Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Office, 10 Tearl
fkn Etd Bobbed by Tw WU Prmd
Ven Batttrdsj lirbt.
'Via gioB-s-ed Sar lpir
Xt-ark awd Broadway tni f IS
T-akea free Hie
Twj holdups, alleged t' linve been eom
ji.ltud late Saturday night, were reported
(. th police, ly the victims. John Reed.
mvit-jhrnmi In the employ of the Union l"a-
clflc. rtDnrfil th. he was retiirnlctt t
Council Bluffs from Omeha on the ..
ar and left It at Nineteenth treet. Two
tea followed hlin off t.h car and attacked
him from behind a h was walklrg be
tween . Fir l and Bei ond avenue. After
Vnocking Mm down, the. thugs. Reed said,
went through lis. peel 'en and relieved bjm
vf between J14 and $t. Keed said his as
sailants, r jouDg men and apparently
neatly UtMel.
(T. H Swajisom. llvll. at 31 S.uith Tenth
Mtleet. waa found about midnight in a
ilaztd conlltloii sitting cm th) curb at
Ninth etreet ami First avenue, near the
Illinois Central freight depot, by a passnrby.
who notified the police. Pwanaon. when
taken to polk-e headquarter. eaJd that
witan h turned ff 'Bma3way cirto Ninth
atreet on hla' way lioinn about 11 o'clixk
lie waa followed by a stranger who over
tfok.hlm and struck him from brhlnd with
nuppoecdly a aandbag. Swaneon tr.
ktUH-ked unionscloua and when he came to
Uncovered trmt hi poket had been turned
nijde out and US taken. Bwanaon wa un
ITie to give veiv the allghlext Ueacrlptlun
of Mj aesaf M.
I repair clo ka. I put them in good run
ning order, clran them up and fix them' ao
fon can depend on the time, ai a reason
able price. O. Mauthe, 258 TV. Broadway, v
Far imported wtnea and liquors and Bud.
Valaer beer, go to I. Roaenfeld, wholesale
liquor dealer, 61 Bouth Main atreaU
Hpvclal PjrogTRphy aale thla week. Alex
ander', SS3 Broadway.
rur f it ure, co. bl.ufks, ia.
t JflOS
Itrmoi by Rrr. Jamea OKay at Ptrat
' Preubjrterlaa Charch.
'fh rtiurchea of the city will unite in a
fhanknglvlng aerrlce to he beld Thnreday
morning In the First Presbyterian church.
Ttov. James O'May, pastor of the Broadway
Methodist church, ,haa been selected to
preach the Thanksgiving sermon and spe
cial music will be rendered by a quartet
tronsrtsting of Mra Warner Welsh, Mrs. N.
C,Ward, C. W. CoVer and C. R. Chaae,
With Mies Thatcher at the organ.
. Tltankrgivlng ssrvlcM will' also be held
Thursday niondng at Bt. Paul's Eplscoval
chun. The rector. Rev. H. W. Btarr, will
preach a Thanksgiving sermon, and a fea
ture of the aervicea will be special music
by the choir under the direction of Mrs.
W. TV. Sherman, with Mtse Xorene at the
flee our beautlHil new Xniaa pliotegrsphs
and .portraits. .We are making some hand
auine water colors, sepia and crayon work
1 which must be ordered before December
17 and we won't disappoint j-su. Schmidt,
Combination gaa and electric chandeliers
ud , the celebrated Welabach Incandescent
gua burners. Why not see us before yen
buy.' TV can certainly pleaa you on price
and quality of goods. ' Shephan Bros., 631
West Broadway.
TfaaakaariTtaa; gala
On all our high grade dining room furniture.
HI to W per cent discount on our entire line
ef buffets, sideboards, china cabinets, din
ing tables and chair from now till Thanks
giving. Keller-Farneworth Forniturs Co.
Fragrant, far Maaieavle.
The following program haa been arranged
for the musicals te b given Wednesday
evfcnttig by Wheef No. at the Ladlaa' Aid
aoclety of the Broadway Ifethodlet church,
f ew iVople Know Hoar feeta! it is fm
rrewvlng Health and Beauty.
, Coats Nothing; To Try.
Nearly ' averybody knows that charcoal
U the safeat and moat efficient distnfact
3t and purifier in nature, but few rsalice
Its valu when taken Into the human r
ttm for the sanve clssastng puno'-
Ciiarcoal It a remedy that the mere yon
take of it th better; It Is nui a, drug at
all, but simply absorbs th gases and Im
purities always present In the stomach and
iuiee'.tnas and carries 'them otil of the
J stem.
CUarcoeJ sweetens tb breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions or
other odorous vegetables.
. Charcoal effectually clears and Improv es
tit cauvlaxlon, it whitens the teeth, ar.d
rnrthsr acts aa a natural ard eminently
safe i-athartlc"
It absorbs the irjurtaus gases which ccl
lect in the s'omarh and bowels; It disin
fects the mouth and. throat from the pol
n ot iaftrr,
All 6:tielm Mi, charcoal lu one form
r another, but probably th beat char
coal and tit moat f i r the mony la in
piuart'B Cl.arcoal ; they are com
lel of the finest powdered Willow char
coal, and other herni!es antiseptics In tab
let fonr. or rather In th form of large,
plaaaant tasting loweng-es. the charcoal
Velug mixed with honey.
Tb dally us ot these losenges will soon
iU in a much Impnortd condition of the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
reath and purer blood, and the beauty of
Ii la. tb4 uo svsstble harm can result from
their oontlnued use, but. on the contrai-y,
gieat'benem. -
A Buffalo physician, in speaking vt the
hepefiis of charonal. a; s: 'l advise
ti;art's Charcoal Lnerngee to all patients
sifferlng front gas In stomach and bowels,
and to clear up the complexion and purify
ttie breath, pifmth and throat; I also be
l:v the ibrer s greatly bvneflted wltl;
the dally use of them; they cost but twenty
five cents a box at drug stores, and al
though In tome sense a nateut preparation,
yet I bellava I get nior and better char
coal in 8iua-t's t"hn:cl tlian in
any bt the ordinary charcoal tablets."
. deud yoi.r name arul address today for
ja fre trial pa kage and nee fur yourstif.
l". A. 8-as 8rvart HHg . Mat'tail,
aivli.' j
St. Trl. 4.1.
at C.e residence of Mr. (3. G. Baird. I".,,S
High, suret: .
Piano P-Mo Selected
Mia Curl Frederick Slough.
Piano inrtwt-Plceolo Fantasie. ahani
I'trsf Piano, Mlssea Bessin and Matlle.
(irwi: BkoihI Piano. Mi Rnr.hnel
I Maynard and Helen Dent.
eoio- 4 nr iuun t uiuinnn i,ir;oin.j.
Mr. AJiion Ray Heap--.
Reading Selected
Mr, lvillie Dick Burge.
Piano Trio-("Vera rd Gtle Fondey
.Mi Hie Ijorene Hamr.iel, Tuli Lst. end
Adelaide Rradley.
Solo 8nl f ted
Mr. Csrl Fie.1erl.-k Stoug'i.
Chorus The Pastures of th l.oid
Broadway Choir.
t,aeky Tktlil.
To ! your clothes cleaned instead ot
buying r.ew one Give ue a trial is all
we ask and me are sure you will tll your
neighbors how i ke it wes don. We dye
lace, plumes, etc.. to match sample. Conn
K ' Cleaning Co. and I Rug Factory,
M X. Main. Both 'phones 31S.
Sewing machine nppllc. tewing ma
chines repaired, sewing machines for rent,
or we can sell you one on satisfactory
term. S. if. Williamson, 17 8. Main.
A Metsgar 4fc C.
N Location ef fntotesaile Bakery,
61 Mynstcr Stree t, Council Bluffs. Ia.
Home-made Brd a Specialty.
Vlsitura Welcome.
Mass Meellas In City Hall TVeMes.
day Evralng t Dlat-waa Haeatlnn.
The diKcjsxion at the public maetlng on
WedTiesday night in the city council cham
ber of the question of a 5-cetit fare between
thla city and Omaha, it la expected, kill
bring out a large gathering. Residents
Of the western part of the city, who utartrd
the campaign for the reduced fare between
the two cities and have been actively push
ing it since, aie expected to attend in large
Sentiment concerning the 6-tent fare la
divided, and the proposition undoubtedly
will meet with more or less opposition from
certain of the retail rnrrchauts of the city,
who fear that a reduced rate will result
In come of the traxie drifting across the
river. On the other hand, advocates of
th &-cetit fare contend that this fear of the
retail merclianta ia not well founded. Ad
vocatea of the reduced fare believe that it
would reault in further building up the city
by bringing famillea from across the river
to make their homes In Council Bluffs,
where, it ia contended, living is cheaper
than In Omaha.
Members of the West Knd and West
Council Bluffs Improvement clubs, which
started the campaign for the 5-cent fare,
are waging a vigorous campaign and some
seem to think that the city council chamber
will be inadequate to accommodate the
crowd expected at the meeting Wednesday
We will have a nice stock of fancy tui
keys, ducks, geese, chickens, oysters, game
and fish of all kinds for Thanksgiving.
Central Grocery and Meat Market.
We make, a specialty of chtldren'a shoes
and also fitting children's feel. Sargent's
Family Shoe Store. '
Economy washed egg coat was aievec
named better, for it Is cei taloly econonil
nal. .It leavea a. small amount of aahea
when burned, make, a good hot Are. and it
Is a. lasting coal and does not make a
much sntoke as most soft ccyJe. Council
muffs Coal and Ice company. 'Phone 72.
CaaepCf Maa ladlctea fur Rigaiay In
gegteaaber Goes Oxer.
On the application of counsel for the
defendant, th trial of O. Henry Smith,
alias George Goodenough, indicted at the
September session on the charge of bigamy,
has been continued to the next term. Good
etimigU. under the name of Bmlth, was
married In this city January 1, 1fct2. to Mae
E. Scott, when he had a wife, Minnie Good
enough, from whom lie had rot been di
vorced. Since his indictment lie has been
at liberty under KM bunds .
Th aecoud trial of George Matheson, on
the charge of shooting and dangerously
wounding Constable J. C. Baker of tlil-t
city, has been set for Monday of next
week, the same day as on which the trial
ef FJmma RJpke has been assigned, and U
will probably not l reached until later
in the week. Mallieson ou Id former trial
a few years as, was convicted and sen
tenced to eight years in the penitentiary.
He appealed and Uie case was aent back
for r stria! on a technicality. Matheaon hs
been at liberty on bond and since his con.
victlon has married. The defense claimed
thai the shouting was accidental.
Farmers, when you need a good farm
wagon, you can get the Old Hickory and
Van Brunt at pilcea that are vighl; alr
scoop board and wagon boe. Any on
will tell you where Van Brunt's place Is.
Women who lnw the sturdy wearing
qualities of good fla)..leltes will embrace
this opfM'i I unity for securing $1.W nighl
gewus for o, I'd floor. The Johu Beno Co.
See Stephen Bres. for the latest, and best
Inserted burnsis. 59 West Broadway.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. Niglit,
t sleep aa Railway Track..
James Patterson will have tu explain to
Judge Scott in police, court this morning
what piompled hint to seek the street rail
way tracks aa a aleeplng place Saturday
night. Patleivou. who was found lying on
the track at Thirtieth street with his hed
resting on the vail, objected strenuously
wbeit the crtw of one of the Omaha motors
attempted to remove him from Ins danger
ous position. The atiwng aearch light mi
the front of the motor enabled the motor
nuin to) fee lVttsraoai's rocunibent form l;r
time to prevent ruiuting over and prolmMy
killing blui. Patterson wns lok'd up by
tfce police ar.d cluirged with being clvjnU.
Davis, drugs.
Ciara'a. . sodas.
Stcrkert seiia carpets.
Fine engrwvlrg at LeJTert'.
IJd Rogers' Vony Faust beer
alee Boiwlck for Ninas goads.
Plumbing and heating. Bixby
Lewis Cutler, funei-al diractur.
'pllO-Tl SK.
Woodfing Undertaking touipsny
Tel. g.
Plari tarO for Yhaukivliig
Alexander a art atere.
It only teste a -riit stamp t get Ha
fer's pi-k Council Biiifts. Is.
Mia May Warrvn of )t. Jneeoh. Mo., Is
the gueal of lit uutiL, ilia, fl L- eVles.
I C. Iliildwlrt and daughter IHw left
last erijuf for an e.tejic4 L Ip th;ough
(lie eouth.
Alt siaes of etorrn doors, storm saab,
slorm wir.dowa and weather strtoav at Geo.
The ioa:poiit,l ao:.anl .meeting of the
l j Uhwt.irrs of tjs VKi-1 Fellow a' 11(1 k
avcJa'-Kn K1 be held wtiu.ty ereiK.ii
i i te o.TI e nf I,. Hammer in (Mil lllow"
rc-:;irl". Officer f"t- tl.e ensuing yesr will
be elvtid at thi mce'inp.
The art department of the Council Bluffs
Woman's i Inn nill mcrt Ihis afternoon in
the clul moms.
Mn's frit lined overshoes, J1.J0. 'Men's
Boston pur? gum overshoes, Jl.u". Duncan
; Hau. S S. Mnin.
If yo'if shoes ned rciulriujr brl"t thini
tn n. We fix thrin while t.u wait. Hai
gents familv slio stirre.
PMViVal Mullis will lue Wednesday for
Chicago to spend Thankscivlng with his
svnt, .Mi. C. K. ThiHims.
We hnxr ordrir.l 1,fr.i (rs::ons vf solid
p-fkd ovs:rs for Triankspii Ing. Ceuttal
Urncery and Mrjt Market.
T1 ladies of th Mnci-Hles lixve In
definitely postponed Ihe i urd party to have
been give;i toniotrow,aftr moon.
Rrfore buying a gas or electric portable
cull and see mr Mne. New. up-to-date and
prives are right. W. A. Maurer,
A beautltiil and ornamental gas Viiurner, i
the Welsbach chick lump, complete, Jl.Ji. I
Stephan Pros., 5J8 West Broadway. I
WANTED An eTprrl'nced man to dress
turkrys, gere, lu k nnd chickens. J. '
2,0'iler Jr. Co., loo-l'-li"'. I.'.ronclwsy. i
Wlnler term Wcst'-rn Iowa College opens '
Monday. Pe it. Hcnd for cMtaluguc. '
'Phone for information. Both 'phones.
Mi Helen Robins"' l"ft yejeterday for i
Clilcagcv where she will be one of t'l
brldeHmalds at the wedding of her friend.
Miss May Pastln. 1
Take a look in our window at Kisk'a
granite ar.lf-lia.ltig innsieis: four elies,
li.TS, fJ.OU, l?.Je, t2Xi. Swaine &, Maucr, a"8
West Broadway.
I iy $12 per ton for cast iron; mixed,
$10; eteiv. IS; rags. 1'ic per lb.: rubber.
7V: copper, 11c per lb. J. Katelman. 803
Mani, both 'phones 66".
Thanksgiving is not complete unless you
have a box ot ben bona we h'-ivc the best
or a pound or two "f our nitre
1 candy. Muocl. Jig TV. Rro-idway.
The dty council is slicriuled to ninet in
ad.'ntirned rejinlsr wnlnn tonlieht. As far
as Ip known tlie noihlnR of arieal ini
portnnce to come before (ho ins'-tlnir.
The. I'lower Mission will hold a h'.'fi'iess
meotlng this morning at tho ie"id'"ncfi of
Mr. Kmmet Tinley on Willow avenue to
make arrangements for Thunksglvlne.
High grade ai'anlte work, from tho best
Barre imported granites, lettering, carvlr.g
and tracing. Fine ninnurontal work a.
Bl-eclalty. aheeley 4L lane, 37 East Broad
way. Plate Senator C. 5. pand'is? bus tendered
lo (lover nor Cummins his re-inalln a a
member of bis staff. Ml. Paunners was ap
pointed tn tf'i as iiidao advocate gcneml
with the rank of colonel
Dr. nnd Mrs. . O. Smith w (11 hold their
annual reception nt the CongroaHtlnnnl
church porsonnge this evening, when sll
members ol the congregation and their
friends are Invited to be present.
M. J.r Hughes, for the hist two yenrs
miinnger of the local branch of the Minne
apolis Thresher compnny, hns b'.-crt trans
ferred to the company's tirnnrh at I'eorla.
He will be sucoecoed here by J. C Cooper,
cashier of the local branch lor the last six
years. ' ,
ioi chocolate, liv; hot coffee, 10i-. hot
tomato bouillon, l)e, hot clam bouillon,
oc; hot chicken lioulllon, loe; Jiot beef ten.
hot malted niilk. liV; hot clam broth,
lie, and hot lemonade, luc; Clark's sundae.
jc. SMived with cream and wafers. Chuk
Drug Co.
Your 'Phtinksgivlng dinner will not agree
with you utiles you sit down and ret a
few minutes after dinner and listen to one
of our Victor or Edison talking machines.
We have them from 10 tip and most any
kind of record you want. Williamson, W
8o. Main PU
8e the new wall decoration at W. a.
riewetsim'S. Mjialla. th antique designs
and coloring. Pictures and framing. HaVo
your pictures framed ready tor Nmas. A
largo line of new mouldings to select from.
TV. 8. Hcwetson, Masonic Temple. Broad
way and Fourth 8ts., Council Bluffs.
Did you ever notice if the glass on your
picture was dull and smoky and prliup
a number of blisters in the glass? It
you want to ahow off your pictures in
proper style you must have a good clear
glaaa. We handle only the best blaan
and can frame your picture f that they
1 S , X VOUMBrii
riauv block.
What is the use or buying ready-made
Bill' that gel out of shape after you wear
thein a few days, when you can eel a
tailor-made suit at Hicks' right up-tn-dtn
In style, a good fit, and at a vry reacon
able -price? One of lilcks' suits will out
wear three ready-mnde suits and will al
ways look well as lo.ig as there Is any
thing left of It. Bee Hicks a' -m your
clothes it pays.
A burglar attempted to enter the A. K.
Munter home Friday night by a ecoc!
(ory window to which h had climbed by
a laridr. The noise aroused Mr. Hunter s
son, who met Mr. Burglar at the window
as the latter was about to enter the room.
The burglar got such a siuptlse that he
slid down the ladder ond disappeared In the
d"' I before young Mr. Hunter could
get a good look at him.
Spade! Sgads!
Choice early Ohio potatoes at tn-. -llvered
In five-bushel lots or more. Both
'phones 181V Bridenatlne & Binltii, Hoi S.
th St.
Special bargains in pianos all tills woek
al Bouilcus' Piano House. Good pianos
at from W up. .186 Broadway. Council
E toffs, Ia. Where the organ stands upon
(he building.
CUT GU8S, Frenxer, lth and Dodge.
lasw la Nebraska leday. Colder la
Kasl Parlloa Raia In Ima
Todaj. '
WASHINGTON. Nov. Uoi e. at of the
weatheir for Monday and Tueathty:
Por Nebraska Snow Monday, colder in
at portion; Tuesday fair.
For Iowa Rain in enst, rain or n iv
and colder in west portion Monday; Tues
day fair in west, snow ami colder in cal
For Kansas Fair in l, rain or nnow
and colder in east poulon Monday; Tuesday
For Missouri Rain Monday, colder in
west portion: Tuesday fair in west, rain
or snow and colder in east portion.
for Colorado General'., fair Monday and
For Wyoniir-g-Iocal , snows Monday:
Tuesday lair.
For Squill Dakota-Snow and cold-jr Mon
day; Tuesday fair.
l orn I Record.
OMAHA, Now U" -Official record of em
peiature and prefipi'alioii, compared with
the corresponding day of the past thre
yearsi lis, lfcfe. 1K.H. lrt
Maximum leniperatuie.... 5 .'l "S 17
.l :iiii;ii!ii t-uipi-ature.... Its 1'K i '.
Mfii teinperature ., 44, :cs i',
Pieilp'tatKin H .-) .oo
1 eirjl-erature and precipitation departure
frwul tiie iioimal at Omaha since Match 1,
and comparisons with the past two years:
.Normal t'uipt latine Jt
Fxee for the day
Total exc-ess sime March 1
Normal precipitation ..
Kxcoa for tne day
. .lUlnch
. .13 Inch
. ." inches
. 4 o9 inches
. I'.hi 1 nc be
. I. (si in,ehtl
; Toial lainfall since Mrcii 1...
j Dsnc'iency sim e Match 1
Defi -leiic.v for or. period, la-el.
Resort from etalloas at T P. M.
Station und Slat
of Weather.
Birmateu. snuwing
Ttriup. Max. Ram
at . p. it. Temp. fa.i.
Cnev enne. cloudy
I'hlcago. cloudy
Dver.poit. i luudy
!enver. efear
Havre, cloudy
Itelena, ai.owlr.g
luron. snowing
Kansas City, taiuing...
Nortu Platte, clotiu "...
riilia. cluuny
Rapid City, i loudy
til. Louis, eiouov
Hi. l's'il. raining
Salt Ika City, allowing
valentine, Mtiuwiug
V ' i i I , a o n, toady
.(.' i'
4H 4 .(,
M 41 ,V
1 4t .!
'. v
J - 1! .HI
'JA ."4
44 41 .0:
'"'J ii ....
(6 f. ,i(
r.i' ,mi
l4 ir. T
r.i :9i ,i
J 'Jt . u
1 liidicaie 1 1 a. e of pre ipiiaiiuii.
4 A. Wi.LSU, lavcsl F;t)vattr.
Effort Will Be Mads to Abolith tin Sjittm
Eutirelj in Iowa.
ew Fleeted Mate Onlrere Anaounre
a Tnmber f Ippolntmrsti
tharlty Workers to Meet
In (.rlnnell.
(Fitmi a Staff Coi respondent.
Dil-S MOINES. Nov. l"5.-(Hpcclal.)--low's
grand Jury system is to cme In for a great
deal of discussion at the coming session of
i he hsllature. Th"ir will be a concerted
Mr:icli en the system nnd there will even be
l)Mls introduced to nbnllvh tlie system en
tirely. There Will bo other bills introduced
lo amend the system si that there can be
iui-s carried to ItIhI In criminal matters
without the action of-th" grand litry. Over
n yar mo when the State Bar association
met there was u discussion of the proposi
tion lo abolish the sslm. which was
started by Judgr M. J. Wade or Iowa City,
who was then congressman from the Sec
ond district. H offered a resolution f'lf
(he abolishing of the grand Jury. The grand
Jury csuie In 'with Its defoiulers and the
resolution failed of passage, but many per
aoris were discovered who were In favor of
alK.iisiilns tli' grand iury. Now toine of
these champion, are (roing to go before the
legislature with a hill tu that effect. Alder
man Har.iery ot this city, w ho failed to get
the aland Jury to Indict an official uf h
local., public service i.orpoiiition for bribery,
became. ii , advocnte of ti e proposition t
amend th- sytnef-' '0 to allor.- (ases t
he run led to trial' trViTV..l.-,. n indictment
by the grand Jury. U is i:i infer! i.j.. Mder
man. Hanier and those Interested W illi' I'im
that the present system allow too maiii
cham-es for making up juries. l"ndr the
law as at present the election judges certifv
n list of names frr-ni ihtir precinct of per-I
sons eligible to service on the grand Jury. I
This list Is certified to the cler' and he :
and the auditor ere required to prepare n
list from these 'names certified and then1
drH W twelve from the list, which sliall con- I
stltule the grand jury -panel. From
thi I
paml at the licglnulng of each term for one
year seven iinnies are drawn to constitute
llio grand jury for tho term. At the be
ginning of the next year an entirely differ
ent pHiiei is made up. When the grand
jury Tor the "November term of the-Polk
county court was made up It was found to
contain the names of the three members
who refused lo vot the lndctmiils
ngainst the official referred to aUive, and
the names of those who had voted for alio
Indictment were left rdT. It may have been
ftn accident, ami Alderman Hamery's
frjends do not say but that II was. but they
look mysteriously-nnd soy they are In favor
of n law that will allow caes to go to trial
on the filing of informations and without
a grand jury Indictment. They do not
charce any crookedness, but point out thvtt
whiln lh: names .re in the hands c.f the
auditor and clerl'i it would be easy for them
to Juggle the name and doctor things up.
They demand that' tVre be legislation that
will prevent this. . 1
Insurance ' Report Nearly Ready.
The report to thtv legislature to Ire made
by the legislative insurance commission and
which by law iuut bo completed by De-
crmber 1 wilj no'e.coinpletcrl finally till
nfxt wer.k,'ihouahii ia -praeticully' known
now what the- r'port. will be. ilon. Nate
Kendall will be back Monday from tho trip
south to the dedication of the monuments,
and it is, the Intention to complete the re
port before ThnnksglvinK day, so that the
commissioners cait:g home fci that day.'
The report will recommend laws prohibit
ing the future organization of fraternal In
aurcjice companies not charging an ade
quate rate: prohibiting compulsory arbitra
tion of fire losses on the demand of one
party: prohibiting th.. fire cnnipaiiy'a rule
requiting written endorsement for altera
tion of pollcle-s; requiring the use of a uni
form policy for fire Insurance; requiring
payment of fire loss in cash If cash is de
manded; life companies to issuo annuel or
deferred dividend policies at the option of
Hi", insured; requiring existing fraternal
to raise ihelr rate and requiring old line
life companies to distribute their surplus
Asiioliitnieuts Agreed I pu.
-Appointment for porition at, the slate
house under the ortlcers who 1 will take
office January 1 are practically agreed tijion
or tccitly understood. In the office of the
attorney Rcuerul C. W. Lyons will be the
UHslstant. In. the office of secretary of
sluts Joint Jamison of Casey, now In the
land department of the office, will be deputy
f-ecrefary or elate, and Henry Saberson
of AUa will continue as chief clerk. Guy
J. Brewer of De Moines, corporation clerk,
will be clerk of the laud deportment.
James H.- Wilson of Adair county will re.
main a document librarian and J. D.
Petets ot Newton will reiuuln is janitor.
The other positions will lie Piled later. In
the state treasutcr'n office Quincy Willis
will rem.) in as deputy nnj the other posi
tions will not be tilled for some weks yet.
In the office of the commission It
Is expected that Dwiglit X. Lewis will re
main ns secretary, thoiiph tills Is not known
yet. and tho I'onimissluns i a have given no
hint of l heir intention. II Is quite llkelv
that llice will be .nie change In the
other position-.
(burltr Workers to Meet.
The niitfth unnlial meeting of the Icwa.
Confeicncu of Churl' Hj and Conectlons will
be held In (liiuncll Mecemher G to 9. The
address of Prof. Frank 1. llenlolt will be
kiven tie til st day. Hastings II. Hart,
superintendent of t lie Illinois Home society,
will discuss "Friendleif Children and Their
Care." He was largely instrumental in
securing the Illinois juvenile court Isw.
Working relief in cities will be discussed
by Misa Charlotta of Des Moines, and
Prof. C P. Wye J IT of Iowa, college. S. II.
m wmw
Look for the word "RYE" in red on label.'
Distillery: Distributers:
Frankfort, liy. ItiUy Dros.'s Co., Omdha
Do you
Mills of
1 ; ' jajV
tit"" '.'
Crosi.." ' ' tlr'iinci: will give an address on
tn care ot the V5; Thursday nfternoon
Mlr-s Lnnebeck will diSoi." Ihe subject ni
family desertion as will Mis Flora Dnnlap
of Des Moines. Tlie juvenile cif..Jt and its
law will be the subject or a paper by udse
James A. Howe. lion. C. G. Santvler "f
Council Bluffs elves a paper on inritcr?iil
.,.. -1,1,. I, will !. .Usensscil llV
Hon. Kniliit McClaln of the Iowa, supreme
j court. Tulerculosis and poverty will I the
I subject of a paper by Rev. A. E. Kepford.
Tlio John Worthy school, a practical ic
foimatory for boys, bv Paul S. Pelrce,
Instructor in sociology in the. University
of lowii.
Farmer (oiiiIor lo Oes Moines.
Agriculturists of all kinds will be in this
city the week beginning December II. The
stockmen represented by the Coin Belt
Meal Producets' association of the slate
will be In session in the Commercial ex
change hall and will be addressed bv Judge
8. H. Cowan of Fort Worth. Tex., attorney,
and T. TV. Tomllnson, reerelaiy. of ihe
American National Life Stock association.
Judpi) Cowan's address will be delivered In
the Young Men'a Chiistian assotivtlon audi
torium Tuesday evening. December 11. The
lowu Farmer' Institute will.oei In tlie
rooms of the department of agriculture In
the rtato house Tuesday forenoon, De
cember 11. with an address of welcome by j
l.afe Young, editor of the -..apiiHi. aim ,
there will be addresses by C. G. Meseiole,
secretary of the Iowa Farmers' Co-Opera
tive a ssorl lion, on "Farmers' Co-Operative j
Associations.", by H. W. Colllngw-ood. enuoi j
of the Rural New Yorker, on ue-veioi--nietit
of Eastern Agriculture.:' and by Don
L Rerrv of Winlerset on . "What - the
Farmers' Institute is Doitig . for the
Farmer." In the nfternoon Tuesday thei"5
will be addresses on horses by Prof. Ken
titdv or the Iowa Agricultural college, by
Prrsideut A. Ii. Slekney of the Gient
Western on freight rate malring. I'V Pr"'
Curtis of tho Iowa. Agricultuial college on
the college work and by Mrs. Harriet T .
Ashtou on "Poultry on the Farm."
rluy the agricultural convention will be
held, at which the office is of the state ib
.ailment ot agriculture and the directors
will make tlilr reports and there will be
addresses bv Governor Cummins and
other. In the afternoon there will be th
election or officers. Thursday aui Frldav
the Plate Foard ot Agriculture will meet.
During the same week there will also ue In
session the Iowa Park and Fotestry nssocl
ation and the Btate horticultural depart
ment In their rooms in the slate house.
...... ,..tle for Offices.
The fight which last year took place for
the principal ofnre of the Iowa State l rav
eling M-n'a association promises to bs
-....Heated this year. Last year
scramble was to elect
the uecreiary
who should succeed F. k. ""'.' ;
DrMs was elected and 1 this year a candi
date for re-election. Haley Had held the
position tor a long time and would have
been re-elected but for bis untimely death.
This vear A. TV. Rader. a traveling sales
man for the Iowa Drug company. Is a can
didate f.r the position. H. B- II-B '
i this city is a candidate ioi .:--..-- -
president and the only canamsie to .n,..
thus far against lilm is John C. f
8 prague.
Warner & Co. '1 here will oe in -
vacancies in
more than a
ihe bosrd or aireciois -.
dosen candidates are out for
the ixisitioii.
Fraternity Girls thf In-
The West Des Moines School board bai
won in lis light again! the fraternities and
sororities in the West Des Moines High
school and the fraternltie will disband.
One of the boys' fraternities disbande.l a
day or two ago. Today the Board of Edu
cation rwelved notification from the secre
tary of the Kappas, a girls' sorority ,tht
they had voted to disband and had "raised'
all the ribbons of pledged members. This
practically ends the fraternity question In
the Des Moines schools.
Will laspect Falrnrld.
A requesi has reached the slate auditor
for an Inspection of the affair anil accounts
of the city of Fairfield under the state in
spection law. Cities of Z.M ur more people
know that' the great Pillsbury-Washbum
linneapolis are now making
BEST Cereal, Vitos
te heart of the wheat. A 21b. package
1 21bs. of delicious creamy white food
Your Grocer has it now
must be Inspected at least once every two
years. Cities of less than TiAHi will be ex
amined only If they nsk for it. Fairfield
has asked for It and tlie examination will
begin next week. Atlantic is the only other
city that hns asked for an inspecth n of its
account, and that Inspection has been
made. TIitc have been examined tha far
Crt'ftoii, Fort Madison, Marslialltnwn, At
lantic u..?"" Keokuk. A movement Is already
under way to require an Inspection of tho
accounts of clrx.'.nlie- and to create a depart
ment In the state auditor' office employing
live or six Inspectors-, to devote nil their
lime and attention to tlt work of making
tho examinations. '
Will' Select u ( ouimlK'iiiBn.
Politician are of tlie belief that "', w i"
be no national democratic ronmji""Pmau
selected from Iowa to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Wnlsh bcVTc'
or the bitter fight over the position. In
fact, the Bryan men are making an effort
to get tho selection put off till the state
convention of litl ami to fight the matter
out there. They are confident they can
again regain ermtrol of the party organisa
tion In that year.
Ulyndon TVauta a I'nrdnn. P. Glyndoii. twice convicted of
the murder of Miss Wljike Martin 'in
i . k'cii" 1 "i r
IX l !"....'l III
s UiiifJ tiaJ rr-
lS " traiuzra I VjfcQtji
ajai.wroT-g ksif aW -
1 a;agssss.aaia).ag, v I J
r, ,i i '-hi '. :
. - -A ; - y ;
: " i . r- y I ...i i
viv -i n;:- "- m-
a li'" ..Jl i , i
Th Reliable Specialists
honest, capaole and reliable
Nowadays specialty work Is called for uud demanded, notably so when (lio
suft'en-r's life or health is enduugered. It ia then that tlie'l.est tivstnieut liicul
il science affords should Ixt sousht for. I.Hseases nnd weuknesses, wlileh are
so prevalent among men are their worst enemies.. Thov produce)- startling
weakness and cause great physical snd lnenlnl tortur. They eventually rob
men of priceless manhood and strength. Neglect or improper tieati.itui have
been the means of blighting the most radiant hopes, ni.ihhiK: busin.-ss a failure.
Many sufferers are buying ready-made remedies at driii stoic, mid then
wonder why they don't gel well, tither ex ci intent with "Kr'e S'r'at nunt"
and "Quick Cure" schemes, and in the end find tlnir dlscHSc niuca iigfri-u voted.
Do you not realize thHt the only way you can hope to set cured is to receive
tlie Individual intention of specialists of recoirnized ability and expenenco auen
as we are'.' Tlie physicians connected with (lie Slate Medical Institute are emi
nently quilifled to advise, direct and treat such eases as come within our
specialty, and when you avail yourself of our services you are assured of hon
est, skillful and successful treatment.
We cure safely and thoroughly Nervous Debility, Rectal and Kidney Dlfc-
rarri. uhm an iiiwk.i-s uiiii nfiiMiri'F
the result of speclric disease.
Free rartnHiHn-t inrl Pf lrnlmitian
lbs wviitfu.iai.Mu ami bsaiiiiuwovi ii.
X308 Faxnam St., Between 13th ajjd 14th St., Omaha, Neb.
- -s
Account International Live Stock Exposition. "
Tickets on sale Dec. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Return limit Dec. 10th.
Throe Fast Trains Daily
' From Union Station, Omaba, to' Union
Station, Chicago. Leave Omaha at
7:55 a, m.
5:45 p.
For Information, fold a rs, etc., call at City
Ticket Office, 1624 Farnam St., or write tu
F. A.
Gongral Wrn ttgant
Sfcf& Of
by the
man wno
:cc cic r t f e fi
if ifii ubi i f f
I t a 1 III!
I 1 till
I ! 1 . I I ' I : I i
-'l - J - i :
Grundy county, Iowa, ha appealed to tha
legislature for a pardon. This is the sec
ond appeal. Glyndon was Indicted In
Grundy county, but given u . change of
venue to Hardin county. There he was
convicted, but because of An instruction of
the lower court the case was reversed. On
tho second heuring the trial was had In
Story county and another conviction se
cured. Glytidon's chief claim for a pardon
is his allegation that Sheriff Klllgoro of
Grundy county at both trials sal inside
Ihe bar aiul coached the wilness how lo
answer. '
MANICURE 8EVi'$ "'"-'' w & '""
It- .-!.... .. v..
I'l&tR-B. .8.. D , Nov. .vtP'cll Tele
Cam.) Tomorrow morning the .'rth west
ern road will put on a jiasserig. ".'"
X m i i ii mm"
1 K , y
freight service on Its line from Fort licrie'V.I
west, making dally trips to ,tlie etui ot in
line, which will be At Midland, by the end
of the present week. Under Its agreement
with the boating company, the service will
start from Fort. Pierre, until tlie Ice stops
lioalins. alter which. It, will be from this
city. ..." .' '
IS-k plait, gold Rings that are IS-k. CeB
IT, Jeweler, 'M South 11th. (Set his price.
oi n.t'll OUe lo 'lelllecl lEUOIUUCe or
Offiee hourr,: 3 a.
m. to f p. til. SUndaya,
you cannot call, write.
1 only. It
CsaaTrTI f "-11,'ai
m. and 8:35 p. m.
iaaaMSai aliWoBssi-a-Bl