Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Eicludt-Conutock Cass Liktly t to to
Areimsut Friday.
DrlK Has a Sarariae to Spring la
the JV amber ( Witnesses,
rw Bicn T 111
land Investigations and I am Kept on the
SO constantly. My visit here Is to look In
onto this (rial, though I shall not take any
part In tt, as we dfcrn It to he In excellent
hands. .
"I am not In a position to Mate Just what
th government may do regarding; coal
lands already acquired by the railroads
and others, by whatever process of require
ment, but I do think that no More coal
lsnds will be soRreitated from the control
of ths government.'.' ,
Judge Burch left for Washington Wednes
day afternoon. .
WATCHES Fremer, 16th and Dodge,
The twentieth ttay of the land trial began
Wednesday morning with J. C. Pettyjohn
still on the stand for the purpose of Identi
fying filings on tha records of the Valen
tin land offlca 'during his administration
as registrar.
Following his evidence old soldiers from
the Soldiers' home at Mllford wer placed
on the witness stand. These men were' the
special proteges of A. B. Todd and had been
shipped to Gordon to receive tha necessary
Instructions relative to the lands they were
to file upon. In these cases the declaratory
statements were not only secured, but the
filings On the lands executed In' tbe usual
manner at the Valentine land office, with a
subsequent visit to ' the notorious "wind
mill" claims, all carriage and expense free
iu ma entry men. ma soldiers an made a
second Visit to the lands to carry out the
six months proviso. Neither of them In
tended to Irva on the land, but expected In
soma way to realise something from their
frea Investment. ' Neither would they have
entered the land but from the fact that
their filing fees were paid by others.
Defense Has Surprise.
The defense evidently has something In
the ' nature of a surprise to spring, as it
has not given any sign aa to the number
of witnesses it may summon. In this event
the case Is likely to go to argument Friday.
The first wKness of Wednesday was
Charles E. Simmons, a soldier from tha Mil
ford Home and a former resident of Omaha.
His evidence was of the same general char
acter of all old soldiers secured by A. B.
Todd from the different soldiers' homes of
the country. The witness, had no Intention
of living on tbe land, but said: "I thought
that by filing on the land this way would
be equivalent to holding It, in the same
manner as by a land warrant, and If the
land warrant was good I would have a
piece of land to live on or do with as I
pleased. I would not have filed on the
land had not my fees and expenses all been
James U Armel another of the Mllford
colony told a similar story, being one of
Tood's recruits. , Armel when shown his
homestead papers by Mr. Rush, repudiated
his signature to one of the documents, but
admitted that he had signed the other
documents pertaining tp the entry. He
said: "I aiked Todd what was In it. and
he said .K) or WOO, but the parties who
paid the filing expenses, for the grub and
travel expenses wanted the first chance
to buy the land."
Andrew Corning also of Mllford, told
like story. He said: "I did not file or
ftgn any declaratory statement, though I
made a filing and signed for It at the
Valentine land office. I wag told by Todd
that I would have to stay on the land
one night In the whole five years."
.-. '
Assistant Attorney General Speaks of
Government's Work
Assistant Attorney Ueneral M. C. Burob
of v ashtngton, D. C, Is the guest of
United States District Attorney Qoss. Jle
was a spectator Wednesday morning, at
the' big land trial. .. . f ... ...... .
"The Department of Justice Is much In
terested In this case," said Judge Burch,
"as It Is In all the land trials.. I am on
my return from the west, where the de
partment lias been looking into the coal
land Investigations in Utah, which bas
resulted l:i the Indictment of several par
tics prominently Identified with the ap
proprlation of the- coat lands of the coun
"Am a result of these Investigations the
Coal lands still belonging to the govern
ment have been wtlhdrawn from entry.
There yet remains some M.OCO.OOO acres tf
cool lands, or which might bo more prop
erly termed lignite lands, In eastern Mon
tana, through Wyoming and 'parts of
Idaho, that will be available for fuel pur
poses for many years to como, that the
government has wtlhdrawn from entry, as
well as some f.000.000 acres of excellent
quality of coal lands. The government
now has eight parties out In various parti
of ths country making geological Investiga
tions and surveys of lands thnt may be
underlaid with coal, that they may also
be reserved for the public fuel supply.
"fTbe Interstate Commerce commission
has accomplished a great work In the mat
ter of these Inquiries, which have been
first stimulated throtiRh the T)epirtment
of Justice, and the benefits have been mu
tual to both governmental departments.
The commission can, by Its Investigations,
probe deeper Into these matters than
throutrh the regular process of the courts
In that their Inquiries arc ' not barred by
technical objections that would naturally
b Imposed. In a hearing In the courts.
This process of Investigation Is of great
value to the Department of Justice
''My special duties relate largely to the
TI School Teacher Mttets Crisis
With Fnlnt Interior, Bnt
Ragged Exterior. r
A young woman In North Omaha Who
has been a cadet In kindergarten work for
a couple of years Is In charge of a room
full of little tads this year. She had never
bad any trouble In discipline until a few
days ago when one boy became obstreper
ous. The young woman she Is little more
than a girl saw that the fatal moment
which she had dreaded for a long time had
come, the moment when she should have to
aaeert her authority by Some" praotleril
demonstration thereof. , , .
But What should she do? The boy ap
peared so complacent. He seemed to have
no fear of anything she could do. Had It
not been such a critical moment she would
have cried. She realized that her whole
authority would be destroyed If she gave
way. 8o she fixed the boy with her most
terrible look.
'Stand up, Johnny," she said.
Johnny stood up and looked expectantly
at her. The young woman declares that
at that moment her mind was a perfect
blank as to what to do next. Then she
thought of a large closet In the room.
"Go Into the closet," she commanded In s
terrible voice. Johnny went Into the. closet
which was the place usually dedicated to
the administering of whippings. The little
school teacher had never whipped a child
and didn't want to try It. But the boy
expected a whipping. The little woman
was at her wits end. Then she thunderd:
"Get down on the floor"," and down went
the little boy on hands and knees.
"Now take your seat and let this be a
lesson to you," she said and the boy went
to his seat bewildered by this strange
STERLING SILVER Frenser, 15 ft Dodgs
Snbjeet to be Macassed nt First Joint
Meeting; of Senators nnd
The matter of better police protection for
Omaha will be brought up by the Douglis
county legislative delegation at the first
Jilnt meeting of the representatives and
senators, which probably will be soon after
Attorney John P. Breen has spoken on
legislative needs before the Reel Estate
exchange next Wednesday noon. The dele
gation is alive to the needs of more ade
quate police protection In Omaha and will
favor and urge an emergency approprla
tlon at the next session, thus giving the
city an early benefit of that appropriation.
The Commercial club committee on the
matters of fire nnd police protection will
meet the delegation In a dtty or two.
At present the police department has a
limit of J115.0CO, with only 90 per cent usu
ally available. There are now fifty-five
patrolmen on duty In three shifts, making
any one shift- insignificantly small.' The
question of fire protection Is one that tutu
been brought up particularly by the Insur
ance companies. The delegation will give
that matter a careful hearing. Sonator
Saunders said he was heartily In favor
of nn Increase In the police department,
and believed the others of the delegation
were of similar mind.
South Omsha Maysr and 0th en Talk V
rer tt leal Estate Exchanet.
Mayor lloetor gays If People Want It
lie Will Sot Try to niock
Greater Omaha Mote
... ment.
The proposed consolidation of Oniaha and
South Omaha was the special order of
business Wednesday noon at the Real Es
tate exchange weekly dinner at the Com
mercial club rooms.
Mayor Tom Hoctor, Dr. W. J. McCrann,
T. J. O Nell and J. H. Van Dusen were
the Magic City cltlsens who spoke on the
matter of consolidation, none, however,
committing himself to any personal opin
ion. Mayor Hoctor said he would not stand
In the way as mayor if the matter should
be put to a vote of the cltlsens through
legislative enactment.
At the meeting of the exchange Wednes
day. December 28, the South Omaha rep
resentatives will meet the exchange again
ind at that time pteBent llielr reasons,
pro and con, relative to the consolidation
The Real Estate exchange officers wished
It understood that the exchange Is taking
no side In the matter, but wants a fair
hearing from both sides and all the en
lightenment that can be given, particularly
for the Douglas county legislative dele
gation, which was present Wednesday
noon, will be on hand next Wednesday,
when Attorney John P. Breen will speak
on general needed legislation, and again
the week following to hear--he statements
made by the South Omahans.
T. J. O'Nell of South Omaha said he
had some decided reasons why the con
solidation of South Omaha would not bene
fit that town, to which Representative
Hlsh said he had been keeping his ear
to the ground and Intended to follow public
sentiment In the matter. Intimating In his
remarks that there were many at this time
In South Omaha that favored consolidation.
Selby Offers Statistics.
W. I Selby offered some very carefully
prepared statistics for the further con
sideration of those Interested, lack of time
preventing a discussion of them Wednes
day noon. The figures were: Full assess
ment for city and school purposes for 1906
Omaha, 1106,000,000; South Omaha, 20.SOO.000.
Levy In mills: Omaha, 12.96; South Omaha,
12.01. Levy in dollars: Omaha, $1,373,993;
South Omaha, 1262.6SS. Total bonded In
debtedness outstanding: Omaha, $5,S91,(00;
South Omaha, 11,285,778. Total expense one
year for city and school purposes: Omaha
$1.61S,000; South Omaha, $363,270. Per cent
-f bonded Indebtedness to valuation:
Omaha, 6.65 per cent; South Omaha, 6.63
per cent.
Mr. Van Dusen said the matters of
water, schools and parks were the three
main things on which larger municipalities
having adjacent territory should consider
consolidation. He expressed opposition to
any law contemplating consolidation with
out a majority vote of each city as
against a majority vote of both cities. The
matter, he declared, should rest on busi
ness considerations, with no political or
sentimental elements. "Provision should
be made," said Mr. Van Dusen, "to direct
the mayors and city councils of each city
to put the matter to a vote of the people
upon the presentation of petitions of 6 per
cent Of the voters."
Mr. Mansfield la "Peer Ornl" at tha
Richard Mansfield and company In "Peer
Uynt," a drama by Henrlk Ibsen, In five
acts and twelve senes: translation by
W illiam , and Charles Archer; arranged
by Mr. Mansfield. The cast:
Peer Uynt Mr. Richard Mansfield
Ase, his mother Miss Emma Dunn
Aslak. the blacksmith Mr. Duinon Lyon
Mads Moon, the bridegroom
Mr. Cecil Mnnnus
His Father Mr. Edwin Caiuwell
Ills Mother Miss Sidney cowell
Solvelg Miss Adelaide NowaK
Helga, her sister Miss Ory Dlmond
'1 heir Father t....Alr. James 1. Cahurt
Their Motlw r Miss Myra Brm ke
The Hegstad Farmer Mr. Walter Howe
lngrld, the biide, his daughter
Miss Adelaide Alexander
First Peasant Lad. Mr. Gordon Mendelssohn
Second Peasant Lad
Mr. Lawrence C. Toole
Third Peasant Lad Mr. Louis Thomas
Fourth Peasant l.u Mr Allan Fawcett
The Master Cook Mr. Frank Reynolds
First Peasant Olrl Miss Evelyn Loomis
Second Peasant (lirl
Miss Marguerite Lindsay
Third Peasant Girl Miss Isabel Howell
Fourth Peasant Oirl Miss Ruby Craven
Fifth Peasant Girl Miss Olive Temple
Firm klili-rlv Wannt Mr. J. Haley
Second Elderly Peasant.. Mr. David T. Arrcl
An Elderly Woman
Mls Alice Parks Warren
Another Elilerly Woman.. Miss Lettle Ford
Kurl, the cotter s wife Miss Cowell
Mr. Cotton Mr. Frank KingUon
Monsieur Ballon Mr. Marc MacDorniott
Herr von Eberkopf Mr. Mendelssohn
Herr TruinpeUrsiralo Mr. Magnus
Anitra Miss Irene Prahar
Lnptaln of the ship Mr. Caldwell
The Lookout S Mr. Thorn
Tha Mate Mr. Toole
The Boatswain Mr. lleynoius
The Ship s Cook Mr. MacDermott
The Cubin Foy Mr. George MacDoimld
Wedding Quests, Peasants, Lads, Uirls,
Dancing Ulrls, the Ships Crew and
The Green Clad Woman
Miss Gertrude Gheen
The King of the Dovre Trolls
Mr. Henry Wenmnn
First Troll Imp Mr. Thomas
Second Troll imp ....Mr. J. B. Preseolt
Third Troll Imp Mr. Arthur Rowe
The Ugly Brut Mr. George MacDonald
The Strange Passenger and Button
Molder Mr. Arthur Forrest
Trolls, Imps und Others.
In preparing "Peer Gynt" for the stage
Mr. Mansfield was confronted by a task
the magnitude of which might easily have
daunted even a more during and persistent
spirit than his own. It has been for years
the opinion of the test of Judges that
"Peer Gynt" was not to be acted. Tha
difficulties presented by the poem are not
merely physical. In addition to Its great
length and the Intimate relation of Its sev
eral phases. It presents an essence so sub.
Indisputably Headquarters
lor Appareling Boys.
Overcoats.. $7.50
Tlie Above Price Bears Strong Testimony.
The magnificence of the grand assortment of
Suits and Overcoats for the little chaps nnd
their older brothers cannot bo adequately de
scribed in words therefore, we are extremely
solicitous of j our early inspection. These Suits
and Overcoats are a sinvial lot closed out by ua
from" several manufacturers of. great note, and
we positively claim that they are the best values
that ever appeared over our signature.
Make Sensible Xmaa Presents.
Are Much Appreciated for
mid Waists Are Very De
sirable for A mas.
jfflr n--iismi- mi.....,,.,
A RetlnMe Hvmedy for Crnns,
With the dry, cold weather of the early
winter months, parents if croupy children
should be on the alert 'or ominous symp.
toms. There no -aus' for anxiety, how
ever, when f hamborl.iln's Cough Remedy
Is keot In the home. If this medicine 1
given as soon as the child becomes hoarse,
or even after the croupy cough has ap
peared, the attack may be warded off.
Mrs. S. Roslnthal of Turner, Mich., says:
"We have used Chnmherlaln's Cough med
icine for ourselves and children for'several
years and like It very much. I think It In
the only remedy for croup and can highly
recommend It."
Congregation of Salmfkl Will F.rcet
Flve-Thousand-Dollar Church
The Jewish congregation Shimfkl, which
at present has no church of Its own, will
build a synagogue In the spring on the east
side of Nineteenth street Just south of
Cuming on a lot recently bought. The site
Is a half b,Iock north of the Swedish Metho
dist church. The building will be of brick
and will cost 15,000.
All goods sold at .Iiubermann's Jewelry
Store, Guaranteed 6.9 to Price and Quality.
Colored Man Who Shoots nt
Lady Friend 1 Round
After a preliminary examination In police
court Wednesday morning, James Whit
more, colored, was bound over for trial in
the district court under bond of $500 on
the charge of shooting with Intent to
murder. It Is alleged that Whltmore fired
two Fhots from a revolver at May Reed,
colored, on the night of December 7, when
a quarrel was started over a rent bill.
Whltmore was serving a sentence In the
city J:ill for frightening Mrs. Brown, ITS
South Pccenteenth stieet, when lie was
again arrested on the second shooting
Is a sad picture, but Is portrayed with
fidelity that is almost cruel. It Is the
crowning effort of the actor. The scene
comes as a distinct shock, so great Is the
transition from that which Immediately
precedes It. The encounter with the Button
Molder, where Peer Impotently pleads for
his life. Is most res II "tic, and the clos'ng
scene, where he In permitted to Join with
Solvelg and under her devotion la spared
to do, If possible, something that will save
him from annihilation, Is a genuine climax.
It would be difficult to exaggerate the ef
fect Mr. Mansfield has produced in his In
terpretation of Peer Gynt. "It deserves a
high, If not the very highest, place In all
his undertakings.
Sharing honors with Mr. Mansfield are
Miss Dunn nnd Miss Now-k. As Ase, Miss
Dunn shows remarkable capacity. Hi-fcin-ceptlon
of the character Is clear and acute,
and she varies the moods of the mother,
tie. so evanescent and yet so all-permeattng first berating nnd then . fending her boy
and Important that without it the meaning
of the poem is in a great measure lost,
and yet to preserve which in an acting
version seemed for beyond possibility of
Rtcompltshment. That Mr. Mansfield has
succeeded so well In embodying not only
the letter but the spirit of the poem Is a
triumph far greater even than his excellent
Impersonation of it principal character.
Architecture has been called "frosen
music," but scenery Is far from being
"frozen sentiment." The environment ,of
"Peer Gynt" Is very essential to an under-
wlth a swiftness and facility that Is fully
In keeping with the part. Her death sc; ne
Is so absolutely true as to be actually
ghastly. Miss Dunn Is well recalled as a
former member of the Woodward Stock
company at the Crelghton theater. As Sol
velg, Miss Nowak Is somewhat colorless In
the earlier scenes. Her first appearance Is
that of the Innocent, inexperienced girl In
her purity, coming on the man to whom
her heart goes out. In the forest she lacks
that element of warmth which would brln;.'
a girl to forsake her father and mother.
i AND 1
Box Pleated Skirts Made to Order
Complete Garments a Specialty. Tailor-Made Buttons.
Dox-Pleated Ruchlnss.
Sponging and Hhrlnkinit fic per yard.
Send for price list and samples.
Visitors cordially Invited to call.
Ideal Pleating Co.
Successors to
The Goldman Pleating' Co.
Office. 200 Douglas Block
Opp. Hayden BroB.
Tel. 1030. Over 107 South 16th St., Omaha.
standing of the circumstances and motives j her friends and home, to follow the for
Beech camp No. 1454, Modern Woodmen of
America. The funeral of our late neighbor,
R. W. Baldwin, will be held at the resi
dence, 1510 South Twenty-eighth slreet, at
10 a. m. Thursday, December 13. Your at
tendance Is requested. W. M. THOMAS,
N. J. MARVIN, Clerk. Consul.
Custodian of Mnjnr Croft.
A the result of a complnlnt made before
'he Insanity commission by neighbors. Mrs.
Pauline Croft has been marie custodian of
her father-in-law. Ma.lor Croft, an aeed
violinist, living with Ms son at Twentieth
and Ames avenue. He has been giving
music lessons to a clasi of eh Idren, Soma
of the neighbors complained of his actions
and the matter was brought before the
commission. Me objected to the prececd
Iiiks, contending the complaint was the re
sult of spltework.
which make the play a sentient thing.
This fact presented ' one of the greatest
problems offered for Bolutlon by the
adapter, but, like the other. It was met
with an Indomitable spirit and a determina
tion to succeed. . How well this essence Is
preserved may be attested by those who
witnessed the scene In the mountains,
where the voice of the Great Boyg is heird,
warning the unfortunate Peer; by the
scene ut the court of the Dovre King,'
where the troils those fantastlo creations
of the Imaginative Northmen were very
nearly realized, and so Impressively pre
sented as to give the most accurate infor
mation of what the great author had In
mind; and, again, in the ship-wreck scene,
where the Mysterious Passenger challenges
the returning Peer and forces him again
from his apparent charitable purposes Into
the old selfish and Inconsiderate man whose
footntepa were lending him directly to the
Button Molder's ladl.
The production Is scarcely less Important
than the conception. It Is the result of one
great Imagination seeking to rtallzc. the
thought of another. Mr. Mansfield has
made his scenery subjective and with it
' supplements the Idea conveyed by the
! spoken word.
To the part of Peer he has brought that
same cireful, studious and artistic cbser-
i vat ion which has marked his course klnce
he became prominent on the stage. The
thoroughness with which he has assimilated
I the role in every detail and the exactitude
1 with which he presents It, In even Its most
minute and apparently insignificant as.
; pects, is but characteristic of the man.
It is In a measure a labor of love for Mr.
Mansfield, for It Is Inconceivable that Peer
should not appeal to him mora strongly
than nry of his recent creations. It is In
such distinct contrast to the gloomy and
depressing character of Don Carlos, or the
sensual brutality and unreasoning tyranny
tunes of one she so lightly knew. It Is
only by deference to the fact that the ac
tion of the play demands it that Miss No- J
wak's Solvelg can be understood In this i
In the closing scenes, however, she rises (
to that height and brings this unassuming !
quality to her assistance, giving there the
fullest notion of the unselfish devotion ol 1
a life that has been spent that another
might at Its close be benefited. This phase
of Miss Nowak s work more than redeems
her earlier shortcomings.
The rest of the cast has been excellently
chosen and each presents his or her share
of the production in a way that Indicates
the careful drilling to which they have
been subjected by the master mind. The
Orleg music under the direction of Mr
Clarence Lucas, is a great part of the ever-
I Ing. The scenery is massive and beauti
fully adequate. Th" audience nt the Boyu
'theater Tuesday night was one cf the larses:
ever assembled theie and the largest thai
Omaha ever furnished for a Mansfield per
formance, and Its expression of satisfaction
must certainly have been pleasing to Mr.
BRACELETS Frenrcr, lath and Dodge.
A 00c meal for ft? at the Karbach restaurant.
Wants O Supplant Mnjorlty Hale !
Hussla, Says St. Petersburg
J. W. Gardner of 8t. Petersburg, Russia,
evidently never loses an opportunity to
ay something against socialism. In a
letter to the Omaha Commercial club ask
ftig for Information us to what articles
from Russia might find a market in Oinahn.
Mr. Gardner enclosed a sheet on which
he wrote, as follows:
When the cool days come, a steaming dish of
EST Cereal
VITOS, is a breakfast to tempt the most fastidious. Just the
white heart of the wheat.
One 21b., 1 5c. package makes 1 21bs. of dainty creamy
white cooked food.
- ? i
Til M t V 'I I I
Your Grocer has it now
Made by the ' man who makes
' The. Flour
t r
FOR BREAKFAST- Stir tlowly on Ka!f cup into twa
J and one hall cap of bounf water, us to taata aod
v. sou I) Buaautes. u too uucx add boiuof water.
i Scrvs hot wtth cream aod tuftr. vv bea cold g y
aaket a delicious hiacHeoa dun, fried and tr-
served wall yrup. NumeoU dainty
ft ciuuui Ooerts caa k ' AiF
prepared with bug S.AYA!Yt
r ;n ! ronni
PtUittiT tiiMisJ hjjjf StuiCs.'
Do You Open lour Mouth
Like a young bird and gulp down what
ever food or uiodicino may bo offered you I
Or, do you want to know something of tha
composition and character of that which
you Uko into your stomach whether as
tood or medicine?
Most Intelligent and sensible peopla
now-a-days Insist on knowing what they
employ whether as focxi or as medicine.
lr. 1'lerce believe they have a perfect
right to Insist upon such knowledge. So he
pub!lshes,-ttaWst and on each bottlo
wrapper, whaijT?Tn(ilrins are made of
andvexlfipsjgm!ursiti Thin he feels
he ran wMlJnord to do became the mre
tl'e limrcd'.ent of which lin medicines
are'tnade are ttudied sod understood iTO
tnorfl will their superior curative virtue
nf Ivan, that comparison is Impossible.
Both Ivan and Don Carlos were undertaken N; 0lvi0tfln)dtIy PI0Puat8 thl ldea "
merely because they presented to Mr. 'j1.' W. Gardner of St. Petersburg say?:
Mansfield the possibility for a further .ad- Humanity has of all time been ruled by a
vance and exposition of his great art. His majority composed of the cltlxens on or
' , . above the averge. Socialism endeavors
conception in each case was comprehen- j t re,,iace the rule of this majority by
slvo and artlstlcolly effective, leaving an the dominion of the minority below the
undying Impression of each Individual, and average. Overmatched In quantity and
" ' ' , , , . . quality, socialism will not succeed.
to either. It Is entirely different . with
Peer Gynt. Not only Is there here material
for the artist, but there Is also that Incen
tive to the thinker in the lesson Intended to
be conveyed that moves him to a greater
Mr. Mapsfleld has approached Peer In
this spirit. In the earlier scenes as the
thoughtless, idle, bragging boy, whose
serious nature has not yet been touched,
he gives a sympathetic note to the part
that U easily distinguished. Under the ap
parent carelessness Is discovered the deeper
nature which comes to light on his meet
ing with Solvelg. His encounter with the
Dovre King's Daughter and later with
the Great Hoyg Is merely an incidental
remorse that needs must follow reflection.
It Is a physiological fact that great depres
sion follows great exaltation, and "In ths
cold, gray dawn of the morning after,"
when he had disturbed' the wedding feast
and carried off the bride to dismiss her
later with contemptuous scorn, tt waa but
natural that Peer should feel the reflection
that is evidenced In the supernatural spec
tacle presented. Following this he meets
Solvelg and his better nature springs to
life, but just as he Is about to enter upon
a realltrtlon of this hope comes the Dovre
King's Daughter (Folly) and her Impish
offspring (Consequences) and Peer is thrust
back from the happiness that seems to be
his and Is sent out to expiate alone the sin
he has committed.
The scene at the deathbed of his mother
la one of the most Impressive ever enacted
on the stage. The fantastic Idea of the boy
driving tha dear old woman to the gates
of heaven and tot re pleading with St. Pe
ter to allow her to enter la one that can
scarcely be exceeded In Its peculiar effect.
Mr.' Mansfield has here also freely embel
lished the thought of the poet with his own
great artistic nature and has illustrated It
so thoroughly that It cannot possibly be
Peer Gynt as the prosperous, middle-aged
man, still big with the Idea of his own Im
portance and still positive of his Intended
accomplishments, Is quite as thoroughly
manifested, although not so Impressive as
is Peer, the boy. Peer Gynt, in his broken
V! !, decrepit, remorscf ul, d'scoui&god.
or the cure of woman'i peculiar weak-
H3sos, Irregularities and derangements,
giving rise to frequent headache!), back
ache, dragglng-down pain or distress la
lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom
panied, ofttimett, with a' debilitating,
pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp
toms of weakness, Dr. l'lerco's Favorite
Prescription Is a most efficient remedy.
It Is equally effective In curing painful
periods, in giving strength to nursing
mothers ana In preparing she system of
the expectant mother for baby 'a coming,
thus rendering childbirth safe and com
paratively painless. The "Favorite Pre
scription " is a most potent, strengthening
tonic to the general system mid to the
organs distinctly feminine in particular.
It la also a soothing and Invigorating
' nervine and cures nervous eihausMon,
nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria,
spasms, chorea or St. Viius'a dance, and
other digressing nervous symptoms at
tendant UMn functional and organic dis
eases of the distinctly feminine organs.
A host of medicul authorities of all the
several schools of practice, recommend
each of the several Ingredients of which.
Favorite Prescription" is made for tha
cure of the diseases for which It Is claimed
to be a cure. You may read what they
say or i unelf by sending a postal card
request for a free booklet of extract
from the loading authorities, to Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Invalids Hotel and enirgical In
stltubM, KutTalo, N. Y.,iki It wafcoui to
jou Ij return post.
"""" " " SS SMMSBSM ,
Milwaukee (& St. Paul
One fare plus $2.00 to points in North and South
Dakota every Tuesday in December, 'and first and third
Tuesdays in January, February, March and April, 1907,
return limit 9A days. 1
To points in Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Florida,
Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi on December 18, 1906,
January 1 and 15, February 5 and 19, March 5 and 19,
April 2 and 16, 1907; return limit 30 days.
Low One Way Rates
plus $2.00 to many points in Alabama, Mississippi and
Louisiana on December 18, January 1 and 15, February
5 and 19, March 5 and 19.
For Information and Folders Inquire at
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"Why not spend the holiday season in the Sunny
"Write for booklets.
Information and tickets at City Ticket Office,
1402 Faruam Street, Omaha,