000 head; irn'k'l oiaiaed l-w.t lower; lo regained. Top, The Financial World REWVORK CHICAGO 13 Broalwar 109 Itandolph Ste Tho Leading rtnanclal Weekly Valuable to Bankers and Financier ''dispensable to Invattora and speculators Th only (Inanolal publication of Its kind. Bead " for tree earn pie enpy. You will he oonvlnoed 9t It val a and aend your aubscrlptloo. THE FINANCIAL. MOULD 39 Broadway Now York 36.274: bulk of anlea, 86.124'a-22; heavy. $tU5ru3.274: packers, 86.156.26; pigs and. light a, 5.MKu6.15. 8HKEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 8,500 bend; nmrket atrong to 10c higher; top lambs, 87.76; lambs, t6.OorU-7.76; ewes and yearlings, tt.hify-S.LS; wentern yearlings, to. 74 46.00; weeiern aheep, Hlf&i&ii.lW; stockera and feeders, t3.5O&6.10. St. Loots Live Stork Market. , BT. LOCIS,-Mo.. P.C 12. CATTLE Be. celpta, i.ouu head, Including 2.000 Texan;' murket lower: native shipping and export stetra, t5.7o-a7.00; dressed beef and butcher 8tevr, M 4OH6.50; steers under l.OuO pounds, t3.'J54.C0; stockera and feeders. t-, v"a4 50; cows and heifers, t2. 40426.26; can nera. tl.352 50; bulls, t2.35fa4.O0; calves. t3.7&u7.O0; Texas and Indian steer. t!6uj bif), cows and heifers. .'-u3 50. HOGS Receipts, 11.600 head; market 10 10c lower; pigs and light. 85.75413.30; pack era, fi "")). aj; butchers and beat heavy, fi.loff6.25. SlUZKP AND LAM R9 Receipts, 3 800 head; market strong; native muttons, R.OO' il655; lambs, t3.75:u 7.26; culls and bucks, t3.uuu'4.0o; aiockoi's, t-.5oifJ8.26. Slons City Live Stock Market. Biorx CITY. la., Dec. 13. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLK Receipts, 8.5HO head: market weak; atockers lower; beeves, 14.00 Jiti.25; cows, bulls and mixed,. 32 5O4i't.0O: vtockers and feeders, t3.00ru4.oO; calves ana yesrllnas, t2.rVifrS.76. HOGS Receipts, 5.500 head; market tto lower, selling at t5.9i4i4.IK; bulk of sale, t6 C5r . BHEKH AND IV MRS Receipt, 800 head; market steady. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. BT. JOSKPH, Mo, Deo. 12 CATTLE Receipts. 3,xil head; market steady; na tives, t4 0O-'i6 75; heifer, Li.UUIu4.6o; stockera and feedera, t3.0oro4.26. HOGS R-celpts. 10,0rt2 head; market 69 10c lower; top fcL2o; bulk, t6104i174. SH-KP AND. LAMMS RecelpU, 8,900 head; n arket ateady; lamb, 7.6; year lings, Wm, wether, 35.75. . Stock la Slaht. Receipt cf live trck at the Ix principal weatern marketa yeaterday were a follows South Omaha Bioux City .... Kanaa t'ity .. St. Joaeph .... St. Lout Chicago ....... Total. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. ,. eon t 14,000 ,. 8.5o0 6.5m) 3J ,. 14a0 15. ( I fr4 .. Sail 10.(162 t4 .. T.OO 11 K tfrJ ,. 30.0U0 12,000 28.UU0 . . 68,311 51,2 67.M Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 12. COFFDE Mark for cotTee futurea opened ateady at a da cllne of lofil5 H)inla. in reaonae to lower cable and continued hetvy recelpta. There wis some DurojKnn selling and lo.-al liqui dation at the doc line to a new low record for the seaaon, but there was also some covering, and a scattered demand for long account, on which prlcea Improved some, what during the middle aesslon. The close waa me.idy at a net decline of tfi 10 polnia Sles were reKrted of 67.750 bags. Includ ing Jnriiary. 6,ic: Vay, 6 4fr5 60c; June, 5 5''8rc; Julv. 5 7Ml6ioc: Auguat. I-; 'ei.iernber. 6 aj'o5 90c, and October, t.KiJ e coc. I vnporiilfil Apples a4 Dried Fralts. NKW Y'rltK, flee. 12. VTV A I'ORATKJl API'l r.S The market la a aliade easier ow. Ins to the lena active demand ard free ui ferinka for future ahp'tient. Fancy are qioi.d at 99'hC, etiole at 43, prlni at kaateW. I 1 1 7