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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1906)
'A TIIE 'OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 9, 1D0G. i Do People Shun You? ON ACCOUNT OF, FOl'L BR EAT II FROM CAT A Mill? THEN READ BELOW "My, Mjt What Breath! Why Don't Yon Hare Ginu Core That Catarrh?" tf you continually k'hawk and spit and there la a constant dripping from your nose Into the mouth, it you have loul, dtsfrustln breath, you have Catarrh and I can cure it. All j ou need to do Is simply this: Fill out coupon below. Ixin't doubt, don't arifue! Tou have everything to g-ain, nothing to lone by doing as I tell you. I want no money lust your name and address. FltKK This coupon is good for one trial package of Uauss' Combined Catarrh Cure, mailed free In plain package. Pimply fill your name and address on dotted lines below and mail to C. B. GAUSS, 7683 Mala atrat Marshall, Mich. 10c CIGARS FOR 5c Our Celebrated tJato Cigar Combina tion No. 1 Five 10c cigars for 2 Be. Our Celebrated Tom Moore Cljrar Com bination No. 2 Five 10c cigars for 2 5c. Our Celebrated Ml Favorite, Cigar Com bination No. U Five 10c cigars for 25c. Our Minneapolis Bankrupt Stock Sale Still Going On 10c, 15c and 20c cigars for 5c. We are becoming more of a feature In the cigar business every day. We ire adding new customers and receiv ing new goods. . We are preparing now for the holiday season, and we believe we are In the best position of any clgaf dealer in Omaha to furnish clgarB suitable for Christmas gifts, and es pecially request the attention of large buyers. Remember, we sell cigars ower man jooDers. . Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Cut Rate Cizar Dealers. ' 1GTH AND FAUN AM HTS. L THE LAST ARGUMENT In favor of gas as an fllu minant was its economy but that argument docs not hold against the Nernst Lamp. NERNST LIGHT costs no more than gas and is not only better than eas, but is the J 4 t -a (.a swa V very best form of elec tric li-jhL We can show you. Nebraska liernst Co. I5th and Harnev St.. Open Evenings. 'Phone Doug. 291 HEKSaSESSCT - J Shook Manufacturing Go, Artistic Jewelry f -Latest Productions.. ( 0 Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry. Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Silverware and Optical Goods. AT VERY LOW PRICES 422 South Fifteenth Street. liREAT BIG MAIL FREE TOUB IIKI and ad1ress PsUaTTZD lOOOO Times in the Mall Buyer's' Directory an. I sent to 10000 (Inns all oer tbs world so thev can send von Free Mail ttamuies. Catalogues. aUg-ulaas, Books, F spars, ete etc., etc. Ws lavsntsd this sad have satis fied 800OO0 customers Send soc at orv-e to t.e in the H'67 Hlti Issue an.l Ret a OKI" AT 3! MAIL FRKE 1UI, Taa Mall taa, Dspt B68, Kennedy, IT. T Buy Your Xmas Presents From Us f X AKSAMiAl 1 bonTinzi O Hff UK IfMCD A y svnmw l rnor4U!t.!lSttASMrvff Vcentralcoal NDCOKty , We hare Harness, Baddies, Lap Bobea, j B'.anicts, Wals. Harness aoaps. Oils - Drvaalnfs, etc our repair work Is the test lu the city. Try us. . Omaha Harness Co. 31i ISth Bt. UW CEMIiTZftT S. 1 M 1 1 vbtckob rz-ca oostPsurr, tOT sTorta ITta BU Omasa. OKI l'TT bTATE ViTEiilN AK1AN. H. L RAMACCIQTTI. D. V. S. CITY VKWK m A HI A. Office and Indrmary. ih and Mason Sit OMAHA. Nb. Teieboue U-iocy tJ. INCREASED POWER OF COAL EeiulU of Fxfterimecti fond acted by tbs Falionsl GoTtrnmenL POWER UNIT INCREASED 250 PER CENT Direct Method ( CSBTerla- Coal lata Power by SabstltatlaaT . Gas for Steam Eaarlaea Detail of the Plam. The experts of ths geotoglcsj survey. After an exhaustive series of experiments, announce that they are able to confirm the claim that a single horsepower can be pro duced from a single pound of coal. They are convinced of the practicability of a system whereby the power capacity of this fuel may be Increased 2&0 per cent. They maintain that every ton of coal may be made to produce as much power as Is now obtained with two and one-half tons of coal used In the steam plants In general use. The system now advocated by the geological survey experts Involves the abandonment of steam, the coal being con verted Immediately Into gam and the power developed by exploding the gas. It Is not claimed that the Idea Is new, but that Its emcletxy has leen developed beyond per adventure. If the geological survey experts can In duce the Navy department to accept their conclusions nnd Install the coal gas en' glnes In a modern battleship the results will, in their estimation, revolutionise naval warfare, and the demonstration will go far to prove that the generally used steam plant Is an obsolete and expensive contrivance, unworthy of a place In the up-to-date manufacturing or commercial plant or on railways or other transportation lines. The geological survey experts declare that by tho adoption of the direct method of converting coal Into power the nation's coal j bill mny be reduced considerably more than 50 per cent, and that In the not distant fu ture the steam engine will be everywhere replaced by the smokeless, odorless, almost ashless and compact producer gas ma chines. Report of Experts Ready. After an exhaustive series of experiments made at St. Louis the last two years. Prof. Joseph A. Holmes. Maurice R. Cnmpbell and other members of the committee ap pointed by the director of the geological survey to conduct the Investigations are ready to make public the results of their labors. The results, aside from the grati fying promise they give of reduced coal bills for all classes of power plants, will be of unusual Interest to all engineers and mining experts. Further steps must be taken before the principle, which Is al ready suited to power development on land, will be adapted to service at sea. There is a prospect, however, that when these rdvarces 1n engineering are effected the government can save In Its naval coal bills enough each year to build a battleship or two, and.- what is of mors Importance, the new engines advocated by the experi menters would probably take up only one half ss much space as the present day steam plants, which would enable war ships to travel around the world without recoallng. In course of the investigations at St. Louis practically every variety of coal mined In the United States and dependen cies was examined, and the precise fuel value of each was determined. West Vir ginia coal was found to possess the great est power value, while several of the far western states vie with one another in producing the poorest grades. Congress ' appropriated W,PX with which to make the experiments, but stipulated that all the fuel tested should be given as well as all the. appliances that were tried. The money appropriated was, therefore, en tirely "devoted to the construction of the buildings In which, the work was carried on and to the pay of the men employed. Machinery Plentiful. There was no lack of adequate machinery to carry on the Investigations, for manufac turing concerns all over the country fairly fell ovtr one another In offering their latest and most valuable devices. They realised the value of the advertising they could gain through the government's use of their en gines and testing machinery, and, as the wcrk was Inspected by many thousands of visitors to the World's fair, It Is probable they were well repaid. In addition to making the series of fuel tests that turned out so well, the geological survey con ducted a number of experiments to de termine the best briquette making mater ials and machines. These experiments were successful in a measure, and are still being prosecuted by the survey. The gas engine is no novelty In America, for it was long In use for driving dynamos and other machinery In this country be fore It was utilised to propel horseless car riages. iroducer gas Is cheaper than gaso lane, however. Besides, bigger gas engines sre now being built than formerly. Hence the geological survey experts expect that Its popularity will steadily increase In the next few years among all who seek to develop power fur business purposes. Rival Engines In Operation. To show the comparison with steam ths producer gas engine was run side by side with A standard steam engine In the ex pertinents, and the performances of tho two styles of power makers were closely watched and recorded. As Indicated by these records, the power efficiency of four teen kinds of coal when used In the gas producer plant was two and one-half times greater than the efficiency of the coal when used In the steam boiler plant, In other words, one ton of coal, when used In the gas engine, developed on A commer clal scale as much power as two and one hulf tons of the same coal used in the ordinary steam plant. The Importance of this Is not of value to coal producing states alone, but extends through every part of the country where coal or mineral fuel Is usod for powr- The annual coal bill of the New England states for manufacturing purposes is about IW.Oi'O.OuO. This bill couM be cut In two, and there would still be enough left of the savings to buy every man eat of the Hudson a new hat, if the coal used were diverted Into a producer gas pUnt Instead of th? steam engines now In vogue. Trie total fuel bill of the I'nlted States for 1SW will be nearly 12.000,010.000. If All the factories, foundries, mills, shops locomotives and vessels were to change their style of power producers to the kind advocated by t!e geological survey experts the nstlon could Inform the coal barons that the supply for this year would be enough to last until the middle of iro. nserlorltr of Onn Over Steaaa. "The producer gss plant is compart, com paratlvely Inexpensive and consumes Its own smoke." said Maurice R. Campbell one of the survey experts who conducted the experiments In 8t. Ixnila. "It Is much easier to run than a steam engine, for there sre not so many things to watch as there sre about a steam plant. Rvery bit of the coal la ued and the amount of ash that so frequently makes trouble In firing for boiler beating Is of no consequence whatever: In fact, the gas producer works better If there Is A good deep bed of ashes In ths grst. The coal Is fed In from th top as It is needed, the fire is kept going by a slightly forced draft, and ths gas is drawn off at the side and uaed as it Is needed There is no lot.g wait for steam to be nude, and many varieties of coal that sre now considered Just about worth less, from a steam engineers standpoint, will make, first-class gas, and therefor power, when used In a producer ga plant. The main objection that users of power hare at present to trying the new ap paratus Is that their plants are equipped with steam engines and a change would be costly. The producer gras machine Is still In Its experimental stage, they argue and may not be a success. Rather than try It they will probably continue to spend huge sums on 'Improved' steam engines for some time to come. But the day ot the producer gs plant will arrive la due sea son, Just the same. In spits of the con- servative spirit of the power users, and t when It does come every one will wonder i why he didn't Adopt New York Tribune. It long before." LIFE IN GAY NEW YORK Art er snath of a root Ball Anal laexseeted Tnlags that Haapeaeei. Jeremiah O'Connell, A hansom driver, who makes his headquarters In the vicinity ot Forty-seccnd street and Sixth avenue, Ne York, noticed A woman unaccompanied leave Jack's restaurant shortly After 4 o'clock one morning recently. She was at tired In A brown silk gown, with open coat, hat and shoes to mitch, and csrrled A large bunch of violets tied with a b.ue ribbon. "Kindly drive me to Seventy-first street and Broadway," she said,, hopping Into the rig. There was nothing unusual about the appearance of his fare. And ss the sleepy cabby urged his nag to A fsster Jog he ctng atulated hlms-if upon havlnt work lien most of his associates were idk. Th reverie wa of short durstion, however, for with A bang the Ud of the opening tn the roof of the rig was knocked ffl Its hlng'S. FhMeks of mirth came from In- de. Following this a rllpier came flying from the Inside, swatting O'Connell quarely in ths face. Ere. miss, be nice be nice," remon strated the astonished Jeremiah. "Hif you don't be good I can't carry you further." Tale's got the ball rah-rah-rsh-wow- sip," was the reply from ths inside, fol lowed by a fusillade of an umbrella, A pair of opera glasses, and A mass of wear ing apparel. Then there was a crash of falling glass, and the coachman brushed aside the flying obstacles In time to see the front windows of his vehicle kicked out. By the time he pulled up and al ght d his passenger's tootsies wers dangling ou: of the opening and she wee fairly con vulsed with laughter. " 'Dat's a 'ell of a woly fer a loldy to Act," O'Connell said Angrily. "Tou kicked the stufflns out of ra' "snsom. Hit's up to ycu to 'op out an' settle." The woman wiggled her feet mlschle- vlouly, but refused to budge. Tale wins. I'm comfortable, w he csres if it is raining In London, oockney?" she replied. A crowd gathered, end despite their laughs and taunts, and Jeremiah's efforts to disturb the woman shs settled herself for a snooie. This was In the vicinity of Longacre square. Pollcman Walsh of the West Ftorty- second street police station, on an eirly morning scout, was Attractei to the ecene by the crowd, and his appearance brought Joy to the cabby. Bobby, me boy, arrest this name in stantly.. She's kicked the daylights out. or cab. The woman asleep now, so oe quick, for heaven only knows what the puss will be up to next." After the greatest efforts the cop Drougni the young woman to life, but only with the Aid of A patrol wagon and several friendly cops was he able to get her to tne stAiion house. Call me at , clerk. Send up medium boiled eggs, toast, coffee and with A utile Scotch on the side at the same time, please," ahe said drowsily as the matron took her in charge. When Arraigned in the West Bide police court later In the morning she looked very seedy and decidedly repentant. It strikes me you are a mighty hand some young woman to race sucn cnarges as these disorderly conduct and intoxica tion." said Magistrate Sweetser ruefully. "Beside puttln' A crimp In me outfit. added Jeremiah even more sorrowruiiy. "my boss declares I was drunk an It was me that done the damage. When I said It was a little woman he laughed an" told me I was canned." "If you please, sir, don't be hard on me," said the prisoner.- "It's my first offense. My brother Is In Tale and I suppose I cele brated too hilariously. Really, I didn't mean any harm." The woman said her name was Elisabeth Chrystle and ahe lived at the St. Albans, 349 West Fifty-eighth street. "If this leaks out I'll be ruined forever do give me another chance." she said. This appeal melted the magistrate's heart and after the prisoner promised to reimburse the cabby for damages and help assist him back into the good graces of his boss ahe was released. It was said at the Bt, Albans that no such person was known there. New Tork Times. LAWYERS SHOULD KNOW MUCH All Kinds sf Ksjowled Keoessary for laeeeu la General Praetle. "An attorney Is likely to find every kind of knowledge of use to him In his prac tice." said the old lawyer. "An Ulustra- tion of ths truth of this is afforded In a very extraordinary criminal case that was entirely decided by the knowledge of nau- tical affairs which the lawyer for ths de- fense had Dlcked ud while making A sea voyage. Two sailors were on trial for the mur der of the captain of the ship. The only witness against them was ths mate, but his testimony seemed conclusive. The mats testified that ths captain was In his cabin when ths two sailors murdered him. At that time there was great confusion upon ths ship, which was In much peril, so that It required all ths attention of ths other sailors to ksep It from going upon a rock. "John Adolphus. an eminent English Ad vocate, represented the two sailors who wers upon trial. He aaked so many ques tions as to ths number of tbs crew, where each man was snd what engaged In doing that at last the Judge, thinking that the time of the court wss being wasted, re buked him mlld'.y. After the mate had accounted for every man on board, Mr. Adolphus fixed his eya steadily upon him and said In a calm, yst in a ssaxchlng and loud voles: 1 " Then, who wss at ths helm? "Ths mate was so taken Aback that hs could not answer.- Hs turned pals and dropped in a fit. Upon coming to himself he confessed himself the murderer. In his false testimony he had given to each man his position upon the ship and had forgotten the most material place, or rather, had left nons to fill It. it was his knowledge of a ship that enabled the lawyer to catch tbs false wit ness in that case and savs the lives of twe innocent men." Kansas City Times. If you have anything to trade advsrtlt It In the For Exchanga oolurua ul Tas Bes Waut Ad page. TOPICS m A DAY OF REST. With but ons more week of the Torrey mission at the Auditorium, tbs principals and assistants at the meetings sure roused to greater effort and many new features have been devised t hold and stimulate the general interest In the mission work. One of the moet potent factors was the day of prayer held last Wednesday. Dr. Torrey held a protracted prayer meeting At the First Congregstlonal church and neighborhood meetings wers held In many parts of the city, which were reported to Ue well attended. The meetings at the Burwood theater each noon have been continued and the At tendance of business men has been notice able. Miss Parker has been well received by Interested audiences at the Tou Women's Christian association rooms noon, and Mr. Jacoby has labored strenu ously And effectively with the "personal workers' " committee each evening. The Attendance at ths mission has been more than gratifying to Dr. Torrey, as he has Invariably been greeted by attentive Audiences which taxed the capacity ot ths Auditorium. The Rlnffrn mhn volunteered their services have been faithful In at- ' tendance and the music has been one of i the moet Interesting features of the mis sion. While It has taken much time snd effort on the part of Mr. Butler, a largo and effective chorus has been established. , A special meeting for women will be held Sunday afternoon by Dr. Torrey, while the night service will be principally for men. The Attendance At the Sunday meet ings has been so large that the division of the Sunday services was found neces sary to accommodate all those who de sired to attend, as many go to the mission on Sundays who cannot find time during the week. Music at ths First kethodlst Episcopal church: Quartet Praise the Lord, O, My Soul.. Elliott Quartet, with Alto Solo The King of Love My Shepherd Is Shelley Solo by Mrs. Anderson. Quartet, with Soprano Solo Jesus Lord Most Merciful Marks Solo by Mrs. Jennlson. Lee O. Krats, Choirmaster; Mrs. Anna B. Andrews, Organist. No evening service. "Little Tom" Mackey of Chicago, known as ths slum evangelist, will speak at the First United Evangelical church, Twenty, fourth And Franklin streets. At 11 A. m. imj 7; p. m. Mr. Mackey spoke to A large audience at the Auditorium last Sun day and made a most favorable impression. A series of sermons on the church's faith, scriptures, ministry and sacraments Is be ing preached by the Rr. John Albert Wil liams at the Church of St. Philip the Deacon on the Sunday mornings tn Advent, and another series at the afternoon service on "Eschatologr" or "Ths Doctrine of the Law Things: Death, Judgment, Hell and Heaven." Muslo at the First Congregational church. Nineteenth and Davenport: Prelude In D flat ,....Lemalre Anthem Seek Ye the Lord Roberts Tenor solo Mr. Pryor and ChoruA Offertory. Intermesxo.. Rogers Bolo He Shall Feed His Flock and Come Vnto Him. from "Messiah" Handel Postlude In O Oullmant Martin W. Bush, organist; Ira B. Pennl. man, director. Rev. George L. White, who Is In charge of the gospel car, "Glad Tiding," one of the eeven or eight chapels on wheels which the Baptist Publication society keeps going all over the United States, ran Into Omaha last week. Ths car Is at the Webster Street station- Mr. White will assist At the serv ices st the Calvary Faptlst church tomirrow morning. Ha Is a very effective apeaker. A great day la expected. An Illustrated lecture will be given At J. 30 And T p. m. In the rooms of the Omaha Commercial college. Nineteenth and Far nam streets, by Rev. Joshua Jays of the Reformed episcopal Church of England under the auspices of the church of the Second Day Adventlsts. - tion of the doctrines of the church and an endeavor to reconcile prophesied events by reference to the Bible. The special musical numbers At the Kountse Memorial Lutheran church. Twenty-sixth And Famsm streets, will be as follows: MORNING. Ths Ood of Abraham Praise Buck Choir. Like As the Hart Allettson William Henry Heldloff. Just for Today Abbott Miss Hasel Livingston. EVENING. Duet Sun of My Soul Walden Miss Francisco and Mr. Heldloff. Repentance Gounod Master Earl Prahl. The Strength of the Hills Mr. J. J. Kavln. golo Selected Mr. Charles Ovlde Blakeslee. - Music at First Baptist church, under di rection of Miss Margaret Boulter, organist MORNINO10:30. Preluds Capoccl Anthem-Unto Thee Do We Give Thanks Watson Quartet. Organ Offertory Mosxkowski Solo Selected Mr. O. W. Manchester. Postluds Costa Mrs. L. T. Sunderland, soprano; Miss Alice Fawcett, contralto; Mr. John Mc Creary, tenor; Mr. O. W. Manchester, bass. The chorus choir of the North Bide Christian church. Twenty-second and Lo . iU.e.f. wui sing at the morning serr ! Jc gxinday, having resume lu regular wrk afteP a ong- vacation mads necessary on cunt of moving and repairing the church. Ths following program will be given: Processional Onward. Christian Sol diers Invocation. Hymn The Battle Hymn of Missions... Whltaker Scripture. Hymn Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Gould Prayer. Communion Hymn Dark Was the Night Tenney Communion. Offertory All Things Come of Thee, O Lord Danks Anthem The Homeland Unison Chorus. Address Mrs. J. S. McCleery Hymn I Heard ths Voice of Jesus 8ry ,. Bpohr Poatluds Beethoven Mrs. H. J. Klrschsteln, organist and director. An Informal reception wss held Saturday Afternoon at the horns of Mrs. H. J. Klrschsteln, CS Wirt street. In honor of Mrs. J. 8. Mod eery of Beatrice, state president of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions In Nebraska, to which ths missionary societies of ths Christian churches of Omaha, South Omaha And Council Bluffs were Invited. Mrs. Mc- i Cleery will occupy ths pulpit at the North Bids Christian church, Twenty-second and Locust streets, Sundsy morning And will speak In ths Interests of the Bible study In connection with our slats universities. All Interested In this line of work are In vited to hear Mrs, McCleery at 10. 10. Ths North Bids Christian church la placed on A good foundation at the new lo cation. Twenty-second and Locust street a and will be used for all services until the auditorium Is built. hen the preeent build- j log will become ths leclurs mum f lAs ;a5ir-aerwT3Boaf" In the Fruit Dept. In oar Fruit lxpArtment you will find for your Christmas dinner Everything grown in this country And many others Hot House OrarHi from Knglauid. MaIsca GrApes from Spain. Dates from Tunis. Flifs from Arabia. Paradise KbU from South America. Ptnans from Mexico. Chestnuts from Italy. Stuffed Prunes from Germany. And from our own county we hara everything, Including Kumquata and Grape Fruit. Oranges and Tangerines. Persimmons. Cauliflower and Corunibers. Farsley and Mint, Water Cress and Green Onions. Head Lett lire. Pomegranates, Jumbo Cranberriee, Etc. new church. The building has been thor oughly overhauled, a new heating plant In stalled and It Is now a very Inviting an comfortable church home. The public Is cordially welcome st the morning service, the church uniting tn the Torrey mission at the evening hour. Thanksgiving day Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Klrschsteln of th North Side Christian church opened their home for the third annual dinner to the young men and women of their congregation whose homes are not In . Omaha. Covers were laid for twenty.' Miss Lulu Hughes of Lincoln, sister of Mrs. C. O. Pearse of Milwaukee, formerly of this city, was one of the guests. Y. W. c. A. Ktes. There will be a sale of home-made candles at tho rooms Saturday, December 15, con ducted by the lunch committee. Come early If you wish to secure the choicest candy. There will be no gospel services at the association December or Is. The Christ mas service will be held December Z3 at i 4:30. "Echoes from the Torrey Mission win oe ine suojeci ana jars, naouru win lead. During the last two weeks It has been demonstrated as never before thst ths Young Women's Christian association is a downtown home for women. Every noon the rooms have been thronged with women attending the noon meetings. Almost every noon the attendance at these meetings has been over smo. Every evening the rooms have been filled again with people who came for supper and to attend the per sonal workers' class, taught by Mr. Ja coby. One noon a woman from out of the city came Into the office and asked If shs might become A member of the association, as she had derived so much benefit from It during her stay in Omaha. A few weeks ago an Omaha woman Joined the associa tion after taking lunch In the dining room tor the first time. V. M. C. A. Notes. Dean George Allen Beecher Will address A meeting for boys 14 years of age and over at the First Presbyterian church Sunday. December 9. at S:4S p. m. There will be special music at this service. The Sunday afternoon men's meetings, which were discontinued in order not to conflict with the Torrey meetings, will be resumed next Sunday afternoon and will be conducted as part of the Torrey mission for the next two Sundays. Particular at tention Is called to the time, which has been changed to I o'clock. In order to cor respond with the woman's meeting at the Auditorium. W. 8. Jacoby will address the meeting Sunday, December , and Rev. B. F. Feilmaa will have charge of the song service. Carl Frederick Si rough of New York City will sing a solo. Mr. Strough comes well recommended, having sung at musicals In New York City. He has also had charge of the music for the large theater meetings of the Twenty third street branch of the Young Men's Christian Association. Mleellaassas Aaaoaneements. Bethany branch school of First Baptist church, SS61 Leavenworth street, at I p. m. Swedish Methodist, Nineteenth and Burt, Rev. Peter Munson, pastor, will preach At 11A. m. and 7:30 p. m. ' and Pratt. Rev. R. T. Bell. Pastor Serv- Ices at 10 JO And 7:30. People's Church, Rev. Charles W. Savldge, Pastor At 10:39 A. m., "Old Fashioned Lovs Feast." Grand View Baptist Sunday School, Fouith and Cedar, O. D. Maddison, Super intendent Meets at 1:30 p. m. Calvary Baptist Branch. Thirty-fourth and Seward Bible school at 1:30 p. in.; Friday at S p. m., gospel service. Parkvale Congregational, Thirty-first and Gold. Rev. H-srbert L. Mills, Pastor Sun day school at 1 p. m. Preaching at 4 p. m. Christian Endeavor At i p. m. Unity, Seventeenth And Cass, Rev. New ton Mann, Minister Servloe at 10 JO; preaching by Rev. L. Walter Mason of Pittsburg, Pa.; Sunday school at noon. First Baptist, Twenty-ninth and Hamey, Rev. J. W. Conley, D. D.. Pastor Snrvlces at 10:30; subject. "The Joy of Salvation." Sunday school at noon. No evening serv ices. Hillside Congregational, Thirtieth and Ohio. Rev. Herbert R. Mills. Pastor Morn ing service at 10:30; subject, "The Suffering Savior." Sunday school at noon. No even ing service. St. Mark's English Luthersn, Twenty first and Burdetle, Rev. L. Groh, Pastor Service at 10:46 a. m ; subject, "Ideals In Persons;" Sunday school at noon; no even ing service. First Church of Christ. Scientist. Twenty fifth and Farnam Sunday school at :46 a. m.; Sunday services at 11 a. m. and S p. m. ; subject of lesson sermon, "God the preserver of Man." tard Street Methodist. Rev.' J. F. Poncher, Pastor The Rev. W. T. Jacoby will be at Seward Street church Sunday morning at 10:30. The Sunday school wiU make It a decision day. Plymouth Congregational. Twentieth snd Spencer, Frederick W. Leavltt, Minister Preaching service at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at noon. Morning sermon topic, "According to Strength." St. Paul's Episcopal, Thirty-second and California, Rev. E. G. B. Browns. Priest In Charge Holy Eucharist at a. m. Sun day school at 45. Holy Eucharist and sermon st 11. Evensong at 7:46. S. Paul's German Evangelical Lutheran, Twenty-eighth and Parker, Rev. H. Holle, Pastor Regular service at 10 a. m., sub- iect. "The LaVt Day a Day of Joy for All 'rue Christians;" no evening service. DIAMONDS Frenser, Utn and DodgA Humphreys' Sercnty Scven Cures Grip and (SOLD To break up a Cold, to knock out the Grip, perspiration should be In duced. The use of "Seventy-seven", with some form of gentle exercise, will bring the beads of sweat to the brow, and drive out the Cold. "77" Is for Grip. Colds, Influent, Catarrh, Pains and Soreness In the Head and Chest, Hoarseness, Bore Throat and prevention of Pneumonia. At Druggists, cents or mailed. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Street. New York. 7" yxj:'-w&-: y . CHRISTMAS DELICACIES SSSVB.S, TEIJEPHOXK IXH'GLAH 047. Three Separate Entrances. Pouglas Street, Seventeenth Street, West Arcade to Boston Store, Pickering Are made by the them and are Ed. F. Pickering, and uSbRELLAS This Location 105 So. 16th St. Sensible Gifts FOR MEN Reefer Mufflers. Handkerchiefs silk and linen. Neckwear endless variety. Gloves all makes. Shirts soft, stiff or pleated. Hosiery silk. lisle, cotton or wool. Underwear two piece ana union suits, ra- jamas silk and wool. Night Eobes silk, cot ton and wool. "3 for 7" means three shirts for 17.00 to your measure dur ing December. Albert Calm 1322 Farnam Street .Hosmeseekers -VIA- Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Railway ROUND TRIP One fare plus $2.00 to points in North and South Dakota every Tuesday in December, and first and third Tuesdays in January, February, March and April, 1907, return limit 30 days. To points in Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi on December 18, 1806, January 1 and 15, February 5 and 19, March 5 and 19, April 2 and 16, 1907; return limit 30 days. Low One Way Rates HALF FARE plus $2.00 to many points in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana on December 18, January 1 and 15, February 5 and 19, March 5 and 19. Fer Information and Folders Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam St. or write to F. A, NASH. Cen'l Western Agt. OMAUA, NEB. : : : .: : In the Liquor Dept. We are plensed to lie sole to pTt the Rhtne-Moll- Wtne of C. 8 K.-earrtt. k. ermnv. These Wines are justly celebrated for thnr rrlty. l and etccllrnce. a are slso the Haufr inrs of iicard K Co. of Hordes ux nrl the Hurg.indles of l' ub-t ire and Ftls of Heauno. V'rwnre. ami which agencies we have secured May we n"t have a trial order of these (Ins Wlnea for your dinner. leading brands of Imported Cham pagnes, per quart 92.03 Imported Cognac Hrandy (1 year old) i-2 King William Scotch Old Crow (bottled in bond) . . .91.15 Cnhaeset Punch (something new), at ., -25 Williams & Newman's Old Fashioned Cocktails, very fine, ready to drink '. 91.25 Old Maryland Rye Whisky (our own bottling), full quarts, tHc; per gal lon 95.00 Kentucky Bourbon (our own bot tling), per gallon, $2.85; qt. . ,75c Fine Old California Port, Tokay. Malapa, Maderla. Angelica and Muscatel, per bottle fVOc Assorted If desired, per doten. 95.00 i in mu ii i Umbrellas man who sells sold only by I CAR RIP ANYSHIRT BUT cahn$ i 0, rv. few JUL