Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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CltTeltnd'i Loec Etrairla for Cut Fricea
on Ctreft Ci rv
story of Major Tom Johnson's Per
slsteat Rattle Asrnlast the Flve
cent Roads Mirk Bltter
M Manifested.
A gocd fighter in a public cium com-
tinned policemen on a downtown street and
atopped the ears tf the Cleveland Electric
company from going over a short sectlrn
c-f a street which gave them a loop to send
cars around the publto ajutra. Mayor
Johnson said ' ha. took the -action to de
termine If the company had any further
right to uk streets on .which he Insists
the franchises expired over a year agD.
Appeal to the Coerts.
This action Bent the Cleveland fclectrle
company Into the United States supreme
court, and the case was argued there a
week ago. The Clereland -Electric com
pany claims that the franchises on the
streets In contest have not expired, be
cause franchises on a certain downtown
line to which transfers from all lines ln-
r.Mnds the admiration of friends and the i tersecting It are given has several years to
re pect of enemies. Especially so If the
fight Is carried oft for public benefit The
pluckiest Ions; drawn-out fight on ths
boarda right now la that led by Mayor
Tom Johnson of Cleveland for reduced) fares
on street cars. Contrasted with Omaha's
feeble effort in the same direction, Cleve
land's struggle looms as a Pikes peak
above a butte In the bad lands.
This fight for low fare, which began In
1W7, has grown In strength until today
cities everywhere are watching Its dally
development. It la a fight that has elected
and re-elected Mayor Tom L. ' Johnson,
overturned the method of city government
In Ohio, disturbed party conventions, de
feated the republican party repeatedly In
Cuyahoga county and sent a number of
men sailing smoothly Into a sea of political
prosperity. While it centers around Mayor
Tom I- Johnson, who Is known from coast
to coast as the great apostle of 8-cent fares,
ft has drawn many other persons of more
or lest local prominence into Its meshes
and cauaed the late Senator Hanna
many troublesome moments during his tri
umphal and tempestuous political career.
Tli gllaatloa Isnmarliri.
The situation today, as summarised by
a New Tork Times correspondent. Is this:
After years of fighting Mayor Johnson a
few weeks ago saw the first care on a 1-cent
fare street railway start down a Cleveland
street. The company operating these cars
is onty waiting the outcome of the legal
suits now pending to spread out until a
pretty healthy rival of the Cleveland Elec
tric company could be competing for the
publio patronage. The building of this
l-cent line, popularly known In this city as
the "Three Per," was only accomplished
after twenty-five Injunction suits had been
surmounted. The twenty-sixth Is now
awaiting the action of the highest court In
the land. At every step the plans of Mayor
Johnson were met by legal opposition on
ths part of the Cleveland Electric company.
How the courts were used by both parties
would take a good-alsed volume to relate,
but the Forest City Street Railway com
pany, a child of Mayor Johnson's brain.
run. Mayor Johnson Insists thst If this
claim holds good the Cleveland Electric
company can just as readily lay claim to
permanent franchises, as new franchises
are given almost every year for certain
extensions and cross lines. But the latest
legal action has practically brought the
fight to the last ditch, and Cleveland peo
ple who have been regaled with a steady
diet of low-fare talk for many years ex
pect soon to get a little real benefit other
than excitement and good newspaper
The fight went on with unabated vigor,
until a year ago the i-cent-fare line took
on a definite shape by the organisation
of the Forest City Street Railway company,
to be operated under a lease by the Mu
nicipal Traction company. This company
holds a franchise revokable at any time;
It must stick to a straight (-cent fare and
give transfers all over the city. Yet with
all Its limitations such great faith had the
people In the success, of the new company
that Its stock was oversubscribed In a
short time, nearly all of It being held by
small in ve tore In fact, large offers for
big blocks were refused, and the applica
tion of personal friends of Mayor Johnson
from various parts of the country were
turned down.
Brisk Competition.
With stock subscribed snd money In the
treasury the company at once began track-
laying. Then came more sensations. The
Cleveland Electric company had a single
track In Fulton road. The new company
had a franchise there for a single track,
and the old company had been ordered to
move Its track over to make room fur Its
competitor. The track was not moved, and
one night Mayor Johnson ordered a force
of men to tear It up. When the Cleveland
Electric company heard of this move It
went to court and got an Injunction, but the
track was torn tip before the papers were
served. Mayor Johnson was haled Into
court for contempt, but a hearing cleared
him, and the new company had Its track
All summer the work on the new line
has gone on when It was not tied up by ln-
finally got tracks down and cars started. Junctions, and during that time Cleveland
So far the low-fare line has not been able j Electric stock has dropped from around 80
to get Its cars into the east side of the , to 66, but by a rallying of the stockholders
city, where the heavy traffic lies, but tracks I was again brought to 70.
are partially laid, and if Mayor Johnson I Roth sides are doggedly determined to
wins In the supreme court he will have win out, but the nervous stage has been
several long streets that will afford the ! reached. The Cleveland Electric company
low-fare line a firm foothold In the front ! realizes that it has all at stake, while
yard of Its adversary. - j Mayor Johnson only smiles.
m rrai crisis came wnen a . lew weeas , Johnson t'olnta the Way.
ago the mayor on a busy Saturday sta- Why Cleveland should have a street rail-
j way fight at all seems strange to outsiders,
because the city probably has the finest
street car service In the United Slates.
, Large, clean cars, plenty of them, good
schedules and long rides for 6 cents cught
' to make the Clevelanders satisfied, says
Awful Agony of Piles
Poaltlvelf Relieved by The Pyramid the visitor, but Cleveland has been taught
Pile Cure.
Etrtnuoni Life in Stw York Goiii'.deredth
Country ' Type.
F.aanbntle Impressions of a Meaaher of
the British Parllameat Kote4
Dirlig a Visit to the
Thomas Power O'Connor, Irtsn member
of the British Parliament, recently visited
New York, Boston and Philadelphia and
gives tha readers of his London paper his
impressions of America's gigantic activities
as reflected by life in New Tork City. In
part, he says:
I will never forget the first meal I took
In a hotel on the evening of the day I
landed In America as a member of the
Irish delegation In the Interests of home
Imagine a room of glaring white marble;
Imagine a brilliant, nay. a dasxllng and
blinding, electric light pouring down Its
rays of almost Port Arthur searchlight In
tensity on all this white marble; then
Imagine a band playing In this room of
dszzlins; color and light; and, finally, let
there come Into the room from outside a
tumult and a tempest of noises which sug
gest a compound of an earthquake and a
gigantic locomotive factory, and you have
some idea of what I felt as I sat down to
that meal. Outside there was not merely
a single set of street cars, but, apparently,
on that particular spot there were Junctions
and partings, commlnglings, and combina
tions of all the tramway systems of New
Tork. There was clanging of bells, as
though a hundred belfries were shouting
out their evening summons to prayers and
warnings to sinners; there was, besides, a
cataclysm of sounds as though the earth
were being tortured or uplifted by some
fierce tornado of force and sound; In short.
It was pandemonium outside; and inside in
this room, heated to an appalling tempera
ture, the loud band played, and the electric
light biased on the white marble walls and
Kalian Qaletly Asntd Great Kolae.
I looked around with the feeling that
either I was abnormal or everybody around
me was abnormal. Either they were luna
tics or I. For to sit down and eat calmly,
as If nothing were occurring, In the heart
and core of this earth shaking tumult, and
amid this crash of elements, seemed to me
about as unexpected as If, at the worst
hour of the San Francisco earthquake, you
found your women and men making
eyes at each other as they passed on the
opposite sides of a street Into which cupolas
and domes were toppling, and there was a
crash of elemental furiea But I looked
around at my fellow guests In the res
taurant, and there they were, talking In
the low, soft tones which are so charac
teristic of the American at least at home;
eating their food slowly snd tranquilly.
and after the sober fashion so character
istic largely of Americans; and. In short,
conducting themselves as if the conditions
were normal Instead of being the horror,
tumult, and chaos which they seemed to
me to be. I felt Inclined to pinch my
self as I swallowed the oysters that came
up on their bed of snow white Ice, and
ask myself whether It was really true
that I was seated at a dinner table and
m .
.... A Set of
Aulabaugh Furs
Would make a very acceptable
Christmas gift. We are offer
ing the best fur values in Om
aha, and Aulabaugh's is a safe
store in which to buy furs.
P SCARFS Siberian Squirrel
Brook Mink $3.50 to $12.00
..$4.00 to $25.00
Russian Marten . .
Black Marten
Japanese Mink .. .
American Mink .. .
Lynx (all colors) .
Ermine (genuine)
.3.00 to $10.00
$8.00 to $22.50
$7.50 to $35.00
$15.00 to $60.00
$25.00 to $45.00
$12.00 to $75.00
a i
Muffs to match, ranging in price from $G.OO to. $50.00
i Furs! AULABAUGffi
Beautiful Brook Mink Coats at..... $G0.00
Eegular retail merchants ask $73.00 for these coats.
Siberian and Sable Squirrel Coats $75.00
Near Seal Coats, up from $35.00
Astrakhan Coats, up from $35.00
Otters, Seals, Persians and an endless variety of Fur Coats
at prices below competition, quality considered. .
All of these, from the cheapest to the b?st, are reliable,
up-to-date garments the work of a first-class furrier.
1508 Douglas
Furs! ;
Ensrance Through Kern's Millinery Store
There is no reason surely no good rea
son why any man or woman should con
tinue to suffer with piles when -a repu- ;
table .company -of druggists Lav placed 1
In every high-grade pharmacy a positive i
and unfailing cure for this dread disease j
at a price
est. Tbey have done mere. They offer
to relieve the sufferer temporarily and
start him well on the way to recovery,
Dlvlni, tn anv n.llunt hn aonii
fcl. m. .nrf artilre... . free k- h" J been the heM of feeling
age of the wonderful Pyramid Pile Cure
in a plain scaled wrapper. There are
by Mayor Johnson that street car rtdes are ," "u """'" i"-ey " mougn
noming; uuuium were occurring wnen at
every second I felt the whole building
not worth 5 cents each, and they are going
to hold out for every concession that i
possible. At present the Cleveland Electric
company offers seven tickets for a quarter,
transfers on all the lines and better rapid
transit in .return .Tor a twenty-five-year
franchise, but Johnaon won't listen "(b "It.
The Cleveland Electric company wonted to
kithln the reach of the poor- j " rect-m
v-iin-iauii, wui dminBun pui ms iooi uown oi
i it, asserting that It was a question in w hlch
pontics snouia not appear.
quiver under the reverberations of the
tramways outside, and when the glare of
the light and the. marble suggested not
the life of everyday reality but some wild
and magnificent and frenzied spectacle in
a great melodrama or perhaps panto
mime. Swifter ltd of Life la America.
And this sense of people living their ordi
nary lives In the midst of an environment
While the fisht has waged mot bitterly I that to m "uggested earthquake, eclipse.
some migniy aisiuroance oi nature.- was the
; between Mayor Johnson and Pieaident Hor- I flln that I carried with me In my Inner
I ace Andrews of the Cleveland Electric most mlni aI1 through the days I spent in
company, who Is regarded as -one of the iew 1'0rk- It Is true that I gradually and
I best street railroad men In the Tnited J even w'ft,y began to accommodate my
States. Courteous to an unusual derrae, mlnd t0 lta environment; that I also be
' thoroughly honest snd fair In all his burf- ' c,me aeaf t0 the anarchic musio and blind
j ness methods. President Andrews has con- j to tn d"llln light; but I never entirely
ducted an honorable fight, and the mayor j lo,t th ''in that I was living under
' has always received him as a man who, ; conditions that had no more resemblance to
i like himself, fights In the open, but there ; thoB8 of ordinary life than as If I were
1 are directors of the Cleveland Electric who thrown on a volcanic eruption or a city
, think he ought to change his methods of ! ln tne throes of some mighty catastrophe,
j warfare, and there has been no little talk To compare the tide of life as It runs In
t of friction at certain board meetings, but 1 L,rJn to compare the swirl of some
herlted the world's heavy weight of in
evitable woe. Others have their noses deep
in newspapers or magazines. Conversation
you scarcely ever hear; Indeed, to talk
amid this deafening tumult. Is as if you
tried to talk going through a long and low
roofed tunnel ln one of our trains. Si
lent, then, self-absorbed. Isolated, sad these
human beings seemed to me. like so many
playthings snd almost victims of destiny.
Whirled through the air, deafened by the
noise, swayed as helplessly as houses
where the volcanic forces of nature are
shaking everything into chaos, puppets of
some resistless and glgrantlc force that
plays with their activities and their wills
as potently and as wantonly as the storm
with the leaves of trees ln the bleak time
of coming winter.
Deafealnar Xolse Everywhere.
A. gigantic energy outside and independ
ent of man that is my first Impression of
this terrific city of New Tork. That Is
the Impression I have of most of America.
When you get down to the office ln Wall
street and the other business streets of
New Tork you get the same Impression of
deafening noise, of overwhelming and be
wildering speed, and tn contrast with all
this, of universal and brooding sadness.
Tou find not one. but half a dozen lifts
ln a single building; they rush up and
down at intervals of a few seconds. They
have there, es on the subway, the ordinary
elevator which stops at every floor, and
then the express elevator, which rushes at
a speed that almost makes your heart
stop, up past twelve or twenty floors with
out a pause. And inside the elevator stands
a man or boy, self-absorbed, silent, barely
answering a question, suggestive again of
some victim of omnipotent and resistless
and gloomy destiny.
Proposed Series of Postase Staaips
Bearing Xame of Cities
Where Sold.
Andrews still remains at the head.
mountain stream wtth the roar
I of the unbounded ocean.
ind fury
, , ,lrr - I -i I
Waara afott Piles Sufferers Zai. Aet
efr Im Lata.
tnough of the curative elements in this
I ' Toy Republic for gale,
j An attempt was made lately to sell by
suction in Ixmdon what was described In
, the prospectuses as "the smallest empire on
! tha face of the earth." It Is Lundy island.
a speck In the Bristol channel, which be-
Travel on the Sanvray.
Take the question of locomotion. We have
our underground railway; we had It twenty
to thirty years before It was ever thought
of In New Tork. and I remember well the
! longs to the Rev. H. C. Huevon whose' T Vw
' , " . ..... " ', " 1 wnose . Krounj railway, and how, com ng from so
.father bought It ln 1S36 and left it to him. " , . ,,'...,.,, ,
trial package to greatly reduce the swell- i A little empire for a little emperor," es.- rublin. I wss overwhelmed br the sight as
in. of the affected part, to heal much of ; -"ctloneet a. he started to j a symbo, of tn mllrnt ,n4 " , c
. flMrr ha thai KaaAlltlasal n.9 ( U.J 1. a . 1 v
tha soreness and ulceration. Arter tne " nuu wonderful new land Into which I had been
sample is gone jour druggist will supply ; ,n"d" .wl , attd d,le- ; cast by fate. But the underground with us
, you with a boi of the ryramlds for 60;- .u uwini j has as much resemblance to the under
1 """' 1' :8i.:::.?eL . I round-they call it In New Tork the su"
Read Mrs. Bonds letter, which tells i",u c,Jmp" ": hum
how she suffered and was relieved. If not cr ,ne "ory H unheard and the auto
posltlvely cured, after using one SO cent I n,obll, I1"11 lB entirely absent. As the cli
box i mate is peculiarly healthful and the air al-
"I have triea your plie cure and find ! wayl fr",h- u wa ""'ed that the Island
them all you recommend them. I am would l ,n ldeaJ lte tor murium,
verv thankful to you for ever nutting ' Notwithstanding these attractions, the
them within my reach, for I have had one , hleh,t bld n,d ,or ,b Uland
box and I have not used all of them yet.
and I feel like a new woman today, and
I tell everybody about them. When I
started them I could not walk across ths
floor, but now I ran do my work all right. -My
work was a burden to me before I
started them, but I can tell you that
I can mci much better now. Tou can
rely on me. I will tell everybody ubout
Pyramid Pile Cure. Tours sincerely, Mrs.
J. Bond, Toronto, Canada, IS Pears Ave."
There is positively no risk or danger
with the Pyramid Pile Cure, for there
Is nothing but curatives in the prepara
tion. They are suppositories which,
placed In the affected part, act as a
soothing ointment working upon the In
fected and ulcerous tissues, giving them
pew life and stimulating a stronger circu
lation ef the blood.
By tha use of the Pyramid pile Cure
the patient Is cured at home without los
ing a day's work, no matter what his
occupation. The cure may be acsom
pltshed In absolute privacy. We use no
names for advertising purposes without
the voluntary consent of the patient.
Tha Pyramid Pile Cure la quick, per
manent and painless. Do not delay, but
. vend your name and address today, and we
will furnish you at once with the free trial
package. Pyramid Prug Co, T Pyramid
Building. Marshall. Mich.
Tha S cent slse packages are for sale
at all druggtsta
fr about t!,i0, and this did not meet ths
owner's Idea of the value of the property.
The sale was called off and Mr. Huevon
decided to remain a little emperor himself
a little longer New Tork Bun.
Trath Travels Slowly.
A New Haven man was praising the lata
Judge David Torrence of Derby, Conn.
"Judge Torrence," he said, "uttered
many an epigram from the bench. In a
case concerning a noise nuisance a scien
tist was once testifying before him about
the speed of sound.
" 'Sound.' said the man. travels at the
rata of tuO yards a second.'
" 'Atl sound r asked Judge Torrence.
" 'All, replied the scientist.
"The Judge smiled,
"'I'm sure you're wrong,' ha said. 'I
have noticed a great difference between
the speed of certain kinds of sound. Thus,
slander travels at the rate of quite 1.000
yards a second; flattery. 600 yards, while
truth makes only a few feet a second, and,
slow as Its progress Is, truth often fails
to reach the goal, no matter how short
the distance.' "Indianapolis Star.
Maalaas of tha Ciratle C'yale.
If powder won't remove freckles, why not
try dynamite?
The average political platform is made up
of gang planks.
Woman Is the one problem that science
can rever solve.
Money won't get a man Into heaven but
It may keep him out of Jail.
A girl Isn't grown up till shs begins to
worry about her complexion.
Old as Is the evening of life, but second
childhood Is the next rnornl'.
Lots of roea would sacrtik-e principle to
succeaa. and consider it dirt cheap.
Love will find a way, preferably la the
Every man should be his own fool killer.
Many a man feels like consigning his au
tomobile to the place that is paved with
good intentions.--New Tork Times,
way ss the slow crawling of a suburban
line has to the speed and splendor of the
Flying Dutchman or the Irish express.
Again and again, when traveling In the
subway, I had this overwhelming sense of
wonder why people conducted themselves
In extraordinary conditions as if they were
witnessing or doing nothing In particular
or out of the way. Tou get ln the train at
Twenty-eighth street. Tou have Just barely
time to Jump into the carriage when it Is
off ac-aln. Nobody stops; nobody talks;
nobody hesitates; every person man or
woman, or even child makes for that train
at once, at once takes a seat, and In a
second It Is driving onward again. But
this Is not enough. Tou have passed two
or three ststions when you come to Four
teenth street, and then you get out and
Jump Into another train. This is the ex
press. Instead of stopping at every sta
tion it runs tight through half a dozen
stations and two or three miles at a speed
that almost makes you dizxy. People who
I are going ln the other direction do exactly
me same ining. j ney also get out at Four
teenth street; they alsu are carried ln the
opposite direction at lightning speed, pass
Ing station after station without stopping,
and getting over two or three miles ln al
most as many minutes.
Like llrtlass of Ikestlar
This mad rusn of speed and Its effect
upon you cannot be fully realized unless
you can manage to get l ito your ears, as
you read theae llnea, the almost appalling
noise amid which all this rush backwards
and forwards of trains takes place. Every
three minutes almost you bear the rush of
one train following another Into the same
station. As you fly past, three other trains
fly past, too; and all this noise combines
and commlnglee until you feel that tha
world Is being shaken to Its center, and
that there Is a frenzy of noise that might
make even heaven's artillery sound tarns
and gentle. And inside these trains you
see people not talkative, not gay, not ex
panalva. as the American is usually sup
posed to be, but silent, absorbed, as I
thought, sad. This girl, with all the deli
eacy of beauty for which American woman
hood is celebrated, has an air as serious
and alfcorbd aa though she were an el
derly financier engaged ln world-wide op-
jeraiuina. i pis cnua sits silent and self
I abstf-bed, aa though It bad already in.
A number of reasons have been suggestei ,
to explain the fact that all the United
Etates postage stamps for 1907 to be ISFiied
from the 6,000 presidential postofflees will
bear each the name of the state and city
ln which the postoffice Is situated. Twenty-
six of the 8.000 postofflees will have these
names engraved upon their stamps, while
ln tha case of the other prtofflces the
names will be printed across the face of
the stamps after they have been engraved.
The chief reason for the change is said
at the Postoffice department to be the be
lief that It will help to do away with the
big postoffice robbe.ies and make It much
er to trace criminals. The postoffice
robbery ln Ct.lcago a few years ago Is a
good example of the ease with which stolen
postage stamps can be disposed of. for no
trace of the perpetrators was ever dis
covered, although nearly $100 OiO worth of
stamps were stolen, and these mostly of
small denominations.
At one time the authorities thought they
had found a clew to the robbers. A Chicago
mall order house a couple of years after
the robbery received a $f.,000 mail order, ln
payment of which was tendered a package
containing that amount of 1 and 2-cent
postage stamps. The order being so un
usual ln character, the head of the firm
informed the I'nlted States authorities, and
efforts were made to find out from whom
the order had come, but without avail. It
was regarded as fairly certain that these
stamps were a part of those taken from the-
Chicago postoffice. but there was no wa
of proving it. s
But this is only one of the purposes the '
change Is expected to serve, say stamp au
thorities. Another Is to enable the Post
office department to determine the amount
of business done by the different pjstoffiees
X great deal of complaint h;is been made
ln the pajt on the ground that certain
offices were doing a very much greater
volume of business than they were credited
with doing, and postmasters hsve had more
or less trouble ln showing that they needed
Increased facilities for handling their mails,
as in the opinion of the congressional com
mittees having the matter In charge the
receipts from the sale of stamps did not
warrant tha Increase.
"It Is no exaggeration to say that New
Tork City's postoffice does millions of
dollars' worth of business every ytar for
whlcn it gets absolutely no credit; that is,
as far as the sale of stamps Is concerned."
said Joseph 8. Rich, an authority on
stamps. "Hundreds of mall order houses
ln the metropolis each day receive from out
of town points thousands of dollars' worth
of stamps, ail of which are bought at in
terior poslofflcea
"These stumps remain tn New Tork and
are transferred to smaller houses in part
payment, and soon afterward the stamps
are doing du'y on mail s nt through the
New Tork office, but for which that office
gets not a cent la revenue.
"Chicago suffers ln the same ay, as do
most of the offices ln the larger cities
where an extensive mail order business U
carried cm.
"By this means the government will be
able to find out Just how much buaineas Is
being done ln certain minor offices where
thi! postmaster's salary depends upon the
amount of stamps he sells, and there Is still
another use to which the new plan can be
"There are many small plaoea having
postofflees to which they are not entitled b
the amount of mail matter that passes
through the office. For Instance, take a
small cluster at houses located not far from
the city. Say they have a postmaster, and
the number of letters passed through each
day Is small.
"Well, along comes a postal Inspector,
looks the receipts and records over, and
comes to the conclusion that the business
done does not Justify the maintenance of
a postoffice. Then he tells the postmaster
that thre is a possibility of putting the
settlement on the rural delivery list.
"The postmaster goes to one of the prom
inent residents and tells him of the likeli
hood of losing the postoffice.
" 'Now,' he says, you use a couple of
dollars' worth of stamps each day in your
business ln the city. 8uppose that Instead
of getting them there you purchase them
of me. I will get credit for the sale and
the postal business here will appear to be
picking up.
"This is a reasonable proposition. The
resident doesn't care to be deprived of the
convenience of a near-by offioe, so he con-
"The same proposition is msde to two or
three other reidcnts of the place,
also agree.
"The result Is that the next time the In
spector comes around he finds that a ma
terial increase has taken place in tne saie
of stamps, and will then say to hlmsel':
'We'.l. this little place seems to be grow
ing. I'll Jut wait and see about that rural
delivery Idea.'
"The postmaster goes from one resident
to another and induces each to buy from
him all the stamps he uses. By this ma
neuver he assures the permanence of the
noatoffice at that particular village, al
though ehere has not been the slightest
increase of business to Justify it.
'But some large postoffice will handle the
mall matter, and when the postmaster of
the large office asks for a greater allow
ance owing to the growing business he Is
told that the apparent business done as
told by his sale of stamps does not Justify
the Increase."
This plan of engraving the nami of the
city of Issue on postage stamps is not en
tirely new. as It has been followed In
Mexico for yeara In Liberia also tne
names of five of the principal towns are
engraved upon the stamps. Washington
party arrived at the selected spot they
were nowhere to be seen. It was decideJ
to wait for them and, concealing thorn
s' Ives behind the rocks, the members oi
the party lay quietly with everything In
readiness. In about forty minutes, which
seemed to the anxious hunters several
hours, the herd was seen coming slowly
down the canon. When the animals were
within 300 yards of the automobile they
scented danger and stopped to reconnoiter.
The leader, a magnificent bull, with high
and wide spreading antlers, sniffed the
air suspiciously, and then he hesitated a
moment and turned aside to make off. The
big rifle, which had been resting on s
boulder, cracked spitefully. The handsome
beast made one wild leap Into the air and
then stretched out quivering on the rocks,
while his frightened companions broke for
cover. The bull was one of the inest
specimens killed ln that vicinity for sev
eral yeara The antlers, which were of
the twelve-pointed variety, will grace the
halls of the order that Is named for the
animal which ' gave them up without an
opportunity to defend himself. New Tork
temptations come ln his way. But sharks
are not always hungry. One day I wa
drifting off the Island In a yacht and tha
weather was very clear. We noticed a
large shark swimming under the boat
about twenty feet below. With nothing
else to do we set out to capture the fellow.
Uniting a hook with half a chicken, a
loaf of bread and a ham bone, all tied on
the hook with marlln, we lowered the at
tractive morsel right ln front of his nose.
All stood ready to take a quick turn
around the bits when he made off. Well,
this unappreciative monster refused to no
tice it, even when we lowered It on his
nose and carefully slacked It down over
his nose within easy reach of his mouth.
Soon he slipped away Into the blue depths.
Then another came. It seemed to us they
enjoyed the shadow the yacht made, Aga'n
we tried, but with the same luck ss with
the first. 1 had never seen a shark be
fore refuse anything ln the eatable line.
Forest and Stream.
Montana. Man Forsakes Pony for
Chocwagoo and Baas a
Bla" Bark.
An elk hunt on foot or on horseback Is
sufficiently exciting, but to hunt down the
noble antlered animal by means of a tour
ing car is an unusual experience. This,
however, was undertaken by a party of
five men near Billings, Mont., recently and
a magnificent iecimen of a fast disappear
ing kpeiies of animal was bagged as the
result of the exciting chase. Hunts of
the common field vanety "a la automobile'
have long since ceased to bs a novelty,
but an elk hunt by the aid of this means
of locomotion is decidedly out of the or
dinary. The party, consisting of the
driver and four hunters, chartered a White
steam car and started off before daybreak
for the place where the elk were ranging
Many years ago Paul McCormlck, a prom
inent resident of Billings and a pioneer
of Montana, put several elk ln this pas
ture. and since that time, under the rigid
protection enforced, the animals have mul
tiped and are scattered ln goodly numbers
over the Immense preserve. They are by
no means tame; on the contrary, some of
the older bulls are exceedingly vicious,
and it was for this latter class ln particu
lar that the aulomobilista were looking.
The purpose of the hunt was to secure
venison for a big barbecue given at the
Montana state convention of Elks ln Bill
After arriving on the hunting grounds
the party spent several hours ln fruitless
search, but suddenly, while driving over
the open range, five line specimens of the
elk family, headed by a big buck, sprang
out of a small coulee by the side of the
trail and made a break for the tills. Al
though the car was sent after the animals
at tha best rste of speed it was possible
to make, no perceptible gulp was made
upon them, and they disappeared down a
narrow defile ln the rocks without being
struck by any of ths uhots fired at them.
As it was Impossible to follow tbs quarry,
enept on foot. It was decided to go by a
circuitous route of several miles to the
mouth of the canon, down which the elk
were heading, ln the hope that they would
continue their course to the range on the
opposite side of the, hills.
After their firnt fright had subsided the
animals prvoteded slowly, for when the
Careless Kanaka Sailor Meeta His
Fate In BwlmmlnaT to Re
rarer Boat.
Some years ago I was living at a seaport
about ninety miles from Honolulu. One day
a boat from a coasting schooner lying
about a quarter of a mile from the shore
get adrift and went sailing down the wind.
When the sailors observed what had hap
pened they ran aft and Jumped overboard
and swam toward the runaway tender.
One, tm-o, three and four Jumped Into the
water, Disappeared for a moment and then
the Kanakas' heads appeared. We could
count only three heads swimming to the
Where was the fourth? They were all
excellent swimmers and we wondered what
had happened. The three men climbed
aboard the boat and rowed back. They
were some time rowing about the schooner
ln an aimless way and then came ashore.
Thy told the sad story of the loss of their
mate. They had seen bloody water neat
the schooner and an enormous shark swim
ming about. Bo unconsciously I had really
seen a man Jump into a shark's mouth.
Evidently the men Jumping into the water
attracted the shark's attention and he took
the last man as he hit the water. -
For many years there was a one-armed
native working at odd Jobs about, the
wharves. One day I inquired of a naUve
friend how the man became mslmed.
"Mano," was his significant reply. This Is
the word for "shark" ln the Hswalian
language. The man had been a great diver.
One day he and a companion were divine,
for squid near the reef. A shark attacked
him and as he tried with his outstretched
arm to shove himself clear of the monster
t. arm was bitten off nearly to nis
An island schooner was capsized ln the
channel. The schooner's boat was cut
adrift, Jjut was bottom side up. The native
crew and a white skipper clung for hours
to the last hope they had. The skipr'
while ln the water endeavoring to right
the boat had both legs bitten off by a
shark. Although he was got on the bost
again, he soon expired from loss of blood.
To my mind there Is no question thst
certain sharks will est humans.
I don't think they are exactly lying awake
nights watching for man, but one will
make a suppr on a goat, horse, seagull,
dead or alive. If he Is hungry and these
Devastation of iypy Moth.
The gy rsy moth Is pursuing Its devasta
ting mnrch through all New England and
has now attacked the trees of Maine. Or
chards and forests of spruce and pine are
alike Its vtctima Its ravages among coni
fers are especially fatal from the fact thst,
as stated by D. M. Rogers of the nation J
bureau of entomology, where such trees are
stripped by the moth their death follows
ln a single year. Minnesota Is far from
Maine; but it was once as little thought
that the pest would spread from Cam
bridge all over New England as It Is now
thought It may find its wsy to the North
Etnr state. Minnesota should therefore, if
only as a matter of self-protection, urgj
its representatives at Washington to an
active support of the measures, however
costly, which the Department of Agricul
ture urges for the extirpation of the moia.
Here the far western orator waxed fer
vent. "Fellow citizens." he exclaimed, "ordi
narily I psy no attention to campaign, sian
ders, but the candidate on the other ticket
has lied about me so persistently snd ma
liciously that forbearance has cased to be
a virtue and I am going to handle him
without gloves."
"Ton can't!" hoarsely bellowed a man
with short hair, a thick neck, and a bull
dog face.
"Why not?" demanded the orator.
' 'Cause It's agin the rules. Anywhere
In this state you've got to have gloves
welghln at least two ounces!" Chicago
Qalle Legitimate.
I have a position now that pays ma
very well."
"Indeed! What Is It?"
"I have been engaged by a lance depart
ment store to take charge of a profitable
blackmailing scheme."
"Great Scott! Aren't you afraid to tell
"Not a bit of It. Tou see It Is to write
the advertising circulars of their moumlns;
millinery department." Baltimore American.
Making a Distinction.
"There la not a particle of evidence, your
honor." said the sttomey for the defense,
"to show that my client was within a doxeri
miles of the scene when the crime wsa
ccrmmltted "
"1 beg your pardon," Interrupted the other
lawjer, "but his brother-in-law testlflea
specifically that he saw him there."
"I know it." rejoined the defendant's at
torney, "but his testimony Isn't evldenoo."
Chicago Tribune.
ni i mm hi
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Remember the rush for HOLLT-LAY shutting is on. Ijon't d lnv. MMica
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JAMES MORTON & SOX CO., 1511 Dodje Sf.