t THK-. OiLVFIA DAILY VIA): TIILKSDAV. XOVKMliKK '20. ALL ARE HIAMFULINOMADA Rioh a4 Peer Htvs Canw for Gratitude tad Substanes for Celebration. CHARITY fEMEMBCRS ns DEPENDENTS Vfiva lmwtlti at Merer wti A4atWtr t tha fft f iJ a m , Aflltortunf Pp-I serv lr, by Mr. B"lfr. and Brrmoii by Jr. Torry. Collection for tb Oid People's horn and otbr charlUos. 4 9. m., AiKtltnrium Adflr M-ll Troflir Gruil Kap(ts, Mich... and Tom AIa.ckay of Cbicaro nA IT. Tiry. 7: p. ro., Auditorium RrTilr evening FYwt Ball Cr aiiirhtrm against Doane, Vln ' I'm fctrwt pu-k. 8: SO. Boyd Theater "Chrckera, ttiatlnr and venlnir. Bur wor! Thrr "Trlnco Otto," matin and awning. Qrphanrm Theater Vaudeville, matinee .ana evening. Kru Thtttar u.-m the PaciAv' mat , ln and evening. ! Turkey Kboot-9 a. m., Omtha Gun. club. Thanksgiving day will b truly day of i thanksgiving In Omaha anions rtih and I poor alike. Panto?, office and Mores will j ha vloe!d. Clubs ami plce of iiniiwm'nt ' will b open. Thr.ru will b three. Mg meetings at the Auditorium of the Torrey ' acriaa. There will be apacial services at ' some of tha churche. At the Swedish Methodist church. Nineteenth and Burt trl. Rev. P. M. Alfvln of Rockfonl. 111., will prpar-h at 9: p. m. and the lAnlea' Sowing society wlU have a sale of needlework. Who will get the turkeys? This question In atlrrinir up the entire membership of the .Omaha KIld club. Three rrumen.-e turkeya have been hong tip as prizes for a golf content, medal play, with handicaps, and all the yolfera of the club will enter. The lifts will be closed Thursday at 10 a. m. and all must pay 5 cents for a crack at tho same. liberal handicaps will be ' iven to . all. ro everyone will have a chance at tho birds. Tha Council Bluffs Gun club will hold a huot for fifteen turkys at the Town-end grounds at 9 o'clock In the morning. Ftn Kanpty Stomae. rawer people In Omaha will pass Thanks giving day this year without the customary hltr dinner, probably, than ever before. If n full stomach, makea a thankful heart, then there will he few who are not thank ful. If it In wore blessed to five than to receive there will be many blessed. The- outpouring by the people to the charitable Institution this year Is Un precedented. Churches, lodges and the public schools have helped in the rood work, with the result that the pantries of tha hospitals tmd homes of the city' groan with ThankHRlvlngr cheer. At the Child Savin Institution. Eigh teenth und Ohio streets, fifty-eight children are eagerly anticipating a big; dinner, for the FJka have sent forty pounds of chicken with their compliments, nnd supplies have also conic from elsewher-. , The children are from 3 months to 15" years old. A big dinner will be provided for the rhlldrfh at the Petentlon home, where there are thirty Inmates. Four or five of them will be allowed to spend the day at home. , The thirty little ones at the Creche will sit down to a bountiful Thanksgiving din- ner. Some Bountiful Mores. Twenty-five big turkeys, a barrel of cran berries, ft case of celery, together w ith the trimmings." have heen received at the .leaf Bfld dumb institute for , the Thanks giving cheer of the 190 people there. The state of Nebraska provides this and the dinner 'W be unsurpassed anywhere. In the morning a play will be given In panto mine, with a setting in early American history.. The afternoon . and evening will lie devoted to aoclal entartainment. The Salvation Army and Volunteers of America will do a little work. but, nothing m a large scale, their efforts In this direc tion being reserved for the Christmas din ner. The Elks' lodge has sent a bountiful supply of provisions to the rescue home for the Thanksgiving dinner. One place wan overlooked In the general outpouring, however. Vp to a, Uvte hour no provisions had been received at the Old People's home. 32M Wirt street. There are twenty-nine Inmatea of this institution. Their appetites are good, but unless provi sions arrive there will be but a email Thanknslvlng dinner. - Great- Dsr for Xewaboye. It will bo a great day for the newsboys of Omaha. Mora than ISO of the boys have apprised "Mogy" of their Intention to be his guests at tho U. 8. restaurant, where the onslaught will be begun, at 3 o'clock. Tha money for tha dinner waa contributed by several Omaha people and with such liberality that it .will pay for a flna turkey dinner and leavo some, toward the Christ ma "feed." Two hundred pounds of chicken is at tha county Jfrll, with the other things necessary, and tha prisoners will enjoy a bountiful iikmU. There are about 130 Inmatea at pres ent.. Titers will be a special menu t the city jail also. The unfortunates who are forced to spend Thanksgiving day in the ' city Jail will ; have tbelr sorrows lightened by a dinner : whlcll Is calculated to make thenl forget they avnr had ajiy troubles. Mrs. Huston if tha Cllmajt restaurant, who servaa the meals t tha prisoners at the Jail, has prepared en. elaborate menu at chicken, . turkey, pumpkin pie and all the ether good things thit go to make a successful thanks- fell W4mM THIS STORE WILL DE Closed All Bay Thanksgiving ay Grand Sale Friday I B B asement argain TREMENDOUS STOCK Bought from the IL IL Co. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S loaks,Suits,Skirts Waists, Wrappers. Etc. See Big Ad on Page 5 Friday In Basement Dasement Friday giving, and each prisoner will be given all he or she can conveniently stow away. The color line will not be drawn and the plea?ure of the meal will Tie enhanced by the supplying of real silverware to assist th Inmates In the consumption of the meal. It Is reported that Boston Green has subsidized the chef and Is looking for ward to a double stipply of turkey, as he ha forsworn his allegiance to chicken. All of the federal courts will adjourn over Thanksgiving day.' No business will be transacted In any of the federal offices during the day. The postoffice general delivery will close at 10 a. ra. for the day. There will lie two carrier deliveries In the business districts during the forenoon and one In the resi dence district. No carrier deliveries will be made during the afternoon. Svliouls Will Be Closed. Omaha's public schools were closed Wednesday afternoon for the Thanksgiving holiday, which for school children aaid teachers will extend to Monday morning. Tuesday and Wednesday the usual Thanksgiving offerings were taken to tho various schools and taken 'In charge of by the principals. These offerings are dis tributed to charitable organizations and In some Instances to poor families. All con tributions received at the high school were promised to the Visiting Nurses associa tion, while at tho other tmhoois the Old People's home, City mission and kindred societies were made glad and the public school children taught a valuable lesson in the blessedneds of giving. The city hall will be closed Thatugtving day. In a few cases some of the officials will drop In during the morning. Major Barker of the health department will be at hie post for a few hours during the morn ing. Chief of Police Donahue usually at tends his office holiday mornings, "his work demanding attention even on holidays. Mor Pa hi mn will, spend Thanksgiving at home. The Commercial club will not serve lunch on Thanksgiving, day. The doors , of the Grain exchange will he dotted- Alt banks will be closed. J. A. CREIGHTON PRESIDENT Count Elected to Succeed Hermia louctze ef Firit Nation tl Bank. ACCORDS WITH IATE EXECUTIVE'S WISH Otber Officers Are Elected at Meetln of Directors, Brother front Denver Coins; on -the . Board. John A. Creighton was elected president of the First National bank of Omaha Wednesday at a meeting f the directors. Considerable speculation has been had as to who would be elected to take the place made vacant by the deuth of Hcrnuin Kountse. It was thuught John A. Creigh ton would not accept the popitlon because of the labor which Is attached. He has ac cepted, however. . Other officers elected were: . F. H. Pavis and Chnrlca T. Kountzu, vice presidents; Iuther L. Kountae, cashier; K. . L. Pavis and P. W. Kuhns, assistant cashiers. Charles C. Kountze of Denver, brother of the late Herman Kountze, . elected to, the vacancy in the board of di rectors. It is known to have been the expressed wish of the lute Herman Kountze that ho I succeeded by Count Creighton or his son, Charles T. Kountze. WATCHES Frenzer, lith and Dodge. Xb many families generation has confided to rn)ratlon the secret of beautiful hair REGULAR DAILY USE OF ED. FIllMJD'S ;":5KJ5) HAIR TOHIC ASK TOtTB BXAZ.ZB Hand .10-cents (to pay for postage nd packing) for a liberal sample. FAKFl'MCRIE ID. PMID fd. Pliiaud BaHding NEW YORK Vm ED. PIN AW 8 Jowl : ptrfum$, "ia Corrida.''1 Ct.'T OLABS-Frenser. 13th and Podge. "DER SHUDGE'.TELlT LATEST Constable with Green Hair Amasrs Jastlco. from Over the Rhine. A good story is being told by Justice of the Peace Aistadt on die of his able con stables who la not In the pristine glory of youth but still has an eyo out for the eterna.1 feminine, "per Judge" toid the utory in his own inimitable way to a re porter for The Bee. but the constahle said ha did not believe a word of the talei Judge AltsUdt said: "My friend over Judge Aistadt said: "My friend over here ia vat you tail a coruwr-sewer on all dose rtent medicines you read about und spends his last mark for the new dinrled stuff with which to feed hlsaclf, yet. The Oder day he put up ein dollar for some hair stuff unt 1 vatulied hlin scratch his hoiit with it for many times. And py chlmny If his hair didn't turn green, yes. Ach, such a business. Put It in the paper." It Is a Teroarkable coincidence that the hair of the constable hue- a suspicious tinge. of the emerald hue but the "only" judge is responsible fur the story. TRUE ECOHOMY la not the kind that will wear clothing ihat should b gent to the cleaner where It ran be made like new. Rather It ia the kind that uses every modern method to preserve them in the beet poaaible marner. , fee the 'phone. We'll cell and de- Expert Cleaners and Dyere. 1313 June ; Tel. ltoug. OflJ. lOGCZICO Cij miX3 th Vevelty rice lOc-At all BeeU. JARDINE DEEDS COLISEUM Transfers to ' Aa-Sar-Ben uvrrraan . Pronerty 'Which He Held in Trnst. A deed a filed Wediu- with the nglstar of aeMis conveying from W. 8. Jardlna to tho board of governors of tha knights of Ak-Sar-Bn too coliseum prop erty on North Twentieth atirct. The con sideration named lu t,he document was M.&00. Mr. Jardine hld the property lu trust for tha knights for a few days only, and tha transfer was mj.de to the organisa tion truire thn two years ago, but tha dead has only now been placed on reootd. Tha original mortgage on the property has bsen cut down from I4.mJ to .',0uu. HELP MEN TO SAVE MONEY Employers Will Pay Friday Instead f Saturday to Avoid Spend ing; Wages. ...TJie Switts-Iogti'lon Signal Kfuipnient company, which recently bought the flhaxpo machine, shops and began the manufacture t'f railway signal devices, hes decided to pay Ita men Friday instead of Saturday. This la for the purpose of removing as far aa possible from the employes the tempta tion of stopping at the saloons Saturday evening. On Saturdays the banks close et noon and many a man who wants' to have money in his pocket Sunday stops Saturday night at a saloon to cash his check. The company menas to give all its employes a chance -to get their money at the hanks if they so desire. Railway Xetrs and rersoaals. A. liohler, gtrerai inannser and vice prweident of the t'nlon I'acinc, returne-J frn Chiceno Wednexduy, Kraatus Young, auditor of the Harrltnan lines, and a prty of fiienils returned YVMlnesday fnin a hum in j trip to Js'evada. AiuiiHtant Suiwrlutendr nt lioyle of ' the Nnrthwrettru line in lona in Omuna Weilnewlay. BuiMTinlindent Foster uf the Mllaau k"e's lout llii-.s aa lu Owuli WeJutt-oay. Have f'Ati jcneliy In uiwha Corley. Jtwelr, lis 8. 16 U. Get yeais. I price- NO MORE GROUND FOR DEPOT llltnola Central Has Plenty for Fn largenirot of lialldlog, Say Officials. T.e-at Illinois Central officials say that road has no intention of buying addition al laud for enlarging Its freight depot, as plenty of lend now owned by the road, iv available for all increase needed for years to come. TMs depot was built by tho Terminal company and when the Illi nois Central made arrangements with the Wubasb for thet road to use the depot it was enlarged. Tho business grew for both roads and the depot was enlarged a second time and still , there is sufficient ground for another 100 feet to be added to the depot if it should be needed. Colorado Hallroads Advance Wages. PKNVKH. Nov. 28.Tha Penver & Rio Grande Colorado & Houthern und Colorado Midland railways have increased switch, men's wages t cents an hour. T. Folia Oeuraue" Oriental Croem or Magloel etaawtiflor. Kmeaa Til, 1n:w Jr ..... ' r.iu- Ml, ul M Tim ufl rrmrf t.t itT. u4 t Sm o ti.. II ku to4 tu ta mt 7 yr. , It karaiM w Is prar:T ma aeucyt mumuw tl f euua mt. Vt, L. A r Hi ti I D IVAN. lady ef n bat t ( tioa nMiSis tlkt hiftiM,C.ua m4 Lweee ili ' At r lua wii wa liitm rtcanaitti! anful t til laa Oaaraal'a Crttn' m tka tr rot aa..a r sli Mala raSXT.H3ftS,Ptis V Brit Jon S'rst lTt DA1LEY 3 f.lACtl CEHTISTS- 5D FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK HIGHEST CK ADC DClfTISTKT REASONABLE PRICES T Si e Bennett Company Closed All Day Thanksgiving Watch . Thursday Evening's and Friday Morning's Paper for a Riot of Bargains for argain Friday n G3j!iYE!s THE RCUIABLB TWB 11 le QoscdAB TSiursday, Wov. 29 Ilmitegiviij Watch Thursday Daily Papers for Special Bar gain OHerings Friday... CALIFORNIA Does not depend upon flowers , I and palms alone for its beauty there are mountains wonder ful natural scenery and charming watering places innumerable. And then the air is better differ ent there's the scent of flowers, of course, but a drier, finer air, like Colorado. It is A Great Winter Resort California is the place for you this winter. No other place is just like it for your winter's trip. . The direct line to California is the UNION PACIFIC For California booklets and full v v. . information inquire at ; . J X JfJMT. CITV TICKET OFFICE, 1824 FAK.N AM ST. PHONE DOUGLAS 334. Saturday is Cigar Day at SIIERf.lAN & McGONNELL DRUG CO. THE atll IS A STEADY I. THE OP SMOKERS AT OUB CZOAB COTTMTE1 HOW, AVAILUfO THEMSZLVES OF THE BAXaAIJTS WE OTTE. Out-of-town custonicrH may liavn clears niailol or expr. Htto.l lv athiins to the rrio 15c rr box of 'J5 ami 2Hr for lox of 50. Wc montlun iK'low a few of our lnrlem. but we have a liuinirod more liriiiuls: l"o Hiuiclies a: llayu, clear iiuvunu Iih- Coluiid rprvantoB (Porto Rico) ai . ut ni . , ior ic: r- iiox or oo. lfV llHzi-1 Klrkc. 2 siz-8. So: 112", b-x of 'St. l"c TpIU-is for 5c: J.50 box of SO. Turn iloor llouijuet, 4 for lSc; Jl.Go Iwx of 13. 2 for 26c tlanclioz & Haya. clear Iiavann, 7o imvIi: W 'k) box of AO. lix: Portu Hii OH Tor 6-; r. bnx f 5. lu.: Grace Kimball for 5c; J1.C5 box of Hubert Burns, 1 for 33c; $3 box of 60. 10o Lady Lnox, 4 for ioc; $1.50 tox of 23. 1 Garcia Eros' clear Jlivatiii, 4 for -; 13 box of 50. l'orto Klfo HtoKlfd, S for Vk: c Ia Vuolta for 5c; box Of 5-. .Vnd many ittlior hmnrla 1,w. clKiirs for 5i.'. .KL,Ia uc. riGAHS S for 1.1c men tion bolow a low bruiirti now in iiocIi anrl fold 3 fur I.lttlo Tom, old Creul, Owl. Iou Arniaru, Hoiiry Gcoiki, Heroic, . I ar!a . fa-paduiH, Km. ry. f'hart"r. K'wnit. Only Culvi, . Roal Ulur, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. COR. U1H AND DODGE STS. iTJCl'JUlLrTrS TO KEEP IM GOOD TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION OF THE SKIN. . TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH HAND SAPOLIO I75 ONLY ..TO.. 75 C0!1S( and j 013 Via Via STRAIN B&DLY Via tho Only Double Track Route Tickets on Sale Dec. 1st to 4th, Good Till Dec. CITY OFFICES, 1401-3 Farnam St. 4; Clmc and Drngglat C 1 Don't wait until the eyes five out sad you are coin pdled to atop work. Many people must over work the eyes, but none need permanently injure them. If the vision feels strained, get th proper glasses at once. Bring your eye troubles to as. The H. J, Penfold Co. H08 Farm a St. I Extraordinary Values In Children's Shoes M'e hare something extraordin ary to offer you . In Missus' and Children's Shoes. We have jutst received a sUip ment of Genuine Welt Sole Shoes Plump Kid Stock Button that ia better for the money, than we have ever offered you before, M'e guarantee that you cannot find their equal, for the money, anywhere else In Omaha. Children's sizes, f rr 5 to 8 2)l,DJ Children's eUe, tf f "fjr Mi to ii :...jl,iD lisKes' sizes, ff U'. to 4.JU Dou't fail to tak advantage of this unjsual bargain. i -0 O LAY IT ASIDE viiu-u uy a pioce 01 mivvr or out. aTi". ann 'e win lay it aside so timt you i.nu -f it Ixti.re i.nrisimur and the wleciion or It will iw otr your mini. hp-nd i ew lulnutes In our more. C loced all day TliauaoirlvMii 1 day. V L zs S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1518 Douglas Street. r x "Phone It Drcxcl Shoe Co. 1419 Farnsm St. If you have a want that you wish to advertise step to your nearest phone and "Phone It" to The Bee. No need of wasting your time walking blocks to do a thing that can be done in your immediate surround' ings. Call up Douglas 238, ask for the Want Ad Department, which is at your service from 8 a.m to 10 p.m. 2 PEPLTT BTA7Z VETEfUNAKLaJI. H. L RAMACCIQTTI. D. V. S. CITY fcrrKKIXaKIAS. Offlc and Ioflrmary. Stb aod llaaon ll Wnen You Write to Advertisers ren.enibrr it takoa only an extra trol. or two of th pn to tnniilun th tact U.at uu a.w Hi aa. iu 'I at Br. Every ay Y TOO CNJOT cool, dvullcloaa, satJfylnf sinok onv that will banish yoor rares an life worm living, tut cur and call for tlie old reliable . V. It. liice alcnautUc Cigar (. ftiauui.iu.i. bt. loul lay I n a i T v5 r y. 1