Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1906)
Tel. Douglas CIS. Now for Ihe Grealef Special Sale ol rDeauIilul Dlacfe Silk and Wool DressiJoods Omalia Has Ever Had, Wednesday, 9" A. M. From all Omaha and surrounding country they came by the thousands to attend last Satur day's Great Sal flf these same goods only in colors. ' Realizing that if the black goods were sold at the same time the crowds would be so great we could not take care and serve them properly. 7sTow the'black 'silk and wool poplins will go on sale "Wednesday morning. ' ' . Numb'er'100 fcegrilar $1.50 quality black silk and wool pbplin, 59c a yaxd. (Same as sold Saturday.):.- ". ' ' " ' Number 150 Kegnltu: $1.75 extra fine quality .black silk and wool poplin, 69c a yard (one gradAett.tlaiail sold Saturday.) , ;;. . - .. .".'- : ' . Selrtomv Is; nL opportunity, like this of- I There's nothJnc nicer In the' Wfty.'of.beJ I knitting and crocheting will be taught. No fered Just at tlm-whn' thousands -will 4 be wanting- pretty black "dress gcrtids for Christmas ' preieittf . . , , ... Wednetday nmrhtrlg fl will go rrearly as far In fcoylns aw-three ordinarily." vVe hre proud of lU'.n Aan display. These soft silk and 'woo! irifcrlnls-'wlll go to' thou unci of homes rat frtrfmas time.' YoO can make "n mistake In , buying pluck, as black dress, goods are- always Wanted, and these pretty goods matt' friends at one, so beautiful Is the fabric.' rRob Blankets. The beautifully flnlshef robe or wrapper blankets are warm, without, depressing weight, ,s - slumber" rdb! they aYe cozy and always clean. - At 'R-..Mtl-Bobo; they are comfortable and convenient. As a Christmas gift tor either" sex they will be tnour appreciated . . Prices, "tirj;'. - IJ.QOC -$2.?5, ii.SO, SITE.' 13.00, $3.80. 14,50, I5.E0, - t&SD aol'W.To each. Cords to' mateh blankets "at Oc .r set, of three pieces.'.', . . ' ' 'VV 7 Don,-. Qomf friers;;''- -, If you decHIAfar Sown comforter as -' " gift see us.Jiy 'all niea'ns. , '. .', '; H''l, BARGAIN SQUARE IN BASEMENT SPECIAL REMNANT SALE MONDAY Remnants of Outing Flannels at Be a yard. Remnants of Flannelettes at 4 He a yard. Remnants of Beige Suitings at 3c a yard. Remnants oj Best Prints at 2 He a yard. Remnants of Muslin at Ec a yard, etc. Beautiful souvenir postal cards, 'showing interior, views of our Open Saturday Evenings. COAL TRUST JURY IN SECRET IwoIts Han Wha Bear Case liuit le Oloiely Co: fined. CANNOT READ OF on uUCUSS THE TRIAL Jade Sutton Muwes Halln Which Sauftesta He Considers Offense a. misdemeanor and Kot - - ' a Kelany. ' Byron R. Hastings, real estate, SS16 Dodge. '1 nun, us, evi.uuoi aa.wt, 'xuu-ly-eigntn unu L,, buuiu Omaha. ciiMue l,. iiMyvi, aoveiunuig novelties, ISonh iiiielcenU) avenue. . iiemy Alexaiiuur, uining car cook, 611 Bnuili it n til. .. H. Jjuliance, horse dealer, .boards. at Karbaclu iei.iits. Bheean, T'nlon' Taclflc car re pairer, buutn Tlnrteentn. liranU iynch, cook, luu iJoUgo. Antun IhimiiiI. iU uoutu Seventeenth. J. 11. jauiuoou, engine tore man, uio Call- 1 forma. 15. li. BraLn, manager Omaha School Sup ' ply company, lu4. Kouih Ttyen'ty-eigtuh. J. r". ii.eti,' inisiMsQior wuier lumpany, 9&A CbldweU. ., U. M. casn, saleshian Natiqnal Cash Rerf later compuny, 112 North 'I'wetitj 'fourtn. These twelve men wtre selected In Judge Button's court to sit in Judgment at the first trial of ' the charge against the al leged Coal trusi. Tuey were selected yes terday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and after a sliort recess the opening atton.ents of ttu attorneys . were .1eguu. Attorney Conneli was still In the midst of his statement when court adjourned for the night. At the close of the Besslon Judge Sutton sprung, a surprise on the Jurors by an nouncing they would be kept In confine ment 'during the trial. ' He said the case was an Important one and If the Jurors were at large they could not help reading about' it and hearing; It discussed. The Jurors wer tuken to the Drexel ' hotel, where quarters have been provided fot them. ' The selection of the last Juror required - over an hour and a quarter, more time than was spent on the tlrst six challenges. 1M Ptto:i of South Omaha, was called to the box and when he was excused because of prejudice Ave more names were drawn before a satisfactory Juror was found In I., M. Cat'h. A local evening paper pub lished an incorrect list of the Jurors In Its effort to score a "scoop'' on the court. City Attorney on thm JPaarl. One- of ttie Jurors culled was Michael Golden of South Omaha. He was excused because he had been on the grand Jury Xmas Gilts for Our Infants' (.Wear Department is resplendent with lflauy beautiful- suggestions for baby's first Christinas. V If ; iu doubt as fo what to give yburlittle friend; a visit to the "iJoys' ana uins' &tore" win Crocheted and Knitted Bootees at $1.25. 89c. 50c. 35c and. 15 Crocheted Sacquea and Shawls at l. $1.65, $1.35. S9c and.JOf Embroidered Cashmere Sacquea and Wrappers, $450, $3.45, $2.25. $185, $1.65. $1.15 "d "... 85 Celluloid Toilet Articles Baby's first comb and brush sets, band decorated puff and talcum pow der boxes, fancy ribbon boxes, banks and rattles at $3.00 $1.50 "4 $1.00 BENSON crTHORNES j i rite for Catalogue. ' ' covering - than a 8oN?n comforter especially . if It is on bfOOrS. The' size of our dowd comforters Is'jfltx feet -by seven feet. gon-j erously large. 'Coverings are beautiful even; In, the cheapest, and 'the higher priced ones are covered with dainty silks too beau-' tlful to describe. ' , " ''-. . ' i Prices 5.00, tit00. ., 17.00, 7.S0, $9.00, $11.60, J1S.00 and. 118.00 each. ' i - For Christmas Gifts. ! Just 'arrived, . new designs .of prints' and percales, done up in neat dress patterns1 at tse'-and tt'.W per pafterrt. ' . .. . ,,. . n Demonstration of "Lion ' Brand ;;." ; ' " ' Yarns. ; ' ' Tomirro'w Is the last flay of tVe yac,r demoMtraUon. These classes )n fancy knitting and crocheting havi-heen very-popular- . la . order to. Accommodate the many women who come to these clasebsj' Miss Nissen' stayed three days "Vver ,hfcr ailottU ',4lti! . - '-'' i.1. -,V, . jj, :: ' .11 . t herej.v"are 'who yhar.-najt bean 4M';'to j a-fjf-rid "befofs' tills,, 'besure-.'aid yim tofliorT9W jMfAthl,, will e the lust 'Sahr.';Atf .ta1' newest' stitches in' f&niv. Howard Cor. Sixteenth Street that found the Indictment. Another was II. S. .Daniel, city prosecutor, but he had been excused from service because he Is an attoihey. Philip McMermott, a team ster, who had worked for coal dealer's, said he was prejudiced, not by reading the newspapers, but ' "from experience." He was excused also. The search was closed when both sides accepted Mr. Cash. Judge Sutton ordered that all Jurors not serving on the case remain outside the court room during the progress of this trial, because they may be called on to sit on another coal case following this one. County Attorney . Slabaugh began his opening statement to ' the ' Jury at 4:06 o'clock, after a short recess had given the Jurors a breathing spelt. . Ie covered the nine counts of the Indictment and ex plained them all to the Jury. He promised to show the members of the exchange had made an agreement not to sell coal to non members, Including all consumers, at less than retail prices: that it maintain a re tail list price and has a board of direct ors to examine complaints and assess fines on members for cutting prlcns or violating a rule pf the exchange against soliciting business. .The minutes of the meetings, he sild would show the prices went Into ef- fjli'l' t. certain defJnlteUmes. j alh defJnUeUmes. j ; .. . sn4 . UlnbhaWv'obJeW. ' I h'rt'ett'ftlTowed for the deense. f.i 'wsdae " W; -j. - comr Ills address was punctured by objections f ran), the'- court :apd -the county attorney. re Sutton sustained ' an obteetlon of r eputy founty Attofrtey Murdock when Mr. Conneil, started io Ulsouss the Junkln law and the equity suit In Judge Troup's court. He. asserted the Coul exchange was' formed for. .legitimate, lawful and commendable purposes for the protection of: both 'deal ers and consumers and he 'denied It had ever fixed .or attempted to fix the price cf coaL , . - A heated discussion 'started between Mr. Connell and County' Attorney Slabaugh but Judge .Sutton sharply ; ordered them to address their remarks to the court. Judge Sutton said he wouid not allow the law yers to discuss questions between them selves in the presence of the Jury. Both of the attorneys said they would abide tjy that rule and as I o'clock bad arrived court uJjourned. . . Offense is a Misdemeanor. The end of the quest for a Jury In the 8. E. Howell trial before Judge Sutton was In sifrhv hon" court;. adjourned at noon Tuesday, Only 'threo peremptory challenges remained unused and It was apparent the ttwelve men 'would be-chon wrly In, the iatttarneon" jtesalod. The', ,flrt . .twelve men .were passed for cause by fevthsides at 11 0'c.lock and Judga' ,Uutton -announced the defense' wou)d have, six uiid tlie ataie three peti'mploiy.cliallenges.,? ..', t : This amounts to a decision that the art me the Baby soon set your mind at ease. Go-Cart and Carriage Afghans:, Knitted In beautiful patterns also the fine fur robes a fine' assortment, at $13.60. $8.60, $5. $3.50 and $2.50 An endless array of pretty Knitted novelties, Including lap. pads.i fancy moccasins horse-reins, with whip to match, fancy rattles and' balls, up from 25 Baby Veils Knitted silk and wash blonde yells, 85ct65c. 40c. 35v Fancy lace trimmed and hand embroidered bibs and pillow cot ers. l" IMS IH)1 GLAS SXfttKf . ' TIIE- OMAHA y'v Bsj Dec.f 4, 1901. charge for Instruction. You are Invited to attend. Second ' floor. ..Very Choice New Coats. There is always something i.ew to see In coats at our store. . The Jaunty velvet coats. The pretty broadtail velour coat, i Tbe natty short coats. The ; very stylish coats in tourist mix . turpi, Black broadcloth loose coats. Black broadcloth fitted coats. .- less lor nign graae coais m uu torB ;han , ,ny .tor , omah.. See our coats at 110.00, 115.00, 117.60, $22.M nO.ia.W. ' -We have a great assortment of coats, for ladles. 'who wear large sizes. ,', Fine Furs. Reliable and satisfactory goods. Ws show -a very choice , line of fur sets for well as fqr ladies. ' .j-j v Ladies' Sweaters. I , Jit .iblouse and norfolk styles. In plain w'bfte, plain gray and cardinal. store, free upon request. IJJ.!UL charged is a misdemeanor, a point which has been In doubt In the minds of attor neys. Some contend It Is a felony. In felony cases, at least eight challenges are allowed' the defense. Considering the time taken a very small number of ' Jurors had been examined. Twenty-five have been called Into the box, seven of these excused for cause and six by peremptory challenges. Contrary to ex pectatlons little prejudice against the de fendants or In their favor has been found so far. MARSHALS TO CUT FENCES i, ... i i- ... Posse Leaves Cheyenne for Biatol ' Ranch fo Destroy. Illegal Barriers. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. 4. United States Deputy Marshal James La Forse and a pesse of eight men left Cheyenne today under orders of Special Agent Hughes to cut and destroy, certttln - -alleged Mlleyal fences owned by A. Bristol and o'ther ranch men in this county. The posse was heavily armed, but no acts of violence are antici pated... :. Miner Kllle I l K:tll of Rock, ... I.EAD, S, p,,.Dec., 4. - Special. TfVegram.) -r-Fajiki Corre.U, : one tof -iChe oldest em-. ployes of the Homestake- mine, .-while en gaged at work this afternoon was cuught In a fall of rock and his skull .crushed. Death was Instantaneous. He leaves a wife and family. - Resignation of Judge Accepted. ' P1ERUE. S. D., Dec. 4.-(SpeclaI Tele pram.) Governor Elrod has accepted, the resignation of C. B. Argo as county Judge of Lyman .county and has appointed C. -H. Sweet,. Judge-elect, to that position. LAND KINGS PAY ALL BILLS (Continued from First Page.) four stakes on the claim for the location; ot a house, which Trlplett told-him would be built for him. Incidentally the witness asked Trlplett aa to what deposition lie ' could make of the land after he had proved up, and Trlplett replied that it would be taken off his hanrs, though the company would not commit itself. Witness, saw the land but this one time. Ho UUl.not intend So live on It. but merely to go out there once In awhile as was necessaiy In order to make final proof. Eben W. Stewart, another Burlington railway conductor who made a filing at Trlplett's solicitation, said he never went to see the land nor .did he intend to live on It. STATUS OF I1A1UMIAN LINES (Continued from First Page.) (lie a copy of the list with the commia ilon. Three witnesses were called to show thst coal land; had been secured by the Utah Fuel company in the san.e manner as was brought out in the Investigation of the t'nlon Paeino railroad by the commission In this city several months ago. These witnesses filed on coal lands with the understanding that' they could sell It when it was proved up' on, and latr trans ferred the lands to representatives Of the T'tah Fu 1 company for a consideration of $54 each.' " ' . FIRE RECORD. " Hotel at Braver City. Bt'AVF.n CITY. Neb., Dee. 4.-(Speclal Teles ram.) The Meidows hotel burned this morrlng at 5 o'clock and the proprietor, J. C. Ness, and family, and several guests had narrow escapes from . deatt). The struc ture, a wooden building, was a mass of flames when one of the Inmates discovered the fire. Kvery room was occupied and the guests fled In their night clothes, some Jumping from the windows. The ciuse of the Are Is unknown. The property 'was fully Inruied. ' ' I ' Cffe At San Franrlsc. I HAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 4.-A Are which broke out at midnlsht In the omre of L. Werlln,' coffee broker, at No. S Front street csuned a pmnertv lose estimated at between $76,000 and $100,000. Montreal Bnalaeas Hnasea, MONTREAL, Dec. 4 -Kir In the down town buxlneaa district early caused a i.s DAILY BEEf "WEDNESDAY, INTEREST CENTERS IN JAPS .fjoritj of Congmimen Arm with FstitioD of b Frssidsnt, C'LirORNIANS PRINCIPAL OEJZCTORS (onmiimts t.aeeV" of Iowa Mays He la .ot Seeklasr a Whea His ' ' ' Prue'lrlTtrin itt t'oagresa JBsplres. . (From at Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. (Special Tele gramsInterest today centered In the presi dent's rnefwage, members of the two houses being particularly anfctaus to Vn'W what the president's position would be on the Japanese situation ati applicable to Cali fornia, which seems to be uppermost In the public rrilnd at this moment. Now that the position of the president Is known aa it re lates to- the Japanese and his earnest plea for . laws fasrorabld to their naturalisation, his position is pretty generally endorsed by the great body of' republicans In congress, with the exception of. the California dele gation and possibly some of the Pacltlc coast states. In this' Connection it is in teresting to know -that the meewage read today has befn In type more than a month and that .the news associations were ad vised by 8ecretny Lofb sometime previous to the trip which the- president made to Panama that they would be supplied with advance copies of the message sn that they might be mailed to Japan and 8outh America to reach their destination In am ple time for use by papers In those coun tries tcday. The Nebraska members listened to the reading of the message throughout. They are a unit that It Is .an exceedingly strong state paper and ' exceedingly "Roosevel tlan" lnl every line. Kennedy Secures' Pensions. Blnce his arrival In -"Washington Mr- Ken nedy has secured pensions for Mary M. Lee, Widow' of Daniel J. le, of Omaha; Sarah E. Tftbler, widow of George H. Tab ler, of Valley, and Rebecca A. Allen, guar dian of minor child of Frank H. Bishop, of Waterloo. In all these cases the amount allowed Is $8 per month, with 2. additional in case of minor children. Nebraska Mutters at Capital. Dr. William P., Fast of Falls City, Neb., was presented ' to the president by Con gressman Pollard today. Dr. Fast is In Washington to secure passports for a visit to countries bordering on the Mediterranean sea, sailing on Saturday from New York for Gibraltar. Dr. Fast expects to be absent about eight months. " '' Senator Millard has prepared and will in troduce at the earliest possible moment measures to Increase the pensions of the following residents of Omaha: Dr. William Arnold, to $24 per month; T. H. Lisley, to 172; John Mcintosh, to $24. Senator Burkett will Introduce bills for the further relief of Jane Newton, $2u; A. Ij. Holbrook, $40; Hiram Bishop, $40; Dick Richardson, $30, all of Lincoln, and M. T. Houser, .Waverty, $30. ' Senator Burkett has received a petition from citizens of College View, Neb., urging the enactment ot legislation which will per mit the passage through the malls free of charge of printed matter destined for the education or the blind.' This movement Is not a particularly riew one,'- but seems to have been taken tip- with considerable earn estness by L. N.'Mnck, who edits a paper at College 'Tte-wfteroted' to the interests of the blind. i Senator Millard exf ects to leave Wash 'Inrflon 'fet "lhe "cld4 of tomorrow's Session for New York to- spend a few day upon private business; Hunt" Irak ' a "Defender. Rev. E. Lawrence Hunt of Brooklyn to day had a "valiant defender in Henry E. Davis, his counsel in the Bassett divorce case, in which the' Brooklyn minister is named as co-respondent. - Mr. Davis fin ished his argument for the defense this afternoon after a scathing arraignment of forty-six witnesses whom counsel for Bas sett had presented.' Mr. Davis accused Bassett's lawyers of having attempted to try the case through the newspapers.'' He -said he had not re sorted' to that course and had no need to do -o. r. Dividing Judicial District. Representative Lacey today Introduced a bill to create a new division of thu southern Judicial district of Iowa and to provide for terms of court at Ottumwa. The proposed bill provides that the coun ties of Davis, Appanoose, Mahaska, Keo kuk, Jefferson,'' Monroe and Wupello shall constitute a division of the southern Ju dicial district of Iowa, to be known as the Ottumwa division of this court. Court shall bs held in this hew Judicial district twice a year at Ottumwa, Lacey Kot After Place. ' Major Lacey is one of the "lame ducks" who will not bo looking for a Job after March 4. Speaking of his leaving congress Major Lacey said today: "I am a good deal like a hard working Swede up in my country when a Salvation Army captain asked him if he did not want to work for Jesus. 'No,' said Yon, 'I've got a Job. I wot kin' on Milw aukee railroad.' '"I've kept up my law practice during all the years I've been In congress, for I've always dreaded being a political pauper. Of all the pitiful objects on earth I think the most pitiful Is a congressman out of a Job who can turn his hand to nothing." Minor Matters at Capital. Postmasters appointed: . Nebraska-Meadow, Sarpy county, Florence Miller, vice 11. Q. Mundell, resigned. Iowa Clutler, Taina, county, Roy L. Cook, vice J. L. Wil son, resigned. Wyoming Chrystal, Big Horn county, Mary O. Barnett, vice Robert L. McKlnney, resigned; Fort McKenxis, Sheridan county, Lillian O. MacWllllama, vice Malvlna Appel, resigned. William M. Reed has been appointed reg ular and Nellie E. . Reed substitute rural carrier for route No. 1 at Davenport, Neb. A postofflce has been established at Polk, polk county, Nebraska, with Orlgen Float as postmaster. Collarettes Copley. Jeweler, 215 8. 16th St. Grata Com missions Kedacrd. CHICAGO. Dec. 4 The Board of Trad decided today- by a vote of brni to 277 to reduce grata commissions from cent to cent a bushel on orders filled for out siders and from H cent to 1-16 cent for members. A vote on an amendment to the board rules making It possible for com- I ttfc FUNNIEST BOOK OUT I ANIMAL" SERIALS . . Collected Cnrtoons by K. WAKDJS BLAldDELL Large tvo Cloth $1.00 net Postage 10-:. Tseatss I Crewca a Cs.. Hew tsrk ON SALE DY THE BENNETT COMPANY DECEMBER 5, 10QG. t Don't Overlook the) Fact that Our Mail Order Department la On of tbo Beat In the West SUPERIOR ....AT THE DAYLIGHT STORE ... We haven't reach-d the point in business where we know it all, but we DO KNOW that no other store in Omaha can give you as much for your money as we do, and the proof is on our counters EVERY DRY. Profit by early Christmas buying. A Christmas Item from Our Silk Dept. Just opened to view a magnificent line of fine imported Fancy Waist and Suit Silks, In plaids, checks, fancies and stripes, fifty styles to select from and a Qual ity of silk never offered before for less than $1.25. As a tempting-offer for Wednesday w will sell this silk for, a yd 75 Xmas Suggestions in Dainty Scarfs and Neck Fixing The Crepe de Chine Scarfs are be ing shown in even daintier and more delicate patterns, soft blended Persian patterns, plain colors and satin dotted, in two to three-yard lengths, special, each, $8.00 down to At our Neckwear Section. READY-TO-WEAR VEILS At our veiling section, main aisle, first floor, Wednesday, we will offer $1.25 Veils at 98c each, consisting of three-yard chiffons .and 14 -yard lace edge veils, all the most desirable shades, choice each 98 Three-yard chiffon Veils and 14 yard Crepe Chiffon Veils, in all shades, worth 75c and 98c each, Wednesday, each 50 RIB1XXNS FOR FANCY XMAS GIFTS. . 25 pieces silk warp Print Ribbon, 3 Inches wide, 25c quality, Wednesday, the yard 18 25 pieces all silk warp Prints, six Inches wide, 50c quality, Wednes day, the yard 3f) CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS Always acceptable. Fancy Picture box, containing six pure linen, satin striped, initial Handkerchiefs, worth 25c each, our Special Leader, the Ladles' pure flax Irish linen hand kerchiefs, with neat, narrow hemstitch, worth 25c each, six in a box, special for ... .$1.00 Gents' pure flax Irish linen hand kerchiefs, neat hemstitched bor der, regular 45c values, six in a -. box, special ..; $2.00 Xmas Suggestions for Ladies' Underwear All silk union suits, well finished and perfect fitting garments, white, flesh, pink and blue, prices, per suit, from $7 to. . g t Special lot of cream white silk union suits, at, each, $3.50 aruL 82.75 . Ladies' White Vests and Tights to . match, in all silk, worth $3.50 and $4.95 the garment, Wednes day, price the garment, $3.25 and 2.75 LADIES' LOW NECK NO SLEEVE VESTS All silk, cream white, plain silk taped, special, each $1.25 and $1 Pretty silk crochet Yokes, $1.75 and $1.25 Ladies' Black Coat Special Wednesday we will place on sale 75 coats, full satin lined, 50 Inches long, full ripple back, vel vet and silk braid trimming on collar and cuffs, made to sell at $16.50, Wednesday the price only $10.75 mission nouses 10 engage oronpri on a saliiry basis to fill orders was curried, 445 to m Mangum & Co., LKTTEH UPKCIALIST. Fulls Church to Be Restored. WA8HINQTON, Dec. 4. Historic old Flls church In Virginls, from which the village of Falls Church derived Its nam, and at which church President Washington worshipped for years, is to be restored. This work is to be undertaken by the American Silence and Historical Preserva tion society. twsy rVemf-ibe- t.nt .Nsjm &Yativo promo Qusaiaa Com CoItl LaOneDay, Cr(pta 3 iXsyt THE NEW CHESAPEAKE CAFE ANNOUNCEMENT- This cafe, the finest la . the city, is NOW OPEN. Private dining rooms. Special preparations for after-theater parties. 1508 Howard Street Tasle 9'X U Biases Bveiy BvesUaf . U O-oiec CD. ROTHERY'S Schlitz Ho. 2 gllTAtlSAST aad OiTB. Ill aaaia lia v Highest grails of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Imported Ale arid Sorter, brhltis s f amous aillwaukee aver aud Half -aud-Half on draught. mmmm BARGAINS.' WEDNESDAY J ) PAY A VISIT to TOYLAND Bring the children- let them enjoy the novel sights and see the great quantities of Interesting things that Santa Claus can give them Christmas. Notice Gentlemen's .$1.50 Umbrellas, on Bale Saturday at, each . . . .Q8 At our Umbrella Section, main entrance. Ladies' New Silk Waists New Plaids, dainty colorings, bias fronts, tucked yokes, bias strap-' ping, fine quality taffeta, but tons In back, special Wednes day $5.05 Ladies Fleeced Wrappers Assorted colors, in dark shades, some with flounces,, some with out, ruffles over shoulder, regu lar $1 value, Wednesday. 49 Children's Sweaters An appropriate Xmas gift for the '. In all dolors and whit, special value at 89 Colored Dress Goods for Wednesday's Buying 54-lnch English Kersey Cloth, suit able for tailor-made suits, sepa rate skirts and jackets, in navy blue only. Thls cloth is- sold regularly at $2.25 yard, for Wednesday, only, yard .$1.00 46.inch FancyStriped." Panamas1 and . shadow checked covert cloths. The right materials for street suits, and separate Bklrts. sold at $1.00 yard, Wednesday only, yurd .69 Special Sales Drug Sundries Talcum Powder, rose odor, regu lar price 26c, 1-lb. can ...IOC Professional' Cold Cream, -lb. can, 25c value 10 Superior Sewing Machine Oil, war ranted not to gum.iOc value.5 Cocoanut Oil, Maumath Castile and Volcanic Soap, 6 cakes. 25 Idealtne Poudre de Riz, an extra fine face powder, 50c value. 30 Creme Marquise Cold Cream, reg ular 25c value 10 Emory Boards, twelve pieces in neat box, convenient for purse or pocket O Nail Clips, 25c value . . . . . . .10 Ribbon Sale in Our Base ment Wednesday Aew tot 01 aoout ovu pieces ot plain colored silk - taffeta Rib bons, one to four inches wide, all . shades, worth to 20c per yard, for this sale only, yard.... 5 AMI HEM KNTi. CRKIOHTOtt 'Phone Douglas 4(4. Every Night Mats. Thur.. Bat. and Hun. MODERN VAUDEVILLE janls MoOree k Co., Carlotta, Chris Barns Mabel Bossell, X.sah BosseU, OtUlban fc rerry, Xdward Uray, rre4 OaletU's Monkeys and the Xlnodrome. moss lOo, 8 So, and SOc. 7CC" 1207 J J Douglas St. WILD ANIMAL C1K(T'8. 7 BHJ ARENA ACTft-7 Pprrormlnir Lions. Arabian Stallions, Hiding Lion "Nero." talking Pony . 1, . . ' ' T.ol ,iA lv.ira mnA UnnkvL V OiH-n 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. Aamiwsion iuc. 10 111 ANNUAL CALL GIVEN. BY THE OMAHA HACKMAVt UNION Friday, Dec. 7, Washington Hall 18th and Harney Hta. TlrkeU, 00c -V ft '1 J V Vs TV JohnM.Fixa's Cafo and Restaurant! 1516 Dodge St. - Krerr thing New Bst of Everything Thoroughly l'p-to-Ints First CUss la All RespecU Douglas 931 . Will Connect You With Any Department v in the " Daylight Store Our entire third floor Is a great Toy Bazaar. i Early buyers get best Se lections. Tool Chests for the boys from $4.95 down to!5 On Wednesday, we will sell a boys wooden Tool Chest, 114 Inches long, contains a small saw, hammer, square, rule and six other articles, for ........ ....15 Money Saying Basement FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY Huek and unbleached Turkish Towels, worth 10c each, base ment, each '5 L. L. Brown Muslins, good quality, worth 7c yard, basement, at, yard .''........4 Pillow Cases, best quality, hemmed and town, 45x3G size, worth 15c basement OH Comfort special for one day Just in, fresh from the mills, double faced sllkoline, soft, white cot ton filling, worth $2.76 each, basement, each .......$1.08 Housefurnishing Department , EVERYTHING StITABLE FOR THE LAUNDRY . Washing Machines The O. K. Washer, like cut $5.95 Martin's "Merry Go Round'; wash ing machine, a good machine, with a large fly wheel, at. $3,75 Western Washing Machine.$2.95 Wringer Benches (hold wringer and two tubs) ,r . $1,9 !. Heavy Galvanised Tubs, 20 Inches in diameter. -39 Iron frame Clothes Wringer.1.30 ' j In China Department : An Importer's line of samples of Japanese China. Variety Immense prices extra low, very desirable, for Christmas nresents. cuds, sau cers,' vases, plates, salad ' dishes, p' chocolate pots, cake plates .sugar and creamers, tea pots, comb and,' brush trays, etc. ' 1 , " SPECIAL Japanese cups andf, saucers, oval snaps, regular size, each 15 Japanese Tea Pots (with strainer) each 'tJLO'fr M I S KM Kill's. kDOYD'Orif-.'j: Mgrst THIS AFTERNOON . TONIOJsT Jane Kennark f In Viola Allen's Success. , The Toast af Ike TaWa 300 seats lower floor, fl.00. Thurs.., Friday, Sat. Mat and Night L0UI8 JAMCO as "KALSTAFjr," in THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, The Musical Triumph, THE MAJD AND TUB Mt'MMY. tuo seals on lower floor tl 00. Tuesday and Wednesday, Veti 11-13 Mr. Rlcht.i rJanofield Tuesday Evening, PEER GYTJI Wednesday Eve. By Special Reciuest, BEAU BRUMMEL ; Beat Bale Thursday too to WW. No Free List. UUHWOOD 1 Utb Big .Week - - . . . t. '. i . TONIGHT, ALL WEEK. THB WOOUWARI S TOt H CO. IN THE DICTATOR. SOUVENIR MAT1NEK THJ-'RSDA Y. pilcSs-Nlshts, Sun. Mata...r....U'-i6c. Tues., Thurs., Sst. Msis 10-2uo. Nest wek: NoKIULKN LIOHia. 1 IQtaBBB UUsm Tedsy, Soo. TeatOt. SU T E X A a A Romanes cf the Southern Plains. Thursrt-v-A "WVN fP THnN' fWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER .Jn s I 4V I r of tl&O.uvu. Tlvs urm sustained losses.