TIIE OMAnA. DAILY BEE: MOXDAV, NOVKMREK 2C. 190G. J i SPECIAL NOTICES inrrtlifmfnfR tor 1hn coloniue ' Mill .r taken antll til m. for the I ftrninm edition nail until tn. for ; the miimlnf anil inlii) edition. I Rates 1 l-ae a word flrat lnf rllon, If a word thereafter. Sothlna taken for Iras thaa Ufi for thr llrst Inser tion. These irrllarmrnla mnat be rtiM iimirrallvrlr. erltsrre, b rrqirntlm a nam bered check, ( have anawere ad drraaed to a nemhrred letter la care of The Flee. Ansvrere 10 nddreeeed will ha delivered on preaealattoa of rheok. MISCELLANEOUS Fh-st Whiter Term Eoyles Business Cyllege ajld School of Telegraphy Opens Monrtny, ie-ember t, imy and Night. The free catalogue I ready ask for It. H. II. ROYLEfl. President Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. B-M207 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BURGESS-GllAXDEN CO., t i a. loth su Tel. Douglse SH. R 6S4 OMAHA Safe and lion Works make a spe cialty of f.re ecme3, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreen. Prop. 102 8. 10th Sr. R.- SIGN FAIN'TINO-D. M. Col, 130S Dougls. R dtiiS IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co..-iri9 rarnam li WHt UKri.IN I.ockamlth, tnoved nan.e, MM I'arniitii. .Tel. upTalr: en Doug. tiT4. HK1IHKK STAMl'K Western Stmrp and S'.eivil Co.. 312 t. 1-Jlh St. Send for cata logue. - . . It M.HdS Dfi IAVlti BRtiS.. Machinlats; generni repair ing, lit Jackoti St. , Tel. Impglaa 2SW. v R -VT4" pll FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS l'WO Besley letter cabinets, in good condi tion, made of B a loot end liave two draw 1 era each. Call al IJee bulnees offlL-e ruij '.-t a bargain. V liix J-'OK PALE New nnd second-hanil billiard iind pool tables; we lead tho world In cheap bnr fixtures: eaay payments. Itiunswlck-Balke-Collcndnr, 407 tj. lotli SL Q 7') SiND us your mail orders for druex; freight paid on iw lota. Alycrs-L-lllon .Duig. Co., Omaha. . . Q 71 1I1LK cows, easy terms. 43d and Center. BOD A rOC NT A IN, any si sc. 1813 Fnrnnm. Q-0VS BHEnWIN-WIET.lAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConncll Drup Co. Q-74 HALE'S nates, nev, id -hand. ISIS Farnam. Q 67S FOR SAEIO Empty packing cases, cheap. Address U . hen office. Q 444 C'MAHA ACCTION 1 ug. 6752. CO , 700 a. lth. Tel. g- M-9 D14 ONE -lneh Jenkins" valve for sule. Apply W. 11. Bridges, engineer. Bee Hldg". -Mllix frjft UNREDEEMED 16th. overcoats, 418 No. Q M7D5. YER, try it, $4.7S ton, Missouri tint conl. Phone Douglas U417. HARMON & WEETH CO. U-M 141 1)7 Kalls II keg. Star Hoi Co., 1807 St Mary s ay. Q-MiHl rt FREE muslo lessons for .1 months with each new piano purohneed before Jiinmrv 1. MATliEWS PIANO CO., 1313 Harney St. Q- 217 D1S W I SKl) pianos and organs must he stll before Inventory January 1. l'7. Hee us i for prices and terms. ' MATHEWS l-'IANO CO., 1513 H uney !t. , dili, D1S VVRK upplo cider. inegar. grape wine, t apples, popcorn and canned fruits, deliv 1 ;icd. E. O. Solomon, 'phono Benson 158. FOR HALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire or J. R. Campliell. Beo mall room. U 51S FINE Upright piano, Voii; bookenso, halltree, . horso and hupgy. etc., cheap. 415 North 23d. Q-M471 2tix A OOOD 'organ, very lit t lo used, almost Uvea away. Call Harney 372. W-A1524 2Sx A FINE hard-coal stove for sul very cheap. Call up Harney 3072. Q M"23 2Cx FOR EXCHANGE JSOR SAIB OR KXCHANCili No. 379: a ' fine stock of general merchandise, located ' la a good Kansas town; will invoice about VM'; fi" Paying business; will ex i rhnjitie for well Improved farm. ' No. iti9A fine drug stock, located In a ' gid l-jwa tuwn of 10.i inhabitants; will ' invoice about fl5,0W; will sell for cash on easy tsrma or exchange for good ial es ' tale. Globe Land and Investment Co.. Urajiti'i, Neb. ZMW IT TOO do nuK ?.nd what you want In this column, pur. an ad In and you will soon . get It. Z-32 ion EXCHANGE A number or good first mortgage, loans and good lands to ex i change lor grocetlea or a general stock of merchandise. Globe Land und Investment ' Company, Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Z--MWS : H'i ACRES of good land In N. D. to trade , for a stock of goods; 3"10 acres well Im proved Mtnnesota land. Dodge Co.: will ' consider any good trade. Submit offer ' fcox 802, L Sueur, Minn. ZMZ'.u 17 v 'WILL exchange : laon taiiu in liutl-r county. Neb., for a good stock cf mei-. ; ch.indlse. P. O. Box n:. llen.ilcv, N ! . -.11 J -A WO-ACRE RANCH for sate or excium-.- , for stock pieivhandisc. Address li". Bee. .-M.".4"i ::n ' "WANTED To exchange clean up-u,-.lHi. stock of groceries and hardware Invoicing . ". obout ll.vlo. for Iowa or western land Stock located in hustling Illinois tuuu '. viili a busii.es of 4i.0 yearly, llsir i j beauh reason for exctinuKiug. A money- ; maker for someone. Address Y li 4, Oinana ! Baa. Z-M7 2 t I PRINTING Lyngstad & JOKVfc, High-grade 1907 Calrndara, B. E. corner 16lh ct. and Capitol Ave. 72 CENTRAL PRINTING CO Fine Job work; i .typewritten letters no a a . 1 1 1 St.. 1'iiPailors ! blocks north Bee Bldg. M-741 D12 r"ola' TUB ACORN Press. Commercial printers, Tel. 1510 Doug. S.fJ Howard St. M 231 Dl'J COMPLETE line of 1J07 calendars. . Pritiiid- Co.. 3U 81Sth8i -MIS Siell i D2 MUSIC ANjjJ.ANGUAGES CHATEI.A1N School of languages liay :ti,d e"eiilng classes. Firncli, German, . Soaiiitti; I' at lug. Davldec Bldf. J2i D14 VOlvJE instruction: opera oratorio, concert, e'.e. Grace A. llltchtocii. ,2a S. 19; h St Phone Tailor 4K;i. Mini Dx POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES pAdSOW'S new billiard and pool tables are the best money can buy and are sol.) much cheeper; esy payments: catalogue tiee. Charles Puasow A Sons. :ib S. lsih St. M47 D FENCING ANCHOR and Iron penoh.g; W ire Fencing, . U0 per fJOt. A5 N. 17lli St. Tel. Red M4. K-'7 Dll CHIROPODY AND MANICURING pit. P,OV. eiiiiootMlist; Miss Allca Hall. ',iinlc:iie. liiKiiu 1 l.Cvi I'aliutm. 'lei. 1,uh ol.,". M2w WANTED MALE HELP WANTED - Young men of g.tnd habit ni l with high hool education to mudy diarting and siructtirll epv.lnri'i!; ; ti.iecrs make frotn u to $"V per' mouth; draftsmen from JV to Jl"( per month; engineers from $l,i to !' per yeir; positions always Men b 11 nvcr the coun try aid dctiiojid for men raeuot lje sup plied; we .tii pr.H'trc you to become n. good tracer In 4 tiioinh"; R tj wd structural and bridge draftsman in from 4 to 12 month, acouiding to talent, and run gu-ir-antse j on a is'Mt ioff Ha ruon ss cffiel-.nt: young men with common school rduoutlon can take up preparatory work; all In struc'lon given personally, two evn'rigs per fk, and studies can be carried on while working it other work: a new clnss t-i;i be 'nraiiufned ember '; nil Inter ested are requested to write for Informa tion. Address M 3". enre '""- M.,4 Chicken Pickers1 Wanted. : , Armour & Co.? ' . South 0maha. WANTED -YOtNO. HEN OP OOOO JtlAKlTS -Ae !l to 3S. to prepare for fire. . hinn and hraltemen on all the . luadlnrf railroads and for rew roid now betna fompeed; experience unnecessary ftre nien, $100 per ironth; brakeman, lO per month, with rapiA promotion to engineer and oondiK-lor. Many poittons now open. National JRv. Tralnlnr At'n, .20 X. Pul ton block. Omaha, Neb. B-402 Ul WANTED Men to learn bsrb'r traile. The v-ell-knonn Molr eysrteni ot roller, lo cated In HI lviing iltte-. offer ateadv praoilrr. careftil tnf tructioiis. tools, dipliinaa ami position". Few eks com plete. M"nev rained from sttuf. Call or write, Moler Bttrher .'olleirr. 11H Kar tiam St. B M Ti WANTED -Flva boys; good waBes; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co. j tU! S. 13th Bt. DRUO STORES bought and sold; drug .clerks wanted. F.. V. Knelet, C4 N. Y. U -1 - virL. WANTED Kor the XT. S.Marine Corps, men between aires 21 and 36, An oppor tunity to see the world. For full In formation apply In person or by letter to Recruiting Olflcer, V. S. National Bank Hldg., Cor. li'th and Farnam Sts., Omslia. Neb. ... B M30 31 nt TWO hustlers to handle a mas articles; city work. pew line Christ W19 Howard. B Mlitf D2 U. S. NAVY enlists for four years 'young men nnd mechnnics of good physique end cluiracter. Good pay, according to riunliticstlons. Advancement when nua' irted. Navy Jecrutina Stations, Omaha, Elni-oln, Hastings, Sioux City and Des Moines. B MW7 Dili WANTKD 2 men and Co.. Kiist Omaha. boys. Omnha Box P. MX1 WANTED An all around printer; no booser. Anchor Publishing Co.. rVm 1, Patterson ISldg. B MJ34 SOElCITOR.S-Oo.xl, Cash commission; Eee Bids. stronpr proiKisltion. gootl pay. '"all. 45 H M5'S 27x COMPETENT wanted; bond tiuired; salary mlto Sanitary nnd respo onsihle dilveis or gllt-edsce. retcrence n- :-edK' $.fi to $7o per month. Ala Dairy Co., llX'j Farnam St. n373 ;s WANTED-Immediately. Struts, Atlantic, la. two tailors. B M: C. F. 34 27 BOY for bowling alley; work at once. Ap ply 1313 Harney St. B 53 Al'TOMOBI LE drivers, niichanlcs. chauf feur, repairmen, demonstrators, salcs m n, garage nvtnagers- want'Hl all over the country. I!i7 will offer great oppor tunities nnd high Kalarics for competent men. Our practical auto-eriucaticn can be acuulred by night study at snniK j mommy cosi. i ii lioiii. 'i-iu'i iiiiiiukii our employment .bureau. We hsvn tho only practical series of text books in existence nnd our instructors are xpvila. ftudy now and be ready for the sprltiK opportunities. For full particular. In cluding ono free lesson and Dictionary of Motoring terms, address tho Corrvspond cnoe School of Automobile Engineering, suite istfto. American Oaiiige. 10 W. tsitli St., New York City. B .VSM :ii: ANY person willing to distribute onv sam ples; r.U.to weekly. "Empire. " d.' Lavilie St.. Chicago. 111. Steady position: no can vassing. ' I5-M.V3 -Jlx ' VVANTED FJMALE HELP j WANTED Voung girl about 14 or 10 years to wheel baby morning and afternoon. 132 S. 3?th Ave. C M-3 VllRI. wanted for general housework: must be good cook; two In family; salary satis factory. 16PS So. 32d Ave. C S&, CIRL 2tith wanted in family of three. St.. 210 South C Ml 7a WANTED General liousework girl; also second girl; highest wages; small family; every convenience. Iarnaiu car. 118 N. I!)th St. C-214 WANTED An experienced cook. Howard Smith, "J112 Davenport St. C-3 Airs. WANTED A competent girl for general liousework; family of three; wanes to. Apply 3T52 Fwrnam St. C 37? GIRL for general housework; no wushing or ironliui. Telephone Harnev 34. C 3M iii WANTKD Chumliermald; also an expert encd dielnc room girl: ticket furnished. Perkins Hotel. David City. Nb. C M462 2S WANTKD Middle aged wanniii for general housework; small family. 1S30 8. 27th St. C-370 27x WANTKD Experienced 1 a il y for wholesale house. Address bookkeeper K 42K. Bee. C TjSI 27 TWENTV-FIVK more girls wanted; good pay, steady work In waim, clean work room. Bemls Omaha Bag Co., entruiice j "ft Hth St. viaduct. Lr"Hf'L-' WANTED SITUATION I ,1'. 'II ITKt'Tl'RAL ENGINEER AND SU- i PKRINTENDENT of CONSTRUCTION l 13 OPEN I'OR KNGAGE.MENT WITH , AKiHITKl'T fill CONTRACTOR; EN- I l'ERIENi'ED IN STEEL. M ILL AND I CttNt'RKTE WORK; CAPABLE OK ; TAKINO CHARGE OK OFFICE; I STRICTLY HIGH-CLASS MAN. All. i DRESS 1.-412 BEE A 4 tj 1 2Ux I Y04'Nt MAN desire position in credit or collodion department or wholesale bouse; cerUnce hi collections; good knowledge of commercial law and credits; now emplovd i:s Ftenogr.iliher. Address 1" 42I.Bi-e. A-AI")S 2r.x CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The leading palmist of Omaha. P.evelaliona of p-ist and future described. 113 S. Ititli fct.,.opp. Boston rore. S ,"i5 MRS. FAUST Reliable palmist, gives ad- i.t on all affairs; ladles. 50c: geatlemeu, $1. lji Cumin.',' Si. Tel. Douglas 4122. S Mill 2Cn WANTED SALESMEN I WANTED Men with team and lie to sell a line Ol llkV'l Sliioe laooi.v irtnruii-B, eidcea a'ld rMisVis to consumers; must be I a nesi, soler nd industrious. The Gladstone Moillclne Co.. Hawarden. la. . . . '---ML DETECTIVE SERVICE ! WETMOIU; Detective Service. Ptione Red 7 l. Rouins 13 and II t and Uaiiiam. Union Bloek. I.,ih .M-Ji.- Dili AMERICAN DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. County t-oiierintendent, P. t. lock lni:t 4.7. Oi.iana. Al suj ii.,x PLUMBING LYNCH BROS liepali Ilk N. Mil bu lei. work our specialty, Douglas 1477. -M5il N2J FLORISTS Hr.J-d tt SWOBODA, 14ii Farnam. I. t i ENDEPSON, til Faruain. Tel. Doug llaSESMSaSeZ'IJ". You read this page, of course. And so do thousands of others! FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunk R-,70 CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Avo.; Amerkau or European; ateam '"'HgSM N'Kfc:. large, aoutheaat room: nirely fur niehed: nil convenience: electric lts?t sn'l S. 'Phona Douglas 2!3f. 217 3. :;";th Pt. Kl'RNIfHED rooms for petitlcmiin; pri vate family. :Ut N. IXlh. 1 :7 'JSx TWO rurnlslied rooms; moilern: breakfast ptivilepes; telephone. 1 1 1 N. Jnth . i; M liX -Jix WANTED ljuly roomer, with or without liownl: one-hidf block from iliiiiscoin park. Til. Jlartiey 1171. E-M4W1S7X ONE large room, licht beat, modot rt liome. Douglas 6l. hoonekeepln : sterna :iC?. tvnri St. Tel. E MJflW : 2 EXCETI ENT modern fninlhed rooms for -light housekeplng. by Drceinljer 1. "Phone In house. 1:0 74 Marni-y Ft. E-M1GS K CliOHE rooms In. for frs-class, gentlemen. modern. eleepinu fi S. .vtli St. E-MnTO i7x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD VIENNA ' cafs. hotel; private dining rooms; THE ROPE. Harney Rt., nicely fur nished, warm, cotiiforlabla ruoms. Good board. K 430 MX MODERN rooms, home cooking, reason able prices; Howard; 'Phone Douglas 36ti8. F 73-' THE Bachelors has vacant a few large rooms, suitable for two persons F-Mva FIRN1SI1ED, tol Ay. with good hoard. 181R Capl K M52 2S UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE nice large rooms, furnace, gas and range, connection. 11R7 Wirt St. Tel. Reel iS07. G Ml&l FOR RENT Three rooms for light house keeping. 810 So. 27th St. Q M 2 2 2 26x WANTED TO RENT WANTl'X A home to take In emergency cases such as scarlet fever, diphtheria and .measles. Must bo without children. Will pay well for tame. Call at Health Office, City Hall. Telepholio Douglas C01. K MPWi FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano movlnK at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1.'5. Schmol'er & Mueller Piano Co., 1211-K.13 Farnam. D M ' HOUSES in all parte of tha city. R. C Peters It Co.. Bee Bldg. D W-i UnTIKFS In .all parte of the elty. The UUUiO O. F. Davis Co.. Bci B dg. D 6ii HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bile. D-tSi- OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store H. II. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. l'Jtti. Office. 1611 Farnain. Tel. Doutf. IDoi D-S7 WE MOVE pia-ios. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doux. HSu. Ofilce, 1713 Web ster St. D-64S EEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. T XPRESSME-N'S DELIVERY CO., 34 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. lli. D tb COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO.. storage. Htnl transfr. Best storage house In tho city. Immediate attention given. U;3-31-33 N. 10th St. Tel. Douglas 41. D-69 CENTRAL, steam, modern Tlxaid, 220 N. 23d. 7-room house. D-Mol FOR RENT-8-room flat, modern, good re pair, opposite llanscom puik-33. Phone Douglaa D 143 FOR RENT Modern, 9-room. 112 South olst St.; 40 Thomas Brcniuin, room 1 Bide. brick house, per month. N. Y. Life D M3j FOR RENT Bijou Theater. Htore rooms and club rooms, on long lease. N. I liodge & Co.. 17H Furnum St. D M.xi Lli CTnV? A fl V Household uocds, mer aiUilAUD chand:e. e.. Fred uk Transfer Line, 1W3-5 Faiuam St. D-ML26 D9 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex cent furnace 120. 9-ioom house, all modern, new furnace JJi. C. M. 4M Iuxton Block. D 492 FOR RENT 9-room modern house, fu9 8 2lh Ave.. H2."0. Thomas Biennan, Room J. New York J.lle Bids. D M.sU -ROOM brick house, $20: good and wuriu. Bldg. modern. P11 N. VM.li. TurklngUin. W2 Uco D-MS40 NEW 5-room house; modern except fur ir.ae; located four houses east of 36th on Burdette St., and tho second house west from 34lh St.; rent, $10 per month. BE.MIS, Paxton Blk. D MS7 FOR RENT Largo home., modern, - barn, good lawn and shade; carline. 301 6 Pa- Itie. St. 'Plume i Whitney, Douglas 1212. D M30i 25 i TWO 7-rooni Hats, moilern, N. E. corner I Parl Ace. and Wuolworth Ave., $1,700 f-MCh. Tel. Red 4.".oii. D-MIM 2ix '.EASE .'.ND FURNITURE FDR SALE. A choico. almost new. si ra lly modern S rooi.i house on Fuiuuni St.. walking dis tance, rent 'm; family leaving city nnd will Micriftce fiirnitiiie and lease together only. 'Phone Douglas ;:41S. li-JH.J ax MODFRN 1 ome on Binney street; 10 roumr. floe barn; cement walks: mc-hulf block f-.oni 2Mb St.. car line. Tel. Harnev "a. 1-.j0 2i GOINCi TO MOVE.' considered, to have china and glas.--: : chr.rges reasonable, ney 119. " Costs less, breakage an expf-rt puck your a years' exs;i ien(-; Jos. Bums, 'I'd. Har D 311 D21x FOR RENT S-ioom brick house, basement finished, all modern, new furnace, only hlf block from car, good neighborhood; rent $25 er month (worth "iUi. C. M. Bucliuianii, 4: Paxton blo k. D 33t FOR I 111 RENT Cot in pe. 0 furnace, U'2 No. lXMMUS, M b. D-M3..4 12-ROOM house, close to piwt office: elrlctly liMMicrn; steam heat; cheap. 20 liaven HI t. I M2iM Ji.x 4 ROOMS, sfijnd fluor. 250 Leavenwi Inutile lv S. 2iih St. D M57J rth. i-HOOM house, modern, east front, ravel street, pear Hanscoui park cur, 11;2 So. IS'li St. Iinpilre Mrs. J. A. Hoe. pnone Doug. 7'-. l MS7 Nix 'il i 'aTisr ' " ---- - - s LOST AND FOUND LOUT Gold natch, small initials on case P. M. S.. fob. linn's Lead. Return to Pen y Smith, 25:1 E. South Omaha Re ward. I.st-.1JI3 2 L1ST Waist package; A. C. !' lerson. Flat 7. Dalge Blk. Addiv Mis llungatc, care Madison hotel. Iti luiu to l,i:i lai liaal Si. Rewaid. and no questions asked. Lost 31 3i LOST Star-haped gold pin; 7 0its. dia mond in cnter. ti, renarii. Le Blanche, llayden Bros.' uiilliuery Uepartmcul. MONUMENTS Great Wteiem Granite Co. . M. i I o? moilern. 2''x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TWO modrn houses at the southwest cor ner of .tlst nnd Cass fits., with ground oa which to build another Iiouho. Paved street, east front, nice shade trees. Maks tna an offer for ona or both. TIIOMA" PRENNAN. Room 1, N. Y. Ella Bltlg. RE-6M ALL modern -room house and lot for sala at. a bargain. -2 No. 19th. RE-M51 J3EST NEW HOME IX CITY FOR Till-: MONEY 6 rooms, thoroughly modern, brand, (iirw, ready to move Into, otj boulevard, smith front, . permanent walk, nice nelirhlwrhood, Walking dis tance. . This will go quick. Si e It at once. National Investment Co. 5Z Douglas Block. 'Phone Dogulss M81. RE-M614 2 Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Let us show you our list of city property, seres, ioiproied farms and cheap western lands. BERKA CO., Tel. Douglas-2855. i41 N. Y. Lite Bd. RE-r M23S MODERN home. 73 feet front, pcrfc con. UlUou, I1.30"; owner must sell. Kl Wirt. R1C-M139 II. R. STRINGER. lUU Jackson. Doug. 7:. RE-M7.)0 Hi Ff)R SALE Houses and lots near Kountze Place. Baifiiiins. Iiuiulre 3.1-lt N. a4th St. RE M 477 D8 Investment Ex t niordi nai y. 9-room, modern house, beau tiful enst-front lot, permanent walk, colonial porch, 5 min utes" walk to postofflcc; fine homo or investment at a low price and on easy terms. Must bo sold this month or price will be advanced. Do not m'ss seeing this Monday. National Investment Co. ri Douglas Phono lioiiKlas eJ01. Block. RE-M7.13 26 FOR SALE FARMS STOCK FARMS FOR SALE 7"0 acres of rolling upland, well set to grass.- Suitable for subdividing lor fruit and vegetable farms, or for sheep and stock farms; :.'-. miles north of Council Bluffs and 11 miles to So. Omaha, ; miles to oinalia IKjstolHce and one mile from the switch-on the Northwestern. About 4o.stcrcs ciihi vntnl and some fruit; about :s acres of timber. Six-room house and out buildings, never fallhiB sprints with gasoline engine and reservoir pipe to house. Owner must sell at once and will eacrillce at $35 er acre. ice ubout this, as it ig a rare baruulif. X. P, DODGE & CO. 17 14 FARNAM ST. H-M3S4 :7 1 OWN S.090 acres of fine rice mud on rail road, within, seven to ten m!b;s of Hous ton, the best and most proRrr.-ssivo, city In Texas. Will Kill in tracts of 320 acres and over, to actual Bottlers, for $25 per acre, payable In ten anntiU payments. Purchaser must hive money sutnVient to put down Irrigation wells, build necessary houses and biius and to plant und take care of tirst crop of rice. No p-iymenl on land required until first crop Is horvea'.ed. Work should begin by January l for Ifr crop. If you aie coming to Texas to farm, see me before you ony. Cliarlea Fiiilcy Smith, 217 Main St., Houston, Tex. H Mill D6 FOR SALE lfiO acres, 3 miles of Anselnio. Neb.; gisul land; good Improvements; o acres in cultivation, SO acres In pasture: all fenced; If sold soon will fcU'e x!iscNsiou at once. Price, $2.!ii0. B. C. Emptleld, Ansel mo, Xeb. H M321 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 5 and Z'A per cent loans on real estate; no delay. , W-o7- ' MONEY TO LOAN-Payms Investment Co. W-86S WANTED City Farnam Smith loans and warrants, w. & Co., 1320 Faruum St. W-tk;9 LOWEST RATES-Beinis. I'axton Block. W-71 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug W-72 Jl.bMi.OuO TO LOAN on business and resi dence property tn Omaha; lowest raies no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, X y' Life. W-,73 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters At W-4 t?o. 74 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co.. N.Y.L. W-675 LOANS on Improved city property. W. 11, Thomas, 505 First National Bank Bldg. W t;;tj LOW rates. CHAS. Private money. $500 and up. E WILLIAMSON CO. W PATENTS F. J. LARSON tc CO.. patent lawyers; patent book tree. Bee Bicg.; Omaha, Neb. ' -733 SHARPE MACHINE WORKS - Patents procoicd. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 004 U S. luili St. - 734 PATENTS procured and sold. 1 fee. Nat'! Investment Co. Dou.las Blk.. luth and Dodge 4:4 D LAW AND COLLECTIONS WILLIAM WAPPICH. commercial lawyer and culiectlons; corporation litigation and claims collected; estates proUited; ab stracts and leal papers prepared. No tary public. Crcighton Blk. J M. Macfarland, Doug" t3. 30 N. Y. L Bldg. Tel. MbH Dx DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miss Sturdy, 2tn Davenport. X'hune Hua liey 21J. -Mi MRS. E. FOSTER, dressmaker, Wn4 No. 22d St. 'Phone lions. 5S4A. 7!,$ D12 HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE HORSES All kinds. Myers. 1715 Jackson. P M9m1 Dl HORSES wintered; large box stalls: no barb wire fencing. Keystone Stock Farm. Tel. IVu.sou 31fil. P. O. address, ReliSOp. P-MW D:2 FOR RENT FARMS WILL rent cheap for cash or will sell 4"0 acre s, well Improved ; liiO acres cultivated, balance hay. pufrture and lluibei'; isntn linh-a norm of Council Blurts, on rich botlom soil. Address 122D S. 51st, Omaha, Ntb. -2i x OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Itstltute. Doug. lu4. 418 N., T. L. TeL -718 DR. BOWBliJS, . Doug lu.O, .. ever 1500 Famsm. Tel. - Mj,4 Neva 3 t-slfU PERSONAL TO ljliOK" A GENTLEMAN You must be attired hi the proper nisnner. The pressed shirt Is the latest and the, proper thing to wear. Soft, smooth ftnt?h. Look now; we do it. CITY STEAM UfNMlV, Ti. It. Minns lYc. Tel. Douslas 104. U- M2W SEWING machines rented, any make, 75e per wek or $2.00 per month. Second hand machines for sale. $;.o and up. Neb. Cycle Co- 15th and Harney. U H3 FH1VATE CONFINEMENT 'HOME. Mrs. Dr. ivlng, 3U1S N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. 3W. PLEATING ALL KINDS. Buttons. Bitching, lr..,KriiMerlna... Dyeing and clenning, sponging and siiritik lug; only 5c per yard, ceiui lor price lis and esmpie. , GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. fH) Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1; "16 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits rustoft clothing;. In fact, anything you do rot need; we collect, repair nnd sell, s.t 114 N. 11th St., Tor cost of collecting to the worthy poor: Call , 'phone Doug. 4U" and wngon will call. L-U FREE medical snd surgical treatment at Creighton Mrrlcal college. I4t.li snd Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. Ili. Calls answered day or night. C 129 SHE C1TT GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 137. J 718 PURVEY LNO. Blickensderter, 312 Bee Bids. U-719 OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers Institute. Ramgs U 720 MAQNETTH treatment and bath. Mrae. UMHUfjlllv einilli. 118 N. 15. 2d floor. L'-M2"4 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend Call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3&24 N. 24th St.. Omaha, Neb. U M100 PRIVATE home during conflneminl; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Blufls. In. Tel. 774. U-322 r- CHAMPION carpet cleaning. Douglas 6S6. 1523 Leavenworth. V M475 D8 PALMyUlST Hamilton. custom shoemaker. U M470 4i:4 D8 M ASiSJAftP. Swedish movement, 410 N. iiiiWOAUIi 16tU itc-om 2, second floor. U-M9S2 Dl MOTHER'S BREAD Ask your grocer for Z. II. Boeder' MOTHER'S BREAD. U-M9S7 Dl PENNELL Bt. Millinery Co., 322 North lbth U 7a Jan S RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or write for booklet, etc. OUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., Oil Woodmen of World Bide.. Omaha. U ,23 CH RIBTENSON, DoUtil'is 1659. carpet cleaning. Tel. U-28 D14 TYPEWRITERS All makes, for rent, $3 t 84 month. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1603 Leavenworth. -, 'Phone Red-ft".9. s U-M04J 28 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut E rices; send for free catalogue. Myers Ullon Drug Co., Omaha. U-724 PRIVATE DETECTIVE. 457, Omilia. P. O. lock box U M853 D16x TYPEWRITERS rented, $2.50 per month: all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter ic Supply Co., 1S22 Farnam Sc U-M867 D6 FOR anything firf ti P. E. In the sewing machine line Flodman i Co,, 1614 Capitol Ave. U M44 , D7 Masque costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115. 0n ev. U-M442 DR. VOGEL'8 private home for ladles be fore and during confinement; lcsl and cheapest in the city. 2318 S. 13th St. U M945 30 A Dollar Free for You This coupon will bo taken as $1 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing, lialance paid as you earn it. HOME CREDIT CLOTHING COMPANY, 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th. U 21 D1S REMOVAL WOLF BROS. & CO. HAVE REMOVED to 1313 Howard. Tel. Douglas tiol. U 240 DID ARTISTIC piano tunlnf, work guaranteed. 'Phone. Don;. 731ft. MaUiows Piano Co., 1513 Harney. C-2lt D1S DON'T deny viurself delights conferred bv Satin Skin Crcain and Satin Shin Powder. 1 Ei'ZKMA nbsolntely cured by W. ton's salve. B. J. Scaneil, iigenl. Blk. U A. Pax .V Waro -170 D20 LADY of quiet disposition wishes the ac quaintance of honorable, inlddle-iised gen tleman, matrimonially Inclined. Address J 127, Bee. U MVv'i 27x MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses, discharges. Irregularities. cured- painlessly und safely. V ithncll 1 block, 15th and Harney, Room i'. Omaiiu. 725 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omulu 728 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES NORTH LIGHT Office on sixth floor, it'.ixi'o. will be vacant December 1st. suitable for architect or anyone needing a itood liynt. Janitor service and electric lights free. ,k fur Mr. Baker. Superintendent Bee Building, 17th and Farnam. ; I 3W A VERY DESIRABLE ofticr, room 6IS, Willi suulli and east liuhL, is pai liiion.d, one room being t-llxlJ-8 and the oilier l'.-tx2l-7; has lujge siie fire-prmif vault; Janitor service and electric light tree. This Is one of our best suites of offlcea in the building. See Mr. Baker, Supt., Bee Blda., liih and Fajiiam. 1 53v FOR RENT Desk city ball building. Omaha. Apply lu room In Bee 417 N. 2olh St., manager. office, Mouth 1-134 FOR RENT lrge co-tier store room, lblh aud Vinton Sts., $J0. C. M. Bach ma mi, 41 Paxton Blk. 1 Mill THR two store rooms, 7o2-7lo S lmh street both. Inquire of with ba.sements, at $so per month for R. C. PETERS & CO, Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. lTUM. DESK room in one of the large offices, partitioned off. $U per month. See Mr. Baker. Supt.. Bee Bide 1521 STORE ROOM. 10th and Harney, L'5xh0 ft. Can be vacated ubout Dec. 15. 11,. Ad - dress ' 440. Bee. 1-M4,8 FOR BEN T St. Cheap Elegant slore room, 214 S. 14th rent tor right puny. 1 50 2x BUILDING 1 6 and baseinellt. Bank Bldg. Furnam: 2!'xli. Apply 314 First 3 lioors National 1-M1'7 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes; pay tne beat prices. Tel. Dough) 3.l. n-m.4.,d;i WANTED to buy, a good young cow, giv ing lu to Hi quarts of imiK per day. ill pay good pries. Addi- P. O. B 3l$,-.4Hiha, Neb. J J43SJ - DEATH NOTICES niG01NH-Mr. Alhe. November 25. s-ed KS years fi month t das. Funeral from Hi- Old people's. Home, Wirt St., Monilav movnlng. U a. in. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALi; OR TRADE For Income pay In: I it r in hind, one of the lwt ha-ateii J III i -barrel, steam floiiilua mills In the I inidilh' vest; mill and machinery modern, i ii-to-late and in pisal repair; now doing n good proiHable business; no comisni- . tlon wlthhi t wcnt.v -live miles: all the gsl mlllhir vhcat uecessaiy snd lots more ( raised In the iieichlsii'hoisl: private side- i track from R. R. to mill disir: plenty of j iiiniii, rsiwer and nil excellent location 1 tor grsiii oejii,,r to run In coiinectiou . with the mill; located In Iowa. This Is , a monev maker for the risht man and ' will stnuil closest Inspection. Good rea sons for selling. Don't writ" unless you mean business and have $4.'si to Invest. Balance nil ensy terms. ' Address Y 227, care Her. Y-M407 Nl Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, tmnlness or property that you want lo sell or ex- chHiige, write us GUH1E LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., . Omaha, Neb. Y-MWl Dl MINES and mining" and indiisrisl tcks bought and sold. ' Robt. O. Druesdow, Stuck Broker. N. V. .Life Bldg. V M090 Dl WE OWN iirtiperty surrounded by mines In the famous Bullfrog district In south-rn Nevads. For particulars sdjress the Ne- . vada SIsndHid Gold Mi'ilng and Milling Co. m New York Life Bldg. clmshs. Neb. i-H Dl ARE you from Missoinir If so, I will show you how to get $lio for an Investment of $;'T. We are building the greatest electric R. Tl. In the world snd want l.'W stock holders in Omaha. Our first Issue sold at $..", second at $.i and the third Issue at $:7 Is nearly nil gone. All stork Is of the par vslue of $110 per share snd all re de lmible by the company at par. Monthly payments of one-tenth each month for or more shares. If you mesn business write me and I "will show you.'" Address W. Kv Porter, fiscal agent, room f' New York Life P.ldg., Omaha. Neb. . T-SS7 WRITE for market letter. Sent fre upon ' request. Complete r-wime Nevada Min ing Operntions. Patrick Elliott - Camp. Conservative P.rokers anil Mine Makers, Golilflclil. Nev. Y M5s 2T.X TOWNSEND REALTY CO.. Fremont, Neb. Have Imp. farms, wtld lands, stk. nirtse. for sale; 'can ua other property as partial payment; Y Mlfe D17x FIRST-CLASS paying restaurant, $2,150; two grocery stocks, $1,500 each; grocery, feed..- coal and fixtures. $2.5i; two-chair barber shop. $3n0; blaeksmlth and wagon shop, $750. Alva Smith Co., Co. Bluffs. Ia. T-M192 FOR SALE Blacksmii h anil wagon shop; well located, with extra good business. Townsend Realtv Co., Fremont. Neb. Y-M2K6 D21X TAILOR business for sale; best of reasons for selling; nice brick store, low rent, best location, 7,on0 iKipulution: take about $!i0; no competition. Edward Coiie, Sheridan, Wyo. V M347 2fix IXIR SALIwUvery bam and stock: besrt location in good growing countv-seat town of 1,300; '-J block from hotels; the only barn convenient to depots, lumber yards and elevators; 2 corner lots; good established patronage; good reasons for selling. Price. If taken at once, 83..VO. Address nil communications to Conib. Box S2. Loup City. Neb. Y M537 Decl FOR SALI--7.inc mine; $50,0il; 10 acres. 30 per cent royalty, large HOlMon mill; enough ore to tun mill over live vears; netting $750 per week now. Jamnt Brown, Miners' Bank Bldg., Joplln. Mo. Y-M404 Deolie IXlR PALE OR TRADE on account of ill health, a livery :nd boarding stable. In good location and doing good business. Have 10 head of horses nnd all kinds of rigs and wagons and luirn full of board ers. Write or inquire, 209 W. Washington Ave., Council Rluffs. T MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Easy to Get. Easy to Repay MONEY On our new plan In which we give you a copy of the contract with a written guar anteed REBATE. FURNITURE. PIANO AND SALARY LOANS. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of -Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2285. 3'j6 S. ltU St. (Established 1W1 X-M618 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon own names, without security; easy ments; oflices in 83 orinclpal clUea. their pay. Sav youraelf money bv gttlng my terms first. L. II. IULMA1N, 714 New York Life Bldg. X-708 DR. PKIBBENOWiS MONEYS loaned on furniture, aalary. pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half rales; perfect privacy; immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payments suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Kaibach Blk. 2ti So'ith 15th Bt. K-7lx Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get: no red tape, you get money same day asked for at small cent. Open evenings till 7. ' X 843 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, aooom modatlng; all butanes coundenttsl. 1301 Douglaa. X-844 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- elri-, horses, cow. el. C. F. Reed, 31s 8. eiry, 18tn X-81S FURNITURE, live Duff Green Loan block. slock, salary loans. Co., room 8, Barker X-4a CHATTELS, salary and Jewery loans. Foley Loan Co., Ji04 Farnam St. X 340 CHATTEL Credit Co.. and salary loans. 833 Paxton block. Phoenlg X-S47 WANTED AGENTS BIG PAY FOR MEN AND WOMEN )' tiood Housekeenintf is the reut Home Magazine. Il already has over s. million roaders. but we want more-. 'Jo introduce it into new homes we offer cxcepiioiuil Inducements and votild like to hear from anyone who -is ready lo co-opeialc Willi us. $1,000 CASH PRIZES will be given to those of our ucents who scmhI us the niurt subscrhillons during tho monih of DECEMBER In addition to all other compensation. 'I he wol k Is caxy and illiiiti. and the compeiisa.1 ion gicMtcr than is paid by any ol her magazine published. It rccjuiies no puriiciildr talent or ex perience, and you can work much or little, Ju-t as you please. It A Will Pay You to Poetal Will Bring Investigate. Particulars. Addles "Agency Dep t.' I The Phelps Publishing Co., Springfield, Mass. J- M5S5 :-7x FARM RENTERS who pay $3.00 and $4.00 per aTe rent should go with us on one cf uur regular excursions lo where the U. P. R. R. is selling l.uc farm and ranch lauds at f 3 to 5 far Acra EASY TIIM8 You cn buy in weatcrn Nebras ka. Kansas, Colorado or Wyoming For full information regarding lands and special excursions apply UXQ AGENCY, U. P. X. R. Dept. . 31 . lath 9U OMAHA CRAIX AM) PRODUCE MARK. DullueisaiJ Wiakxrs Fun iLronsi Entire LiU VOIUVE OF BUSINESS HEMARKAB'.Y SM om pa risen of or1hveal fleer t. Willi lreilona Week nnd l.nat Ifi -t urn Dull, bnl steadier, P Ocularly DrVembrr (lptlon OMAHA, Nov. 2. i tii"iit was wak to, my In all month The volume of busines was small, sts i tics iii the week's grain movement in t ncrthwes' weie bulbs', . ;(..', 14 cars vicre ' i'd. which is ills. at : less than t j previous we.-k, and I'.mi short of a ye 1 sgo. In. lu.llng Winnipeg, the total celpts r 4.lcvJ cars, as agiitil S.M" '. year. The premium for No. I northern In Minneapolis Is oiling from 4e to 5c ovsr the lecrniier. Sonic complaints roine lo IihiiiI of damage to wi.eal still in stack in the south s,fL Corn was dull, but rather Ml-ndld. par tlcitlaily for December. Light receipts and tho strength In cables were arrayed agatnsi splendid weather throughout the west. Hals were weak again, and it looks very much as thouah the delayed liquidation ns. set tic, ' In ilie,Jtuy. The decljin ma if slow unm jitpp loss orders aie uncov en-d and-then it will h'j rapid enougli t satisfy sny short. The shipping demand la M,i,i, an ine east is rnrorifiiuy suppuei- rhere Is no rlvimc'lor evnoit business t onntry .elevator srv-full and farmerv dealers Und local Interests are long on w . i tie Tela tive piii e of com and oa In the interior Is diicratiug against fie consumption of tlie Inftnr.' " , Primary hst versipts were 797.IH,0 bush-' Is and slilpments ,"1..ofii bushels, against ahipni"i!l'"l :v.J."0- bushels Corn reeipts' were 4i .'. bushels and vhtpnients 2nS.iai bushels, aealpst eceipis last esr of 6'.l.r bushels Ami shipr vrits nf ,4s,.ihmi l,ushet,. Clciiraiv es were 1S.OOO bushels wheat. !7,0ii bushels ccfrji. 1.1 tun bushels .oats and flour and I1e.1t equal to 343.0UI hitastjhl Liverpool los d unrliangt'J. orT? heat anil ',,w,d higher jvti com. Hitiombail estimates woi-Rfs wheat ship ments at iO,4'i0.i4w hushele. The east, claims that supplies of spring wheat Hour nre low. Tlji Is no more than natural in view of the tact that the pro duction st Minneapolis since September 1 lias been I.Vju.uoo bbls. less than last vetcr snd that th- exports tiave been Isrge. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUf TiNO QUARTER MASTER. Fort Robinson. Neb.. Novem ber 30. IflOU. Seeled proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be re celved here luitil 10 a. rn., western statidard time, December an, Usui, for the construction of one set field officers' Quarters, two doub' sets captains' quarters, one double set lieu, st lleiir ii'1i,-Im y Iwl d aliof, tenants' Quarters, one ten set lm officers' quarters, two double cavalry racks, two. double stable suu.nl and buildings, four cavalry stables and one vC erinary hospital at Fort Robinson. Neb. also for heating, plumbing and electric wiring same. Full Information furnished upon application to this office. Plans may be seen In office chief quartermaster at Omaha, Chicago. Denver and St. Paul; depot quartermaster New York; quarter master general Washington; quarter master Fort 1 yea veil worth and here. ; Pro posals to bo marked "Proposals for New Buildings" and addressed to the under signed. Capt. LEON S. ROUDIEZ, Con structing Q. M. N23-24-38-37-D17-U. l lie Maancim vorick NEW TORK CITIOAOO 89 Brsa4T 109 nndIrai mu The Lamdlng rtaanelal Weekly Valuable te Bankers and Flnaodera Indispensable te lovestert nod pecala ters The only naabelal pnblloatloa of its kind. P" xur Tree sample copy, ion win dvoo&vuicv tte value and send your subscription. THF. FINANCIAL, OHLD 34 BrosMiwatr NewTrsc RAILWAY TIME CARD (XIO.-V STATOJl-TKlsTU A5D MAHCY taloai Paclde. n...riana t 1 1, a , -a , Leave. i t.oh am Arrive. 8:18 pm a 8:10 pre :. am a 6:10 pm ' 10:4b pm a t pm a 7:44 am a 4-6ipm bl2;45 pin The China and Japan Fast Mall Colo, St Calif. Ex California 4b Ore. Ex. 1 ... A .... 1 1 1 .-. . I , 1 .a 4:18 pm .a i m pm .a i'.ie pm ,ai2:06 pm .a 1 :56 pm 1.11. 111,CI.0 UlUWtM Fast Mail Colorado Special ...... North Platte Local... a v: am f lu a i n Beatrice ivocai ,b 3:00 pm Chicago, Rork Island A Paiclne EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:15 am lowa Iyocal a 7:00am Chicago Mall Iowa Local bl. :05 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 6:06 pin Chicago (Iowa Llmltcdj.u, 0:35 pm Des Moines Local WEST. Rooky Mountain IJm....a 7:20 am Colo, and Cal. Express. .a l:Wpm Okl. and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm Lincoln, Falrbtiry and Halloviin a 8:60 pm a 7:10 am a 4:30 pm b 8:55 pm b 8:56 pm a 1:35 pm al2:25 pm a 4:25 pm a 3:05 am a 4:50 fipi al2:05 pili a :0duy a Dully, b Dully except Sunday Chicago loftl.wetoru Cedar Rapid s Paaa a 7:08 em a 1:88 pra' Twin City B7xpreaa....a 7:Maui aau:uw pra U:18 pm a 8: pm a 8:8c m a 8:80 aia a 8 4i pin a 7:80 am a 3.30 am a 1 :uu uni Chicago Psyllght . Cldcago Lavcai ..... bloux City liOOSl .. Carroll Looal Bloux City lol Chicago ICxprese . Fast Malt test Mall .......... Twin City Limited Overland Limited .. Chloagu Limited ... ..Tk. s,n..i-i ...a :0 axn ...all: Wain ...a 8.80 pm ...a 4:31 pia .V.a'8 80 pin ... 8:U pm ...a 8:28 pm a 7:0om a 8:31 arv a i:i pm all:uv pin a J;4u am b 7:40 am a 8:Hj pn. a 8:00 pro. .,..b 8:00 pm ft :vi m lll.tltl, klU H.n LlPOuln-Chndron Dad wood-Lincoln Casper-Huusbuni Hastlngs-duperter Frenioot-Alblun . elO.&i x,- S M ia k $: pm U.4f0 Via Chlraao Great Weetera, 8l Haul a- MiiinaaDCjlla. 8J0 nia 1:4k am fit. Paul Chlcsgo Chicago Chicago dt Muineapelia, Limited Eanreaa ExDi-eaa. Uttpra $.00 am U40poi .)ptn 8:vt pm 7:48 am I D pm Mlssoarl Paclgo K. C ft St L. Expres..a 8:00 am K C. A St- L- IkUprsa,.alla8 pm Nebraeka Locl V" t bicace. Milvtaukc A lu r Chi and Colo. Special. .as 7:88 am California and Ore, Ex. a 8:o pm Overland Limited... a 8 M pui Marian Cedar R. Loc h (:48 am a 8 M am M pm AU.40 ara 1. A 748 am a 8 40 pnt a I un) am hUMfim .... T--mA .4:88 pa. tmtm 1 Bt Louis iooal (from i Council bluffs) a 8:1$ ant aU:M Bca Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) 108 pm bU Waia llllnola Central Chicago Express) il Mtn l r.utrm. LUicaav wu i UlRMGTO STATIOK-lath 4. MAtW.s Burlington. Denver Callforala... Black HlUs Northwest Special nrikri l-itreaa .... fcsave. .a 4 ie pnt a 4 11 pm a 4:19 pm .all: 10 pm a 8:18 am .a : am . I tVp'ro b l u pm .a 7:80 am !a i':M am .a 1 :'JS am Arrive. a 3 80 pia a 8 p., a 8 ce at a 3 8 p 7:40 fri a 8 8 'ai aJ! 01 pi blO tlttl Nebraska Expreae .... Nebraska ijy-m Lincoln Local Lincoln ral Mitll Ft. crook Plattsra'th Reilavue A Plattsm th. Denver Limited Bellevue Pec. June.. , v.i....,, Hoeciai ....... a 7- a a In a 7 Chicago txpreea Chicago Flyer Iui Local tt. l.ouU Exprees...... Kansas Clty-Bt. Joe.. Ksnk Clty-Ht. Joe., Kuus qiy-Sc. Joe.. .a : pm ..a S IS am ,.a 4 4b pm . ,al0 4o pm . .a 9:la am ..a 4:46 pat a s.'6 e a 7.H . al0:M p,;i aii:sv Si a t:M a 8.1 pj tVLBKI'tn STATION I Stk A HliBSl'E Chlcan. rani. Minneapolis; Oaaaha. Twin flty Passenger. Bloux City Psaaenger. Fnei-aon Local v Lnielaon Ical ...... Mtsaoort Pa ride, li-al via Weeping Water FUs Cliy Looal Leave b 'i ' HQ1 .a 2-0 pm b 3:18 pnt .. 8.t8 am Arrtva.1 b I Id, n s:iij 4 i ft a 8 5 ia .a 8:05 am .a MM pm a0Ji:ij, a a DaJlj. a Dally, b Daily exoert tunday. ascent kAtarnaf. - Bundsy aaiy. nept Jsnwamr. I V th-i oa I -V , 'A ac