Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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leave on Chicago by Straight Toot fall
Through the Varooa Line.
Maroon r Drops pit Field t.nals.
bwr I,lne Was ot Fnnal to Tl
of Krriilnx rbrnka from
(From o Staff Correspondent.!
CHICAGO. Nov. "1 --(Fpcrfnl Telegram.!
Fighting brnvely to the lust, with evrry
Mt am much ginger a when the game began,
Nebraska wm defeated by Chicago todny
because the latter team, Including the peer
less Eckersall, had developed s much
faster and more accurate style of op- n
play than tho Cornhuskcrs. Ton thousand
people saw th (tame, which van favored
by Ideal weather conditions a sunny sky,
keen, bracing nlr. and firm. clnn footing.
The score of 3f to 5 docs not tell the story
o,' the fierce struggle put tip by N'ehrnska.
''lie Lincoln toom whs game nitd deter
mined all through and made an excellent Im
pression ou even the most parllsan specta
tors, the festilt twins o encourage Ne
braska supporter In the belief that the
eleven will be admitted to the Big Nine at
the conference next week. ' Several hun
dred Nebraska rooters, accompanied by the
band, occupied a section of the west grand
stand and did all that lungs and enthusl
sm could to help their favorites. The east
bleachers were parked with a vast Chicago
crowd, half of whom were women, and It.
too, hnd a band much In evidence. Ilrtwcen
halves, Erkersall, whose lust gunie It was.
was presented with a SKO watch bought with
money contributed by the university stu
dents nnd fnculty.
K-k?rstill. out of eight trys for gotil from
th field, kicked five,, ond wound up his
gridiron coreer with glory, although some
f his lust efforts both'at kicking and In
j!iry!;u the liall wero paralyxed by the
Nebmskuns. His leg. however, was respon
sible for twenty points and the size of the
score. The Maroon boys proved they had
developed much further along the lines of
the new rules than their opponents and
demonstrated what can he done with this
style, continually working forward passes,
tinublc passes and criss-crosses, playing a
ir.oro shifty game and being better skilled
tr handling the ball In the open field, be
traying better coaching in the modern game
of foot ball.
Sefcraaka Brilliant at 'rimes.
Nebraska executed several brilliant plays
atifl often gained from eight to twenty
, ynrds. but the gains were not consistent.
' The team wa slower In getting off on
plays, so that Chicago's defense had oppor
tunities to line up and meet the attack,
which they could see was coming. On
the other hand, Eckersall often had his
men tip and away before Nebraska knew
what was going on. Nebraska had no In
dividual stars except Cooke. All played
.'or every ounce of strength and bit of
skill In them. Eckersall's fake kicks sel
dom succeeded, because the Nebraska ends
were down tha field too fast and many times
u'.wned him In his tracks.
Nebraska won the toss and chose tha
south goal. At 2:06 Parry kicked , off to
..utg. who returned the ball ten yards.
n:i a faka buck Craig pained ten yards.
Conke failed on a quarterback run and
i-'ebrajilia was forced to punt to Ecker-s-itl
o:i Chicago's fonv-yarr! .1'ne, whera
lie waa downed In bis trackn Iddtnga
i.v-d ten yutnn on tno iiir.l.! ploys and
Van throa m ire off tho and. Chaloupka
vas Injured, tut t.ed in the game, fly
onslstcnt bucking on tackle hidings
ept over tor the first touchdown
Walker kicked goal. Beore, 8 to 0.
Purry kicked the ball over tho line.
braska punted out to Chicago's forty
ynrd Una, Chicago could not gain and
JCckersail dropped back for a kick, but
instead passed the ball over to. Walker,
who mado first down. Chicago barely made
len yards the next three downs. Nebraska
was penalised five yards, which put the
ball on Nebraska's five-yard line. Nebraska
lield gallantly twice, but on the third try
leffen went through tackle and over the
Uaa. Walker kicked goal. Score.. 12 to 0.
ErkeraaJl Forced to Pant.
Johnson a kickoff was brought back by
Parry to Chicago's thirty-yard line and
two forward paapes brought It to the cen
ter of the field. ThiiNebraskans held and
Kckeraall waa forced td punt to Cooke, who
was downed on the five-yard line. After
the ball had been kicked into safe ground
Eckersall failed on a drop kick. The ball
was punted out and a quarterback kick
netted Chicago twenty yards. StefTeii p.ado
seven, Finger aeven and a criss-cross by
Walker six yards, but a forward pass to
Stefton was fumbled and Nebraska had the
ball on Ita own fifteen-yard line. Ne
braska failed to gain and Welter pui.ted
to tMeffen, who returned the ball to N,..
braska'a fifteen-yard line. Iddliige and
Walker failed to gain, so Kekeraull dropped
it between the post. Hcore It. to 0.
Johnson's kick was returns! by Ecker
sall to the thirty-yard line. A double pass
to Finger put It on Nebraska's fifty-yard
line and a forward pass to 8leffn ad
vanced It to Nebraska's twenty-yard Hue.
Tddlngs and Steffen faile.1 to gain, m
Kckersall kicked unolhcr goal. Score,
'M to 0.
Nebraaka made tlie next arid Us only
tot'chdown, much to the chagrin of the
Maroon rooters, who hoped for a blank
cure. Parry kicked off to Johnson, who
veturncd the ball to the twenty-three-yard
llnu. Nsbruska could not gain. iu Weller
punted out of bounds. Ohlcugo was off side
and forfeited the ball to Nebraska on its
own forty-yard Hue. A plunge off tackle
by Weller gave (em yards, but Little fum
bled and IV whs the Maroons' bull on Ne
braska's forty-five-yard line Eckersell at
tempted a forward pass, which went wromt,
and Nebraska' again bad the lull ou its
own ftfly-thre-yard line.
torakaskera Irsrr,
Waller punted to Chicago's thlrty-y.trrt
Uue and after Stiffen and Iddlnga had
I. Chicago kicked off and Nehrnk i I"
tjrncd the hall to the middle of the full',
from where it waa work'-d by dmiWe jxiser
and cri-rrossea to the twenty-Mve-yard
line and Krkeraall booted It ovr agi'n.
8' ore. .12 to 5.
The kick-off wa fumbled bv 1-kersll.
and Welicr fell on the ball, t hlcairo hild
nnd to"k tlTe leather oil Its own ten-vard
line. Hy hard foit ball It advancd
lo th forty-five-yard line, w here Va kli 's
trv for a drop was ceverl blocked, but
Ki kle recovered the bsll on his own twenty-flve-yard
line. Nebraska got the ball on a
fumble, l.lttle gained five-yard nnd i
ilouhle pass added six more, and Nebraska
i rooters aw another tom hdown. but a
, fumble gave the ball to the Maroons on the
ten-yard line. Kckersalt tossed the ball
on a forward pns to fteffen, wlio ran for
eighty-five yards for the Inst . touchdown,
goal being kicked. Pcore, SS to 5; final
Nebraska was playing hard st the finish
and twice Cooke made magnificent twenty-flve-yard
gains nnd IJttle cn.nied the '.mil
for twenty, hut It was unavailing. Chi
cago held nt critical times nnd fo'ced tV.
t:oniluiskers to kick. The lineup:
Crimson Goes Town to Tefeat After a
Desperate Etrnirele.
loth Tennis Play Ilrllllant Foot null
nml Kxeltemeat In CrowdeH
(.ranilstands la at I'ner
Walker .,
Kelly ....
Wut.son .
lddlngs ..
Hteffen ..
Finer ...
...... Mice
.... Wtlkle
, .. Maters
.. Johnson
.... Cooke
.... Weller
Dartmouth. I'ni-
Bnnw. Michigan; Starbuck Cornell.
linesman and timekeeper. Hard,
.E E.; II E.
E.T.: H.T
.' l H.U
!'. I.ti
K.T.! E.T
y 11. Q 11
I..II.7lt IE...
R.M.I EM....
F.H.i F.H
Time of halves, thirty minutes.
Made In the
Safety Is the Only Point
IOWA CITY. Nov. 4. (Special Tele
grant.) Iowa university lost to Ames to
iay in one of the hardest fought battles
In the; history of Iowa foot ball, hy the
score of ; to 0. The only score registered
by the Aggies cam- early In the first half,
when a quurter back kicked an end run
by Jennsen end IJIIIer. and a KHln on an
exchanne of pilots ?ave Ames the ball on
IV?::i8 Jr.?':r'.l"1..JrHV:''.'1 .:..), ,Z Ithe nashesof brilliancy In individual plays,
Hawkeyes held, taking the ball on their
own tive-yanl line. Kent at'empterl to
NKW HAVliN. Conn.. Nov. 31. Vale's
bright blue bann rs wave triumphantly
over tlie city tonight, the Hgnal of another
victory over Harvard, the final score being
to t. The Crimson went down to defeat
In a desperate battle which In foot ball
strategy and spectacular plays has had few
equals since the two universities have met.
To Yale passed the almost undisputed title
of the college championship of the country,
clouded only by the drawn no score con
test at Princeton a week ago.
A victory for the Crimson would have
uv ant tirst honors beyond question, for It
had beaten the Carlisle Indians, who last
week won from Minnesota, nnd who also
had defeated the I'nlvcrslly of Pennsyl
vania, the conquerors of the 1'iiiverslty
of Michigan. For this reason, if for no
other, the game on Yak- field was of un
precedented Importance, and to Yale ones
more has coine a victory which will live
forever In Its athletic history. It was a
victory won through greater foot ball
knowledge, superior team play, almost un
erring accuracy in developing the possi
blllt!K of tho new rules and the magnifi
cent work of Individual players.
Touchdown anil Goal
The score of a single touchdown and goal
roneata that of lost year on (Soldiers' Held,
and It adds to Yale's strin
only twice bwken since 1!7.
Harvard proved a worthy foetnan.
men repeatedly shone conspicuously
of victories
as time and again its backs broke tnrousu
tlie line, or the stalwart guard, Hurr, sent
the ball twisting through the air on Ions
punts, seemed to be entitled to a reward.
Harvard was a trifle slow in exeeutlne; I's
punl out of danger, standing behind tlie
goal line. Mills broke through, slopping
the punt and the ball rolled back of the
Iowa goal and baek of a fence, where
iin.Kger reii. on it. Kcreree noa8i.Hi , t seemed to
gave Ames a safety on tlie play, scoram I i"a '
the only two points. j hinge on Its great strength on defense.
Iowa won the toss and chose to defend . Yale's success lav In plavlng offensively at
it:r..r"U,,l,0i!?:,.- I?r."..ilib'"tlw"!r- icvory opportunity, driving Its plays hard
Yale five yards. Then Wendle made three
more, ih'i ball being nearly In front of the
goal posts. Newall dropped bsck for a try
Bt goal, hut It was blocked, the ball bound
ing along the ground to Yale's forty-five-yard
line, Forbes being downed on It at
tlut point. Vale tried the Crimson line, but
failed to gain, the bull went back to Tad
Jones for an end run. but ho was nailed for
a loss.
Vole lot fifteen yards for offside play.
Veeder punted to Harvard s forty-eight-yard
line, but Newall made no gain on the
run b.ick. Un a trlpl" pass Lincoln put
the ball on his own fifty-yard line, l'our
yards more came by playing through right
tackle, but Yale smothered the r.ext play.
Uncoln was offside and five yards' penalty I
was given to Harvard. Lincoln made four
yards inside of left end.
Hurr punted to Yale's thirty-five-yard
lino and the Harvard ends were under It
and got the ball, but the referee called
tlie teams back and Inflicted fifteen yards
on Harvard for holding. Hurr on his own
twenty-yard line punted to Yale's fort;'-tlve-yard.
but Tail Jones. In spite of throw
ing off half a dozen men, could not gain
more than two yards.
Knox twice was called upon to cany the
ball, hut the Harvard men nailed him witn
only a yard gain each time. Deever. from
his own forty-five-yard line, punted to be
hind Harvard's goal line. Hurr brought
the ball Into the twenty-yat d-line.
Howard Jones went out' and Alcott took
his place.
Purr kicked Into Tale's forty-rive-yard
line, whera Knox made a spectacular tun
to Harvard's twenty-yard line. Tale then
drove tho ball plumb through Harvard's :
right guard for four yarda and then two
more, getting tlie ball almost In front of J
goal post on the eleven-yard line.
One yard was necessary nnd Yale made
it for first down. Second down gave them
one yard, but Harvard smothered the next
lino play.
The ball was Riven n forward pass to'
Alcott, who was ; n Harvard's four-yard
line. He fumbled aid McDonald got It.
Uurr punted tu his. own thirty-yard line,
where Knox fumbled. Then Harvard
man missed. Knox recovered It. Yredor
kick, but Instead ran
over the end to Mar- j
Wendall rot In In til
,, . ... a..., .wh.k. ea-w.' m,,"1: 1 " k
j November Records on Sale
to gain nnd Kent kicked to Ames lorty-five-vard
line. Jones crabbed off twenty
yards around left end. I'.lllrr took four
unit a quarterback kick placed the ball
within striking distance of tlie Iowa goal.
It was at this point t hut Ames scored in
the safety. From that time on until the
end of the first hnlf Ames and Iowa
fought It out. the play being first In Ames"
territory and then in Iowa's. The Aggies
were penalized twice for off-side play.
The half that followed was largely a
repetition of the first half. Throughout
the entire game the Ames line played u
terrlfie game of foot ball and none of
the Hawkeyes' plays were effective iu
gaining over or around it. Ames also
failed to gain materially over the Iowa
line, though late in the "second half they
started a march for the Hawkeye goal on
bucks, off-tackle and through center that
only stopped when lowu held on lis own
twenly-yard line. The only thing that
saved the Hawkeyes from being defeated
by a decisive score was the fact that '
none af the Ames men in the field were I
able to handle Kent's punts. The work I
of Jeanaon at quarter back was miserable ,
Iu the extreme, and late in the second I
half he was replaced by Huboat!. I
Ames made a desperate attempt to score
In the Hecond half on free kicks from '
j fair catches which were made in the
center of the field. The Aggies tried
tlie piny six, times, but only once did the
ball sail dangerously near the Iowa goal
posts. Kent failed In his one attempt !
to mako a goal from a free kick. After
a fair eaten he attempted to drop the
ball between the posts from Ames for
and taking advantage ot every opening
when Its opponents had tlie ball. Inter
ference nnd on-side kicks were well de
veloped. Not once did a Yale niim have
to run down the. field without assistance.
As the game was neurlng Its close Yale
played faster ond rolled the Crimson line
Into a heap time and time again. It wuj?
only Harvard's stubborn contest of every
Inch that kept the score at the single
Npnrr Follows- Sensational Play.
The touchdown followed a sensational
play. Yale had the ball on Harvard's twen-ty-flve-yard
line. Jones called for a kick
ing formation. Veeder dropped back to the
thlrty-foui-yard line with his hands out
spread. A perfect pass from Hockenburger
sent the ball Into his hands and Veeder
like a flash started at light angles ond
hurled the ball over the heads of the Har
vard men for a thirty-yard, pass to where
several Yale men. as though drawn by a
magnet, had Jumped Into one little knot.
lp from their midst leaned Forbes, who
caught the ball and In an Instant placed
It down on the four-yard line. I'p rose tho
Vale hosts with erhs for a. touchdown,
while tlie Crimson aide was hushed. Itoome,
l,,"1who had replaced Knox, was sent to smash
dropped hack for a
with It and tossed It
vard'h ten-yard line,
general nilxun.
Wendell f.ets
Wrndi I", was tdlyt
five yard line, but the oval fell short ten i
Plays permitted under the new
were not very much In evidence. Ames
worked a forward pass once, but lost two
other times.
Coach Chalmers' "skiddoo" was ruled
out bv the officials on the ground that
It had n tendency, to draw the opposinn
team off-side. Ames had a clever quarter
bark kick that worked three times out of
five. StrefT. Kent, Allen and Kirk played
the star game for Iowa, while Reppert.
Hrugger and .MeKmenney
performer for the Aggies.
.L.K.I R E. .
L.T. K.T..
....L.O.I R.G..
c t :
. .. . R.TJ L.T. .
....R.E L.K..
....Q.H.; (j.F. ..
....L.H. fi ll.
...It. H.I L.H..
....F.Li.t F.R..
Aler audeu
Carberry .,. y
Kent ...
ColllnB tor Knowiton, Fritzcll
lins. MuDhord tor Jeanson
Hoaglaml. I mplre: Hamill. Head lines
man: Coggeahall. Time of halves: 30
were the star
Th" line-up:
. .. McElhenny
..... Hemilnger
Reppert I
the Crimson line. Ills first try gave two
i vards, and the next time he was shot over,
rules Wt), tho whole team drugging and pusliins
him. ,
That four yard showed what Vale could
do when It wa.i hungry for the score which
was so close at hand. The kicking of a
goal waa an easy thins for Veeder.
Anxious Komfiitu for Vale.
There were several anxious moments for
the Yule men, for while Harvard never
had possession of the ball Inside tlie twen-ty-five-yard
line, twice Yale was lined up
with the ball in th shallow of lis goal
posts and In each case Veeder dropped be
hind the goal line to punt. In both in
stances Harvard, by means of the onside
kick sent the ball to Yale at alsjut Yale's
twenty-yard line. The fiist time Yale was
penalized for holding was on the three-yard
line. A few minutes later another penalty
for Raieiimn, i Kavo it the ball on Its four-yard line.
tor Col-
Kef eree:
failed to gain. H kersall made a '.'.k. at j ijht
punting, but made a forwuid pass. TMe
ball went wrong snd again Nebraski get
it on Chleago'e fifteen-yard line. Johnson
printed around the end for eu yard, and
a fake buck put the ball on Chicago's two
yard line. Uttle carried It over amidst
au uproar In the Cornhuskers' stand. Wcl
!r missed goal. Beore: Chicago, SO; Ne.
braska. 6.
The ball waa booted back and forth until
Kckoinull gut it where he wanted It, when
b kicked another goal. Score: Chicago,
J4; Nebraska, 5. The half ended with the
ball In the middle of the field.
Nabraaka braced In the second huif and
played a desperate gam. Several men
ware taken out because of Injuries, Includ
ing Captain Maaon. replaced by Smith: M
Ooriald waa substituted for Johnson, who
had hren playing a plucky rln'. Chaloupka
w.i hurt In successfully tackling Eckereall.
mid Iooin took his place: Wllkte waa
taken out in tho first half, and Taylor, the
I.: colored; guard, put in. Thmurh tho
gjina went against them, the Uncoln lada
nover f altered and pl4 just aa thouab
everything- depended on it.
After several exchangea of pouts. Ecker.
'ui waa forced to kick for goal from the
forty -.Ivwyard lino, but failed, the itall
uiiig fr to una side. After It bad been
itturr.od to Ilia center of the field Chicago
workxl !l back PJ tiio Uiirtv-tn e-yunl I'.c.c,
Imuu wl.lca iioiui Lcfcvrtitli n,.ei'.- u ys iv
Minnesota aarprlel by Weight and
Ntle ot flay of Hooalrra.
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 'Jl. Indiana proved
a surprise to Mlnnesol'i tooay, losing
u game. 6 to When the Hoosiep
team first appeared on the field their
weight was a shock to the laiekers of the
Minnesota lean, and their style of play
was another shock. Minnesota kicked nit
anil an exebango of punts brought the bull
to the centi r of the field. wn. r Minne
sota Inst it on downs. Indiana was held
and th game became a kicking duel. With
the ball on Minnesota's ihltLy-ycrd 1 1 1 1 ,
Hill of Indians, secured It ou u tumble nnif
ran for a touchuown. iinnesoia workeil.
the ball to witliln field goal distance, here
Mh re huP failed to make a iluce kik. tic
ba'l striking the crossbars. A long punt
then iiermltted Mlnrx'sota to ton-e I 'apt;-.t-.i
Hun: of Indiana over, scoring a nitvt.
More line plvys by Minnesota hrougnt the
ball within eight yards of Indiana a goal
line, where a title n-yarn rsnaltv was en
forced. Mars'iaill kicked u goar" from the
twenty-five-yurd line and tlie half ended
Indiana 6. Minnesota 6.
Emly in the second half Indiana tried n
drop kick, which failed, and Minnesota had
a free kl"! from its own twenty. yard line.
Minnesota here resorted to strutKht foot
ball Hguiu, but was finallv forced to punl.
and the ball ,i. booteil back and forth
between Indiana's II: teen-yuni line and t lie
center o the field. Alter being penalized
twenty yards Indiana got the ball in its
own thiriy-x.rd line. Indiana punted to
Mlinc stilu s thii ly-se cn-yartl line and Miu.
nesota ni'ide a seven-yard return. In turn
punting, and following It up so KpeedUv
lliMl Hare, who got it. was forced ovr
fer another safety. Her. re: Minnenot.i, v;
Indiana, 6. Ttus ended the counting.
Dandee Defeats Boylea.
Pundue added another victory to Its clean
In the early part of the game Ncwhail
tried a drop kick, but It was blocked and
Forbes got tho ball.
Eniy iu the game ulso Yale lost an op
portunity to score a field goal
Weder tried for one on' Harvard's forty
rhrouKli Line.
through the line on
the next play and curried several men on
his back to his own thirty-tlvo-ynrd lino.
Foster went over for five yards. Then
Wendell went through for four more. New
hall's on-slde kick gave Yale the bull on
its own forty-yard line. Veeder got five
yards outside of left tackle. A double piss
gave Knox a chance for a on-Hldo klik
and the hall went to Harvard's twenty
yarc line and in a general nilxup Yale got
up with the ball.
Tad made a sensational run the
breadth of the field, twlstir.a; In and out
among tlie Harvard nun In grand style,
but it did not net much tround.
Harvard was penalized for Lincoln's hold
ing, but Yale retailed the ball Instead of
Harvard losing distance. Then Yale lout
live yards for holding. Jones attempted an
end run, but I'nrker got through and
downed him for a loss of five yards. Veeder
attempted a drop kick from the four
yard line, but the ball went wide by a
few yards. Burr punted to Illgelow on his
own fifty-yard line and the team made five
yards on a line play, with Morse carrying
the bull after Rigelow had run It back for
seven yards on the catch. Knox made an
on-side kick to Harvard's twenty-yard line,
where Forbes got It. Roome replaced Knox
and on his ftrVt play made no gain. Hsr-
I vard was fcivt-n' five yards because of Yale's
holding. Veeder on a fake kick. threw the
ball to Forbes at Harvard's four-yard line.
One yard was gained on mass play. On
the next pluy Roome was shot over the
line for the first touchdown. VlId en
thusiasm on the Yale side.
Veeder kicked the goal. Score
Harvard. 0.
Hurr kicked off on Yale's goal line and
the ball was brought In for n free punt
from the twenty-tive-yard line. Uurr got
the ball on his own fifty-yard line ami
carried it sixteen yards. Ncwhail, on a
quarterback kick, sent the ball to Yalo's
twenty-yard line. -
Un a fake kick Yale gained three yards.
Then Jones mnde u twenty-yard end run.
A fumble behind Yule's line was turned
i into a double, pass, but there was no gain
and tho whistle blew for the end of tho
first half with the ball on Yale's thlrty-five-yard
line."Bcorc, first hulf: Yale, ti;
Haryard, o.
Prennd Half Opens.
The tennis took the. field at 3 o'clock for
the second half. Yale kicked to MeDon-
- ! aid at the twenty-yard line nnd he carried
twenty yard.-!. Hurr kicked to Yale's
tventy-,vnrd line, where Verdcr brought It
1S06 Models
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- -- lliai III I lllf
McDonald's end, hut could not do so.
Yale was penalized fifteen yards ami It
was Yale's hall on its own four-yard line.
Kennard replaced JleDotinld for Harvard.
Yale piled up the Crimson line and got a
yard. Then Veeder from liehind his goa.
line punted to his thirty-yard line ami
Ncwhail run outside at the thirty-three
yard line. A forward puss, -New hull to
Orr, gave Harvard ten ynrds. Yale bloke
through the line the next time ami nulled
Ncwhail for ti hiss. On a double last
Foster fumbled. Forbes got the lull on hh
own Twenty-live yard- line. Dines took
Jones' plr,ce. Veeder pirtited to Xewhal.
nt tlie (.'rlnisou's forty-seven yard line
Newhall fumbled and Forbes got the hall.
I Linn took Lloniar's place. Yale tore up the
Yale, 6; j Crimson In two plays for a total of ten
vards. Wornecken took Morse's place and
.Morse took Alcott's place.
Yale tore lip the Crimson iu terrlllc
fashion nnd tlie bull was ipilekly on Har
vard's twenty-yard line. They smushed
through for live yards. Tlie game ended
with the hall on llar aid's thirteen-yard
line. Final score: Yale, ti; Harvard, o.
The lineup:
schoivl of Cleveland for several years, will
In returned to the Sta'e university. The
gahie today was highly spectacular. A
i.ike kick, combined with a forward pass,
'ave the Ohio Stnle university team a
louflid'iwn In the first half, and Harring
ton a forty-live-) aid run, after catching a
.tint, gave the other In the second half.
when , it
fte-ard line. It went wide by a few
feet. Right after this Yale had another
opportunity lor a try at goal, but lost It
out of anxiety to make u touchdown. Burr
hail punted to Knox at the Crimson's forty-live-yard
line, and the latter, behind u
screen of Interference, ran the breadth of !
the field for a gain of twenty yards. Three
line plays which followed resulted In the
necesasry first down and- a touchdown '.
seemed certain. On the next play Jones I
took the ball, made a forward puss to j
Alcott, who fumbled It on the three-yard ; downed
ba- k u!most to midtk-ld. Veeder made Ave
yards on- an end run nnd then kicked to
Purr at Harvard's thirty-yard line. Hurr
kicked to Yale's thirty-yard line, but Har
vard's end went down under tlie ball and
Roome did not r,'-iln a yard. Jones made a
twenty-yard run around McDonald's end,
hut tiie. ball went back five yards becuuse
it had gone out of bounds. The crimson
line was fi stone wall when Koonie bucked
It. Veeder kicked to Ncwhail on Ids own
thirty-flve-yard line and the Yale ends
him in his tracks. Foster whs
Prides l-O.
Krwin HH.
Migelow H.T.
II Joncs-Aloott -
Morse H.1-.
I; I
H.T H.3
Starr -Orr
Pit rce
. .. Parker-Fraaer
T. Jones-Dims. y.U
K nox-Roonie- i
Homar-Linn L.H. 15. L.IT
Veeder R.H.H.; It.II
necken F. H. ; F.l ;
Score: Yah', C; Harvard. .
Touchdown Roome. tloal
down: Veeder. Referee: W.
West Point. Cmplrcs: Iv K
mouth: V. II. Kdwards. Ptir.
of halves, l!o minutes.
VIl.l.ANOYA S(UI(i;i
Kennard .... Newall
. .. W endell
front loueh
J. Ilaikett.
. Hall. D-iri-;
ton. Time
u Surprise
by defeating l'.ovles oillege en th
:'s ground-. Dundee won tlie toss
I and ohuso Lh-.- west w ial. Hol ies Viiked t
Howell, who was downed in his tracks.
1 Alter guiiimg their yards. Dindee kicked
to the lif t --third-yard line, Nash recovering
' the ball. Dundee as.dii ki ked. the ball
j giltir o'er the ;onl line, wbere 8to-tsel
, fell on it making the only tomhdimn.
j Si -loy missed goal. te,ire. S to rt. niter eight
I minutes of play. The hall' ended with tne
i ball in Dundee possession, iu Hoyh-s
The second h.ilf was hotly contested and
aa largely a kicking game. Tlie lll see
sawed laick and forth ovr the (.-enter of
the held and the half ended with the Iwll
In Hoy ies' ierrltor, llh liuudie tu pos
session. Dundee has never been scored on this
'-ur, but w.eihl Ilk'- to plav some team
who w'll be liable to score, a few o.iln's
on them Thanksgiving. Tlie l:neup wa as
follows :
llathewajr ..
A Lewis
Touchdom u
son and I 'raver
8l by. Linesman:
I..IV H K Pennington
L.T.I K T Adums
L.rj.i H Ci Hael
...C.iC 8..-OH
R n j Hsves
R T.i L.T Chutt
R K I. t Johiuun
...uTQ...: CrMdtnaS
I II K II llowley
K H F.H A. Gldillngs
RH'L.II A. 8oli
8tovtsel. Referees : Pcter-
Tiniek-p'r: . l.
limlc.l. Time of halves:
hatuat far Med 4 loa4.
HKl) CI.Ot'D, Neh.. Nov 4. iSe iai
'i'slegr. ti. j -iiuod lalal'id Bubllies college
shut ll'tl 4. louu luduj t. bvvi v of
1 iw a.
line. McDonald dropped
punted out of danger.
Harvard rkaiigra Altaek.
With the score 6 lo 0 Harvard was com- I
pelled to chunge its style of attack, and j
Puir was called upon to put the ball out
of danger with his toe. The first part of
(lie second hiilf retched itself Into a punt- i
lug duel between Hurr nnd Veeder. From
thfti on the outcome eeer.ied certain. Yale, 1
with new players, put fresh life into its
team and in the last live minutes of the
half there was a march down the Hold.
Yale was moving like a battering rnm and
another touchdown apparently pre
vented by the referee's whistle, ending!
the game. j
The gridiron was framed with a mass of I
humanity, in which three ride.s were blue
and the other crimson. The cheering and
singing, while good, f II far short of pre
vious years, explainable by tho fuot that
the game was played so f,it that spec
tators pii not have time to pay much
attention to th cheer leaders. Not a
was vacant and at the gate a few
stray tickets hmutcht phxnonu nal prices,
one putr changing hands at $.'(.
Tho game opened under gray xkles. but
was concluded 111 radiant sunshine und tin
der a canopy of blue, Tho Harvard stands
at the opening cheered Yale, and Captain
Morso and the opitoslie side ret. lined thia
At the close of the game the jubllnn
Yale host' stood bareheaded for fifteen
minutes in from cf the Harvard stand,
cheeiliig and singing to the Ctlmson, the
Inner responding, alo has always cheered
Harvard, but never before litis it been
turned Into an ovation.
Game Beglm
Captain Morse won
tlir north goal, giving him a
tare of tha breeae. The teams took the
Knox and Howard Jones were In Y'ale'a
llnejp. Roots and Alcott were out.
Burr Kicked to Veedc at Yale's aeven
yard lino. It u carried back to the twenty-eight-yard
line, where the first attend
at tho lino wac stopped McDonald got the
hall on Yale's fort) -fit e-yard Hoe. On a
take pl thibiigb Hie line. Hlair ol tha
bull ou a I oiv aid and madn twenty
'yards .iiouud Koi'Ihs i ij f A tot tUiuuh
jrlfciit t!tckl, Uucolu ctirrjltjf th bull.
on it uud Uurr ; called upon to hit tlie line, hut did not get
! through and in the mlxup lost the ball and
Yeeler got it. Roome shot through for
four yards end the Yale team shoved
fo- three more.
Fraaci took Parker's place. Vale
failed lj make Its rtrt down and It
Harvard's, bull on Its own twenty-flve-yard
line. Hurr punted to Morse at his own
fifty-yard line, but he fumbled, and Wen
dell got It. An on-slde kick gave Yale the
bull on Its twenty-yard line. Tad Jones
tried un cud run for no gain. Jones got
four yards by relating the same play.
Veeder punted from his own flfloen-yurd
Unci In the Yale f.jrty-elght-yard line. Starr
made a forward mass, which was a miser
able one. and It went to Yale on its own
I forty-yard line. Yah- galr.e.l ten yards
I on an cud run and curried tlie ball over
! midhVId ilnu hy some fierce plunging. Tad
Jones muile eight yards on an end run.
Yale bored through left tickle for nvo
more and on tlie new plav Roome was c-ir-
I re d baek by Harvard after he had gained
live more by line plunging. Yah- lost lif
j e,-n yards for off-side play,
j Veeder I st two in trying the lines.
; VeeJ -r was comis-llLd to drop back to kick.
J which h" did to Harvard's twenty-flve-yard
! line out of hounds. The hall was brought
j in. Orr went In for Starr. Hurr kicked to
I Yale' fort) -live-yard line, where Itoome
twisted through for five yards. An on-side
' kick gavo Harvard the ball ou Its forty-five-.H!d
line. Newhall kicked to Yale"
. thirty-yard line. A gain of four ynrds was
' followed bv n fumble by Hnrvurd. Y'ule
j did not lose the ball. Veeder panted out. of
J bounds ut Harvard's fifty-yard line. Hurr
j pnuled uuti.-f bounds at Yale's llfteen-yai d
line. Harvard rushed Jones' at.fmpt at
the tos and chose ": "a r 1,1 wmoiii a root or grouua neing
him a slight advan- eameu. iconic was repiacen oy ramar
tiuniar lust nve yaras ann rate waa
penalised ten yards for holding and tha
liall was Yale a on Its own three-yard hue.
Yale drove through the Crimson line for
five yards and Veeder dropped behind Ida
goal line and punted to Newhall o.i the
forty-live yard line. Hurr punted low to
Yale's fifteen yard line slid the lll waa
inn back by Joins to his mn fortv-flu
urd Ilnu.
, alc la Penalised.
Huir punted to Yui ljtiteii xui imc.
b'Jll.4C U'J JVU OOlll t. ttd tty ft l .rli,.r.l
(.ailie of AfSil'iii) Team
for the I uivrrslty.
PHILADF.Ll'H IA. Nov. at.-The fni
veislty of Pennsylvania was scon d on
today by tee Villanova eleven. Tne
w ore was 'TI to 1-. The two torn udowns
wnli'h tne visitors secured .ie made
through Penns.v tvanlii's poor handling of
punt'- in the back Held.
Lawrence, the gn.iker uiiarlei back. J ig
gled a punt end nllowi d the liall to loll
over the line, where M.Cinn f-II on it for
the, visitors. In the y, eoud half L-Ulgweil h
runible give tlie lull to Mciinn at mid
Held, and tin speedy back ran half tin;
length or the field for a touchdown.
'I'lit- Oinilti-iK scoted tticir l'our touch
downs by lushing tlie ball down the Held in
gocil fashion.
Independent!) lien Latliropn.
The- Hist half of the gamo Saturday, be
iveen tlie Lathrops and the indepenuents
,as cliaracterizej by the stubtiorn
of the Liitlirops. ond ulthough the
all was in their territory most of the
.me tlie Independents did not. succeed
n pushing the hall over the goal. In
ne second half tlie Independents started
in with a rush that overwhelmed the
Lathrops. Hy using, both tackles for
good gains, the forward pass with suc
cess, tiie on-side kick and the return kick,
the Iiijie, endelits scored three touchdowns,
mnklng the score 1 r. to I) at the end of
the hist half. The stars were Howard,
Johnson. Whinncry and I elani;ttre.
Referee: Prentiss. I'mpirc: Adams.
Halves; J.1 minutes.
Third 4 lelahton Team Wins.
Cteighton's third team added tlie Omaha
Conimeli ial college to its list ot vletorh s.
deflating it on Brighton's field esten,ay
by a score of ; to ,". Corrlenii and Magan
slatted on Hi.- olTen-ive. Dougherty al.-o
assisted in advancing the ball and put up
a line defensive game. 4'relghton's ends
were strong and aside from a few line
sinn-ibes. win re their excessive weight told,
tlie Commercials w- re nimble to giilu. 'I ho
third team is mnde up of members of the
liiKli school ejai't ment of the college and
viii wind up a most successful season
Thanksgiving day. when they go to Har
lan, la., to meet the high school team of place. This team defeated the Omaha
Hluh school this season.
li st season
a Fremont
record In the box.
he ployed a few games with
n:ne and made a promlsinir
lirund Islnnd Keeps on Winning:.
(HtAND ISLAND. Nrh.. Nov. L'l (Spe
cial! The high school foot ball tiiim de
feated the hiyh school team of Kearney
yci-terday b. tin- score of 1J to 4. allowing
supeiiorit at every point Iu the game, ex
cepting weight. Tin- looniH have been de
feated only once this sensuii, by the Mili
tary academy at Kearney, which team It
icfented by a or' score in a return game
in this city. The last game will In- played
on Thanksgiving day, with the college of
tills city.
Soldiers to Pln' Superiors.
Tlie Fort Omaha soldii i s and the Su
periors will elasli on tlie gridiron at Dietz
park this af.irnooii. The Fort oniaha
soldiers ehein the championship of ail
the soldier teams-Iu tills vicinity. The
Superiors have played a number of e.atnea
this year and have made a t-'unil showing
for a light I' a:, i. I'.otll teams play fast
ball, so a good game can lie looked for.
(lime called nt .' p. m.
S)ractie Wins frtini West Point.
U'KST pdlNT. N. V.. Nov. Jl.-lu the
loot hell ga.iK- here today Syracuse iml-Vcl.-ll)
l.-leillill V,!-t point. I !. S.vra-.-ife
seined in Ha i'.rst hull' with a pla e
link eli.r tin iiucuci-i-sful trials pr--
sloti.-lv. West Point plaed r-.ggeillv.
lllil.ois llel'enlH
LA FA YI'.TTi:, Ind.. Nov.
defeated by Illinois in the
hi re on Slum t field, a t.
n ci! ue. :
i'l. - Ptird ue wus '
loot hall game
I. ather on-
dltlons were Ideal, but the Held was uiu.i.iy
at the south end, lllis opei-iiting lo Piu
duc's disadvantage. N'ltlier side scored
In the first half. In the second half Stew
art kicked oft to Miles, who returned the
Imll lo . Purdue's thirty-yard line. He. d
tried an on-slde kick and Iiiik lell on th,.
ball on Purdue's foriy-tH - ai d line. Long
and Merrill made short gains and Heed's
on-slde kick was captured by IVttlgl'cW.
vim ran twenty ail- for a louchdjwu.
( ial Jin r failed lo kitik koul.
York ( haiuiiiun of IHhIi Schools.
ntIK. Ndi.. Nov. -t.- (Sim '.-In 1. 1 - Th"
York Higli school Muilents are still c. !
hri'ting i heir victory ovr ine H.-aTic
team yesnrdav. lieu ti ice was II v
team in tho slate tout i eiitly has ma I.
unv claim for tlie . iianipionship ol (ilo
m li.sds. Yol k's goal. In 1 he many g me
lius vear. im luding Omnha. lias u v. r l en
eiossed. Iligti schools tliroughuiit the stile
now concede linn York is champion of the
stiite. on Thanksgiving dav York will play
toe chanipious of low u--Missoiu I tilley-j
u York. The ork team will do Us be-l )
und hopes to win the championship nf .
the two Mutes. I
l.. Nov
,1 hall
, ;i. -(Special
contert hero
lilvh school
ills neither
same was
'I'd. K; am. I- 111 III" !
this aflerneon betwi of Sioux t'hy and Siou' 1'
t'-alil wjis iiile to fe ,'c. 'Ill"
plaj i d on a tinnldj' i.
I Ol It I IHSTS IMI T4 SF.4 4I),
Iim'( llader Shows Skill in Athletics
ut l-'reiuiit Meet.
FIIKMt 'NT. Nel.. Nov. :'4 - iS' T1.
graio.i - Tiie I'reni'ini Miwli school lo-ld i;s
ailOllijl tlal'K lie'! !.l ll.C NIHMS 1 ' ' '
lord. iv anctriooc. t.inesi icio.-r won in
prl.e for t ne I" si atl-iound
'list 111 !-. i i oasn.
throw and broad .iiiinp
" i'nil 'J'-C-vaiti
tea in will be rcprei
ehool fl
es'el'da '. is
:m! is co.l.-ide
I In.
1-,) r
d : W
till. V. illllilO'
Si,ot pill, holllili '1
end ."coiid In tin
h. Til'- u: ck alhb lie
n led at the spring liiKh
in. Under
L'iiml foot hall
iv-up b
n!a vej
e h ill I'cli.-.
Tellfnre Wins llantrra' 4 liamplouslilp
Steepler bate at Helming- aar
WASHINOTON. Nov. 24 -Heaut iful
weather and a well balanced card In to"
Hunters' Champion cte-plechase a'traeteil
to the Hetining track today one of the larg
est crowds of the meeting. Pretension. In
the fifth race, finished second, but was dis
qualified for fouling Oxford Just after the
turn into the stretch. Jockey Miller had
live mounts and won all of them. Results:
First race, seven furlongs: Workman won,
Helle Stronio second, Axellna third. Time:
1 :Ws.
Second race. Hunters' Championship,
steeplechase, about three miles: To'll.iiB
won, F.ssex second. Mount Henry third.
Time: li:17. -
Third race, five and a half furlongs: Time
meiac won, Narello second, Ambu.ili third.
Time: l:lv
Fourth race. Helming spfolal. one, mlln
and a lull r : Hanker won. Cederstronie sec
ond. Dainty third. Time: '.::4iiv
Fifth lace, one mile and seventy yarns:
Oxford won. Ormonde's Right second. Vo
lutin third. Time: Lif,,.
Sixth race, one mile and three-sixteenth:
Kmperor of India won. lvanhoe Hecond,
Mintf'rod A third. Time: 2. (;;,.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 14. Results at
First race, six furlongs: Fred Rent won,
Stiver Sue second. Tavora third. Time:
Second race, five lurlotiKs: Ocean Shore
won At Ltndtey secotnt, j-red .Mittiioiianil
third. Time: l:ii.s.
Third race, one mile and an eighth:
Water Cure won. Jack Little second. W. II.
dates third. Time: 1 :5;.
Fourth race, one mile and 100 yards.
Ramus won, Ixiglntllhi second, Dulmdu
third. Time: LCVy
Fifth race, one mile: Dewey won. Mili
tary Man second, Roila third. Time: l:ll-r.
Sixth race, six furlongs: ITlneess Tlluuiu
won. Ruby second, Van Ness third. Time:
1:13H- ' '
NhW OHI.KANS, Nov. 21. ItcsultB at
Fair (iroimds:
Fiist race, tive and a half furlongs: Op
tional W'svl yuinn Hrady secend. Sneer
third. Tiii: 1 :0'-,.
Second rucr. six furlongs: Gild won. Read
Hiumincl second, Jacomo third. Time:
1.1 1,.
Third race, one mile and seventy yard
Judge, post won. Dr. Spruill second, Orly 1
third. Time: l:4T.v.
Fourth race. Inaugural handiriin, six fur
longs, fl.'iow added: Helmore won. Meadow
Hreexo second, Hey third. Tunc:
Filth race, five and a half furlongs: Te
b igan won. Cutter second. Alencon third.
Time: laiei'r,.
Slxili race, one mile: Missouri Lad won,
Odd Ella second Henry 'vV.itterson thliu.
Time: Ltl-'v,. .
Doiible-llraiter nt llnsbet Hall.
(LARKS. N. b., Nov. ".4. (8pvctul.l'l h
(hiioii liiuh rctiool took a noiihlc
t liim ('laiKs' liiuh svhotjl Ft Ida y night at
the ( links' opera house. Iloth ganies wer
hotly contested. Tin- Hi si game wits Ik -tw'-en
Co-ooa . ml Clicks utile and resulted
in favor of Heiioa by a scoie of US to u,
I'he llnnup:
llelii.l. positions.
Miss Cotllu It. F Miss Audei sort
;vtlss Siniih 1.1' Allsa
Miss Wiliard IW. ...... Mls SPiuliy
A1lsS 'I'aiiol SC...... MisS Hh'tise
.iss Hl'.lK .' L (i.... illSS Ymti r'lS I !
Miss iiisjn It. 1 1 Miss D.iiiu ls
The second aioe was Ix twas-n Hie lit riu
and tiarKs ILkIi scliool liys and ri-sulted
I' to n'.t. oil the phivt.tT I'larks score 1 and
( ;.-noa - poi.ith, (icii'ia winning, 31 lo lu. i
I In- lineup :
Cnoa. Positions. Ciatk-.
irisn , li. r i-oiiiiMi
lilekey L.F pli-r-'-u
Irwin I- '' DoiiKia
ake L.C, !'. 11
....K.iJ Uokjtr
-Frenzi r, litli iind l'"di,-
Defeated hy
li to c. 'i'ulatot
foil liall sea
i single point.
lias ls-en tietealed 111 eveiy guinii
Ollf. 111. score then brillK 1" "
Aikaiisus loade Its score mainly by strumu
loot Pall, bucking the line tor lo u u
tiuwns and making one place kick.
Entire Season Without
thc rnivertliv of Arkansas,
i-eiverslty todaN' closl its
sot! Wltrio'.ll naMIIIC muMU
Indiana Defeat tlnelauatl.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 24 1 he (Titiisie In
dians del.-ated tlie I'niversity of e'lnctulia'l
team, la to . hrra today. Tlie It .cat t'-uu
was stlengthened bv a few form.- C'n
rinnuti unlversliy piuvtrs und In (h lal.
lr oar' of tlie e-ie. ( tdlf Tom (jravd.Ki,
I lit- fainoiis Harvui'tl I uIDjm t k , mi 1
the guint. but hud no i ppoiiuaity lo
any slar 1 lav s.
I li.
Oalw malr
vV'ouoler iod.,
ci Ivcislty won
Wlnt. Lhainiiluushiu
O.. Nov. 24 -Hy defeating
li 1. 1 U. ll'w Uh'o Stale
the Ohio t li. a' f -" h ill
t harnpic'is' lll
"hip cup. ''1'
for p'.it
h tis . I-
ell I.
I h t ha
id by Hit i
I'.vcti if ltit-rrurv .iii'l Dolasli could cure Contaiiimis Blcoil Toiaon, the
ctindition in which tlicsc strono; minerals leave the system wotiM make the
cure worse than the disease Hut tley cannot 'cu-J- the vile disorder, tbey
can only cover up tlie symptoms for awhile to brak out with renewed vio
lence when the treatment is left oft. When the jviru.i of Contagious Blood
Poison enters the blood the entire circulation tiecoines ioisoned, and th
loathsome tymptoias begin to appear. The mouth and throat ulcerate, haii
and eyebro vs come out, glauds of the neck and groin swell, copper-colored
fpols appear on the Isxly. and in seere cases sorts and ulcers break out. and
even the bones Income diseased. S. S. S. is the only certain, safe cure foi
Contagious Ulood l'oison ; thousands Lave been cured by it aiter failiuij with I
the mineral treatment. Hot Springs, etc. It is tlie only lemedy that is ab i
to pet at the root of the disease and force out the fjoisoti so that no signs an
ever seen aain. S. K. ,S. is purely vegetable, K ing made of roots, herbs
nnd barks, and never leaves any bad effects, but instead, tom s up the Mom
pch and digestion an 1 builds up every part of tlje system while removing
the jiji.-.oii from the blood.' Lixik with instructions for self treatment auii
li.celieul atU lee hee. THZ SWIFT SPtCtfIG CO.. ATLANTA. CA,