Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1906, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Daily Bee
Clerey of Fgrit Will Hold Eerricei Ont-ide
Pels of the Law.
GoTerament Will Not Make Any ArretU
Until Keetinet Are Over.
Premier Says B Waa Inilractina: French
men to Diiobey Law.
Pope Holds that Itliart of Records
U an Owtraa nnd Without Prece-
Opinion la Home
PARIS. Dee. 11 The clergy ot Paris Is
sued special appeals tonight to their pa
rishioner, to b present at the churches
tomorrow at the first mass celebrated out
aide the pale of the law. The government,
however, purposes to proceed gently. These
services will not be broken up. but police
men will be In attendance to not lsfractlons
e . V. 1.. mnA rl 1 nfflrlatlnf nrii ats or
their assistant, before the nearest Justice
of the peace.
The chief danger of disorders In Paris 1
believed to He In the possible Invasion of
churches by rowdies and free thinkers. Re
serves of gend'armea will be stationed at
various points throughout the city to guard
against troubles of this sort. The effort,
made by certain members of the Chamber
of Deputies and other disinterested perrons
to Insure a continuation of churc ties in eplta
t the papal veo, by Inducing Catholic lay
men In each parish to make the forbidden
declaration have not thus far met with
much success. Up to a late hour tonight
the Church of 8t. John the Evangel was
the only church where such legal applica
tion had been made.
The Indications are against anything
which might be dignified by the name of re
ligious war, and the prompt expulsion from
France yesterday of Mgr. Montagnlnl, sec
retary of the papal unclature here since th
recall of the nuncio, coupled with the threat
to expel recalltrant clergymen from France,
has had a sobering Influence. The militant
Catholics are In a hopeless minority and the
masses are rather Indifferent, or except In
a few Isolated Instances, Inclined to side
with the government.
a Demonstration at Xaney.
There wss a riotous demonstration at
Nancy today while the bishop was moving
out of his residence. A crowd of 2.000 ac
companied the officials to the residence,
hooting them constantly. The bishop will
be prosecuted on the charge of assautlng
a policeman because he laid his hand upon
a policeman's shoulder while he was leav
ing bis residence.
Five thousand persons gathered today In
the cathedral at Renneajto listen to Arch
bishop Do boug's exhortation to obedience
to the pope. There wa an enthusiastic
.demonstration when the archbishop left
the cothedraL
Bo far as church property Is concerned,
the episcopal mansions, the rectories, the
seminaries, etc, prelates of all rank are
prepared to accept the notices served upon
them to move out tomorrow after protest
ing end refusing to sign documents of dis
possession. It is reported tonight that dotene of cul
ture or diocesan societies are In process
of formation at the last moment In the va
rious departments.
First Salts Art Plied.
Prosecutions have been begun against the
over the building, belonging to the eccle
alasUca, atop th pension, of the clergy,
compel aspirant, to th priesthood to nil
their military obligation, and. If necessary,
treat th clergy as subject, of a foreign
power. This constitutes a sufficient demon
stration of the spirit with which the gov
ernment Intend, to meet resistance.
The tone of Premier Clemencoau'a speech
In the Chamber of Deputies last night also
bow. that he has Parliament at hi. hack.
Nevertheless, M. Clement eau waa careful
to say that there waa still time for Catho
lic to conform to the law.
Xnnrlo'a Papers Valuable.
It turns out that the paper, seised at the
papal nunciature yesterday placed In the
. government', band. Important evidence
which may prove exceedingly embarrassing
to th Vatican If open war is to take place.
They Include, beside all th diplomatic
record, covering the ocrresponoence ex
changed before the rupture with the Vati
can, recent Instruction, from Cardinal
Merry del Vsl, th papal secretary of state,
a mas of letter, from prelates all over
the world and letter, la th handwriting
of deputle. of th right party. M. Jaures.
the socialist leader, asserts In hi. papf
that the seised documents even prov the
existence of a conspiracy.
Cardinal Richard ha. accepted the tarn-
porarn hospitality of M. Denys Cochin,
conservative member of the Chamber of
DepuUe from one of the Part, district..
rt. , i. 1 1 -. i . , , ,
"vv eM --. .-w - j i itui wcif cvetcuaicu
today. I
The formal charge on which Monslgnor
MontiM-nlnl waa expelled was that he car-
riea out an order contained In a telegram
from Papal Secretary of State Merry del
Val, received December a. to Instruct tho
French clergy to refute to make applica
tions under the law of 1881, or obey th law
of 1JU6.
Th government obtained a copy of the
meaae at the telegraph office.
Editor rile Application.
That th rank and file of ths liberal
Catholic, disapprove of the Intransigent
attitude of the authorities at Rome was
evidenced by the fact that M. Martinet,
editor of the Renaissance, nd Felix Robiu,
filed, on their own initiative with Prvfect of
Police Lepln today, an application under
ths public meetings law of lsl for per
m:ssioa to hold religious meetings In all
the churches.
It wu at first announced that the gov
ernment bad InstruiUd th prefect to ac
Card n-J Richard ha formally denied that
" j T a .
. t . . .. i .. t k. . -t . . . . i. a. I
Pierre du Uros CaUlou, St. Augustine and (hi. mother-in-law), was again remanded .''!. , l1"' "V i.r,p7, '.k i Tk. n.,!'. . . .h. ., timaha and
St. Roche, where the greatest resistance to for a week today at the Bow street police from the national government and If the lutlon rallln. for Information Lr,. .v.. proved itself
th taking of th Inventories occurred and court. 'states fail to furnish it in due measure, I . . ... . -.-... ,
. . .1 , . , . iL dlsrbsreevl aoldlera It Is nwt. m-tu 1 ain
It has been decided to immediately take Hau is being closely watched, as the ro-! .-. .T f,'T .OI.J"e 1 ""' ' . V . ".. . . ' k 7, I . 1 1 . , est. of Omah
. , '! JZ forma r tt i i.I 11 ' lo c"rU r witl ,ht iU n'" m"u' ,h Dab" lf- m.-r.t on land here worth SXMW. The j Mots, restgr.ed; Wyomli.g. Cre.toii. Sneet- hal, and William K. Lewis and Henry N.
rZi.i .nTder'drf a general 17, hi,, n Im",h Chamber of Commerce. ari that he should be disappointed if great city cf rhklo and 4,'li other defondanu Wllter ccunty. Thomas G. Sherman, vice CY. dllor of the New York Uornlr.g
ri ,. ill th. churches wa. lriuUr I Improvements cannot t made !n the ad- d ln tl- suits. The land named 1. Harry Hay. resigned. Telegraph, were arrested today charged
Su TnlsJ announced that unless app.tTona P--e-.ers to be Held. mlnisttat.on of lite insurance and Its ct ulmoHt ,he entlr, terrlt,ry uth t Thirty- The poslomce at Avery. Sarpy county, with "criminal contempt of court In clr-
Tt. aK.n. ' JU- n?he ZZZZ ZLVJ? IJJ. " .:rty-nlnth street, between ; Nehr Jka. and Appanoose cunty! culatin. false and ,ro,y Inaccurate re
behalf cf each church, measures for re- which na. .ietsined si quarantine ysiei- Grand boulevard and Lake Michigan. Ac- Iowa, nave been ordered discontinued. Prt" OI tr'J t-'-'tf triai
tirtln violations of lb lit would com- J ' UP"" arrival from H-m.i uig and Cher- Boston ef on License. 'cording o Smith, th original grant of th .
porting vtoiaiiona oi n- " wouiu com- , B , w.,aiii..,x in i.e se.-. POST. N. Iec 12 The ln l.uHUm , . " . ...,.. Gllletle does to Anharn.
m.uc. at th time for early mas. t- ' oa, f.Mn.w i.l r.le,.e,l ,v ! 5 1 Tl- on the liqu. r .,ue..P n was: Ye? Utvd l;ev,r arpenred on reoord. th Men ob- D.. .111.111., H..- HFRKIMEll. N. Y. Dh. 11 Cheste. K.
Bourse C.asette Smyu Nations Must
Combine n Porh Ambition
f Japan.
PT. PFTrRiinTTa nr. k Tk. nnnr
Ga-et. one of the mot responsible lour-
ntls la Russia, today contains a leading
article advocating a rapprochement be
tween the Inllv1 Rfntn. n rH Rntala In
safeguard the Interests f both powers Ir
me rar east, which, the paper says, r
now threatened by Japtnese
The Bourse Gaxette remarks:
Contemporary Eiirnne Is no ground- ,
which a combination of power for tr.. j
maintenance of peace m the fir east It
r.o-ll.l... but Russia anil the Upltcd Stnt-s i
nre ame to Join hand for this purpose.
They have no old scores to nettle. Their
ancient friendship la onlv trmporarllv lm
paired, owing to the mlt-ikes .f the
former regime A Russo-Amorlr;in rap
prochement, which la hl-'torlc.-i!!v n's
siry. rnnM check the Alntlc utorm whl'-h
la pgnln moving towards the western
world. Thts In no way Implies wi'.r with
Japan. On the contrary, o -non as the
nrl-nnderstandlng takes' di finite form It
will guarantee the stability of peace In the
far east.
The Poiirae Oaiette says It finds that
the chief source of Japanese Chauvinism
i now snown in tne necouations oi me
Toklo government with the governments
at Washington and St. Pctei-'bunr to be
"the utter bankruptcy of the moral pres
tige of the west In Japanese eyes, owing
to Japan's easy defeat of Russia and the
discovery that the s-Mi'lprity cf the west
ern peoples In the work of peaceful de
velopment Is an empty sound."
The article adds: "The war Indicated
, th Japanese that everything- was per.
mlsslble to them If material force was on
their side. The first st-p In the moral
rehabilitation of the west Is a Russo-
Amerlcan rapprochement."
In this connection mny be quoted a re
mark: made to the Associated Preps cor
respondent by a Russian diplomat of the
highest rank, who said: "Russia places
the highest value on the friendship of the
United States and realites and acknowl
edge that serious mistakes were made In
the past to which the Impairment of the
friendship of the last few years Is due.
Oir task now Is to repair these blun
ders." The Kovoe Vremya and Rech and Slovo
also devote leading articles In most ap
prehensive tone to the Japanese question.
Heart of Ruler of Persia la Affected
and He Can Live Bat Few
tlon of the shah remain, practically un- J
uiimiKcu, HimiJUKn louay ne raiiieu BiiKULiy
after yesterday's relapse. At a consulta
tion of physicians held yesterday evening It
was discovered for the first time that his
majesty's heart has become seriously
fected. thus addir- a new complication to J
the situation, wh .1 already was consld- I
ered grave. The condition of his heart and :
the repeated syncopes lead to the consensu, j
" wKi.mni inni inc. .imn uuiDui live more
than five days. The palace officials no
longer conceal the seriousness of the situ
ation. Public business Is proceeding as usual.
vwstiT, nrbon. 1.1. .-j
son. ; havlnV TnMm.V. 7 - h Vh
sons having Intimate relations with the ,
court, few people seem to be affected by
tne state oi tne snan s health, and general l
Indifference If not apathy extends even In j
Parliament. .
American Uwrer Closely Watched,
a Guards Fenr He Mill
Commit Suicide.
x.. "-u"int 10 tne tact
that the evidence regarding the death of
Frau Mollltor had not arrived here ,ii""ill control which they deem Junt and
Tau monitor naa not. armed nere from in ,... n ,. h. (k.i
Germany, Prof. Karl llau of Waahlngton.
clde. His- guards yesterday detected him
adjusting a necktie around his neck and
aert that he was about to attempt to
strangle himself. The prisoner, however,
assured his counsel that he had no such
!.-.i u . , v. i. . i .
Intention. Hau thi morning made an ap-
plication to the magistrate for $350 with
whlch to pay creditors at Washington,
who, he said, are pressing htm. Th mag.
lstrate promised to consider the application.
Relchsfaa; Wil Be Dissolved and
Election Ordered If Money
Is Mot Granted.
BERLIN, Dec. 12. Emperor William ha
authorised Chanctlior von Buelotv to dis
solve the Reichstag and order new (lec
tions If the tupplementary appropriations
asked for by the government are not
granted by the house.
Th question of the Reichstag appropri
ating enough money to keep the present
army ln German Southwest Africa ln the
field Is, according to the conviction of
I the government, equivalent to the question
whether the colonv shall be riven un
... ., .-.UC...,B soman , rr,, .r,,.. , . . T,n i on supplies
I.. . . , ruiuuuii win it luuiiu in i ni I nr im tr-M bciiv v 111m j iiiui 1 1 wiui B ine noil '
I iicu ten- ii may aiieuipi to commit .Ul- '
retained. An appeal to the country. If j ,he total a"'ou"t up to W0.iMJ.0o0.
necessary, will be made on that Issue, the ! wording to a statement given out to
governnient s position being ttat if the ! day lh ProrrJs of the ale of the new
present garrison of German Southwest
Africa is reduced from 1I.0W to lit men,
i ii the e nter I ,n r t v anrl the . t t r.i n u lrt
tlves will obtain possession of the colony.
European (iraln Bnjers M'ould
Change System to Prevent
I. o to Them.
BEKLIN, Dec. 11 In consequence of the
international movement among buyers of
American grain to f imp te among sellers
, to control the standard s'riln contracts.
representatives of the German, lieiglum,
niishv Dutch and Hwedish chambers of
commerce met on the Bourse here tody, to
consider ths taking of conunon action.
The liea, is to make American Eellera re
sponsible for laying down merchantable
grain at European ports Instead of, as in
tho standard contracts, placing the losa,
If the grain arrives ln bad condition, upon
the European buyer. The controversy turns
particularly upon corn meal, though whe.t
i. nswii.'m alMi prutl !y i!l be
r. l--se.l. but ti e 1! s-s-.nd et-;n p,u-reo-
f'- ' ee f 1 1" ' ni the il..-a.t.. jl
, I d l lJuUUUl UluUj fr uL-siiS'
. ii .. . .ii . in sni. irr..iy. mr (w fninriinaiinn - , . ... .. . . .i. ...
f ecretary Diicussea Tendency Teward Cen-tnliiatie-
t Powers of Got rnmenU
j Can Only Be Cheeked hy
V " S',',,, Thf,,r D" ,he
NC" Country at Large and lea
Islatlns; Accordingly.
. tw. h a.ret.r-ir of State
NE-W TORK. Doc. 12 Secretary or Plate
Ellhu Rrot was the guest of honor at the
eighth annual dinner of the Pennsylvania
society of New York held this evening at
the Waldorr-AMorla hotel. More than TOO
members of the society were present. Pres
ident J. Hampden Robhs presided. Pecre
trtry Root responded to the toast "The
United States."
Mr. Root said:
What Is to be the future of the states
of the union under our cona'ltut1'mal form
of government? The conditions under
which the clauses of the constitution dls
tribntine' now-era to the national and state
government are hencefor,vi to ne appue
are widely different from the conditions
whclh were or could have been within the
contemplation of the framers of the con
stitution, and widely Afferent from those
which obtained during the early years of
the repiltic. Few of the men of 177
would have deemed it p 'S.sible that the
union they were forming could be main
tained rnnoiin fc.i, .".'" of people, spread
over the vast expanse from the Atlantic
to the Pacific, and from the lakes to the
State Action Inadequate.
Such changes In the ll'e of the people
I""""?1 ! Produce corresponding po.
lltlcal conditions. Some of these charges
caa be plainly seen now In progress. It Is
plainly to be seen that the people of the j
country are coming to the conclusion that I Mrs. Hartie would take un reMen, 1
In certain Impor" nt respects the local!. ,,,,.,., " -v " r"'u",u ;
laws of the seprite states which were "'"onila permanently, after the close i
,inn.i. .1,1 , . of the 1 Ivor re rmMHinn
and control of the business which was
transacted and the activity which began
and ended within the lmlts of the several
r' n va HI lliaortiuuie inr JHl anu nUP C'rl- j
trol of the business activities which ex
tend through all the state, and more power
of regulation and control Is gradually pass
ing Into the hands of the national govern
ment. Sometimes by an assertion of the
Interstate commerce power, sometimes by
an assertion of the taxing power, the na
tional government Is taking up the per
formance of dutlerj which under the
changed condltons the separate states are
no loneer capable of adequately perform
ing. The federal antl-tnist law, the anti
rebate law, the railroad rate law, the meat
Inspection law. the oleomargarine liw, the
P ire food law ore examples of the pur
pose of the people of the United States to
do through the nency of the national gov
ernment the thing which the "eparate state
governments formerly did adequately, but
no longer do adequateley.
New projects of national control are
mooted, uniform divorce laws: child labor
of the state are proposed.
Sew View of Dntles of States.
I submit to your Judgment and I desire !
to prss upon you with ail tne eiriemnesi !
L P088e.5.8' tnal .theie .is but one way In i
uftheir XZ .d'utnSrlTy Tde'?
conditions which are now he tore n.
lh'lt ay ' by an awakening on the par.
ownthdeutUal,to fh counatage.0? I
conamons winch now exist, no state can 1
"v to itself alone and regulate its affairs !
with sole reference to Its own treasury.
Its own convenience. Its own special inter
ests, livery state Is bound to frame Its
legislation and Its sdmlnistratlon with ref-
iereiU not onrs its ewnmrecial interest
but ,tn "'nce to the enect on all Its
sister states. Every Individual is bound
1 ' iiiuniuuni i uvuuu i
to regulate his conduct with some refer- .
l" r1'' neignnora ana me
mXidual. brTgh t ' toge"., the
more Imperative beoomej the necessit v
-...en consirain. ana limns individual con-
it i. ..iM. .. ' , ..
rl.hts to inveigh against the supremacy of
the constitutional laws of the United States
or against the extension of national author-
Ity In the fields of necessarv control where
the states themselves fall In the perform-!
nine oi uteir uuiy. 1 ne inBiinn lor sen
government among the people of the United
Htaloa let t n lham lona- tn
respect any one a right to exercise a power
which he fails to exercise. The govern-
; su. h control could be better xercled in
wnere it will ne exercised ln the national
government. The true and only way to
' preserve state i authority Is to bo found In
. Ine.rVroad. VZS'ZZ
of responsibility to the general govern-
! ment' in effertlve legislation by the states
In conformity to the general moral sense
c(ce for the general public good of the
cf the country, and In the vigorous exer-
authority which Is to be preserved.
Sixty Million Dollars Added to Pre
ferred Stork to Provide for
' Expenses.
iskw iwii. itc n or
the director, of tho Great Northern rail-
way It was voted to authorise an Increase
of JflPCOf OOO in preferred stock and to tfv
stockholder, the opnortun.ty of subscribing
therefor at par
Payments 'oV new Issue, are to be at
pferiuus ciJUMiu-i-e v v u j trcn aim "it
all such payments the company will pay
Interest at the rate of 5 er cent per an-
num until the full amount Is subscribed
for. The present amount of stock out
standing Is very nearly Ila0.0n0.000, so that
the new issue, when it becomes stock, will
sunk Is to be used "to pay for additional
1 q"ipn'r.t for additions to and lmpruve-
merit of existing' Une and for acquisition
: of such lines as the directors niay decide
I to be necessary."
Pstnl Morton at Head of Movement to
Secure Inlformlty of Adtulnlat ra
tlon nnd Prevent Waste.
NEW YORK. Dec. 11 It waa announced
today that President Paul Morten of the j
F luitable liife Assurance society has cai'ed
a n et ng of the president of more than
.ul' . . ... J,. C. ,. '
thirty of th priiuriial life insurance com
panies in the country, tu be held in New
York City on Docerr.btr a. to form art as- !
sociatlon. Aji.ons the reasons given ty '
iTesldent Morton for the org-anixatinn are: j
To prevent and reduce tx- j
Pn ' encouraging uniformity of ai-!
mlnistratfc n; to consider whether to advo-
cat9 or OI P"4 igiaiai.on,
iur. mor.uu ...a. o ... . o.o
l: .-: no. it itie inaJ'Tiiy for .t lst years vole: Ir,, SSoij,
T.vlvr, o.l.xk Ian: Yes. 3S..U;; no. a.jw.
Majvril lux .v law.
Judge Frnser Decides the Suit at
Pittsburg- Adversely to the
FITTSRURQ. Dec. 12.-The famous di
vorce case brojslit by Augustus Hartje.
the millionaire paper manufacturer,
against his wife Mary Scott Hartje, in
which he named Coachman Thomas
Madlne as co-respondent, was today de
cided In favor of Mrs. Hartje.
Judge Fraser denied the petition of the
complainant, but makes no reference to the
question of alimony. The children are to
remain In the custody of Mrs. Hartje until
a further order of court.
The court costs must be paid by Hartje.
Hartje's counsel anounccd the case would
be appealed.
The case aroused public Interest all over
the country. Hearing of the testimony
took nearly five weeks. The battle .centered
In the production of a series of letters
alleged to have been written by the wife
to Thomas Madlne, the coachman of the
family. For five days handwriting experts
gave their opinion on the authenticity of
these letters.
During the trial Mr. Hartje and John 8.
Welshona, his friend, together with Clif
ford Hooe, colored, a former coachman of
Hartje's. was arrested on charges of
conspiracy. Hooe was also charged with
A separate suit brought by Mrs. Hartje
for temporary alimony, counsel f e"i snd
$30,000 expenses Incurred during the trial.
Is still pending.
Mrs. Hartje was not able to be In court
today, on account of Illness. With her two
children she returned to Pittsburg, from
caiiiornia yesterday, and while enroute
, . .
"UInH contracted
severe cold. Her i
mother. Mrs. Scott, denied the report that
"Mary has no Intention of le.vln Titt.
hr, .h. , . ... i
, 5; h ' f cour8e- tn notoriety
"'.t siae. our iin many i. ur j
friends here and has not suffered from the
sensational charges."
When Informed of the decision Mrs.
Hartje. the llbellant, said:
Well, that Is not the finish. I will ap-
peal the decision and carry It to the bitter :
end. My conscience Is clear,
nothing wrong."
I have done
Dlsehara-ed Soldiers of Twenty-flfth
Make Application for Reenllst
nent In Army.
miBnivmviv re i Tn. n.n..i..
result of a memorandum of Secretary Taft j
to the military secretary signed yesterday. '
... , .. . . ,, . .
outlining the procedure to be followed by I
jT'tT !ii.?hol!lt'rrJrJa.I- '
who Wre "eS without honor, was ;
the visit today to the War department of .
",f f '- .mf"
puca W re-eniistment, aecianng tnat they
were innocent of all complicity in and
""l0 of ,he 8jraJr "l Brownvllle. The
",r" ' c.iur.iuo i r-
sent establishing this fact, but their ap-
plications were submitted and received upon
the assurance that such testimony would be
forthcomlne at once.
' Secretary Taft. who will pass upon the
cases of the discharged men before taking
- ' - -
them to the president, said today that r.cth-
i )n beyond receiving the applications for
! re-enllstment would be done until the re-
' nliea of the nre-ident anrl htmaeir to th
, Bena1e resolutions of inquiry are sub-
i mitted.
The evidence furnished yesterday by Gil-
. .-,.. ctewnrt who Is actln for Bmh,
cnrl" "tewart, wno is ror a number
I of the men. the secretary also said, will
he one into carefullv nt he IkVa
. m AA,,,. -,i .jiji..,i -
:acwjnt ln tno flmU "judication of the
' TnAt tfiT
The evidence submitted at the Whit
i .
"y oiicnnst Ditsan or me tonsil-
tutional le.nsnie ir. hohair th. ik.i
soldiers of the Twenty-fifth Infantry haa
. '
I ...
, Mutual and Xew York Life Interests
Get Together on State
NEW YORK. Dec. 12. Ways and means
for supervising he coming elections of
directors of the Mutual Life Insurance
company and the New York Life Insurance
company were considered at a onferencs
l held today at the New York office of tho
j .tat .uperlntendent of Insurance.
, y - wnty enlievor4 to escape from thdr owa
octatlon. suggested that the state superln-j ( on Crw reservation. G.n-
tendent of nsurance appoint five in.pec- ' , cIoUl,
tors of elections for each company. This . ' d f(ra for tnelr ,.
; arrangement was satisfactory to the va- JJZ oM
riou. Interests present and the represnta- Mock- He believes .ome assistance .houid
tire, of the companies and ,h. policyho.d- , '
,r' ,,cltlon agreed to suhmlt list. ntib.. which request was granted.
i - " - -
names who would be agreeable to them to
j have serve as such Inspectors.
Since Conviction of One Other Ac
cused Insurance Men Must
Increase Ball.
IM'll' TATI V Tl . 1 1 -TV V... ( ' n i
. r.L .
, , ,
Reserve Life Insurance company, and
! George D. Elr!de, vice president of the."" ""-" " "
company, both of whom are under Indict-
ni ii ti t hnr.H n f fnrri.rv unit Lrcnnv
was increased by Just:ce Greonbaum In the
Burnham'. bail was fixed at 130.000 and
that of Elrldge at tlZMA. Both gav the
bonds required.
Hitherto both had been held ln J11500 balL
The action was taken on request of the
dlstrict attorney following the conviction
yesterday of Georg Burnham, Jr.. general
' counsl the company, on a charge of
liU"ct0' under which he was Indicted Jointly
': with Frederick A. Burnham and Eldridg.
Man Wants Twenty-
Five Million Dollars' Worth of
Property on South Sid.
CHICAGO. Dec. 11 In the ftderal circuit
: court u4il, Sidney Bmith of dmbrtdje.
t-lnlng trie grant died nef-re the
irun nimerut was registered.. Smith claim.
'" m- -
JO- tua jraui ,
lerreant-at-Armi o f Etuse fees Ho Way
to Coyer aoa nto Treainry.
Conarressman Kennedy Has Annnal
Flaht on Ills Hands to Retain
the Indian npply Depot
at Omaha.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 12. tSpeclal Te'e
gram.) Congressman Pollard will, tomor
row, present a resolution to the house of
representatives calling upon the Judiciary
committee of that body to Investigate the
question whether he is or is not entitled
to the money which the rgaant-at-armi
sent to him covering the period between
the resignation of Senator Burkett from
the lower house and his election as Bur
kett s successor.
Congressman Pollard was severely criti
cised during the last campaign for taking
the money and be kst many ','otee because
of ILs acccptrnce. Later on and after dic
tion, Congressman Pollard drew a draft
for ll.BSl.M, payable to the treasurer of the
United States, and sent the same to Henry
Casson, sergeant-at-arms of the house with
a request that this amount be covered
liAt k into the treasurv. Mr. CatM.m has
been up a tree regarding the disposition of
the money and retalnfd the check until ,
today, when It was returned to Mr. Pol- j
lard with the following letter: i
WASHINGTON. D. C. lec. 11. Hon. K. I
M. Pollard, House of Representatives My
Lear Hir
Referring to tne matter of your
letter to
ia enAlnalnir u draft nnVfthl. tn
order of tne treasurer of the United
states for Il.8ul.S4. 1 have to say that 1
6m not officially advised of any way In
n-hieh I -r, ..,., thi. rn.,nt.v -Imo the
treasury of the United States. The pay-
ment of this amount to you, being for
compensation in interim between the be-
Binning ui ilia r 11 1 -iitii in tvnaiiso eii
uate of your clfctlon as representative to
that congrtss, was made under authority
es'TX Uni?ersta0,e.U'wh.rceh
statute wss enacted In the year In
making this payment, not only was the
statute observed, but It conformed to an
unbroken line of orecedents and was ap
proved by the accounting omcers oi mo
Treasury d partment. Your letter and ac
companln6 draft are transmitted here
with. Very truly yours,
Sergeant-at-arms, House of Representa
tives. Mr. Pollard has sought since reaching
Washington to have the comptroller of the
trfasury or auditor of state and other de
partments to pass upon this question once
and for all, but they have refused to givo
n opm'on un" p"1 up l" Z
""' He h" had, r?'ted T Ji ll
with the sp aker and the house leaders as
. , hlfc .hM nrnrMn
sod It was finally agreed that he should
a Uo of p,.r90nai prlvileg
a. .., r-.0lutlon
e to
! Zn the Judiciary committee of the
morrow and Introduce the resolution call-
i h. , ini.n nnon this much de
Dnted ouestlon whether he had a right to
. acceptqtne money which he did covering
the period above mentioned,
-ni on
Congressman Kenneay is again irrro uV
over the appropriation for the Indian sup
ply "depot; there bslag quite a disposition
i " the Indian affair- committee of the
. , , f
house to cut Omaha out of the list oi
supply depots. r. ivenneay ioujr i.-u .
! conference with various member, of the
i committee and showed them how Important
" wa th appropnauou mourn i
! continued in Its present form. Up to the
j Present fiscal year Omaha waa mentioned
directly In the bill a. one of the place.
' lnrt,,n '...nniv denot should be
where an Indian supply depot should. De
maintained, but the Indian appropriation
Omaha as well as St. Louis and San Fran
cisco and appropriated a lump sum for the
three cities. During the last year Indian
I . !-,. h. elven the mer.
. Commissioner Leupp has given tne mer
I chan,s of Omaha an opportunity to bid
the Indian supply depot has
of benefit not only to the In-
deparlment, but to the business Inter-
a a. well. Mr. Kennedy'.
presentation of the Omaha case met with all interests In the valley have been called
general favor and there Is no doubt that i to assemble tomorrow morning at Imperial
the appropriation heretofore made will be j to meet R. H. Ingram and other repre
continued ln ths Indian bill when reported ! eentatlves of the Southern Pacific com
after the Christmas holiday.. It Is be- : Pnv. who will submit a proposition to the
lleved, however, that the whole question
of Indian supply depots will be coveted
In one general paragraph and the names
of all cities ln which supply depots are at
present maintained will be eliminated, a
Hat sum for thi. work being appropriated.
Supplies for lie Indiana.
Major General Greely today telegraphed
the military secretary ln reference to pub
lished reports on the pitiable condition of
( the Ute Indians at Fort Meade, who re-
Minor Matters at Capital.
Dr. A. 8. Von Mansfield of Ashland Is
In Washington and is the guest of the
Cosmos club. Dr. Von Mansfield Is here
for the purpose of attending the banquet
of the National Geographic society, which
will be given. Saturday evening at the New
Judge Klnkald today appeared before the
mlliury affairs committee of the house and
a..iced that the army appropriation bill
carry an appropriation of Jlj.Ott) to enlarge
re. ,,".!
the amount appropriated by last year'.
' b111- "ame'y t:W Oj0' W,U f tand' 71118
lit is stated, is wholly Insufficient
to meet
'the needs of the hospital, and particularly
so if Fort Robinson 1. to become a brigade
congressman cmun ... tuuuc, n uns,
who is a member of the .ub-commltte on
j appropriations, having the fortification bill
: " charge, siaiea iixwy nisi ne woum
! leave for home Saturday, but that the
j fortifications bill would be reported out of
hi committee before his leaving.
First Lieutei ant Orvelle G. Brown, as-
slslant surgjon. now at Newport News,
will rroceed to Fort Robinson for duty.
T. W. Burg of Omaha. H. D. Crosmer of
Tripp and G. W. of Miller, B. D.,
have teen appointed railway mail clerks.
John F. Mathlus has been appointed reg
vlar and Elizabeth Mathlas substitute rural
1 r a f..r route No. 1 at Coiicord Net.
i',lmasters appoint, d : Nebraska, Amelia.
WASlli.Mjii., ic. i--ite nous to-
I day adopted the concurrent resolution to
f,,r n fhi-iiimn. h.ih,iiv. ..n r-
. " """"'-
j cu.u-c -v w .
Slow In West, Rain In t'.nnt rortlnnl
lwlrteritr older 'lharsilay. Frldn
Fair and t'oltlrr.
Temperatnre at Omaha Veterdst
Ilnnr. I Hoar. Dear.
ft a. ra an 1 p. m fto
n. tn i-H 2 p. m M
7 a. m .Hs 3 p. ni fttf
8 a. in .IS 4 p. m...... Kt
9 a. m nil r p. m M
1 a. m 41 p. m -'
11 a m 44 7 p. m 4-1
13 m 4T K p. m 47
9 p. m 40
T. W. C. A. Rooms, 12il. to 1,
Miss rarker.
Auditorium, 3 p. m .. Dr. Torrey,
"The Baptism of the Holy Spirit."
V W. C. A. Rooms. 7 p. m.. Rev.
W. . Jarobr, Personal Work.
Auditorium, IflO p. m ., Mr. Unt
ie r villi sins; svad Mr. Torrey will
p reach.
Men Charated with Gambling- Reqnlred
to Give Renl Names Bsfora
Bond Is Accepted.
NEW TORK. Dec. 12-Led by District
'Attorney Jerome, the police tonight raided
an alleged gambling house In Tenth street
nd arrested 145 men.
The new tactics of the district attorney
were apparently a great surprise not only
to the prisoners, but also to the lawyers
and bondsmen who flocked to the station
I to ball out the prisoners. Fictitious names
re often given raJlowmg sucn a ram, dui
tonight the district attorney Instructed the
th. .latlon to reoulre the
sergeant at tne ponce station to require me
bnrdsmen to make oath that the prisoners'
names and addresses given at the station
. correct
Altnougn lawyers appeared at tne station
house with bondsmen the sergeant re-
r ry can, the,
bordsmen refused to give ball. The re-I
guit was that at a late hour the majority
of the 145 men were still held In cells at 1
the station.
About thirty policemen, a score of detec
tives, two roundsmen and Captain Miles
O'Reilly of the Mercer 8treet station par
ticipated in the raid.
To enter the gambling house several
heavy doors were battered down with Iron
rails taken from a parsing truck.
Mrs. Bradley's Defense Will Be Thnt
Shooting; was Justified by th
Unwritten Law.
WASHINGTON. D. C- Dec. 13.-Kormer
United States Senator Arthur Brown of
Utah, who was shot in his apartments at
the Hotel Raleigh Saturday afternoon by
Mrs. Anna M. Bradley of Salt Lake City,
died at midnight at the Emergency hos
pital. Mrs. Bradley will be arraigned In police
court tomorrow.
One of th assistant dl.trlct attorney,
made another fruitless effort tonight to
secure an ante-mortem statement, but Sen
ator Brown refused to talk. After th
autopsy Is performed the body will be
taken to Salt Lake City for burial.
Mrs. Bradley Is on the verge of collapse
and her physicians say that It may be sev
eral days before she will be able to be ar-
, ralgned In court. Her defense will be' that
she was Justified under the "unwritten
' i i .hrwtin nm.
, Uw- In shooting Brown.
Southern Pacific Railway Begins
Another Fight to Keep River
Ont of Salton Sen.
IMPERIAL, Cal.. Dec. 11 Preliminary
work was begun this morning by the
Southern Pacific railroad for closing the
, break ln the Colorado river. A meeting of
people of the valley asking them to guar
antee the company and the Mexico repub
lic against damage claims. In return for
which the company will proceed on a larger
scaje than ever to control the river anj
build dykes to furnish abundant protection
for all times.
Tub Under Chicago Rlvar Is Too
Badly Damaared to Permit
CHICAGO, Dec. 11-It was decided today
by engineers employed by the city that
the tunnel under the Chicago river at La
Salle street must be abandoned. For years
the tunnel has been an obstruction to
navigation, as Its roofs are so high that
deep draft vessels heavily loaded almost
Invariably strike Its roof.
The War department ordered the tunnel
lowered and the work has been In progress
i for some time. The engineers, however,
have found the roof so badly damaged
' hy the pounding It haa received from
I vessels as to be lncjMe of repair and
they have therefore recommended It be
- Stntes Will Carry Christmas
Boxes for Enlisted Men With
out Charge.
WASHINGTON, Dec H-Chrletmaa
boxes and parcels for the enlisted men of
j ,h navy ,ervln in Cuban waters will be
nt.Uv(red without coat If they are ad-
ore,g(Si n charge of the depot quarter-
, nr Xewport Newn, Va. AJ1 such
, piu. ka(rp. ah(Aii be distinctly addresxe
. ana plainly marked "Christina. Package,
j similar arrangements were recently mad
(jements were recently made
' for the Philippine service.
With Tw lien York Editor He la
Aeensed of Circulating; Pais
NEW YORK. Dec. 12 -William B.
tB taken fro.n th Jail to.Uy by
t-i.eriff kuxk at-i a deputy and 'Hnrd
t'r auim rn Hiaie pns-,n ui n" n. i lls
, waiting at the rullriai station Giilstt
J ..rrouJ.ded by a vlvwd tyf tosi.
Head of Omaha Coal Exchaan Convicted
of lestraiat of Tiade.
Verdiat Cornea After Hop of Agreement
liad Been Gmn Up.
Defence Indioatea it Will Eeek EeTtreal la
Eicher Body.
Speedy Hearing Promised Remainder
of Coal Exehann Leader. Wh
Are Indicted with Presi
dent Ilowell.
"We, th Jury, duly lmpaald a
worn to well and truly try and tru
dsllTerauc mate between th state of
ltsbraaka and lamusl X. Mowsll, th
prisoner at the bar, do Had th .aid de
fendant guilty of restraint of trad, as
he stand, charged ln the information."
Chronology of Coal Cnses.
September 8 County Attorney Slabaugh
asks for grand Jury.
September 10 District Judges call grand
September 21 Injunction suit brought by
county attorney preventing continuance of
Omaha and South Omaha CVal exchange,
and enjoining removal or destruction oi
books nnd records of the exchange.
October 1 Grand Jury begins Investiga
tion. October 12 Depositions of Secretaries
Wills and Ostrom taken and copies of Im
portant documents made.
October 23 Grand Jury returns Indict
ments. November O Indicted coal dealers ar
raigned. December S Samuel E. Howell, president
of exchange, pleads not guilty.
December 5 Jury selected to try Howell.
December 10 Case given to Jury.
December 12 Jury returns verdict Ot
Byron R. Hastings, real estate, 351 Dodge.
Thomas Gillespie, ex-llquor dealer,
Trlrty-elghth and L. South Omaha.
Charles L. Hooper, advertising noveltlea,
2t20 North Nineteenth avenue.
Henry Alexander, dining car cook, 11
South Tenth.
N. E. Dlllrance, horse dealer, boards at
Dennis Sheean, Union Pacific car repairer,
1704 South Thirteenth.
Frank Lynch, cook. 1120 Dodge.
Anton Dokulil, 4139 South Seventeenth.
J. H. Muldoon, engine foreman, 2216 Cali
fornia. E. B. Brain, manager Omaha School Sup
ply company. 1547 South Twenty-eighth.
J. F. Willett, Inspector water company,
24 Caldwell.
L. M. Cash, salesman National Cash Reg
ister company, 112 North Twenty-fourth.
After thirty-five hours of almost cease
less deliberation the Jury ln the first of the
Coal trust cases retaraed th.1. verdict Into
Judge Sutton", court Wednesday morning
at : o'clock. The fact n verdict was
reached at all after two nights and a day
of fruitless work on the part of the Juror,
surprised everybody connected with the
case. The defense gave notice It would tile
a motion for a new trial and Indicated it
would cary the case to the supreme court.
If necessary, in an endeavor to have the
verdict set aside.
The twelve Jurors, wan and tired from
the long vigil, were granted excuse, from
further service by Judge Sutton a. soon
a. the formalities of returning the verdict
had been completed. They all expressed
great satisfaction that the arduous case
was over and gathering up their overcoats
and bundles hurried home to make up th
sleep the have lost.
Contest Over the Result.
The contest ln the Jury room was a hard,
one. according to hints that leaked out
during the morning. The first ballot stood
7 to for conviction, but after a little dis
cussion two of the five deserted to the ma
jority and for the rest of the long session
the vote continued to J- It stood at thi.
point most of Tuesday and Tuesday night.
The juror, worked until late Tuesday night
and then settled down on chairs, bench,
and table, as best they could to get som
sleep. At 6 o'clock Wednesday morning
the balloting began again and still the
three hung out. The Juror, went to break
fast with no evidence of a break ln the
deadlock. On their return from the morn
ing meal another ballot waa taken and two
more went to the side of the prosecution,
making the vote stand 11 to L One mors
ballot resulted ln the agreement.
The verdict was reached about o'clock
anu the defendant and his attorney, wsr
at once summoned by telephone to hear th
result. At 9:40 the Jurors, looking much
the worse for the hours spent In the Jury
room, filed Into court and took their place
ln the box. Foreman Edwin B. Brain
handed the verdict to Bailiff Klrkendall,
who passed It to Deputy District Clerk
Gallagher, who read it. Deep disappoint
ment was written ail over the face, of th
eight or ten coal men who were In th
court room when they heard th word
"guilty." Up to that time they bad ex
pressed themselves as confident of an ac
quittal. Dtfeas Demands Poll of Jury.
J. F. Stout, representing the defendant,
askci that the Jury be polled and In reply
to tn questions of the district clerk all of
them declared they had agreed to the
Verdict and still adhered to It.
"Gentlemen of the Jury." said Judge
Sat ton after the formality had been fin
ished, "the court realizes thi. haa been
a very hard and laborious trial for the
' Jurors. It has probably seemed hard to
i the Jurors that thi y should have been
! locked up during tha case. Is ths flrt
j jury for some time that has been out two
: cor.tlriuous nights. Jurors ars like soldiers.
They have to make many sacrifices for
; their country. I believe the sweetest
memories of old soldiers are of tb. liard-
tin anrl nrlvatlons thev have undergone.
j I am satisfied that us years go by you will
' look back upon this service and It will
1 fclve you i.J little sa.tlHfuctlon to recall
tho hatdships you went through In the
service of the slat'!."
Judge button said he would excuse any
1 of the Jurors, who wanted to go horn.
' All of them made application, to be re-
he 1 from further service.
r. Howell, the defendant, g-.vs a bond
fur 10.'") signed by John E. Von Dorn.
The maximum penalty that can b Im
posed Is a fine of tt.irtt or on year". Im
prisonment or both In th discretion of th
court. Sentence will not be pronounced
until the motion for a new trial has been
passed on. which will probably not b for
a week or two at least.
Triumph f.r Mahaunk.
The veidlit Is considered an Important
victory for County Attorney Bl-baugh and
his slaO. ii U recelvlutf CuugraluiaUvise