Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    RWl A .W li- i
lr" 'e V-' "'S-i 7 'A'. - , In hi bower of apli'iidor, w th I 'T i;4vTT t! riff iM il&VrVI N IfA'i' fllPEJ I vV" ' feA'iA IVS't'i I
Js .."Art n)'X-lrr:- -: t-1 vl'ikv M-wV- i . I lvvSeWnIIVeVw$IVM atwit Tw iwr, w JSP -s-.-- e
Telephone Douglas DS1.
A Few Suggestions for
, Christmas Shoppers
,. from the Cloak Dept.
Ladies' Xavajo IJIank"t Ko!es
Dainty colorings, in gray, Ught
and dark blues, green, reds and
tans, also oriental colors
priced at $9.90 down to $4.95,
. $4.75 and $3.05
Liidies',, 4ong . KiniimwM Hand
some jiatterns in double-fleeced
cloths, beautlfdl colors, silk fac
ings, large range of colors, at
$3.50, $2.50, $1.95 and. $1.50
Ludle' Silk I'nderskirts In all
colors, pleated flounces and ruf
fled, all well finished and ele
gant values; Monday we will
place on eale a lot of Skirts that
sold at $5, $5.50 and $5.95
your choice, while they last,
at'..." ....$3.95
Children's mid Misses' Fur Sets
Pretty little Angora Sets, in
white, gray and salmon colors,
beavers, krlmmers, red fox,
squirrel, coneys In prices
from $3.95 down to $1.60,
$1.25 and Q8
Misses Fur Sets In all prices
from $9.90 to $3.95
Fancy Tea and Sewing Aprons
Short, round and square styles,
trimmed in laces, tucks or hem
stitching and small ruffles,
with pockets; prices at $1.19,
75c, 69c and 50
Speeiul Display and Oit 1 Vices
Made on Art Xeed!e Work Mon
day The choicest stock of Pil
low Tops, Finished Pillo vs.
Scarfs and Center Pieces ever
shown In Omaha will be chosen
on second floor Monday.
Xmas Suggestions in
Exquisite line of Ostrich Feather
Boas, the correct idea for balls
and operns; light blue, white,
gray and black; special, each,
$22.50. $15, $10.50 and. $7.50
Fancy Ruffled Chiffon and Maline
Boas, long satin streamers, even
lag shades, special, each, $12.50
down to . . .$2.75
A complete stock of Real Lace
Chemisettes, In the Princess,
Duchess and Rose Point; special,
each, $15 down to. . . . .$2.50
Crepe de Chine Scarfs Fancy
warp prints, satin dots, plain
shades and slik striped warp
prints, in the most delicate
shades, 2 and 3-yard lengths,
at only, each, $8 down to.$X.7o
Omaha's big daylight store offers suggestions for Christmas
of a character that will reflect credit upon tha giver. A radiant, satisfying, powerful showing of holiday merchan
dise. It would be impossible to fini aiywhere such a tempting assortment to select from, Xmfc.s Buyers' Headquarters.
Startling Bargains
in Silks
A big special sale of the season's
popular styles for waists and
suits, containing such as Louis
lene, plaids, checks, fancy effects
and every plain shade in Chif
fon Taffeta, including white,
cream and black, worth from
75c to $1.00 a yard, all on sale
Monday at 59
Tolku Hot Foulard Silks, in navy
and black grounds with white
dot effects, the regular $1.00
quality, on sale Monday at, the
yard 69
Black Taffeta and Feau de Sole,
an excellent quality for wear,
sold regular at C5c a yard, on
sale Monday at, yard....39
27-inch Black Taffeta and Black
Peau de Sole, beautiful luster,
. regular 85c values, Monday, a
yard 59
Our $1.39 Black Dress Taffeta,
soft chiffon finish and guaran
ted to wear, on sale Monday at,
a yard $1.00
What Is more appropriate or
practical than a suit pattern for
the street or evening? We have
them in all the newest weaves and
. 54-inch high luster Broadcloth, In
shades of blue, brown, g.-en,
tan, London smoke, light, me
dium and .dark gray and black.
This cloth is the same quality
that we have always sold at
$1.50 yard, on sale Monday
only, yard 0$
56-inch Tailor Suitings, in the new
color combinations, gray
grounds with green and blue
stripes and checks, regular price
. $1.25, Monday only, yard. -89
54 and 5C-inch f?.ncy check and
plaid Cloaklngs, swell styles,
rich col: rings, soli at $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.00, Monday ml.,
$2.00, $1.75 and $1.50
50 pieces fancy Panamas, heather
mixtures, fancy stripts. pHlds
and overplalds, fancy Mohairs,
Rainproof Suitings, blue, brown
and gray mixed suitings, sold for
75c and 85c yard, Monday only,
yard 3Q
Our New Stationery and
Book Departments
TION'S. A complete stock of Paper nnd
Envelopes, separate and in com
bination boxes.
A complete stock Postal Cards,
Christmas Cards, Remembrance
Cards and Playing Cards.
Ruled and plain Pencil and Writ
ing Tablets, each, 25c, 20c, 15c,
10c end 5c
1,000 volumes of Juvenile Story
Books for boys and girls, usu
ally sold at 25c, for 17
1,000 volumes for boys and girls,
regular 35c, 40c and 45c books,
at 25
Over 1,000 volumes very hand
some gift books, including the
works of all noted novelists and
poets, Kieclal for thin Christ
mas season, 50c and lSc
In China Section
Over 100 Different Styles.
An Importer's sample line, no two
alike, from 3 Inches to 21 inches
high; prices, from $12.50 down
to 25
Very acceptable for Christmas
presents. Prices one-third less
than if we had bought them In the
usual way.
Lace Gowns Make Hand
some Gifts
At prices that, are lowest, be
cause we are going to place on
sale M.ndiiy om entire line of
Djchors, Princess, Baby Irish and
Net Top Haby Irish Combinations
'n white and cream and Black Es
curlnl Lace Robes. Prices ranging
from $2i"i() down to $25. To bu
sold Monday at 33 xk off above
marked nrkes.
Sample lot of the most exquisite
line cf Rosa Point, Duchess,
Princess and Brussels Lace
BerthaH, worth $10 up to $150
each, .Monday's sale price, each,
$100 down to $5.00
Real Laces make exquisite gifts at
very reasonable prices.
Duchess Lace Edges for Turn
overs and Cuffs, Princess Bands
and Edges to match, from 1 to
and Edes to match, from 1 to G
$5 yard, on sale Monday, the
yard, $3 down to .$1.00
Linens for Desirable
Christmas Gifts
We place on sale Monday in the
Linen Department, main floor, a
fine selection of pure Irish Linen
Hand Embroidered Doilies and
Lunch Cloths, in all sizes, scal
loped and hemstitched borders,
both round and square, at greatly
reduced prices
18-inch round, each $1.00
24-inch round, each $1.50
30-lnch square, each $1.50
32-inch square, each $2.00
45-inch square, each $2.50
Another lot of that fine Handker
chief linen, made of the very
best combed yarn, suitable for
mai.Ing handkerchiefs, dollies,
fancy work, etc., at less than
manufacturer's cost, yard.50
A full sized heavy weisht Bed
Spread, fringed, made from long,
staple cotton yarn and comes in
assorted crochet patterns a sur
plus lot must be sold Monday,
each $1.25
Fine Blanketsand
We are Bhowing a very large as
sortment of very fine white,
gray, tan and plaids In Bed
Blankets, all large sites, per
pair, from $15 to $3.50
Extra large sizes, covered with
very fine sateens, filled with
best goose down, at, each,
$12.50. $9.50 and $5.95
200 dozen fine sllkollne and
sateen covered Comforts, filled
with pure white cotton, each,
from $3.50 to Q8
Holiday Suggestions from
Our Housefurnishing
We have a full line of nickel
plated Chafing Dishes; prices,
from $12.50 down to... $2. 48
Full line of Manning & Bow
man's Coffee and Tea Pots and
Coffee "Percolators."
Roger Bros. "1847" A 1 silver
ware, triple-plated Knives and
Forks, per set. , . . .$3.95
Table Spoons, per set. . . . $1.25
Table Spoons, per set $2.48
Butter Knives and Sugar Spoons.
per set 95
Child's Knife, Fork and Spoon, per
set $1.25
Full line of Landers, Frary &
Clark's celebrated Carvers, in
lined boxes for holiday presents;
prlceB, $12.50 down to. .$1.75
Hand Painted China
The road salesmun for Pit kins &
Brooks of Chicago recently sold us
his entire sample line of Hand
Painted Cihna at a Mg discount..
We offer it now to you, Just In
time for holiday presents, at bur
gain prices.
Cups and Saucers, Plates, Salads,
Fancy Figures, Vases, Sugars,
Creamers, in fart, everything in
fancy chlra, grouped on five large
tables for easy inspection and
One table each at $1.95, 95c, 48c,
25c and 10c
Toy Department
Toy Pianos, from $5.75 down to a
Toy Piano with six keys, special
Monday, at 19
Toy Drums, from $2.75 down to a
Toy Drum with a pair of drum
sticks, special Monday, at. . 10? 1
Mr. Moody Tlli of Work, of His Cffios
Darin Year.
Attain Recomniruda Congress Ulv
lliltrd Stairs Illitht to Appeal
Urcialoai on Law I'oluts
In Criminal Cases.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. In his annual
.report Attorney General Moody says:
I renew the recommendation made in my
In mi iitimml report for Hie enactment of u
luw Ktvtng to the fniled States the right
of Hptiful upon tui'8tlnns of law In crlm.nal
eifs, with the pruviHo that a verdict o(
ttcituittiU ujKin the merits shall not-Dm set
Nile. The conarcBS has parsed such a
1'iw f.r the 1 Hsu nit ot Columbia and It Is
the law of many of the stales. Witnl.i
the y ur thre have been several Instances
showing the -reat publ.c uecsity tor in
enactment of such a liw. The Indictment
agalNM ine owi paca.rn, reiuriieu uy no
Hiancl jury alter many months of d Iloeia
tlon as the reu!t of liivetilluatlonH which
liml heen made throuxhout the country b
the 1 Kartnient of JuHllce, was rendered
practically useless by the ruling of th"
Juds. ot ri'hitinn to the mer.ts of tin
cane, the correctness of which the derail
ment would have been very glad to have
placed uuder the irvlew of the uppellat'
The act approved June 1, 1838, which pro
vided for the amicable settlement of con
troversies betwtfn carrl'TH and their em
ploye,. In the teijth section, rrade It a
penal offense for a carihr to discriminate
uK.iinHt any of Its employes en account of
Ins membership In a lulmr organization or
ti, attempt to prev-nt him from obtaining
employment after his discharge.
A'llemuner to un Indictment under thin
section has been sustained recently by a
district Jurta-e on the ground that the sec
tion la unconstitutional. Kven a t'nlied
fcUalis commlHHiom-r has n ade the same de.
rlaion. It Is monstrous that a law which
hsm received the asHent of the senate, the
liouee of representatives, and tho presl lent
can Imj nullified by the opinion of a nlt-;l
ptiin. not sub.'ect to review by the court of
appeals and the supreme court.
The report takes up the matter of pro
ceedings undor th1? anti-trust law; gives
report of cases pending, as well as those
Bet tied.
Antl-Trnst l.MUut Ion.
Speaking of the proceedings under this
law and under the Klkins amendment, th?
attorney g neral says:
During the nearly twenty years which
have elapsed since the passage of this act
tncre huVo be. 11 many attempts by tudict
Bient to intone Us penalties, but either
through tho Ineurtalemy ct' tie law or lor
other reAsi.n they h'tve not been conspic
uously succes.ful. A careful eximln illi'll!i that there were In those yc.iiS
sevcniy-mne Indictments, upon winch th.'
government faili d In sixty-two and suc
ceeded In hevenlet-n. No .entences of un
prlMuiitmnt weie ixecuud and me tolil
.lines amounted to llo.j.ii. it ix bale to s ly
that these penalties distributed over many
Vyears . were,- af dcU'i ients from the c.m
misston of prolilbiiel ofTensi. a njUgibu;
ImUf. ' ' .
ilut'lu ::iOi the so-ctlied Elklns law wa
jkitwrd. Tn.s law very much Birengihe:.d
tbe l ands of toe gi vernir.ent In dealing
with oif ci iriimaWM y uia'ticis of railroads.
It made It unlawful to- irv .!-- .. .
1or receive any rebate or discrimination
-hereby propeity, oy any jujij u
tj ansporied at i s '.htn hc pjb, rate.
'It also conferred upon .r.e government Ino
Tlirbt to apply t i the -ourt to compel the
obscivaiice of published rates and the d a
Ci, nlinuai.ce of diserlmlnatlors. Of course,
ll the Indictments uniler this act have
been daring Hk- present administration, for
'l was not in tUu-nce LeKie.
Cases KUirleU
It had been claimed, after the passage of
the luiklns art. that rebates and other un.
luwtiU. discriminations bad practhal.y
Seised. The lntemat t'ommene commis
sion In lis '3, in its annual report, stated
dial Hie practice bad greatly diminished,
s is in longer cha,!actei Isttc of rallroi t
it orations and that neve before had tariffs
keru as well observed as at that time. In
.be terlimopv b.iso the senate committee
Conaiiieiing the raiiwjy rule leg.slatlon dur
ti H the spilng and summer of ! many
opinion ti.ut rebates had siopped, but evi
dence couuiig lu ine Deiaj tioe.iL ot justice
juBtaiiiKu kAiu oclief Lnai tile cameis were
uouiiou.iiii to give unu me shippeis to ,e
oeivu locates una mat oy uu,er uevied
wiain neie in tiled rebaiea uo law liu
itfaeu to a very touwuci aoie extent.
il soc.iieu, tueibioio, ueairuoie man an
caiiiei elicit siiouid be inaue to enxoice
in e mw ngoioUBiy. Accoruiugiy, In oclo
uui, ij, wiieu me situation was lust tuny
I'eaiUeu, ail me eviuunce collolit, to toe uo
linciii wus lun.isiieU to inc. pioper
i. iiueu islaits attouicj, and by a
..uti an culled biatca a.iol'i.eys went ln
ftuutltu to pcoceeu ill all ca-v. ol v.oia
i.ouo ol lllo law wulcn came or cig
u.uugui to their aiiciiiion. as a result
.uveiuy-seven iiiuictn.cii.s have been le-
.Ul IO.U.
Fines and l'enultles.
Of these titty-three are pending, but will
be bioufcut lu iriut as sceuny us poss,
b.e. 'i ,niy-iuur oae been uiopocea vt uy
lllal or olliei'wisv, Willi lius ilngul
ten conviciioiij, linee uiscioiinuued, iwo
vc.dicis oi noi guiuy aiiu one ueiiiuuer u
n.uiLiuieiii 'MibiMncu. upon ti.e&e indie. -...uii.s
inntecii lui .ui'aliuiia unu seven. eon
...u.. mu...o i.uve ween lounu gul.ty. in one
v. ii.e.e seaieuce uas not yet been
t.niiutu. i he luuiviuuals nave been Stii
.ei.ccu 10 lll.ui lsils.n l.oia to io,UA
ttcii. ine coi poiutioi.s have ueen luieu in
u..9 luiibin ii'oia .iu,Wt to AUv,,i,tJ eacu.
.o imuo ,aw, uiuii tne aiuenuiiieui of
,tl Winter, wmct) uua not as yel oei:omd
, .uct.iu.iiy ope.auve, provuieu omy tor lae
penalty ol a line. one of u,e
...em. was an indictment lor a conspiracy
. ou.a.i. ivuiUd una upon tnai two ue
.jnauiita We.o attuenceu-jiie to a line of
ui.d i. nee .a--in lis i.upi isoniiieni and
,.e to a tme of u,iam unu six nioniiis im-
. .Boiioietit. i t.e luiai uuicuiil ol li.e tines
, upon tne.e iiiuicii.ieuis haa been
i i.ey l.a,e bten, 1 oel.eVe, see. e
iioufc,, o i.ave a Ucleiieui. elteci. It a
.aic piupoiiiuii of the penuiiig iiiuictmeius
.esai. lu conviction ana penalties ol equal
.oan.luue, ana it is seen mat tne govern
...eiu is Vigilantly waicuiiig tne
"i lal.ioaus anu b. eivinK to punibli ail niose
..uai...i onjoi can lie obtained,
.no tlirct wui bo sa.uiaiy in the exiieme.
ilio . ipull lakes ui cases pending ami
."eicrniined during ihe year by liie United
olut supieiue court, snowing 4i3 cases
uispused of duilng the year, und a total of
iji now pending on the appcl.ate docket
and twelve on original docket, un Increase
of clhty-alx cai-es.
ImpoiKint decisions are then taken up
and the principles upon which they were
decided are quoted. Included In these arj
the following: llodyes against L'nlta.l
S.ates, wherein the court decreed jurlsulc
tioi to tile statts In the mutter of trying
charge of conspiracy, brought In 'clvi.
riUhls" cases; Hcle against llciikle, thj
'Tobacco trubt" case; the I'ap'r trust '
casej'Bjuth Carolina against tne" fulled
States, compeling state d.spensiries to pay
interna! T- venue tux. and the " citrus fra.t"
cases; Burton against the fn.ttd States. '
law are Identical and provide that after
serving a certain portion of the sentence
a convict snail be eligible to release from
the remainder of the Imprisonment upon
tne condition that he live an orderly life.
Certain oflenaes, such as murder, rape and
every species of criminal misconduct as a
public servant, nngut well be excepted
from the parole system.
The expense of maintenance of prisoners
for the year ending June 30, lnoti, was
H70,M.43, the average cost per capita being
JIG8.75, und the average dully cost for
subsistence 11. S cents.
The report closes with statement of con
ditions In various penal Institutions of the
United States and the District of Colum
bia, and mention of exhibits accompanying
the report. Including that of the attorney
general of Porto Rico, bankruptcy matters,
librarian and similar matters.
Forrrer Ambassador at Vienna Makes
I LeUer from President.
Senators and Cabinet Officers Receive
tiplstle from Deposed Diplomat
ltegardlns Matter Which
Caused Ilia Dismissal.
lulled stales I'rlauuers.
Taking up tLaUsiics of fcdeial prison
ers, the counl unm j 5,yj; In pr.son uaiin
Ihe yeur, :.hit lu teileral prisons und
in oilier pia-ts. At ilia end of tne yeir
i.J.4. rin.aiiieu In all pr.sons. Of those In
prison l.iol were male und it) lemale, l.liU
a. .tie, 4 uegio und IM tniliaiis and otnor
racin; Tie were married, t.'O single;
ae.vmg Mist teims, :is litielofure lu: pris
oned. List d by ugis they were: Two
Uundrsd and toriy-tig.K under XV years, u,
between :o and 3o. tlj between JO and 40.
Ji5 between in and and luo over bu.
la ihis connection the report says:
I reeomm nd the enactment of a law
providing tor the paro.e ot L nlted btale.
i,r sviieis con.intd in I'nited Kuim i,o,!. i.
.is les. 1 excluue from this recommenda
tion Inted btates prisoners cuiihntd in
siate pina. lnmtu.lons. owing to pracltckl in ,xetutiiiK sucti a law w.tli
i-erpeci to those prisoners. Though Iney
ar no about haif of our prisoneis. they
will be from this time forth a oCustantly
dccr.alr.g proKirtloa. Seventy ptr cent of
tile Convicts sent to I.u vvn won h ,i,tr-ln
the ho.t yeir were from the Indian Terri
tory and ckiahoi.ia.
I pon the lin oi poratlon Into the union of
tne new slate comprising these territory's
a very great prolan. on t,f convicts therein
will bs punished under stale law and con
fined to siate Institutions, thus affording
accommodations In our national r.r.i..,.:
liarlts tor many prisoners now conHned In
state Institutions. Almost ail th.
liave parole laws and Ihelr utility has been
Connecticut Judge Holds Ilafters Sot
Guilty Vnder Terms of
Sherman Un,
HARTFORD, Conn., Dec. 8. The long
pending Danbury boycott suit brought by
Dietrich E. Loewe and Martin Fucha
against Martin Lawlor and others has been
settled. Judge Piatt of the United State
circuit court dismissed the complaint. The
decision Is on a demurrer of the defendants.
The plaintiffs allege the defendants were
Illegally using their label and that a com
bination had been formed to limit the plain
tiff's trade. It was also alleged that the
defendants endeavored to unionise the
plaintiffs factory and falling to do so de
clared a boycott upon hats made by the
plulntiff. which were found In the hands of
plaintiff's customers In other states than
Connecticut notably v California and Vir
ginia, j
Judge Piatt's opinion declares that while
It Is obvious that the defendants sought to
curtail and If possible destroy the plaintiff
production of huts and its distribution of
the product there Is no allegation sugges
tlon that the means of transporting tho
product or the product Itself while Ir. trana
p irtatlon was "touched, handled, obstructed
or In any manner actually Interfered with
nnd that 'there is no allegation that the
defendants ur in any way engaged In Inter
state commerce."
"The real question Is," says the opinion,
whether a combination which undertakes
to Interfere simultaneously with both ac
tions Is or.e which directly affect! the trans-
IMirtallon of the hats from the place of
manufacture to the place of sais."
The Judge doea not find that the supreme
court has as yet so broadened the Inter
pretation of the Sherman act as to fit auch
an order of facta as the Lawlor case presents.
ttiUciaia uf IU rallroaaa' eaprakd ,ae i dsiuwusUaU:. Tbs uutiu foa.iuroa of lbs
Kxeentlve Committee Mar Chans?
Place of Meeting at Bra
alon la January,
INDIANAPOLIS. Dec. 8.-A meeting ol
the executive committee of the Grand Army
of the Republic has been called by Com
mander-in-Chief R. K. Drown at Zanesvllle,
O., January 7, at which definite considera
tion of the location of the national encamp
ment next year will be taken up.
The national encampment of 1!k4 voted to
meet next year at Saratoga, N. T., but it
is understood conditions necessary to the
encamprmnt have not been met by that
city, although an extension of time was
granted, and the location of the encamp
ment at another city is a possibility.
Fortune Teller Held.
CHICAOO. Pee. I.-Ferman IVIek. the
fortune-teller who was arrest"d In connec
tion with the deaths In the Viral family,
was arraigned today In the municipal court
and his cose wss continued until December
17. His wife was also brought Into court
and bearing lu bar cut was set for Decem
ber 14.
CHICAGO. Dec. . liie Chicago Trlbuno
in Its Washington dispatches today says
that an extraordinary letter has been ad
dressed by Bellamy tJtorer to President
Roosevelt and the members of his cabinet
in regard to his dismissal from the post
of ambassador of the United States to Aus
Mr. Storer was dismissed because of his
wife's supposed interference of affairs oi
the Roman Catholic church and her allege j
misuse of letters from the president. Ii
was also charged that XAis. Slorer baa
meddled with French politics by taking
part In an anil-republican intrigue to pro
mote the marriage of Victor Bonaparte
with a member of the Orleanlst family.
Both of these charges Mr. Storer denies
and, on the other hand, declares tbut the
president's Interest In the selection of Arch
bishop Ireland as a cardinal was not du '
to Storer or to Storer's wife, but to the
president alone.
The text of Mr. Storer's letter was printed
and transmitted not only to the president,
but also to members of the foreign rela
tions' committee of the senate.
Mr. Storer says that his removal In so
summary a manner, suddenly dismissed
from an office which he had been
given reason to btlleve he hud filled to
the satisfaction both of his own govern
ment and of thst to which he. was ac
credited, and, being accompanied by no
public explanation, It expesed him to sus
picions and Injurious conjectures, suih as
must naturally arise when a man In pub
lic office Is abruptly dismissed by hl-
government, with what is obviously In
tended to be discredit.
familiarity of Persona.
The correspondence shows the familiar
iciatlons of the president and the Storer
I rum the time Mr. Kooseve.t was govrrno.
of New York, Just afler the Spanish war.
borne of the Roosevelt letters to Slorui
vere addressed "My dear Bellamy," and to
nis wife "My dear Marie,'- and Mrs. Storer
addressed the president as "Dear Theo
dore." Mr. Storer asserts that Roosevelt him
self, while governor of New York, urged
the Storeis to use their influence with ihe
Vatican for Ireland's promotion, believing
he prelate's well known patriotism would
aid In solving the problems connected with
the Catholic church in the Philippines.
Letter of president.
One letter of the president to Mrs. Storer
dated December 11, 1!W6, after 11. effuil
of the Slorer in behalf of Archbishop
Ireland began to attract attention, contains
the following passages:
Your direct or implied complaint of and
reflections upon my own personal cuodjit
iive me no concern, but I am veiy grueiy
.onceined st the iiilscnievious meet your
letters must have In misrepresenting tiio
position of the I'nlted States government
and by the far-reaching
tcandul which yoor Indiscretion may at
any time cause. Your lelleis noi only
convey a totally wrong Impression and
attitude, but they are such as you have no
business whatever to write, In view of the
position of your husband in the diplomatic
The letter of Cardinal Merry del Val to you
of November 23 is a rebuke to you, express
ing plainly his beilef that you have been
unwarrantably orhcioua In malteis with
which you have properly no concern. It
should of Itself be euougb to show ywu bow
exceedingly unwice and Improper your
action in writing; to him was.
I am indignant that the. wife of an am
bassador in Ihe United States service should
have written such a letter, should given
the impression undoubtedly conveyed in
that letter and to have incurred auch a
You do not seem to realize that It is out
of the question for me knowingly to per
mit the wife of ope of our diplomats to
engRKe in Intrigues to in
fluence the Vatlcun.
After referring to the report that Mrs.
Storer was known in Europe as the Ainer
lcan ambassadress to Rome, Mr. Roosevelt
closes thus:
Demands Promise.
I must ask you to give me this positive
promise In writing It Bellamy is to continue
In the service, and If you even uninten
tionally violate It 1 shall have to ask for
Bellamy's resignation, for 1 can no longer
afford to have the chance of scandal being
brought on the entire American diplomatic
service and on the government Itself by
such Indiscreet and ill-advised action as
youra has been.
"I cannot trust myself to express fully
the feeling of IndiKnation with which 1
read the letter to Mrs. Storer," says Mr.
"Thoufih I was in the public service, I
felt, and still feel, that I had lost none of
the rights which a man lias to Judge of the
propriety of letters addressed to his wife
and to resent an improper communication.
"I did not then know what I have since
learned that the letter was not even writ
ten for my wife's eyes or mine clone, but
had been shown to others before It was
sent, und thus used to make a case against
a lady, a trusting friend, who could not bo
heard in her own defense.
correspondence between the president and
former Ambassador and Mrs. Storir was
obtainable at the White House and it Is
not certain that the president will discuss
the matter at any time in the future.
It is said by persons familiar with the
correspondence, that there are Important
omissions from several of the president's
letters as published nnd Inaccuracies In a
number, and that the deductions reached
In various Instances are not Justified by the
facts that would be disclosed by a study
of all the letters In the case.
Open evenings, Frenrer, Jeweler.
(Continued from First Page.)
Morer Kvldeutly Anicry.
"My wife was deliberately accused of hav
ing quoted isjlated sentences from the pres
ident's letters to convince other persons
that he was doing exactly wliut, as he as
serts, he had explicitly stated In writing
that lie would not do. This charge of
shameful conduct wus based on no evidence
which could even have misled the writer
into a hasty Judgment, bul was in answer
to a Utter which, whether approved or not,
ut least furnishes no nuch evidence ei'.her
in itself or in Its lnclosures.
"The tone of long isuffering and outraged
patience, the careful omission of all men
tion of anything that the writer had him
self done and authorized to be done in th
matters complained of. the quotation from
the letters written ut the time of my er
rand to the pope, without any of the facts
und circumstances reluted above which
would give these tellers their tru, charac
ter or show that they were an angry com
plaint because what be had directed to be
done had become known thesv things, with
the abusive personal characterisation of my
wife und the assumed indignation with
what had been in fact permitted and en
f"ouragcd where not expressly dliecled,
seemed to me to put the letter outside of cf anything Justifiable even In a
stranger. What a sense of outraged friend
ship it aroused in us can perlmps be under
stood by any one who has read even tho
small part of the private corresiiondence
given above."
In concluding his letter, which Is dated at
Cincinnati, November, l!w6. the former am
bassador says:
"I write this letter without the knowledge
of Archbishop Ireland."
Utatruirut by fttorer.
CINCINNATI, Dec. 8.-When Bellamy
Storer was shown the dispatches from Chi
cago detailing tli subs'ance of his com
munlcatlon to President Roosevelt. He
said: "I have not one word to add to the
dispatch. I merely wish to state that the
letter was given to the press without my
knowledge or consent and against my In
clination. I may say that- all trip copies
of the letter sent oat were clearly marked
'private' and If the letter was given to the
press from the White House my hands
are clean in the matter."
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. No direct stale
nitiit k-iuili.g on the Issue raised ui the
that Moorish Independence accompanying
the virtual abeyance of bis authority means
only confusion and disorder. That Is the
direct outcome of the sudden teal for tho
sultan's rights, which unfortunately ani
mated the German emperor on the occasion
of that famous visit to Tangier. The sub
stitution of a nominal European control for
the very undefined but very real restraint
formerly exercised through Moorish dreud
of French bayonets has been productive of
nothing but mischief. The evil will have
to be remedied, but Just how It will or can
be cured is not obvious. The French and
Spanish governments are understood to be
concerting measures calculated to restore
order. But In view of Raisu'.l'a notorious
ambition, his energy and his widespread
Influence among the hill tribes, It Is certain
that any such measures, to be effective,
must be vigorous, and none of the great
powers Is anxious to be entangled in the
grave responsibilities of an armed Inter
vention. However. It is agreed in diplo
matic circles, not only here, but through
out nil Europe, that something must be
done, and that something must be done
without loss of time. It Is hoped here that
the results of the Aitiecirss conference,
even thouyh they may threaten the peace
of Morocco, will not threaten the peuce of
all Europe once again.
Colder In Northern Nebraska Today,
Fair In Bast Portion, Snow
In West Portion.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. Forecast of the
weather for Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska Fair In cist, snow In west
portion Sunday, colder In north portion;
Monday, snow or ruin and warmer.
For Iowa Fair Sunday, decidedly colder;
Monday, fair and warmer.
For South Dakota Snow Sunday, with
rising temperature; .Monday, snow and
For Kansas Partly cloudy Sunday, coldo:'
In the east portion; Moiiiluy, fair.
For Missouri Fair Sunday, colder In
north portion; Monday, fair nnd warmer.
For Colorado Fair In east, rain or snow
In the west portion Sunday and Monday.
For Mont'inu Snow Sunday and Monday.
For Wyoming Fair Suniluy, except snow
In north portion; Monday, ruin or mow.
1. iienl Record.
OMAHA, Dec. 8. Otriiial record of tem
perature ami I reel) li.itsin, cumpared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: it""'. lf-' ISX. 1IAA
Maximum temperature.... Vt t5 67 S3
Minimum temperature -i 3- S.1 ll
Mean temperature 'in :i!i 45 U
Precipitation l .0" .00 01
Temperature and precipitation deiturei
from the normal at Omaha since March L x
and comparisons with the lust two years:
Normal temperature 18
Excess for the day -
Total excess since March 1 71
Normal pieelpi.atton .i4 inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 :o 1 1 mcno.s
Deficiency since March 1 4.: inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1M"6.... 2.13 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, V.iA 6 &i Inches
Vrnr Vessel Successfully I ndrrgoea
All Official Trials I'nder Moat
Adverse Conditions.
H08TON, lec. 8. The battleship Ver
mont from the yards of the Fore River
Shipbuilding; and Engine company of
Qulncy, successfully completed all govern
ment trials at sea this afternoon, Includ
ing a four-hour run at full power, a twenty-four-hour
endurance test and the ususl
turning and backing maneuvers. The en
tire forward deck, from stem to bridge
was encased In Ice as the result of a
thirty-six hours' trip in a northwest gale
and sero temperature.
Tonight Rear Admiral Hemphill notified
the secretary of the navy that the be
havior of the ship hud been excellent. On
the four-hour full power run yesterday the
Vermont averaged 18 ?S knots an hour. In
the twenty-four-hour test the average
speed was 17.43 knots an hour and the
horse power 14.500.
The requirements called for an average
of eighteen knots at full power and 13.3'
horne power at two-thirds speed.
The trials were held under the most se
vere conditions yet undergone by a gov
ernment vessel and the requirements were
all completed within four days, which la
the shortcut period in which a battleship
has been put through Its puces.
A Lold Step.
To overcome the well-grounded and
reasonable objections of the more Intel
ligent to tlie use of secret, medicinal com
pounds. Dr. It. V. Pierce, of H'lfTalo, K.
Y some time ago, decided to niaUe a bold
depurtiiro from the usual course pursued
by the makers of put-up medicines (or do
mestic use, and,o Lss published broad
cast and crtTTTy to tho wholo world, full
and com p Me list of all tbo Ingredients
entering lnShecQin position of bis widely
celebrated icftcs. Thus he has taken
hit numends ydtrons and patients into
his full Gnfcnco. Thus too he has ro
inovedyiyuiodiclnes from amons secret
nostrirof doubtful merits, and roado
tbemifTaritu'ii; of A'noien Composition.
Py thlsbold-ytf p Dr. Pli rre has shown yZI MP l.y. ,lee
that he IS H1 ai'aM.h. subject them to
Barllnaton Mtojia Tns Collection.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. s.-(8peelal Tele
gram.) County Treasurer Barnard was
served today with an order from the fed
era! court restraining him from proceeding
to collect the Burlington taxes.
aAiA. icniUliY.
.,,t nl 0.--M ihe runner of every bottle
of Dr. I'lerce's Oolden Medical Discovery, the
famous medicine for weak stomach, torpid
liver or biliousiievi and all csl arrhal dint -
wherever located, bare printed upon It.
plum AiipltaA. a full and complete l-t of ill
the liiL'iedients coiiipoMng it, but a H' ill
book has lie-n compiled front numen ui
standard medical nutU of all the dit! nut
school of practice, containing very nun er
ous extracts from the wrllliik'i of leuiin K
practitioner of medicine, enUoniiii: m
frny"t fMiMiMc term. eV b and every li tin"
dient contained In Ur. I'lerce's medie.i es.
One of i hoc Intlo books will Im niaileu free
U any one sending aiUireion poMilcnrdor
by letter, to Dr. H. V. Vlerve. slo. Y..
and requesting the name. I'roin this little
Kik It will bo learned that Ir 1'ieree s n.ed
leines contain no alcohol, nanotic r ineral
agents or other poisonous or Injurious tjeiiis
and that lliey are n.sU" from uatlv, n .llcl
li al roots of great value: also that some of
the most valuable luaedleias contained hi
Dr. I'lerce's Ksroiite Prescription for weak,
nervous, over-woikml. run-down." nervous
and debilitated women, were emplojed. long
yean ago, by Hie Indian for similar alin ents
altecilng their squaws. In fail, one of tin)
most valuablu medicinal plants enterlm; Into
the compoalilou of lr I'lerce's r avorlu rre
aeriplion was known to the Indians a
Nluaw-WeHl.' uur Vnowlcilire of the u-e
of nut a few of our most aluaole native, me
lliclnal plants was galrirst from the Indians.
As made up by Improved and enact pro
cesses, the " Favorite. Prescription" ' most
rfliiient remedy for nvnlat im: all the wom
anly functions, corns ung ili-plu.emenis. as
t,rilatMii antevf rsi'in and i et M erslon.
i overcoming painful ix-rlists. Huong up Ihe
Uierve. and bri li a klxnt a perfect nale-
leaiUi. bold Lai aJl Uealcfa In uiwlkUuss i.