Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 15

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Edison PSinnnffranSis
t ' .' ' i, A J I 73 J "W ABl rXCT
1,1 ww.v
jpg.r3 50,000
New Records
to select from
Frco Concerts Daily
1907 Models $10 to $100
Nothing Down We offer to Bell you an Edl
on or Victor Talking Machine on the condition
that you ry for the Records only, and begin to
pay for the Instrument thirty days later. WE
T4II, ORDERS. Write for catalogue.
Our Wholesale Department Is the largest,
most complete and best equipped In the west.
We carry the largest stock to be found In the
west If you are a dealer or want to handle a
line of Phonographs, write us for our liberal
We Aro the Only Independent Sewing Machine House in Omaha
"White" Sfewing Machines King of Them All
The "White has built up a reputation for quality work that is world-wide. It is no
trouble at all to show what it win do. They come in either movement, Vibratory or Eotary
Shuttle. Forty years intelligent catering to family sewing machine trade exclusively has
resulted in the production of a machine that will please and satisfy the most critical uaet.
We carry a large and well assorted stock of makes, and we will svef
yon money. If you want a cheap machine Tor ?15, see us; we nave inem.
Drop-Head Machines, slightly used, but In flrst-claes condition.
with attachments.
New Home $18.00
Eldridge $15.00
Standard $25.00
White , $30.00
Box Machines, any make, from $5.00 to $12.00
We rent machines, 7 Be per week or $2.00 per month. We repair and
sell parts for all makes of machines. OPEX EVERY EVENING.
Wheeler & Wilson . $20.00 to $30.00
Household $8.00
Domestic $23.00
Singer $20.00 to $30.00
' - ,. , "?'
Nebraska yele ompany
Corner Fifteenth and Harney, Omaha
324 Broadway, Council Dluffs... Phone 0618 Ceo. E. Mickel, Mgr.
Rears a Happy . Home With Wife,
Dambteri and Son Carred
from Pin Block.
In the thriving little town of Fort
Bragg-, Mendocino county, CaL, lives Wil
liam Bennett. There is no citizen more
respected than he. He is an electrical
engineer by profession and ban charge
of the town's electric light plant. He
la (0 years of age, alert, hard-working,
well-to-do and respected.
Mr. Bennett doesn't nay anything about
hi" old life his life back in the hills of
the New England states where he fell
madly in love with a winsome lass. 8hc
promised herself to him only to be fickle
In the end. She married another man.
There was nothing for poor Bennett to
do then but to take his grief and his
utter blackness of life as far away from
the old scenes of his love-dream as he
could. He went to California. There he
He had money in the bank, a respon
sible position, the friendship of the
townspeople and a reputation above re
proach. He made up his mind that he
would build himself a home, even if ttiere
was no woman in the world to brigtiten it
for him. 1
That house Is done now and furnished
completely. It has a parlor, dining room,
kitchen, bathroom and four bedrooms.
And there the man who craves the love
that will never bo his lives in peace and
content with his wooden family, all the
creatures of his hands. His home is ons
of the prettiest in all the town. There
is a piano In the parlor, a sewing machine
In his wife's room, lace curtains in the
windows. There are cut glass and the
thinnest of china, Angora rugs, heavy
carpets, cretonne hangings. Every loom
is papered with taste. It is a home of
which any man might well be proud. And
the bedrooms, where sloep those wooden
folk, are models of dainty prettlness and
comfort with their spotless linen, their
fresh, bright wall papers and their im
maculate floors.
There is something sad in all this do
mcstlo comfort. Mr. Bennett can not ex-
plutn it himself. In a sort of way h
came to understand that be had been
created a domestic man and needed
home and family; the one woman who
could have been his wife would not be
and gradually the Idea came to try to
solve the problem.
Indeed, it was a lonely home this
pretty nest fit for any family. There was
the canary, to be sure, and the cat and
her kittens and the watchdog and the
flowers that he planted regularly every
spring. But no one save he dwelt there.
And then the idea.
He would carve out for himself a
family of blocks of wood. He would start
with a wife. He would make her the
Ideal woman he had dreamed of so often,
and there would be children, too children
who would be marvels of filial respect
and family love.
The idea, once conceived, took full pos
session of the man. He was already
skilled with tools. He .began his task
with enthusiasm and day by day the
work progressed. He spared no pains;
It was a labor of love. And as he worked
he found himself In love with this wooden
image of the woman his own hands were
fashioning, full slse and true to life.
It was finished. His home was no longer
empty; there was a wife to sit with Mm at
table and attend to the household duties
while be was absent at business.
And she really does perform the duties of
a housewife, In semblance at least. At the
proper time you will And her dusting the
parlor in automatic quiet. There Is the
duster in her hand, but it moves not. An
other time she will be seated at the piano,
her hands stretched across the unrespon
sive keys. Tou will And her in the kitchen,
standing before the table, rolling pin in
hand, making Imaginary bread. She would
be the model wife Mrs. Bennett, as her
husband calls her oould she move and
speak for herself.
But the wife is only on r this Inter
esting wooden family. There are the five
daughters and a son. Edith May, the
eldest, was married recently and her
father, Mr. Bennett, made for her a splen
did wooden husband. Sometimes the neigh
bors got glimpses of their honeymooning,
the husband kissing bis bride or holding
his arm around her waist.
No on in Fort Bragg laughs at this pa
thotlo attempt of a lonely man to surround
himself with beings he may love. In fact,
people have humored him in his loneli
ness. He has a responsible position and
bis credit Is ot the best and Bennett Is
no miser. lie buys all sorts of things for
his wife and daughters, candy, flowers.
A-- 17
Xmas Candies
'HETHER you are buying candy for the
home, for church fairs or for Christ
ma entertainments, you should be In
terested, above all things in the purity of the
candles. The candy we sell is made by us In
our own confectionery, under our personal
supervision, and we can vouch for Its purity
and wholesomeness. Notwithstanding; the as
surance you have of quality and purity, we
name prices that are not equaled by any other store selling an equal
prade of srweetiuekta.
You must not compare our candles with the stuff sold by some
btores, some of which Is absolutely unfit to be eaten by adults or chil
dren. Choose quality and not quantity In buying Christmas candy.
W manufacture every known kinds of candy.
6 our beautiful fancy Christmas boxes and baskets. All kinds and
special prices made to churches and societies on Christmas candy In
DYBALL 1518 Douglas St.
"The Pnlnce of Sweets'
Jewelry, clothes. His son Is usually for
The women of Fort Bragg have no hesi
tancy In - calling occasionally upon Mrs,
Bennett and her five daughters. If they
are "out" the visitors leave their cards.
But more often they are "in." Sometimes
Mrs. Bennett is reclining on the couch
In the parlor with one of the newest novels
In her hand. Sometimes she Is bending
busily over the sewing machine; oftener in
the kitchen. Sometimes she Is at the
table with her family, food cooked for all
and Bennett at the head of the table
carving the roast.
The Fort Bragg people have accepted
this strange condition of things and respect
Mr. Bennett's own personality. No one
dreams of making fun of this pathutlo
figure of a man who knows his profession
well, keeps the conventionalities of life
and has to content himself with a wooden
family Instead of a real one. He la very
frsnk in talking about It, too.
William Bennett is a thoroughly satisfied
and contented man. He spends his spar
hours In caring for his family, and many
nights after his day's business Is finished
he may be seen going into the dry goods
store, looking at and examining the latest
patterns and materials with never-falling
interest and a keen eye to their suitability
for his daughters.
The jewelers of the town know him well.
Many pieces to order have been made by
them for Mr. Bennett's family and they
know that when Christmas or any anni
versary oomea Mr. Bennett will do his
share of the buying. Even the candy chops
are well patronised, for all the girls are
fond of sweets and their father is not
niggardly in his gratification of their
likings. Chicago Chronicle.
Open evenings, Frenser, Jewei
Full Dress Suit, rJio W, made to sell for
106, at Bennett's Clothing Dept., $36.
Dog's Drinks High.
A big touring car rolled up to the entrance
of a roadside "hotel" on the north shore
er.e day last week, with two nan on (.be
front seat and two women and a beautiful
cocker spaniel In the tonneau. One of the
men ordered some drinks for the party,
and as tiiey sat refreshing themselves the
spaniel mad It known that he also was
"He wants a drink," cooed one of the
"Well, how about it?" remarked th man
who was driving the machine to the Gor
man waiter.
"Valt a minute," replied that functionary,
and h disappeared behind the swinging
doors leading to the barroom. Presently he
emerged, cirrylng a tin drink shaker filled
with water. The cocker barked his appre
ciation and scrambled up on the seat near
est to th point where the waiter was hold
ing th tin vessel.
Whan th dog had finished drinking one
of the women opened her purse and handed
the waiter half a dollar. He made more
out of that order than his employer had
for th other drinks. Chicago Inter Ocean.
Where Gold ted Film Ewc ii Accepted
and Ho Questions liked.
Oarrromfst Assay Office la Hew York
a Mecca for Burglars and
Beyond the Reach f
th Police.
rid it ever occur to you tiiat your lTncl
Fam runs the greatest "fenre" for thieves
end burglars In the United Ptates? Start
Una;, but true, he spends millions a year
on the secret service nnd the postnmre de
tective foree. Yet in the government assay
office in Wnll street ho runs the bluest
snd most convenient "fence" for stolen
gold and silver In the country.
And while the New York office is the
largest fence In the country, the other
assay establishment are exactly the same
thing. The proceeds of countless burglaries
all over the country run Into them as Into
a mill, to come out a shining grist of clean
gold dollars. For at all of these plunder
mills Uncle Sam not only refines the spoils
of gold and silver thieves in general, but he
also buys a good proportion of the result
ing precious metal at market price and no
questions asked. And the rest can be sold
at the bullion establishments on the same
terms Just across the street good, clean
money by the kindness of genial Uncle
Sam for the criminal's plunder.
Of course the government does not do
this out of any benevolent feeling toward
that eccentric man about town, the bur
glar. The conversion of the loot into mar
ketable bullion or coin of the republic is
but a part of the enormous business In
refining, mostly for legitimates purposes,
that the federal administration does every
year for the coinaKe, for use in the arts,
for the Jewelry trade. Yet no one realizes
how great a figure in that total Is cut by
the loot of midnight marauders .and with
what ridiculous case every sort of plun
derer that makes plate, trinkets. Jewelry
cr any other gold or silverware his spe
cialty has been allowed for years to m ike
his loot an easily marketable product
nay, sometimes to convert It immediately
into clean money through the kindness of
Uncle Sam.
Everything; Goes.
At the Wall street mill of the precious
metals, for Instance, $3,100,000 worth of
"gold Jewelers' bars, old plate, etc.," was
refined and bought during the year ended
July 1, 190$. Nearly a million more in sli
ver of the same class went through the
mill, coming out as gsod, clean dollars.
And it is admitted by officials of the assay
office that more than half of this mass of
gold and Bllver is the proceeds of burgla
ries. In other words, Uncle Sam plays the
part of chief fence extraordinary and pleni
potentiary to the housebreaking profession
in an annual amount of mor? than $2,0OO,(AX)
in New York City alone and something
like $10,000,000 In the whole country.
The "old plate" which contributes to this
Illicit total Is merely the plate which has
been plundered from various sideboards,
had its monograms and other marks of
identity removed and then been battered
up a little more to give it the appearance
of age.' The "Jewellers' bars" are the re
sult of dropping the settings of rings, watch
cases, brooches, match safes and plate of
either unusual and easily identified or much
advertised design both gold and silver
into a plumber's melting pot. The gasoline
flame is hot enough to fuse the metals Into
a mass lacking all signs of original identity
A turn of the pt Into a rough mold of
black sand, and you have the "Jewellers'
bars" of commerce, which Uncle Sam so
delights to refine and pay good money for.
Anyone who does not accidentally drop
"jimmy" on the threshold can deposit
these bars and old plate in the Wall street
office. Aji appearance of respectability is
all that is essential In the bearer of the
brick of stolen bullion, with a plausible
story for use In the rare event of suspicion
being aroused. That any reasonable story
will do is abundantly proven by the fact
that although these are sometimes lnvestl
gated, never, so far as the memory of the
officials runs, has a burglar been arrested
through banking his loot with Uncle Sam,
The brick Is weighed before him and a
receipt given for It. The bar Is then re
fined, and when he calls for it later with
the receipt he can exchange It either for
bricks of the pure gold and silver, 99 fine
which have been found In his "Jeweller
bar," or for the value of the same at the
price thon prevailing In the open market,
less a trifling fee for refining.
Quick Retnrns.
An odd thing about this is that he could
get the money for his brick the next day
after depor ting It, while he would have
to wait one week to get back the gold
and silver which the refinery would sep
a rate out of the base metals all fused to
gether In the brick. This arisna from the
fact that the officials of the assaying
plant. If desired, can compute the value of
each brick deposited with them In a slngl
day, while the reduction of the brick, ac
cording to their practice, takes nix days,
They take four samples from each end
and the nrlddle of th bar deposited and
run these through the test room, where
sample assays are made. Here the small
bit of mixed metal Is fused in a small pot
mad of bone ash. Each bit Is carefully
marked in the beginning, and when the
bone ash crucibles are arranged on th
platinum pans, sixty at a time, to be pu
Into the gas furnaces, they are nlway
put on from left to right and from the
tray toward the workman, so that the
same bit Is followed all the way through
the operation. It is a simple method and
mistakes seldom occur, the four dlfferen
samples assayed Invariably betraying sueh
a mistake by a discrepancy In the final
checking up.
The white heat In the gas furnaces
causes the mixed metals to liquefy, and
the tin, sine, copper ami other base metals
are soaked up in the bone ash, that ma
terial having a strong attraction with its
alkalies for them and having none for the
gold and silver. They emerge from the fire
as a white pellet.
Hot for Him.
"She'll mak soma man a apUndld
' "Sh la scientifically trained, isn't she?"
"Not for me, I don't want a wife who
will glv m lectures on 'Alimentary
Ethics' In place of palatable biscuits, or
who substitutes talks on "Hygienic Puri
fication' In place of th dust cloth."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Neatest In the World.
Th neatest town In th world is Brock,
a Holland town of 1,700 Inhabitants, where
Edam cheese is made. No horses are
allowed in Brock, so great Is th enthusi
asm for perfect cleanliness, and the sun
shines whenever It is abov th horison,
Instead of peertng through the smoke and
looking Ilk a large bloodshot eye, as Is
th case In most American cities.
Dr. Harris Mar Recover.
CHICAOO, Deo. a Dr. Benjamin Harris,
who was shut yesterday by A. C. Campbell
of Antlgo, Wis., was reported by his phy
sicians today to be In an Improved rond.1
Uwa with a flsUtUig sLauc fur his Or.
Shown in this advertisement aro exact re
productions of pioces of furniture shown
on our floors. Ones that we thought would
make Useful and Lasting Xmas Presents.
"Wo will tag and lay aside any articles
that you wish for Christmas, and then will
deliver whenever you wish them sent. AVo
have thousands of other articles that
would make equally as appropriate gifts
as thes-e shown, but for lack of space can
not display them. Payments on these spe
cial advertised articles do not commenco
until after Jan. 1, '07.
All Goods Marked la Plain rig-arss.
j o
lpri6 -SO 16W ABNArl STREETS. OMAHA. '
.l sXSTAaUSHED. ...... iSO?' "
Any of These Articles Sold for $1.00 Cash and $2.00 Monthly.
This cooIf, Is hammered flat and washed
In a solution of nitric acid, which takes off
what remains of the bone ash residue. A
boiling In concentrated nitric acid takes
up all the silver, leaving the free gold.
This Is washed of nitric acid In boiling and
cold water and welshed. The silver is
precipitated from the acid lth a simple
reagent and likewise welshed. If all the
four samples check against one another
the result is compared with the original
weight of th samples and the proportion
of gold and silver thus determined. Com
putation of the value of the brick is then
merely a matter of simple arithmetic.
Great Help for Rafllee.
A similar method on a large seal la
followed with the mass of the brick, with
the difference that cheaper materials are
used, making the process of redaction take
six days. When the operation la com
pleted each brick is weighed and held sub
ject to the depositors' orders.
Thus it is that Karlles, if he is respect
ably dressed, has Uncle Sam do his re tin
ing and buy bis loot with as little aueatloi.
as does th largest wholtal jeweler 1)
th city with legitimate metal. And offi
cials of the assay oftloe, and in fact ol
every other branch of the federal servic
In Nsw York. In their moments of relax i
Uvu rU UU gut Utai Uur laul Cie
slightest doubt that many a burglar brings
down his loot regularly for the government
to turn into dollars for him, and the gov
ernment willingly obliges him.
Of course, the suspicions of the officials
are sometimes arouaed and the matter re
ported to the police for Investigation. Vet,
as has been said, no depositor has ever
been arrested through such Investigation.
This can be easily understood. The pos
session of a genuine gold brick is no crime
any more thaa that of a quantity of gold
plate, so long as every mark has been re
moved which might identify It as the loot
from some rectnt burglary.
A consideration of th commercial end
of the burglar's game is interesting in
showing how almost all of his loot he takes
direct to his friend Uncle Sun to turn
into dollars for him and Just why he does
it. For it can be seen that good plate o.
finished pieces of Jewelry are worth moi
In the open market than the bullion ana
jewels out of which they are made.
Uncle Sam is a real friend in need to
Rallies. For the chief danger in that gen
tleman's business lies in being caught "with
the goods on," especially after making a
safe "get away." A quick turnover of his
booty Into good, hard legal tender is the
one thing he desires above all else.
Loot Oat of Sight.
Th desirability, nay, th necessity of
this can be seen at a glance. About half
of the arrests made for burglary are due
to the discovery by accident or otherwise
of the loot. Uveryone will remember, fur
example, that it was only through the uo
cldenUU finding of the beaped-up plunder
of William Meteiski, the "M&sonio burg
lar," that the astonishing series of mid
night marauding excursions, wilh their
rich hauls, were definitely fastened upon
that remarkable criminal. It Is in order
to minimize the chance of such discovery
that KaHles never works with a band, but
always alone or at most in couples. Forg
ers, on the other band, usually operate in j
bands of four or five; green goods men i
have at le ist six and sometimes elyht la I
their combination, and yeggmen Invariably
work in groups of five or six.
The idea of getting the most he can for
his loot, then, is balnncing in the cracks
man's mind with the knowledge that the
bulky stuff certainly, and as much of the
rcBt as is possible, ought for safety's sake
to be turned over into cash right away.
Adding weight to the latter consideration
is the desire of every criminal to get his
dough and begin to have a good lime with
it. lie has taken a furnished room In some
obscure locality, where he has imule him
self known, perhaps, as a plumber, lie
locks the door, still panting with the ex
citement of his dodging run across town,
down alleys, shunning a policeman like a
walking plague, and always with that
precious, telltale bag under his arm. lie
spreads out the loot and ponders each piece,
whether It had best go into the melting
pot or could be safely held on to for sal
through suiue pawnbroker or antlqu mer
chant. Prerautlous of Croaki,
Of course,' all the Jewels are ripped out
of their settings at oiuce and set aside to be
pawned as soon as the noise of the house
breaking has died away. The rings and
other settings are Immediately thrown into
t lie melting pot. Oddly enough, the finest
pieces of plate and of Jewelry, on account
tt being so liable to Identification, invaria
bly meet the same fate. The plate of an
ordinary and widely current design Is us
u.Uly set aside. Kafflea will get to work on
it with acids and a slout file and after re
moving all signs of Identity will bide It
until it can safely be sold through the deal
ers. Tl.e same is done with Jewelry of an
ordinary type. All the rest brooclin s. ear
rings, cases, trinkets, rings, go 1 and
silver platt-ao into the common mcltinj
pot to be finally run Into the "Jewellers'
As a matter of fart P.afTVs always con
verts the bulk of his plunder Into the bul
lion, leaving out little besides the sparklet's
for later sale. The cracksxnun Is too cau
tious a criminal and not quite commercial
noush a man to take risks by holding his
tuff fur t deposit ttf th bricks wlta th
federal fence. In six days, for he is not
liable to arouse suspicion by asking for his
money at once, he comes back and receives
In gold eagles and hundred-dollar bills the
gold and silver he stole In the night a week
back. With a little more trepidation V
sells the remaining stuff to a crooked pawn
broker or antiques merchant such as every
Journeyman cracksman, knows. After all,
the Junk might by some freak of fate be
identified and the merchant, to save him
self, squeal on him. But Uncle Sam never
squeals. He has done the burglar the kind
est service possible. As safe and uncommu
nicative as a church, he has played th
fence to him on practically all his plunder,
without so much as a thank you and hugely
to Mr. Raffle' safety, convenience and, pos
sibly, amusement. New York Herald.
Boost for the Humble Corncob,
Taking; Rank Near Head of
th List.
Pipes) are smoked by millions, always
have bnen, always will be. yet not one
smoker In a thousand knows the elements
of a good pipe. Engineers have been known
to talk by the hour over the draft of their
fireboxes and never once in half a lifetime
think of the draft In their pipes which they
smoke hourly.
Bage attention Is pejd to the pipe ma
terial, all of which has little if anything to
do with the qualities of a pipe, and gen
erally nothing whatever is thought of shape
and proportion, the two things that make
a pipe good or bad. A 2-cent postage stamp
spent, with intelligence will buy as good a
pipe as there Is In the world; everything
added to that price is for ornament, vanity
and especially for Ignorance.
The corncob holds a high place among
pipe smokers and deserves this place-
usually for the best of scientific reasons.
When a pipe Is built on right principle
the bowl is as narrow and deep as la con
venient to fill; the hole In th stem meet
the bowl at the very bottom and In th
center, thus Insuring a perfect and even
draft, hence a complete and even burning
of the tobacco. The cake prevents the fir
from burning the bowl, thus prevents mak
ing its bore larger or uneven, which would
in proportion spoil the draft. The sides)
of the bowl are thick to keep In the heat,
thus making the burning at the same tern
perature at the edges of the tobacco as at
the center. In this way a clean sweet
smoke is assured. Technical World "-sln.
Feared for Ills Cab.
Th lawyer went to Hyde park to keep
an Important engagement. When he got
there it was raining hard pouring, in fact.
He 'phoned for a cab, and waited patiently
for awhile, then Impatiently. Finally h
'phoned again.
"What In thunder Is th matter wlta
that oabT" he asked. "I'll miss my man.
I'U be latel"
"All right, sir," cam the voice of the
cabby through the 'phone. "Th cab's
hitched up. The horse Is all ready. We are
only waltln' for It to quit ralnln', sir, to
come for you." Chicago Inter Ocean.
Pnblla Policy.
The nabob of peshwar had ordered a gen
eral advance In wages.
"But, your royal nibs," cried the employ
ers, "we cannot afford this, making, as w
do, dividends of scarce mora than 100 par
"Enough," said th nabob. "Your work
men now subsist on hay. My decree is that
they be enabled to have, In addition, a
weekly ration of corn."
So It was done, but with deep murmur
lngs. Philadelphia Lodger.
fir vr' "" ' i a
WINTRY days bring the need
of stouter shoes. But stouter
shoes will not mean clumsy shoes
nor less handsome shoes if you but
buy "Queen Quality." Don't make
the mistake ofthinking that all such
shoes are alike and that any pair
-will do. You want the best, and the
best will cost you no more than the
commonplace, if you see that they
bear the stamp "Queen Quality.',