Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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Office, 10 Pearl
favle, srugs,
r l v . i
Htockert tells carpets.
Fine engraving at -UffWi.
Ed Roer' Tony Faust beer.
Hee Borwlck for Xmaa coode.
I'lumblne; and heatlnf, Blxby Sou.
Uwli Cutler, funeral director, 'phone W7.
Wpodrtnf Undertaking company. Tl. S3J.
Place cards for Thanksgiving dinner.
Alexander a art store.
All Sises of storm doora, atorm sash,
form window and weather strips, at Creo.
Homeland a. .
R. B. William nd Dlllle Wood, both of
thla city, were married yesterday by Hev.
UOnry lLons.
Men felt lined overshoes, IMS. Men'
Boa' on pur frum overahoe. 11.60. Duncan
Dean, 23 8. Main.
We have ordered l.OM) RnTlons of solid
V-acked oysters for Thanksgiving. Central
'jrorery ana Meat Market.
Before buying a aaa or electrlo oortable
All and see ojt lino. New. uo-to-date and ,
ptiocs are right. W. A. Maurcr. i
A beautiful and ornamental gas burner, '
the, Welsbach chick lamp, complete, tl.'ii.
fAnliun LJ.u F.' k H .' , I 1 ,1 ,
liewls-Cutlor and on Win arrived home
yeaiarday from- a visit to Chicago and
Iherr former home at IdiPorte Ind.
IVANTED-JAn experienced man to dress
turkey,' geese, ducks nnd chickens. J.
Roller Mer. Co., 10O-l"2-106 Broadway.
Hertert Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
.Roger of Willow avenue, left luft even
ing on a visit to friends in I'lik-ago.
Winter term Western Iowa Coilcgo opens
-Monday.-, fee. -3- Hend for catalogue.
tlkn. u . (..,'...-... I T1 1
. Whan von mart . eon H.nn vn,. e, it I
at A. Hose company s, and you sa.e
youiseif iiKri, ji eoutn Main Htreet, Coun
cil Bluffs.
Taa a look in our window at Flsk'i
graima sulf-buating roaster: four alses,
$1. Va, . y.00, U.M. Swuine & Maucr, ZM.
West Broadway.
I pay $13 per ton .for cast Iron: mixed. -
stove, i: raaa-lo Der lb.: rubber.
,V; copper, He per lb. . Katclman, V2
Muni, both 'phones a&0. I
Thanksgiving la not complete unless you
have a box of bon lona we have tiie best
nr. a fwnni nr livn tt nnr nur. umiu...!-.1.
t-andy. Muccl, 31 el W. Broad wuy.
Word' has been received here of the
death at tx-Httie. Wash., ot M. H. Roop. a
former contractor and builder of this,
city.. Mr. Kofip was A3 yeurs of ago.
Charica F. Rlnker and Gladys I). Ray,
botli from Oregon, 111., were married In
lais city by Hev. ftlarcun P. McClure, pas
tor of the First Presbyterian church.
C High .grade granite work, from the best
Barre Imported granites, lettering, carving
ana tracing. I ine monumental work a
xpeclalty. Bnccley 3c Lane, 217 East Broad
way. The ladles' auxiliary to the Letter Car
rier No. 314 will give Its first annual
Uaiua at M.inanlo temple hall this even
ing. A lara-e attenaunce is looked tor.
A-.big delegation .of. the Omaha carriers
will be present.
"Th new eastern styles for 1A07 In car
riHge - hav Just arrived. If you want to
l'k over something; nobby call around at
Van. Brunt's. It will pay you. Come eariy.
We sew soles on your shoes for 75 cent.
,Kat pant's Family Shoe Store.
Iioi chocoiate. Pic; hot coffee, 10c; hot
tomato, bouillon, 10c, hot Clam bouillon,
l"c bot'cblcken bouillon, 10c; hot beef tea,
Iflo; hot malted milk. 10o; hot clam broth,
.,!)--, and hot lemonade, lve: Clark sundae,
H'c, st-rved with cream and wafer. Clark
Drug Co.
.. ADC volt ooivn Trt CTTT A BnTUMicr
...... -J v v.-. v a . OA . v ji vv,
The receipt in the general fund of th
Christian Home lost week were t'lb. 0,
being $SJ.S0 above the need of the week
"Mirt! incifH'ainf the", balanco-'in-1 ii "fund
tw 4U.Bfl. In the fnapager's fund the re
ceipt . were Hi, being $23 below the
need of the week and Increasing the de
ficiency in thiaj fund to date to $i(T2.62.
. John Hickman, aged St, died yesterday ai
ihe home of his son. James Hickman, 1428
.Avenue I. tils ton survive huo. The
fiineral will be held this afternoon at 1
o'clock from the residence, 142V Avenue
lJ, and Interment will be in Walnut Hill
cemetery. Rev. F. A. Case, pastor of the
First- Baptist 'church, will conduct the
What 1 'th use of buying ready-made
' sriits- that get oat of shape after you wear
ilifjTi a few day when you can get a
tallorn'ad suit at Ulcus' right up-to-date
In alyle, a good fit, and at a very reasont
able price T One .of Hicks' suits will out
wear three ready-made suits and will al
ways look .well as long as there Is any
thing leffr or It. feoa Hick about your
, clothe it pay.
. H. ''.Saitsman. a Broadway coal dealer,
' .took an order yesterday to deliver a (on
of coal to an address at 1621 West Broad
way and gave- the person ordering the
'fuel $ change on a check drawn on
Chicago bank. "People living at tne num
v oer given on ween .sroauwsy oisciaiuiea
i . .e .h.. , ,i mA
PSaltxman la now wonderlna whether
the. check will be honored in Chicago or
whether he parted with $ for a worthlea
' piece of "paper.
For Exchgnge 820"-acr' tmprovd farm
1n N. E. Be. Dakota, 4 mile from i good
lara barn, crahary. cribs, well, mill and
v tank. 219 acre In cultivation bal. In
clover and tlmothT and pasture: all can be '
cultivated. Farme aj around are highly
Improved. DeeD blacX olL everything In
good .repair. Price, $( per acre. Will
v rv)ir. rnc, f v v"r " o. ."
take $10,000 In other property; bal. $1,000
; per year, I also have to acre 1 mile
north ot Co. Bluffs, 2 mile from station,
on 111. Cen. R. R., (0 acre In cultivation,
(buUnr in clover and timothy hay; all can
b cultivated; good barn and granary, not
much house: price, $60 per acre. Encum
bered for $S00, 4 yeara; will exchange
eqaity for other property. Address I). 8.
Kerr, $41 Bdwy., Co, Bluff, la. 'Phone
4 1 7 and ii)t red.
' Hull day Hoar at PoatoBce.
Postmaster Haselton. announces tiieaa
hours for Thanksgiving day at the post
office: Stamv window, general delivery window
and money order department will be open
from $ until II a. in. Carriers will make
but one. delivery, leaving the poslofP.ce at
a, in. There will be a business collec
tion made at l and 7 p. m. There will
be no service on rural free delivery route.
as-adsl iwasl
Choice -early Ohio potatoes at 0c de
livered In five-buihel lot or "more. Both
'phone Brtdtnstln A Emlth, ,1401 8.
th St.
See our beautiful new Xmaa photograph
ar.d portrait. W are making some hand
om water color, sepia and crayon work
which must b ordered before December
17 and w won't disappoint you. Schmidt,
nOICUT "' Annual CrulseFeh.
UnlLil I '.u7' 70 d' bv chartsredS. .
"Arabic," lS.OuO tona Three
, 'i ours Round the World.
jrHANK C. CLARK. Si B'way. N. T.
tyiii-Aut Depot
eDOt Ouirl.rm.Hf,,'.
Cilice, 3d and Olive Bt,., gi. Loais, Mo
Nov. 3o. lie. Staled proposala, in tr p 1
rato, subject to usual .oondltlon. w.ll be
received liee until l't o'clock coon, Ixtcem-l-er
10. atid then opened for furnishing
nnd - djf at the tit. Louis depot ol '
the yuai lei master's department, V. 8 I
army. u,vit corn brooms and Sou scrubbing '
hruohva, palmetto. The light U reserv.d
to rtject or accept any or ail prop, aals
or any part thereof. Preference mil be
riven to articles of domestic manufacture,
luuuiilona of i)ualit,v and price ilncluiiing
hi prlve of 'foreign productions or itijnuf-tc-msi
lite dul y ilieirin) beir-g e,j i i..
.Standard samples cu be seen at, and
blanks for tix,aale and full inform., tioi
HI be rirniMird upon application to tn,,
urn-. "J-.avtUiea ruriiaiiun proposals la'
ij luJurMd 'I'ropuaiis for brooms and
tirluh., " ia be oiened St 1.' o Cock noon,
liven.uer l'-ih. l."K. l.t. S ,i. r". .u
Sktueder, Driui Uuailen, -t i I', t- a
s-.i-U . in DM
St. Tel. 43.
Attorney Kimball Asierti Council Can Do
So if it :o Desirei.
Mayor Macrae, on the Other Hand,
laalata City Cannot Sell Cornea I '
on Application of Messrs.
Cooper and Keppner.
"Has the city the right to vaeate u por
tion of a public thoroughfare and sell
the same to a private Individual?" City
Solicitor Kimball take the position that
the city has such a right, provided 11 does
not abridge or Interfere with the rlchts
nt .i r,,,Hii nmn.ri , nm.ra
... . ... .. ' ....
lnc v"-'"y- ayor macrao. on iur
other hand, contends that the city has
not tho right to dispose of public streets
or any portion theroof. year-old stepdaughter, Goldle Currle, was
This question has arisen In th appllca-i tried Just seventeen minutes yesterduy ft
tlon of J. K. Cooper and Julius Keppner, j ernoon to return a verdict finding him
abutting? property owners, to purchase ! guilty.- The maximum sentence for the
from the city a portion of Eleventh street crime is twenty-five years In the penltcn
whlch extends from Fourth to Fifth ave- tlurv N
nne and ends at the latter point. The
proposition of Messrs. Cooper and Kepp
ner Is to purchase a strip fifty feet In
width, leaving a driveway or alley of six-
teen feet. The price offered I o00.
City Solicitor Kimball, in discussing
thl matter yesterday", said: "It Is not for
me to say whether the city ought to sell
the portion of the street or whether the
amount offered Is adequate. I merely as
sert that the right to vacate and sell thla
nnrtlcutse niece of street is unuuesfloned.
.. . . . .... . .
ln" B"m "Pilars 10 o "v
In general uro and to close It up entirely
would not Inconvenience the general pub-
lie. It Is not out or the way for the
city to consider this proposal in a com
mercial sense, If it need the money. If
$500 can be secured for the property, or
whatever amount it 1 worth, the fund
would not come amiss." . '.
The proposal , of Mesar. Cooper and
Keppner ha been referred to th commit
tee of tho whole of the city council and
probably will be acted upon at the meet
ing next Monday night.
Oar Chickens I
Were dressed by our farmer customer, and
by so doing they always pick out the beat
one, because they want them to look ulc
when they bring them in: 124 cent per
pound: turkey, 22 cents; geese, 14 cent.
We also got In a nice supply of country but
ter. We have celery, cabbage, lettuce,
spinach. ' cranberries, walnuts, figs, dates,
grape in S-cent basket. Do not bother
with making mincemeat, we have something
fine and are not afraid to warrant it, at
12H cent pound. We alsoi have sweet cider.
Bartel & Miller, phone S59.
Violin In all grade and at th lowest
possible price for instrument of quality
(from $2.7B up) at . Bouriciu Piano
House. 335 Broadway. Where tho organ
stand upon the building.
Habeas , . Carpus, Proceeding
Aa;alnat Sheriff.
.... . ... I ...l K . K t . .U
a divorce from R. A. Ball In Omaha, which
divorce waa later set aside, yesterday com
mer.ced habeas corpus proceedings in the
district court against Sheriff Ed Canning.
Ball had SWeney arrested on a charge
of wilfully and knowingly marrying the
wife of another, but the preliminary hear
ing befor Justice Gardiner resulted In
Bweney being discharged, there being noth
ing in the Iowa law to prevent person
from remarrying immediately after being
divorced. Th grand Jury, however, re-
tuixed an Indictment against Sweney and
he was arrested. He secured bis release
on bond In the sum of $300.
Now, In instituting habeas corpus pro
ceedings". Sneney alleges he Is being un
..... , . ... .
liawiuiiy, nepi unuer rwovriiiv uj cmki.iil
' Canning and asks that he be given his
' liberty. The Indictment against Sweney
lawfully, kept under restraint oy Bnertrr
. .
has never been nuashed. although the caa
h.. h.h hrnnrht tn trial. It la In-
1 th.t th. hahaaa comu nroeeedina
iforred that the habeas corpu proceeaing
brought by Sweney I for th purpose of
attacking th legality of the Indictment.
wh.n h. divoma which ahe had oh -
talned was set aside, after her marriage to hr Premise to the anoyance of her nelgh
Sweney. Ml. Ball found herself In the or" and dauger to their health. Mrs. Sena
nrwilrmnt nf havlnv two hushands. and
4lt. ,,,Ki.. ,..inn. e,m this t.t.
" .. .
affair brought about numerous suit and
counter suits In the various courts of this
city between. Ban, oweney na Mrs. wan-
... ... ...
ThaaksKlvtns; Sal
On all our hlah arade dining room furniture.
20 to 90 per cent discount on our entire Una
of buffets, sideboard, china cabinet, din-
Ing table and chlr from now till Thank-
giving. Ksller-Farnsworth Furniture Co.
For Imported wine and liquor and Bud.
weiser beer, go to I Roeenfeld. wholesal
liquor dealar, U South Main streeL
Late la TbaakaglvlasT Dinner.
If your watch is losing time if It
you will be late to that Thanksgiving din-
lien. Just drop in ana let me clean ana
regulate It. It will save you a great deal
of annoyance. I do the work myself and
ee that it is done right. O. Mauthe, 22$
W. Broadway.
Towns; People Sarprlse Friends.
Walton Smith and Miss Ethel West,
both of this city, perpetrated a surprise
on their friends by being married last Sat
urday In Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Smith 1 th
on of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Smith and
member of the firm of Brtdenatetn
Smith, while hla bride Is the daughter of
Dr. and Mr. H. S. West. Local friends
received notification of the marriage Mon
day evening and air. and Mra. Smith ar
rived In the city yesterday and confirmed
it. . Mis Smith went to Denver about a
month ago to visit friends and on her
way horn stopped In Lincoln, where she
was Diet by Mr. Smith according to previ
ous arrangement Mr. and Mr. Smith
111 in k their home In Council Bluffs,
but for the present are residing In Omaha,
A. Metaaar at C a.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery.
l: Mynster Street. Council Bluffs, la.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Visitor Welcome.
N. y. Plumbing Co. Tel. Xa. Night. SuL
(Ireetrr lleck Practically Rnlaed.
Philip Friedman, proprietor of the gro
cery store at 140 West Broadway, wuich
was practically wiped but by fir at an
early hour yesterday tnorulng, staled that
hla stock was valued at something over
II. 0 and that It waa Insured for $1.6u0. He
did not think there would be much salvage.
The dense smoke made It bard for the
firemen to locate the blase aod a lurge
ammint of water haj to be poured Into the
toi befie the flic Mas cxUueutshML
The bulldlne; Is owned by Mr. Fannie
V. Van Huaklrk and the same Is said to
Iw well protected by liifiirance. The dam
age by smoke to the f urnlshlnas In the
lodire rooms of the Maccabees on the sec
ond floor was found yesterday to lie slight.
Mr. Friedman yesterday was unable to
account for the tire, as everything about
the place appeared to be all right when be
locked up the stoiT Monday evening.
Economy washed egg coal was never
named better, for It In cartatnly economi
cal. It leave a small amount of aahes
when burned, make a good hot fire, and It
IS a lasting coal and does not make aa
much smoke aa most soft coals. Council
Bluffs Coal and Ic company. 'Phone ;?.
flea Stephan Bros, for the latent and beat
Inverted burners. Et West Broadway.
41 BY
Seventeen Minnies Heqnlred to
Reach Verdict.
It took the Jury before which L. A. Mc
Donald, charged with incest with his 1
James Ruaaell, against whom two indict
ment were returned for passing forged
checks, entered a plea of guilty yesterday
and was sentenced by Judge Green to ton
months' In the Fort Madison penitentiary.
The trial Jury wae excused until Monday,
when the trial of Emma RJpke on the
charge of shooting and killing Frank Keith
Potta will be begun. Twenty additional
Juror were ordered drawn by Judge Green,
to appear Monday.
Haxel McDonald, th lt-year-old girl who
was brought back from the State Industrial
School for, Girls at Mitchell villa to testify
at tho trial of her father, wag ordered
yesterday placed" In tho Rescue Home at
Omaha. The girl, like her stepsister, claimed j
to be her father's victim, and owing to her
condition tho authorities at the Mltchell
vllle school refused to keep her there any
Today Judga Green will hear the applica
tion of County Attorney Hee for an order
to rc .lire the officer of tho Portland Oold
Mining company to produce all the stock
books and other records of the company,
tn H niuwt hv Pnttuwattjiml e csiuntv in Its
, ...... .,.. v,. .,bkM
eorpanLtion for taxation In thl county.
Casa assigned for the remainder of th
week were continued in order that the
conrt might hear the application.
' The Jury in the suit of J. E. Potter
against Uouia Jensen and Peter Hartwlg,
former proprietor of th Vienna retnu
rant, to recover for 1,800 meals, which, un
der a contract, th plaintiff asserted he was
entitled to credit for, as well as for work
performed for th defendant, brought in a
sealed verdict after 1 o'clock Monday night,
which, when opaned' by the court yesterday,
waa found to b In favor of Potter for $20.
This amount I to cover the claim for car
penter work and duties performed a cash
ier, but not tho meal. Th verdict throw
the costs of the action on Potter. th
defendants offered $23 in open court In set
tlement of hi claim. ' '
Altha P. Forrest began suit for divorce
yesterday from Sterling C. Forrest, to
whom ahe was married in ttii clty 'October
S, 103. She charge her husband with cruel
treatment uch a to endanger
her life and to comDel her to leave him last
Monday. In addition to th decree of dl-
vorce, she ask tho custody of their minor
Marks & Dlllranoe of this city filed orig
inal notice of suit in the district court yes
terday against the Union Pacific railroad in
which they ask $1,600 damage for alleged
.w .i! -...i o,t
' -
water two shipment of horse from Lara
mle, Wyo., on October 6 and 20 of this year.
Klitvi era for Tbaakssl vlna.
We have a fine assortment of plants and
choice cut Cower to select from. The new
begonia, Gloria de Irralne, with Its mas
jot pink flowers; cyclamen of the most
K.,lll,,l .haria. H.nM4 In k. lnts.f
r""'7 T, ", . "1 1. 77.
faahion; a fine lot of palms and ferns
Jou' friends a nice plant Or one of ou
our epe-
. , r,m.tin
clal uo"' Consisting
of choice Cower
i tastefully arranged. J. F. Wilcox
Woauii Beat to Jail. ,
Because she persisted' tn dumping garbage
! refuse blatter of every description on
Jensen, living on Avenue J. near Tenth
trt. was yesterday sent to Jail for ten
riuva hv Jurisn Rcyitt In nolle Mnrl Th '
.ntn'Uln nn whlnh .wl .,1
Information on which the wnman was ar. 1
1"'"' " mn waa '
, ,, ....
i roicu mmm lucu uy uruna riii ri i. k un. i -
w. . v mvvwi UUIttlft who iicw iiik 111
police court that Eaton, when he re-
monstrated with Mrs. Jensens was Invited by
the latter to proceed without delay to a
certain place wnere iranition has it the
flre rage Inceasantly. Mrs. Jensen made
( ,u aomfu -noul oumP" arDage coni-
piaineu or anu lunner iniormea tne court
ahe bad done so all her life. As it waa on
her own property, ahe did not see that the
neighbor had anything to aay about it
but th court thought differently.
After Mr. Jenten had been locked up
her "husband, with whom she Is not living
at present, appeared at police headquarter
; and pleaded vigorously for his wife's re-
lease, but without avail.
A Laeky Thuagkl,
To have your clothes cleaned Instead of
buying new ones Glv us a trial Is all
we ask and we ar sure you will tell your
neighbor how nice it was done. We dye
lace, plume, etc., to match sample. Coun
cil Bluffa Cleaning Co. and Rug Factory,
34 N. Main. Both 'phones Us.
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
R. H. Williams. Council Bluffs... i
Dllllu Woods, Council Bluffs
Charle F. Rlnker, Oregon, 111....
C.ladya D. Ray. Oregon, 111
E. J. William. Denver, Colo
Nellie M, Wind, Council Bluffs...
Oeorge L. IeWitt. Council Bluffs.,
Mary L. Overton. Council Blufle...,
Jay Dudley. Omsha
Mary Thompson, Omaha ,
Frank E. Harris, Omaha
Stella Morgan. Lincoln, Neb
, .29
. .JK
We have a new shoe for your work. Come
and see thetn. Barf ant's Family Bboe 8ure.
The reason why Hafer doea the bustn,
Is that he delivers the beet goods to your
nearest station at the least coat.
Bale ( Weaver Brlelc Tare Aasnllrd.
II. W. Binder, aa trustee of the estate
of former Councilman John P. Wtaver,
bankrupt, has filed ault in the lulled
ftates court to set aside the sale of Wea
ver's brick yards and machinery by the
f-'trst National bank of thla eity.
Weaver Indebted t the bank In the
surri of $11,000 for which the bank held
mortgage on the brick yard and ma.
chlnery. Itncerttly Jiid;e McFUerson Is
sued an ln.1ilnclon restraining the bank
from foreclosing these mortgages, but the
order ram too late, as It whs assorted
the property had been disposed of.
In hi petition Trustee. Binder allcgea
that the property whs worth at least
$7,000, wheress the bank Is said to have
sold It for IJ.fcOO. He asks that the bank
be required to turn over to him thla $T,800,
together with $0 1f' which Weaver hod
on deposit at the bank and all other sums
the bank is alleged to have collected from
certain debtors of the bankrupt, that the
same mny be used for the hcn-.'tt nt all
of Weaver's creditors.
We will have a nice stock of fancy tur
key, ducks, geese, chickens, oysters, game
ar.d fish of all. kinds for Thanksgiving.
Central Grocery and Meat Market.
Little Cash and
of Whisky.
The "tallow ca,nile" burglar, who so far
has successfully evaded the strenuous ef
forts of the Council Bluffs police force to
capture him, paid the Fourth ward another
visit Monday night. The residences of
Sylvester Dye at ?17 Fifth avenue and Dr.
V. L. Treynor at $11 Third avenue received
a call from him.
At the Dye residence the burglar secured
$12."i0 in a pocketbook belonging to the
hired girl. Entrance was secured by
prying open one of the, windows on the
ground floor, every room on which was
found to have been thoroughly ransacked.
Spots of candle grease were found on the
carpet and furniture. Falling to find
any money downstairs, the burglar pro-
ceeded to the room of th servant girl, on
the second floor, where he secured her
pocketbook without awakening her. Mem-
bers of tho family wera up in attendance
on a sick child, and th burglar, evidently
discovering this, made no attempt to enter
any more rooms on the second floor, hut
took his departure.
That the burglar with the tallow candle
had visited the Treynor residence wa
made known yesterday morning, when Dr.
Treynor discovered his trousers were miss-
mg. as wen a s in one or tne pocnets. was accorjed the governor in the votes of
Th thief, however, overlooked the doc- 1 1901 nd 190i stat(1 Treasurer Morrow re
tor coat, which contained $20 in bills, j celvtA the highest plurality. 81.413. and
The same telltale spot of candl gTaaso ; Railroad Commissioner 'W. I,. Eaton re
were found on tho Boors of the Treynor ceteved tho smallest. 74,4.17. The vole on
house. Before leaving hero tha burglar governor is canvassed by the legislature,
helped himself to a flask full of Dr. Trey- Tho purajiUna tn detail received by the
nor excellent whisky from a bottle on republican candidate on all but governor
the sideboard and to a quantity of Havana BIld lieutenant governor were as follow:
cigars. The burglar showed blmseir to be
somewhat of a connoisseur of whisky,, as
the flask which ho filled from the bottle
an Inferior grade. Tills Mr. Burglar evi
dently sampled, and, not finding It of th
beat quality, calmly i proceeded to empty
the content Into a bowl on the' sideboard
and then replenished: it fronjtho bottle,
Tear Thank sari via; Dlaner. .
For your Thanksgiving dinner: Turkeys;
ducks, 11 cents per pound; geese, 10 cents
per pound; chickens, oystors, fancy cut of
beef, pork, veal, mutton. Also cranberries.
celery, oranges, - apjgsee,) bananas, grape
fruit, nuts, 'dates, lflgr aa4ad aruaalng, des
sert of all kinds, raising tmrrants, mince-
meat, pumpkins, cider, olives. : radishes, let-
etc. J. Zollor Mercantile company,
l'X-102-10 Broadway!-. iBoth '.phones S.'O.
Mis Jacobs of Monnt Pleasant Is
Glvea Indeterminate Term.
PEORIA, 111., Nov. 7. EJalo Jacobs, tho
!S-year-old college student of Mount
pim,..,,. ia
wbo attempted to swindle
the First National bank of Galeaburg out
of $1,000 by means of a bogus check, was
sentenced in the circuit' court at Gales
burg today to an Indeterminate term in
the penitentiary,
Mihs Jacobs is sn .unusually attractive
girl and comes from wealthy parents. Early
' "T-
In September she appeared In . Monmouth
and registered at Monmouth college. Two
day later she attempted to cash a forged
order for $900 on the First National bank
of that city. When the officers of the bank
refused to give her tie money she left the
city, going to Galeaburg, where sun gained
entrance Into Knox', college and by her
clever ways succeeded In getting an en
dorsement to a check on the First Na
tional bank of that city, She cashed the
chock' but wft" "estd as she was leaving
tne city..
Combination gas an electric chandelier
and the celebrated Welsbach Incandescent
caa burner. Why not aee us befor you
buy, We can certainly please you on price
nd fl""1" ot t4- Bhephan Bros., 52$
, """'
Special Pyrography sale this week. Alex
ander's, SSI Broadway.
Iowa stock Jnagee na.
AMES. Ia., Nov. 27. (Special.) The tuck
Judging team which will represent the Iowa
State - college at the International Live
Stock show. Chicago, Decer,it,r 1 to 8, is
spending thla week visiting farina and eiock
ranches In Illinois and Wisconsin In their
final preparation for the contest. The taain
la composed of R. E. Drennan of Corning,
la.; 11. O. McMillan of Cedar Rapids, la.;
D. H. Blller of Nebraaka; E. N. Wentworth
of State Center, Is,, and B. W. Crossley or
Council Bluffs, la. Laat week the team
was weakened by th withdrawal of Ks
strongest member and one of the strongest
Judges ever chosen at Iowa State college
Mr. J. C. Minkler withdrew because of a
change In the rule making bis eligibility
a question. Prof. W. J. Kennedy, who
trained the team,' considered' Mr. Mink'er
the best man on hla' team, and especially
o In horse. At Kansas City, where tho
team scored thl fall, he had a higher per
centage on horses than ever was made at
the Chicago show. Blller takes his place.
Don't Forget the Extra. Special "Sale of
Ladies5 Cloahs mi Suits
Prices smashed so low that your money will bring
you more than double in returns.
A. E. Hunter Co.
II 33-35 Pearl St., 32-34 Main
Van j of Ihtm Et Not' Tiled Article'
with tli Secretary of KtttB,
Republican Majority on All -Offices
Rxeept Governor and l.leatennnt
Governor Folly t to the
Isaal Flanrra.
(From a Staff Corresponuent.) I
DE8 MOINES, Nov. 27. (Special.) Both
the Pullman Palace Car company and the I
Chicago Great Western railroad are 111 - j
gaily doing business In the state of Iowa, j
according to the secretary of state's office, j
Neither of these companies has ever filed j
with the secretary of state a certified copy j
of its articles of Incorporation as required I
by law? accompanying the flllna; with th"
necessary foe. It Is also stated In the office i
of the secretary of tate that the condition
as to these two big corporations Is only
typical of the condition that exists as to a
large number of smaller ones, and called
for some legislation on the part of the next
general assembly to remedy matters. It Is
further asserted that there la as much or
more ground for tho legislature appointing
a commission to entirely rewrite and revise
tho corportlon laws of the state than there
was for the appointment of a commission
to study th Insurance laws of tho.state.
The condition as to the corporation laws
will be made the basis of a request of tho
next legislature to appoint such a commis
sion or else to take up the problem nt the
session and finish It there. It Is asserted
by the secretary of state's office that the
corporation laws of Iowa are cumbersome
and un wieldly; that they are too general in
their application. One of the grounds for
complaint Is that corporations can violate
the laws without mere being any authority
to bring them to Justice. They are required
to flic certified copies of their articles of
Incorporation before they can legally do
business In the state, but If tbey do not file
' auch certified copies there is no approprla-
i tlon for paying the expenses of bringing
I them to Justice and neither the secretary of
' state' office and no other office In the state,
j house has authority to go out and look up
I evidence or ascertain If there are corpora-
J tiona doing business that have not complied
with the law of the state.
Canvas of Vote Completed.
The completion of the canvas of the re
cent election on tato officer by the execu
tive council shown that all the officers, with
tho exception of governor and lieutenant
governor, received the same plurality as
secretary of 8Ute Hayward
Auditor of State Carroll ...
TTfa,'urM'?f 81aie Mwrrow'
si. 413
Superintendent Blags
7s Kx
Supreme Judge McClaln
Supreme Judge Sherwln
Supreme Court Clerk Crockett
Supremo Court Reporter Cornwall..
Railroad Commissioner Palmer
Railroad Commissioner Eaton ........
' 77 4i
For each office, aside from the vote for
1 the republican and democratic candidates,
there were about 1,000 votes distributed
among the socialists, prohibitionist and
populists, th socialist leading the pro
hlbitlonlsts slightly. Each of the pop
ulist candidates received a llttl over 800,
the prohibitionist a little ovrr 7,000 and
the socialist a little over 8,000. . - .
Advertised Property for Sale.
The east aide power house of the. Dos
Moines City Railway company and a large
number of West Grand avenue home of
the wealthy have been advertised for sale
by the county attorney for taxes. Includ
ing In the number Terrace Home, the resi
dence 'of F. M. . Hubbell, the wealthiest
man of the state. The sales will be nn
Monday next unless the taxes are paid.
An oversight on the part of the owners Is
given as the reason and the taxes will
probably be paid.
Kansas Weddlna stopped.
The marriage of Miss Myrtle Huf of
Home City, Kan., to L. M. Dill of the same
city was Interrupted today by the father
of the young woman stepping In just bo
fore the woulil-bo groom returned from
tho court house with the marriage Uceno
and a preacher. The young people . had
eloped from their home and came to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swinford
at lOliti Fifteenth stroot In this city where
they had arranged for the wedding.
Father Huf with' two Des Moines de
fectives hunted the city two day to find
the couple and were successful today In
locating the young woman at the home of
tho Swlnforda. She was found but a fw
minutes before Dill returned from the j
court house with the license. Miss Huf
was taken back to her home tonight by
her father, who says she Is not of age.
. Prominent Lawyer Dead. ,
D. O. Finch, aged 77, for many years a
prominent and successful lawyt-r in thl
city, died last evening In San Francisco,
Cal. He came to De Moines In 1S3 and I
resided here continuously till a year or j
two ago, alien he retired and went to j
Prepare for Bl Revival. ,
Elaborate preparation ar being made
this week In tilts city for religious re
vival meetlnga to be started here next
Sunday by Rev. Wilbur Chapman. AN
corps of thirty or more workers will come
with Mr. Chapman and meetings will be
held simultaneously tn all the leading
churches In all sections of the city. Cen
tral meetings will be held In one of the
big downtown churches. This week in
preparation for these meetings cottage
prayer meetings are being held In all sec
tion of the city.
Iowa News otea.
PLEASANTV1I.LE Six women of this
town received tlvo surprise of their lives
when they learned yesterday, that they bad
Leen left $2,lu each by the will of Ander
son Martin, a wealthy aid eccentric in
dividual who died hore last Thursday at
the age of 78. The six women had all done
some little favor for Martin In his life
time and he took this way of remembering
them. Besides the bequests to the six
women he left toil to a cripple named My-
Council Bluffs, Ia.
en tm
Both Phones 1.3.
Turkeys Turkeys Turkeys ifln
per lb............... lUle-
Extra Fine Gese
per lb. ... ,
Extra Fine Ducks,
per lb. '.
Chickens Chickens Chickens
per lb. . .
Kxtia Fancy Xavol
Oranges, doz. . . . .
2 lbs, ox tm iint
Country Butter,..
Seeded Kaisins,
per pkg
Wc also have a fine line of all kinds of now vegetables,
canned peaches and tomatoes, at the lowest juices.
ers and. IVrt to an old soldier. Martin led
a very simple life, living with a sister on
the eigo of his 2.K acres of rich land. He
was s-tld to be worth iihout $!75.fliJ. Mar
tin's will wss one of the most romnrkaWc
ever filed for probate In this county. He
left over forty bequests to vnrlous charita
ble Institutions. Among theni were the
following: Five thousand dollars to lite
Children's Home- society of Dcs Moltu-s.
$",.' to the Mothodiet hospital of l-s
Moines, $2.U'0 to the poor of Pleasantvllle,
la.: $.1,000 to Tuskepee Institute. t."i.uO) to
a St. IxmiIs institution. $2.w to New Y"ik
Uoweiv mission. $2.B) to the Women's Re
lief Corps of Knoxvllb-, la.; i0. to six
jMior women of Ph-nsnntville. la., and $10,
Owl to each of his two sisters.
IDA OROVE While In the act of kill
ing a steer 'at the slaughter house. W. A.
Bane was very nearly killed yesterday.
He had struck tho beef one Wow, which
teiieo it to the lloor, but went to strike It
a second time, when the hammer catiitht
In the slack of a rone overhead, causing
the full force of the blow to strike him on
It is used by millions all over
most economical tea to be Imd. It
believe iu purity.
THANKSGIVING RATES Low round trip rates.
Dates of sale November 28 and 21)..
braska and Kansas, every Tuesday; to other destinations in
the West and Southwest, first and third Tuesdays; especi
ally low round trip rates.
REDUCED ONE WAY RATES First and third Tues
days, to numerous points in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado,
Indian Territory, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri,
Mexico, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota,
Texas and Wyoming. . "
ist destinations South and Southwest.
Special Round Trip Rates from Omaha
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. . . . . . . .$25.83
Chicago, December 1 to 5, inclusive. . : $14.75
Havana, Cuba, December 18 to 20, inclusive . .$48.85
Mexico City, daily until November 28. , j. t . .$53.25
Excellent Trains South to
I litiliilp
, VIA '
Account International Live Stock Exposition.
Tipkets on sale Dsc. 1, 2, 3, 4.
; Return limit Dec. lOth.
Three Fast Trains Dally
From Union Station, Omaha, to Union
Station, Chicago. Leave Omaha at
7:55 a. m., 5:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. m.
For information, folder, ic., call at City
Ticket Olfice, 1324 Far nam St., or write to
F. A.
General WeaUrn Agent
Unit i
236 Broadway.
3 lbs. new Mince
Meat, for
Sour Pickles,
per doz .....'..,
Extra Fine Cran
berries, quart . . .
per stalk.
3 lbs. extra fancy
Sweet Potatoes,
the top of the hend. He was picked up
unconscious, anti It wss discovered that
he hml a hole in his skuII aa larxe as a
silver dollar. It Is thought he will i
cover. FORT DO DOE Search of farmers for the
Insane man who entered the McDonald
home lust Sunday and attempted to re
store to life the late Mrs. Mclhmald ha
been rewarded In the capture of Carl K.
Swanson. He has been identified as a resi
dent of Vincent, where he Is known to b
unlmlunced, but w:n n paided aa harm
less. Snanson admits being Insane on rc
IlKion. but appears rational on all' other
HI lit Ql'I-! Because nn excited woman
misplaced her Jewelry a boy who drives a
butcher's waaon and who was the only
person who had been nenr the place waa
sweated by the pollen on the charge of
stealing three diamond rings- After the
boy bud been frightened ulmowt to death
the woman came Into the police station
and informed the desk serareant that her
valuables hud been recovered; that sh
had misplaced them.
ttic worlu, Ix-cause it U the beat and
hns a special., claim ou jou, if you
Wholesale Agents. Omaha.
St. Louis anil Kansas City
A l 0
I can give you all the latest Information and
free descriptive literature.
j. c. reyiiolds, c. p: a.
1502 Fsrnam St., Cmaha, lleb.
8323 K13SS2Z2