Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1906, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, DEGEMBER 13, lPOfi. 1 " I ny H j ;v: ijlil it -- V w r f . -'""'iiHHmiMW L or Everybody o!id,y Excursioms ONE FARE AND A THIRD for the round trip to all points on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Tickets on sale Dec. 20-21-22-23-24-2?-30-31 and Jan. I. Return limit, January 7, 1907. ONE FARE AND A HALF for the round trip to many points in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Penn sylvania and West Virginia. Tickets on s.e Dec. 20-21-22. Return limit, 30 days. HAVANA, CUBA, AND RETURN, S53.85-On sale Dec. 19 and 20. Return limit, Jan. 10, 1907. $87.50 for an all winter iilkci, uu saic any uy. , onrieseekers iLxcursioos ONE FARE PLUS $200 for the round trip to points in North and South Dakota every Tuesday in December and first and third Tuesdays in January, February, March and April, 1907. . Return limit, 21 days. ONE FARE PLUS $2.00 for the round trip to points in Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi on Dec. 18; 1906, Jan. 1 and 15, Feb. 5 and 19, March 5 and 19 and Aprii 2 and 16, 1907. Return limit, 30 days. ILow One Way Rates HALF FARE, PLUS $2.00 to many points in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana on Dec. 18, 1906, Jan. 1 and 15, Feb.5 and 19, March 5 and 19, 1907. Three Daily Trains From Union Station, Omaha, to Union Station, Chicago; leave Omaha at 7:55 a. m., 5:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. m. Through car serv ice from points on the main line of the Union Pacific direct to Union Passenger Station, Chicago. Information regarding rates, routes, train service, etc., given free on request. CHICAGO MILWAUKEE T. PAUL F. A. NASD, General Western Agent 1524 Farnam St., Omaha AIL WAY UNION STATION, Tenth and Marcy Streets, Omaha R F. A. MILLER, General Passenger Agent, Chicago