Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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s -y a
larlineton -.d Korthwestern Fnctged ia
I ; OooUtt ti Tip it First.
I'son Emlneff'i Work on Jtorrood
May Depend Xorthirestern's '
trance and the Katirt
f Thermopolls.
An effort by the K.;riington to prevent
the Northwestc rn railroad from tapping the Dig Horn basin field will. It li re
ported, come to a head within the next few
ilsys, n foon ns the result of the survey
ing party now tn the Nowood divide ran
make Its 'report to the officials of the Bur
lington. Upon tlni survey not only the en
trance of the North western Into the Big
Horn basin depend, but at least the im
mediate future of Thormopolis, as the adop
tion of the Nowood route would leave that
town without a railroad.
The Burlington surveying corps Is now
seeking a route down the south slope of
the Big Horn mountains, and If It can be
found the Thermopolls canyon route will
be given up. The surveyors have found a
practical and easy route up Klrby creek
to a point directly east of Thermopolls,
from where the survey follows east to No-
wood and following that stream to the top
of the divide. The difficulty Is In getting
a practical grade down onto Clear creek to
Badwater, which would afford clear sailing
from there on.
The tremendous cost of he Thermopolls
canyon route, together with the agreement
with the Northwestern to allow it to use
the canyon right-of-way, makes It advan
tageous to the Burlington to find another
way out If possible. Should the Nowo id
route be adopted It Is thought the North'
western would hesitate many years be
fore attempting to build a line alone
through more than twenty-five miles of
solid granite canyon and the Burlington
would thus have the Big Horn basin field to
'I'. - preent grading contract let by the
tin !iii;;tin for Its Worland" extension
rMfl,es to the mouth of Klrby creek and
lends color to the theory that this road ia
tint prepared to announce Its Intention (o
build through the canyon until It has ex
hausted every other resource.
Cheap nates to Black Hills.
Conrad E. Spens, general freight agent
of the Burlington, returned from Chiiago
Friday and brought the good news that tae
probabilities are for largely reduced rates
from the east to Black Hill, points, with
relatively reduced rates from the Missouri
When the western roads announced re
duced rates to Utah commen points there
was a general clamor for reduced rates to
other sections of the country and no
comes the Burlington In conjunction with
tho other Blacks Hills lines and gives the
Information that these rates will be most
materially reduced.
Grain on the Move.
Grain Is starting to move In abundance on
the lines west of the river and the roads
wirl soon have all the business they can
handle and more, and all are g iln expect
ing a car shortage, for Nebraska has an
enormous crop to be moved. The most
noticeable movement at present Is from
Nebraska to Minnesota on wheat. This Is
taken by the railroads and dealers as a
"trong argument for mills at Omaha, for If
the Nebraska wheat Is good enough to be
used In the manufacture of the renowned
Minnenpolia flour It surely would be good
enough for Nebraska flour.
Railway Notes and Prsonnls.
J.. A. Eyler, live stock agent of the Bur
lington, has returned from Chicago.
I. E. Cain, general manager of the Rock
Inland at Topeka. has resigned and F. O.
Melcher, general manager of the eastern
lines of the Rurk Island, will be given
Jurisdiction over the lines west of the Mis
souri river. "
tieneral Manager Holdrege, J. B. Kelby,
attorney for the Burlington, and C. E.
8 pens, general freight agent, will appear
before (he South Dakota Railway commis
sion next Tuesday at Sioux Falls In the
hearing of the matter of reducing railroad
rates In 8outh Dakota.
-l" v;
A Master-Stroke in Boys Clothes Selling
This is one of the most important sales
in Boys' Suits and Overcoats that has ever
appeared under our signature. The state
ments of valuations made,uiv
usual as they may appear are
justified by the garments and
we simply request that you
do not take "snap judgment"
but investigate their truthfully
& ness, l ne value oi our ad'
vcrtising space depends upon
the faith, you have in our an'
nouncement The low prices
for these extremely high grade garments
warrant us to say "they are phcnomincl. "
Whsxi These Garmcls Are Made Of
THE OVERCOATS arc made of extra
heavy Scotch, doublctwist tweeds. Irish Si
Friezes. Meltons and Vicunas. 1 he colors
are blacks, light and oxford
grays and fancy mixtures all
splendidly lined, and will fit
boys 4 to 16 years of age.
THE SUITS are made of
worth to $7.50
A NEW KIjND OF A GUARANTEE This is something en
tirely new and when it appears over a "Nebraska1 signature"
you have all the more reason to feel confident. We will replace
m?y suit or overcoat "Free of Charge" for the least cause of dis
satisfaction to the purchaser -after the garments have been
worn can we do more I
genuine Scotch double-twist
tweeds, imported and Ametv
ican worsteds, in all the new
designs, including blue serges
and pebble cheviots, The
very best that money can buy. Either knick- w
crbocker or plain pants. This sale should ' yi lhA
Dy all llieuiis uiicicii tvciy patent u a uuy Jj
The values are exceptional for high grade V J'
Mtu 8 fine equality Trecot flannel and Melton Jack
ets In neat, modest colors fancy trimmed collars
and cuffs 1.75
Men's fine Imported silk Matalasea brocaded Jack
ets beautiful colors of blue, maroon, brown and
Oxford silk cord trimmed cuffs and pockets reg
ular $12.60 value special price $7.90
Men's .bath robiS and dressing gowns in Jersey
cloth, cotton &ad wool Klderdown all pretty, at
tractive patterns 82.50. $3.50 to 87.00
I shades of tans and browns silk lined, fierce lined
Men's new. fancy colored or plain black silk tecks , and unllned $1.00
and four-in-hands hundreds of light, pretty colors. Men a fine cape
yK jk. crlnrpn tana, erf
Men's fine quality, extra wide silk lined or Fre
shape four-ln-hands finest Imported silks every
desirable color also solid black er white. . . 45d
Men's extra fine, rich Imported silks most beauti
ful holiday Btvles light and dark colors.. 75-$l
Men's fine quality Imported golf gloves solid and
fancy colors 50-75
Men's good quality holiday kid gloves pretty
kid and Mocha dress or street
gloves tans, greys and black lined or unllned a
perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed 81.50
Men's fancy suspenders single boxes
at 25-50-75
Men's fine holiday silk suspenders beautiful lignt
and dark colors also plain black or white satin
for embroidering .81.00 81.25-81.50-82.00
Boys' fancy web suspenders pretty, separate
boxes 25
ft IW
Men'B plain white hemstitched Japanette handker
chiefs with Initials, each 10
Men's pure white IriBh linen handkerchiefs wltn
initials put up half dozen in box 00
Men's fine cambric finished hemstitched handker
chiefs with initials half dozen in box 50
Fine white China silk handkerchiefs good quality
extra large size all widths of hems suitable for
re8enta 50-75-$1.00
Men's fine worsted "Way" muffler plain blade,
white, fancy patterns, greatest neck protection. 45
Men's new stylish Bcarfs, Oxfords or silk squares
all colors, also plain white and black. . -50"75
Men's swell styles of quilted Oxfords hem
stitched scarfs and brocaded silk squares heavy '
stylish patterns all colors $1.00
Men's extra fine full dress shirt protectors and Ox
fords most beautiful qualities plain black, Gros
grain, Barathea or satin. . .S2.50-S3.00 83.50
DIAMONDS Frenier, 15th and D-xJs.
Lan4 Mas Most Pay Thstr Fin and
SrT Six Months la
Coaaty Jail.
Word was rclved by United Slates Dis
trict Attorney dons Friday morning from
the United States circuit court of appeals
to the effect that the motion for a now
trial In ths case of John and Herman
Krause has been denied.
John and Herman Krause were con
victed In 1906 of Illegally fencing public
lands and intimidating settlers within
their pasture enclosures In county.
They were Jointly fined ll.SiO and costs of
suit, amounting to $2,000 additional, and to
six months' Imprisonment In the Douglas
county Jail. They made a motion for a
new trial, which was denied In ths lower
court, and an appeal was taken to the
. circuit court of appeal, which was also
denied them. A new motion for a new
trial, on the grounds of new and Important
evidence, was made to the circuit court
of appeals and It Is this new motion that
has Just' been denied.
All the government has left for the
Krauses to do now Is to pay their fine
and become guests of Sheriff McDonald
for six months. They will have thirty flays
from the date or the Issuance of the man
date to enter upon the sentence Impose'',
unless they make an appeal to the United
States supreme court, which ia not at all
HI man Glllaskl Chanted with Re
celrlag aad Concealing Several
Sacks of Stolen Sagar.
The fates are certainly against Hlman
Qillnskl, proprietor of a store at 1010 North
sixteenth street, whose store was entered
by burglars Thursday night and 11.76 stolen.
Friday morning a complaint was Hied
by the city prosecutor against Qillnskl.
charging him with receiving and concealing
teveial sacks of sugar which were stolen
a few days ago from a Northwestern
freight car by two small boys, Alexander
Beck and Francis McBrlde. 1SI4 Charles
street. x
It Is alleged that Gallnskl Incited the
boys to the theft and promised to buy
whatever was stolen by them. Tho boys
are midgets, but claim to be over 1 years
of age. The have been carefully ques
tioned for several days by the detectives.
but equalled Ananias In their stories. They
finally broke down Thursday night and con
fessed that Qillnskl had got them to steal
the sugar and had threatened them If they
ever divulged his name.
Baker's Cocoa
and GIioGOlato
n. Highest
U. af". woe
Made by a scientific blend
ing'of the best Cocoa beans
grown in the tfopicsthe
result of 126 years of suc
cessful endeavor.
A sew mm4 aaaasaaselr Ulaaat4
Establbhri 1783 CCPXKtSTIR. KAS1
Ilea OST a Convivial Party la Tin
to Sara Faltbfal
. Harse.
Ths mad career of F. Nelson, 8103 Cuming
street; Worth Adair, Sixteenth street, and
Mabel Johnson of ths People's lodging
house was suddenly brought to an end
Thursday night by two brawny patrolmen.
The three convivial spirits had hlrtd
horso and light buggy from the stable of
P. Chiistenson. 21M Cuming street, and
after heaving aboard a bounteous supply of
liquid refreshments proceeded to paint the
town a brilliant crimson. Nelson was the
"chauffeur" and drove the horse at a gallop!
until tney were stopped on North Sixteenth
street by the officers, when the horse was
nearly exhausted.
Tn police court Friday morning K'-lson
and Adair wars sach fined 110 and costs.
while the woman was fined 13 and costs.
mpblark Falls to Stand1 Between
Stella Moor aad Bar
f Jastlre.
A complaint was filed by Deputy County
Attorney Foster In police court Friday
morning against Stella Moore, a colored
woman, who Is charged with the larceny
of a diamond from F. O. Book of Omaha
November M.
The Moore woman achieved notoriety by
blacking her face with lampblack in order
to acquire a complexion of inky blacknesa.
when aha could steal with Impunity, as her
victims could not Identify her after she had
removed her complexion. Ehe was Anally
Identified by Mr. Book tn spite of her Sud
den change from an African of darkest
hue to a light mulatto. The woman was
arraigned and the case set for trial Decem
ber li.
Htate teaaal Debate.
The Omaha High school debaters will
go to I xs Moines In January or Februnrr
to debate with tha les Myites High school
boy on the question of whether "the
I'nlted States senators should be elected
by a dlrevt vote o the ptople." Consid
erable rivalry Is on at the high school to
decide wImj will represent the team at Def
Mclnes and a preliminary debate to choose
!. Omaha representatives will be held
before the Christmas holidays.
Diamonds Copley, Jeweler, Sl 8. lth St.
Then and Now.
OMAHA. Dec. 6. To the Editor of The
Bee: Speaking from the floor of the old
senate chamber In 1838. Daniel Webster
said of the political dsmagogue of that
clay, as follows:
They excite the poor to make war upon
the rich. Thpy complain of oppression.
(peculation and the pernicious Influence of
acrumuiatea weaitn. iney cry out iuaiy
ra-nlnst banks and all corporations and all
the means by which small capitals become
united In order to produce Important and
beneficial results. They oarry on a mad
hostility aga not all established Institu
tions. They would choke up the fountains
of Indus. ry and dry all its streams.
The American Demosthenes was speaking
a year after the panic of 1837, when the
people were In the midst of dire distress In
their homes, as they were found In 1R96 by
the Bryan brand of demagogues, who did
their best to organize revolutionary discon
tent in our country- Webster's portrait of
them holds the mirror up to nature, as we
find them now, although every man of
Judgment knows that prosperity was never
greater In any nation than It Is tn our own.
The Brynns and the Hearsts "complain
of oppression, speculation and ths per
nicious influence of accumulated wealth,"
without which labor would famish and
starve. 1
The Bryans and the Hearsts "cry out
loudly against banks and all corporations
and all the means by which small capitals
become united In order to produce Im
portant and beneficial results."
The Bryans and the Hearsts "carry on a
mad hostility against all established Insti
tutions." The Bryans and the Hearsts "would
choke up the fountains of Industry and dry
all Its streams." A DEMOCRAT.
Water Power Possibilities.
NEW YORK, Nov. 28. To the Editor of
The Bee: A wideawake Omaha man, Mr.
J. B. McKlttrlck, writes ms that the power
canal la being revived. Everyone interested
in Omaha will have that much thanksgiv
ing with his tomorrow's turkey.
Ontario, Canada, recently passed a bill
making hydraulic elevator power companies
public service corporations, and a commis
sion called to regulate rates, so great the
development there. Besides U8.0UO horse
power at Niagara falls, from Atlantlo to
Pacific these plants are springing up like
Jonah gourds. Tha Shawlnigan Falls
Power company has 100,000 horse-power
eighty miles northeast of Montreal. Its
transmission lines deliver light, beat and
power In Montreal, eighty miles away, and
can deliver 100 miles up. It Is building
transmission lines to other cities. Large
manufacturing plants have already come to
ths power plant at ths falls aforesaid. A
Lac nine rapids company Is developing 35.000
horse-power and Is starting another plant
of ao.Cu) horse-power on the Soulangts ca
nal. The Hamilton Power company devel
ops up to 40,0u0 horse-power. Tbess are only
a few of tha Canadian examples of wise
financiering foresifht, all a success.
Schenectady, N. Y., was the deadest cem
etery In the United States before the power
plant. Now look at It go with a hump In
Its back to keep up with itself.
Maseena Springs, N. Y., a village of 1.000
people; but a few million dollars In power
plant worked a miracle and they are de
veloping more. They had to blast It out
of rock, while Omaha can cut It out Ilka
cheese. Plenty more facts like these to
prove that Omaha Is sleeping on a gold
mine, and If It docs not wake up soma en
terprising company will tap It with a trans
mission una from 100 miles away, then
good by to opportunity.
Ontario s bill empowers tha commission
to build transmission lines in aid of cities
desiring tf. foster manufactories and gives
It the power to appropriate the plants of
recalcitrant power companies. Oet a bill
more Iron than all England! More than
Russia and France' put together! Pitts
burg produces more commodities In ten
weeks than the London docks, the pride of
Great Britain, handle in a year, says the
December Munsey. What makes Pittsburg
alone a peer of nations? This is the magic
wand twenty-nine billion tons of power In
the coal of Its hills! Power to make
things, power to do things! What else
makes a matt, or a city? Pittsburg fac
tories have profits to make 130 millionaires
a year. Bays Munsey. Why It is wide
awake, working with its power Instead of
sleeping on it. Nobody In Omaha wants to
be a millionaire.
Read the "Romance of teel In America"
In December Munsey; then let every
Omaha cltlxen "kick himself" for murmur
ing at fortune when the power that makes
millionaires Is trembling at his snores!
Massena Springs invested millions In
power plant, then had to Induce factories
to get a market. Omaha has the market
for Its power greedily awaiting to get it.
That power plant will make a payroll of
factory hands that will fill your banks with
millions of deposits. Fill the merchants'
tills with millions of profits. Fill the hive
of every Industry with busy workers, build
ing up the real Omaha. Fill the corporate
llmMa with the homes of thousands at
tracted by a power that helps them to help
themselves. From New York City, with Its
marvelous development now amazing the
world, to the magic growth of Los Angeles,
Seattle, etc., all cities are having a great
upbuilding along the line. Omaha has the
power to do all that they have done. It
can double Us greatness with the power
of a giant enterprise. Instead of waiting the
slow accretion of years. Will it do It, or
wait till some legislative enabling act, like
Canada's, permits some rival to appropri
ate its power plant and Its greatness?
Aboat Mr. Qalaa.
WATERLOO. Neb., Dec 6. To the Editor
of The Bee: Our friend tjulnn, the optician,
who writes from Fremont under date of
December 1 to deny having had anything
to do with the disappearance of Viola
Ayers, lays the blame for the report of his
supposed connection with the case to Cap
tain Hase of the sheriff's office; and to put
the gentleman light and relieve the cap
tain of the charge, I wish to say that at
the time of his visit here nothing was
known of the rumor about the optician
and that I alone am responsible for the
appearance of the rumor In The Bee.
It Is unfortunate, but inevitable, that In
a case of this kind some should be wrong
fully suspected, and our good friend should
not take the matter to heart, for he has
company In his supposed trouble. The
story was sent In without any thought or
purpose to harm Mr. Qulnn If he was not
guilty and In the hope that possibly It was
a clue worth following. I have personally
received a letter from Mr. Qulnn and take
this public means of saying that his alibi
appears to have the mark of genuineness
and doubtless Is O. K. Respectfully,
J. It. RIOG3.
Flow Company Decides to Irect live tc
Eieht-Ftorr Structure.
Officials Are Xov Negotiating for a
Site, the Parchase of Which .
Mill Soon Be An-noonced.
The Rock Island Plow company of Rock
Island, 111., Is negotiating (or a bu.lding
site In Omaha and probably will be ready
to announce the location of Its purchase
soon. It proposes to erect next year a
warehouse of five to eight stories and of
large ground dimensions.
At present the Rock Island company's
Omaha branch has a part of the Avery
Manufacturing company's building, across
the viaduct from Union station, but the
space at its disposal Is entirely too small
for the growing business. Months ago the
company realized the Immediate necessity
of larger quarters and all summer and fall
It has been looking about for a building,
preferring to lease rather than erect one.
But warehouse room Is veiy" scarce In
Omaha and tha search was unsuccessful.
Tha company has finally decided that It !
must build. One of Its officers has been
In Omaha several times In the last few
months looking at real estate and he Is
said now to have a deal under way.
This Is but another Instance of the
growth of Omaha's Implement Jobbing
trade. A few years ago the Rock Island
branch wag established on the Council
Bluffs aide of the river. Since It has moved
to Omaha Its business has developed un'll
It needs several times as much room as
It had In Council Bluffs. .
The Parlln, Orendorff A Martin company
lias Just completed a building, which, with
the site, cost $150,000; the Raclne-Sattley
company la adding three stories to Its
building, and the John Deere Plow com
pany proposes to sell its old home and
erect a much larger structure.
Former Omahan Pleads for Release ,
from Xmwr Vnrk Aivlnm Aftr 4
Basy Career.
The question of the Identity of George
A. Klmmel, formerly with the Home In
vestment company In Omaha and also
cashier of the Farmers' State bank at Ar
kansas City, Is again being brought for
ward. He is now trying to gain his free
dom from the Insane asylum at Mattea
man. N. Y., on the ground that he Is no
longer Insane. He is said to have de
faulted from the Arkansas City bank and
disappeared In If 98.
Under the name of Andrew J. White the
man was convicted of larceny In Cattarau
gus county. New York, and was sent to
the asylum aa insane. He Is now said to
have admitted that Ms name is George A.
Klmmel and habeas corpus proceedings
have been begun on his behalf to secure
his release, ,
Klmmel's Identity was discovered as a
result of a contest made by the New York
Life Insurance company, which refused to
pay an Insurance policy of 125.000 on his
life, which was claimed by Mrs. Edna K.
Bonslett of Chicago, Klmmel's sister.
Her claim was based on the allegation
that a man missing for seven years was
legally dead.
Klmmel's relatives claim that the man It
the Insane asylum Is not George A. Klmmel.
treasurer; Otto Bauman, financial secre
tary, and William J. Yancey, sergeant-at-arms.
George Seay will be Judge of elec
tion and Fred Cosgrove and A. O. Silicic
will ba clerks.
I Old Deaooeratle Organisation Will
Hold Election of Officers
j Saturday.
j Tha Jacksonlan club will hold Its annual
I election of officers Saturday night at the
' club rooms in Patterson block. Seventeenth
and Farnam streets. The nominating coin
I mlttee has prepared this ticket which It
i desires the members to elect: C. O. Cun
I nlngham, president; Robert Altchlson, vice
president; Fred H. Guthrie of South
Omaha, second vice president; A. C. Shul
lenbarger of Alma, third vice president; E.
P. Berryman, secretary; John A. RJne,
Thirty-Eight Matrons and Tbalr
Bablea Partake of Aaaaal'
Thanksgiving; Dinner.
Thirty-eight mothers and ten babies ware
guests of Miss Magee and her assistants at
the City mission. Tenth and Capitol avenue,
Thursday afternoon at the annual Thanks
giving dinner.
This dinner la the one occasion of the
year when the youngsters of the Mission
are not welcome. They are rigidly ex
cluded, in fact, for this feast is for the
mothers and Is given annually the week
following Thanksgiving. The women come
from the lower end of the' city and from
up and down the river, the majority of
them being members of the Mission Moth
ers' club, which meets weekly to sew or
mend, while some of the mission assistants
read or provide other entertainment. A
chicken dinner, with all the Thanksgiving
accompaniments, was served Thursday afternoon.
Announcements of the. Theaters.
A matinee will be given at the Orpheum
today. At the closing performance of the
current week's bill tonight the curtain will
rise at 8:15 sharp. Next week the Vaasar
Girls come to this popular playhouse. Their
dainty dances are not of the kind soon for
gotten, especially their grand electric bal
lot. Others will be the Zasclle and Vernon
company In their comic pantomime called
"The Elopement;" KJeln and Clifton In "The
Dummy's Holiday," a comedy sketch; I
RarTayette's dogs; Willie Eckstein, the
famous boy pianist; Swor brothers. Im
personators of the southern negro; Black
and Jones, a pair of lively dinclng come
dians, and new klnotlrome pictures.
A too meal for c at the Karbach res
A Reliable Hrmedy fur Cronp.
With the dry, cold weather of the early
winter months, parents of croupy children
should be on the alert for ominous symp
tom. There Is no cause for anxiety, how
ever, when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Is kDt in the home. If this medicine Is
given ss soon as the child becomes hoarse,
or even after the croupy cough has ap
peared, the attack may be warded off.
Mrs. S. Roslnthal of Turner, Mich., says:
"We have used Chamberlain's Cough med
icine for ourselves and children for several
years and like It very much. I think It Is
the only remedy for croup and can highly
recommend It."
Births aad Deaths.
The following births snd deaths were re
ported to the Board of Heulth during the
twenty-four hours ending Friday noon:
Hint.. John ii. Lindbem. k.t Hickory.
like It In Ksbratka and sween tha AA. girl; Wsrren 8. Han. ikon HIS Koulh Thir-
J?it - '--r2!5i?5;r --t a3j
" ssj mm M . '
. -x
ComsMsF tits
Soda Cracker
Science has proved and established the fact that the
toda cracker is the most nutritious and healthful article
of food made from flour.
When it is considered that Unoeda DlsCUlt
are the perfect soda crackers it is no wonder that
nearly 400,000,000 packages have been sold the only
wonder being that any cne can go a day without
Uneeda Bis'cuit.
have tol,nlh. girl; James Baaua. liila South Four-
r teentn, boy
heads out of the way. They'll
shoot or give up the gun."
What makes Plttsbuig. Pa., the rival of! Deaths W. O. Bartholomew dl Douglas.
.. ,' 1 63; William C Brad.tock. 1142 Osden. i.
nations, rather than cities? It vroduces J j ur Ouail. 6U bouih Ttli tteulu. .