Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone loula 613.
This Store Will bi Closed All Day Thursday, Thanksgiving
Over 5,000 Already Given Away
It is estimated wo liave given away over five thousand
samples of these $1.00 f-ilk and wool dress goods to be fold Sat
urday at 9 a. in. at 50c a yard. Have you investigated this
Great Special Offer? 13c sure and get samples before the day
of sale. Head Friday evening's paper for full particular, fco
thera in our Sixteenth Street window.
Open Saturday Evenings.
Howard, Corner Sixteenth Street
tnmi Jumped and were picked up crushed
and unconscious below.
Th Are awept through the second and
third floor and damaged 'the structure to
the jtlmatd extent of I2.M0. It wu an
old building. The cause of the tire has not
been ascertained.
The seriously Injured were taken to the
:itjr hospital and two died there. These
two had Jumped from the windows of the
hotel, and six others, all of whom were
smong those who had Jumped from upper
' windows. He unconscious at the hospital
and are not expected to live.
Fire "l&cajeo on Vtraetnr.
The Lighthouse hotel has been used by
iitum Falvetlon Army as-a hofne for the
liomoles during; the last twelve years.
Steam heat and cleetrlc lights Were used.
As no lamps-or other burning lights were
permitted. It IS' now' bclieveS that the fire
B . originated from a lighted cigar or cigarette
Mtub, carelessly cust aside by one of the
Building. Commissioner Smith stated to
j. day that since March, 1M, he had Been
-' trying to have fire escapes put In the bulld
.. ing In compliance with the law. The build
ing Is owned by the Laura B. Hilton estate,
J and he said tie had been unable to fix the
'"exact responsibility for tho, failure to cotn
t "ply with, the law and his efforts had not
. met with success. '
, ' The! representative of the Hilton estate
Insists that 'the duty of compliance with
the fire escape law rests with the Balva
? Hon Army.
Color' ftcboail Batldlnar Baraeil.
EAST ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. B.-A large
" brick building, at: ,1400 . Missouri avenue,,
, which, was leaaeti'last week by the Board
I of Education for'a..negro school, whs dc
""stroyed by fire today, and there Is evidence
that prejudice, sgulpst . tho establishment
t of a school for negroes caused the building
'to be set on Are. Late last bight the build
ing wsj discovered to be on .fire, but prompt
-action saved, it. , The firemen fuund rags
rsoaked with oil on the second floor hall
; way. The destruction of the building today
(.jiiark tho second building bused for a
i negro achrml that has been burned within
' the past two -weeks. - The Board of Educa
tion two weeks ago leased a building for a
' iwgro' school and immediately Is was-de-'
stroyed by fire. -
. tlradarhra d Aearalia irron Colds.
XxaUve Bromo Quinine, the world wale
Co4J and Oris remedy, removes cause. Call
i for' full name. Look for signature K. W.
I Grove. 2tc-
tOontlnued Irony First l'age.)
.'Me.rrlinan parties, t'onistock solicited hint '
to tile and Comstock furnished the numbers 1
'inrf, m hr ill,. Innrt which "tu i
. ,ina aescription or mo luna, wnicn wa m
ijiean Soup valley." Witness had never
been on tho land . but once, lie didn't
.'know why he had filed oi It.
Tho last witness of the afternoon was
G. W. Campbell of Gordons who told sub'
.stantially th same story as the others
. ' . . .
r.wuut vue i". um, ..,... u t
a so by McKlroy.. Witness, however, nieti
;'dlrect at the Valentine land office and did
not .go to Merrlman. Ho gave his note to
Comstock for 20 to cover expense of filing.
1I hud not paid nor had be seen the note
since. ,
" Campbell said ha had never seen the land,
-nor bad he ever spent an hour on it, neither
'did, he pay any of the filing fees or ex
' penses, except through the note he gavo to
Comstock for 120.
TThe hour for adjournment arrived before
the cross-examination of the witness could
bo proceeded wlth'and an t was
taken to. 0:30 Friday morning.
Hottses Bollt nm tht Mml.
BartJeU Richards and W. G. Comstock
thqwed by one wltnuss. in the federal court
Wednesday morning that they have placed
Improvement on tbeir Spadev ranch, the
ACK acre -.of. land, which, they have
x grubbed" for their cattle gi using purposes
In- nortbwesterh Nebraska. " '
WllltaJn McEJroy 0f Gordon since 191
testified; ; ....
"I dlci some work for' Comstock In 1904.
This wdrk was building houses' on lands
within .be Spade ranch. Tho contract called
for buUdtng Some fifteen houses, 12x14, at
tOu per house. ' I built about' fifteen of theso
houses. I paid for everything except the
freight 'on the lumber. ' I was told to
build t terra where I found the lumber piles
in various section of the ranch. I was
"I'old by Mr. Comstock to' report to Mr.
Vonnor at th C-Bar ranch for Instructions.
was, paid by check from th bank fur
tb woVk. The' check was sent to- the
lisnk at Gordon. The house were "built
-Sf (hlplap eld, shingle roof, one door
Paagsron Xablt Orsroome by Chang
t ro.
" The causa of sleep walking are various,
Vut the sleep walker always has a dls
urM ncrvoiK ayatem. 1
tften Improper food, by causing Ind ges
tlon and thereby poisoning th nerve
through the stomach. Is a cause of this
trouble: ,
"My daughter for five year was troubled
with Indigestion which resjlt n extremn
Jvrvousness," writes an ln..'iut mother,
"fihe would rat heartily of meat, vege
tablea and pasiery for a time, and then
ticcom luggiii. lose her appetite, and get
j nervou atie could not attend to her
school work.
,' "un such occasion th family doctor
would call and by giving her med. din
V'jld fx her up for a while, only to have
old trouble come back In three or four
V' dli avould walk in htr sleep otnetlmeii
when her were greatly disturbed
toy Indigestion.
"Fur 'breakfast we usually had torn kind
.,f teru1 end for a change got m Or(x
Nuts. We all took to tba new f.xd, my
flauahur" bei,m very for.d of Ii she
yften made her breakfast on Grape-Nuts,
exclusive of anything els sometimes tlto
for lunch.
' "V soon noticed a marked change In
her aeivea, she ceased to walk In her Bieep
And bad no trouble wth her stomach. We
.ere cbiifldent the tlrape-Nuts had brought '
'.ho 1iJiP: chuiige, ami continued to ue It.
that now alter more man a year bIik is
a n,j. r'.'bul gill rull of anlniution. sti
and we!!." .Nairn given by PciHtiim V,
HatUe Crew Jdtcli. Ther rseon.''
Bee, November 2, 1901
ond one half window. Prior to June IS.
1904. I had talked with Comstock about
filing on lands and I said I would try it
He wanted to know If I had few friends
who would like to file and I said I could
get a few but they didn't have any money,
lie said he would let them have the money
to file. A party of seven or eight of us
went to Valentine to file. The expenses
wero paid by Comstock. I made an ac
counting to lilm for these expenses, for
railroad fare and board and aent him the
bill, and it was paid through a check on
the bank sent to me."
Receiver Gives Testimony.
Captain W. R. Akers, receiver of the Al
liance land ofllce from February 22, 138,
to May 14, 1W, testified as to his signa
tures to certain receiver's receipts given
by hirn at Alliance -during 1904, the same
relating to the filings made at Ellsworth.
"All of the money accompanying these
applications was United States money or
postofftue orders," said the witness, "and
aere received by mall at the Alliance land
office. These papers were then mailed to
the parties who made the payments. I re
tained duplicates and after recording them
they were sent to the United States land
ofllce at Washington. Where there was an
excess of land over and above that al
lowed the homesteader by his application
a charge of $1.25 per acre was made for
such excess, which accounts for some of
the receipts being for greater amounts
than the ordinary fee of 114."
(Continued from First Page.)
area. "While, there are great agricultural
possibilities In this region, farming there
must he conducted along radically' different
lines from those In the more Mimld por
tions of the United States. In spite of re
cent abundant rainfall, conditions will
doubtless soon resume their normal state,
which is one of semi-aridity.
Much work has been done In . the In
vestigation of seed adulteration ' and In
carrying on the campaign of education on
behalf of good seed. Hood results have
atteniled work in securing high grade
strains of sugar beet seed, and especially
satisfactory results have been secured in
the development of the sugar beet seed
containing a single germ, which will
eliminate' a considerable portion of the
work of thinning.
Instruction Is) Irrigation.
Through the office of experiment stations,
irrigation experts have been detailed to
wora out and Introduce the right methods
of irrigation, and to give practical advico
to beginners in Irrigation In sections where
It has been Introduced. Wherever tills edu
cational work was begun there has been
narked appreciation of Its value. Requests
for aid of this kind have been numerous,
and the number of men engaged in this
work should be increased. The most prac
tical manner of carrying on this work is
through the establishment of farms where
lh. K... t ...... Iwwl n n 1. -.J ... I . 1, ..I -
results demonstrated. Buch a farm should
be established aa an object lesson on each
rrciamaiion area, rive irrignuon-ex tension
.....i,,,.- h,n i....tri i th. o,r,i.ri,i
belt during the year.
At these stations it
is expected to work out and demonstrate
the methodto and practices In utilising lim
ited water supplies In Irrigating from one
I to ten acres of lRnd. Provision for such
irrigation wouia enanie tno rarmer to piaiu
l", t,r """ "nj ",' ll'v0 li,1"1" r,f''1
of high-priced products, vegetables for his
family 8nu forage for the cows and horses.
Drainage Work,
During the past year the department has
carried on extended drainage invest .gallons
in some of the Irrigated districts of Utah,
Washington, Nfbrt.pkA and California, this
work being paid for In part by state ap
propriations. The drainage of swamp lands
In humid parts of the United States would
rerult In extending or Improving agricul
ture over an aroa cquhI to the stales of
Illinois. Indiana and jUhio. .This makes
farm drainage a matter of national 1m
l ii.' i. . j ring the last year the ofllce
of experiment station lias aided state
ofhclnls and ot!trs In making surveys and
iiivectloiis to determine the feasibility of
lari?e -drainage projects and the- proper
plans for the work. These survey investi
gations have been carried on in thlrty-onn
of th forty-six states.
Oujret-Miaos Roadi Bnllt.
Throughout the country, especially In
rural districts, the demand for information
tin if imt w-:. in. wivu: iti rou const, ucuon
is steadily growing, where people are will
ing to expend money on mending their hUh
WMys. ' Owing to Inexperience and lack of
organisation, money Is frequently wasted. I
In some counties well ab.e to support a
system of good roads, little work ,s dne j
owing to lack of knowledge. It Is In Jusi
such cases that the work of the office of I
public roads Is , ovlng of signal value. I
The department does not undertake tae 1
construction of road, which ctn be and
should be the work of counties within the
states, but the educational vuliu i cm- j
ploying experts In the construct. on of mh-!
tlons of Improved roads In different par's j
of tho country ha been fully demonstrated. I
F.xpert advice on roaii const ictton hie
been jrlvenand experimental field werk car
ned on. and, wherever possible, nhlm-t-
let-son roads are being constructed for the
purpose of Illustrating the best methods
of road building. The local authorities fur
nihh niaterial. common labor, teams and
fuel, the oftice of public roads supplying
supervising engineers and In some cases
fiart or all of the machinery. During the
ast year seventeen roads were built In
eleven states, representing a wide diversity
in character of construction and kinds of
mat ei In I used. Much has been done by
the. ofllce in developing the use of sand
clay and burnt clay for roads In areas
of the country where no stone I available.
Marketing of Hogs Cosislderably
Behlad Last Year's
CINCINNATI. Nov. JS.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Price Current says: Marketing of
hogs shows no positive tendency to in
crease . In numbers. Total western ackin
was 5&.UQ0, compared with 615,00 the pre
ceding week and 640,uuu kiat year. From
November 1 the total Is l.iHe.oCio, ' aga n:it
i.XO.OoO last yeur. PromlnenV places com
pare as follows:
V.i. I
Chicago 4i,it 5o.'
Kansna City -...' :0.i.j
South Omaha
Jltl.UHI 1 Jo If)
, :in.. rui"
ft. Ixuis
Si. Joot'ph
Indianapolis .
Milwaukee ...
( luf unmU ...
Cedar Hanios
iloux City ...
Hi. Paul
Cleveland ....
12.-i.Mu 175.i
44 0
S3 ()
44 lD
A. B- Hubermann. only direct importer of
diamonds in. the west. 13th and Ikiuglaa.
MANICURE 6KT-Krnxej-. lith e Podg.
Via tho tbtcaao, Mllnaake A tit. Paal
Faie and a third for the round trio to
,,int, here one way rate la $ Oo or b ss.
.ritE,ta on sale Nov.' K and UJ. retuin
I imiit ihsc. a.
i xtckt: lj.'4 Farnam 61 , Omaha, S'
IrnpectorTe?tifi?s that Eridence "ecuredby
Him Was iijjpresaed in Washington.
lie Sas Among them Were Senators
Warren aad C lark of Wyoming:
and Commissioner
SALT LAKE CITV, Nov. IS.-Ueports
that the federal grand Jury, which has
been sitting In this city and which has
been investigating coal land frauds, ba
voted several Indictments, cannot be con
firmed. According to the report, the Indict
ments will not bo returned until after the
close of the Investigation being conducted
here by Edward E. Clark, Interstate com
merce commissioner. E. M. Allison, at
torney for the Rio Grande system. In argu
ments before Commissioner Clark, has
charged that most of the testimony brought
out was for tho purpose of Influencing
public opinion against persons who might
be Indicted by the grand Jury.
When Commissioner Clark resumed his
Investigation today Attorney Allison mails
the request that II. G. Williams, general
manager of the Utah Fuel company, a
Gould corporation, be summoned as a wit
ness. Mr. Allison slated that tho chair
man of the Interstate Commerce commis
sion in Washington had communicated with
Mr. William's superior officer In Washing
ton and asked that Mr. William testify.
J. T. Mart-hand, who Is conducting the
government s caso before Mr. Clark, flatly
refused to examine Mr. Williams, staling
that he did not propose to render Mr. Wil
liams Immune to future action. At the re
queet of Mr. Marchand, Commissioner Clark
also excused from giving testimony at the
present time Frank B. Cook, a mining
operator, and William D. Foster, secretary
to Robert Forrester, a geologist In the
employ of one of the coal companies under
investigation. It was stated that these men
would be asked to appear before tho grand
Influential Men Implicated.
Scnsutional testimony was given by
Michael A. MyendorfT, a special agent of
the government, who began an investiga
tion of the coal land frauds In Utah and
who, before he had completed bis Investi
gation, was transferred to Los Angeles and
then to Portland, Ore. Mr. Myendorff pre
wnted aji affidavit In which he told of ef
forts made by influential men to Induce
him to ceuso fi.i Investigation of the coal
land fiauds. Ho named Senators W'arren
and Clark of Wyoming. Commissioner Rich
ard of the general lund office, and George
E. Pollock, chief of department 11. Interior
department, Washington. He allcgod that
in Menver Senator Wann told him he
ought not to go after the Union Pacific and
Incur tho enmity of that company. . He
charged that the land department at Wash
ington had suppressed evidence secured by
hlin. In two charges which he filed against
Robert Forrester, geologic, of the Utah
Fuel company, a Gould conmratlon, he al
leged no action was taken.
The witnesses furthtr alleged that George
Polkck. chief of department B. Interior
department. Instructed him to destroy four
affidavits which he had stcured against the
Union Pacific Coal company. Mr. Myen
dorff affidavit goes at length it0 the
mthods of tho coal companies In securing
coal lands by locations through dummies
who transferred their rights to the cor
porations. Affidavits I'urrlmnril.
Myendorff s affidavits allego thut on one
occasion seventy-seven men were tuken
Into a flic ea In tba-Unkn -thn at Donvey
before W. I. Glfford, agent of tiuj Union
Pacific:, and signed their names to powers
of attorney, relinquishments and affidavits
which were used to acquire title to coal
lands In Wyoming. Some of these men, It
ia asserted, signed ficticious names. The
men; who signed received l each for their
trouble. The Myendorff affidavit Included
affidavits made by a Denver saloon keeper
named Baitelle and Victor Lcbat, an ex
pressman of Denver, stating how a wagon
load of these men had been picked up on
Seventeenth street In Denver and driven
to the offices In the Union station. Aftr
they had signed the papers Jlartelie col
lected II from each man for his trouble in
getting them together, each man retain
ing X
In his reference to Senators Warren and
Clark the affiant states that 6n one oc
casion, when he met Senator Warren In
Denver, the senator produced confidential
letters which Myendorff had written to the
land commissioner In Washington, and
read extracts from them. Myendorff al
leged that It was represented to him that
to stir up the Wyoming coal lands matter
at that time Would Incur the enmity of
the Union Pacific Interests and prevent the
re-election of Senator Clark.
Myendorf alleged that he was removed
from Denver In 195 as a result pf his ac
tivities, and that pressure was brought to
have the matter of tho Wyoming lands
turned over to Inspector 0'Brn of Denver,
whom the affidavit described as a confi
dential friend of Macey, chief clerk of the
department at Washington and also a per
sonal friend of Senator Warren. Senator
Clark also, he alleged, wanted O'Brien de
tailed on this work.
Counsel for the Union Vuclllc moved that
all the matter collected In tho affidavits
be stricken out but the motion was over
ruled and the affidavit will be included in
the report to congress.
Department Refuses to Act.
Colonel P. 8. Sowers, a special agent of
the land department, was again called as
'witness and told of his Inability to Induce
the land department to act in matter re
lating to coal lands. Witness told of nu
merous letters written to tTie land com
missioner and of tho submission of affi
davits bearing on land frauds and sugges
tions tliat Investigations he made, but bis
letters were not answered. In November,
1900, he reported In relation to the lands
which eventually were transferred to the
Pleasant Valley Coal company, a Gould
corporation. Witness testified that he had
recommended action agalnut Robert Fores
ter, geologist for the Pleasant Valley Coal
company, but was Informed: by the depart
ment that the fact did not warrant prose
cution. Following this. In January, lfKC, he testi
fied, be was a.skcd by the department to
tendef his resignation. In response he
wrote to the commissioner of the general
land office calling attention to the gross
laxness in probing the coal land scandals
In Utah, but he received no reply.
Sowers resigned from the service, but
later waa reinstated, he testified, at the
request of George A. Sutherland, then at-
i torney for the Pleasant Valley Coal coin
! par.y and now United States senator from
William Incident bsnlalnea.
Commissioner Clark, who had evidently
bevn getting information during the re
cess, this afternoou explained the William
r -rr?r"
iota. voriLoin ioothixs axmvr
has been used lor t ver HiX I V YEAks bv
.... . . ... .-1....... . ., ....
si n.i.iw.-o oi tionitnn lor tneir I.HII.-I
bOKTKSs the Ul'Mi ALi-AYB all PA1' 1
t'L'HKs WIND COLIC, and is the bvn't '
remedy for DIARRlioKA. S..IJ by Drug- I
gists in every part cf the world. Be ui '
and ask for !
fatorably Knew from Ocaa I Ocenj
Personal inpechon it what we aJt You
can't make it any too searching (or in
Ak your dealer If he won'l show you
write lo u and we will direct you to on
who will.
McKitSin, Driscoll & Doraey
Flit Manufacturer
Stint f .tit, Minn.
Incident .by saying that President Knnpp
of the commission had asked Manager Jef
frey of the Rio Grande whether Mr. Col
ton, a former manager of the Utah Fuel
company, could furnish certain Information
to the commission. Mr. ' Jcffray hud' re
plied, according to Commissioner Clark:
"Mr. Colton is no longer with the fuel
company, but you can get any Information
Mr. Colton hal from Mr. Williams."
Five witnesses testified that they had
acted as. "dummy," locators to enable the
Wyoming and Utah coal c.ompani- to get
claims, receiving small sums for the use
of their names. Adjournment was taken
until Friday morning. '
Million Acres In Rosebud lleservr
Included In Deal.
YANKTON, S. I,, ' Nov. 'SS.-tSppclaJ.)
Senator Gamble Is lh' receipt here of 'a
telegram from the svcTetary of the In
terior with tho inforhtfition 'that Instruc
tions nro being prepared for Inspector
McLaughlin to negotiate with th Indians
for that part of the Rosebud reserve lying
In Tripp county west of here, 'that the
same tract, embracing sAmh l.OOO.Oro acres,
may bo ceded and opened to settlement.
Senator Gamble has Interested himself n
this project for some time, 'and the mat
ter is one of the iirrcatest moment to' th'.s
whole section. The presence of great In
dian reservations . to ' the west of this
county for so many years has done more
than anything el to retard the commer
cial advancement of "flie' -ecMlon. and the
news that the depigment bas taken tho
necessary action at .Jaat. towards the open
ing of all tills lajid- lb the white man's en
terprise' and industry . If being welcomed
here most cordially. Senator Gamble will
Introduce a bill at-tb-ooriiin; session, and
it la hoped thiU ltlmo. thrvtigh In time
to throw the land optJ to settlement next
summer. '! 'fi. '('"'
-4omI W wniliig-ftttlf. - - '
CODY, Wyo.. ov "g.jrfSncclal.) Rod
Avont of Burlingtojij tljfe' .cojintj',, bag re
turned from Omahal( where, iip marketed a
shipment of cattle.' 'One (it l!s steers that
was only 18 months old " weighed l.ftio
poinds, which" Weight Is equal to. the corn
fed animals of Iowa of the same age.' The
steer in particular was raised on' range
feed. ' ." '"
Hariir OftT for WashlnHtuu.'
PIERRE, S. I., N'ov. 2i.-T(Srecinl Tele
gram. Congressman Burke left today for
Washington and will devote his energies
this winter toward securing the opening
to settlement of Tripp county.
Coryell Will Contest.
BASSETT, Neb., Nov. I1. (Special.)
William Coryell, the republican candidate
for representative from this district, caused
notice of contest to be served on J. J.
Carlln, reprcsentativeielect," yesterday. The
contest is based tilt 'alleged fraudulent
voting, lnlsocuntiTig, fend violations of the
corrupt practice act; The notice recites
that the evidence wlrt be taken before At
torney L. K. Alder of Ainsworth.' "The
official count showed' Carlln to have' re
ceived a majority of 17.
Fire Threatens President's Home, '
OYSTER BAIT, "I i, Nov. 2S.Presiden
Roosevelt a sinnnier home on Bagamore Hit'
was seriously threatened with destruction
last night by a forest tire which, swept ovr
"opper b'uff Copper bluff is on the es
tate of W. Emlen Roosevelt,'' a cousin of
the president. . -'
Schmoller & MueUer's Recital Hall
Omaha's Musical Center
Saturday, December 1st, at 8:15 p. m.
. -
xo CAsoa or admission hxczssakt. -
While attending our muslcale, we respectfully request you to Inspect
our beautiful stock of Steinway, Steger, Emerson, Hardman, A. B. Chase,
McPhail and Kurtzmann Pianos Ideal Christmas present for the entire
family.- Special holiday prices and terms are now offered to early buyers.
A small deposit will reserve your Piano for Christmas delivery.
Schmoller & Ftlueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 1625.
i .
General Admission 50c. Grand Stand 75c
Tickets on sale at Beaton Drug Co.i 15th and Farnam.
Geuerti Nettlrtm Ma Vet Itmstirttion at
BequBftt o BrowuSTilla Cit.seni.
Dlschargrd goldlrra Were Aggres
sively Insolent nod .Midnight
Attack Upon lloaac-a and
Hotels I nprovoked.
BROWNSVILLE, Tex.. Nov. fS.-Becnuse
of ;the appaient mlsundoi standing In por
tions of the country of the facts which
called forth the order discharging the threi
companies of colored troops recently sta
tioned here and in view of tho resultant
criticism of the president' course in the
matter, the Cltlaens' committee of Browns
ville recently requested General A- B. Net
tleton of Chicago, formerly assistant sec
retary of tho treasury, now here on busi
ness, to make In his own way a thorough
and . disinterested Investigation of tho
Brownsville tragedy of August 1J and re
porU his conclusions.
General Nettletnn has embodied his find
ings In a letter lo tho secretary of war. He
says In part: ' ,
As a citizen of Illinois, an nn anti-slavery
advocate when that plirnse had a moaning
and as a veteran who served In the union
army throughout the civil war, I shall at
least not ho suspected of prejudice against
men of color. .
Without rehearsing details, I wish to as
sure you that this absolutely unprejudiced
Investigation, made, after local excitement
lmd subsided, confirms In every particular
the conclusions reached by tho two army
officers sent here by the War department
on the strength of which the president took
his action, as well as tho clear and tem
perate statement published Immediately
after the tragedy by Chairman Kelly of
the Brownsville Citizens', committee..
Colored Troops Insolent.
After summarizing facts hitherto pub
lished as to the killing of one citizen, the
maiming of the chief of police, the firing
of the volleys Into and through hotels, sa
loons and many private residence and the
terrorizing of the entire town, tho letter
The well attested evidence Is that the
colored troops were trited here with the
smiie consideration that colored soldiers
of like bearing are treated In most garrison
towns of the northern states. That on the
other hand the street conduct of some of
them was often aggressively and cause
lessly insolent toward white men and
womrn, aiA that there, was no provocation
for the murderous raid by the soldiers, un
less It can be called a provocation that the
drinkers among them wero provided with
separate Imith tu certain saloons and on two
occasions Individual Insolence was resented
by individual citizens, but one of whom
happened to have, been a republican federal
official. There was no "riot" and no street
"rows," as many newspapers persist in
calling Ilie occurrence. It was simply a
most cowardly conspiracy to terrify, wound
and kill unoffending men, women and chil
dren at the hour of midnight, when defense
was impossible and was not even attempted.
Evidently not an opjKislng shot- waa,tlred.
Call for an Explanation of Aliened
Statement Aboat Sea-roes.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 28 The War de-
' p'artment has called on Major Penrose of
' tho' Twenty-fifth regiment ut Fort Reno
' for ah explanation of tho statement-alleged
j to have been inado by him In a newspaper
' interview to the effect that the dismissed
! battalion of that regiment was the bCBt
battalion In the United States army.
an Associated Press correspondent Major
Penrose of Fort Reno tonight said: . .
"I ant being Investigated and any report
I have to make will be sent to Washing
ton. I hove nothing to wiy 'now.'-'-
Major Penrose declined either ' to confirm-
o'Ueny THe 'rv-ywrt 'thhtf'ti wad chat-i
'"OJctcrtT.ed i thei. dlsehnrgod 'negro -troop s
the best battnlion In the United States..
Knler of ' Persia Confers Decoration
on Charles Hermann Sleln
wny, .
NEW- YORK.' Nov. 2v iSpeclal Tele
gram.) A firman issued by the shah of
Persia, Just received by Charles II. Steln
way of Steinway & Sons, reads as follows:
"In consideration of the friendship existing
between the governments of Persia and thi
United States, and In appreciation of the
services rendered by Mr. Charles Hermann
Steinway. I. Mozaffereddln, shah of Persia,
have commanded that tho third-class star
of the Imperial Order of the Sun and the
Lion be bestowed upon him'. Month of
ramazan. In the year 1324."
Another honor recently conferred on
Steinway & Sons Is their appointment uis
manufacturers to the court of Spain, mak
ing the sixteenth royal appointment con
ferred upon Steinway & Sons.
Divorce, for Mr, Davis.
EL PASO. Tex.. Nov. 2. A divorce was
granted today to Mrs. Brltton PavU. Her
husband was the son of ex-(lovernor Davis
of Texas and formerly a lieutenant In the
army. Mrs. Davis was a New York girl
and Davis lias been living there. Davla
attempted to get a divorce in New York a
year ago and failed. Ho Was manager of
a mining and cattle company of Mexico, of
which E. B. Morgan of New York 1 presi
dent. 1
DAY-3:30 P. M.
First Mortgage
Inevfttmouts arc not lo satisfactory
In tho long run aa tbo Crrf iflcatM of
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on Improved properties and a reservji .'
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ReKfturc-PS, 11,950,000.00. ' " ' '
FhI Information furnished on request
Savings 2nd Loan Association
20.1 Sou til 10th St.
YOl'R appearance In the matter of
dress counts for a good bit hee
days. '
The careful, well-dressed man cre
ates a favorable impression in every
walk of life and usually lands the
Prides: Genius In rough clothea
peta ahead slowly. Suppose you talk
to one of our salenien today.
Turners $5 to $12.' Suits .20 to SSO
" 20(Mi tio. 15th St.
07 Kertb 17tb BU Omaba.
BOYD'Syff Mgrs.
Thanks g i vi n g
The Raging Play
Capacity Everywhere. Entire New
York Caat.
--, : ; -
ThePistrict Leader
I A 11 Managers bay This Is the Best
Musical Show They Have Playd
This Year. j
OUR WOOD ro2i:iSi
Th Woodward bice. Co.,
Prices Eve. and Sun. . Mat. l'V-:'",c
Tues.. Knt. Mats lO-J'X:
Ne Week Tb Pfeincnr.
'Phone Douglas '4M
t OHIOHT 6:18.
rlcs 10c, 25c, 60c. '
MattB Today, Tonight 815.
Chaa. E. Blaney' Everlasting Success"
Fundav Iey k Abe.
Kt I t IQ
TV a fk
DM m & m mi
Table d Jlote Dinner v
Thanksgiving, 1906 't-o
Green Sea Turtle Soup
Fried Smelts
Sweet Bread Patttea a la Maryland
fc. Roat Young Turkey
Suckling Pig.
I? Whipped Potatoes Baked
I P 1 ; I. Tl..n. I, . .
Pumpkin Pie ' Ice
. , Malaga, Crapes
IT Waukbba Cream Cheese
r.iiKiisu rium i-uumu,.DiBUUf dhucv
Coffee ' -
- - '- - ' ' " .-!
Ombha, el.
Tlianksfjivincj Dinner
MEN l":
Nut and Cheese Appellor - .
Salted Almonds Queen Oliver Melon I.ind
Ulue Poiut on Half Shell
Supreme of Rice - '
Riscavun Anchovies Oenevois Sam.
Delmonlco Potatoes
rJschallote of Venison
Roast Wild Goose
ime fcauc.
Queen Victoria Ptiijch
Steak of Black Rear
Celery and Pimento Salad
Roast Young Turkev .
Oyster Dressing Cranherrv Pau'fe
Fieneh Peas Orslnl Potatoes
Waldrof Salad , Whipped Crentu v,
: Fruit Cako '" Ice Cream :' " ;
Bent's Crackers ' Roquefort Cheese
CoOeo i
In AppreriAtiti of the Cnerous-Ta-tronage
tif the I'aat Vejr.
Tho Karbach Restaurant
418 R. 15th St.
Will Serve fk Speirlnl
Turkey Dinner
lUttvecn 12 arid 2:. '10 I. M. at the rcg
, ular 1'rlce of
and Restaurant
1516 Dodge St.' "
' Everything Xew - '
Ikit of Eterythlng '
Thoroughly i
rirst Class In All Rcopects
11:30 A. B1 TO 8 F. M. " '
1508 Howard St.
" n '
Special Turks Dinner
Brvd from 11:30 a. an. nntU 1. m.,
760. TM' ML .
' . .
An exceptional fine., lot of young tender
turkeys An extra good dinner--ei a' te
sonable price.
The Merchants Restaurant
. 1516 Dodge Stmt. . . .
Canapa of Varmoutb
Dlue Points on Half Shell
Oliveg Baited Peanuts ;
Educators ' .
English Dinner Holl
a la'Tartor
Cranberry Jelly
Chestnut Dressing ' . . -. .
Apple French String Btia J
Lanaiea bweet fotatoes . -w ..
. ' .-
.) I T I 1 . - . .
Cream ' Fig Filler Cute H
Mixed Nuts
Bent's Water Cratknrs w