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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
THE OMATIA DAILY HEE: YTEPXESTAV, T"CEMI!En 12. lnral. 12 rvC-::-5Kv"-3E?:3E- n g?DOTiU Duy Your Holiday Gifts Early This Week-Only 11 More Days Special for Wednesday We Offer EXTRA BARGAINS in GIFTS Ladies and Men's Lincrt Initial Handkerchiefs These dainty handkerchiefs are iniported by us expressly for the holiday trade neatly hemstitched effects in genu ine Irish linen-all letters- A fjl A fjr each in plain or fancy 3"3t, box, at & 1 5: ft Please A Man to Give him something make him comforta61e. Slippers like ours will do it and please him immensly. Christmas Gloves I Men's No matter what "gift you may think of, you can not buy a better one nor one more acceptable than long kid gloves. Our latest importation of Parisian kid gloves the leading fashion able shades in 8, 12 and 16-button lengths, Perrin's, Reynier's, S::?,'"1: 1.98 3.75 Ladles' and Misses Short Kid Gloves These are the fine gloves in black, white and all O colors suede, glace and mocha two clasp, at. . Your Christmas Money Does Good Service flere SPECIAL BARGAIN INDUCEMENTS in Y JEWEL R i ft 8 s : c? o 8 8 ft V c Si iers In great variety, made of the softest kid, nicely trim med, all sizes, all styles $1.50, S2.00 to S3.:o FRY SHOE CO. in iiom, I6ih and Douglas Streets OMAHA WKATIIKH FOHECAST Wednesday, rol.ler. El Don't (lave Cold feet y ' PRCF.YTIMGREX'S ELECTRIC INSOLE All the very latest styles in muff chains, in carved $4 . $r wood and ebony, crape stone and Whitely jet, from X A guarantee witn every article. HI Gold Clock The Ansonla and New Haven Gold Clock. 100 tyies to select from and a splen did Christmas present. Prices from $30 down to, ...$2 Iris Opera Glasses T h e s e are the genuine French lenses, and a guarantee goes with each pair for only C A pair vj?T Buy a pair of our Electric In- jg soles. You can stand on ice all day and yet have warm feet. In- y fhoto Frames Hand etched and engraved photo SO $ y frames, pure silver on quadruple plate w SPECIALS in. TOYS Christmas stockings filled with toys from all l!Tm.T 5c-10c49c , Iiegular price $1.00, 50c 1 i , our price If sent by mail add 5c for each Roosevelt Bears The cutest novelty of the holl- 1ay season, every child wants one Toy Phonographs Will play any cylln der record a special Large etze, nicely made red Go-Carts, all steel wheels, at 98c to $10 1.50 98c 8 PS DOLLS The regular 35c size bisque baby dolls, with sewed wig, full jointed body, at 15c In the Game Department KeiruUMl Balllmf Boards special for Wadnea- QQq flna complete set of Table Croquet, usual 5o fcuid. at Buater Brown Painting- Bete, in a nice box. lor 1 11 .15c 10c 1 OMAHA f : 8 LJif. UMnnRIIRV nAn4!4 18 Y..ra Sam. " ' i vvuiiitl Location 1606 PAR NAM. OMAHA Yry tho now roofloao i Toeth extracted with. ptato. mads to oraok ! out pain 6 different nutewlth. W ? V V- Wo glvo gaa Sir8- -a-s (Qvhr ssLffar- u -J 1 I A Y WtrkCaarasa postage. The H. J. Pcnfold Co. 1408 Farnara St. The EOTTTXiXSTSmir Z.IMITZO, of the Is one of the finest equipped poaeenfer trains out of Kiwiea. City, and leaves that city dally 6:80 P. M. arrlvlna Memphis, Tenn., t:00 A. M., Hot Springs, Ark.. 1:46 p. M., New Orleans. La., 1:1 P. M.. Bir mingham, Ala., 3:66 P. M.. Atlanta, Qa 10:20 P. M.. Jacksonville, Fla.. S:S0 A. il carrying PULLMAI), DRAVIHGROOM, SLEEPER, KANSAS CITY to JACKSONVILLE, FLA. without change and KANSAS CITY ts HOT SPRINGS, ARK. sithout change. Many of the other eltles and winter resorts of the south and, south east sre reached just as eaally and com fortably by this train. Passengers should arrange to leave Nebraska and Iowa points In the forenoon. In order to connect with the above mentioned train. Any ticket agent will cheerfully furnish through rates, and arrange to reserve through sleeping car berths. For additional Infor mation and pamphlets concerning Florida, addreis J. C. Lavrlen, Asa't Qen'l Paen. ger Agent, Kansas City, Mo. T TRAVELING BAGS AND GASES Appropriate Xmas Gifts for Ladies and Gentlemen We are showing; the best line of Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, etc., that are made and the finest ever displayed in Omaha. Let ns show you oar choice line of Fitted Bags and Cases. They are complete with all Toilet Article. Bee them before jou make your par chase. Tho Omaha Trunk Factory 1209 Farnam St. f i xatawa, cjrax, aad KXTV&jg, S53.85 See. SO, II aaa tft, Aise BVBorvAK cnrmiaTKAS Xixccmaioa. v Xonsseeker Metes to KAKT VOIWTS BOUTS ens IOUTBI1II p.olaj mates Beily to All WlAMs Meaerts. Vast TralBe KxoeUeat ervloe . For Rates, Limits, Itineraries, Beautiful Descriptive Booklet, in fact, all information call at Wabash City Ticket Office, 1601 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 355 or address Harry E. Moores, O. A. P. D., Wabash E. R., Omaha, Neb BEE W ANT ADS PRODUCE 'RESULTS To avoid disappointment use Cellclous TOURIST RATES TO FLORIDA AliD CUBA VIA Central Illinois Railroad Tickets on sale dally at greatly reduced rates. Choice of several different routes. Information and tickets at CITY TICKET OFFICE 1102 Farnam fit., Omaha. SAM I EL NOllTlI, District Tat-enger Agent. ELEVEN SHOPPING DAYS TO XMAS 8 MM l!iv l A BUt CAPITOL COAL-IHE BEST SHOP EARLY! Shop morning if possible. This is the. Ideal week for Christmas shopping. Stocks are In pink-of-perfertlon condition. Prices are rut all along the line to induce Christ mas shopping this week. JOIN THE rKOCKSSIOX! Fancy Hose Supporters (or Holiday Gilts tvt vr nr taxox hoi.x.t boxes. XiSdlas' Belt Koss Bnppottsrs, satin pad, fancy frilled elastic. In white, light blue, oSP pink and red, In holiday box, at fctJl Xadla' Fin-on fancy Bhlrred Ribbon Hob Sui porters, each pair In holiday box In K Ur al I new colorlnss, pair 9Xo, lie, 6!tc anit V"" Lsdlss' Bat la and Fancy Bilk Fad, silk frilled elastic. Hose Supporters In all popular cnra, In holiday box, at $1.25, 98c, 75c 50C rsOlaa' ' Fancy ' Wtii' ' Friil'ad ' 'riaVtio' Bonnd Garters with fancy buckles and ribbon OS bow, In holly box. pair 60c and f Bptclal 1.000 fancy boxed T, adieu' T'ln-on and fancy Elastic Round nrter. with buckles nnd ribbon bow, In white, pink, light b1" yellow, favender and red. worth 25c, f n at. pa'r... IVJG Comolete Stock Children's Hose Supporters, in silk, plain and frilled elastic, cotton and Pol" elastic. In fancy box, at 25c, 15c, 1tr, 12Hc and lUC HOLIDAY GLOVES and Glove Certificates Wish to make a present of a pair of nice Gloves? Don't worry about cor rect size. Uujr a Glove Certificate. The recipient gets the Gloves fitted to her hand before or after Christmas. Bennett's Gloves chal lenge all competition for quality of ronterlnl, per fection' of workmanship, style and durability. Ladles' 2-clasp Kid Gloves, 2.00. $1.50, $125 and $1.00 Ladles' 8-button Glace Kid, at 82.50 Ladles' 12-button Glace Kid. at S3.00 Ladles' lC-button Glace Kid. at $3.50 Ladles' 16-button man nish, at $-1.00 Toy Typewriters, A. B. 0. FUN BOOKS Loaded with toy-fun and pictures. One to each purchaser in Toy Sections Wednesday. $5, $2.50 and $1 GAMES: Lotto, 15c kind for 10 Sectional Animals or Birds.. 10c Backgammon Boards, 25c, 15c and 10 Pretty Village, fine thing for lit tle tots, 9 8c, 60c and 25 Fish Pond, at 60c 25c and.. 10c Big assortment 10c and 5c games. Japanese Trick Dolls, ask to see them 25c Toy Wringers, the real thing. DSC Toy Washers, same model as large washers , . . .f)8c Special line Doll Cabs and Go Carts on sale Wednesday. VAST DISPAY OF CHINA Wednesday, from 10 A. M. to 12 M. Cup, Saucer and Plate set pretty neat spray decorations treated with gold three pieces 1 for I JC (Two sets to customer) Sixty Dlnnerware pat terns finest display ever made, Wednes day morning to 12 M., 10 off dlnnerware and dinner sets. 100 only Cut. Glass Vases, trumpet shape, heavily cut, a $2.60 value, each .... Iok Vases values up to $2.98, Wednes day, each. . . . 1.39 lues up rVednes- 98c Picture SaJe WEDNESDAY Our $3 Bala Fries Framsd donbla Ca plda, la quaxtarsd oak, fannlna Car bons, for 7Z Wadnaaday . .- J Our 15 sale price hand painted Plates In shadow box frames, gold sweep mould i n g s , WedneKdav 3.75 OTX t5 French Oval Mirror, size 10x20, In metal oval frames, finish ed In gun nrtal Sliver 3.75 Flctnre Framing Another call for your Oil Paintings, Water Colors, . Photographs, etc. Christmas Handkerchiefs An l,aay atoiuwion ox Cbuauuas ut-Juylii' nan that's Aiwaya SuccaaaXul, vrxxir IN DOUBT BUY EANDki.ACHIrS. Luuie8 bwina xiauUKcr chiets, plain ana em broidered, each Sac, 26c, .luc, 12 VSc, t 10c and - Ladies' Linen Handker chiefs, plain and om broidered, each (l.uu, 76c, 60c, 35c, 25c, Cp 15c, 10c and -' Ladles' Initial Handker chiefs, each 26c, 15c, and! ....10C Men's I.lnsn Handkar ohlafs, at 60o, 36c, 25c, 15c inl and IUl" Men's Silk Handlter chiefs, at $1, RfiC 75c and OUU Children's Initial three In box, at IRc 25c and . Iuw Visit Our Splendid Toy Departmeill 26 Great Booths Piled High With 01 f Suggestions THE RELIABLE 8TRE All of; Croud J Floor No Stairs to Climb Bargain Headquarters for Xmas Shoppers Our splendid Christmas llarnar offers thousands upon thousands of i ful and ornamental gift suggestions for all ai(-8. Broad aisles, greatly Iff"-' creased floor space. Most complete nssortmrnt and lowest prices make tnlj the most convenient nnd pleasant, the safest and most economical place it buy. Shop early bifore lines are broken. Toys, Hulls, Wheeled Good. Hooks- all on special sale Wednesday. . . 2. . Special bale 01 Ladies' and Children's Handkerchiefs The largest and best assorted stock In Omaha, specially priced for Wed nesday. , hot 1 Choice It 2 Choice Ixt 8 Choice Lot 4 Choice Lot 5 Choice Lot 0 Choice 1 ...... 2Hc 4!ic 7?ic lS?sC 15c Lot 0 Dox of Pure Linen Initial Hand kerchiefs, 6 in box, at, box. .$1,00 Lot 10 Hox of C fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, on sale at, per 25c S1.50 $1.00 25c ! Lot 7 Dox of three Handkerrhlefs, special Wednesday 2IC Lot 8 Pure Linen Initial Hand kerchiefs, special Wednesday, at 5C I box Handsome Military Hair Brushes, at, per pair Glove Boxes, Tin Cushions, Work Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, WritinR Desks, Mirrors, Brushes, etc. Goods worth regularly up to 76c each, at Get a Hall Borchert Dress Form. We are sole agents. the World Famous Books, 49c Handsomely Illustrated editions of the very best works, printed on fine paper, In Rood type, 6x8V4 size, each book in neat box for Christmas gift. Such titles as Ishmael, Self Raised, Hypatla, Thelma, Treasure Island, First Violin, Uncle Tom's Cabin, a Win dow In Thrums, Pilgrim's Progress, The Wide, Wide World, and many others. See them Wednesday, 49c Groceries 1 Groceries! Great Book Sales Howard Chandler Christy's New Book "The Christy Girl," con tains over thirty of his best pic tures In colors, price, three dol lars. The Reader Magazine, one of the most popular high class periodi cals, containing some of the best fiction by the leading authors, one year's subscription, three dollars. The Christy Girl $3.00 ROT If The Reader Magazine (one year) $3.00 trr FOR S6.00 $2.85 This offer good only until December 25th. maml CHILDREN'S COMIC BOOKS Sale Price 40c. Buster Brown Books, 5 titles. Foxy Grandpa Books, 6 titles. Happy Hooligan Books, 3 titles. Peck's Bad Boy, illustrated. Adventures of Mr. Jack, Jimmy. Buddy Tucker. Katzenjammer Kids, etc. SEI9 TIGE y- i r -J crznrrTnrm rr WtvJfaaVM isr.r-r. K.F. CVTCJCtUlT SALE OF BOYS' BOOKS-$1.25 Copyright Editions, 49c The best books for the boy excellent Christmas presents many new titles i ne .ft'yer Boy series, Frank Merrlwell aeries. Log Cabin series, Rockint.' aeries, from the Ranch to the Whit House," (life of Theodore Roosevelt) also many titles by Edward 8. Ellis, Thayer, CaHtlemon, Otis, Optic, Alger, I'atton. Winflerd, Stratmeyer and others MAIN FLOOR -. DKIED FBTJITS, CAW DIED FEELS, TKE8H FRTJITS, MtJTS. CANDIES, ZTO- TOti TOUm XaaAB FtJDDIKGS, T1X.3 AND OAX.ES. A 21 poundB best pure Cane Granulated Sugar fl.OoS,. Fancy Cleaned English Currants, per pound loo Fancy 3-Crown iluscatol Itaislns, per pound loo Fancy 4-Crown Muscatel Raisins, per pound , 12 Ho Fancy Seeded Ralnins,- per package loo Fancy California Dried Grapes, per pound 7Ho . r rtiu-y LuuninK r iK", per pouna 7aO Fancy New York Kvaporated Aprles, pei pound loo Fancy California Mulr Peaches, per pound lia Fancy California Yellow Crawford Halves, per pound l5o Fancy Lemon, Oramr" or Citron Peel, per pound 23o Fancy Cal fornla Seedless Raisins, per pound loo l-iound packaee Condensed Mincemeat , SO J Fancy Imported Sultana Raisins, per pound lie? 4 -pound packap" best Pure Ground Spices 9r' Fancy 8-Crown London Layer Table Raisins, per pnurtd B5c Fatjcy 4-Crown London Layer Table Rnlslns, per pound 3fio Faney S-Crown London Layer Table Raisins, per pound , 30of Fancy 7-rrnwn London Layer Table Raisins, per pound 33'e Jordan Shelled Almonds, per pound 60o 2-pound can fancy Sweet Sutrar Corn Bo 2-pound can fnnc.v Wax or String Reans 7Ho !-joiind cn Karly June Sifted Teas 8Ho 10-pound -ak pure Rnckwheat Flour , 3So T-pound rackaee Melf-R'sina; Pancake Flour B-o Ouart lars ni-e Ohio Manle Syrup , 35o i-round tar Stiirnr and Frutt Preserves .",- l-pnii"d pn''knB, Mcnronl 10 bars best brands T.aundrv Sonn TBEBH raUXTS, ITUTS, VEGETABLES, ETC., FOB XMAS. The very best Mixed Nuts, per pourd v.. Fancy Highland Navel Oranges, per dozen Fancy Fard Dates, per pound t Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, per pound Fancy California FiRs, per package Fancy Imported Figs, per pound , t Fresh Cucumbers, each Fresh Head Lettuce, each 3 bunches Fresh Radishes Black Walnut, per peck Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips or Rutabagas, per pound Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per quart 1. 1 s. HIYPEPj1 BROS, A ' DIAMOND Ring or Brooch or Stud would make a handsome Christmas gift and would not. offend any lady should you send one. If you are thinking of buying one let us show you our stock. Our store Is full of Christmas suggestions. Spend a few minutes with us. LOOK FOR THE NAME. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler. 151G Douglas -Street. 0v aUi HARDWARE narnejr & Berry'a Famous Skates, all prices, up from 40 . And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Chafing Dishes, all styles, prices up from. a o- $2.75 Carving Set, three pieces, at " " 2 1 No. 8 Tea Kettle, 14-ounce, cop- 1 No. 7 Tea Kettle',' ii'uncS, 'coi? per. nickel-plated, regular $1.15 per, nickel-plated, 95c value value, special , . . . 85 I at Bred Boxes, regular 53c, 63c and 75c values, at 65c. 45c and Ak Granite Jelly Moulds and Patty Pans, at in Coffee Percolators, up from V 150 Kitchen Set bread, cake and taring knives, at.. And Ten Green Trading Stamps. .uwr Uaparxmant. 25 Discount . . . 10o Cnnrl f nn ' Weak and nervous men rUUU IUI who nnd their powar t NftP Vft& work and youthtul vigor ii ivo uona aa a result of avor Mutk or menlai exertion ahould taka GHAY'8 NERVK FOOD PILLS. Tliy will aiaka you eat and sleep tnd be a man afilo. 91 Boa I a boxas SSO by MaiL Sherman 41 McConnell I)ru Co lttb and Dodga Bts Oiuaiia. Nab. SCUOOI.f AID COLLEGES. DCLLEVUE COLLEGE toLLXuK-clualcal. aclsotiSc. klUmslcal sra at AbiKlf As acuu4 busk Kkoul Mm tmt Aitu er Uf oibvr coli iMiVMWif. KuSmai. at hiXjl tun.uun ul JiuM cuurMft. Crtl&t armal4. CONtKVAli)h I Half Bull, BIAS, ia, vlvtia, alocutiaa aa4 art. OMAHA CoNNaCTlu.Na Klcctrts tla i S.rlUf iaa rur Mo4tra launaiiariaa. I aiVia frsal4uk I awUaiaai f 26c Trading ennett't Grocery leaders In Fara Tovdm ropnlar Prioes for tha Masses. Coffee Roasted la tha Department. Tea Special Haket Fired Japan Hun-drled Japan, Outioder, Kngllsh Breakfast and Oolong Tea, ch.l-e, unequalled 4 ty value, pound IOC And' 60 Green Trading Bennett'a Uol- den Coffee, lb. . And 10 Green filnmh. Candled Lemon and ?".nge.e: 25c And 10 Green Trading Stampa. Maine Cora upeHat. ran. 10c; Qf dozen it' 'J Bennett'a Capitol M'n"e- meat, three 1Sr parkare . And 10 Green Trading Ptampa. Phreddd Cod- OE. fleh. S Pk?a aWW And 10 Gren Trading Stamina. Heeded Ra'lna. pkg ..loo Current. rleaed. lh.llQ Cal Oeedleea Ralalns.!"" Cal Vrune. 1H So -1t mmi Trla. T'orlda Buaeet Oraii-. dos ...1H CaL riira, pkg 10c-So Mixed Nuta. lb 18o -on-Fur Coats &.nd Fur Lined Coals Kndaoa Bay Baa var, Mink, Natural Squirrel, Itln. mar, linlii o y , Baar-Saal and Babla Coney. A large aacort mant of Auto aid Tourlat Xur and Fur Lined Coata inoludtd La sal. Remember 25 Discount 1 m 1 t 1 I ow Holiday .Kates ONE FARE AND A THIRD FOR, THE ROUND TRIP Tickets on Sale December 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. 25, 30, 31 and January 1, good to Return Until January 7, 1907 T0 ALL POINTS ON THE Chicago, Milwaukee (EL St. Paul Railway AND $53.85 to Havana, Cuba AND RETURN On StU December 19 and 23 Three Daily Trains from Omaha Union Station, 7:55 P. M. and 8:35 P. M. City Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam St. OMAHA, NED. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Western Agt. 1 I V1 i