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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1906)
3 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA 77ieSto&of ii5f mite THE CtttAIIA' DAILY BEE: MONDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1906. COUNCIL BLUFFS Office?, 10 Penrl St. Tel. 43. MISOIl MKSTIO. & Son. 'phone 997. Davis, druga, C'iark's. sodaa. Ftockert Bella carpets. Fine engravings at LefTert'a. j;j losers' Tony Faust beer. Res Borwlck for Xmas goods. Plumbing and healing. Blxby Lewis Cutler, funeral director. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 339. DIAMONDS A3 AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LKFFtRT ABOUT IT. The regular monthly session of the city council Is scheduled for this evening. It It time to place your orders for Xmas framing-. Alexander's Art Store, 333 Broad way. MIS3 ARKWRTOHT'B CHINA 8 A LK FKOM DKCEMUEK 1 TO 8. 004 MYNSTER STREET. Ail sizes of storm doors, storm sash, storm windows and weather strip, at tieo. U'lK' land s The annuitl meeting of the congregation of the First Prcshy terlan church will be held this evening. Mens felt lined overshoes, SI. 50. Men's Ho i on pure gum overshoes, $ Duncan at DeHn. a 8. Main. If your shoes need repairing bring them to us. We fix them while you wait. Bar gant'a Family Shoe Store. Tlw reason why Hufer does the business Is because he delivers the goods to your nearest station at the least cost, A beautiful and ornamental gas burner, the Welsbuch chick lamp, complete, ll.-i. Btephan tiros., 62V West Broadway. Winter term Western Iowa College opt-no Monday, Dec. 3. Send for catalogue 'i'hone for Information. Both 'phones. X pay JL2 per ton for cast Iron; mixed, $10; stove, JS; rags, l',c per lb.; rubber, i'.c; copper, 14c per lb. J. Italelman, HOi, both 'phones U60. Frlti Klndolph, a resident of Crawfor. county, this mate, died yesterday at St. Lcrnurd's hospital where ho had been a patient for seventeen months. The grauuettt opportunity ever known for saving money on high class pianos, has brougut many buyers to A. ilospe Co., 2u South Main street. Council Bluffs. .ligh grade granite work, from the best tune Imported granites, lettering, carving and tracing. Fine monumental work a specialty Hlieeley Sc. Lane, 217 East Broad Way. Tho . Woman's auxiliary of 8t. Paul s Episcopal cnurch will hold Its regular monthly session Friday afternoon at the reslnaiu-a of the president, Mrs. T. J. Foley, on tiouth tjlxth street. Attorney Emmet Tlnjey delivered the me morial address at the memorial services of the Elks' lodga, of Cedar lUipius, la., yesterday. Charles W. McDonald of this cily delivered the address at Iiratnle. Hwantou Music company for Hie bes selection of up-to-date styles In pianos o. high grade, in nianoguny, wainui ana u. Kasv terms and unusual bai gains. 4i Weft Broadway. Tuning, repairing and storage. The funera' of the late Mrs. Cntherlne Clifton will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Steece, 2401 Avenue II. and burial will be In Prospect Hill ceme tery, Omaha. A meeting of the Chrl;tland Endeavor so cieties is o be held Friday evening, De cember 14, at the First Christian Ci.u.c.n, for the purpose of forming a cily En deavor union. A committee is preparing a program for the meeting. Alt E YOU GOING TO J-'JT A FURNACE IN THAT NEW HOl'hE? IF YOU ARE. LET U. FIGURE WITH YOU ON ONE OF OUR HOT-AIR OKEEN FURNACES. WE KNOW WE CAN SUIT VOU IN PRICE AND WORK. F. A. SPENCER, loll WEST BROADWAY. There will be special gospel services Wednesday evening at St. John's English Lutheran church. The Ladies' Aid so ciety will meet Thursday afternoon at the residence of Ida Hoag. 3200 Second avenue. The chorus choir will meet Fri day evening for rehearsal. Moses Roben, a veteran of the Mexican and civil wars, died yesterday morning at the residence of Mrs. Kate Louck, 140S hocond avenue. He was il years of ago "and dearti worf rtud"to the Innrmltlea of .old age. Four sous und three daughters, none of whom reside here, survive him. In the district court this morning the trial of Emma Ripke, the young woman charged with murder in the first degree for the ulleaed shooting and killing of Frank Keith Potts, with whom sbe was livimr In a rooming house on Broadway, will be begun. Twenty additional Jurora have been summoned tor this trial. Thi third annual meeting, election of officers and banquet of the Nebraska Hotel Clerks' association will be held this evening at the Grand hotel In this city, The aaroclallon Includes Council duffs Tlgredia temple. Pythian Sisters, will hold itu reuular meeting Friday after noon at 2:80 o'clock, when officers for the new year will l elected. Have you evr noticed how the mat on a picture Is cuff If you haven't. Just notice oiv. You wnl see that It takes an expert to make a nice clean s'ux.t cut or. a mat and ep.-laily the cwneis. They must meet onfto'ly to make the picture look good. Jt takes experience and we ve got It. We can give you most any color mat you want to m.itc. your frame and plctjre. Don't worrv over the price. We make that right. Co. Bin IT Paint, Oi and Ula Co., Her Mam block. ' . ELKS' TRIBUTE TO THE DEAD know It Is easy to censure, but It" does more good to love; we know It is easy to criticise, but It Is more brotherly to con gratuiHte; we know It Is easy to pass by the stumbling and fallen, but what a thrl I of satlxtHctlon Is ours when we assist! Good wolds for the dead multiply good d-ds ,ly the living. Remembrance of those 'who are gone Inspires th present to render themselves Immortal In the minds of their fellow men. We do know this, however, that we miss the absent, and we love them as though they were present. Their chairs are va cant and can never be tilled. New loves will come, but tho old will remsln forever. They worked with us when we needed com panionship. They befriended us wnen we needed assistance. They loved us when we were lonely and friendless and they cheered us when we were downcast and 'ejected. We hold memorial exercises for them m earth, and If our belief in tho immortality of the soul is correct, they ere in sweet communion for us In the letter world. Someone Is presiding ami from th precincts of the great white throne their benedictions come to us through the spirit world, and their presence Is felt In every Elks' hall In the union In this hour The fault of nor hroth-r w write nmn i nf mirrno. When we have Joined them Memorial Ixerciies Moat Elaborate in Hii- torj of the City. ADDRESSES AND MUSIC OF HIGH ORDER Sw Theater, Where Exercises Are Held, Elaborately and Beanti. (ally Decorated for the Occasion. the sand; Their virtues upon the tablets of love and memory. With oratory of marked eloquence and much of high excellence. Council Bluffs lodge No. 531, Benevolent and Protective OTder of Elks gathered at the New theater yesterday afternoon and paid tribute to the memory of Its departed members, elgh teen In number since the lodge was Insti others will come to till our places nere, others will live better, perhaps, the teach ings of our order than we have; others will hold memorial exercises for us and the life of every elk ought to be dedicated ' to the fulfillment or nis irur i.rm-., I that there may be no tears or regret for . his shortcomings, but only sorrow for his depnrture. The musical portion of the exercises was most elalxirate and of the highest order. tuted seven years ago. and four of whom 1 Mrs. Maoeno tro.iu.u-""'"' ' ' t . Voices OI me aus"-'". "j and the aria from "Isaiah," "Tho Other musical had passed away during the present year. j "olos, The eighteen riecejljlpd member m-hrta I WllSOh, ..... . . . I will Comfort Zlon. iiieiiiuiirs nieir living uromers reverea yes-i"-"' ----- ui....i. irln terday afternoon In eloquent eulogy and.m" TT .Vlh. with Robert cuscaoen, unrv.., . Elks' quartet, with Dr. Claude Lewis. - -i . tnv Harvey Hostet- he lodge. Rev. James beautiful muslo are as follows: Thomas B. Baldwin, January 13. 1906; James R. Doty. August 12. 1903: 8. Farns- worth, March 10, 1SX2; James M. Fenlon. September 25. 19M1; H. W. Flndlay, March ih, V.3; Fred W. A. Gelse, Mv 6. I'M; Samuel Haas, December Hi, 19m); W. E. Haverstock. May . itfttt; Charles Lunkley, April 15, 1905; Karl vf. Mayne. June 19. Wl; C. C. Potter. October 31. !!4; Dr. F. M Powell, August 1, 19Ut; John Schoentgen October 18. 19; H. F. Sucksdorf. February 1. 1! "5: John T. Tldd, January 19, 19n6; Dr Theodore A. Trulson, November 19, 19n:f; Edwin II. Walters. October 12. 1906; A. W. ynian, July 2, 1903. The memorial services were the most elaborate ever held by the Council Bluffs Elks. The theater was most beautifully decorated with the colors of tho order, purple and white. Intertwined with black, whllo the stage was banked with rlmg and ferns and Immense clusters of white chry santhemums. As the name of each de parted member was read from the scroll. It appeared on an electric lighted tablet In the center of the stage and there remained until the close of the exercises. Eulogy for Denarted. State Senator C. O. Saunders, whn Hvered the eulogy, dwelt at length upon the death of Edwin H. Walters, who at the time of his demise. In October, occupied the office of exalted ruler of th ia that of John Schoentgen, whose death fol lowed that of Brother Walters In less than a week. Mr. Saunder'a atHr... i- . , t umi i waa as follows: Nineteen hundred vr y.i ...... and walked beneath the palms of Palestine our Elder Brother. Born of a kinilv "e of .rr. 3 of I,,overty a creature ?A ,i. 0 No Palace opened Its gates to Him and ni eonrh . . troubled brow or peace to His throbbing In the absence knnlnln Of O'May. pastor of the Broadway Methodist church, delivered the Invocation and bene-diction. To those who are anticipating "buying au tomobiles, it will certainly pay them to call nt Van Brunt's and look the 'Rich mond" over. Here Is the beKt nnto In the market for the money. Orders taken now for spring delivery. Reasonable terms. Bee our beautiful new Xmas photographs and portraits. We are making some hand some water colors, sepia and crayon work which must be ordered before December 17 and we won t disappoint you. Schmidt, See the new line of oval picture moldings at W. S. B'way and Fourth 8t., frames and Hew etson's. Council Bluffs. For Imported wines and liquors and Bud welser beer, go to L. Rosenfeld. wholesale liquor dealer, 619 South Main street. Toys! Toys! Toys! Toya! Look out for our great toy opening; greatest ever in Co. Bluffs. Don t rorget children's day. Petersen & Schoenlng Co., Harward and Furniture. MALONET CIGAR CO.. 30 PEARL ST., COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA.. DISTRIBUTERS FOR THE ROBERT BURNS 10c CIGAR AND LITTLE BOBBIE, OLD TIMES AND ERF.iS Be CIGARS. For Exchange U.O-acre Improved farm In N. E. So. Dukoio, 4 miles from 2 good railroad town;, with a fine 8-room house, large barn, granary, cribs, well, mil', and tanks; 119 ucres In cultivation; balancn in clover and timothy and pasture; all can be cultivated. Farms all around are highly Improved; deep black soil; everything y,lSi,e''J'r'- to minister to the wants of His -cm o-iiu i. proclaim the story of ,lh2 Jf,hPr 8 'nfl"'te love and mercv for hut L' dITn 0f meni He "ved for mnnklnd. 2.'' "l the "! He met the agonies of ??Jem?t,l' and ,he awful dea,h of the cross. His enemies believed His grave L1 "lY?- but ,fl?m Hl8 mission; His cross and His sepulchre there comes to us that new and strange teaching, "Do unto J)"' would that men should I do sii5?IJ,h-."n1 acro' ho centuries, from .1 . 1? .the cro!,. nd from the cross to us that divine mandate, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Because of that cross command of Slnol the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks exists and ministers to the needs of Its great brother ar,d today In loving memory of the i,7.VxT VL. """"n" nave gone on before we hold this lodge of sorrow and turr back tne page upon which Is written th story of the lives and deeds of our dc rarted b-others. ' There are eighteen In all. Some of them fe.ll asleep Just as young manhood wa ntoning the gates of opportunity, other t.V?e .rnTlol,ln t life, when success was within their grasp and all about them were those things that make life dear, and others "with heads whitened hv ,h "ieP me,t" ' 8aw the afternoon shadows lengthen and fall ere they bowed down beneath the achievements of a splen did manhood "passed on" fto the gates of the City Eternal. We cannot consider In detail this after ??n? u Uvfm tnat thy "vd or the good that they achieved. Their memberships In this fraternity bespeak In terms more forci ble than human words that thev were ever deSlrOtlS for lhA WAlfar. t 1. I we and swfft to give an uplift to mankind. ii . anot. rear death, but ratner ob livion. The thought that we shall be for gotten and remembered no more Is worse to contemplate than dissolution.- And be cause there Is Implanted In every man s bosom tho desire for Immortality, these uiuuimi wnose a user, re we mourn and whose deeds we extol, lived and exemplified the grand principles of this fraternity. , Our absent brothers were beloved of all I and their departure has left to the living I a precious leiracv In t h. liv.. ,-. . v. .... . lived and the deeds that they performed. A. Hetusr A. Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery. 116 Mynater Street. Council Bluffs. Ia. Homo-mado Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. FOR VALUE RECEIVED WE PROM ISE TO GIVE YOU A TON OF THE BEST HARD COAL SOLD THE CROSS CREEK LEHIGH No better hard coal mined. It la Just the thing for your base burner or hard coal stove. It burns to a clean ash. Co. Bluffs Coal and Ice Co. 'Phone 72. . I Combination gas and electric chandelier and the celebrated Welsbach Incandescent gas burners. Why not see us before you buy. We can certainly please you on price and quality ot goods. Shephan Bros., 6Zt West Broadway. Spadsi 8nasl Choice farly Ohio potatoea at 60c de livered In five-bushel lots or more. Botn 'phones 182. Brldenstina & Smith, 1401 S. 6 th St. DELEGATES MAY BE SCARCE Come Doubt About fnccen of Proposed Amendment Oonrentien. TWENTY-THREE LIFE MEN ASK PARDON l ansae! Crop of Candidates far the Offices Wltbla (he ;lft of the Legislature Which Assem bles la Jauaary. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Dec. 2. (Special) Till the delegates to the senatorial convention assemble next Wednesday It will be Im possible to tell whether the convention called by the last legislature for the pur pose of endeavoring to secure a consti tutional amendment providing for a direct vote of the people on United States sena tors Is to be a success or not. Tho con vention in any event, whether well at tended or otherwise, will be the biggest thing In Des Moines next week. The resolution passed by the legislature last winter authorizing the governor to call the convention waa drawn up by Senator Lewis, of Clarlnda, after he had advised with Governor Cummins and other poli ticians of the state who favor the elec tion of United States senators. It was at first Intended to call the convention for an earlier date than December 6, but be cause of other events It was found neces srry to postpone the mee ng till the latter date. Friends of the movement are waiting anxiously to see whether or not the convention will be a success. The resolution offered by Senator Lewis and calling for the convention authorities the Issuance of the call by the governor for a convention of five delegates from each state for the purpose of furthering the movement to secure a constitutional convention to propose nn amendment providing for direct vote on T'nlted States senators. During the past summer Senator Lewis spent some time In this city at the state library looking up the record, and prepared a pamphlet giv ing the record of the action of all the states of the union upon the question. It Is necessary for two-thirds of the states of the union to memorialize con gress to call a constitutional convention before it becomes Imperative upon con gress to Issue such a call. Senator Lewis found only twenty-four states that had passed the necessary resolution, though It has been claimed that there are one or two more. This pamphlet as jrepared by Senator Lewis will be ready for dis tribution to the delegntes when they as semble here next Wednesday and will probably be of some use to them In their deliberations. How long the convention will be In session no one knows as the convention, when once organized, will be a law unto Itself. Governor Cummins will call the convention to order and wel come the delegates and Inform them of the reasons for calling the convention and the convention will then organize accord ing to Its own wlshea. Plans are not yet perfected for the reception which Gov ernor Cummins will extend to the dele gates, but this will probably take place on Wednesday evening at the governor's offices In the state house, Aa Senator Lewis .discovered the states that have passed the resolution asking congress to call the necessary conven tion are as follows: Iowa, Oregon, Minne sota, Pennsylvania, . South Dakota, Mon tana, Idaho, Washington, North Carolina, North Dakota. Florida. Utah. Kansas, Ohio, Wyoming", Tennessee, Illinois, Ken tucky, Indiana, New Hampshire, Nevada, Michigan, Nebraska, Colorado. Many Wan State Jobs. Appllcatlors for positions with tho Thirty second general assembly are coming In In great numbers. There are more by far than at the last session of the legislature and more than at the thirtieth general assembly. R. N. Hyde, the veteran Janitor of the houso cloak room, will have opposi tion for his old position at this term. Wil liam Tomllnson, also a resident of Den Moines, has asked for the position. Jeff The cereal question settled at last CJ3r When you know that the great Pillsbury-Washburn Mill of Minneapolis manufacture Jsnjrl-i lHttJFGQD STERILIZED mam Tc mttr wn awXie mn. w. t . PILLSBURY'S BEST Cereal, Vitos The white heart of the wheat A 2 lb. package retailing for 1 5c, makes 1 2 lbs. of creamy white delicious cooked food Made by the man who makes "The Flour" FOR BREAKFAST- Stir ilowly one h.lf cup into two and one hall cupt ot boiling water. salt to tatte and boil I J minutes. II too thick add boiling water. Serve hot with cream and uissr. When cold it makes a delicKxu luncheon dish, fried and erred with lyrup. Numerous dainty dinner deserts can be prepared with truit and jelly. Your Grocer has it now and killed his divorced wife's sister In Dnyton township, thinking It was his wife His wife had caused his arrest for drunk enness and later secured a divorce without his knowledge. While he was out hunting he met his wife's sister with her father. and when she failed to spenk to him. he became infuriated and shot and killed her, being drunk at the time. Albert Parnltzke of Van Buren county was committed to the penitentiary In 1E91 for the murder of James Warner. Re monstrances against his pardon are on file with the governor In It Is as serted that after he had killed Warner he attempted to kill Warner's wife and his sister, and after arrest threatened that he would kilt them If released. Money In Big; Demand. Money Is In big demand as shown by the completed report on the bank statements made by the state auditor's ofnee last night. There has been a decrease of $0,80,333.53 In the amount of credit held In other banks and subject to sight drafts and an Increase of JT,3o3,319.14 in the amount of bills receivable, or. In other words, loans. At the time of the last bank state ment It was shown that there had been an Increase of $5.Sl9,000 In the credits In other banks n well ns an Increase In bills receivable of over H.ono.non. The report now Issued shows that the credits in other banks have been cut down more than the Increase of tho last statement In order to provide for the big demand for loans. The total of both state and nuvlngs banks shows that there waa on November 12 bills receivable to the amount of $171,800,764.29 and money due depositors to the amount of $1SO,7M,2S1.90. The Increase In the amount due depositors is but $194,232.73. Alexander's Art Store Is showing a fine assortment of the handsomest designs in oval and fancy frames. Just the thing for your photographs and water-color heads. See our window display our asbestos sad irons the best sad Iron on earth all kinds and sizes. Swalne & Mauer. Before buying a gas or electric portable call and see our line. New, up to date, and prices are right. W. A. Maurer. I Tax Ferret for Harrison County. LOGAN, la., Dec. 2. (Special) A', a recent meeting the Harrison county board of supervisors employed M. D. Toof as a tax ferret for tho term of one year and nt a compensation of fifteen per cent. He put up a $3,000 bond, which the board accepted. Toof was formerly emj loyel here In this work In 1900. Did you ever think now much longer your clothes wear when you have them cleaned? We can make them look aiood as new ones. We dye everything, any shndo desired. Carpets cleaned, laid and refitted. Both 'phones 61S. Council Bluff Cleaning Co. and Rug Factory, 34 N. Main, Trice Is not tho only Inducement. Qual ity often becomes Just as Important. Poorly-repaired watches are dear at any price. I work for your Interest when I get your trade, because I want to keep It. O. Mauthe, 228 W. B'way. I Meat Producers' Convention. LOGAN. Ia., Dec. 2. (Special) The district annual convention of the Corn Belt Meat Producers' association haa been announced to be held here at the court house on Saturday, December 8. A. Sykes, of Ida Grove, will be the principal speaker. STERLING SILVER Frenzer. 15 & Dodge. Now is the time to decorate hr Xmas. The latest styles of wall paper and tho new Muralla. A big line of pictures to select from oil paintings, pastels, etch- T.ogan. tho veteran Janitor of the senate lngs and water colors. Get your pictures , doajj r0om, has applied for his old post framed. The new ovals in all stylea. Also ton ani wlll KPt ,t undoubtedly. Jack a . 1 1 n n. . wh ..h m-A a new lulu yJ . new uiuiuuib -' make up artistically and promptly. S. Hewetson, Masonic temple, Bluffs, Ia. Framed Pictures. A picture makes an Ideal Xmas flft. Make your selections now, while the as sortment Is unbroken. C. E. Alexander, 33S B'way. 'Phone 36S. AtwelPs Memorial Address. Hon. William H. Atwell. district attor. In good repair; price. $t0 per acre; will 1 ney of Dallas, Tex., sustained his reputation fake $10,000 in other property; balance ! of being one of the most eloquent speakers Sea Stephan Broa. for the latest and best Inverted burners. (9 West Broadway. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. 1 FORECAST OF THE WEATHER tl.000.per year. I also have 80 acrea 12 miles north of Co. BIufTs, 2 miles from station, on III. Cen. R. R.; 60 acres In cul tivation; balance, In clover and timothy hay; all can be cultivated; good barn and granary; not much house; price. $50 per acre; encumbered for $800, 4 years; wlll in Klkdom, his memorial address being one of the finest efforts ever listened to by an audience In this city. In part he spoke, aa follows: Love and honor are Siamese hand maidens. Ihere can be no honor without love, and there can be no perfect love with out hnn.if Tho .. l-li. l L, Koo. -it nthor nrnnorlv A . . ...L i i. , . . ,B "Oiujraoie, ill ' "itu umasive wora mere are nn im . Fair and Colder Monday and Tuesday the Promise for ebraska. dress D. S. Kerr, 546 B'way, la. 'Phones 417 and 408 red. Co. Bluffs, We make a sieclatty of children's shoes ures. The same stick with which he meas uies his own faults he takes the dimen sions of the slips of his brother. His tongue never fashions doubtful suggestion. The home, the name, the furtuti- the i f.. and aho fitting children's feet. Sargent's r.h ... 'I Teu . . fl"u7?.. mo .,., r , " " miu junu. i n re Family Bhou Store. Nebraska Fugitive taught. George Hill, who escaped from a deputy aheriff while being taken to Fremont, Neb., he la wanted on a charge of as sault with Intent to kill, was picked up by the local police yesterduy in the yards of the Northwestern railroad. Hill gave the deputy sheriff the slip while eating a meal In a small town In Dodge county. Nub' ska, and succeeded In beating his way to this city. It was silHected that he would try to get to Westtdde, la., where he has relatives, and the local tolloe waa asked to look out for him. Hlil said he would return without requisition papers, and 6herlff Bowman of Fremont is expected here for hint this morning. 1 is there no standing, one foot on the land j and one on the wave. Now with a hiuh niniwig view, una now with the low. The heart must be above its storm of clouds of , palon. This day is the 11 o'clock of the year to ' every on earth. Klkdom Is a clvio urmy. organized in the nn. 1st of modern ct.niniercial strife, the officers and soldiers of which wear no uniform, cany no Mo arms and shed no blood. They battle lor the puilty of the home, they have no ting but the stars and stripes, they believe In Almighty Owl, and their law book is the lilble. Thd silent cities of the dead are lonely cold, dreary, territories, to which each of us dreads to g., and yet "vnen we move there, if thrre are living, thrubblng monu ments In t,ie breasts of our comrades they are better than chiseled granite or carved marble. Whether our dead have fulfilled the measure of the luw Is not for us to answer. Hy teaching we forget their faults, and remember their virtues. We WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 Forecast of the weather for Monday and Tuesday: For Nebraska Fair and colder Monday; Tuesday, fair. For Iowa-Falr and colder Monday;. Tues day, fair. For Illinois Fair Monday, except snow flurries and colder In extreme north portion; Tuesday, fair, with fresh northwest winds. For Missouri Fair Monday and Tuesday. For Colorado Fair In east, showers In west portion Monday and Tuesday. For Wyoming Fair Monday and Tues day. JTnfl1fl nrm ri f flrnnilir .mmtv wlll ho, .a ! no onDosltlon for his old nositlon nf Council I B.rir.flnt..t.arnifl nf lh hniw. ra a number of candidates for the position of assistant doorkeeper, among them George D. Thomas of Dos Mofhes, Albert Root of Centervllle and G. W. Young of Clarlnda. Anthony Burrell of Saylorvllle Is a candi date for house cloak room J.nltor and Mrs. George Grlswold Is a candidate for any position available. Rush Benedict of Shelby county will be given his old position of chief clerk, A. K. Kepford his position as reading clerk and Dennis O'Lcary of Coun cil Bluffs his position (is second assistant. Miss Grace Andrews of Des Moines and Miss Gretrude Marshall of Des Moinei, who was committee clerk for the commit tee on railroads and commerce at the last session, are candidates for the position of enrolling clerk In the house. 8. Joe Brown of Des Moines Is a candidate for tiling clerk In the house. There Is a well defined belief going around that Representative Weeks of Guthrie county can have the chairmanship of either Fair "ITIie Overlaid Limited? II The Beau Drummel of the ss If v J a y -I Ike Beau Brummel of the Rail-Fast and Luxurious x. caves o raaha Daily for Via Union Pacific Inquire at CTTT TXCKXT OFFICE, 1334 TASITA1I ST, 'Phone Douglas 334. JUL T em (By s INDIA AND CEYLON Jl 3U You IVfeM'ii the root of living; ljr usiux let ley' Tea. It goes much further than other ton Ixianse of its greater strength and this combiner! with its purity ajid dt'liclousut-aa make it the ideal tea. McCORD BRADY CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha. For Montana Fair Monday in east portion; Tuesday, fair. For North and South Dakota Fair and much colder Monday: Tuesday, fair. For Kansas Fair Monday and Tuesday. I. oral Record. OFF1CK OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. - i MIA, Dec. 2. Official record of tern- ( porature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 190K. 1Mb. l!x4. lJl , Maximum temperature ..50 27 25 S3 ; Minimum temperature ....31 19 18 Mean temperature 40 18 22 iti Precipitation .: ou .02 .00 .00 Tempeiature and precipltutlon departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and comparisons wl'h the last two years: Normal temperature SI Kxcess for the day Total excess since March 1. IHoS 64 Normal precipitation 04 Inch Deficiency for the dav 04 Inch I rainfall since .VI ire h I .....26. 02 Inches Deficiency since March 1, 19n6 ... 4 2 inches Iietlclency for cor. period, liJ6.. l.ffl Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 13U4. . 6.09 Indies Reports front Stations at 7 I'. l. Station and State Temp. Max. Rain- of Weather. at 7 p. in. Temp, fa.ll. j the ways ar.d muns committee or tho j I Judiciary committee. Mr. Weeks has ben i ' a member of both committees and being I a lawyer It Is naturally expected that he i will select the committee on Judiciary. ! This will throw the ways and means com- j mittee chairmanship open and probably i someone not-on the old committee will he j selected for the chairman. Representative- ' elect Sullivan would much prefer to have nd colder i the chairmanship of the committee on In- B,-.rnce. It being his first appearance In the legislature, he does not expect the best committee chairmanship. Figures have been compiled showing that, considering population, Des Moines Is the greatest In surance center In the world, and Mr. Sulli van would not be adverse to having that comrnittee, especially aa the next general assembly la likely to make a reputation by Its Insurance legislation. In the senate there Is every reason to believe that Senators Smith of Mitchell und Maytag of Jasper will have their pick of the chairmanships. Many Ask for Pardons. The time limit for filing pardon petitions by life prisoners serving sentences for first degree murder expired today. No more applications can be filed for presentation to the thirty-second general assembly. There are now twenty-three applications In the hands of the governor. In addition to the twenty already reported, Herman Back of Chickasaw county and Otto Ot- Blsmaxck, clear 36 42 .00 ten of Pocahontas county and Albert Par- Kr'cS; ::::::::::: 1 ":S Van Bu ".v. .p,iii Davenport, cloudy S to .10 for pardons. Otten was sentenced for the Denver, c'.eur 52 .to murder of John O'Schon in 1&87. As a HeiVna.pVi:.L';,,',y..::::::::::: " worked for o-schon and Huron, clear 42 0 .oi later settled on a farm near by. Mrs. Kansas City, clear 4i .00 O Schon became infatuated with him and omaha. cloudy U :S one day went to bim farm and told hm tmu Kapid City, clear ) M '00 her husband had assaulted her and asked St. Ix.uls, raining 4 40 .01 him to come over and settle It. Otten went talt like ci'fy clear-::::::; si 1 ..4 lth ed O'Schon. Valentine, pt 3t as nt The legislature in April, 1902, granted a Wiliinon. cloudy .' 40 .00 I conditional pardon and ha la now. asking "1 li.Jicte trace of precipitation, , . ,,. narfin L. A. Wr.LUH. I or IUU P"0"- Local turvcaster. I Herman back nt Chickasaw count shot Every D TP TTUT TT" ii MIL? ay and Sunday BE Is a Classified ADVERTISING MEDIUM Help Wanted Boarding and Lodging Situations Wanted Real Estate Rooms to Rent Business Chances 2 ess