( 16 . THE t . j WCRP AY, DECEMBER 1 , 1006. TASK FOR THE TAX AGENTS Hart, Shalftcr & Marx Hand Tailored v Clothes Are Best. risk to See Our Hart, ShaUner & Marx Clothing. If II SUBTS Uolon Paoiflo's Eiormom Enrnioei locr Argument for No Inoreasos. THE RELIABLE STARS HARPiMAN SHOWS DIVIDENDS LARGER (C III M 'l IT F mill 1 LoonirBiiisilMa! .lull r r Annual Report Indicates Total Bar pJasr and Bqaltlea Karaed of Nearlr Fortr-BlcM Mil- ' Horn Dollars. I nlon Pacific tax agents hay been put to work since the issuance of the com vpany's annual report to flture out their rww arguments against an Increase In the company's taxes that will be as plausible .as possible and as nearly compatible with the enormous multiplication of dividends which 'the stock of the corporation tins produced In the year Just passed.- Not only has the actual earning power of the railroad brought forth lncreasod re suits, but the Investments have done so as well, and President Ke.rrlm.an predicts that the company will realize an Increase during the current year from Investments of K 000,000. of which $2,000,000 wlU;cKrs9 from the Southern Pacific. The Union Pacific's fiscal year' closed June SO, and the report shows a total of surpluses and erjultles earned for the . stock of $43,711,283, or over 20 per cent on ' the common stock after the payment or per cent on the preferred; It shows also a profit from the Northern Pacific transac tlon after deducting all coats of more than $73,000,000, all of which as of June 30 had not 'been realised, however, and shows that 'at the close of the fiscal year the Vnlon Pacific had an excess of current assets over ;curront liabilities,, tnat is to say a working capital of more than $10, 000,0007 a large part of which wa In the form of cash and demand loans. - By adding the profits on the Hill stocks sold during the year to' the other surplus the total makes about 86 per cent for the common stock, says the Wall Street Jour nal. The report specifically differentiates be tween, Income from transportation opera tions and income from Investments, and stress is laid on the fact that 6 per cent was paid on the commpn stock from trans portadon earnings and 2 per cent from in vestinen earnings. ' ' '(i ( IMosI . latereatlnc , Feat tare. . . The moat Interesting feature qf , the re port la the balance sheet. This shows .cur rent assets of $123,017,890, the greater part of which la In cash and receivables. Against this there' was outstanding but $21,401,663 of current liabilities, consisting chiefly of unpaid Interest, coupons and divi dends. '. . - . , , ' . An Important feature Of the report Is the Item "stocks and bonds owned" In the bal ance sheet carried at $96,781,806. Without going, Into the details of the computation, analysts will show that such of these se curities as are In companies not auxiliary to the Union Pacific have a' market value of very nearly IHO.OOO.OOO. In addition to these there are securities' In companies which are auxiliary to the Union Pacific of a value of about $139,800,000. The sum of these securities . carried In the Union Pacific treasury at a cost of $96,781,806 appears to have a value 'of over $318,000,000. This Is sufficient commentary on the condition of the Union Pacific treas ury. Even this does not measure the entire collateral wealth as distinguished from real property represented In the Union Pacific treasury. The $101. t),000 working capital must not be forgotten. This brings the total of the collateral wealth up to $460, 000,000. At least $310,000,000 of this la of such a Datura that It could b sold to realise that amount. If the Union Pacific wanted more money It has 136,000,000 unpledged refunding bonds In Its treasury besides. RINGS Frenier, 16th and Dodge. OMAHA'S GROWTH SHOCKS Tremendous Development of City AstonndlasT to Man front Boonilaad la Colorado. J. 8. Orable of Oreeley, Colo., was an Omaha visitor Friday.. He is an old-time resident of Nebraska and was for two terms mayor, of Beatrice. He has been a resident of Colorado for about eight years. "You are having a little better weather here than we have had out In' Colorado," aid Mr. Orable. "We have had twenty-two Inches of snow there this season already, but It Is now about all gone. Business is In a high state of prosperity all through the state of Colorado. The crops at Oree ley this year were the best ever grown In. that region. A great many small farmers, are coming Into that section and Irriga tion Is being rapidly extended all through that country. - "We ship lots of produce east ayl to Omaha, , though Denver la naturally our chief market.. West aruJjiorUof us Is the grea,t, sheep country of Colorado, and an Immense , business Is being done In that line, ,!any Nebraska people are residents ' of that locality, and all of them are get ting rich. . . "This is my first visit to Nebraska for five years. I am astounded at the growth of Omaha.' It certainly has a great future before It aa haa all of Nebraska." I "'"--'1 111 & SsSSsjfc.sh- Ufa seeme hardly worth living sometimes to th man or woman whose feet shrink, at every step, from the torture of walking. Happy the men and women whose feet never . communicate with thetn. But' for those whose serve wire Is always busy w'o relief In our splendid Cushion Sols Shoes .$4.00 !5.00i WOMEN'S CUSHION SOLE SHOES MEN'S CUSHION SOLE SHOES. . FRY SHOE CO. T m IIOIBIi ISth and Doustas Streets In the A Special Ev6rit MewCffiiilSsdiWl (Occupies Entire West Artade New Slore) Usona Art Vases 'WftpR;Tank4.liTo-: , bpeco Jars, etc. a new !C line just arrived beautiful! J;: dark bunrt wood effects. Saturday your choice oi anyu-rjjwiax. 4 t'j .' m . Rlcht : Cut Clans Berry Bowl ' dep, brHHaBt cuttings, an eight i iac,h bowl and reg ular $4,00 artlcle,t 1.69 .EntfisJv, Vegetable Dlshqa-irPlain; - . white, fWe inch dlsh tnasufac "tured'-br? Alfred MeaKtnw9ch; t v t;i .'.v.;-..;...'. v.. lac r if DC j Fancy English Tel' fcUt ware beautifully decorated and will-stand theo ex- trerne heat, abso- ftv y Hj 1 it solutely worth - M OA Z h PAl double, special at. . . V -...,. - lloae Bisque Candle Stick Holders for banquets, receptions,, etc.., a regular 26c article, M lUc FafacV1 Det-oVVted B6se 'itdhi Pitchera, with beautiful gold line a pitcher that would usually sell at 25c each Saturday . . . 10c Our New . Dept. iiy Our, New Store w.' . i VI--'' - f VMlll.''-.', jBoks i. FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR HOME READING FOR THE LIBRARY All the Latest Books ih Best Authors Our now department octtvpioo rrtors pace and contains mors stock' than any other book store in Omaha. EXTRA 10,000 cloth bound books by the world's greatest authors SFCIAL strongly, and neatly bound 10c to ran ft 1 1 vjm mm 4 . T 647 Vv.i ' , ' i,. Sfs. , Omaha's Pure Food Center : --4i., v If thsrs Is cna department in this buey establishment that we are more pro6d of than another it Is our bakery department. Here you find the tastiest., daintiest and prettiest assortment of bakery goods shown in the west. Mince Pies, each...! ....IS Golden Pumpkin Pies, each , l uiTO-iaf cr Vaca, ait itafuiB, cntii. i.i,..,.,,, ... Patty Shells, per dozen 'tMA(ix'' ninrit finnnrM. npr rlrtrpn - lil . . -, -. .........-..-----B..,, ., Cream Puffs, with whipped cream, per dozen 30 X Chocolate Eclalrea, per dozen 50 Peanut Cookies, per dozen 10 f Jelly Tarts, per dozen... 20t Napoleon Bars, per pound 40 Annls Drops, per pound , .... L. JQt g Almond Macaroons, per pound, , .A V-T-iOc f. '..... i'im . 40c? .' Imperial Macaroons, per pound. .". .'.'.Y.'.V:t Kisses,- per pound. Cocoanut Sticks, very fine, per pound. Butter Wafers, per pound . . ........... 40 ..40 We are pleased to be able to offer the Rhine Moselle Wines of C. 8. Eccardt, Kreuznack, Oerrnsny These wirieatare Sustly celebrated for their purity, age and excellence, as are also the Sauternes of Plcard ft Co. of Bordeaux and the Burgundies oft Faet" Pere. ftFils of Heune, France, and which agencles-we Lave secured. May we not have a trial order of these fine wines? SPECIALS VOn SATURDAY IX MEAT DEPARTMENT. Rib Roast (put up in English style), pound f"12H The Last One of Mrs. Dwelle's LECTURES ON COOKERY ' r Saturday af: Courtney's THE FOLLOWING MENU WILL BE PREPARED: Scrambled Eggs with Drled Beef. Chicken in Aspic. Banana jCoouettes. Ofange Sauce! TPrune Jelly.1" V , I GREAT ALAXY of EMS v., j . .r The uost remarkable col-lot-ilon (Prfcioua Stones ever exhJhttod la this city.- u- Diamonds, , Ratlcs, Emeralds, Pearls, t Sapphires. Make your selections for Christmas. early j Brown & Dorshcl IHastaad MercaaaU. i 1 v 222 South SlxtrtclhSlrf f !. ih trrxmaJiTXM zaatrrxs, f tht ts en of th flnsst aquipp passsnrar trains eut-of Kansas City, ana (saves that city daily .:! P. U. arrtvlas Memphis Tena IU)0 A. M4. Hot BpHnsTiAj, S:4 P. M.Maw Orleans, La, 11- mlnsham. Ala.. 1:56 P. M , Atlanta. Go. 10 : P. JaskseavUla, ria.. I;H X if carrylnj- v SLEEPER,- KMISAS cTtV to JACKS01IVILLE, FLA. srtthevtbaAaa- asi KMISAS:. CITY -la1 i;0T rsFnniss, ark. - ? 6' ' f ' "J T T"fiA far all-Avool, BLUE SERGE;. Suits; black, clay; and hundreds of fancy " worsteds. for fine all wool fancy NOVELTY WORSTED Suits, a $22.50 value. mm mm- a. a. aT I I '7 1 H M " for Overcoat Custom Tailors get $45 for. u for Cravenetto Coats yvpr4(K$12.50. ;i for extra long fine black kersey. for a sightly Fur Coat with Nutria collar and cuffs. , 1519-1521 Douglas St. An Opportunity - for Mqneseekers To the man who is in search of a home, no better opportunity can be offered than the Low Home inkers' Rates in, effect VIA THE JZWIQN PACIFIC ' first and third Tuesday of DECEMBER, 1006 TO APRIL, 1907, INCLUSIVE. To many points In Western Kansas, Nebraska, Colo rado, Wyoming-, Montana, Utah and Idaho. Also every Tuesday during December to many points In Kansas and Nebraska. INOIWAT CITY TICKET OFFICE, i4 FARNAM ST. ' 'PHONE. DOUGLAS 334. Special December Clothing Sale Ideal styles and dependable qualities, in both Men's and Boys' Clothing preatly underpriced for this week's selling. Men's Fine Suits An immense stock, including hun dreds of garments from our own stock and the, balance of our two great cloth ing purchases. Elegantly tailored; complete line of styles and colors; $15 to $25 values in four great lots Satur day at Men's High Grade Overcoats In complete assortment of the newest styles and materials. Every garment shows high-class workmanship and can be abso lutely depended upon as to style and service giving qualities $15 to $25 values in four great lots, at 10.00 -12.50 -15.00 and 18.00 i A i Boys' ' and Children's Knee Pants Suits In Russian Blouse, Sailor Blouse, Eton, Single or Double Breasted Norfolk's and plain double-breasted style with plain Knicker bocker pants greatest stock and best values shown f Q t" in the city at $7.50 down to $3.50, $2.95, $2.50 and. ., Joys' Overcoats in great variety of style and material special values at $3.50, $2.50 and Bee Want: Ads Produce Resn It V ' OLIm - all : it I2H123 Farnam Street Checks Oiished. ' Checks Cashed Wgain Store I Tow tEat he cpntractors are through putting iuihe new front in . our store building, and as we have the necessary space, you may depend on getting waited Upxn;pr6ipChX ' t 1 h Everything 'Advertised Will Be i V 1 Sold at Less Than Market Price 75o Mfn's tresi Shirts. ...44 $15n(VVooUShirts. .49 lfie Merl'thvhfte'-i Collars, all sizes and 6tylep.fp 7 Ui White and Fancy Border . .Hemstitched Liam Handker j chiefs, your choice Saturday . ... . . Ct 2 C (CHOOII -tr t l OEPUTT BTATK TETCUNABUM, H. L RAMACCIOTTIt D. V. S. C1TT TKTKaiXARIAll. Offlcs ant Innrmary. Sth and Maaoa ( CaLaiiA. ttikii, TslsvUoas iiaru tM. tba abevs tamtlpnad train. I An tlckst '! y ar.nl 1U chrfullr furnf,a throutt' iS"L&Z, tataa, an . arra ta raaarva throusoSca- avAiua (Hthout chsjira,, JJany af Alto cthsr eltlea 1 ana wrater. rsaoru af tba south ui south ' ' t al ars rcha lust as hiH m.n ( 4rri K . k.1. .' i . . . .-'! sH WW s s r WW S a mm .v...., ra)aiir( inuii UuLLUVULi Kr J aw ! tZi r - w vwmTj .'wii MKm man lows points la :na roranuoo, 'jn order to connact wltH SlMplns; car tksrtha. For additional Infur- iwxm - -. w addraaa J. C. JLavrlaa, Aw l -1 - ttm rm -... c A.ut. tUAisaa Ui. M. . .. .. .. 11 ovtjlvastjia 2uaiTku. t u That Is, a boy full of "ginger" and "go," should have the best of Shoes. No other kind will stand the thumping and kicking he'll give We want parents to examine our BC7S1 "STEEL SHOO" SHOES Not the Quality of the stock and the way they are put to gether. Boys' Sizes 2V2,t6 5i2.....$2.50 Youths' Sizes 1 to 2 92.25 Little Gents' Sizes 10 to 13i $2.00 It takes two pairs of the ordi nary Boys Shoes to outwear one pair of thee. - Drexel Shoe Co., 1419 Farnam Street. $ 4- ONLY TO aaa I Win nn and Mm Via Via 5 TCA0E1S D&DLY Via the Only Double Track Route Tickets on Sale Dec. 1st to 5th, Good Till Dec. 10th. May be Extended to Dec. 31 Upon Payment of 50c. CITY OFFICES, 1401-3 Farnam St. BAILEY DENTISTS 3D FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK HIGHEST CKA DENTISTRY REASONABLE PRICES WANT DESIRABLE TENANTS?" Af sstlaa la Tka Ms. Available January first Ja.very, handsome suite of three rooms ' particularly desirable for a doctor. They ara located on the northwest corner of the third floor a waiting room and two private offices. THE BEE BUILDING This suite la well arranged for a physician or specialist, having been occupied by an eye. ear. noae and throat specialist. There is a splendid north light; outside windows in each room, a large vault, hardwood floors and finish. The rent Includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. . Rent, per month, $50.00. . No other vacant offices. except rooora 426, which will be vacant December 'l. This Is a rood room for architect or drauRheraan, as It has a splendid north light and 210 square feet. Rental, 120.00 monthly. If you will let ua know the kind of an office you will need, wa will put you on our waiting list and notify you when the kind of an office you desire become available. APPLY TO It. W.-BAKKR, SlPKItlXTKXDENT, ROOM 418 liKK lillLDINO. J i I