THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1906. -I V r t HAINAN!) PRODUCE MARKET heit Cpem Uncbanred, Eat Bnni to a ) Higher Level LIQUIDATIONS NOT NEARLY SO HEAVY Receipts Larger la ftorthweat, bat Storks So Light One Day's Ar rival Call Little Figaro Cora Rales More Flranlr. OMAHA. Nov K. 130H. J ..neat opened unchanged today, lut prices i;ked up troni t lie atari, cloning Vc higner on December and Vc higher on May. Ui- Vui.imviuii nut pj nuLitmuia na n wua mat week, Becelpts were larger at Mlnne t n,.N. i..,. u. .. . ,... t " .iu v .11" n a iiicio lis i c u i i i a f depleted that heavier arrival for one day akes little difference. A Wire from Mlnneaoolla aava that out of 1,900,000 bu. of wheat In store, boo.OOO bu. are muaty and unlit for use by the miller t learances Were well up toward a million. '1 he Increase In the visible supply waa un expectedly large. Corn ruled a little firmer through the WAuion, closing fractionally higher on both near and deferred futures. Weather gen erally favors good movement, but desplto that facta receipts are running only a naif or a third of what they were at tula tlmu last year... . . ...... Primary wheat receipt were 1.152,000 bushels and shipments 1,081,000 bushels, agalnat receipts last year of 1,746,0(10 bush els and shipments of 41,6,000 bushels. Corn receipts were ail.OflO bushels and shipment . S.U,j bushels, agaluat receipts last year of 891,000 bushels and shipments of otAOoQ bushels. Clearances were 78.1,000 bushels -'Wheat, 60.0 pO barrels flour, 2U,000 bushels . corn, 8,000 bushels oats. Liverpool closed Hd lower to ftd tylgher On wheat and V.d higher on corn. . .. Wheat visible Increased 2.275,000 bushels, 'i corn Increased 120,000 bushels, oats Increased J J. 414,000 bushels. World's wheat shipments were 11,240,000 C bushels, world's corn shipments were 8,76'J,- 000 bushels. B. A. Ekhort of Chicago says: "Condl lions In the flour trade axe about the same. '. The large premiums for No. 1 northern and other Brad of spring wheat have been ie i' sponsible for the recent sharp advance In y spring wheat flour. Stocks of flour through fi ut the country are not large and there Is X a, little better Inquiry." Local range of options:' Artlcles.l Openl Hlgh. Low. Close. Bat y, - Wheat j Deo. 67 1 W4 7 May... Corn . Vac... May.., Onts Pee... 7HS 2V! 72 88 J1H 83 V4 I 87SffH' 87H mv. V4 sss. ' si4 82V4B May.. Bid. . . Omaha Casta rrleea. WHFiT-Vn 1 hard. H8UWUei No. 3 -hard. b7Y'8Vc; No. 4 bard, tkiuatfiVic; No. 4 CORN-No. 4 old, 40e; No. 1 yellow, old, 42c: No. S yellow, old. 42c: new, S7V4o. OATS No. S mixed. aOVifi'SOHo; No. whKe, 311 31 Vic; No. 4 white, 3(V'iV31- RYE No. 1 64c; No. 8, 63c Carltr. Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. . Chicago . j..KanstiS City Minneapolis , , "Omaha ? I l : SI 19 294 ...141 ..5-'0 It i 84 60 I isi ....177 .... 63 ' St. Louis . jj CHICAGO GRAI AMD PROVISIONS 1 4 , Featarea ol the Trading; and Closiasr f j Prices o Board of Travdn. f ' ' CHICAGO, Nov. 26. liberal clearances of 1 " wheat and- flour caused firmness today. In 5 . the local wheat market, the December de- V "r livery befng tipHftse at he close. Corn "V whs up c. Oats were a -hade higher. ,-wV7i'he ' market was easy' during the first i. hour on moderate selling Dy longa m i r- iecember delivery. Toward the noon hour i the market became firm and the stronger ! tone was well maintained during the re t" mainder of the day. The change in sentl f munt was caused by the fact that the ex i,- ports of wheat and flour for the aV.rom American ports smounted W 1,010,000 bu. ' The large clearances cause active buying f'4.iy tcommlaslon houaes and--pit traders und p. . brought about a quick rally.s Bhorta i wr fairly active buyers of December during k the latter part of the session, ine mr . ...... . . u 1. 1 in thtf rinv tn BAlllmr Kllfl B4,III?J ,11 Cl.RVii lata ' ' v J . . caused by the visible surply figures, which showed an increase or,imi i- "' an estimated Increase of about l.OOO.ouO bu., i-i but the close was Arm. December opened undchanged-to 'k&Hio lower at- 7274c to ' , 7;t'ii73Vo, advanceu to imw bi '13V40. May sold between 7So and 7K7A V 7ic and closed at Wfcc, a shade higher than : Saturday. The amount on passage in ' " creased 224,000 bu. Primary receipts were .: "' 1 U.2 000 bu.. against 1,746,000 bu. for the . corresponding time last year. Minneapolis, lmluth and Chicago reported receipts of cars, against W8 last week and L2S2 t scars a yer.r ago. - There was an active demand for corn all -day and the market was strong from the "opening uptt) the clone. Prices were bull- " Ishly affected by wet weather. Arm cables ' .'and the small amount of contract stock. . . ,tthorts and cash Interests were the prin cipal buyers. The selling was largely by I ilt traders. ine innrmi tncu ni,uu. leeember opened a shade to Vie hlfher at 42V,(4LSe to 42Hc advanced to 41'7iti43c and closed at 42Tic May ranged between 43HH 4:i4c and 43o ana ctosea wun a m-i sui ' of kti0 at 34ti4?'c Ical receipts were l9 cars, wltn in or commci pmuo. ,f The oata market was sffected by the firm ness of wheat ana corn ana wa sirun u " day. Commission houses were fair buyers iot May, while shorts took the .December ; inptlon. The total volume of trading, how- ever. was small. . December opened a shade ' lilKher at 3UWC. sold between Savage and ' " H'.'V.c and closed at 33'4C. May sold be 'V 'tween S4Tio and H&ViiirUo and jelosed at 4 wc, a net gain of Vc Local receipts i- -' le;plte a 10c decline In the price of live -A. 1 t'lis the provisions market was firm for Atle greater part of the day. Prices were "V ' e.isv ut the opening because of the decline V ;ln hoga. but a lively demand by shorts for laid soon caused a firmer feeling. A ; scarcity of offerings seemed the chief rea on for the upturn. At ths close January ' pork was up Sc at 314.47V. Lard and ribs - were also up IVtO at 33.37H and ir.67Vrf 7 70, respecUvcly. list Una Iml recteipts for tomorrow: w new, 43 cars; cNm, il3 cars; oata, 256 cars; hoga, "' tS.OiiO head. .... Tho, leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open I High.! Low. Clos. Sat y. T, Vheat ' 5. Deo. i A ( J . May i t 'in n ' Deo. . May July ; ti:ila f Ier. i- May July ' p.n K Z Jn 5. May : L'r.1 72T 1 , 73W 73V4'r73Q73Vti 73V4 7VTt 78H 78 43 78 TbVi'ri'ja I i 4JSfTl 43V1.-U 42 427i 4'i 44H 83a' 4343rM71l 48 44 V. 44, 44S44Vtli I I 334I SSVal 334 84 35 $4 3-''y32Vu33VU'. 14 40 1 14 47i 14 46 14 67 14 76 I 14 72Vi ISI'iWV. M0 35 35s! iS-Ttj'U03 8iV I 14 40 14 63 1 14 trrvtl 14 86 it 07V4J 8 40 8 62Q 8 85 8 35 8 40 8 30 I 8 30 j 7 62 7 76 7 77V T 90 I Nov. lic. Jan. May B D Jan. May 07l 8 51'H, 30 8 62 8 S7 8 30 3 07 8 66 8 35 8 80 7 7 7 80 ,T 8 3i 8 30 I I T2 T77V.I T 70 I 7 82 ' i Cash quotations were as follows: V , FIAJUR Firm; winter patents, $3.30g - 3 4n; snralghts, $3.1taii3 Sil; spring patenia, ". -KfiJ.w; atralghts, $J.2ta3.30; biker a, J.'W . B L'.isJ. i ' II IIL'.T XJr. 2 aprln. 7SSS4c: No. 3. 7T'ti7Sc; No. 1 red. 72Vr734c. COKN-no. z, 4-; no. z yellow, '"4io-o. OATS-No. $. SJr; No. 3 white. 3-V.c; No. 3 white, 81'fU4o. .4 V I." K. 9 U.Lihil.ii it,,. -' -w--t; . 1 r ' .- I- 4 i SriEI'M No. 1 . I 1 ern. 81.18. Prlr f contract grades. HARLEY-Falr to choice malting, ISflSSc. nax. ll.ii : rso. 1 northwest- rnnie iimotny, c lover 113.40. lJltt IVISIONS Mmrt ribs aides (loose!. ft e outig t;;. Veji porn. tr bbl., $15.00. Uird. per 100 lba.. fr.). Short clear s dos, ,,, t8.7l-il8 60. .') I n r-ceipis and shipments of fiour and -Tin w': Re-e.t.ts. Shipments riour. bbls o."o 34 6oi ; Vheat. bu ,25:" !"7.0i Toledo Seed Market. , i a.3. ii i TOLEDO. Nov. 24 -SEED-Clover, rash ,Z live, bd , s I. m i. 87.4.0 Mlaaenpolla Grala Market. M7VNFPOLlS. Nov. 38 WH PAT-IS. enib r, 77r; May. hk; July. sa,b ,c: ' Nta. 1 Vaid, No.., 3-'j4tLrn, al.;. i af- ii.tricy. ou l ar . : t; in ituiiuc, rM n.iifc ..u.y iiki out- 4 . ter market waa ateady; creojneHts a-rj- , ' -'c; dairies, lSi.-ic. Fgaa, steady at te.irk, cases Included, 2-vJ-r; hraia, 37c; r-r.-ne firsts, Soc; extras, 32c. Cheese, ateady; ! 13,lil4e. No. I northern, 7V?c ; No. t northern, 77c r I.oril-First patents. $4 3"ifi.40; second patents. M.IS1HI"'; rlret clears, $3.2Vu3.3ft; second clears, $2 wrfiHii URAN-In bulk. $16 jJ.'fi 16.50. NF.W 1 0R K I.KMHAI, MARK FT 4antatlona of tajv Ur on Varloaa Commodltlea. NFJW YORK. Nov. 2f. FlDl"H-Recplpts, 24,.1. hbla. ; exports. S.Dls bhls ; sul, l.n') pkgn.; the market was stendy, but Qul5t; Minnesota patents, 34 1iiH.IO; .Mln in i.a it.. i, .(.i"'i;i i; winter patents, It .b'iM.nn; winter strainhts. IJ.tio'gJ.w.i; win ter extras, 3J.KKil.2o; winter liw grades, l-lfcotilK). Rve flour, Arm; fair to good. Hfn3li: rhulc to fancv, $1 R.V1 4 lf. ItucU wher.t flour, steady, $2.20fj'2.3u, spot and to ar,ii ' ULCKWHBIAT Quiet, $1 2 per lot) lbs t Oh.NM v.iMj nteacly; flne white and yel low. 11.3fil.fl6; coarse, 1.10fll.l2; kiln dried, j 7" : 7ft. RYB-Kasy: No. t western, fl?c. c. I. f , New York; Jersey and state, 64j08c, de livered in i'ew York. n A RLE Y Firm ; feeding, 45c, c I. f Buffalo. W'H KAT Receipts, 217, Kno bu.; exports, 32.1K2 bhls.; sales, bu. futures. Pprt, firm; No. 2 rel, 8oc, elevator, and S2Hc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, c. I f., Huffalo: No. 2 hard winter, 77Vic After the opening wheat had a fair aavance on small northwest receipts, big clearances and bull support. This was Anally overcome by a heavy Increase In the visible supply and Inst prices were net unchanged. May, 84VV8S4-14C, closed at 84-Tic; December, 81HilHc, closed at 81kc. CORN Receipts. 68,060 bu.; exports, 104.H5S bu.; sales, 10,000 bu. futures. Bpot, steady; No. 2, 64c, elevator, and 6o, f. o. b . afloat: No. 2 yellow, 64c; No. 2 white, 64'ic The option market was generally tirm and higher on bad weather, small receipts and bullish cables, closing V4tic above Satur day. January closed at (:c. December, 621i'f?62c, closed at 62c. CORN Receipts. 21,7M bu. Bpot, stendy; mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs., 3!c; natural white, 30 to 33 Ins., 3fu"40c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., 3)',44jt;tV4c. FEUD tjtrong; spring bran, $23 25. prompt shipment; middlings, $23.00, prompt ship ment. HAT Firm; shipping, Wtf?90c; good lo choice. $1 .bail. 16. HOPS Koay; state, common to choice, 19oh, 20fy24('j l hup, lv.iUc; Pacific coast, IJM, lMilRe; 1906, WtHc. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs.. !oc; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 lbs . 19c. LEATH KIR Quiet ; acid. r-SOTc. PROVIStONrt I'eef, Arm: family, $13 SO (114.00; mess, .0ii.00; bee.f hams. $22.5on 24.00; packet, $10.6oru 11.00; city extra India mess, l9.&0'o JO Hi. Cut meats, steady; plrk lerl bellies. 310.2.W12.6O: pickled hams, I12.W g12.60. Lard, quiet; western prime. $ 3vf 40; refined, easy; Continent, $".75; South America. 110.60: comnound. $S.Ofrt.25. Po'V stftidv; family. $1R BikhTS.qo; short clear, $17.5) (JIS.OO; mens, $17.7Sij 18.75. TALIiOW Esr ; city 2 per pkg), 6V4c; country (pkgs. free), eiifjSic. RICH-Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 8Vi P"c Ismn. nominal. ' BUTTER Strong; street price, extra creamery. 29VfJ30c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, aa5tc; held, seconds to extra. 22fj28c; state dairy, common to fancy, 2Wc: western factory, common to firsts, 17fiWVic; western imitation creamery, firsts. 21ifr22c; renovated, common to extra, 1623c. CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, small and large, September, fancy. 14c; state, Oc tober, best. 13c; late made, 12V412c; state. Inferior, lOjfcnc. ...... EGGS State -and Pennsylvania nearby, fancv selected white, 3!l)40c; state, choice, 8W3Sc: state, mixed, fancy, 3637: west- ern rolected. best, S3c; official price firsts, 32c. seconds, 2730c. . POl'LTKY Dressed, Arm; western chick ens, 12fcltc; turkeys. 12c; fowls, lO&lSVfcc St. Loals General Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 28. WHEAT Higher; track. No. 2 red, caeh,- TBHfaTfiVie: No. hard, 73fi"5c; December, 72c; May, 77c. ' CORN Firm; track. No. 2 cash, 42c, new; old. Sifi46Hc; No. 2 white. 42it43c, new; De cember, 4Sc: May. !4gAVc. OATS Steady: track, No. t cash, 84c; No. 2 white, 34 Vic; December, 32Hc; May, 34Hc. FIXVR Steady; red winter patents, $3. 60 fitf.HO; extra fancy and straight, $3.16(83.60; clear. $2.0&1.80. . . SEED Timothy, steady; $3.263.75. CORNMEAL Dull; $2.30. . BRAN Firm; sacked east track, 97(599c. HAY Firm; timothy, $14,004(19.50; prairie, $10.00116.60. IRON COTTON T1E3-I1.02. BAGGINO-94e. - , - HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS lrk unchanged; Jobbing, $16.10. Lard, higher; prime steam, $9.00. Dry eltroemtav lower ianxed extra shorts, $9.6, clear ribs, $9.00; short clears, $9.60. Baoon, lower: boed extra shorts, $10.00; clear ribs, $9.75: short clear. $10.25. POULTRY Firm ; chickens, 8c; springs, 9c: turkevs, 13c: ducks. 10c; geese, S'ftRc. BtTTTER Steady; creamery, 23(8,.'SVic; dairy. lKic. EGGS Firm, 2fio. Receipts. Shipments. .... 16,0110 11,000 .... 89.1KO 2,0ii0 84.000 38.000 ,...18t,000 46,000 Flour bhls. Wheat, bu Corn, bu. ,' Oats, bu L Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITT. Nov. 26 WHEAT De cember. 67T4c; May, 7274jC; July, "c; rash, No. 2 hard. 7Uii72c; No. 8, 6aV4'871c; No. 2 red, 71(1) 72c; No. 8, 67V?r70c. CORN December. 37N,e: May. 29c: Julv. S9V4jC : rash, No. 2 mixed, SSo; No. 3, 37Vc; ino, j wniie, dHflr'iivttKi. OATS No. 3 white, 32sc; No. I mixed, 82s4T2Vie. -RY E Steady, 6n(2e. HAY Firm; rholce timothy, $14.2E14.75; choice prairie, $11. 761126. - EfKJS Steady to firm; Missouri and Kan sas, extras, 28c; firsts, 27V4c; seconds, 20c BUTTER Creamery, 27c; packing. 16Vc 1 Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu ..: 141.fi0 1H4.O0 Corn, bu 78.0H0 28,000 Outs, bu 33,000 12.UU0 Board of Trade quotations for Kansas City and Chicago delivery. The range of prices, as reported by Logan Tc Bryan, 113 Board of Trade Building, was; Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat I I I I I Deo... 67 67741 67S 67! , May... 72' 73VI 72 72T Corn I Dec... S7H37Vifi! rrSfTiil May... 3Sa-i 39 33 3S?,,ij39 Vlaalble Supply of Grata. NEW YORK, Nov. 2 The visible supply of groin Saturday, November 24, as com piled by the New York Produce exchange won as follows: Wheat 41,045,000 bu.; Increase, l.CTS.OOO bu. Corn 2.V48.000 bu.; Increase, 120.000 bu. . Oats Ia,6v2.0o0 bu.l Increase. 1,414.000 bu. Bye I,o34,uu0 bu.t Increase, 3,000 bu. Barley 4,470,000 bu. ; Increase, 184,000 bu. Liverpool Gram and Prnrlalnns. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 28. WH EAT Spot, steady; No. 3 red weatern winter, Gs HU,d. i Futures, ateady; December, 6s8d; March, i 6s 6Td ; May, os 6Hd. , coiiN spot, nrui American mixed, 4s 8sd. Futures, firm; December, 4s4Vd; Jan. uary, 4a ld. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), dull. 3 lutuai:416s. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 16. WHEAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern, 8Hm.'c; No. I northern. TitfiMc; May, 7Ne. RYK-Hteady; No. 1, 70flr7uVe. BA RLE Y Steady ; No. 2, 65c; sample, 43(ir05c. CORN Btesdy; No. 3 old. 40S4CHc; May, 42Stc4oVi,o asked. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 26.-BUTTER-Flim. prints lc higher; extra western creamery ufticla.1 prloe. 29c; street price, Ji.'c; extra nearby prints, 33c. EGOS Firm; neaiby fresh and weatern freeh. iC.'c at mark. CHEKriE Higher; New ork full creams, i;Viiitc . Dalnth Grsla Market. , DULUTH. Nov. 26 -WHEAT-On track: No t northern. TV'v. No. 2 riortl.ern. 77c; j js,-v,mt,er, ; LXi-em'U'r, 77c; M".y. .... .... ' . fci..o JU V. Hlrt ' OATS To arrive, 32c. BARLEY u 41s.. Trtirla Griilu llnrkel. PKRIA, Nov. Sl.-CORN-Flrm: new No. 8 yellow and No. $. 40c; No. 4, 39c; no grade 38c OATS Firm No. J white. 34.tti34c; No. 3 white, 33tQ33c; No. 4 white. o2V:1jJ27,c. a l-.tW i ,. ,! . ,,' e-. .... .i.i - u 1 ... , siiu e.s tt iiiirr , i a ' v - r ii i , 1 1 . ii , fo.w, iiiimiiiji e-w, mi i.oo, Wool Market. ST. LOUI3. Nov. 26. WOOL Steidv: me dium gradea, combing and clothlnsr, id'gTlc.; light fine. l""2lc; heavy fine. l416c; tub washed, 31ii37Sc. Elgla Batter !.- - Trraasry Staleaaaat. EIXHN. 111.. Nov. 21 - 7: VT !': ;i Ul , at! WASHINGTON. Nov. . -Today' stite a pfjuud; output for lua stek. 11,91.4) monl of the treasury balancea m the gen- I NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONUb Confu'ion of fpecalativa fentimtnt ii Dis cernible in Movement of Fricet. CALL MONEY MARKET IS RELAXED Ureal Northern Preferred Hlsra on SapportlaeT Orders Snppoaed to He from the Inside (loalnar Tone Is Irrraalar. NEW YORK, Nov. 26.-Confuslon of spec ulative sentiment was discernible In the movement of prices of stocks today and the acticlty of the trading was contract d largely. Operations were lett largely In the hands of prof essioniil traders. Their confusion was due to the failure to rind any effective leadership by impbrtant transactions or any amireclahla foilowlna. The show of strength after the mixed tone' at the opening had an encouraging effect and waa interpreted as an assertion of power to support the market against such pressure as that which came upon the market toward the close of last wek. The way In which Great Northern pre ferred was sustained after a further de cline was especially effective In reassuring sentiment. The buying which followed came from professional traders, who thought they read an Intention on the part of powerful operators to renew the ad vance In prices. When thev became dis trustful of this Intention stocks were re sold and the course of prices was retraced on the late decline. The further drop in prtcea of Great Northern ore rights, when Issued, as they are quoted, on the curb, had a large Influence In turning the market downwards again. The decline In these rights serves to discredit the extensive rise which occurred In the price of Great North ern preferred on the speculative buying in anticipation of the distribution. The treat ment of loans In which Great Northern preferred serves as collateral when the new certificates are Issued Is a complicating factor. The weakness of the new rights on the curb would add to their unattrac tlveneas for Inclusion In the collateral for such loans. The call money market re laxed today and no Immediate pressure was enforced on the stock market on that ac count. The movement of currency to San Francisco continues, $WO.00i bcltlg trans ferred to that point through the sub treasury today, and precedents Indicate that mis movement may reach several mum n dollars. Further shipments to the c ition regions also are likely. The position of the Bank of England continues to grow stronger. The tone of London financial onmm.nt aHrtu.. Ima'aunr thai a mmaililn renewal of a riaminH r unr from v- , . 'z 1 ,i.,,nM York Is as much dreaded as a complicating factor In that market as that from any other source. A rise In the Bank of Eng land rate to 7 per cent before the end of the year would have a damaging effect on English trade and on foreign markets generally that it will counterbalance on advantage to New York from securing mole gold from that market. There was some special strength Mn Mis souri. Kansas A Texas stocks, due to a supposition that they were being bought ( nir cuiiirm uiiu counnecuuii ny a lai system. St. Paul and Union Pacific suf fered especially, In company with Northern preferred, and the price level during the afternoon got generally .below Saturday's closing. Slight rallies on short covering left the closing tone Irregular. Bonds were steady. Sales, par value, $1.45o,G0. United 8tates is. registered, de clined V per cent on call. Tho following was the range ot prices on the New York Stock exchange! Salsa. H!fh. Low. Cloac. Adama Expreaa Amalgamated Copper Am. c A f Am. C. A F. pfd Am. Cotton OH A in Cotton Oil pfd American Expreaa Am. H. A L. pfd Am. loe. eecurlttea Am. Llnaeed Ull Am. Linaefd Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd....... Am. 8. A H Am. 8. A R. pfd.. ...,., Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco ptd ctfa Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Llna Baltimore A Ohio....'..... Baltimore A Gblo pfd..... Brooklyn Rapid Tr.. Canadian Pacific --.,..,.... Central of N. J . . Chesapeake A Hhu,..., Chicago (it. W,.,..i. ...... Chicago A N. W, ......... Chicago, at. A Btv 1'. Chicago T A T.-.. Chicago T. A T. ptd....... C. C. C. A St. L Colorado P. A I Colorado A Bo ... Colo. A So. lat pfd Colo. A 80. Id ptd ton Uaa, ex-div Corn Products Cor.i Product pfd ;.. Delaware A tiudeon Del.. Li A W Denver A R. U D. A R. U. pfd uiilillera' Securities Erie Erie let pfd Erie M pld 771 lv.000 111 Ills HI' I, 000 44 4 43 4,4 10:4 . aoa 14 31 US 10 140 100 17 . 17 U 100 IDS MS las 100 1 11 . 114 S 100 7a 7 74 S Ill W. 100' IMS lcS . 600. .114 ,114 ill I0U lUbS 4.34S 194S - H I II. 100 7I4 171 I7S ' 1J0 1024 101 10IS ' 101S 1 100 1374 137 131 3.104 HIS l'S Ii IIS 11.100 7S 'It 'iS -a.000 II. S 1"S lliia .' Worses S..4 -m 1,7'K).'.1S 11 S 100 U3 till 4H12 13.100 ,luS I"' .J' 100 12 II I .; w 1 10 j ..ii 11. toj l!4 1 I4S . 4H) 1 34 IS j lull Ui tn ' MS j 400 MS 7 II 100 1174 II i ,117 1 1.IU0 134 334 tiS I il? ji! im &4IV Lii 61 loo 4i4 4i .'S 100 I64 164 -a6 JoO 70S 7os 70S 4.100 441, 4i 44 luo 74 74S 71 100 67s Us . 'M Ueneral birclrlc 1,100 171 175 75 Hocking Valley, offered 1 n"- 1.000 1764 7')' 1S 100 US 176 184 1H "4 lnlertiationai Paper Int. Paper ptd...... Int, Int. Pump pfd Iowa central Iowa Central pfd Kiuui cur so K. C. So. pfd Loulavllle A N Mexican Central attnntapolla A St. L M., St. P. A 8. 8. M at.. St. P. A 8. 8. at. pfd. al.aaourt PaclSc Mlaaourt, K. A T at , K. A T. pfd National Lead National K. H. of M. pfd.. N. If. Central.v N Y.. O. A W Nor:olk A Waatera N. A W. ...' North Anurlaaa Pacific Mail Pennavlvama People's Gee P., C. C. A 81. L Preaaed Bteel Car Preeacd 8. C. pfd us 'ilioi iios iiis Uss two 41 4vi 4t, 1,400 144 144 ,a 100 IMS US "a ! I 46.100 1SS lS 1S ! luo II m-t l-S . lot) IdS D6S I I luO MS 4 6aS ' i : 100 157 167 16a 111.600 147S 146S 14S ! loo os loS l'JS 400 a , I.7..0 37 S ' ' 7U0 luls 1"! lul , 10.1110 US " 10 700 .7 .7 tCH) 41 441 47S , l.loo I6S I IS '. too US 4IS II I , 1.000 14 ' US I ! 400 11S HI I , 11.100 I4S W "1 14 S 10 14" S 10 161 I . 1,100 lS 1 IjO I4S I4S 4 lm) IIS US MS .117. t"0 iiks inn l'1 lot) I2S -S " 116 100 19 IIS II ' too 11 II 11 , lUO 10. 106 lols ' . 44,400 41 S 47 47S j . 1,700 104 S l"'1 I 00 at 3S " ' 101 S loo IIS 4u0 l 42S 41s IW ' ' 161 100 66 S V MS toO 17S I'1 " 1U0 16S K1 i4 1 10 61 6. S 61 . U.IO0 121S 1111, I'llj 100 US I7 I'' o0 imts "1 l,"'t luo US ' 7 . I 600 111 114 HI . l.loii WS lH 4S 00 76S 1S 14 I Pullman Palace Car Heeding Reading lat pfd Keadli.g 2d pld Republic Bteel Republic Steel pld Ko:e laland Co Hock laland Co St. L. A 8. K. Id pld 81. Lou la 8. W St. L 8. W. pfd So. Pacific So. Paclflo pfd So. Hallway So. Railway pfd Tenneaaea C. A I Texaa A Pacific T.. St. L. A W T , St. L. A W. pfd t'nlon Pacific Union Paclflo pfd L. 8. Kxpreae V. 8. Realty L 8. Rubber U. S. Hubber pfd t'. S. Steel It. 8. Steel pfd Va. -Carolina Cham Va. -Carolina theul. pld Wabuah Viabaah pld Wille-Pargo Kxpreaa Wcatlnghouae Kleclrlc W.bleru Lnion W. A L. B Wie. Central VVte. Central ptd ' Northera Paclflo lonlral Lealhfr Central Laathtr" pfd Sloaa-Sbefneld Steel Great Notihi-rn pfd Int. Hetrupol.tan t... U. nIA Total aalea lor the day. 106,400 ahare. Boatou Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board X . ... .t.n... d butt. Coalition 14s Pneu. Service, pfd... It's Calumet ft A neon, . .13 Calumet A Hecla. .. .640 Uulncy ....loas Shannon .... 1S Centennial Copper Range .... Hail Weet Kaat Bulla franklin Grectie Copper . . . Granby 14 Tamara.'k USTitnltr liH t'nlted fruit .101 . IIS ...loas USIn.ted S at. a, com.. It US I'nilad Slatca. ptd... 4oS t ua Coa.jhdated .. WS lis Cue Copper 14 Vitorla S US Wina'M 11 la Wolverine ! IS Mplatli.g 1S US lananea la Helvetia . . 1.1. , I . a A Pltlabure. ( 77 attcbigaa Bank Cleariuga. OMAHA. Nov. 26 lUnk clearings for today ware $1 US.&42.61 a tvd for th rorre spoodlug date last year $1. 616.473 81. 1 f i luild ca.clusl wl U. $j.t),4,0tA) ,u,d of iraue O....UI..S. y...enw , - ,(K1Iv. ,ron WB, ,ower would bid only about 6c lower, but on all Adventure ua,wl S 1 . . . . .. A . .... l. . . , r.1 t.ri liw. InuMr As 4 lilrnwct m n.l nil V,ur , 46S KfcvaJa Conaulldated 1 . " tne tTinimu limi ar., mi.ii b.kiiuiiu i.iuii- v w... J ? i i i iu iry at 6s d and Oeveland warrants al market points were sending out very us Bii.Vham "i'""'. .' .. s old bominloa .7 6". 6.1. Locally the market was firm, with couiaglng reports whenever aellers could uufk Mountain . .. s Osceola l5 ! No. 1 four.dry northern quoted at $rf get wltliin 6c of Saturday s prices, they cut I rn'frvp shows' Avsllsbl csh bAla-ics, ..'!i 9:i.i'.'9; fold coin nnd bullion, lili, t44.714. gold rertlfirntea. t !9 !)S:. 4tl. Sew York Money MnrWet NEW YORK. Nov. 2. MONKT-On call, 4i per rent; ruling rale, 3 per cent; nos ing old. 4 per rent; ocered at 4"4 per cent. Time loans, very Arm; sixty days, 7V4j per cent; ninety days, "'JTT'ei per cent; six months, 6 per cent, bid. PRIME MERCANTILE PATER 8iVi per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE - Steady, with business In bankers' bills at $! R670ir 4 Kr.;5 for timand and at tt.fcfroiM.oaS lor sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4 81Vj and M "'1; commercial bills, H.SO'4. SILVER Bar, 7'K-; Mexican dollars, 64". BONDS Government easy; railroad, heavy. Quotations on bonds today were as fol. . 74 Iowa: V. I. rrf. at, rf.. do coupon U. I. It. res do coupon I'. A. old 4a. rr... do coupon t' 8. n it, res. ... do coupon , Am. Tobacco 4a.... .m Janaa la. M sarlaa .104 I do 4 ctfa .IK do 44 ctfa .101 I do Id acrlea .101 L A N. unl 4a.... .1IU1 Man. c. 4a .1104 Mn. Central 4a... . lJfm do lat Inc . 7 Mlnn. St. L. 4a .loa-M ., K. A T. 4a.... .101 do I ... "14 ... 2 ... Flt( .. .intH ...h"t ... M' ... 1 ... " . .. ... a 4s. 44 ... Ill ...If" ...IPS' do Atttiiion gen. 4s.... I an ail. 4a Atlantic c. L. 4... . KH'H. R. R. of M. , . 7 N. Y. C. a. J 4a .IMS N. J. C. la.. . 14 I No. Pacific 4a.. . 13V do la I "n'o do ivtm B. n. T. e. 4.. Can. of Oa. la., do I at Ino.... 7F" XI 94 .111 N. A W. e. 4a aj 0. . b. rfd. 4a Pann., copt. 14a... do Id Inc. 14 do Id Inc 71 Raadins sen. 4a.. Cnrs. a Ohio it....m St. L. A 1. M. c. ti .1134, htctio A A. l 77V ft, L.. A P. t 4a. .1' C, R. A q. n. 4..,.ini Vt. U 8. W. e. 4a... MVt C, R. I. P. 4a.,.. 77V 'Sea hoard A. L. 4a... ! do col, ( llvtiBo. Panne 4a H CCC. A Bt. L. i. 4a.. 10914, do Nt 4a ctfa rolo. Ind. (a, aer, A. 7F.V So. Rallvar ta II Colorado Mid. 4a.. 74', Tela A P. la 114 Colo. A 80. . 114 T., St. u. 3t W. 4a. a ,loj jfnlon raclflc 4a 10.1 , 17 t' 8. Steal Id la I'Sa Cuha 5a D. A R. O. 4a Ulatl llanf Sac. 4a... Brla p. I. 4a do xan. 4a Hock. Valler 44a... Japan la Asked. "Bid. . 17 IWabaah la Ill .100 t do deb. B . anatlawaatern Md. 4a. .ina4'w. A L. B. 4a, . 174 Wla. Central 4a.. in 844 I? Hi 4 ftoMton Storks and Bonds. BOSTON, Nov. 26. Call loans, 6fT7 per cent; time loans, CrrtVa per cent. Official quotations on storks and honrta were Atchlaon adj. 4a ... 12 lAtlantlc 14 do 4a Me. Central 4a.. Atrhlaon do pfd Roeton A Alhanr. Poaton A Malna.. Pnaton Elevated . .. .lor.4'Blnham .. J2 . 40 .. J .. 13 .. .. II .. II .. M4 .. 74 .. 17 .. 71 a. I4 .. It ..mi I14!"al. A Hecla... .101 Centennial ...I'll 4: Copper Range . .741 Paly Wait .161 Franklin ., I Hi Oranby F'-chhurf pfd .131 Isle Morale .... 1 Meiican central M4 ; . N. H. A H 10; I .,pr" Mrquua Is Maaa. Mining -. Mich I ran Mohawk Mont. C. A C. I 1 nloB ferine ,.:m , "m L nam. pro... HI 4 OI'1 Dominion . I Amr. Pneu. Tuba . . 134 : Osceola, Amer. Sugar 124 V Parrot 110 joulncr 139 Shannon S4Tamarark JJJJ do pfd Amer. T. AT.. Amer. Woolen . do pfd ...lo ... llVt ... 714 ... II ... to ... 41 ... ... 104 ...160 .. .1114 ... MVj ... II ...llivt ... 174 ... 24 loivTrlnltr 'Pom. I. A 8. IJ4 tnlted Copper Fdlaon Elec. lllu K V. 8. Mining.. V 8. Oil I'tah Victoria Winona Mate. Electric it do pfd .... Maaa. Gaa ... t'nlted Fruit Vnlted 8. H. do pfd .... ... 6i ... M ...101 ... 704 Wolverine II INorth Butte .... V. 8. Steel do pfd Adventure Allouei Amalgamated Bid. "Asked ,.47 i te Coalition , ...ItHSINevada 4 15-14 Cal. A Aiitona.. .. . 45 j Tecumaeh . .lllVOreene Con London Cloalnar stocks. LONDON, Nov. 26. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange weie: Console, money WH M.. K. A T... do account M 11-11 N T. Central Anaconda 144 Norfolk A W. Atchlaon 104" do pfd do pfd 14 Colorado A W Baltimore A Ohio. .. .1254 Pennirlvanla . 134 ! 13 484 IIS Onadlan Pacific rhea. A Ohio... ..1I6S Rand Mine .. .. j4 Reading 764 Chicago fit. W II 80. Railway . :S It ' in M 41 107S 10 41 Ml C. M. A St. P. ......1174 DeBeera II 4 Denver A R. O.. . .. 41. do pfd M Erie 4o4 do lat pfd 74 do Id pfd... 70 lillnnla Central lit Loulavllle A N 110 do pfd So Paclflo ... Union Pacific Ao" pfd U. 8. Steel... do pfd Wahaah do pfd Bpanlah 4a ... MONEY Steady, 34iiSt per cent. The rate or u.acoinil In. the upeti market for short bills is 6T per, cent; for throe months' bills, b per cent. tevr TorU Mlnlnar Storks, NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Closing quotations cn nr.lnlng. stocks, were; Adama, Con. .. ... Alice Breece ., Brunawlck Con. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cel. A Va. Horn Sliver Iron Sliver ...... 30 ,...7f.o .... 13 ....300 .... ....111 ...'.llJ ..;.4oo .... 4 Little" Chief ..I I omar:q ,....'0 ophlr ; Potoet' Savage , Sierra Nevada ... small Hopes Standard Foreign Ftnnnrtnt. T OVnOW X-. Ofl Unnnv was nrtt nl r - 1 fui In the arket today, a heavy call for Canadian Pacific shares and the settle- 1 merit requirements restricting supplies and 'keeping rates firm. Discounts were fairly iateady. Operations on the Stork exchange were principally Interested In the mining 1 carry-over, but a moderate amount of ac- tlvlty prevailed In British securlt'es. which had rK'Cllned tractionuiiy. neipe.i Dy inc 2..,'nK,Lan..hIC!.;u. JitLnA, .1..." . " i W ' ! BERLIN, Nov. . The tone on the ! Bourse today opened hesitating, but re. purchases or the securities of Iron foundries caused a slight recovery. Bank of Germany Statement. BERLIN, Nov. 16. The weekly state hand Increased, 31,340,000 . marks; treasury I notes'. Increased. WO.Oto marks: other ae- j curilles. decreased, 26,660.000 marks; notes . .. I , , 1 , I . , n rfarAiiiuwl 1 Is. ) i H 1 1 marks Cotton Markei. NEW YORK. Nov. 2. COTTON Spot closed steady, twenty points advance; mid- sales, tVuO bales. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 26.-4-COTTOW nominal; good ordinary, 9sc; low middling, 10 1-16c; middling, ll$-16e: good middling, ll7,c; middling fair, 12So. nominal; fair, 12c. Receipts, 16,766 bales; stock, 288,661 b- Irs. LIVERPtlOL,' Nov. 28. COTTON Spot dull: prices one point lower; American ordinary, i.60d; ordinary, 6.20d. The sale of the day were 6,000 bales, of which 6jo bales were for speculation and export "nnd Included 4,600 bules , American. Receipts, "7 to) bales. Including 21.500 bales American. ST LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. 26. COTTON Qulet; middling, 1oe; sales, none; receipts, none; stock, 15,198 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 2ft METAI.J3 There was an advance of 2a 0.1 In the Iondon tin market, with sixit closing at 197 15s 2d, and futures at $198 2s 6d. locally the mar ket was quiet, with spot quoted at $43.0ik 43.26. Copper was lower In London, with spot quoted at 101 7s 6d and futures at 102 7s 6d. Locally the market was firm, however, and prices averaared n little higher, with lake held at $J2.2kH'22 .75; elec trolytic, liiix'-'i a; casting, !. lorri i. I-u'd was unchanged at li.7MJJ00 In the I.H-al market and at 1 7s 6d In Indon. .OCOC. XT,. Q f..nru n,,ri .rn ut frll Tfi',,-HL Tt , No.' 1 foundry southern. l'JS &oy'.!7.&0; No. i foundry aouthern. $2S.U4i27.00. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 2d METALS Lead. steady, 86.87V, Spelter, firm, $6.35. Oils and Bosla. . - NEW YORK. Nov, 2S.-01LS Cottonaeed. quiet; prime crude, t. o b. rnilla, Ti'u'Uc; prime yellow, f. o. b. mIMs, flc. petroleum, steady; refined. New York, $7.V; Philadel phia and Baltimore, $7.45; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, $4.35. Turpentine, firm; 71. " c. .. V ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, 34 15. OIL, t in, i-a.. nov. 30 011 credit bal ances, 11 6. Runs. 178, 374 bbls.; shipments, ibi UK Ltis. ; average, puis. SAVANNAH. Oa., Nov. -JL OIL Turpen tine, firm; tx.c. ROSIN-Flrm; .quote: A. B. C, $3 86; D, $3 90; E, 83.ktsj4 F. $3 88'ufl : O. $19W.; H, $Uil 26. 1. $140, K. 16 10; U, 86.(0: N, r 25, W"U. (4.75; W W. 87.-4, " " i n r,r.n r, lcwl hiivlna- but business was i niott 01 tne CHUB soiu. Him wme rrc, , , . ,. ..-. v.. . . ... .j " .. luce U; restricted In i view r'of the large account to nnd it Ihe demand was well aa- niim aaeers. a-.m.Ha.ou, coai anu ne.ieis. EjltltUolll luulll,d tl) Annie Robin-' 'JS S ET ant,"ng ' " '' HOCRecelpts. 7.53 head: market K. ! -d Ei.a Uubba.d. w of nwW Z & S . U deedTO rlrsorr,''. . mZZinXZ ! buera'd Ztf neaVy3 To?l -nwV "f seS l.auo 14. 144S l.S. Kansas & Texas was the feature of the n moderate "f1 "Xn iw0.10, butchers and best heavy. .0J. baii,y to saiiit.wi 8iW acres ot awV . ...r. ."t eJ'f ifkEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. , 500 8 ? . of Li::;":: ' ..14. Jf-VelmMritU to "f closed iTi Uf - dt"'ript)on to hold steady In spite; head; market steady ; native muttons. $1.0. jrled Meliiiger to Anna ileliiiger. lot I " pIrTI Nov -nch wn"i wSkfiif a "'' '" W" low,,r The general run (&6.2S; lambs, $4.0tu7.O0. 4 block 24. Benson l.loo M HS Its nPA.RiS,B oVrs todaV ow . T , . Fl .yd V. Stafford lo William S. An-" la, 200 4x iis S : ?" Xatio";, Momcro Ru. n lnwrW i " "ht- "asb' luir " eTY, 8low i,oa C"' Llvr S,,,rk "" dorson and wife, lot , biocK j. Al-' lo.ioo 7. 14S .? I pnr"n i,,0.neJ" T, ?SL.,""Tn "nl li and inwer In sympa.hy with the decline on BIOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. 28. -(Special Tele- bright a Choice. South Omaha.. 1.... I s,..itr whs unchana-ed at tJH in Indon loads as happened to plena them they UMA1IA LIVE STOCK MARKET trce Eeceip!i cf ftttle, With Frcei Generally Ltwer, HOGS EXPERIENCE A FURTHER LCSS Moderate Reeelpts of Cheep and Lara ha., with Prleea Generally Folly Steady with Iist Week aad Trade Active. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 26, 190. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Olllclal Monday a. AO 30 1 Sa ne day laat week 7.0t.' 2,4! ll.o-l Same duy 2 wreks ago.. 10.779 S.1HO .!H4 Same day 3 weeks ago,.10.H9l 3,ltS lC.JJ'i Same day I weeks ago.. 9.P k,7i7 -.,0 Sams day last year 6.3ol 4.2 11, The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1900. l(Xk".. Inc. Cattle 77.9.'S M5.3S1 42,041 Hogs ,2ta,6M 2.066. 2T. 161.32 Bheep 2.0:i,4K4 1,842, SS2 17,tr CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Good to choice cornfed steers $o.6O30 Fair to good cornfed steers 6.00(i6.W Good to choice range steers 4.75'(i.3n Fair to good range steers 4.iH.75 Common to fair range steers t.ti?M Good grass cows and heifers 8 3"H('4 OJ Fair to good cows and heifers.... 2.7.Vrr3 no Common to fair cows and heifers.. 1 Soii.TB Good choice stnrkers and feeders.. 4 2Tfi4.S0 Fair to good stoclters and feeders.. 1 ku4 Common to fair Blockers 7rVfi"3.40 Bulls, stags, etc t fl'4 "0 Veal calves 4.OVu00 Tho following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. J 1906. l9H6.l904.l903.i1902. 11901. 11900. Nov. 17... Nov. 18... Nov. 111... Nov. 20... Nov. 21... 0441 4 7I 4 71! 4 401 411 I 4 82 I 4 681 4 r.7 SOI 311 6 631 6 01 I 4 i3 4 46 l 6 '"I 4 7 02 I 4 fiS 4 461 IS 16 731 4 76 10 4 Sfi 4 64 1 I1 I 4 S4l 4 51 12V4I 4 W 4 4!i 6 OS I 4 69 j J 4 721 4 4! I I 4 83 4 451 ti 241 6 liii 4 73 I Nov. P2.. . 6 26i 0 74: 4 (It Nov. IS... Nov. 24... Nov. 36... Nov. 26... 4 31 I 6 ti 4 7 4 6 4 20! 15" m 6 76 6 88) 6 78 4 18 4 87 Sunday, RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha $2.1&83.00 Chicago l.taMi'7.40 Kansas City 2.004iC.76 Hogs. $5.8515 6 4'M.) 6 SfxVjri.15 t.7rvilri.lo 6.SC ii6.05 1 St. Ixmla 9 mvfr7 no j Sioux City 2.0W!U25 of stock uruugni in tuuay oy eacn roaci waa: cattle. Hogs, sneep. Mrs C. M. & St. P 6 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific 68 C. A N. W., east.... C. N. W.. wfst.... 77 C, St. P.. M. & O... 1 C, B. & Q., west. ...156 C, R. I. & P.. east.. 4 C H. I. & P., west.. .. Illinois Central Chicago O. V 3 8 A 19 '7 t 26 4 1 10 Total receipts 322 64 40 The disposition of the dny's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogg. Sheep, Omaha Packing Co 8wift and Company I,4'i2 Cudaliy Packing Co 4i Armour ot Co 4S7 Armi.ur ci Co., Denver., mi VMnmint Jtr 4'n. LSI jju laii' l.Ouo l.Ooo l,Uli 1.2tii ' Carey & Co l'.U Liibman & Co 211 Mccreary & Carey 3 A) W. I. St.-phen 248 Hill & bun 342 F. P. Lewis 76 Huston & Co 81 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 4 L. F. Hubs 195 Wolf l:iS J. H. Bulla 86 Mike Hsggerty 79 J B. Root & Co 302 T. U. lnghram 19 Sullivan Bros 47 V. A. Britton 26 Lehmer Bros 16 Other buyers 794 6.RS6 im ti,, Totals CATTLE-Kec'elpls of cattle this morning ' 0,,640 western K ll '5 iimE were unusually, over 3 cars being , iTni't": oChern' .i.ho 1 rejwrrea, us u.ainsi m one weca ago. i $S00Si6 25- southern cows $ -Jiu 3 26 r.stlve . rt I the same time tbtre were large runs at "1 tows K0O4 2 .HI other market polnls. Chicago especial.y i'',t?5?34'SV catves $" COM 73 being overloaded. With Chicago reporting HOGS-Recelnt ? imo head market 10c 'the markei at that point ils opening l.tlo 0"er- too W 1V- bk K t04i??0- hevv ' I lower and with lower prices quoted at all, Jo 12VV rckrs $6 05(61 other selling polnls. buyers hore were slow iiKh t $5 753 6 10 "O. PlS and xvi.ii. hr- r,.,.n t,. 1,. .7 fair demand', ""e-ci- ,xo.;-necpia, ,, "V,". , j " ..r. -, o?,ere".'er,r,iB 35 We,eUr,:y..,a backward about taking cff. making a strug gle to maintain prices. Bl ill everything was bgalnxt them and they had to let tne came I gO at the lOWer DIOB. The market on cows and heifers was In about the same condition as the steer mar- ! keep the market up, they were forced, nev- iertheiu., to take off hi much as 10c cn the w nen tne iraite wannni ' - '" - If anyning, win rjetier inau n was cany ,..irl Biime of the more desirable' of the beef cattle, as well as some of the pretty fair kinds of butcher cows, did not show as much decline as Indicated above, some . ., 1 . - v, n nnnllnff their nM.lta as onlv weak - j to 10c lower Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ne. A Pr. Ka. A. Pr. It si I 10 11 mi I 14 COWS. 1 160 t 11 II 161 t 7 4 1027 t 74 ' 1 10 71 1 1100 I 44 14 1020 I II I IW HO HEIFERS. T 713 1 16 BULLS. 1 1040 t 40 1 1460 I OS CALVES. t 104 4 H 1 140 4 Ot) I 166 I 10 1 146 I 00 STAGS. H llil I IS FEEDERS, it 101 I 10 1...J 766 I 40 II Ill I 64 I Ill I 11 WESTERNS; WYOMING. 26 cows 970 2 25 NEBRASKA. 18 cows 907 1 86 3 cows 810 t 70 6 steers.... M6 2 36 1 steer 1000 4 00 1 steer 730 $ a SOUTH DAKOTA. 6 cows. cows. ,.101o 3 uo 18 feeders.. 850 8 70 6 cows 1um 8 30 feeders.. 606 3 60 21 cows 863 3 30 9u0 3 30 11 cows M I 45 26 cows 1OJ0 3 16 16 cows 938 3 70 COLORADO. 1 bull 13U0 3 25 16 cows 776 I 20 60 oowa 886 3 06 ii feeders.. 910 3 90 11 heifera... 370 8 10 7 heifera... 8i7 8 60 6 cows 8',J 3 60 4 cows 917 t 26 $ calves... 286 3 00 13 cows 873 2 65 8 cows 1I1 2 85 13 feeders.. 737 I 20 Victor Oellii Nell, 16 feeders and cows 606 I 30 lo feeders.. 61 2 40 HOOS Buyers started out this morning bidding prices that were fully 6-fllov: lower han the close of lost week, that la. on such - llMlHS WllllOUL mUCII OCiaV. UH 1110 1BSS 1 slrabie loads they had to take off 7c In aome coaea as much as 10c. In fact a good many sellers were culling the general market wyluo lower, but a big 6c lower would cover the decline In most cisea. though there were aome aales that were undoubtedly 7Hc or 10c lower. W hile the market waa at no time active, the hoga kept Belling and the early were disposed of in very good season. An Integrating feature of th market at the present time is the narrow range of pr! 'es between Chicago and this point. Thus on laat Saturday the average of all the hole aold as given by the Chlcaao Drove! a Jcur.ial was only 7c more than the - average of all tne lea st South Omaha This morning when the telegraph company posted the markets on the bulletin boards at the Exchange building it waa noted that the prices quoted at Chicago and Eoutn Omaha were practically the same. Fur some time hogs at this point have been selling right up to Chicago and In conae a,uen. tiuil A (uvd many eyicrn iiots art being turned In this direction that would otherwise go to Chicago. - Itepresentative saiee So. A Sa. Pr. No Ar. ti Pr. 41 ll ... I M U t" ' 4 u .tan n in as ivi an o 47 j:i to 1124 ...4 4 t no 41 ! 4 I t4 71 11 I2 4 1 4...- r.t an T 1 ....... . S J U' 4 id 40 J't 40 it M 3H ... I CO M. 14 140 I H I 114 U I t',4 SI ,.m i0 111 11 f-S 1 40 024 4 ,...ii ... I t... in bit ti in 10 i m "i 1 1 i.' nil H J7 ao in H !V4 4 0W4 17 mi t lis la ;-7 !' I 0.4 m ri to I n n r. 41) I ct4 17 770 ... I I74j l . 4 I I 41 W7 10 I I, '4 M J4 ... I SS 14' 1 1174 M lOa I i 17 Rt J I 00 C Sit ... I 14 41 741 tin. ton ?a .11 ... act II ...871 440 ISO M Ill 40 I 05 41 4 ... 41 i4 40 4 fl4 aa t.. M an '.a 1) Ha 1074 rti it i4t ii 1.1 ... IU.4 K. ...... .171 40 I IN M ill . . a in 44 ??l 1M I " al ll ... 10 (0 Ml ... I 00 (I 0I ... I l HHEKF Receipts of sheep were larg" at this morning and, as usual when they get a good run up thoie, tney sttrudt out to rjre.tK tne marhet not oni at inui point, but St every other place. The first reports which they sent out Indicated a decline of H"4ilc at Chicago. In spite of bear repoita of that kind, however, the market here ripened steady and active. Packers' all seemed looking for sup;i.les and were out In good season, so that the desirable kinds of killers, both sheep and lambs, changed hands very reatllly at pr.ces not quoiably different from thos prevail, ng the Tatter part of last week. There weru no choice fat lambs In sight, but pretty good kinds of Idaho range lambs sold tip to $7.10. There were also range ewe good enough to bring $6.10. There was quite A sprinkling of feeders among tha thirty-four cars reported In, but there was also a good demand, commlHStoii men having a good many orders In hand, besirle which there weie a few country buyers In, so that prices were well main tained. The general feeder market cauld safely be quoted as fully steady. Quotations on killers: Good to choice lAmbs, $7.00ti7.40; fair to good lambs, $;.73d) 7.00; goixl to choice yearlings, l5.7tVii6.00; fair to good yearlings. $6.60ifi.76: good to choice wethers, $6 iii!(id.60; fair to good weth ers, $5.0O'((6.25; good to choice ewes, $5.0 4J 126; fair to good ewes. $4.Cn'a6.00. Quotations en feeders: Geod to choir lambs, $6.006 40; medium lambs, o.tVVirti.oo: light lambs. $4. 25i 5. 25 ; yearlings, $i lfu.V.'O; wethers, I4.75fi5.20; ewes, $3 5'jii4.tj4); breeding ewes, 14 Hxtie.oo. 218 western fed ewes 25 ratlve ewes 3-4 Wyoming lambs , 77 Wyoming lambs . 481 Wyoming lambs . 73 11 40 46 60 4 80 6 no 6 35 6 frl 13 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle and Hoes Steady to lower Heat Sheep Stendy. CHICAGO. Nov. 20. CATTLE Receipts, S'l.OOO head: market for best steady; others 1010 15c lower; common to prime steers, $4te-a7.40; cows. $2.63'(i4.76; heifers, $2.0h; 6.00; bulls. $2.4Oi4.50; calves, JJ. 00,7. 50; Blockers and feeders, $2 40tii6.40. HOGS Receipts, 42,0(0 head; market steady to 64110c lower; choice to prime heavy, $ti.JTK'oti.i6; medium to good heavy. $6.O0i&U5; butcher weights, $; good to choice mixed, $otx'3,!.16; packing, lo.7oa 6.00; pigs. $3.5ori6.10 SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 38,000 head; market for be?t steady; others u 15c lower; sheop. $3 25(ij.75; yearlings, $j.ft)i 6.U0; lambs, lo.liii i.So. Neve York Live Stork Mnrkei. NEW YORK. Nov. 26-BEEVES-Re-ceipts, 4,5."9 head; steers slow and liiilic lower; bologna bulls In light supply, liVii2c higher; bologna cows, stendy. Hirers, $1.00 frj.9o; extra. 16.00; bulls. $.!.tyKi4.1a: cows, 1 i lo'tu. 00. latest lyiverpooi anu linillin cables quoted live cattle nelllrg at lKtliVi: weight Finorts for to mo Vow 860 1 rati per pound; tops at London, 13c drvin'J CALVES Kect lids. 1.aj3 head: veils. ; "A v'"ver. ,Z. "V""?' $!).CO: culls, $3.00d4.0; grassers, $J.6'VtJ:J.2; western calves, $11.62V(i4.62V. Dri-i-sed calves, steady; city drts.-ed veils. 9til0Vc per pound; country dressed, 6jllV4C. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 8 8IS head. Sheep, steady, prime and choice 'V""m- "ie"uy. lo..,c nigner. ulnar grariei S iV f cho tV -,w";11?ne J3 .7 B.lo, few choice, $5.7o culls, $2.CO'q j.26; low fr t l& in 9 neB1- Market lower at $6.004143.80. Knnsna Cltr Mie Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 26. -CATTLE Reoelpts. 16.000 head, including 90) head southerns; peer steers 6'jjli'c lower; rtock loj-alers and feeders strong; choice exput and a 1 1 xr tr t a v ta t a i- ri r . 1 s aar neoo marxet strong; am us, lo.Y.Tn1 .0; l lAZ. St. I.lme Stork Mnrkei St.' LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 26 CATTLE Re- vc..o, w,v.- a.cau, .....uuina t.,VJ II n I I lxans; market steady to slow; native I f'htpplng and export steers, $4. '.5u7 00; i ers and feede-s, $2.Oix6.50; c-ws and hcif- ers, a. .oio..-o: cancers, n.t'vd-.; nuia, . mantel steaay; otat teeoera, steiay. otnera lower; beeves, 4.ai4i.2a; cows, bulls and mixed, $J.6o4i4.36; stockers and feeders, $126 j,.26; cows, bulls and mixed, 2.50(fH.26j i gtockers and feeders, $3.0ta4.OO; Calves and , yearlings, $2.75fi3.66. i 11, i -J a 300 head; market 610o I lower, t-einng at 4Xi.oVttra.uv; uuik ot sales, ! tMWnr. aa 1 ev..-iv.w.. 8HE11P AND LAMBS Receipts. 600 head; market 10c lower. St. Joseph l.lve Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Nov. 26tCATTLE Receipts, 3.090 head:, market slow and weak; natives, $4.0urg6.75; cows and heif ers, $2.0u((44.6O; Blockers and feeders, t3.uoir 4.25. HOGS-Receipts, S,.S5 head; market mostly 6c lower; top, lO.OB&tUO; bulk of sales, $60566.07. ' ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Reoelpts, 4,397 head; markei steady. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stork at the six principal western markets yesterday: cattle, tiogs. Bheep. South Omaha, Sioux City ... Kansas City . Bt. Joseph ... St. I-ojia Chicago ...... Totals .... .. 8,2r0 3.6i0 3. SCO .7,600 9,5t)0 .. 4.100 ..16.0i.i0 .. S.O&0 .. 6,6(0 ..33,010 6"0 2.(00 4.397 1,600 38,000 3,585 7,6uO 42.000 . .TS.WaJ 67,485 55,907 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 36. COFFEE Market for futures opeped steady to unchanged prices to a decline of 8 points and Immedi ately weakened as a result of December tety weaaeneu as a rrauu ot tiecemoer otlces and liquidation, under which prices ld off to a net decline of about K4cl6 olnta. There was some selling for Euro- no so! points. There was some selling pean account, but most of the business was local and largely in the way of switches to avoid the notices, which were .estimated ut about 260.000 bona. The close was steady at a n..t decHn. of Ml 18 point.,. Hale, were maiiv rcporteo ot cri.sti oaga, iiiciumng uecem- ber at t.ktiO.lajc; March. 6.154i4.2ac; M ty. 6 3"8.46; July, 660416 56; fVptember, 4.6 6.75c. Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 7 4-16c. Sugar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Nov. 26.-BUOAR-Raw, quiet; fair refining. 3 16-16c; centrlf ugil. 96 test. 313-16r; molasses sugar. 8 l-lc. Re fined, steady; No. 4. 4S0c; No. 7. 4.26r; No. 8. 4.U: No. , 4.16c; No. 10. 4 O60; No. 11. I.W. , . O.W., ... in, at , la,, confectioners' A, 4.6ov; mold A. 6 15c; cut loaf, 6.60c; crushed. 6.60c: tuiwdered, 4.f0c; granulated. 4.8tr; cubes, 5.06c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, $ -iliac. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 26.-SUOAR-Flrrn ; open kettle, centrifugal. 8418 16-lGr; centrifugal whites. I lb-lfi-u-lc; centrifugal yellow, 8 9-P113 !6-16c; reconds 2'ii3sc. MOLASSES-Nsw syrup. 33c. Evaporated Apples antt Deled Frnlts NEW YORK. Nov. 26 EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues firm, with prices showing an advancing tendency Hla-h choice are quottd at ""c, choice at 7Vxli4c and prim In rsaes af7V.7Sc. CAIJFORN1A DRIED FRUITS Prunes are In good demand, with prices ranging from 8c to 8c for California grades. Apri cots are scarce and firm with rholre quoted at lSo, extra choice at 174rlr and fancy at vh"juc. Pciuhes are firm In tone, with new mm choice' quoted at l!c, extr rholcs at U'Vke auid fancy ai Uc, RaUins r ui- changed and In fo-lr demand at the recent iuv....t a. OMAHA WIlOLiiS AI.K M4ttKF.T. Condition of Trade and Unntatlous on Maple and Fnaei I'rodare. KfiGS Per dog . Wc. LIVE POu'LThY liens, 8c; roosters, tcj tuiKiys, 1 4 ' ne-; ouiiK, tc, siring cliKkcna, fc'c; (tn-M., Su9c. HU'l I Kit-1-at slug sto k. 1,'Vtjc; choice to fam y dairy, iiu.. v. t-i efctnei y. iwi.Tc. HAY" Cholte upland. $n aj; ineulum, $9 00; fo.irse. evtiii8av. Hye anew, fc.otrnl.Ou, iiKAN-l'tr ton, $10.00. VKGfc. 1ABT.FS. SWEF.T POTATt. iKS Kansas, per hbl., V. . V TOM ATOES Cullfornla, per baakct of 24) lb-.. 'u ;.i. WAX BKANS-Pcr one-third bu. box. 11. tv : nnmpci II. ;5. BEKl'3, TL K.N IPS and CARROTSPor bu , 75c. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dog, heaus, 4.;c. CK.LLRV Per dm , SOdifiOo. Ci. t I M ULriS Hothouse, per dos., $1.64 4;2I. ONIONS llofiie grown. 00c ier ou. ; rpnn- Isn, :i4i per rrate; Colorado, ,5c, - - 'iur.r.r v-r LKJFto I rr an ouncii.., Hr::tsERAinsn c.iso of 1 dos.. $iua UAlHSIlKS Per. dos. bunches, southern, larne bunches, J1.00. NAVY BKA.Na- Per bu.. $1.75; No. 2. $1.05, I.I M A RKANS-Per lb.. 6V,C. GREEN PKPPKRS-Per hamper, $.1.00. PAP.SLEY Holliuu.,e, per bunches, SOc. CABBAGE Holland seed, boms grown, per H., 1V0. EGG PLANT-Per dos., 32 25. PO TAToKS-P. r bu., 4.il6. RUTABAGAS Abt ut HO lbs. to sack, $1.60. HEAD LETTL'CE Southern, per ' dos., $1.50. SHALLOTS Southern, per dos. bunches, SKcttH.tO. CAl LIFTXIWKR Per crate of about two dos. heads, I4.i6tl4.ntl. , FRUITS. CRANBERRIES- Ivr mil.. $9fcVT10.0tV APPLES Ben D.ivls, $2.25; Jonalhans, $3.50; New York apples, $.1.25; . Urlmea Gulden,' $3.25. PEARS -Winter Nells, per box, $.1 "0. GRAPES Malaga, per bbl.. $-Vi,o-rf7.C0; New York Catawhas, 4-lb. basket, TROPICAL FRUIT. . . ORANGES-F:orltla, i3.0i LEMONS Llmon!ra, extra (".ocy, 2 k) site. $5.00; 3u0 size, $ti.uo; 3tw sue. tt.l; other brands, $1.(4) less. BANANAS Per medlum-gistd bunco, $2.0"tji2 26; Jumbos, t2 &Vii;l.50. DATES Kndawsv, Or: s.iyers, 5c; new stuffed wnlnut dats, -lh. box. $'.10: Cali fornia bulk. 5Uc: 7-crown Turkish. 16c; e crown, 14c: R-crovin. i3c; 3-crown I'.'o. GH APE FKl lT-61xe 54 to t3 end 80 to 96. J4 2.VJ4.75. COCOA N UTS -Per sack of 100. ti.10. CHEESE Swiss, new, 16c; Wisconsin brick. liVfcc: Wisronsin limlierger, IJHic; twins. 16c; Young Americans, loVic. FISH Trout. i2c; halibut, j.c: catfish. Sic; buffalo, 8c; bullheads. 11c; black bass, fine stock, 2oc; salmon. i:c; pike, lie; red snapper, fresh froset.. 12c; wliltedsh, freaii trozen, 13C, yellow Deren. uresea ana aculed, Sc: pickerel, fresh truxeu. He; froa Ices, euc ner dos. srddle HIDES AND TALLOW Green snlted. No. 1. Uc; No. t llc; bull hides. frl0c; green hides. No. 1. Ho; No. 2. Ivc; horse. ti.b03.7u; sheep pelts, 60c4l1.25. Tallow, No. 1, 4c: No. 3, tc. NUTS French walnuts. 13Ve; Csllfornl WHlnuls, No. 2, hard shell, 12c; No. 1, s.-ft I'lell. 14c; Brax'ls. 13ijl4Vie; ptK'ins. 14ffl7c; filberts, lV4jii-; peanut. raw. 6Vic; loaned. "He: California almonds, hard shell, 16c; soft shell, 18c. HON HY Per 24 frsmen. $3.60. CIDER New York, half barrel, $2.75; bar rel. $5.(0. " CUT BEEF PRICES. 9'4,c; no. 8, ipo. It r. , 1 l. v.. imi-o. On Chuck: No. l. frttc: No. 2. 6c; no. s. 40. R''nd: No. 1. 8c; No. 2. 7c; No. 8. CViC al 1 ijV IjIjI 171 14 tu.r u. SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, $5.21; i granulated beet. In sacks, $5,11. COFFEE Roasted, No. 30, 26o nor Ib.1 No. 30, 21c per lb.; No. 23. 19c per lb.; No. $0, lc per lb.; No. 21, 13c per lb. SYRUP In bbls., 27c per gal.; In cases, I 10-lb cans. $1.70; cases. U t-lb cans. $1,801 cases, 24 L'vlu. cans, $1.8 CANNED GOODS .orn. stsnflarfl west- , 5540-. M.,ine. 1 15. Tomatoes, t-lb. $1.10; 8-lb. cans, 97Vct4 aim Plne- 1 Ani-,, ul Jte4 J2 Olft'tii' sliced 119(1 , apricots, Sl.8-.Vnlb; II.7ur.,S,50; p- a- h.a, 1 i,nr ti tm,9 -in. h. c imi. hM. u.otKa2.&u. Alaska saliron, red, $1.25: fancy Chinook, Aiasnu t? a 1 1 1 VI4, gxats epi . y . iv iinuvn P.. $2.10; fancy sockeye, F.. $1.95: sardines, quarter oil, $2.75; three-iiuarter mustard, 13. 00. Bweet potatoes, fl.lOtuf 1.26; sauerkraut, 11.00: pumpkins, S0ci1.00, wax Deans, 2-lb., 50!rj80c: llina beans, 2-lb. . 76cii$1.35; spinach, $1.35; cheap peas, 2-lb., Aoc; emras, 9ocU$L10i lancy. Il..itl.75 1 CURED FISH Family whlteflsh. per quarter bbl.. Ml lbs., $4.00; Norway mack, eral. No. 1, $J6.00; No. 2, $28.01; herring In bbls., 200 lbs. each. Norway, 4k. $9.(0; Nor. way, 3k, $9.00; Holland herring, in kegs, ml.kers, SOc; kegs, mixed, 70c. HF-AL ESTATE TRANSFERS'. R. C. Peters to Scott D. jpunn, iQtg 4 aad 6, block 4t, Benson ,..$ Auguoia Ricrsteier ; to M.chael 204 Kruchcr anu wile, nVs of lot AJ, block It, ' Kounue s Thud acluition., 2.5M I Jerry Mahoney to Joseph 11! Bara- nenet ai., lot 2, block 6, Wl.cox 8 aUuiuon Patrick J. O Connor to Nora O'Con nor, lot 12, block 7, Jetter's South Omaha Chailes A. Howe et al., to Gould' 700 Die iz, lots 1, 2 unu 8,' block 2, Kllby . 760 728 173 1,500 tl 1 Cannull an.t wlfu , 1,,,.r.l, Corup, lot b, block i. Burr Place, South Omaha .. Benson Lanu company to Bcott L. Dunn, lots 1, i, , 6, 7, 8, , 10, 11 and 12, block 46, Benson. ,i Juf..,lk k'mnk to If H utirl Onv Ua- ! ett, w of lot 8, block 197, Oinuha.. 4.600 Ellen li. Freeman to- Joseph ,Kiluo, A 1 ,''CO0 600 ' w : 1 5 sa 2c0 t "'800 5,600 1 t lota 6 and 7 and n5 feet of lot K. block 1, Potter cs.Cobb'a addition, South Omaha Anton. Vooiciut to Kuterlna. Zelmger and husband, lot 2, block 16, Bron i'ark, South Omaha Charles Ev Baker to Domlnlck A. Hart, lot 2, block 4, Foster s addi tion William H. Bauer and wife to Louise O. Bauer, lot 22, Hickory Pluce Lena Reich Mooney and husband to James J. Fitzgerald, lot 10, block 4, Putter & Cobb's addition, South Oituiha Omaha Real Estate and Trust com pany to Joseph S. and Mollis Shep herd, lot 16, block 1, Saunders at Hlmebaugh's addition Emma P. Annln to Henry C. leder, a of lot 16, block 11,. E. V. Smith a audition William A. Gordon and wife to Ex pressmen's Delivery company, lot 7, block 2o7. Omaha Cyrus M. Morton to Edith B, Morton, part of let 16, Bart lett a addition.... Edgar M. Moramun, Jr., t al. to John S.. Collins, lot 6, Collins Placs John Domina and wife to Frank H. Folden, w76 feet of lot X ' b.ock 3, Ei way & Nelson's Valley John H. Dodge and wife to E. Karscti Co.. lot 7, block z, ugnoma yark V '..'Awi'ir' "to" ' 'tVuaaVe ' ' 'Neck fi. i,? I0? 2 K 80 Sou S1" ' kei th Omaha Fannie R. Smith to Oscar E. Peter son, lot 14, block 2, Crestun addi tion i . r, . i a a aa..i ! "Kuntpiac." "" !vi " I.' in irlVv to , Aa-nea I Wilbur fi ,Hl.t,cl'y lo An " u' w"uur' se'- i9-lo-13 Clarence W. Erwln and wife to E. Lovell Dunn, sKi1 teet of lut 8, block 2, Hanscom Place .' Anton twgir et al. to Joseph Meit llnger, nVs of lot 6, block 6, Bowaiy Hill Margartt B. B rger to Katlo E. Mor- I Kan Franl lot 1, block 30, Kour.ize I'liae.. k L McCoy et al. to John B. Kuth, s44 feel of lots 1 6 and 6, block 12. West Ei.d Charles L Van Camp et ul. to Ellen A. lirennun, sublot 1, imxi.i , 3-14-13 . Total 3,4H The Financial World SE'iVYonK c::icac 13 Ilroaiiwav 30!) Ilnnt'olpni 8u Tae Ljli g Flnsnnial Wectly ValusL! to liankeri and rtnanclcrg lodlapeniaMe to Invs tors and I- peculators Tb only flnansial publication t Pa klsd. Bead trcKi ainil o.)r. Y..n will I.e.. .nvlxtood, ul lua Value and aend your eu Ja-rl( tloo. THE IlftAMIAL OJIID , 81 Broadway !-York 2,4X) 8,000 4.S 1 8,700 CXI 1,030 J 1