Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1906, Page 12, Image 12
12 TILE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1906. X Headquarters for Holiday Shoppers OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Wednesday, colder. 31 1 3 3 3 if Toil tt In the H Bjsira'l t if- r-rs. 1 1 i is ir r Set Santa CUus Air Ship C Your Christmas Money Buys More at Brandeis In thin Immense tor where hundreds of thousand of dollars r . la U hn. rr-lff a anil V Won 11 OI PIOCK am dihikni VII m -owm, Jl w. wuj j better Rifts for yonr money than In any other store In the west. Our 5 stocks are greater, our ralnen are better. , 1 - iL- 31 . Ai! 1 JfRf? i FUR SETS mm (Muff and Scvrfa to Natch) A fine double scarf, tail trimmed with large fat ft98 98 498 pillow muff, at. -)-$ A brook mink set, with tail trim med double scarf and large 1 98 fat cillow muff. at. set - j - 7 j - - Sable brook mink set, with fancy zaza scarf and 8 stripe pillow 98 muffs, at U Natural gray squirrel set with fancy shape scarf and large98 098 muff, at, per set j'O'V FUR SCARFS In single and double effects, zaza, throws and other lead ing shapes, in popular furs, 50 93 j50 Basement' Omaha's Pure Food Center will go at THREE FUR SPECIALS In our basement bargain cloak department we offer ladies- f"r. p!p?la.r. . 49c-69c-98c Silk Petticoats In black and colors make very acceptable gifts for the holi days in our cloak and suit section mada A Qft with ruffles, Jym',a flounces, etc. Knit Top Petticoats The most sensible of all petti coats for winter wear warmth without weight will not sag prices 5Q gg Christmas Suggestions in the Popular Jewelry Section Ladies' and misses' jewel boxes in 14k gold plate also handkerchief boxes, glove boxes, 1847 Rogers pure silver on quadruple plate button boxes, hair pin boxes, ink wells, hair receivers, calendars, ash trays, ) UP CIA etc at to Vv Ladies' and misses' Chinese Jade bracelets of silver deposit very specially priced, at SILVERWARE Cake baskets, fruit bowls, flower baskets, vases, individ ual cream and sugars, etc., from international silver plate, warranted to wear prices are extremely moderate. $1 Xmas Special at White Goods Counter Sheer Handkerchief Linen Fine quality, at 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c, $1 and up to $2.50 yard Sheer plaid handkerchief linen, at, a yard 49c India linon, at 10c, 12c, 15c, 19c and 25c 40-inch Victoria lawn, at," per yard 15c HOLIDAY TARLETAN In ihret shades, light blue, red and ireen, 58 and 62 inches wide, new store, aisle 7, at, a. yard C Silk Scarfs and Mufflers Make very desirable gifts these are in men's and ladies' sizes in squares and lengths up to two yards black, white and colors some are hem- Q . stitched three prices ZyjC Delighted everyone will be, from Santa Clnus to the baby, at the splen did array of Christmas rakes and pastry that will be found at Court ney's ready for your enjoyment. For those who love the "goodest of (rood things" to eat will certainly find a treat In the following;: English Puffs, per dozen 10c Jelly Tarts, per dozen Patty Shells (large) per dozen.... 40o Cheese Straws, per dozen 16a Apple Turnovers, per dozen 3 So Napoleon Bars, per dozen 88o Don't forget our Horn Made Pies, all kinds, each 18o White Mountain Cake, each 16o 20 different kinds of cookies to select from, per dozen lOo Almond Sponge Cake, each ISO Famous Three-Layer Cakes, any flavor, each 30c A few Fancy Cakes to order, but ter creams, pound 80o G laces, any shape, per pound.... 40o Imperial Macaroons, per pound... 40c Kisses (assorted). Cherry, Choco , late, Walnut, Plain and Cocoa nut, per pound 40o Let us have your order early for any special cakes you wish for the holi days. A few whys need your attention. Why should you patronize us? Omitting the other "whys," why not heed these answers? Because we get the best goods ob tainable. Because ws sell at reasonable rates. Because you are sure ot courteous treatment here. Because you get the worth of your money In more ways than one here The secret of selling successfully Is buying closely and In large quantities. Therefore, buying as we do In Im mense quantities, we are able to give you better things to eat' for less money. TELEPHONE DOVQLAS 647. Three Separate Entrances. Douglas Street, Seventeenth Street, West Arcade to Boston Store, , Shook Manufacturing Go. Artistic Jewelry ..Latest Productions.. Watchesj Diamonds, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Hand Fainted China, Silverware and Optical Goods. AT VERY LOW PRICES 422 South Fifteenth Street. ds black, VM92 1 BOOKS Tht Greatest Stock of Book for Christmas Ever Shewn in Omaha, la Her Painting Books Children love to paint and draw. Paint T Q books at 75c, 49c and. . . JOC Box of paints fre with each book. Boys' Books Splendid editions by O. A. Henty, Horatio Alger, Olive, Optic, 3 C Girls" Books Good cloth editions by Mr. L. T. Meade, Rosa N. Carey, Mrs. Burnett. Miss ')PA Mulock. etc a& JC Five Little Peppers .'. 25 Billy Whiskers. Friends The Juv enile book ot the year. . . .78 Catholic Prayer Book Key of Heaven, full leather binding, gold edges, 58c, 48c and. . .25 Rosaries Pearl beads at 48c, 25c and 10k Gold Plated Chains Amethyst, garnet, emerald, etc., beads, , 31.48 Bibles Teacher's edition, leather binding, overlaplng edges, QSt Dainty white and silver Dresden edition ot famous classics, about 160 titles 25 Padded leather editions of stand ard works in poetry and prose, full gold edges. In box . . . .50 A GOLD BRACELET Would -b the proper gift this year. We are show ing . soma handsome ones in cold. Roman and signs, from $6.50. up. We also have a fine line in fold filled. . Our store is full of Christmas sugges 1 lions. Spend a tew minutes in our store ((g)); LOOK FOR THE NAME. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas Street Caiarretts Cure Catarrh of the head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes, lungs or stomach. Catarretts tone the general system and purify the blood ot the catarrhal poison, producing a perfect recovery. Catarretts are sold at any of the following stores, who will gladly refund the money If jou are not more than pleased with results. Please buy and try a package, at fItAJ,w'S 0X ? 1N TOE. Cor. 14th and Chicago Bta. Omaha: N. W. Cor. Sun and N bia., South owaha; Cor. bit, and Um titi X. . Jti, mh and Parnam fits. Sl.t. Dkva COM UK tmms be 9. M. MMaAlI, Cor. 1U and HuwarO bts. QMMU. X. KjVcVOVB. Banco n. OKV KOX.SJT, (14 N. llth St. Wa.i.iruT uili. rainaicr, tth and I'umlnir bta. Oacsi S .VaaKtf ACT. Cor. Park iva. and J-acino fau Shoe Suggestions For Christmas A useful Christmas present is al ways the best kind to give. Shoes and Slippers are both use ful and acceptable. - A -pair of Slippers for father or brother will surely please them. A pair of nice House Shoes or Romeo Slippers for mother or sla ter Is always acceptable. A pair of nice, warm . Shoes or Slippers for grandma or grandpa will just be the thing. A pair of shoes for the boys the girls or the babies will be the best gift you can make. We have the largest line In Omaha. SHOP EARLY. Drcxcl Shoe Co. 1419 Farnsci St. THERE IS tlO QUICHE If! II Om of tht Reasons Why LisJ OONTAiRa MO QUIHIHM.J Has Become so Popular. It Breaks up Colds and Prevents "Grip" Quickly, Safely Leaving no Bad Aiter-Effects like Ql'imZ PREPARATIONS In the Orange Colored Box. AH Drug Stores 25 cents. Or by MaiL BROMO CHEMICAL CO., OHIOACO BAILEY & MACI! CEKTISTS 3D FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK HIGHEST CKAOC DCNTI9TKT REASONABLE PRICES m rurcnasing rawer at Ihousands of n-J, nf TIIC nrr rros;crcus Western Families is Fc.nJ UiiUli Ul I III. ULL When You Write to Advertiser ramember It tk only r. etra trok ot two of the pen to mrnilon tba fuel UiM twu saw Uiilr ml U 114 ! JUST TEN DAYS MORE 3 TYIT Til TrTr" ONLY TEN SHOPPING DAYS 'till Christmas SHOP Mornings, Plesse RIBBONS rhlonbl raas, Dainty Xlbboa Opra Bar. Sawing Bag-Si 'arty Bags (or Chrtt- DU gifts. Children's ranoy 7-lnoh Bilk ran, with bad chain, white, blue or pink, in neat box, OCp each, 60o and 7-lnoh Faathar Fans, with plain enameled tlck, white, blue or pink, In neat box, each, ' Brt" 11.00 and OVw Bilk Gam Tans, 8-Inch, fancy decora- f(n 'Ith lace edge, each " tlon, w panflad Fans, with beautiful rarved and Inlaid bone stick, 8-lnch, from $5.00 down J Q(J Whit Silk Tlntad Fans, with smoked pearl "ticks, and Lace Funs wllh white pearl stick, O (A each, from $10 00 down to 4-inch Holly Detign Klbboa for Christ- CtC. maa parkaa;es, piece of 10 yarde '. -'' 4 H -inch Wnlte Oronnd Warp Print lb- IQr Don, worth t Be, at, yard Beautiful Christmas Silks Many new shirt waist alike, put np in hand' soma Christmas holly boxes, specially low priced. WAIST PATTERNS, each, from $15 O KCi down to ; .JJ OBEPB DI CHZKB SOASrS A beautiful collec tion, plain and fljrured, Thursday, In A'Xn nearly all colore, at. yard ' 91 BLACK FEU Bl CBCFB FOB 49o Especially adapted for men's mufflers, very soft, rich and beaxttful Thursday, Instead of 41.00 AQr a yard (Sllfhtly Imperfect, but a great bargain.) 86-XKCr . . , our price. Ufa sATur, 1.25 BEAUTTTUI. PLAID SBESS GOODS FOB WAISTS OB CXIXiDBEB'S DBE8SE8 Pivtty colorings, a yard, $1.25, $1.00, 75c, 60o 3Qc Our assortment consists of the newest weavew and styles novelties In abundance some indicate spring styles. Frioas, from SS.OO f( dowm to I.W (KEEK MATERIALS FOB EVEWINO WEAK are selling freely for Christmas gifts. A handsome evening or party drees would be most pleasing to any woman. We show exquisite lines In em broidered chiffons, organdies, mulls, etc., f)Qr a yard, from $3.60 down to (SILK XOTXOK.) Robe Blankets for Christ mas A grand collec tion of Robes. $9 each to -r rl T-i NEW 49c BOOKS "Haarts and Masks," by Harold Mac Orath, beauti fully illustra ted, larger edi tion than the one sold for $1.08. "Maa: of the Xoux," by Octave Thanet. "Tucker Xaan Chas. Ross Jack son. "Boss of Old St. tools" Dillon. "The Great Moral" L o u 1 s Tracy. "Watchers of the TraU"-Chas. G. V. Hoberts. "Blohard Tea and Kay" Mau rice Hewlett. "The Boss" Alfred Henry Lewis. And many other new titles In the 49c edition.. Secure a copy of our new Christmas book catalogue. -Mary Thursday Goat Sale $15 Kersey Coat for g.95 BEAUTIFT7I. OAXEKDAK GrVEK A WAT FBEB. Beautiful Floral Calendars, with envelope, no t advertise ments orw- them. Free with every 2Rc purchase or over in Stationary and Book Sections Thursday. 67 Fine Kersey Coats, 50 Inches long, full box coat style, ' sat in lined, hand somely trim med in velvet and braid, reg ular $16 value, Thursday sals price 8.95 A Greater Display o! Fine China Libbey Cut Glass, Lamps, Electroliers and Fancy Vases, Prices Lower Than Ever. Beautiful Handled Bon Bon, 6-in. size, heavi ly cut, a $2.50 article, on sale Thursday (one to a customer), each .$1.49 Handsomely Cut Oil or Vinegar Cruet, full cut handle and stopper, a $3.50 value, at ....$1.98 Pretty German China Nut Bowl on feet of finest china, a 50c article, for 25 FURNITURE Gifts That Live Long Roman Chair (like cut) , pretty de sign In polished mahogany finish, uruaa arms; carved ornamentation. Uf Seat of Kenuine leather nr flirnroH verona. A $10 value for . .$6.f0 Ladles' Desks In golden and wea thered oak, mahogany and bird's eye maple, up from .$5.15 Music Cabinets, all woods and finish es, up from $3.75 Sofa Bed Davenport, large and ex tremely comfortable. Quartered eawed golden oak frame, hand pol ished, hair filled verona cushions can't be duplicated at our Prlce $27 Foot Stools, large and attractive, line, up from 18 3RD FLOOR. The Very Dest Rugs Boyal Wiiton Bugs, complete and varied line of the best and moat reliable grades, In suitable mzi-a, for Chrlstniu presents, 24x54 Inches for 93.48; 86x63 inches for as.75 Baaford A. mine tar Rag's, new and. elfp-.tnt designs, 27x)0 Inches, for a. 60; 36x72 Inches, for 4 60 1 4- X6-S IS. 00 New, compute line of Tnr Basra, in all colora, from $11.78 f OST down to VBXCES OH OBIFVTAI, BUGS CUT OSE-HAXr. Blaaall'a Celebratad Carpat Swwp rs, in all the leaning- brands, at 4, 3, a.60 O 2S and .aS.O rOBTIBBB, COUCH COTEBS AMD LACS CCBTAIXB. Xaavy Tapestry Portlaraa, in all plain rpia, with fancy tapestry borders, in all the laadlna colors, Vialr $4.S Marcarlsad Damask Tortiaraa, In plain and colors, with hvavy corded edxes and fringes, all shadts. fair $4 ifl Bop Portieres, in all atyles Hnd rnlors, for alnajle and doul.le dnors, at 6 50 IB, 3.75 11 M. II. B0 find 8o XrtTT TanastT Conch CoTars, In all wiMh: Hsrdad. Oriental and Persian patterns, at 9, "R. S Rrt tt 7K and fa SO Dalpt I.ea Otttana for pr lora. lihrr' and llvine- rooma. rooma. in Hrusnel Vet. Trh Point. Arabian and fine NuitlngV am Cur taina, at specially luw priced. In spect our line. BennettV Big Grocery Bennett's Exceli,r Flour, suck l 40 And 75 Green Trading- Stamps. Bennett's Best Coffee, pound S5c And 20 Green Trading ttlamps xeua, yuur crioice, pouna.toci Ana -inirty ureen Trading St amp to. Pepper, ground, pure, can. 12c! Ana len Ureen Trading Bta m pa. Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, 1 pkgs c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Maine Corn, can, 10c; dozen 11.00 i'lum Pudding, can 10c Calll'jrnla Keedlesn Huislna, pound ltx; Bueded ltaislns, puckage 10c Currants, cleaned, pound lie Mincemeat, pound lOo Candled I-emon and Orange peel, lb...26o And 10 Green Trading felampa. Diamond 8 Chill Bauce, bottle 2Ec And 10 Green Trading Stamps. A. B. C. Catsup, pint bottle I3c And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Bchepp'a Cocoanut, four y-ounca pkgs.25c And & tireen Trading Stamps. Golden Jueen Corn, 3 cans 2ic Table Pears, can lc And 10 Green Trading Stamps. FRUITS AND VB1ETABLE8. Lettuce, Radishes, Parsicy, Etc., Fresh Dally. Mtxd Nuts, pound 1-.C Figs, package, 10c and 6c BENNETT'S CANDIES An Assortment of the Best in This Line. Mixed Candles, pound he Pviopbej-ry Drops, pound lee Wine balls, pound 1"C Candy Pebble in bun bon boxes 6c TOY FAIRYLAND in Our Great Bargain Roam THE RELIABLE ST0RB J 261 Booths f tut yoi jhow. Stairs b v & i Our Christmas Buar Nov ofev And a8 PXeY VOU'll flnri ihp prnntct Atanrfmnnf Bf tinrtf Inutaar rirlroa hprfi 1 f V ; I ' Don't Miss This Splendid Display of Toys, Dolls, Books, WhaplaH finntlc everything and anything to gladden the hearts of the children, and thousand or girt suggestions for the older ones. Splendid Sale of Women's Garments : rill 1' vaj ' The entire Surplus Coat Stock of Shaff & Seibr man, 83 Canal Street. New York Kerseys. Broad: cloths, Velours, Silks and Fur Garments will placed on sale Saturday at about half their real 276 Ptyllsh Costs that would sell regularly at A 110.00. in Thursday's sale 4, $18.60 Women's Coats, satin lined throughout, 59 fncf long, and handsome Kersey Coats, body lined, in O fIS' black only, sale price.. 140 Sample Coats that would soil regularly from $2SJ)0 to'. $40.t0, the best values ever shown In Omaha, at 1 4 Ci $24.90, $18.90 and 14. I DOIT'T WAIT TILL ATTZB CKBISTMAS TOB TOTTB TUBS Buy now at these exceptionally low special prices. Handsome French Coney Coats, in Blouse Box and Pony stylo, very best quality Skinner satin O 4 fifi linings, $35.00 values elsewhere, sale price aS'sV.VU $65.00 Krimmer Coats, lined with heavy furrier's tt ff satin, special Thursday, at uutvU ELEQAXT RUDSOS BAT OTTBB COATS, veryQS f finest quality, only three left, choice Thursday. "OiUU $98.00 BEATEB COATS in Thursday's sale Genuine Alaska Seal Coats, special, at .69.00 .165.00 BILK VBSBSXZBT8 FBEB Thursday we will give free of charge to each pur chaser of one of our handsome Voile or Plaid Skirts at $8.90 a fine silk underskirt. $5.00 Voile and Panama Skirts, all newest styles, special Thursday, at 13.05 $1.R Fur Scarf 9 Bo Children's Curly Bear Skin Caps at 49o . rmOM 8 TILL 9 A. M. Women's Silk Underskirts ! rmOM 8:30 TILL 9130 A. M. Infants' 60c Slips at 19el 14.00 Beaver Shawls at S1.3S $5.00 Eiderdown Bath Robes at $3.48 - TBOM 9 TILL 10 A. M. $1.26 Long Kimonos at 890 nOX 9:30 TILL 10:30 A. K, $1.60 Wrappers, special, at 99o $1.50 Stereoscope Views 89c A well made stereoscope of seasoned wood, with patent folding handle, has aluminum hood, hound with dark velvet, lenses are of extra clear glass and ac curately adjusted. This stereoscope is sold throughout the country for $1.00 and the views at Sc each, but by special arrangement on . a large purchase we are enabled to sell the entire, outfit, stereoscope and 25 views, packed QQn in box, at Wool Dress Goods Sale FBOM 10 TO 11 A. M. We will sell 100 pieces of Fine Walstings, In Roman stripes, ombre stripes, all Wool Coalites, Silk and Wool Challles, Mohair Fancy Walstings, goods that sells from 50c to $1.26 yard, to close quick, at, Qc a yard .......-' TBOK fl:30 to 3:30 P. M. 76 pieces of All Wool Dress Goods, in all staple colors, that sold from 69c to 11.00 yard, to close quick at, a 25C Linen Sale rxoH 10 to ii a. n.-we win sen ts pieces of fine Mercerised Damask, 61 Inches wide, extra fine, regular 75e grade, only yards to cub- lllr tomer, at, yard OOJW rsOM 8:30 TO 3:30 r. aa. we win aeu ' 60 nieces of genuine Irish Llnon an4 J genuine German Linen, 64, 68 and it 4) inches wide, sells from 76c to $1.09 per V. yard, only yards to customer, 4Rc at, yard Drapery Sale TBOM 10:30 TO 11:30 A. aC. We wUsell 1. 85 pieces of Cheney Bros.' All Silk l)ri!K ' ery Silk that sells ' from 76c to $1.00 yard, not over 12 yards to cus- , '1Q tomer, at, yard -C7W TBOM 8:30 TO 3:30 F. It We Will sell 200 pairs of $2.00 curtains and $2.2$ curtains, fine patterns, larga slse, only three pairs to customer, at, en each ...7 OasjC Special sale on Sllkollne Drapery, Millinery Clearance Specials Thursday we will place on sale about 250 Trimmed Hats, In the very latest models, which would cost regularly from $4.00 to $6.00, in all colors and sizes, at one price, choice $1.00 200 Trimmed Hats, special Thursday, at .....8B0 $S 60 Black Plumes, Thursday, at $1 98 $1.00 Black Plumes in Thursday's sale at , ,.,.00o Groceries! Groceries I FOB :-v:-v-v--.:::::::::ia i i H I :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::7to; f "j3 I und 16o ft -:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?o:0 'Vs 1 So i) 'A pound 8 So v J pound , ,...9HO B PBIXD FBVZTS, CAWSIXS FEELS, FBESM FBtTXTB, BUT8, CABSIES, ETO. TOUB XKAS rUSDXNOS, FZEB AVD CAKES. 21 pounds best pure Cane Granulated Sugar .,...$1.00 Fancy Cleaned English Currants, per pound lOo Fancy a-Crown Muscatel Kaislns, per pound.,', 100 Fancy 4-Crown Mu catel. Raisins, per pound .ISVi Fancy Seeded RalHins, per package , loo Fancy California Dried Grapes, per pound Fancy Cooking Figs, per pound Fancy New York Evaporated Arples, pet pound. California Mulr Peaches, per pound Fancy California Yellow Crawford Halves, per pound Fancy Lemon, Urnnge or t itron peei, per pouna. Fancy Cal'fornla Seedless Ralxlns, per pound.,'., l-r.ound nackaae Condensed Mincemeat Fancy Imported Sultana Raisins, per pound ( 15o V; -pound package best Pure Ground Spices 1 1...... So Fancy 8-Crown London Layer Table Raisins, per pound 8 So Fancy 4-Crown London Layer Table Raisins, per pound ....9o Vanrv s.Crnwn London Laver Table RalslnS. per pound .....304 Fancy 7-Orown London Layer Table Raisins, per pound WHO Jordan Shelled Almonds, per pound , DOo 2-jound can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn -Bo 2-pound can Tinev Wax or String Beans 7lo i 2-pound can Early June Sifted Peas $'0 I 10-pound sack pure Buckwheat Flour k s SSd i ?-pound package Felf-Rtslng Pancake Flour tS-w , Quart 1ars pue Ohio Mnnlo'Syrup -880 ! 1-r.ound 1ar Sugar and Fruit Preserves ?M0,H" l-pou"d package Macaroni 0 fc , 10 bars best brands Lanndrv Soan Boo W FBESH FBVXTB, IT UTS, VEGETABLES, ETC., FOB XMAS. The very best Mixed Nuts, per pound v. 18a Fancy Highland Navel Oranges, per doxen 15o Fancy Fard Dates, per pound Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, per pound .. i ...... . 7H Fancy California Figs, per package .3 Fancy Imported Figs, per pound -o Fr..h riirnmhrl. each 7M0 Fresh Head Lettuce, each S bunce Fresh Radishes Black Walnuts, per peck Bets. Carrots, Parsnlrs, Turnips or Rutabagas, per pound Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck Fresh Roasted Peanuts, rer quart .Bo So 30o ia IKO e HI MM i At Our Old Stand II We are displaying an exceedingly fine line of goods for the Christ mas trade, in Solid Gold and Gold Filled Watches, Diamonds, Sperling Silverware, Itih Cut Glass, staple and fancy articles of various de scriptions. Pianos, Music Boxes, Music Albums and other musical goods. New lKmieatlc, Standard and other first-claBs Sewing Machines. Will make prices an, object for you to come our way for your purchases. P. E. FL0DMAN CO. "14 Capital Ave. - If , v KO r.IATTER Jt wm SnvG I T n E DEE WHAT you tImG nnd WANT ,VUA1 money if you YOU WANT wiiHo.... ADS 1 , EVERY PUFF A DELIGHT w" SE.ggTSlW QVALlTi" THK UKHT A1.V'AM IMrOUM II. lUce Mc-rtaulile Li gut Co., Mauufacturcrs, bt. LiOiiU, a i-