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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1906)
TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY.. DECEMBER 13, 190(5. ROSE WW I I'XiSLATORS Chairman of tst Ibeni of Ih ! in u t'co Eemindi r j i ledee. ESSENTIAL TH.Y oi-UlD BE FUlFILUD fteeoari Annnul (urn onlml nf the lln) I Mne imv In hesalan at lllsh School Amlltorlom nllh n I.Mrae Attendance. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Lwc. 12. (Special.) Chairman V. 14. Rosn ha Rent the following letter to racmhfru of the legislature: Dear Fir: During the recent rampairn it was constantly asset ted liy the reuuhili an atate central coninnit-e that the republican form would be carried out In good faith, In the event of a republican victory No vember 6. Promlm to keep the pledges of the party Were reiterated by all republican candi dates, were featured In campaign literature and published in the republican press of the (tale. Campaign speakers sent out by the state central committee Joined In these promise. The people believed In the prin ciple of the republican party anil In the sincerity and ability of It candidates. As a result you were selected an a luwmuker, and the leslslatlve and executive depart ments of government were committed ti republicans for two yeir more. Jood faith, party honor and public wellfare re quire the redemption of every pledge. Aa chairman of the state central com mittee, I waa frequently criticised for mak ing these, promises. The critics did not question tho sincerity of candidates for the legislature, but they Insisted that party officers should hesltHte to make promise Which might not be fulfilled, and that mem bers of the legislature would find It difficult to enact antl-puse 1-iws, direct primary laws, laws to tax railway terminals, In we conferring upon the railway commission fwr. tif-vv-l III om nilu 1WI'.:3 ivuruiinmn relght nnd passenger rates, and other lawa promised by the republican party In its platform. To pass effective and vnlld laws on these Subjects Is, In fnct, very difficult, for the reason that the railroads with their trained lobby and skilled manipulate oppose legis lation nf that kind. Kiiltlllment of prions 'd legislation will, therefore, be attended with difficulties, and under the circumstances, I feel ut liberty to call your attention to aome of the means by which measures affecting railroads and other corporations wero defeated at former sessions of the legislature. The chief obstruction to the passage of uch laws In the past was the introduction and manipulation of numerous and unneces sary bills on almost every conceivable sub ject. Hills were drawn In ttreat numbers by designing persons outside of the legisla ture. ,nd members urged to Introduce them. In thli, manner bills were multiplied until It took well equipped printing plant to print then: proofreaders In both houses to correct errors, clerks to read the hills In pen session and other clfrks to keep track f them In the bill rooms. Valuable time f the members was wasted dally In the reading of bills never Intended for pnssage, but to confuse members and defeat legisla tion. They accumulated until It was dim cult to get bills of public Interest up for Consideration. When a bill purporting to regulate rail roads was reached, some one was always preparea witn an amendment to make It odious or unconstitutional, and If It sue-1 cemfully ran the gauntlet of legislation. It was ready for annulment by the courts. Meritorious bills sometimes met the same fate through improper records kept by un friendly legislative clerks. Important hills on tho same subject were often Introduced by different rtenihnrs, and, through rivalry or Jealousy, all were defeated. In the passage of the present revenue law during the semlnn of 1903 these diffi culties were overcome. The senate and house appointed a Joint committee on revenue and the members thereof patiently heard all interests, mnde a thorough In vestigation of the subject nf taxation, formulated and Introduced In both houses a bill which received the united support of republican members and met with execu tive approval. If this method Is followed at the coming session, in nctlng on the prin cipal republican measures, . every promise of the party will be redeemed. Promised laws will be more certain of enactment If considered at the beginning of the session, without Interference by de mands for other legislation to which the party la not pledged. ... Thousands for Third" H'ealment. Governor J. H. Mickey th's afternoon re ceived $28,240.96 from the War department ARROW CltiDtce Shrunk Onartar Size Collar It ornu eb, I tor Sfj nnim CUTETT, I'XABOnY CO. lUkra ChMtu Uonarek Skirts wimy My Holiday Line of Christmas Gifts For men la complete In every detail at POPULAR PRICES. Neckwear Gloves Hosiery Shirts Underwear Night Robes Pyjamas Bed Socks Umbrellas Canes Suspenders Mufflers Hand'chiefs Bath Robes Night Caps Collars and Cuffs Albert Cahn MEN'S FURNISHER 1023 FARNAM STREET. A PENNY POSTAL IF YOU lire out of town a postal will receive the prompt attention of our Mail Order Department and re turn mall U1 bring to you a choice line of sample for your choosing. Out o f town orders receive the am careful attention aa to detail aa do our city orders. Drop a postal card to ui today. Trmirs 55 to $12. Soils $20 1 550 TAB LOR ttfUJAM JERnCMS CONS. " 0-ll Bo. 15tU Jit. . hWlJlRONjrj 1 . sY-"- y(aufri CJ iMANratifir r-7 ii for the memlers of the Third Nebraska regiment. From this Is deducted $3,644.74 commission for the attorneys who worked the claim. thrmiuh congress, lesving net balance of $JJ.r-;.i for the regiment. The payments to the men will commuted De cember 22. The field officers are not In cluded In the list of those who are to re ceive pay and the pay of the company officers Is held up by the government pend. Ing proof of time of service. Oovernor elect Sheldon, who was a captain, has 1-10 dut him, but like the pay of other officers, this nmoJTit Is held tip pending proof. The pay for the enlisted men ranges from 60 cents up. The money due I for time served In camp prior to enlistment In the govern ment service. The first members of the regiment were In camp from June 1, 1S9S. nnd the regiment was mustered In July 7. Candidate for Speaker. Representative Dodge of Douglas county today engaged quarters at the Llndell hotel for his campaign for speaker of the house of representatives. Representative McMul len of Oage county also engaged quartera for the same purpose at the same hotel. Among the members of tho legislature In town today were Pllger of Stanton, Snyder of Harlan, Hansen of Merrick, Marlatt of Kearney. "Huca" Taylor of Onvaha Is on hand as a candidate for sergeant-at-arms of tho house, a position he once filled. The fuslonlsta, according to Representative Marlatt of Kearney, will ovte for any bill that meets their approval, regardless of which side of the house It comes from. He says the fuslonlsta are here to serve the people and not any party or faction. State Corn Contest. The second annual corn contest and con vention of the Nebraska Boys' Agricul tural association and Nebraska Girls Do mestic Science association was formally opened at the high school auditorium this evening with the presentation of the agri cultural drama, "Rebellion in Cornland," In which fifty people participated. "The Rebellion In Cornland" proved n most Interesting production. One year ago at the exercises at the state farm Corn was crowned as king, with Alfalfa as his queen and Sugarbeot as heir apparent to the throne. At the time there were a number who objected to the personnel of the royal family. Some thought, that Wheat should lie king, whllo others favored Live Stock, nnd from the western part of the state Potato had many partisans. Slnco then there have been many discontented mut tering and rebellion of King Corn's sub jects seems Imminent. At length It breaks forth and a battle Is fought, followed by a suggestion of arbitration. This la received with favor and the entire controversy Is finally left to the sunshine court, which decides who shall reign for the coming year. Mrs. McKlnnon Is manager of the pro duction and has devoted much time and labor to the selection and fabrication of the costumes for the members of the oast. The members of the family and court of King Corn and Queen Alfalfa, the con- tending armies and politicians have been furnished with appropriate attire, no de tail being neglected. The music Is In charge of Prof. Miller and the singers have been well trained. Many original musical numbers are Introduced during the progress of the play and there is action and color from beginning to end. The arrivals today were even more nu merous than yesterday. The visitors weie taken In groups to tho state farm, where they were shown about and the work at that Institution thoroughly explained. The Auditorium Is rapidly filling up with ex hibits and Manager Bishop was at noon ap prehenalve that the building would be In adequate to hold all of them. There are many entrtea In all classes, which Include corn of various varieties. Durum wheat, potatoes, sugar beets, cocking, canned frulta and Jellies, needle work and manual training products. All of these are berng nrranged neatly and artistically, the array bring surprising In extent aa well as pleas- i In? In appearance, ine decorations are t.,out completed and are In most excellent tiisle throughout. The Auditorium will be thrown open to the public, tomorrow morn ing, the admission to nonmembers of the association being S cents. The exercises tomorrow will be at the state farm, beginning at 10 o'clock In Ag ricultural hall. There will be music by the Peru State Normal quartet, followed by an address by Prof. A. E. Davidson, prin cipal of the school of agriculture, on "The Mission of the Nebraska School of Agriculture."- C. 8. Harrison of York will speak on "Unused Capital," and Alfred Mont gomery, the farmer painter, will give a chalk talk. In the afternoon there will be sectional meetings, that of the boys' section being held In the stock jjdgtng pavilion. E. G. Montgomery, adjunct professor of field crops, will speak on "Seed Corn Selection" and Alvln Keyser, adjunct professor of soils, on "Corn Tillage." This will be fol lowed by demonstrations In stock Judging by H. R. Smith, professor of animal hus bandry. The International prize winning steers will be on exhibition and will be used In demonstrating. The girls' section will meet In Agricul tural hall. C. B. Harrison will speak on "Two Floral Favorltea" and R. A. Emer son, professor of horticulture, will deliver an address on "The Making of a Beautiful Home." The evening exercises will be at Grant Memorial hall at the State university. There will be music by the University Man dolin and Glee rlub and by the Peru Nor mal quartet. Alfred Montgomery will lec ture on "Art on the Farm." NEBRASKA FOR RICHARDS' FLACK Nelson H. Sveeltaer Roomed for Land Commissioner. NIOBRARA, Neb.. Dec. li.-(Speclal) Friends of Nelson Pweltier forwarded last night strong endorsements to the Nebraska I delegation at Washington asking that he be appointed commissioner of the general land office. Mr. Swritser has for years been employed by the general land office in ad justing government surveys, and Is said to understand thoroughly the many Intricate questions In field work. His friends claim that his land office record Is the very highest. The endorsements compose leading men' In the state, the two senators, most of the congressmen, all of the state officials and membera of the supreme court, who claim that Nebraska la entitled to this Important appointment. He Is a sen of the late General Bweltier and a native of Nebraska. SIXTEEN YEARS FOR MIRDF.R Frits Clements Sentenced for Killing; Lab GAIdle. PAHLLION. Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.) I'pon the convening of court this -morning Frits Clements waa sentenced to sixteen years in the penitentiary for the killing of Liuke Goldie in August last, near the county line south of South Onvaha. no. part of said sixteen years to be a solitary confinement. The indictment of the younger boys, Carl and Hemy Clements waa nulled. The sentence of Ernest Clements, the oldest boy, found guilty of shooting with Intent to wound, has not been pronounced yet. Looks Uko Runaway Match. FREMONT. Neb.. Doc. II. 8peclal ) A couple who were married by County Judge Stlnson Monday afternoon and who gave their names as Jack Richards and Marjorlo Morrison of Omaha are believed to have been Wells Abbott, a son of Chaun rey Abbott of Schuyler, and Maude J MatheUsen, a Linwod girL fartias who are well acquainted with young Abbott) Insist that he was the e-mom at the court j rouse marriage and that he Is only 19 or 1 20 years old. After their marrlace they I took the train for Linwood. I-eter the groom "Richards" came hnek alone on a freight and took a train for the west. COXVF.STIOI OF sirF.RVMonn Votes to Hold Sext Session In font Omaha. KHARNEY. Neb.Dec. lJ.-Speclal Tele gram.) The most enthusiastic opening ses sion ever held waa the meeting of the State Association of County Supervisors and County Commissioners held at the city hall Tuesday evening. The meeting was called to order by President P. J. Ken nedy, who Introduced President A. O. Thomas of the State normal school, who delivered the address of welcome In the ab sence of Mayor Hull. President Kennedy responded In a well received speech on be half of the association. Thla morning's session was devoted to the election of offi cers for the ensuing year and then de ciding on tho place for holding the next convention. There were three cltlea contesting for the honor of entertaining the association next December. Invitations being extended by Norfolk, Brokea Bow and South Omatia. On counting the ballots it was found that 9 votes had been cast for Norfolk, 18 for Broken How and 30 for South Omaha. On motion the vote was made unanimous and South Omaha designated aa the next place of meeting. The officers were all elected by acclama tion, the rules being suspended and the votes unanimous In each case. P, J. Ken nedy of York was re-elected president. The other officers were: A. F. Evans, Fre mont, vice president; J. H. Harding, Meadow Grove, secretary; r. J. Tratnor, South Omaha, treasurer. This afternoon's session waa devoted to discussions of the best method of caring for the Indigent poor, otherwise than at the county farm, and the relative merits of the commissioner and supervisor sys tems. At the close of the session the dele gates were conveyed to the State Indus trial school in carrlagea and automobiles. SHOOTING HELD TO BR ACCIDENT Victim One of Party of Boys Bathlns In River. NORFOLK. Neb., Dec. 12.-Speclal.) The acquittal of Eugene Dleta, charged with shooting Kartle Elseffer with Intent to do great bodily injury, haa closed one of the Interesting cases In the annala of Nebraska courts. Elseffer, now a student In the Ar mour Institute At Chlentfo. was 17 when he. with other companions, went to the Elk- ! horn river to swim. They had been warned to keep off Diets s property, and had con sulted a lawyer to learn that they could enter the river above Diets, swim In the water opposite his land and not trespass. Diets claimed the boys brought a dog with them which worried his stock and that they were a nuisance, swimming so close to his house. One day he came out with a shot gun and fired Into the water. No one was struck. The boys ran out of the river for their clothing. Diets seised it and started to run. He said he wanted to force them to give their names, that he might have them arrested. They pursued and he turned, according to their testimony, nnd fired. The charge struck young Elseffer and he was In a dangerous condition for a time. He will never recover fully. Diets claimed the discharge waa acci dental and he waa cleared. Railroad Duys a Farm. DAKOTA CITY, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special) The case of August Dnrtels againBt the Great Northern railway, which had been on trial In the district court since Tuesday afternoon, was settled between the parties at the noon hour today. The case was an appeal to the district court by Mr. Bartels for right-of-way damages allowed him by a board of appraisers for the land and damages accruing from the building of the Sioux Clty-Ashlund extension. In the set tlement Mr. Bnrtels secured l2,So0 aa dam ages for the right-of-way taken, and dis poses of the remainder of bis farm, con sisting of seventy-two acres, to tho rail- Charcoal Kills Bad Breath Disagreeable Odor Arising From Indi gestion or From Any Habit or In dulgence, Can lie Inatantly Stopped. Sample Package Mailed Free. Other people notice your bad breath where you would not notice it at all. It la nauseating to other people to stand before them and while you are talking, give them a whiff or two of your bad breath. It usually comes from food fermenting on your stom ach. Sometimes you have it in the morn ingthat awful aour, bilious, bad breath. You can stop that at once by swallowing one or two Stuart Charcoal Loxenges, the most powerful gas and odor abeorbers aver prepared. Sometlmea your meals will reveal them selves In your breath to those who talk with you. "You've had onions." or "You've been eating cabbage," and all of a sudden you belch In the face of your friend. Charcoal Is a wondeful absorber of oders, aa every one knows. That Is why Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are ao quick to stop all gaies and odors or odorous foods, or gas from indi gestion. Don't use breath perfumes. They never conceal the odor, and never absorb the gas that causes the odor. Besides, the V6ry fact of using them reveals the reason for their ure. Stuart's Charcoal Lozengca In the first place stop for good all aour brash and belching of gas, and makes your breath pure, fresh and sweet, just after you've eaten. Then no one will turn hi face away from you when you breatho or talk; your breath will be pure and fresh. and besides your food will taste ao much belter to you at your next meal. Just try It. Charcoal does other wonderful things, too. It carries away from your stomach nnd Intestines, all the impurities there massed together and which causes the bad breath. Charcoal is a purifier aa well aa an absorber. Charcoal la now by far the best, most easy and mild laxative known. A whole boxful will do no harm; In fact, the more you take the better. Stuart'a Charcoal Loienges sre made of pure willow char coal and mixed with just a faint flavor of honey to make them palatable for you, but not too sweet. You Just chew them like candy. They are absolutely harmless. Get a new, pure, sweet breach, freshen your stomach for your next meal, and keep the intestines in good working order. These two things are the see ret of good health and long life. You can get all the char coal necessary to do these wonderful but simple things by getting Stuart's Charcoal Losengea. We want you to test these little wonder workers yourself before you buy them. So send us your full name and address for a free sample of Stuart'a Char rjpla Loaengea. Then after you have tried the tarn pie, and been convinced, go to your druggist and get a 2Sc box of them. You 11 feel better all over, more comfortable, and "cleaner" Inside. Send us your name and address today and I we will at once send you by mail a aample package, free. Address K. A. Stuart Co., u) Stuart Uld,-., Marshall, Mich. way company at $100 per acre. The case of the State of Nebraska against lxigun lambert, for assaulting with Intent to kill Rev. Father Schell, will be taken up for trial tomorrow morning. This case waa the first set for trial at this term of court, but Rev. Father Schell. who Is now lo cated In Wisconsin, miss' d bis train con nections and did not arrive here until today. Correll Htsrli Contest. A I NS WORTH, Neb., Dec, 12 -(Speclal.) William Coryell who, on face of the re turns, was defeated for representative by J. C. Carl In. democrat, today filed contest. The rase was adjourned to Bassett, where hearing la set for December 30. News of Nebraska. TORK The Free Methodists are holding a revival and the attendance Is Increas ing. BLI'E HILJv Farmers In this vicinity have finished husking corn. Corn averaged forty bushels to the acre. BENEDICT Win tar wheat In York oouny is coming along finely and promises to be another bumper crop. GENEVA The Immense crop of corn Is being husked and gathered In at a rapid pace., the weather being so fine. BEATRICE Alex Seils, a son of Mrs. IJirle Sells of this olty, waa pronounced Insane yesterday by the Insanity board of commissioners and ordered taken to tho asylum. MEATRICE Mrs. Peter Stewart, a resi dent of South Beatrice, was thrown from her buggy In a runaway accident last even ing and severely biulsed about the head and body. IE1GH-Mr. O. S. Wlsherd of this place stepped out of the house and the walk be ing slippery fell nnd broke one of her ribs. She will be confined to her home for sev eral days. ALBION Kochenderfer A Gansko, who have for several years managed the Albion house, are now making preparations to leave here and take charge of a hotel at Bloomfield. YORK The many York friends of Victor Seymour, a former York boy, were pleased to learn that at a meeting of the Young Men's Republican club of Lincoln he was elected president. TABLE RlKJK The restaurant of Mrs. L. B. Hasnesn of this place has been sold to Nemechek Brothers of this place. The stock has been Invoiced and the new pro prietors are already In possession. HERMAN Dealers have received two cars of hard coal In the past fw days and this will supply Herman for several weckV They are suit pricing It at ?8.76 per ton regardlcsa of the Omaha Coal trust. BEATRICE Balmer & company yester day purchased the stock of clears of A. P. Wyatt, who has been In business In the Clemmer block for some time. Mr. Wyatt and family may locate In Nebraska City. HU E HILL At the meeting of the Blue Hill Commercial club last evening a com mittee of three was appointed to see the town board In regard to an electric light system. The citizens of Blue Hill are work ing hard for this enterprise. YORK York county farmers are not feed ing as many cattle as last year at i nix time. Old hogs have nearly all been shipped out and a port of the spring crop of young hogs has been sold, muklng a shortage In the number of hogs In York county. NllkTH I'l.iTTl' hm been given the Union Pacific shop foreman- 1 ship at Rawlins, Wyo., which position was ! made vacant by the transfer of J. J. Kell. her to this place as foreman. Mr. Schats I left for Rawlins the latter part of last 1 s eea. BEATRICE A complaint was filed in the district court yesterday against Mrs. Amelia A. Osborn, an old resident of this -lty and wife of C. A. Osborn, the barber, charging her with Insanity. Her case will be dlxpoeed of later by the Insanity com missioners. BEATRICE The officers are looking for a stranger who hoarded a train for Beat rice at Cortland after being exposed to the smallpox. When the train reached Plck rell the fellow left the train and has not been seen since. If apprehended he will be quarantined. GENEVA Last night about forty friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Westcott surprised the latter person, it being his 71st birthday. A very enjoyable evening was spent and Mr. Westcott was presented with a hand some, emblematic ring, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. BEATRICE The new electric light plant at Wymore will be ready for business soon.' Poles between this city and Wymore are being placed In position, and as soon aa the wires are strung the plant will be gin business. The current wil be furnished by the Beatrice Electric company's plant. BEATRICE Mlna Relwkah lodge No. 113, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, met last night and elected these officers for the coming year: Mrs. Mary E. Jackaon, noble grand: Mrs. Maggie Utter, vice grand; Mrs. Llbbie Lescher, secretary; Mrs. Susie Brenker, treasurer; Mrs. Carrie Bobbins, Mis. C. A. Garnder, ' Mrs. L. A. Bates, trustees. NORTH PLATTE. A complaint has been filed by T. C. Hunt against Henry C. l-'rlckey, charging him with stealing a horse belonging to H. C. Hect. The pre liminary hearing in the county court was continued for thirty days. He was placed under $00 bonds, in default of which he waa placed in Jail. Frickey's home la at Juniata, Neb. BEATRICE O. F. Jaynes, who waa en gaged in business In Nebraska thirty years ago. Is visiting In the city with his mother In company with his wife. Mr. Jaynes Is located on a ranch near Gregory, 8. D., and says that coal Is selling for 117 per ton. Many settlers, he says, are burning corn for fuel, believing it cheaper than con I at the present price. HERMAN Corn has been coming In to the elevators at this place rapidly the past three or four days. All three elevators are doing a good busineus. The new Rob erts elevator seems to be getting the bulk of the corn and they had to run all day last Sunday to keep up with the farmers hauling grain. They have had no trouole getting cirs so far this year. FREMONT C. E. Whltenack of this city died last week at Kearney, Okl., where he had gone for his health, after a b.lef Ill ness of pneumonia. He v. us 64 years of age and hud lived here for many years, spend ing his winters in the south. HU body was taken direct to Earlham, la., his former home, for burial. He leaves a widow and two bona and two daughters, residing here. NORTH PLATTE Carlson & Close have purchased a brick machine, which they will operate in this city next season. The machine haa a capacity of lo,0uo bricks per day, and the bricks, which are made under a pressure of 40,0ou pounds, are said to be impervious to water. They hope to secure a contract for all the material of thla kind necessary for the buildings to be erected by the Masons and Odd Felows. ALBION The adjourned October term of the district court convened this morning with Judge Paul presiding. The Jury work will probably last from a week tu ten days. There Is no case of great Importance. The moat Important, probably, Is that of tiie slate against Mike Burns, chai ged with killing Jumes Giimlson on July of this year. The charge 1b that of manslaughter, as the act waa done without malice or In tent to commit murder. BEATRICE Third City lodge No. 81, De gree of Honor, elected these officers last night,: Mrs. Polly Scblosser, chief of honor; Mrs. Deady, lady of honor; Mrs. Mary Bealer, chief of ceremonies; Mrs. Lorena Davis, recorder; Mrs. Susan E. Gould, financier; Mrs. Grace Humgardner, treas urer; Mrs. D. B. Penrod, unlier; Mrs. D. C. Jenkins, inside watch; William Hemphill, outside watch; Miss Pearl Oden, musician; C. P. Fall, A. H. Felsh, J. R. Boswell. physicians. Bl.'RW'ELL Mr. and Mrs. Klrby McGrew, two of the oldest settlers of Burwell, cele brated their golden wedding at the Meth odist church this afternoon. A son, two daughters and two grandchildren were pres ent, beeides about sixty friends.' Rev. E. 11. Ktefer, pastor of the Methodist church, performed the ceremony and a number of toasts were responded to. One cX tiie unique features of the occasion was thai the bridal table was spread with a tab e cloth that waa woven over sixty-five years ago by the mother of Mrs. McGrew. NORTH PLATTE A muvtment Is on foot in North Piaue tu extend the Young Men s Christian association work so ss to take in tne younger boys. Secretary Burgess' plan is for a gymnasium premciej over by an in structor, a room for other amusemen's, and a general meeting or reading room, the members of this department to have the privileges of the librury and baths of the Young Men s cnnstian association proper The coat of this addition to the work would be about ll per month, which would partly be met by the dueb Irum the members, and the remainder would have to be collected by subscriptions. BEATRICE At a meeting of the city council last evening a resolution was In troduced by Councilman Harper to the ef fect that Congressman Hinsnaw be aaked to use Ids inlluence to secure from thu United btatea congress an appropriation to purchase ground for an additional room or rooms to relieve the congested condi tion of the pofctofHce at this place. Tii" resolution was adopted. C. A. Eaton. C. H. Eaton and M. E. Springer filed a bond In the sum of SS.Ou) In which they agree to save the city harmless for damages arising out of Injury to persons or property caused by the gas pUnt or its appurtenances. The city treaurer s report for November I shunted a balance ua Land of ec.Jjo.Tt, TWO BIDDERS FOR THE SOUL Gala is a ferUintj and Cns or tha Other knit Be tha Enjer. WHICH SHALL IT BE, CHRIST OR THE DEVIL Snck Is tho Statement of Dr. Twrrey nd tho daeatlon He Asks of Ills Auditors Wednesday Klaht. "Two bidders are here tonight to purchase tha aoula of every person in the Auditorium. One Is Jesus Christ, who offers eternal life for every aoul, and the other is the devil, who offers worldly pleasure for every soul. Which offer will you taker" With these words Rev. R. A. Torrey closed a convincing sermon last evening at the Auditorium and thirty-three persona arose and signified that they had accepted the call to lead a Christian life. Dr. Torrey preached on the text found In Mark vlll:36; "What ahall It profit a man If he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" He pointed out that the two things contrasted are the world and a soul. This is the strongest possible con trast. If the question had been, what profit It would be to a man' if he should gain present pleasure and loso the possibil ity of future Joy, It iroolj be a much lees cogent proposition, because then the man would at least have pleasure during his ex Istcnce In the world. Rut the man wh loses his own aoul has not even the satis faction of enjoyment In this world. "There are two heavens for the man who leads the Christian life," said Dr. Torrey. "It Is one heaven to live In the world with the positive assurance of future salvation. And then there Is the heaven which la the haven of the soul after It has parted from the body. "Earthly pleasures are not only evan escent, but they are poor and paltry com pared with the grandeur of snlvatlr n. God, Indeed, made man's soul on too vast a plan for It to be satisfied with the things of tho world. Augustine was right when he de clared, 'O, God, Thou hast made us for Thyself and our souls are never satisfied until they rest in Thee.' World Does Not Satisfy. "It la a fact that nothing in this world has the power to aatlsfy. Did you ever see a company of millionaires walking down the street singing? I think not. Million aires do not often sing. But any day you can see a company of Christian believers marching down the street singing. Do tho pleasures of the world satisfy? No. Did you ever study the faces of the people at a theater or a dance? They are a pitiable sight. Does fame satisfy? Does worldly wisdom satisfy? Goethe, probably the greatest man of his time, cried In his dying hour, 'More light, more lluht.' Herbert Spencer, one of the grentest minds that ever lived, shows In his autobiography what an unsatisfied man he waa In spite of his great learning. "All these things of the world pnss away and they are apt to paas away In a single night or a single instant. At any moment the man possessing great sums of money may ie called to relinquish It and go hence, as poor as the poorest pauper. Or, even If life continues, he may lose his money at any time through the superior shrewdness of his fellow men. "Honor Is Just as evanescent. I knew of a great man In my boyhood. Ha waa my Ideal of a statesman. He became a United Slates senator from the state of New York. He waa crowned with honor. Then for a time I did not hear of him, and I then learned that he was living In a little old house, forsaken by friends, scarcely ever seen upon the streets. Ilia honor and fame had fled. "The pleasures of the world are even more fleetlnr. The dance, the theater, the card party endure but a few hours. Sonl Alone FJndnres. "All these things pass away, but the soul endures and the life offered to any who will take It endures forever. What folly, what stupendous folly It Is for any aane person to sacrifice his immortal soul for a few hours of worldly pleasure and enjoyment! ' "Some people here tonight are sacri ficing their souls in Just that way. They are sacrificing them for a few dollars that they get from the employment In which they are engaged, which employment they would have to give up If they became Christiana. I knew one man who sacri ficed his soul for one day's profits in a candy store which he kept. He said he could not accept Christ because if he did so he would have to close hla store on Sunday. He sold his Immortal soul entirely too cheaply. Some of you are selling your souls for the occasional enjoyment of some worldly pleasure. You are selling your souls too cheaply. The words of the text ask 'What ahall It profit a man If he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" The richest man on earth owns but a very small fraction of the whole world and most of the people own almost none of It, and yet they are losing their souls for the tiny fraction that they do own, for the few paltry dollars that they are able to earn. "An hour of clearer vision la coming to all. It will be an hour when the relative Importance of the aoul and the thlnga of earth will bo seen. .That hour may not come until It Is too late. It Is the wise man who prepares for the future." DIAMONDS Frenzer, 15th and Dodge, Sanndera Iletlres From Bank. BLOOMFIELD. Neb.. Dec. 12. (Special) The Farmers and Merchants State bank, the oldest bank In Bloomfield, made today the following official announcement: "We wish to announce to the public a change In the management of the Farmers and Merchants State bank, to take place Jan uary 1, 1907. Sherman Saunders, president, and E. H. Mason, cashier, wishing to re tire from the business, have disposed of IF IT PICKERING UMERELLA IT Good Umbrella Mad and Sold Only by ED. F. PICKERING CLOVES AND IS Years In Tola LeMilsn. ft 1 t Berger's Great Kill ah iy tj vLy IJ2 kJJ Cii L u La 15 OP Ladies' Ready - to The great sale still continues; the large crowds daily throng our store, and the exceptionally low price on every article in our establishment is becoming the talk of the town. Thousands of dollars worth of Suits, Cloaks, Furs, Skirts, Waists. Opera Wraps, Gowns, Petticoats, Riding Habits, Cravenettes, Etc., sold REGARDLESS OF COST in our effort to reduce our stock. GARMENTS SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THURSDAY $5.00 Silk Wnists, stylish new models S2.98 $G.50 Silk Plnid Waists, extremely popular $3.98 $3.50 Silk Petticouts, all colors and styles $3.98 $8.00 Dress Skirts, all materials, all styles $3.98 $12.00 values in ladies' long loose or half-fitted coats novelties or plain colors $3.98 $20.00 values in ladies' long loose or half-fitted coats novelties or plain colors... $9.98 $20 values in Ladies' Tailored Suits $8.98 Fur Scarfs and Muffs, in mink, ermine, Kolinsky, Mar ten, chinchilla, Lynx, fox, squirrel, Persian lamb, Rable opossum, etc., all priced to you at a saving of 25 to 3311 per cent. Ladies' Pain Coats, Opera Wraps and Party Gowns, 50 per cent off. D n S. Fredrick ! The New Cloak Shop F l 1517 FARNAM their Interests In the bank, and the active management will be assumed by William H. Harm aa president, Henry J. Miller, vice president, and Paul A. Tulleys as cashier." laborer Attempts Hnlelde. BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 12. (Special Tele gram.r David McCarty, a laborer, at tempted to commit suicide this morning by swallowing three ounces of chloroform. Prompt medical assistance saved his life. Domestic troubles are assigned aa the caucev Photo Framee-Copley, jeweler. 215 S. 16th. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Rain In Kastern Nebraska Today. Snon In West Portion, De cidedly Colder. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Forecast of the weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska Snow in west, rain In east portion; decidedly colder Thursday; Fri day, fair and colder. For Iowa Fair Thursday, except snow or rain in north portion Friday, snow and much colder. cldedly colder Thursday night or Friday. For Kansar Fair Thursday, rain and do- For South Dakota Snow and decidedly colder Thursday; Friday, fair. For Missouri Fair Thursday, Friday, rain or snow and much colder. For Wyoming Colder, snow Thursday; Friday, fair, except snow in southeast por tion. I. oral Repord. OFFICI! OF THE WEATHER lU'REAU, OMAHA, Dec. 12. Official record of tem- ferature and precipitation, compared with he corresponding day of the last thres years: 19R. lSKtt. 1D04 l'jc.i Maximum temperature.... 64 19 25 Minimum temperature 32 W 7 Mean temperature 43 3rt 13 11 Precipitation 00 M .CO T Temperature ana precipnauon uepanures from the normal at Omaha since March 1. and comparisons with the last two years: Normal temperature So Excess for the day 11 Total excess since March 1 71 Normal precipitation 03 Inch Deficiency for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall since March 1... .26. 19 Inches Deficiency since March 1 4 45 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 10oS..,. 2.23 Inehe Deficiency for cor. period. 11104.... 6.45 inchei Reports from Stations at T P. M. Station and State Temp. Max. Raln- of Weather. at 7 p. m. Temp, fall Bismarck, cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy Chicago, clear Davniort, pan cloudy.. Denver, cloudy 14 .00 40 5ff .0' 48 48 .00 44 4S .00 5K Aii .0) 2 14 .21 8 36 .02 31 3i T r.2 64 .ro 3X 48 .0.1 48 64 .00 40 6) .on 62 tin .01 34 3 T 42 62 .02 42 64 .) 14 18 .00 jltatlon; Indi Helena, snowing Huron, raining Kansas City, clear North Platte, cloudy .. Omaha, clear Hapld City, cloudy Bt. Iuls, clear St. Paul, cloudy Salt Lake City, raining. Valentine, cloudy cates below aero. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. AN OLD and WELL-TRIED REMEDY. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS KXE. VIIILOWI IOOTHIHO BYKXTF has been used lor iver blX'i Y VKAKb by MILLIONS of MOTH KK8 for their CHIL DUKN WHILE TEETHING, WITH I'EH FECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD SOFTENS the QL'MS, ALLAYS ail PAIN, CURES WIND CoLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Drue,, gists fn every part of thu world. lie sure tnd ask for MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SVRVI' IS A IS A UMBRELLAS 105 South 16th St. 1 c n - Wear Apparel Qerger & Co. n Authorities on Style 1 STREET, OMAHA j j We Sell at New York Prices BOMEO AID JULIET CIOAXS. Apolos, 2 for U5c or $5,26 ier box of 60. PerfecloM, 25c or $5 per box of 25. Panatellus, luc straight or $12 per bog of 100. Porfeccionndos, 3 for BOe'or $3.75 ter box of io. Uoyala, 3 for 60c or $7 per box of 60. Pnritnnoa, 15c or J6.25 per box of 50. I'anatellas, 15c or S3. 25 per box of 25. Regalia Especial Finos, 3 for 50c or 18.75 per box of 60. Invluclbles, 3 for $1 or 0.25 per box of 25. FABTAGUS. Estrelaa, 20c straight or 14.50 per box of 25. Vlolns, J for 50c or 13.75 per box of 25. Ferfectos, 25c straight or 85 per box of 26. , Purltsnos, 15c or Jfi.25 per box of 50. Panatellas, 15c or $12 per box of 100. BELINDA. Populores, 3 for 60c or $3.75 per box of 25. Puritanos, 15c or $1.25 per box of 50, Panatellas, 15c or 12 per box of 100. Perfectos, 25c or $5 per box of 25. EL TIICTET. Liberals, 2 for 25c or $5 per box of 50. BET SEX. MUNDO. Epicures, 15c or $3.25 per box of 25. EDWARD GATO (IMPOKTED). Favorites, 2Cc strnlRtit or $5 per box of K. Invincibles, 20c straight or $4.50 per bom of 25. Afamados, 20c straight or $4.00 per bos of 25. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Cut Bats Cigar Dealers Sixteenth and Farnam Streets. HAND SAPOLIO 1$ especially valuable during tha urnmer season, when outdoor occu pations and sports are most in order. GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS an CALLOUC SPOTS yield to it, and it is particular! agrceaDic wnen used in the batb after violent exercise. ALL GROCERS AND DRUQQUTS STORZ BEER won Highest Award at Lincoln Stato Fair. 18tl. H 1 g h a t A-ward and Gold Medal at Trans MIsMlsHlppl Exposition, Omaha, 1808. Highest Award and Oold Medal at Lewis and Clark Cen tannlal Exposition, Portland. Ore., 1805. This, when In competi tion with the renowned beera of the world, and when Judged by a Jury of tho moat critical ex perts. Js'o other beer haa had hlghorendorae mont. Drink Stora lUxt for your health'a salt. Keep a case In your homo. ' Stora lireulna- i Co., Omaha. iri QGABS FOR XM AS IN.. in, . MV, ,