Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Frw Hospital Enildinr is Espidly Fearbe
Oc it pi tt. cm.
It Is
tit-... .. xi . Viszi a i i.j iuijjiewmi'it.'jmig,Luiiiui4.
Mra. Plvaaka fraafee ta Stop l.ateat
I IMaa for nastrartlaa f fnfi
and tit (mirllnt'i for
( )
t 1
? " :- f That
V Pe-ru-na
r Cure For
k Catarrh
Tier. 3. B. McLaurViip. 416 fth St., N. W., Washlnrton. D. C for
mer City Attorney of Little Rock, Ark., now an attorney reFidins in
Washington, writes:
"Catarrhal Complaint In all Its various forms Is so general, that
the public should be informed of a remedy for the same It is undeni
able hat IVmua Is a cure for that disease. From experience and gen
eral knowledge of its beneficial use I hare no hesitation in giving it
my earneBt endorsement and recommendation."
CATARRH soon destroys the elastic
ity of the du tus membrane, pro
ducing a flabby rendition. This leads
to watery secretions, sometimes thick
ened mncus, and constitutes altogether
a very disagreeable condition.
It makes no difference whether the
catarrh ia confined to the nose, head
or throat, or whether it Is located in
the lungs, stomach or bowels. The
essential condition is the same.
Anything that tones up the system
tends to the relief of the catarrh.
Anything that purifies the system
Ask Your IHnggist for Free Fcnma Almanac for 1907.
Belief ths Only and Ears Way to the Life
Which ia Eternal.
CklMrei't Merita.- la the Afteraooa
Reaalta la Three Hulrcl (
Klfty-Faar ConTrnlsii
Iabrr at Meat.
Thstfcellef In the Lord Jesus and a faith
ful and eonaclentiouB practice In that be
lief la the only way of life and the only
aouroa of .salvation for one soul, was the
gist of the address of I)r. Torrey at the
Auditorium Friday night, when thirty-five
persons voluntarily arose and proclaimed
their conversion, while many more were
persuaded to confess their conversion by
personal persuasion of members of the per
sonal workers' committee.
Friday proved a lianner day for the Tor
rey mission, as 3.'- children confessed to
their lielief in Jesus Christ at the after
noon meeting- of the mission, and the audl
noe which greeted In. Torrey In the even
ing taxed the capacity of the Auditorium.
The main floor was crowded and there was
an overflow of several hundred Into the bal
eonl s.
The subject of the eminent divine at the
evening meeting was, "The Way of Life
Made as Flaln aa Day." The speaker pre
sented a logical and foroeful argument,
but was somewhat handicajied In his ef
forts by a severe cold. In prefacing his
remarks' IT. Torrey said:
"God tdls us the way of life tn Acta, xlv.
11: 'Believe In the Lord Jesus Christ and
thou shalt be saved.' These were the words
of Faul to the Fhllippian Jailor who cried
for light aa to the true path to solvation.
God saye anybody who believes In the Lord
Jesus Christ shall be saved the minute he
Watch Your Thirty Feet
of Bowels I
iJ have thirty feet of Intestines
What makes feed travel
through them?
A set cf Muscles that Una the
walls of these lr.tesLnes or Bom-el.
When a piece of Food rubs the walls
f the Intestine these Muscle tijhten
behind it, and thus it starts a Muscle-wave
which drives it through the whole lertfth
cf the Bowels.
- It should take about 12 hours to do this
properly, so that nutritious parts of the food
ins have rime to be digested and absorbed.
But, tf it takes twice or three times
that period the food spoils in passing, and
becomes as poisrnous as If it had destyed
before bting eatea.
Now, the cause of dtlay (Constipation)
Is almply Weakness, or Lazlnejs of the
Bcwcl-M usclea.
Want ot Exercise, Indoor Employment,
weakens these Bowel-Muscles, Just aa It
weakens Arm aad Leg Muscles.
"Physic" like Salts. Calomel. Jalap,
phosphate of Soda, Mineral V'steie, simply
flush-cut the Bowels for the one occasion
They do nt remove the Csuse of Con
stipation. ,
But this is di'ferent with Cacaretv
Cascarets act on the Muscles of the
Br:s and Intestines. They act ust as
Ccid Water, or Exercise act on a Laiy icao.
They art rke exercise,
A Cascarel produces the aame 'sort of
Natural result that a S.a Miie wa",k tn the
-cm try wojii prodaco. ,
The Vest Pocket Eoi U sold ty aU
Orucgista. at Tea Cr's.
Be vry careful to get the geu'".
rada en!y by the Sterhr.g Remedy Ca..
and re-r al In bu'k. Every taiJot
aun.pci 'CCC." H7
helps to clear away the poisonous se
cretions from the body.
Peruna has a world-wide reputation
as a catarrh remedy.
Ve have many testimonials from all
parts of the country and from all
walks of life, attesting to the benefit
of Pern u a in catarrhal diseases.
Mr. Boss Craig, Fork Vale, Tenn.,
'"I had catarrh of the head for two
years and had abandoned all hopes of
being cured. To my surprise Peruna
cured me Bound and well."
believes." Many passages In the Bible were
then cited by Ir. Torrey to prove this con
tention that the doctrine aa denned by the
Apostle Paul applies to anyone and every
"A great many people think they are
saved when they are not. What does Jesus
claim to be? First of all He offers Himself
a soul bearer so that we might And for
giveness for our sina In the second place
the lord Jesus offers Himself as the de
liverer of Bin. In the third place He offers
Himself as a teacher sent from God, speak
lns words divinely inspired.
"Ton may be a drunkard, an opium fiend
or a cocaine field, but Jesus has power to
set you free. If you believe in Jesus you'll
show It by doing everything He says.
T Classes la World.
"We live tn a perilous time when the
people of the world are being divided, when
the people either believe In the world
against Jesus or in Jesus against the
world. To which class do you belong? I
believe In the lrd Jesus and my whole
theology la In that one sentence.
"If you believe In the Lord Jesus you'll
show It by confessing- before the world.
You can't keep still about It. Borne people
say 1 believe,' but don't believe In stand
ing up and saying so. I never knew a man
who believed In Theodore Roosevelt or
W. J. Bryan whe was ashamed to say so.
Those who believe In Christ should not be
more backward."
Dr. Torrey then told of an Incident which
had been told him by a friend, who Im
parted an easier way of gaining conver
sions, which was to have the entire audi
ence stand up, and then have all Chris
tians sit down and leave the others stand
ing alone. "But I am not looking for an
easier method," aald Dr. Torrey. "The
way of salvation la not easy at first, but
try It and see how easy It comes after
ward. For this reason I believe tn child
conversions, and the number of children
who stood up at the meeting this after
noon and confessed Christ was more grati
fying than I can expresa Children who ore
converted make the best Christiana. Yoi
may take too children and too grown up
persona converted and I'll guarantee the
children will be the best Christiana at the
end of ten years."
DtTla- Meetlava lislir.
As Is the custom, no meeting of the mis
sion w.ll be held Saturday night, but two
meetings will be held Sunday, when Dr.
Torrey will deliver his great sermon.
"Heroes and Cowarda." The afternoon
meeting will be for women only and the
evening exclusively for men. while Rev.
W. 8. Jarohy will speak to the men at S
p. m. at the Lyric theater under the aus
pices of the Toung Men's Christian associ
ation and the women will be addressed In
the evening at the First Presbyterian
church by Miss Parker. The noon meetings
at the Young Women's Christian associa
tion rooms will be continued by Miss Parker
next week, with the exception of Saturday
and Sunday.
With the Sunday meetings the last week
of the Torrey mission will begin and the
workers are stirred to greater effort to
lake advantage of the fleeting opportunity.
Ttwti la Itslkwntrrs Part of Stale
with Laa Tltaa Wtrk't 8ap!r
a Head.
HrTCHINSON, Kaa.. Dec a. A serious
eoaj shortage exists In thla city and
throughout southwestern Kansas. This
town has not more than a tki supply of
coal on hand and the prospects are for an
even more serious situation tn the future.
Coal dealers are unable to get their ordtrs
died. Receipt of their orders U acknowl-
edged by the coal i company and tha c al
,r.. - ." , , "'r
tlon nine time out of ten. The coal Is be-
Ing confiscated by the railroad to supply
their engines.
The trouble appears to be due to a short
age of coid supply on the part of the rail
roads for their euginea, combined with a
shortage of mulpnient-
SdTrBralt tf O -- Vetwli De. T.
At New Tork Arrived. Cuta dl Palermo
frurn Genua.; 7miupicn. from Antmt-rp;
kUnop.. Irora Gimkos, Celtic from Liver
pul: Urnf Waloereee. from Hamburg
baiird; Otta di Na;iuliu. ltr Ntp.tis. Ai- I
geim. for Suplefc.
At Manchester Arrived: Bomuntan, from
At Urf rpool Arrived : A'.exsjidrUu,
from New ttrlens.
At Kalertaw feaaitd: Sicilian Prtnoa. for
New York.
At Kpie Arrived:, from New
Y urk.
At Legbcrn Arrived: ferugi. from Nr
Y era-
The erection of the f"ii'h "mnha ho;lta!
has propTeBed to uch a point that the
manner-merit is looking forward to the oc
cupancy of the building sbut Christmas
time The carpenters are bi-ry jut'.inc
down the floors. inch work i now nearly
c-ompleted. Fume d'l.ij- is farcd from the
Jsct that .the nm".crl::l for the Hallways
has not been received. The heating apa
rstus has been put In place and the e!"c-
! trie- wiring and plumbing have pr-igresscd
as far as the other work will permit. A
few minutes spent in the building would
give a good Idea of the completeness and
neatness of the new establishment. For
this purpose a large reception will be given
hy the association before the building Is
The busement rooms are to be used as
quarters for the nurses, for the heating,
the kitchen and dining rooms. The nurses'
rooms are large and convenient, each hav
ing a closet for wardrobe pur-pones In con
nection. The kitchen is to be fiited up In
excellent style. Under the front porch will
be the vegetable cellar and the refrigerator.
The first floor of the building is occupied
on the east side t y the hospital office, the
doctors' dressing rooms and the operating
rooms. The chief of the operating rooms
is In the northeast corner, and light ir
furnished by a large hay window. C'pi-o-
Flte this on the northwest corner is the ,
emergency room, where patients will be
taken from the operating tables. The other
rooms on this floor will he patients' quar
ters. On the second floor the rooms are
all given over to the patients. There is a
large reist room for convalescent patients.
In the attic a room has been fitted up for
the sleeping apartment of the night nurse,
where she may be away from the noise.
Beside the larger rooms, all of which are
models of neatness and provided with
noiseless swinging doors, there are nurnet
ous closets and a large bath room on ich
floor. The kitchen Is provided with a dumb
waiter, which curries meals to each floor.
There Is also a laundry chute, which car
ries all soiled clothing to the wash room
In the basemer.t. In thr attic a yysitem of
lockers has been provided for the clothing
of patients. W. S. King, the president of
the association and chief engineer of the
Vnlon Stock Yards company, aald It was
one of the best constructed buildings in
the city and was being erected very cheap.
He Is spending a portion of each day at
the building urging the rapid completion
of the work.
More fewer lttleatloa.
P. J. Breen of Omaha, who has been the
lawyer for the plaintiffs In the suit of Mag
dalcna Pivonka and others In which the
city officials of South Omaha were enjoined
from carrying out the sewer c ntra-cts, was
"In the city yesterday looking over the new
proiiosltion by the Vnlon Stock Yards com
pany. He declares tnat tne wnoie council,
or the members who voted for the latest
resolution, and the mayor and treasurer, If
he can be Included for having received the
stock yard check, will be remanded for con
tempt of court. He aaid the proceeding of
the council was Irregular for the reason
that one of the councllmen was not notified
of the special meeting. Besides this, he
challenged the right of the city treasurer
or the council to receive a donation which
shall not be distributed proportionately t3
all the parts cf the newer system. James
Pivonka saya that he Is watching the ac
tion of the council and will himself insti
tute proceedings if the work is attempted.
Papers are said to have been filed before the
district court yeaterday pras'lng for an or
der of the court citing the defendants for
contempt. Thla petition has not yet been
Charcoal Kills
Bad Breath
Disagreeable Odor Arising From Indi
gestion or From Any Habit or In
dulgence, Cin Be Instantly
Saasple Package Mailed Free.
Other people notice your bad breath
where you would not notice it at ail. It
nauseating to other people to stand before
them and while you are talking, give them
a whiff or two of your had bieath. It usually
comes from food fermenting on your stom
ach. Sometimes you have It in the morn
ing that awful sour, bilious, bad breath.
You can stop that at once by swallowing
one or two Stuart Charcoal Losengea the
most powerful gas and odor absorbers ever
Bometlmes your meaia will reveal them
selves In your breath to those who talk with
yoia "You've had onions," or "You've been
eating cabbage," and all of a sudden you
belch In the face of your friend. Charcot I
is a wondeful absorber of oders, as every
one knows. That Is why Stuart's Charcoal
Losenges arc so quirk to stop all gases and
odort or odorous foods, or gaa from lndi
gt bUon.
Don't use breath perfumes. They never
conceal the odor, and never ubsorb the gut
that causes the odor. Besides, the very
fact of using them reveals the reason for
i their UKft. Stuart's Charcoal Ljzer.res In
j th (or . ... r
brath and belching of gaa, and makes your
breath pure, fresh and sweet, Just after
you've eaten. Then no one will turn his
face away from you when you breathe or
talk; your breath will be pure and fieMi.
and, betides your food will taste so much
better to you at your next meai. Just try
Charcoal does other wonderful things,
too. It carries away from your stomach
and lntestlnea, all the impurities there
massed together and which causes the bad
breath. Charcoal is a purifier at well as
i an absorber.
Charcoal is now by far the best, most
eery and mild laxative known. A whoie
I boxful will do no harm; In fact, the more
! you take the better. Stuart s Charcoal are made of pure willow char
coal and mixed w th Just a faint flavor
faf you
M ut not too sweet. You just chew them
. . n-v Th . r. , . .
Get u new, pure, sweet bieath. freshen
your stomach for your next n,cal. and keep
the intestines tn good morning oroer. These
two things are the soeret of good health
and long life. Y'ou can get all the char
coal necessary to do wonderful but
einrple tLliifS by 6t.iB.rt s Charcoal want sou to test these htt:e
wonder workers yourself before you bL
them. 6o send us our full name and
address for a free sample of Stuart's Char
cola Losenges. Then after you have tried
the san I le. and been ooovincel. go to your
drug.t-'t and get a Sc b- x of them. Youli
feel better all over, more con. tunable, and
"i leaner'- Inside.
Send us your name and alireri today and
me mill at once send you by null a sample
pHiktga. free. Aiid-tn F . Eluarl Co..
A E.uart Bldg . kUrtruJl, Mica.
including Grands,
, Ideal Christmas Gifts for the Entire Family
Everyone iR invited to inspect and enjoy our great holiday display. Nearly flOO instraments to select from. Including the world's
lending makes. Steinway A Son, Nte-r. Fnierwn, Hardman, A. 11. CliaM-, McThnil, Kurtiman and oiy hand made Schmoller Mueller
Piano, Pold direct Irom FACTORY to HOMK, thereby eliminating the middleman's profit. We have thousands of voluntary and unaought
expressions of appreciation from people all over the country, to whom our pianos have proven a revelation and delight. Why not have
one sent to jour home at once?
In figured San Domingo mnhogany, burl walnut and quarter-sawed golden oak cases, at
S200- S235- S250- S265- S2S5 ""t Upward.
Then, again, we Lave some very fine pianos which we are closing out at 516S 3185-
TEUM To responsible parties, on inexpensive pianos, M or $10 cash and $S to eV monthly, or SO MONEY IK1WN and pay
ments to tegin next year. We protect you in your buying by the substantial Schmoller & Mueller guarantee. This sale, now two weekg
In progress, has nearly doubled any previous record, and the simple reason is, good instruments at lowest prices when the people mostly
want them.
In our Exchange Department we have a number of slightly used instruments, which have been overhauled in our factory and ares
puaranteed free from hidden defects. Will exchange any instrument cf this clans within one year at fall purchase price toward a higher
priced new piano.
$240 J. p. Hal", medium size upright S 90
$273 "W. W. Kimball, ebony case upright $115
$300 vers k Pond, mahogany case upright $125
$325 Krakauer, ebony vne upright $150
$350 Lester, good as new $200
$375 Emerson, cabinet grand upright $250
$400 Steger, golden oak case upright $275
$500 Steinway, upright, good condition j $300
Any piano not satisfactory, bought at this sale, may be returned within one week ftom date of purchase and the money will b
refunded. A Schmoller & Mreller customer shall always be a satisfied customer.
Write today for catalogues, special prices and bargain list. We ship pianos everywhere.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT On Dec. 11th the Cuscaden School of Stringed Instruments will give its
second musical entertainment at Becital Hall, 1313 Earn am St., at 8 p. m. The public is cordially invited. Ad
mission free. COO comfortable seats.
himilleir l RflyeBSec (Poaoi n
Largest Handlers of Pianos in the Wtt, Operating Fire Stores and Factory. Main Warerooms and General Offices,
Established 1859... 1311-1313 FARHAM STREET ..Tel. Douglas 1625
actfd upon and the trial for contempt may
not come before the nert term.
Boi Car Rohbrl.
A boxcar was robhed near the Vnlon Pa
cific freipht deiot Thursday tiiirht. The car
wa loaded with conftpnnierits for I'cJ
dealers. The doors were forced opn and a
boa of crockery was taken w hic h w a coc
aipned to S. 6. Goldftrom. (me hundred and
l my pounda of dressed fowls, consigned
la Armour & Co., were alno carried away.
The police have made no arreFtn in the
cane. ThiB claFB of thefts Is trowing; lo an
alarming degree In ttie city.
C ondition of C ity C anh.
The city treasurer has perfected his
monthly wtalement of the city's funds. By
it he shows that there is at the present
time en deposit SISLSmI H as a net balance
Iiecember 1. During the month the treas
ury received, throuph collections and other
sources, KOTS.So. The disbursements were
Ji 9; C5 At the beginning- of the previous
month the net balance was ("S3.SM4.3Q. Thee
fipures will be swelled to a Rreat deerree by
the collection of the city taxes during the
next thiry days. The balance January l
will be close to MDc,iO.
Monday- SerTteea.
Most of the churches will Buspend the
evening services that their members may
attend the Torrry meetinrs in Omaha. The
re-irulax morning services will lie conducted
A Look Forward' will tie the topic of
Rev. Andrem- Renmitk at the ed Pres
byterian church. Lir. R. L. Wheeler mill
pr-ach o:i the topic, "The Sheep In the
Iesert." Misses Lurie Van Ness and
Low-ana Winegard will render a du't.
"The Better Life" mill lie Rev. Georire Van
Winkle's tojic at the Baptist church. At
Lefter Memorial church. Fifteenth and Mad
ison Bttwts, Sunday school at Id a. m. At
U a. m. P.ev. Mr. Hillers will preach en
Illustrated sermon. "EtumMtr.g Stones." In
the evening Rev. A. J. Fheldrick of London.
England will eondjet the services. He has
been traveling with the Torrey mlss'on.
Tr. Luther P. Ludden of Lincoln, mc stern
secretary of the board of home missions
of the Lutheran church, mill preach at
the F.n&Ush Lutheran church next S-inday
morning. A welcome fxtended to all.
Coofitrv Onli Klertlom.
At the arnual meeting of the South
Omaha Country cluh. htli In llbrnrr hrill.
Thursday evci.i-.f. the fallowing directors
mere elected: For three years. V. B.
Cheek, Y. E. Taps and I'r. C. M. Schinrtel;
for two years. ". W. Sears. E. V. Arnold
and A) rowill; f r one year. W. W. Fisher,
Mike Culkln and Ctto Raurumeit.
i! was also voted to incirase the in:tia
tinn fee to tfS. effective February 1. and
to increase the annual dues to Jib per year,
effrctive Junuury 1.
Considering the fart that extensive Im
provements are to 1 made next spring on
the giilf eoure. base btili din'm'tid. tenn-s
courts atid in the club hoje, the above
step was cor.Maerea udv'i,Me and :s oruy
in line with the policy being pursued t-y
other club. Th" consensus of op'.nt"n
unions tlie men bct is thut the South
(.miaha Country dub. even mit!:t the in
cr jjied initiation and yearly djes. gi-e
more for the nnney than any cl'ib In this
se,inn if tl;e country, and next ye;;r
promises lo bt one of great interest for Hi?
club menibers.
V. . T. 4. otea.
The "Le.nads' .are steadily Increasing
.thiir numbers Lat Sunday Rev. Mr.
W I.eeitT gave tl.em a atrong talk, tc, which
the boys listend with gnat interest and
'fir which tiny mere very ttmr.kf ul. Next
Sunday at S o'clock Rev. Mr. Sisa,.n mi.l
aciuttf tlie tiili. Messrs. Ku.ger and
! Stittacl, who kaie the bojs work In their
1, are plann.i.g ti.irifc for the Improre-
meiit of the club. :i.tis mhicli Is
r.'tuul Mr. Ringer is nearly r -dy to siiuw
tlie bc s for the:r a piovt.L
Next ffjnday at 4 ocuek l'rof Graham
:w.:i address the r. en s meet.r.g. His Bab.
ijet U Pledf-s, pn.iui.'es and Aln.a'
Tiit re mill be a a,ii.u Bert lee and special
! music All i.te invited.
i Z't e auxliijry held an enthusiastir nrnet
j lt.g at the bou.e cf Mrs. berry last Tuesday.
tprlgbts. Squares, Organs, Pianolas, Pianola Pianos, Orcnestrclles
The members completed the arrangements
for the membership banquet, which they
have bo kindly offered to serve, and also
decided td give a New Tear's reception in
the rooms on that d?y
Saturday nlgvt ut the membership ban
quet much enjoyment and mirth was pro
voked. Toasts were given and a mixed
literary and athletic program was rendered
Tlie ministers of the city have decided
to taKe a hand In the memlersh;p work
and have entered a twenty-day canvas for
members during which time they each ex
pect to secure four new members. Boys,
take off your hat to the ministers.
Rev. Mr. Van Winkle dropped into the
rooms a short time yesterday. He ex
presses himself as much gratified with the
results being attained at the Torrey mis
sion. His vpeciul reason for satisfaction
was the fact that the ministers of the city
were getting such an awakening.
Mo ale City Golp.
G. Ft. Gafford. liven'- Tel. 106.
G. F. Cooper Is enjoying a week's excur
sion to Denver.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians will
elect ofticers Monday evening.
G. H. Gafford, moving and trantifer.
Tel. PIG.
L.. A MeKeenan, Fortieth and X streets,
reports the birth of a daughter,
Mrs. William Kerr n recently called
to Chicago by Ihe illness ol her mother,
Mrs. Thompson.
i ...j. N- a,
Mrs. Grant Augustine of Minden. Ia
been the guest of Mrs.
Missouri avenue.
The home of William McPermoot,
N'lth Twentieth, has keen cheered by
aavent of a daugiiler.
Mrs. R. A. Sk piienson and Ir. and Mrs.
Adams have returned to the city from
their late residence in Omaha.
The deatli of a young daughter of John
Tyal from diphtheria occurred at his borne.
Sii U street, yesterday morning.
Jetier s Gold Top Beer delivered to jt'.l
pirts tif tlie city. Ten phone No. fc
Mrs. J. A. Andres f Tahoi, Is , ha tuen
i-TitertaineU t i h r daughter, Jin R. fc
Crook, !! North 8!xte nin street.
M -ss N-tt.i- Sp-lts has returned to her
home in l'iivid Cit.. She stient some time
nere vis.ung wiUi her sistei, Mrs. M. G.
Zert .
Ceid riports hae tieen received from
J. It Orange of Ii;glas. Ariz., wtiere the
young man U secietary of the loc-aj Young
ji n s Cncisuan ussiK-uition.
1 he death o! Mrs. G. It. Miller, Twenty
third ana Ralirtid avenue, occurred Thur
u.iy -t.ifiht. 1 uiierai at 2 p m today at
Brewers uiulertaking parlors.
The rummage sale w inch was to have
iiet n fciveu today by tne women ot the
prest.ytenan church has tn;en jKistponed lor
a wee In-cause there was bo buiiuli.g
whir-- it migiii be held.
Fr;nk Kaly wa anested on a peaoe war
rant esierciiy and aiiet undT tne charge
1 ol u,ault aid battery. He siren uoua'y Ue
, tiled hiiing tatn tlie woman and dwciared
thai bt.t only wuuli-d to gel him into Jan.
The "Dues" of tne Young Mens t tinis
tian HHS.ici.itiun ate to lie banqueted Satur
day evening. Liis tif memliers engiile lo
i-rjoy ttie spread hae been published and
pouted on me w-&iib of trie assiiciation
i u'iriis.
Tiie bazar of the Order of the Eastern
Star ojieiicd esterday under most auspi
tiout circjmstances and was well patrun
ia.ed. Intiiii rB weit tti ed through tne a! t
ernoon and evening. The baxui wl.l con-
ur.ue today. '1 lie atcre tiUiiUing oj'p. sue
ttie piu,r!:ce is used.
T he VSiiodnun of the World met Wednes
day evening and electd the fel..wmic oth
ieri In the enduing ear . Artn-lJ H P-au-oopt.,
past council c minanaei ; Aiiarew J.
NoUi-an, (-ohs'-il eornnidiiuer ; Martin Tom
l.nk. adviser lie jw iiunt , Herman 'jom
briiia. banker ; John ii. Ca.r.s n. c era;
Cnailes fcl. Person, escurt. Li.n l-ii:le,
wat'timan. Joatth Y. sentry. lr.
. M Lin via. l-hysician; James Giac-c, xiiau
i4ir. . ii. lia.i.t, s-nbe.
lijge No 1 of tiie Ancient Order of
I'niled olknlen he.d its ant,ual eiettii.n
'iiaiisday iiiihl. with ttie following rtsuit:
Gee! liaui-tiiiiin. grLiid; John i-r leit, i.ieman. t'ttarlea i-iupinuiii.
iivtitj'tt, J. L KuiiiL. ttnanc-ier: J. J.
N s-htft.t'nK . Ti-itiiut r, J e Marek. re
eiivr. liarrv Hac i.nian. guide, J. Crow n
l:.i. mHiie wat' L. J Li ie. nurside watch.
'i nomas vv haien. M. J. Rowley, fuste-.s;
V J phjsicia.h.
S' Marys court No. 5"7 of the Wot en s
Caiiu :ic tf Qtr trt Ki.r sw-rs elected fficers
. sleiGty as f iious Alia Ar.i.a Cenr y.
C I: : 3ut Anna C ,,nion. vi-e C. R . Mr
Knmre liL.hJin. re'N,ia.i,g aecrtt.iy.
Aln-a M.iry li,veriv. secretary;
Mrs. Jnry Kreitw, treasurer; Mrs. Roa
hvtn. Mis Mary Lull and Mr Mary
liii trustee. Tlie court e-lebrale
its b.urth antiiversai-y Sunday hlltiiniaii at
4 4i Cioca. Jkl iitvui U.vllrO-
United Makers, round corners $28
Union Square, rosewood case $36
Emerson, good 'one 45
Steinway, Chickering, Knabe and Kranich & Bach,
$50, $fiO, $75 and $85
Kimball, Mason & Hamlin, Burdette, Farand &
Votey organs, up from $18, $25 and $33
Payments to suit. Satisfaction or Money Refunded.
Ce-aslderable Amemdaseat
Make Moat of Tfcem
P-eputy Ftate I.alior Commissioner Bush
appeared tieforc the Central Labor union
Inst evening and participated in a discus
sion of the state child and fcmile labor
laws, their enforcement and violation In
Omaha, and of the need"i of amendments
to that law during the next aession of the
legislature. Mr. Rush's visit last evening
was due to a dlsrusRlon on the labor laws
at the last session of the union.
It wns generally conceded last evening
that the present child and female labor
laws of Nebraska are weak. In that the
commissioner Is required to serve a notice
of thirty days on an offending employr.
and not unless said offender refuses at
hs end of the time stated to comply dtes
the commissioner have any authority to
In the matter of securing a conviction,
CommlFPioner BuFh has found that the
women who are compelled to work more
than the legal hours and the parents of
children working in violation of the law
will not testify against the employers.
The discussion on the lnbor laws brought
up the al!snt1n that some Omaha
luundrlcB are violating the female labor
law by working women more thtin sixty
hours per week and that right under the
notice of officerr of the Laundry Workers
union and delegates to the central IkhIv.
It wbb suggted that the central body
had some flgurstlve linen to wash as we!
as the literal linen being washed In viola
tion of the state lnbor laws by Omnha
The result of the talk was that the law
committee was directed to Investigate the
charge againFt the Ixundrloe and co-operste
with the labor commissioner in drafting
suitable labor lavs for the state. Mr.
Rush. In his talk, suggested that the
grom-th of Nebraska and Omaha warranted
the employment cf an inspector fur Omaha
to go through the factories arid other
places of employment and see thai these
laws are strictly enforced in Omaha
A motion that the ballots cast at the
recent Central Labor union election en
dorsing certain political candidates voted
for on November 6 1 destroyed developed
the fact that the board appointed to can
vass the vote had thus far failed to do so,
and one member thought that the endorse
ment farce should l dropped.
Foot Ball Plaer ia Hart.
Fred Jones, a member of the Reilevue
foot 111 team. Sistnined several bud
bruises by falling down the stairs at 4
Farriam street about s:0 Saturday morn
ing. Jones atid the other memtiera of the
f;iot ball team had been having their pic
tures taken in a ptiotof rupii gallerv. After
the excitement was all over Jones made
a fvir.g tackle of the stairs and made a
touchdown at the foot of the stairs He
j, j. j. PMMllE
The forests and fields are abundantly gupplied with vegetation of vari
ous kinds, not alone to beautify the land, but to furnish the ingredients foi
maLing a remedy for ever ill and ailment of mankind. Medicines made
from the roots, herbs and batks, which nature has placed at the disposal of
man, act better in every way than do strong mineral mixtures and concoc
tions the products of the chemist's shop. Mineral medicines work danger
ously on the delicate parts of the system, especially the stomach and bowels,
by eating out the lining membrane, producing chronic dyspepcia and often
entirely ruining the health. S. S. S. enjoys the distinction of being the
only purely vegetable remedy on the market. It is made entirely of gentle
acting, healing, purging roots, herbs and barks, possessing properties that
build up and invigorate all parts of the system, in addition to removing all
impurities and poisons from the blood. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh,
Scrofula, fores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Lloud I'oison, and all
disorders of the blood, by cleansirg the circulation of the cause, and .it cures
safely as well as permanently. It is at safe for children and old people as
for those in the prime of life, and is the one blood medicine that msy be used
without fear of b4 aiter-efffcrts. Book ou the blood sent free to all who
and Vocallons:
was taken to the office of Tr. Stokes, whetw
his injuries were dressed.
RINGS Frenser, Uith and Dodgw.
Doeianli Paallahed Khawiaar Maa at
rial Traaaaetloaa Bet wee a Texas
Seaatar and Oil Maaraata.
AVSTIN. Tex.. Iec. In answer to a
statement issued last night by United Biataa
Senator Joseph W. Bailey in which Senator
Bailey demanded of Attorney General Dav
idson all documentary evidence tn his pos
session which tended to prove that ha
(Halley) was paid by the Biandird or
Watera-Plerce OH companies or by H; Clay
Pierce of the Waters-Pierce Oil company
for sen-Ices rendered. Attorney General
Davidson made public a statement tonight
which contains all vouchers, notes, letters
and drafts In his possession and upon which
he based his charge against Senator
Bailey. In hlB statement Mr. Davidson de
nies that he has co-operated in any move
ment to prevent Senator Bailey's re-election
and affirms the authenticity of the docu
ments upon which his charges were baaed.
The first voucher waa dated at Bt. Louis
June 30. Is, and is on the Watera-Plercs
Oil company, to H. Clay Pierce, debtor.
for demund loan of (J.Otfi, to Joseph .
Bailey, and Is endorsed ' acuount Texas
Another Is on Henry A Strlbbllng of
Waco, Tex., on account of expense In trust
civil case of Btate of Texas against
Waters-Tierce Oil company at Waoo, KMX).
In connection with this voucher la tba
following :
LAKE NEBAQAMON, Wis., June 12. To
Andrew, St. Louis: If Johnson approve
authoriM- Bailey to limn Stribbllng an his
note fifteen hundred. Bailey should quiet
all Texas parties, ilell him I will see him
Boon. H. C. FIERCE.
The following notation written on tele
gram: "S draft drawn by Bailey for
tl.fAO." '
Another voucher read: "Waters-Plerca
Oil Co. to H. C. Pierce, debtor, amount
pa d J. W. Bailey, account Texas caaaa,
Among other documents Is a note signed
by J. W. Bailey, payable to H. C. Pierce,
for SMKiu. dated Washington, March L 1901,
for value received; a let tar Blgned by J.
W. Bailey, addressed to II. C. Pieroe, ask
ing him to send New Tork exchange for
r.TfiO, and another addressed to J. P. Qrmet,
secretary, and Bigmd by H. C. Plerca,
president, as follows:
Plase send New Tork exchange for
tl.Tiw for Joseph W. bailey. Gainesville,
lei , and charge against legal expenses)
account of Texas legislation.
I sent this amount personally to Mr.
Railey in response lo his inclosed letter
of March 'A. Since then Mr. Bailey has
return d the amount lo n e and It is now
proier for the company to make this pay
mei.t. Attach Mr Bailey s letter to your
voucher and merely inclose draft to him
without voucher His Inclosed letter will
De your vouchor.