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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1906)
Tim OMAIIA DAILY. HEE: TIIHiSDAY. XUVEMBEH i:). -IMG. BURNS AND O'BRIEN DRAW Nr Tan f W 4- w tlm hMt tju w h mtv " I Tr w. It fnr fW yr. iron t ut p i ijrii. 3. boVr of In i HI?! Dr. MTi Use-Tar Hmf Nr Wkaattsf Casra, item who ar haul W heerins rmffr wm utrA In. Id, i rise. ln-Bm-f ml bfcln It in Biu't. My Fbiid1phia Van Mtki Pcr Ebowin? Early, but B&lliti Sear the End. by the nor of :; to IT. Tit I,von lv cl' iily outclassed the Blair Ixiys In teaei work and nil round playing. Th" one rial feature of tie game was the Individual of Forw irt icoM.lns. A" a urta'n-rnlF-r to h" big nam'' th Lyons High school leant defeat, the Liberty iim hy tor score of 1? to 1. Referees: White and Hildrtth. JAMES J. JEFFRIE0 ACTS AS PEFEREE ni .Men Insist on Fighting In llnche. I He Has tirrat ItllH !) In Meparatln-; Them. Mil at (he time prellinliuirv work Is dour i .aaew - , .asaaT--. V" ) J HT ! r.ltrsittiso n Nebraska state league CnnM ' T . TT Y 1 V SA 1 7T " V ( I f 1 1 Mmirwnlnnl Asmatwi. . 1 BnddrtBr, t C Ycu Can Trust Ths People-They Know W They Want. J OVER 5,000,000 BOTTLES SOLO ANNUALLY And the increMinf each year leav do non to qmumton tne m wkim of the people'a uaone of a uonfB BmeU;. Lock for the Bell on tht Bottle. &Ch 50e. H l. aoteai. THE E. E. SUTHERLAND MED. CO. Pidacah, Ky. ft 5 is - 1 ir "V 7 (rnnil fere Two Fnrlce Win at Brnnlnii. ! WAPMIXOTOV. Nov. :v-A M '"''I I mv, Hip nup mi IWinln. Only two tuvot I ltf. won. In the rumno ru- lrlem loy tlnl5b"(1 wnmi, hwil of Siilli" K. a w. n ! )Imv1 favotlif, but who tllJKiualllled for a I mill, th-' Anr bring Ulyr-n to nino in. 1 with Yurl.iienr tMni. rhr fifth i. i won bv Motor her nl to .V Tit i! Knlht. UUS Nov. V. I he , favnritV in "the ll rvenl r,f the ll1. wa , ) ' twf nt v-rmin1 IikIiI lifiwr.-n O BtlMi and ) Ir-rt tndtnir nt (lit'imvt. VolurlHy. barkrrt j Klanc'li i Bum for the I.ohvjt Xnht clwniplunahli , .fr," f- 1I Vifc. Br.!.,'U.''i:i iH!!.Zn" ' derlareil ill- . t tlir eml of the PI,.r (ll'rlnnin ('oinnihln com"": KU- j La lnituc iwotilleth roimJ. I hn won, I moi-fll Alnx llufscll third. Tlnie: .. 1 :17. I l ota la Srrond race, i.-ml'lrn. '.'-yrmolflo. one milo. I Columbia rnnr: t4inlili t'ortrr won, pMlly h wroim. iirniiirnrf ttiirn. i imr: Thlrrt ra.-o. firth Plxlr. milr ftml pU fur lonif. old onui-He: Holchr won, Twvannrs H I I'll TIIK BUWI.KRS, tin th Jlrtrtiiiolliiin nllryo 1ot tildht tlio fl"tt)fs tiHk all tliriH' pjiinn o Irom ilia Kl niirlilloK. llrs.'llii mill I.m linnr i ( uir Kalotuffo wrrr hleh on ImIhIm tIUi sHi nn h. H.wlin niitbifl lneh oinuli L:in-ii. will: HIlllllllO WHO tlll ulily our on tin i.l I t audi lion to howl a t(i, i. cmni k-iMiib a totrtl of ,",.i7. I'MpiMin Jn" vrrlalitiy dolntf tlir liiioiii'i with bio lam thlo yrar and ruyo St. liouis .jrr, If you have to walk. tVirio: KAL8T.rKP. FlKlit tty Hvando. Houml 1 C'Biirn vlhirhnl otlfr ft b-ft I hh d mid proiJ-ainl when Horns krpt both hiinrlo wovitinK iluiliis ihr clinch. ti'Urlffii olnimrrrd Hurnn with r Kft hook and tnry .n....hrwi n-itriin rnnhr.l wiih n rlehr J ?rroi.u. .i-mrniK th in. umr: a.i'-R. I booh, which wno IiIih-rh1. Hurno w ! F'otirth raco, 2-y.:ar-oldo. olt furlon, fo ! lile.tiiiK at thr iiohc whnn thr round c1o(d, luniblu roiiroc: T tnnirrnne won, oi k alio with lltti- ndvimlnpc for rltner. Tin; round lJly occoml. T-d ilili-d. Time: l:1V. nno tut her tHnf ' Fifth nice, maiden. ?,-yrar-old and up- f Koiinn Hiirtm liind.d a left to 111.' ribolw-'ird. onr nillr, Columbia couror; Kii! unit noiiultoit u llrirn oavmri lv. urolestliiK: I Henry won, .Mnialcr Watrr 1, rarer READY FOR tlNCV PLAYERS I Hi 1 1 la n l h frame against riitcacn n hr did irre weekn piwloui acxlnot Minnesota. I Kck-mull tried frequently to tln le Joh.i , i son, hut was downrrl every lime. The co!- J-enrasna Oridiron warriors in SLape for'ored injy'o good work' won him a piuce on tlo&iDC Contest. 11 io oi.-cotid all-weHtrrn elrvrn in most of i j the ClilCi'gJ ne-wopiipers. Jolir.Huti was tho ONLY TWO CRIPPUS ON THc SICK LIST J wl . -N''"-a?ka playrr tliuo orlreied. J "V Sn enter l.lot llke and thnlnapkn Will .ot He In j .lht' a'jrJ,i of "N " "is by th I .t uiiifKu ixjjni win not ue toimiiiiy inane j until .1int beCjlc thu liuildny ncatlon. al I lliontili i'l is dellnittly known Ihut the fol- the I.lneup, but the Tram l.uwka far tlelory titer lib Ion in. I.I.VCUUN. Nov. r. The finul piooiaa liuns of the Nel.msk.i t'oniliuskcij. for the laat act of llu loot bull draimi ol' have been tlu; anlUlic'lo of ntrrnuoolly. for the fiupilM of Con eli Foster, in geitlnit' icudy fur the Thanktrivlns Hay bouL wllh Cin cinnati university, have mostly gone through the notions of primping for u pink lea. Tin, piacUtr baa buen Just as Unlit H Foolrr could limine bow to nwlln it. Tu lieilin with, the co-iimon eonceptlon in Ni bruska ciielt o of tin Cbn-innuli nt;s:t'Krition i that tin: CoriilniFkci'H are Kolnp to play ring around the visitors and anything I'-j than a, -M-to-u k'oic in Nebraska's favor will prove a distinct iiisHiliiuiieiU to the pioU-K' of Foster mid their uportra. The cloee light iVe C'incinniitl i levon gave the Carlisle Indiano last Saturday threw um thing of a oeare into the Nebraka camp, but It has developed th'e.t the Cir.-i-innut! nuinapenn nt rak"d the country with a fine tooth emn'j and Hiimmoncd veer,in gtnra from a hulf dozen institutions u aliue Into their lini up umiinal the iiunted led men. Kvrn with tins' nil-star usKrcgation, the Carlisle InavcH walloix-d Cincinnati Id to , and. therefore, it la illtfioult to figure where Cincinnati lias a rhaiice to win the turkey day game with only legitimate siu dents In the lineup. Weanwhil'j Manager Kug'r of Nebraska 1 aa taken rare that the Cincinnati team will contain only iionn. J"nle Cincinnati piny. vs. lie has wired to-Cincinnati that the visitors niuat tirlnar a 'list of players, fully rti(lel tf by the authorliles of the Ohio Institu tion. Two Men Out. ''each Poster, however. lm been 1utl Hied In ellnginic to the easy practice procrnni, in which scrininiasing Is itjinplctcly fc.b-.KMx2. Two of hia r-f;:ilarM came home ftorn the Chlcairo Ri-nie nur.-ing injuries lljat will preclude their appearance In the lina! game, Wilklc, center, sustniiied a (linlocnte.l shoulder, and Chaloupka, guard, wrenched hia knee M M-ver-dy in tai kliiiK l-Jekeraall. the Chlcaeo captain, that he v 111 be forced to hobble about with a eatie for at leant two weeks. Johnson, the vit-t-ruri nrjro end. hao a lame ankbi, but tin re Is v. lniyt bone that he will be able to jdny Tl ank.' plving. Cha!oiiika'a place v bft -ruatil will be taken bv Schmidt, ub i:nil and llall'Uick Ifarvev will play ei"it-r. and Taylor, the big nero, will till 1o1ik thirteen players nre booked to g-t 1 lit tors: Mni-on, Hive, Taylor. Wllke, Har vey, Chaloupka. Matters, Johnson, Cooke, Schmidt. Craig. Welter nnd Little. Par ticipation In at bast a lull half of either the Minnesota, Kansa or Chicago games Is a requisite sharing in the distribution of few eat era. The Nebraska captaincy is to be acttleJ In Decern her by vote of t h" thirteen "N" men. Little und Welter, the regular lialf I'Htko, are the candidates for the honor. UOK AMI I HHItiliPOX AT IXTO Tn ii I.iu4 Ten mo Will bnil foot Bnll Urnniin In OniMha. The scene ut Vinton street pal k Thursday al'trinoon promises to be one long to be re numbered as a fH'ing culmination of the reason's success under the n w 'rnlee. The game has been opened up to a mtirked de-gii-e and those who hitve enjoyed the game In days past can llnd little fault with H as plnjcil uinb r the new rules. Instead of the senseless piling up of player nt nil Union us was the ease under old rules, the game Is more open and all can see what la going on nt nil llinco. Creighton and Doane will both iiuve a. goodly supply of roters on hand to make the welkin ring and each leant should be able lu give the rootcrB sotm lhlnc to jubilate nv-r. Creighton uni versity stands united Imi-k of Its team and thi' feeling of suuport i a grout -help to a Iran. Donae. also will bae a team In the lleia I'1 !(. to be re'konrd with. Tie i-cighton-Donne ga.ine.murka the closv of the loca.1 foot ball Heason. Thla contest pi-omlses to be a. lltttng culmlnn tlon f the weak of tin; local gridiron war riors, for they have been working hard of late nnd the list of "Tipples has been en tirely wiped out. -Captain Innpher wllf be f-i-n iu bis old powlilon at tHcklc nnd his jiri-oi-nee will greatly strengthen the live, iKiih on offense and defense. Monday nighl saw the last aerlmniage work of the year. The practice was fust nnd both the 'varsity and reserve warmed Up to their task In fine shape. The squad was larj and every one was given a chunc". Jurlj; Ing from the showing made, lb? t-vim wlib li lines up ai:a.i'isi the" Tigers Thursday will be stronger than any has bad In the Held this It' ports from Crelo Indicate that JKiane x I avion nothing undone to round into perfect sbupr and is coining down to win. in evrrv game it heo played this y:ir Its work has displayed gametics and It lias fought lor every Inch. A comparison with their Omaha opponents shows no ad vant, -ige eUhcr way as regards weight and noi ll elevens employ uie open siic in pciv third. Time: 1 :t'V. . Kixth race, ta iling. 3-y sl -olds, mile and a furlong, old eoiiroe; Voladay won, Jilue Uuch second, Cbnlfonte third. Time: 1:59. PAN FltANCISCO, Nov. J. ieulls ut Kmervvllle: I-Trot rai-e. futuritv coutse: Tavora won, AvoiiHliB secoud, btuita Kay third. Time; 1 :10V rw-cond luce, elj furlongs: Lam. F. M. won. Yellowstone sexonfl, Sharp Boy third. Time: l:15i. Third race, five furlong: Cankiue won. Furze second. Cotno third. Time: 1:01i. Fourth moe. mile and h sixteenth: Jack full won. Itrarskln second, Iras third, 'time: 1 :V Mfth race, one mll: f'restlge won. To ralo second. Military Man third. Time: 1 :4-r-5. Sixth race, six furlongs: Whisky King won. Delaga tecond, I'm Joe third. Time: 1:1 s. . , NKW ORLEANS. Nov. 2R. Results at lair grounds: First race, six rurVmBs: L. S. B. won. Judge Bun-ouglT swound, Gold Circle third. Time: l:16s. S'-cond race, live nnd a half furlongs, nrlllne-: Miso Frr1o won. Pulque f coiid. Bniinri .VP.nno nut. li"hl to bodv. KUrn9 ! Veil:inf i MrH Time: if.'. t'Kig lert In slomeen. 1 1 rtrlen missed ngnt Third race, seven furlongs: T'ln Star swing nnd they clinched, tie danced awny j won. Mortiboy sn:nnd, Spider Web thlitl. but returned to plant striilght b ft to jaw. Time: IV.v Thcv exchnnged right leads to jaw. and Fourth race, five furlong: t olloftuy won, O'Brien took stiff left to Jaw that brought Ie Oro toeond, Sir Toldlugton third. Time: blood. Burns chased O'lirlen mound the , ,, ring and thev rushed Into a clinch. Burns i Fifth race, five Hnd a half -furlongs, sell- . . - a I . ftti . u .. vitil. ttl .1111 urid men ifinfl nut r rht and left to trie race, t.i ciricn ing: . .o.iuru won. em t imnrre - as Jeffrie" separated them. Jeffrie pep- I nrntrd anoihci- clinch with dtfiictilty. O'Brien put two lefts to the Jaw and Burns i was hissed for :tempting to hit - In a clinch. O'Brien put a hard lert to the stomach. O'Brien landed two stiff upper- tits and left -and right to the sdlr ot the head. Burns holding on last. Burns seemed to lose bis head ami went into a clinch. The round was strongly O'Briens', who ap peared to have taken the measure of his opponent, an'l socmen very comment. i . Hound S Burns was eager and landed a light. l"ft to the body. O'Brien hooked I right on held and left to body. Bound j nosed wnn t.tmis Holding ami u tirien seemingly the. weaker. Barno lilt In a Clinch. Hound 4 Burns was hissed for hit ling in a clinch. He attempted to reach O'Bvten'a ear as they wre closely hacked together. O'Brien put tight to shoulder. Burns ducked stratgnt left and they clinched. As they wcr oepartited Burns put right hook to Jan. O'Brien cleverly escaped from n cornrr. They exchanged right and left hooks.- O'Biien missed stiff upperrut as the gong sound'd. The -round whs rath'r tame, with a great deal of clinching. countered with rlpht without damage. Burns took' thie stiff straight rights to Hi. (a - IVUfl. n latiHeH n 1'icht hliok AS tn. nine ... united Tlie round was by fa i i malt Is t bird. Time: ltrLencT': had rf?er: I gTVDICM'S TAKH 1 OVER ATHLKTIC1 T-utYi third. Time:--1 Ti. Sixth race. mlle and an eighth, sebirg: Florlzol won, o!den Mineral seconck llui- :no-i. . -iousiy oeen lac.aiug. auu cot- e'unn slightly in his favor. Bound Burns, wnn n oonu mm ,.,.1r .Hr a. Reslan eves eager, continued to follow his mnn . rncnMr Membere Jo Resign. Biwund the ring. O'Brien missed a straight ! M I N NBA i'OLIS, Nov. 2S.-John Ctleason. left and they clinched. Burns taunted j student president of till Athletic Board of O'Brien, asking hint to tnn and ngni. control ot tne itntverstiy nas recpiesco me Minnesota Roar4 ot Control Aska Caughlau . Kauf matin McTeun i'nxton ... lllnricks . Totals .. lot. Jd. :t.l. Total. ! I'm If. ''.: .."j 1.' l! pr, i;r :'.v. t;s inn Pui hiv in p.? jj" :;i Mo Mil ts s.771 KL CACPILLOS. 1st. 2.. :!d. Total. i;t i: i,!i 4)i , ir.7 Itii I V", 4;., ll"-' 111 1-''l "''I 177 14:; i:t". Ins S4 '.' ix Pi ."k7 : 7-'S 2,'VW HYst f-iwo is PinMi' '' Base llallloto I'lsy foot Rail. The Dunham A- Dunham base ball team and the Tigers will play a game ,,r tool bull on the Tige'V ground Thanksgiving morn Ing at VI o'clock. The following is the lineup: TbiKRs. D. D. MrPnnongh Psuali' I V-O' Connor .t. rtrroll F!. MorMPIo Qilltl .... Million Qrotn II. nishrow Woolnoy .... CIro 4 6. UH hi;.1 i.r. L.K. R.E.... It I UT F.B.I K B UH.I R.H tl.H.I L.H ... r.l r L.O.I R.o n o.' 1. o L.T.I R.T.... .... Hrti C. reman Vunh ( lark IV Bio-ii Plrkhnon HiirlJo. . W. ThuI ,.H. fault .. Slrwait Irving Mtalllon Axworthy Hold. NKW YORK. Nov. IS.-Tho cli. suiul Ftalllon. Axworthy, famous as the aire 01 more than fcrty trotter 01 th" '.':'.! 1 class, won sold to William tiimpson of the Lm plr? City farms. Cuba. N. V.. at the Madi son Square auction sale loduy. .Mr. Simp son's final bid was fJ1,mn. BKAC'KLETS Frenr., 15 h and Uodtie. DIAMONDS-Fremor, Kth ond Dodse. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER (loadr Toilay In Nebraska. Warmer In Cast Portlon.Hala or Mnun and Colder Tomorrow. RYE. ML WHISKEY AND "THE BEST." BOTTLED IN BOND PURITY AGE STRENGTH Look for the word "RYE" in red on label. l.MMMiajsj P-OH (nui nt l""rl !... W Distlllerv: Frankfort, Ky. Distributers: Rilev Bros.'s Co., Omalu Caiarrotts Cure Catarrh of tht head, no-,, throat, bronchial tubes, luugg or stomach. Calarretts tone th general syBtem and lmrtfy tlie bligid of the catarrhal jiolion, proiluciuj a perfert rciroTsry. Catarretts are sold at auy of the following siort, who will fladly refund th tnoppy If yon are not mure than pleased with results. rioHKC buy and try a at ICHAtmi'S CUT VKIOB BITII CTOKZa, Cur. I6U1 ami c'hleago t, Omahs; N. W. Cor. J4tU and N Sts, S'mth Omalu: Cor. iUi and Main Sts., l.Ollll'-ll '"WW ii "I, IS, JOHN ITOtBT, ?4 N. 1th 8L WAt-IfUT KII.Z. PBLAXMACT, 40th and Cuming Hts. CHEEK'S HAEMACT, Cor. Park Ave. and i'm inci bt. 8. KrsTCK :M'h and Fainani S's. BE I.I. stuff CO., I.'IH larnsra St. J. H. MECHAHI, C01. ltu and JTownrd St CHAS. H. BrBAQUE, Benson. O'Brien kept away and Burns repeated the operation. They clinched. -. O'Brien trotted licles about his opponent, ocmsion allv leading. The crowd displayed dissatis facttonand urged O'Brien to fight. Burns phi. -1 ted his left three times to the head as the gong sounded. O'Brien Appears Worried. Hound 7 Burns attacked savagely, land ing rights and letts mat uin no ,''. ,t,nit (h. otr f.iiy m.inl- f clrnlr Burns continued in use ins nanus u. P ditl n committee. Now Bi of. clinches. OHilen wmi'-'i ngni auo a . ., ri4l ,ir,-sident of the Big Nine conference and 'Minnesota representative i-esia-natlon of two faculty meinbero ftoni committees of the hoard and In their places narvsi student members. This action was taken hy the president of C-e b ,n-d to bnng to a he-ul the cj'I-Ui of whether the faculty or the students should control athletic affairs. For years It has been the custom for the president 10 nnnolnt as chairman of the ticket com- mil tee one of the laculty members and to left hook, evidently with snot power, Burnr showed atmuy tp uucr . on s . eonferenee. has lieen forced to re Burns again invited o Bncti to .i... ..,mmi,i. rw v lelt lends. fight. He landed a straight left to tho chest and a fight to the peck and they went Into a clinch. Burns landed several light kidnev blows, but they were not well .aken bv the crowd. O'Brien landed a icrt hook to the Jaw. O'Brien appeared much more worried than his opponent and the effectual blows landed throughout the ro"nd were largely (n Burns,- favor. Round S Burns put left to bead and rlirht to Jaw. It p.lmost swept O'Brien off his feet. Bums chased his man around the ring, attempting to win In a rush. O'Brien nut a. short rigbt Jab to the c hest. Thev clinched amid prolonged hissing. O'Sriim put right uppercut to chin. O'lirl-ib spat Mood freely and dining this round kept awav as long as b" whs able. Burns finally stood still and waited lor him to come Into range. Buuis displayed unex n -cied asil'.ty In slipping under 0'l.rlen's le-id.' Burns was always the nggressoi. O'Brien l making a poor showing. Round -P Burns met O'Brien In the lal ter's corner with savage rights to the Jute snd tliey clinched. O'Brien kept away. Thev rut-feed into another clinch. Jeffries broke them with difficulty., Hums with right for the ribs was short, but laimedi atelv afterward landed a. stift right to tho head. He landed a right on O'Brien's lace, which wes covered with blood. Lurils was trylns to land a knockout blow. irBrlen put 1 right hook to chin, nnd Hums, after blocking a left uppercut. received two light hooks on the lc!t side of the head. Tho round, thr. ugh Burns' escjerncss to attack, was his. O'Brien appeared somewhat dis- u Lu ien a sign from the ticket committer. Knf. W. K. Brook, the othe facultv niem'w-r, was else, forced olT he auditing committee. This ac tion takes Hie management of the athletic expenditures practically out of the bands of the fat-iilly representatives of the board. Tlie Athletic board alfo wnt on record as fa voting Thames In the Blc Nine conferenco -rules to the effect that eight foot, ball g.-HJK Instead of five be al lowed tiext season, and that the three viar eligibility l'tllr be nofi-retroactlve as to men on the tnms lw?ore the reform rules were passed last winter, . , , -ifrt . . IMSW. TBOTT1M. . ASSOCIATION Organlsatioa ' of Breedera Will filve Kxhlbltlou of ' Harness Animals. NEW. YORK. Nov.- At a meeting to day ot mmv horsemen, presided over by H. K. DevaretaN ol' lMe-ele.iwl, O., it was deckled lo form lalt organization . to Is; called tho American Association of Trot ling Horse BreedetSi The avowed ob.1':l of the bodv Is -tile uplifting of trotting snort, nr.d with this .end In vlow 4t was WASHINGTON, Nov. :.-Fotfccal uf Lie weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska Cloudy Thursday, warmer In the east purlieu; Friday, rain or snow anc' colder. For IuWh J'artly cloudy and. warmer Thursday; Friday, lain or snow. For Missouri-Partly cloudy Thursday showers In west portion; Friday, pjrtiy cloudy. For South Dakota Rain or rnuiv Thurs day; Friday, snow and i-olilcr. For Knns:i serial 11 Thursday; Friday fair. For Colorado Fair, colder Thursday ex cept snow in the mountain districts; Friday fair. Fr Wyoming Fair in east, snow In west pot Hon; Thursday, colder; Friday, fair, Loral Record. OFFICE OFTHEWRATHF.K I: F BEAU. OMAHA, Nov. 2M. Official record of I. ni perature and precipitation, cempsred with the corresponding day of the (hsi three years: I!., lCo. HOI. X:vi. Maximum tenipiM-aturc .. Ki ii ; Minimuin temperature ... IT, Ii 3i ;:t Mean temperature "2 ::! 44 4d rre ipltatiun T T ,W ."0 Temperature and preclpttaHoii departures from the normal at Omaha since .Mann 1, and compurlfiors wl'h the last two years: Normal temperature Kxoess for tlie day .....y Ii T'ttal exc--s8 since . Match 1 'M Normal precipitation y! tnh DrHciein y for the. day... ' ,u3 ltn H Ti.tsl rainfall since March 1 a. 01 inches Deficiency since Marc h 1 -i.l" inches Dellclency for cor. period. Iftio. l.W Inches Deficiency for cor. period, l'Xl. I.l'i inched Reports from Stations at 7 I'. M. TS rati -MEN ' - - m 1 . -. - V ,'. I j . '- t '; . f 'i . . ' '-i(-r ' - f isn,,. I 4Va 4 . V '-. --' ' Station and State of Weather. Bismarck, cloudy Temp, at 7 p. 111 Id ax. Temp. .mi. fall. decided to hold an annual horse fair in 1 .Cheyenne, clear utmost cxoliiHivoi.-. uoane puis u;. a strong j ,,.P!WN, Woen the gong eouuded . o n. 'or n, 1-r .id ...o 1. " m . o su.'ii T! ! eye w as budly cut iO'r:Kt:ison it is :-iie to prcslicl that tie lie won or lost gaii.c 011 turkey day win only by n natvow margin Toe lineup: CRKltillToN. Miirrlii t. F. H K Met '01 mick Wngner Laiuphi' r ... Mill-r Hrome Aylesworth Sacha Maslrl C. if .lM.l.L.ti . Il.T, L IC .H.V:.' I..T .y B.i y.B...... L.H ' B.M.... It H. I. II.... . F. B." F.B in :t righl suard. The rest ot tire Nr. brasku lineup is intact. M01 gimthiiler ...L.T. H.T. '11 1., CornliiisL-nm I,...,,.. f,.. 1-1,1 Hleedoin L.!'H.ti. e.u.i better satlslt-d wllh their accom plishments, than the score ir.i-.jht indicate. Coach Foster said: "Coach Ptngg und nil of the Chhr.u.j players gave us credit for playing a hard gatiie. KckeiHall's marvelous goal kli-klnt; put. us completely out of it, but In all otli.v respects it wus ;t close conlest. Chlcugo sciired three touchdowns, one of which was Hie result of n Pie-ysrd rutr by Pteffen on :i pi.iy thnt was largely a fluke. There was Vothing scratchy about Nebraska's . one toucliduw 11, while we forfeited a splendid chance f ir another by fumbling within th (ift'-en-jard line after we had been gjl loplng ahead for good gains. With LVk'-r-srill's five drop kicks ellinlnuted. the final result would have Wen In doubt. Lcker aull, who seldom plays a foot ball came without pulling off a series of sensational tuns, was downed en. y time h. s:.y.d to carry the bill and his hesi nain was for ten yards. I Insist that Ncbinska was far from dletaced " Johnson. Nebraska's leu end. played us DOANbl. Dow.i the north, south, -vast and wc of this ci-untry In successive years. An exeeutue committee was appointed and it will dncft a co:ititi.lion and bvlaws for the oiganiaa 1 ion. TI.e a.ssocia tin will ts Incorporate.', probably under llio laws of Virginia. The following offlcerswcre elcx-tcd at the meel Ing; 1'iosldent. Senutor 3. W. Bailey. Texas; firsi vl'-e pi-eic)erit. W. R. Allen. St. L "d; seoo; d vici, president, L. V. Harkness. ICn- ...!U-' led - SM-Vetarv. II. K. Ie'erco.u. I Salt Lake City. pt. c loudy 1 1 " 1 , alentine. l-.,.,.il,'i. .o'nimlttee Sterling R.. Holt . 1 Willlstoti. clear l innicaies tmc-e ni inc. iniiaiu n to - tne tace. 1 i,,i,pson. Maine: !i. N. tltiin. .vw HrKi : h. wllh B.jriis u j. Dovereaux. - "hlo: F. M. Martdiali, Kama lilts In llueb. Round la B-irns continued his rushing tnetics snd O'Brien slirnwd in vicious swings. Burn hit hard in a clinch. They: Indiana: William It. Allen. Missouri; J. M. exchanged straight lefts i O'Brien la id on in a eilnc Chicago, cloudy Davenport, pan cloudy Ieivrr, char Havre, clear Helena, cloudy Huron, cloud v - Kansas CltV. cloud v .... North-Plane, cloudy ... j Omaha, cloudy liapid City, ch ar I St. 1. jiils, ch ar ! St . Paul, cleii r THE RELIABLE SPECIALISTS rT PAYING THE PE JALTY. Kver thing' has to have a befjitinirg. and oue of the. moat prolific souic.l of the diseases and weaknesses, so prevalent among men is the result of ignor ance. In C8rly life or neglect or improper treiitinent. Some nu n through ignor ance of the eoiiseipionci a which are sure to follow 111 gleet o,- Improper treat ment consider their allnurts trifling and rely upon patent medicines, di-iirf-gisto and unskilled doctors, who offer ch?-ip treatment, in nil effort to secure relief, snd. consequently, their dbecase rmckes uuch periods 'Inroads upon the nervous system that It Incapacitate them for the physical and mental duties of life, and the patient puys dearly for his occ-nomy and poor Judnni 'lit in Hie selo-tion of attendance and treatment. ... We rure safely and thoroughly Nervous Debility, Rectal and Kidney liis-' eases and "II dle:. "nd Vi-u.kiietscn of men dip: to neglect, ignoian -c or the result of specific Utsvasco. Free CoDSJllitlon and EiiininatJon-rteoe m. 'itV'l STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. - ::j .c .' 4" .t" ;t :;s .e: I :: :ts n ;. .'a I'l K .ll 1'J II .! ::4 ,ii .i.i 4U 1'J .IV) 4 .n.l ::s :n T to t'. .10 to In .; '.V :!4 .tr) :m t -c' .'1' ;:' ... i cl.iidy L. A. V.'i;t.SH. Local Forecaster. -'iiinnio ' landins on his back, where a pink plaster Illinois: R. '.: Kstlll. - Kentucky : C. W. Hronson . adorned D'Brlen. O Hrlen s'-cmed to h" l.mrll, ... Tavior .'... Smith . ilrifflilis Day .... . Bates Parsons 1 1 art well .. Mc.dU:r Massachusetts; Paul U. ilsoid leaning grcggilv ihi BuriiH' shoulder. It'-' Wisconsin; W-.. O. - Bennett. West Mrainiii. straightened Burns with a right uppercut. j .. j . He took a bard right on the kidneys. ; ttltRICAX ASt4tKIATIO TU MEET O'Brien poked Bynis with two striight ; ' lefts at long range, for the llrst time uHug , ..'- .. . a lead that has always ih-oii his style ol ; nireetora W III Probably Refer Keller ba'tlc. lie repeated the blow OS the gong: Case to Delegates. sounded. Burns stood with disgust m j MlLWAl'KKK. 1 Nov. President the center of tho ring. I josenli O. O'Brien 'of the American Base- Round U-Hurii panned his way across , . ,,av rtsu.l a call for ti tls- ring. He met O Btlcn in a clinch. ; r ( meeting of that body at the Grand , ii.lno' las bunds whenever opportunity af-I ', . . ... ..... ., .-.i,i... u,.nHav rim-ei-oh- i the most exciting and evenly matched ; forded. Barns took a straight left and also ' T,llf, ,,..'tli.g wll' precede a bu!ns , ioiiuee. i Ii.) nl:i.. -it In lid uiMllin, 11... i ..-A I..O. ... ,1... II.. uir.ii's -w ." ,, 7,: . ...... . s . ...... pi vim ris'.ii mio i.i." .wv.. ... ; n.- ih hoard Ol Clireccoir, cmini U.sievaii liiilversny team last evening d- ' continued to rush O' landing two, 11 (,V, 'JVheau to consider tne cas-? lei.t. d the HnmlHildi Athletics in a gaum . straight lefts ai d taking a ailff it-ft In I i S i K"l - Mil S-cr-tary I"d. oi i.asK.-i nail nt tlie oii.-ra bouse bv n ,i,- ...n ,..ii o llil.-n iumii alonir the , ,..,, ,1 popes, but tailed to scape two light lefts, i . "charged with conspiracy against : They clinched. O'Brien its... e.i away, then , ,. ', ,iBrt.r(.e Owens during tlie last, closed in sfter Burns had planted ll left ' ThP. ,.,s' w's taken up bv !) ; hook to the face. O Brlen landed a stiff commit nud referred tuck for uppercut as they clinched nnd put ' ",,,.. ,. ti pkelv that the association, as straight lelt to the fad as they separated. ','"h . i, railed to consider the sub- ! Burns ducked a i-tt icaci. t naer tne t .. . . hoard of direc tors and the I Wesleana Win at Hum bold t, score of 3a to 4. The houte was crowded to the limit and considerable cut hipilnsm ' prevnileil. The p a in were evenlv iiuiched i .mi would Is- dlrHciilt to divide wlii- h i did the better work only as tho wore shows I the result. i .- - .4 , r" '"''-i',rf--wf:3 . r i is I'i'sr: jsa.iii j: m I .-f l -f TI..1 .1-.!.. . ... .. V I ,.r ataf allev l.s-r.'. in ihi ,-hy by w .,1 I. .ft U M.l t IhI Mirth I'lalte Honlrri AA lu. : nisrhiar blue light. O Brien s visage wus a ': . , ". .n.. i,MUiif n this rneeting. NORTH i'l.ATTK.- Nil... N..v. '.'V-iRik-'- i ghastly sight- J-rries' white uhlrt ; n1111 ' .stall The N.Mib Plait.- Iw ling went I bloodied from shoulders to cifTs, owing to-: Fort Omnnn-Dlets Game, n. Frlda ;.i..; dcf-aied the team '. his liiterf.-renee in the elim-bes j . i-.muha' team will tmMle Willi of t'uut pla.e by u score of I.eiJ lo H- und L'-Burr.s puts led tlBilen over r Th f ott 'n'"n 1 an' ' ' B, Satmdny ,-vcning tl..- liom- l-a,n defeated ! the rlna and landed left on the face Hejll.e We a taaved "le game the c!oth--tihi-,rg t.-am nt the Lamlgraf . recpicstad O'Brien to break after a cllni h. Prk. ni lie sn'nlers n" i Si-ole ol' ' 1K: to Cll.riei'S enow n,ei nurns laee hh lliry hiui " io ..r iliereli.. 'O'Brien, and again he protested. Burns live strength of the- three s ion -'la mi. el a left to the ribs nr.d a right to 'Benson of 7"'- la m-m bei of I the face. Burns booked a light I'M t to the .he Diets AJ .."tic HL - , .." ".. '.""' V. ,'i r..i fullhck. nmn HroilllO III!' rill. II H nil m ill. T III ll' .ii' . .w... .... lashina two up"iculs to Bums' chin, called at P Bui us was compelled to do by far the most Trail. , H TI.-S.-ll.. , ,.. .. ... n, .v, i in .in w. w . ever I. Alie, f.lvr. onei lirllli.Ni 1 1 . .- . . ... i NOT Bt lt 4ll ItKLi; SAJIHI.i: A.iire.. Dn,t.-; Ir". .it i ,.i 1,.,.111,.,1,.11,.1 v I y3 " aljaaiwiii -gl Men Cured for S6-00 Some Treated for $5.03 a Menth 10 Day's Treatment $2.00 (The above prices Include only plain, aiTple disease;, but not special illsvase. and disorders of men. CURES GUARANTEED In all curable diseases of men for the smallest charg-eM possible INCtaUSUft n-vicaji."., xtuMi sav aia lor a com- sio.aii-i..'ss' tlete ure on EAST TEKMS AWB SXAXiXi FATMEBTS. I feel that diseases of men can and should be cured for a price that would corie npond with the iiaturu of the case and tho amount ot work and time it would take to r. ake a cure. EQUAL JUSTICE AMD A SQA7ABE B-EAX. TO ALL IB MY MOTTO.. Mm nr afl n Sl V T is one of the oldest and most reliable, specialists, of WlOt-mlth tri 30 TEAM EXFIKIBNCE In the treatment of nil 111 V Vjiilj I V di.oasa and disorders of men. L yDAAS IN OMAHA. His remarkable succeua, fair ucaiiiii; and clean record entitles him to the confidence of ull men. Over Thirty Thousand Cases Have Oeen Cured hviaptom blank, alual.le book for inou. It t'lls all. Write to uie all about your ailments. IT'S ALL FRI-fc- Treatment by mall. mice hours all day and to S;.'io j. m. Sunday. It to 1. Call or write. Box 7ti. ofliuo .'li Suuth Fourteenth Street, Omaha, Neb. The Purchasing Power of Thousands of R-jr.1 nf TI1C RFF Prosperous Western Families is Found Udlia Ul I lid DLL FOE THE BLOOD The demand for S. S. S. lias rtearlll inrrrased ptneo it was first placed on the market until il ia now recognized a grcattst of all blood purifiers. It has tvon its way to success because IT CUftES DISEASE, and there are few homes where "S. S. S. for the blood" is not a household saying. As the Mood is the very life of the body, iumri. hing and .supph-iny btrensth .v. ...wj iv, w,. vu.iv. iu ouiuc luim u m u 1 1 iu loiuiw wuen ii wwaits contani inatcu are m. SOUlLRS. Phe game will be 'Xt.e lineup: I DIKTvv leading, and as tb"y separit'-d from a Lltherland clinch Burns swung O'Brien from lilin Willi Miller ...... a pr a rent illsgust at his tactics. Uouoi's ' Ptambaugh even. jO'Kelly .... lonhardt . ( HHKU WINS t RtlSS.t Ol TRV RU i Mcleod I'rnnaylianla Is Second, Massacha aetta Third and Xmlf i'oirlli, PRIM KTON..N. J.. Nov. ITS. -Corn. 11 won the lm ri-ollegialf i-ro.-s country run today. td. Kczeraa, Acue, Tetter, Boils, l'imples and the various skill aflettions i d."f,"i:'," lVensytvaiiU. Yale. Hsrv.m. due to an over-acid and imi.ure blLl-sutinlv r!,?, 'JlX,,, WW. 1" ocioiuta, v-uronic sores aua LicersvJontaious iilood Foison, etc., are all I J." , " """ tleep-seated blood diseases aud will coutinue to grow worse and more danger- ' PHm-eioii h'. d Massachusetts third. Yale d fifth, Colu'nbus sixth snd Out of Hi., forty-nine nun una as unit aa cut uupui uies ana poisons WHICH product; them reniani IU the ."'axed. tmr. tiring seven entries from blood. In all Wo disorder SS.S. has proven itself a perfect remedy, and t?. ''six 'ZJu&f- Th wen cartieu tiic T.sut to ue eaneu me greatest ol all blood purifiers. U goes 1 captain John t:. i:is.i ..r Prteceio,,. who down into the circulation and forces out all poisons, hut-untie humors 1 " H "",tv,'r"e 'or individual honors m and unhealthy matter, and makes this life stream rich, pmi and health-MtLl ! ZVZ .L.F-! R.K.... L.T.1 R.T... ....L.G. , R.O. . c.c ....H.r..,L.a... . . . .R.T.f L.T. .. , .....R.E..L.12.'.. ....q.b.'q B... f ....Up.jR.II. f.b.;f.b.- i ' .:..R.H il,u Tliomsctt ... Howanl Watts Qulgley Harris Complejohn . Spellman. Kv inS ... Biakely, Thomas . Mores rty, Benson ,. Goodrich. Haltd , Doran 1 tainin'. t. t. reaches inherited blood taints and so enriches the circulation that diseases of years standin;; are permanently cured. Jt contain? no harmful merais auu is uaiurt a real i.iood puritit r. Boole on the blsi and medical dvice free. THE S WITT SPCCIfJC CO.. A TIAMTA, CA WE CURE r.l EN FOR 07.50 10 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.50 ll the C!J Ktlbtlt Cr. Searles & Scarlet J ' ;' ... , i l.uiwMniaiaA' i.'eM4 ).'p:abi,!ied in Oninl.a for 1.". yi-r. The many thou- aiuU of cases cu.-rj by us makes im iho most vxparl- vnred Sl.ei-lal 1st o in tie Vrr.i. In ai.-,.. .ti. orders of men. Wo know Just what will cure you !. hnd cure quickly. CTrr e-iKi.ilaailon i.i,o en s illation. Writa well st t no time, I,u1 was unable to se-' and had to be ld to the gyiniiaoiuin. Th trouble was clue to paralysis of the muscles of the face.' wl'h wh'.i.!: I.ise- ws bee , affei-ted for re.-ral years. He was leading Jones of Pennsylvania by lif) yards when he was p.rrcd out of the race.. Jones rtnlshej first, id lima being Z3: 1 he finish bet seen J..ns of Pennovlvarua and Colpitis of torn el I was a pretty one. I the iikii runuti.g r. ck unj rank in the ' last lii yards, Se- .l of the other finishes a: rost resulted 'n d ad beats. Beck of P inisxi vi. nia, r iin-.l ut iho end of tho I first I 'l' wi I. a ankle. i o ii'i; i.'iuts. Pennsy lvania '.i. I Massachusetts ir.htliuu M, Vale ;i, Harvaici ; is. I'.iliinihm U2. priueeton l:n ' The yiuta were couiite. in tne order 111 j watch th l.-en liuialieil. counting one I fsiiiit. se. ond two. tb.rd. three, etc . the I hrt fcur men of each team vounied. ' Sj nipuu.i 111. in1. Iiome innin.uii'. for ! Basket lie II at Lyons. i i.ii.i.n, .-Nei... ,uv. .. isjpeciai loie ri. ,i i In 1r Aimi ..r i.e in.. 1 19 S. 14th. Car. Uth S. (iilliphS SfS flirilia Kk i '-oi.s basket ball lean, .leieaie.1 th, I i'.osi IOdyU Cc Inplvlvial CU.l..-g !! Sill Ji Plait' MtCutcheon Scales Smith L'dwards .... Clue kin Llaeap for York Game. TORK. Nch.. Nov. liS.-iHpoelal.) Follow- Ing is tlie lineup for the Thanksgiving day i game between -York and Missouri Valley; High school. N'M-Jier team lis had ii , aoal . roitsed by an opposing team. I Ref. rfi.; Wads Reed of York. V mpire; , Ruls- Olinger of Missouri Valley. Head hie sman : Umnieti. Osls.rne or York. j MO. VALLEY, -. ! tone.. 0 Khaugh L.H.I K.F. . Newman Mvers..." L-T-'R-T K. Woods 1 it iiLliin .. . H.d M. Henderson C. Lodue ...C.'C L. Taylor H i.'owan P. iJ.'L-fi F. Cei II. Walton.......R.T. L.T. ..W. Karth B. .) , F. West IC.I.,..R.t'lt -S. Walsh Holdeiniati L.iL.R H Foster R. Lvon R H, I II O. rv.rrVk ! J. Kbaugh F B. F.B -. 8. Bell i W. Mcivren...ii B.lQ B A. May R. Carpenter. ...Snb. Sub O. Chit tick C. Andes Sub.' Sub 8. Van laew. Sub R Olmstead Referee: Wade Read. Tork. t'mplre: Rube t "linger, illssourl Valley. lleg.J lir:e nian: Lnunett tisl-orne. York. Soath Ouaaa la Slate Leagae. This letter, received by the sporting ed itor of The Bee from one of the directors of the Kearney lut ball club, la lf-i r- j plaraiory: i KKARNKT. Nab . Nov. 11. -To the Sport- , ing Kditor of The Bie: I .ear Sir Kearuey j b anxious that South OuiaLa b . repre- i sen led a I JJip-ula vu th (vtDilig ul lilt Extra Homeseekers' Excursion Tit addition to th regular rTompspfkors' Excursions to tlie South' west on Dfceiuber 4 and IS, the Kotk Island will sell round-trip tickets on . 4ke Saturday, December 1 to Waurika, Lawton, Chattanooga, llobart or Frederick, Okla., nnd Marrow, Ind. Ter., at rate of one fare plus sf2, from jioints where regular Iloim'Seekers' rate i less. Tickets good oil days. This is ou account of the ojieniug of the "Big Pasture" li'eserve iu the coming State of Oklahoma. ROUND TRIP RATE Omaha To WAURIKA IIS IS To IAWTOW S1T70 To CMATTABTOOOA H-3 To HOIltT ia.ns To rttEOimiCK 178 To MAatLOW $18.13 Oel full InfurujailoQ ai.J i-njiy ol" our book. "Oklahoma, the Laud uf Now." , I'H'iu nearest Hock Island agent, or F. P. RUTHERFORD, d. p. a 1323 Farnam Street. OMAHA. NED.