Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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i .Tolutij.i 1 1 '.a1 fcia-t. Sywd and ??! of
lion tiie ...! i- 1 lirri liLnml tamp res
Trllh I n1' lermont" n
Inirrrvi ins SiHriy la Marin
A rrlilteplure.
ff"t deeper and has a displacemnt of liOJO
more ton. The tost of roal. food,
and Ml tit" Other1 expense of running the
Matiretar.ia rm a trip of five days frrm Liv
erpool lo New Yuk wl'.l nggregut $lnf),or).
Th turiVne pf-amshln, however. Is still In
Its. tni'rvncy, ami jiMnB'iit is M Parson-'
c. lt development tint, in a speculatK e
sort of tiij-, ii has talked of a forty and
"vii ;i ftf'v kr.c-t xaf. The latter would
rsvr a spcfl of fitty-s''C'i statute m'les an
ho;i' or n'lrly a mil" a inlrute Such a
I tp, M". P-rsons say, would burn such a
vast a'iir.unl of cool c-osne. the Atlantic
(hut, lo have niM'-lont bunker room. It
ffiUid nd3 be ahnjt rive times tho size
of the Orcnt EwMrn. It would devour
S W ton of rial e 'lav, or enough to heu t
r.otli in Kuioi and AmerW.-. Mieie will be 1 tho Hippodrome for two whole year. The
nlehratlon.s next year to commemorate the
entennlal of steam navigation. Hera the
"xerclso will renter about the name of
Robert Fulton, whose Clermont on the Hud
son proved for the flret timo tho com
'nerclal practicability of the steamboat.
Thy European celebration will be a world's
fair, held at Bordeaux, France, for It wss
In Franco that tho American Inventor con
ducted those experiments which made the
triumph of tho Clermont possible. The
fair will be known a the International
Maritime exposition, and will be opened
on May 1, UtrT. It will show the many
and laborious steps by which the steam
ship hag been evolved out of a mere play
thing Into one of the mightiest factors of
modern civilization.
At the same time, however, that the
historian turna back 100 years to Fulton's
boat, and figures out that It would take
S.S33 Clermonts to equal the horse
power of the Kaiser Welhelm II. one of
the fastest and most powerful ships a. .oat,
'.he nautical engineer Is looking ahead to
the kind of craft which still another ceu-
fury will produoe. The recent launching
f the twin Cunarders, the Mauretanla
and the Ixiulsiana, many shipbuilding ex
perts say. has opened up a new era of
.team navigation which In the year W
may produce ships almost aa superior to
the Kaiser Wllhelm II a la this crack
liner of today to the pioneer "vaper Teasel
of 1807,
According to the Inventor, the turbine en
gines with which tho Mauretanla and the
Uusitanla are being equipped are going to
'revolutionise the steampwhtp of tho future.
Although these Cunarders are guaranteed
to exceed the speed of any vessel in the
Atlantlo service, and at aa average speed
uf twenty-flvo knots an hour are expected
to make the voyage from Queenstown to
New York In four and a half day yet
they are not regarded as having reached
anywhere near the ultimate limits of the
k hlpbullder's art. The, Hon. C. A. Parson,
' rom whose designs the turbines of the new
Cunarders were built, predicts much faster
i raft in the near future. He says that a
iliirty-knot transatlantic liner is entirely
practicable, and it is rumored in British
shipping circles that tf Oermany should at
tempt to build turbine steamships to
eclipse the new Cunarders England Is pre
pared to subsidize the construction of a
couple of "thlrty-knottera"
On a ship of this speed the New Yorker
':oxild leave New York City Saturday noon.
.ind set foot in, Queenstown Wednesday
morning at 10 o'clock. Or. If the ship con
tinued at the same rate of speed to Ply
mouth and he took the London express, he
could reach the Brltluh capital in time for
supper that evening.
The Problem of Fwel.
. Were it not for the question of coal sup-
say. Mr. Parsons say a a transatlantic liner
" tf 7n,.M eusilv he built which would travel aa
last as the Turglnla, the British turbine
torpedo boat, which made thirty-five knots,
or forty statute miles, an hour. A torpedo
boat, however, is a short distance racer. It
4 all lungs and muscle. It carried only
enough coal on an average to go 100 miles.
On the other hand, the transatlantic liner
must provide fuel for a voyage or 1,000
miles. Each slight Increase in the apeed of
such a vessel means a much greater con
Hiimption of coal. The faster the ship the
bla-ger it must be.
For example, the Mauretanla, to obtain
ii speed one and one-half knots faster than
Hie 234-knot Kaiser Wllhelm II Is bolng
Mauretanla will burn l,or tons a dv. !
Abrmrd the fifty-knot flyer the New
Yorker could reach the Irish coast in two
and n quarter days. If In that era when a
veviel of this speed I" rrallxed the business
men of this city make Saturday rt whole
hollduy Inr-tead of half a one, as at present.
they will bo abla to go from New York to
IxMiilon without idling a single business
hour. Tfcoy can lake supper In this city
FTday evening and reach tue English me
tropolis in time for breakfast Monday morn
ing. And if this kind of a phlp Is ever
used to transport troops for the Anvrlcao
government the United States could rush a
small army of soldiers from San Francisco
to the Philippines In a llttlo more than six
First to (ruin ky Steam.
Yet does it seem such a lenp from the
twenty-five-knot Cunarder to tho "ftfty
knottcr" of tha inventor's fancy, when ont
compares the tranatlantlc lln;r of today
with the first steamship that crossed the
ocean? Dots It not seem possible that the
speed of steamships will be doubled in the
next hundred year, when within tha last
sixty-eight years it hu; been practically
quadrupled? Tho EIrlus, which waa the
first vuweel to cross tho Atlantic by means
of steam. In 1S3S. made the trip from
Uueenstown to New York In eighteen und
a half days, at an average spoed of six
knots an hour. The Kaiser Wllhelm II.
has made the trip from New York to
Plymouth at an average hourly speed of
23.58 knots, und the Deutsrhlantl, in the
fastest day's run ever made by any ship,
covered 01 knots In twenty-four hours, or
24.19 knots an hour.
Two circumstances attended the arrival
of the Slrlua In New York harbor on
April 22, 18., which In the light of sub
sequent history were peculiarly prophetic.
First, tho ship ran aground while enter
ing the" port. Because of the shallowness
of the channel It stuck on a mud bank
until the rising tide lifted it free. Second,
It had been moored to its wharf only a
few hours and the town had barely awak
ened to Its coming and begun to crowd
around and to Btare at the prodigy, when
Its glory was eclipsed by a rival ship of
larger slse and greater speed.
A Nlae-Honr Wonder.
As soon as the sun shone oown on New
York the next morning after the Slrius
arrived the news of Its presence In the
harbor -spread Ilka wildfire throughout the
city. And so curious was everybody to
see the strange craft that merchants and
clerks deserted the stores, wives left their
homes without doing "the morning chores"'
and children ran away from School to
gather at Jones' wharf.
For a few hours the Slrius was the su
preme ship In the new world.- How small
and mean seemed the sailing packets
alongside of It! The steamship had- cov
ered the distance from Queenstown to
Sandy Hook in eighteen and one-half days.
Such speed, considering the tempestuous
weather encountered, was regarded as a
record breaker. The sailing packet of those
times would have taken three weeks or
a month for the trip.
In comparison with the Slrius ' tie
famous Clertnoat, that waa the wonder
of the whole world In 1807. seemed hardly
more than a toy. On the scales one Slrius
would have balanced four Clermonts. and
In a tug of war the British boat, with Its
engines of 110 horse "power, could have
stood tha strain of twenty-six vessels of
Fulton's make.
But the glory .of the Slrius lasted only
traveled across the Allr.ntlc oil the first
steamship. In other words, it would tak
the Klrlus eight yen- to transport from
Anifrlca to Kur-p ai ninny person as
tho Mauretstila can In five day.
One nolo in th litt-n of the Pliitu
mtsht havn fcunk It. The Mauretanla or th
I.UMltanla might he pierced In place
Iwfore all Its watertight compartments were
The Ui of thi two ii"w ships ran alo
be appreciated more clearly when som of
the port of -either of them are considered
separately. For example, there are 4.0m.MlM
rivets in the Mauritania's construction, or
enough to provide every Inhabitant of New
York with a souvenir. Kadi of Its four
funnels l:t as wide aw a ferry host and :H
high as a fifteen-story building. The main
frames and beams placed end to end would
extend thirty miles. Each of Its three an
chor cables Is strong enough to suspend In
midair a coal train of ten cars having a
weight of 75 tons. If stood In Fifth ave
nue the ship would reach to tlm walls of the
buildings on each side and extend from
Thlrty-rourtli to Thirty-seventh street. Its
masts would lack only two feet of equalling
the height of the Waldorf-Astoria. New
York Tribune.
remarkable health of thf MHiilc. Scrofula
and t'lberc'ilxsis are not f.niiuion. The ex
cessive moat dl't ot't'ti produce vcurvv.
hut In a mild form. Hunting and travellns;
In the extreme cold nnj wi t bring on then.
matim mid nianv are nlij lod from It and
by accidents. It cannot bo sn!d that they
ar a long lived people.
11 temperament I hey r.ic i xi ittble and
emotlonnll. fun lovln,;. !i;i ;iy and sociable.
The hard conditions tinder which tiiry llvo
do not seem to mnko then gloomy or
morose: they an- always cheerful and they
1ok? with on" another Incessantly. j
Morally hcy ore nliove the average of
native poopl.,. They ret-poet pro rtv
rlpht.. and stealing Is not common. Th -lr
tnatTiUffe relations m e very loos. Polys -amy
Is not common, but thy break on"
marriage relations and tnnk? new ones
with llttlo reason and without disturbing
the peace of the community. Now York
i In Maelstrom
Tire Men Sacked lion
f Myriad
Patrick Dolan, foreman of grain hand
lers In the elevator of the William Batrd
Company, at the foot of Vary Brunt street,
Brooklyn, fell Into-a pit containing K,(KX
bushels 'of grain at the noon hour yester
day. The little kernels, rolling against one
another like myriad cogs of u great ma
chine, gripped his feet, his ankles, his
legs, his knees, crowding each other like
honey cells, held him fat and drew him
down with a power that was not painful
motion, but Irresistible pressure. It was
the hand of the gentle death of the quick
sands of wheat that Dolan . had warned
his fellows ngainst since he handled wheat
as a boy twenty-seven years ago. He
plunged this way and that, and with every
step the quicksands gripped him more in Ink.
firmly. Polan, who had seen men go to
death In the same pit, cried desperately foi
Petro Amarlo, a workman, was the only
one who heard him. He tossed one end of
a rope tQ Dolan.
Dolan seised the rope, stumbled and fell.
and one arm was burled deep In the mil
lions of rolling kernels arid held as gently choose smooth carrots of uniform shape.
There, 's no Thanksgiving dinner so de
lightful as the real old-faahloncd farm
kind, with vegetables limtc-ad of flowers
for decorations. A uuhiuo centerpiece for
the table can be made of a pumpkin, about
fifteen Inches In diameter, and the darker
in color the better. Cut It lo resemble a
basket by removing sections from the two
sides of tiio upper halt and leaving Just
enough for a haudlo, with a stem protruding
from the very middle of this handle.
Scoop out the seeds and most of the meat
of the pumpkin and place Inside a bowl
tilled with water. This Is to hold the stems
of flowers, late nasturtiums and cosmos,
or anything else that Is handy. Twine
Bmllax around the handle of the pumpkin
basket and allow it to hang In festoons over
the edge. This same basket, trimmed
with vines, nnuy be filled with fruit, pears,
apples and oranges, with all tho Interstices
occupied by varicolored grapes.
The yellow of the pumpkin may be carried
out In the accessories of the dinner. The
place cards should be made of white card
board, uecoratod with grains of yellow
corn, glued on In an attractive design,
or yellow cardboard decorated with grains of
wheat, the name of the guest neatly written
A line d 1 h 1 1 of Hubbard squash.
a mound of sweet niUatoes to flank the
turkey, the pumpkin pie, without which no
Thanksgiving dinner is complete, and tho
ice cream served ill orange cups, help to
carry out the golden color scheme.
Amusing Jlttle favors may be mado of
carrots, pale green, white and yellow crepe
paper, a few pins and some baby ribbon.
nd as fast as though In the ooze of
Jelly fish. With tho other he clutched
wildly at the rope, exhausting his strength
In the mania of fear that had overcome
Amaxlo, above, tried to calm him, find
screamed for help; and, as he screafned.
the doomed foreman, In a last spasm of
strength, tugged suddenly and powerfully
Charmimg Witter Clofilitof
For Men, Women and Children
. ON '
The new winter styles are here. The .choicest line of wearing apparel we have
ever shown, with new styles, and all priced as low as you will find at any cash store.
Our charge system should be a convenience to you. Come in and secure your cloth
ing now; pay later.
tall Styles lor women x
Charming tailor-made Suits, stylish
.Inckets, in-'W Skirts, Waists and Millinery.
Winter Styles for Men
Men's nobby Suite, Top Omt, lints
and Shoes all new styles.
1417 Douglas Street. Open Saturdays Until 10:30
live or six Inches In length. Cut off an
Inch or more from the pointed end and pin 1
to this a circular piece of stiff cardboard !
for a base. Skirts, waists and caps are I
easily made of the crepe pppor, glued to- j
gether, pinned In place and tied with dainty
ribbon. The faces may bo cut or done in
ink, with black-headed pins' for eyes.
The dinner is to be strictly old-fashioned.
at the rope's end. Alonso lost his balance serv.j but two courses, and everything
and foil, and In another second he loo was
a prisoner.
The little grains of wheat rose like a
tide about Dolan, covered him, and bore
him down thirty foet into their dspth
where there iu pressure no man can with
stand. Amazio's cries had been heard. His fel
low workmen rushed to the great grain
pit. They saw him for a second a,nd then
the surface closed over him as It had over
the man whose life he had Sought to save.
The workmen stopped not a second.
on the table at once. The first course con
sists of the inevitable roast turkey, mashed
potatoes, cranberry sauce, baked sweet po
tatoes, baked squash, corn pudding and I
combination Kilad. When this has been
cleared away, the dessert is brought on.
It may be one or all of the following good
things: Pumpkin, squash and lemon pie,
carrot pudding with sauce, oranges, white
grapes, nuts and cundy.
To Roast a Turkey- See that the turkey is
carefully picked. Moisten a handful of
common baking soda and rub it all over
I Until 1 B'olnrlr that Mma a riarnn whiin
Willi - . 1 , fh nrut WfAMi a lneV ..wx-..
filers. 52,000 more square leei or Donor . ,uxur)ou, ,ttam,hPt arr1ved. Tnen the
heating surface and 80.000 more horsepower. CTOwill it9eTtf1 Jone,. wharf for p,ke
It is 7S feet longer, sixteen feet wider, four 8llp where grt(Uer Wf), moorej.
! The Great Western had left Bristol, Eng
land, four days after the 8lrlus left Queens
town, and yet. In spite of the longelr dis
tance It had to travel, It had come In only
twenty-one hours behind Its rival. The
Blrlus in comparison with the "latest arri
val" suffered In almost every particular.
Tho Sirius waa 178 feet long, the Great
Western WO. The former was a 700-ton. the
latter a l,lM0-ton. boat. The best speed of
springing oown irom tne snouioer oi me , the ow) m(.jde 8nd out Aow lt to dry
pit, they rushed to tne street. Axes ciove . and Uwn wash u off wjtn hot water. whle
the cleats at the chutes t.hat run from the fne , ,, warm ai;rape it wlth tho
bottom of the pit to the street, wall, where back of a BIv(jr knlfe whl.u you m wnat
grain Is loaded like steam coal. Tho tor- , nr( removes from your turkey you
i .. pw;tj.J-" !. j iw m i iimwnr a uir-fw m. ' "smwhi'm m: n" f-?v ffe. !M 'II'" ' "' w
fjSmmrr-mti in r ' i ' Liiin1' i mini ' 'iniai nmr- ; - ' -jaasatiasiwaiiMMWiswimiiiisy-lttsiiss aifcswamiaiiwMma
r 1 an i "Lpmjv If?
7) O 0 . ) M
rent of grain rushed forth a score of
men w-lth shovels pushing it to one side
to glVe the hurrying mass behind It room.
Suddenly they creamed with Joy. The
body of Amazlo shot down the chute. He
was selxed, carried Inside and an ambu- I
will never again consent to eat onn that
has not "been properly cleaned. Plunge
the fowl In cold water, drain lt and rub lt
with salt and pepper. Place it In tile oven,
without cover, and allow lt to roast, aboui.
lance was soon on hand. When he opened ! three-quarters of an hour. . Then remove
What Sulphur Does
For tha Human lloUtV hi Health and
The mention ot sulphur will recall to
oianv of us the early days when our moth'
trj and grandmothers gave us our dally the Sirius was 160 knots a day. that of the
dose of sulphur and molasaes every spring Ureal Western HO. Moreover, the captain
asal fall. ' tna Oreat Western proudly announced
It was the universal spring and fall that thereafter his ship would make the
"blofkl purifier," tonio and cure-all, and, run across In fourteen days. "To Europe
mind you, this old fashioned remedy was In two weeks" was an early dream of engl-
not without raeilt.
The Idea was good, but the remedy was
crudrt and unpalatable, and a large quan
tity had to be taken to get any effect.
Nwadays we gel all the beneficial effects
of sulphur in a palatable, coucentrau-d
form, so that a single grain Is far more
'"effective than a tablespoonful of to crude
neerlng which had at last been realized.
Traasltery Prestige.
To show how transitory is the prestige
of the transatlantic flyer the following
are named, with the date that each beat the
record of its predecessor: Persia, UnS;
Scotia, ISM; City of Brussels. 18t; Baltic,
1873; City of Berlin, H75; Germanic, 1876;
Britannic. 1S77, Arlioua, 1SS0; Alaska, 1882;
his eyes his first cry was for Dolan, his
The men about him stood aghast. It
was the first they knew of Dolan having
been caught a prisoner In the pit. They
rushed to the street again. Every chute
wus opened and the 3,000 bushels of gralr.
were poured Into the street.
One of the chutes clogged. It was the
bly of the foreman. A man on a rope
It from the oven and fill it with any desired
dressing. This time it should be covered
and rotated from two to four hours, ac
cording to size, quality and the habits of
your oven. Kven when It Is covered, it re
tijitres frequent boating. When a turkey is
partially cooked before the die- lug is put
In, the dressing never has that raw taste
that la so likely to detract from its flavor.
Baked Corn Thanksgiving comes too lato
was lowered Imdde, and In another minute ! ,n ,ha "eac for rrCsh COrn' the k'"d
the body was In the street.
dead. New Tork World.
Dolan was
In recent years ieer.n ana txpon- oreton. 18M: America. 18S4: Ktrurla. 1SS8;
uent have proven iiit the best sulphur t-mbrla, ISsT; City of Paris. 16S9;' Majestic.
lor medicinal use Is that obtained from
i uloluni tCalcium sulphide) and sold In
t ."ig stores under I he name of Stuart's
Calcium Wafers. Tuey are a mall choco
late coated pellets tuid contain the active
medicinal principle of sulphur In a highly
i incentraied, effective form,
few ueopte a:e awaro of tl.e value of
1W1; Teutonic, 1S91; Campania. 1&3: tu
cania, 1693; Kaiser Wllhelm der Groshe.
17; Deutwchland, 1900, and Kaiser Wll
helm II. 19N.
And In this race for supremacy every
mechanical factor has been developed a
far as engineering skill would permit. As
the single englnne was followed by the
Kstreme Western Point of the Main
land and the People Wlia
Live There.
The moat western point of the American
continent Is a bold granite 1, 500 feet high,
very abrupt on the f.ea side and sloping
gently toward the interior.
From this mountain one can see a long
stretch of th mainland of Siberia. The
American point Is Cape Prince of Wales.
That on the Siberian coast Is. East Cape.
The string of Islands running between
the two leaves only fourteen miles of open
sea betwren them. The passage Is not a
difficult one and ii often made In a few
hours In the' open skin boats of tho Esqui
maux, who Inhabit both coasts. Every
winter lt Is possible to cross on the ice.
Care Prince of Wales has the reputation
that grows In can will have to be subsli
tuted. Take a can of the best corn you
can get. Beat two epgs thoroughly with
a tablespoonful of wigur and a scant tea
spoonful of salt. Add a cup of milk, stir
In the corn and pour the mixture into a
well-buttered baking dish. Dot the top with
butter and bake It about half an hour,
stirring the butter into the pudding as soon
as all 1h thoroughly hot.
Baked Hwect Potatoes Take boiled
sweet potatoes, peel them and cut them
Into moderately thin slices. Place them
in a buttered baking dish, sprinkle with
salt and sugar and add a small cup of.
cream. Dot the top with butter und bak
a delicate brown. ou will never Know
how delicious sweet potatoes are until
you have tried them this way.
Carrot Puddlr.g Take one cup each of
grated carrots, chopped suet, stoned rain
Ins, sugar and milk; one teaspoonful eacn
of salt, cinnamon and allspice, half of a
Illinois Centred Railroad
Account International Live Stock Exposition'
Tickets on Sale December 1. 2, 3 and 4
Return Limit. December 10th
Two Fast Trains Daily
Orhaha 6s00 P. M.
Omaha 5:00 A. M.
Arrive Chicago 7:30 A. M.
Arrive Chicago 9:30 P. M.
is m " ni ii ii ii
' mi I. Ml I I USSKlW ..!"
the door or I'll throw you and it both.
''Excuse me, professor." replied the pas
senger, meekly, und the incident was
closed. Philadelphia ledger.
PHtbellc speetni'le nf the Caller M
on Terminal K-c-llltie
There are many kinds of bores. There
are. perhaps, us many Kinus hi oore as
grated nutmeg, quarter of a teaspoouful t there are individuals, for no two bores havs
of ground cloves, four eggs, one ounce of i r(1..iK,v ,he .amo method of wasting- your
citron peel cut Into thin slices.
two tea-
time or irritating your nerves or dc-mand
Ing your attention. But of all the bores
who ever bored there Is none so bad as he
who constantly encores himself. By whfch
is meant the bore who keeps coming back
fur another word. lie wKI talk and talk
an form ot au:pr.ur .u restoring urn . ,, engine, so the double engine has
maintaining bodily vigor and health; sul- bM ,urr..C(leJ bv tha quadruple. The
li.-.ur ucta directly on the liver and excre- 8ingl mve way to lh. twln gcr,w
!uiy orsune and pv.rlties and enriches the , ,Kiati noft. wtl, the MauerUnla, the
blood tv '-he prompt elimination of wastu . four.,orl.w .,,p h indeed, lt
Material. 1 would seem that the prophecy of the lae
Oi'.' grandmothers knew this when they . inverC!yde, head cf the Cunard 10m-
.JoHtJ us with a.ilp iur and molasses every , pony wou)d BOme day be reahed-that
prltu nd fall, but tho cpuutly and lm- j tn. 8leari).hp of the future would have
, urity f i-rdinary (lowers of sulphur j prop,t.ri a)ung its bottom, and that
xceI alien worbt than the disease, ami ouM fX(.c, ln lpeed evan th, fa,te(,t
cannot compare nu .muuerii con-
or.iratoi preparations of sulphur, of
which SiU'irt s l.aicium ier is uu-!
doublrdly the best and mosr widely usud,
the fall and north In the spring.
through this comparatively narrow channel.
i .. .. I V .. I I .. n I . .
f. . , ... . I DUUVIIIUIfl ui imnui. imnur SI1U
hdn0 Oi mnl Inp Uinanl nl.n. M K n
,. ,, . , . V enough to make a stiff batter. Flour tho
world. But the very element, combine tn ,net and frut tI udd , ,pe
mak og It one of the great hunting place. . bea, )e and w h 0 m
t ""."f""8- me whalo. walrus. Pour over th0 fruU and f 0
""" "" IUC ICC auuiu 1" wt,K ll.n h.M,.. i. I.,H . . ... ...
"'""' -! and Bt'll continue 10 taiK. incn you win
. I aa possible, put the batter into well but- J get ,,,, ude-tracked. perhaps, and after
This jLCrounls tnr tha cans h.vlr. . , I a lew lingering repeiiuoim n niu iiirmo nr
1 his accounts for the cape having one j ,h. ,aut.e tuke one CUIfu, of brown SUKUr . , n , f d
of the largest Esquimau settlements on the n. .h,n,, nf b,, ,,,,, , . i "a . ... , .' ' . I"
- - . .. - - . . .. , . Turn DOCK. ID llio llltri i upicu uim. iuu win
ful of cornstarch, moistened with cold ql,rkly lose yourself In your work or your
water, and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Blenl thoughts, when suddenly you hear his soft
the sugar and butter over tho tire until st(0 returning he almtai always steps
the sugar is on the point of scorching, softly and you hear that baleful voice: "I
Add the hot water gradually, stir In tho be(r yolir pcrdon, but" '
cornstarch and beat tho sauco until it is ie comes back not once, but twice, often
perfectly thick and smooth. Remove from three.
the fire and add the flavoring.
They are tlj; natural antloto for liver
and kidney trouoleu and rut constipation
itr.d puriry the b:ool in, a Aay that often
juryr!" patient and ptiVslcian alike.
nr. P. M. W.'.kin., whild cxirlinenttng
villi sulphur remedies, mdon found that
sulphur I rom i.uiciunw was superior
. .,(.... c.t-m. lie satxs: "Pur iiu.
to any -- ;
,'i3n'y and blood tvoubloa, eVpeclallr when
' ...... r,Ani .iiiistloallon or maUrlu f
rcsuliina ,' .
express trains.
to gradual, however, lias been the de
velopment 'f the steamship that the peo
ple of today fail to realize how tremendous
It has been. The great monarch, of the
deep come In and go out of New Tork
harbor, but so long a. no accident happens
to them the city pay little heed. What
business man today leaves his work simply
to look at an arriving transatlantic liner?
The day when tho whole town rushed down
to the waterfront to stare at the Slrlua
will doubtless never be repeated. No mat
ter how Ms or how fast may be the ships
. trom " Kni . , . th$ mill nvrr arou-e the exiMtemeru and
i i . u itTi rlMt rrm boil and iilmDlca
l r even rt-P-U'i caiblcles.1! b;;' h tU "'' dtt'
l'J .r in four or five days. Jealng Lhe sklu ned'' lo turn !IUQavn'J' " tn- way
, pear .mootb. Althougi jituart's bt'k from lh '"'' 8'rtua to
) Wafers Is a proprietary article . obtain the most striking illustration of
a old by drugglals and for that reason ' Ds,n achieved by th- shipbuilder
1" t o.l by many physicists. y.t i kllow in the last xty-elghl years. In length
' thus ,luo n1 '0,l'il''u 'or con-I lh 7'-f'0l A'aureiai.ia aould eqjal four
r'"!i ..i "llv;- aiu' kidney i troubles and "n'l h,,it Siriuscs. In a tug oi war the
Arctic coast. The cape village Is the clear
ing house for a large region. Furs come
from far r.p the Yukon and the interior to
be exchanged for Siberian reindeer skins.
The natives urs heavy, strong of arm and
back and very light on their feel. Tliev
are short legged but very fleet footed ana
great short Jumpers. They begin to prao
llf-o jumping aa soon aa they ran walk.
Their favorite way of jumping Is to spring
up and kick with the toes of both feet and
conio down again on their feet. Many of
them can In this way touch a point f'om
twelve to thirty Inches above their heads.
In looks they resemble the Japanese f ir
more than the Chinese, says the Southern
Delicious I'umpkln Ties To a pint and
a half of boiled and "sifted" pumpkin,
add three well beaten eggs, a pint of rich
milk, a generous cup of sugar, a table
spoonful of flour (which has been blended
with the sugar), and a teaspoonful each
of grated nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger.
It Is well to add a good pinch of salt to
Workman, but they are lighter ln com- i the boiled pumpkin. When all the in-
.his nn-J-
U any rat 'K,pl wl'a nr r
f ins li.tbartica and so-called blood "purl
, ,,v' Mi.d In Stuart's Calcium Waf-
,.rv a ir iter, more iialatahlo and
name and add.". I xiaj t'i
r.vt v '
Jsn.i nur
trial package and are for ycurelf.
v. .V rtua.t Co., -T St'uar: b Jil-iln.-,
tho match of i.lT ships of the Slrius type
And If the Hlriua was only Its weight in
coal thrt Mauretanla. 1 furi.ata would
.cousuire lis T' tons in alxleen Itoura,
Ym h of the two l ev turbine ship wlil
j cvwi taiMuu or 11 tunes the cost of the
ploueer stoiiiship. Instead of one deck,
lil.e the Hirius. e w.ii of the Cunarders will
luive e.nnt. and it wdl have room for
js,) i- --.'t!i-r, lns?d cf the flftj wti
plexlon und very ruddy-faced. The girls
and young women are good looking; some
are handsome. Their eyee are a clear
brown and very bright and thoir eyesight
Is marvelous.
TiKir food is what the sea produces
seal, walru.. whale and fish. The hair eal
i lb most ueeful. It furnishes tho skin
for footwear, mittens, trousers, material
for nets, ropes and bags for oil.
I The flesh Is used for food; the blubber.
which is the larrest part of the sil, fur
nishes oil for food, light and heat.' The
quantity of seals wemt to be unlimited.
I'nllke the fur stls. the hair iual never
comes ashore. It Is captured in net. und
when the lc forms It 1. shot.
The walrus furnishes the covering fr th
big canoes nd also f-r lhe Imux-a .-..i
makes the heavy ropa. The rV, i ,ior(S, j
on scanom, wiico-e Uie natives cache most
of their supplies.
At all seasons of the year there is ail
abundance of fish. Kvery river iwnu wUh
salm-m. grayling ar.d Hoot. All wliuer
tOllieod Slut flr.n n.l..r .
,.1'- ' M.IIU. I li I
Esquimaux dry largj (.jantitie. (;, the
summer, but. their favorite fjod is alwavs
tre.h meat or 'h.
Tin. fre-h f-.J N.u.pij- .ciMjj.ts ( titm
gredlents have been beaten thoroughly
together, fill the lie crusts and bake In a
qutik oven until the tilling Is "set" and
the crust Is done. The baking should be
gin in the bottom of the oveu so that the
crast will not be soggy. The New Houth-west.
9TERL1NU fJILVKK-rrenier, 15 & Dge.
A Hmirit.
Observing a passenger wl'h the unligliled
Imtt of a cigar In his fingers, the street
car conductor requested him to put it
"It is out, you chump," responded the
passe n ger.
"Pardon me." resumed the conductor, "if
I luvr failed to make myself clear. The
condition to which I had reference was not
one of mere temporary noncombustlon, but
of elimination, the eradication. I might
say, of the physical presence of your nloo-tine-luden
lemnant, this process followed
necessarily by cessation of the odor now
permeating an atmosphere already some
what deficient. I fear, In the esaeotlal ele
ment of one. I'm a humble couducior,
and my aim La to piaaae, but. you big
porelne t'lfr, you throw lht cigar through
times and more. He gets as far
away as the elevator, and thinks of some
new way to state his proposition, some an
ecdote, some brilliant quip. It were a
pity, he thinks, to leave your mind unillu
mined. You have probably not fully under
stood him. He will give you the full ben
tfit of his wisdom or knowledge or clever
ness. And o he begs your pardon, but
Success In these duys of practical ac
tivity comes to the man who most ac
curately measures tho value of time. , If
his own time is not especially precious
some other man's time la. The bore fail,
to appreciate this difference, llu Is free
as the air, has all day before him. He
has probably no other object In life at
the present but to hold your attention,
even while your finger, are straying for
the neglected letter or the urgent sheet
of figures, and your eye. are wandering
out of the window.
Huch men cannot easily, at least they do
not often, succeed. Tho man who keep,
coming back to bore you la a t to hover
around the vital propositions of life. He
fails to drive straight home. But you are
not concerned about his failure. You
execrate his bad habit. You grow to hate
tho sound of his returning footstep and
the baleful note of his, "I beg your par
don, but ."Washington Btar.
America a Gold for Lsasii..
liONLHjN, Nov. 24. Another largo ship
ment of American eagles from Paris valued
at $1.70. was purchased by the Bank of
Kngland today. These coulliiued shipment
of gold from Paris are vJrtJiv Muiing
the kical invn.y uiaraet.
Via the Only Doublo Track Routo
Tickets on Sals Dec 1st to
4th, Good Till Dec. 10th
CITY OFFICES, 1401-3 Farnam St.
The Purc!)asin3 Power ef Thousands of 11, nl THE HCC
Prosperous Western Families is found UUUI Ul IIIL ULL