Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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CUte Board Decides to Go Ahead with
Work in Lecislatit Chamber.
Uii ttnalMliiMr Kataa (,ltn Dal
me Flgares (Hate Leads
nr"4 of Darlag the
("From a Staff Correspondent.) I
UNCOLN, Nov. 24.-MSrx'Jal.)-Th State I
Hoard or Public Lands and Buildings, with
Mr. Mortensen absent.' derided to re-ndvcr-tlge
for lds for papering and painting the
annate chamber and the house of represent
ative. The hill will le paid out of the
fund ant aside for the maintenance and
repair r in suite capitoi. The contract
let to the Lincoln Wall Taper company was I
reconsidered officially.
The contract waa let to the Lincoln Wall
faper company first for $2.W. When this
Met waa announced through, the preaa a
representative of the Davts Furniture com
pany called upon membrrs of the hoard
to proteet. Inasmuch as his bid was lower
than that mm. An examination of the
tilds waa made and It was fntmA the hoar-A
had duplicated some lt?rns in the bids n
making the totals, and the lowrst bidder
srhould have received t1,t3 for the work.
tt happened that when the. matter whs
tralghtened out the Lincoln Wall Taper
company waa still the lowest bidder.
In the meantime Secretary of State
Galusha. had left town. Chairman Eaton
f the board professed absolute Ignorance
of the bids, and Mr. Mortenscn said he had
looked at them, casually on the table at
tha board meeting and saw nothing wrong.
Mr. Brown salU whatever Mr. Galusha had
dona had bean done by orders of the board.
, With this aa a basis the Evening News
here laid all the blame on Mr. OaJuaha
and abaolvsd the other members of the j
board from any wrong doing or even care
lessneaa. '
Aa a matter of fact, Chairman Katon
wag with Mr. Galusha when Mr. Davis
called to ask for an explanation. Mr.
Eaton had examined the bids and so had
every other member of the board.
Where the oversight or carelessness cam
In on the part of the board was In adding
in with the totals the bids for the paper
ing of tha walla In both the house 'and
senate. Tha bids were as follows, showing
, how they easily made the mistake:
Wo respectfully submit the 'following
prices for papering In the same grade a is
now used In the below rooms, alt work
: t. -
i 1 3 5.
: All,
D 3 3
&S Si
2 5.3 ft
3 S?S .0B32
s n s
3e-3 3ME
1 Is! : 8 :3S5?
2a. : i i 2. :
g.3: : : : J"33: 3:
z'. ''':'.
I: i
Tours respectfully,
Per A. G. D.
papering senate wall . $312. on
' ' cove ' ceiling 625. CO
" house wall .1,0. M
" cove " celling 7. 00
Per Rowcli If.
Aldrlch Has Railroad Bill.
Charles Aldrtch, a new state senator from
Butler county, was at the siatehouse today
and said he was going to work on a bill
giving the new Railroad commission abso
lute power to handle the business it is In
tended It should handle. Mr. Aldrlrli favors
a man of experience In railroad matters for
secretary. W. 8. Whltten, secretary of the
Lincoln Commercial club, lias been men
tioned for the place aa Mr. Whltten has
had much experience in these matters.
However, he la drawing 12,500 a year now
Piles Cured
buffering for Years, and Bed-Hidden
From I'llew, a MajwmrliuwUs
Man ia Cured bjr Pyramid
Tile Cure.
Trial racks KaUad Traa to AU Wke
sad ITama aad Adorasa.
'I tried the sample of your 'cure - uu
aent me. I uaed It and then boagnt a 60c
bog. Tha rultB were .Immediate and sur
prlalng to me. I ataitre you, f hud been
to a doaen of the best doctors nnd paid
much money to them, with no results
whatever. I had thla affliction for twenty
years. I waa In a hospital for a long time
and I left It physically broke down. 1 have
been ao bad for months at a time as to be
unable to walk. Having a friend who lost
lila life by an operation, 1 oersted from
over having that experiment tried oil me.
1 owe you a debt or gratitude. I believe
fiiat pile would be banished from human
ity and become un uiVnuan thing were
very one afflicted with them to but apend
rom toe to for Pyramid puo Cute.
Xta epeody action also maaea it extremely
favorable for Impatient people. I am youia
sincerely, Oeorge II. HartUrtt. Maltapan,
Instaut relief can be gotten by using the
tuarveloua Pyramid Pile Cure. It Immedi
ately reduces all congestion and saelllng.
heal all sores, ulcers and irritated pur;s.
The moment you start to use It your
Buffering ends ami tha cure of your diead
disease la in sight.
T" Pyramid Pile furs frequently rmdera
a aurgiial operation unnweasary. lon't
subject yourswlf to this except as a very
laat resort.
The Pyramid Pile Cure ia put up in the
form of aey-to-use." specially made aup
poaltoriee. They are soothing, painless,
biatant and certain.
A trial treatment will be aent you at
once by mall, in plain, sealed wrapper,
without a cent of expanse to you. If you
sand your name and addreea to Pyramid
In-ug Co.. Pyramid Building. Marhil.
After you raeeiv the sample you ia.)
gat a regular sis package of Pyramid
ptla Cure at your druggtat o for W cents,
or If be naau't It. aeod ua tb money sua
wo will send It to jro.
and this may h a dmwherk to him accept
ing the position were it tendered him.
School I.R a 4 Matlstlrs.
Advance aheets from the biennial report
of I .and Commissioner H. M. Eaton convey
bn Information thai the state of Nebraska
In the laat two years has sold 7.617 acres
of school land for the sum of fl.23i.4si.7l.
This is equivalent to an average of 115. T2
per arre, or more than twice the minimum
figure cf 17 aa fixed by the slate constitu
tion. The lands are scattered over sixty
or more counties in the state.
As origlaally appraised, the school acre,
age disposed of during the lilennlum was
given a valuation of rntt.SKs.31. The practice
of reviewing appraisements resulted In rain
ing that sum by f:'!U,131.40. or 27 per cent.
Some of the tracts, however, were increased i
30 per cent above the first valuation. The
prices received by the state ranged up to
MB per acre.
Knox county Is the banner one for acre
age that passed from the state to private
hands, the sales there aggregating t.i2
acren. It also led the Hat in the amount of
money received, which was IKiG.34:. Bonis of
the other counties where the volume of
sales reached an extensive totnl were: Daw
sun, 5.00B acres, sold for 177.12; Antelope,
4,400 acres, sold for I72.MO.
No land was sold In a number of eastern
counties where the school domain has been
practically exhausted, except for lands held
by the state subject to lease only. Among
these eountlea Here Richardson. Nemaha,
Otoe. Johnson, Douglas. Dodge and Cuming.
In western Nehraska many counties are
not represented In the list because the land
they contain has not yet rlaen In value to
t7 per acre, which Is the least that the
state can accept for It. Hayes. Terklns.
Cheyenne, Kimball, Banner, Cherry and
others are In this class. .Thin district may
be said to Include about all of the North
Platte country west of Ifolt and Custer
Applications have been approved for the
sale of 12.013.l7 acres for which contracts
are not yet Issued. These lands were ap
praised at S164.3H7.W. and have been re
valued for sale at $195,777.73. an increase of
Applications to purchase U.7sn.3u acres
have been rejected by the board on account
of low appraisements. They were listed at
tl3H.4Rfi.Gft, and valued by the department at
20M1.70, an increase of 9,3r,1.02.
Pare Food Bill Incubating.
Food Commissioner Redfern Is preparing
a pure food bill to be introduced In the
next legislature to take the place of the
present pure food law. which Is considered
practically a farce. In that It gives no au
thority to the state food commissioner to
enforce Its provisions. The new bill will
be along the lines of the national legisla
tion. Brats for Douglas Senators.'
Benutor Thomas of Omaha waa here to
day and selected seals for the Douglas
county members of the senate. He secured
the best seats In the chamber, next to the
entrance on the aisle to the right. He will
occupy the seat made famoua by Dick
O'Neal of Lancaster county, with his
"Casey at the Bat" and other poems and
McBrlen Bark from Mlssoarl.
Superintendent MeBrien has returned
from a ten days' visit to dear old Missouri,
wner. n. fim .aw the light. Though he
ha. broken away from the d.ya of the ox
wagon and the moonahlne. and weara hi
. . . .1
he waa given a cordial welcome and called
upon the old black mammy who nuraed
him yeara and yeura ago. He went turkey
hunting and aaw "a. bear, but failed to
bring back any game for reasons well
known to thoae who know the oratorical
auporintendent. "
Beatrice Maa Mar Marry Hla
Wife a Second Time.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 24.-Bpelal.)-Thomna
Rample was today granted a di
vorce from hia flrat wife, Mra. 8. O. Sam
ple of Boaton, by Judge Kelllgar. Thla la
the aecond time the same couple have boen
divorced. The former decree waa Issued
about a year ago and Sample soon after-)
warda mariiod Mrs. Grace Rackley of thla
a . w L --"" -i amuT. m.l..g j
KxiuilMu iiiv IIUBIM.UU ui i wo mvt?a. l 1111
case came up for hearing yesterday to i $J
determine whether tha flrat decree should:'
nnve nwn irnniwi or noi, ana me nrsr.
Mra. Sample reaistod her huaband'a effort
to secure release. Since the setting aside
of the decree Sample and hia aecond wife
nave oeen living apart, rearing a complaint :
of bigamy would be Instituted agalnat them, j
The decree granted today glmpllneg the
angle considerably, and Sample and Mrs.
Rackley wlli. now be married galn, the
former marriage having been annulled.
Judge Kel!l;jar nlso disposed of severul
other Important matters. In the motion
to uash the Sparks case, which he had
under advisement, he overruled alx of the
points raised In the motion to quash and
sustained one. The point sustained, and
which makes the Information defective,
was the fact that the complaint does not
atate whether the offense complained, of
was committed n Gage county, Nebraska,
or elsewhere. He gave County Attorney
Klllen three days tn which to amend
his petition, and reduced the bond 11,000
on each account.
Mrs. Offett waa granted a divorce from
her husband, on the grounds of cruelty
und non-support.
In the appeal taken by Judge Kret
slnger from the allowance of the claim
of Dr. Pavls. the water expert, amounting
to !Jn, which did not have the "O K"
of the water commissioner, the court
overruled the appeal and sustained the
action of the city council.
Cora aad l ooking Contests.
UKATRICE, Neb., Nov. 34. (Special.)
Yesterday was field day for the toy fsrni- '
ers and girl cooks of Guge county, and a i
largo crowd of them assembled at the court
house to aw.ilt the derision of the Judges I
in the corn growing and ccoking contests. Tfm y9V 0( Tax a paiu.
J. . V. Crubtrce. president of the Peru j PUATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Nov. H. (Rpe
Normal; Deputy State Superintendent ,.al.) The Burlington owed Caa county
Bishop and Mlsa Rosa Bouton of Uncoln ; for taxM for , the eum of tlt.47S.Sl.
delivered brief addresses. There were forty K M pollard, the tax agent, waa In tula
contestants and prliea were awarded aa ; ,., .. .i,i r,.tv Trnrr W n
Corn Contest Illodgett's Yellow lnt,
Clyde Bsy. first; Carrol Shaffer, second:
Kred Ray. third. Hel t a Yellow Dent. Karl
Cooper, lirst; Howard Martin, second; Wal
ter Keimund, third. Mammoth White Pearl.
Kdward lywis, first: John Fsve, second;
Clarence Udell, third. Iowa Silver Mine.
Ralph Ellis, first; Earl Re'mund. aecond;
lljrry xlt.-ll. third.
Omking Contest -White bread, Dorothy
Miller. iirJtt; Eugenie Dewis. second; Eva
Wilkinson, third. I'oughr.uts. Eva Brea
ker, ilrft; Nlnu M. Andrew, second; Aha
fcpsrks. third. Com bread. Eugenie lwis.
first: Hrlen Wilkinson second; Eva Wil
kinson, third. Cookies, Arthur Hess, first;
Beatrice M. Logsdon, second: IiOlo Morris,
Stray Ballet lajarea Byataader.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., Nov. 24. (Spe
cial.) Fred Wilaon, about JO years of
age, waa ahot through the fleshy part of
the left leg above the knee, by a stray
bullet from a I J -calibre revolver Id the
hands of T. S. Cover. Tha wound is not
considered dangerous. The, shooting oc
curred at a result of quarrel between
Frank Htanley and T. 5. Cover. They
had been quarreling the greater part of
the afternoon and about i o'clock, met
in Whelau's sluuii. butli intoxicated.
Stanley atruck Cover In the face, and
Cover pulled his e--,n and shot at Stanley,
but the bulla! went wild and embedded
Itself In tb upper part of th bar mirror
fia.iie. Tn two luen clinched. Cover
bolulng to the gun ajd attempting to get
i.i osltivu to b it, and succeeded la
retting the weapon plsred against Stan
ley's stomsrh. At this point Ernest
Bandy rsn iij. snd struck Cover's arm.
The gun was dlschsrgrd. the bullet strik
ing Wilson, who wsa standing by the
window. Severs! men present rlosed upon
Cover and Stanley, separated them and
dlaarmed Cover. Wilaon had come In Just
a minute before In search of a man. No
arrest has been made.
k k oi,d cm i nin ip
darted Half Ceatary
Ago la
Foand r R-lo.
Rt'LO. Neb., Nov. 24 (Special.) Wil
liam Kvana of thla city, while digging
near the Rulo elevator, discovered a small
sack full of old money. He was atden- 1
Ing the ditch that leads the sun lus water j
from the engine room, when his spauc
struck a hard substance. II. II. Mann,
the general manager, examined It and
found It waa two 50-cent piecca that had
become atuck together by mud. Digging
still deeper, he dug up a small ssck con
taining about l?n In money, mostly In
small pieces, dimes half-dimes, dollars,
half-dollars, quarters and a few $2. SO gold
pieces. Some Sonnlsh an 1 Mexican coins
were mixed with It. The dates of the
colna varied from 1729 to m. One gold
piece bore the latter date and was as
bright as though new. The corners were
sharp, as If It had been handled but little.
This money was probably burled in the
sixties, during the Jsyhawkar times here.
Mr. Kasly. a retired merchant of thla
city, uaed to live In a house thst was
located over this spot. Mr. Randolph
lived there later, but when the $t. 000,000
bridge was built this house was moved
to make way for the laying of the new
road bed. There was a cellar under this
house and the grade thrown up went down
to It. and Indications go to show that
this money was hidden or burled In this
cellar. One piece of silver, as large ss
the bottom ,of a teacup, bore the words.
"Peru. M. J." The date represent nearly
every yraf from 1729 to 1S and their
value, according to the (.rices advertised
by buyers- of rsre coins, will perhsps
amount to several hundred dollars.
F.mll Johnson. Drayman of t.oomla.
Meets I'nfnrtanate Accident.
HOLDREQB. Neb., Nov. M. (Special
Telegram 1 An accident occurred late this
afternoon In which Emil Johnson, a dray
man living at Loomte. loot his life. He
came to Holdrege for a load of lumber,
and on the way back his team became
scared about four and a half miles north
west of town and started to run. while
he and hia cousin, Charles Johnson, were
walking behind the wagon. Emll climbed
to the top of the load In order to get hold
of the lines, and In somo way fell so thstt
the wagon ran over him and crushed hin
chest, killing him almost InstaDtly. He j
was a young man, with a. wlfe-'Ond sev- I
rl small children and had Just moved j
Into a new :iome. hardly oomiueieu, in
Loom Is and had recently bought the dray
business In which he was engaged. He did
not drink nor had he any other bad habits.
Bagna Cheek for Goad I.nt.
FREMONT, Neb.. Nov. 24.-Speclal.)-
1 - S a nlrt main Ct ! niftll
JtlllH V... MIIIIBKI1. CI II viu "' v' '"- -
a hoU8e snd Iot BOuh ot
. to mn ,lv1n, hin nam,
, v .nrf te.-elved
in payment a check on the j-remont na
tional bank, which proved to be worthleua.
After receiving hia deed and on the aame
da.y he went to the Security Savings bank,
which occupies the aame rooms aa the
Fremont National bank, and borrowed of
them l0. giving a mortgage on the lot as
security. Tuesday afternoon Johnaon went
to the bank to deposit the check and learned
he had oern awlndled. Tommes haa not
been etm since. 'Johnson haa paid tha
bank th 30 and will bring a ault to cancel
the deed on .account of fraud. The real
e.itate deal will therefore coat Mr. Johnaon
from IT7B to MOO, as a couple of real eatate
agents brought the lot to hla. attention.
Hallway Comaaay Wlai.
TEKAMAH, Neb.. Nov. 24. (Special.) I"
the dlatrict court, in session here. In the
trial of John Thomas against the Chicago,
S p, Minneap0,1(, &
Omaha Railway
pnnmanv whAmin Mr. Thomaa 8UeS IOT
m M fof lnurien sustained June 30 last,
... . A. A ,h. -wenrtnni
h a triUIVIt WkaY VIIUOI wa .
w --
Sir. Thomaa waa driving a team across the
track and did not hear thfi train until it
was almost onto hlin. He stopped the tem
and tried to back them up, but the engine
,..m ir.ii1 nf them, throw-
Mr Tnom,. ,e br,ukm, his
,J . bru,ln(r hm .
The defendants proved that the engineer
blew the whistle for the station, rang the
bell and also blew the alarm whistle, allow
ing that the accident was not cauaed by
any regligenca on the part of the employes
or the company..
Father Reeks Baaawar Girl.
PKNDER. Neb., Nov. 34. (Special Tele
gram.) Matt Jones of Carroll. Neb., was
here today In aearch ot his young daughter,
who left her home In Carroll last Saturday.
She was met In Emerson the same day by
Mr. Hubbard, who recently was In the
drug business at Carroll, where he sold out
his more tn Mr. Olds of Winside. It Is be
lieved Hubbard and Miss Jones are in Den
ver and the authorities there have been
notified. Hubbard haa a young wife and
child who are temporarily living here with
a brother, waiting for her husband to look
up another business location.
Cleaaeat Caee Tola Week.
PAP1LL.ION. Neb.. Nov. 24. (Specials
Next Monday Judge Day will be her to
open court with a new Jury, the old one
having been discharged. The Clement boya
will be arraigned uuon the charge Of being
acceasortea to the killing of Iuke Ooldie.
Their father waa found guilty of the kill
ing of Mr. G-jlrile at the last term of court
here this fall.
Wheeler the sum of $1,951.53.
Railroad Paya lta Taxes.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. S4.-(Special Tele
gram.) The Rock Island company paid lta
taxeti due Gag county for the year lf,
which amounted to'.
evs ( Nebraska.
BEATRICE Two new cases of small
pox are reported near Courtland.
SEWARD Hunters are taking advantage
ol the onall season, which opened Novem
ber IS and lasts only fifteen days.
PI.ATTSMOCTH County Superintendent
J. W. Humble held a county teachers' meet
ing In Weeping Water on Saturday.
SEWARD William Otto has rented the
business room formerly oci upled by Curry
Brothers and mill put In a grocery stock.
Ml H RAY Rev. A. L. Z!nk of Platts
inouth delivered an able lecture in the
Christian church here, subject. "The Top
NORTH PI.ATTE The Elks will observe
Bundsy next aa memorial day. An appro
priate program will bo rendered at the hall
in the aftrrnoon.
BEATRICE The Womau'a club held lta
regulsr meeting st the home of Miss
Myrtle I'.eck The program was in the
music department.
BEATRICE Carl Hamilton has anld
the "Bean Pot" reataurant to E. A. Sny
der of Itckrell. a ho will conduct the
business in the future.
DAVID CITY The David City school
will does next Wednesday evening on ac
count of ThankagHIng and will i.ot have
echool Thursday or Friday.
YORK Uttl Teddy Beaver, eon of
fcliuer Beaver, waa run over l a faru..
Svnth ISth
.1 week of special telling in mil departments to make room for holiday goods. Pronounced values on
goods of quality a substantial saving. Come tomorrow.
Thee prioe prevail this week long as present stock lasts Store closed Thanksgiving day.
All drop patterns of Brussels, Velvets, Axuiinsters
and Wiltons go at a big reduction. It is necessary to close
tliese out nt once to make room for new spring patterns
coming in.
85c Brussels (or
$1.10 Velvets for. . . .
$1.35 Velvets for....
$1.20 Axnilnsters for.
$1.75 Wiltons for
Axminster Rugs
Shipped especially early for our spring trade we de
cided to put them on sale tomorrow. The newest and
prettiest patterns in rich Oriental colorings, suitable for
library or hall, and delicate shades for parlor or boudoir.
2-3x5 Axminster Rug... 82.50
3x6 Axmluster Rug $4.50
2-3x10 Axmlnster Rug.. $5.85
2-3x12 Axmlnster Rug..$7.00
3x10-6 AxmiDSter Rug. $10.00
6x9 Axmlnster Rug $18.00
9x12 Axmlnster Rug.. $25.00
Curtains and Draperies
A department of exceptional values that should be of interest to you. The collection comprises the
choicest designs and embraces a wide variety of qualities, the real values of which are much more than we ask.
A few of our specials
$1.60 Ruffled Swiss
Curtains , pretty and
dainty, for bed
rooms 05
Window Shades BricaCrac
W make our own. so can euarantee perfect workman- Choice examples of art will be found in this de-
shio no matter how
colors in cambric.
A clearing sale of all patterns where we
have but one of a kind. This sale repre
sents about 94 patterns; all styles and
finishes. They come In golden and weath
ered, mahogany finish and genuine mahog
any. Many with wood set and a large line
In leather seat and leather seat and back.
These must be closed out at once, to make
room for holiday goods. Styles the latest.
Values, one-fourth to one-third less than
regular. All arranged on our fifth floor
for special selling, commencing Monday
Large Arm Rockers go at $ 1.45 and up.
Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets
The time and labor saving sanitary kitchen
cabinet. Let us show them to you. Up
from ..... $21.00
ilia collar bone waa
broken and
he also suffered internal injuries.
PLATTSMOl'TH Hev. A. L. Zlnk. J paator
I'l.rt.tian church, will deliver the
discourse at th union Thanksgiving serv-
II1K.UUIB. ML . - T .
. . .......l.... i. n oli ii r i' H nere.
. ices in me i irsi r,. "
boom in building of residences. .Twenty-
a 'i i rwi t-t i i nin ri " -iij--.
j g)x residences are In course of building
and as many more contracta have been let.
pi.atte-Ii is reported that
j J ESVVhUlitl
I h. Tu, rpujr -n, h. ( noutheast o
townsue on
f town, and
west of the
YORK George R. Reed received a tele
gram announcing the death of Mrs. Reed'a
sister-in-law. Mrs. Mary A. Reed of Wil
cox. Neb. The deceased formerly lived In
YORK James Wostenholm. a pioneer of
south York county, who haa occupied sev
eral official positions, is moving from the
old farm and building a fine home at Mc
Cool. BEATRICE Miss I.Ida Handera, eighth
grade teacher at Central school, waa
given a surprise by thirty of her pupila,
who presented her a beautiful rouvenlr
BEATRICE The union evangelistic
meetings, which were being held here for
two weeks, commencing Sunday, Novem
ber as. have been poatponed until Novem
ber 29.
BEATRICE The big clatern at the
plant of the Beatrice Power and Gaa com
pany caved In Friday. The accident
caused considerable delay In completing
the plant.
cal club was organized last week at tha
home of Mrs. Dr. Hallett. The next meet
ing will be heldat Mrs. Hallctl's residence
on December X
YORK The laat block of curbing has
been put in preparatory to paving the
atreeta of York In the spring. The con
tractor has dune a good Job and the city
i ' well aatlFtted.
SEW A RD The Seward County Telephone
Ing of stockholders on January 1 the propo-
sitioit of Increasing the caultal stock iiotn
twi.ono to tioo.axi.
DAVID CITY Union Thanksgiving eer
Vlcea will be held In the Methndlat Epis
copal church on Thankagivlug day. at
10:20 a. m. Rev. Lee Ferguson IU
V-reach the sermon.
OAKLAND The Oakland Republican
oftli-e is being moved this week to the
first floor of the opera house building,
where Mr. Brooks will have very roomy,
convenient quarters
SEWARD On Friday evening the wed
ding of Mr. John Hsven and Mrs. Amide
Rumaey occurred at Beaver Croaaing. Mr.
and Mra. Raven will make their home on
the farm of the groom In Brown county.
BEATRICE Rawllna' Relief corpa No.
!-. held a largely attended meeting at
which two new members were Initiated.
Mra. 8. Itife of James A. Garfield Relief
corps No. 14 of I ted Cloud, was a ta
ilor. DAVID CITT Henry Knott, our
butcher, is hsvlng an Ice house, luxlO
feet built on his pond, which will hold
Mwt-'iit iim.i tons of ice. He expects to put
Lugou on ine streets next summer, to
' i -e.
SEWARD The tunnel from the court
house to the lot on the south slda of the
square, where the heating plant will be
piaced. is completed. It is built of brick
and large enough for three men to puss
through abreast.
DAVID CITY Aa Saturday evening. No
vember A. was the social evening of the
"L. R. T." club, they were eniertslned by
Miss Lena Klddell and Miss Suitor at the
home of Mrs. Richard Zeiliuger. where the
girls hav rvoms.
PAXTON The man who waa arrested
on Tuesday charged with setting fire to
the livery barn, which burned laxl Sunday,
after Ulna placed lu Jail at Ogalulla, con
fessed to having committed tbe deed. He
ays he waa drunk.
YORK The Eaatern Star was visited bv
Grand Matro.i Stater Edith Nlnebrenner of
Randolph. Neb. Th work of Initiation was
asslHted by the grand matron and afier
initiation a fin banquet waa spies d In the
dining ruuni of the hall.
NEBRASKA CITY-Henry Metie. a pio
neer ratdnl of this til,, died today at
hia hums, M aUxUt asnut. csala btiu
Orchard & Wilhelm arpet
3x3 Axmlnster Rug.... $2.50
2-3x4-6 Axmlnster Rug. .$5.00
3x9 Axmlnster Rug.... $8.00
4-Gx6-G Axmlnster Rug. $9.00
3x12 Axmlnster Rug.. $11.25
8-3x10-6 Amlnster Rug.$22.50
11-3x15 Axmlnster Rug. $42.50
for this week:
$2.50 Imported Swiss
Curtains, with' extra
full hemstitched ruf
fles $1.25
$5 Cluny Curtains,
with linen edge, white,
Ivory or Arabian.
t $2.95
cheap the price. Ask tor our special partment. Marbles, hand
Mission Library Tables
(Like cut.) Quarter-sawed oak,
weathered finish, well constructed,
top 26x46-in., with large under
shelf, fitted with one large drawer,
has pretty panel ends, very special
at ........ ,.J$15.75
Attributed to Bright' disease. He la stir
vived by a widow and two children, Mrs.
J. A. Deering and Daniel.
BEATRICE O. P. Llston. recently pro
moted to the position of atstion agent for
the Rock Island, at Uncoln, will leave for
that place In a few days to assume his
new duties. He will be succeeded by
F. G. Hurt of Plymouth. Neb.
PAPILA.ION Judge Day held a brief ses
sion of court Saturday. The three Clement
bovs were arraigned and pleaded not guilty,
and their caaea were set for hearing: for
Tuesday. John Cavanaugh, the Fort Crook
galoonkeepcr, will be tried Monday.
DAVID CITY Frank Albright of Ris
ing City, who was arrested and. brought
Inio district court this week charged
with running a, poker game In that city,
was found not guilty, by the Jury, after
being out about twenty-four hours.
SEWARD The sheriff Is holding a au:
pect in the county Jail, name unknown, oi
the Votava murder. He was the laat man
seen with the Bohemian, Votava, and the
evidence before the coroner's Jury showed
that someone was staying with Votuva.
Y'ORK The York Electric Light company
has purchased a new heater from the York
Foundry and Machine works. Owing to
the wonderful growth of York, the light
company can haroly keep up with the de
mand for more lights and extensions.
6( Hl'YLEB Mis Ixrlne Smith, eldest
daughter of T. P. Smith, passed away
Saturday morning aftr a short illness
of typhoid fever. The funeral services
will be held at the Methodist church Mon
day, at 2 o'clock. Her age waa IS yeara.
DAVID CITY Mra. E. J. Dworak
Wednesday evening, went out on the back
porch, and the cellar door being open
she stepped off, falling to the bottom of
the cellar, striking on her head. tShe Is
confined to her bed, but i resting com
fortably at present.
OAKLAND At the regulsr meeting of
Galilee chapter. No. 61. R. A. Vf . last
Saturday night, the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year: A. C.
Holmqulat. high priest; John Moseman,
king; V. L,. Frien, scribe; W. H. Myers,
secretary; Oscar Hwanson, treasurer.
OAKLAND Rev. K. Farsman. at pres
ent pastor of the Swedish Mlsidon church
at Moses' Hill, Neb., lias accepted a call
to become paator of the church here and
will begin hia duties December , l0o.
Rev. Fararmtn is the present Secretary
of the mission Covenant association of
WEST POINT-Joseph Smith, county
assessor of Cuming county, was united In
marriage to Mix Ullias Ruckt-r at Omaha
Wednesday laat and immediately departed
with hla bride for a two months' wedding
tour through the southern states, after
which they will return to their home in
West Point.
OAKLAND At th regular meeting of
the Rebekah lodge Monday evening, the
following ohicera were elected: Mrs. P.
Lund, noble grand: Miaa Ellen Nelson,
vice grand; Miss Ellen Anderson, secre
tary; Mra. Andrew Anderson, treasurer;
Peter Palmer, Peter Lund and Alvln Lar
son, trustees,
COLrMBl'8 Prof. W. W. Waters has
sold a half interest in the Columbus Com
mercial college to Prof. L. A. Carnahan,
who is the present superintendent of the
schools at Manilla. Is. Mr. Carnahan has
already engaged a residence and wlli move
here with hia family and be ready for
business by lecember 1.
COLl'MBl'S The fnlon Pacific haa been
granted an injunction in the district court
enjoining the county treasurer from col
lecting taxes Im-leri for the proposed last
Creek drainage ditch. The court held that
collection of th taxea could nut t en
forced until the parties aasexsed could de
rive some benefit from th ditch.
NEBRASKA CITY-A. Brown, charged
with burglan-. waa given a trial in the
district court veaierdav and the Jury
trough! In a verdict of g-ullty. Browns
accomplice. Henry tteele. is on trial in the
district court today. The men are charged
with stealing a number of hldea from
Mueller Brothers' butcher shop.
GRAND ISLAND The funeral of M. J
t ili-ox look place from th Flrat Baptlai
church Saturday and w.-ta largely attended
Mr. Wilcox was a Jobber In coal. He war
Uwn n Wisconsin in 1MX. moved to thb
city thirteen yeara ago. bring then travel
l'ig sales-nan for the Central Cual a,nc
Coke 'omtuiny of Omaha, lie Iravex i
tfe ard llirte dau?htis. H ui a mem
bet wi the iiilei church, lb AuUrr.
Wiltons and velvets, all drop patterns, very de
sirable and beautiful. We need the room, therefore
these reductions:
$22.60 Wilton Run, 8-:!xl0-6 for 316.50
$26.00 Velvet Hug, 9x12, for..,
$32.00 Wilton Rug, 9x12. for...
$35.00 Wilton Rng. 9x12, for..
$42.60 Wilton Rug. 9x12, for...
Bundhar Wilton Rugs
Large shipment of small size rugs just received.
These are early spring patterns; so beautiful you will
enjoy seeing them even if you don't care to buy.
1-6x3 Wilton
3x3 Bundhar Wilton ;
2-3x9 Bundbar Wilton
3X9 Bundhar Wilton
2-3x5 Bundhar Wilton
3x6 Bundhar Wilton
2-3x15 Bundhar Wilton
3x12 Bundhtr Wilton.
Cocoa Door Mats
Made from pure cocoanut fiber, the most durable
mat purchasable; up from 49
new .
Irish Tolnt.
Dentelle Ara
Curtalns, all
lamps; English Colport china, etc.
Order of United Workmen and the Modern
TBCUMPEH-As a result of the McCnn
riell revival meetings, which closed twd
weeks ago, the four church which par
ticipated will rerelve new members, a
follows: Methodist, 100; Baptist, 76; Pres
byterian, 35; Christian, .10. The congrega
tion of the Christian church held a recep
tion Frldny evening in honor ot the new
NORTH PI.ATTK-W. H. McDonald, who
purchssed the former Dillon trsct of land
east of this city last week, sold It on Tues
day to J. W. McDonald of Lincoln, who
says he bought the property aa an Invest
ment. Tha purchase price has not been
made public, but it 1 probable Mr. Mc
Donald made a neat little sum by the
WEST. POINT-William Buchholg, a well
known fanner living northeast of West
Point, died at his farm home on Thursdav
from an attack of paralysis. The deceased
emigrated from Germany to this country
in the early '60s. He leaves a large and
valuable estate. The remains wer in
terred under the auspice of the German
imneran rnurcn.
TECL'MSHH The mortgage record for
Johnson county for the month of October
is as follows: Number of farm mortgages
filed. 11; amount. S19.7jO. Number released.
NumHer rnli .iinl
s; amount, gsi.wn. Number city mortgages
filed, U: amount, 6,W.6ti. Number re
leased. 10; amount, 18.700. Number chattel
mortgage filed, 4D; amount, tl5,9:.l. Num
ber released, 22; amount. t4.0U.f).
DAVID CITY Mrs. Sarah Young com
menced proceedings some tint ago against
R. L. Bevrldge and tbe Metropolitan
Mutual Bond and Surety company of
Omaha for the aum of tf.0 damage for
the sale and giving away nf liquor to
her huaband, lee Young, alleging that !t
rauaed his death ou February il. The
caa I now in the district court.
BEATRICE Gage lodge No. IS, Frater.
nal Union of America, ha elected these
officers: J. F. Pethoud. fraternal master;
H. J. Ketnpf. Justice; Stephen Bull, serre
tary; W. W. Larson, treasurer; Jennie
Whiteside, truth; Mae Fryer, merer; A.
W. Fryer, guide; H. E. Palmer, guard;
Oscar Wayliani. sentinel; Polly L. Bull.
H. E. Palmer. H. J. Kempf. stewarta.
DAVID CITY Rev. Handenchield of
Chicago, who haa been assisting Hev.
Buckner in holding revival meetings n
the Methodist Episcopal church for t hi;
paat three weeka. left this week for Mis
souri. Twenty new converts united with
the church by hi work. The meeting
-re conducted thla week bv the pastor,
who expects to close them Sunday night.
DAKOTA CITY John Davis, an aged
tramp, drew twenty day In the county
Jail today In County Judge Elmers' court,
being found guilty of petit hit-cenv.
Davla, who drifted Into town vesterdav,
entered the room occupied by C. R. Hart
and rummaged through everything, finally
carrying away with him a couple cf foun
tain pens and gold pen. tavla claimed
to know nothing of how lie came Into
poaaesslon of the property.
TECCMBEH -A part of the talent wh'ch
will appear at the Tecumaeh chautinuiua
next summer haa been engaged this week
It Includes Senator La Follclto of Wia
consin. George R. Wtndling. Dr. Frank
Outuuiulus, the Dunbar. Mis. Binghrm,
etc. Kv. Uncoln McConnell of Atlanta,
., the evangelist, will hare charge of
the platform, and the chorus work will lie
under the direction of Prof. Ixiren Juiis.
Other talent ia being negotiated. .
DAVID CITY Ed Butler recently re
ceived a patent on a machine to b usd
in the central 'phone office, to ring the
bell. He lias received a, model machine
which prcvea to be far better than the
one now uaed. Mr. Butler expe. t to go
to Chicago the first of tb month, where
he will make arrangements to have th
machine manufactured. A company haa
been organised with Ed Butler, president
M. L. Lane, vice pi-esldent, and J. R.
Evans, secretary-treasurer.
WEeiT POINT The last meeting of tha
Womsn club was held at the home of
Mr. W. H. Haratlck. Roll call was re
sponded to by apt remarks bearing on th
history of ale.rn. The program was ths
secoi.d of the series on "Hew thorne." Miss
Crawford read a ory based on tbe "Ilouie
if Seven Gables;" Mrs. a. L. Krausa read
i carefully prepared iper by Mr. M. U
Ksef embodying a character analysis of
' Judge Pyncheon," while Mr. J. F. loach
n.erlained th club wtth readlnaa. Mrs
viiuaiu Vieiitrap a
UawtUti.-, i
Douglas 313
. 17.75
S 10.00
$10 Duchess Lace.
Arabian, Cluny. Point
de Venice Curtains
at $6.75
chiseled; inlaid glass
China Cabinets
Many will be sold between now and
Thanksgiving. We've prepared a very
Interesting assortment; various styles and
prices. You'll be pleased with both if
at all Interested In China Cabinets.
Prices extremely low for the qualities
up from $16.00
Morris Chair
We do not know of any article at the
price that has such comfort giving quali
ties. An Ideal Christmas gift, one that
the entire family can enjoy.
One with heavy, plain, rich quarter-sawed
oak frame, fitted with hair filled revers
ible cushions, choice ot color, an O. & W.
pecial $9.75
Brass Beds
We are Just In receipt of a large shipment
of new Brass Beds, all moderately priced .
in this shipment is a large new lot of lb
i ' our special ....... $22.50 19
Friends" was read by Mrs. George Kuril
Mr..nwXtAmeB!ancin111 "l th
0randN'ninNn-Tilf '"""tructlon oi
K,,on '"'"id n.-tv iiV.dCu high .i-, ,i
$o!h.,'! Ih li""-"!..- nlcelv. Th" w5at V
5Iw. w,Ji . i'" "blr Proceed wlih
. rlfk'ylng iiiilntemipteliv ami it-
tie Inside corridor wnlls almost to thi i..
It will have a large, wi-ll-llshtei ....
"rr"1?"1 f.': a-vmnaslum, lunch ro.w-1
rilor. .iV: 'ki 2,n . 1,nr1ments. and two
rKrs Lhe high schoo rooms beino- on i.
Kjpnd. Id to the nrst ,,, u ,,iild!nc
III be of red brick the upner of eray.
nwMiien. I he nimi'tir nns a n. m.ll
Mr. Wagenknecht of Wathena, K.tti.,
is ine contractor.
WEST POINT The jugged pioneers of
fuming county are fasi diaippcarlng.
Among the laat to be called was Christian
L. Jastram. who died at the home of hla
aon at Freoport. J 11.. a week ago, at the
mature ago of M. Mr. Jastram settled on
a farm adjoining the city of West point In
Wit and rettlded continuously thereon up to
a few years ago. The remains were hrn,...
I , Vl'" c,',y nd 'nterred In th family lot
"1 Mount Hope cemetery. The da
i ,7? "" lwo oaugntera. Mrs. Lnedke
".n1 laT"- tvochsmeier of Free.
Don. 111. HIS Kiirvli-ltiB- ...... ii'tiu
of Franklin. Neb.; FtI J. of Freenort 111
Alfred of Remaon. Neh. ; Burton J. of
Sin tranclseo, and Jrwm of Wnvne. NVh.
woman who came heix. from gr-wnrd. died
ut the St Fr.incla hospital und-r ilrcum
.ances which have led the coroner t i
invest'gate. Deaih was caused bv periton
itis. She was brought to :he mtltiittvi
by .t phystcinn of giMd repute and re
ceived the best of intention. If anvthlug
of an answerable nature o-cmred It w,
before a nhysiclnn was called into th
lase. She had be,-ri wtirhlng 'n tlie Palinep
house In th! city before her II1dh. For
a time her condition improved nd h weel;
ago last Tueaday ahc was about to leav
the hospital, when the Kiiddulv had a re
lapse, becoming very lil. flic' refused i-.
give the officers any lnfornmtl-in rii
steadily declared no on wus icKrainstble
for her condition but liersch'. I lei nai i-ni
at Seward have been, notifed.
fit style solid g.W biacells
Jeweler, 34 S. ISth. (Ji-t his prli-Ch.
Humphreys' Scvcnty
Sercn Cures Grip and
A comtnon cold g taken when the
skin become colder thau in imtural
The Instant a chilly sensation In felt,
tbe mischief la done; but I: ran .
rectified eo that no harm follows by
the use of "Seventy-seven" the first
done restores the checked circulation,
tUrts the blood coursing through tr a
reins, tbe skin warms tip and tbe Cold
Is broken.
"7T" Is for Grip. Colds. . Influenzal
Catarrh, Painf gnd noreuess In tbe
Head snd Chest, Hoarseness and Sor
At DruggUts. :( ei,ts ir r.iailnV
HuiitDhl a' lli.ljeo. ftfile,. I-.. f
j Willlaiii au-j juLu b.iecu, . Voik.