Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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    the omaiia daily bee': Wednesday, xovemrek y.- ipoa
Till; TEARS : Jr.' i 'i:rt ir.t
i 'lory. Yo'i n"l let
.to jo. U' IK8TI or Mi r If I'M
- ' "it, A ' i 1 1 you throw your . li'mfs window
1 . din n :iu ay l..i d. i ori-.e in 'cnid telpn,' or
Forciful Serniou by Lvv.rjeiiit Briius Cut in on i.t Him o-ji?
lint ElUOtional eceitc. i "You nrast either .take your rai..l vit.i
' ","... ' ' . flirts t or. nt-Minst Him. This whole ari-
"""" . elicnee tonight nniild lie divided Into tuo
NOT APPALLtO AT UNLUCKV THIRTEEN I pans, the nirf.that t with . chtist ;ni rn.MM
j two tuamu
Hoane drMIng
the cfiit thul Is acslrist Chris!. Ton
' must line up w n la th jolilicnt who hip
j with Him or you lit Join that longTt.e of
t rniti win bit against Him.
"Who Is Je:ms. anyhow? If is your ll
;vinly npfmli ted King, lie is every man's
1 King, fur higher than any living monarch.
! ' If yon reject Jesus Christ j-ei reject
t 1 1 i i i .. , , i - , . ,.i i ,, .n ,' "in un inriy nnjnmi o Mli. lj ey. in n
r iiii 'i w i ii eiu.jinu., iiuiioj ,. vm ...... . .
, ... , . .., ,i,;,,,, t:d woman in this bulldini
tesr. last night by Dr. Tomr a , finished ! "J.'1!!"' " hlh '
Onlr Mrrr. the Ktauuelist Males.
Rernmse the CnnirTH Mrr ul
Kiirti'ii or Jlore for Hie
shape for Thmiktilt Ins Game.
Coaches Ktihitr and 'avanaugh are put.
vry with f. LioU- cn er ti'e fft see -ms
to have l::i e U-'l H.. in ,!! mi'i u rt :
contest U nf-ifl nith Kcnl'ti ftmul right
Kg ns the deciding factor. No low ma'i
ever received n.oi punishment di'liA a
Frue and cum .through than Kfnt cii.l In
Hip Anns iim.- If h lm nillriy tcoov
rU I he -JJawkoyBd .rjirrt to win.
l'rlrn thnt He Hun firm m ir I.Uht
ml Rllrril.
r '.ic nnisriliir tour im on tnpir trnnin i n, -.,.,. u. n
l,,r II,. Ant cr..n,.. r-11. .wr,., Tliinli.. '" "'MulIT'il r-lBm l'Kl vx
si'.ina (lay. K"'h i"im In! cono thiouKh
thf r:Jo wtUi co.mJ rrporrt anil rorni-1'
to 'h" finish will, rotors tlyins. .MtlmiiRii
Iho Ihi'.io Tiiv wrr limtrn bv I'.cll'-v ii'i
t'o '.voik nio. tiif team I in Pn t'ttlr
auj is ro i'ly to Sv. t i i't.'ht. .n the roi
r 'f- ptnn. 'i hT CrniRhton twn hns
one cf tho tiriiv Iruls iniorr'-re.l Willi tl.
ooxiiiK iiiotli Hfl-pns.vl for IHp'ltiv en
iiiK lit (Vihi-ifTs hull. 517 North Hiicfenth
treet. to the oxtnt of m:ikln it n:try
i "un. A lrs n'imhf r of Sioux City st'ort
' ill limtrt to witimi. t.lif vVot a i i.l
li: reF"n'"l n Feat m s round ilie artna
for the Oionlon. They lie tile tltmoKl.
(ornilente in their triHn winning; the liht
and the Onmtia men are rqually coniidrnt.
CltHeera I Elected and Chaiiaea Made In
Hale for Inter-f ltr Mattnrea.
NKW YORK, Nov. :'7. Tbe Lnenc pf
Amateur TM I vlng , clulxi hvld a m" tln
tliiF Hfternoon and olorte'l thea ollti-era:
II. K. revereii,. t'levenul, pretiMent;
J. 11. Callery, rittFhiirsr, vli e pri Flilont:
T. Iy. QuliTihy, r.opfon. Hfctrtary nd
tH to huve liren rmllril off betvren Ony
Unrklea anri Kin'" Wenlpe, n w itiatril' tor
In BthMIrM Ht tt.e ptnti imiwrsitv at Lin-
Kin .
Mr. Torrey otitrtBiriil thr; meeting by
tellins pome of hi experietj'.es in Auf-
Hc told of a man lie hail a-
ctiseci of liiyh troanon who arne back
He nlo .UK ocettF.lon to atralsn ' , , . , . . , .
a.. i - iil.. I,, r,.. .in. ""' ' ue.-. iri ,im- ii- i
t! IHIJHIilll CLI', TT II. w ' ,
certain term.
a rnfft fon-.-cful aernun fU the Auditorrini.
in whlrb he raid thers was no tnldille piitli
e... m.mI,i.1 i.n.1 IK.,1 li rMOittn .if tlie t
.v,. un.iiniiiu .... ....-i. . - i ' trulla
audianea would have to thooi-e whetlier I
tliev wern to he with Chriat or airalnst
IIIHII ,.r.ri.i..n., ... ,.-.,. . ..t.. 0 I IM Ulli'i I'- rtl Iff MH II llVI' Mivni I..III-
.' . !th auh.iect of hoxli ic niHtrliea. o that he
The nitiFic iK fuat bfcomlns a fratiiri!
of thof" rno. Uiit.-R and th vnst Amlltorlum
If !il!eil early- to heart the ehorm nrd Mr.
Jhitler .inc the aonga of praise. Til niidl-eiif-n
nre Im-ri'imina; in ."lae atiJ laat night
thre. were liundrelF In the Btllrry ami the
lower floor waa lllled.
Vheji Mr. Torroy put... hit usual question,
kfnK tluiFs' who were prepared to. ac
'rpt'' Chit a, their Irfird and Muater
,o Ktand tip. thfrtcn responded. Mr. Ja
r iliy anfrt the only mlafhrtune he could
eee ,'1n Ua ' tiitinher ' thlrtren wan beratia
ft ufcj not fourteen. Tliaj workers he-
; imiinjr . ivcll yitgdnred and know when
Christ. .
"If yoti take your ' r l.t:u :if.i.iti: ClDis"
yuu nro movinK utcnJni. tin- Sin of Oo.l.
He is Hon of Onl whetbnr yon lielievc
Iter not.
Arraln i hrlatlaa "cleure.
! (Ml!f!'iilo Ullll. I hi- client of lohn (i lFi-rli"
III airUneaa ai,l pnln end I do hot hlani..- 8. h"r, tho Ih I hir-Iii-law of Mayor McCli-l-tl.em.
Uut yon do not got. rid, of aicine?S !Bn- 'They rhatted of an old 'horse aiiow
a.nd twin i c.a.IIy.. for all over the coun
A; -Murnni F. . won mopt of the hiKh tumn
, and htintrr r,Fi-a. for which cood and
' vnhtpMc piizoa were offt-rr-d. One of he
conlrtif figures of iittinotlon wns the old
i- . i ...4 i rtiit,A . i u. , 1 n r - ,rf po'inF. c.,ion . r. i. on y
would not N preent. The letter aas read
to the crowd In the evening and the an
nouncement marie thnt "Kid'' Gray, a
clever young negro, had ' been aecured to
go on with Ihicklea.
Wh.-n the two men ' appeared In the ling
It was easily srn iirnv outwelRhed Em k-
(- , "-7 .. .. , riiitPiiiij iilM. , llli- IHIl'T lin.. nip (ji..i
la at .an . end and muno of the tavoritts ,m thirty ponnds. K-uth went Into tho pis-
wh rh wj-re nt the finuiha .-how won honor ,.,,,, hont viih the idt-a. of Kivlng a (rood
nml yl.eki lR tor their owners. T he t wo ,.Xhlhltlnn of t he k port , und w hllo they ap-
roinnto ftiihlis. t,eorce I'lnper imd ( row r,rpri .,, ,!., i,. i... mi her t v. emit ions.
Uuy lij.kl..- and Kid Wede are hilled
for n- ri i-i ound boxing boi l before the
Noi-th OimM Athletic cinh ;it Ofthoff's
hnt this PwnlnK to trv and settle agi.ln
viilrh is tho bettor of the two men.
The Madison. Square- tlarden horse show
trv lhr.' uio ilt-tTiv In ilrr,4-sS hV-s !.-t hv
do not believe In (Jod. The head .of . thie
eet-l a tot.terlpir ohl woman of T5 who
cwild bi seen by nenpaper men for less
fian a' minute ajid then to only ai-.hwer
questions on which fhe had beon coaeind."
Dr. Toi l ey told of a nmu who had Ciitis-
II I?. I ,11 iU I II'. I.l .V fc.' "w.i .. .... ..- . , ,
have to wait lor lr. Torrey to send , - ' " ' .. .
them forth, ' hut ar goon ns tlie sulo is
finlHt.ed. Hftr-r th enrr.ioTi'; minal"
m lvio, when Hei-kschrr. James tlordon
I'emiett and . Lurrle J'runie were Colonel
C-odyi guBta jri the Indian coantrv.
Colonel Cody, with his Iohh flowing hrir.
attrncted more attention than any of the
young and . beautiful debutantes. It tt is
noticeable' that many of the horses which
have been promised for the. Omaha show
lor next year were among the top Ilres
and c-Ar'led oft' the most money. Reginald
Ysnderhnt and V. C. Wntson will Unit
be in Omaha, as wll ac Lawrence Jones
and Allrcd Vn'nderhili .
to secure a Mibslitute In n hnrrv. A b .itt ' treasurer. The directors elected weie the
ooh omciais Hnn i. n. t.illings, .nrni
pTils; (". I,. Brown, Chharo; .1. )j. Wat
kins, Iexlngton. Kv.; tilr Horace Wlilt e-.
Syracuse, ami t. W. . Orote, New York
Two Important rules were passed af
fecting Inter-city meetings. One was the
raising of the weight limit for drivers to
ITS pounds to wagons In actual contest.
When going against time the weight limit
Is 1 SO pounds.
The second wan the decision of the
league to divide the. fields where more
than seven starters to wagons are sched
uled for an event. This is done to pre
vent crowding In the rn-oing.
A large crowd attended the Old Cllory
auction tonight when Hal Hired waa
brought out. The great black horse was
taken twice around the track 1V A!
Thomas and then the bidding was In
vited.' After some spirited bidding Fred
Smythe. manager for Miss Lotta Crab
tree. the actress, entered Into competition
for the horse and eventually secured it
for,$g.;iOU. the best piice-of the sale so
good bv personal work. Mr. liutler has
most aviitpathetie Voice, wblc-h Is !!-! .
I by a j)in. Tlie man yelled and vlicn
Vall.'.r ai.d. told' !i. IniaBlr the -pin did; Ar 3 alterm;tth of the worlds s-rie.
-i.,l ki;,.t.- lilv.l 1, .,. 1, f--t,rlllin .. I 1 i.U t, ...... -i.l. ... . ..... . ......
with the cc,K-Kation and do vul amount , VUI., , - ' . :ha, v.- ed perl,, i fudgmcnt in the way
no, v.ora.u iiis pui iicrs. - tie coutiin l have
done any, other way and .uted rlrht." re-
innti;en - .Tap. "After the bn that
ItroWn. I'felster nnil lfellttineh TTltehefl In
lire ronsiegmion, in ouv .. v , . . I iiwir nr.t Barnes it was only tint lira I t
nooli of IiiK Wg ImiiUitig.
' .vim ue ueeMri tow.- ' ( of ingratitude, for He wns brtilrecl und bled
Dr. To: ley's -.sermon was' a continuation fo). ytmr tra,,,,,,, anJ -if you take a
of thv srraoo whh-h ho preached Monday ; ?tI,rK, I1BII,n!lt ,,,, you m0YP asalnst JItm
tiiht.nnrt won alovg: the eaaie lines. - ; . , vm. -;
Christ lived. sivnUc. wro-jght -arid had in.
iciied .to wltli great interiiat by tne en-. .... . ., .
. . ifeij Liiiisi- .ire- i-:-Mui oi nis oivimii ..anu mat
j He is the Son of God.
! "If j on r '.lcct Jesus Christ you arc guilty
"rnat" shall. I An then with Jesus, whidi !
is ilii;d Christ?, if j-ou do tlie right thing I
with Christ ybu will it"', everything' wrirth
havitif? f.-f' 'cfcrnlty. If you accept Christ,
tied will 'acc't-pt. you, but If we refuse' o
accept Jcuna tJhrtat n. our -sin bearer,
there Is no'thJIiB we;'c;iii do to bring peace
and. happiness. . Vv'hat . must 'we do with
Jesus Christ,? Wo must tU something with
HiiD toniglvjf "Home would, like to get rid
of Ml in, lut.'tc'nnit.. I'llate wanted to get
Jesus off Ma ''hands. - Ife made three at-
tempts, lie tried to turn .Him over to the
.Ictts to be Juttc!il. .. Then he sent Him
to Herod to be! judped, but Herod sent Him
luck to Pilate and again he, did not know
.. Un -. ' .-1 Tt wiai nuiigvoi1 VL'rtoIf nil
. .. ' . i . , ' v . b, to Klve up cards nnd dancing and the the-
tlie time to get-rid of Him by. asking the -i... . .'. . .i -.
"Any nian who does his duty to every Irv
ing bring on earth nnd fails to' do 'right by
Ood is a scourdrel. , If ...a jinai). treats hla
chilJreii light it gives him no
beat hla wife, and the mm" applies lo
Jesus Christ.' Are you going to accept and
c-onfesa Christ tonight or are you- going to
tuke your stand against Hlrri?
"Pontius Pllatd decided wrong wlieu he'
cried 'crucify , Him. and you dec-Id-'
wrong If j ou do not .accept Him tonight.
You sit and try to decide what to do with
Him and the voices within, you are ape-iK-Ing.
The voice Of cowardke is th loudest.
The voice of avartae also speaks. The voice"
of worldly pleasure telis you .you ina.y have
ater. The voice of lust Is telling' you that
to accept Him you will have to give up the
companionship of your sins.
Other volcer, like conscience, arc also
causing delays which brought impatient re
marks from the crowd, the fight wns, on
the whole, decidedly clean, fast and satis
factory. There ws frequent r linchlng, but
I he men htol.o .quickly. Oray peml to
have a harder punch. Inf It was fully
e'liialled by Huckles superior speed. Al
though both men wore in very good condi
tion at tho end of the last round, the tiegm
seemed to ha e exhausted the lesser . re-soin-ces.
. .
Premise of 'th-s nig " event scheduled f'r
Thursday afternoon at the same place, tio
p-elminarieti were piesented. Conidera.ble
Interest was manifest in the Tha.nUsgkitiR
day flghta. for which circus seats tmve'e.l
ready been erecied in the liall to give every
I person present a good'vlew of the ring.
( A large c-.rnwd ,is expec.tsi down from
I Sioux tity to se the fhvorlte, .Timmle
e, niiH' -lomniy camtineii. h, ier-rwin
asking lor large, -s:il rese.i vaticuis having
been received. Proha.bly will come down
by H)eclal N'ort h western train. The six
three-minute rounds between Joe Oatlt
fight and Harry Ma yet' of Chicago are at
tracting considerable intention, and the suc
cour ef the program is Blinost assured-
send them back again. Anv manager In
the-world would have done the same. Vie.
uraw raised a yelp over It. but look what Meetlua, Twilight l l.oa Angeles for
lin did himself in iftej used I . .. . . .
and McGlnnity . in . every game of the ' "r"'f"' nnmnionanip.
series." ' I I.OS ANdKIiS."Cl.. Nov '.'r.-B-for the
U ' ; Tacinc Athletic club of this city I'hlladd-
The Giants probablv will see more of the ,Phin. Jack" O'Htien tuid Tpmmy Ittirris will next spring than anv other ma or i in"' tomorrow night In a twenty-round
leajfue fenm. . Krd Ki-owle. Is nt v. ot ii ! ntesl for the championship of fh world,
ou a. -si he-ilule which will bring the team ' Tlie title has been, claimed by both men
back ' from California, over the southern ': lnce .the retirement of planaes J. Jeffries,
route, thereby avoiding the. tniner.ible I who will act as referee, .A purse of $1.'1
weather encountered by other teams which
were booked from the far west over the
nor'hen route. Tho litants v.ill come
bnek through New Orleans it they train in
hna been offered by the club. Of this
amount O'Ttrieii- receives $1.3-0 for signing
articles. The balance.-Hu.sefl, Is' divided no
that the winner receives $'.100 and the loser
I Burns and O'Brien each announced litm-
Christie Mathewson savs the bulv wenl. ( self us perfectly fit for, tomorrow's con
nojs he has detected In Vagner is' a high, tost. II. Is believed -thai Rums will weigh
fast bail, close to the neck. "If vou eHti I from ten to-twelve pounds mr than his
get the Dutchman to hit at these vou'vt- opponent . who yesterday tipped the ecalea
got l.lm," says Mattv. "But' unless' he Is ;t It pounds. In thls'cltj' odds of 10 to. 6
very anxious you can't get him to bite, are offered on option and betting Is ex
ile win simpiy wait until tlie pitcher gets -.iremeiy ori.-K. .TKain.-"r. inn prooaiuuiy oi
in the hole and then Jump on a crippled
ball or get a base on four wide ones."
Two Long '..Shots and Two Favorite
Win at Benning.
WASHINGTON. Nov. ST. Only two fa
populaee to relo'tse Jesus, as it was their
custom to ivlcase prisoner at that time.
They, however,- chose Hurra has.
ii jinn "' ,., , ,1,,..., . ... ...... .' I vorltes won at the Rcnnln track inriav.
reject Him. . letlnitcly .accept or definitely ! - t ' ' Poeiety Bud, a m to 1 chance, capt. red
nu siHiuuur, leiuilK jou l
your hearts and accept Him
I decide tonight?
, right."
"Tonight you nr.tst either accept Him or
relce-.t. A girl can nav. 'John, I cant re-1 ",m 'l. ce,K ,ou to lei ntm into t,e first race. Red Knight at 1 to 3 In
Jcct you. but I .don't want to accept you.'
-v' (. Half Way Business. .
"Vou lniist either, confess Him or deny
11 In), for-He wys so Himself In His word,
I to 3
'How will you l'" third race finished third, U. L. M. win-
God help vou. to decide!"'"? ",.Vi J IZJTr. .f5
niNOS Freiizetvjeth and Dodge.
Burns lasting twenty rounds odds, of W lo
Vf2 arc offered. .
f, . -y 1 i- 0' JO ''
jiousowife selects Old Dutcti
Cleaiispr ' for oarvt'ul,
thorough L cleaning through
out the house:'
. -- .
. Scours
Tfith,, little ettort ami givtj
the satisfying sense of spot
less r cleanliness everywhere.
.i .
at All
. AVrit- for the attractive
litt'e booklet,
. "Hints for Housewives'."
. D. C. Dtpu Ss(s Omaha. Neb.
. " ; ' ' ' ."
Mluister of tdni-itlun Woald Chaiiau
yatem of Ooverament Inatrue- : '
:J . - tlo In Empire.
.. , -.-' - ,
w fT PETEHSCROe ov.'-27.-Th iniinis-
'Ver of education, M. Ivaufm.ihnrha's' sub-j
Plitted to the c-nhlret 1 a plan for reform
ct tlie pi Imary educallonal System 6f llus
fla, which, nejit to, the agrarian ivforms,
, Is I'e-orgiilzcd as the gravest problem con
fronting the Russian-government.-'
1 The mist Imp'rtant feature ejf the' min
ister's proposals . is, one providing for the
''abiirulonment of the old policy, whldi. ac
.corclar.ce with the dictum that vdjcatlon
was hj Honymous with , re olution, ttuew
, hlntlrunces In the way of the efforts of the
Bemstvt-s and' private ' persons '"to sprea4
I clemcnlarj' knowledge among the Ignorant,
j masses if the Rueslan nenaantry.-. Itlevan
' impose d u veto on Irntructiorii being, given
The Cudxhys won . three dalght games
from the Diets Athletics at the association
alleys last night. Norene was the high man
on totals Willi riS. ap-l H. Dinger (Rood
rolled the best single game of the evening,
without hlttlng'the 31) mark. Koine of the
boya are thinking of ' introducing
or flshlng poles instead of bowling balls
for us-e next we.k. TI score:
.' . 1st. ' 3d. Sil. Total.
i-lT!' ' m :U Col
... ..,,.!;!,! .14s- 1-3 -l"9
... .,..!., ..Mi ITU 7
......,to7 '., .,115 . . ii.
1W VI ' 553
Chatelaiu ..
Cat her wood .
Taylor ........
A. C. Reed. .v'
Greenleaf ..'..
II. i). Reed ..
'- u-,
...... .
.-..mi "' ii
banker. The pair came under tho wire
side by stde, with Cedarstrome ahead.
Jockey Miller, who rode Hanker, claimed
a foul acalnet Cedarstrome, ridden by
Horner. Cedarstrome was dlseiualifled.
milking Ormonriia's Right, the even money
favorite, third. Cedarstrome wan backed
frem It! to 1 to to 1. One truck record was
broken. Banker clipped two-flf the of a sec-i ' Totals ...JIM S18
ond off the mlio and a quarter refold, which 1 ' ' CUDAfTTS.
has stood since lsem. Results: I j '"'!. "d.
I irsi race, seven tin longs: uoeieiy nun
won", Anna Smith second. Cinchona third.
Time: 1 :;i..' . ,'
He ond race "Avear-olds, six furlongs:
Cadecuoil .'wbn, Merrot secohd, t!li)e. Book
tliircV' Time.: ! rH-fc. . i,
Tftrril raee, mile and u sixteenth: O. I
M.-won.-Onatas second, Red Knlglit third.
Time: l:ol...
Kourthi'rnce. --year-olds, six furlongs:
I.ady Karma won, Old Colony second, Mary
Hall third. Time: l:Hi-'i. v
Klfth race, mile und forty yards, selling:
Luretla won, Rthcr Royal second. IVlplne
third - Time: 1:16.
Sixth race, mile and a otiarter, handler. p:
lianker - won. Molon Shingle second. Or
meinile's Riirht third. Time: 2:11.
NliltV OKI. MANS. Nov. L7 Results ntlSuttOll
fair irt-AniU: ' I Walena
, lirst race, five and a half furlongs: Dry Stnpenhorst.
rmllar won. Bonai-t second. Anna Ruskln ocaman
t hir.l 1 'tf.ll
Second race. . six furlonas: Cannon Kali i Totals 870 fcS
won. Invasion second. Ail-ship third. Time: , . . GOlD TOPS.
Third 'race, one mile: Missouri' Lad won.
Quliin Bi-aely second, Odd Klla third. Time:
1 :4I. .
Fourth race, six furlongs: Jucglcr won.
Toboggan pecond. Auditor third,
I'Mfih race, six furlongs: Akneon won. I
Martins second. Cutter third.' Time-, 1 :1Jb- t
Klvlli mee. one mile: Bitter Hnnd won. f
Merry Iiellu 'third. Time:
C lay ( IMareon "hoot.
About fifteen of "Omaha's finest" who
W-lieve they are expert trap shooters will
wend their way to the grounds of the
Omaha G"n e:lub -Thanksgiving da,v to e x
biblt. their skill s.ta.clay pig. tin shoot
which will be bald In the iifternoon. Thoio
pre several fine shots among the police,
men and the' members of the force are
counting on bringing back wveral turkeys
an trophies.
Ames to Meet Drake.
AMES. Ia, Nov. L'T. (Special. )The- Cy
clones of the Iowa Htate collece, who Sat
urday won the title of state chamnions.
have one mire gime this season. It v.ill
b played with Irake unh-erslty In .s
Moinea Thursdav. The Ames team will be
weakened bj- the loss of Drerinnn snd Billet-,
but the outcome of the game Is tint
ouestloned. , An .excursion will run from
Ames, taklag several hundred students.
The Best Bitter Liqueur. O
rhysical exercise docs not cre.ite more genuine appetite
than Underberc Boonekamp Bitters taken before meals.
Healthy digestion follows and life becomes worth the living.
A delicious drink always, morning, noon or night.
Enjoyable as a cocktail and better for you.
6,000,000 bottles imported to the United States.
At mJJMrt, C.Wx srf Restaurants, r Av thlt lettlt mt Wine M?r(kJHts tmj Grvfert.
bjttlld only Fr
H. tlseerktrt Alkrackt, Bklster(, Oerwiiy, iIki IMt.
LCVT1R.S BleOrrlL'RS, Nrar Ywk. C,; Jtm,,
5 l
CUT GUfSS J-Yenzer, loth and Dodge.
. ,-l!l
T- lrf-.'jir
v !!! " S74 '
MM - . . .
.vjSM ""878 JSC S,:
Oir the AtetroBolKn.nnllfvs last night the
Life Malts won two M(t.of three from the
Gold Tops. N'elther tum bowled up to lu
usual form. Seaman "waa , the only man
of the ten who"bowle4 a good score, ,8.
Tomorrow night the.Kl Caudillos will Iry
to slop the Falwtaffs. Tho score: t
.'.Wit. -VI. Set. Total.
I-hnian ..k..lS
- . M
, - " ' -"' ' .- " .
taw 'W-W ' f 1
in history and similar branches of educa
tion. M. Kaufmann. reooranicuds Instead
that 'the central government support, ' ma
terially and morally, aH uch efforts and
assume ic- payment eif minimum ' saliirjes
to teachers In the popular schools opened
by the zemstvos and other local admlnls. Sixth race, one nille: Bitter Hand won. r - Mklddoo to Iowa
trations. ,. .. ( i Stole, second. .Merry t.eiio third, rime: I T!)' -guiVhloo toot -1111 'team of South
1 ' .... .s"-.o rij Wnv Thrt nl(Mlv nr arum uf
Enienville: V" Z7-"Rxsns at (.Neoia. la. tlillm-uivm 'Proba"wy be at
Viral idee, live furlonB: l.enm'iell n-oil.
H. Primeau
C. Crimea u
Ma honey ....
i : poi to.
ii;ne :,j Foley ........
Totals ...
..A. ..-.175
.-. . . f
o .
i, i4
lirother of utan Express Pleasure
at Meetlaa- foniilar Aaent '
Tlnrlaa Festlral.
' I- '. ' " ' '
j BICHI.IN, '-Nov. . JT.--.V dlispatch Jo the
; C'llosu Gnxetto from .Tangier published
i today -says that only oif the occasion of the
i reccn' Balrain festival, Mulni Hafim,
bto-.'ier of .the HuliiMi, summoned .tlie Gvr- !l:4i;..
e;.,l....ji,.nli,n, uicnna 4 1 1 U.c. ll,it-.l Time I
Second race, futurity course: Clandestine !-i':,J?'t'"
won, Tim Hurst Mecond, Little Gregg third, i.i." "
Time: 1 :10i. . i. nott'.'."
Third rae-e. one and one-aixleenth miles: 1 rin ....
Mormido won. Dr. Shorts second. Hay third, i Menu
Time: 1 :4Vi,. ' o'Hai ...
Fourth iae:e, six and a half furlongs: The rStuieu ...
Heldame handicap: Romalne won. Rubric Tuft ...'...
second,' Martlninaa third. Time: I:. . vu
Fifth vac, orin mile: Dutiful won. Mi' iirmli k
Lilierto second, W. B. Gates third. Time:
.U.K.! K.B...
H.U.;a.f, HusfsrlT Ooxlma
LXiHII '..... E. Ihtlllri
., K-ILIK.!... R. KrvUin
...'...'.. .Sub. f Slib. , Jolinsua
Marsli, manager.-
K. Brv-in
W. Phillip
........ Spnr
Sixth luce, six furlongs; Sir j
. Time
St. Francis
1 :l:ia
second. Lisaro third.
man consular agent and said: -
I The prer-etire of vour coumrvninn -it to
day's celebration !s p. double nleumn-e ir r
ine. as proof of the friendstilp esi.itlng be. j .,rM1 v..,,t
' , . rt ...nir m n.ri.r ai.,1 ill....-,.. ! I III.E. I lis
m. iii'i-iiid !S I
' lord ami brother, the sulnn. and because ' '
. iui now tiio .ondi'.lons iu :h 4-ennH of the I President of I olumHia Uuuld Have
! empire, where I am viceroy, are wilfully!. A -,-mk. rmrt BK.orla.
repiert-nted as offi rtng ne wtMV. for the I . . ..- , j . -i i
tieVfon. whilo complaints tm-' Timd sboi t NK" YORK Nov. .. Presid-nt Ni-h-,.er,
. e hi..f u r a - i,imiii,.. .1.,... ! olas Murikv Butler of i.'oKnnbla uuiver-
rTL . .V I'" . .1..-- .....,i ..l,j,,.
voiitiou-s ana pai-'iu ly ar'.:nc a v nioduee-j i 'L.V u "" " .? i
'-. 'Yu-'J- jT, ti, method of adinlnlatration of ath- I
! , "" ' letic sports now, In force In Columbia, j
May Mop Oplaui IraUe. He does believe, liowever, tluU aoine minor i
LoNl'ON, Nov. , ;".-Fi'ireigt , Sec-rvlaiy : t-hangea should be made in the , interest i
Grey, replying In the 1 louse of Cotnniotis ! of clean sport and better s, holarshit)
' t,A .- . o ..,i. i ,i' i and that at the name time an effort should .
todi.) to a quentiou whether the government ' 1(1 n,.,oe to Secure the wldert tsit.lo :
Sli-Roooil Boxing' Match. .
Tommy Campbell, who rex ently won I ha
championship of Iowa at hi weight in a
Lout at Den Moinea. bi whedule-d for a slx
i'itn,l benit. with .. .fimm v ' Kurte of Sioax
! City at Osthoff's hall Thanks-giving after-
More Evidence that . Ulrl Was Dead
When Hhe Was Placed In
the , l.aUe.
IIERKIMER. N. ,T., Nov. 27. With inter
est heightened by the declara.tion of the
medical experts . that Grace - Brown was
cilubbed" befeire she fell into the water of
Big Mooye lalce, there was. a larger crowd
than ever at the Gillette murder trial today.
More thaa 1,000 persons' were turned a way
and those who rot seats were on hand as
early as 7 o'clock to secure them.
Only two of the six doctors, employed by
the district attorney to perform the au
topsy on Grace Brown's body have been on
the stand. The prosecution rrobably will
conclude the work of questioning two more
of them today. The prosecution cannot
complete its case before Thanksgiving and
the case, will not go to the jury before
Wednesday of next week.
Coached by Dr. Suitors of Herkimer,, the
defending counsel are doing everything In
their, power to shatter the contentions of
the. district attorney, advanced to the Jury
through, the medical experts called to the
j Dr. . Douglas today gave . several com
parlbons .. between the conditions usually
found In drowned bodies and the conditions
found in. the body of Grace Brown,' He
said: ' - f
"The liver In cases of drowning is. livjfl;
In this rase it was pale. In cases of drown
lug ' the - hands become muddv and the
finger nails dirty. They weru clean in this
ease. There is water in the pleura cavity
In -cases of drowning; there was no such
water In this case.' No watery fluid flowed
from the lungs in this case, as Is cus
tomary in eli-owning cases. The liver in
this case was normal; in cases of drown
ing H Is contracted. There was but little
water In Grace Brown's stomach; there Is
considerable in cases where a person is
drowned. The diaphragm In this case was
elevated three Inches; when tho lungs are
filled with water it has a tendency to de
presa the diaphragm."
On recross-exanilnatlon Dr. Douglas was
asked If the threndays that Grae;e Brown's
body lay before the autopwy were not suffi
cient to allow the water that would nat
urally collect In the lungs of n. drowned
person to escape. He said there were
means by which the water might leave the
Ir. George H. Smith corroborated the
testimony of Dr. E. H. Douglas and A. O.
Dodgla.s, who preceded him today, by testi
fying thai Grace Brown came to her death
from blows. The defense scored a point
wheu Rev. Cuthbert Froat of Lowvilie qual- i
ified his statement, that Gillette was the
firnt lo apeak of the drowning of Grace
Brown aft or his arrival at Arrowhead. Rev.
Front refused to swear to that statement
train today.
Dr. S. 8. Richards, culled to the stand
just before closing time, stated that the In
juries to Grace Brown's body were in
flicted before death. He enumerated the In
juries bad the physicians preceding him
on the witness stand.
i - -t:
t i '"V
i -i.v.."5 ,
A .
I ,.
t ,
I . - -
The Reliable Specialists .
don'ts for weak men
Don't put off a duty. you .owe to yoursi If. Half the evils of this life come
from things deferred. The time to see a elector is when vou realize voii liave
Violated nuture's laws. Don't wait until you. are forced to pay the penalty.
Don't wait until your nervous system la tottering under the- striUti ami you
are a physical and mental wreck, unlit for work, business or -study.
Don't experiment with FP.EB TREATMENT or QUICK CL'IIH schemes.
I'nskllled or improper treatment can only elo harm.
Don't think because others have failed to euro vou that there Is no euro
for you. The specialists of tlj iState Medical Institute cure obRtlnate cases.
Start right and start at once. Delays are always dangerous. Don't put it off
too long.
We cure safely and thoroughly Nervous Debility, Rectal and Kidney Din
cafes and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to neglect, Ignorance or the
result of specific diseases.
Fret Consultation ind EximlntlOB-
1303 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
had been re quested by the government of
i the fluted State u Join in sale of. In
i tcxii.ujit and opium to um ivilUed In-
habitants, of . various jiarts of tho .wurld
I said It wss for tjie Atiieiicati and noL, lor
tlie British governmcr.t to rtiaUe atatements
' -g.irding the "ihcemlons of tho United
' States government.
' Tl.e . secretar
partlcipa-tion by students ill athlel
ports. Prsidciit Butler nuikes no ryi- .
onimendatlons as to tlie game of foot ball, ,
which now is prohibited at Columbia,
on Deoember In. ItR'o. after the action '
of the committee . of student organisa
tions disbanding the foot ball association
of Columbia university, the university
J council took action approving what had
oeen oone oj me niniiiiuiw on pm'mm
his majesty
iry, however, tuuld a.v nllit I organUatlons, and advising the president'
pV.e i 11 ' . ' "to take mii'h further steps as may seem i
s gove.nment would regard to MlT1 rrope,' to correct the conditions at
t synipatheitically -any rrorotsal- rsniiitn. -1 i c.-.imi.i , a-i,i. v. i
Till; (iKM S.4KKT1 HAZOK $.VOO I haIf to the bud1- The conservatives ab
10 tUf
$5 00
iave prodia-ed a ie-
i effectually diminishing (ho conaumpiiuii of I nioraliaation r,f sentlnwnt and to restore
! opium.. , ' athletics to their proper place in the life
1 . ! of the university.'
1 .. . . ' j President Butler's inenioranduni In the
I aiiaalah. Cabinet stands. . , form of todava pamphlet is tlie result,
j MADRID. Nov. :7.-Thu Chamber of I In Id he pledges himself, to 'do nhat lie
, Deputies' today by In to 4 votes dec'1.i i lo ''"-re the Ulscontlnuance of any
, w...,. , . . ,. pr5'-ribed- .academic, exercises after 4 p.
I to devote half the aesnlon to the e!tseiii, "... ..-.i.... .!.... .1 1..
I . 1 . , 1,1 viui 1 I j , I nirir m 1 .. ' 1 1 ' - .
of the law of associations and the other , time at-the eioe of eaeli day for general I
pm ticipai ipn or students in outdoor
lioil.-. ii- io imun Clio line 01 uiilirr-
sliy ' funds to keep the athletic tli id In
good condition and also appiovea the
I project for a university stadium with ac
j.cominodattons for all forms if outeioor
11. ... Ili.. s,r.,i , I vportn. Gate receipts are declared to b
Haiulltou atrrrt Cars Ran. . an,atile r.-nne ..f ciLiro.).. .md
HAMILTON, Ont., Nov. iT. filreet cat a I intercollegiate .lonttbis. But President
stained from voting. Tlit cabinet has-re-
solved that' it is its duty to retain offli e
until voted out.
, have been running all morning and there I Butler says that no practicable plan has
: i. itiaiiirhani.. i . . '.yet been presented for doing aay with
I " disturriapce. r.iere Is a proposal to ''.the,,,. The plan to appoint a director of
arbitrate the dinerenccs being coii.ideied.
at ilerita for tne iimei-s tv i.l riixMr,
' !,'.. v-A.I n-l Him I-1-i-iiM iH ll.i a.i,-.i u i, I
larisT Hevialoii. I av pears to be a' the present time neither j
' iin..iiiii) oui ueiiaui's
4 anadtai
i OTTAWA, Nov. "T.-The budget will be t
j brought doan . Thursday. Tariff reniaioa j HAWHClCi l OFIDtT OF IC TOHV
i will be one of the rlrt-f matters taken u
lb" the Houee ot Commons. ! Etpect Kent's Kli-kln tu Be th
l-i-Ir.'Jini seven Mado. wiiii h will last i;
r.i'iritlis. I'uii be; ala.-i'ciiii sullie as t.rdl. !
n.ii-v raj.or.
T1IK ItF.ATOX IiKl'fJ X). j
mi amd rtiiiH.
uilay' in Fat nam Jit. wliiOov . i.n. i'!
in and luck ui iol.
j ' ' I' Deeldleg Fat-tor.
j ; IOWA CITY. Nov. r.-Osyecial Tele-
' Pa .1.1. R .1..... .1 tL. A' II gram) The loaa tfuni, aorc and bruised
I VOmpiCte IVelUrnS OI tne U Urien itom-b.-mrtlay's hard game, but confident
I r got i ' ability to hold the much touted Mis-
llUrnS VUtVmplOnShlD Il4hl "".ni i.i.;,i, l-it muigUt tor Hi IaiuIs t'i
1 l'lav the last gam'-' of llw kiiiiou ou
i At Log Angeles, received by rounds f riunikgiv:i.R day.
i dtitw t frcim tho rlneridt. n i' 1 l"'J'c troci Ht: I ouia against. White
idiltHt lrotu tne riuKalCle t ani Piiff was of no avail, though Wblto
' F.D. HOTHKKY'S, lit South Hth Ht.i l"t behind. tlu. saving Inn for an
' . other y. ai on i'n "varity team. Kno. I-
I tf.lill l I', wiiia-e l; wiis brokrir in th.j Ames
aw avs a Jgaiu-. at-o Ki'i b.htr.d. ih kvuUi
No More
Gold Rooms
If yon. only knew how rnacii comfort
can be derived trom PERFECTION
Oil Heater bow simple and economical
iia operation, you would not be without
it antnher day.
Ypo can qaickly inalte warm and cozy
any cold room or hallway no matter in
what part of th house. You can beat
water, and do many other things with the
Oil Heater
(Eqmlppe4 wttb Staokelesa Device 1
Turn the wick as high or low as you canthere's no danger.
Carry heater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned. Gives
intense heat without unoke or smell because equipped with smoke
less device.
Made to two finishes nickel and japau. Brass oil fount beauti
fully embossed, rioicri 4 quarts or ou and burns 9
hours. Every heater warranted. If yon cannot get
heater or information from your dealer, write to
nearest agency for descriptive circular.
faxj LaR1P
I HE Try cannot be
equalled for
its bright
and steady light, sim pie con-
simcnoc ana absolute safety.
Eqaipped with latest imptoved burner. Made of
brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to
any room whether library, dining-room, parlor or bed
room. Kvery lamp warrantee!. Write to nearest
agency if uot at your dealer's.
svrv ?(, cuwptvY
J "U
. as in .
aJ Li L
3S liJ
Via th Only Double Track Route
Tickets on Sale Dec. 1st to
4th, Good Till Dec. 10th
CITY OFFICES, 1401 -3 Farnam St.
Mindan '
Harlan .
Manning' -Carroll
Fort Dode
. $ .99
Eaglo Crovo
Belmoni .
Mason City .
. 3.90
5.4$ - 6.40
Coed returning fallowing Monday.
v For tull information applf to
W. G. VaCidion. City tat una r Agtnt, tStZ Farnam Strut.