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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
V TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 100H. 11 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA CTi S .1) J r o i i 1 COUNCIL Office, 10 renrl MIOR MKHTIOH. Davis, drug, fttocksrt sells carpet. T'Df pngravings at LefTert'a i lingers Tony Faust beer. '. n ii irwlck for Xmu roods. lumbins; and heating;, nizby Ac Bon. ni Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97. f ioArnn Undertaking- company. Tel. S39. CIGAR BANDS AND DISHES AT I.KXANDBK 8. 3.3 B WAY. MRS. GRORQE E. HUI.ETTE'S CHINA LK TODAY. 407 PARK AVE. 1AMONUB AS AN INVESTMENT. '1 ' I fit. Paul's church basar, 7 Pearl and 33 'H t Wain Hts.. December 12. IS and 14. V.'ant a pair of sllppors? Oo to 8. A. if IMsrre & Oo.'a, Broadway and Main streets. II -WANTI.E9, 10 CENTS. BEST MANTLE B !N. TOW N FOR . THJ PRICE. W. A. ,j MALRER. ' -All sixes of storm doors. ' storm sash, i storm windows and weattier strips at Geo. i I iafl gland s. '( , I NO TROl'ULE TO SHOW GOODS THE I i IS:3T IN OUR LINE. JARVIS, 'Mb MAIN i NO BAR. .! Men's fell lined overshoes, tl.M. Men's 'I 1 iHision pure gum ovarshcxa, $1.60. Duncan ' fc Dean, a S. Main. (f ' '..A. U Short and Lydla B Miller, both of j j I.lnroln, Nch., were married In this city i 1 -vsterday, by Rev. Henry DeLiong. t i '-'A beautiful and ornamental gas burner, ' , the . W'elsbach chick lamp, complete, H.ia. '., f fctephan Bros., b& West Broadway. I) t '' There Is no lumber yard In Omaha with ituch a complete stock of building; ma- triliil as Hater s Council Bluffs yards. - Mrs. Henry Bllhars, who has been vis iting her daughter, Mrs. John Moran, re turned yesterday to her home in Chicago. Dr. .Charlotte McCluskey was called to Iruluth. Minn.. yesteroHy. by a tlgram npnounc Ing that one of her brothers hau met with a serlouK accident. The greatest Rift bargain ever offered Men's pretty four-ln-hn nd neckties, in fancy box for only 25 cents. Men's store, nfuln floor. The John Beno Co. 'Nothing better fcr a kitchen floor than oilcloth or linoleum. It snves lots of hard Li scrubbing. We have a large- stock, any Size ,ur width. Btonkert Carpet Co. frho ew eastern styles lor iwi nave jUKt arrived. If you want to look over svmefhing nobby call around at Van Brunt's. It will pay you to come early. TjAKVIS IS HEADQUARTERS FOR AM. i nui'P m ruiiin TO llRIXK PHK'KS n i lnHiunvini.n I A High grade granite work, from the best ' -arre Imported granites, lettering, carving "a"'" iid tracing. Fine monumental work a fijeclalty. Bheeley Sc Lane, 217 East Broad- -r-vy. Before buying a suit or overcoat it will pay you to sue E. 8. Hicks. Good suits from $:. to SX. Pants, $6.00 to ti)M. Everything tlrst-alass. K. S. Hicks. 13 Pearl street. To test the purchasing power of a dollar buy a pair of shoes at Hargant's family hoe store. For your Investment you will fcet first class durability, up-to-date style and solid comfort. . Olobe Wernicke elastic bookcase makes i n Ideal present; a gin or a lew sections; -,rVi Inexpensive and Is the beginning for a lbrary, whose growtn is uniimueu. jvei-lr-Farnsworth Fur Co. . I am In the market to buy 800 tons of ma 'chlnery Iron, 3u0 tons stove Iron. 20 tons ' of rubber and 80 tons copper and braB. Write for prices before you sell. J. Katel mnn. 803 8. Main St. Both phones 660. finest water color of these pictures as lasting Xmus our new Xmas Borwlck, 211 So. Main M - High art pestels, the pictures in the city. One f will make an Idea), as well ' nrosent. Come and see V. stock pf pictures. H. al-e' I Ou want your money's worth when you ' ' buy groceries and meats. In other words, you want Just what you pay for, good ' meats and groceries. Buy at the Central grocery and meat market and you will get Just what you order. Both 'phones No. 24. FOR ADVICE AND JUDGMENT ON -GOOD CIGARS GO TO MALONETf. 3U PEARL. ST. HIS XMAS STOCK OF CIGARS IS COMPLETE. TELL HIM WHAT YOU WANT AND YOU'LL OFT - JUST TUB ClGAR TO SUIT THE TASTE. Arthur and Christina Gaylord, a) North Ninth street, and Opal Wind, ItilO Fifth avenue, were reported to the Hoard of 'Health yesterday, as having Tphther. "Within the last six days twenty-two cases of measles have been reported to the health pfllcers. The hearing In the case In which Anton Lundgard. a taller of this city, la charged with wrongful use of the union label, wan continued In Justice Gardiner's court yes !. tor Jay until next Tuesday. The contln unce was at the request of counsel for the .defendant. Place your orders for Xinaa pictures now, especially when you want us to make the frames. Do not wait till the last lay; we will be rushed. If you wait too long we can't give you as good work as we can now. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass Co., M err lam block. First On the List Exclusive dress pat terns for gowns. We gathered a rare col- S lection of exclusive dress patterns very ISM;table I iards In neat box JU-W. 33.0U - section, r The rec suitable for Xmus girts; seven ana eignt a pattern, well put mem in a for vou prices range at 31.0U, ll.KO, 1.00 and W.00 a yard. Dress goods main floor. The John Beno Co. roexints In the sreneral fund of the V Christian Home last week were S1.-83-87, bo- . I n .1 ifc'i uhstv th. nuMll. of 1 tit, Wak and reducing the amount needed In the contingent and improvement fund to t &6.02. In the manager's fund the re ceipts were W.75, being $28.26 below the needs of the week and Increasing the de ficiency In this fund to date to Si04.77. ' Everybody that trades here says It cer tainly pays. If you are not acquainted wKh , any low prices on reliable jewelry your own luterest demands mat you come in -- sua see me and make your Xmas selections. A A few suggestions m ouuu.j f Brooches, watches, rings, chains, cuff " ''Jinks, bracelets, watch charms, scarf pins. ,t necklaces, hat pins, tonei seis, Biivcrmam, clocks, umbrellas, cut glass, fountain pens, gea O. Mauthe, 22a West Broadway. v- A. Metgr V: Maw LocaUoh of Wholesale Bakery, - Kg Mynster Street. Council Bluffs, la. , Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome, Is It cruel to wear furs? 'Women the world over have risen In denial of this agitated question. There is nothing so warm as furs so they will always be a , necessary part of a women's dress. And we might add, that there la nothing more appreciated and useful than a fur scarf or coat for an Xmas gift, and not better place to buy reliable furs than our second floor fur section. Scarfs at 31.00 to 350; coats, M to 330. THE JOHN BENO CO. To Make tit Heart Grow Fender. -V a: Our high grade Xmas home maas can ft diss will do that. If you don't believe It take a box to your wife or somebody else who may become your wife If you hustle " hard enough. L Mucol. Phones 364. A LITTLE OOOD LIQUOR FOR MOST ALL WINTER DISEASES. ASK JARVIS, " t MAIN ST., ABOUT IT. Marriage Ueensee. licenses to wed wers issued yesterday to 1 the following: Name and Residence. Age. rlAuie Hansen, Council Bluffs 60 Ann. VI Williams, Council Bluffs is Lydi E, Miller, Lelucoln, Nb.... "It Talks! A Great Physlclaa hiii ''Your Perfect Orsasine Formats tmiJki to everyone wilh ny medical fckiil or mtdival Mats." Orangeine lirsuU Siscs lvi acts promptly sod thoroughly for CaUs, Grip, Headacjte, N e a rlia, ladif Brsia Fx, OfhaU Chill fcoa Si llV. 1. OeMwUki Trl Uirm ti" ut H4fc. Slue F.Af. ul hu l.-ltolv. 1 T.l V AT ALL DRUGGISTS BLUFFS St. Tel. 43. SUES THE WRONG COMPANY Vn. Mary Loremei Dtsmisxsi Aotions Acaiott Brides Company. INTENDS TO SUE OMAHA STREET RAILWAY Louise Markebeen Wants Five Thoa- 9 and Dollars of the Street Railway A Brldae Company's Cash to Pay for Injnrles, i In the district court yesterday the $10,ono personal Injury damage suit of Mr, Mary , Lorenzen against the Omaha & Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge company, the i ci. i ki.k .. i vt .i.. .. ji. VI 1UI II L T .1.1 II . II O UC,UII ,IIIII,.IJ , TVBO VI i r. missed on motion of the plaintiff. It Is I understood that Mrs. Lorenxen will bring a new suit In Omaha, naming the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company as defendant. The accident In which Mrs. Lorenien Is alleged to have been Injured j occurred in umana, annougn sne was a passenger on a council muns car. Louise Mackebeen filed original notice of stilt against the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company yesterday. In which she asks $5,000 for Injuries alleged to have been received as a result of the car on which she was a passenger suddenly starting as she was In the act of alighting. The notice does not set forth the nnture of the Injuries nor the date on which the accident Is alleged to have happened. The trial of the suit of Anton Hospe, as administrator of the estate of the late Charles D. Thompson of Omaha against the Great Western railroad was taken up. It Is to recover $675 damages for the al leged destruction of a plum orchard be longing to the estate. The orchard was destroyed by fire alleged to have been started from a spark from a locomotive belonging to the defendant railway com pany. At the right time: A Christmas sale of winter coats for women. A fecent pur chase enables us to offer extinordim ry values at I7-G0, 310, 312.50, 315 and 320 In women's coats, fashionably tailored, of plain and fancy mixed materials. Second floor, coat section. THE JOHN BENO CO. Did you ever think how much longer your clothes wear when you have them cleaned T We can make them look as cood as new ones. We dye everything, any shade desired. Carpets cleaned, laid and refitted. Both 'phones 518. Council Bluffs Cleaning Co. and Rug Factory, 34 N. Main. THE BEST COSTS NO MORE. JARVIS FOR WHISKY, WINE BRANDY, ALL BRANDS. TRY AND FRISOKER GIVES OFFICER SLIP Goes for Overcoat, Jamps from Window and Escapes. William Aylosworth of 755 Mill street re cently returned from Spokane, Wash., where he was employed by the Her Piano company. Monday he recognized in tne per son of W. II.' Morris, an employe of the Schmoller A Mueller Piano company of this city, a man who, under the name of W.'P. Green, ' had worked with him for the Her company In Spokane and whom, it waa al leged, was wanted there for the embezzle ment of 3275 of the firm's money. . Aylesworth "tipped off' the police and Monday night Sergeant Jack O'Nell drove out to the residence of 8. R. Gullck on Up per Harrison street, close to the city 11m Us, where Morris, alias Given, and his wife were llvlncr, Gullck being a cousin of Mor ris. Morris, when Informed of the officer's mlxslon, Is stated not to have evidenced surprise and merely requested that he be permitted to go to his room on the upper floor to secure his overcoat. To this Ser geant O'Nell readily consented, but after waiting down stairs for a considerable time without Morris returning, the officer de cided to go after him. An open window In the bedroom disclosed the fact that Mor ris had made his escape by Jumplnr onto the roof of the kitchen and from there to the ground. Back of the house is consid erable timber, and into this Morris had 'ev idently made his escape. While the local authorities had not re ceived any official notification that Morris, alias Green, was wanted In Spokane, Ayles worth declared he would be willing to as sume the responsibility of tiling an Informa tion charging him with being a fugitive from Justice. Morris has been working about a month for the Council Bluffs branch of the Schmoller ft Mueller com pany, where he was well thought of. Business Is the life of trade. If you want to enter the business world you must have an up-to-date business education, the old way of doing business does not go any more; enter Western Iowa college and get a good business education and be In the swim, ' Fancy suspenders. In neat Christmas boxes make splendid gifts for men. We are showing them In endless variety of designs and coloring. Very special values at 26c, 60c, 75c, 31 00 and 32.00. Main floor, men's store THE JOHN BENO CO. Heal Kstate Transfers, These transfers were reported to The Bee December 11 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Blurts I F. M Epperson and wife to F. O. Glnoson, lots 1 and 2 and wVi ot sii-ip lietween lots 2 and 3, In sab-Uvl-4ou of lot 331, In original plat of t'ouucil Bluffs, la., w. d 31,000 Lydia J. Sagu and husband to S. C. Btcphens, lot 3 and e1-, of lot 4, In block 11. In Hiirhlaiid Place addition to Council Bluns. la., w. d 1.100 John Hi liuiid and wife to Henry (.'hrisii-nm n, lots 4 and S, in block l. In Everett's addition to Council Bluffs, la, w. d C'barlotta F. Wollert et al. to Ella M. Eberhart, four-sevenths Interest In part of lot 6, In bliK'k (, In Hugg's extension In Council Bluffs, la., w. d 8. D. Tobey to Denis Johnson, lot 1, In Auditor's subdivision of ne'4 e'4 175-40, w. d C. A. Hamilton and wife to E. C. Solomon, lots lit. 2L ii and 26. In block a. In Ferry addition to Coun cil Bluffs, la., w. d Beiijairun-Fehr Real Estate company to E. C. Stilomon. lot 23. In block. 30, In Ferry addition to Council Bluffs, la., w. d Mary L. Everett to Eva H. Fauble, lot 4, In block 1, In Oak Grove ad dition to Council Bluffs, la., s. w. a. 400 8S0 300 300 100 50 Eight transfers, total. 34.140 CALIFORNIA BEATS THE WORLD FOR WINES 10 - TEAR - OLD PORT. SHERRY, MU8CATELLE AND MALAGA. ONLY 3-'00 PER GALLON AT JARVIS', t MAIN ST. Go for you hoi Ida j wines, liquors and cordials to L. Rosenfeldt, 513 S. Main. 'Phone 323. Thrown (ran Waan and Injnred. Mrs. George 6pencer. residing near Glen wood, la., was thrown from a wagon on Main c'reet yesterday morning and pain fully hint. The wngoii was In front ot a grocery store when the borsea became frightened at an approaching motor and In their efTorts to break loose from the hitching post suddenly swung the wagon around, throwing Mrs. Spencer to the pave ment. Mrs. Spencer was first carried into the store, and later removed In the police ambulance to the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Williams, on Franklin avenue. She was badly bruised and suffered considerably from shock and fright, but her Injuries are not thought to be serious. Why not kill two birds with one stone, supply the gift-receiving happiness you must supply at Xmastlde and put In your home the piano that must come sooner or Inter? A. Hospe Co., 26 S Main St., Council Bluffs, tins the finest stock, lowest prices and easiest terms. OUR STORE IS KNOWN AS THE BUSY SHOP: STORE. OUR SHOES AND PRICES ARE TO BLAME FOR IT. S. A. PIERCE A CO.. CORNER BROADWAY AND MAIN 6TS. MANTLKg 10 CENTS. BEST MANTLE MAURER. i FKW ATTEND THE STATE GRANGE OB,r Tw,,T, eiea-aes Present, nat More Are Expected. 0ny twrIve delegates were In attendance Rt tnp opening 8es9ion. yef,terday for the t n,rty.geventh annual meeting of the Iowa State Grange Patrons of Husbandry. It is expected that this number will be In creased today, although a large attendance Is not looked for. A. B. Judson of Balfour, master of the state grange, read his annual addrens at the opening sexsion and the usual com mittees were appointed. In the absence of W. E. Price of this city, secretary of the grange, M. E. Blair of Manchester, tne treasurer. Is acting for him. The meeting is being held at the Kiel hotel. A gift of a pretty bath robe and pair ot slippers to yourself or anybody else would mean comfort and make a lasting remem brance. Bath robes, 33.60 and 31. 00; sy- pers, 60c pair. THE JOHN BENO CO. . Notice All photos taken before Decem ber 23 will be finished before Xmas. Come any kind of weather. Open Sundays. Schmidt, Photographer. Are "ITT." 8. A. Pierce &. Co.'s shoes and slippers. Corner Broadway and Main streets. Mrs. George Gerner Dead. Mrs. George Gerner, a resident of Coun cil Bluffs from 18t6 until two years ago, when she and her husband removed to Helena, Mont., died In that city Monday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Zlmmer. Her death followed a week's Illness from pneumonia. Mrs. Gerner, nee Jacquemln, was about 70 years of age and was a native of Echter nach. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. She came to America when about 16 yeare of age and wa married to Mr. Gerner In Kansas. Before the civil war they resided In Weston, Mo., and came to Council Bluffs from there In ISflfi. Besides her husband, Mrs. Gerner leaves two daughters, Mrs. Zlmmer and Mrs. F. J. Lange. both of Helena, and a son, George Gerner, Jr., manager of the C. B. Jacque mln Jewelry house on Main street. Three brothers, C. B. Jacquemln of Helena, (Rich ard Jacquemln of Kansas City and George Jacquemln of Dunevant, Kan., also survive her. The remains will be brought to this city for burial, arriving hare.aocordlng to pres ent plans Thursday morning. Funeral an nouncement will be made later. Great Opening- of Our Toy Department MONDAY, DEC. 10. 1906. WE OPEN OUR GREAT TOT DEPARTMENT. LARGEST EVER BEEN IN CO. BLUFFS. EVERT CHILD VISITING OUR STORE WILL GET SOUVENIR. ALL THE LATEST MECHANICAL TOYS, PETERSEN & 8CHOENING CO., HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. Want a pair of rubbers? Go to S. A. Pierce & Co.'s, Broadway and Main streets. Two Stransrers Picked ( p. Cole Mustek, hailing from Magnolia, la., and Will Clark, who said his parents lived In Tabor, la., were picked up by the police yesterday morning for the reason that their actions Indicated that their mentaTfacuItles were disarranged. Mustek, who had evi dently been seeing the sights ot the big city across the river, was sent home last night at the request of his relatives. It developed that he was a man of consider able means. Clark, who appeared as If he had been hitting the "dope," was sent to St Bernard's hospital for observation by the commissioners. ' Poll Tax Sot Ice. If you are still delinquent, call and set tle at once, as I am bringing suit against delinquents. Pay no attention ' to this If you would rather pay costs. D. J. Whlt aker, collector. DON'T FORGET YOUR SLIPPER GIFT Make your friend comfortable for another year; give him a pair of Sargent's easy fitting slippers. No matter what style you want, Sargent's stock Is complete. Injnred Jumping from Car. Sarah Wooton, a young woman employed at the Woodward candy factory, received painful Injuries Monday night by jumping from a moving motor while on her way to her home at 20 North Fourteenth street. When the car failed to stop at Fourteenth street MUs Wooton Jumped from the rear platform and struck on her head and shoulders. When picked up and conveyed to her home near by she was unconscious, but soon rallied. Besides a painful con tusion on the back of the head, she was severely bruised, but her Injuries are not considered serious. puds! Spuds! Bpadst Chalce early Ohio potatoes at 65o de livered In five-bushel lots or more. Both 'phones 1S2. Brldenstine tt Smith, 1401 S. 6th street. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. VIS' 1877 BRANDY. JAR- Farmer Dies Suddenly. Andrew Chrlstensen, a farmer living bout four miles north of Crescent City, died suddenly yesterday from a stroke ot apoplexy. Chrlstensen was at a neigh bor's place assisting In threshing. Hs put up hit team In the barn and walked over to the house. As he entered the door he staggered and was assisted to a seat, but a minute later threw up his hands and toil forward on the floor dead. He leaves be tides his wife two daughters and four Sous. Xmas Picture Framing;. Place your orders at once for frames to be made for Xmas gifts. C. E. Alexander, 333 B'way. NOT PAT CROW. BUT "OLD CROW," BOTTLED IN BOND, AT JARVIS", WHERE THEY KEEP OOOD LIQUORS. Boy Dies from Injuries. Alfred Flower, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Flower. liiuO High street, who was acci dentally shot a week agu while hunting at Indlanola, la., and whose leg was am- nlKht In hopes of saving Ms llfo, tetanus having set In as a result of the wound, succumbed to his Injuries last evening about 8 o'clock. Every ton of coal we sell Is Intended to be a sufficient reason why the purchaser should come back after It Is burned up for another. Co. Bluffs Coal & Ice. Co. 'Phone 72. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night, 903. HEQUREMKSTS OF tAIVEHSITY Hoard nf Reaents Tells What Inallta tlon 5eeds for Tn o Year. IOWA CITY, la.. Dec. ll.-(Si cliyl.)-The report of the Board of Regents of the State university of Iowa for the years 1!k5-6 to the governor and the Thirty-second general assembly weat forward to Des Moines lust nlnht and Its contents were made public here today. It Is an extensive report, containing, In addition to the report of theboard Itself, the detailed reports of the president, the secretary of the board, treasurer and itijistrar of the university. The most notable feature of the report Is the askings from the leslslnture for the next biennial period, amounting to 3113,000, ns follows: For the, blennlum: Additional annual support 312n.0r0 Additional annual repair and con tingent fund 6,000 Permanent annual appropriation for library 20,000 Special appropriations; , For land fie.noo Ijtnd for women's hall 15.00) For equipment of the science build ing, wing of and steam laboratories 4.".0fr) Equipment and supplies 30,000 For women's building and equipment of name 12!.(VX) Paving and sidewalks 6.00) Improvement of grounds 8,(101) For mechanical stokers and coal and ash-carrylng machinery 10,000 Total askings for blennlum 3H3.000 The board has also directed the architects to prepare plans foi the following buildings to be presented to the general assembly, these buildings to be erected from the build ings tax at a cost of approximately the amounts set out, respectively: Phvslcs building 3i:0,0no Law building I. .. ....... KH.ttW Addition to engineering building e.OH) President's house 15. IW Plant house for botany department.. 4,iW) Total 3329,000 The report refers to the Increased at tendance during 116-6 of 18 per cent, and states that the attendance of the present year will approximate 2,100, or an Increase of 15 per cent over the preceding year. The report further stAtes that In all prob ability the end of the next biennial prlod that Is, the years 19S-& will show a total attendance of ' more than 2,400 students. The report of the registrar shows that out of an attendance of 1,815 Inst year, 1,664 were Inhabitants of Iown. The most no table appropriation asked for Is that for a women's dormatory, something that Is greatly needed with the 600 women stu dents In the university. Combination gas and electric chandeliers and the celebrated Welsbach Incandescent gas burners. Why not see us before you buy. We can certainly please you on price and quality of goods. Stephan Bros., 514 West Broadway. Old Soldier Goes to Prison. SIDNEY, la., Dec. 11. (Special.) The whole Cox family, living about seven miles southeast of 6ldrey, were arrested for run ning a gambling house. The accused, con sisting of Matt Cox and his two sons, Mer ritt and Lee, were brought before Judge Thornell yesterday evening and entered a plea of guilty. The father was given ninety days In Jail and the older son thirty. Lee, the younger son, was let off during good be havior. The elder Cox Is an old veteran of the civil war and learned to dally with the pasteboards while In the service of Uncle Earn. See Stephan Bros, for the latest and best Inverted burners. 629 West Broadway. Choice pictures for gifts. Alexander's Art Store, 333 B'way. Acrnafd Man F.nds Life. IOWA CITY, la., Dec. 11. A special from Rock Rapids conveys the Information that Matt Priestly, one of the county super visors recently Indicted by the grand Jury for misappropriation of road funds, com mitted suicide today by cutting his throat with a knife. His wife found him dead In a haymow with the knife clasped In his hand. Gasoline Explosion Fatal, ROCK RAPIDS, la., Dec. 11 While Mrs. C. Rudolph was engagod In cleaning a coat with gasoline at her home near here today the jjasollne exploded. Her 6-year-old son was burned to death and a daughter 17 years old so badly burned that she cannot recover. Mrs. Rudolph and her baby were also Injured, but It Is thought they will recover. ' Iowa Orator Loses. IOWA CITY, la., Dec. U. (Special Tele gram.) N. A. Crawford of Council Bluffs, representing the Slate university of Iowa In the Hoiniltun oratorical contests, Is nut given place In the llnal contest. The RegTo Lamp all-round household use. Equipped with latest im proved burner. Safe, simple, satisfactory. Brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to any room whether library, dininr-room, parlor, or bed room. Every lamp warranted. Write to our nearest agency if not at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY. liUSSE'S NECK MAY BE SAVED Five of 6iz 5nprem JudcrM Petition for Commutation of Sentence. GOVERNOR TAKES TIME TO CONSIDER Farmers, Fruit Growers and Meat Prodnerrs lloldlna Their Annual Conventions at Pes Moines. (From A Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES. Dec. 11. -(Special.) Louis Bus.e will not be hanged. Five of the rtx members of the supreme court today ad dressed a communication to Governor Cum mins nuking that his sentence be com muted to life imprisonment. This action of the supreme court follows a conference held yesterday with the governor and E. A. Dawson, Husso's nttorney. On the first j hearing of the case by the supremo court 1 oil the first appeal, the supremo court was j evenly divided on the question or sustain ing the lower court. The court Is com posed of six members. Three favored af firming the decision of the lower court and three favored a reversal end a new trial. According to law when tho court Is evenly dlvldVd tin? lower court's nctlon Is af firmed. The sentence of the lower court was the death penalty. The case has now gone through nil the stages of law and every effort made to save Busse's life un der the law. Now the court says to the governor that It cannot change Its opinion and Interpretation of the law, but fearing thnt the three members who favored a reversal may possibly be rlsht they think clemency should step In and at least save Busse's life. Governor Cummins therefore granted a reprieve until January 3 In ord.-r to have further time to consider the merits of the case. Formers Meetings Open. , The State Farmers Institute and the State Horticultural society met today. The first In the rooms of the Department of Agriculture In the state house and the other In the rooms of the Horticultural so ciety. Hon. Lafe Young Is confined to the j Methodist hospital and unable to deliver the address of welcome at the Farmers In stitute. His place was taken by Henry Wallace, The principal adrepe before the Farmers Institute was by H. W. Holllng wood, editor of the Rural New Yorker, who told the farmers how the eastern farmer with high-priced fertilizers on low priced land I3 able to compete with the western farmer, saying that the menace of the eastern farmer Is the large cities which are corrupting the farmer youth by his at tempting to ape the city rich. At the horticultural meeting President Bunvap of Clear Lake In his anual address asserted that freicht rates are far from satisfactory to Iowa fruit men and that they are discriminated against. He nrgued for a monthly publication by the society and a state experimental grounds; a uni form system of Judging apples. It Is the unanimous opinion of horticulturists that this yenr's apple crop Is the best the state has raised. Opposition to Phillips. Directors from the even numbered con gressional districts will be elected tomor row to the state department of agriculture. The only opposition to the re-elertlon of any of the Ave Is to O. W. Phillips of the Second district, who Is opposed by W. H. Shlpman of West Liberty. State politics, It is claimed. Is largely responsible for that. Vice President C. E. Cnmeron will be elected president on the retirement of W. W. Morrow of Afton. who has been elected state treasurer. Either ex-Governor Pack ard of Marshalltown, W. C. Brown of Clar ion or R. T. St. John of Rlcevllle. ex-de-pnrtment commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, will be elected vice president. President Burnnp of the Horticulturists' society will be re-elected. Dissatisfied with Rates. At the Corn Belt Meat Producers' con vention, which was colled to order here today, shortage of cars, delay In transporta tion and discrimination in freight rateg are the principal topics of discussion. The leading feature of the convention was the address tonlsht by I'resldent A. B. Stlck ney of the Great Western railway on freight rates. In which he explained In detail the method by which ha would simplify the rate question. Supreme Court Derisions. The conviction of Elmer Newells of Potta wattamie county for the murder of LeRoy Addison was affirmed by thp supreme court today. The two men had been chums. Addison, on the way to Shelby, and Nowells, on the way to Atlantic, met on a train and got off at Avoca and spent a couple of days drinking together. Nowells Is charged with having shot Addison In a quarrel over a game of "craps" in a coal alied neur the tracks at Avoca. His de fense was that Addison shot himself be cause of unrequited love. Addison died on September 15, 1W6. The case against Silas Yates, from Fre mont county, charged with assault with Intent to commit murder, was also affirmed. He assaulted John Barhyte, a restaurant keeper at Tabor. Ia., because Barhyte had ejected him from the restaurant. He stabbed Barhyte in the back. RINGS Frenzer, lCith and Dodge. M Et And see how quickly it will warm cold room or hallway. The Per fection Oil Heater takes the place of furnace and other stoves between seasons, and in midwinter enables you to warm any cold spot in the house that the other stoves fail to heat. The PERFECTION Oil Heater (Tapped with Smokeless Device) is the handiest oil heater made. Does cot smoke or smell. Wick cannot be turned too high or too low. Perfectly safe and as easy to operate as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat at small cost. Every heater warrant ed. 1 No household should be without the Perfection Oil Heater. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency (or descriptive circular. day. turns night Into Superior to other lumps for 11 (SU INDIA AND CEYLON in tea (lint you don't tire of. Its delirious llnvor appeals to Yon, ltd full lly harmlessly Mlmulatcs )ou, whilo its economy in use makes; it essen tial to you. McCORD-BRADY CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha. o Somewhere REDUCED EXCURSION RATES FROM OMAHA AND NEBRASKA POINTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. EAST CJiieago, Peoria, St. Louis and intermediate points. SOUTHTcxas, Oklahoma, Kansas, St. Louis, Kansas City, etc. WEST Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Nebraska points. NORTHWEST-Xebraska, Black Hills, Wyoming, Mon tana, Big Horn Basin. DATES OF SALE December '20 to 25, inclusive; Decem ber 29 to January uary 7. WINTER TOURIST RATES DAILY To destinations in Florida, the southeast and to the Gulf country. tin Call early for etc. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1502 Farnam Street 6maha, Neb. r '"'"'"" '",""m " "'" "' " ""' iff HAVANA, CUBA, AND RETURN -VIA- ' ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD THROUGH NEW ORLEANS. Tickets on sale December 18th, 19th, and 20th. Good to return leaving Havana Jan. 9th, 1907. Steamship re servations should be made now. RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS AT CITY 1402 Farnam -saasjBssJ CbatVevoVx. T. sit: n4i 1 io4 ,e'rit.tive til" . .t cu - iV Slav 1 ru ' f. tio la ' S it lot WoutU or C .,;matS h .MtllDl cTltfotnta, iKAt country x ot m - -4. avci soutfc Texas. Land in this section is today yielding a yearly profit of from $200.00 to $500.00 an acre. You can raise crop after crop the year round. Your land-will never lie idle. Because there's practically no winter here ro ex tremes of heat and cold but a climate like that of South ern California. Soil which cannot be excelled for productiveness by any other in this country. And crops are sure because you have plenty of pure artesian water on your own property for the cheapest irrigation. There's a rainfall of 24 Inches, but irrigation makes the best crop insurance. This land is always safe be cause it is from 10 to 15 miles inland and from 60 to 100 feet above tidewater. You can buy this land so cheap now because it has just been opened up to agrlcul ture by the discovery f '"I I of pure artesian water I in abundance and the I building of a railroad. I I L LfysjffsaMMn f Lio bar no lt4 v3 the gulf I TevTf r Vp lS'VV COAST OF FfCura Culf TEXASji Coast J Xjf a'M "QtS s Sy'lQUH SEBASTIAN V L k 5T J, P.T ll.ckls4-rWU A jN SS,' CHICAGO ST. LOUIs) 1 11 1 S' lIes send ns Tsiss Gis 1 hi; I l VI iT resst Books aol lull laJurssaussl 1 l"1) Jfi' Sbout ltw rates, sic v:'."-" 'ZllySy' Nub. s ' ' -Aja,,M - -- iuu i 1, inclusive. Return limit, Jan-t Excellent trains to Chicago, St. LouIb, Kansas City, Denver and the Northwest. rates, tickets, berths, information, kin. TICKET QFFIC Street. Omaha. "Made the Best Bargain of - . V. iMylife" " v.e . v nou- You can make just as good a bargain as this man if you will act promptly. Coun- You can buy America's richest farm land in the Gulf Coast Countrv of Texas for about $25 an acre now. Send me the coupon below or write rne and I will send you our 84-pajje book on the Texas Gull Coast Country and full particulars. I will give the names and ad dresses of men who are making fortunes in this country to whom you can write for information. And when you are ready to go and see for yourself I will make you a round-trip rate of $25 from Chicago, 20 from St. Louis, or proportionate reductions from other points, to Brownsville, Tex. Choice of routes ver Rock Island Lines via Kansas City, or C. & E. I. via St. Louis. JOHN SEBASTIAN. Paw. Tr sffic Mr. Rock Island -Frisco Linen U Silk St. CHICAGO . Tka Dn.k BP 1