him OMAILY DAILY BEE: TTTXIRSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 100G. 8 PCLLIAM SUICEEDS HIMSELF Fresident of Eational Bait Bill Le&ene Be-eUcUd with Little Opposition. SCHEDULE COMMITTtE IS APPOINTED It ia Iaatraeted to Irpr for 104 Gumti and Report to Mretloa; to lit Held la March. NEW YORK. Dec. 12. -Harry C. Pulllam ws ra-elected president at today's fusion of the annual meeting of the National Lague of Bane Dall clubs. John Heydler, who for some tlrns has been private sec retarjr to President Pulllam, was chosen secretary and treasurer, the constitution of tha league providing that either one or two men may be chosen to fill the three offices. The following board of directors was elected: Barney Dreyfuss of Plttsburs;. Charles K. Xibbetts of Brooklyn, Oarry Herrmann of Cincinnati. Charles W. Murphy of Chicago and George K. lovey of Boston. A committee on constitution was ap pointed, consisting- of Messrs. Brush, Herr mann and Ebbetts, while Messrs. Dreyfuss, Hanlon and Murphy were named a com mittee on playing rules. There was considerable discussion on the question of uniform tickets for all of the elubs. Messrs. Ebbetts, Dreyfuss and Brush were appointed a committee to ar range for such a ticket. An amendment to the constitution was adopted providing that ball parks shall have properly equipped dressing rooms for the visiting dubs. For failure to keep the rooms In order the club will be fined $25 a day, upon the complaint of tbs visiting club. Election of Officers. When the election of officers came up, President Pulllam called Garry Herrmann, president of the Cincinnati club, to the ohalr. Mr. Pulllam was then nominated to succeed himself by M. 8. Robinson of St. lxuls, and the nomination was sec onded by Charles E. Ebbetts of Brooklyn. At this juncture Mr. Herrmann de clared: The Cincinnati club will not rote on the proposition of election of a president, but as president of the Cincinnati club, I de sire to say that In the event of the elec tion of Mr. Pulllam he will have the un qualified support of the club, and especially will he have the earnest support of the Cincinnati club In the enforcement of dis cipline on the ball field. There were no other nominations for president and the roll was oalled. Six clubs voted in favor of Mr. Pulllam. New York, through John Brush, voted "No," and Cincinnati did not vote. Heretofore the president of the league has made out the schedule, but the meeting de cided that this officer had enough work to do and a schedule committee consisting of Ebbetts, Dreyfusa and Murphy was ap pointed to "attend to that Important work and to report at the spring meeting In March. The committee was Instructed to meet the American league and vote for a schedule of 164 games. This Is the same number of games called for In last season's schedule. .-.. The meeting will be continued tomorrow. Bssqset for fonaa and Sodcn. The retirement after thirty years of base ball activity of William H. Conant and Arthur H. Soden was the occasion of a tes timonial dinner at the Waldorr-Astorla to night, tendered the former owners of the Boston club by the magnates of the Na tional league. Each of the veterans was the recipient of a loving cup. President Pulllam presided and in a speech declared hat base ball owed mere to the guests of the evening than could ever be repaid. Mr. Conant and Mr. 8odn responded feelingly, the latter offering the toast: "May the National game outlive the young est man here." MEETING OF AMERICAN LEAGIE Salary of President Johnson Raised to ftl.1,000 a Year. CytCAiOO, Dec. 12 At the meeting of the American Base Ball league today the salary of President Ban Johnson was In creased from $10,000 to $15,000 a year. This action wss taken upon the motion of Charles Comlskey of the Chicago club. The question of shortening the schedule to 140 games Instead of 1M- as prevailed last season was the principal subject discussed at the gathering, but after a lengthy dis cussion it was decided that the 1M games were .necessary, so the schedule next year Will remain the same as last year. Charles W. Bummers of the Cleveland club was re-elected vice president of the league. There was no election to the pres idency, President Johnson's term of office does not expire until 1910. The-new board of directors appointed consists of the representatives of the clubs from Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis and Detroit. With the conclusion of this business It was the general opinion that the meeting; would reach final adjournment, but It was decided to hold another meeting tomorrow. Reports of the exchanging of players MEN CURED FOR $6 The above price simple diseases. Includes only plain, CURED GUARANTEED In 'all curable diseases of men for the lowest charges possible with good service, INCLUDING MEDICINES. FEE AND ALL, on EASY TERMS AND SMALL PAYMENTS. ttlseaaea of man can and should bs enrsd for a price that would correspond wita aba nature of the Olssase. Why charge $as when the disease oonld Nully be oared for 910. f Give Ivsry Mas a Square Deal. PP MrTPfW on of oldest and 1I. IflLUIlLlI moat rellsbls specialists of 10 "YEARS' EXPKK1KNCE In the treatment of all forms of diseases of men. 1 YKAH8 IN OMAHA. Electricity la Zvsry Torm fov All Diseases rrea. CVER 30.000 C4ea cured, Symptom blank, valuable book for men. IT'S ALL KHt-K and Confidential Treatment by malL , Office houra all day and to t.lt p. nL, Bunday, to 1. Call or write. Box 7(f. OfPce til South Fourteenth street, Omaha, Neb. Every Vcisaa hhssnim Humid tmr fdfavswaK. . f ' I f b. nnuutati.l7 the XS'., yiurr. IM.I Mian giants faf biurr. iM,i Mtd a K.itric4 K.- ft ftv lull iioouil ln iir4t-,i I. vsIuim i. 11 is. Mtaifci. f -a - MIIISM lutLk. For 8.i ie by HEHMAN M CuNNkLL DRUG CO, Win and Mod en. MYEH3-DII.LON' 1'RLiJ CO., fL a. Cur. IftiU abd uutut feUa, ". IMS- were numerous, but up to a late hour to. r!sht there no one who knew of any of the proposed deals having been closed. The disposal of Juke Ptahl, former man. a(rer of the Washington team, was the rhlef figure In the bartering gums, several of the clubs being anxious to secure his services.. Jimmy Collins, for many years manairer of the Boston team, was also wanted by two or three of the magnates. nut so far none or them has been success, ful In maklna a trade for this player. At the meeting of the d. rectors, which was held before the annual slathering. 1h championship pennant for 1M was awarded to the Chicago team. MISTAKES OF HERMAN BACKER Error Made In Allnrrtna Gaaa to Modify Weight Clnnae. Kid Herman's manager seems to have made a serious mistake In allowing Joe Gans to Insert that $2,000 conditional weight clause. Otto Kioto sums the cse up as foliows: "A great deal of Interest In the stiproachlng lltcht weight battle between Kid Herman of Chicago and Joe Guns, the present champion, has been taken away by the action of Gans in Inserting in the new articles of agreement that If either man Is over weight he must forfeit $2,000 and agree to tight Just the same. There Is no chance for Herman being over weight, for he is much the smaller man and can easily make the legitimate limit 133 pounds ring side so. that the new proposition must be for the benefit of Gans and not Herman. It means that Gans has all the better of the weighing bargain, although when the match was made he appeared to be giving way to Hermsn In everything. At the legitimate light weight limit Herman was gaining friends, because they knew that Gans would have hard work making 133 pounds two hours before the contest, especially In colder weather than when he worked for his bout with Battling Nelson. They were willing to take the Herman end of the contest, but under the new conditions the chances are that few bets will be made on the Chicago bov. Oans need not worry about making weight now, for he can for. felt the $2,noo and go Into the contest strong and weighing nearer the welter weight limit than the light weight. To a man as clever as Gans It will mean a big advan tage, and the wonder Is that Nate Iewls. manager of Herman, ever stood for such a change In the srtMes. Oans could well afford to forfeit $2,000 when It would rrae. tlcallv mean the long end of the $20,000 purse for him. Herman Is training faith, fully for the battle, and his friends would be pulling all the harder for him to win now since Gans has seen fit to Impose con ditions that will give him all the better of the argument. It only goes to prove that Blllr Nolan, manager of Battling Nelson, was A pretty shrewd fellow and knew what he was about when he made Gans toe the scratch regarding wele-ht conditions and the like, even though be did make himself un popular with the sporting public. If Her. man could d' the same thing now, his chances of winning would be much brighter. It only demonstrates once more the old saying that a match well made Is a match half won." Here Is what the Milwaukee Sentinel thinks of Scrappy Jack Doyle: "A good manv of the local patrons and admirers of the Brewers thought that when Joo Cantlllon left Milwaukee the mainstay of tho club had been withdrawn. This was true, but In a modified way. Joe Cantlllon Is n great manager. No better evidence of the fact Is presented than that his managerial services command a salary of $10,000 a year, but Scrappy Jack DoyK who has recently been selected as his sue. cesser. Is no mean rival In ability. 'The new manager knows base ball from beginning to end. He has engaged In all branches of the game, from player to man aer. and he has been among the best In all those branches. He has many of the characteristics that Cantlllon possesses and consequently may reasonably be expected to make a worthy successor to the former manager. . With a real scrappy manager i in heart of the team there is no reason to fell . t inrl natrons will give the team support and toyalty Jack Doyle will look after the rest of It." The Inlury to Jensen's arm, which was sustained In his boxing bout Tuesday night w:th McMahon, may keep him out of his fight with Kid Campbell a week from Frl dav. Jensen Is a game youngster and noth-ir,- hut a fracture will keen him from ful filling his engagement on me appumiea day. The skating season on the Ice Is again set back by the coming of the warmer weather, for the Ice on the lakes Is so thin It will not stand much of a thaw and yet carrv. the skaters. No sttempt has been made to fill the new rlnk at Twentieth and Farnam streets, as the proprietors are wait ing for the coming of real winter when the water will be turned on and the youths will hae an Ice rlnk In the heart of the cltv. Rol'er skating will be resumed Sat urday and next week the devotees of the ball-bearing skates will have the Audito rium all to themselves. The Incomparable and eccentric Rube Waddell was recently In custody for nnn psyment of a board bill, but escaped his rural captor by Jumping into an automo bile and hiking for parts unknown. The seeming simplicity of the Rube Is a good dismiss for one who la thoroughly "city broke." BICYCLE RIDERS STILL BUNCHED All Attcmpta to Gala a Lap for Special Prlsea Fall. vrw Trffllf Teo. II. Interest In the six- day bicycle grind around the ten-lap track of Madison Square Garden has not flagged since the stsrt, shortly after midnight last Monday morning. The attendance so far la away ahead of all previous races here, although the riders are many miles behind the record. . . At 9:80 tonight the management closed the ticket office and refused to admit any more people Into the building arena, as the police authorities were afraid of a panic on account of the congested condition In the Garden. The score at midnight was 1.291 miles and 4 laps for all teams excepting Walthour and Bedell, who had covered 1.291 miles and 1 laps. The record at this hour la 1.414 miles and 8 laps, made by Miller and Wal ler In 1S99. WITH THE HOWLERS. The Gold Tops met . their Waterloo last nlrht on the Metropolitan alleys. The little El Caudlllo team took two games from them. The playing of neither was brilliant, but for closeness It was the best of the season. C. Primeau" nf the Gold Tops, after starting out bad. picked up eon. atderanle In his next two games by getting two 209 scores and being high for three games with M8. Bauman, Paxton and Hln. rlehs Just did scratch at their 610. Tonight the Colts versus O'Brien's Monto Chrlstos. GOLD TOPS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total H. Primeau 14 1M 15.2 4T2 C. Primeau 134 20 2"4 K Mahoney 14 142 ir. 4 Grotte 14 1 130 43 White 152 136 156 444 Total Tfi I EL. CAUDILLOS. 1st. 21. Caughlln H 210 McLean H l'J , H'umin 170 173 Paxton 154 lit Hinrlchs 176 152 801 2,357 3d. 129 135 157 196 174 Total. 4S S77 fieO 506 tics Total 783 B 7 790 RINGS Frenxer, 16th and Dodge. Notable at New York. NEW YORK, Dec. 12. Whltelaw Reld. American ambassador to the court of Ht. Jamil, and Mrs. Reld urrlved today on the (earner Kronpiins Wllhelm. W. V. Roda wlts. son of the German ambassador at Mairtd, who comes here to take the post of second secrvtary of the German embassy at Washington, also was a passenger on the Kronprtns Wllhelm. Pood Reaches Imprisoned Miners. BAKERSF1ELD. Cal., Dec. 1-At the Kxlison I'ower company's camp L. 11. Illcks, one of the miners entombed by a cave-in last Friday morning la reported cheerful today, though It la apparent that h cannot be reached Inside of four days. Nourishment Is being lowered . to him through a pipe. Trtdm Hit V! w nuA-sir r ii ia ro twiraa w tar m siir Miu(d i-olttm. f Ml.ttr llituld tKoita. f ,1. S trtll!t.ttt lualrf),! Nor uun our. I idiuM rpt. 1 1 iris. ,s H i-Jim St. . N as ut.it m nrili:t lux r Isim.nt 4 rl A ('.. Atfl V ' - fHf.-iaW RAYNER ON THE JAPANESE V aryland Senator Dtfendi Courts of tohcol Beard f Fan I racoisco, EXPRLSSES FEAR OF EXECUTIVE POWER la Speech la Seaate Coarse of Presi dent la Matter of Oriental At teadance at Schools Is Attacked. WASHINGTON. Dec. 11 Much Interest was manifested in the senate In the posi tion defended by Senator Rayner today In his discussion of the Japanese question. He contended that the inherent right of a state could not be violated by treaty any more than they could ' be violated by con gress. To support this he cited many ad judicated cases before the supreme court, and arrayed long line of eminent authori ties. Mr.' Rayner also gave the cases and au thorities of the other aide to the proposl-' tlon. He was Interrupted many times In this constitutional argument by senators who wished to bring out srpeclfic points. Mr. Rayner spoke for mora than an hour. Caustic criticism of President Roosevelt's position of the Japanese question prefaced Senator Rayner's discussion In the senate today of the constitutional questions In volved. If the military and civil forces of the federal government were to be used by the, president, Mr, Rayner said. It be came very Important to know the exact power of the president In the matter. "Because," he added, "It Is quite a serious matter In view of the great" calamity that has lately befallen the city of San Fran cisco for the president to contemplate the bombardment of the city at this time and declare war against the boards of county school trustees of California If there is no justification or pretext upon which such proceedings can be undertaken. If he can take possession of the publlo schools of California and compel the state to admit the Japanese students contrary to the laws of California, he could with equal propriety send us an amendment to the Santo Domingo treaty and demand the ad mission of the negro children of Santo Domingo Into the white schools of South Carolina or of any other states of the union. Position of Speaker. "Of course. If the people have come to the conclusion that everything that the president recommends Is right then there Is hardly any use In contesting any of his propositions and InBtead of conferring upon him the power to give congress In formation of the state of tho .union we might confer upon him the function of furnishing his own peculiar views upon the entire state of the universe and re commending any Improvements or changes In the general plan of creation that he may deem expedient from the cradle to the grave." Mr. Rayner proposed, he said, to plant himself on these two propositions: '' .l".e n,. JPr First That there Is no provision what gives to the government of Japan the privileges that It claims In connection with the public school system of California or of any other state Second If there was such a provision In this treaty, or any other treaty conferring this right the treaty would be void and without any authority upon the part of the United 8tates to make It and In violation of the constitution and the treaty making power of the government PROCEEDINGS OF THE UOUSB Pnblle Printer Instructed to Use Venal Orthography la Documents. WASHINGTON, Dec. .-The house to day began the consideration of the legis lative, executive and Judicial appropriation bill by paragraphs and completed thirty four pages of the bill before adjournment. Several hours were consumed In debating an amendment referring to simplified spell ing, with the result that the original pro vision on that subject was eliminated and another amendment adopted. The new pro vision Instructs the public printer to use the orthography generally recognized by the standard dictionaries. The house ad journed at 4 p. m. until tomorrow. For hours today the debate on simplified spelling held the attention of the house and a score or more members took part In the discussion. ( Representative Crumpacker of Indiana made a point of order against the original paragraph In the bill which provided that public documents should be spelled as Web ster's or other generally accepted diction aries spell them. This provision was held to change exist ing law and the point of order was sus tained. Representative Bingham of Penn sylvania. In charge of the bill, then offered an amendment with the above provisions, which was adopted. During the discussion Mr. Sullivan of Massachusetts remarked that If the presi dent by "Imperial ukase" could change the spelling of 300 words of the English lan guage he would have the authority Co change 30,000 words, or every word In our language. If this could be done, he thought a new court language might be established by leg islative decree for the new American em pire. "We got along rery well with the Eng lish language until the reign of the present president of the United States," said Mr. Sullivan. Representative Lacey thought the para graph as originally reported should remain In the bill. He said the new words were offensive to the eye, but "perchance by con stant association we might get used to them." "To put them by executive order Into the laws of the land before they have reached literature," remarked Mr. Lacey, "la get ting the thing wrong end foremost. Lit erature cornea first, orthography afterward. Let this congress put this declaration Into law; It Is not enacting anything, but It Is simply protesting against Interference with established custom as It haa been followed for more than one hundred years." While Mr. Grosvenor was discussing the amendment Mr. Towne of New York asked him whether the item referred to was not "on page 23. beginning with line 33?" "Tea, I believe ao," replied Mr. Oroa venor. "Then la not that double aklddoo, and If ao. doea It not of neceaslty go out?" "Oh, that's an old story," replied Mr. Grosvenor, amid laughter. Xomlnatloaa by President. 'WASHINGTON. Dec. II. The pneeident today sent the following nominations to tha senate: Ambassadors Extraordinary and Pleni potentiary Henry White, Rhode Island, to France; Lloyd C. Grlscom, Pennsylvania, to Italy, John W. Kldcile, Minnesota, to Russia; Irving B. Dudley, California, to Enioy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary-Leslie Combe, Kentucky. U Peru. Cons nesolnUoa la Senate. WASHINGTON. Pec. li. Tha Contro Free State resolution Introduced by Senator Lodge waa taken up by tha senate com mittee on foreign relations. Most of the time was occupied by Senator Morgan, who read a long letter reciting alleged brutali ties In thi Congo country. Consideration of the resolution will be continued. East It I.aala Haa Complaint. WASHINGTON. Pec It Complaint waa filed alth the Interstate Commerce com mission today ty tha Uartlett Commlsalon co'npany of LacSt. Louis against tha 1111- ... v nols Central and various other railways, charging them with maintaining rates of 1 cents a hundred pounds In addition to regular rates from Cairo, III., to south eastern points when shipments originate on other than these lines and are not re conslgned at East St. Louis. They claim that this Is discrimination against East St Louis, a distribution market PHILIPPINES KEEDi TBACHEItS. Civil Service Kxasalaatloaa Will Br Held to Fill 120 Vacancies. WASHINGTON. Dec. i2.One hundred and twenty additional American teachers are wanted in the Philippines for the next school year according to a cablegram re ceived today from Manila by the bureau of Insular affairs. Fifty of these are to be ap pointed at entrance salaries of $1,300 and the remainder at smaller amounts. The appointees will be selected from those passing the sen-Ice examinations and will go to the Islands under two-year con tracts, although It was stated today that the majority of those going over In previous years have remained In the service for a much longer time. The examinations will be conducted throughout the country on December 27 and 28. Resolution for New Treaty. WASHINGTON. Dec. 12.-A resolution was laid before the senate today by the vice president st the request of Senator Gcarin giving It as the consensus of opin ion of the senate that negotiations be en tered Into with Japan definitely defining the rights of each country under the ex isting treaty, with a view of securing such modification . of this treaty as will abso lutely prohibit the entrance Into the United States of Japanese coolie laborers. No ac tion was taken on the resolution. Metcaira Report for Congress. WASHINGTON. Dec. 12.-Presldent Roosevelt has decided to send to congress on Tuesday next the report made by Sec retary Metcalf of the Department of Com merce and Labor Into the alleged dis crimination against the Japanese In San Francisco In the matter of schools and In other ways. Reception at White Honae. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12,-Mrs. Roosevelt received the members of the diplomatic corps and their families today. Mrs. Long worth and Miss Hagner, Mrs. Roosevelt's secretary, assisted in the dining room, and Captain McCoy of the preldent's staff pre sented the guests. ' Nominations Reported. WASHINGTON. Dec. 12,-FavorabIe re ports were ordered today by the senate committee on Interstate commerce on the nominations of Judson C. Clements of Geor gia, James 8 Harlan of Illinois and Edgar E. Clark of Iowa to be Interstate commerce commissioners. Sennt Wants Information. WASHINGTON, Dec. ll-The senate to day adopted a resolution calling on the president to furnish Information and all correspondence relative to the selsure by the Mexican government of the fishing schooner Silas Stearns. few Treaty Favored. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12.-The senate com mittee on foreign relations today author ized a favorable report on a treaty with Guatemala In relation to patents. DI AMON DS Frenser, 16th and Dodge. MOB TRIES TO LYNCH NEGRO White and ' Colored Nelshbora of Victim Threaten Alleged Fiead. Charged with criminal assault at various times upon Mrs. Amanda Reemen, Forty first street and Patrick avenue, Robert Robertson, a negro bricklayer, who lives at 4012 Parker street, narrowly escaped being lynched Tuesday night by Indignant neighbors and was arrested by Detectives Drummy and Maloney late Wednesday afternoon. It is charged that the colored man committed the assaults repeatedly upon the woman, who Is white and 4t years of age. In the presence of her hus band. The negTO, It Is charged, threatened the life of both Mr. and Mrs. Reemen If they did not keep quiet regarding the al leged crimes and It was not until Tuesday afternoon that neighbors were advised of them. Mr. and Mrs. Reemen are simple, hard-working people and are said to be rather weak-minded and .were, therefore, overawed by the negro. A large crowd of people, white and colored, gathered Tuesday night, bent on lynching Robert son, but were Anally deterred by Ted Hunter, a saloon keeper at Forty-first and Parker streets. The neighbors were very much excited and many colored cltlxens of the vicinity desired to take summary ac tion with Robertson. The negro was captured by the detec tives where he was employed, at Fifty third street and Military avenue. He de nied the charges In toto and said that it was a story emanating from the brains of the weak-minded couple. Robertson is a short, heavy-set negro about S feet 4 Inches In height and very dark in color. Annoaneements of the Theaters. With the eight Vassar girls on the pro gram and an abundance of lively comedy the women are promised an excellent and fitting entertainment at the Orpheum's popular price matinee today. The Vassar girls do a versatile musical turn and show some dainty dances, finishing with their grand electrical ballet In which the stage and their costumes are decorated with thousands of tiny Incandescent lamps. For the children, the feature of note will be Jtaffayette's dogs. Owned by I'. . Oovernment. The Hot Springs of Arkansas, the na tion's cure and pleasure resort. Fine win ter climate; W hotels at all prices. Write Bureau of Information for book. Cemetery Association Formed. For the purpose of managing the dlocean burying ground the Holy Sepulchre Ceme tery association has beeen Incorporated un the laws of the state. The Incorporators ar; Rt. Rev. Richard Bcannell, bishop of Omaha; Rt. Rev. Augjstln M. Colanerl, vicar general of the diocese of Omaha; Rev. Patrick McGovern, rector of the ca thedral; Patrick C. Ileafey, John Power, LID) CROW Y mi l in run. J AND "THE BEST." BOTTLED IN BOND PURITY AGE Look for the word "RYE" in red on label. Distillery: Woodford Co.. Ky. WE ADD YEARS TO LIFE AND LIFE TO . YEARS - '.:. ' ' J i ( i CX..:.Z..li In this enlightened age of the twentieth century a Doctor's ability should be determined by and not by ethical standing or egoatlcal and boasting statements. When one has long studied and mastered a Kindle, class of diseases.' acquiring knowledge and skill that would be a blessing an.i benefit to his fellow man. It Is not only his privilege, but his duty , to say so through the medium of press, and he should not nllow false pride tMedlcal Ethics) to keep from others that ,whlch ( would relieve their suffering and make their lives longer und happier. -The State Medical Institute has long been established for the purpose of saving young men, mlddle-nired and old m-n rrom the evil results of their own neglect and Ignorance and to save them the disappointment of failure, loss of time and money often spent In experimenting with Incompetent, unscrupulous specialists, new methods quick cure delusions, no-pay-unt II -ciiroiT deceptions, and the various other mlFlendlng statements often used by unscrupulous and unreliable medl.-nl con. . nis or doctors for the purpose of obtaining patronage. You are Just as safe in dealing with the Ptate Medical Institute as wlih any state of national bank. The State Medical Institute has been the salvnlinn of multitudes of men and Its conservative, honest, upright . and clean business methods, unexcelled equipment, etc.. iind the hich character, long experience and scientific M7:,'nm'v.n" its specialists, It has established a reputation as a place where all suffering men can go with full confldonce, knowing that they will be fairly dealt with, skillfully treated and promptly cured. Longest Established Institute for Lien y BLIGHTING EFFECTS OF WEAKNESS There are thousands of men whose minds are weak and Im paired, and whose bodies are unsound and diseased. They buf fer from ailments of youth, which weaken their physical und mental powers. They are weak, nervous, tired, dlzxy, languid, despondent and absent-minded; have weak, aching back, palpi tation of the heart, capricious arpetlte, a constant fear of Im pending danger, which unfit thorn for work, study or business. Are you one of these men? Are you staggering under the burden of a secret weakness which Is a slow but sure drain on your strength and vitality? In your present condition are you fit to hold a responsible position? Can anybody rely on you or can you rely on yourself? Is your body almost wrecked and your brain In a whirl? It Is terrible to be In that condition, but It Is still worse to allow the trouble to progress and become more aggravated, for It may then fill your whole life with failure, misery and woe. There are thousands of ruined and cheerless homes, filled with discontent and unhapplness, lacking In love and companionship, through the weakness of men whose years do not Justify such a condition. We have gladdened the hearts of thousands of young and middle-aged men, restoring them to specimens of p hysical manhood, full of vim, vigor and vitality. Consultation and Examination Free: DON'T MAKE A MISTAKE IN THE NAME AND LOCATION OF OUR INSTITUTE. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 FARNAM STREET, Between 13th and 14th Sts. William J. Coad and Joseph Reckmsn. These are also named as the trustees. The clerical members of the board of trustees are ex officio members. Vacancies In tho lay membership are filled by the majority of the lay members from the membership of the Catholic church. The Western Bridge and Construction company, with a capital stock of 7.,(M), haa filed articles of incorporation. The In corporators are F. J. Rlrss, R. A. Swartout, H. W. Anderson and John W. Towle. Photo Frames Copley, Jeweler, 215 S. 16th. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. aeorne D." I-ong to Harry White, -8 lot 8, block IS. Omaha $20,600 Sarah Q. Schlnlfer and husband to Phillip Schlatter, cV, lot 6. block 4, First Add. to Fowler Place, South Omaha V"A"; ",'"' 1,600 Maggie Quinlan to Hannah Quinlan, er? ft lots 1 and 2, block 4, Kountce VMam"p."'Reed and wife to Edgar A. Balrd, lots 32 and 33, block 4, Campbell's Add 2.300 Edgar A. Halrd to Arthur R. Kee line, same 2,200 B. W. Homan to M. L. Learuet, swl nw4 swV, sec. lti-16-13 1,400 John R. Gardner to Amanda M. Ed wards, lot 8. block 4, Sherwood's 8ub.. and nH lot 34, Millard & Cald well's i,"-",",' 2'30) Louis Ponied ft and wife to Patrick Flneran. nlOO ft. eV4 lot 11, block 2, Rush & Selby's, South Omaha 600 John W. McDonald to George W. Henry, wV eV4 lot 4. block . Pat rick's L668 George W. Henry te Ellinbeth H. Charlton, lot 4. block 6, Patrick's.. 1 John C. Cowln and wife to Daniel F. Corte, Mi lot 6. block H8, Omaha 7,000 F. W. Carmlchael to Benson 1-odR-e No. laiU, Fraternal Order of Eagles, lots 13 and 24. block 21, Benson 1 The Florence Company tn Thonuis H. Miles, lots 8 and 9. block 4, Grain mercy Park 450 Cnlted States Mortgage nnd Trust Company to Fred C. Shields, s4 nw'A seVi sw4 sec. 18-15-13 1,260 George & Co. to Anne Kohlberg and hiiKlmnd, s'J8 ft lot 1, block 7, Reed's First 1 Sorena Hanson and husband to Gun Ilia Nordqul8t. r.25 ft lot 15. Hnd s12H ft lot 16. block 2, Okahoina Park 2.50. M. E. Simmons to the First Baptist Church of Benson, lot 10, block 6, Halcyon Heights Si, John W. McDonald to Lou's D. Holmes, el'4 ft H sVi lot i'J. Gise's Add 170 John I. Green to John E. George, lot 10. block 116, Dundee Place 1 John E. George to Frank 11. Gaines, same 1 The Educational Society of the West (German Conference of the MethodWt Episcopal Church to Frank H. Gaines, same Uvi Total $:t6.143 FT WHISKEY ID CROW r-O'H Pma is STRENGTH Distributers: Riley Bros.'s Co.. Omaha State Medical Institute 1308 Farnam St. Between 13th and Mth Streets OMAHA, NOB. NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD POISON, SKIN DISEASES. RUPTURE. KID NEY and BLADDER diseases and all difeaeP3 and weaknesses of MEN due to neglected, unskillful or Improper treatment which Impairs the mind and de- ptroya men's Mental and Physical Powers,' reducing; the sufferer to that deplor able state known as Nervous Debility, making the enjoyment of life Impossible. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE OF OTHERS When you are sick and suffering with a diseiise that Is sapping your life away you should not experiment with free treatment propositions or Incompetent doctors or specialists. It Is then you need the very best, the most skillful and successful treatment.' Come to the State Medlcul Institute, where you are sure to ;get the best. Don't wait until your whole system Is polluted with " disease or until your nervous system Is tottering under the strain, and you become a physical and mental wreck, untlt for work, study : or business With certain diseases and weaknesses you cannot afford to delay. You mnt conquer them at one" by the rifcht treatment or they will Mil your whole Ife with failure, misery.. and woe. Uncertain. Improper or half-way treatment can only do harm.. ; The worst cases we have treated wero those thnt bnd been lm-' properly trented before coming to us, seme having been malrrwd,, for life by bungllne surgical procedure. We cure hy restoring nnd .. preservlne tmiortant orcans We do not advocate their tno'llla tlnn or destruction In an effort to mnke n quick cure. .. Every afTMeted man owes It to himself and everyone else to get crcd ssfelv and thorouehlv. We w'll make a thorough, searching and scientific ernmlnstlon ' of your fll1mnts free n' charge, nn exsmlnatlon thnt will dlscloso your true physical eondlt'en. w'thct n nf which, you nre sxontnfr In be dark. We wnnt nil ailing men to feel can come to this Institution feelv for en exsmlnatlon nf fhetr,. condition without vcng boon' by any obligation whatever to take : treatment unless Oiey so desire. Office Hours : 8 10 tn 1 nnlv. Tf HAVANA, CUBA, AND RETURN -VIA- ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD THROUGH NEW ORLEANS. Tickets on sale December 18th, 19th, and 20th. Good to return leaving Havana Jan. 9th, 1907. Steamship re servations should be made now. RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS AT y TY TICKET 1402 Farnam ii.il mi. iinii iimii pui m innun mil Cheap for the HOLIDAYS December 20. 21. 22. 23, 24, 25, 30 and 81,' 1906, and . January 1, 1907. Ticket old on these dates between all stations on Rock Island Lines at special rate of i Fare and one-third for the round trip Minimum rate 25 cents. Tickets food to and including January 7, 1907. a. Talk with the Rock Island man about your trip. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. t 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS P: v ''4' ' V ' :,.. lfq;. A' -21 a. m. to 8' p. m. Sundays, von cannot call, write. OMAHA; NEBRASKA.' is ' n7T-wnvs an. OFFICE Street. Omaha. ..i. mi ii . .." 4'. JUii. ates P. A 2) R Hi i