Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1906, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAIIA DAILY BED: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1006. Viuniil tMI riWULLL IMAiAiALl ! 1 r. ... tir.-ts. no; Virions ftctori mb;tj to Lower Trice of Wheat Option. - j mia, 5KW tlufi steady, iJii Utio. VCniv t.EM.UAI. MAHKKT on Various SELLING DLVZLCP3 IN THE DXEMBlR! Larger Receipts reel friers Reported Grndnnlly In North-Drop After ltdr (irnln ' Firmer reellnsj In Corn. 1 lo M OMAHA, Nov. 28, 190G. Wheat bulls struck Miags today in the .way of liqu.dntion, selling by mmc .aigu in.eiesis anu larger receipts m tue noitn After a ste.'dy opening price giau ually sagged until December was no lower and May o lower th;in yesterday. An other bearish feature wad King a report, which made the crop w.otFi.iou bu. more than the uovt-nnnnt rumrr m-i... bulls tried to slay the decline by talk ot a I '"'""V1 revival of export trade, but railed In their i tl.J . IriUUtA', feeding. 45c c. I. f. enorta Trade In corn Waa very little. In fact, It was almost nothing outside of the chango ' In holdings lrom December to May. Re- i celpis continue light and the tendency of prices is upward. Closing prices were un- I changed. Primary wheat recel.l were SAOOU busn ela and shipments i4o,) bushels, against I receipts last year ol &J4,uuo busheia and I shipments of J:,ixX) bushols. Corn receipts I war ll'.iVJl V.. ...... 1. 1 i - . . ' " " iuouri hiiu euipiucuin -u,u.j i ( bushels .agHliiHt receipts lust year of 6io.ovj j bushels and shiptnenis of 5.12.UUO bushels, i Clearances were 217,uuu bushels wheat, Si.tu) bushels corn, 74,000 bushels oats and hour I and wheat equal to 514,uou bush. la. i Liverpool closed unchanged to d lower ' on wheat and d higher on coi n. , C A. King's Kauaas final report makes ' winter and spilng wheat cruji 9:!,"O!',0iO : bu., where the government Indicated M.uin, 0 bu. King makes the corn 1k7.ouu.ii bu . where the government Indicated 2u4,ucn,ooo ; bu. 1 Bronmhall cabled: "Owing to the free use of low-giude Russian and'.,lur. wheats Brlttih mlliers tire finding un In creasing dltllculty In selling bakers' grades of flour. At Liverpool the rrlce was orll- clally reduced la per sack Oil lbs.) yester day, but patents are scarce and In good detpand. Good milling wheats ate becoming very scarce and requirements will necessi tate a larger demand upon the Lnilod Suites and Cannda." .'. New York wired: "In regard to corn de mand there is this to consider, that Liver pool weekly requirements are now only about forty loads, where It used to need 110 . loads. This shows how the demand for ' feed has been reduced." Local range of options: i Articles. i Opcn.l lllgh. Low. I Close. Yes'y. Quotations of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK. Nov. X. FLO I." R Receipts, lo,ii,4 f b . . , . spoils, mi.iito ooi., stje, ,,ai pga. market was uuu and uuciid.igcu; ..i.ncia patrn.a, el.'uv, i...iic om Uanrn, o.v0J.s.J; wniier 'pa.ciiis, iel tAtlu,, v---., wiovet mi. s.i:fe.cs, ...Oi,..w. i. nwi, it.oi, lair to k"u, i...., C.wl.e l laftcy, 9.444.1. LUb- wheat Hour, steady, U.t'Ju-i.iii, apol and to . . . . iii . KNVll K AT y, H.-J9 per 1iU ibJ. .oin AtiiAi isteauj ; line white ana ei- v... ... ..i... - . KYIS Firm, No. 2 western, tMinc. c. L f. New ioik, jetacy uuu i..e, i,.uuov, tie- U A k lii elieady : Buflalo. nuAT-Receipts. ltW.Otfl bushels; ex ports, lltt.ubl busiixis; aaics. i,dOu,ou busn eia lutUita alia u,.t) ousnelM btot. ouot easy; Su. i red, t'J "c, nevnwi ; red. cm,.', f. o. o.. uuoat: .o. t northern Uulutn, tc. c. 1. ilu.taio; iso. ii nam wnuer, ijc c. I. t., I'Uiiau. Although steauy t lust with corn, urn wneat market weakened later unior liquidation ot December and a bearifli K.M1KUH tate leikiit, ciufing vc lift io.vei. Alay. 4 l-ltu!i .-itic, closed at M'ac; au.y, kVV84 J-loc c.o.Tea at M'jC, uceinucr, bO-.yiC, ciosud Ul ftC t.i-'Krt-iieceipts, i.n'J bushels; expotts, 3o,ni bUHhuia; s.nee, oo,iju buaneis tuiures and bb.iAA) Oumik Is spot. cpol inui iv-t steady; io. i, b4c, elevator, and u3c, f. o. b., Biluat; .N'o. x yellow, uic; .no. it wmte, 64'iC uplioii maiket whs stronger on u acne ot ieccmoer shui Is and ltn the wvbt KmU tc net higiiei. January ; closed at mvjc; May, olV"-t'c, cloaca .tl 1 i.i?e, ljcceiitu. , uj"vHtc, eloscu at wc. I OA fls Receipts, i&i.ivo busnels. tipot tnuraei ieuu ; mixed oris, .b to su , pounos, iju, ii.iluial while, vt to j ; ... unas, 8. u.:!'c; v.ipped, m to i iMjunds. (yiiSsC. j . .. . .-pi uuu bran, 'ti3.2 prompt I Piiirment; liuculings, J.S.vW. I nieiit. MWYORRSiOCKSASD BONDS After an Ccur of Act.Titj IrRciiae Settles Dora to Umal tre-doiida iuLneu. UNiON PACIilC wUUPIlS A1TLMI0N Kildeare that Annaal llepurt Anticipated tiood Shonlng Had Already Met by Speculators of (lose la lrrennlar. fa.ily act've In the forenoon at well o er p..u'i Optraimtis paid tue nust at tention to Atcnison, Topeaa Satan Ks southern taclrie and I'nlon l'a cilic. A Slight reaction on proiit taKlng occurred prior to" the New York opening, but on the receipt of the eaily New 4 ork quotations the market strength ened temporarily. Realisations later, efqe clally In Missouri, Kansas A Teas and I'nlon j'aclnc, and prices closed easier with the exception of high priced Issue, which were steady. Japanese imperial tie of 1SM Closed at PAlUtf, Nov. 2f. Price on the Bourse toduv weakened owln to the Moroccan situation. Russian imperial 4s closed at ib.uo and Ruvslun bonds of 1904 at 4!.00. do 6s Atch. gen. 4s.. do adj. 4s ... A. C. L. 4s.... B. A O. 4s..... do 3W UAY-Steady; shlppin, iiOI'B Quiet; state prompt ship- Kyvoc; good to cunimou A .LCl.lC to choice, i Wheat-I ; I . '. ' Dec....l 6614 . 66V'6("4 fWI 66 Ma... 72 72 7i:y, ; ,i ' Corn . . ( ' i Dec... 87S 37B 37H May... 8hV -V. .,.,....! 3bVAI 30 Onts . . ( lec 1 1 8I14 I .t . .. 1 ... 0 w 1 , OmahovCaari Prleea. WHEAT No. r 3 hard,- t?iiSic llftrd, biljhtsc. No: 4 hard, BiiUhit. CORN-No. S, old, 4oc; new. .U3V4e;' No. 4, old, '(J9.; new. itVioc; No. 2 white, old, 41c; new, iDiiTit. . OATS No. 3 white. 8uVu3Hc; No. 4 whi-.e, latiiS&Vl. . " , Ki'K bic No. S Carlot Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . O110 ha 1 1. 'nth b:. IjouIk .... Receipts. Wheat. .' 0 . . 70 . , 301 2 tU . at Corn. Oats. S3 2 43 19 iu.o.:c; A:-oo. ilil4c. iiUjt;.S isuuuy, Uaivcston, 20 to lbs., 20c; 4. amoi nld, .1 to m 10s., iic; Texas, dry, i4 :n ,ii 11. . ).ic. f-KATHKR-Eteady ; ucld. 27i:Sc. fKoVisioNo iieel. hrm ; tamny. 113.5" iJt.oO, mesa, .vov ya.vO; beef hums. $22.u40 I.W; packet, l0.aui 11.00; city extra imli.t intiAi, ,.u., u. .m. r.,oat.i. sleaoy; pick- leii bellies. I0 -'.nil :.. m; pleated hnii-s. i-'.W) 13.50. Lard, steady; weslem prime, tJ..-cji V.ou; rrSueci. steuu ; conimcnt, 'J.ii; aoa'.n America, $10.60; compound, H.'Hp ,.:b. fu ti, sio dy; laiuliy, si bnql.00; thort clear, Jli.Sj Clft.OO; mess, 17.T5tt ; TALLOW 6 tetidy ; city (2 per pkg.), 6Vte,' countiy tpKKS tree). i(h"tc. RICE-Qulet; domestic, fair to extra, 8V4 1t. 4c;' .n,ii, i.oimnul. Rlj fTcK r'trin. street prices: Extra creamery, JOyoc. Ou.Cial prices: Cream ery, common to extra. tii3Cc; held, seconds to extra, WijHc; s.ato dairy, common id fancy, 20ir.'Kc; rpnovated, common to extra, lo'uiic:" western fuctory, ' firsts, 2Ht(; w stern imitation creamery, firsts, iliL3c. CHKESE-gutet; state, fud cream, small and large, September, fancy, 14o; state. Oo. tober, best. 13c ; '1 ue made, 12V4&125ic i state, Inferior. lOMjllVc. ' EGW Firm; st:ite and Pennsylvania i nearby, fancy, selected white, 42c; state, choice. 3)ikic; state, mixed Taney, 3tvVx! western, finest selected. 3?fi34c. Ottlclul price: Firsts, 32c; seconds, 27ii30c. I'Ul.L.U'.i-rt.ii'e s.eauy, turkeys, I5c; dressed. Irregular; western chickens, 12(J 16c; turkeys. 14'alfc; fowls, 8ul34o. do 1st Inc. do 2d Inc.. do 3d Inc.. CHICAGO GRA1M AXP PROVISIONS Features of the Tradlugr and Closlua Prices on Iloard of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. 2a.-Fear of heavy deliv eries on Lecember contracts b.tturuay caused renewed liquidation in the local wheat market today and resulted In uo weaitneas, 1 tne linul quotations on lJeccmber being otf m vc. coi n whs up HwHc. Oats were down Wu Vic i'ruvisioas were a shade to ou tower. " . The sales In the JJccenjber option con Onue(lthfo'ul)til te' tlay anj' ie iriui-o general in cluiracter tnan at any time ounng the last two weeus. -i'lteie . was also considerable changing from Decemocr to May by oommisbloii houses. The prin cipal demand came from shorts. One of tne chief reasons for the selling of the Decem ber 'option was an -estimate by ' a. local commission house that over 5,Uaj,0(m bush els will be delivered on the first ot tne month In December contracts. The fact that total primary receipts for today ex ceeded thoke ot the coiresponaing uay one year ao had some erfect in weaaenlng values. Receipts touay at Minneapolis una l'uluth ware .larger than last year, btK this was accounted for by the taut tua. a severe bllmard last year caused a train blockade and prevented deliveries, prices sagged during the day, the final quota tions being close to the lowest point. De cember opened a shade lower, at 73Sti 73'c, sold at 73c, d.'cilncd to 7Hc and closed weak at iZ-Vd'-'iC. May ranged between 7ii(i7SVtO and Closed at 7VuiaVc. Clearances of wheat and flour were e-piai to 6U,4ou bushels. Primary receipts were A&9,CoO bushels, against WI,iX busnels last year. - Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 61a cars, against tM cars last week and fcJJ cars a year ago. Deoplte lite- weakness of wheat the corn market was firm all day. There was u good demand for December by commission houses and cash interests, but offerings were light- The firmness was due to the small amount of contract corn in Chicago and the fact that local receipts are running very light. The market closed firm. De cember opened unchanged to a shade lower, at 427V04Jc to 4.1c, advanced to 434c and closed at 43Vk&43'4C May held ' between 43tj43'4c and 44c and closed at 48X,c. Lo cal receipts were K3 cars, with 83 cars of grade. The feature of trading In oats wns the changing of the December option for the May delivery. This caused slight weakness In the nearby delivery while the future option held steady. Trading in general was quiet. December opened unchanged, at 33Sc, sold off to aa'40, and closed at 33', tl 3.1 'so. May held between 3-1 Vtiytc and ou and closed at 47t&36c. Local receipts were IS cars. Provisions were Arm early In the day on buying by commission houses and local packers, based upon a 633 10c advance In the price of live nogs. Later the market eased off on profit-taking and the close was easy with January pork off 6c. at J14M. l.rd was a shade lower, at K4;.'a V.47V. liibs were a shade lower, at $7..u.i 7.77 Vi. Estimated receipts for Friday: Wheat, ft) cars; corn, 121 cars; oats, 133 cars; hogs, 80,rvo head. There will be no market tomorrow. Thanksgiving day. Tue ieauiug tutures ranged as follows: St. l.ools General Market. yj ST. LOCJ3. Nov, IS. WHEAT Lower) track", No. i red. cosh, 75'i7ic; No. 2 hard, ?.! 7tc; December, ?;rvu'ik'c; May, 77-V. 1 CORN Higher; track, No. 1 cash, 4lvc, new; old, 4oc; No. 2 white, 4og-tbc; old, new, 4iV"4-:-c; December, 40'4c; May, 41i 4742c. . OATS Steady; track. No. 2 cash, 3M4el No. 2 white, Kltac; December, 32Hc; May, 34)sc. FLOUP. Steady; red winter patents, 33. W (flJ.KO; txtra fancy and straight, t3.laiU3.50; clear, $J.Mrfi'.Sv. ; 8LEI0 'innothy, steady; $3.253.76. ' CpRNMEAI, Quiet, $2.30. ., ltllAN Klrm; sacktd, east track, 87(ff9c.. . HAY Firm; timothy, 14.oCiili.oo; prairie,' Uv.tWttM.i0.- " , , . IRON COTTON TIES $1.02. mm&-f.e;-- 'V ' PivOVISIONK' Pork, t steady; Jobbing, $16,50. Iird, steady; prime steam, $S.!W. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short, $9.26; clear ribs, VJ.ui; short cleats, $9.50. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra short, $10.00; clear ribs, $9.75; short clear, $10.25. . , POL'LTRY Weak; chickens. '8c; springs. 8c; ttirkes, 12Hc; ducks. 9c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 25431c; dairy, ?6e. EGOS Firm. 2Cc, case count. . .. , .Jtectlpts.. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 8,0u0 14. Wheat, bu ,,..84,0.10 S3,C3 Corn, bu 4...0UO . 31,Ck) Oats, bu .04.000 86,0.0 NEW YORK, Nov. !!. Theie was an hour 01 i..ouCi a.e.y acuve liauing 111 siociva alter me opeiiius touay dnu knell ii.e iiuikcI Ueu i.ot. tutu usual p.e-.ioi.uuy au.uiesa. ine uu.11.ess lesu.ied ill tne concession oi the k.i.liu wlncn were eaoi.sueu in 111a iiiftt .ui4, Uic luiie was ueAvy soetwtuu. riti.tMiuntU traueis were evidently uis pomeu to cose up tnelr cuuttacis over tne .o.,,.a auo mis inclination was tue more pionouuceu since many urokers were pie pa..u.g 10 leave the u.y to be gone until iUunuuy next. Tue eneot of the piepia .loiis lor tue Decemoer setUeniunls was susoeptiuie 111 tne money ina.i.wei and 1..0 in tue call money market uuu somu ueiii essliig enect. llie wno.e mat net .J na.iow and ali.ioKt ciuireiy prolesiuiial and n.eietoie ot s.ight ll.e cnion 1 acillc aunuui report con tinued to occupy a lare snare u. tion. i he mock was not acuve in tne niar ae,, howevui, and tiieie was some appiu neustou tnat the giH.U t.ews 011 tue s.ock iiau aireuuy been uiacounted as in oinei 111 fe.i.ances lately. Tue poweitui posiUun of Hie company In the mailer of casu assets was nail 11 commented upon, tne Item si. ow ing a tulai of over fju.ucO.uuo, of winch nea.-.y ),iaa;,IM) were p.uceu in dumaiid loans. io tue appi ehen.-.ior. ot the Vv a.i atlu.l Onotif! (lein..r(i n,.t ;im a rrt aoesLlve ot lacl.iliea lor homing ot nocks on inai- I U. K. 1. c. 4s.. gin and tne Immunity of Important twecu- I Cen. of Oa. 5s. alive i.oiuings lloln the enecls ol moot stringency tniuugn the fail nas been tile subject oi consuiiii comment. Ibis fact Is cited in II, e same connection that li.e in clhc slocks have held a toremoi plce In the speculation lor many nionius past. A btiong market position for tne s.ocivs' Is Imel ied 110m this chain of events. On r rl uay tl,ere is payable the $0,4).im) dividend on 1 into. I slate Steel preierred and on Saf.iruuy a long list of dividend payments tails due, of which the must important a.e the American Tobacco stocks and extia dividends and the Atchison hait-year.y uiviueiiU on ih common stock. Money supplies are anected at the same time by cam. requirements. The subtreaf ury has taken upwulus or .).t00,o,0 tiom the banks since the last statement. Money 11 IH) has gone to Canada this week in con nection with the making up of the annual showing of the banks there for the Novem ber 3v reports. New York exchange at Chicago aiso fell back to a discount today. The iiank ot England made a gain of up wards of $2,u0o,iM) In gold today, of which came from Paris. The London money market waa alTected, however, by reports that further engagements of gold 101 suipmeut to .Brar.ll are impending, t ne compilation of condition of New Yorrt trust companies as of iSovember 14 showed the eltects of the operation of the new reserve law. Compared with the August report lucre is shown a decrease in loans of $4,027,. oou and an increase in specie holdings of i,3M,ioj. In the yearly comparison theic is a contraction in the loan Item of $i'.2,iuS,- 60J, a growth In specie of $24,115,100 and in legal tenders of $2,711, 2o0. The lessened burden on the reserves of clearing house banks, in their otiice of ultimate reserve, against redeposits, on which loans are twice made is thus disclosed. The strong report of Rock Island s net earnings for October helped to explain the recent ad vance In the stock. Huying of New York Central waa attributed to the approaching period of subscription rights to new slock. The market was lethargic for the latter part of the day and closed irregular. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,146,04)0. I'nlied States bonds were uncna!!ked on coll. . The following was the range ot prices on the New York Stock exchange: uaies. tugn.tjow.cioce. ..275 113H 112H 44 44 New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 28. MONEY "n call, firm at 4'ij4l per cent; ruling rale, wc per cent; closing bid, 4(4 per cent; offered at 5 per cent. Time loans, dull and oieady; sixty days, 7 per cent; ninety days, 7i per cent; six months, per cent. PR M Id MERCANTILE PAPER Sj6'-i STEHLINO EXCHANGE - Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8oiO MXoii for demand and at $4 80.84.HIX)5 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4.siV and $46Vi commercial bills, $i.M)i. SILVER itar, 89-)c; Mexican dollars, 63 le. 1, Vrrt rtnvernmenL steadv: railroad, lr- ! regular. quotations on bonds toes wei as lows: IT. 8. r. s, reg.'.-iwt Jap. 6s. 2d ser... do coupon 103-V do 4s ctfs , V- 8. 3s. reg 12V do 4's ctfs do cojpon 102V do 2.1 series.... r. 8. o. 4s, reg..b'S4jL. & N. unl. 4s.. do coupon 10H Man. c g. 4s U. S. n. 4s, reg,.13)v Mex. Central 4s. do cojpon 135 do 1st Inc Am. Tobacco 4s.. 77V. "M & St. L. 4s OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Command Good, tUad to Stronger Irioea. fol- . 81-H 4s. .W, M . K AT ...ion1, ""do 2s ... 92 N. R.R.olM c.4a :( 1 N. Y. t: g. 3's... W Ml, 10" 8.1 M K 9 86 ..101 N. J. C. g ANOTHER FIVE CENTS PUT ON HOGS Moderate Rin of Sheen and Unb, Mostly on Feeder Order All De sirable Kinds Command Prac tically Stendy Prices. SOUTH OMAHA, No. 2H, 190. Receipts . .in; Cut! ie. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 8.63'7 lo.i:'4 OITtclal Tuesday 3,!2J '..o2 J.&IH Omclal Wednesday 4,100 6,A) , Three days this week. .17.516 16,."9 27,ui:i Same days last week.. ..20.917 10,425 2A.U21 Same days 2 weeks ago. .24.W7 i,im 42.U1O Bnine days 3 weeks aJ. .19.827 U 52't 60.154 Same days I weeks ago..2J,i'!f l4.12i 42.IM Same days last year 11,783 2o,12t ,Wo in..' lu.ioi.n.g iHoie shows the receipts of Cuule, hogs and sheep at Houih Omaha for the year to dale, compared with last year: !'. ism... inc. Cattle 9S7.27 4 944.SM 42,42:1 Hogs 2,2l,JU 2.ti'i.2.1 irM.l Sheep .........2,03.527 l,h61,575 1(;,9..2 ini ii.b ulU . A tTONa. tlood to choice cornfed steers Ktilr to good cornfed steers Oood tn choice range steers..... Fair to good range steers Common to lair range steers.... Good to choice cows and heifers.. Fair to good cows und heifers.. Common to fair cows and heifers flood choice stockem and le.ieis the rnost of the early arrlvsls were disposed of In good season. As to firlcea the maiket wns generally be higher, the hog" s llmn largelv at $ ln.ln, as against kVHMiSoS yesterdsr. Some irerv good Unlit bogs sold up to $6 .3 w hich was So higher than any thing brought yesterday. W hlle the bulk of the hogs sold In vVry fair season the market wns at no time what might be ea)ind active. Some of the puck ers were vn the bear side and were holding off not trying to do very much. When the more urgent orders were filled and some of the more active huvers dropped out Ino bears were able to have things their own way with the result that the trade came to a sudden standstill The advance of the morning was lost before anyone realized what was happening and before all Ih sellers were able to unload. From tbnt time until the close the market was very dull and weak. In spite of the fact thst It did not rlose so good, the market at this point continues in verv satisfactory condition ns comiwrert with other points. Yesterday the average f all the hogs at Chicago was $ as ng.iiitst $il.01 at Houth Oniahn. This Is naturally turning a good many hogs In this direction, with the result that receipts are showing good gains. The new crop of hogs Is alo beginning to come forward, which likewise helps the slse of the receipts. Representative sales: breds sold readily, light conditioned ad vsnclng 1 per cent. Following n re the sales In detail: New Month Wales. Mo.) hales; scoured, ld'( 6'l. greav. tdf Is Id. jueen.lanil. S,1T) 1N-V s (Hired. Is 4do.s; giensy, Mils Id. ntoiia. 8. i') bales; scoured. Is 3d; greasy, nd'ils Id. South Auslralla, 8"0 bales; s."iured. Is .Td ; greasy. fc'nlod. Wet Aus'rslla. bales; s.xAired. Is 6d; grenv. sut'sl. New -Innd, 1.S.4) Imles; scoured, lsuls t;d : greiv. good. Is 3.1. Cape of Oo.mI Mope and Nut il, 20 bales; scoured. Is 7d; greasj. 'mi ci Falkland Islands, 1,3.4) bales; greasj. h' l f Is ll. ST. I.oriS. Nov. 2S. V001-Steady ; me dhitn grades, combing and clot lung, i'. 27c; light. I'n21c; Jieavy, 14'uluC; tuo washed, S2i37c. ; OMAHA Vllltl.US.Md MARKET. 94 Jo Pacific Is.. 1 'a'r ' Rood Blocker 1 ard feeders.. 3 .. 81 do 3s 75 j Common to fair stockers f ..111 N. A W. C 4s !'9'4 .. S9 O. S. L.. r. 4s 8 .. 75 ,,Penn. c. 3s... 9 .. 71 Reading gen 4s.. 89 4 Ches. ft-O. 4s-...l"5 S.L.&I. M Cos.. 113 C. A A. 3s.... 77S8. L. ft S. F.fg.4s. 81 C. R. & Q. n. 4s. 99 8. L. S. W. c. 4s. Rl C. R. I. s P. 4s..t7T'4S. A. L 4s 82 do col. 6s. 923, 80. Parinc 4s 91 CCC &S.L g.4s.l"2 do 1st 4s ctfs.... 96 Colo. I. Es, s. A 75 Bo. Railway os...!1 Colo. Mid. 4s.. Colo, ft So. 4s... Cuba 5s ! D. A R. G. 4s Dls. Sec. 5s Erie p. 1. 4s.. do gen. 4s. Hock. Val Japan 6s jriuiis, stags, etc.. Veal calves 4.00u6.,) ins ioiljwing table shows the; price of hogs at South Omaha for the lasl several days, with comparisons: Late. I 18u6. 1Wj. 19o4. 11803. ilSO'2. ,19ul USHjO .$.') 5n6 30 . &.tu..5u . 4.7&UJ. to . I t'-iil. 1 5 . i.i 'u 00 . . 2.itV(j3.3l 4.2u'04.Mi 40U4.2.1 7.'hi"-4.i 2. 014. 'O I in it tt to No I.. 4.. JH.. M.. 18.. C4 . ei. . .. 61.. (!.. 45. . 46 . ii.. U.. hit.. tt.. 0.. 72. . il.. C6.. 75 , Texas & P. ls....ll'"i . 91T T. 8. j A W. 4s. n j ov. 21. ,. 1 j. u,'i7 Nov. 22. .l"0 -cmion 1 h. inc .89 nr. 8. S.' 2d 5s 87i . 87 Wsbash Is 113 .100 do deb. H. fO . 90 .Western Md. 4s... 84 4s..Ki 'W. ALE. 4S. 87 , 87V,Wls. Central 4s 1W Ex-Interest Offered. Bld. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Nov. 28-Call loans, 67 per cent; time loans, HQ1 per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonds were: Nov. 17... Nov. 18... Nov. is... Nov. 20... 4 . 1 N"oY. '.2... Nov. 24... Nov. 2f.... Nov. 26... Nov. 27,.. Nov. 28... Hi 4 671 I H! 4 4 41 4 82 4 bSI 4 1.7 01 I 4 u3 I 02 I 4 08 1 6 lui, 4 tvi 4 64 B Ji ; 4 4i 4 6I1 I 124I 4 4 4. 1 6 Oo 1 4 6 I 4 72 4 4S, 4 63, 4 67 I 4 72 4 49 8I1. 120 to lto io 120 40 120 0 loo H tm ft ' 4 uo 1.0 10 I Ut to Ft. t 16 I W t 44 4 00 t 00 f 00 e "0 , 4 ou i.a 06 I ot I of, 't I l (W ' I'l- i C3 4 e3 4 i 4 06 ' 4 ' e 1 ni 01 ! 4 07'i .1t MS . 64 Mi .4-4 .? .sv .2 .2, .IS .2X1 . .S.l ,.mt ,t-i ..!'. .20 Ji IH .j:t .ito ,2W J- J0 .2t7 SHEEP Out ot the thii ty-lni ee siieeu leuoited in uniy six or eij; goou enough lor itiue.s. v.lin so sirabie slult! on sale the raunni No.' 4... ).., 62... 1... 711... 74... J&... 62... 7J.. 73... 76... U... 72.., 41... 79.. it.. ... 77.. 41.. f.. 57 . : ' 75.. tt .. 4... At, 215 ! I0 211 2.t .....1:13 2f 2J0 .....Jt 8h. . lto 0 40 I J i-HI 2"0 10 k0 J?0 320 40 SIN) to 40 24 ,?44 .171 .224 .. .2.H .214 .Ii! .1.1 ... 40 .24 ... 0 II. ..2"4 ..2.14 . M ,.l7 ..If ,.3l 6 00 6 01 291 6 31i 6 63: 4 4u -til 6 78 4 4ti 2? i 73 4 74 i 4 4b 6 4 w oi, -4 74 ! I 26i 5 71, 4 7tl I 4 31 I t. 4 .8 4 -Ml 6 15; 1 4 Kii 4 is 4 :o 4 241 6 01' i 6 !8 I 6 02 87 72, 4 i.i I 7i Atch. adj.' 4s..... 91 Bingham do 4s v..lOVi Cal. A Hecla.. Mex. Central 4s.. SI Centennial ... Atchison 102 Copper Range 33,100 600 Kansas CI47 Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 28. WHEAT De cember, 67c; May, 72c; July, 7lc. Cash: No. 2 hard. 71t72c; N'o. 3, 6S72c; No. 2 I red, 71'u72c; No. 3, 6,41 .lc. I CORN December, 37,c; May, 89c; July, i SSc. Cash: No. 2 mixed, esc; No. i, ' sc: No. 2 white. 3Wc; No. 3, 3y'c. OATS No. 2 white, 33c; No. 2 mixed, 82 b32C imi Strong; timothy. 6cT75c higher; choice timothy, J14.75w1j.25; choice prairie, 11.75'a.J5. -..'. "'' EGOS Steady to firm; extra., '30c; firsts, cas n eluded. Uo; seconds, ilc. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 28c: packing, 17m Receipts. Shipments, Wheat, bu 70,t00 122.0."") Corn, bu 32,000 26.000 Oats, bu .li.OoO . i.iaa) j Board of Trade quotations for Kansas City and Chicago delivery. tne range 01 prices, as reported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade Building, was: Articles.! Open.) Hlgh. Low. Close Yes'y Wheat I I I Deo... 67 67 May... 7241 72 Corn I I Dec ... 171 87 May... $9 1 8'; 67 l677'.. 72:724iJ .. 17S!37Mn4.. 39 I 3UU.. n a , . . 1 rv VlflH ;,1 1 I . V fl.nlnl nrniiii Nnv .-roRN-Nw. higher: iv m No. 1 yellow and No. , 41c; No. 4, 4oc; no Q' fu'lk w..! gradv 88c. . N. ft W. pfd... 1 No. Amer.cun . Adams Express Amal. Copper ... Am. C. A F Am. C. A F. Dfd Am. Cotton Oil 400 .33 83 Am. Cotton Oil pfd ...... .... Am. Express Am. 11. A L. pfd Am. Ice, securities,., Am. Linseed Oil...... Am. Linseed Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive -pfd. Am. B. A K Am. S. Vt R. pfd.., Am. Sugar Runnln j.. Am. Tobacco pfdiTf. ' Anaconda Min. Co.., Atchison Atchison pfd ,'. Atlantic C. L. Bal. A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn R. T , Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Ches. A Ohio Chicago Gt. W Chicago A N. W C. M. A St. P Chlcano T. A T I Chicago T. A T. pfd C, C, C. A St. L... Colorado F. A I I Colorado A So I Cm Jt. an tut nfd. Colo! A So. 2d pld.... 600 67Vi 66 1 Consolidated Oas .... j Corn Products, rfg... j Cum Prcd. pfd, rig.. ; Delaware A Had 1 Del., L. A W I D. A K. G 1 D. A K. O. pfd....... I Distillers' Securities. Erie Erie 1st pfd Erie 2d pld Oeneral Electric...... Hock. Val., aaked.... Illinois Centrat Int. Paper . ............ , Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump 1. ......).'.! ...... Int. Pump pfd., v Iowa Central 400 Iowa Central pfd.;..r ' 400, Kansas.ty tto...... .l.Jtj) K. C. So. pfd . 1 700- Loulsvllle A N . I.00O Mexican Central .... 1,' Minn. A St. Louis..., j0 M . St. P. A 8. S. M ..' M. 8.P. A S.S. M pfd, 100 Missouri Pacific 800 M.. K. A T 816" M., K. A T. pfd...... 2.0.4) Kullonul Ix-Hd OV It. R. of M. pta. 400 100 10.100 Z 10 1,300 100 6,700 21,100 200 loo 1.100 200 22.2oO l,8u0 1.3O0 1,000 600 100 28,6uO 2O0 2,3oo 000 2,000 60O 600 2oo J,6o0 200 1,000 4,400 ' 800 , ,v . . 6X1 27 88- 164 116 135 U 2o ll lul 137 .119 82 80 182 tl 66 18 2o 184 J34j 66- 38 23 82 22V 649 43 86 71 46 27 to lb.i',4 116 135 8S 2ili 102 101 137 119 ' 92 79 1814 22t b6K 18 206 182 tvt 04 38 22 814 228 649 43 86 71 44 171 lWVi. 75-' 25,7i0 4,7oO 100 )" Wm: 81 63 I4l.4 24 -444. iii'v 4 4a 74 7 132 4 80 ' . 81 '6J ' 146 ' 2-i 64 iei" 1 84 41 7 it 76 ii 48 44 ;No. Articles. I Open. lllgh. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat 1 I - Dec. "7310- 78 May r.'sa 7 Pec. 42i)-U 43 May 4S'j 44 July 441 44 Pec. I S3l S3 May 34Vu-fc i July 1324'U 8$ Jan. I 14 65 I 14 66 71 73flVs "8 I U! 74 1 42'V43ff'-v434r 43l 43 44!!1 44 44 44j May j 16 02 15 U2 Nov. Poo. Jan. Uay . Jan. Uay 471 S 76 8 60 8 47W 7 821 78a I t 60 8 76 8 62 DO 7 85 7 86 'SS'4 8lii5i'io, I 14 62 14 87 47 8 67 8 46 t 4a 7 76 7 80 14 66 14 871 60 8 v:k 8 47 46 7 7714 7 80 83 44 32 14 60 14 80 25 8 70 8 47 8 47 7 77H 7 90 OATS Firm; No. 2 white, 84c white, 33c; No. 4 white. 32i4'833o. HYE Steady; No. 2, 67fiii9c. WHISKY On basis of $1.20 for finished good Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 28. WH EAT ket steady; No. 1 northern. 81'ojc; northern, 77faMc: May, 7710 bid. RYE Lower; No. 1. 6Sfti'c 1 a ...... a. h r.'.o. -Mar-No. 1 CORN-Bteady; No. I old. 46c; May bid. No. 2, (uc; sample, 43 430 ( No. t Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $3,208 8.40; straights, U.KjiSi; spring patents, U t8.9o; straights, ij.J-SCi. bakers' $2.40 u-' w. WHEAT No. 1 spring. 76ifj84c; No. t, 73aa3e; No. 1 red. 72 ff";3c. CORN No. I. 464c; No, I yellow, 4ic. OATS No. I. S3c; No. I white, S6c; No. I white, 824j34c. RYE No. 2. 64i6e. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 4fiMc. 8tKU-No. 1 flax. $111; No. 1 north western, $l.lV Prime timothy, $4.14. Clover, contract grades, $18 40. PROVISIONS Snort ribs sides (loose). . t2. Mess pork, per bbl.. $16.00. Short clear sidss (boxed). $d$7n8.6a The re. . lots and shlpmenla of rtour and .raln were: In ..-e; Flour, bbls Wheat, bu , I'tirn, bu .. Oats, bu ... Rye. bu ... barley, bu till Ihe I'l tor Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL Nov. M.-WHEAT-Spot, steady; No. 2 red western winter, 5s lld; futures, firm; December, 6s 31j,d; March, 6s May, lis 5d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, 4s 4d: futures, firm; December. 4s 4d; Jan uary, 4a ld. Dulntk Grain Market. PULUTH. Nov. 28. WHEAT On track, No. 1 northern, 78c; No. 2 northern, 77u; November, 8oc; December, 77o; Muy, 79tc; July, 8uc. OATS To arrive. S2o. near and Molasses. KEW YORK. Nov. 28 SUGAR Raw, nuiet; fair rertnlng, 3 6-lbma U-I60; centrif ti- aal 86 test, 8 2T-3io; molasses sug.r, l-ioit 1 f ? i,J t ...,'-1 . k: a k- f S-OC. livuum, , ' - t -" 4 20C'. NO. . t.&X, i'.o. w, t-iBi, I'.o. i.wn;, No 11. 4c; No. 12. $ oc; No. 13, 8 0c; No. 14, 8 8&c; oonfectloners' A. 4.6oc; mould A. 6.15c; cut loaf, iaoc; crushed, 6boc; powdered, 4u; granulated. 40c; cubes, 60oc MOl-AoSES Steady; New Orleans, open ketlle, good to choice. 8i8c. NEW ORLKANS, Nov. 28. - SUGAR -Firm; open ketlle, centrtf ugal, 8'iiS 16-le; centrifugal whites, 8 la-1 (4 4c; centrifugal yellow, i 9-lh.3 16-loc: seconds 2y3o. MOLASSES New syrup. Set) 33c L... 400 28.700 1,400 3u0 600 -89 41 8214 SJ 64 8" luo 89 41 138 i 84 64 W Receipts 3 6a 4rw 841 2 0 3v 14 40 J6.SUI) dJco ex, haugtf toduy the but w4 U1111, cieuuieiioa, -i.:; Shipments. 67 i 14 0 0 147 7 8.VI0 8l.r) CosTeo Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 28 COFFEE Mar ket for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points. During the early session there was covering, and prices at one lime were partially i points higher. Later, selling eased off the market again and the close was weak at a net dechne of 4 to 10 points Salex bags, includ ing December at 8 76ni6 VK'l January, 6.fru i.tOc, April, s.loii6 15c; May. 6 liiij 3oc; July, 6 ji..i6 4t e; Auxust, i u j ?; September, il 4,. 0 ii A'c , October. t.iK yu.w. bOt IUj. 110111 lul. No. 7 Riu, '.,0. Paclliu Mall Pennsylvania . People's Gas .. P . C. C. A St. pressed 8. C...... 1'ressei 8. C. pfd Pullman Pal. Car Reading Heading 1st pfd.. Reading 2d pld Republic Steel Republic Sleel pfd... Rock Island Co R. 1. Co. pfd.... ...... Rubber Goods pfd... St. LAB. V. 2d pfd St. Louis 8 W... St. L. 8. W. pfd..... Southern Paclllc .... So. Pacific pfd 80. Railway So. Railway pfd..... Tennessee C. A I... Texas A Pacific T.. St. L. A W..i... T.l St. L. A W. pfd. Union Pacific Union Pacific pfd... U. 8. Express Realty Rubber Rubber pfd ... Steel Sieel pid Va.-Car. Chera. pfd.. Wabash Wabash pfd Wells-Fargo Express West. Electric Western Union W. A L. E-. i- Central ......... Wis. Central pfd.... Northern Paclrto ... Central Leather .... Central leather pfd Bioss-Sherneld Steel. Ot. Northern pfd..-. Int. Metropolitan ... 'Total Tfor the day. $78.4 .ha... ..lib.ioo . boO '. 'i,iib 2O0 . 57.6' 0 . WO luO loo 6,10 2.J0 8,"0 300 2 loo 2.7O0 200 60, 3o6 100 148 81 "38 lol 32 . 48 96 119 344 84 166 38 24 188 82 146 91 '38" Ml 31 68 '47 25 60 84 119. 84 84 161 8714 14 186 82 U. 8. U. 8. U. 8. U. 8. U. B. 200 6114 61 14 8,ou0 2.6O0 ' "'boo 800 48 lo& 44V4 14 43 47 104 41 "ii 43 '2.0U0 8S (714 12,800 "iuo , ' i " 222 io2 iii'' 37 76 222 i"2 iii" . 36 764u 112)4 44 101 32 80 240 88 18 74 HI 116 13o OS 278 103 lul 136 119 82 SO 162 tto4 208 182 9 22 92 4 68 ot. 13 V 22- 83 227 648 43 86 71 44 76 67 176 126 lis 18 81 40 81 SO 62 80 , 62 14o : 24 63 146 165 84 4: n 66 131 4S-I, ' 84 80 fc'J 41 138 1)2 , 8,1 64 99 2,-5 147 S 84 38 I'd 82 67 11 47 26 60 84 Is 118 44 84 18 fi 83 V 'j4 187 82 in 86 614 107 47 104 " 10-, 19 I 2W 150 ; 17 26 61 22 37 It 75 817 34 76 do pfd ' Boston A Al 242 Boston A Me 16414 Boston Ele 150 Fltchburg pfd ..136 Mex. Central 24 N.Y. N. H. A H..192 Pere Marq. .......138 Union Pacific ....187 Am. A. C. pfd.... 91 Am. Pneu. Tube. 13 Amor. Sugar ....135 do pfd 130 Am. T. A T 136?; Am. Woolen ... do pfd Dom. I. A 8.... Edison E. I... Mass. Electric . do pfd Mass. GAs United Fruit ... United B. M.... do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Adventure Alloues Amalgamated . Atlantic Bid. "Asked. . 12 .860 . 28 . 63 , 0V . 22 . 1.1 . 24 . 7 . 18 . T3 . 114 . 67 .1S6 . 29 .1W . 18 .110 . 11 . 75 . 62 . H, . S5 ., 69 Victoria 6i .. 54'. Winona 10 ..K'9 iWoiverlne 160 .. 69 iNorth Butte 1114 .. 28VButte Coalition... 36 .. 47 Nevada .. 103 Oar. A Artsona. .. 4 Tecumseh .. 4?i Arlaona Com. .. ..112.Greene Con. .... 85 .103 . 22 .228 ,. 19 Daly 'West Franklin Grapby ........ isie Koyaie ... Mass. Mining . Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. A C. Old Dominion Osceola Parrot Qjincy ,, Shannon Tamarack Trinity United Copper U. 8. Mining.., U. S. Oil Utah . . 1M .162 . 17 . 26 .' 26 London Clostnsr Stocks. LONDON, Nov. ffl.-Closlng Quotations on the StocK exchange weiljS; . ' Cons., money do sect .... Anaconda .'. Atchison do pfd ...,. Bal. A Ohio. Can. Pacific Ches, A Ohio .: 86 mw k. & r 6 8-16 Nr -Y. Central. .. 14 Mflk A W.... ..106 Ontario A W.... ..10i Pennsylvania .... ..122w Hand Mines ng V. otiklSo. Railway .... Chicago Gt. W... 19 do pfd C, M. A St. P....189'So. Pacific .. 43Ji ..185 ..8714 .. 60 7114 5 76 36 17 23 39 3 12 ' 99 33 Hogs. Sheep. De Beers D. A R. G.... do pfd ..... Erie .......... do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd.. Illinois Central ..181 Spanish 21 Union Pacific 441 do pfd 89 U. 8. 8teel... 46 do pfd ..... 78 Wabash ..... 70 i do pfd Ixiulsvllle A N.. .1501 SILVER Bar, firm, S2d per ounce. MONEY 4ti 5 per cent. The rateiof discount In the open market for short bills is 6Va6 per cent; for three months' bins, 6441'so per cent- Is .... 97-1 ....193 .... .... 49 ....107 .... 20 .... 44 .... 95 Boston Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Traue building, Omaha: Adventure 4 Nevada Consol. Alloues 48 No Butte Atlantic e Old Dominion., Bingham 1 . S3 Osceola Black Mountain.. 9 Pneu, Service.., Boston Con 82 Pneu. Serv pfd Butte Coalition.. 36: Qulncy Calumet A Arts. .162 Shannon . 19 .112 . o7 .137 . 13 . 30 .105 . 18 .114) . 48 . 11 ,1061 Calumet A Hec.,86 Tamarack Centennial 88 Tenn. Copper... Copper Range... 81 Trinity Dally West 21 United Fruit... East Butte i..... 11 V. B. Common.. 62 Franklin 23 U. 8. pfd.i 46 Greene Copper... i64. Utah Cans 60 Oranby i Clan Copper 33 ileivetia icioria . Isle Royal ?414 Winona . L 8. A. Pitts 27 Wolverine Mass 8 '.Niplselng Michigan 18 Canania . Mohawk 73 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. n , Cattle. Hogs Omaha $l.8.(i.u $3.6(16 20 Chicago 1.60w;.C) .&.(46.80 Kansas City 2.ok6.0 6.76'u6.1!i. Bt. Louis 2,O"!t7.0O 6.9.i.26 Sioux City 2.606.25 5 lw'i.l5 the on.cial number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: . Cattle.HogB.biieep.IIn. C., M. A 8L P. Ry 6 ., .. v auasn 1 Mo. P. Ry. 3 U. P. system 33 1 C. A N. W. (east) .. C. A N. W. (west! .. 18 C, St. P.. M. A O... 1 C, B. A g. (east)'.... 6 C, B. A g. (west) .... 88 C, R. I. A P. (east) .. t C. H. 1. A P. (west) .; .. Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western., t Total receipts ....154 ine aisposuion or the day s receipts was as follows, each buyer purcnaslng tue num- uer 01 nead indicated: Cattle umani Packing Co. .... Swift and company .... Cudaliy Packing Co Armour A Co , Armour A Co., Denver Vansanl A Co Carey A Benlon Lobman A Co Mccreary A Carey Hill A Son F. P. Lewis Huston A Co Hamilton A Rothschild. L. F. Hubs Wolf .. J. H. Bulla Mike Haggerty ......... T. B. Inghram Sullivan Bros, f A D..I , nw. Ages Packing Co Other buyers ,, Totals 4.242 6.682 7,630 CATTLE There was a very fair run of Cattle here today, but the quality on an average waa poor, so that sales do not show any too well on paper. The offerings of good btef cattle were very meager, bat the demand waa good in spite of the fact that tomorrow wid be a holiday and the trade was fulrly active at good, steady prices. Everything that could be considered at all desirable sold in very good season in the morning, In fact earlier tnan ueual. ihe supply ot cornf.ds con sisted almost entirely of warmed-up kinds, but there were some pretty decent west erns. Cows and heifers seemed especially In good deinund and they sold very freely at steady to strong prices. A" good many sellers thought they got out considerably better than yesterday. Among tho offer ings were some fed cows good enough 10 bring better than $4. Good (leshy feeders were In especially ac tive demand and the supply of cuttle of that description met with very quick tak ers, In fact everything at all deslrahlo changed hands early In Uie morning. The prices paid were steady to strung. The In leuor anu coirmon grsd.s were aoout steady and no more active than usual. ' Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Tt. .. , 4 C7'i 4 07 4 07 I 07 ' 4 07 4 07', 4 07 4 07. 4 l'7 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 t 10 10 t !0 t 12 4 12 4 l.'W IS", 4 It 4 :i 4 11 " 4 l 4 20 cars of h were Hlle was noi very active i.r Inlei esiing. 111a few loads offered cnanged iiuuos la very fair season at piacl.caiiy hteauy prices, rarme ewes going at .. and j.l. and mixed weihe.s and yt,.Uiiiigs ul $0.60. , a large proportion of the total rrcelpls cuusiHttd of teeueis, but it was the day beioie a holiday anu tneie were very lew, it any, country buyers in. Tne rejult was that sellers were depenuent eutiieiy upon tne orders 111 the hands ol comiii.s bioii inen. With ihc demand, bu.veis were a littlo inclined to tike ao vuntage of the situation to bid som.wnut lower prices wherever there was 11 cnancd, itriua making me trade a lime slow and du.l. While some of the saies, especially ewe, looked a little lower, there wus, how ever, comparatively little etiinge in ine maiket. Considering that tomorrow will bo a nollday. the inarktt as a whole wus In as good condition as couid be expected. Quotations on killers: Good to enme lambs, $7.oot7.4o; f''r to B-'od lambs, $u.7oi 1 1.00; good to choice yearlings, 80. .oiuo.uu, I fair to good ycariuife-s, $...50(o.7i; g .od to choice wethers, Jo.iotgu.uO; fair to good Wern ers, $o.00iua.25; good to cho ee ees, $0.0 d i.25; fair to good ewes, $4.6oo.0o. Ouotations in leedeis: ooou to cnoice lambs, $6.uoo6.40', medium lumbs, $; light lambs, $4.4'Uj.26; yeornngs, $6.1j'mj.-0; wethers, $4.75li:i.2o; ewes, l3 6uu4.oO; breeding ewes. $4 504i6.00. Repreaenlative sales: No. n Wyoming ewes, culls. 81 Wyoming lambs, culls 1K4 s4 941 l,KL 661 712 1,6,0 636 Ml 2,U( 5,2 144 8 l.M ..... ' 6 ; 104 ..... 12; ..... Ill 149 ..... 68 ..... 70 68 8 106 ... ..... 6' i I? ::::: ::::: 407 6.802 68 Wyoming lambs, 108 Wyoming ewes . 2.4 Wyoming ewes . 24 Wyoming lambs 676 Wyoming lambs 107 Wyon.lng lambs 25 Wyoming lambs 376 Utah ewes 124 Utah ewes 407 Utah ewes culls. Av. Pr. 77 2 00 ,41 4 60 , 42 6 00 , 86 ; J , 92 4 40 ,60 6 00 , 61 6 00 ,5.) 6 75 , 67 6 15 . luO 4 25 . 100 4 23 .114 6 00 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKKT Cattle Steady Host Five to Ten Cents Higher Sheep Strong;. CHICAGO, Nov. 28. Receipts, 18,050 head; market stendy; common to prime steers, $4,004(7.40; cows, $2.65(H.7r; he.fe.s, $2.601.1.00; bulls, $2.4o'n4.60; cilves, $3.0vav l.oo; Btockers and feeders, $2.4034. L0. HOGS Receipts, 26,000 head; market 5fJ. 10c higher; thoice to prime heuvy, .2oy. 8.30; medium to good heavy, J6.05'ti6.1o; butcher weights, $6.2t'a6.30; good to choice mixed, $6.1ou6.22; packing, .76&6.Ia); pigs, Vi.ooi'atJ.lo. SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts, 22.000 head; market strong; sheep, $3.2.'4u.6); yearlings, $u.0036.00; lambs, $o.2og7.60. St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. LOUI8, Mo., Nov. 28. CATTLE Receipts, 6,ojo heao. Including l,fuu Texans; market natives steady, Texas strong; na tive shipping and export steers, H.aj7.o0; dressed beef and butcher steers, i4.Duu.o6u; steers und. r l.uuu pounds, -i...yi4.:o; stock ers and feeders, $2.uo44.oO; cows and heifers, Jt4i.Ky6.25; canneis, l.,o'i2..i6; bul.s, 2.ioa 4.00; calves, $3.0ott7.O0; Texas and Indian steers, $2.6o5.oO; cows and neltvrs, 42.304) $.60. HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head; market 6fJ10c higher; pigs and lignts. $o.do6.i6; packers, $6.00iv6.20; butchers and best heuvy, $6.05it 6 26 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 54) head; market steady; native muttons, $3.U0'6.35; lambs, $4.0tii.o0; culls and bucks, 83.oug 3.50, stockers, $3.00204.00. Condition of Trade and tnotatlone oa staple and Fnncy Prodaen. EGOS Per dot., 2oc. LIVE I'Ol'l.l KY-llens, 7c; ro.vsters, 4 60; turkeys, 14'ali.c; ducks, 9c; spilng ciilca ens, ic; geene, 8o9c. BUT t'KK Packing stock. ISc; choice to fancy daliv, 211ii-c; creamery, tmllc. HAY Choice upland, $9. 0; medium, $9.00; coarse. li.O.'y N.5o. Rye stiaw, $o.ii0it7.00. BHAN-Per ton, $16.00. VE4iKTABLE9. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, ptir bbl., 'TOMATOES California, per basket of 2 lbs.. ..5t'(ii 2.76. WAX HEAN'9-Per one-third bu. box.; hampers, 1.1. Li. BEETS, TLKN1PS and CARROTS rer hu., 75c. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dot, hen. Is. 45c. CELERY Per dot., 80i?0c CI CUMBERS Hothouse, per dox., $1.64) ft 2 0". ONION'S Home grown, (Vy pr bu.; Span isi $2 1) per crate; Colorado, 75c. GREEN ON IONS-Per dox. bunches. 25x HORSERADISH 4Ttie of 2 dox.. $1 80. RADISHES ivr. dor. bunches, southern, lai se bunches, $1.00. NAVY BKANa-l'ef bu., $1 .75; No. 2, $1.65. I.I M A BEANS-Per lb., 6?. GREEN PEPPERS I'er harnper, $3.00. PARSLEY Hothouse, per do, bunches, $0c. ' CABBAGE Holland seed, home grown, pr Ih., 1. EGG l'LA N'T Per dog., $125. s rOTATOJ.;S-P. r bu., 4(o6c RUTABAGAS At. ut 150 lbs. to sack, 1.!. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per dos., $1.50. SHALLOTS Southern, per doi. bunches, V cj $1.1-0. CAULIFLOWER Per crate of about two dox. heads, $4.;54i 4 50. Fit UITB. CR ANBERRIES- Per bbl.. $9 O-W1O.0O. APPLES Ben Davis, $2.25; Jonathans, $3.5"; New York apples, $3.25; Grimes Golden, $3.2i. PEARS-W Inter Nells, per box, $.1.00, GUAPES-MnlHga, per bbl., $'..0Oj7.00; New York Catftwbas, 4-lh. basket, 22c. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES-K.-orlda oranges. $ LEMONS I. Imonlern, extra fancy, 240 size, $5.D0; 3"o size. $6.ou; .16u size, $b.uo; other brands, $l.tK) less. BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch. $2 0t'i)2 25; Jumbos. $2.50(li3.50. DATES Kadawnv, He: snyers. 5o; new stuffed walnut dufs, 9-lh. box, T.-IO: Cali fornia bulk. S'..c; 7-crown Turklsn, 16c; 6 trown, 14c; 5-ciown, 13c; 3-crown. 12c, GRAPE FRUIT Size 54 to 64 and 80 to 96, $4 2.'.i)4.7fu COCOA NUTS -Per sack of 100. $4.60. CHEESE Swlsv new, 16c; Wisconsin brick. i5c: iscotisin liniii.'i'gur, 12c; t'lr,. 15c; Young Americans, 150. FISH Trout. 12c; halibut. 12c; catfish, loc; buffalo, 6c; bu,".heads. 11c; black bass, line stock, 25c; sulit.on. i:c; pike, 11c; red manner, fresh froxei.. 12c; whltetlsh, fres Iroxen. 13c; yellow Derek. dre."ed and scaled, 8c; pickerel, fresh frozen, 9c; frog Icks, 3uij per dot. saddles HIDES AND TALLOW Green anlted. No. 1, 12c; No. J, llc; bull hides. 8floc; green hides. No. 1, lie; No. 2. loc; horse, 11 G(y3.75. sheep ells, O'c'u 11.25. Tallow, No. j, 4H,c: No. 2, 21iC. NUTS French walnuts. 13Vc: California, 1 Walnuts, No. 2, hard shell, 12c: No. 1, soft thell. 14c; Hrnx1!?. lo'ul(c; pecans. 14'iil7c; filberts. 12Hi 14.; peanuts. raw. 6c: roasted, 7c: California almonds, bard . shell, loc; sort shell, 18c. HOM-,1-Per 24 framed, $.1.60. CIDER New York, half barret, $2.75; bar rel, $6.00. CUT BEEF PRICES. Rlba: No. 1, 14V.c; No. 2, c; No. 8, 6V:-c Loin: No. 1, ISc; No. 2, 12c; No. 8. o. Chuck: No. 1. 0c; No. 2. 6c; No. I, 4o. Round: No. 1, 8c; No. 2, 7c; No. S, !14c Plato: No. 1. 4c; No. 2. 4c; No. 8, Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. SUGAR Granulated cane, In sacks, $5.21; sranulnled beet. In sacks. 86 11. COFFEE Roasted, No. 86. 26o nor lb.! No. .30, 21c per lb.; No. 25, llic per lb.; No. 20. IHe per lb.; No. 21. 13c per lb. 6YKUP In bbls., 27e per gal.; In cases, $ 10-lb cans, $1.70; cases, 11 5-lb cans. $1.80; cases, 24 2-lo. cans, $1.8:. CANNED GOODS eorn. standard west ern, oofi.Kic; Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cans, $1.10: 8-lb. cans, 97eu100. Pine apples, grated. 2-lh., 12fK"ifo2.:; sliced, $1.90 4i 2.-0; gallon apples, fancy, $2.65: California apricots, $1 "(i2.25; peirs, $1.76''i2.50; p'achs, fancy. $1.75''i2.40; H. C peaihea, $2.0uia2.50. Alaska salmon, red, $1.25; lancy Chinook, P., $2.10; fancy sockeye, F $1.9o; sardines, quarter -oil, $2.76: three-qunrter mustard, $.1.00. Sweet potatoes, Il.10jl.i6; sauerkraut, tl.Po; pumpkins, Sucti $1.00; wax Deans, 2-lb., &'iS0c; lima beans. 2-lb., 76c4)$l 35; spinach, 11.35; cheap peas, 2-lb., 600; extras, 95c(U 51.10; fancy. $1.30fiil.75. CURED FISH Family whlteflsh. per quarter bbl., lbs . $4.00; Norway mack eral, No. 1, $5.00; No. 2 $28.00; herring In bbls., 2u0 lbs. each, Norway, 4k, $9.(0; Nor way. 3k, $9.00: Holland herring, in kegs, milkers, 80c; kegs, mixed. 70c. 7 .. 11 ..169 .. 16 .. 80 New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK,- Nov. 28. Closing quotations en ir.tnlng stocks were: Adams Con .-.1... 20 Little Chief Alice .......73o Breece 36 Brunswick Con... 66 Comstock Tun.... 81 Con. Cal. A Va,..13& Horn Sliver 10 Iron Silver .460 LeadvlUe Con .... 6 Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage ........ Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard ...... .. ..2o0 ..270 .. 28 .. 23 ..113 .. 86 .. 83 ..28o Treasnry, Statement. WASHINGTON. Nov. 28,-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen. eral fund, exclusive of the $150.OO0,0u0 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $229,516,447; gold coin and bullion, $114,265 184 gold certificates, $&2,68u,160. Bank Clearings. OMAHA,' Nov. 28. Bank clearings for to day were $1,626,726.32 and for the corre sponding dais lost year $1,115,131.15. Ho. " A. Pr. No. At. Pr. 7 1114 00 40 ir.t I u 20 Ull 4 40 COWS. 8 400 I 10 t..... Ml 1-70 4 4S 18 it 61 t! I ID , 10JJ I 71 til I 10 10 tit) I 40 I 7 I 40 II tit I o t til 1 40 t loyj 1 it 10 ...XKI 111 t 8111 III 1114 I to 1 1154 I 60 3 103 I M I tii! I 7 4 1100 I It HEIFERS. I t0 I It t UO M I luO I 71 1 1J40 4 26 BULLS. 1 UIO $ SO CALVES. It HO I 75 I too 1 oa 1 171 6 60 1 o 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 8 Ml I It t- 760 I 4 t '. ... 740 I 00 tJ ta I 45 i Ul IM I taj 1 mj 24 cows... 63 steers.. W 20 cows.,, 8 cows... WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. . 838 i to . 2 bulls 1220 .1130 8 40 10 cows o8 A. Margrsve, Nebraska. 106 8 15 Kansas City live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 28. CATTLE Receipts, 9,700 head, Including SCO southerns. Steers, strong to 10c higher; cows, steady to 10c lower; choice export and dressrd heef steers. 15.5iKa6.60: fair to good, ll.lOif 5 36; western steers, $3.40H6.25: Blockers and feeders, $2,505)4.50; southern steers, $3.0iu 5.26; southtrn cows, $2.00xu'3.96; calves, $2.76 il 50. HOGS Receipts, 8,600 head; market 6fjl0c higher; top, $6.22; bulk, $6.16'vi.20; heavy. $6.10-qj.22; packers, $6.15'o.2o; pigs and lights, $6.85(96.17. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 13.00.) head; market steady; lambs, $6.0CVj7.35, ewos and yearlings, $4.766.25; western year lings, $5.256.00; westf-rn sheep, $4.26'a5.40; stockers and feeders. $S.60''y6.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT JOSEPH, Mo., Nov. 28 CATTLE Receipts, 2,340; market steady; native", $4fOti4 75; cows and heifers, $2.0ea4.5o; Btockers and feeders. 3 0"n4.60. HOGS Receipts. 4.128 head; market 10c higher; top. $6.1-Vu.22; bulk of sales, SllEEP0' AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.638 head; market strong. 927 890 26 cows. 8 in 2 60 WYOMING. 690 $ 65 16 feeders. 10 cows Weretgn Financial 1iNDON Nov. 28. Rates for money were a shade harder in the market today and fhe demand was Increased. Discounts were firmer, probably in view of the Braslllan :. ,j ......n.M.n for the end of the week. Trading on the Stock exchange was quietly bales; low ordinary Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 28. METALS The London tin market wa higher, closing at .lJ86d for spot and 19sl2s6d for fu tures. Locally the market was sieady, with spot quoted at $43. 26 443. 40. Copper was un changed to 6s higher In London, with spot quoted at 101 16s and futures at 102 Ls. Locally (he market was firm, with lake I quoted at $22.2oi(22.75, electrolytic at 172.0.. xt 1 26 steers 22.25 and casting at $21.5oii22.0O. Lead was ' 73 steers unchanged at $5 7o4i 00 locally, but declined in London. Spelter was unchanged in London and was quoted at $i. 406. 45 in the local market. Iron was higher in the Eng lish market, with standard foundry quoted at 88s 9d and Cleveland warrants at 60s 4d. Locally the market was unchanged, with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at $25 26a 2d.26, No. 2 foundry northern at $24. 7526. 7o, No. 1 foundry southern at $26.6(i-27.3Q and r.o. 1 lounary souinern at i ou.u27.00. BT. LOC18, Nov. 28 M ET ALU Lead, sieady, 8687; spelter, firm, $4.86. 4 IS 2 50 3 36 . $ 60 $ 00 $ 30 $ 00 18 steers... .1233 4 4o 6 cows 990 31 cows loo3 $ 38 . 3 cows 1013 6 steers... .1064 8 90 7 steers.... 815 8 cows 961 3 00 3 cows 1I3 24 cows t8 3 16 8 cows 98 4 cows 142 $ 60 21 cows 918 10 cows 1030 2 90 F. Thorrpson. Wyoming. 27 cows 985 I 80 6 cows 848 18 fetders.. 740 3 55 Charles Waegele, Wyoming. 48 feeders.. 948 4 10 Joe Doiin, Wyoming. , 886 3 65 23 cows 919 $ 15 . 990 Z 86 Ed Burnell .1290 4 96 4 45 4 00 t 20 4 00 6 ste-rs 8 cows... 39 feeders. ..lows .1078 .. 840 . 946 Wyoming. 10 steers.. ..1340 50 steers.. ..04 9'8 647 659 v,ri,il ssith hardening in various unec- tlons due to a broadening of the Invest ment bualneaa in British securities while foielgnera. especially Ru-slans, Improved oil bUr Pail supiMMl. Americans were Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 28. COTTON-Spot closed steady; middling uplands. 11.40c; middling gulf, 11.6oc; sales, 600 bales. LIVERPOOL. Nov. as. COTTON Mod erate business done; prices 8 pqlnls lower; American middling fair, .17d. good mid dling, 6.27d; middling, tied; good ordinary, 6 5&d, ordinary, 6.31d; low middling. 6 9od The sales of the day were 8.O0O bales, ot which Too bales were for speculation ant export and included 8.200 bales of American, ite.-eipta. 12ou0 bales, all American. BT. LOUIS. Nov. 28. COTTON Steady ; middling, lie; sales, 46 bales; receipts. ' bales; shipments, 183 bales; slock. 15.6o7 bales. . , NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 28 COTTON Spot closed quiet and steady; sales, l$.'i0 1 (-i numinsl. ordl- 75 cows 19 cows 12 feeders. SOUTH DAKOTA. ...1029 8 40 11 steers... A. N. Hotchklss Neb. .. 820 2 85 3 cows 1018 ..9-13 2 86 14 cows 1081 ,..1050 8 70 COLORADO. .. 188 6 00 1 calves... 223 $76 3 76 Ed Grinds Wyo. 14 feeders . 937 4 in 6 feeders.. 87 NEBRASKA. $ feeders.. 1183 4 16 41 feeders. . K4 Hhostione Nstionai nana Idaho. 878 4 76 4 20 3 60 8 00 3 66 11 cows.. $ cows.. $ cows.. 6 cows.. 8 calves.. 46 feeders 1170 3 90 3 86 3 66 3 60 330 3 80 396 Btoos City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. 28. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts Sou head; mar ket steady; beeves. $4.uoii25, cows, bulls and mixed, $2.on.o4.00; stockers and ffed-rs, J3iwh4 00; calves and yeirlimrs, $i.5iVd.75. HOGS Receipts, 3.5t head: market lie higher, selling ut $5.9:.i&6.15; bulk of sales, $6.0"6.C. ' ' ' Stock In SUM. Receipt of live stock st the six princi pal western man South Omaha .... Sioux City Kansas City St. Louis .., St. Joseph .'. Chicago Totals .. 4.1'") .. S" .. 9,7'"0 . . t.ipiy .. 2.340 ..18,000 ..89.740 Oils and Hosln. NEW YORK. Nov. 28.-OILS Cottonseed, firm; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 3"c; prime yellow, f. o. b. mills, 42c. Petrol eum, steudy; refined, New York, $7.60; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.45; Phil adelphia and Baltimore, in bulk, $4.35. Turpentine, steady; 70(i)'70c. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good, $4 U6. OIL CITY, Pa., Nov. 28.-OIL-Cred!t bal ances, $1.68. Runs, 121.41-8 bbls.; average, 98.9D5 bhls. Shipments, 149,043 bbls.; aver age, 156,527 bbls. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Nov. 28. SEEDS Clover, cash, November and Deceiuler, $x.2&; March. $8.42; alslke, $7.60; timothy. $2.00. MeWnttera Makes t'hangr, COLORADO SPRING 8, Nov. 28. D. Mo Watters, who has been the head of the passenger -department of the Colorado Springs A Cripple Creek Short Line slnoe its building, today confirmed his resigna tion to take effect January 1. It is stated thnt Mr. McWatters has been offered the general passenger agency of an eastern railway system. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Hogs. Sheep. 6.3"0 9,000 S.fxiO 9.60O 13.0O0 4.0"0 5oo I 4.128 1.636 ! 25,000 22.COO - 61,428 86,638 nary, 7 15-lw. nominal; good ordinary, 9'c; low middling, 10 l-16c; middling. 11 216c:; good middling. llc; middling fa.r. Uc, nominal; fair, 12;ic, nominal; receipts, 13, 1U, siwek, M,Sk8 bales. 44 feeders.. 593 4 00 19 feeders. W tOMiNU. 13 steers. ...13 4 65 12 cows 1063 4 cows Ill 2 35 WESTERNS. NEBRASKA, 24 cows 804 2 H5 WYOMING. 4 steers.... 807 $ 60 20 steers. . 86 43 feeders.. 665 8 65 10 feeders. . 715 4 feeders.. fc0 8 $0 t feeders.. 8A . W feeders. . 744 4 86 40 feeders. . 7;t9 : 37 feeders.. 924 4 10 29 steers. ...1173 John lenders- yo. 1 10 feeders. . 94 4(0 14 cons 10(4 3 40 ! 20 steers.. ..'186 4 25 HOGS-Last week when the receipts were lights buyers everywhere were bearish, but now that receipts are more liberal tne de I mand. if anything, has Improved. Tins ' morning, when ninety cars of bogs were In J sight, the uuwket opened fairly eaxly and 3 10 3 M 8 ) 8 60 4 85 4 Ou Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. 2S.-WOOL The market is strung, with a hardening tnrv. It aDDears undoubted that world S cup Ol wool win oe neeoeu to Bup ply the demands of the increasing number of buyers. Sales include Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada and New Mexico. Fine and medium clothing bring from 21f23e, according to shrinkage and quality. Terri tories are transferred heavily. The scoured basis of territory wool Is steady, at 7ua72c for fine staple, 67U72o for fine clothing. Pulled wools continue In demand. Foreign grades are steady. Leading domestic quo tations follow: Kentucky, Indiana and Mis souri, comulng. tiiree-elgnths blood, 3J'.).i4c; combing, quarter-blood, 3K)31c. Texas, scoured basis, fine 12 months, 7f73c; One, t to 8 months. u.ij...c; nne tan. clean, wif 6c. California, scoured basis, northern choice, 67'uc. northern, good, 62.'uiic; southern, 62ii63c; fall free. 54.uU'.c. Oregon, scoured basis, eastern No. 1 staple. 71'u72e; eastern No. 1 clothing, u'u'io; valley No, 1, 6.(f6'-'c. Territory staple, scoured basis, line, 7o-i72c: fine medium, 68,a7uc; medium, fti'ij ,c. TeVrltory, ordinary, scoured b.sis, fine, intie: fine medium. 66 n 67c; iiim11uiii, W. 660 Colorado and New Mexico. spring, scoured. X. bnfu.JJc; No. 1. 62 i',4c. Pulled wools, scoured basis, extre. 6!u71o; fine A. cii4ihc; A supers, 66ft 69e: B supers. 4'i5,')c. Ut.NDON. Nov. 2X.-WOOL-The offering! at the wool suction sales today amount. :d to 11.475 bales: trading was animated throughout and all descriptions firm. A Urge supply of new merinos brought out active competition between American and French bjyers. Victoria first combing, greasy, told at Is 3d Sroureds were In ugcr request. A belter supply of cioss- Edgar T. Miller and wife to Bal I has . .letter, part of "O" street, adjoining the east 70 ft. lot 7. block 6L boutli Omaha 3 3,000 Same to same, part lot 7, bloc 81, South Omaha J. Robert O. link to Security Invest ment company, lots 1 and 2, block 14. Boyd a , Same to an inc. lota 6 and 6, block 18, , Centra; park . -. John H. bull, r and wife to Olive M. . , Hardin, jtouth 60 f t. . north 107 ft. -N west 62 ft. lot 8, block "H," Pros- , pect place '4,000 Joiiann 1). Neumann et al. to Fred Armbrust, south west lot 22, Kountiki's second 2,000 Same tu same, west lol 9, Borkalow Place ' 40l Fred D. Wcad and wife to Oliver W. I lanuall. lot 12, block 11, Dwight and Lyman's " iM Mary Vuravka to Herman Ileal, lot 16, block 36. Albright's choice. South Dinuha t I EA wool I Nettie Connallv et al to Erneet L. tell- i ili.MtafHOil und wife, lot 14. bloc 12.1. I South Omaha .1 3,150 James O Brien to Annie M. O'Brien, north 35 ft. south 39 ft. lot 36,. . H' dick's second 1 Charles J. Johnson and wife to "?T Wlklund, south lot 18, block i, Solomon's add 300 Omaha Pawn, Pottery, Brick and Tile company, lots 11 and 12 and west lot l.t. block 443, Grandvlew, and other land 68,000 Waller b. Janilne and wife to the irovernnra of the Knlithts of Ak-Sar- Jten, tax lot sec. ic-ia-i.) ii. oou Fernberth to I)-rnatus lot 24, block 2, Irene Jessey Sophia F. Custard, Place Totals ...$89,753 The Financial World Xi:VYOIII( CKICACO II UroaCwar 1 09 liandolnsi It, Te Ljj.Lg pintuolsl Wockly Valuable te Ban'..rrs sad rinaaclars ' JIipenssbD to Invet.ert and ipeculatora. Th. j.'y financial pkblt- allon f s kind. Sund for lr situ,iM .--py. V"U w .11 1 n ti iiviuoed vf lis vttlaeud sonj our iuw:i-i li.ju. THE I11ACIL HOItl l) II lirsadwaf Wow Tarfc