Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 14

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r J
Are you looking (or something
new? Then come here and let ub
help you. We have a- large stock
of Electroliers. Many unique
French designs direct from Paris.
Beautiful art glass effects In Terde
green. Elegant Hookwood Lamps
and many others, from $10.00 and
upward. A trip through our Art
Rooms will repay you a hundred
fold. Make your Christmas head
quarters here.
Importers and Fashionable
Drugs and
Rubber Goods
By hah., zxrxBis ob rsxioxv.
Tha mall order business la a most Im
portant part of our trade, and it receive
tha a&tna prompt and careful attention
that ie ihgwn ordere riven at uur counter.
The line of geoda we handle la far too
treat to be quoted In newspaper apace
and druf buyers ahould aaaa or oar oata
lofna. Borne of oar prloeei
l-qt. Fountain Syringe, SOo bjr mall, SOo
1-yt. Water baa;. SOo; by mail SOo
Good Kubber Giovca, 4So'by mall B-o
Cheat Protectors -..Sue to 3.50
Bpeolal quotation farnieoed on Druga
named below In large qnantltlea i alpha,
CVjpperaa, Saltpeter, Xsseot Powder, Pow
dered Hellebone, Oronod Orator Shell,
Perfnmrd Talcum (bulk). Solution Sill
oete Beds, Toilet Boapa in groae lota,
Pure Borax, 100 klnda ICtnaral Water.
Write for calaloajue.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go.
Wneleaale and Xetall Drag-flats
Warehouse 1S14 Dodga Btreet.
BeMuil MSI
A Dalaly Present for Xmas
Baiduff Gift Box contains 1V4
lounds of Gold Medal Chocolates
buuutlfully packed. Wo will scud
It, prepaid, anywhere for $1, Make
up your list and have us send a
gift box to your out-of-town
trierds. It will be a delicious
Christinas gift that they will ap
preciate. Beautiful Imported Baskets
See our artistic and dainty con
fections packed In beautiful Im
ported baskets trimmed with rib
bo u and holly, and hundreds of
neatly tied puckay:ee, all filled
with ths most delicious confec
tions Imaginable.
You may leave your order now
and wo will pack In special con
tainers for express or mall.
1318-20 FAKNAM ST.
The Home of Good Things to Eat.
Coty's are the latest odors
We have the exclusive sale of
this famous perfumery. Our iine
represents all the imported and
domestic perfumes of any merit
on the market. Ix)ok us over
Beaton Drug Co.
- 15th and Farnam
1. S. Place your' order now
for Xmas Candy. Remember we
deliver free Xmas eve and save
you the worry.
Max Landovv
5 Concert-Pianist
M -
e ...
4 formerly teacher of th finish-
J ing class of Stern Conttrva
M tory. Berlin, Germany.
pa Only Advanoed Pupil Instructed
BtSIttSCE: Souls Omaha, IS IS N. 11th SL
J Tel. r38fc.
STUDIO: Arllialai lin-'i. iMnlni 7.
7TH Tiwual recital""
By Members of
Monday. December 10th, 8:00 P. M.
kt Unity Church. 17th and Cass St.
Viehostral Accompaniment.
Dancine and Card Fartiei Will Estts t
Chief Ditsriion Burin: Wssk.
risk Meetlaa Poaipeaed lattl Attar
rarlatmai and Collare Falk
Home far Varallea Will
Claim Attention.
Woman In Winter.
It makes ma Bad to aee her go
Accoutred thua through aluh and snow.
Mv grief. In fact, quite overflow
Aa I observe her dropstltch hose
And ran you wonder that I'm blue
T note that network peek-a-boo''
Her low-cut ahoe, oh, fllniy thing'
How run aha live to greet the sprlnn?
And then again Tny soul It grieves
To see those sawed-off elbow sleeves.
Oh, woman, what won't you contrive
To hurt your chance to stay alive?
Courier Journal.
"octal Calendar.
BITNDAT-Mr. and Mrs. Le Rothschild,
MONDAY-Qui Vive club. dance at
Chambers'; Templo Israel sisterhood,
whist; Mr. and Mrs. I M. Cohn, recep.
tlon at Metropolitan club: Mrs. B. J.
Bpeh, kensington for Mrs. Ward of
TUF-flDAY Mrs. R. T Huntley, cards;
Mlaa lAura Pale, dinner for Mlsa Kcrlh.
ner and Mr. Wernher and Mr. and Mrs.
Olen Buck; Mrs. A. Drelfuss, kenalng
ton. WTMVETAY-Mrs. R. U Huntley, cardr;
i , Mre. Bchmelder. Park Side Kuchre club;
Mrs. A. . Smith, bridge for Mrs. Iuy;
Miss Weller, bridge club.
THl'KfiDAY C. T. Kuchre club meets with
Mra. P. T. McOrath; Visiting Nurses'
dance at Chambers'; Mr. Frank Tollard,
cards for Ml i S':rlbner and Mr. Wen
her; Chsrmonte club meets with Mrs.
J. R. McDonald; Mra C. A. Orimmel,
cards In afternoon, and Mr. and Mra.
Orimmel, carda In evening.
FTUDAY Hanacom Park Ihinclng club at
Chambers'; Mr. nnd Mrs. Moorhead,
. dunce for Mlsa Ruth Moorhead; Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Robinson, dinner; Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Wilcox, Kountae Place Kuchre
club; Mra. T. A. Fry. cards: Mr. and
Mrs. Fry, cards In evening; Miss Mabel
Christie, luncheon for Miss Scribner.
BATl'RUAY-Mr. and Mra. A. W. Scrltmpr
dinner for Wernher-Srrihncr bri'VU
party; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bates, Har
mony club.
Although ths past week's calendar was
written full from Monday to Saturday, so
evenly were things distributed that no one
or no one set waa taxed or even particularly
occupied with things aoclal. Conspicuous
above everything else of the week waa the
tea given by Mlas Jeaale Millard, which
waa a truly charming affair, and the recep
tion given by Mrs. H. M. McClannahan,
at which she presented her daughter, Miss
Katherlne. Mti. Frank Crawford and Mrs.
C. K. Weller gave several card parties,
that, with a Hat of glven-ln-honor affairs
for some of the visiting women, contributed
to an altogether satisfactory week.
The story of a pretty little romance has
Just leaked out In connection with a wed
ding which Is to take place this week In
Washington, D. C, In which a well known
Omaha man la to be one of the principals
nd Dame Rumor saya this romance will
soon culminate In another wedding, with
another Omaha man In the leading role.
About a year ago the bride of this week,
n Interesting young matron, came to
Omaha to restdo for a few months and
while here met her fate. During her tem
porary residence here she had aa her juest
charming southern girl, who likewise
won the heart of an Omaha man, whose
buainesa lntereata are in South Omaha,
however. This man is an intimate friend
of the first and it was a case of love at
first sight.
Several Omaha people were somewhat
mystified recently at receiving a long
queer looking document postmarked Lin
coln, which, when opened, disclosed a de
cidedly unique and cleverly gotten up In
vitation to. a fancy dreaa ball to be given
t the Islucoln hotel by nine of the moat
popular young men In the fashionable set
In that city, the recipients of the Invita
tions being left to decipher the hosts'
names from the following: Messrs. B.
Honnessy O'Clurke, R. Mlchuel Mi-Joyce,
Larry W. McMarshall, J. Tomothy O'Dor-
n. O. Jerry O' Wools, J. Sullivan Mc-
Meadowa, Olke Mike O'ltaymond, L O'Hara
McPalne, E, Krln O Henkle. Ac the top
of the Invitation, printed on brown paper
In green type, waa a aeal, containing a
pick and shovel, with the tvoids. "The
pick la mightier than the pen," and down
the sides of the curd were the pictures
of the nine hosta, in tall silk hats with
Irish aldewhiakers and clay pipes in their
mouths. The accompanying Invitation was
also cleverly warded, reading aa follows:
To All Notions of the World. Groetlnirn
and Snlutallons:
We lads from the land of the Emerald Isle,
Do bid ve to come In verv ifav sinvle
To a hop, In disguise, at ould 'Hlarnr-y Inn,
un necomner me sum. wotn joidia and
Are expected to hide from their kinsman
and foe.
The fasa that grew on thlm. We'll have
yo all know
That ye ll have a folne time and will al
ways ue aorry
If ye fail to cume down. Please answer,
Cards and dancing will be the order this
eek, for more than anything else this
variety of entertainment has been cbOBen
for the period preceding the holidays.
Another debutante, Miss Ruth Moorhead,
will formally enter society this week, and
much to the delight of the younger set
Mr. and Mra. Moorhead will make this
event a dance Instead of the regulation
reception. The Visiting Nurs-a' aasociation
the Qui Vive and the Hanacom Park Dan
cing cluba will hold their regular parties,
and among the card parties will be tho
bridge given by Mra. A. V. Smith in honor
of her daughter. Mra. Clarence R. Day,
and the three parties of Mra. R. L. Huntley,
Mr. C. A. Urlmmel and Mra. T. A. Fry.
These, with the many card cluba, will
furnish plenty of amuvemeut.
The luat of the week will bring the first
of the college folks who will come home
for the Christmas, vacation, and this will
be the signal for a general clearing of
the stage for this very active, very priv
ileged contingent of eociety. Proepecla are
that thoro will be a lot of them thla year,
although many vlll not arrive until the
middle or Ut of nxt week.
Coles, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Reed, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard HnldrlRe. Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Remington and Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
In compliment to Mrs. Robert Com
stock, Jr., of Colorado Pprlnas. Mrs. E.
Wlllard rowell entertuined at luncheon Sat
urday in hpr apartment In the Majestic,
and at whist afterwards. The table, dec
orated with red carnations and ailver can
delabra, holding white candles, waa laid
for Mrs. Comstock, Mrs. F. H. Reynolds,
Misa June Holdun of Lincoln, Miss Kath
erlne McClannahan. Miss Troxell, Mls
Ida Smith, Miss Ruth Moorhead and Mrs.
Mrs. R. II. Arey entertained the North
Platte club at a kensington Thursday after
noon, twelve guests being present. The
A. W. Edelman. Slio will be away about
six weeks.
Miss llermene I'.lessinir, Mlsa Neva Tur
ner and Mi-s Nell Carey expect to take a
trip to Cuba during the holidays.
Mrs. Raymond Welch nnd childn-n l'ft
Wednesday to spend the holidays with her
parents, JudKe nnd Mrs W. R. Kelly.
Miss M.trlnn ConnHl has returned from
Chicago, where she assisted at the debut
of Miss Eckhart, who was her guest re
cently. Mlsa Flora Webster returned Friday from
Chicago, where she Frnt several weeks t, a
the guest of Mrs. Arthur Jerrema and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Goodman have returned
, from West Point, Neb., where they .".-
tended the funeral of their uncle, Judge
members of the club were all at one time OlfTert.
residents of North Platte. The rooms were J Mrs. William Metzger tnid children of
decorated with pink and white carnations ( Denver are the guests of Mrs. Metrger's
and ferns. The members of the club are: i parents. Mr. and Mts. John R. Manchester,
Mines. Claude Drew. Elizabeth Baldwin, . at the l itila.
Owen Whipple, Frank MiColl, Charles jfrs nr)t,Prt j. Comstnck, Jr., of Colorado
Fries, R. H. Arey, R. L. Patterson, Fred Springs, who h.s been the guest of Mins
Elliott. George Welngard. The guests Katherlne MeCIannahnn during the past
were: Mmes. Allwine, Mabel Glllespleand
Mr. Roy Devol gave a handsomely ap
pointed progressive dinner Friday evening
at his homo In Coum-il Bluffs in honor
of the Wernher-Scribner bridal party. TIk
table were decorated with white chrysan
themums and ferns and the approaching
wedding was ayn-.boliaed in many ways
throughout the dinner. Covers were laid
for Mlsa Scrlbner, Miss Dale. Miss Dahl
man, Misa Edith Butler, Mr. Wernher, Mr.
Frank Pollard, Mr. Arthur Scrlbner of
Omaha, and the following from Council
Bluffs: Mlsa Sargent, Miss Mitchell. Miss
Wells, Mr. Wirt, Mr. Schuorr, Mr. Devol
and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Plnney.
week, leaves tndav for Chicago.
Mrs. HHtgcns of Hot Prrir.g'. P. D., who
was the popular guest of Miss Marie
Mohler during the horse show, arrived
Friday from the east unci Is spending a few
days with Miss Mohler en route to her
Mrs. Louis Jaques. who has been the
guest of her sisters, Mrs. -A. J. Reaton and
Mrs. Arthur Keel'ne, for the past two
weeks, has returned to her home In Chl-
( cngo. Mr?. Jaques wns tlv guest or nonor
at many lunctui ns and other affairs during
her visit.
Coming Kvenls.
Mrs. A. Dreyfus will give a kensington
Tuesday afternoon.
The Qui Vive club will give a dance at
Chambers' Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Robinson will enter
tain at dinner Friday evening.
The C. T. Euchre club will meet Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. P. T. McOrath.
Miss Agnrs Weller will entertain a new
bridge club at luncheon Wednesday.
Miss Mabel Christie will give a luncheon
Friday In honor of Mim Leila Scrlbner.
The Harmony Card club will meet Satur
day evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bates.
The Hanscom Park Dancing club will
give a party, at Chambers' Friday evening.
Mrs. Edwin J. Speh will give a kensing
ton Monday fur Mrs. Louis Ward of
Mr. and iMra. Ed Wilcox W'lll entertain
the Kountze Place Euchre club Friday
The West Side Park club will be enter- j
tained Wednesday afternoon by Mra. j
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Colin will be at
home to their friends at Metropolitan club
Monday evening.
The Temple Israel Sisterhood will give a
whist party In the parlors of the temple
Monday afternoon.
Mrs. John R. McDonald will be hostess
at the meeting of the Charmonte club
Thursday afternoon
Social (lilt-Clint.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crary are rejoicing
over the birth of a son Thursday morning.
Mr. end Mrs. Glen Buck havo returned
from their wedding trip and are residing
at 3il9 Man y street.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scribner nnd faintly
have moved into their m w home at 1X!1
South Twenty-fourth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Merriam have
rented their home on lilnney street fur
nished and' will go to the Madison to re
side this week.
Miss Gertrude, White, who Is attending
Welleuley college, will spend the Christ
mas holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Stewart White.
Miss Ella Squires, Mrs. Nathan Merriam,
Mrs. Illmcbaugh, Miss Marlon Crandall and
Miss Natalie Merriam expect to sail from
New York January 12 for a sojourn of sev
eral months in Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rosewater, who
havo resided at the Paxton hotel for sev
eral yenrs, havo gone to housekeeping at
3530 Harney street In the residence re
cently occupied by Major and Mrs. Za-linski.
Mrs. R. L. Huntley will give two card Felt on North Twenty-eight street.
Weddings nnd Engagements.
Dr. W. 11. Christie ha8 announced the
engagement of his daughter. Miss Mabel
Christie, to Mr. Leo Kennard, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Kennard. The wedding
will take place In the near future.
Cards are out announcing the marriage of
Miss Jennie L. Richards to Mr. Merie J.
parties this week, entertaining Tuesday and
Wednesday afternoons.
Mr. Frank Pollard will entertain at cards
Thursday evening In honor of Mr. Paul
Wernher and Miss Leila Scrlbner.
Mrs. A. 13. Smith will entertain at bridge
Wednesday, In coaipllinent to her daugh
ter, Mm. Clarence Richmond Day.
Mrs. Thomas A. Fry will entertain at
cards Friday afternoon and In the evening
Mr. and Mrs. Fry will give a card party.
and Mrs. Pelt will bo at home after Feb
ruary 1 at the Garretsou, Sioux City, la.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. French have an
nounced the engagement of their tldest
daughter. Miss Alice, to Mr. Oliver C.
Carpenter, a young lawyer of New York.
Miss French Is completing her second year
at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rothschild, who have
announced the engagement of their
daughter. May, to Mr. Lou Verveer of Des
gjil5 IP DOUGLftS Stj-
A EScIi CcIScctioii o
RIew Coats aed Set
Our showing of Coats and Suits this week will bo more
extensive than ever before. Notwithstanding the enormous
buslnens we have been doing right along we have been at
the same time steadily building up our stock with all of the
very newest novelties, so that this week we can say our
great stocks of Hlsh Class Coats and Suits are at their best.
You will find hundreds of beautiful and original stylOR
here that are out of the ordinary, each garment having an
Individual style touch to It that gives distinction, as well us
Tight Fitting Coats, $19.50 to $37.50
The demand for these highly artistic Form-Fitting Coats,
bearing fashion's stamp of approval, Is very great. Here
you will find them In profusion; every correct model Is here
waiting for you. The materials are of the finest, the tailor
ing Is perfect, and they fit so gracefully that they will please
those whom even the ladies' tailors fall to please. Prkrs
range, $1!.G0, !ti;7.fl, 9;iO, :fci.;M, KM and
Beautiful Tailored
Suits, $25
Smart new Winter Suits
that are heavy enough and
correct Etyle to be worn with
furs. Every correct new
model Is here, short. Jaunty,
tight-fitting Coat Suit, half
length or blouse styles, all
are In this collection; made
of very finest all wool ma
terials, all exceptionally
clever suits, all colors and
sizes HiM'clally C9C
priced at QUO
Handsome Dress
Much Interest Is now beinf!
centered on our beautiful
Afternoon and Evening
Dress Waists; the artistic
elegance of design and gract
ful lines of these styles In
Bilk lnce or embroidered net
are visibly apparent. The
prices range
$7.59, $8.75, $10, $12.50,
$15 up to $22.50
Importer, of jfU KJil&JaJ "4
KrK i
viiu Taum Tuio niii .i,.. u n.n.n,..!,,. Moines, home this afternoon and
dinner Tuesday evening- for Mr. and Mrs. evening. Mr. Ous Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. I
Olen Buck and the Wernher-Scribner brldul Sam Baidauf of Oskaloosa, la.; Mr. and
The Bridge club will meet Thursday aft
ernoon with Miss Mildred Lomax, the meet
ing having been postponed Friday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scrlbner will enter
tain at dinner Saturday evening in honor
Mrs. M. Verveer of Alula, la., and Miss
Rosa Greentree of Richmond, Va., are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rothschild.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scrlbner have Is
sued Invitations to the wedding of their
daughter, Ml.-s Leila Scrlbner, and Mr.
Paul A. Wernher, which will take place
nf Ihelr ilauirhtpr. Mils I.eil;i SiTllmer nnd Monday evening. Decemhtr 17, ut T o'clock
Mr. Paul Wernher and their bridal party. at their residence. 1.331 South Thirty-fourth
Mr. and Mrs. I.e Rothschild will receive street, the cert mony being followed by a
today In honor of their daughter, Mts Mie reception from S to 10 o'clock. Rev. T. J.
Rothschild nnd Mr. Lou Vorveer of Des
Moines, whose engagement was minouneed
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Moorhead will intro
duce their daughter. Miss Ruth Monrheud,
at a large dunce to be given ut their resi
dence, 114 South Thirty-eighth avenue, Fri
day evening.
The Visiting Nurses' association will give
one of their enjoyable dances Thursday
evening at Chambers'. This will be the
lant dance until the middle of January.
Mr. and Mrs. George A Kccliue and Miss
Keellne have Issued cards for a dancing
party, to be given at the Grand hotel,
Council FIlulTs. Wednesday evening. Decem
ber 2C.
Mrs. C. A. Grlmmel will entertain at
cards Thursday afternoon and In the even
ing Mr. and Mrs. Grlmmel will entertain
again, these parties having been postponed
two weeks ago.
One of the events of the holiday season
Is the baby party to be given at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Kirkend ill.
the evening of December 21, by Miss Ada
Kirkendali nnd Miss Mary Lee McShane,
complimentary to Miss F.lizabeth Conrdon
and Miss Helen Davis. The invitations
were printed on Juvenile stationery nnd the
guests ate to be costumed aa juveniles.
Muckay will perform the ceremony ami
Miss Ruth Daliln an will b? the maid ot
honor und Mr. Frank Pollard bet, man.
Misses I.iiuia Dale and Mabel Christie
will be bridesmaids and Mr. Hoy Devol of
Council Bluffs und Mr. Arthur Scribner
will act as groomsmen.
Miss Blanche Sorenson. Voice. MS Ramge.
Services Over William O. ltHrtholo
metv Attended by I.arse
Xuniher of Friends.
Pleasure Past.
Misa lxllih Anderson entertained at din
ner Filday evening at her ,home In Dun
dee complimentary to the Mlsaea Wiley
of Cody, Wyo.
Mrs. James Wallace entertained In
formally at br!dg Saturday afternoon In
honor of Mra. Louis Ward of Denver, who
la the guest of Mr. and Mra. Charles Dun
dey. The game was played at five tablea.
Mra. Rawaon of Dea Molnta. Mra. liar,
ena of Hot Springs. 8. D ; Mlsa Marie
Mohler and Mrs. Samuel Burns, jr., were
'he guest of Miss Gvnevieva Baldwin at
v luncheon and theater party at the Bod
luturdpy In honor of Mra. Ram son.
Mr. and Mra. .George Stone celebrated
hair twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at
their home on South Thirty-fifth afreet
Friday evening, about ality-flve guests be
ing present. A number of handaowa praa
anta were received, among them being a
.turaa of t'X in ailver.
Mr. and Mra. C. W. Hull entertained
i small bridge club at dinner Friday even-
4 aiuu wimae iiku at ainner i'Tiaay ev
Ing. briUe being played at three tul
iflarwail. Those present were: Mr.
Mil. W ' A. Redick, Mr. and iira. It
Come and Go Rnaalp.
Miss June Holden of Lincoln is the guest
of Miss Troxell.
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull spent a few days
In Lincoln this week.
Miss Bessie 8eligsohn of Denver is the
guest of Mrs. L. M. Cohn.
Mr. Webber of Chicago will be the guest
of Mr. T. L. Cockle next week.
Mra. Levi Carter haa returned from a
trip abroad and is at the Paxton.
Mrs. Robert B. Howell has as her guest
her sister, Mrs. Carter of Denver.
Mrs. Hurry Wllkins returned Friday from
Chicago, where she spent ten days.
Mrs. R. 8. Anglin has returned from the
oust, where she spent several mouths.
Miss Lucille llayden has returned from a
week's visit with frhntls in Dubuque, la.
Mrs. Kawaon of De. Moines, who la the
truest of Mrs. Samuel Burns, Jr., will return
home today.
Mra. J. Rosenthal has gone to Chicago to
spend the holidays with her sister. Mrs.
jto Rosenthal.
Mr. Cniidec and children of Wnlettown,
f. Y., will spend the holidays with Mrs.
Juhn N. Baldwin.
Miss Marion Crandall haa gone to rueblo,
Colo., to spend the holidays with her sister,
Mra. T. U Mci'ord.
Mlsa Ktta Hadra of Hyraeusc. N. Y., Is
Ihe guest of her grandparents, Mr.
Mra. K-. Stllgsohu.
Miss Curtis ard Miss Curita Curtis ere
expected home from an extensive visit In
the eaat this week.
Mr. and Mra. R. D. Miller and sou will
spend Sunday at l.imMii, gue.ts of Gov
ernor and Mra. Mickey.
Mra. Charles lut:dey las as h'T guest
Mra. lioals Ward of Denver, formerly Miss
Kmma Moore of this city.
Mr. und Mrs. L. C. Cohn lifi HulurJay
for New Vork. where Mrs. Colin will re
main until after the holidays.
Mrs. John Patrick of Wyoming und Misa
Jeaiiia Brown lift Monday to spend a fort
night in New Yi-rk nnd Boston.
Mra. Hugo Riamleis enpecta to leave
Wednesday for Loa Ai.gele. Cat. to visit
her aunt, Mrs. W T. Brr,elt, after which
aha will go to Mvlco City for a vUit, ac
companied by hr aunt ai.d her father, Mr.
The funeral of Judge William O
tliolomew, which was held Saturday at 2
p. in. from the residence of Dr. George
Tilden, South Nineteenth street, was
largely attended by members of the bar
und personal friends. The floral tributes I
were numerous. Tho only memberi or tus
family In attendance were Mr. Chllson and
Jasper Starr, brothers-in-law of Judtje Bar
tholomew, who came from New York to
attend the funeral und who will accompany
the body to Buffalo for interment. The
pallbearers were selected from tho members
of the I nlon Veterans' I'nlon and tha
Douglas County Bar association, of which
organizations Judge Bartholomew waa a
The honorary pallbearers were Judges
Lake. Doane, Anderson, Troup, McHugh
and Kennedy and B. E. R. Kennedy, J. J.
O'Conner. J. J. Boucher, W. F. Wapplch,
B. F. Thomas, F. A. Brogun, J. D. Howe.
C. 8. Klgutter. The active pullbearera were
W. B. Shoemaker, M. R. Risdon, Jonathan
Edwards and J. H. Berger of the Union
Veterans' I'nlon and Arthur Wukeley,
Claire Balrd, Charle O'Haru and Frank C.
O'Halloren of the Douglas County Bur association.
9100 IS A DIA
1,000 UT A BAJTX
Your Lady's
Have' Bom at b Ing
Made in tha
Quality Shop.
The most appropriate gift you can select if something of per
manent value a handsome piece of solid gold, of gem-mountod
Jewelrv, or something in solid silver for her personal use, or a
toilet sst you ran choose from a wide assortment of suitable
things here.
Fine stones, loose, or exquisitely set, In articles of the rarest
beauty. ' .
A choice selection of bracelets, broodies,, pins, necklaces,
chains und combs at varied cost.
World famous movements in beautiful cases at all prices.
$5 On to Jltin a set; ortistlc designs and beuutlfully wrought.
Also Table Silver of all sorts.
First class gifts. Hlt,li quality silk umbrellas with beau
tiful handles thut can be detached ut will. A great variety,
ottering a fine umbrella ut uny price you may want to pay.
We will give 6 per cent discount on ull purchases texcept
diamonds) made before noon every day this week, If you men
tion this nd.
T. L. Combs (Si Co.
The Busy Jewele rS and Opticians
Douglas St. Notice the Number
Write us about anything Jewelry-like and we will nnswerqulck and
Si nend our catalogue.
I evraaMt
Your Stomach
Is your best friend. Treat it
right by drinking the best
COFFEE you can get.
is pure and good. Try it and
you will always use it.
Ask your grocer.
Coffee Bird on Every
if is Thai
Give lasting pleasure, service and satisfaction, are of
use daily, are the kind you'll find in our magnificent Hol
iday stock. Don't delay but come in early and make your
selection before the stocks are broken.
NOVELTIES Frenzth. loth and Dodge.
Wlilr-Annke Company.
The Krnest Oi ruble Concert company,
which is to apttear ut the Lyric theater
next Saturday evening, December 15. Is be
ing billed us "a popjlar concert" by
Messrs. Chase and Rogers, who are bring
ing It here. This aptly describes the en
tertainment, because wherever Ernest
Ganiblo and hi associates appeur they
urcin to thoroughly please all who hear
them. The program 1h neither ultra-classical
or. on the other hand, ruiuilna; Into
ragtime or uiiylhiiiif of thut sort, but con
sisting of the best and brightest si-lections,
tendered In u muiiner that is chinning.
,,,1 j Scuts for this concert may now be reserved
j ai cither the Excelsior olli.- or Ho pe's
, mu.-tc store, und the price lus been put at
extremely moderate figures.
Card Cases
Lttter Books
IlridKe Whist Sets
Cribbagv Sets
Poker Hots
Address Sets
Address llooks
t'liilstmas Itox Paper
Paper Cutters
Desk Sets
Writing Cases
HuMht Hand Holes
Twine lioxeK
Pocket Knives, i:tc.
The royer Stationery Co.
220 ttouth Sixteenth Strett
fdrnamSt. Oxnjtha
pCJ&g f TUtt T T TTaggaBSE
I John M.Fixa's
I Cafe
AXWO llva
1516 Dodge St.
Everything New
Ileet of Everything
Thoroughly Cp-to-Dat
First Oust in All IlespecU
Prlr.ce Albert Coat and Vest, sir. 6 about
38. made to sell for $;), at Dennett's Cloth
ing Dept., H0.
Varriaae Licenses.
The following inurrhiK licenses
beer insued:
N'one and Itesidence.
Fr.-,l, rli k A. Myers. O.i.aha
Cvn M. Myers, Omaha
Janii-K K Aitnew, Suuth Omaha
Erna Mix, Houth Omaha
Hubert A. b'hulix, Omaha
Joe Savaite. Omaha
Charles C. Jensen. Omaha
Amis C Chrlsi.-iiKen, Omaha
Hen ONon, Omuha..
Ulllie Ilriislev. Caiihagr. Mo
Xmas Suggestions
.. HI
S-k Wedding Ririi. Edhoim, jeweler.
w ear.
I'ans s-leeted from our rlclt lino
111 make a very acceptable present.
Our line of uloves is verv lnrao un l
Ineludus the l.itent novtiltles in colors
are up-to-date in length.
selection from our line of neck
. whlcli Is stylish and i-otui'lete
asKurl ineiit. w ill alw ays complete
o less.
A very lartje stock ff well mail,
goof), servieuhle umbrellas, Ihe kind
Unit last. Prices Irom to la.U'j.
Cluny Irish Point and French band emhbroidered Center Hecea and Doll
It, Handkerchiefs and Dust ILaga Hand Palmed Glove Cases pjn Cusiiiona
Netdlu lioka and useful prcseiita for ull uiembera of the family.
I.a(Uas' tinea Initial Si.-, und, boii of onu-liulf duacii.
Z,laaa Initial kuc und l lj
box of one-half dozen.
Children a Lluan Initial :0c per box
of three.
A varied line of choice dainty em
broidered sud lace haiioki reiiefs.
'.'6c, due, 7 3'- und up.
Something new in taucy und white
ut ions, lx iig:;a iiia'la eept-cially for
our trade, si all prices.
317 SOUTH 1ST at ST.
thk citv is
Special Preparations for After-Theater
1508 and 1510 Howard St.
Sundays, 11 :80 to 8.