Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 19

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Ad vrrllarBiratii for Ihrae rnlouin
will be taken anttl ly nt. for Kir
fnl edition and antil H p. m. far
(lie morning; and "aadr edition.
Rate 1 m word rat Insertion,
In a word thereafter. Nothing taken
for Iraa than VOo for the first liter
tin. These ad vert laeraent mast be
ran eonseeatlvely.
Advertisers, hr requesting a iini
nered check, ran have answers n d
dreaaed to a, a am be red letter In rare
-of The Ilea. Amnfn an addressed
rrlll be delivered on presentation of
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make n spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
safes. O. Andreen, Prop., Iti2 S. 10th Bt.
SIGN PA1NTING-8. H. Cole, 130$ Douglas.
II 613
IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 191 Farnam.
R m
HEFLIN Locksmith, moved upstairs; en
trance, 1324 Farnam. Tel. Doug, '"fit.
T It 66
DAVIS PROS., machinists; general repair
ing. 14o6 Jackson St. Tel. Iiouglas 2998.
R-M7I2 D12
FOR CHRISTMAS Gas and Kleetrte Rend
ing iamps are always Acceptable; n
stock lust In; order now. Burg-Gran-
ucu i.o., m do Ulu bt Tel. Douglas i Hi.
R 664
MERCHANT. American widower, no chll
tlren, wealthy but lonesome, wishes a cn wife to brighten his home. Box
42a, BL Joseph, Mlchlrun. R 399 9s
WANTED At once, IViQ sound young men,
aged IS to 35, for firemen and brake. nen
on leading western railroads and lor new
roads now being completed; experience
unnwesfmrv : firemen t'f) ncr mouth:
brakemen $73; positions now open; cull or
writo at once for particulars. National
Ky. Training Ass n. 620 X, l'axton block.
Omaha, Neb. B Ml J4
Grocery. 175; hardware, $66; fornlture, $oo;
dry goods, $15; mllroad, 8o0; wholesale.
iw; wholesale, $60; hotel, $50; commis
sinn. IGn.
BOOKK EEPETtS Wholesale, $66; broker-
are, smi: druirs. 860. Cull or write
Suite 840-3 IN. Y. Life Bldg.
B Mi) S
MEN Our free Illustrated catalogue ex
plains how we teach barber trade In few
weeks; graduates paid $12 to $20 weekly;
tools given; money earned while learning;
positions or locations waiting; shops fur
nished new. Call or Write, Moler Barber
College. 1H6 Furnuni St. B 11271 13x
WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma-
neni JuD. A. U. 1. Co., UZ O. Win Bt.
a 6M
V. 8. NAVT enlists for four years young
men and mechanics of good physiquo and
character. Good pay, according to quali
fications. Advancement whin qualified.
Navy Recruitlnx HUitions. Omaha. Lin
coln, liastluga, bioux City and Des
Moinea. B-MW7 Dl
Drug Clerk wanted. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. Life.
o iUOliI
WEN and boys, plumbing or bricklaying
trade pays 13 to its ner day. Wo teach
you by practical Instructions in three
inontlm; Dosltlcn iruaranteed: free cata
logue. Coyne Trade School, 4375 Easton
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 13 Maui
changes of companies during this montn
one of the best western old line COIll
Dafiies in America hns something good
to offer, If Interested write lock box
1196, Lincoln, Neb. B-M175 Jl
WANTED Experienced foremen to have
charge of elevator construction. Write
quick, at at In g wages wanted and giving
references. Address, Win. Kroner Co.,
Stuart, Neb. 13 M124 9
WANTED A watch. You get It for a
few hours of your time. Write at once
to Mulena Company, Warrlorsmark, Pa,
13 M13U Feb3x
TWO hustlers to handle a new line Christ
mas articles; city work. 1619 Howard.
13 Ml 66 J3
WANTED Cabinet maker; must be first
class; good pay. Lincoln Sash and Door
Co.. Lincoln, Neb. B-M193
WANTKD-3 boys.
Omaha Box
Co.. East
WANTED Glazier; flrst-claas man;
pay. Address 1-2-3, care liee.
15 Mil 4
WANTED Boy hi yeHrs or older for stock
work and selling In book dep't. Apply
manager boult dep't., J. L. Brandels &
Sons. 13 Mid
HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, fJ6 to $30
niado weekly distributing circulars, pack
ages, overseeing out door advertising; ex
perlcnco not needed: new pian; no can
vassinir. Address Merchants Out Door
Advertising Co., 79 Dearborn St., Chicago,
B M264 9x
WANTED First -class cutters and g'.aileia;
union wages. St. Joseph Art Glass Co.,
Bt. Joseph, Mo. BMXl X
WANT7E1D Experienced trainmen for a
northern road. Call at Drexel hotel, cor
ner liith and Webster Sts. B 2 lox
$'i) PER month, expenses advanced; men
to travel, advertise, post signs and leave
samples. Saunders Co., Dept. 4. Chicago.
13382 9X
WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; ta
distribute circulars, adv. mutter, tacg
signs, etc.; no canvaseinK. Address Na
tional Distributing Bureu, Km Oakland
Bank Bldg , Chicago, HI. B 340 9x
CIVIL service examinations will soon be
held In every state. Kull information and
nuestioni recently used by the commis
sion free. Columbian Correspondence Col
lege, Washington. D. C. B
BARBER TRADE taught in shortest time
at small expense; positions secured; write
for terms. Barber College, r.'th and
Douglas Sts. B 444 Ox
PRINTER WANTED All around man for
foreman and Job work. Republican Print
lug Co.. Aurora. Neb. B M443 lux
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio oorpori
lion manufaclui ing household necessity
desires Nebraska manager. uemonstra
tlon In leading department stoia. Oftlca
furnished; three ears' contract; salary
il.huu and commissions, ttood onenlug f
man of character and utility. Address,
Manager 226, Ontario Bldg., Toledo. Ohio.
MEN Learn plumbing; day and night
classes: Western Plumbing Trade School
apeclal terms; 16t Tremout 81., Denver,
Colo.; W. T. Crean, Manager. o-
WANTED One first-claes drug clerk, reg
istered In Nebraska or competent to do
so; one well posted retail cigar counter
mun; must be able to furnish references
( from fcrmer employers aa to honesty
sobriety and sbl ity; good wages, with
promotion. Sherman at McOannell Drug
Co.. Omaha. Neb. B
WANTErv-Flrst-clasa man. at once, for
automobile and general repairing work
good Job, good muney and agreeable posi
tion to right man Apply M. L. Stous,
lilalr. Neb.. Box 223. B 411 x
ACTORS and actresses always wanted.
. learn by mail from proprietor of big com
pany; special rates; write today; par
ticulars frte. Chas. Ross, Box 9i. Mil
waukee. Wis. B 4u6 9x
How to operate passenger elevators: you
should know how ; 1 teach you; deport
ment, skillful oM-nUion. self-confidence;
hlglietg. testimonials. Address W 418, Bee.
B-C17 9x
WANTED Bbaper man;
good pay. Address, Y
WANTED Thres or four geod railroad
draftsmen, large western railroad, on gen
eral work, mans and profiles: must be
good letterer; f',5 to $1. Chief Drafts
man. MS Oxford BUtf., Chicago.
B-393 9x
IN SIX WEEKS we educate you In sa'es-
tnaiishlp, secure you position as traveling
ijImihiiii with resisiiiHlble firm. Address
The ln-tllrvel by stem. Rochester. N. Y.
U-Al fx
first class
115 Bee.
B M4l 13
WANTKl) A few people tr learn bulk-
groping null pay for tuition fiotn their
earnings sitcr vie place them In position.
Ton can l-.r it at our own home In a low
weeks without loss of time ir money;
guaiantee it. Write for full Information
and our free book, "II nv to Huco-ed In
Business." It tells you how you can bet
tr r your position mid make more mooey.
Commercial Correspondence SohiKils,
Drawer l0 A, Koch' stt r, N. T.
B-3 8x
WA NTEl Four men bi travel In eicii
Slate, dlMrllxite samples anil adverllHT
our goods; etilnry M per Week and ex
penses, guaranteed; expense advanced;
esperlenee unnecessary. Address, Willi
si. imp. statlnx aire and occupation. Reeve
Co., 411 Dearborn St., Chicago.
IS 3T1 9x
WANTED Men to travel, deliver sample
and adveitlse our gmds locally. Haary
!1 tier month and expenses, ileezley Co.,
Dept. B, Motion Blk., Chicago.
B 071 Ox
Experlcnco unnecessary If honest, ambi
tious and willing to learn the buMuos
thoroughly by mail; Kplendid liicine
assured. Write at once tor full particu
lars. Address either ofliie. National Co
operative Realty Co., 7U6 B. Athenaeum
Pin-'., Chlcugo. or 7ili B, Miuyiand Bldg.,
Washington, D. C. B 3"7 x
well fur easy work; eTamlnatlons ol nil
kinds sivin; booklet E-l'.9 describing pii
tlons and telling easiest and quickest way
to secure them is free. Write now.
Washington Civil Service School, Mary
land Bldg., Washington, D. C.
B 363 9x
M WEEKLY essllv earned (position per
manent i uistnnuting circulars, sauiiH!.,
for particulars. Commercial Advertising
Association, Philadelphia. Pa. B 394 9x
THERE Is big money In the brokersge busi
ness handling stocks, bonds and securi
ties; we teach you this dignified and
highly respected profession and guarantee
connection as branch manager or oia es
tablished brokerage business. The Ameri
can Brokerage College, 131 La Salle St.,
Chicago. B 3'1 9X
WANTED Lumberman to take charge of
yard, help unload cars, etc.; must be gornl
tally man. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha.
B 4i 9
WANTED Life and accident Insurance
agents accustomed to a profitable and
businesslike proposition. The best general
and railroad employes' policy Issued, with
guaranteed reserve endowment option.
This Is an excellent contract: good terri
tory. Address, with referem-e, American
Accident Insura'w Co., Lincoln, Neb.
B 415 9
FOUR or five young women of good moral
character wanted, to take til' training
course lor nurses at the Douglas County
hoopltal. Fine opportunity fur training
In Inedlcal and surgical nursing under
a competent staff of physicians, and
standard diploma at end of training.
Uniform, board and room furnished, with
$6 per month after acceptance. ApplV
to superintendent of nurses, Douglas
County hospital, Omaha, Neb. C MifJl
WOMAN WANTED Either widow or sin-
ale, with some money, to lane nan in
terest In mall order business. Will ex
plain In full upon interview. One to be
responsible for all moneys collected and
attend to office while 1 am out or city.
This Is a biu- raying and most satlsfac
torv business you can find. Address G
34. Bee. C M248 9x
GIRL8 to operate power machine in shirt
and overall factory; permanent work. SL
E. Smith & Co.. 11th and Douglas Sts.
C 097
M 0OWELL Dreaomaklng school, 1623 Farn.
C-M721 D27
6 housekeepers, Canadian office 18 AV Dodge
C M194 x
-1 1
WANT a young girl to assist In ligut
housework. KM St. Mary's Ave.
C 221 8x
wanted Exoerleneed chocolate dippers;
steady poitlon ( per wtex. umana
Candy Kitchen, 510 No. 10th. C 234 9x
GIRL for general light housework. 2620
St. Mary's Ave. . C 222 ix
VANTED-At once, several holly wreath
makers. Sue Mr. MCMiuan, main noor.
The Bennett Company. C M2Jt 9
STRICTLY first-class bookkeeper and
cashier in wholesale no use; gouo salary.
Address H-2t, care Bee. C blZJa 9x
WANTED At once, ten experienced sales-
ladles for jewelry section, nee Mr. Wil
liams, first floor, The Bunnett Company
C M2i3 10
BTT7NOORAPHER Remington, .V.
WESTERN KEF. ti. BO.xu A sri is, lrvu.,
Suite 840-z N. x. Lire via.
C-M2S0 S
WANTED Clerks in our book and station- I
ery departments. Apply to air. Brewster,
book department. J. L. Brandeis Sons.
C M274 10
WANTED A good girl to do Plain wash-
ln and lronlnar at tne crecne, itn and
Hamey. C-261 9x
WANTED At on-e. twenty capable, ex-
porlenced sales ladles; see time keeper,
3d floor. The Bennett Co. C M273 10
COMPETENT stenographer; state expe
rience ana salary expectea. nnress
W 33. care Bee. C 9
a GIRLS at once for steady work; good
pay. Hem is Omaha taw uo., entiance on
Hth St. viaduct. o M1U5
WOMAN cook, at one; good wages. 2215
Howard St. o mji io
LADIES to work piece work; $3 per dozen;
materials furnished; no canvassing;
steady work; stamped envelope. Best
Mfg. Co., Champlatn Bldg., Chicago.
C-3S5 9x
SEWERS Gingham aprons: make highest
wages; material sent to door free of
charge; stamped addressed envelope for
particulars. L. P. Richards, 45"4 Cottage
Grove Ave.. Chicago. C 393 9X
WANTED Idles to take advantage of
great Xmaa offer of regular ioc Imported
India Linnn hemmed aprons In white;
workmunsnlp most beautiful ever put on
market. 36 Inches long, very nobby, spe
cial design, limited number. 4c registered.
Address orders to American Apron
Dert. 10, 4504 Cottage Grove Aye., Chi
cago. - C CO 9x
WANTED Good cook, with references.
Apply to Mrs. Edward Heyden, 2016 Cass
Bt. C M444 11
WANTEt Experienced lady bookkeeper
for wholesale house. Address o 4.. Bee.
C-M439 11
WANTED An sgent to sell stock In a
aood southern Nevada Mining Co. Stock
a good iuvestrosnt and seller. Address
U 13. Bee. J M144 10
B1J.NL 15 cents ror our wonder Dox; con
tains 6 cakes toilet soap and ( solid sll
veroid spoons; sells for 35 cents. Acme
Chemical Co., 56 Fifth Ave.. Chicago.
J 3M 9x
AGENTS Bend sddress for sample copy
our magazine of money making plans: 11
dollars for you. James Slielton, Glen-
wood. N. M- J-383 9x
AGENTS $5 per day and expenses mad.f
taking orders for photo pillow tops, en
larged from photos; everyliody orders;
we furnish complete outfits. Fidelity por
trait Co., L'O b. Paulina St.. Clihago.
J 0 9x
$76 WBtKLf easily made fitting eye-
lasses; write today for free "iMaiklet 6.'
tells how. National Optical Cohere.
Bl. LX1UIB. j d, vx
AGENTS Roth sex.- We have the best linn
of Holiday Goods; something new; good
side line; sample fret. Address I. O Box
1567, Nevv York. J-I3T x
BIG Christmas money for agents; best
seller at this season you can handle; every
mo, nan buys; act quick. Common Hense
Mfg. Co., 1S Oilve St.. St. Louis. Mo.
J 3.6 fx
WANTED Idy agents to sell ladies' fur
nishings; no schemes nor premiums: no
depoait or security required; straight busi
ness: If you want to earn money for
Christmas write us. Standard Notion Co..
lH-troll. Mich. J 350 tx
WE START YOU selling diamonds. Don't
fall gelling our liberal offer; $5 dully sure
CurUn 1 "lain. ini Co., by iacuo N. Y
Mention paper J 32J 9x
WANTKTJ Agents and vanvassers working
through the country and small towns and
viliasi -. to handle us a side line the great
est money-maker of Its kind In the coun
try. Every farmer and almost every
householder will Imy It m sight. Costs
littli and pays big. Din't pa"" b.v
but send a f etal today to Box vi7 C,
Freilerii ktown, O. , i 841 9x
WANTK1 Gentleman or lady of fair edu
cation to travel for mercantile house; of
large capital. Territory st home or
nU.xid to suit. Weekly salary of II, OX)
per year and expenws. Address Joseph
A. Alexander, Omaha, Neh. J 3b3 9x
MENDINtl TTSSC H A labor sivrr; en
dorwd by dressmakers, housewives, etc.
ltiusirated ra tab -true and sample by mall,
la cents. Aeents wanted. Arlon Supply
Co., a W. Ravenawool Pk., Chicago.
J-J.V.I x
AGENTS Something extraordinary : self
generating gas burners, fitting keresenn
lamps; brilliant, white gas light; Inderal
Inducements ; exclusive territory; positive
monopoly; desi rlptiiri free: estanllsheil,
flinble. F.:i stern Gas Light Co.. 2J)
Broadway, New York. J 33ti x
AGENTS WANTED To Introduce re
cently pn tented revolver with new sys
tem sis'lit on: assures quick, accurate
aim In sliontln trotn horsebtrk or rap
idly moving vehicles: n!so whllr; walking
or running; write for particulars. Mulica
Co., lit. Broad St., N. 1. City, room M.
J-390 x
WE SEND you free dlrectlrms for letterlrur
windows, you can make $lrt a day; experi
ence unnecessary Isew yoik uoi l bijn
Letter Co., 113 Fulton St., New York.
J 418 9
$100 A MONTH and traveling expenses paid i
men to place Pepto-Protein (for stock aim
poultry) with dealers; expenses ad
vanced. K. Darel Co., Parsons, Kan
WE PAY t?.f, a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's contrnct. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
64, Parsons, Kan. J
AGENTS General
agents, house canvass-
ers; both sexes
110 dally. Suvl
; sell Snvlo gas Jet heater;
o, 1070 3d Ave., New TorTC
j vr.i nx
AGENTS can easily make tW per day sell
ing our fast selling holiday specialties to
merchants; enormous demnnd: write
niiiek. Sullivan Co.. 4"6 Van Buren St.,
Chicago, 111. J tl 9x
AGENTS WANTED Ladles can make S
to 10 dollars a day se'llng our pattern
coupons; our six months free subscription
to each purchaser of coupon pet effects
ready Rules: write and secure territory
now.' Address Stvle and Fashion, 25 to
27 Third Ave., New York. J 3(16 9x
WANTED Agents-to sell Dry Flit Insoles,
a boon to rheumatic, callous and tenner
feet; 100 per cent profit. Dry Fut Insole
Mfg. Co., 302 W. 13th St., New York.
J 376 3X
WANTED Men with team and rig to sell
a Hue of high-grade family remedies,
tipices and extracts to consumers; must
bo honest, sober and Industrious. The
Gladstone Medicine Co., Hawarden, la.
L Motis
WHIP salesmen; we want first-class whip
salesmen to handle our line January 1;
mubt have good references; prefer ex
perienced men with established trad.!.
Cnl ted males Whip Co., Wen UK Id, Mass.
L on ix
SALESMEN Travel for old, reliable whale-
Hale house, staple Hue, sells to all class
of merchants, good hustler for Nebraska
and Iowa territory for 19o7; tJiO a month
and expenses. Address Box St. ixuus,
Mo. L 381 t)x
WANTED Experienced traveling salesmen,
expect January 1 to make few changes In
our sclltngg force, taking on some new
salesmen and opening up some new ter
ritory, won advertised line to sell coun
try, general stores and druggists: replies
confidential; state nge. experience, amount
of sales in nrst letter. Box to-', Chicago.
L 379 !'x
SALESMEN WANTED For vacancies Jam.
1, two high grade, experienced traveling
salesmen lor specialty line; positions per
manent; compensation commensurate with
ability. Address X iXi, care Bee.
L 345 9X
SALESMEN To sell Loose Leaf Ledgers,
Bill Registers and other ofllce helps;
needed by every business man; fine sido
lines. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend,
Ind. L 352 9x
SALESMEN Experienced advertising cal
endar men; something new to add to your
line of 1W7. Box 8. Patent Novelty Co..
Fulton, 111. L 353 9x
WANTED Several high-grade, experi
enced road salesmen for 19a7; men capa
blo of earning large salaries; staple line;
old established Jobbing house. Address
llio Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis,
Minn. L 335 9x
SALESMEN Big money; new thing; get
territory st once; all stores buy; no com.
petition. Send 10c to cover postage of
samples. Koon Bros., 461 11 North Ave.,
Chicago, 111. L 334 9x
SALESMAN wanted to sell laces, embroid
eries, direct from importers to country
merchants; small towns; musjt have trade.
Marks Co., 416 Broadway, New York.
L-33 9x
SALESMAN capable of earning at least
per year, wnn tun line or soaps,
extracts, etc., on a co-operative plan with
retail dealer meeting mail-order competi
tion. Colonial Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich.
SIDE LINE traveling men can make $25 to
.! per weeK carrying side line or most
up-to-date advertising fans of our exclu
sive and special designs. Season now
opening. Apply at onoe. The Kemper
Thomas Co., Fan Dept., Station H, Cin
cinnati, O. L 326 9x
SALESMAN Experienced In any line, to
sen general trade In Nebraska. An unex
celled specialty proosltioti; vacancy Jan.
1; commissions, with $.5 wetkiy. The Con
tinental Jewelry Co.. Cleveland, O.
L 419 9x
GROCERY salesmen wanted; for country
only: A few honest, energetic men may
secure exclusive territory soli hotels,
restaurants, farmers and other large con
sumers; permanent and profitable employ
ment; state present occupation and men
tion references. John Sexton & Co.. whole
sale grocers, Chicago. L 407 9
SALESMEN for 1!W to handle our line In
Nebraska: we rant men making over $10)
per wees, nign commissions; permanent
position for capable salesman. McAlllster
Conian Company, 356 Dearborn St.. Chi
cago. L 3M 9x
ACTIVE! salesmen earn $300 per mouth sell
ing as specialty and nair that amount ai
side line; staple, frequent repeater. Man
ufacturers, Box llsS, St. Louis, Mo.
L 365 9x
CIGAR salesman wonted In vour locaJitv.
vnr nun country iraae; salary and ex
peusea or commission; experience unnec
essary, niaaison Cigar Co., Dept. 67 To
ledo, Ohio. L 373 9x
WANTED A good, live, hustllns renresent
ative. one having knowledse and familiar
wnn our class or goods, sole and harness
leether and shoe store supplies, to sell
our lines In Nebraska, to begin In Janu
ary; advise with references where and
now long formerly employed snd salary
un-utTu, .'ibu ji eummission will pe (l'erer-
anie. jvncnigan Ueather Co., Detroit,
1441 9
WANTED City and traveling salesmen by
new munuiai Hiring company; salary
guaranteed, tall Thurston Hotel. 1 or
p. m. Monday. A. J. Warren. Surf.
L-M322 10X
YOUNG man wants place to work for
bourd and loom while going to school.
Boyle's College. Til. Doug. 1M. A-19!'
SALESMAN with ten years' experience
wants i-u.ple account. Can furnish best
of reference from present einplojers. Ad
dress M-28. care Boe. A M266 tx
YOUNG man, oompetent and experienced
stenoarshpiier, desires position Immedi
ately. Address N 29, Bee. A M2a2 9x
COMPETENT office man. executive or cler
ical, 33 years old, wants position January
1; fifteen years' experience In banking
and grain business; first-class references.
Address P 81, care Lee. A 2Si7 14x
COLLlXiE graduate who has traveled Eu
rape and America writes papers tor club
w-oinnu and arranges course of study for
clubs. Addreas Y-114, care Bee.
A.-307 X
EXPERIENCED clothing man that speaks
nv kind of German wants a position aa
ol rk. Address D-37, Bee. A 31 J x
A LIVE MAN would like position with
real estate tlrm. Address B .55, care Beo.
A .101 9
. . t
POIjORED gentleman desires
Jan tor or porter; can give
references. Addrens D. Z.
Cttmlng St.
position a
the best of
Staten. KfO
A-W x
WANTED Position as stenographer b
young man; exierienoed, cmpetent. p
Hal le; best of references. Address f. 5
Bee. A Mel? Ill
A Typewriter
As a Christmas Present
Is There Anything
More Appropriate?
1 ha shopping spirit I rife. Do it NOW.
We have Typewriters from Jlu to $!. It
isn't "Hobson's choice'
iiciu, but any-
.thing Yol' want
Blli'kcnnderfers ..
Smith Premiers ...
If you wish to soe
$12 to $..
$20 to $75.
IO l0.
$40 to $ia.
115 to Si.
$50 to $S5.
to fl.
$15 to $45.
$15 to $26.
something fine in
typewriter construction
see tne Nhw
STEARNS' VISIBLE, the very latest and
the very llnest lim niachlno on the market.
We are also selling agents for BL1CKENS-
for traveling men, ministers, or anyone
who wants to carry his writing machine
with him.
Come and see us, write or 'phone Red 6599.
Central Typewriter Exchange
Wholesale and Retail
1003 Leavenworth St.
If you contemplate making present, this
Is the chance of a lifetime. Will tell
very cheap all the furnishings of my
beautiful home, which are as good as
new and without scratch or mar. Evciy
thlng Is of the very best quality nml
workmanship. I have five-piece leather
and mahoitanv library suite and mahog
any library' table, tive-aicce tapewtry and
mahogany parlor set, beautiful brass cos
turners or hall trees, tit ass beds, hair
mattresses and box springs, chiffoniers
and dressers In Toona mahogany and
quarter-sawed oak, leather couches, over
stuffed leather chairs and rockers in oak,
parlor chairs and divans, mushroom Rook-
A typewriter would make a useful and
appropriate Christmas present. Below will
be found a few of our bargains: every one
Is in perfect condition and looks as good
ss new:
Donsmore No. 1 $
Dcnsmore No. 1..... 15.00
Den-smore No. 1 2".00
Dcnsmore No. 4..
Manhattan Model "A"..
New Century Model 5..
Remington No.
Remington No
20. 00
Remington No.
Remington No.
Remington No.
Oliver No. 3...
Oliver No. 3...
Underwood No.
Underwood No.
70. a
Smith-Premier No. 2 (new)...
Many other bargains too
numerous to
mention. Remember, we absolutely guar
antee every typewriter. These are special
prices for the ClirHjtnaLs season.
Fox Typewriter &. Supply Co.
Telephone Douglas 3874. 1824 Furnam St.
Q 216 9
OAND PIANO now on display In the win
dows of Matthews Piano Co.. 1013-15 Harney
I St.. will lie sold by Bealed bid to the person
i making - the highest offer before 6 p. in.
Dec. Zi, 06. Bios will be received at our
ofllce and opened by representatives from
each of the three dally papers at & p. m.
Dec. 22, '06. The piano is guaranteed new
and perfect, and the reputation of the Geo.
Stock la unquestioned. Some one Is bound
to have an elegant Xmss gift. Why not
you? We propose thin purely as an ad
vertisement and the highest bid will tako
tho piano regardless of cost to us. -You
are cordially Invited to call and examine
the piano. It will not be necessary to pay
the cash In full for the amount of the suc
cessful bid. We will accept payments as
low as $25 cash and $10 monthly, with simple
1513-15 Harney St. Q 431 9
wood and manugany center taDles, tine
pastels and paiiMlngs, lace curtains and
porticrs, hand-painted china, 9x12 Ax
minster rugs, large mantel mirrors, a
beautiful upright mahogany piano and
other furnishings too numerous to men
tion. TheBe goods must be seen to be
appreciated. Must sell within the next
ten days.
Call from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Take Harney
St. car. Get off at Fierce and Pa ike
Wilde. 1231 Parke Wilde. Q Mill 9x
TWO Besley letter cabinets. In good condi
tion, made or walnut and have two draw
ers each. Call at Bee business office and
get a bargain. Q 141x
SEND us you mall orders for drugs;
freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co., Omaha. Q 647
paint. Sherman k Mcconnell Drug Co.
Q 650
HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam.
Q 675
ONBC-lnch Jenkins' valve for sale. Apply
W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg.
Q M112x
FREE music lessons for S months with each
new piano purchased perore January 1,
MATHEWS PIANO CO., 1513 Harney St.
Q-a; bis
A FEW BARGAINS In second-hand soda
fountains; monthly payments. Derlght,
Isls Farnam. . Q u4
BOARDING and rooming house, snap it
sold at once. Address K 10, Bee.
Q-M964 8x
10 USED pianos and organs must be sold
before inventory January 1, IssJi. See us
for prices and terms.
MATHEWS PIANO CO.. 1513 Harney Bt
Q-216 D18
FOR SALE Well-bred sable and white
male Scotch collie dog. Call 608 So.
Ave. Q-M171 9
FOR SALE Numbering stamp, In good
condition. Inquire George R. Wright, Bee
office. Q M2S1
FOR SALE Young, fresh Jersey cow. $V24
Emmet 8t- Q Ml 73 9x
FOR BALK Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of
J. R. Ca..ipbell. Bee mail room. Q 518
FOR SALE Two oak bookcases, one china
cabinet with plate glaj-s shelves, one gas
range, one mahogany library table Call
afternoons or evenings 40lo Nicholas St.
WILL SACRIFICE my fine $.550 mahogany,
upright piano for $175 cash. Used less two months and as good as new;
also other line furniture. 1231 B. 7th St.
'Phone Douglas 461s. Q M267 9x
FOR SALE One oak
new. lutM 8. 2bth.
sideboard, almost
Q 311
APPLES FOR SALE Carload selected
Ganns and Ben Davis. Address Box 6.
Falls City, Neb. Q-Mi21 10
BARGAIN High grade upright piano;
cheap; party leaving for Texas. 416 N. iSii.
M409 Ux
OlyOBE- Wernli ke sectional bookcase: st a
hargHlu. 1819 Davenport. Q M4t-8 lux
GASOLINE ENGINE and wood-working
maclUnery for sale cheap. Apply Auchor
Fence Mfg. Co., 2o7 N. 17th St.
LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty.
118 N. lila MU Tel. Douc' 14-.
. Aiii VM
Ten must be attired In the proper manner.
The pressed shirt is the latest and ths
proper thing to wear; aolt, smooth tiuisn.
Look new; we do it.
R. R. Evans, Pres.
Tel. Douglua 2u4.
SEW IN CI machines rented, any mnke, i.-o
per week or $2.00 per month. ' conti
bsnd machltus for sale, $5.09 and up.
Neb. Cycle Co., luth and Harney.
Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. -
N U 6s
Buttons. Ruchlng.
Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink
ing; only 6c per yard. Send tor price list
and sample.
400 Douglas Block. TeU Douglas 1"W4.
U vn
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits casteff
clothing; In fact,- anything you do not
ned; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N.
Hth St.. for cost of collecting, to the
worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4IS5 and
wagon will call. U 5H
FREE medical Hnd mtrglcal treatment at
crvighton Medical college. 14th ana uv
enport Sis.; special attention pnli' to con
finement cns:-s; all treatment supervised
bv college pmfewsors. 'Phone Doug. 1167.
Calls answered day or night. I 129
THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and
Leavenworth Sts. Tel, Douglas IJsi.
Stammerers' Institute.
M AnNPTIf'rcatment and bath. Mme.
In AVJil C 1 lV8mith, 118 N. 15. 2d fl"or.
U 690
ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call
or write te the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 324 N. 24lh
Bt., Omaha, Neb. U M100
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba-
Dies ftflonteil The Conrl Ram irltan ani-
tarlum. 72S First Ave., Council Bluffs, la.
l eu n. U
PALMQl '1ST Custom
shoemaker, 4121
U M470 Ds
PENNELL Millinery Ca. 322 North 16th St.
U 6S)1 J5
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no
detention from business. Call or write
for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RUP
TURE CO., 511 Woodmen of World Bldg..
Omaha, U-62
Douglas 1659.
cleaning. Tel.
U K28 D14
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut
rices; send ror free catalogue. Myers
tllon Drug Co., Omaha. U 693
467, Omaha.
P. O. lock box
U-M8W D15x
Burkley Printing Co.
u MH10 uu
Masque costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115. Open ev.
u wit
COSTUMES. 3318 S. 20th.
Sack. Tel. Red 7073.
U M714 D27X
M Q5 (TP Swedish movement, 410 N.
JlOOilUU l6th room 2 second floor.
U MlftT J3
A Dollar Free for You
This coupon will bo taken as $1 payment
on a $10 purchase oi snoes, nats or dom
ing, balance paid as you earn it.
1520 Dodge St., Cor." KJth.
U-316 DM
DR. VOGEL'S private home for ladles be
fore and during coniinemcnt; best and
cheau'.-st In the city. 2319 S. 13th St.
U-129 J2
1313 Howard. leu uougias 604.
U 240 Dl
ARTISTIC piano tuning; work guaranteed.
Phone Doug. 7319. Mathews Piano Co.,
1513 Harney. u zm uis
Ee7.KMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax-
ton's salve. B. J. Scanell, agent, 5t9 Ware
Blk. u Zio O20
TYPEWRITERS All makes, for rent, $2 to
$4 montn. central lypewruer lxcnange.
1603 Leavenwortn. 'rnone K'o ti. ss.
U-Mdil D26
BUY from the
manufacturers. Hurl-ley
Envelope Co.
U MSll U31
NAME embossed in gold letters on Christ
mas presents, iienry u.. lagger. t. nariter
block. -
tvpf.writeRS rented. $2.50 per month;
all makes; satisfaction guaranieeii. r o
Typewriter & Supply Co., 1822 Farnam St.
T.ADIES If vou want a safe, speedy regti.
lntor that win please you aunress r-ost
Box 747, Omaha, Neb. U M135 J3x
WANTED The address of Horace N. Will-
sey, who lived in Douglas county, near
xtiilnrd or Klkhorn. Neb., in Its. Impor
tant Information furnlHlied. Address Fred
D. Maaon, 140 Uurr Blk., Lincoln, Neb.
U 342 9
MARRIAGE paper sent sealed: many
worth $1'0 to $l',ooo; lotn year, senu luc.
R. K. Love, Box 1600, Denver, Colo.
U 328 X
PRETTY widow, very affectionate, alone,
large fortune, wishes husband capanie or
managing her extensive business affairs.
Box 405, St. Joseph, Michigan. U 395 ?x
Mrs. H. B. Liggett will have an exhibit and
sale of hand-nulnted china at her Home,
2924 North 24th t.,r Wednesday, iee. i
1 , U-320 9x
ORDINARY skin ohanged to satin ' y Satin
akin cream and Satin skin powder, c.
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warta and moles
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allenaer. 422 N. Y.
Life. U
OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufacture
pure nour paste, ziiti uuming. telephone
Douglas 4t2l. U
DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases.
weaknesses, discbarges, regularities
cured painlessly aru safely. Wlthnell
block, loth and Harney, room 3, Omaha.
DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of womei
and children. Office, 22u5 Cumins. 'Phona
Douglas 3x67.
BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman Ac
McConnell Drug Co.. Omah. 696
FOUND Party who lost pocketbook at last
ruir sale at Brandeis can have same by
identifying property. Inquire Manager
Carpet Dept. Lost M.3o 8
LOST Lady's handbag containing railroad
ticket, money, and cards with name, Mrs.
Anna Pomy Giay. Chicago. Reward if
returned to iuo b. 22tli bt. Telephone Har
ney 3393. - Lost M2o9 9X
LOST Bunch of keys; dog tag on ring;
reward; return to general managers of
fice. C. B. & Q. Lofct M277 9x
LCST Ladles' brown pocketbook, Thurs
day evening, on 10th between Harney and
Dodge. Return fruit dept. Courtney's
grocery store and receive reward.
Lost 448 llx
WILLIAM WAPP1CH, commercial lawyer
and collections; corporation litigation and
claims collected; estates probated; ab
stracts and legal papers prepared. No
tary public. Croightou Blk.
J. M. Macfarland. 209 N.
flllllf Wui
Y. L.
lildg. Tel.
- Mr, 4 DSX
CHATELAIN School of Languages. Da?
and evening classes. Flench, German,
Spanish. Fencing. Davidge Bldg.
-826 H
VOICL' Instruation: oera oratorio, concert,
etc. Grace A Hitchcock, 625 S. l"h Bt.
, 'Phone Taj lor-iU-8. -MjoO x
A Good Opportunity to Make Some
Those who have Invested In Nevada
stocks in the last year have made lr:e
fortunes on a small im est ment , if there is
anv stock In that stat" that you want,
write or call on us We receive irp.ica
from all of the milling ' imps of Nevada.
Ri8 N. V. Lite Bldg.. Omaha, Neb.
Y-.M17D II
Io You Yisll to Make & Change
If you have a farm, home,
propel ty that uu Wunl to
ihange, write us.
business or
sell or ex-
Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, lu. I
Y -13J J2
Address E-5, care
V-79.1 J.x
Neb., has Imp. I arms, wild lands, slock
mdse. for sale. Can use other pio;H it as
partial payment. Y Mls5 D17x
FOR BALE Money making hardware sto k
of k..uw In best farming section of Ne
braska; a snap. L. F. Stoddard. Edgar,
Neb. V MM1 Ux
13 cents a share: our treasury stock for
the development of our properly; the best
opportunity In the Bullfrog district; i.ur
property is advantageously located; sur
rounded by the host mines of tli - district:
why not Invest mate our i reposition. For
particulars call or address
att N. Y. Lite Biaa.omunii, in- o
Y M17s 14
$50 WEEKLY and independence; 75 of our
machines lor vending sailed peanuts pay
an average dally protit of a; write 101
particulars; new proposition. Hllo Gum
Co., 43 So. Union St.. Chicago. Y 398 9x
70 ACRES, $i ncre. Take small house and
lot exchange; 31, acres, I2,.ii0; J acres.
In fruit. t;t.20i: 1-' acres. H In fruit. $.;,(.
Close C. B. Alva Smith Co., Council Bluffs
X Mill;
Tills book Is the result of our 20 years'
exjie.rience and tells ull about patents.
Illustrates 100 mechanical movements mid
contains a full history of all the great
money making Inventions of the century.
Book free to every due.
Patent Attorneys,
918 F St., Washington, D
Y 401 9x
STOCK In our electric air line R. R. from
Chicago to New York has aavunccu -u
per cent in 9u days. All stock of tho par
valuo of (liU H.-r share and all redeeniablo
at par by the road; $21 per month for in
mouths now buys 10 sliares of tho par
value of $1,000. Price goes, to $11) Decem
ber 15. Don t miss the chance, as uu our
8tiK.-k will be at par within one year.
For full particulars call on or address
W. F. Parker, 809 New York Life Bidg.,
Omaha. 'Phone Douglas 3o6. Y' 309 9
YOU can never profit by business chances
unless you have some money; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings account with J. L. Bran
deis Ac Sena, Bankers, ltiln and Douglas
Sts. Assets over 400,0u0. V
TURNED Illustrated guide dook ana list
of Inventions wanted, free to any ad
dress. Patents secured by us advertised
free in Worlds Progrtss. Sample copy
free. Evans, Wilkcns & Co., 5S F St.,
Washington, D. C. Y
FOR SALE Small stock of groceries und
fixtures at Uretna. ixcn. ; gooa location;
stock new and clean. Inquire Taxlon &
Gallagher Co. for particulars.
Y M210 10
WANTED By experienced hotel man, to
rent, commercial hotel in a country town;
furnished preferred. Address Box 206,
Topeka, Kan. Y-M208 13x
Drug; stores for sale. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. Life
-V M B1
Goldnold has it In lightweights and mines;
all the news and export advice on prop
erties and stocks mailed free every week
by W. F. Bond & Co., Goldtleld, Nev
Send them your name and address.
Y-3411 9x
health has compelled me to go out or the
hardware business and 1 oner my stock
which is up-to-date, no hand-me-down;
best location and one ol the best ar
ranged stores in the state; also my resl.
deuce property. Write J. V. Hyder, York,
Neb. x M2w
WRITE for market letter, sent free upon
request; complete resume Nevada mining
operations. Piitrlc:: Elliott & Camp,
Conservative Brokers and Mine Makers.
Goldtleld, Nevada. Y-270 Sx
FOR SALE A stock of general merchan
dise in a splendid town of Sou, the third
more in town; have been in business
three years: new stock; will do business
of over $iooo this year, having other in
terests. In interested, answer quick; no
trade. Address C. O. Olson, Holdrege,
Neb. Y 357 9x
FOR SALE4 The principal hardware stock
In Shenandoah, lu.; will invoice abctit
$fi,0t. Gisjd reason for selling. Address
Hardware, care Gen'l Delivery, Shenan
doah, la. Y 332 9
FOR SALE Business handling a small sta
ple article recently patented, needed by
every farmer and highly recommended;
sells to agents. Joblans, retailers; line for
mail order business; big profits; sells on
sight; might trade for deor Income prop
erty or land. Box life, E.lra. la. Y 414 9
Pool Hall and Barber Shop
This business Is In a good location and
Is a paying one. Four pool tables and -i
complete barber outht. Everyinlng In the
very best Of condition. Now Is the Ulna
u Duy mis to get nig proms, j-rice si.wj.
330 Board of Trude. 16th und l-'ainain.
X U6 9
RESPONSIBLE representatives wanted to
tell higii-graiie mining slocks; only I hi so
capable of eurnlnii li j a week will be
considered; blrietiy basis.
Box DD IV!, Herald, Downtown, New
York. i-36l 9x
WHEAT $1!. 5o buys live ups and live
downs; good for one week. 2-ce.:t advance
or decline from juice; gives lou profit;
write for imrtii-uiars. ( ommerec Grain
Co., Commerce Uldg., Chicago. Y 3o9 x
INCORPORATE Cond uct your business by
modern methods and prevent Individual
responsibility; details arranged and capi
tal furnished. Corporation Company of
America, 68 William St., New York.
Y-3T2 9x
A SNAP Good paying1 newspaper and (ob
office lu one of the best towns in the slate,
can be bought lor 4-'. ). hall cash, bal
ance on easy lei mi-; two-revoluiloii cylin
der und good jobber; plant cost 3,0ii;
everything up-to-date; business ull on
cash basis. Wiiu quick to W., cine
1'ublibhers' Newspaper Union, Lincoln,
Neb. Y M441 lox
81-ROOM, eastern Nebraska; big snap;
furniture and fixtures, .,!). iu-rooio,
building ami furniture, tlM'n; part time;
cun lease for three years $K0 per month.
Western Hotel Brokeih, 1221 Farnam St.,
Omaha. Y 422 9
DO YOU need capital to extend or si. -t
business? if so, write before unang..g
els-:wiiere; exceptional fuciiitiej for piac
llig stocks and bonds. Everett Dufoiir,
attorney, Lo Droit Bldg., Washington,
D. C. Y-376 9x
THERE Is a way to make money in Ne
vada mining stocks. We will tell you how
In our market letter, sent free for asking.
Patrick Elliott Ai Camp "Consi tvhI ve
Brokers and Mnie Makers, " (.ol. field,
Nevada. Y- 314 9x
FOR LEASE Republican newsafier and
plant, run 6 years; best terms given; ref-
rente required. Address immediately,
Y 229, care Bee. Y-341 x
WANTED A good registered druggist, with
about, to pun I in te a drug store lu
central Nebraska town of '." imputation
that will slund closest Invcstlgaliotl. Am
now dispensing, but will pieseribo und
make it u good luveHtment for the right
party. Address Doctor, caro Porn r-IUcr.
tou-liooblor ta i-ii 9
OPERATE Kiini machines: we have an ab
solute inoelty In the i-htwiog gum busi
ness; wiite ti-dt 1 1 llo t - mi Co., No 111
So. Ui ion St.. Chicago. Y 9
MERITORIOUS enterprises i nine.-d; boml
and stock Issues mgotiiied. railinad. in-dutr-al
and powi i projms; ions a rp-4
clilty. highest refi rem cs tlx n nml ra
mmed. Banker. Bissau. .N. 1.
SEND for "Successful Method" "r.f tradln
111 I
In gr.iin Willi sin. ill lapusl; hooUlct
market letter sent flee, ici-nine Citn
S'oek A.- Co., Commerce Blog., I'liieago
V 3,0 !x
"WHERE K'Olt'l'UNES R1: MADE" is i
bi i k about Atlantic City and I'h n-.llit-vllle
Terrace; how land 'bought at $14 ai
acre Is now selling at l." a fool; how
$J." liuestcd then- made I '.". per cent In si
months. Wiite for a copy todiv It f
free. Atlantic Clt Instate Cc-.. V-ti Drexci
Bldg , 1'hlludelphl.i. Y- 37 4 :'x
l'Xlt SA1.E-A sunk of general merchan
dise In ii gissl town of e.iio d dng a goo I
business. about J'lO.tnn yearly; stock
cban and nice 'This is a good opiHirtunlty
for any one to step Into a goisl business.
Answer quick: no trade. Address C. O.
Olson, Holdiege. Neb. Y K6 9x
FOR S.1.E--Hlacksmlth and wagon shop;
well located, with extra good business,
Townseiul Realty Co., Fremont. Neb.
Y M2"i5 D25
WE HAVE a site, ground fie
that will double "-on:- nione;
vestlgatlou asked, llo not
but W''lte for tni'oi niat loti ti
Guarantie and 'Trust Co., .::
Bldg. Portland. Ore.
nr investment
. l'ullest In.
pass this v.
i tin- Broker's
2-r.-24 Failing
Y- M.'ll x
IJew pian
X f
which no other company can afford td
make. You got the
Iia.ns on Furniture. Piano Hoists.
Wagons, Warehouse Receipts or Salaries,
Reliable Credit Co.,
307-308 Paxton Block',
tiioxi; norouAS uu
Open evenings wi p. in. until
Chr IstmasV
V 4 !l
Save Something During
Start tight now. Get out of the old rut yoi$
were In so long. Let us show you how.
i.uuii pny on your Lrouoiesome uenis and
concentrate all you owe.
Lowest Charges
Liberal Rebate
Omaha (Mortgage Loan Co.,
119 Board of Trade Bid,-. - 300 S. 16th St,
(Established ISM.) Tel. Doug. 22U5.
and others furnished money upon thelg
own names, without security; easy pay
ments; ofliccs in 63 principal cities. Save
yourself inonoy by getting my terms first.
D. II. 10L.V1A.N,
714 New York Life Bids.
has increased Its capital und during the
month of December will make u speciul
rale on collateral loans, mortgages, on
personal property and Individual notes,
without security. Terms to sun your con
veniences. Phone Douglas .'W, or call
at 310 Boe Bldg. X-MMO 2
loaned on furnituie, salary, pianos, horses,
etc., in any amount; less than half rates
perfect privacy, immediate attention; any
terms wanted; aymeiiis suspended when
sick or out of work. 214 Kurbueh Blk.
Juit South :5th SU K ioo
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels op
salary; easy to get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at sum 11 cost.
Open evenings till 7. X 701
If you want a quick loan on the y. T. droo
a line. P. O. Box 648. City. X M622
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For chattel or
salary loans. 632 l'axton block. 'Phone.
Douglas-745. X MS16
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE, reliable, accom
modating; all business confidential. 1301
Douglas. X 702
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew
elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 310 S.
lath. X-7o
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duft
Green Loon Co., room 8. Barker Block.
CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley;
Loan Co.. UiM Faniatii St. C '.05
WANT TO EXCHANGE 2-story flut build
ing, 2016 N. 31st St., Omaha, renting for
ill per month, for automobile, 4 to t
seats and 20 or more II. 1'. iM.u iilue
must be tlrst class and in t;ood running
order. C.ivu price. O. B. Manvllle. Oak.
dale, Neb. ', M212
IF YOU do not find what you want In this
column put an ltd. in und you will soon
get it. ii 92
CHOICE located mnd-rn steam heated Chl-
-ago apartment building; mortgage 115, oo;
rents $3,54.1; tor $15, i ": char farm or cityi
property. Address W3 Eisner Bldg., rViU
cago. Ux
FOR SALE or trade for stock hdw. or Im
plements, 31'0 acres line hay land, 10 mllesl
from Madison. Box 242, Madison, Nob
Z-351 Ox
I HAVE two good bill k buildiiigs. In good
eustern Nebraska town, ami some cash, to
exchange for goisi Impro-.el 3n acres Ne
braska or Iowa bind. Address S 3.'. care
B' e. , -iol
F. J. LARSON & CO, patent lawyers;
patent book free. Bee Bldg., Oniuha. Neb.
proi-ured, Inventions developed, drawings,
patterns, costings, mat Into woik. t4-u:l
8. luth St. 731
PATENTS secured and sold. 1 fc. Nat
Investment to., Douglas block, 16th
Podjje. M254 J6
WANTED To buy secoridliand furniture,
stoves, carpets, clothing an.! shoes; pay
inv uesv pi ices. lei. 1 10 aulas-J.o I
- M74U i3
WANTED-S nd-haiid mink coat
II J. C. Rockewell, Dnwir Mli.
Liens. la. N-
. 42 or
HORSI .4 wintered; large
bai b-wire f nclng. Keysti
Tel. Benson 311. P. O. i
box stalls; no
inn Stock Fai ui.
dd:i mi, liensun.
P-M.12K .'1
HORSES All kinds. Myers.
1715 Jackson,
I'-M.Si i