Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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13, -1906. '
My Ten SSioppiog Pays Till Clirlst mas
; The time for your Christinas shopping is now getting short just ten days nnd then it's all
over. Thompson, Ileldeh & Co.' have planned for it this year to see how pleasant we could make
your Christmas shopping. Every one of our great stocks is full with the newest, brightest and
lest collection of holiday goods in the city, and all of the reliable kind the kind that gives pleas
ure to the receiver.
Don't wait till the last minute to buy your gifts and run the risk of depleted assortments;
commence right now; it costs no more and there is a world of satisfaction in knowing that you
ore getting first nnd best choice of the new things.
Toilet Bets Smoking Sets
For Christmas Giving
Our showing In now at IU best. The
picking ha begun and wilt grow more
rapid each day. If you have one or two
of these sets on your Hat better come to
morrow. Display on main floor.
French stag smoking acta, consisting of
cigar holder, aah tray and match cup.
This la Just the gift for him.
French atag ahnvlng Bet, consisting of
mirror, cup and brush. As every man
. muat shave, you can maka no mlstaka on
one of these pretty atts.
French atag and ebony military brushes,
. made of the best quality of brlstlea. ,An
Ideal Christmas gift.
; Womens' toilet seta, brush and comb
acts, brush, comb and mirror sets, also
sets of brush, comb, mirror and manicure
French atag manicure aeta, containing 3
4 and 6 pieces, cuticle knife, buffer, salve
Jar, scissors and nail file, with French
from Ma fellow attorneys and othera over
the outcome of the case; Th principal
difficulty he haa had to overcome wm the
fact be bad to get most of his evidence
from -among members of the Coal ex
ehange. Its employes or former employes.
In hia Instructions Judge Sutton told the
JUry tho" constitution add by-laws of the
Coal exchange and especially- article xtl
: were Id conflict with law, 'so the principal
-. point for the Jtlry to decide was whether
or not the objectionable provisions of the
.constitution have been In force slnoe the
Junkln law, under which the prosecu
tion was begun, became operative, July 1,
19. ;Tbe principal controversy In the Jury
room Is said to have been over article xll
which Is a prohibition of soliciting except
by printed postal cards or other nonad-
' dressed, printed matter.,' It was In regard
to this article the jurors aaked their
memories te refreshed by the Court Tues
day afternoon. Judge Button gave them a
special Instruction covering It and also
gave (hem a copy of the article.
The action of the court In giving the
special Instruction was dono over the pro
tests of the defense and It Ml! be made a
basis for a motion for a ... w trial. The
defendants', attorneys asst-i. in the ob
jection, which were filod the article should
'not have been given to the jury, as it was
part of the evidence.
The next of the alleged Coal truit cases
to be tried will probably come up Monday.
J. A. Sunderland 'will be the defendant.
Ralph Warren Announces Intention
of Taking- Part la Pavlnir .
Campaign Here.
Ralph Warren, secretary of Warren
Bros. Pavlnr company of Bostor Muss.,
was In the city recently and spent the day
with John Grant, the resident vice presi
dent of the Nebraska Hitullthlc company.
Mr. Warren examined the Bltulithlc com
. pany'a plant and looked over the paving
situation thoroughly while In Omaruj. Con
trary to reports that have been given out
with respect to the removal of the Warren
Bros, plant from this city, It Is expressly
stated that no Intention exists of removing
such plant and that the company proposes
to continue to offer to the taxpayers of the
city of Omaha the opportunity of taking
Advantage of the modern paving propor
tion and It Is hoped that the legislature
this winter will see fit to amend the charter
so that bltulithlc pavement may be allowed
,to enter In free competition with other
'pavement upon Its merits.
Mr. Warren stated that they had con
tracts for over 1,000,000 yarda of paving for
next spring, with a prospect of the largest
buslnesa ever done by them. He la also
firmly of the opinion that Omaha offers an
unusually large . field for their kind of
ypatrsntent and is only desirous. uf being
, able to present the situation fairly before
the public with an equal legislative oppor
tunity, inasmuch as the bltullthlo pave
ment haa won out wherever It waa brought
In fair competition with other forms of
.TOILET BETS Frenier, 15h and bodge.
ttrad About Indiana nnd Outdoor Life
; In a little book that costs nothing. The
book describes the -northwest, the land of
the future. It is printed on. the best of
paptr, is Inttiesilng, profusely Illustrated
and full of information. It is suitable for
. four own home, for schools, or libraries.
(t describes the wonderful Yellowstone
- park, the wild Bitt.rroot mountains in
Montana, the Quenlut lndluns almost un
mown on the north Pacific coast, the
s(rand Columbia river scenery, the mar
relouS 1'uget sound region, and Alaska,
t costs but the postage required to mall
t. It will be sent to any address for i
tents. The book Is "Wonderland 1906," pub
ishod by the Northern Pacific railway,' and
s for jtoipsral distribution. ' Send ( cents
O A. M.CIriand, general 'pussortger asent,
It. Paul,' Minn-. or as many times cents
is' you w!nh toples, with proper addresses,
md 'the little volume will be promptly
'orwarded by that gentleman. Don't wait:
The book has an object to educate and In-
tfm the public about the northwest, the
''. glon that Lewis and Clark, the Astorlana,
. rremont and others explored and n.adJ
mown to us. Help It perform its mis
ton. 1 ,
pen evenings, Frenxet jeweia.
Dr- Graves'
Tooth Powder
6n4 note the delicious after
. T " . T
caste, liven u you juave good
teeth they need regular atten
tion twice-a-day. Watch the
cflect on your friends.
. In handy metal cne or aottlaa, t5e.
Br toss' Teeth Pov.d:r Cs.
- i i
stag handles. These aeta make useful and
lasting remembrancea.
Our showing for this season la better
than ever, and we haven't dWrlooked the
price end of the matter. Our reputation
of the lowest prices Is well maintained In
this holiday display.
Thursday Bargain Square
, .. . in Basement ,
Men's steam shrunk sanitary wool
underwear, shirts and drawers, all
sixes, regular 11.) quality, on sale
THURSDAY at 4c per garment.
Remnants of beat callcoea, 2Hc per
yard. . - '
Remnants of 15c- aelealas and spun
glass linings. So per yard.
Remnants tf Wc outing flannels at
5c a yard.
Women's 60c and 75c golf gloves
nd wool mittens at Mo a pair.
Remnants of flannelettes, 4Hc per
wrap all packages to be sent out
Open Saturday Evenings. .
Edward Cor, Sixteenth Street
Jmat ApproTea Cabinet Appointment!
with Practically Ho Opposition.
Cnlberaon nnd Carmnck Lend piacns
alon Against Moody nnd Bonn
parte, bat Matter la Not
Strongly Pressed.
WASHINGTON, Dec. li. The senateto
day confirmed the nominations of William
II. Moody of Massachusetts to be associ
ate Justice of the supreme court of the
I'nlted States, Charles J. Bonapart. of
Maryland to be attorney general; Victor H.
Metcalf of California to be secretary of
the nnvy and Oscar S. Straus of New York
to be secretary of commerce.
The opposition to Messrs. Moody and
Bonaparte,' which had ijeen raised In the
senate by a number of democratic senators,
was not' rtrotigly pressed ' at the session
today and no' roll call was asked. On the
viva voce vote for Mr. B.maparte, how
ever, there were' a number of negative
votes on the minority side, estimated at
about fifteen.
Penntors Culberson and Carmack led the
discussion against bbth air. Moody ' and
Mr. Bonaparte. There was no 0 position
to either Mr. Metcalf or Mr. Straus.
First Chanaea Come This Month.
"It is the present Intention to .have Mr.
Cortelyou take charge of the treasury
portfolio .March 4," said Senator Aldrlch,
who talked with the president today about
Mr. Cortelyou's nomination to be secretary
of the treasury, which was held up by the
senate finance committee because no date
was specified as to when the appointment
would become effective.
It haa been customary heretofore, the
senator said, to specifically indicate the
date upon which such appointments are
to take effect and its omission in the pres
ent cse apparently was an oversight. B-
far as ho was aware, the senator said.
there is no objection to Mr. Cortelyou's
confirmation, nor to others now pending.
As the result of the conference between
Senator Aldrlch and the president the nom
inations of Mr. Von Meyer to bo postmaster
general and Mr. Garfield to be secretary
of the Interior also will be dated to take
effect March 1
Attorney General Moody will be sworn
In aa associate justice of the supreme
court on December 24. ;
The other cabinet changes consequent on
the retirement of Mr. Moody will follow
Immediately, Secretary Bonaparte becom
ing attorney general and Secretary Metcalf
secretary of the nary.
Head'arlava and NearsTat't rrtra Cold.
Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world wide
Cold and Grip remedy, removes cause. Call
for full name. Look for signature K. V.
Grove. 25c.
(Continued from First Page.)
he In any manner sanctioned the applica
tion of Martinet and Robin.
Martinet, who formerly waa an anarchist,
explains that he and Robin, who Is a
street hawker, took the step of making the
application In the Interest of public peace,
"Unless something la done the govern
ment will become ridiculous and the church
will commit suicide." this afternoon two members of the
church Of St. Jean 1'Evanglle filed an ap
plication which was accepted aa a legalisa
tion of service there during the coming
yrar. . . r . ' ..?
ROME. Dec. 11 Cardinal Merry Del Val,
the pupal secretary of state, is at present
engaged in preparing a vigorously wxrdd
protest against the action of thi French
government In searching the archives of
the nunciature at Parte. This protest will
be hanid to the members of the dtp'.&matic
body accredited to the Vatican. The secre
tary of state aeta forth, among other things,
that the Incident in question U the firet in
stance In history of such a violation of the
lights of man.
The Observatore Romano bs , published
an article which woe composed at the Vat
ican. This artclee declares that the "vio
lent and odious measures taken by the
French government against Mgr. Montag
nlni, who waa merely the guardian Of the
archives of the nunciature at Paris, con
stitute a case of exceptional gravity. It
was Impossible to foresee or ooncelve of
such a measure. It will have its echo In
I the condemnation and protest of Impartial
not only in France, but In every
Kevllan-'ln Home Divided.
There la a broad and far-reaching move
ment on foot to express sympathy with and
loyalty to the pope under the present cir
cumstance, and expressions of such senti
ments are being received from churchmen
all over the world, from cardinals down to
the humblest priests. In Roma, however,
December 12. 1806.
Why Not a Pretty Chiffon Spot-
Proof Broadcloth for Christ
mas? They are beautiful, plain and rich. A
suit made from chiffon spotproof broad
cloth has an air of elegance, no matter
how simple or plain It may be made. A
Christmas present, for wife, mother or
daughter. Compare these broadcloths
with shut vou can find: then note the
fineness , of texture, finish and superior
Qualities, to any and all othera. We are
always glad to give samples. ALL COL
Haskell's Reliable Black Dress
Silks for Christmas
Just take a few minutes to examine
them. Drlng your most critical friend
with you. Get our special prices on what
Is without doubt the best black silk In
the world. Sold exclusively In Omaha by
Thompson. Belden A Co ; all others are
only Imltatlona; do not be deceived. A
gift not for the day alone, but something
that Is useful for months to come.'
of the city free of charge.
. ! j j
the manifestations of sympathy are nx.t
unanimous, for today the antl-clerlcal clubs
raised flags aloft, their buildings are Illumi
nated and they have Issued manifestos to
celebrate what they term the "triumph of
civil liberty."
The Vatican has already designated
another prelate to take the place of Mgr.
Montagnlni for the purpose of facilitating
communication between the holy Bee and
the French episcopacy and clergy. The
name of this mnn, however, is kept secret
to- "avoid persecution.1'
Material Gain In the Marketing of
Hogs la Snovrn Daring; Past
CINCINNATI, Dec. 12-(SpecIal Tele
gram.) Prico Current says: Considerable
gain is shown this week In the number of
hogs marketed, the total western packing
being 606,0(10 compared with 400,000 the pre
ceding week and 730,000 last year. Snee
November the total is 3,006,000, against
3,10,000 a year ago. Prominent places com
pare as follows:
. . W06. ,
. ...3H6.0OO
. ...IrtT'.oro
.... S.0O0
.... 73.OD0
.... 51,001)
.... Oo.ftiO
.'...135 000
.... 74.000
27' W0
arrs wo
Chicago ; ,
Kansas City .-.
South Omaha
St. IxiuIh ...
St. Jnsoph ...
Indianapolis .
Milwaukee ..
Cincinnati ...
Otlumwa ......
Cedar Kapids
8loux City ...
St. Haul
at Power Itonse Playa
with Electric
With a rotary "converter undergoing re
pairs and a large boiler out of commission,
the Electric Light company was forced
during the early part of lact night to cut
off the current from all parts of the resi
dence district of the city, both for private
use and street lighting. The converter
which Is used for adantlne- th current
ecelved from the street car company went
wrong Tuesday night. Then It was discov
ered one of the large boilers would have
to be cleaned and It was necessary to with
draw It from active service. The two
coming together cut off the current in th
entire city except the private lights In the
business district. Manager Holdrege of
the Electric Light company said he hoped
to have the plant baok to normal capacity
within a few days.
M-k Wedding Rings. Edholm. Jeweler.
Inlon Umber Company- Indnmaered.
BflAr?iF?AN.C'IS,r"0' ,nec' 12 In """'ting
t nre In the lumber d'strict December 7 it
was erroneously stated that the i'nlon
'.umber comranv of thlo city sufTered a
pevere loss. While the yards of the 1'aloS
. cnrnr'i"y '" threatened, the fir
..v.. i rai ii ' " hi Hnn me
fered no loss whatever.
company suf
The Iusattable Appetite Most Be Care
folly Watched.
An attack of tyi hold feyor usually leaves
one with an enormous appetite. The wasted
body cries out for food material to repair
the toss of body tissues.
If care is not used, the weakened diges
tive organs may be overwhelmed before
they have become strong.
There' Is no food that has the tlssue
bulldlng and energy-producing qualities
equal to Grape-Nuts.
This food is picdigested-the organs ara
relieved of the necessity of digestion If it
la concentrated-affording much nourish
ment with little bulk; contains ail the ei
sentlal food elements for repair and energy.
It Is therefore valuable under conditions of
health as well as cortvalesence.
A Calif, young lady learned the truth
about Grape-Nuts. She writes:
"About four years 'ago I had a severe
attack of typhoid fever. After recover
ing I had a wild- longing for food which
nothing seemed to satisfy.
"I tried the best of everything, but waa
always Weak and hungry. A change to a
milder climate did not mend matters food
did not agree with me.
"A friend persuaded me to try O rape
Nuts. To my great surprise I did "not ex
perience that hungry feeling between meals.
It waa a great relief and I kept on eating
it with great benefit.
"Orape-N'uts not only relieved that wild
craving for food, but made me atronger
In mind and body relieved the old head
aches, weakness, strengthened my nerves
so that I- waa easily able to do my work.
"I have never tired of Grape-Nuts as one
doea of most cereal foods. My friends were
so . surprised at my Improved condition
after eating Grape-Nuts regularly, that
many have benefited by my experience."
Name given by fostum Co., Battle Creek.
Mich. Read the famous little book, "The
Road to Wellvllle," In pkga. "There's a
Conference at Ntw lark Pitcnuti Govern
ment bj Injunction an4 Child Labor.
rrrsldent of Kinder of Katlaaal
Organisations to Appolat Com
mittee to Investigate Child
Labor Situation.
NEW TOnK, Dec. lZ-The National
Civic federation began Its fifth annual
meeting at the Park Avenue hotel today.
There were about 200 persons present, In
cluding a number of leading men In com
merce, Iarxr, the professions and other
walks of life.
The meeting was called to order by Au
gust Belmont, the president. In an address
Mr. Belmont viewed briefly the two topics
for discussion at the-first day'a session,
namely, -"Child Lalwir" and "Government, by
Injunction." The discussion of the two
questions, which folhrwed, waa participated
In by a number of men well qualified to
speak thereon.
The annual banquet of the association
was held nt the Park Avenue hotel tonight.
The meeting will be continued tomorrow.
Aan-ust Uelmoat Presides.
August Belmont, president of .the federa
tion, In his opening address urged the ap
pointment of a committee to investigate the
problems growing out of the accumulation
of great fortunes. This subject will be con
sidered tomorrow. "No subject will bring
greater good to this country if correctly
solved," said he, "or greater harm if, for
wise and Just taxation, punitive spoliation
and the destruction of our boundless spirit
of enterprise through hampering regulations
be substituted." '
"Government by Injunction" was char
acterised by Mr. Belmont aa "another burn
ing subject to be discussed." He said he
was not sure that President Roosevelt's
proposition for compulsory Investigation of
industrial disturbances in advisable. He
doubted the wisdom of such Interference,
but the greatest Justification for such
policy would be In the case of quasi public
Mr. Be-lmont also called attention to that
portion of President Roosevelt's message
wherein the president denounced the effort
to prohibit all combination of capital.
Government by Injunction.
The federation then took up government
by Injunction. CarJ Spelling, general at
torney for the American Federation of La
bor, said that In labor disputes Judges have
sent foi . decrees which were special leg
islation and have paralysed and rendered
abortive all the efforts on the part of tho
labor side of that dispute. An injunction.
he said, should never be granted except to
protect property or property rights.
He declared that It was seldom that
strikers ever resort to actual violence, but
they frequently appoint committees to help
the police preserve order.'
The speaker said the Paree bill, which li
before the congress, embodies the proper
and legitimate demands of organized labor,
Walter Drew, commissioner of the Na
tlonal Iron Erectors association, In replying
to Mr. Spelling, replied that the latter's
argument was fallacious in that It went
to prove that Injunctions should not Insu-
in any case, while he Sought to prove that
they should Issue to protect nothing but
purely physical property and physical prop
erty rights. .
Mr. Drew said that "separated from any
question of defect in the law or Its ad
mln'stratlon, the demand that temporary
Injunctions should not Issue In labor con
troversies because a demand that the prac
tice . of our courts shall be changed to
I grant special immunity and privileges to
; one particular class openly and avowedly
engaged In warfure with another class.'
Child Labor Question.
Samuel tacCune Lindsay, secretary of the
national child labor committee, said
was Impossible to e- t,gcrate the real ex
tent or the real cvi. of child labor. H
believes that other forms of legal protec
lion than absolute prohibition are aeeded
for the greater part of the 2,000,000 chll
dren between the ages of 10 and IS, now
engaged In gainful occupations. Recent re
ports show that the number of children i
specially harmful occupations is lncrutfr'.ni
luster than the population.
Mr. Lindsay said the BeveridgelParsons
bill, recently Introduced in congress for
national child labor law, would cut the
heart out of the child labor evil at a single
Mr. Mitchell said In part) "We want now
to change the law so that there children
can play before ever they are obliged
go to work. Thousands of boys went
work when they were 8 years old; many
others between 10 and 12. 1 regret that th
operators, while trying to raise the stand
ard have seen fit to fight the educational
John Gulden,1 president . of the Textll
Workers of Fall River, istated that when
some four years ago, he was commissioned
by the American Textile Workers of
America to study the conditions In South
Carolina, and he contemplated visiting a
certain mill, was warned from doing so
by the statement that the owner had
sworn to shoot the first northern man that
came down there- Interfering With his help.
Mr. GomperB, the last speaker, Said that
when he sent James Leonard of New Or
leans to one of the towns of Mississippi,
for the purpose of trying to make an In
vestigation of the conditions of the cotton
operatives there, Leonard was quietly In
formed that unless he left the state at
once he would be escorted to the state
line by the police.
"One of the representatives of the city
government, I believe the mayor," added
Mr. Gompers, "appointed a gentleman to
entertain Mr. Leonard on the train on his
way to beyond the border of the state."
A resolution was adopted providing that
the presidents, the NatlonnI Association of
Manufacturers, the American Federatl
of Labor, the General Federation o:
Women's Clubs, the National Educational
association, the National Economic asso
ciation, the "Nations! Conference of Chari
ties and Corrections and the National Child
Labor committee be Invited to name seven
members to act with a like committee of
the National Civic Federation aa a com
mission to make a thorough investigation
of the whole subject of child labor In the
United States.
Charles A: Moore, president of the New
York City Federation, presided at the ban
quet this evening.
Archbishop Ireland, In a speech said,
This Is an American Institution. If this
meeting that we have witnessed today had
taken place in any country of llurop
there would have been a riot before ht
n-.eetfna; closed, and when one man would
stand up and contradict another the other
would at -once have challenged hi mto a
duel. This Is one of the beautiful efTet.ts
of our American democracy. No one be
lieve that he la absolute Infallible on
every point, and he Is willing to grant to
his neighbor h right of nylng his win
Ion, a I claim the right of saying mine.
Other speakers Included Oscar Strauss
and Edwin Mark ham, who talked on "Child
Labor," and former Mayor Beth Low.
Indian Cannery.
GREENWOOD. iDd.. Dec. 11. The
vegetable canning factory ' of J. P.
Polk at Co.. burned today. Loss la esti
mated at f,000. The fiix started la on
May Manton
Patterns 10c
Ri ' (Z X e - WsAVM
Phone 981 Douglas
' Mail orders receive prompt, careful attention
Christmas Draws Blear
and the great daylight store is loaded down with thousands
of Holiday suggestions and extraordinary values :
for every one in the family
Colored Dress Goods
B8-ln. Melton Cloths. Blue Mixed.
Brown Mixed, Gray Mixed. Tan
Mixed, Plain Blue and Black.
The right material for service
able jacket suits and separate
skirts. Usually sold at $1.00 a
yard, while they last, a
yard 480
Cream Mohair
With self-covered dot, fancy fig
ures and checks, makes very
pretty and serviceable waists.
Regular value 75c yard, Thurs
day only, yard -48
A Dig Special Dlack
Dress Taffeta Offer
(1.25 QUALITY FOR 80c.
This Taffeta is 27 inches wide,
every yard guaranteed to wear,
twice as heavy as any other
Taffeta and a soft chiffon finish.
Made in Black only, Thursday
only, yard 800
Ladies' Winter Capes
in Furs and Cloths
Thursday we will place on sale
the largest assortment of fur and
cloth capes to be found in Omaha.
Astrakhan Fur Capes, 30 inches
long, Skinner satin lined, fine
curl, extra heavy and well made,
a regular $25.00 cape, Thurs
day 815 00
Plain and trimmed Near Seal Cape,
full sweep, 30-inch length,
trimmed In brown Australian
, martin, best satin lining, Thurs
day at $15 00
Finest quality Near Seal, genuine
marten collar, with real marten
trimming down the front. Skin
A Popular Error
Is that a JB.000 lnvotmrnt with us pays ,
better and Is better secured than a 110 one.
This is a mistake. The rate of uecurlty Is
the same In either case, vlx., A per cent
per annum, payable nenil-annuirtly and non
mailable first mortgages on Improved real
Investments of any amount received by
us any day, with a share In earnings from
the date we receive the money.
Organized In 1S91. Under state supervi
sion. Resources, 11,970,000.
Reserve and undivided profits, $75,000.
Write or call tor full Information.
The Conservative Savings
and Loan Association,
205 South lath St. ' Omaha, Neb.
of th packing rooms and an explosion of
gasoline spread the flames to other build
ings. The destroyed factory was the larg
est of Its kind In the world.
WATCHES-Frenier. 16th and Dodge.
State Railroad Coniuilssloners Hold
Coufareuce with the
SlOrX FVALT.S, B. D., Dec. 12. -(Special.)
The movement Inaugurated by the mem
bers of the State Hoard of FUilroad com
mlalonem for a general reduction of freight
charges in South Dakota Is making good
progress, and, without doubt, will bear
good and substantial fruit.
Kvery railroad having lines In South Da
kota was represented at a preliminary
meeting which was held at the headquar
ters of the railroad commissioners In this
city. While the meeting had no definite
results, sufficient time for securing data
on the subject not having elapsed, steps
were taken for further meetings when the
matter will. In the course of the next
sixty days, be brought to a conclusion and
the schedule of new rates, aa prepared by
the railroad commissioners, will be put into
effect,. -....
Dakota Debt Reduced.
PIERRE, 8. D., Deo. 12. (Special ) The
annual report of State Treasurer Collins
for the year ending July 1 last has Just
been printed and In the letter of transmit
tal he calls attention to tho total debt re-
A Skin of Beauty t Joy rorovr.
T. Follx Gouraud'a Orlantal
Orstm or Magloal Beautlflar.
BaoM Tu, rtp'l
Ivy bus T
iM t.ry situ.
I 0ft kMut7, u4 lf
7 ?, uU
k M ftftnUiMS w
Utt loto.urtll
hit ei Hpiua
uri. Dr. L. A
S.rr ft. 4 to I
b4 r it ut
iom is sAttfci
y UJi
I m.lftiil
tltirnri rra' Ht kftm.ful . il iht
ftalft Brl4lol." I f 4 by til dr4.,U tM r MCf
6vo4ji Dimi is la Vh4 sifti , Cii.i f.4
fUlT.OLU rrtK V iui rtttt ln If M
- i MPj",V kV . tJUsmKl tiA(wV'(
ner lining, extra full and ele
gantly finished, regular price
$4 7.50, Just one of these to
close, Thursday 833 00
Fine Real Mink Cape, beautiful
brocaded lining, natural color,
best quality northern mink,
bought to sell at $250.00, Thurs
day's price -810500
Lndlea' Cloth Capes of the best
Washington Mills kersey,' pret
tily tailored and strapped, heavy
satin lined, high flaririg collar,
30 and 32 Inches long, regular
$12.50, Thursday 86 05
Fine Black Kersey Cape, extra
long, well lined, plain tailored,
but very flue material, made to
sell at $7.50, Thursday. -84 05
SO-lnch capes in good quality ker-
' sey, lined throughout, four rows
stitching around entire garment,
good value at $5.00, Thurs
day . . 82 05
See our Clirlstma display of
Kimono, .Navajo Blankets, Fancy
Aprons, Bwcnters, Ladles' and
Children's Furs and Art Depart
ment. Second Floor.
Our New Dook Dept.
We offer a collection of nearly
5,000 volumes of the very latest
and best authors.
1,000 Volumes at.. 17
2,000 Volumes at S5?
About 2,000 Volumes at 50c,
48c, down to 35f
Over 1,000 Volumes of Choice Lit
erature, selected with great care,
. from the most famous American
and foreign authors, prices from
$1.08 down to 800
Linens for Christmas
An all linen hemstitched Table
Cloth of German manufacture,
nice soft finish, silver bleached,
good for . wear, size 8-4 as 2
jards , 81.45
ductlon which has been made, cutting the
bonds and revenue warants down from
$837,000 to $462,000. During the Hacal year
revenue warrants to the amount of t0u.0tf
were taken up, and new ones lixued to the
amount of $--50,000. Th cash will be on
hand to take these up when they become
duo In February next. ,
- Maltland Booth.
WATERTOWN. N, Y.. Deo. 12. Maitland
Booth, prominent retired business man of
W tttertown. died last night, aged 72 years.
He was at one time mayor of Qulncy, III.,
and was a personal friend of Abraham
Lincoln. During the civil war he was en
gaged In the leather buslnera In Qulncy
and furnished supplies to the government
claims for which are still pending.
Gold Collarettes Copley, Jeweler, 216 8. 1.
60c Smart Set
For 28c Saturday Only.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
16th and Parnam t.
xvawsf (jxaiTiar
AJfCKOK rsvoa coMrurr.
SOT Kerta 17ta SW. Osaaaa.
a first class bushelman. To a really
first class man lll pay the best wages
In Omaha, Steady work.
MicCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
i-3ut Bomb 16th Street.
Visit Art NodU
Work Dpt "
A good-sized Dinner Napkin,
strictly pure linen Irlsb; satin
damask, heavy weight, strong
and durable, Just the thing for
a nice present, specially priced ,
for this sale, doien 81.05
A 36-inch English Nainsook, very
soft, fine texture, made from the
best combed yarn, suitable for
underclothes, infants' dresHcs,
etc, sneclal, at, per yard.. .100
China Dept.
Our great sale of importers'
samnles offers an exceptional op
portunity to secure exquisite pieces
of hand painted and fancy china
and at little cost.
Hand painted Vases, ranging from
$18.50 down to. ..... ..82.08
Beautiful Tankards, at $15.00
Sugar and Cream 'Sets, hand
painted, $7.50 down to,. 82.08
Cake Plates, Salads, Comb and
Brush Trays, and, in fact, every
thing in Fancy . China at excep
tionally low prices for fine goods.
In Toy Dept.
Tricycles for the girls, ranging
from $9.95 down to.... 83.48
Sleds for boys and girls, -.
$2.25 down to . . . 250
Toy Black Boards, $1.48
$1.25 and. .' . .'.480
Shoo Flys, $1.48 $1.25
and ,050
Toy Furniture, Toy Sideboards,
Dressers and Wash stands,
$1.2.5 down to. ,;. .250
Complete sets of Toy Dining Room
Furniture, three chairs and 'ta
ble, for , .fr
Hnnta Claus every n'.' i-- 1
Omaha's Largest nnd 1
Iktll Department.
. . . . ....... . i
Sunday, Monrlny and T .n-ai'.-i .i,iit
Special Tuesday Matinee
Beats on Lower fIor' $1.00.
Bents on Sale.
3URWOOD 16th Big Weeh
Prices, Nights, Sunday Mata.-...10-'JAo.
'rues., Thurs., Sat. Mats..,,'....10-20c.
Next week: CAMII.I.B.
A CftKiaHTort
' 'Phone Douglas 44.
TODAY of Kous
V6HU.OREN 10e.
yrtpss 10O, 850 sad SOo.
Tonight 8:U. Matinee Saturday
Oeo. T Clark's Great Play,' .
Sunday Oeo. Sidney la Busy Iny's
Foods tho Skirt Tl&suaa
Price 80C-A1 All Ostlers.
1 1
Best Farm Paper Subscribe How.
John M.Fixa's
and Restaurant
- 1516 Dodgo St.
Everythlnai New
Beat of Fenrtbln
TkorongbJy Up-tO-eU
First Claaa u. Ail AteicU
errtoa, VaaqoaleA
Keasoaabla rrteaa,
I j