THE OMATTA STXTUT BEE: DECLMBER 9. lfV.. 3 SHUT Hi CAMPAIGN COST Iota E. kUmt Hist Itpart far lepublican Etate CctsmiUe. tb tATOI FLCCMKENOS CrUKGES IK LAWS Ckasiee-ller Aimrt Swspf-t. Meve Ikr fiat I lirrallr flam Tw U( Delay e. LINCOLN. Ier.. I (flpectaLV The report of Charles E. Mwgwn. treesurer of the republican la?e centrsl committee, a DM :ih P-cretary of State Galuslia thin morning. It shows that the hard tlriiei campaign of the republican party in Ne braska last fall was a stem reality. Mr, Morgana detailed abatement shows that he received on taking the office to succeed A. H. Hennlngi a balance of H.U3L.M. and that there was paid In ta him during the progress of the campaign I7,W!i.3a, milking a total of S'.45fi.M tr pay the expenses of tbe state" during the campaign. The total expenditures were JVUtiiO, leav lng a balance In the hands of Treaaurer Morgan of (; A aurrey ol the nguree Mioti that aome of the office holders were lrr.preawd with the "dollar" Idea, AS . 1. Wmbw, a bo gave up the to take the po sition of 1 tilted State marshal, rave 150 to the campaign fund. George B. Thum melL who holds the offloe of clerk of the federal court for Nebraska, cave KA, and Elmer B. Stephenson, who la collector of Interna.) revenue for Nebraska, gave giiti 3. H. Millard, whose election to the office cif senator of the Vnjted State from Ne braska didn't cost him a penny, rive lift, and J. H. Mickey, who 1 Just finishing his seormd term aa governor of the ftate, rave E, B Mlckrr. who la a clerk In the tiffice of the governor, rave t-5 Penutor Hurkett contributed flOu. The largm cn trlbutlon listed la from TV'. B. Kern of Hasting, who rave SWKi. George L, Bhel 6 on, who was elected governor, pave Ks. and the other candidates on the state ticket gave from 0 to ridfa Ed Church, oil In spector. u the hceviest contr.butor among the Ftate house fore, glvir.g $60 A. D. Beemer. warden yf the penitentiary, la credited with a donation of TJ. W. E. Andrews, aud;tnr of the treasury at Washington, gave JT-ti. and Alexander Bxhlcgel. another of the Nebraska colony at Washington, rave tr.a. Othera of the force at Washington contributed smaller nmi The name of Ij. E. Thompson, Charles E. Maroon and Tom Cook are missing from the roll, but they have prob ably rotten bo far away from Nebraska that they cannot hear the call of the cam jialrn committee for subscriptions A cm ber of federal officers alao ruled to heir the call of the committee for funds, among them some of the highest salaried men on the government payroll in Nebrarka. Senator F.everidge la credited With a dona tion tf tlTMii. It came about through hlr refusing to accem a check from the com mittee In payment of hia expenses when tie came to LJn.-o'.n to deliver an addres iurlug the campaign- Iabi4 PMtulflBrr Rrvaaaaeada. Iaod Comtrif-aiuner H M Eaton has filed a report wiih the governor which oontaln many reconimendauona. The rejiort will be withheld by the aovemor a office until It can be acrullniaed The report contalua a recommendation for a wder Held for the toiveatnetit of the permanent school fund. Mr. Eatoa l willing to leave the matter with the legislature I'eraonally he favors Investments In school district b(nd and in landK. He repeats his recommendation for the selection of a state accountant to in vestigate the management and boon. a of the rtate InFtltutlona and to act as clerk of the Board of Purchase and Supplies, and to check vouchers drawn upon funua In lytnetit li r state supplies. He tticommends that the interest tate on sal contracts for stat land te r5djced from i to t per cent. lecause holders of b aff ctn lorrow money, at a les rate and pay off their Indebtedness to the stats. He calls attention to the fact that the legis lature pas He d an act uppropi ia'.:rg nioney received by the Kearney Industrial sch:o! for farm pnducts and other supplies s:ild rM during the last tw6 Tears and the ourt of money paid earn, contractor. R H. 'ioulding of Kearney has announced his candidacy for the s 1 1 star) ship of the ser.ate. Ftur years agw be was cler of the corrmJttee of the whole and two years aro he was assistant secretary of the sen ate. He Is a newspaper roan, has had a at deal of clerical experience and Is a member of the Grand Army Mr. Wheeler of Clay county, who was secretary two years ago. Is sud to be a candidate for re election. OfBrLal lfcss File. State Lsvnd CornTnlssloner H. M. Eaton ard Ms deputy, 3. M Phlvely, are the first offlclals to flie their bonds wltk the gow ernnr for the coming two years Botr Instruments are s'.a-ned by the American Surety company of Baltimore. Mr. Eaton being for gab.ono and Mr. Shlvely's ffr no.ons. The bonding concern agreee t wait on a leglslsMve a pproprtatio for the two prem iums, which are 14 and t. respectively. The tnds as made out run for tbe full blennium. Rock lslaad Makes Rate. The fight of tbe Commercial club to Se cure lower rates on shipments from the south is bearing fruit. Secretary Writ ten received a letter today from H. H, Emhry. manager west of the river for the Rock Island, In which he said that the Rotk Island irple looked favorably upon the requests of LJncoln sh!pi-ers. and that means were being taken to bring about an amicable adjustment of tariff ratea that would be satlafactory. At the Chicago meeting, some time ago. no agreement could e reached tea.use of lack of unan imity, but If the Rock Island starts some thing tbe others are quite pertain to fol low. Str4e Re pert s ea C-oavestlew. Judge J B. Strode, chairman of the ! Moines emiferenoe on popular election of t'nlted S-ates senators, psld a visit to Governor Mickey's office this forenoon and Informally reported the proceedings of the session. He held a commission from Gor ernor Mickey as s delegate from Nebraska, and at a later time be will submit a report in writing. It Is expected that Ocn-ernor Mickey will embody suggestions relative to this subject In tils messug to lbs legislature. rwaatceller Ifefe4a eg re aw tlB. Notices circulated at the State univer sity bearing the forged aignature of the dean of women, and the publication of an editorial in the dally paper at the big school, has caused a somewhat bitter feel ing on the part of leading atudenta and members of the T. M. C. A to exist against the faculty. Mra. Edna Barkley, dean of women, has become unpopular with some students, both males and co eds. Tbe trouble existing between the stu dents and the faculty, more especially Mrs. Barkley. came as the result of the attempted enforcement of the rule provid ing for the segregation of sexes, and the methods adopted by the dean of women to carry out her work, that of perfecting a better moral etandard at the unlveralty. Chancellor Andrews discussed the situ ation today. The head of the big school hegajt by peaking of the editorial that appeared in today's issue of tbe univer sity paper. He said: "I read with interest the editorial under the beading. Time to Stop.' that appeared In the university paper today. The wnter'a oint was well taken. True, this agnation must stop. Mrs. Earkley Is doing now whst should have been done In the univer sity years ago. The chancellor, as well as the Board of Regents. Is in sympathy with the work of the dean of women. "Charges made against Mrs. Barkley should be put Into writing and the writer or writers must sign their names If Mrs. Barkley has not been doing her work as it shoald be done; If she has taken the wrong step la matters, or Is guilty of any of the charges made against bar, tbe proper authorities should know r If there Is reason for an investigation, auch investigation will be made." A few of the minor charges have been puhllfhed in the daily n-pera. The most serious of thi lot, however, has not been given publicity. Kapre-aae (srt Call. Following is a list of cases which will be sralnt renter. Hall . rodsor. lies, by. Saline. Tbe following IB a proposed assign me Tit of cases for bearing Tuesday. January 1: Rnlow Cattle Crnrmny aaraJrut Oanow. Cterry; Chicago. Curling-ton vumrT Ksilr'sd 'rm. party sga-nm HeaJy. Iati cwter, Flint asw.iTit ' ha km pea. Saline: State ex rl Collins axatnat Ojrtwr re argumpnt bfore the court i. original; fiarhle against State. iage . Stalling agxlnst r! duord Fwr.klln. Vaugrn ajrninei State, Nemaha; Cttiey against Rs. Kmx; Ruck eft Her agilost lrirk Frarklln; I'1s'-h against L"e;tBch. Futier: Riblee agfiln't ljtkhrwit, Lxmp; ranJesn against Hwl. iMiwson; State araiost l-forn. lancast Rwwland wt'tisi Standford. Merrick; Lucaa against State. Harlan; Babbitt against 1'nlon r'acihe Railroad C"mi atiy. ' Iticmf; Hayward sgainst F.sher. lewee; F ml more sjralnst 'hue. Ouster; Nehrawka ,0 Hay snd Grain Company against First Na- trmal Bank. Richardson; Ne.s n iO Mod'm Britherh'ir of Ame-ica. iKnirias; I lagamf Siocum. Gag. Hans-n sgsinst l s i . . t t i . . . . . t . O Salter aga'nst Nebraska Telephone om- A pany. MadiS'Wi; Klose against w o TT. Tim- j V tng. ftate against lams. Mfwara. Kney J. aralnst Chicago. Burlincton A Quinry Rail- t y way Comjany. Lancasier; Ltson agurst A Chicago. Purlingttm Quinry Rnilwsy;Y Comt.ny. F'lielpa; Smith axuinst Aulla. j s welifter; Tiffany against Wright, Keya T Paha. ; ft li 0 i ' CHtRCH HOWE CITES A BIET Cwaasaere-lal C1 Elects Dtstlaarlske Dllauit flaarary ISeisSer. AUBURN, Neb, Dec I i Special. ) Major Church Howe, consul reneral at J Montreal. Canada, rave a banquet Friday q ! , evening to the Auburn Commercial club Major Howe and thirty-nine lnvfted ruests sat down to the festive board. Q E. H. Iwt, president of the Commercial f club, was toastmnster. Major Church f Howe at tbe ooncluslon of the repast I O arose and drank to Jt'.s friends and i Auuuru. n r uirn niftur a i "ai . . . . . address, filled with wit and humor. He hirhly complimented Auburn on its growth and push. At the conclusion of i the address Fostmaster Freeman moved i O io 16 that Major Howe te elected an honorary member of the club, and the motion was irompUy and heartily adopted. Mr. Howe thanked the club and Mayor Gillian. J. W. Barnhart, editor of the Herald, J. H. Iiundaa, editor of the Granger, and J. H. Kearnea, editor of the Republican, each made abort addresses. After this there was an old-fashioned camp meeting love least, and each guest present a as called upon and responded. Before adjourning . Mujor Howe in a neat address pointed out y to the Commercial club the most pressing j ft needs of Auburn In the way of water- j works, sewerage, mills and factories. o o I iO FKARSOK JIRT IB DEADLOCKED Majority Is Sal Staad far Aeejalttal f lrrr. HASTINGS,' Neb., Lec. I (Special Tele gram. ) The trial, of Barney Pearson on I q the charge of murdering 'Walter McCulla on the night of July 2s, was concluded ; O thie afternooo. The Jury, which has been ! q balloting since i o dock, stands seven for ac.yulttal. four for oonvicucin of man- j O slaughter and one lor guilty in the second Q oegree. Fearson Is a wealthy horse buyer. McCulla, also a horse buyer, was killed i with a shotgun In the Pearson home. Fear- ! Q cm and MoCulla had had frequent trouble over the latter s attentions to Mrs. Pear- f son. and onoe McCulla, after being ar- j Q reeled on complaint of the husband, chtl- : Uh,u .i-n t , a 4 1 li.) -ith nl,l..l. Th ! V defense In tlx. murder trial was based on the double plea of emotional insanity and unwritten law. There Is but little prospect of tbe Jury reaching an agreement. 9 o i called lor hearing Lecen:ile.- IS: by that Institution. A siruiinr a j propria- i Bt James Asylum agaltist Mo tion bill was pi-.s.-ed the H tit fot t'ie I Ioi.ald. lKiugUs. uuiikin agaiiiKt Rocoe- FrlendlesB. Tbe pi-uceeds are placed in cash fund and such funds are uru:il at all ar-unitr.; infore ttmii-.ii,al:in No. z on mo ti'iii for rehearina i. ButitT: L,incoin Trana- late Institutions. Mr. Ealuii recommends M.-r t mnpun; against County Board of that such funds be sbolh'hed and that ' I,ji.ul aiion re-arguront fore the cuurli, italics ater; beeiey again si ttncney. laxf. Krmaevs against hbd Hal.; County of toe asiinst O-unty of cawer. Ijiniaster; Ml.ier against Farmers' M:ll ai,il Klevutrr Compary, Madia n: He calls attention to the fact that the , ,.,,..,, ki.u,,. Louclas: Markhain against iiio-; :;dei t order ol Forefclers. Jefleis in; trnier ftove t'omjiany aga.nai Haas Jadge Graves AJors Csnrt. PONCA. Neh., Iec. i. (SjiedaL ) Sick neas caused Judge Guy T. Graves to ad Joum the Dooember term of court for tixou county last night after a brief term en three days. Judge Graves was unable to be present the Urst day of the term or. account of his health. The case of the State against Samuel IHiugiaa. charged with assault with Intent to kill, resulted In a conviction and a five years' sentence. This crime was committed in April, lMn, when Douglas slashed the neck of John : Rush from -ar to chin. He was arrestee , at once, but broke Jail tmic. The first : time he waa raptured and returned to Jail I here. The second time be was more sue- ! cessful and remained at large until he was i arrested and lodged In Jail at Onawa. Ia., I for a similar offense. He again escaped ! and crossed over into Nebraska, where be , as recaptured by Sheriff Maskell of this : county. o o o o o o 0 uperintendents cf the lnst'tjtions le re- i iuired to turn into the g lie. al futd of the state treasury sll money from wcatever source received. tale school tx has teen less Klnce the passage of the reverue law thun tiefore and that the interest on school lands hat decreased, but that the rental revenue from school lands has Increased. The pa :wut of the principal on sclio.ii lands under imle aoctract haa Increased the it terrst "n the Investments of the bcIkkiI fund, but not lr. projortlon to the rate f Interest formerly received. tate frlatlaa Bwsrd. Borretary Frat-r (rf the State Printing Board is compl! report which will show that the board spent 1 71 for laws snd journals during ibe last two years, leaving a balAitce In that fvnd of T-I K- Oi- standing contra-ts amount to KlITS revenue bKkB and blanks there was a deficiency two years ago. During the last two years the board has spent T-.W.'. . roti trai ts outstanding amount to The tport will contain a list of ountracts Hurdsiire and Furniture Company. Kear nej . Mailers aganiKt Ylilagt in Eaetrr. F.hntore: 1'alme.- against BUies. Hltchouck; Mir.inapolis Thresiilng Machine Cnipany itgaiiiet Otis isirtimitied on brief si. Madls-n; Stale Several Parcels of VjLtyi (Gan rieiii. iHUgius, Sands sgainst Chicago. Buiiinfion juinry Rallsay . Company, llaii. Uixon against City of Wayne Wayne; Itishop sgaitist Fuller, Gage, Fltageraid against Slate, Chase. Oral arguments In tbe following cases will not 1 beard before Wednesday, December trwssslfara: mum Aorldestslly Killed. STROM?BCRG, Neb, Dec. I. (Special.) i Peter Hedman waa accidentally allied near here Monday. Mr. Hedman waa 1 hauling manure to the dump at the creek bank. Just south of town, and while driv- , lng close to the edge to get near enough to unload the wagon wheel dropped Into a bole concealed by rubbish and the wagon was evidently suddenly overturned, throw- lng Mr. Hedman In such a way that he was pinned fast under the edge of the I box. Henry Randall, who happened o be i driving past the place, discovered the i body and rendered w hat assistance he ! could, but life was extinct, and It was apparent that death had resulted ln i stantly. It was only a few minutes be I fore that he was seen by several persons. which roLkes it ItVtly thai the latter I supposition is correct. IS Attorneys desirtr.g oral argument I srx uld make It known to the clerk on or ! ' Hsre Cwsses Hesse tar-visa before Tuesday morning. lH-ceu:ber Is: Bell agalr.s Rocheford. iKiug us: Peier- Pnr son again! Ramsey, Custer: Keller against i I Mfairu. j?urimfTion vuincy mmitr i Ci.nipany. Bufalo; T:tte lngton aguinst State lJncom. utile iga;nst iiiil. lco. n ; Vbn W anning agninst Twter. Jeffers ,n . State against Boone Conty. Bo-ine: Patter- FREMONT. Neb.. Dec . iSiiecial The horse stolen from the barn of John Hrbebrand. near Hooper, last Saturday : mghi returned yesterday morning. H ' found It near the litre, wearing a part of 1 tbe hameaa. badly emaciated and eagerly j A pie-e or rojie : rchard Wilhelm (Barpet o. 414-15-18 South Sixteenth Street. A growing habit x:::: furni- isefur- nishings nr qifts. They add so muchtothe a pp;arancoftn? hom? and ara appreciated and enjoved bsr the entire family besides being UAelul and of lasting remembrance. Rugs Desirable Christmas Gifts All to wanted weaves and color, attractively priced, for the Chriftniitg trade. Oriental and domestic rups; all slreB. all prices- Lxn't hiIbb peeing thi6 large new asBortmeot. for a 2-Sx5 ArmlnBter rug. made of best quality worried, very heavy and durable. Beautiful pattern And colorings. S.(Ki for a Sx6 Ax-mlnster rug, rery beavy. Complete line of CoraJ and oriental patterns. Splendid rug to use between doors and In small halls. $2.35 for a 1-6x2 extra heavy wllton rug, made from best Quality worsted yarns; good for doorways. Mi5 for a I-Jx5 wilton rug. 100 patterns to elct from. Beautiful rugs for m-eption rooms. $6.23 for a 2-3x5 French wllton rug. Made from best quality white wool, colors guaranteed. Dark rich ori ental coloring or soft shades of old rose, blue and Ivory. 910.50 for a il2 Dekkan brussels rug, made from best quality sll wool, with a very heavy brussels warp, which makes It lay well on the Coor. 1S.45 for a rxl2 extra heavy brussels rug, suitable for dining room or living room. $5.50 for a 3x6 Saratoga HinimiNmiiinifKtmnititHimiNiiiHiHNri M HI n a s It H TOYS Our superb toy display is attracting the at tention of all seekers of novel toyst and toys of the better kind. This showing comprises the choicest lot of instructive, substantial and pleasing toys ever assembled in any one showing in the west. for the part eleven years we've made a special fea ture 9ft9y- Each succeeding year, irwrea-inj our dis play and business over the previous year. We couM not do this without shore in j a fetter assortment echytar and giving special attention to gathering together toys that are different out of tht ordinary. fascinating novelties, interesting to old and young alike. A con venient and well ventilated toy section. Zlain floor Sec fee Basement dijpftr of miniature fornffure, pe-carft, aripsnt and ggfomog-ifes 8 H H Gifts Worth Giving In our Drapery Depart ment yon will fed niaay jiseful gifts: Pillows, pil low toj, table covers, Jar curtains, portieres, etc. We are offering many special In ducements tats week In lace curtAina. You -!ll have guests during the holidays, why not beautify your home by adding pretty effect-ire lace curtains? Clnney Curtalna. French net. linen lace edge; white or Arabian; usual price M 10 fecial $1 MmiMeiiniNnMMMii MNUtitinumitmosm 5 Bissell's Carpet Sweepers bath rug; washable, made especially for bathrooms. Blue, green, pink and white, to match paper or tile. Morris Chairs for Gifts Orchard Wilhelm special made of best quarter sawed oak, goldn polished finish, plain rich design, good enough for any home. Choice of hair filled, reversi ble cushions, any color, for .T5 62 patterns, all woods, all finishes, 7.50 to $75.00. xretty Farlor Fl Lbalr (like cut knrdcr fnr has loose cushion - seat of green auk ' eivet, ror .... with silk cord and Velvet, for.... tassels, frame o f birch, high mahogany polish, an extra good value at fla-M docker to match arm chair, for 9XA4M 1'ivan to match chairs, for tl ff Kiwcll's Carpel Sweirperw for Xmts-Oir gttaranter goes with every one. Bissell's Standard Sweeper for Biaseirs Gold Medal Sweeper for S.OO Bissell's Grand Rapids Sweeper for $2 .50 Blsoell's Parlor Queen, 4.K Axmlnster Carpeu with 6-8 V Te 88c Swiss. Curtains Well mad, extra full ruffle; heavy em broidered figure; usual price 12. BO, special .. 11.26 Cretonne Bed Sets 1 & sets only. Beautiful cretonne, full valance and bolster cover plnka, yellows and blues worth $3.75 per set special whle they last fl.TS t! extra heavy French Taffeta Bed Covers with valance and bolster cover In bed room colors worth $6.75 special to close. .. $3.76 Silk Floss Pillows 20 In. square, well filled usual price 75c, for 4 5c Pillow Cord mercerited, all colors, per yard 15c Bilk per yard 25e Fire Screens, up from...$l it - ----r-si Hammered Bra Fern Dishes, $2 0 to 1.95 Candlesticks, $10 to 50c Candle Shades. $4.50 to 45c Electric Reading Lamps, $200 to 1.50 Miniature Pictures and Frames. $2 to 25c Vases, new designs, all colors and sires. See our collection at. 95c Liquor Sets, Austrian glass, in laid In gold. $15 to $9.75 Choice Steins, $22.50 to 95e Marble Busts, hand chlsejed, our .Bric-a-Brac Jardinieres and own Importation, $75 to.. $5.00 English Coalport China, only the most choice designs, pieoes. up trom fl.OO Smoking Sets, In brass, bronte and copper. Desk Sets, In brass and oxidlted silver, $25 to $10.00 Japanese Plates, 7-inch. Geisha girl patterns S5e 4-inch Butter Plates to match, each . , 23c Cop and Saucer, Japanese fig- nres 25c Basement Suggestions Combination Bockeaae (l:ke cm H st golden oak, pol ished; has rwell glass door; large te el mirror, is tret- tllv Ctil.'A i lugi'l I?" ini he; a ide si S1S.50. ?4 oilier patterns, rar.g Itig fr"- tlx.TE and up. While bnying presents be sure and see our large assortment of Oyster Forks, Bouillon Spoons, Fruit Knives. Berry Spoons, etc. Chafing Dishes, copper or nickel, two pans, wroughtlron base, ebonized handles $4.O0 Some very elaborate designs up to $15.CK Five O'clock Teas, brass, nickel or copper, artistic patterns, some with wroughtlron bases. $4 to $2.50 Baking Dishes, in copper and nickel, plain and ornate de signs, $5.00 to $2.00 Pie Servers, something new, made of nickel, fitted mitb enamel pie pans $S.oo Japanese Trays, all shapes and sites, also braes, nickel, steel and solid copper trays, $C to.lOc Crumb Trays, with scraper or brush, full line, all kinds, $5.65 to 25c Baskets Attractive gifts. Wast Baskets, Fancy Hampers, Knife Basket. Work Baskets, etc. Furniture Odd Suggestions Turkish Rockers Be our new stock. Some remarkably low prices. Rocker (like cut), made of genuine leather the kind that will give satisfaction very Urge and comfortable special . $24 Large line Turkish Rockers, up from $35. $34 and $30 XOscloa XCocker Hike rati Very lhrg and eitremely comfortaiue uph"lstered in ppaTilKh leather, strap seat, weathered oak, very apeciaj at .&. Mitiakw Furniture for Gifts We are showing a large line of Plpeu Racks, Smoking Cabinets, Btein Racks, Chafing Cabinets, etc.. Many pretty pieces that are really Inexpensive and make attractive gifts. Music Cabinets, splendid assort ment of the better kind, well constructed and finished; a wide range of prices; some very special values, $, $g. $7, $5.25 and $4.75 Folding Card Tables, round cr square top, fold campactly, fine finish, at $3, $2.50 and... $1.75 Folding Cutting Table, $1.75, $1.50. $1.25 and $1.00 Shoe Blacking Boxes, $( down to $1.00 China Cabinet make pretty gift. A large holiday assortment, over 100 patterns; they grade so gradualy In prlce $15.50, $1.50. $1$. $19, $21 up. Davenport, a special showing both In the regular Davenport and Sofa Bed. over 300 patterns $24, $30. $35, $40. $45 and np. Leather Coach (Like cut), guaranteed quarter-sawed oak. upholstered la genu ine leather, diamond tufted top, large, full site, and a bargain at 28.00 ? O ? o 6 6 6 6 6 o ? o ? ? eating everything in sight. t .n I was attached to tbe head stall and had boidu KlcAardsun; 4 '4 liLf ill F evidently been gnaed off The horse had the appearance of havltig been without food or water for days and bad evidently Jihla fail. str.,.p-d her arm was broken and other wiaenangied The acc-koent as very painful, though not serious. Ki-Twr.F.LANI-Few wild gese have win.. i.v ti.r hunters in lias vlcltniv l It wmw -- - Did you, sleepless one. ever try & dish of GRAPE-NUTS and CREAM lust before bed-time? Surely you never did or you wouldn't train with the "sleepless squad.' been tied up in aoro secluded place. Bush, who Is now In Jail awa:ting trial for tha af stealing the horse, denies hi any knowledge of where It has been. Cfwlng lei to the huttitiiui ne.u regular feeding i-aoee Is s IT'S A B.I rRACnCIC to load np the stomach with a promiscuous vari ety ot rlct. intigesUMe'food at tight because It 'tastes" good. STRKXGTH WITHOUT Ul'IJi is a requirement ot an Ideal food for the lat 'jl'.e bt-ftre gofer, to lx-d The food that is concentrated so tnat a suffi cient smornt for all rnrposes will not distend tbe stomach; the food that Is radically pred'.gt-sted so the organs can, without undue effort, absorb It wholly: the twi ihct contains the Ussse-repalrlng and energy-making ele ments frosa clean fir-Id grains that contains the Phophate tf Potaah which combine., by vital procert. with Albumen to repair the gray matter la brain and nerve centers that's Grape -Muts fi mt aehrwaksu Pl-ATTBMC'l"TH-Ttie Missouri river covered with it at this piilnu r'AVlD C1TT-W. O. Neis.n is now loraj agrt for tbe Son r. western, taking the , ,ice heid by K K. Hicka. SEWARD A few ste!l bridge is In proe- , s of coiisirui-tion hoar Heaver Crt ssir g are up to cluee the old wooden : brldgw. 8KVVARI) Judg Ga discharged the grail Jury for the preasr.t. but It is subject I to call later, five Indictments were lound i by this Jury. I HEA TRICE C F Shaffer, who has ben ' In the drug buslneas here for the last re." ! Bi)d hia busnx-as to Lan M:-Curry wf Muuu i tain View. Ark. ' EEATRlCE-Tiie 14-year-old tx'V who es catd from the Feeblemlndejl Insutute ". T',.:. 7 iVn.uiti southe ol jiaruMir i bai k to the Institute. ! i AVID t lTV The fire defsrtment I culled out Thursday to the residence of k. R Jones. t'Ut the nursel urn ceeoed tn putut.g the oui uelore its si nvaL No serious loss was suntmed. H'THKKLANI-Nearly ali of tbe sjgs: bens ba been taken from the grouuo and tbe ct.atice of loss trom the crop freei li,g up in the sm is renioie. t iuie 0ui,, we.i mnh Uieir tets this year. l'AVILt CITY A p-ution aas circulated by some t'f toe prarhers of tins city, aaa li'g business men to c-iose tlieir places ol business at p m. alier January A. ii was signed by nearly til of toe men hair.s l-.jr TRICE The Gage county Bar assu c.ktion hs eited tt.e fu.iosmg officers: H J rotoa. jireaiderit. A H. kild secre ts r ; E tt. Kieisii-ger. trt-asurei . The as- I 8 ITHERUAN'IV Residents along Bird- i sot-istion Hill hold us kr.nuai banquet next Wiod creea. a few miles north of Suter- ' month. ! kuid. Lave t.hacrlkd moiM-y to buud a i LEiiiH Many farmers will finish huk- church for their neighborhood- i ltg corn this eea. but a tea. who nave I SITU ERlk K r Carpen : ers and plaster- n extra iaige acreage. U1 have work in 'era hate mm work r.j.fl ,.f ,, iu held ul,u, . h rial mas 'I tit ytf.l kk COBtsina the tiBse-rep.irlng and energy-Baking ele- ,Lr7 e" result of tt.e general 1 fr l" 'arm-rs at feeatig juu.iaru sriaiitsiuii awwMi iai tvuutj b SU1U IVWU. , v a s,"w " DAVID CITT-Anton Ptacek baa re-! PL-ATTSMol TH George M Porter has reived news from Cleveland, o.. announrai.g ! rtnl word that his father, A. J For th, oeaih of his mother. Hs hss gone to I l"r- w lv" fcl u,e f"n "f deatr, at his Cleveland to be present st the funeral home in i our-Mi.e I ord. t a . after re- f KATRJCE Great Interest 1. manifesto . Jg n bounty " "'"' VUrtl S" In toe evajgelisiic tnung heia at , , T w in. rrestytTnan church by Rev Jordaa I. HEA 1 lL V"1 LT,horobu,r ' Inere n IS im coinwrstoos .day nJZt : n l'lkrt at the Rina t ir i -rwi,-v Th. M . , , i Is ind siation. has g .li. lu Lincoln to isae ".IS i..tM L ? bet ween . u ln ltr of fcM,m -e U''a .r LJTIT U'renry c..r,, He is sual by scrduied lor IeoinUer a at iun. .1,.,,., i.,. i Sii.tu w poatsoned until after the buki- 1 . . . NORTH f LATTL- The (oiregatloa .the iiaousl il.unli teilerea a reception property the 1 .. ".L.. . vt.... ... ..t ! ol th aie Jacob -V atava. h L. 1 , u. -..a bT. J s Ur beUan who was muroered n-ar MiJura. -ni'i i,irn . i-r. f t public aai Tnursda ai.d ' .. . ... ..... . . .. a little sr-gar if desired, eaten alow!y before retiring. If yos're hungry, and not I vo tiL KORTH ylJin ojreita, "r'aui- LUuh-mik Uora ileilniann. a young , In. " wtli tr i.irset.ted at the oi-ra buju TKV A IHH- ys. SEWARD Tlie persona istat of thout four heaping teaspoonfula with cream or milk, aad ' id Low well yt-u aire? snd how freah lot feel ln (he mora teg. "There's a Reason wutiiaa i-vu.g a niiie t,irf-m of 1-elga. be- i TuesXv eveuinc by .nm.lert of tn Ki.i caatM nia:4(ied lu the naci.lnery of a ! copai t Iair ssns'.ed by others under the eora e-. iK.r yesierday evening sad rs- ! direction of hri f. ciarucha The pr.nci' r - . .i.i.i sim p.r-1. Mil wwn r'J wnimL Vle ILUTUMU K'ale Ulilersj wMgiu um vrior uk n-acMi,. cwa be weu Hi a4 iuuuUiia s'M" -'ti-a xm I if l"t of to th cos', umea. There are about twenty five in ti.e viiorua. and the play promises to b 'itie of the tert jet fireeerited by local is lent. REATR1CE T. G. Hurt, far several rears Rim k lfciand agtM at i'.y ni'-yiti. Neb., will succeed O. R. Lision aa SLation agent fol tbe company at this plat ou Idonuay. Mr Limor, at recently trarist erred lo htuouit. as agent for the coii;)iany there. BhA'J'hK iZ The case against John -'park.-. Uie tiridge oontractor, as railed n the district court Saturday. The at- orneys lor eijiarks fllea a plea In abals nerit. s hii-ti Judge Ke.iigar quashed Tbe -a- st M-t tor bearing January 14, PUATT&Mtil'TH-Mar.y of the cltiaens of this vicinity have attended me tr. Tor rey njei-titigs in tmatia this week and t.any rnnie contemplate attendliig them r.ex'. aeek They iugrily appreciate tiie nboraliiy of The Bee in giving so much rpaoe lu the wnteup of th nit-eTliiga. isEATRlCE The breaalrg of a crai.k siiait on ii I moc Racine motor car. tnre north of rii krt-ll. caused the car to abandon the trip to Lincoln, The car ainl pasaengers were brougia back to Beatrice oy tiie switch eiigint. '1 he )aaaer.gers were transierred to Uie northbound buriHigtoii train. SEWARD A team driven t-y Mr Bailey of Rieuatit liaie ran away an he. with Tom Clark, etarted in another buggy to oapiure iheru. 'i he second team nisu ian ktii. U.rC'Sli both mtn out of the buggy, breast;. Mr. uviivy s rlsl and giving Mr. tiara a bail scaup sound ana tumsif severe bruises ,.i.MOVT The committee on earn and oockuig have aaarded U. following prises, torn. r.Jl Kieeinan, f.rel. SJi, cash, -ii rid. W alter Rie Iii. gu,d watch, value tooth of e-rilrier. Among the girls Aiut L-fiar.d. i:nia Heiuie. Mall McHaAey aiiii k it-ida beiiruooft won first prises In tt-ir repKine eniriea. EEATR1CE The Fourth Ward Hoe com pany lias e-irried the fuiiowit.g oRmers E Inane, pr-rwideni: J uoe W allace vtc presid-Jit. N. BV oui.u a . sucretary . Alb. rt W isely, treasurer. Vv, alter Kora. foretnan, . 'Henry fc:efler. steward. Frank Wenn.k.. Of . I -..1 . , P. A I' Unill. scorid assistant foreman f-LA'l TtMi'l'TH T..e Cau County Far.i ers' Instil ule. neid in Hi euuri noun Friday ana battirdsy. was large. atlend1 and mu b benefit aa dnrived from tne abi lecturea x'rof. F. W. ("hut of Raw:-e ttty gave an instructive talk on -'Growirig (-iorn. advisiiig the farmers to secure in bt seed and to cultivate the growing ert sumr-ieiiii.'y rrt'i L, rtruner of tfi snike eniertaiT.ii g!y aioi.g ff." Alwbi tSj tan.- Jiies tf corn, of twejve ears each, were on exhibition, w hick prof, farur er derlareJ sa aa gKKKl as any grown ln Nebraska. ftWAkb- At tbe regular nn-et lrjr of 6eward camp No 444. Mitiem Woodn.en of Amerloa.. the following oftic-era ere elected U avonk right. V. C. Morns Lever, v . a ; D. C. oaarinry. clerk; L. F. Sthu It, banker; Arthur Ackeia. esca-rt; E. L.. Cars nianager. it a as decided to have the R N-eighbors present ai the Modem Woodmen bf Amerioa installation and have a eui -per. NORTH FLATTK District Langaon received nouoe announcing tt. ajp..intmeni of J. Keliner u. tn f-M.i-.ion of generai loieman ai Nor ih llstl- no sui-ceexi jorui it. hir.glrtnft, ,fi insnea Mr. Kehner as born and raise h im m rnut b a manner as to sustain a frweture lead and body. As tt between the piatform and the to very n.rTow a alnurat . miracle thai he , J. .V hurled to death or dragged beneath the wheeS to his home and Dr. MrCene lunirrwnel B E W A lUr- William r,n,ni. .. . .o Nellie Utuirw, after a trial f crnja Ut-vemifl- Mickey had pardoned Caiw iP.on out of jail unoer the etiarge of betti itt father .f tn cti,. i..:! . . . in North Fiatte and served his aw,rentw- I ,W "L '"n. . Tne snip in the ,o-al efior.. He win pe wet- lll.r .,o - 7. - . TL m"x"S. ." P"l- per poa;LKn, FKEMO.VT-N. J. Run,,,., dispersal Mle of tnorougbbred trotung Block was well attended and lair prk-ea wci obtained. Narka Htar. a fc-year-oid mare, by om Iieune. was sold to H. Smith of Da rid City for smKj. avne got a mark of last season. Tiionia. Bran nag an of ( o lumbus gut severai promising X-ya.r-udi i o avrrag. price ouiair.ed ss bead. Arrndaie was not nut un BKATRJOK At tt- annual metlr of Raslins post Na. Ifc, Grand arar it the Republic, toes ofl.'. ra rr ei ted: b. Bull, ocnimander, J. ti tVrnahan. seti.o: vice wn.manaer. W. uotiei.klrk Jumor vloe cocinianaer; J. R. t raig. Quartermas ter. Dr. Ferd Broth surgeon: A H. Fox, chapiats; W . M Whltlo' a. ofTioee of tti. oay. George L. Feaae. ofheer ol the ruard; W. at. Tl.tou. delegate to the depaitnMnit encampnirtit ; Janies M. Sanaera, alternate BEATRJCE Beatrice lodge No. Knights trf Fythiaa. has elected thee, oers. Chris Miller, chanoeiior: K- b A v -, i . . . w w r if . v, , . t i e w. H. Kotipins. master-at-arms; Ji,n Ternune. inaster of tbe work. J-4J-dicott. niutcr of nna.n; T. H Burke. uuLfsrr of vatbeguer. J. H lnniaa. s.ei-f or records and wa, D R smiui iriaiae guard: C W. Wauen. oinsioe guara, R B Appieget. U. B. W atkins and M B Dav, truatcra N U:TH PLATTE Jot n Tighe. se-ttch-man at the iue houses was seriously iii-3-i red in ue yards He was stanoing on tbe south td. ol the pisiform along tne bouses, and bearing an approaching train, sunt b tnuugr.t as psknenger tram No 11 on ttie maiii line, be crasied unoer tne platform lo order to reach ttie o;en yard As be enrged from unoer the platform be as siruia by the pnot uf aa uxxnulng ireia oa tu K- atuuae trauk ai4 nuri ofn-pp.e- man proiesta his iiiihk.,.,. , . ' " tall rn-.,lv . " iB NUniH t.-A TTK Tbe tiwsaurar ,f Un oin county sent lo a constable at WeU leet a notice lo t M rv od on the BurUn-D Mm., - ,.i iu i eervea on the BurUng-.on agent al tnat plane demanfi,,.- agent turn .ver aU tbe money on band arid mat n.t,h. com. t, his hand" in amount not exceeding the 1W tag due fre-S com pat, y to Lwnnom oountr. A slniW noU.w jircibabiy be served oa ttl tne Burlington had nm ben gfanled ml njutuun restra.rng the county ireasur" lrum taking sox-n ac inic " LElijH-Laynjin Bowman, the t-year-oM son of Mr. and Mra. Frio. Bowman bad a narrow frorr. drowniiig VVorkmen were rtfainn Pipe, m a cistern and bad tbe lop open. 7 he lad. not gnewln- tnat u.e i.o m.s off. le, into ti.e cistern which ocmtained ai-ven feet ef w.t.r f.r,. . w"r"n'n '' spiash and looked .lo,.tb "" just as im child cams up th. first time, .nfl u tl, w.l,r J near the top a u bo. u Ult m'r, one tlM boy wu.d have tn dead. t lAMOND-Frenser. 1Mb and ftdgw. striker mssIIi Matter. OOIA MFt e. O. I-. 1-PraeutnaMy be cause of the stem measure, taaea by Mayor Baager to rt-pw ess u,e laoirt- rvils growing oui of tf. strife of the Iron moia ers here several months agn th. anayur was aesau.'ted lodak in lb court nous, by Chants Milter, of tlw airike oom n it lee. Mnyor waa tiadly, thouga not serious. j . Injured. Mi.ier was arrested. Full !! bull, sis IS. suaAs 'a sail leg fTa. al Bennett a ClotMlng- Dejl, Sta,